STAR TREK: "Heritage"

 Newsgroups: alt.startrek.creative



Subject: Heritage - teaser

Message-ID: <>

Sender: (Usenet News Admin)

Organization: Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa

Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1993 16:20:26 GMT

Lines: 314


This is the teaser to the second script I sent in somewhere in July.  The 

rejection came three months later.  There are some slight similarities to "

Attached", which I didn't know about when I wrote it, and "The Inner Light", 

which I hadn't seen at that point.  But I hope you enjoy it nevertheless.

        STAR TREK: "Heritage" - REV. 20/06/93 - TEASER




                         PICARD (V.O.)

               Captain's log, Stardate 94877.6. 

               The Enterprise has arrived at

               Alpha Koronos where we are to

               commence proceedings which will

               hopefully result in the

               Koronosians becoming a permanent

               member of the Federation.

2.   INT. WORF'S QUARTERS.                                  2.

     The small room is bathed in a dim, red light,

     illuminating the assortment of weapons that line the

     far wall in a hellish glow.  The bowed figure of a

     small klingon boy is outlined against this warlike

     setting, and the whispers of a klingon ritual flow

     from his mouth.

     WORF moves from the far side of the room to sit

     beside the boy, ALEXANDER.  He doesn't speak until

     Alexander has finished the chant.


               I am proud of you.

     Alexander remains silent.

                         WORF (CONT.)

               What is it?

     Alexander does not answer; instead he continues to

     focus his attention on the weapons that line the

     wall, and on the bat'telh in particular.

                         WORF (CONT.)

               Alexander, if there is a

               problem, if you do not wish to

               go through with this, you must

               be open with me.

     Alexander stands up and leaves the room, leaving

     Worf to ponder.

3.   INT. CORRIDOR.                                         3.

     PICARD, RIKER and DATA make their way towards the

     Transporter Room.


               Universal translators....?


               That's what they ordered so

               that's what we sent them.  And

               I'm hardly in a position to feel

               offended.  I can't speak their

               language; there's no reason why

               I should expect them to speak



               Agreed.  They didn't ask to join

               the Federation; we asked them.


               From what I have heard, their

               culture... their way of life...

               means a great deal to them. 

               They wish to preserve it with as

               little chance of pollutants

               creeping in as possible.


               Well, if they're afraid of us

               polluting their traditions why

               are they even considering

               joining the Federation?  They'll

               be opening themselves to an

               armada of different beliefs and



               There is a lot to be gained from

               experiencing other's values and

               beliefs, Commander.  It is not

               necessary for them to change

               merely by making those

               experiences available to them. 

               Perhaps this is something they



               Perhaps.  It still seems a

               little strange to me, though.

     The three officers enter the Transporter Room.

4.   INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM.                                 4.

     PICARD, RIKER and DATA enter and look to the ENSIGN

     stationed behind the transporter console.


               Three ready to beam up, sir.


               Make it so, Ensign.

     Three beams of energy sparkle and coalesce on the

     transporter pad, forming into KORTAR, the Koronosian

     Ambassador and his two Assistants.  Each has a

     strange device strapped around their mouth with a

     similiar electronic apparatus covering the right


     Picard steps forward to greet them as they step off

     the pad.

                        PICARD (CONT.)

               Ambassador Kortar, it is good to

               finally meet you in person.

     When the Ambassador speaks, there is a slight

     electronic tingle to his voice as the universal

     translator interprets the essence of his speech.


               Thank you, Captain.  I too have

               been looking forward to our



                     (Indicating Riker)

               This is my First Officer,

               Commander William Riker....


               A pleasure, sir.

     Kortar nods a greeting to Riker.


               ...and Lieutenant-Commander



                         (To Kortar)

               Grash-kalla, Ambassador.

     Kortar removes the universal translator mouthpeice





                         (To Riker)

               I accessed all information on

               Koronosian culture from the

               language banks.

     Picard moves towards the door.


               If you will step this way,


     Picard, Riker, Data, and the three Koronosians exit

     the Transporter Room.

5.   INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE.                               5.

     PICARD, RIKER, DATA, KORTAR and his two Assistants

     sit around the table.


               I assure you, Ambassador, your

               people will lose nothing.  They

               stand only to gain.


               I appreciate your attempt to

               quell any misgivings we have,

               Captain.  But you cannot

               understand our ways, nor what we

               stand to lose.


