Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990


                         AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION

                                       CD-ROM INTERCHANGEABILITY STANDARD--


                              DRAFT STANDARD

                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990




                  ATA DRAFT STANDARD 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990

                                Version 2.0


                               June 7, 1990

                     This is a combined effort of the

                        ATA/AIA Subcommittee 89-9C

                         and contributing vendors

                            Long Beach, CA, USA

                                London, UK

                           Schenectady, NY, USA


                                    Structured Full Text Query Language   i


                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990



  Committee Chairpersons:

       Holly Leiby, Boeing Computer Services

       Beverly Robitaille, Douglas Aircraft

  Contributing Members (Alphabetical):

       Paul Cotton, Fulcrum Technologies

       Sophie Deldon, Aerospatiale

       Jim Goldenberg, Maxwell Data Management, Inc.

       Charlie Holland, Context Corporation

       Mark Millane, EDS

       Mike Moran, IBM

       Don Morey, American Airlines

       Tom Rolander, KnowledgeSet

       Neil Shapiro, GE Corporate Research & Development

       John Skipsey, British Airways

       Larry Stone, TMS Inc.


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                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990



This specification  is based  on SFQL  1.0, which  was contributed  to  the

ATA/AIA by General Electric in 1988.

The committee  wishes to  express its gratitude to the following people who

contributed to this specification:

  Charlie Hearne (American Airlines) & F. John Bowers (GE), 89-9C Committee


  John Anderson (Boeing), 81-8 Committee Chairman, the forerunner of 89-9C

  Martine Delpech (Aerospatiale) and John Bowers (GE), Sponsors of the

     first SFQL prototypes.

  Dr. Neil Shapiro (GE), Elias Diamantopoulos (GE), Sophie Deldon

     (Aerospatiale), Patrick Mathe (Aerospatiale), Lionel Mondon

     (Aerospatiale), & Christine Piccou (Aerospatiale), for providing proof

     of the SFQL concept by building the first SFQL prototypes.

  Dr. Mike Blaha (GE), Dr. Edward Fox (Virginia Polytech), Dr. Clifford

     Lynch (University of California), reviewers of SFQL.

  Russell Copage, Fulcrum Technologies, for contributions to the SFQL 2.0

     language and for his efforts in the development of a parser for SFQL



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                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990


                             TABLE OF CONTENTS

List Of Figures................................................ix

List of Tables.................................................ix

1.  Introductory Concepts.......................................1

2.  SFQL Language Specification.................................3

  2.1  Scope....................................................3

  2.2  Limitations..............................................3

  2.3  Data Types...............................................4

     2.3.1  Character Strings...................................4

     2.3.2  Numbers.............................................4

     2.3.3  Dates...............................................5

  2.4  Database Model...........................................5

     2.4.1  Document-records (SQL Rows).........................5

     2.4.2  Collections (SQL Tables)............................6

     2.4.3  Tag-Field (SQL Column)..............................6

  2.5  Schemas..................................................6

  2.6  Root-node................................................6

  2.7  Notation.................................................6

  2.8  SFQL Statement...........................................7

  2.9  SFQL Grammar (Comparable to SQL Common Elements).........7

     2.9.1  <character>.........................................7  Function........................................7  Format..........................................8  Syntax Rules....................................8

     2.9.2  <literal>...........................................8  Function........................................8  Format..........................................9  Syntax Rules...................................10

     2.9.3  <token>............................................10  Function.......................................10  Format.........................................10  Syntax Rules...................................11

     2.9.4  Names..............................................12  Function.......................................12  Format.........................................12  Syntax Rules...................................13

     2.9.5  <value_specification>..............................13  Function.......................................13  Format.........................................13  Syntax Rules...................................13

     2.9.6  <tag_field_specification> (SQL <column_specification>)    13  Function.......................................13  Format.........................................13  Syntax Rules...................................14

     2.9.7  <query_specification>..............................15  Function.......................................15


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                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990

                                         ----------------------------------  Format.........................................15  Syntax Rules...................................16

     2.9.8  Search Conditions..................................16  Function ......................................16  Format.........................................17  Syntax Rules...................................19

     2.9.9  Cursor Operations..................................20  Function.......................................20  Format.........................................20  Syntax Rules...................................21

     2.9.10  Function Definitions..............................22  General Functions.............................22  Function....................................22  Format......................................22  Syntax Rules................................22  Special Functions.............................22  Function....................................22  Format......................................23  Syntax Rules................................24  Action Functions..............................24  Function....................................24  Format......................................24  Syntax Rules................................25

3.  Return Data Specification..................................27

  3.1  Data Return (SFQL Communications Area)..................27

     3.1.1  Status and Data Message Format (SFQLCA)............27

     3.1.2  Client/Server Interaction..........................27

     3.1.3  SFQLCA Header......................................27

     3.1.4  SFQLMSG Area.......................................29  Variable Length Record (VLR) Data Return.......29  Description..................................29  Field Subrecord (FSR) Format.................32  Standard Return Data Types.....................33  Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM).............34  Date/Time (DATE1)............................34  Floating Point (FP)..........................35  Two-byte Signed Integer (INT16)..............36  Four-byte Signed Integer (INT32).............36  Formatted String Data Return (SZ)............36  Formatted Text Types (TEXT)..................36  Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)..............36  Unsigned Four Byte Integer (UINT32)..........36  Nested Variable Length Record (VLR).........36  Vendor Extensions (?xxxxxxx)................37

     3.1.5  Return of Preliminary SFQLCA.......................38

     3.1.6  Error Handling.....................................38  Overview.......................................38  Error Messages.................................39

  3.2  Server Compatibility Model..............................40

     3.2.1  Levels of Function.................................40

     3.2.2  Discovering Server Capabilities....................40

     3.2.3  Discovering Collection Information.................40

     3.2.4  Server Differences as Exceptions...................41

4.  References.................................................43


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                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990


Appendix A

  SFQL Keywords................................................45

Appendix B

  Directory of SFQL Functions..................................47

Appendix C

  SFQLCA Definition............................................65

Appendix D

  Schema Information Collections...............................71

Appendix E

  Error Code Directory.........................................79

Appendix F




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                           LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS


Figure 1.  Software Independent Approach


Figure 2.  Comparison with Relational Model.....................5

Figure 3.  Example of an interaction between the client and server.   28

Figure 4.  VLR format..........................................31

Figure 5.  VLR format illustrating return of textual data......35

Figure 6.  VLR format illustrating return of a nested VLR......37

Figure B-1.  Document-record versus hit traversal..............55


Table 1.  VLR Types............................................29

Table 2.  Standard Field Types and Field Type Version..........34

Table C-1.  SFQLCA Definition..................................65

Table E-1.  SFQLCODE categories and reserved values............79

Table E-2.  Standard SFQLCODEs for error conditions............81

Table E-3.  Standard SFQLCODEs for exception conditions........82


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                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990



The specification  presented here is part of the CD-ROM retrieval standards

being  prepared  by  the  ATA/AIA  Advanced  Retrieval  Technology  (89-9C)

committee1.       Specifically,   it   addresses   the   vendor-independent

standardization of information management on removeable media.

The current CD-ROM industry standard--ISO 9660--provides a common mechanism

for access to directory information and files on a disc.  Thus, any program

can read  data from any of the files on a CD-ROM. ISO 9660 does not provide

any information  content standards,  however.    This  means  that  special

software is necessary to display or manipulate the information contained in

the files on the disc.  In order to open the file contents for general use,

data format  standards (i.e.,  the organization  of data  within files) are

necessary.   Industry groups,  such as the ATA/AIA, are currently selecting

from the variety of standards available to represent different data types.

Standardization of data file formats is not sufficient, however, to produce

CD-ROMs that  can be  used with  various software packages.  To provide the

user rapid access to the vast amount of information that can be placed on a

CD-ROM, the  information must  be indexed.   Thus,  even with standard data

formats, CD-ROMs  still contain  nonstandard indexes used to search for the

data.  These indexes are created specifically for a given vendor's end-user

retrieval software.

One solution to this problem is to standardize the index formats, so that a

vendor's software  can read  another's index.   This  solution is  not very

attractive, since  it requires  vendors to completely rework their existing

index/retrieval engines  to read  the new  index  format.      Further,  it

constrains vendors from optimizing their retrieval engines, a process which

often depends on the storage format of the indexes.

The present  document describes a different approach to permitting standard

access to  data and  indexes on  the disc.   Rather  than  standardize  the

structure of  information stored  on the  disc, the retrieval engine (which

searches the  indexes) and the end-user application software (which manages

user requests  and presents  data) are decoupled, and the interface between

them is standardized.

The decoupling  is provided  by the two layer design, illustrated in Figure

1.   The lower Data/Index Layer (server) has in-depth information about the

data and indexes, as represented on the disc.  The upper Presentation Layer

(client) knows  only how to translate user requests into a standard request

language, and  to present  data in  standard formats  to the  user.   Thus,

rather than  understanding the  data and index representations on the disc,

the Presentation  Layer sees  a logical  view of  the disc.  As long as the

communication between  the two  layers is standardized, discs with markedly

different  data/index   layers  (e.g.,   from  different  vendors)  can  be


1   For information  on  the  set  of  standards  applicable  to  ATA  disc

interchangeability see ATA 89-9C.CDROMPROFILE-R2-1990.


                                    Structured Full Text Query Language   1


                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990


interchangeably accessed  from any  end-user (Presentation Layer) retrieval


There are a number of immediate benefits of disc interchangeability:

  o  A single user interface can be used to access all compliant discs; a

     compliant disc can be used by all compliant user interfaces.

  o  Information providers can have discs created by any service provider,

     without impacting the end-user interface;

  o  Information providers can select end-user software without

     constraining their choice of data preparation service;

This layered  approach is  the easiest  path  to  disc  interchangeability,

because it  does not  require  reworking  the  details  of  existing  index

(Data/Index Layer) and retrieval (Presentation Layer) software.  Instead, a

standard interface   can  be inserted  between  the  existing  presentation

software and the underlying data/index engine.

The proposed  standard interface provides a mechanism to search for data on

the disc, and to request return data in standard formats.  The semantics of

the request  language and  general return data structures are the domain of

the Structured  Full-Text Query Language (SFQL), which is described in this


                 Figure 1.  Software Independent Approach


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                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990



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                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990



2.1  Scope

This document  specifies in detail a proposed interface standard called the

Structured Full-Text  Query Language  (SFQL).    SFQL  provides  convenient

access to  full-text index  information  and  textual  data,  in  a  manner

consistent with  the way  the ANSI standard Structured Query Language (SQL)

provides access to data in relational databases (ANSI X3.135-1986; see also

Date, 1987).   Although  SFQL currently focuses on full-text retrieval, the

specification has  been developed  to facilitate  an eventual merger of the

SFQL and  SQL standards.   Thus,  this specification  follows  three  basic


  o  SFQL will adopt from SQL any constructs it needs to support full-text

     rather than reinventing them;

  o  All new constructs in this specification are consistent with the SQL

     syntax style; and

  o  New constructs will not conflict with any known SQL construct.

2.2  Limitations

The specification  of SFQL,  driven by the ATA/AIA, is currently focused on

providing software-independent information delivery.  This specification is

limited to  the  constructs  that  are  necessary  to  support  information

delivery on removeable direct access media.

This specification excludes discussion of the following constructs that may

eventually be a part of SFQL:

  o  Schema Data Definition Language (SQL DDL)

          The constructs used to define the database.

  o  Update capability; (UPDATE/INSERT)

          The constructs used to update or add data.

  o  Transaction capability

          The constructs  used to  unitize a set of SFQL instructions, such

          that they  all are  executed or  none are.    This  is  primarily

          important when updates are permitted.

  o  Joins

          The constructs  used  in  SQL  to  combine  two  or  more  tables

          dynamically are not supported for collections.

  o  Views

          The construct used in SQL to dynamically form a new logical table

          from one  or all  of the  attributes (columns)  of  one  or  more



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                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990


  o  Subselects and Subqueries

          The SQL constructs used to nest one or more SQL SELECT statements

          such that  the most  deeply  nested  SELECT  statements  will  be

          completely evaluated  and the  results of that evaluation used as

          the basis for the evaluation of the subsequent SELECT. Comparable

          results are  generally   possible   by expressing   the  query in

          terms of  Boolean operators.

  o  Modules and procedures

          Constructs  used  in  SQL  to  provide  simple  reuseability  and


  o  Embedded SFQL (comparable to Embedded SQL)

          Constructs to  embed SFQL  (or SQL)  statements directly  into  a

          third-generation programming  language.   A preprocessor converts

          these into  native  constructs  of  the  target  third-generation

          language prior to compiling.

  o  Integrity constraints

          Constructs used  in SQL  to specify at database creation time the

          valid range  or type  of data  that is  permitted for  given data


  o  Security

          Constructs used  to provide  and enforce access restrictions on a


2.3  Data Types

The following  data types  are supported in SFQL language statements.  (See

Page 33,  "Standard Return  Data Types",  for information  on  return  data


2.3.1  Character Strings

A character string consists of a sequence of characters.  The character set

in SFQL  statements shall  comply with  the definition as stated in the ISO

standard, "8-bit  single  byte  coded  graphics  sets.    Part  1.    Latin

Alphabets"   (ISO 8859-1:1987, 1987).  This contrasts with SQL which allows

the character set to be implementation defined.

2.3.2  Numbers

SFQL supports  only signed  integer numbers  in statements.  In contrast to

SQL, SFQL does not support floating point values in statements.


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                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990


2.3.3  Dates

A date  is a  sequence of  integers represented  as year,  month, and  day,

separated by  hyphens.   Dates are  enclosed in  parenthesis  and  must  be

preceded by the keyword "DATE".

2.4  Database Model

The database  model, intended  for  full-text  databases,  is  based  on  a

relational DBMS  metaphor so  that SQL  concepts may  be applied.  Figure 2

illustrates the model.

                Figure 2.  Comparison with Relational Model

2.4.1  Document-records (SQL Rows)

A document-record  is all  or part  of a document, analogous to an SQL row.

