Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 3 Num. 91
From bigxc@prairienet.orgTue Feb 14 07:41:37 1995
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 95 11:38:17 CST
From: Brian Redman <>
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject: Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 3 Num. 91
Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 3 Num. 91
("Quid coniuratio est?")
The following, based largely on information to be found in the
book *Escape and Suicide of John Wilkes Booth*, by attorney Finis
L. Bates of Memphis, Tennessee (Memphis: Pilcher Printing Co.,
1907), was originally posted in Conspiracy for the Day, December
14 and 15, 1993.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
I have long hesitated to give to the world the true story of the
plot first to kidnap and finally assassinate President Lincoln by
John Wilkes Booth and others, as related to me in 1872, and at
other times thereafter, by one then known to me as John St.
Helen, but in truth and in fact, as afterward developed, John
Wilkes Booth himself, in person telling this story more than
seven years after the assassination of President Lincoln, and the
supposed killing of Booth at the Garret home, in Virginia. Far
removed from the scene of his crime, he told me the tale of his
dastardly deed at Grandberry, Hood county, Texas, a then
comparative frontier town of the great Western empire of these
American States.
This story I could not accept as fact without investigation,
believing, as the world believed, that John Wilkes Booth had been
killed at the Garret home in Virginia on or about the 26th day of
April, 1865, by one Boston Corbett, connected with the Federal
troops in pursuit of him, after he (Booth) had been passed
through the Federal military lines which formed a complete cordon
surrounding the city of Washington, D.C., on the night of and
after the assassination of President Lincoln. But after many
years of painstaking and exhaustive investigation, I am now
unwillingly, and yet unanswerably, convinced that it is a fact
that Booth was not killed, but made good his escape by the
assistance of some of the officers of the Federal Army and
government of the United States, located at Washington --
traitors to President Lincoln, in whose keeping was his life --
co-operating with Capt. Jett and Lieuts. Ruggles and Bainbridge,
of the Confederate troops, belonging to the command of Col. J.S.
Mosby, encamped at Bowling Green, Virginia. And the correctness
of these statements, as well as to my convictions, the readers of
this story must witness for or against the conclusion reached,
for it is to the American people that I appeal that they shall
hear the unalterable facts to the end that they may bear
testimony with me to the civilized world that the death of
America's martyred President, Lincoln, was not avenged, as we
have been persuaded to believe, and that it remained the pleasure
of the assassin to take his own life as how and when it best
pleased him, conscious of his great individual crime and the
nation's loss by the death of President Lincoln, the commission
of which crime takes rank among the epochs of time equaled only
by the crucifixion of Christ and the assassination of Caesar; in
the contemplation of which the physical man chills with indignant
emotions and the cold blood coursing his viens [sic] makes numb
the fingers recording the crime that laid President Lincoln in
the silent halls of death and made Tad fatherless. But the truth
will be told, if needs be, with tremors and palsied hands, in the
triumph of right and the exposure of the guilty ones whose crimes
blacken history's page and to associate their names through all
coming centuries with Brutus, Marc Antony and Judas Iscariot, if
they are to be condemned in the story that is to be told.
Author Finis L. Bates (see part 1 of today's CfD) relates in his
book how he notified what was then still known as the War
Department (now known as the "Defense" Department) as to his
knowledge that John Wilkes Booth might still be alive. Bear in
mind that the government had never paid the thousands of dollars
in reward money for the capture of Booth. The government had
maintained that there had never been an absolutely positive ID of
the person shot at the Garret home in 1865, purportedly John
Wilkes Booth. What follows is the correspondence between Bates
and the War Department.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Law Office of F.L. Bates
297 Second Street
Memphis, Tenn., January 17th, 1898.
Secretary of War, Washington, D.C.
Dear Sir:
Would it be a matter of any importance to develop the fact to the
War Department of the United States that John Wilkes Booth, the
assassin of President Lincoln, was not captured and killed by the
Federal troops, as is supposed?
By accident I have been placed in possession of such facts as are
conclusive that John Wilkes Booth now lives, and have kept the
matter from publication until I have communicated with the War
Department of this government. Very truly yours, F.L. Bates
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
[Bates notes "In reply the following endorsements were made on
this letter and returned to me, viz.:"]
[First endorsement]
Office of the Secretary of War Department
January 19th, 1898
(294) Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 17th, 1898.
F.L. Bates says that he is in possession of such facts as are
conuclusive [sic] that John Wilkes Booth was not captured and
killed by the Federal troops, and asks if War Department would
consider the matter of enough importance to develop that fact.
[Second endorsement]
(3808) War Department
Judge Advocate General's Office
Washington, D.C.
January 21st, 1898.
Respectfully returned to the Secretary of War.
This is a request by F.L. Bates, of Memphis, Tenn., for
imformation as to whether it would be a matter of importance to
develop the fact to the War Department that John Wilkes Booth was
not captured and killed by the Federal troops.
He says that by accident he has recently been placed in
possession of such facts as are conclusive.
It is recommended that he be informed that the matter is of no
importance to the War Department.
Judge Advocate General
Received back War Department January 22d, 1898.
