Release Notes for GT POWER 17.00


                     Release Notes for GT POWER 17.00

                            October 25, 1991


o   Binary message upload has been implemented using only internal protocols.

    To use the message upload feature, the caller begins a message in the

    usual way, but hits RETURN on the first line, or wherever the upload is

    to begin.  Then the caller selects (U)pload from the message sub-menu.

    The filename is not asked for, but goes automatically to a temporary

    work area.  The uploaded message is tested for text and/or graphics and

    is rejected if found to be improper for inclusion in the message base.

    If the file is okay, it is appended to the text already entered (if any)

    and the message is stored.

    The uploaded message can contain any sort of ANSI graphics and may

    contain lines up to 255 characters in length (counting cr/lf pairs

    at the end of each line).

o   The phone directory must be converted to a new format.  The new format

    includes a field called "Dial Prefix Override".  Normally, ATDT or whatever

    you have in your Modem Dial Prefix is adequate, but sometimes a special

    prefix is required (for example to use a special Xn value).  Like this:


    Which would enable X5 for this particular call.  Use the new GT_UTIL.COM

    to convert your directories.

o   The SYSOP.BBS file has undergone considerable changes.  Please be careful

    when installing it.

o   File tagging.  Whenever the caller lists files, using (F), (W), (I)

    or (L) commands, the option to tag files for later download is offerred.

    Tagging can be done by positioning the cursor and pressing [Enter], or

    the (F)ilename can be entered manually.  The file database is used to

    lookup files, in case they are not in the current area.

    The main menu has a new command, ET, which will let the caller review

    that list of tagged files and delete files from the list.  This is

    helpful if the caller has been over zealous in his tagging operations.

    If not enough time to download all tagged files occurs, GT will offer

    the ET command automatically.

o   The scheduler has been enhanced, so that times between midnight and

    1am *may* now be specified as 00:xx.  Please note that many 3rd party

    programs may not support this format.

    Also note, the old format, i.e. 24:xx, is still usable.  In any case,

    the schedule must be presented in numerical order in the SCHEDULE.BBS

    file.  But the two styles should not be mixed.  Decide which you wish

    to use, either 00: or 24: and stay with it.

o   New CLASS permissions for the GTPASSWD.BBS file.

        NN ... No name uploads.  Users that have this permission will not

               have the name recorded in the FILES.BBS when they upload a


        NX ... No expert mode.  Users that have this permission will not

               have access to the 'expert' mode.

        RC ... Require Credit.  Netmail credit is required for all netmail

               messages, when users have this permission

               This is introduced to help nets that are spread out over a

               large chunk of real estate and calls are mostly long distance

               (toll calls).

        BP ... Bypass logon.  This permission allows callers to bypass all

               the steps between logon and main menu.  In effect, a shortcut

               logon procedure.

        BO ... This option should NOT be specified by itself.  This option

               modifies the meaning of the BP option and should only be

               specified with it.  The BO option caused only bulletins to be

               bypassed during the logon procedure.

o   New ^U substitutions have been developed:

        DT = Amount downloaded, so far today, in thousands.

        DL = Daily download limit, in thousands.

        TB = Time Bank total.

        TW = Time Bank daily withdrawal limit.

        TD = Time Bank daily deposit limit.

        XD = Expiration date

        XP = Past expiration date, number of days

        XU = Until expiration date, number of days

        XL = Warning interval, number of days

o   Work has been done on the ASCII transmit feature, Alt-A command, in

    terminal mode.  It works somewhat more smoothly, and a potential loss

    of interrupt bug has been located and fixed.  But I have a general

    observation, when transmit and receive baud rates vary a great deal, i.e.

    38,400 for transmit and 300 for receive, or other widely different rates,

    it would be wise to use a delay factor per character and per line.

    In this example, I would suggest about 33 ms for the per character

    delay, and perhaps 100 ms per line.  Makes things go much more smoothly.

    And, since 300 baud is the receive speed, there is not much to be gained

    by going faster.

o   It is now possible to address a message, personally, to everyone who

    calls your system.  Simply list the following as the TO: address:


    Those of you familiar with the ^U entries will recognize the 'N' as the

    substitution variable for the caller's name.  In effect, this message

    would appear, for all practical purposes, to be addressed to each

    caller personally.