Documents are  comprised of  a meaningful  amount of  text, analogous  to a

paper document.


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                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990


2.4.2  Collections (SQL Tables)

A collection is a set of document-records, analogous to an SQL table, which

may permanently reside in a database, or may be the result of a search.  If

a collection for a maintenance manual is named "Task", each document-record

carries the  full text  for a  task.  If a search extracts (via projection)

only the  "Special_Tool_And_Equipment" field of the "Task" collection, then

this results  in a  new collection  where each document-record is the full-

text of  the "Special_Tool_And_Equipment"  field (and  any subfields).    A

collection which results from a search is referred to as search-results.

2.4.3  Tag-Field (SQL Column)

Document-records are  divided into  fields (one or more).  A field might be

the entire document-record, a specific section of the document-record, such

as the  abstract or  introduction, or  it may  contain a  word  or  phrase.

Fields are typically indicated during data preparation by placing labels in

the text,  called  tags.    Thus,  in  SFQL,  fields  are  referred  to  as


Unlike  SQL,   which  does   not  support   nested  columns,  SFQL  permits

<tag_field>s to be nested within other <tag_field>s.  Further, SFQL permits

multiple occurrences  of a tag within a document-record.  In the relational

model, this  means that  a single column may have more than one value for a

single row.   Lastly,  certain <tag_field>s  may be  defined in a schema as


2.5  Schemas

There are  currently no formal schema definition constructs in SFQL, unlike

SQL.  However, a schema is still necessary.

The schema  definition language, which is done in SQL using a standard Data

Definition Language  (DDL), is  not included as part of this standard.  The

requirements of  individual servers  define the  results and the process of

data preparation.

SFQL contains  facilities to permit an application to dynamically determine

the <tag_field>s used in a collection (see Appendix D).

2.6  Root-node

A root-node  is defined  as the  location of  a collection,  for example it

could be  the name  of a network node or CD-ROM.  The location is logically

defined and may span multiple devices or nodes.

2.7  Notation

The following  grammar is  based on the ANSI standard, "Database Language--

SQL" (ANSI X3.135-1986).


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                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990


The syntactic notation is expressed in Backus Naur Form (BNF), where:

  o  A keyword (a literal portion of the syntax) is indicated by uppercase


  o  A production symbol (a symbol for which a production rule using ::=

     appears in the grammar) is enclosed in angle brackets.

  o  Any character not in angle brackets (excluding the characters below)

     is a keyword or literal character.

  o  Literal characters which are not printable in this specification are

     indicated by an underlined textual description.

The following additional syntactical notation is used:

  o  Square brackets ([]) are used to indicate optional elements.

  o  Ellipses (...) indicate elements that may be repeated one or more


  o  Braces ({}) indicate groups of elements

  o  Extensions to the ANSI SQL X3.135-1986 specification are indicated by

     bold italics on the left-hand side of a production.

2.8  SFQL Statement

The grammar  of an  SFQL statement  is as  follows (see  Appendix A  for  a

alphabetical list of keywords):

        <sfql_statement>      ::= <query_specification> ;

                                | <declare_cursor> ;

                                | <open_statement> ;

                                | <close_statement> ;

                                | <fetch_statement> ;

                                | <set_expression> ;

Note that a semicolon is always used to terminate an <sfql_statement>.

2.9  SFQL Grammar (Comparable to SQL Common Elements)

The following  grammar is  broken down using the same sections presented in

the ANSI SQL X3.135-1986 standard.

2.9.1  <character>  Function

To define the terminal symbols of the language.


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                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990

                                         ----------------------------------  Format

        <character>           ::= <digit>

                                | <letter>

                                | <special_character>

        <digit>               ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

        <letter>              ::= <upper_case_letter>

                                | <lower_case_letter>

        <upper_case_letter>   ::= A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J

                                | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T

                                | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

        <lower_case_letter>   ::= a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j

                                | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t

                                | u | v | w | x | y | z

        <special_character>   ::= See Syntax Rules.  Syntax Rules

A <special_character> is any character in the implementor-defined character

set other than a <digit> or a <letter>.  If the implementor-defined end-of-

line  indicator   is  a   character,  then   it  is   also  excluded   from

<special_character> (ANSI SQL X3.135-1986 Section 5.1, Rule 1).

The <special_character>s  shall include  all characters other than <digit>s

or <letter>s that occur in terminal productions of SFQL language, and shall

include the  percent sign  and underscore  characters (ANSI SQL X3.135-1986

Section 5.1, Rule 2).

2.9.2  <literal>  Function

Specify a nonnull value.


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                                         ----------------------------------  Format

        <literal>             ::= <string_literal>

                                | <numeric_literal>

                                | <date_literal>

        <string_literal>      ::= ' <character>... '

          The specification for <string_literal> permits any

            ASCII character to be embedded in the string other

            than the single quote character (').  To embed a

            single quote, two consecutive single quotes are


        <pattern>             ::= ' <pattern_character> ... ' [

     <escape_clause> ]

        <escape_clause>       ::= ESCAPE <escape_character>

        <pattern_character>   ::= <character>

                                | <string_wild_card>

          A <pattern> is formed exactly like a

            <string_literal>, but interpreted somewhat

            differently.  A pattern can contain

            <string_wild_card> characters, which are

            interpreted differently in a <pattern> than they

            are in a <string_literal>.   The '%' character

            represents zero or more characters.  The '_'

            character represents any single character.  A

            <pattern> is distinguished from a <string_literal>

            by its context.  The field WILDCARD in the

            collection Collections is used to determine where

            a <string_wild_card> can be placed (See Appendix


          To embed a <string_wild_card> without its special

            meaning, an <escape_character>, defined by the

            optional <escape_clause>, must preface the

            character.    To embed a single quote, two

            consecutive single quotes are used.

        <numeric_literal>     ::= [+ | -] <unsigned_integer>

          A <numeric_literal> consists of a exact numeric

            quantity, preceded by an optional sign.


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        <unsigned_integer>    ::= <digit>...

        <date_literal>        ::= DATE ( <years_value> - <months_value> -

     <days_value> )

          SQL does not support <date_literal>.  This

            definition of <date_literal> is based on SQL2,

            Section 5.3 (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC21 WG3 N986, 1989).

        <years_value>         ::= <date_time_value>

        <months_value>        ::= <date_time_value>

        <days_value>          ::= <date_time_value>

        <date_time_value>     ::= <unsigned_integer>

        <string_wild_card>    ::= _

                                | %

          The <string_wild_card> are used to represent any

            single character (_), or any sequence of zero or

            more characters (%).  Syntax Rules

The data  type of a <string_literal> is equivalent to an ANSI SQL character

string.   The length  of a  <string_literal> is  the number of <character>s

that it  contains.   A single  quote character  embedded in  the  character

string via two single quotes counts as a single character in both the value

and length  of the <string_literal> (cf. ANSI SQL X3.135-1986, Section 5.2,

Rule 2).

The data  type of  a <numeric_literal>  is integer.   The  precision  of  a

<numeric_literal> is  the number  of digits  that it contains (cf. ANSI SQL

X3.135-1986, Section 5.2, Rule 4).

2.9.3  <token>  Function

Specify lexical units.  Format

        <token>               ::= <nondelimiter_token> | <delimiter_token>


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        <nondelimiter_token>  ::= <identifier>

                                | <key_word>

                                | <numeric_literal>

        <identifier>          ::= <upper_case_letter>


        <underscore>          ::= _

        <letter_or_digit>     ::= <upper_case_letter> | <digit>

        <key_word>            ::= (See Appendix A)

        <delimiter_token>     ::= <string_literal>

                                | , | ( | ) | < | > | . | = | * | + | - | /

     | <> | >= | <=

        <separator>           ::= {<comment> | <space> | <newline>}...

        <comment>             ::= --[<character>...]<newline>

          A <comment> can follow any portion of an

            <sfql_statement> and constitutes the rest of the

            line up to the <newline>.

        <newline>             ::= ASCII_carriage_return

                                | {ASCII_carriage_return ASCII_line_feed}

                                | ASCII_line_feed

          SQL leaves this implementation undefined.  SFQL uses

            these definitions to promote interchangeability.

        <space>               ::= space character

        <escape_character>    ::= ' <character> '

          An escape character is used to preface another

            character, which normally has special meaning, to

            avoid that special interpretation in that context.

            For example, when a <string_wild_card> appears in

            a <pattern>, an escape character is used to remove

            the <string_wild_card>s special meaning.  Syntax Rules

A <token>, other than a <string_literal>, shall not include a <space> (ANSI

SQL X3.135-1986 Section 5.3, Rule 1).

Any <token> may be followed by a <separator>.  A <nondelimiter_token> shall

be followed  by a  <delimiter_token> or  a <separator>.  If the syntax does

not allow  a <nondelimiter_token>  to be  followed by  a <delimiter_token>,

then that <nondelimiter_token> shall be followed by a <separator> (ANSI SQL

X3.135-1986 Section 5.3, Rule 2).


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An <identifier>  shall not  consist of  more than 18 <character>s (ANSI SQL

X3.135-1986 Section 5.3, Rule 3).

An <identifier>  shall not  be identical  to a <key_word> (ANSI SQL X3.135-

1986 Section 5.3, Rule 4).

All lower  case letters  appearing in  an identifier  shall be  treated  as

though they  were effectively  converted to  the corresponding  upper  case

letter (cf., SQL 3, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC21 WG3, 1989).

2.9.4  Names  Function

Specify names.  Format

        <collection_name>     ::= [ <authorization_identifier> . ]


          A <collection_name> is equivalent to an SQL


        <authorization_identifier> ::= [ <root_node_name> : ] <identifier>

          This is used to qualify the  owner of a collection.

            (It is equivalent to <authorization_identifier> in

            SQL except that the optional <root_node_name> has

            been added.)

        <root_node_name>      ::= <identifier>

          The <root_node_name> is included for use in

            qualifying collections.  With removeable media

            collections (e.g., collections on a CD-ROM), this

            identifier can be used to specify the disc name

            which contains the collection.  The information

            can then be used to prompt the user to insert a

            different <root_node_name>.

        <correlation_name>    ::= <identifier>

          This is a temporary name, which can be equated with

            a <collection_name>.  A <correlation_name> can

            only be defined in the <from_clause> of a

            <query_specification>.  A <correlation_name> is

            valid only during interpretation of the

            <query_specification> in which it was defined.


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        <cursor_name>         ::= <identifier>  Syntax Rules

A <collection_name>  shall identify a collection defined in the schema (cf.

ANSI SQL X3.135-1986 Section 5.4, Rule 5).

The scope of a <correlation_name> is a <query_specification>.  In different

scopes, the  same  <correlation_name>  may  be  associated  with  different

collections or  with the same collection (cf.  ANSI SQL X3.135-1986 Section

5.4, Rule 7).

2.9.5  <value_specification>  Function

Specify one or more values.  Format

        <value_specification> ::= <literal>  Syntax Rules

A <value_specification>  specifies a  value that  is not  selected  from  a

collection (cf. ANSI SQL X3.135-1986 Section 5.6, Rule 1).

2.9.6  <tag_field_specification> (SQL <column_specification>)  Function

Reference a <tag_field> (column in SQL).  Format

        <tag_field_specification> ::= [<qualifier> .] <tag_spec>

                                | [<qualifier> .] <attr_spec>

                                | [<qualifier> .] <standard_tag>


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        <tag_spec>            ::= <tag_field>

                                | <tag_spec> <hierarchical_connector>


          The <tag_spec> is used to qualify a tag by the

            hierarchy represented in the schema.  Note that

            the nature of the tagging is not a part of SFQL

            itself, only the concept.  A schema defining the

            <tag_field>s is necessary for standard retrieval

            (see "Schemas", on Page 6).

        <hierarchical_connector>  ::= ->

        <attr_spec>           ::= <tag.spec> <attr_connector> <attr_name>

          The <attr_spec> is used to qualify an attribute of a


        <attr_connector>      ::= =>

        <attr_name>           ::= <identifier>

        <tag_field>           ::= <identifier>

          The <tag_field> is equivalent to the <column name>

            in SQL.

        <qualifier>           ::= <collection_name>

                                | <correlation_name>

        <standard_tag>        ::= DOCUMENT

          This <tag_field> represents the entire document-

            record.  Syntax Rules

A <tag_field_specification> references a named <tag_field>.  The meaning of

the reference depends on the context.

If   <tag_field_specification>    contains   a    <qualifier>,   then   the

<tag_field_specification> shall  appear within  the scope  of one  or  more

<collection_name>s or  <correlation_name>s.  If there is more than one such

<collection_name> or  <correlation_name>, then  the one with the most local

scope is specified.  The scope of a <collection_name> or <correlation_name>

is defined  in the  <from_clause>.   If the  <qualifier> is  not specified,

there shall  be exactly  one possible  qualifier within the scope, and that

<qualifier> is implicitly specified  (cf. ANSI SQL X3.135-1986 Section 5.7,

Rule 3).


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2.9.7  <query_specification>  Function

Specify   a    collection   derived    from   the   search-results   of   a

<table_expression>.  Format

The select  expression is  the basic  language structure  of SFQL.    At  a

minimum, it  consists of  statements telling  SFQL what to select, and from

where.     Additionally,  criterion   for   selection   can   be   included

(<where_clause>), as  well as  the  order  in  which  to  return  the  data

(<order_clause> ).

        <query_specification> ::= SELECT [ALL | DISTINCT]


        <select_list>         ::= <value_expression>

                                  [{ , <value_expression>}...]

                                | *

          The <select_list> is used to specify what

            information is to be returned from the collection.

