From: (Andrew Myers)
Subject: Re: It's Sudden Death! Go For The Wall!
Date: 17 May 91 23:49:20 GMT
Organization: MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
My ROLLERGAMES strategy:
basic strategy:
Shoot drop targets, pit, left spinner/wall combo if spinner lighted,
until you get a lock lit. Shoot the pit/wall combo to lock a ball.
shoot left spinner/wall combo or pit/wall combo to "kick butt" and
collect many points.
sudden death:
Calm down. Make a careful, accurate shot on the pit and put it
up the wall for a mil. repeat. It will either drop it to your
right flipper directly, or onto the playing field towards your
right flipper, where you can bounce it directly to the pit or
the left spinner for another repetition.
extra ball:
If the ball is on the right flipper, shoot for it
WILLIAMS letters close to completion:
shoot for WILLIAMS letters. This is actually a reasonable way
to put it in the pit, too. Then shoot the pit when letters are
Already have earned a credit:
shoot the pit/wall 10 times or so to light the specials on the outlanes.
go for the left spinner to earn extra balls.
Being able to shoot the left spinner/wall combo is really key.
The magnet is totally useless and is typically more a hindrance
than anything else.
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