    Again, this will not work well in net/echomail, since other GT host

    systems will not know what to do with the substitution.  In effect, on

    those systems, the message would appear to be addressed to N, as the

    ^U will be stripped out.

    Please note that ^U is just the symbol for the Ctrl-U character... do

    not put the characters ^ and U, put the Ctrl-U character.

o   It is now possible to embed ^U lines into messages.  For example you

    could begin a message like this:

    ^U"Hello "F":"

    Those of you using ^U entries are familiar with this, I believe.  All

    substitutions are available for message entry.  However, please note,

    these lines will not work well in net/echomail, since other GT host

    systems will not print the ^U line at all.

    In effect, this allows you to customize messages, just like you could

    customize bulletins, etc.

    Please note that ^U is just the symbol for the Ctrl-U character... do

    not put the characters ^ and U, put the Ctrl-U character.

o   A new .BBS file is included with this release: TAGWARN.BBS

    It is displayed prior to logoff, if the caller is departing with

    some files left tagged, but not downloaded.

o   The DIAL family of script command that accept the REDIAL option

    are now capable of accepting a limiting number to the redial attempts.

    Here is an example:

        DIAL 897-9549 WITH 50 REDIALS

    The 'S' on the word 'REDIALS' is optional.

o   The personal mail check, at logon, has been sped up considerably.

    This mail check now uses a field in the USER_MSG files to record

    the highest message scanned.  So that previously scanned messages

    are not re-scanned during subsequent logons.  This should reduce the

    very long series of '......' that usually appear on the screen.  It

    will take at least one logon to get the highest scanned message

    number recorded, but after that, it should kick in nicely.

o   The pre-event wait is now sysop configurable.  It is accomplished via

    a new command line option for GT, "/PE".  For example:

        GT1600 *xxxx-xxxx /PE03:OFF

            This would specify a 3 minute pre-event wait and have GT

            take the phone offhook during the wait.

        GT1600 *xxxx-xxxx /PE08

            This would specify an 8 minute pre-event wait and the phone

            would not go offhook during the wait.

    Please note, to enable this feature to work, the sysop should have the

    hook control strings under Alt-I properly setup for the specific modem.

    Normally:  Offhook ...... ATH1|

               Onhook ....... ATH0|

o   Also, some of the timing changes in the terminal dialing procedure

    have cause some surprises.  Most of them effect the dialing status

    displays, and may be corrected by adding an ~ to the dial post string.

    Many folks use simply '|' for the dial post string, but certain modems

    may benefit, now, from "|~" as the dial post string.

o   The Ymodem and Ymodem-G header blocks have been corrected.  Prior versions

    of GT used (or attempted to use) local time in these header blocks for the

    file creation date/time.  That was incorrect and incompatible with the

    Omen Technologies standard, i.e. GMT time is called for in those header

    blocks.  You must correctly set the TZ environment variable to enable

    correct GMT calculation (as described above).

o   The TZ= enviroment variable must be set by everyone due to the requirement

    of the Ymodem and Ymodem-G header block.  These two protocols require that

    the time be passed in GMT.  The GMT time can only be calculated with the

    aid of some information indicating the current offset from GMT.  The

    TZ= variable does this.  As follows:

       set TZ=EST5EDT

          Whese: 'EST' stands for Eastern Standard Time. 5 is the number of

                 hours behind GMT that the time zone normally is.  'EDT' means

                 that daylight saving time is in effect, i.e the 5 will be

                 reduced by 1 hour automatically.  If the time zone was not

                 currently on daylight time, then this would be required:

                    set TZ=EST5

                 That means that this set needs to be changed twice a year.

          Here are some other "set" statements:

             set TZ=GMT0

                This is for the UK and other countries operating in the GMT

                time zone.

             set TZ=EUR-1

                This would be for a European time zone that is 1 hour ahead

                of GMT.

             set TZ=PST8PDT

                This would be Pacific Standard Time, 8 hours behind GMT and

                currently on daylight savings time, i.e. the actual difference

                is 1 hour less.

o   A daily download limit has been introduced.  The limit is specified in

    the GTPASSWD.BBS file within the [...] on the CLASS and password entry.

