Computer underground Digest Sun Jan 30 1994

Computer underground Digest    Sun  Jan 30 1994   Volume 6 : Issue 11

                           ISSN  1004-042X

       Editors: Jim Thomas and Gordon Meyer (TK0JUT2@NIU.BITNET)

       Archivist: Brendan Kehoe (Improving each day)

       Acting Archivist: Stanton McCandlish

       Shadow-Archivists: Dan Carosone / Paul Southworth

                          Ralph Sims / Jyrki Kuoppala

                          Ian Dickinson

       Coppice Editor:    P. Bunyan

CONTENTS, #6.11 (Jan 30 1994)

File 1--Brendan Update and his "thanks"

File 2--Changes in SUBBING/UNSUBBING to CuD

File 3--CuD -- The "SECRET LIST" and other listserv information

File 4--Policy on Distributing CuDs

File 5--cDc GD Update #14

File 6--CPSR--not so bad after all

File 7--Soliciting Articles for New Journal

File 8--Leading Cryptologists Oppose Clipper

File 9--1994-01-26 Irving Testimony on Telecommunications Legislation

Cu-Digest is a weekly electronic journal/newsletter. Subscriptions are

available at no cost electronically.

To subscribe, send a one-line message:  SUB CUDIGEST  your name


The editors may be contacted by voice (815-753-0303), fax (815-753-6302)

or U.S. mail at:  Jim Thomas, Department of Sociology, NIU, DeKalb, IL


Issues of CuD can also be found in the Usenet

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LAWSIG, and DL1 of TELECOM; on GEnie in the PF*NPC RT

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the PC Telecom forum under "computing newsletters;"

On Delphi in the General Discussion database of the Internet SIG;

on the PC-EXEC BBS at (414) 789-4210; and on:  RIPCO BBS (312)

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COMPUTER UNDERGROUND DIGEST is an open forum dedicated to sharing

information among computerists and to the presentation and debate of

diverse views.  CuD material may  be reprinted for non-profit as long

as the source is cited. Authors hold a presumptive copyright, and

they should be contacted for reprint permission.  It is assumed that

non-personal mail to the moderators may be reprinted unless otherwise

specified.  Readers are encouraged to submit reasoned articles

relating to computer culture and communication.  Articles are

preferred to short responses.  Please avoid quoting previous posts

unless absolutely necessary.

DISCLAIMER: The views represented herein do not necessarily represent

            the views of the moderators. Digest contributors assume all

            responsibility for ensuring that articles submitted do not

            violate copyright protections.


Date: Sat, 29 Jan 94 21:09:22 PST

From: smlieu@CYGNUS.COM(Sun Ming Lieu)

Subject: File 1--Brendan Update and his "thanks"

((MODERATORS' NOTE: The following update on Brendan Kehoe, author of

ZEN AND THE ART OF THE INTERNET, CuD ftp archmeister, and

cyberdenizen, is great news. We've also received two posts from him,

and he sends along "THANKS" for all the posts.  We mailed off the

collection of e-wishes this week, and thanks to all those who


Brendan continues to make phenomenal progress in the last few days.

His neurologist says that she has not seen a case like this in 12

years of practice.

The hospital is letting Brendan out on extended passes, and so he has

been visiting the hotel where his mother and brother are staying,

eating out, and other outings.  He will be moving to the Spaulding

Center at Mass General in Boston on Tuesday (Feb 1).  The injury to

his ear was not as serious as originally expected - he can hear from

it and it is okay for him to fly.

I talked with Brendan for about 10 minutes by phone today.  He and

Jeff sprung it on me when Jeff called and was I surprised!  Brendan

just came on the line saying "This friend of mine who is working in

California thinks you would like to talk to me" and started to talk up

a storm.  He's been reading his mail and kept talking about how much

g++ traffic there has been and how eager he is to go back to work.  He

sounded happy and excited.  We talked about the weather in

Philadelphia, flying first class, living closer to the office so he

wouldn't have to commute from Santa Cruz, the earthquake in Southern

California, and so on...

Brendan wants to be done with the 2-3 weeks in Spaulding and be back

in California as soon as possible - he says end of February, although

everyone is telling him to hold his horses and not count on it quite

so soon.  Does he know something we don't?