               Sir, there is a great variety of

               races and cultures, all in the

               Federation, who feel as you do. 

               They maintain their way of life,

               their values.  At the same time

               they work within the Federation

               and reap the rewards.  The only

               thing they lose is isolation.


               I am sure that is the case,

               Commander.  But you must

               appreciate my scepticism when

               faced with the future of my

               people... our society... all

               that we hold dearest.


               We appreciate and respect your

               reservations, Ambassador....


                        PICARD (CONT.)

               However, there is little else we

               can offer you other than our



               That is true.  And we've argued

               this point for well over the

               time duration given to this



               Perhaps before you make such

               guarantees you should experience

               our culture first hand,

               Captain.... Understand for

               yourself what we fear losing.

     Picard and Riker look at one another uncertainly.


               Thank you for your offer,

               Ambassador.  I am truly grateful

               for such an oppurtunity. 

               However, we were hoping to begin

               discussions on the matter of



               I empathize with your position,

               Captain.  After all, the

               Federation has matters of

               greater importance to attend



               It is not that, Ambassador.  I

               am merely concerned that this

               may delay any agreement between

               our two societies....  An

               agreement which will bode well

               for both our peoples.


               Perhaps it will facilitate our

               talks.  A far greater

               understanding of our respective

               situations can only assist us in

               these discussions.

     Picard is silent for a moment.  Riker continues to

     stare at Kortar and his Assistants dubiously.


               Agreed.  Very well, Ambassador. 

               I would be delighted to take you

               up on your offer.

     Kortar stands up, as do his Assistants.  Picard,

     Riker and Data do so as well.


               Very good.  We will transmit a

               time and co-ordinates to you

               shortly.  I look forward to...

               educating you, Captain Picard.

     Picard nods while an obviously uncomfortable Riker

     glances at him, then back at the Koronosians.



                         END OF TEASER

Newsgroups: alt.startrek.creative



Subject: Heritage - Act One

Message-ID: <>

Sender: (Usenet News Admin)

Organization: Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa

Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1993 16:21:43 GMT

Lines: 707

        STAR TREK: "Heritage" - REV. 20/06/93 - ACT ONE

                            ACT ONE



                         PICARD (V.O.)

               Captain's Log, Stardate 94878.2. 

               I have been given the

               opportunity to experience

               Koronosian culture first-hand. 

               Though this detour from the

               scheduled discussions may result

               in a delay, the chance of

               strengthening ties through an

               exploration of each other's

               cultures is too compelling to


7.   INT. PICARD'S QUARTERS.                                7.

     PICARD is packing clothing and other items into his

     carry-bag when his door chimes.



     The door slides open to reveal RIKER standing in the

     doorway.  Picard looks up, then resumes packing.

                        PICARD (CONT.)

               Well, get on with it.


                       (Entering room)

               Get on with what?


               Telling me that I'm being

               careless, rash, reckless,



               Why do you need me to tell you

               that.  You seem to know it all


                (Looks in bag Picard is packing)

               Besides, why are you packing all

               this?  I thought you were there

               to experience their culture, not

               pollute it, remember?

     Picard halts packing and sighs.


               You're right.  What am I doing

               with all this?

     He starts unpacking most of his belongings again.


               So you're really going ahead

               with this?


               I agreed to do it, Will.  Not

               like I can back out now. 

               Besides, it should prove a

               worthwhile experience, getting

               to see how others view the


     Riker picks up a bottle of red wine that is lying

     next to the open bag.


               And this?


                 (Taking bottle from Riker)

               Chateauneuf-Du-Pape.  A taste of

               French life.  From one culture

               to another.

     Picard places the bottle in his carry bag, which he

     then closes.


               I'm not entirely pleased about

               this, you know.


               I know.


               Perhaps if I could accompany



               You know they're only allowing

               one person down there, Will.  To

               keep the contamination to a


     Riker nods his head.


               You ready?

     Picard takes a final look around his Quarters.


               I think so.

     The two exit Picard's Quarters.

8.   INT. CORRIDOR.                                         8.

     PICARD and RIKER make their way to the Transporter



               I still can't believe I'm

               letting you do this.


               Not like you have a choice.

9.   INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM.                                 9.

     PICARD heads for the transporter pad as RIKER

     watches.  The ENSIGN behind the console studies the

     read-out before her, then looks up.


               They're ready to receive you,



               Excellent.  Energize.


               Enjoy yourself, Captain.