            This is the mechanism for projection in relational


        <value_expression>    ::= <term>

                                | <value_expression> + <term>

                                | <value_expression> - <term>

        <term>                ::= <factor>

                                | <term> * <factor>

                                | <term> / <factor>

        <factor>              ::= [+ | -] <primary>

        <primary>             ::= <value_specification>

                                | <tag_field_specification>

                                | <general_function>

                                | <special_function>

                                | <action_function>

                                | ( <value_expression> )

          If the data type of <primary> is not number, then

            the <value_expression> should not include any



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        <table_expression>    ::= <from_clause>

                                  [ <where_clause> ]

                                  [ <group_by_clause> ]

                                  [ <having_clause> ]

        <from_clause>         ::= FROM <collection_ref> [{UNION


        <collection_ref>      ::= <collection_name> [<correlation_name>]

          The <from_clause> specifies the collection or

            collections in which the search is conducted.

            When more than one collection is specified, if the

            <tag_field>s are the same for both collections,

            those fields need to be qualified in the query.

        <where_clause>        ::= WHERE <search_condition>

          The <where_clause> allows the query to be qualified

            using predicates.  This determines the search-

            results of the query: that is, which document-

            records are included.

        <group_by_clause>     ::= GROUP BY <tag_field_specification>

                                [{ , <tag_field_specification>}...]

          The <tag_field>s specified must only occur once in

            the SFQLCA for each document-record in the search-


        <having_clause>       ::= HAVING <search_condition>  Syntax Rules

The  applicable   priviledges  for  each  <collection>  specificed  in  the

<table_expression> shall  include SELECT  (cf. ANSI SQL X3.135-1986 Section

5.25, Rule 1).

The <select_list>  "*" is  equivalent to  a <value_expression>  sequence in

which  each   <value_expression>  is   a   <tag_field_specification>   that

references a <tag_field> of the search-results, and each <tag_field> of the

search-results is  referenced exactly  once    (cf.  ANSI  SQL  X3.135-1986

Section 5.25, Rule 4).

2.9.8  Search Conditions  Function

Specify a  condition that  is TRUE  or FALSE  depending on  the results  of

applying boolean operations to specify conditions.


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                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990

                                         ----------------------------------  Format

        <search_condition>    ::= <boolean_term>

                                | <search_condition> OR <boolean_term>

        <boolean_term>        ::= <boolean_factor>

                                | <boolean_term> AND <boolean_factor>

        <boolean_factor>      ::= [NOT] <boolean_primary>

        <boolean_primary>     ::= <predicate>

                                | ( <search_condition> )

        <predicate>           ::= <comparison_predicate>

                                | <between_predicate>

                                | <in_predicate>

                                | <like_predicate>

                                | <null_predicate>

                                | <contains_predicate>

        <comparison_predicate>  ::= <value_expression> <comp_op>


          For full-text collections, only one

            <value_expression> in a <comparison_predicate> may

            represent a <tag_field_specification>.

        <comp_op>             ::= =

                                | <>

                                | <

                                | >

                                | <=

                                | >=

        <between_predicate>   ::= <value_expression>

                                [ NOT ] BETWEEN




          The <between_predicate> returns TRUE when the

            <value_expression> falls within the range

            (alphanumerically or ordinally) between the two

            strings.  For example, whenever the contents of

            the <tag_field> AUTHOR falls alphabetically

            between 'BAKER' and 'DARWIN'.

          All <value_expression>s in the <between_predicate>

            must be atomic.

        <in_predicate>        ::= <value_expression>

                                [ NOT ] IN <in_value_list>


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                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990


        <in_value_list>       ::= <in_value_list_item>

                                [{ , <in_value_list_item>}...]

        <in_value_list_item>  ::= value_specification

                                | general_function

        <contains_predicate>  ::= <tag_field_specification> [NOT] CONTAINS


          The <contains_predicate> evaluates to TRUE whenever

            the <contains_condition> evaluates to TRUE when

            applied to the <tag_field>.

        <contains_condition>  ::= <contains_term>

                                | <contains_condition>

                                      <contains_or_operator> <contains_term>

        <contains_or_operator>  ::= vertical bar character

        <contains_term>       ::= <contains_factor>

                                | <contains_term> & <contains_factor>

        <contains_factor>     ::= [ ~ ] <contains_primary>

        <contains_primary>    ::= <subcontains_predicate>

                                | ( <contains_condition> )

        <subcontains_predicate> ::= <proximate_predicate>

                                | <string_list>

        <proximate_predicate> ::= <string_list>

                                WITHIN <distance>

                                OF <string_list> [ IN_ORDER ]

          This predicate is used to test for proximity.

            Proximity is based on a number of

            <document_unit>s.  The condition evaluates TRUE

            whenever one of the strings in <string_list> is

            within the specified distance of one or more of

            the strings in the second <string_list>.

          IN_ORDER modifies the search so that matching

            document-records will have terms appearing in the

            same order as specified in the



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        <string_list>         ::= <string_list_term>

                                | <string_list> , <string_list_term>

        <string_list_term>    ::= <pattern>

                                | <general_function>

          The terms in <string_list> are logically or'd to

            complete a <contains_primary>.  Thus:

               'A', 'B' & 'C'

          is equivalent to:

              ('A' |  'B') & 'C'

        <distance>            ::= <unsigned_integer> <document_unit>

        <document_unit>       ::= CHARACTERS

                                | WORDS

                                | SENTENCES

                                | PARAGRAPHS

          The <document_unit> specifies the distance units for

            the <proximate_predicate>.

        <like_predicate>      ::= <tag_field_specification>

                                [ NOT ] LIKE <pattern>

        <null_predicate>      ::= <tag_field_specification> IS [NOT] NULL  Syntax Rules

A <search_condition> evaluates to TRUE or FALSE for each document-record to

which it  is applied.   Thus,  <search_condition>s are  used  to  determine

whether or  not (TRUE or FALSE) to include a document-record in the search-


SFQL predicates may not compare two <tag_fields>.  Compares between columns

in SQL  are used  to perform  joins, which  are beyond the current scope of



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2.9.9  Cursor Operations  Function

  Cursor operations are used to step through search-results one document-

     record at a time.  They are useful for retrieving data from SFQL in a

     manner consistent with the operation of third-generation languages,

     such as C or Pascal.  Format

        <declare_cursor>      ::= DECLARE <cursor_name> [ SCROLL ]

                                CURSOR FOR <cursor_specification>

        <cursor_specification>  ::= <query_term>

                                [ <order_by_clause> ]

        <query_term>          ::= <query_specification>

        <order_by_clause>     ::= ORDER BY <sort_specification>

                                [ { , <sort_specification> }...]

                                | ORDER BY <relevance_function>

        <sort_specification>  ::= {<unsigned_integer>

                                | <tag_field_specification>}

                                  [ASC  | DESC ]

        <relevance_function>  ::= RELEVANCE

                                | RELEVANCE ( <string_literal> )

          The <order_by_clause> permits the query to specify

            an order in which to return the data, i.e., so

            that it may be returned in ascending or descending

            alphabetical order.  The <tag_field>s specified

            must only occur once in the SFQLCA for each

            document-record in the search-results.

          The <relevance_function>  permits the data to be

            ordered by relevance, as judged by the server.

            Each server may have its own method of judging

            relevance. The optional argument to RELEVANCE is

            server specific.


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                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990


        <open_statement>      ::= OPEN <cursor_name>

          This operation opens a cursor for processing.  All

            expressions in the <cursor_specification> are

            evaluated when the cursor is opened.  The query is

            performed and the search-results are bound at this

            time.  If the open is successful, <open_statement>

            returns a SFQLCA containing the number of hits

            (possibly zero). If the search exceeds the


            PRELIMINARY SFQLCA is returned as if the server

            had received a SUSPEND statement.

        <close_statement>     ::= CLOSE <cursor_name>

        <fetch_statement>     ::= FETCH [[<fetch_orientation>] FROM ]

                                  <cursor_name> [<fields_clause>]

        <fetch_orientation>   ::= NEXT

                                | PRIOR

                                | FIRST

                                | LAST

                                | { ABSOLUTE | RELATIVE }


          The <fetch_statement> has been modified to follow

            the improved syntax of the ISO Draft Proposed SQL3

            Database Language (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC21 WG3 N986,

            1989).  The modification includes the addition of

            the <fetch_orientation>.

        <fields_clause>       ::= FIELDS <select_list>

          FIELDS works in conjunction with the <select_list>

            of a SELECT: it returns a subset of the items

            specified in the <select_list>.  This allows

            selection of the specific field(s) of data

            returned from the query on an individual document-

            record basis.  Syntax Rules

As per  the rules  in ANSI  SQL X3.135-1986  Sections  8.3  (declare),  8.6

(fetch), 8.8 (open).

SCROLL  must   be  specified  in  the  <declare_cursor>  in  order  to  use

<fetch_orientation> in a <fetch_statement>.


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2.9.10  Function Definitions

Functions can be used to set server options, return server characteristics,

qualify references  to schema  entities,  or  convert  strings  or  search-


There are  three classes  of functions.   General  functions  are  used  to

convert  or   qualify  information   in  a   <value_expression>   used   in

<where_clause>s or  <select_list>s; special  functions are  used to  return

information from the server or from a <tag_field>; and action functions are

used to return or modify server options in <set_spec>s or <select_list>s.  General Functions  Function

The <general_function>s  can be  used anywhere  a <value_expression> can be

used.  See Appendix B for a more detailed description.  Format

        <general_function>    ::= <hits>

                                | <relevance>

                                | <thesaurus>

        <hits>                ::= HITS ( <tag_field_specification> ,

                                             <identifier> , <identifier> )

        <relevance>           ::= RELEVANCE ( )

        <thesaurus>           ::= THESAURUS ( <string_literal> ,

     <identifier> )  Syntax Rules

Functions may not be nested.  Special Functions  Function

The <special_function>s  are used  only in a <select_list>.  See Appendix B

for a more detailed description.


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                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990

                                         ----------------------------------  Format

        <special_function>    ::= <collection>

                                | <data>

                                | <features>

                                | <filter>

                                | <hit_text>

                                | <index>

                                | <limits>

                                | <manufacturer>

                                | <match_codes>

                                | <relevance_method>

                                | <search_optimization>

                                | <sfqlversion>

                                | <stop_words>

        <collection>          ::= COLLECTION ( )

        <data>                ::= DATA ( <tag_field_specification> ,

     <fetch_orientation> ,

                                 <unsigned_integer> , <tag_list> )

        <features>            ::= FEATURES ( )

        <filter>              ::= FILTER ( <tag_field_specification> ,

                                            <tag_list> )

        <hit_text>            ::= HIT_TEXT ( <tag_field_specification> ,

                                      <fetch_orientation> ,

                                      <unsigned_integer> , <identifier> ,

                                      <tag_list> )

        <tag_list>            ::= <tag_list_entry>

        <tag_list_entry>      ::= <tag_field_specification>

                                | <tag_list_entry>


        <index>               ::= INDEX ( <tag_list> , <string_literal> ,

                                 <direction> , <unsigned_integer> ,

     <identifier> )

        <direction>           ::= BACKWARD

                                | FORWARD

        <limits>              ::= LIMITS ( )

        <manufacturer>        ::= MANUFACTURER ( )

        <match_codes>         ::= MATCH_CODES ( )

        <relevance_method>    ::= RELEVANCE_METHOD ( )


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        <search_optimization> ::= SEARCH_OPTIMIZATION ( )

        <sfqlversion>         ::= SFQLVERSION ( )

        <stop_words>          ::= STOP_WORDS ( )  Syntax Rules

Functions may not be nested.  Action Functions  Function

The <action_function>s can only be used in a <set_spec> or a <select_list>.

See Appendix B for a more detailed description.  Format

        <set_expression>      ::= SET <set_spec>

        <set_spec>            ::= <action_function>

                                | <set_spec>  , <action_function>

        <action_function>     ::=  <language>

                                | <match_method>

                                | <max_search_records>

                                | <max_search_time>

                                | <resume>

                                | <server_report_time>

                                | <sfqlca_length>

                                | <show_matches>

                                | <suspend>

        <state_specification> ::= ON

                                | OFF

                                | TRUE

                                | FALSE

                                | DEFAULT

        <language>            ::= LANGUAGE ( <string_literal> )

                                | LANGUAGE ( )

        <match_method>        ::= MATCH_METHOD ( <identifier> )

                                | MATCH_METHOD ( )

        <max_search_records>  ::= MAX_SEARCH_RECORDS ( <unsigned_integer> )

                                | MAX_SEARCH_RECORDS ( )


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        <max_search_time>     ::= MAX_SEARCH_TIME ( <unsigned_integer> )

                                | MAX_SEARCH_TIME ( )

        <resume>              ::= RESUME ( <cursor_name> )

                                | RESUME ( )

        <server_report_time>  ::= SERVER_REPORT_TIME ( <unsigned_integer> )

                                | SERVER_REPORT_TIME ( )

        <sfqlca_length>       ::= SFQLCA_LENGTH ( <unsigned_integer> )

                                | SFQLCA_LENGTH ( )

        <show_matches>        ::= SHOW_MATCHES ( <state_specification> )

                                | SHOW_MATCHES ( )

        <suspend>             ::= SUSPEND ( <cursor_name> )

                                | SUSPEND ( )  Syntax Rules

The <action_function>s SUSPEND and RESUME cannot be used in <select_list>s.

Functions may not be nested.

Arguments  to   <action_function>s  are   required  in   <set_spec>s.    In

<select_list>s, the arguments are not used.


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3.1  Data Return (SFQL Communications Area)

SQL does  not have a standard data return format.  A standard is necessary,

however, in  order  to  use  SFQL  as  the  semantics  of  a  client-server

communication protocol.   The following specification is aimed at providing

support for data types returned by both full-text and SQL databases.

3.1.1  Status and Data Message Format (SFQLCA)

Data and status return is always in the form of an SFQL Communications Area

(SFQLCA).   The details  of the  SFQLCA can  be found  in Appendix  C.  The

SFQLCA header contains a number of status fields, and is followed by a data

area called SFQLMSG.

3.1.2  Client/Server Interaction

An SFQLCA  is returned in response to all SFQL commands sent to the server.