Sun Ming


Date: Fri, 28 Jan 1994 18:19:22 CST

From: CuD Moderators <>

Subject: File 2--Changes in SUBBING/UNSUBBING to CuD

Less than three percent of the total CuD readership comes from the

listserv mailing list (excluding feeds), but the list continues to grow

rapidly.  Because of the dramatically increased size of the mailing

list we are making an important change in how readers subscribe or to

CuD.  The mailing list has roughly doubled each year, and the time of

maintaining the list semi-manually is no longer possible.  Therefore,

we're moving to full automation of the mailing list.

TO SUBSCRIBE, readers should type the following in the Subject header

and first line of the message:

     SUB CUDIGEST   your name

TO UNSUBSCRIBE, use the following:

   UNSUB  CUDIGEST  your name


This change will have NO EFFECT on those read CuD from, public access systems, or other sources.


Date: Fri, 28 Jan 1994 18:19:22 CST

From: CuD Moderators <>

Subject: File 3--CuD -- The "SECRET LIST" and other listserv information


We've begun receiving inquiries asking why CuD is "secret" and why we

don't want the list known outside of a small group of people. The

reason for the inquiry comes from the automatic message that the

listserv site sends to new subscribers:

    >  IMPORTANT: This  list is  confidential. You should  not

    >publicly  mention its existence, or forward copies of

    >information  you have obtained from it to third parties.

First, CuD obviously isn't "secret," at least not with over 100,000

readers on BBSes, Usenet, the mailing list, public access systems, and

elsewhere. The "confidential" note is automatically sent by the

listserv to all mailing lists that have settings that limit

distribution. So, the notice may be safely ignored. CuD can be

mentioned, discussed, and forwarded to others.


Users can set parameters for their own addresses (such as suspending

mail while on vacation, concealing their address, or leaving the list)

with conventional listserv commands:

    >  More information on LISTSERV commands can  be found in the

    >LISTSERV reference card,  which  you  can  retrieve  by

    >sending  an  "INFO  REFCARD"  command  to



Readers on the mailing list can leave at any time with the command:

   UNSUB CUDIGEST  your name

and sending it to

We're appreciative for the help and space that Mark, Eric, and

Charlie have provided at the UIUC site. True saints, all of 'em.


Date: Fri, 28 Jan 1994 18:51:45 CST

From: CuD Moderators <>

Subject: File 4--Policy on Distributing CuDs

We're continually asked about our policy on distributing or

disseminating CuDs.  The policy is fairly simple:

CuDs may be freely distributed in their entirety as long as they are

unaltered. This means that they may be uploaded to bulletin boards or

placed on public access systems, or zeroxed and sent, at no cost, to


In general, individual articles may be extracted in their entirety as

long as the the text, author identity and source are included.

However, some authors do retain copyright, and the authors should be

contacted.  Some articles are printed on condition by the author that

they may not be extracted and distributed. A notice will appear at the

start or conclusion of the article. In these cases, the authors *MUST*

give their consent.

There are some important qualifications:

CuDs may not be sold or other distributed for commercial gain.  It's

fully acceptable to place CuDs on commercial BBSes, of course, but it

is unacceptable, for example, to make CDs or hardcopies and sell them.

Because authors hold the presumptive copyright to their own works,

individual articles may be reproduced commercially IF AND ONLY IF the

authors give explicit permission.

CuDs and their contents may be cited, extracted, quoted, or other used

within fair-use guidelines, but students (and some media folk) should

bear in mind that plagiarism is considered unethical.

Our general philosophy is that CuDs should be free. Authors contribute

their works at no cost, we assemble and distribute them at no cost,

and we would take a rather dim view of anyone attempting to profit

from the altruistic voluntary labors of others.  We hope that the

rumors that CuD is being sold commercially on CD are untrue.


Date: Sat, 29 Jan 94 12:23:26 EST

From: sratte@MINDVOX.PHANTOM.COM(Swamp Ratte)

Subject: File 5--cDc GD Update #14

  _   _


 [ x x ] cDc communications

  %   /  Global Domination Update #14

  (' ')  December 30th, 1993


Est. 1986

New gNu NEW gnU new GnU nEW gNu neW gnu nEw GNU releases for December, 1993:

+________________________________/Text Files%_________________________________

241: "Cell-Hell" by Video Vindicator.  In-depth article on modifying the

Mitsubishi 800 cellular phone by Mr. Fraud himself.  Rad.

242: "The Darkroom" by Mark Vaxlov.  Very dark story about a high school rape

in the photography lab at school.  Disturbing.

243: "Fortune Smiles" by Obscure Images.  Story set in the future with

organized crime and identity-swapping.

244: "Radiocarbon Dating Service" by Markian Gooley.  Who would go out with

Gooley?  YOUR MOM!

