Rise of the Triad cheat codes
Rise of the Triad - By Apogee Games
Compleat Cheat Codes
Reverse Engineered by Poker Face
A Three Card Monte Club Presentation
February 4, 1995
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Rise of the Triad, also known as ROTT, is certainly Apogee's
greatest achievement yet. It's full of surprises, has mind
blowing graphics and sound, and in my opinion is worth every
dime Apogee asks for the registered version. However, it's not
for the sensitive or younger player. Young people under 14
should not play this game due to its explicit, occasionally gory
violence. However, for the mature player looking for a howlin'
blast-fest, this is a terrific game!
Register the game!
This file contains a complete list of cheat codes for ROTT.
Most of the cheats have two codes; one is a normal word and
the other is a three letter acronym preceded with a "\"
backslash. Either cheat code has the same effect.
A note about ROTT powerups: There can be two powerups active at
a time. They are displayed at the top of the screen a little to
the right of center. There are two "groups" of powerups; you
can have one powerup from each group active, but powerups from
the same group will override one another. For example, if you
have bulletproof armor, activating a gas mask or asbestos armor
will replace the bulletproof armor.
In addition, most of the advanced weapons are exclusive. You
can have one or two pistols (dual pistols look great but an MP40
is better), and an MP40 submachine gun, and ONLY ONE OF:
bazooka, heatseeker, drunk missile, firebomb, flame wall, or the
"Hand of God". Hit 1 to select the pistol, 2 to select dual
pistols, 3 for the MP40 and 4 for the advanced weapon.
In order to use any of the cheat keys, you have to first enable
the cheats by typing DIPSTICK while in the game. Typing it
again will disable cheat keys.
After you've enabled cheat keys, I suggest first using the
CHOJIN cheat code. It will make you invulnerable to enemies and
hazards such as moving walls and spinning blades. However, no
cheat code will save you from dying if you jump off the edge
of the game.
I am fairly certain that this is a complete listing of cheat
codes. They are all grouped in one place in the ROTT.EXE file
and are easy to find there. Without further ceremony, here they
Cheat Key: DIPSTICK Also: \ECC
This toggles (enables and disables) all the rest of the
cheat keys. Without cheat keys toggled on, none of the
other cheats in this file can work!
Cheat Key: CHOJIN Also: \WWW
This puts you in "Woundless With Weapons" mode. It has two
effects. It makes you invulnerable to enemy fire and the
various hazards of the game. It also gives you unlimited
ammunition for all your weapons, no matter which weapons you
happen to be using! This should be the first cheat code you
use if you plan to cruise through the game.
Cheat Key: GOTO Also: \GTL
This selects a new level. You get a nice menu to select
the level of your choice.
Cheat Key: SIXTOYS Also: \GAI
This appears to give you all four keys and a bulletproof
armor. The message "Items-A-Plenty" confirms this cheat code.
3 The following are "Type 1" powerups - selecting one of these 3
3 will cancel another Type 1 powerup in use. 3
3 3
3 Cheat Key: TOOSAD Also: \GOD 3
3 3
3 This puts you in God mode. This is not the same as the 3
3 God mode of previous Apogee games; this mode is truly 3
3 neat! Your height increases by about six feet - you 3
3 look down on your enemies as if they were children. And 3
3 your weapon is the Hand of God - the most powerful 3
3 weapon in the game, it is a "smart" weapon that kills 3
3 many enemies at once. 3
3 3
3 3
3 Cheat Key: FLYBOY Also: \MER 3
3 3
3 Here's another great cheat. This lets you fly! No more 3
3 bouncing up to ledges or negotiating complicated 3
3 catwalks! Using it is like flapping wings - you have to 3
3 keep hitting the space bar (or the joytick/mouse button 3
3 defined as the "Use" button) to stay aloft. 3
3 3
3 3
3 Cheat Key: BADTRIP Also: \SHR 3
3 3
3 This cheat code is rather crippling, but it is a 3
3 testament to the imagination of the authors. It's 3
3 called "Shrooms" mode, and basically it's a bad drug 3
3 trip! The whole room swoons and rocks, and enemies are 3
3 just colored silhouettes! Good luck aiming that MP40! 3
3 3
3 3
3 Cheat Key: BOING Also: \ELA 3
3 3
3 This is another somewhat negative cheat, but it's also 3
3 interesting. You have no inertia, the floor offers no 3
3 friction, and the walls are perfectly elastic! At the 3
3 slightest movement, including a hit from an enemy or 3
3 recoil from your weapons, you start bouncing around 3
3 almost uncontrollably! 3
Cheat Key: GOOBERS Also: \GOO
This restarts the game.
Cheat Key: WHACK Also: \OOF
You take a hit point. "Ouch!!!!"
Cheat Key: SPEED Also: \RFA
This turns on auto-run mode. When you move while the Shift
key is pressed, you are in "run" mode, and your movement is
twice as fast. You also have twice as much momentum. This
cheat code puts you in run mode full time. The Caps Lock key
has the same effect.
Cheat Key: PANIC Also: \PAN
This resets you to basically just a pistol, no keys, no
armor or powerups. "Back to normal. Ah."
Cheat Key: DIMON Also: \DON
This turns on "light diminishing" - the property of the game
in which objects appear dimmer when they are further away,
especially in low light. This is normally on anyway. The
game looks more realistic in this mode.