Figure 3  provides an  example of  the interaction  between a  client and a

server.   For SFQL  DECLARE, OPEN,  CLOSE, and  SET  commands,  the  SFQLCA

returns status  information in the SFQLCA header.  In the case of an error,

detailed error  messages are  returned in  SFQLMSG.   For SELECT  and FETCH

commands, the  SFQLCA returns data one document-record at a time.  The data

fields that are returned in each data message and the order of these fields

depend on the <select_list> specified in the query.

3.1.3  SFQLCA Header

The status  field area of the SFQLCA consists of the fields typically found

in  an   SQL  Communication  Area  (SQLCA),  plus  some  additional  status

information specific to SFQL.  Both areas are used by SFQL.  See Appendix C

for details  of the  fields.   This section  describes some  of the  SFQLCA

specific fields.

The SFQLBORD field, which is always the first byte of the SFQLCA, indicates

the byte  order.   An 'L'  indicates that  numeric values in the SFQLCA are

given with  the  least  significant  byte  first;  an  'M'  indicates  most

significant byte first.

The SFQLVERS  field provides  version information for the SFQLCA structure.

This specification refers to Version 1 of this data structure.

The SFQLCABC field indicates the length of the SFQLCA.  This field includes

the length  of the SFQLCA header, which is fixed in length, and the SFQLMSG

area, which  is variable  length.  Thus, whereas SQL implementations have a

constant SQLCABC,  SFQLCABC  varies  from  one  SFQLCA  return  message  to

another.  Note that SFQLCABC reflects the total length of the SFQLCA, which

may include padding following the SFQLMSG field.


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The SFQLCODE  field is  used to return a code indicating success, error, or

exception in  response to each command, as is standard in SQL.  If the code

is 0,  the operation  was successful.   If  the code is negative (< 0), the

operation could  not  be  completed  and  error  information  is  available

(described later).   If  the code  is positive,  a  non  'fatal'  exception

occurred.   That  is,  the  statement  was  processed,  but  could  not  be

completed, or completed exactly as requested.

    Figure 3.  Example of an interaction between the client and server.


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3.1.4  SFQLMSG Area

The second  part of  the SFQLCA  is the  message area, called SFQLMSG.  The

length of  the data  in this  field is  given by  SFQLMSGLEN in  the SFQLCA


SFQLMSG may  be empty  (SFQLMSGLEN =  0) or  may contain return data and/or

error information.   Data and errors are always returned in this area using

an SFQL  defined format called a Variable Length Record (VLR).  This format

can return multiple fields of varying types.

If the  return information  cannot fit  into the  SFQLMSG area  because  of

system constraints  on SFQLCA  length, the  data will  be truncated  and an

exception will  be returned  with the  data.   In such  cases the  VLR data

structure integrity will always be maintained.  Variable Length Record (VLR) Data Return  Description

The VLR  is designed to allow multiple fields of data to be returned in one

message without  combining them.  It consists of a short header followed by

one or more Field Subrecords (FSRs).  The VLR consists of:

       o  a 16-byte VLR Type

       o  a 4-byte Number Of Subrecords

       o  a 4-byte FSR Offset

       o  one or more FSRs

Figure 4 illustrates the repetition of FSRs in the VLR format.

The VLR  header begins  with the  type of the VLR.  This is a 16-byte ASCII

field left-justified  and padded  with NULLS.  The current set of VLR types

is given  in Table  1.   Currently, two  types of  VLR records are defined,


                                Table 1.  VLR Types.

            VLR Type                   Field Contents

          ERROR                   ERROR_RECORD

          DATA                    DATA_RECORD

An ERROR  VLR may  be returned  by the  server whenever  an exception or an

unrecoverable error  occurs.   Error information  is supplied in the SFQLCA

header; the ERROR VLR provides more detailed information.

The DATA VLR is the mechanism by which all requested data is returned.  The

data is organized into FSRs corresponding to the <value_expression>s in the

<select_list> of  the <query_specification>.  The DATA VLR contains exactly

one  FSR   for   each   item   listed   in   the   <select_list>   of   the


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<query_specification>.1   The  order  of  FSRs  is  not  considered  to  be

important in  the VLR:  the application  must check the Field Label and the

Field Number of each subrecord before interpreting the Data Field.

The Number  of Subrecords  field indicates  the number  of FSRs in the VLR.

This information is a 4-byte unsigned integer.

The FSR Offset field of the VLR header gives the byte offset from the start

of the  VLR to the first FSR.  This field provides an extension area, where

future additions to the VLR header will be made while maintaining backwards



1   If there  are multiple instances of a <tag_field> in a single document,

the data  from these  areas is  returned in a nested VLR, where each FSR in

the nested VLR contains data from one occurrence of the tag_fields.


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                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990


                          Figure 4.  VLR format.


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                                         ----------------------------------  Field Subrecord (FSR) Format

A Field  Subrecord (FSR) is a variable length data structure which consists


       o  a 4-byte Field Position;

       o  an 8-byte Field Type;

       o  an 8-byte Field Type Version;

       o  a 4-byte Field Status;

       o  a 4-byte FSR Offset to the next FSRs Field Position;

       o  a 4-byte Data Offset to the Data Field;

       o  a 4-byte Label Offset to the Field Label;

       o  an M-byte Field Label;

       o  an N-byte Data Field.

Field Position is a 4-byte unsigned integer indicating the ordinal position

in the  <select_list> corresponding to the current FSR.  That is, the first

item in  the <select_list>  will return  an FSR with a Field Position of 1,

the second will return 2, etc.

Field Type  is a  string which indicates the type of data contained in Data

Field.  Table 2 lists the standard types and their designations.  Since VLR

is one  of the  valid types,  a VLR  may be  nested inside  any FSR.   This

accommodates   conditions   where   single   <value_expression>s   in   the

<select_list> return complex data items or ERROR_RECORDs.  The data is left

justified and NULL padded in the field and the unused bytes are filled with

NULLs to 8 bytes.

Field Type  Version is  a string  which optionally  identifies the specific

implementation or  application profile associated with the Field Type.  For

example, the version specified by the ATA Specification 100 Rev 29 might be

given as  "AT100R29".  The CALS version could be "1840A".  The data is left

justified and NULL padded in the field and the unused bytes are filled with

NULLs to 8 bytes.

Field Status  is a four-byte integer which indicates the status of the data

returned in  the FSR.   If  the value  is zero, it indicates that no status

information was  returned.   All other  values are  defined to be function-


The FSR  Offset permits  the application  to determine  where the  next FSR

begins.   The offset  is a 4-byte unsigned integer which, when added to the

byte position  of the  start of  the Field  Position (the  beginning of the

FSR), points  to the  next FSRs  Field Position.  A value of zero indicates

that this is the last FSR in the VLR.

The Label Offset permits the application to determine where the Field Label

begins.   The offset  is a 4-byte unsigned integer which, when added to the

byte position  of the  start of  the Field  Position (the  beginning of the

FSR), points to the Field Label.

The Data  Offset permits  the application to determine where the Data Field

begins.   The offset  is a 4-byte unsigned integer which, when added to the


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byte position  of the  start of  the Field  Position (the  beginning of the

FSR), points to the Data Field.

Field Label  is a  variable-length field  containing an  exact copy  of the

<value_expression>  for   the   corresponding   field   position   of   the

<select_list>, in  SZ format.   For example, if the FSR represents the data

returned   from    a   <tag_field_specification>,    the   name    of   the

<tag_field_specification> will be in this area.  If a function was applied,

then the function name and arguments will be in the Field Label, exactly as

they appeared in the <select_list>.

The Data  Field is  a variable  length field which contains the actual data

for  the   FSR  (the   return  value  for  the  <value_expression>  of  the

<select_list>).   The data  must be  left justified  in the  field and NULL

padded to the next four-byte boundary.  The format of the Data Field itself

depends on  the Field  Type.   For example,  a Field Type of "SZ" indicates

that the  data field contains a sequence of ASCII characters followed by an

ASCII NULL character.

Figure 5  illustrates a  sample VLR  which might be returned in response to

the following fetch:

       FETCH  my_cursor

       FIELDS author, title ;  Standard Return Data Types

The types  of data supported by a server are not defined by SFQL.  Instead,

SFQL provides  a mechanism  for the  server to return information about the

returned data  type along  with the  data in  the Field Type and Field Type

Version fields of the FSR.

SFQL thus requires that a naming standard be applied to data types, so that

the client can identify the type of data returned from the server.  Table 2

lists the  set of standard Field Type designators supported in this version

of SFQL.

Data format  standards are  often qualified  through application subsets to

reduce the implementation burden, or to select from implementation options.

The Field  Type Version provided in the FSR is used to optionally qualify a

subset or  a specific  version of  a standard.  Table 2 shows the currently

defined values of this field.


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          Table 2.  Standard Field Types and Field Type Version.

      Field       Example

      Type        Field Type          Meaning

      Designator  Version

         CGM      AT100R29        Computer Graphics Metafile

         DATE1                    Date/Time--MM/DD/YYYY,00:00:00

         FP       IEEE            Floating point

         INT16                    Two-byte signed integer

         INT32                    Four-byte signed integer

         SZ                       ASCII string

         TEXT     AT100R29        Formatted text types

         TIFF     AT100R29        Tagged Image File Format

         UINT32                   Unsigned four byte integer

         VLR      SFQL2.0         Nested Variable Length Record

         NULL     SFQL2.0         No data

         ?xxxxxxx                 Vendor extensions

The standard  data types  given in  Table 2  are briefly  described in  the

following sections:  Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM)

CGM is  a standard format used to define 2-D vector graphics, as adopted by

ATA/AIA Specification  100.  The revision number is identified by the Field

Type Version  Identifier, e.g.  'AT100R29'.   This field  will not  contain

match-codes.  Date/Time (DATE1)

DATE1 is  a NULL-terminated  ASCII string of the form: MM/DD/YYYY,00:00:00.

Note that  the time  is in  24-hour format.   This  field will  not contain



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        Figure 5.  VLR format illustrating return of textual data.  Floating Point (FP)

FP is  an 80-bit  floating point  number as  defined in  ANSI/IEEE Std 754-

1985.  This field will not contain match-codes.


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                                         ----------------------------------  Two-byte Signed Integer (INT16)

INT16 is  a two-byte  integer with  the byte order specified in SFQLBORD of

the SFQLCA.  This field will not contain match-codes.  Four-byte Signed Integer (INT32)

INT32 is  a two-byte  integer with  the byte order specified in SFQLBORD of

the SFQLCA.  This field will not contain match-codes.  Formatted String Data Return (SZ)

SZ is a NULL-terminated sequence of characters.  Character definitions must

conform to  ISO 8859.  The SZ format may contain match-codes as appropriate

for the search.  Formatted Text Types (TEXT)

This includes  various industry standard text types.  The specific industry

standard is  identified in  the Field Type Version Identifier.  For example

the SFQL  Prototype text  type is  'ASDP1'   (see Shapiro  et  al.,  1989a,

1989b).   The TEXT  format may  contain match-codes  as appropriate for the

search.  Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)

TIFF is  an Aldus/Microsoft  format for  encapsulating images.    The  TIFF

format to  be used  is described  in the   ATA/AIA  Specification 100.  The

revision number  is identified  by the  field_type_version_Identifier, e.g.

'AT100R29'.  This field will not contain match-codes.  Unsigned Four Byte Integer (UINT32)

UINT32 is  an unsigned  4-byte integer  with the  byte order  specified  in

SFQLBORD of the SFQLCA.  This field will not contain match-codes.  Nested Variable Length Record (VLR)

A nested  VLR has the same format as a VLR, but is contained in an FSR of a

higher level VLR.  See Page 29, "Variable Length Record (VLR) Data Return",

for more  information.   It  is  used  when  a  <value_expression>  returns

multiple data  items in  a single record.  For example, if a <tag_field> is

represented multiple  times in  a document-record,  and that <tag_field> is

listed in  the <select_list>  (i.e., projected),  the FSR returned for that

<tag_field> will  contain a  nested VLR with data from each instance of the


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<tag_field> in  the document-record  in the  nested VLRs  FSR.    Figure  6

illustrates a nested VLR.

       Figure 6.  VLR format illustrating return of a nested VLR.  Vendor Extensions (?xxxxxxx)

Vendors can  add unregistered  extensions using  the  character  code  '?',

followed by one to seven printable ASCII characters.  The vendor extensions

format may contain match-codes as appropriate for the search.


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3.1.5  Return of Preliminary SFQLCA

A preliminary  SFQLCA may  be returned  under  a  number  of  circumstances

indicted in this specification--for example, in response to a SET SUSPEND()

operation.   The header  of the SFQLCA is interpreted as usual, except that

values in  the header  represent preliminary data and are subject to change

if the operation is completed.  For example, SFQLROWS represents the number

of rows  in the search-results at the time the preliminary SFQLCA was sent.

If the  search was  suspended via a SET SUSPEND(), this number of document-

records will  be available  if the  cursor is opened without an intervening


The preliminary  SFQLCA can  optionally contain  information concerning the

status of  the operation  in the form of a DATA_RECORD in the SFQLMSG area.

The standard  FSRs that  can optionally  be provided in the DATA_RECORD are

described in the table below.

       Field Label       Type     Explanation

       TOTAL_SFQLROWS    UINT32   Expected value of SFQLROWS if the search

                                    was run to completion.

       PERCENT_COMPLETE  UINT32   Percentage estimate of the completion

                                    status of the operation, where 100% is


The preliminary  SFQLCA is indicated by a SFQLCODE of 200-203, as described

in Appendix  E.   The code  indicates the reason the preliminary SFQLCA was


3.1.6  Error Handling  Overview

SFQL,  like  SQL,  defines  fatal  errors  (unrecoverable)  and  exceptions

(recoverable errors).   The  class of  error and  a numeric  identifier are

available to  the client  following each SFQL command in the SFQLCODE field

of the SFQLCA.  The SFQLCODE value is set as follows:


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  o  In the absence of a fatal error or exception condition the SFQLCODE

     field is set to 0.

  o  Fatal errors are severe enough that the SFQL statement cannot be

     executed and only error information is returned.  These errors return

     a negative SFQLCODE value.

  o  Statements resulting in exceptions return a positive SFQLCODE

     indicating the error.  If a server returns data after an exception, it

     is indicated by a 'T' value in the SFQLCOMP flag, for all subsequently

     affected requests.  This indicates that data returned might be

     compromised, e.g., it may be incomplete, or the search may have been


This mechanism is similar to SQL (SQLCODE).  SQL, however, defines only one

standard value  of SQLCODE:  100.  As in SFQL, this value indicates a fetch

issued beyond  the last  row or  a fetch  when there  were no  rows in  the


SFQL defines  a number  of additional  standard error  and exception codes.