245: "The U.S. Mercenary Army" by Phil Agee.  Forwarded by The Deth Vegetable,

this file contains a speech by former CIA agent Agee on the Gulf War.

Interesting stuff.

246: "The Monolith" by Daniel S. Reinker.  This is one of the most disgusting

files we've put out since the infamous "Bunny Lust."  I don't wanna describe

this, just read it.

247: "Post-Election '92 Cult Coverage" by Omega.  Afterthoughts on Tequila

Willy's bid for the U.S. Presidency.

248: "The Lunatic Crown" by Matthew Legare.  Wear the crown.  Buy a Slurpee.

Seek the adept.  Do not pass 'Go.'

249: "Yet Another Suicide" by The Mad Hatter.  Guy gets depressed over a girl

and kills himself.

250: "State of Seige" by Curtis Yarvin.  The soldiers hunt the dogs hunt the

soldiers.  Like, war, ya know.  Hell!

 +_________________________________/cDc Gnuz%__________________________________

                           "cDc: We're Into Barbie!"

cDc mailing list: Get on the ever-dope and slamagnifiterrific cDc mailing list!

Send mail to and include some wonderlessly elite message along

he lines of "ADD ME 2 DA MAILIN LIZT!!@&!"

NEW Official cDc Global Domination Factory Direct Outlets:

The Land of Rape and Honey     502/491-6562

Desperadoes                    +61-7-3683567

Underworld                     203/649-6103

Airstrip-One                   512/371-7971

Ministry of Death              516/878-1774

Future Shock                   +61-7-3660740

Murder, Inc                    404/416-6638

The Prodigal Sun               312/238-3585

Red Dawn-2 Enterprises         410/263-2258

Cyber Neurotic Reality Test    613/723-4743

Terminal Sabotage              314/878-7909

The Wall                       707/874-1316,2970

We're always taking t-file submissions, so if you've got a file and want to

really get it out there, there's no better way than with cDc.  Upload text to

The Polka AE, to, or send disks or hardcopy to the cDc post

office box in Lubbock, TX.

cDc has been named SASSY magazine's "Sassiest Underground Computer Group."

Hell yeah!

Thanks to Drunkfux for setting up another fun HoHoCon this year, in Austin.  It

was cool as usual to hang out with everyone who showed up.

Music credits for stuff listened to while editing this batch of files: Zapp,

Carpenters, Deicide, and Swingset Disaster.

Only text editor worth a damn: ProTERM, on the Apple II.

So here's the new cDc release.  It's been a while since the last one.  It's out

because I fucking felt like it, and have to prove to myself that I can do this

crap without losing my mind and having to go stand in a cotton field and look

at some dirt at 3 in the morning.  cDc=cDc+1, yeah yeah.  Do you know what this

is about?  Any idea?  This is SICK and shouldn't be harped on or celebrated.

This whole cyberdweeb/telecom/'puter underground scene makes me wanna puke,

it's all sick and dysfunctional.  Eat my shit, G33/<W0r|_<|.  Virus yourself to

death.  Go blind staring at the screen waiting for more wares/inph0 to come

trickling down the wire.  The more of that shit comes in, the more life goes

out.  Ooh, and you hate it so much, don't you.  You hate it.

Hacking's mostly a big waste of time.  Fuck you.

Stupid Telephone Tricks will never be on David Letterman.  Fuck you.

Cryptography?  Who'd wanna read YOUR boring email?  Fuck you.

Interactive television is a couch potato trap.  Fuck you.

"Surf the net," sucker.  "Ride the edge," you maladjusted sack of shit.

S. Ratte'

cDc/Editor and P|-|Ear13zz |_3@DeRrr

"We're into t-files for the groupies and money."

Fuck you, fuck you... and most of all, fuck YOU.

Write to: cDc communications, P.O. Box 53011, Lubbock, TX  79453.



  cDc Global Domination Update #14-by Swamp Ratte'-"Hyperbole is our business"



Date: Fri, 28 Jan 1994 10:20:19 -0600

From: marsha-w@UIUC.EDU(Marsha W)

Subject: File 6--CPSR--not so bad after all

Dear Bryce, and other people curious about CPSR,

I read the criticism of CPSR, that it had a socialist/welfare-state

agenda, and I thought, "probably some members do."  I think you'll

find extremes in any organization, and CPSR is no exception.  CPSR

members range from socialists to libertarians and everything in


The offical stance of the organization certainly isn't socialist in

any commonly used sense of the word.

