
                |G|                                  |G| 

                |H|   *** F-19 STEALTH FIGHTER ***   |H| 

                |O|                                  |O| 

                |S|        -- CONTROL DOCS --        |S| 

                |T|                                  |T|        

                | |      Written by Rastan for:      | | 

                |T|                                  |T| 

                |O|  Vision Factory & Defjam & Ccs!  |O| 

                |W|                                  |W| 

                |N|                             '90  |N| 


                |$|     GHOST TOWN  +46-75025058     |$| 



Preflight & PostFlight Options 


o Controller Joystick, or arrow keys, or mouse 

o Selection Joystick button, or return key, or left mouse btn. 


Control Stick 


o Pitch down stick forward, or up-arrow, or mouse forward 

o Roll right stick right, or right-arrow, or mouse right 

o Roll left stick left, or left-arrow, or mouse left 

o Pitch Up stick back, or down-arrow, or mouse back 

o Down & right stick forward & right, or up & right, or forward & right 

o Down & left stick forward & left, or up & left, or forward & left 

o Up & right stick back & right, or down & right,or back & right 

o Up & left stick back & left, or down & left, or back & left 


Adjust stick sensitivity 'Ins' key 

(tiny, small and medium stick movement) 




o Max Pwr (maximum power) Shift and '+=' key 

o Incr (increase throttle) '=' key 

o Decr (decrease throttle) '-' key 

o No Pwr (no power) Shift and '-_' key 


Other Flight Controls 


o Gear (landing gear toggle) '6' key (on main keyboard) 

o Flaps (extend/retract toggle) '9' key (on main keyboard) 

o Brakes (on/off toggle) '0' key (on main keyboard) 

o Autopilot (on/off toggle) '7' key (on main keyboard) 

o Accel (accelerated) time Shift and 'Z' key 

o Norm (normal) time Shift and 'X' key 


Out-of-Plane Viewing 


o Slot View Shift and 'F1' key 

o Chase Plane Shift and 'F2' key 

o Side View Shift and 'F3' key 

o Missile View Shift and 'F4' key 

o Tacti view (you & enemy) Shift and 'F6' key 

o Invrs tacti (enemy & you) Shift and 'F7' key 


Out-of-Cockpit Viewing 


o View ahead Shift and '?/' key 

o View rear Shift and '>.' key 

o View left Shift and '<,' key 

o View right Shift and 'M' key 


Other View Keys 


o Zoom (view or map) 'z' key 

o Unzoom (view or map) 'x' key 

o View Angle (narrow or wide) 'c' key 


Cockpit Controls 


o Cockpit View 'F1' key 

o HUD Modes 'F2' key 

o CRT Maps (toggles left-side CRT) 'F3' key 

o Data (on right-side CRT) 'F4' key 

o Ordnance (on right-side CRT) 'F5' key 

o System Damage (on right-side CRT) 'F6' key 

o ILS (on/off the HUD) 'F9' key 

o Mission (on right-side CRT) 'F10' key 

o Eject (bail out) Shift and 'F10' key 


INS (Inertial Navigation System) 


o Select Waypoint (on right-side CRT) 'F7' key 

o Change Waypoint (on both CRTs) 'F8' key 

o Reset Waypoint (all) Shift and 'F8' key 

o Select/Change Previous Waypoint Minus (-) key on numeric keypad 

o Select/Change Next Waypoint Plus (+) key on numeric keypad 

o Move Waypoint Up (changing pt) Up-arrow (numeric keypad '8') key 

o Move Waypoint Down (changing pt) Down-arrow (numeric keypad '2') key 

o Move Waypoint Left (changing pt) Left-arrow (numeric keypad '4') key 

o Move Waypoint Right (changing pt) Right-arrow (numeric keypad '6') key 


Tracking Camera (appears on right-side cockpit CRT) 


o Cam Ahead '/' key 

o Cam Rear '.' key 

o Cam Left 'm' key 

o Cam Right ',' key 

o Select Target (in current view arc) 'b' key 

o Designate New Target (ahead only) 'n' key 




o Ordnance (on right-side CRT) 'F5' key 

o Select Ordnance space bar 

o Bay Doors (toggles open/close) '8' key (on main keyboard) 

o Fire Ordnance or return key, or right mouse btn. 

o Fire Cannon joystick button, or ba.space key,or left mouse btn. 




o Flare (drop one cartridge) '1' key (on main keyboard) 

o Chaff (drop one cartridge) '2' key (on main keyboard) 

o IR Jammer (toggles on/off) '3' key (on main keyboard) 

o ECM  (radar jammer on/off) '4' key (on main keyboard) 

o Decoy (drop one) '5' key (on main keyboard) 


Simulation Controls 


o Pause (press any key to un-pause) Alt and 'p' key 

o "Boss" (hides simulation) Alt and 'b' key 

o Quit Alt and 'q' key 

o Resupply (training only) Alt and 'r' key 

o Change missions to training Alt and 't' key 


Keyboard Control Stick Adjust 'Ins' key 


- kebd sensitivity 3 = keypress causes large stick movement 

- kebd sensitivity 2 = keypress causes moderate stick movement (default) 

- kebd sensitivity 1 = keypress causes small stick movement 


Volume Adjust (4 sound levels) Alt and 'v' key 


- sound level 3 = all sounds 

- sound level 2 = all sounds execpt engine background noise (default) 

- sound level 1 = firing and explosions only (no warning sounds) 

- sound level 0 = no sound 


Detail Adjust (2 levels) Alt and 'd' key 


- detail level 1 = maximum detail on Tactical and Track Cam Displays 

- detail level 0 = normal detail on Tactical and Track Cam displays 


Slew Controls (4 directions) 


- slew north (training only) Alt and 'i' key 

- slew west  (training only) Alt and 'j' key 

- slew south (training only) Alt and 'k' key 

- slew east  (training only) Alt and 'l' key 



Special Greetings to: Skid Row, FairLight, Paradox, Quartex, 

                      Angels and the rest... 



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