Cheat Key: DIMOFF Also: \DOF
This turns light diminishing off.
Cheat Key: LONDON Also: \FON
This turns on "Fog Mode" - the scene looks as though there's
a light fog. This is actually on by default in one level.
Cheat Key: NODNOL Also: \FOF
This turns "Fog Mode" off.
Cheat Key: SHINEON Also: \SON
This turns on "light sourcing" - the property where
light-producing objects such as lamps, torches etc. appear
to be the source of some or all the light in the area. The
game looks more realistic with this on. This is normally
Cheat Key: SHINEOFF Also: \SOF
This tuns light sourcing off.
Cheat Key: GOGATES Also: \L8R
This takes you back to DOS without any further ado. Very
Cheat Key: GOARCH Also: \ECL
This lets you "wuss out" on a level. It's like you
completed the level except that the game tells you you've
wussed out and gives you a benefit-of-the-doubt bonus,
before going on to the next level.
Cheat Key: GOTA386 Also: \CON
This turns off the cielings and floors, leaving them solid
color. Apparently this is the normal mode when the game
runs on 386 machines.
Cheat Key: GOTA486 Also: \COF
This turns on the cielings and floors. Since I have only
tested the game on a 486, I have no idea what will happen if
you enable this on a 386.
3 The following are "Type 2" powerups - selecting one of these 3
3 will cancel another Type 2 powerup in use. 3
3 3
3 Cheat Key: SHOOTME Also: \BAR 3
3 3
3 This gives you "bulletproof armor", making you 3
3 invulnerable to projectile weapons. 3
3 3
3 3
3 Cheat Key: BURNME Also: \FAR 3
3 3
3 This gives you "asbestos armor", making you invulnerable 3
3 to fire traps such as the floor flamejets. 3
3 3
3 3
3 Cheat Key: LUNGDUNG Also: \GAR 3
3 3
3 This gives you a gas mask, saving you from poison gas 3
3 (where everything looks green). This is kind of neat 3
3 because it looks like you're looking through a gas mask! 3
Cheat Key: HUNTPACK Also: \OFP
"Outfit Player". This gives you four keys, a bulletproof
armor and a bazooka!
Cheat Key: 86ME Also: \DIE
Feeling suicidal? This will kill you.
Cheat Key: REEN Also: \REL
This re-starts (or, RE-ENters) the current level.
Cheat Key: JOHNWOO Also: \GW2
This gives you dual pistols! You get two shots every time
you fire, and it's reminiscent of watching an old western,
except it's in the first person!
Cheat Key: PLUGEM Also: \GW3
This gives you an MP40, a submachine gun with a decent rate
of fire. Although this is not the most powerful weapon in
the game, I find it the most murderously satisfying.
Cheat Key: VANILLA Also: \GW4
This gives you a bazooka, which is a straightforward
single-shot rocket launcher. It's a good basic
anti-personnel weapon if you don't mind being splattered
with the body parts of your victims...
Cheat Key: HOTTIMES Also: \GW6
This gives you a heat-seeking missile. It's good for
fire-and-forget killing without making much effort to aim
it, but it can be distracted by heat sources, such as
Cheat Key: BOOZE Also: \GW7
This gives you a Drunk Missile, which fires several rockets
at once. The rockets generally travel forward but their
flight is erratic and their exact target is never known.
This is usually not a problem; at least one of the rockets
will likely hit what you aimed at.
Cheat Key: FIREBOMB Also: \GW5
This gives you a Fire Bomb, which launches an incendiary
cluster bomb. Quite devastating.
Cheat Key: BONES Also: \GW8
This gives you a Flame Wall ("You Filched a Flame Wall!")
which is a sort of upgraded Fire Bomb. It creates an
inferno along the wall it hits, taking out everything along
its path!
Cheat Key: SEEYA Also: \GWC
This gives you the Hand of God - it's the weapon from God
Mode, but you don't grow in height. Since this is a weapon
choice and not a powerup, it doesn't "expire" after a short
while like God Mode. The Hand of God is really neat; it
vaporizes most enemies and can take out several at once.
For a fun time, enable both this and "ride" mode (see
Cheat Key: RIDE Also: \CAM
This toggles the "Missile Cam", so that each time you fire a
projectile weapon, your view follows the missile until it
hits! This is usually more of a distraction than a useful
feature but if you're using the Hand of God, it can be quite
Cheat Key: WHERE Also: \HUD
This toggles the Heads Up Display, which is a set of
numbers, presumably giving your gamefield co-ordinates, in
the upper right corner.
Cheat Key: \FUN
I am not sure what the purpose of this is. It appears to
lock or pause the computer until you hit the Escape key.
Cheat Key: RECORD
This lets you record a demo! Just type this and the game
will ask what level you want to start from, then just start
Cheat Key: STOP
When you are recording a demo, this "stops" the recording,
and prompts you for a demo slot in which to save the demo.
Cheat Key: PLAY
This plays back a demo you have recorded!
Other useful keys:
F11 - changes the "gamma correction" level. This can be used to
quickly brighten a dark scene.
Tab - Activates a level map, showing all the areas you have
Caps Lock - toggles Auto-Run mode.
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