I can only speak from personal experience.  I've been a member and now

a Board member, and I've met the most active people and attended a

national conference.  I felt that these people have concerns about

where computer technology is taking us, with grave worries about

projects like Star Wars.  CPSR wants to have some constructive input

into the National Information Infrastructure (NII).  If we don't keep

our eyes wide open, the interests of the everyday user will be put

aside for those trying to make a profit out of, or control, the


I've chosen to join forces with the CPSR group because they are very

intelligent and knowledgeable and hard-working.  You may have the

impression that CPSR is a socialist enclave, but from my experience,

it just ain't so.  It's more like Physicians for Social


Yours,  Marsha Woodbury, Director at Large, CPSR


Date: Fri, 28 Jan 1994 18:45:02 -0500

From: spaf@CS.PURDUE.EDU(Gene Spafford)

Subject: File 7--Soliciting Articles for New Journal

I'm on the editorial board of a new journal.  One of the areas I'll be

coordinating is computer viruses and autonomous agents in computing


I'd like to encourage any of you with interesting research ideas or

results to write them up for submission.

Enclosed is a call for papers for the journal with more details.




   Premiering in March with double Fall/Winter 1993 issue

      Edited by Christopher G. Langton

   Los Alamos National Laboratory and Santa Fe Institute

Artificial Life, a new quarterly from The MIT Press, is the first

unifying forum for the dissemination of scientific and engineering

research in the field of artificial life. It reports on synthetic

biological work being carried out in any media, from the familiar

"wetware" of organic chemistry, through the inorganic "hardware" of

mobile robots, all the way to the virtual "software" residing inside

computers. Covering topics from the origin of life, through self-

reproduction, evolution, growth and development, and animal

behavior, to the dynamics of whole ecosystems, its articles present

novel approaches to the theory and application of biological


Artificial Life  will be an essential resource for scientists, academics,

and students researching artificial life, biology, evolution, robotics,

artificial intelligence, neural networks, genetic algorithms, ecosystem

dynamics, and the origin of life.

Selected Articles from Volume 1, Numbers 1 & 2

Kristian Lindgren and Mats Nordahl

        Cooperation and Community Structure in Artificial Ecosystems

Luc Steels

        The Artificial Life Roots of Artificial Intelligence

Pattie Maes

        Autonomous Agents and AL

Tom Ray

        An Evolutionary Approach to Synthetic Biology

Eugene Spafford

   Computer Viruses as Artificial Life

Stephanie Forrest and Melanie Mitchell

   Genetic Algorithms and Artificial Life

Quarterly, Volume 1 forthcoming, fall/winter/spring/summer

96 pages per issue 7 x10, illustrated, ISSN 1064-5462

Yearly Rates: $45 Individual; $125 Institution, $25 Student

For Submission Information    To order Subscriptions

please contact:         please contact:

Christopher G. Langton        Circulation Department

Santa Fe Institute         MIT Press Journals

1660 Old Pecos Trail          55 Hayward Street

Santa Fe, NM 87501 U.S.A.     Cambridge, MA 02142 U.S.A.

TEL: 505-984-8800       TEL: 617-253-2889

FAX: 505-982-0565          FAX: 617-258-6779

cgl@santafe. edu


Date: Mon, 24 Jan 1994 13:49:38 -0800

From: Al Whaley <Al.Whaley@SNYSIDE.SUNNYSIDE.COM>

Subject: File 8--Leading Cryptologists Oppose Clipper

     More than three dozen of the nation's leading cryptographers,

computer security specialists and privacy experts today urged

President Clinton to abandon the controversial Clipper encryption

proposal.  The letter was coordinated by Computer Professionals

for Social Responsibility (CPSR), which has long sought to open

the issue of cryptography policy to public debate

     The group cited the secrecy surrounding the proposal,

widespread public opposition to the plan and privacy concerns as

reasons why the initiative should not go forward.

     The letter comes at a crucial point in the debate on

cryptography policy.  An internal Administration review of the

issue is nearing completion and the National Security Agency (NSA)

is moving forward with efforts to deploy Clipper technology in

civilian agencies, including the Internal Revenue Service.

     CPSR has sponsored several public conferences on

cryptography and privacy and has litigated Freedom of Informa-

tion Act cases seeking the disclosure of relevant government

documents.  In one pending FOIA case, CPSR is challenging the

secrecy of the Skipjack algorithm which underlies the Clipper


   For additional information, contact Dave Banisar, CPSR

Washington, DC, (202) 544-9240, <>.


