THE BOOK

                        OF BHAKTI MAGICK


                          Issued by the

                       Thelemic Order and

                    Temple of the Golden Dawn

                       Official Holy Book 

                 of the Novus Ordo Aureae Aurora

               concerning the Sacred Art of Agape

                           Received by

                       Sir David Cherubim

                     Copyright (c) 1989 e.v.

     1.  Bhakti Magick  is the  Sacred Art of  Love and Devotion

for All, through Selfless Service and Eternal Worship of the

Highest, Whose Name is Inscrutable, and Ineffable, and


     2. It is the Absolute  Science of Will and the True Method

of Religion.  Those who dare to partake of its innumerable lofty

treasures are chosen by the Word of the Aeon for the pure

possibility of Eternal Freedom and Life. 

     3.  Only by consummating this secret Primal Art of the Gods

canst thou approach the Hidden Portal of the Secret Order of All.

This ye must do; for verily All Are Called. 

     4.  And only by consuming in Thy Soul the secret Immortal

Soma of this Most Holy Science of the Gods canst thou attain the

Unattainable.  And this ye must do; for verily All Are Chosen. 

     5.  Now therefore that ye may know that this Royal Art is

the True Way of the Word of the Wise, I shall endeavor to convey

to ye the sweet fruits of its mystick excellence!  Listen well, O

ye chosen ones of the Aeon; for I speak the truth; and My sacred

words of wisdom are majestic keys to unveil the Holy and

Ineffable Mysteries of the Grand Temple of Love. 

     6. Truly this  Bhakti Magick is the Middle Way!  Neither

white nor black, but beyond all extremes.  Yea! it is the Noble

Path of Equilibrium, and of Harmony, and of Peace. 

     7.  Therefore thou canst  not search for nor cultivate its

perfect nature; for this Most Holy Art is the Supreme Craft of

Love; and to seek Love is to deny Love. 

     8. Come hither, O ye infinite gods  of this New Aeon of

Horus; and take refuge with Me in this Law of Love!  It shall

consume thy minds to ashes; and Thou wilt know the Secret of All

Secrets and the Mystery of All Mysteries. 

     9.  Thus is wisdom revealed.  And in the refuge of the Law

prevaileth the true order of all things.  Seek Wisdom! and know: 

All is Love. 

     10.  Now this  Bhakti Magick is the One Key to doing Thy

True Will.  For is not Thy Chosen Path the noble outcome of Thy

Soul's pure devotion to serve All? 

     11.  Love is the Law! and every true Act of Will is in

accordance with that Law.  Therefore ye must Love Under Will, as

it is written in Liber Legis.  And thou shalt fulfil this One Law

by observing in thine heart and life the mighty expression of the

Supreme Magical Formula  of this New Aeon:  Do what thou wilt

shall be the whole of the Law. 

     12.  This is thy  Magick; and it is thy perfect code of

conduct, whereby ye shall adore and worship the Sun, the Lord of

this Magnificent and Illustrious New Aeon.  A True Magical

Bhakta, or Magus of Love, becomes the Sun Himself, and transmutes

all other things into the pure reality of His Infinite Splendour

of Light, Life, Love and Liberty. 

     13.  But there is also that  Secret Bhakti Magick of which

it is unlawful for Me to convey. 

     14. Nevertheless,  if thou art an Adept of the Most Sacred

Mysteries of this most precious Art of Love, then I say unto

thee, Do thou constantly endeavor to Enflame Thyself in Praying! 

     15.  And may the  Lord kindle in you the Sacred Fire of His

Love and the Mighty Flame of His Eternal Charity! 

     16. But  always know that ye should also keep sacred and

secret the chief wisdom of that which is "sweeter than honey, and

stronger than a lion." 

     17.  Moreover, the secret of the Elixir of Life, and of the

Alkhemical Stone of Our Magnum Opus, must be suggested in

numinous and arcane symbols. 

     18.  For words  alone are incapable of expressing the sweet

sublimity of this Most Absolute Science of Nature.  They tend to

mislead a man by giving to him only a fragment of the truth. 

     19.  Truth is experience! and all arcane symbols of the Holy

Mysteries of Our Bhakti Magick are pure reflections of those

sacred things which they express, whereby ye can attain a secret

glimpse into The Beyond; yea, into The Beyond! 

     20.  But ye who are not yet ready to comprehend nor perform

that Most Royal Work of the Gods shall discover in this Holy Book

of Agape other means to satisfy thy divine quest for Magical


     21.  True Devotion  to All is in Thy True Will to be All! 

All is in Thee; and Thou art eternally bound to express thine

infinite All, even in the Worlds To Come, Amen. 

     22.  When  thou dost fully realize that sublime reality of

thine own True Self, eliminating all other ideas which oppose

that Supreme Truth, then shalt Thou truly possess All Magical

Power, according to the Wisdom of the Word of the Wise. 

     23. When  thou art not, ye shall be!  This is freedom; yea,

verily, this is freedom!  For He who is All is not bound by the

terrible fetters of Reason in His Magical Task of accomplishing

the Great Work.  

     24. Reason says:  I am Self! but he  is a liar, and a thief,

and a murderer.  He possesseth neither power nor life:  he is a

mere instrument of the Will. 

     25.  Ye must  not listen to the false voice of thy Reason;

but in the pure rapture of silence hear the Voice of thine All. 

This is the True Voice of Man, and it is the Word of His own True

Will.  And know that this Great Voice is Love!  When thou dost

hear that Word, through undeviating devotion and divine

enforcement, let it penetrate all things by witnessing in thy

consciousness the Absolute Presence of thine own True Self

everywhere.  And unceasingly serve All, lest All should fail thee

in the fulfillment of Thy Noble Magical Quest for Freedom. 

     26. Wherefore  thou must become All, O Thou Magical Devotee

of Pan!  Thus shalt thou be able to interpret and understand

every event and thing as a necessary mode of expression for the

beloved manifestation of Thy True Will of the Sun. 

     27. This is the  greatest Act of Love:  to see All in All,

and to be All in All.  Unto such a man who can accomplish this is

granted the lofty treasures of Our Bhakti Magick, which alloweth

for a man to pursue his own course without clash or conflict. 

Hence he possesseth Eternal Freedom!  And his desires are

fulfilled in all the worlds! 

     28.  Now the seeds of Agape  have been sown.  Shalt thou

bring to harvest these sweet seeds of infinite bliss?  If it by

Thy Will, So be it!  For only ye can make fruitful that which I

have spoken.  But know that ye must love for Love's sake alone,

just as ye must fulfil Thy Will without lust of result.  And

behold!  These numinous seeds of Love will blossom into a most

beautiful garden of infinite delights, wherein ye shall discover

and devote yourselves unto the Knowledge and Conversation of your

own True Will; yea, unto the Knowledge and Conversation of your

own True Will.


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