GameBusters cheat codes for all sorts of games

 GameBusters Revision 4.0. 



This file was created by Shinobi. I told you more would come, 

here they are! This file still has the old ones as well. 


Space Ace 



Type 'DODEMODEXTER' during the game and it will show you the entire 

game, completed. 


Batman - The Movie 



   While the introduction is displayed, type 'JAMMMM'. 

The words 'Cheat Mode On' should appear at the top of the screen. 

You now have unlimited lives. Also, pushing F10 will skip to the next 



Dogs Of War 



   While playing the game type 'TIMBO'. Then press F5 and the game's 

sprite detection will be turned off. 


Gemini Wing 



   Type the corresponding passwords to warp to each level. 


   Level 3 - classics 

         4 - whizzkid 

         5 - gunshots 

         6 - doodguyz 

         7 - d.gibson 


Dragon Spirit 



   Pause the game by pressing F9, and type 'DRAGON HEAD'. Then press F10 





   Pause the game by pressing F9. 

   Now hold: HELP, LEFT SHIFT, and the 1 key on the main keyboard. 

   Let go of all three, then push F10 to restart the game. Now when you play 


   1 - 5 = Warp to levels, 1-5 

   F1 - F4 = Warp to part 1 through 4 of current level 


When you use the F1-F4 your strength is also renewed. 


New Zealand Story 



   Pause the game, then press M. You should hear a laser gun sound. 

Type 'MOTHERF**KENKIWIB**TARD'. Unlimited lives are yours 


Dragon Scape 



   Press the TAB key, then 2 to warp to the next level. 





   Type AVALON on the title page. It should flash indicating unlimited 

lives. Or, start a two player game. Kill player One. 

On the screen right after you get your magic boots, push the third cactus. 

An extra man will appear. Get it. Now kill player two. Continue play 

with player one and every time he dies, continue to get the extra man 

with player two. As long as you do this, player one will never die. 


Zany Golf 



   There is a secret level. Make it to the last level (Energy). There is 

a mouse hole where two eyes appear occasionally. When these eyes turn 

red putt the ball into the hole to warp to the secret level, called 






   Press ESC (to quit the game) and after restarting hit E. Otherwise 

type 'SWAMP THING' on the high score table, and then E as well. You 

can now skip levels with the + and - keys. To enter the built in 

game editor, push Diag/Up/Left, and push fire, then E. 





   After you get hit, pause the game, then unpause again. You will 

be invulnerable. Be careful though, this works for the computer as well! 





   When on the starting line, type 'LAVILLASTRANGIATO', then: 


X - Spins car 

S - Next stage 

P - Refuel 

G - End game 

1 - Mount UZ cannon 

2 - Cruise missles 

3 - Electro shields 

4 - Nitro injectors 

0 - Remove all weapons 





   Type 'easymode' on the high score table. During the game, F9 skips levels 

and makes you invulnerable. F8 removes cheat. 


Rambo III 



   Get a high score, for your name enter 'RENEGADE'. Then 1, 2 or 3 will 

skip levels. 


Flying Shark 



   On the high score table, enter HSC for infinite lives, or KDJ for 



Return of the Jedi 



   On the high score table, enter 'Darth Vader'. From now on F2 will skip 

a stage. 





   On the options screen, type 'WHEN THE SWEET SHOWERS OF APRIL FALL'. 

You will then have access to a cheat menu. 





   On the high score table, enter 'JAMES CAMERON'. Now press F9 whenever 

you need more lives. 





   Level 2 Password: RECOVERY 

         3         : ALOYSIUS 

         4         : ANDERSON 


Cybernoid II 



   On the title page, type 'NECRONOMICON'. 


Spitting Image 



   The game is easiest if you fight in this order: 


1) Reagon, Pope 

2) Gorby, Pope 

3) Ayatollah, Pope 

4) Botha, Pope 

5) Margaret, Pope 


Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Game) 



   On the title page, type 'IEHOVAH'. The screen should flash. 

Now, during the game press L to skip levels or 1 - 2 to pick sections 

of current level. 





