"Advent" Virus



             ***   Reports collected and collated by   ***

             ***            PC-Virus Index             ***

             ***      with full acknowledgements       ***

             ***            to the authors             ***



====== Computer Virus Catalog 1.2: "Advent" Virus (15-Feb-1990) =======

Entry.................. "Advent" Virus

Alias(es).............. ---

Strain................. Syslock/Macho Virus Strain

Detected: when......... Autumn 1988

          where........ Federal Country of Rheinhessen, FR Germany

Classification......... Program Virus (Link virus)

 Length of Virus........ 2761 - 2776 (dec) bytes appended on

                               paragraph boundary

------------------------ Preconditions--------------------------------

Operating System(s).... MS/PC-DOS

Version/Release........ 3.00 and upwards

Computer models........ All IBM PC compatibles.

-------------------------- Attributes---------------------------------

Easy identification.... Beginning on every "Advent" (the time period

                             beginning at the 4th sunday before

                             Christmas until Christmas eve), the

                             virus displays after every "advent

                             sunday" one more lit candle in a wreath

                             of four, together with the string

                             "Merry Christmas" and plays the melody

                             of the German Christmas song "Oh Tannen-

                             baum". By Christmas all four candles are

                             lit. This happens until the end of Decem-

                             ber, when an infected file is run.

Type of infection...... The virus infects both COM and EXE files.

                        EXE files: it checks the checksum in the EXE

                             header for 7CB6h, in which case no in-

                             fection will occure.

                        COM files:  are checked by looking for the

                             string 39,28,46,03,03,01 (hex) at offset

                             10h.  The virus is not RAM resident,

                             therefore it will only infect when the

                             host is run.  It infects by searching

                             through the directories on the current

                             drive and randomly choosing files and

                             directories to infect or search.  It will

                             not infect any other drive.  It will

                             infect COMMAND.COM.

Infection trigger...... Virus will infect any time it is run.

Media affected......... All disks that are addressable using

                             standard DOS functions, as long as it is

                             the current drive.

Interrupts hooked...... ---

Damage................. Transient damage: displayed picture, melody

                             (see Easy Identification)

Damage trigger......... Every time the host is run.

Particularities........ The virus checks for the environment variable

                             "VIRUS=OFF", in which case it will not

                             infect. The virus encrypts itself using a

                             variable key.  The virus will only do its

                             transient damage after 1-Nov-1988.

Similarities........... Macho/Syslock: much of the code is identical,

                             including the startup code. This means

                             that Advent will be identified as Syslock

                             by many scanning programs.  Advent seems

                             to be the precursor to Macho and Syslock

                             (though detected later).

---------------------------- Agents-----------------------------------

Countermeasures........ Use the environment variable described

                             above as a first aid measure only. If

                             your COMMAND.COM in infected, that wont

                             stop the virus much.  Resetting the date

                             will only stop the damage, not the


                        Here's one of the few strings that can safely

                             be searched for:


                             E1, 8A,C1,33,06,14,00,31,04,46,46,E2,F2,

                             5E,59; it should be noted, however, that

                             this string will also identify Syslock

                             and Macho.

                        There is no scanning method that will tell

                             the 3 apart. "NTIADVEN" uses a checksum.

 - ditto - successful.. For proper treatment, my Anti-Virus "NTIADNEN"

                             is highly recommended (in all humility).

                             Treatment by hand is very tedious and

                             only recommendable for experts.

Standard Means......... Booting from a write-protected disk and resto-

                             ring all COM and EXE files from the ori-

                             ginal disks.

----------------------- Acknowledgements------------------------------

Location............... Virus Test Center, University of Hamburg, FRG

Classification by...... Morton Swimmer

Documentation by....... Morton Swimmer

Date................... December 10, 1989

Information source..... "The Peter Norton Programmer's Guide to the

                             IBM PC" (1985), and members of our group.

                             Also thanks to V-COMM for producing

                             "Sourcer" and making my life easier.

======================= End of "Advent" Virus ========================


  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ end of reports ++++++++++++++++++++++++



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