     Picard nods a thanks to Riker as the beam envelops

     him and he disappears.

10.  INT. TEN-FORWARD.                                      


     WORF and TROI are sitting at one of the tables, each

     enjoying a drink.


               I just don't understand.  It is

               not like I am forcing him to

               endure it.  He has chosen to

               undergo the rite out of his own

               free will.


               I understand.  But he might not

               see it that way.  The Age of

               Ascencion is an important time

               for a Klingon and he may feel

               that you would want him to go

               through it.


               It is a time when a Klingon

               becomes a true warrior, and yes,

               I would be proud to see him pass

               through.  It is a test of

               endurance, of a Klingon's



               But he has also spent a fair

               amount of time on Earth, among

               humans.  He is also K'Ehleyr's

               son and she was half-human.  By

               going through with this Klingon

               ritual, he may be feeling that

               he is being untrue to her, to

               how she raised him, her values.


               It is true that K'Ehleyr was a

               little more lax.  She did not

               hold as much respect for Klingon

               traditions as I do.


               Talk to him.  Make him

               understand that you are not

               pushing him into a decision.  If

               he is only accepting those

               values because they mean

               something to you, he is doing a

               dis-service, not only to himself

               but also to those values that

               you wish him to uphold.

11.  EXT. PLANET'S SURFACE.                                 


     The wind sweeps over the arid landscape, kicking the

     sand and dust up into the air.  Through the

     resulting haze, a city comes into view.

12.  INT. KORTAR'S ABODE.                                   


     KORTAR and an Assistant are sitting in his office,

     decorated by various sculptures and paintings

     indicative of his people and their lifestyle.  Both

     look up from the work they have been studying as

     Picard enters with his carry-bag, accompanied by two

     other Koronosians.


                      (To Koronosians)


     Picard watches the two Koronosians, who accompanied

     him, exit the room.  Kortar lifts a universal

     translator mouthpeice to his mouth.

                        KORTAR (CONT.)

               Captain.  Thank you for coming. 

               Please sit.

     Picard turns to admire the various works of art that

     are scattered around him.

     He moves forward and seats himself in a chair on the

     other side of the table from Kortar and his

     Assistant.  Both Koronosians ignore him, continuing

     with their work and speaking in their own tongue,

     having removed their translators from their mouth

     but still retaining the receiver in their ears. 

     Picard continues to look around him uncomfortably.

     Finally, Picard has had enough.


               Excuse me, gentlemen.  But I

               don't understand a word of what

               you are saying....

     Kortar looks up at Picard, then moves the translator

     mouthpeice into position.


               Do not be concerned, Captain

               Picard.  You will shortly.



     The Enterprise continues to circle Alpha Koronos,

     now passing over the night side of the planet. 

     Small groupings of lights from cities can be seen

     dotting the surface.

14.  INT. READY ROOM.                                       


     RIKER is sitting alone in the Captain's chair,

     looking slightly tired.  A warm mug of coffee is

     steaming beside his hand.

     Reaching a decision, he punches a knob on the desk's



               Mr Sterez, is there still no

               response from Captain Picard?

                         STEREZ (V.O.)

               I'm sorry, sir.  We've got a

               lock on his communicator, but we

               have yet to receive a reply to

               any of our signals.


               Very well.  Please get me

               Ambassador Kortar.

                         STEREZ (V.O.)

               Aye, sir.

     There is a slight pause, then the image of

     Ambassador KORTAR appears on the view screen on the

     Ready Room desk.  He has obviously been getting

     ready to sleep.


               I apologize for having disturbed

               you, Ambassador.  But I am

               wondering if I may have a word

               with Captain Picard.

     Kortar hesitates, reaches off-screen to the

     universal translator, then holds it in position.


               Would you please repeat,



               Would it be possible for me to

               speak to Captain Picard?


               I'm sorry, Commander.  But the

               Captain has had a long day and

               has decided to retire already. 

               I will inform him of your call

               when I speak to him tomorrow.


               If it is not too much of an

               inconvenience, sir, I would



               Forgive me, Commander.  But I

               will not be able to reach

               Captain Picard tonight.  You

               will have to try again tomorrow.

     Riker is about to speak, but Kortar cuts the

     communication off and the screen darkens.

15.  INT. BRIDGE.                                           


     RIKER exits the Ready Room and moves to DATA, who is

     working at one of the aft stations.  The rest of the

     Bridge is mainly populated by those working night



               Mr Data, it's good to see you're

               still awake.