   On the high score table, enter 'ALF' for infinite lives. 


Ghouls and Ghosts 



   At the beginning of the game, after pressing fire to start, 

type 'KAREN BROADHURST' for invulnerability. 


Rick Dangerous 



   Enter 'POOKY' on the high score table to continue on the current level. 

No use unless you can at least pass level 1! 





   Enter 'POOKY' on the high score table, but press 1 - 5 to pick levels. 





   Hold down the left mouse button and joystick button while typing 

'GROWLER'. Whenever you need more time, press T. 


   Also, at the beginning of every stage press the space bar before 

the speech finishes and you will use a nitro without it being deducted. 


   To make your steering easier, use the 'Z' and 'X' keys to steer. 


Hard Driving 



   Use Manual controls, and when you get to full speed press N (neutral). 

You will now continue to cruise along at top speed, invulnerable. You 

will have better steering and will not skid. As long as you stay in 

neutral you will have unlimited time as well. 


   Another trick is to repeatedly hit 4th gear (4 key) until the program 

has an error. Continue with the right mouse button. Repeat until you 

get a high score. 


Fighter Bomber 



   On the name entry, type 'BUCKAROO'. The computer will respond by 

typing 'Oh no, it's a buckaroo!'. Now you can try out all 16 missions. 





   Type '04-08-59' for invulnerability. The screen should turn grey. 

To beat the final stage, block the fire with your shield so that it rebounds 

towards the enemy. 


Operation Thunderbolt 



   Get a high score of 50,000. For your name, enter 'WIGAN NINJA'. 

From now on hit F7 to skip levels, but remember you need at least 1 

hostage from every area first. 





   Enter 'ZEBEDEE' on the high score table. Now, F1 skips levels and 

F2 renews your lives 


After the War 



   The second level code is 101069. 

   On the first level, hold ALT, 1, and D for invulnerability. 

   On the second, hold ALT, 1, and J. 





   To skip levels, pause the game and enter the following passwords 

(depending on the level) 



2 - 'MACN ALLEY' or is that 'MAC N ALLEY'? 


4 - 'A NIT IN TIME' 


Chaos Strikes Back (DM II) 



   Find a dragon. 

   Cast the spell MON ZO GOR SAR. Press ESC to pause the game. 


   Unpause, and kill the dragon. It will leave behind a firestaff, 

and your party will be invinceable. 


Rings of Medusa 



After entering your name, type 'DESOXYRIBONUKLEINSAEURE', then HELP. 


Beach Volleyball 



Type 'DADDY BRACEY' during the game. The screen should flash. 

From now on F1 will skip levels. 





Enter SUMITA on the high score table for unlimited lives. 


Battle Squadron 



While playing the game, type 'CASTOR' for invulnerability. 

Also, if you type 'ELECTRONIC' on the title page, you have access 

to a cheat mode that lets you edit game options. 


Rock and Roll 



Enter 'RAINBOW ARTS' for your name. The screen should turn grey. 

Now, to warp to any level enter : 

Level Number, XX, followed by four digits that when added together equal 

the level number, and then the level number reversed. 


Examples: To Play level 12, enter: 12 XX 3333 XX 21 

12 is the level, 3+3+3+3=12, 21 is 12 reversed. 


If you want to hear the tunes type 'COUNTRY' and a menu will appear. 






While driving, hold down the fire button. This will sound your siren 

and everyone will clear the streets. Now you can drive full speed 

without worry of crashing. 


Continental Circus 



   Want  a  fast start of the line?  When the first red light comes on push 

the  joystick forward.  When the second red light comes on release the joystick. 

As  soon  as  the green light flashes on, push the joystick forward. 





   To  enter  the training mode, simply press ' Z ' after Game Select, plug 

the mouse in the second joystick port and press the right mouse button while the 

game loads. 


Eye Of Horus 



   When  you have entered the password and "Press Fire To Start" appears on 

the  screen  enter ' SPAM ' to activate the cheat mode.  You will have unlimited 

lives and will not need to find colored keys to activate the elevators. 