January 24, 1994

The President

The White House

Washington, DC  20500

Dear Mr. President,

     We are writing to you regarding the "Clipper" escrowed

encryption proposal now under consideration by the White House.

We wish to express our concern about this plan and similar

technical standards that may be proposed for the nation's

communications infrastructure.

     The current proposal was developed in secret by federal

agencies primarily concerned about electronic surveillance, not

privacy protection.  Critical aspects of the plan remain

classified and thus beyond public review.

     The private sector and the public have expressed nearly

unanimous opposition to Clipper.  In the formal request for

comments conducted by the Department of Commerce last year, less

than a handful of respondents supported the plan.  Several hundred

opposed it.

     If the plan goes forward, commercial firms that hope to

develop new products will face extensive government obstacles.

Cryptographers who wish to develop new privacy enhancing

technologies will be discouraged.  Citizens who anticipate that

the progress of technology will enhance personal privacy will

find their expectations unfulfilled.

     Some have proposed that Clipper be adopted on a voluntary

basis and suggest that other technical approaches will remain

viable.  The government, however, exerts enormous influence in the

marketplace, and the likelihood that competing standards would

survive is small.  Few in the user community believe that the

proposal would be truly voluntary.

     The Clipper proposal should not be adopted.  We believe that

if this proposal and the associated standards go forward, even on

a voluntary basis, privacy protection will be diminished,

innovation will be slowed, government accountability will be

lessened, and the openness necessary to ensure the successful

development of the nation's communications infrastructure will be


     We respectfully ask the White House to withdraw the Clipper



Public Interest and Civil Liberties Organizations

  Marc Rotenberg, CPSR

  Conrad Martin, Fund for Constitutional Government

  William Caming, privacy consultant

  Simon Davies, Privacy International

  Evan Hendricks, US Privacy Council

  Simona Nass, Society for Electronic Access

  Robert Ellis Smith, Privacy Journal

  Jerry Berman, Electronic Frontier Foundation

Cryptographers and Security Experts

  Bob Bales, National Computer Security Association

  Jim Bidzos, RSA Data Security Inc.

  G. Robert Blakley, Texas A&M University

  Stephen Bryen, Secured Communications Technologies, Inc.

  David Chaum, Digicash

  George Davida, University of Wisconsin

  Whitfield Diffie, Sun Microsystems

  Martin Hellman, Stanford University

  Ingemar Ingemarsson, Universitetet i Linkvping

  Ralph C. Merkle, Xerox PARC

  William Hugh Murray, security consultant

  Peter G. Neumann, SRI International

  Bart Preneel, Katolieke Universiteit

  Ronald Rivest, MIT

  Bruce Schneier, Applied Cryptography (1993)

  Richard Schroeppel, University of Arizona

  Stephen Walker, Trusted Information Systems

  Philip Zimmermann, Boulder Software Engineering

Industry and Academia

  Andrew Scott Beals, Telebit International

  Mikki Barry, InterCon Systems Corporation

  David Bellin, North Carolina A&T University

  Margaret Chon, Syracuse University College of Law

  Laura Fillmore, Online BookStore

  Scott Fritchie, Twin-Cities Free Net

  Gary Marx, University of Colorado

  Ronald B. Natalie, Jr, Sensor Systems Inc.

  Harold Joseph Highland, Computers & Security

  Doug Humphrey, Digital Express Group, Inc

  Carl Pomerance, University of Georgia

  Eric Roberts, Stanford University

  Jonathan Rosenoer, CyberLaw & CyberLex

  Alexis Rosen, Public Access Networks Corp.

  Steven Zorn, Pace University Law School

     (affiliations are for identification purposes only)


Date: Fri, 28 Jan 1994 12:12-0500

From: The White House <75300.3115@COMPUSERVE.COM>

Subject: File 9--1994-01-26 Irving Testimony on Telecommunications Legislation

                    TESTIMONY OF LARRY IRVING


                   U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE





                    HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

                        JANUARY 26, 1994

Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee:


     Good morning.  Thank you for this opportunity to testify

before you today on issues related to the development of a

national telecommunications and information infrastructure --

and, specifically, on Administration legislative proposals to

promote the advancement of this infrastructure in a

procompetitive manner that benefits all Americans.  I am pleased

to join Assistant Attorney General Bingaman, who will focus on

the Administration's reform proposals bearing on the AT&T Consent

Decree.  I will discuss more generally the changes in the

competitive landscape that make the passage of telecommunications

legislation this year a top Administration priority, and, in the

context of that discussion, highlight elements of the

Administration's proposals not covered by Assistant Attorney

General Bingaman.