               Are sensors picking up the

               Captain's communicator?

     Data's fingers dance over the panel before him,



               There we are, Commander.


               Scan for human life signs in

               that vicinity.

     Data is silent for a moment as he carries out the



               The sensors can detect no human

               life signs in that area, sir.



                         RIKER (V.O.)

               First Officer's log, Stardate

               94882.6.  It has been a little

               over twenty-four hours since

               Captain Picard beamed down to

               the surface.  Since that time

               there has been no word from him. 

               Sensors also indicate that he

               has been seperated from his

               communicator, his only link to

               the ship.

17.  INT. READY ROOM.                                       


     RIKER sits behind the desk, staring at the image of

     KORTAR on the viewscreen before him.


               Ambassador, I understand your

               reluctance to allow other

               members of my crew to beam down,

               but under the circumstances....


               An agreement was made between my

               government and the Federation,

               Commander; that no one will

               transport to Alpha Koronos

               unless authorized by us to do



               With all due respect, I have

               lost contact with my Captain....


               I give you my solemn word that

               he is quite safe, Commander...


               Not good enough, Ambassador.


               You do not trust my word? 

               Commander, your conduct is not

               helping the fragile relationship

               between our two peoples.


               Ambassador, I need....

     The image of Kortar disappears, to be replaced by

     the empty darkness and the reflection of Riker's own

     frustrated face.

18.  INT. MAIN ENGINEERING.                                 


     WORF enters the Engineering section a little unsure. 

     He looks around, his eyes finally finding GEORDI,

     who is working with two other officers to repair a

     faulty panel.

     Worf approaches the group reluctantly.


                     (To other officers)

               Duffy, regulate the power flow

               to the other systems.  Coster,

               you got it?  Okay, let's power

               her up and see what happens.

     There is a moment of silence, followed by the sound

     of a control systems coming back on line.  Within

     seconds, the panel is fully functional.

                        GEORDI (CONT.)

               Okay.  Everything seems to check

               out just fine.  But we'd better

               have a look at the master's

               system display just to make sure

               everything is working as it


     Geordi is about to follow the two officers when he

     notices Worf.

                        GEORDI (CONT.)

               Worf, is there something I can

               do for you?


               Commander.  Would it be possible

               to have a word with you?  In



                          (To Worf)

               Sure, Worf.

                        (To officers)

               Duffy, Coster.  You guys go

               ahead; I'll be with you shortly.

     Worf and Geordi move into the Chief Engineer's


                        GEORDI (CONT.)

               So, what is the problem?


               Five years ago, you were at the

               celebration of my Age of



               Of course.  It would be hard for

               me to forget.


               So you remember?


               Oh, yes.  It left quite an



               Alexander is facing that choice

               now.  Whether he should perform

               the rite or not.


               You think he may not be ready

               for it...?


               No.  That is not what concerns

               me.  He has been preparing

               according to my instructions. 

               What does concern me is whether

               he wishes to go through with it

               at all.


               Do you believe he doesn't?


               I cannot help but feel that

               there is a part of him that does

               not wish to go through with it.


               He's spent a lot of time among

               humans, Worf.  That must have

               had some impact on him.  Perhaps

               he's afraid of losing that part

               of him in this rite.


               I know.  He must choose his own

               way.  But he is my son.  He is a



               He's a klingon by birth.  But

               that doesn't mean he wishes to

               respect what it means to be a


     Worf nods, thinking about Geordi's words.  His

     thoughts are broken by the beeping from his

     communicator.  He taps it in reply.


               Worf here.


               Lieutenant, report to the

               Captain's Ready Room.


               On my way.

                         (To Geordi)

               Thank you, Commander.


               Any time.

     As Worf leaves, Geordi pauses for a moment, then

     moves to help the two officers at the System's

     Display Monitor.

19.  INT. READY ROOM.                                       


     RIKER is seated behind the desk, looking exceedingly

     tested.  DATA is standing before him, seemingly

     unperturbed as only an android could be.  Both look

     to the door as it hisses open, allowing WORF to



               Data, Worf; I've got an

               assignment for the two of you. 

               You both know of our

               difficulties in contacting

               Captain Picard.  You will beam

               down and try to locate him.

     The look that passes between the two officers does

     not go unnoticed.

                         RIKER (CONT.)