Ninja Warriors 



   Try the following cheats.  They're not actually cheats, just fun special 

effects.  Put CAP LOCK on and then type the following cheat you require and then 

and then turn CAP LOCK off.  All of the effects can be combined and run together 

if you are feeling in a really silly mood! 


        THE TERMINATOR - Ninja body parts explode when you die. 

          MONTY PYTHON - Enemies walk on backward. 

                SKIPPY - Enemies bounce. 

  A SMALL STEP FOR MAN - Moon gravity. Jumping baddies jump right of the screen. 

          STEVE AUSTIN - Press S during play toggles slow motion on and off. 


PACLAND (Hints, the cheats are above) 



Level 1 - In  the  one  player  mode,  run to the right, and when you get to the 

third  fire hydrant, jump over it and push it to the left.  This will give you a 

blue hard hat which protects you from falling ghosts. 


Level 2 - On  this  level,  go  right, and when you've jumped over the the third 

cactus,  push it to the left.  This will make you invincible for the rest of the 



Level 3 - At the end of this level you will be given a pair off magic boots.  On 

the  way  back,  push  the  cactus  on the edge of the lake to make a big yellow 

Pacman appear, then collect it for an extra life. 


- Jump on the roof of the approaching ghosts' cars to escape. 

- Only collect power pills when ghosts are in range, otherwise, its wasted. 

- When you approach the Breaktime sign, jump about one inch away from it to 

  receive the maximum bonus. 





   Here are the codes for the higher levels: 


      FOLD      TEAR      DUCT 

      EYES      PEAS      PODS 



Shadow Of The Beast 



   Unlimited  lives!   Simple!   Boot  disk  1  and  when the "Beast" title 

appears,  press  both mouse buttons and the joystick button at the same time and 

keep them depressed until asked to insert disk 2.  Told ya it was easy! 





Trouble getting a hold of that elusive blanket.  Read On! 

   Pick  up  the  food  bowl and go right.  Give the bowl to Charlie Brown, 

wait  and  eat  the  food.   Go to the hut, pick up the typewriter, use and give 

letter to Charlie Brown.  Eat cookies and use cookie jar to catch the frog.  Get 

umbrella,  and  use  it to walk under the rain cloud and get the ball.  Kick the 

ball  onto the river, pick up the coin and jump over barrels and ball.  Toss the 

coin into the well. 

   Jump  back  across  and get catapult.  Jump back and burst the balloons. 

Get  the  pump.   Pump up Lucy's paddling pool.  Fill pool with hose water.  Get 

frog in jar and scare Lucy by letting the frog loose. 

   Pick  up horse and take it to the tree with the kite.  Get pump and pump 

up  the  horse.   Jump  on horse to get the kite.  Go to the rain cloud with the 

kite,  and give the kite to Charlie Brown.  Follow him, pick up the key, use key 

in school lockers.  Get blanket and give it to Linus.  Voila! 





   To  get  further in this pretty arcade adventure, here's how to activate 

the  cheat  mode.   As the game starts to load hold down the joystick button and 

the  left  mouse  button  and  keep  them  held down until the game has finished 

loading.  Then when the game starts, quickly press SPACE to pause the game.  Now 

type  in the following:  ' MNBVC '.  This will give you infinite time and lives. 

Pause the game and press ' L ' to skip to the next level. 


Treasure Island Dizzy 



   Here are some objects and where to use them: 


                 CHEST - Below the cliff 

               SNORKEL - In the water 

     GRAVEDIGGER SPADE - In the grave, which is on Island 2. 

           MAGIC STONE - Totem pole, which is also found on Island 2. 

  DETONATOR & DYNAMITE - In the mine on Island 1. 

           AXE & BIBLE - Bridge on Island 1. 

            POGO STICK - Pogo place on ship. 

    SACK OF GOLD COINS - Shop, where else? 

       FIRE-PROOF SUIT - In the smuggler's cave on Island 2. 

                BRANDY - Shop. 

              GOLD EGG - Shop. 