These codes  are given  in Appendix  E.    Since recovery from errors is an

implementation-dependent issue,  assignment of the class of these errors is

left to  the server.   That  is, any  error listed  in Appendix  E  can  be

classified as  unrecoverable or  exception, simply  by changing the sign of

its value.   Thus,  Error 20000 is Unknown Error (Recoverable), but Error -

20000 is Unknown Error (Unrecoverable).  Error Messages

To provide  the best  error information to the user, error messages as well

as codes  are provided  in the SFQLCA.   For both exception and fatal error

conditions, the  70 character  SFQLERRMC is  used to pass a brief, end-user

oriented message from the server to the client.

Additional information can be provided by the following optional FSRs:

  o  SFQL_ERROR.  Provides a detailed explanation of any errors together

     with any part of the SFQL command needed to illustrate where the error

     occurred.  The FSR field position will always be 0.

  o  USER_ERROR.  Provides a more detailed explanation oriented towards

     end-users.  The FSR field position will always be 0.

All  error  messages  are  supplied  in  the  language  requested  via  the

LANGUAGE() <action_function>.

Error information  can  also  be  returned  specifically  for  any  of  the

<value_expression>s in  the <select_list>  through the use of a nested VLR.

The nested  VLR is  placed in  the FSR  for the  <value_expression> and can

contain  the   SFQL_ERROR,  USER_ERROR,   and  return  data  FSRs  for  the

<value_expression>.   The VLR  Record Type of the nested VLR will be either

ERROR_RECORD or  DATA_RECORD, depending  on whether  or not  the nested VLR

contains any return data FSRs.


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The use  of messages  in addition  to codes  gives the client application a

mechanism to  inform the  user intelligently  about errors it receives from

the server,  but does  not understand.   This  allows servers  to implement

proprietary error  messages in  addition to the standard ones (codes -10000

to -19999,  and 10000  to 19999,  are reserved  for such  proprietary error


This scheme  also makes  it easy  to expand  the standard message set while

maintaining backward  compatibility.  A client might not recognize an error

number when  the server  represents a  newer release  of SFQL.   The  error

message displayed  to the user, however, will be based on the newer system,

the server.   This  eliminates the  need for  the user  to get  new  client

software whenever a new release of server software is issued.

3.2  Server Compatibility Model

3.2.1  Levels of Function

To allow  for future  expansion, a multileveled standard is proposed.  This

version of the standard only defines the lowest compatibility level, called

Level 1.   Level  1 is  to be  the common level which all retrieval systems

must support.

The level  number of  a retrieval  engine can  be determined  by the  value

returned by the SFQLVERSION function (See Appendix B).

3.2.2  Discovering Server Capabilities

A number  of functions  are provided  to determine information about server

capabilities.  For example:






See Appendix B for more details.

3.2.3  Discovering Collection Information

SFQL provides  schema information  collections to  determine  a  particular

server's capabilities  and schema.   These  collections are  used to supply

specific information  about the collections managed by the server. They can

be retrieved  from an  application using the standard SFQL query semantics.

Appendix D provides the detailed schema for these collections.


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3.2.4  Server Differences as Exceptions

A server  may offer the capability to simulate an SFQL feature which is not

directly supported.   Such  conditions will  be handled  using  the  normal

exception handling.  That is, the statements resulting in exceptions return

a positive  SFQLCODE indicating  the error,  and a  message  in  SFQLERRMC.

Further explanatory  information can  be returned  in  the  VLR  using  the


In practice,  this will  work as follows.  When a server receives a declare

statement that it does not fully support, the server should return an error

as usual,  but should  set the  SFQLCOMP flag.   In  the ERROR_RECORD,  the

USER_ERROR field  will be  used to  forward a  detailed error  to the  user

indicating the server's ability to perform a "compromised" query (presented

to the user at the client's discretion).  The SFQL_ERROR field may provide,

as always,  a  developer's  oriented  message  explaining  the  compromise.

Further, all  subsequent operations  using the  "compromised" cursor should

return a  SFQLCA with the SFQLCOMP flag set.  In these operations, SFQLCODE

and the  SFQL error  message facilities  can be  used to  indicate  further

errors or exceptions.

Some example cases where compromises might be made by a server:

       WHERE clause:

          o  An unsupported <predicate> is used.  The clause may be

            broadened in scope or excluded from the condition list.

          o  An unknown or unsupported <tag_field> is specified.  In this

            case the search can be conducted using the other search

            qualifiers, if there are any.  Alternately, the search may be

            broadened to a related tag at the server's discretion.

       FROM clause:

          o  Several  collections were indicated but one of the

            collections requested is not available.  The portion of the

            query involving that  collection might be ignored and the rest

            of the query executed.

          o  Too many  collection names were specified.  The first n may be

            used and all clauses from the other collection(s) may be


          o  An unknown or unsupported <tag_field> may have been specified.

            In this case the search can be conducted using the other search

            qualifiers, if there are any.  Alternately, the search may be

            broadened to a related <tag_field> at the server's discretion.

For example, a client may declare a cursor as follows:

          DECLARE my_cursor

            CURSOR FOR


            FROM my_database

            WHERE 'standard' IS WITHIN 1 SENTENCES OF 'SFQL' ;


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If a  server does not support proximity by SENTENCES but could simulate the

operation using  an estimate  of sentence length and effectively change the

query to:

          DECLARE my_cursor

            CURSOR FOR


            FROM my_database

            WHERE 'standard' IS WITHIN 16 WORDS OF 'SFQL' ;

then the  server would  respond to  the DECLARE  by returning  an error but

indicating the  availability of  a compromise via SFQLCOMP and the messages


Alternatively, another server might execute the query as follows:

          DECLARE my_cursor

            CURSOR FOR


            FROM my_database

            WHERE 'standard' IS WITHIN 1 PARAGRAPHS OF 'SFQL' ;

In both  cases, subsequent OPEN, FETCH, and CLOSE operations on this cursor

would return  SFQLCA's with  the SFQLCOMP  set.  In all other respects, the

return information  from these subsequent operations would appear normal to

the client program.

Run-time errors  are another example where an exception might be generated.

For example, the following conditions:

       o  The user has interrupted the search.  The search-results are


       o  System or platform limitation.  The search-results are


This guideline  allows the  server to  respond to  requests  that  are  not

completely within  its range  of capabilities.   The  client can  choose to

accept or  reject the  compromised data.  This allows greater compatibility

among search  engines without  requiring complete Lowest Common Denominator

operation by the client.


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ANSI X3.135-1986.   American  National Standard  for information  systems--

database language--SQL.   American  National Standards Institute, New York,


ATA  89-9C.CDROMPROFILE-R2-1990.     Air   Transport  Association  Advanced

Retrieval  Technology   CD-ROM  Implementation   Profile.    Air  Transport

Association, Washington, DC.

ATA 89-9C.FUNCREQ-R2-1990.   Air  Transport Association  Advanced Retrieval

Technology Functional Requirements.  Air Transport Association, Washington,


ATA 89-9C.MMSCHEMA-R3-1990.     CD-ROM Interchangeability  Standard--Tasked

Maintenance Manual Schema.  Air Transport Association, Washington, DC.

Date, C.J.  (1987).  A guide to the SQL Standard.  Addison-Wesley, Reading,


ISO 8859-1:1987.  ISO Standard 8859-1:1987, 8 bit single byte coded graphic

sets.   Part 1: Latin Alphabets.  International Standards Organization, New

York, NY.

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC21  WG3 N986 (1989).  Database Language SQL2 and SQL3.  ISO-

ANSI working draft, American National Standards Institute, New York, NY.

Shapiro, N.R.  and Bowers,  F.J. (1989a).   Standardizing  the delivery  of

technical documentation on CD-ROM's.  CD Data Report, pp. 21-28.

Shapiro, N.R.,  Diamantopoulos, E.,  Delpech, M.,  Deldon, S.,  Mondon, L.,

Mathe, P.,  and Picou,  C. (1989b).  Specification for Prototype 1 of SFQL.

Air Transport Association, Washington, DC.


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                        APPENDIX A:  SFQL KEYWORDS

  ABSOLUTE                 FOR                       PRIOR

  ALL                      FORWARD                   PRIVILEGES

  AND                      FORTRAN                   PROCEDURE

  ANY                      FOUND                     PUBLIC

  AS                       FROM                      REAL

  ASC                      GO                        RELATIVE

  AUTHORIZATION            GOTO                      RELEVANCE

  AVG                      GRANT                     RELEVANCE

  BACKWARD                 GROUP                     RELEVANCE_METHOD

  BEGIN                    HAVING                    RESUME

  BETWEEN                  HIT_TEXT                  ROLLBACK

  BY                       HITS                      SCHEMA

  CHAR                     IN                        SEARCH_OPTIMIZATION

  CHARACTER                IN_ORDER                  SECTION

  CHARACTERS               INDEX                     SELECT

  CHECK                    INDICATOR                 SENTENCES

  CLOSE                    INSERT                    SERVER_REPORT_TIME

  COBOL                    INT                       SET

  COLLECTION               INTEGER                   SFQL

  COMMIT                   INTO                      SFQLCA_LENGTH

  CONTAINS                 IS                        SFQLCODE

  CONTINUE                 LANGUAGE                  SFQLERROR

  COUNT                    LAST                      SHOW_MATCHES

  CREATE                   LIKE                      SMALLINT

  CURRENT                  LIMITS                    SOME

  CURSOR                   MANUFACTURER              SQL

  DATA                     MATCH_CODES               SQLCODE

  DATE                     MATCH_METHOD              SQLERROR

  DEC                      MAX                       SQLVERSION


  DECLARE                  MAX_SEARCH_TIME           SUM

  DELETE                   MIN                       SUSPEND

  DESC                     MODULE                    TABLE

  DISTINCT                 NEXT                      THESAURUS

  DOCUMENT                 NOT                       TO

  DOUBLE                   NULL                      UNION

  DROP                     NUMERIC                   UNIQUE

  END                      OF                        UPDATE

  ESCAPE                   ON                        USER

  EXEC                     OPEN                      VALUES

  EXISTS                   OPTION                    VIEW

  FEATURES                 OR                        WHENEVER

  FETCH                    ORDER                     WHERE

  FIELDS                   PARAGRAPHS                WITH

  FILE                     PASCAL                    WITHIN

  FILTER                   PLI                       WORDS

  FIRST                    PRECISION                 WORK

  FLOAT                    PREVIOUS


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There are three kinds of SFQL functions:

  o  General Functions

  o  Special Functions

  o  Action Functions


General Functions  specify processing for the server to perform before data

is used in a search, or before data is returned.

A <general_function> may form a <value_expression> in a <select_list> or in

a  <where_clause>.     When   a  <general_function>   is  specified   in  a

<select_list>, the original function name and arguments are returned in the

Field Label field of the FSR.

B.1.1  HITS


Description.   The HITS function returns the number of query matches in the

given <tag_field_specification>  of the  current document-record, or of the

document-records in the current search-results.

To retrieve  the number  of hits  throughout the current document-record or

search-results,    use     the    <standard_tag>     DOCUMENT    in     the


TERM_OPTION specifies  the criterion  used by the server to count the hits.

Valid values are listed in the table below:

                             TERM_OPTION VALUES

   QUERY_TERMS           The number of original query terms matched.

   HIGHLIGHT_TERMS       The number of locations in the text defined by

                            the specified <tag_field> marked by match-

                            codes. HIGHLIGHT_TERMS enables the client to

                            highlight the query terms.

   HIT_TERMS             The number of locations in the text that are

                            considered hits by the server.  The criteria

                            for a hit can be different for each server.


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SCOPE specifies  the target  of the function.  The <identifier> RECORD sets

the SCOPE  to the  current document-record,  while the  <identifier>  TOTAL

specifies the document-records in the current search-results.

Return format. UINT32.

Return value.  The number of hits.



Description.   The THESAURUS function identifies terms deemed by the server

to be equivalent to the specified WORD.

When used  in a  <select_list>, the  server returns  a list  of  equivalent


When used  in a  <where_clause>, the  server expands  the  query  terms  to

include equivalent terms before processing the query.  The returned data is

the same  as  if  the  <where_clause>  in  the  original  query  explicitly

referenced all of the equivalent terms in a <string_list>.

OPERATOR  specifies   the  criterion   used  by  the  server  to  determine

equivalence.  Valid values are listed in the table below.

When used  in a <where_clause>, The THESAURUS function expands to a list of

terms deemed  to be  equivalent to  WORD, using the operator specified (see

table below).

                               OPERATOR VALUES

   SYNONYM               Expands WORD to a list of terms with similar

                            meanings. For example, "sofa" may be

                            considered a synonym for "couch."

   BROADEN               Expands WORD to a list of terms that specify a

                            more general form. For example, "vegetable" is

                            a is a more general form of "potato."

   NARROW                Expands WORD to a list of terms that are specific

                            examples. For example, "daisy" is an example

                            of "flower."

Return format.  Nested VLR (when used in a <select_list>).

Return value.   The  Field Label  field of  each FSR contains an equivalent

term. The Data Field is empty.


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Format.  RELEVANCE()

Description.    The RELEVANCE function returns the server-defined relevance

rank for the current document-record.

The RELEVANCE_METHOD  function returns  information as  to  whether  higher

ranks indicate more or less relevant documents.

Return format.  UINT32.

Return value.   The  value indicating  the relevance  rating  made  by  the

server. If the server does not support relevance ranking, the same value is

returned for all document-records.