               I know.  That's why all

               communications with the ship

               must be scrambled.  I don't want

               the Koronosians to know what

               you're up to.

     Worf nods and is ready to leave; Data, however, is

     not so sure.


               Sir, you do realise we will be

               violating the agreement between

               the Federation and Alpha

               Koronos, which clearly states

               that no crewman shall....


               I know, Data.  You've made your

               point, and if it's any help

               you're fired.  Now you can go.

     Data hesitates for a brief second, then follows Worf


     Riker presses a knob on the comm-panel before him.


               Ensign, get me Ambassador




     The Enterprise maintains it's orbit.

21.  INT. BRIDGE.                                           


     RIKER is moving towards the captain's chair as he

     listens to Data's voice, sounding rather faint and

     crackling.  He sits down, a look of deep concern on

     his face, and glances at an equally pensive TROI.

                          DATA (V.O.)

               ... no one has seen him,

               Captain.  At least not in any of

               the major villages.  Lieutenant

               Worf and I shall continue our



               Thank you, Mr Data.  And keep us

               apprised.  Enterprise out.

22.  EXT. PLANET'S SURFACE.                                 


     The wind is still blowing across the desolate land. 

     A small farm house comes into view.

     Two figures approach the isolated farm house through

     the blowing dust-storm.  Both wear large coats with

     hoods pulled over their heads, protecting their

     faces from the stinging sand.

     They walk up onto the front wooden porch and the

     shorter knocks on the door.  There is a long pause,

     then the door opens and a man peers out.  The larger

     being looks up, and the ridge that extends all the

     way along his head can clearly be seen.  It is WORF. 

     The other humanoid pulls the hood back from over its

     head to reveal a skin-colour matching that of the

     surrounding sand.  DATA looks at the man at the



               Jean-Luc Picard?

     The man, who we now see to be Jean-Luc Picard, but

     altered to look like a Koronosian, stares back at

     them, with not a hint of recognition.



                        END OF ACT ONE

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If you missed "Memento Mori", the script I posted a few weeks ago, or any 

parts of "Heritage" that didn't make it (I know there've been problems with 

it making on the net), mail me and I'll send you the act that has been 



        STAR TREK: "Heritage" - REV. 1/07/93 - ACT TWO

                            ACT TWO




                         RIKER (V.O.)

               First Officer's Log, Stardate

               94884.7.  Captain Picard has

               been found.  However, questions

               as to what happened to him since

               his beam-down will have to wait,

               for a problem of a far more

               serious nature has arisen.

24.  INT. CORRIDOR.                                         


     RIKER and Dr. CRUSHER are walking briskly towards

     the Transporter Room.  Crusher is carrying a medi-



               He seems to have no recollection

               of the Enterprise or any of us. 

               In fact, he seems to have no

               recollection of being Jean-Luc

               Picard at all.


               Just who does he think he is,



               Unfortunately, Data didn't have

               time to explain.  He and Worf

               had their hands full with the

               Captain and his wife.

     Crusher is about to say something, but is cut off.

                         RIKER (CONT.)

               Don't even ask.  Right now, I

               know as much as you do.

     They enter the Transporter Room.

25.  INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM.                                 


     RIKER and CRUSHER walk directly onto the platform.



     Riker and Crusher disappear in a shimmer of light.

26.  EXT. PLANET'S SURFACE.                                 


     The storm continues to rage.  The farm house can

     barely be made out in this sand-filled wilderness.

27.  INT. FARM HOUSE.                                       


     PICARD, his "wife" SERANNA, WORF and DATA are in the

     lounge-area.  The front door opens, and a rather

     wind-battered RIKER and Dr. CRUSHER enter.

     Data moves to Riker, while Crusher begins scanning

     Picard and Seranna with her tricorder.


                         (To Riker)

               He is quite adamant that he does

               not know who we are, Commander;

               and that he does not know of a

               Jean-Luc Picard.


               Well, has he told you who he

               believes he is, then?


               He calls himself Saphett, and

               claims to have been a farmer,

               but was forced to give that

               profession up because of the

               drought.  He now lives on this

               farm with his wife, barely

               making ends meet.


                         (To Seranna)

               It's not going to harm you. 

               It's only a scanning device.

     Crusher glances at Picard, who is watching her


                        CRUSHER (CONT.)

                          (To Picard)

               Don't you remember me?

     Picard watches her as if he did not comprehend a

     word she said.