    As follows:

        E1 [0:10,3/1000,2:00] CLASS UP,DN,MS,KL,PR


    Please notice the new field following the number of calls per day.  On

    the CLASS card you see "3/1000", this means 3 calls per day and 1000k

    per day download limit.  The number is an integer from 1 to 32767 and

    is measured in "k" or thousands.

o   The Time Bank has been introduced.  It allows a caller to gain time

    credits (minutes) for uploading file and leaving messages.  Deductions

    are taken for downloading files.  Also, the caller can manually withdraw

    time from the accumulated total, allowing him to download more files or

    read more messages.  The feature is implemented by a permission on the

    CLASS entry, in the GTPASSWD.BBS file, as follows:

E1 [1:00,5/300,2:00,C:\UP] CLASS UP,DN,DR,MS,TB=01/02/03/04/03/00/05:060/060

    Notice the TB= entry at the end of the permission list.  Each field is

    of a fixed length, as shown.  Fields may NOT be omitted from the list,

    however they may be zeroed out, if not wanted.  The fields are defined

    as follows:

        uk = Upload time bank credit per 100k uploaded.  If possible, this

             amount is rounded and pro-rata for lesser uploads.  For example

             if "uk" is 2, then a 50k upload would get a credit of 1.

        uf = Upload time bank credit per file uploaded.

        dk = Download time bank deduct per 100k downloaded.  If possible,

             this amount is rounded and pro-rata for lesser downloads (as is

             done with "uk").

        df = Download time bank deduct per file downloaded.

        me = Message entry time bank credit per message entered.

        mr ... credit given for reading a message.

        mk ... deduction taken for killing a message.

        dl = Daily limit on time bank deposits (credits).

        wl = Daily limit on time bank withdrawals (deducts).

    From the main menu, the caller may select the TB command and convert

    time bank credits into netmail credits.  The TB command will also allow

    callers to withdraw credits and have the time added to their current

    connect limit.  Consideration of scheduled events is made.

o   Thanks to Ken Thompson of the Black Hole in Sydney, the DV chat feature

    is now ready.  Ken has written a customized version of DOORMAN to use with

    DESQview, which allows multiple sessions of GT to use the CB Simulator,

    much as it done when GT operates on a LAN.

    In order to use this feature, you must setup each copy of GT as if it were

    pretty much on a separate machine connected by a LAN.  The LAN Parameters,

    option #37 under Alt-I, must be filled out.  Especially important is the

    LAN PATH, that is where the PID_FILE and the USER files will be stored.

    The PID_FILE is used by the CB simulator to tell who is on the system,

    so the LAN PATH should point to a shared area, i.e. all pids should have

    the same LAN PATH.  Each pid should have a unique pid number, from 0 to 31,

    but the pid name is pretty much an individual creation.  Each host batch

    file should designate a unique GTPATH for each DV window, and each host

    batch file should load DVDOOR for each DV window.  Sample screens for the

    CB mode have been included.

    It is important that DVDOOR is loaded after DESQview, for each window

    running GT, otherwise it just won't work.  Also, it would probably be

    wise to use SHARE, but I am not sure when or how that should be loaded

    under DESQview.

    Here is a sample of the batch file I used to test the feature:

        cd \


        cd \gt1

        set GTPATH=c:\gt1

        set TZ=MST7



        Gt1700 *xxxx-xxxx /T5 /MN /S /Q /V:ED /L1 host.scr

        if errorlevel 255 goto host1

        if errorlevel 4   netmail

        cd \


        cd \gt1

    This is pretty much the exact file I used, with small modifications,

    on each DV window.  The changes are pretty modest, but here is an example

    for window #2:

        cd \


        cd \gt2

        set GTPATH=c:\gt2

        set TZ=MST7



        Gt1700 *xxxx-xxxx /T5 /MN /S /Q /V:ED /L1 host.scr

        if errorlevel 255 goto host2

        cd \


        cd \gt2

    Notice that netmail is only run in window #1.  And that directory names

    have been changed to GT2... I setup a new directory for each window I

    ran GT in.  Pretty minor changes, just common sense stuff.

    Remember (Z) is the command key a caller uses to start the CB Simulator!