(294) Assistant Secretary (L.S.S.)
[Third endorsement]
War Department
January 25th, 1898.
Respectfully returned to Mr. F.L. Bates, No. 272 Second
street, Memphis, Tenn., inviting attention to the foregoing
report of the Judge Advocate General of the Army.
Acting Secretary of War
"The Wave" is and/or was an Oklahoma newspaper circa 1903. The
following are clippings from "The Wave" taken from *Escape and
Suicide of John Wilkes Booth*, by Finis L. Bates. [Memphis:
Pilcher Printing Company, 1907.]
Enid Wave: Enid, Oklahoma Territory, January 17th, 1903
(Special) -- David E. George, a wealthy resident of the
Territory, who committed suicide here, announced himself on his
deathbed to be John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of President
He stated that he had successfully eluded the officers after
shooting Lincoln and since he had remained incognito. His
statement caused a sensation, and an investigation was made.
Surgeons examined the body and stated the man to be of the age
Booth would be at this time, and announced that his leg was
broken in the same place and in the same manner as that of Booth
after jumping from the President's box at Ford's V6eater after
the assassination. All the time George has received money
regularly from unknown sources, and telegrams arriving yesterday
and today ask that the body be held for identification. It is
claimed that one telegram came from the address, George E. Smith,
Colfax, Iowa, the same as the mysterious money remittances. Smith
is unknown to anyone in Oklahoma. Upon his arrival in Enid today
he commanded that no other person be allowed to view the remains,
and promised to return for the body later.
Mr. Smith was asked if George had ever confessed any of his
life's history to him, to which he answered: "Well, yes, to some
extent. He has had a past of which I do not care to speak at the
present. I think he killed a man in Texas. He may be Booth."
George committed suicide in the Grand Avenue Hotel, taking
poison. He previously attempted suicide at El Reno. A letter
found in his pocket addressed, "To Whom It May Concern," sets
aside a former will which he made, although its contents are not
known. He was worth about thirty thousand dollars, owning
property in El Reno, Oklahoma; in Dallas, Texas, and a lease on
six hundred acres in the Indian Territory. He carried $5,000.00
No reason for the suicide is known. George maintained on his
death bed to his attendants that he was John Wilkes Booth, and
his general appearance closely resembles that of the murderer of
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Enid, Oklahoma, January 21st, 1903 -- The Wave's editorial and
reportorial force have been searching closely for data and
evidence to sustain or obliterate the report that the remains
lying in the Enid morgue, under the name of David E. George,
could possibly be those of J. Wilkes Booth, who assassinated
Abraham Lincoln nearly thirty-eight years ago. All the history or
account of that sad and terrible affair to be found in the city
has been searched, and while the history at hand leaves but
little doubt of the decease of Booth in attempting to escape from
the burning barn in Virginia, that he was shot by Boston Corbett
upon his first appearance from the barn, and that he died on the
porch of Garrett's Virginia farm home, was taken to Washington,
identified and buried secretly, that a diary was found on his
person, etc., yet the fact still remains that a doubt did exist
with the government as to the positive identity of the man
killed; hence the reward for his capture was never paid, for the
identity was not clear. The Wave is still of the opinion that the
possibility of the dead man being all that is mortal of John
Wilkes Booth remains in doubt, but it must be admitted that the
evidence goes to show that if George was not Booth he was his
double, which, in connection with his voluntary confession to
Mrs. Harper, makes the case interesting and worthy the attention
of the Attorney General's department of the United States.
Doctors Baker and Way unearthed the December, 1901, number of the
Medical Monthly Journal in their office, which number was almost
wholly devoted to the consideration of the murderers of the
Presidents of the United States [CfD -- Then, officially,
Lincoln, Garfield and McKinley had been assassinated] and
European potentates. In this pamphlet we found a portrait of J.
Wilkes Booth, with quite a writeup as to his character, a
physical and anatomical description among other descriptions. It
said the forehead of J. Wilkes Booth was Kephalonard, the ears
excessively and abnormally developed, inclined to the so-called
Satanic type; the eyes were small, sunken and unequally placed;
the nose was normal; the facial bones and jaw were arrested in
development, and there was a partial V-shaped dental arch; the
lower jaw was well developed.
Yesterday the editor of the paper, in company with Dr. McElreth,
visited the corpse and compared it with the above description of
Booth, and we must acknowledge that the dead man shows all the
marks credited to Booth above in every particular. The satanic
ear is not much larger than the ordinary ear, but the lower lobe
thereof clings close to the side of the head instead of
projecting outward like the common or ordinary ear. The corpse
has that kind of an ear. The eyebrows of the dead man are not
mates in appearance, which fits the description of Booth. The
Booth chin, mouth, upper lip and general description is
absolutely perfect in the corpse.
The Wave has been searching for a fac-simile of Booth's
handwriting. It was found today in a copy of Harper Brothers'
Pictorial History of the Civil War, and we were startled when we
compared it with the round, little, scrawly boy writing of D.E.
