Medicine for the Liver








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The most important factors involved in dealing with all diseases

of the human organism are liver and gall bladder congestion. In 

fact medical doctors have found that in all serious diseases, 

particularly cancer, the liver was in extremely poor condition. 

If the liver is 100% clean, (virtually impossible these days) and

functioning correctly, we would be practically free of disease 

and even the aging process would slow down considerably.  

Of course, as herbalists we know that when an organ is full of 

mucus or pus and not functioning correctly herbs can be a 

definite aid, but the body has to heal itself... 

and that requires energy and time. 

This will come through detoxification, with correct diet, 

fasting, poultices, compresses, exercise, water therapy, 

patience, etc.  Only then, after this has been achieved, will 

herbs help correct any functional disorder. That is not to say 

that herbs do not work in congestive or inflammatory disorders, 

but through experience the results are more effective when the 

herbs are used in conjunction with dietary changes and 

detoxification. It is important then to realise that regardless 

of the area of the body dis-eased, without liver cleansing 

results will be minimal.  

The liver, is the largest and most complex organ in the body. It 

cleanses 600 litres of blood daily, processing all matter, food 

or otherwise, that finds itself in the system. All toxic material

ingested through the portal vein system (via the stomach and 

intestines) will be acted upon by the liver and neutralized, thus

preventing absorption into the main bloodstream. This 

includes chemicals, preservatives, nicotine, alcohol, artificial

substances, etc,  (This is why prescription drugs have to be 

of a high enough dose to overcome and bypass the detoxification 

and neutralization process of the liver). Even the most natural 

and purest of foods can be poisonous to the body if the liver is

not functioning properly. Sugar will be changed into glycogen for

storage for example, but excess amounts will pass on into the 

general blood stream affecting other organs such as the kidneys.

Fats can also accumulate in the liver from over consumption of 

foods such as meat, milk, cheese, white flour and even brown rice

if eaten to excess. The ducts of the liver and gall bladder 

become obstructed with thickened bile and stones due to the 

excess cholesterol and bile caused by the over-consumption of 

foods and fats. These conditions are the direct or indirect cause

of most disease today.  

Among the liver's many functions is the processing of bile from 

blood, (approximately one pint daily in a normally functioning 

liver). This liquid (next to the blood), is the most important in

the body. Other functions of the liver are the processing of 

glucose, haemoglobin, transformation of protein and fat, vitamin

and enzyme production, regulating levels of iron and body 

temperature, cholesterol levels and lipid metabolism, 

detoxification and the production of substances to prevent 

infection. Nearly all of the compounds used by the body are 

produced in the liver. When this organ is overloaded toxins 

remain and eventually the kidneys are left to deal with this. 

Then, with both organs unable to operate correctly, the liver 

becomes enlarged. It is at this point that it ceases to function

appropriately and toxic waste finds itself into the general 

bloodstream. Overeating, as well as too 

much of any food, can also cause an enlarged liver. 

Chills and fevers are the liver's response to congestion, an 

overactive liver suffering from heat in the summer and an 

insufficient liver not tolerating cold in the winter. 


The bile, which is stored in the gallbladder in a more 

concentrated form, is of extreme importance in all areas of the 

body. The gallbladder actually draws the bile into itself from 

the liver duct. Many back problems in fact are the direct result

of inadequate bile flow. The synovial fluid around all joints 

will decrease if bile flow is low, sometimes causing terrible 

pain. Many people will take cortisone injections for relief 

believing it, mistakenly, to be arthritis or some other 

inflammatory disease. The cure of course comes with liver 


Another area of the body that can suffer from lack of bile are 

the sinuses. This soothing lubricant (bile) keeps mucus membranes

moist, otherwise they become dry and inflamed. Most allergy 

conditions can be traced to liver congestion. Avoiding foods that

create a reaction bring relief but will not cure the allergy. 

Allergies and sinus conditions will often disappear after the 

liver has been cleansed.  

Some of the many herbs that can be used to relieve liver 

congestion are: 

Dandelion, Cascara, Oregon Grape root, Gentian root, Culvers 

root, Poke root, Black root, St. Benedict, Sage, Agrimony, Myrrh,

Tormentilla, Celandine, Artichoke, Woodruff, Barberry...etc. 

These are herbs that promote bile flow.(Many of these herbs if 

taken indiscriminately, can cause severe reaction. Always seek 

the advice of a qualified Herbalist). 

Signs and symptoms. 

There are many signs or symptoms that indicate the liver or 

gallbladder are congested. Insomnia and waking between 1 and 3 

a.m., or sleeping all night and waking up feeling that you 

haven't slept at all along with weakness, sluggishness and 

tiredness. When there is no bile in the stomach there can be 

nervousness and migraine headaches and digestion is seriously 


Emotional upsets such as sudden anger and depression 

are sure signs. No bile can also cause gas in the stomach 

producing pain around the heart and sternum area and water may 

develop around the heart and in the lungs. Visual problems may 

develop, neck and shoulder pain, low back pain or pain in the 

joints especially the knees, weakness and pain in upper front leg 

muscles and calves, pain in the arms and top of the right hand. 

There is likely to be dry or oily skin, itchy ears, muscle pain 

after working, heartburn, diarrhoea, constipation, frequent 

urination, pain between the shoulder blades, colitis, ulcers, 

hiatus hernia and digestive problems, (especially after eating),

too much sleep, nausea, vomiting, certain foods repeating, (such

as radish, green peppers, cucumber and onions), pain in the right 

side radiating to the back, colic, mental problems, pain in the 

liver or gallbladder area, headaches and a bitter taste in the 


External signs.  

Reddish blue colouring under the eyes and over the forehead and 

other areas of the body. Two vertical lines between the eyebrows,

yellow eyes or skin, a red nose etc. Other problems caused 

directly by liver congestion are spastic colon, worms, 

infections, chills, anal itching, anaemia, diabetes, obesity, 

underweight, appendicitis and heart palpitations. Liver 

congestion can also lead to ear problems, swollen legs (edema), 

skin diseases, rheumatism, arthritis, glandular imbalances, 

menstrual problems, nervous disorders, muscle weakness, 

bronchitis, sclerosis, T.B., cancer, sterility, impotence, 

thyroid conditions, etc. etc. There are many other related 

conditions but they could fill a book. Obviously it is important

to keep the liver clean by eating properly, walking in the fresh

air, breathing deeply and taking proper rest and meditation.  


It can readily be seen then, when dealing with any disorder of 

the body, that the liver must be taken into proper consideration

to enable any treatment (herbal or otherwise) to be effective. In

the next issue of the Newsletter I shall look at the specific 

applications of the herbs and their various benefits. 


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