    Thanks, Ken, for all the good work you did to produce the driver for this

    new feature!

o   Most of the bulletins and screens, including messages, can temporarily

    be placed into non-stop mode by answering "ns" to the "More? " prompt.

o   DTR is now dropped during the pre-event wait.  Thus making sure that

    the modem does not answer during that period.

o   Full screen editing is now possible.  When entering a message, in the

    past, you had to (E)dit the message, then enter the line number, then

    type the old string and the new string.  Now you can simply arrow up

    and change the information.  This can be done while at the message

    entry sub-menu, while sitting at the "More?" prompt while listing a

    message, prior to storage, and of course, anytime while typing in the


    Note:  Callers that do not use fully ANSI compatible terminal programs

           *WILL* have a problem with these new message features.

o   The (I)nsert option from the message entry sub-menu now allows

    multiple lines to be entered, until you enter a empty line.  The

    usage of the arrow keys is allowed during all (I)nsert operations.

    The arrows will sometimes appear to jump across areas of the screen

    that do not have message text.

o   The BPLOGON.BAT file will be executed as a logon door for callers that

    have the BP permission --- if the caller answers "y" to the bypass

    prompt.  If the BO permission is specified, the BPLOGON.BAT file

    will not execute.

o   Every attempt is now made to log verbose result codes that are

    returned by the modem.  For some cases, such as "Dialling Scripts",

    this is not currently possible.  But, in host mode and normal terminal

    mode, GT will log the verbose result codes (the word ANSWER is still

    used in host mode, but the particulars following it are reported


o   The security of private netmail has been increased.

o   The [S]can function has been reworked.  A two line format has been adopted,

    so that more message headers can be shown per screen.

o   The handling of duplicate file reception, via external protocols, has

    been improved.  Improved diagnostic information is now logged.  However,

    I am a bit sanguine about whether this is an improvement.  Hopefully, it

    will help troubled users to find solutions.

o   Netmail Reply.  Users that have netmail credits will now be given the

    option to send reply messages via netmail.  This should be very handy.

    But, of course, is only available if your system is connected to the

    GT Network.

o   The netmail reply mechanism can be denied on a message base level.

    The "#" character is used to accomplish this.  Place it in front

    of the pathname in the GTMDIR.BBS file.  Like this:

        E #^C:\GT\BASE1 General message area

    The "#" will disallow netmail replies when callers are reading in

    this conference.

o   The message checking functions, like the "RG" command and the logon

    mail check, have been modified so that the Ctrl-K and Ctrl-C keys can

    be used to abort the search during a long sequence of "**********".

o   File and message areas may now be grouped into boards.  The idea is to

    group file/message areas together in some logical manner.  In the

    GTMDIR.BBS and GTDIR.BBS files, a group is denoted by a group header,

    like this:

            .Z GENERAL General Board

            Z #^C:\GT General message area

            Z ~C:\MAIL Netmail area

            .D DEVELOP Development Board

            Z ^D:\BETA_ECO BETA Test Echo

            Z ^D:\GT_ECHO GT POWER

            .=D NETWORK GT Network Sysop Board

            Z ^C:\SYS GT Network Sysops

            Z ^D:\NODE_ECO The NODELIST

            Z ^D:\ECHO_ECO The ECHOLIST

            .D PROGRAMMING Programming Support Board

            Z ^D:\C_HELP The C Help Line

            Z ^D:\PRG_HELP Programming Langauages

    In the above example, there are 4 goups.  Each group begins with a

    group header.  A group header is identified by the first character on

    the line being a '.' character.  The 2nd character on the group header

    is usually an access level -- the minimum required for access to the

    group.  But note the 3rd group, the group header begins ".=D", this

    denotes a group reserved for the 'D' access level only.  After the

    access level there is a blank, then the group-name, followed by a blank

    and then the menu description for the group.  The message base entries

    following each group header belong to that group, until a new group header

    is encountered.  The group-name should be unique in the first 8 characters,

    but may be up to 30 characters in total length.

    There is something special about groups as far as mail checks go.  The

    first message base in a group controls whether or not the group will be

    scanned for mail.  This affects the "RG" command, as well as the logon

    mail check.