             BRASS KEY - Smuggler's cave. 

               CROWBAR - Rock in water. 





   Here's  a  tip  to  help  with this tough shoot'em up.  On the equipment 

screen,  select  the  white bug-shaped ship and put it in the grid area.  Choose 

the  single  orange-colored  laser, drag it up to the face of the shop owner and 

keep  clicking on the left mouse button and you'll get 500,000 credits.  Now arm 

yourself to the teeth and blast away to you hearts content. 


Xenon II 




   LEVEL 1: First shop buy Health, Super Nashwan. Second shop sell Rear 

                 Shot, buy Double Shot, Side Shot. 

   LEVEL 2: First shop buy Side Shot. Second shop sell Side Shot. 

   LEVEL 3: First shop buy Health, Rear Shot. Second shop sell all Rear 

                 Shot, buy Side Shot, Laser, Power Up. 

   LEVEL 4: First shop sell Rear Shop, sell Side Shot. 

   N.B.  Try to stick with your best weapon, and end up with 2 x Cannons, 

              2 x Lasers and either Side Shot or Rear Shot. 






   SEAWORMS: Annoying. Found on Level 1. Don't dies easily. Drains energy. 

   EYES:   Found  on  Level 2.  Very fast - collision is almost ineviatble. 

                Usually appear in large groups. 

   SLUGS: Found on Level 3, in the 'Maze'. Try to shoot them before they 

               fire richocet shots. 

   EELS: Found on Level 3. Enter the screen regularly, usually from bottom. 

   WALL SNAKES: Found on Level 3. Difficult to spot at times. Go below them 

                     order to kill. 

   DINOSAUR HEADS: Found on Level 4. Similar to Wall Snakes except they 

                        don't pop out. 

   FIRE: Found on Level 4. Similar to wall snakes. 



   SNAIL: Shoot at eye. Avoid Mines. 

   ALIEN: Shoot at eyes at either side of top. Scroll backwards and shoot 

               centre eye. Avoid snakes. 

   SPIDER: Destroy as much web as possible. Fly down to face spider and 

                fire continuously. Avoid fireballs. 

   CRAYFISH: Travels in a figure eight. Stay below and fire into its face. 

                  Avoid claws. 

   SNAKE: Attacks from left of screen. Circle round, shooting head as it 

               goes in and out of alternate sides. 

   DRAGON: Shoot the side heads first, then tail, then main head. 

   HEAD: Shoot both eyes, avoiding laser fire and extending tongue. Shoot 

              at head when tongue goes in. 

   TANK: Use heat-seeking missiles. 

   GRAND SPACESHIP: Shoot all cannons until totally destroyed. 


ITEM         COST      COMMENTS 

Advice          200      Only useful after Level 1 

Speedup         500      Essential to survival 

Half Health     500      Restores half your energy 

Autofire        500      Essential if joystick hasn't one 

Nashwan         600      10 seconds of sheer heaven 

Full Health    1000      Restores all energy 

Rear Shot      1000      Very effective on later levels 

Small Mine     1000      Useless 

Side Shot      1000      Cannot be used with Rear Shot 

Eletroball     1200      Too sensitive to control 

Power-Up       2000      Double size of bullets 

Large Mine     3000      Useless 

Double Shot    3000      Recommended on later levels 

Cannon         4000      Effective when using two 

Dive           4000      Waste of money, but fun 

Missiles       4000      Weak to start with 

Laser          4000      Awesome when two or more used 

Drone          4500      Too slow to be effective 

Flamer         5000      Extremely limited range 

Bomb           5500      Limited range but very powerful 

Extra Life     6000      Speaks for itself 

Homers         6000      Four slow but powerful missiles 

Protection     6000      Doesn't do much 

Bitmap Shades  6000      Darkens screen - Utterly useless 





   Play the game until you've killed you last man.  If you were good enough 

to put your your name on the high score table, enter ' ALF '.  Now you can start 

the game again with unlimited energy and all the extras. 





Start the game, and pause it with the space bar. 