Special Functions  return system  information, or  modify the data returned

for a <tag_field>.

A  <special_function>   can  be   used  only   in  a   <select_list>.  Each

<special_function> returns a data structure specific to that function.



Description.  The   COLLECTION   function   returns   the   name   of   the

<collection_ref> entry  in the  <from_clause> corresponding  to the current


This permits  a client  to identify  the document-records in search-results

when more than one collection is searched. For example:



          FROM A UNION B



The FETCH  command would  return the value of the COLLECTION() function for

each document-record,  thus  permitting  the  client  to  identify  if  the

document-record is from Collection A or from Collection B.

Return format. SZ.

Return  value.   The  <collection_name>   from  which  the  document-record



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B.2.2  DATA



Description.   The DATA function returns a block of data (text or graphics)

from the <tag_field>.

The DATA function has the following arguments:

  o TAG_FIELD_SPECIFICATION   The <tag_field> to return (as per the schema

                           specification), or the <standard_tag> DOCUMENT,

                           to retrieve text independently of any


  o FETCH_ORIENTATION    The values for FETCH_ORIENTATION are given in the

                           table below.

                          FETCH_ORIENTATION VALUES

   NEXT                       Return the next block of data

   PRIOR                      Return the prior block of data

   FIRST                      Return the first block of data

   LAST                       Return the last block of data in the


   { ABSOLUTE | RELATIVE } number  Return the block of data at the

                                 absolute position specified or relative

                                 to the current DATA position.

  The DATA function can be used to get the NEXT or PRIOR block of data

     following a HIT_TEXT function, although the <tag_field> given must be

     the same for both functions.  If more than one HIT_TEXT function is

     active on the same <tag_field>, then the result of the NEXT or PRIOR

     is defined by the server.

  o MAXLENGTH            The number of bytes to return.

  o TAG_LIST             A list indicating which tags to filter.  The

                           members of the list are separated by blanks. The

                           keyword ALL may be used in to indicate all tags

                           for the collection.   The server removes the

                           named tags and any associated attributes.

The DATA function sets the Field Status of the FSR to "1" whenever the data

retrieved is  the start  of the  <tag_field>, "2" when it is the end of the

<tag_field>, and  "3" when  it is  both  the  start  and  the  end  of  the

<tag_field>.   Otherwise, the  Field Status  is set  to "0" (no status). As


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with the  cursor for  document-records, if a fetch is made out of the range

of the  <tag_field> (whether  by absolute  or relative  positioning), Field

Status is  set to  100 and  the contents  of the  Data Field of the FSR are


Note that  unlike HIT_TEXT,  this function  allows the  calling program  to

specify any block of data to be returned. It would be used, for example, to

page through the document a block of characters at a time.

The block  may include  match-codes to  mark the  areas  where  the  search

criteria were  satisfied. For  more information  on  match-codes,  see  the


Return format.  Dependent on the data type of TAG_FIELD_SPECIFICATION.

Return value.  A portion of data from the <tag_field> specified.


Format.  FEATURES()

Description.   The FEATURES  function lists  optional features,  indicating

which are supported by the server.

The list  of these features is provided as a convenience to the client by a

server. The  server is,  however, responsible for attempting to fulfill any

and all  requests. If  the server  does not  directly support a feature, it

should do  its best  to simulate the feature and return the results with an

SFQLCODE exception, warning that results may be compromised.

Return format.   SZ.

Return value.   The  features are  reported by  the following  sequence  of


      Bytes       Values          Explanation

      1           T/F             Supports SUSPEND/RESUME requests

      2           T/F             Sorts search-results by relevance

      3           T/F             Supports STOP_WORDS function.

                                  (The INDEX function can always be used


                                  determine stop words.)




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Description.    The  FILTER function  removes tags in the TAG_LIST from the

returned text  fields. The  server removes  the named tags and any of their

associated attributes.

  o TAG_FIELD_SPECIFICATION   The <tag_field> to return (as per the schema

                           specification), or the <standard_tag> DOCUMENT,

                           to retrieve text independently of any


  o TAG_LIST             A list indicating which tags to filter.  The

                           members of the list are separated by blanks. The

                           keyword ALL may be used to indicate all tags for

                           the collection.

Return format.  TEXT or SZ.

Return value.  The contents of the <tag_field>, minus any tag markings.



          JUSTIFY, TAG_LIST)

Description.  The HIT_TEXT function returns a block containing a hit.


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The HIT_TEXT function accepts the following parameters:

  o TAG_FIELD_SPECIFICATION   The <tag_field> to return (as per the schema

                           specification), or the <standard_tag> DOCUMENT,

                           to retrieve text independently of any


  o FETCH_ORIENTATION    The tokens for FETCH_ORIENTATION are given in the

                           table below.

                          FETCH_ORIENTATION VALUES

   NEXT                  Return the block of data relative to the next hit

                            in the TAG_FIELD_SPECIFICATION

   PRIOR                 Return the block of data relative the prior hit

                            in the TAG_FIELD_SPECIFICATION

   FIRST                 Return the block of data surrounding the first

                            hit in the TAG_FIELD_SPECIFICATION

   LAST                  Return the block of data surrounding the last hit

                            in the TAG_FIELD_SPECIFICATION

   { ABSOLUTE | RELATIVE } number

                            Return the block of data at the absolute hit

                            position specified or the relative hit

                            position to the current HIT_TEXT position in

                            the TAG_FIELD_SPECIFICATION

  o MAXLENGTH            The number of bytes to return.

  o JUSTIFY              The portion of text to retrieve relative to the

                           matched text. CENTERED returns the text with

                           approximately half preceding and half following

                           the hit area. Other options are START and END,

                           which return text beginning at the hit and the

                           text concluding with the hit, respectively.

  o TAG_LIST             A list indicating which tags to filter.  The

                           members of the list are separated by blanks. The

                           keyword ALL may be used to indicate all tags for

                           the collection.  The server removes the named

                           tags and any associated attributes.

Figure B-1   illustrates  how this  function retrieves selected portions of


The HIT_TEXT  function sets the Field Status of the FSR to "1" whenever the

text retrieved  is the  start of the <tag_field>, "2" when it is the end of

the <tag_field>,  and "3"  when it  is both  the start  and the  end of the


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<tag_field>. Otherwise, the Field Status is set to "0" (no status). As with

the vertical  document cursor, if a fetch is made out of the range of valid

hits (whether by absolute or relative positioning), 100 is returned and the

contents of the data field of the FSR are undefined.

The text  may include  match-codes to  mark the areas of the text where the

search criteria  were satisfied.  The match-codes can be special characters

or tags  and are  determined by the server.  For more information on match-

codes, see the MATCH_CODES and SHOW_MATCHES functions.

Only one  active HIT_TEXT or DATA function may be used for each <tag_field>

in any given cursor.

Return format.  Dependent on the data type of TAG_FIELD_SPECIFICATION.

Return value.  A portion  of  text  from  the  specified  <tag_field>  that

pertains to the hit.


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           Figure B-1.  Document-record versus hit traversal.

B.2.6  INDEX


Description.   The INDEX function retrieves the terms from the index of the

collection specified  in the FROM clause. The terms retrieved commence from

the specified  term, and  are returned according to the DIRECTION specified

(FORWARD or BACKWARD).  A maximum of LIMIT terms are returned.


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  o TAG_LIST             A <string_literal> containing a list of the tags

                           for which to return the index list.

  o START_TERM           The text of the first term.  An empty string ('')

                           is specified to start at the beginning (or end,

                           if DIRECTION is BACKWARD) of the list.

  o DIRECTION            The order, relative to the start term, of the

                           return list.  The identifiers FORWARD and

                           BACKWARD are the values that may be specified.

  o LIMIT                The maximum number of terms to return.

  o OPTIONS              The OPTIONS parameter is reserved but not

                           currently used.

Return format.  Nested VLR with a set of ordered unlabeled FSRs.

Return value.   The  nested VLR contains one FSR per term.  Inside each FSR

is another nested VLR with the following FSRs labeled by the term:

  o TAG_LIST             A <string_literal> containing the list of the tags

                           for which to return the index list.

  o TERM                 The text of the term in SZ format.

  o DOCUMENTS            The number of documents in INT32 format.  A return

                           value of -1 indicates that this value is not


  o OCCURRENCES          The total number of occurrences in all documents

                           in INT32 format.  A return value of -1 indicates

                           that this value is not available.  A value of 0

                           indicates that the term was in the stop word



Format.  LIMITS()

Description.   The LIMITS function returns the implementation limits of the


Return format.  Nested VLR

Return value.   The  table below lists the FSRs returned. In each, the Data

Field contains the numeric limit that applies.


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       Field Label       Type     Explanation

       OPEN_CURSORS      UINT32   Maximum open cursors permitted

       DECLARED_CURSORS  UINT32   Maximum cursor declarations

       SFQLCA_LENGTH     UINT32   Maximum SFQLCA length in kilobytes

       DOCUMENTS         UINT32   Maximum number of document-records

                                    permitted in search-results.



Description.       The  MANUFACTURER  function  returns  the  name  of  the

manufacturer of the server, along with any necessary copyright or trademark


Return format.  SZ.

Return value.   The name of the manufacturer and any copyright or trademark



Format.  MATCH_CODES()

Description.       The MATCH_CODES function returns the codes (match-codes)

used by the server to delimit the text matched by the query.

Return format.  Nested VLR.

Return value.   The  first FSR  is an SZ whose Field Label contains "START"

and whose Data Field contains the characters that precede matched text (the

start match code). The second FSR is an SZ whose Field Label contains "END"

and whose  Data Field  contains the characters that follow the matched text

(the end match code).



Description.   The RELEVANCE_METHOD  function returns information about the

method used by the server for relevance ranking.

Return format.  Nested VLR.


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Return value.   The  server-specific  features  of  relevance  ranking  are

returned in the labeled FSRs shown in the table below.:

       Field Label  Type          Explanation

       DESCRIPTION  SZ            A description of the technique used by

                                    the server for relevance ranking.

                                    This is meant for optional

                                    presentation to the user by the


       ORDER        char          {H/L} H indicates that higher relevance

                                    rankings suggest a document that

                                    better matches the user's request.

       LOWEST       UINT32        Lower end of numeric relevance range.

       HIGHEST      UINT32        Upper end of numeric relevance range.



Description.    The  SEARCH_OPTIMIZATION function  returns a list of search

capabilities with associated performance ratings. This function enables the

client to  select defaults  and perform other tuning of client functions to

achieve optimum performance.

Return format.  SZ.

Return value.   A  ranking of  the three  options, where   1 is the slowest

performance and 3 the highest. A return value of 0 means no rating.

       Bytes        Rank          Explanation

       1            1-3           EXACTCASE

       2            1-3           ANYCASE

       3            1-3           FUZZY



Description.    The SFQLVERSION function returns the version number of SFQL

supported by the server.

Return format.  SZ.


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Return value.  A string of the form  MAJOR.MINOR.LEVEL, consisting of major

(version) number, a minor (release) number, and a functionality level, each

separated by periods. The functionality level allows several levels of SFQL

standard to  be implemented  so that  servers may support parts of the full



Format.  STOP_WORDS()

Description.  The STOP_WORDS function returns a list of words  contained in

the collection that are not indexed.

Return format.   Nested VLR.

Return value.   If  the collection has stop words, the VLR contains one FSR

per term, each labeled with the term name.  The FSRs are empty.

If the  collection has  no stop  words (all  words are  indexed), no VLR is



Action functions return on change the current state of a server option.

An  <action_function>   may  be   used  in   a  <select_list>   or   in   a

<query_specification>.   In a <select_list>, the functions are used without

an  argument   to  return  the  current  setting  of  the  option.    In  a

<set_expression>,  the   functions  change  the  setting  to  the  argument

specified and return the current setting following the change.

Each <action_function> returns a data structure specific to the function.



Description.   The LANGUAGE  function sets  the national  language in which

error messages  are returned.   The  LANGUAGE_NAME argument  is  a  literal

string specifying  the  language,  as  identified  in  an  appropriate  ISO

standard to be determined.

Return format.  SZ.

Return value.   The  language name  as identified  by  an  appropriate  ISO

standard to be determined.




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Description.    The MATCH_METHOD function selects one of the possible types

of matching which may be in effect during queries:

                             MATCH METHOD TYPES

   EXACTCASE             matching is case-sensitive:  "ME" matches only


   ANYCASE               matching is not case-sensitive: "ME" matches

                            "ME", "Me", "mE", and "me".

   FUZZY                 matching based on all linguistic forms of the

                            query terms: "is" matches "is", "was", "were",

                            and any other form of the verb "to be".

   DEFAULT               matching based on one of the above methods,

                            whichever is preset by the server.

Fuzzy matching  always implies case-insensitive matching (as if the ANYCASE

function had  been turned  on): "ME"  matches "ME",  "Me", "mE",  and "me".

Other characteristics of fuzzy matching are server-defined, but can consist

of one or more of the following techniques:

  verb stemming               "is" matches "were"

  depluralization             "mouse" matches "mice"

  possession flexibility      "father" matches "father's"

  punctuation flexibility          "house." matches "house?"

  transposition and separation          "club members excepted" matches

                           "except for club members"

The COLLECTIONS  collection indicates  which of  these characteristics  are

supported for FUZZY matching.  For more details, see Appendix D.

Return format.  SZ.




Description.    The  MAX_SEARCH_RECORDS function  sets the  maximum  search

limits the server allows for any one search.

NUMBERis the maximum number of document records in the search-results.

This number  must be  less than  the maximum  number  of  document  records

allowed in a search-results indicated by the LIMITS function.


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If the  maximum number  of document-records  is exceeded,  the server sends

back a  preliminary SFQLCA  as if it had received a SUSPEND statement.  The

client can  then choose  to continue with the search or discontinue it with

the SUSPEND  or CLOSE statements. Note that some servers may not be able to

RESUME after MAX_SEARCH_RECORDS has caused the search to be suspended.