George. We placed the very last words George wrote by the side of
the fac-simile writing of Booth, and it really seemed to us that
one and the same man had written both, Booth's fac-simile
signature shown in Harper's Pictorial History indicated the same
irregular handwriting as George's.
History readers will remember that a supposed attempt was made to
poison President Lincoln in a hotel in Meadeville, Pennsylvania,
in August, 1864. A notice appeared in the window of the hotel,
saying: "Abe Lincoln departed this life August 1st, 1864, by the
effects of poison."
After the Washington tragedy this handwriting on the window was
found to be the handwriting of J. Wilkes Booth, and as it
appeared in Harpers' Pictorial History of the Civil War it is a
fac-simile of the writing of D.E. George, now supposed to be
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The Perry, Oklahoma Republican [Another Oklahoma newspaper]:
Perry, Oklahoma, June 5th, 1903 -- The Booth Case:
It is now fully developed that the man at Enid, who committed
suicide on January 13th last, was none other than John Wilkes
Booth, the slayer of President Lincoln. Junius Brutus Booth, the
nephew of John Wilkes Booth, has fully identified the picture of
David E. George as that of his uncle, John Wilkes Booth.
It has always been known by the Booth family that John Wilkes
Booth was alive, and they have been in constant communication
with him ever since April 14th, 1865, the day of President
Lincoln's assassination and the escape of John Wilkes Booth. This
knowledge on the part of Junius Brutus Booth, the actor, was what
prompted him, or his brother Edwin, to make remarks about the
supposed grave of J. Wilkes Booth. He or they well knew that the
body in the grave was not that of J. Wilkes Booth.
People conversant with the history of the published capture of
Booth, and with the fact that the reward offered by the Federal
government for Booth's capture has never been awarded, many
always believed him to be alive. From the time of Booth's
supposed capture, in April, 1865, until January of this year, J.
Wilkes Booth has been in almost constant touch with his friends.
Being an actor, and also secluded by the wilds of Texas and
Indian Territory, and through the anxious efforts of friends and
relatives to preserve his life, it has been an easy matter for
Booth to conceal his identity. In this he has been as smooth as
was his disguise as an old colored man moving. [CfD -- Booth is
reported to have hid in the wagon of an old black man who he had
persuaded to pretend to be moving. This reportedly occurred soon
after the assassination of Lincoln, when Booth was being hotly
pursued by at least some of the Federal forces.] There are no
records, and never have been, in the Federal archives which go to
show any positive or direct proof of the death of Booth. There
has always been a lingering desire in the hearts of the people to
believe that such was the case, but to the close student of
affairs a doubt has always existed.
At the time of the suicide of George in Enid and his claim to be
none other than John Wilkes Booth, the Republican stated its
belief in the confession of the man. All the facts in the case
have pointed, and do now point, to the truthfulness of his death
bed statement. For many years George, alias Booth, has been
furnished funds by his friends.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The Daily Democrat [Another Oklahoma newspaper]: El Reno,
Oklahoma Territory, June 3rd, 1903 -- From the evidence at hand
there is no doubt that the man who died at Enid last January, and
who was supposed by some to be John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of
President Lincoln, was really that man, he having been identified
by many who knew John Wilkes Booth before the war, during the war
and since that time.
After the death of the man certain papers found on his person led
to the opinion that he was the fugitive assassin supposed to have
been killed thirty-three years ago, and the body was embalmed to
await a thorough investigation. It has been in an undertaking
house here ever since, and all possible efforts have been made to
verify the remarkable claim made by the dead man's lawyer, who
came from Memphis, Tennessee, and asserted that his client was
none other than the slayer of President Lincoln.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: St. Louis, Mo., June 3d, 1903 -- A
special from Enid, Oklahoma says: "Junius Brutus Booth, the
actor, a nephew of John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of President
Lincoln, has fully identified from photographs, etc., the man,
David E. George, as his uncle, John Wilkes Booth.
George, or Booth, committed suicide here January 13th last, and
in his effects was found a letter directed to F.L. Bates,
Memphis, Tenn., who came here at once and identified the body as
that of John Wilkes Booth, and has since secured confirmation of
his statement that George is in fact Booth.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
[CfD -- Finis L. Bates notes that "the foregoing are a few of the
many comments made in the various publications." *Unsolved
Mysteries* covered this story. Following are excerpts. Note that
the person named "Orwellek" (sp?) has been investigating aspects
of the Lincoln assassination for years.]
ORWELLEK: Bates had the body preserved. He took many pictures of
the body. Eventually, he had the body mummified to preserve it
for posterity; to prove once and for all that the government had
fooled us all. And he was not going to allow that cover-up to
NARRATOR: In 1931, six Chicago physicians examined the mummified
body of John St. Helen [a.k.a. David E. George, John Wilkes
Booth]. According to the findings of this affidavit, they
specifically noted a scarred right eyebrow, a crushed right thumb
and a broken-limbed leg. John Wilkes Booth is known to have had
all three of these unusual characteristics.
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Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et
pauperem. -- Liber Proverbiorum XXXI: 8-9
Brian Francis Redman "The Big C"
Coming to you from Illinois -- "The Land of Skolnick"
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