                          (To Riker)

               His wife's name is Seranna.  She

               appears to have a fairly strong

               personality, though he is still

               quite protective of her.

     Riker nods and is about to move towards Picard and


                         DATA (CONT.)

               There's one other thing,

               Commander.  He cannot speak our


     Data holds out a universal translator for Riker, who

     looks at it and then at Data.  Finally, he takes it.


               Would you mind explaining that?


               I cannot.  No doubt it is all

               linked to the fact that he

               looks, behaves, even thinks like

               one of them.  The only language

               he does understand is


     Riker nods and moves towards Picard and Seranna.


                    (Indicating Seranna)

               Mr Worf....

     Riker seats himself opposite Picard as Worf moves

     forward to stand over Seranna.

     Riker fits the universal translator mouthpeice into

     position and indicates Seranna.

                         RIKER (CONT.)

               Rasse ny karre'de.

     Crusher steps forward and takes Seranna's hand,

     reassuringly.  Seranna looks at Picard, who is

     eyeing Worf and Crusher warily.


                          (To Picard)

               Tra, de su doohrt.

     Seranna gets up and is followed out by Worf.  Picard

     watches her go, then turns to look at Riker


                    (Indicating translator)

               De su rekken rasse.  Trede.

     Riker moves the translator towards Picard, who

     studies it.

     Worf and Seranna walk down a corridor, out of sight

     of the others.  Worf stops at the nearest door.


                    (Indicating the door)

               After you.

     Seranna looks at him, unsure, then opens the door

     and steps inside.  Worf closes the door, locks it,

     and turns to rejoin the others in the lounge.

     As Worf appears, Picard is holding the device to his

     mouth with the attachment placed against his ear. 

     As he speaks, he is surprised at the strange sounds

     that pour out of the mouthpeice.


               Who are you?  What are you doing



               You don't recognize me?  Any of


     Picard does not answer.

                         RIKER (CONT.)

               The Enterprise.  Does that name

               mean anything to you?  Do you

               remember the Enterprise?

     Again there is no response.


                           (To Riker)

               Will, if I may have a word with


     Riker nods and gets up.  They move out of ear-range

     from Picard, who still has the universal

     translator's earpiece in place.

                        CRUSHER (CONT.)

               I think we should take him up to

               the Enterprise.  Up there I can

               take a more detailed scan of his

               brain, find out exactly what has

               happened to him.


               All right.  But I don't suspect

               he'll be willing to leave

               without his "wife".


               Take her to the Enterprise as

               well, then.  She must know

               something of what is going on



               Those physical alterations.... 

               Can you do anything about them?


               There seems to have been slight

               modifications to the skin and

               bone structure.  They should be

               easily reversible.  But once

               again, I can only do that on the


     They return to Picard.


                           (To Worf)

               Mr Worf, you can let Seranna out


     Worf moves towards the room in which Seranna is


                         RIKER (CONT.)

                           (To Picard)

               Sir, I'm afraid you will have to

               accompany us.




               Back to our ship.  There we can

               take a proper look at you, find

               out exactly what has happened.

     Worf and Seranna re-enter the lounge area.  Picard

     moves to join his "wife".

                         RIKER (CONT.)

               There is no need to pack just

               yet.  We can provide you with

               all your requirements.


                          (To Picard)

               De doohrt ma ras.


                          (To Riker)

               My wife will be accompanying me.


               We'll supply Quarters for the

               both of you.

     Riker looks at Picard, who touches Seranna's hand

     with his own in an intimate sign of comfort and


28.  ALPHA KORONOS: ENTERPRISE IN ORBIT.                    


29.  INT. SICKBAY.                                          


     RIKER, TROI and Dr. CRUSHER.  PICARD is lying

     unconscious on a bio-bed.  The alterations to make

     him look like a Koronosian have been reversed.


                    (To Riker and Troi)

               There's been massive

               interference with protein

               formation by way of the RNA

               molecules.  It's caused massive

               disruptions to a variety of

               cells in his cerebral cortex.


               Essentially, all access to those

               molecules that contain his

               memories have been cut off. 

               Even those that he uses to

               vocalise his thoughts.


               That explains his loss of

               memory.  What about his complete

               knowledge of Koronosian customs,

               beliefs, language?


               That's a little more tricky. 

               And I don't think I can answer

               that just yet.  I'll need to do

               a more in-depth examination

               before I can give you anything



               Anything would help.  Before I

               speak to Kortar about this, I

               want to know exactly what he did

               to the Captain.