Return format.  UINT32.

Return value. The maximum number of document-records the server will return

in search-results.



Description.    The  MAX_SEARCH_TIME function  sets the maximum search time

for any one search.

NUMBERis the numerical limit to apply in milliseconds.

If the maximum time is exceeded, the server sends back a preliminary SFQLCA

as if  it had  received a  SUSPEND statement. The client can then choose to

continue with  the search or discard it with the CLOSE statement. Note that

some servers may not be able to RESUME after MAX_SEARCH_TIME has caused the

search to be suspended.

Return format.  UINT32.

Return value. The maximum time in milliseconds that the server will conduct

a search.



Description.    The  RESUME function  causes  the  search  associated  with

CURSOR_NAME to  be continued  from the  point it stopped. At the end of the

search, an SFQLCA is returned as though an OPEN cursor was executed and was

never suspended.

If CURSOR_NAME  is not supplied, the last search operation is the target of

the RESUME  function, whether  it was  a direct-mode (noncursor) or cursor-

based search.

RESUME cannot be used in a <query_specification>.

Return format.  The SFQLCA  which would  have eventually been returned  had

the search not been SUSPENDED.


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Description.    The  SERVER_REPORT_TIME function  sets  the  time  interval

between status reports from the server to the client during a query.

When interval  is "0"  (the initial  default), the  server does  not send a

preliminary SFQLCA to the client at any time during a query.  When interval

is greater  than "0",  it indicates  the number of milliseconds between the

return of each preliminary SFQLCA.

Return format.  UINT32.

Return value.  The current millisecond value.



Description.    The  SFQLCA_LENGTH function  sets the maximum SFQLCA length

returned by  the SFQL  server, expressed  in kilobytes.  It must be greater

than or equal to 1 kilobyte.

Return format.  UINT32.

Return value.  The current length.



Description.    The  SHOW_MATCHES function  is used to determine whether or

not match-codes are returned in the text.

STATE can  be the  values ON,  OFF, TRUE,  FALSE, or DEFAULT (where  ON and

TRUE cause  match-codes to  be returned, and DEFAULT sets the STATE back to

the server-defined value).

Return format.  SZ.

Return value.  TRUE or FALSE.



Description.    The  SUSPEND function  requests suspension  of the  search.

After a  suspend, the  cursor is  considered  open  and  documents  may  be

fetched, if there were any hits.


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If CURSOR_NAME  is not supplied, the last search operation is the target of

the SUSPEND  request, whether  it was  a direct-mode (noncursor) or cursor-

based search.

Return format.  A preliminary SFQLCA indicating the search status.


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                      APPENDIX C:  SFQLCA DEFINITION

                       Table C-1.  SFQLCA Definition


 SFQLBORD   1       char    Byte Order.  'L' for Least Significant 'M' for

                             most significant byte first.

 SFQLPAD1   3       char    Reserved.

 SFQLVERS   4       UINT32  SFQLCA Version Number.

 SFQL/SQL common fields:

 SFQLAID    8       char    Always "SFQLCA" (used as an ID), padded on the

                             right with blanks.

 SFQLCABC   4       UINT32  Indicates the length of this SFQLCA in bytes.

                             Its size will vary from implementation to


 SFQLCODE   4       INT32   An integer return code.  Its value is either:

                            = 0  Execution was successful

                            < 0  An error occurred

                            > 0  The statement executed successfully, but

                             an exception occurred.  For example, the

                             value 100 indicates that no data was found to

                             satisfy the request.

 SFQLERRML  4       UINT32  If there is an error to report, this field

                             must indicate the length of the text of the

                             error message in the SFQLERRMC.  If there is

                             no message, this field is set to zero.

 SFQLERRMC  80      SZ      Brief message if there is one.  Worded for

                             end-users.  Used, for example, to provide a

                             brief explanation of an exception or error

                             code.  For serious errors that return an

                             ERROR_RECORD (SFQL only) a more detailed

                             message will be contained in the USER_MESSAGE

                             FSR.  Note that developer oriented error

                             messages are still contained in the

                             ERROR_TEXT field of the ERROR_RECORD FSR.

 SFQLERRP   8       char    Not currently in use


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 SFQLERRD[1]        4       UINT32      This and the following 5 fields

                             are used to indicate the current state of the

                             SFQL server.  Not currently in use.

 SFQLERRD[2]        4       UINT32      Not currently in use.

 SFQLERRD[3]        4       UINT32      Indicates the number of rows

                             processed by an insert/update operation.

                             Currently used in SQL only.

 SFQLERRD[4]        4       UINT32      Not currently in use

 SFQLERRD[5]        4       UINT32      Not currently in use


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                   Table C-1.  SFQLCA Definition (cont.)


 SFQLERRD[6]        4       UINT32      Not currently in use

 SFQLWARN0  1       char    When set to "W" indicates a warning has been

                             issued in one of the following 7 fields.

 SFQLWARN1  1       char    When set to "W" indicates a warning.  This

                             field means that one or more returned

                             character fields were truncated because the

                             fixed format width was insufficient to fit

                             the entire return data.

 SFQLWARN2  1       char    When set to "W" indicates a warning.  This

                             field indicates that one or more null values

                             were ignored in the computation of a function

                             such as MIN or MAX.  Currently used in SQL


 SFQLWARN3  1       char    When set to "W" indicates a warning. Currently

                             used in SQL only.

 SFQLWARN4  1       char    When set to "W" indicates a warning.

                             Currently used in SQL only.

 SFQLWARN5  1       char    When set to "W" indicates a warning.

                             Currently unused.

 SFQLWARN6  1       char    When set to "W" indicates a warning.

                             Currently used in SQL only.

 SFQLWARN7  1       char    When set to "W" indicates a warning.

                             Currently used in SQL only.

 SFQLEXT    8       char    Not currently in use

 SFQL Only Fields:

 SFQLEXT1   1       char    When set to "T" this field indicates that the

                             server response includes SFQL-based SQL

                             extensions (the following fields contain

                             valid information).

 SFQLEXT2   1       char    Reserved

 SFQLEXT3   1       char    Reserved

 SFQLEXT4   1       char    Reserved


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 SFQLROWS   4       UINT32  This field indicates the total number of

                             document-records that contain matches to the

                             query.  It is equivalent to the number of SQL

                             rows that can be retrieved from the query.

 SFQLCPOS   4       UINT32  This field indicates the current cursor

                             position in the hit-set, starting with 1.


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                   Table C-1.  SFQLCA Definition (cont.)


 SFQLHPOS   4       UINT32  Position of horizontal cursor (hit position in

                             document record, starting with 1).

 SFQLCOMP   1       char    A value of 'T' indicates that the server

                             accepted a compromised form of the request

                             (otherwise 'F').  All subsequent actions

                             related to the request are also compromised

                             and the results should be qualified to the

                             user as being in need of cautious

                             interpretation.  See "Error Handling" on Page


 SFQLFLAG2  1       char    Reserved

 SFQLFLAG3  1       char    Reserved

 SFQLFLAG4  1       char    Reserved

 SFQLFLAG5  1       char    Reserved

 SFQLFLAG6  1       char    Reserved

 SFQLFLAG7  1       char    Reserved

 SFQLFLAG8  1       char    Reserved

 SFQLEXPAN  80              Reserved

 SFQLMSGLEN 4       UINT32  Length of the VLR in field SFQLMSG.

 SFQLMSG    n       varies  This field contains the return message.


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Schema information   collections  are standard collections that are used to

supply specific  information about  the collections managed by the  server.

These   collections can   be retrieved by an application using the standard

SFQL query  semantics.  The  schema  information  collections  include  the





The schema  collection contains  a document-record for each schema known to

the server.  The collection contains:


          This <tag_field> is an SZ and contains the type of

            schema that describes data to be found in the

            collection.  The description will follow the

            official standards numbering scheme for ATA

            documents.  For example, the ATA maintenance

            manual schema is designated "ATA 89-9C.MMSCHEMA-



          This <tag_field> is an SZ which contains schema-

            specific data regarding document structure.  For

            example, if the schema is based on SGML, the SGML

            DTD could be returned in this field.


          This <tag_field> is an SZ which contains schema-

            specific data regarding document style.  For

            example, if the schema is based on SGML, the SGML

            DSSSL could be returned in this field.


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The    collection    COLLECTIONS  contains    a  document-record  for  each

collection accessible.   The  record contains  fields describing the server

options in  effect for  the specific  collection.  An  individual document-

record in  this collection is uniquely identified by the two  <tag_field>s,

COLLECTION_NAME   and    TAG_FIELD_NAME.   This collection must include the

following <tag_field>s:


          This <tag_field> is an SZ and contains the type of

            schema that describes data to be found in the

            collection.  The description will follow the

            official standards numbering scheme for ATA

            documents.  For example, the maintenance manual

            schema might be designated "89-9C.MMSCHEMA-R2-



          This <tag_field> is an SZ and contains the name of

            the collection suitable for use in an SFQL



          This <tag_field> is an SZ and contains the value

            "TRUE" words can be matched without respect to

            their case.  For example, a collection that

            supports any case matching can match the query

            term "me" with "ME", "Me", "mE", and "me".  If

            ANYCASE matching is not supported, the value

            "FALSE" is returned.

          If ANYCASE match is supported, it can be enabled by

            selecting ANYCASE in the MATCH_METHOD function.


          This <tag_field> is an SZ and contains the revision

            number of the collection.


          This <tag_field> is an SZ and contains the value

            "TRUE" if word forms are matched when they differ

            only in number. For example, a collection that

            supports depluralization can match the query term

            "mouse" with the word "mice" in the collection. If

            depluralization is not supported, the value

            "FALSE" is returned.


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          If depluralization is supported, it can be enabled

            by selecting FUZZY in the MATCH_METHOD function.


          This <tag_field> is an SZ and contains a textual

            description to explain the contents of the

            collection suitable for presentation to the end-



          This <tag_field> is an SZ and contains the a name of

            the collection suitable for presentation to the



          This <tag_field> is an SZ and contains the value

            "TRUE" if words can be matched exactly including

            their case.  For example, a collection that

            supports exact case matching can match the query

            term "ME" only with "ME" and not with "me".  If

            EXACTCASE is not supported, the value "FALSE" is


          If EXACTCASE match is supported, it can be enabled

            by setting MATCH_METHOD to EXACTCASE.


          This <tag_field> is an SZ and contains the value

            "TRUE" if word forms are matched when they differ

            only by possessive form. For example, a collection

            that supports possessive flexibility can match the

            query term "his" with the word "him" in the

            collection.  If possessive flexibility is not

            supported, the value "FALSE" is returned.

          If POSSESSIVE__FLEXIBILITY is supported, it can be

            enabled by setting MATCH_METHOD to FUZZY.


          This <tag_field> is an SZ and contains the value

            "TRUE" if word forms are matched when they differ

            only by punctuation. For example, a collection

            that supports punctuation flexibility can match

            the query term "house." with the word "house?" in

            the collection.  If punctuation flexibility is not

            supported, the value "FALSE" is returned.

          If PUNCTUATION_FLEXIBILITY is supported, it can be

            enabled by setting MATCH_METHOD to FUZZY.


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          This <tag_field> is an SZ and contains the value

            "TRUE" if there are words in the collection that

            were not indexed by the server.  If all words were

            indexed, the value "FALSE" is found in the


          If STOP_WORDS are supported, they can be returned by

            the INDEX function (entries with zero occurrences)

            or by the STOP_WORDS function.


          This <tag_field> is an SZ and contains the value

            "TRUE" if the THESAURUS function supports the

            SYNONYM operator.  For example, a collection that

            supports SYNONYM can match the query term "house"

            with the word "home" in the collection.  If the

            SYNONYM operator is not supported, the value

            "FALSE" is returned.


          This <tag_field> is an SZ and contains the value

            "TRUE" if the THESAURUS function supports the

            BROADEN operator.  For example, a collection that

            supports BROADEN can match the query term "cat"

            with the word "animal" in the collection.  If the

            BROADEN operator is not supported, the value

            "FALSE" is returned.


          This <tag_field> is an SZ and contains the value

            "TRUE" if the THESAURUS function supports the

            NARROW operator.  For example, a collection that

            supports NARROW can match the query term "gas"

            with the word "oxygen" in the collection.  If the

            NARROW operator is not supported, the value

            "FALSE" is returned.


          This <tag_field> is an SZ and contains the value

            "TRUE" if phrases are matched when they differ by

            transposed or separated words.  For example, a

            collection that supports

            TRANSPOSITION_AND_SEPARATION can match the query

            term "except for club members" with phrase "club

            members excepted" in the collection.  If

            TRANSPOSITION_AND_SEPARATION is not supported, the

            value "FALSE" is returned.


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          If TRANSPOSITION_AND_SEPARATION is supported, it is

            turned on and off with the other characteristics

            of FUZZY matching by the MATCH_METHOD function.


          This <tag_field> is an SZ and contains the value

            "TRUE" if verb forms are matched when they share a

            common stem.  For example, a collection that

            supports verb stemming can match the query term

            "is" with the word "were" in the collection.  If

            VERB_STEMMING is not supported, the value "FALSE"

            is returned.

          If VERB_STEMMING is supported, it is turned on and

            off with the other characteristics of FUZZY

            matching by the MATCH_METHOD function.


          This <tag_field> is an SZ containing a three

            position character map representing the possible

            position of wildcards.  The characters in the map

            may be:

            o  N    Neither wildcard is supported in the position

            o  B    Both wildcards are supported in the position

            o  %    Only the % wildcard is supported in the position

            o  _    Only the _ wildcard is supported in the position

            The three positions of the character map represent

            whether the operation is supported for PREFIX,

            EMBEDDED, or SUFFIX usage.