Type 'DSIMAGIC' (don't hit return) and hit space to unpause. 


Now a yellow Power capsule named  DS  will fall down.  Catch 

it.  Now you can get any power capsule you want any time. 

Press the first letter of the capsule you want, and it will 

fall down for you to catch:  


  Break  Catch  Disruption  Expand  Laser  Player  Slow 


Catch some Player capsules first to get extra lives. 


You can also use two capsules at the same time, like Disrupt 

the ball into three balls, and use Lasers also. 


Pressing the  F  key will send you to the Finsl screen where 

you fight DOH, the Dominion Over Hour monster on the cover 

 of the package.  You'll need lots of lives first. 


Skip over any screen by pressing  Enter  on the keypad, or  

get through the screen fast (with points too) using a Break 




Arkanoid II - Revenge of DOH 



On the high score screen, type in the name  DEBBIE S   

(with the space), and you'll have infinite lives.   


Or, after you die in the game, on the title page hit 

CAPS-LOCK and type 'DALEY-88'. 


Or, (!) when the title screen appears type 'ROBOCOPPETER' for 

continuous mode. 


Or, (!!!) after dying, on the title screen smash your CAPS-LOCK 

and type MAGENTA, now during the game hit 'S' to skip levels. 





Boot and run the game as usual, but at some point after the 

game has started, type in:  04-08-59   ...It will make the 

Barbarian character almost invincible, but he can still be 

killed by very high falls, and by the flame-hurling horned 

demon in the dungeon deep, pictured on the cover. 


After you type  04-08-59  the screen will turn gray, telling 

you that you're invincible. 


Once you make it to Necron, you must have a shield.  Face  

Necron when he turns to face you.  When he throws a fireball 

at you, press the defense button as it hits your shield. 


Bard's Tale 



How to hoard millions in gold without trying:  Load your 

party, go to the stats screen for the first player.  Pool 

all of the party's gold to the first player, then remove 

him from the party, then load him back in.  Then pool the 

gold to another player.  Repeat this for each player. 


Then turn off the computer without saving the game.  Reboot 

and each player will have gold equal to the TOTAL the party 

had before.  Repeat if you're really greedy ! 


Better Dead Than Alien 



If you are just about to be hit by an alien or a bomb, press 

the ESC key to pause, move your ship out of the way, then 

press  N  to resume the action. 


Type  CHAMP  on the options screen, then press the  HELP 

key.  You'll be shown a list of cheat keys. 


The password for the last level is 'QUARANTINE'. 





To find the "special bonus", go to the front of the Post 

Office.  Shoot the ball at the top of the flag pole, and  

your score will go way up.  If you shoot it again, you'll 

see a screen of the programmers!  Shoot again and you'll be 

invincible, standing in the bank.  At the end of that round, 

you will start at the beginning, except you'll be in warp 



Defender of the Crown 



During the game, when it is loading hold 'K' and you should 

get 1,024 knights in your army and 1,024 at home. 


Dragon's Lair 



To see the entire game completed, hold the following 

keys at the SAME TIME: '<ESC>' 'R' '/' 'L' 'N' '7'. 

Then press FIRE on the joystick. 


Dungeon Master 



To advance Ninjas a level, stand in a hall and throw all 

your weapons, then get them and repeat.  This also works 

with magic and Fighter levels:  cast a spell at the air, 

or slash and bash until you gain a level. 


F/A-18 Interceptor 



Select option "2 Free Flight, no enemy confrontation" from 

the main menu.  Then select zero instead of 1 to 4.  The 

screen will go into a spiral and scroll way south to 34 by 

117 degrees, placing your plane somewhere without a runway. 

To take off you have to use the afterburners.  117 degrees 

is the furthest south you'll be able to fly, but you can go 

in other directions.  (Is there more to this back door? hmm) 


Fairy Tale Adventure 



Sometimes you can accumulate all the treasure you want by 

going near the item, press space bar, and keep pressing 'T'. 

You'll receive an infinite supply of that treasure. 