               I did remove a miniature

               electronic chip that had been

               inserted into the Captain's

               head, in the region of his

               cerebral cortex.  I have no idea

               why it was placed there, but

               I've sent it down to Geordi to

               examine.  He may be able to give

               you a better idea of its


     Riker nods.


                     (Indicating Picard)

               I'll want a word with him when

               he wakens.


               I'll let you know when he's


     Riker and Troi exit Sickbay.

30.  INT. CORRIDOR.                                         


     RIKER and TROI.


               Have you managed to sense

               anything from him yet?  Because

               so far, I've seen no indication

               of the captain; none of his

               memories, nothing.


               Saphett is, to all intents and

               purposes, another person.  It is

               possible, though, that in order

               to construct another identity,

               whoever did this to him had to

               use the essence of Jean-Luc

               Picard as a foundation on which

               to build.  If we could reach

               him, even on that level....


               It would be a start.  But the

               question is: how do we reach



               Perhaps if we knew exactly what

               the Koronosians did to him....


               I'm going to contact Ambassador

               Kortar.  Find out what the hell

               is going on.  When we agreed to

               beaming the captain down, they

               mentioned nothing about brain-


31.  INT. WORF'S QUARTERS.                                  


     WORF has just draped the coat he wore to the surface

     over his klingon chair when he sees Alexander's

     preparation for the next ritual set out in the

     adjoining room.  He moves into the room, darkened

     for the upcoming ceremony.

     Alexander is nowhere to be seen, so Worf assumes the

     kneeling position and performs the ceremony himself. 

     ALEXANDER watches from behind him.


               Are you aware of the purpose of

               this ceremony?


               It represents the freeing of the

               spirit, the coming of manhood.


               Yes.  It is meant to free, not

               confine you.  You must choose

               your own way, Alexander; your

               own path.


               I am a Klingon.


               No, you are not.  Not until you

               say it from here and here.

     He indicates his head, then his heart.

                         WORF (CONT.)

               Only then are you a true



               Your mother taught you to

               respect your human side.  And

               you have lived among humans for

               a long time.

     Alexander does not reply to this; instead he looks


                         WORF (CONT.)

               But now you must make a

               decision, about what you really

               want and who you wish to be. 

               That is a decision I cannot make

               for you, but one which you must

               find alone, within yourself.


               Father, I do not wish to pass

               through the rite of Ascension.

     Worf stares at his son for one long moment.  Then,

     he walks away, leaving Alexander in the setting of

     an unfinished ceremony.

32.  INT. READY ROOM.                                       


     RIKER is seated behind his desk, once more staring

     at the image of KORTAR.


               Ambassador Kortar.  No doubt you

               are already aware of....


               I am aware of your actions,

               Commander, and those taken by

               your fellow officers.


               Now that we got that out of the

               way, would you mind explaining

               to me what exactly it is that

               you have done to my Captain?


               Commander Riker, we had every

               intention of returning him to

               you in full health.  It was you

               who broke our agreement,

               snatched him from us....


               That is not an explanation,

               Ambassador.  Now I'm still



               He was getting first-hand

               experience of our culture,

               Commander, as was agreed at our

               first meeting.


               With an electronic chip jammed

               in his head?

     Kortar pauses for a moment.


               Commander, if you want your

               Captain returned in a full state

               of health, you will return him

               to us.  Along with the chip to

               which you have just referred.


               We also have a Koronosian woman

               who claims to be his wife.  Care

               to explain that, Ambassador?


               You will return her as well,

               Commander.  She is a Koronosian

               citizen and you had no right....


               I have every right when my

               Captain is brain-washed,

               Ambassador.  And I'm still

               waiting for an explanation.


               I will explain nothing so long

               as you hold one of our citizens

               against her will, Commander.  I

               expect her and the electronic

               chip you mentioned to be

               returned to us without delay.

     Kortar's image disappears from the screen.

     Riker thinks for a moment, then presses a button on

     the comm-panel before him.


               Riker to LaForge.

                         GEORDI (V.O.)

               LaForge here, Commander.


               Geordi, have you made any head-

               way with that chip Doctor

               Crusher sent you?

                         GEORDI (V.O.)

               Nothing so far, Commander.  But

               I'll let you know as soon as we

               have something.


               Do that.  Riker out.

33.  INT. SICKBAY.                                          


     PICARD wakens and tries to sit up.  CRUSHER notices

     him and moves to his side.