          This <tag_field> is a SZ and contains one or more of

            the following values, separated by blanks:

       NONE         if no proximity operators are supported

       CHARACTERS   if proximity can be expressed in number of characters

       WORDS        if proximity can be expressed in number of server-

                       defined words

       SENTENCES    if proximity can be expressed in number of server-

                       defined sentences

       PARAGRAPHS   if proximity can be expressed in number of server-

                       defined paragraphs


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The   collection    TAG_FIELDS  contains      a    description    of    the

<tag_field>s accessible  by  the  SFQL  server.    An  individual document-

record  in     this   collection  is   uniquely  identified  by  the  three

<tag_field>s,   SCHEMA_NAME, COLLECTION_NAME,  and  TAG_FIELD_NAME.    This

collection must include the following <tag_field>s:


          This <tag_field> is an SZ and contains the type of

            schema that describes data to be found in the

            collection.  The description will follow the

            official standards numbering scheme for ATA

            documents.  For example, the maintenance manual

            schema might be designated "89-9C.MMSCHEMA-R2-



          This <tag_field> is an SZ and contains the name of

            the collection suitable for use in a SFQL



          This <tag_field> is an SZ and contains the name of

            the <tag_field>.

          TAG_FIELD_NAMEs are unique only within the



          This <tag_field> is an SZ which, for attributes,

            contains the name of the encompassing element.

            For elements, this <tag_field> is empty.


          This <tag_field> is an SZ and contains the ASCII

            string used to represent the tag in the



          This <tag_field> is an SZ and defines the

            <standard_data_type> for TAG_FIELD_NAME. The valid

            values are defined in Table 2 on Page 34.


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          This <tag_field> is an SZ and contains the field-

            type-version identifier for the field.  The valid

            values are defined in Table 2 on Page 34.


          This <tag_field> is an SZ and contains a textual

            description to explain the meaning of the



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This appendix contains the list of values for the SFQLCA element, SFQLCODE.

           Table E-1.  SFQLCODE categories and reserved values.

     SFQLCODE               DESCRIPTION

 Normal Condition

    0                 No errors or exceptions

 Exception Conditions (SFQLCODE > 0)

        100           A FETCH was issued for which there was no row



                      A SELECT was issued for which no rows were found.

      200-203         This SFQLCA is a preliminary SFQLCA.  The reason is:

             200        A SUSPEND has been executed;

             201        MAX_SEARCH_TIME was exceeded;

             202        MAX_SEARCH_RECORDS was exceeded;

             203        The SERVER_REPORT_TIME interval has elapsed.

        210           <select_list> exception.  Problem may be one or more

                       of the following:

                       o  UNSUPPORTED-TAG.  In this case a nested VLR with

                       an ERROR_RECORD will be returned in place of the

                       missing fields.

                       o  UNSUPPORTED-FUNCTION.  The results are returned

                       without processing them through the desired


 Any Other Positive Value               Exception.  A recoverable error

                       was encountered.  The data is returned but is of

                       questionable quality.  For example, the server may

                       not support the operation (e.g., a compromise) and

                       might return positive 20002.  This means that the

                       server tried to accomplish the request.  See Table



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 Error Conditions (SFQLCODE < 0)

 Any Negative Value                     The command was not performed.  An

                       ERROR_RECORD may be found in the SFQLMSG area.  See

                       Table E-2.


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           Table E-2.  Standard SFQLCODEs for error conditions.


   MIN       MAX                        DESCRIPTION

   -1000    -19999    Reserved for server-specific errors

  -20000    -20000    Recoverable but unknown error (contact the vendor)

  -20001    -20001    Unrecoverable unknown error (server exited)

  -20002    -20002    Operation not supported by this server/operating


  -20003    -20003    Command level not supported by server

  -20004    -20014    Reserved

  -20015    -20015    <tag_field> does not exist in specified collection

  -20016    -20016    Collection does not exist

  -20017    -20017    Volume does not exist

  -20018    -20018    User does not exist

  -20019    -20044    Reserved

  -20045    -20045    Operating system file size limit has been exceeded

  -20046    -20046    The collection is unreadable

  -20047    -20047    A file is unreadable

  -20048    -20048    The disc is unreadable

  -20049    -20074    Reserved

  -20075    -20075    Could not complete the query--resource limitations

  -20076    -20076    Could not complete the query--other reasons

  -20077    -20102    Reserved

  -20103    -20103    Max declared cursors exceeded

  -20104    -20104    Max open cursors exceeded

  -20105    -20105    Attempt to close an unopened cursor

  -20106    -20106    Attempt to open an open cursor

  -20107    -20107    Undefined cursor for FETCH, OPEN, CLOSE

  -20108    -20208    Reserved

  -20209    -20209    Syntax Error (unknown cause)

  -20210    -20210    Unknown clause

  -20211    -20211    Unknown function

  -20212    -20212    Bad argument to function

  -20213    -20213    Wrong number of function arguments

  -20214    -20214    Missing clause in command

  -20215    -20215    Missing argument in command clause

  -20216    -20216    Unknown predicate operator

  -20217    -20217    Unbalanced parentheses

  -20218    -20218    Missing semicolon terminator

  -20219    -20219    Bad argument to command clause

  -20220      -n      Reserved


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         Table E-3.  Standard SFQLCODEs for exception conditions.


   MIN       MAX                        DESCRIPTION

   1000     19999     Reserved for server-specific errors

  20000     20219     See negative value interpretation above; in this

                       case the command was at least partly executed and

                       results are available.

   20220      n       Reserved


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                           APPENDIX F: GLOSSARY

    client (SFQL)       The user interface software which inputs user

                        requests and which formats and presents data it

                        receives from the SFQL "server."

    collection          A set of document-records, analogous to an SQL

                        table, which may permanently reside in a database

                        or may be the result of a search.

    depluralization     The ability to accept query terms in either

                        singular or plural form and match both forms.

    document-record     All or part of a document, analogous to an SQL row.

                        Documents are comprised of a meaningful amount of

                        text, analogous to a paper document.

    FSR (Field Subrecord)     A subunit of a VLR which contains no more

                        than one of the items specified in the

                        <select_list> of a SELECT or a FETCH.

    search-results      A set of documents.  The client can request

                        documents from this set by using the cursor based

                        FETCH command.

    match-codes         Strings inserted into returned text by the server

                        to indicate where the hits are found.  The client

                        can use this information to perform user interface

                        functions, such as highlighting the hits in a

                        different font.

    message             A communication between the client and the SFQL

                        server.  SFQL commands are passed as messages from

                        the client to the server. Status and data are

                        passed back as messages from the server to the


    schema              A logical representation of data, oriented towards

                        a particular database management system approach,

                        e.g., a data model for a database in SQL or SFQL.

    server (SFQL)       The database engine software which searches and

                        provides information at the request of the client.

    SFQL                Structured Full-Text Query Language.  A subset of

                        the SQL language, extended to allow access to full-

                        text databases.


                                   Structured Full Text Query Language   83


                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990


    stemming            The ability of a server to match verb forms that

                        share a common stem.

    SZ                  Data returned as a simple string by the server.

                        Like a VLR, the string may be made up of text from

                        several tag-fields of the collection.  Unlike a

                        VLR, however, the fields are not labeled in an SZ

                        record.  As such, to find the data in one field

                        versus another, the caller would have to know the

                        length of each field.

    SQL                 Structured Query Language.  An algebra for

                        manipulating data under the relational model. An

                        invention of IBM, it is now an ANSI standard.  It

                        is currently under consideration as an ISO


    tag                 A label in the text that is used to identify the

                        start or end of a logical zone, or to indicate

                        formatting in the text.  SFQL does not care what

                        tagging scheme is used in the text or even if there

                        is tagging scheme in the text.  The Structured

                        Generalized Markup Language is an example of a

                        tagging methodology that is compatible with SFQL.

    tag-field           A field in an SFQL collection analogous to a SQL


    VLR (Variable Length Record)   A data structure allowing multiple data

                        objects of varying length to be returned.  Each

                        object is in the form of an FSR, and is labeled

                        with the SFQL language element which produced it.

                        For example, if a <select_list> requested

                        LEFT(author, 6) the FSR header would have this

                        entire function and its argument.  Each FSR header

                        also has an offset to the next FSR.


                                   Structured Full Text Query Language   84


                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990




' <character> '................................................11













<character>...........................................7, 8, 9, 11



<collection_name>......................................12, 14, 16









<contains_predicate>.......................................17, 18

<contains_primary>.........................................18, 19


<correlation_name>.....................................12, 14, 16

<cursor_name>..........................................13, 20, 21

<cursor_specification>.....................................20, 21


<date_literal>..............................................9, 10





<digit>.................................................8, 10, 11


<distance>.................................................18, 19


<escape_character>..........................................9, 11






                                   Structured Full Text Query Language   85


                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990






<general_function>.........................................19, 22






<identifier>.......................................11, 12, 13, 14










<like_predicate>...........................................17, 19


<literal>................................................8, 9, 13










<null_predicate>...........................................17, 19





<pattern>...................................................9, 19





<qualifier>................................................13, 14

<query_specification>......................................15, 20







<search_condition>.........................................16, 17


<select_list>..............................................15, 21



                                   Structured Full Text Query Language   86


                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990












<special_function>.........................................15, 23

<standard_tag>.............................................13, 14



<string_list>..............................................18, 19


<string_literal>............................................9, 20

<string_wild_card>..........................................9, 10



<table_expression>.........................................15, 16


<tag_field>................................................14, 16

<tag_field_specification>..........................13, 15, 16, 19



<tag_spec>.................................................13, 14





<unsigned_integer>..................................9, 10, 19, 20

<upper_case_letter>.........................................8, 11

<value_expression>.................................15, 17, 21, 33

<value_specification>......................................13, 15

<where_clause>.............................................15, 16




_..........................................................10, 11

ABSOLUTE...............................................21, 50, 53

Action Functions...........................................24, 59


ANSI X3.135-1986................................................3

ANYCASE....................................................60, 72





BROADEN....................................................48, 74


Character Strings...............................................4

CHARACTERS.................................................19, 75



                                   Structured Full Text Query Language   87


                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990


Client/Server Interaction......................................27


COLLECTION.................................................49, 83

Collection Information.........................................40

COLLECTION_NAME............................................72, 76


Collections.................................................6, 71

COLLECTIONS COLLECTION.........................................72


Communications Area............................................27

Computer Graphics Metafile.....................................34

CURSOR FOR.....................................................20

Cursor Operations..............................................20


Data Field.................................................32, 33

Data Message Format............................................27

Data Offset....................................................32

Data Return....................................................27

Data Types......................................................4


Database Model..................................................5








DEPLURALIZATION............................................72, 83


DESCRIPTION................................................58, 73



Document-record............................................20, 83




Embedded SFQL...................................................4

Embedded SQL....................................................4

Error Handling.................................................38

Error message..................................................27



EXACTCASE..................................................60, 73

Exception handling.............................................41


FEATURES...................................................40, 51


Field Label................................................32, 33

Field Position.................................................32

Field Status...................................................32

Field Subrecord............................................32, 83

Field Type.....................................................32

Field Type Version.............................................32


                                   Structured Full Text Query Language   88


                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990


Field Type Version Identifier..................................36





File formats....................................................1


FIRST..................................................21, 50, 53

Floating Point.................................................35

Formatted String...............................................36

Formatted Text.................................................36

Four-byte Signed Integer.......................................36



FSR........................................................32, 83

FSR Offset.....................................................32


General Functions..............................................22

GROUP BY.......................................................16











Integer.....................................................4, 36

Integrity constraints...........................................4


ISO 8859.......................................................36

ISO 9660........................................................1


Label Offset...................................................32


LAST...................................................21, 50, 53



LIMITS.....................................................40, 56


MANUFACTURER...............................................40, 57

Match-codes................................................36, 83

MATCH_CODES............................................36, 40, 57



MAX_SEARCH_TIME............................................21, 61




NARROW.....................................................48, 74

Nested Variable Length Record..................................36

Nested VLR.....................................................36


                                   Structured Full Text Query Language   89


                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990


NEXT...................................................21, 50, 53









ORDER BY.......................................................20

PARAGRAPHS.................................................19, 75


PRELIMINARY SFQLCA.........................................21, 38

PRIOR..................................................21, 50, 53





RELATIVE...............................................21, 50, 53

RELEVANCE..................................................20, 49





SCHEMA COLLECTION..............................................71

Schema Data Definition Language.................................3

SCHEMA_NAME............................................71, 72, 76

SCHEMA_NAME, COLLECTION_NAME...................................76


Search Conditions..............................................16

Search-results.............................................16, 83



SENTENCES..................................................19, 75


Server Capabilities............................................40

Server Compatibility Model.....................................40

Server Differences.............................................41


SFQL........................................................2, 83

SFQL Communications Area.......................................27

SFQL Grammar....................................................7

SFQL Statement..................................................7




SFQLCA.....................................................27, 79

SFQLCA Header..................................................27

SFQLCA_LENGTH..............................................57, 62


SFQLCODE...................................................65, 79

SFQLCOMP...................................................41, 69




                                   Structured Full Text Query Language   90


                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990






SFQLERRMC..............................................39, 41, 65

















SFQLMSG....................................................27, 69

SFQLMSG Area...................................................29





SFQLVERSION................................................40, 58











Special Functions..............................................22

SQL......................................................3, 6, 84

SQL 3..........................................................12

SQL Common Elements.............................................7



Standard Return Data Types.....................................33



STOP_WORDS.................................................59, 74




SUSPEND....................................................21, 62


SYNONYM....................................................48, 74


                                   Structured Full Text Query Language   91


                                         Draft Standard 89-9C.SFQL2-R1-1990

SZ.........................................................36, 84



Tag-Field...................................................6, 84

TAG_FIELD_NAME.............................................72, 76

TAG_FIELDS.................................................71, 76

TAG_FIELDS COLLECTION..........................................76

Tagged Image File Format.......................................36




Transaction capability..........................................3


Two-byte Signed Integer........................................36


Unrecoverable error............................................29


Update capability...............................................3


Variable Length Record.........................................84

Vendor Extensions..............................................37


Vertical bar character.........................................18


VLR........................................................29, 84

VLR header.....................................................29




WORDS......................................................19, 75


                                   Structured Full Text Query Language   92


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