     Vice President Gore and Secretary Brown unveiled the

Administration's National Information Infrastructure (NII)

initiative in September of last year, setting forth an agenda for

a public-private partnership to help bring about this revolution.

This includes support for innovative applications that will use

the NII, improving access to government information, protecting

individual privacy and intellectual property rights, and the

passage of telecommunications legislation -- the subject of

today's hearing.

     Before proceeding further, let me underscore, Mr. Chairman,

the profound debt of gratitude the Administration owes you and

Chairman Dingell for seizing the initiative in developing H.R.

3626.  Our proposals for reform of the AT&T Consent Decree

substantially build upon your efforts.  The Administration also

wishes to salute the creative bipartisan legislative initiatives

undertaken by Representatives Markey and Fields, and by Senators

Hollings, Inouye, and Danforth, among others.  We have closely

studied their proposals.  Aspects of our set of legislative

proposals, which I will touch on today, also build in large part

upon the foundation they have established.  The Administration

looks forward to working closely with Congress to arrive at a

final telecommunications legislative product that will stand the

test of time.

                    THE NEED FOR LEGISLATION

     There is a national consensus that an advanced information

infrastructure will transform life for every person in the United

States in the near future.  We have all heard of countless

examples of how broadband, interactive communications will

connect and empower all people in this country.  Vice President

Al Gore recently said that the word "revolution" by no means

overstates the changes ahead.

     The newspapers bring us daily examples of the ways in which

the development of the NII will revolutionize American life.  The

January 19 Washington Post reported how interactive dial-up

computer network services allowed individuals to communicate with

friends and relatives in the Los Angeles area immediately after

last week's disastrous earthquake, and to spread vital news to

other interested subscribers within a matter of minutes.  On

January 19 Secretary of Health and Human Resources Shalala

announced a contract that will provide by the end of this decade

for the electronic payment of nearly all of the $1 billion annual

Medicare bills.  The Mountain Doctor Television Project (MDTV) in

West Virginia brings high quality care to rural residents by

allowing rural physicians to link to medical specialists at the

University of West Virginia.  Likewise, the Texas Telemedicine

Project offers interactive video consultation to primary care

physicians in rural hospitals as a way of alleviating the

shortage of specialists in rural areas.  Also, the Texas

Education Network serves over 25,000 educators and is making the

resources of the Internet available to classrooms, so that

students in small school districts can access NASA and leave

messages for the astronauts, browse around in libraries larger

than they will ever be able to visit, and discuss world ecology

with students in countries around the world, among other things.

These and countless other examples attest to the rapid rate at

which the American public is entering the information age.

     It would be a mistake, however, simply to "let nature take

its course" and allow change to proceed under the existing legal

regime, whose underlying structure was established 60 years ago.

This is true for three essential reasons.

     First, in an increasingly competitive world trade

environment -- which will become even more open with the

implementation of NAFTA and the GATT Uruguay Round -- we simply

must ensure that our telecommunications capabilities remain the

best in the world.  Because information transmission increasingly

is the life's blood of all our industries, archaic rules that

inappropriately retard innovation by telecommunications firms

have a negative impact on the international competitiveness of

the private sector in general by inhibiting industrial

productivity and job creation.  Legislation that lifts these

outdated structures will enhance competitiveness and spur the

creation of good new jobs.

     Second, the existing regulatory structure has been altered

on an ad hoc basis over six decades to meet perceived problems of

the moment.  This has created an uneven playing field that

artificially favors some competitors over others, and that in

some instances unnecessarily discourages investment and risk-

taking.  These effects, in turn, inappropriately skew the growth

of industry sectors and retard the development of the NII itself.

Accordingly, legislation is needed to eliminate these unwarranted

regulatory disparities.

     Third, we need to be sure that our telecommunications

policies are fully responsive to the needs of the American people

as a whole, and, in particular, poorer and disadvantaged

Americans.  As Secretary Brown stated in a January 5 address, we

cannot "become a nation in which the new information age acts as

a barrier, rather than a pathway, between Americans" -- a nation

divided between the information rich and the information poor.

Yet, while the universal provision of "plain old telephone

service" has long been a national goal, the existing regulatory

structure may not be sufficient to ensure that all Americans

benefit from the broader range of information services that will

become available under the NII.  Accordingly, legislative reform

is urgently needed to address this shortcoming.  As Secretary

Brown stated on January 5, "the Administration will propose a

renewal and re-invention of the concept of universal service."  I

will have more to say about the Administration's views on

universal service below.