Save your position in a dungeon.  Then go through it until 

you don't have anymore keys.  Restore your position.  All  

doors already opened will still be open, and you'll have a 

new supply of keys.  Repeat if needed.  Also works in cave. 


Jump on the turtle and start slashing.  Your bravery points 

will go up to infinity, but doesn't hurt the turtle or you. 


On the island with the Crystal Castle, press the right mouse 

button while talking to the Sorceress and your luck will go 

to 65.  "Ask"ing the Sorceress several times will normally 

boost your luck. 


If running low on green keys, use a secret entrance for the 

fort - it is on the left side, almost even with the door. 





Boot game and don't do anything until the high scores screen 

appears.  Then type COMMANDER and click the fire button. 

When it starts, wait a few moments and press the F10 key. 

If the extensions of your ship get flickery or glimmer, 

you're now invincible and have unlimited expansions and 

smart bombs.  Get to the other 6 levels of expansions by 

pressing F1 through F5 when you're in unexpanded mode, or 

capture the special "capsules" in the usual way.  Move to  

other game levels (there are three) with the F8 key, and 

turn invincibility off or on with the F10 key.  No High 

scores are collected when you're invincible. 


Karate Kid II 



Press the  P  key in single player mode to be taken to the 

next screen.  You can go as far as the Final Encounter.  In 

2-player mode, you can go to the next-to-the-last screen. 


Leisure Suit Larry 



Press ALT and X at the same time to bypass the proof-of-age 






Slow down your ship completely 

Press F1 for fixed sights 

Hit backspace to pause the game and type 'js arg s'. 

Now you should be invincible. 

Press 'P' for more missles. 

Your fuel and shields will never be depleted. 


Also, a secret built-in 3D object viewer running in the  

background is available by pressing the  z  key once you've 

entered the invincible mode.  Use the keyboard to pause [p], 

select [, and .] and manipulate objects - use all keys 

except q and ESC.  Use the mouse to change point of view 

and magnification and hold down the right button.  .... 


Starglider II 



Once the game has started, press  F  for fixed sights and 

then slow the ship to a halt.  Press BACKSPACE to pause, and 

type the words:  WERE ON A MISSION FROM GOD. 


Then press  1  (one) on the keyboard (not keypad).  Your 

shield and energy levels will drop to a fixed point.  Press 

the letter  K  to get all the weapons in the game, including 

the neutron bomb.  If you run low on weapons, you can get 

them all back by repeating the process. 


Sword of Sodan 



Type  NANCY  then press RETURN on the high scores screen for 

unlimited lives! 

Another method is to play your game and then die, then select 

Play again. Select the girl, and hit return repeatedly for unlimited 



Test Drive 



Holding down the joystick button while going around curves 

prevents you from hitting the wall or going off the cliff. 


Test Drive II 



During the game, type 'aerf' for ultra-fast acceleration and slow-down. 

Type 'bgass' to go directly to the gas station and have an outrageous 

average time. Type 'bgasst' to go to the gas station with real time. 

And I beleive I'm the first person to figure this one out, 

on the second level where the sign says 'Play grand prix circuit' 

type ',bruce' and watch it change to 'Bruce Dawson wrote this!' 

There is another cheat ('6outran') but I don't know what it is for. 


Three Stooges 



To really slow down "the hand" which selects the scenes, do 

the slapping game and pull Curly's ear: pull it continuously 

until the time runs out.  





Let yourself be killed off at the beginning of the 2nd stage 

of the 2nd level, and all aliens in the round are destroyed. 





 Tired of those migs blasting you out of the sky? Would you like 

unlimeted missles and guns? When playing Falcon on the Colonel 

level by pressing the control x key together you plane will be rearmed. 





 By typing HAMBURGER-HILL using the minus sign on the keypad, this 

will allow you to use the F1 thru F4 keys to move to differnt levels. 





 Hold down the enter key on the numeric pad and press the P key. 

While holding down the enter key on the numeric keypad and press O. 