    Oh!  I almost forgot.  "Groups" are optional!  GT will continue to be

    able to handle GTMDIR.BBS and GTDIR.BBS without groups!

o   The SYSOP.EXE program has been upgraded to process "groups" (had to

    change it to avoid the entries with a '.' as the first character), and

    the expire date can now be entered and used to purge callers.

o   Concerning the new expiration date, the sysop can specify a warning

    interval.  This is under Alt-I, the miscellaneous options, at the very

    bottom, #19 I believe.

    When a caller is within this "warning interval" of the expiration date

    he/she will receive a warning that the expiration date is near and the

    XWARNING.BBS file will be displayed.

    When a caller has an expired account, GT will notify him/her of that

    fact and will display the EXPIRED.BBS file.  Also, GT will automatically

    lower the caller's access level to 'z'.  Lowercase 'z'.  It would be

    extremely wise if sysops have a CLASS entry in the GTPASSWD.BBS file for

    the 'z' access level.  'z' is the lowest possible access level.

    In the event that no 'z' CLASS record is located, GT will give 10 minutes

    and 2 calls per day.  No file transfers authorized, just message services.

    However, IT IS IMPORTANT to note that the default message and file areas

    should be given a 'z' access, otherwise these callers will find themselves

    looking at your pathnames.  Try it, you'll see what I mean.

o   The length of time that GT waits for the modem to init in host mode

    has been lengthened from 7 to 9 seconds.

o   The DG command now may be aborted.  GT will give the caller 15 seconds

    to press [ESC] to cancel the automatic logoff.  A count down display is

    given to the caller.  The caller may also hang-up immediately by pressing

    the [H] key.

o   When using batch protocols to upload messages to the message base, the

    caller must be careful what filename is used.  That is, GT.CNF and

    SYSOP.BBS may not be legal names.  Use a name like "MESSAGE.TXT" or

    something else that does not conflict with internal GT filenames.

    Also, it is necessary to avoid filenames that already exist on the BBS.

    When single file protocols, such as Xmodem, such restrictions are not


o   CD-ROM support is being introduced - the first version of such support,

    at any rate.  <GRIN>

    The format of the GTDIR.BBS file has been altered to allow for CD-ROM

    users to specify a different location for the FILES.BBS.  As the FILES.BBS

    cannot be put onto the CD-ROM!

    Here is an example:

        Z C:\GT\OBJ,,C:\GT\FILES\F2.BBS Home GT directory #2

        E E:\GTBBS\GENERAL General file area

        Z C:\GT,,C:\GT\FILES\F1.BBS Home GT directory #1

        E E:\PRIVATE BBS Private Area

    Notice that the 2nd and 4th lines are in the original format.  So it

    is possible to mix the old and new formats.  Also, since upload areas

    cannot be placed on CD-ROM drives, the upload descriptions will always

    be placed into a FILES.BBS *in* the upload directory, even if an

    alternate FILES.BBS is listed for the upload directory.

    Note the 1st and 3rd lines are in the new format.  The pathname field

    has been expanded with two new fields.  The 2 fields are:

        A.  Pathname for the file area.

        B.  Alternate FILES.BBS pathname --- full pathname, including the

            filename.  Please observe that there are two commas between

            these pathnames.  A tag field is intended to go here in a later

            version.  For now, the two(2) commas are required.

    A new version of FILES_DB.EXE has been included in this beta release

    to handle this new format.  Additionally, the FILES_DB.EXE program has

    been changed to handle fewer file areas, only 450 areas maximum now.

    And the program processes duplicate filenames faster.

o   Maximum message length has been expanded from 70 lines to 99 lines.

    This is pretty much the maximum, since the line numbers on screen are

    limited to two digits.

o   GT is now able to distinguish between more uart devices.  The following

    types can be detected:

               8250B  ....... Standard PC type uart.

               16450  ....... Standard AT type uart.

               16550  ....... Faulty chip found in some PS/2 computers.

               16550A ....... Good chip, replaces 16550, full FIFO.

o   The modem result code table has NOT been expanded, but GT can now

    handle CONNECT results that have odd baud rates, i.e. 7200, 12000, etc.

    This is a feature of the "smart result code handling".

o   Inline editing has been added, i.e. the Left/Right Arrow, the [Ins], [Del],

    [Home] and [End] work as expected.  However, the [Ins] key uses an escape

    sequence not properly handled by old versions of GT.


Paul Meiners



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