     The Administration, as promised last fall, has developed a

comprehensive set of legislative proposals setting forth the

principles under which we believe the advanced infrastructure

should operate.  As I have already indicated, the

Administration's proposals further the visions set forth in House

and Senate legislative initiatives.  We build upon innovative

regulatory reforms and other dramatic steps taken by various

states, and we will work closely with the states in promoting an

advanced telecommunications and information infrastructure.

Together we can encourage competition, infrastructure

modernization, and advanced NII applications in health care,

education, and government services.

     Underlying the Administration's proposals are five

fundamental principles that Vice President Gore and Secretary

Brown have outlined.  These principles are:

*    Encouraging private investment in the NII;

*    Promoting and protecting competition;

*    Providing open access to the NII by consumers and service


*    Preserving and advancing universal service to avoid creating

     a society of information "haves" and "have nots";

*    Ensuring flexibility so that the newly-adopted regulatory

     framework can keep pace with the rapid technological and

     market changes that pervade the telecommunications and

     information industries.


     The Administration believes it is time to act decisively to

lift the artificial regulatory boundaries that separate

telecommunications and information industries and markets.

     Those clear, stable boundaries served us well in the past.

They enabled regulators to establish separate regulatory regimes

for firms in different industries.  They also prompted regulators

to address the threat of anticompetitive conduct on the part of

some telecommunications firms by barring them from certain

industries and markets.

     Technological and market changes are now blurring these

boundaries beyond recognition, if not erasing them entirely.  As

Vice President Gore emphasized on January 11, we are moving away

from a world where technologically valid regulatory distinctions

may be made among local telephone, long distance telephone,

cable, and other purveyors of information transmission.  Digital

technology enables virtually all types of information, including

voice, video, and data, to be represented and transmitted as

"bits" -- the ones and zeros of computer code.  Thus, rules which

artificially distinguish among different types of "bit

transmitters" based on old historical understandings will no

longer serve a socially useful purpose.  Accordingly, regulatory

change is necessary to fully realize the benefits of private

investment and greater competition in the information

infrastructure.  Regulatory policies predicated on the old

boundaries can harm consumers by impeding competition and

discouraging private investment in networks and services.  The

Administration is therefore committed to removing unnecessary and

artificial barriers to participation by private firms in all

communications markets, while making sure that consumers remain

protected and interconnected.  These reforms are necessary in

order for people in the United States to "win" the information

revolution as soon as possible.

     To this end, the Administration supports the initiation by

the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of a review of

current broadcast policies.  Broadcasters remain the principal

source of free, universally available electronic information in

the United States, and it is important to ensure full

participation by that industry in the NII.


     The Administration supports removal of those barriers

preventing competition in the provision of local

telecommunications services.  Competition already has generated

substantial benefits for consumers in a host of communications

and information service markets.  For example, the varieties of

customer premises equipment have expanded dramatically since

deregulation.  In addition, the price of interstate long distance

telephone services for the average residential user has declined

more than fifty percent in real dollars since 1984, due to

competition and regulatory reform.  At the same time, the

infrastructure used to provide long distance service has been

substantially upgraded.  There are now four digital, fiber-based

national networks serving this market, and many more

interconnected regional networks.  Consumers will realize similar

benefits in service innovation, declining prices, and

infrastructure enhancement from the expansion of competition in

the local telephone market.  Such competition will reduce the

ability of any telephone company to harm competition and

consumers through monopoly control and will encourage investment

and innovation in the "on and off ramps" of the NII.

     Current policies regarding interconnection and service

bundling, as well as specific barriers erected by individual

states, inhibit competition -- and the low prices, service

choices, and other benefits such competition brings to consumers.

The Administration proposes to ensure that competing providers

have the opportunity to interconnect their networks to local

telephone company facilities on reasonable, nondiscriminatory

terms.  Local telephone companies will also be required to

unbundle their service offerings so that alternative providers

can offer similar services using a combination of, for example,

telephone company-provided switching and their own transmission

facilities.  Finally, in order to ensure a consistent,

procompetitive environment for telecommunications services, the

Administration proposes to preempt state entry barriers and rate

regulation of new entrants and other providers found by the FCC

to lack market power.

     Competition in local telecommunications markets should

generally lower prices and increase innovation in the services

offered users.  Nevertheless, we are aware of concerns that

repricing of some local services may result in rate increases in

some cases in an increasingly competitive environment.