F = Refuel 

L = Add 1 more life 

C = Special Effects on/off 

N = Resume game 


Forgotten Worlds 



   Here's a quick and easy tip for this brill Amiga blaster.  On title 

screen, type ARC then hit HELP.  Now press S for next shop and N for next 






   On the high score table, type CRASH and you can skip levels by 

pressing HELP.  Couldn't be simpler eh? 





   Fly to the top left of the screen to avoid incoming missiles.  Slow 

down on levels 8 and 17 to avoid rocks, and go full speed to dodge infra-red 






Type 'BEST KEPT SECRET' during the game for invulnerability. 


Helter Skelter 



   For tons of lives follow these intructions...  In a two player 

game, player one must firstly get an extra life.  Then, both players 

must lose all of their lives.  Player two will return with 99 lives and, 

when he loses only one life, player one will recieve 99 lives too. 


Cybernoid II 



   When the title screen appears, type NECROMONICON to ward off 

death.  Also, if you pause the game and press N you will proceed to the 

next level.  Alternatively, press L to restart the current level. 





   Here are the passwords to let you progress to the later levels... 




New Zealand Story (another cheat, also look above) 



   On level 2.4, stand at the entrance to the room in which the giant 

octopus is located and fire to the right a few times.  A Warp will appear 

which, when entered, will take you to the beginning of level 3.1. 


Sim City 


   Citizens less than willing to agree to higher taxes?  At the 

beginning of each year, set the tax rate from the budget level to zero %. 

Play in the usual way until Decemeber, or November if the speed is set at 

high).  Go to the budget window and set the tax rate to maximum (20%). 

Return to the editor. 

   When the budget window pops up in January, reset the tax rate to 

zero %.  This way the income will always be maximum and the citizens will 

live happily, believing that they live without taxes. 

   Or, if you need cash, hold SHIFT and type 'FUNDS' for $10000. 

It causes an earthquake every third time you do it, so do it BEFORE you 

start making your city. 




   For a full belt of cannon rounds and eight AIM 9L missiles, press 

CONTROL, Left ALTERNATE, and X.  Also, as landing is near impossible, go 

to End Of Mission to end the game and get your medals and points. 





   If you're finding this game a bit hard when you come to the 

"Rescue Tygra" stage, find a place where bonuses pop up frequently, and 

grab them.  If you're careful, this'll give you loads of lives. 


Marble Madness 



   Stay where you are on the first level of this enjoyable game for a 



Super Hang-On 



To activate the cheat mode, you must beat the current continent's 

high score table.  Africa is fairly easy.  Enter 750J on the high score 

table and it should change to "....".  The cheat mode is now enabled.  To 

get into the cheat mode, hold down Control, left Alternate, Z and T while 

the attract screen changes from the credits screen to the options screen. 

The cheat mode screen appears when you let go of the T and you will be 

prompted to enter new coefficients for the road turn effect using the 

numeric keypad.  Once the cheat mode has been enabled, it can not be 

disbaled, so it is worthing remembering that the initial settings are 60 

for outer turn and 45 for inner.  The bike gains machine guns when the cheat 

mode is activated.  It is used by pressing the Amiga key.  The stream of 

bullets can be used to destroy other bikes or roadside obstacles except 

check points and goal gates. 





For infinite lives type in "ad astra" (lowercase with space) on the high 

score screen. 









  Another file downloaded from:    



        -$-             & the Temple of the Screaming Electron 

         !    *                    Walnut Creek, CA 

   +    /^\   | 

   !    | |/\/^\  _^_     2400/1200/300 baud  (415) 935-5845   

  /^\  /   @ |  \/_-_\            Jeff Hunter, Sysop 

  |@ \_| @     @|- - -|                                  \    

  |  | |    /^\ |  _  |                  - - - - - - - - - *  

  |___/_\___|_|_|_(_)_|       Aaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!   /    


       Specializing in conversations, E-Mail, obscure information, 

   entertainment, the arts, politics, futurism, thoughtful discussion,  

          insane speculation, and wild rumours. An ALL-TEXT BBS. 


                         "Raw Data for Raw Nerves."  



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