Accordingly, in order to guard against any possible "rate shock"

for users, the FCC and state regulators will be directed, in

implementing network interconnection and unbundling, to prevent

undue rate increases for any class or group of ratepayers.


     The Modified Final Judgment (MFJ) in the AT&T Consent Decree

helped unleash an era of competition and innovation that brought

low prices and new service choices for consumers.  In short, it

has been a tremendous success.  The Administration acknowledges

the great public service the judiciary has performed in

overseeing the breakup of that monopoly.  But twelve years have

passed since the basic framework of the MFJ was established, and

it has been ten years since the breakup took place.  Technologies

and markets are changing rapidly.  A judicial decree may at some

point become a barrier to a more comprehensive, far-reaching

approach to an advanced information infrastructure.

     Reform of the MFJ goes hand-in-glove with opening up local

competition, which I described above.  The development of full-

fledged competition in the local provision of telecommunications

services will alleviate the competitive concerns that prompted

the strictures placed by the MFJ on the activities of the

Regional Bell Operating Companies (RBOCs).  Thus, comprehensive

legislative procedures for loosening the MFJ restrictions as

competition develops are appropriate.  Implementation of these

procedures in the wake of enhanced local competition will allow

the RBOCs to compete in markets for goods and services now closed

to them.  This will further enhance innovation in the American

economy and benefit consumers.

     Assistant Attorney General Bingaman will address the MFJ

reform provisions.  I wish to note, however, that while Assistant

Attorney General Bingaman will describe the Administration's MFJ

position, the Departments of Commerce and Justice have worked

together closely in developing our position in this area.  This

position represents not only the joint efforts of our two

Departments, but also the work of others in the Administration

who have joined in this policy initiative.


     The Administration supports repeal of the current cable

television-telephone company cross-ownership restriction in the

1984 Cable Act.  We believe that telephone companies should be

allowed to provide video services in their local exchange areas,

subject to effective safeguards to protect consumers and



     The public benefits of the information revolution would be

severely diminished without a wide range of diverse programming.

An advanced information infrastructure, to be truly useful, must

offer a potpourri of educational material, health information,

home and business services, entertainment, and other programming

matter, both passive and interactive.  Barriers to open access

and widespread availability of programming serve only to harm

users.  The Administration's legislative proposals are designed

to further the goals of promoting a diversity of programming and

open access to distribution of this programming.


     As barriers to an advanced information infrastructure fall,

the regulatory regime must adapt to the changing environment.  In

the rapidly changing telecommunications and information

industries, the only certainty is uncertainty.  A new regulatory

framework is required that will stand the test of time, without

the need for continual upheaval in the nation's overall approach

to telecommunications and information policy.  At the same time,

in the interest of fairness, similarly situated services should

be subject to the same regulatory requirements.  The

Administration proposes to address these concerns by granting the

FCC flexibility to reduce regulation for telecommunications

carriers that lack market power.

     The Administration also proposes a new Title VII to the

Communications Act, that will encourage firms to provide

broadband, interactive, switched, digital transmission services.

The Administration's Title VII proposal will provide the FCC with

broad regulatory flexibility while maintaining key public policy

goals, including open access, interconnection, and

interoperability requirements, and obligations to support

universal service.

                        UNIVERSAL SERVICE

     The Administration is committed to developing a new concept

of universal service that will serve the information needs of the

American people in the 21st century.  Indeed, the full potential

of the NII will not be realized unless all Americans who desire

it have easy, affordable access to advanced communications and

information services, regardless of income, disability, or

location.  In his January 5 speech, Secretary Brown challenged

the private sector "to expand universal service to the National

Information Infrastructure."  He pointed out that promotion of

universal service advances American competitiveness, stating:

"Just as progressive businesses have increasingly recognized that

their fate is tied to education and good schools, so the

businesses that will take advantage of the new information

marketplace must realize that our national fortune is dependent

on our national competitiveness -- on ensuring that no talent

goes to waste."


     In conclusion, enactment of telecommunications reform

legislation will promote the development of the NII in a

flexible, procompetitive fashion that creates incentives for

desirable investment, economic growth, and the widescale

availability to all Americans of new, highly valued information

services.  The Administration looks forward to close

collaboration with Congress to enact a set of legislative

proposals that achieves these desired ends.  This concludes my

testimony.  I would be pleased to respond to any questions you

may have.


End of Computer Underground Digest #6.11



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