               Just relax.  You're going to be


     Crusher turns to reach for the universal translator

     she placed nearby.  Picard looks up, to see his

     reflection in a nearby monitor.


                     (Holding his face)

               Rasse trech.  Rasse trech.

     He continues to stare at his now-changed face,




                        END OF ACT TWO

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Subject: Heritage - Act Three

Message-ID: <>

Sender: (Usenet News Admin)

Organization: Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa

Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1993 16:33:59 GMT

Lines: 691

        STAR TREK: "Heritage" - REV. 2/7/93 - ACT THREE

                           ACT THREE




                         RIKER (V.O.)

               First Officer's Log, Stardate

               94887.3.  Though Captain Picard

               has been found, it appears that

               his mind is gone, replaced with

               the knowledge, experiences and

               way of thinking of the

               Koronosian culture.

35.  INT. SICKBAY.                                          


     RIKER and TROI enter Sickbay, and move towards Dr.



                         (To Crusher)

               Your report on Seranna, Doctor.


               Follow me.

     Crusher moves to a display screen and activates it.

                        CRUSHER (CONT.)

               This is an image of Seranna's

               cerebral cortex, where all her

               short-term and long-term

               memories are stored, much like

               in the human brain.  I've found

               similiar disruption of protein

               formation, including the

               electronic device we found in

               the Captain.


               Have you removed it?


               No.  I don't want to until

               Geordi is able to determine what

               its exact function is, and how

               it may affect her.


               She really believes she's

               married to the Captain?  And

               that he is Saphett?


               That's how she knows it to be,

               yes.  New, encoded protein

               molecules have been injected

               into her brain, forming new



               Is that what's happened to the



               I've found traces of these

               encoded protein molecules in his

               brain.  As for being artificial,

               they are no more different than

               any other protein molecule in

               his head, at least as far as I

               can see.  Isolating them may be

               impossible, at least without

               some sophisticated peices of

               equipment which we don't have.


               But the Koronosians obviously



               I understand there was some

               trouble when the Captain woke



               He reacted as anyone would if

               they woke up to find their

               facial features altered.  He's

               calmed down, though, so you

               should be able to speak to him.


               Where is he now?


               In the reception area.  There's

               no more reason for him to remain

               in Sickbay.  Right now, the only

               way he's going to get his memory

               back is through association.  He

               won't get much of that here.


               That's why I've assigned him to

               his own Quarters.  Perhaps being

               there may help him remember


     Riker heads for the reception area, followed by Troi

     and Crusher.

     They find PICARD sitting in a chair, lost in

     thought.  He looks up as they enter, then picks up

     the universal translator that is lying next to him

     and fits the ear-piece into place.


                         (To Picard)

               I would like to take you some-

               where... a place where you may

               have more privacy.

     Picard does not respond.

                         RIKER (CONT.)

               Do you understand.....?

     Picard fits the mouth-piece into place.


               I understand you very well. 

               Though I cannot fathom why you

               have taken me... done this.

     Picard indicates his face.


               We'll talk about that later. 

               Now, if you'll follow me....

     Picard watches Riker for a moment, then follows him

     and Troi out of the reception area.

36.  INT. PICARD'S QUARTERS.                                


     The doors slide open, and PICARD, RIKER and TROI

     enter.  Picard looks around the room, at the various

     personal items that fill it.  He stares at the

     figurine given to him by his old mentor, Galen, as

     it sits on his desk, then moves to a wall where the

     sash, given to him by the proto-Vulcan people on

     Mintaka Three, hangs.

     Riker and Troi remain silent, watching for anything

     that would show a hint of remembrance.  No such

     reaction is forth-coming.


                         (To Riker)

               Where is my wife staying?  And

               why won't we be sharing rooms?


               Counsellor Troi will show you to

               your wife.  Her Quarters are not

               far from here.


               Why won't we be sharing rooms?


               Make yourself comfortable.  If

               there is anything I or

               Counsellor Troi can do for you,

               don't hesitate to call.

     There is an uncomfortable moment as Picard stares at

     Riker.  He then removes the ear-piece of the

     universal translator from his ear.

     Riker and Troi glance at one another, then exit.

37.  INT. CORRIDOR.                                         


     RIKER and TROI walk down the ship's corridor.


               Deanna, I'd appreciate it if you

               could work with him... show him

               around the ship....


               Of course.  However, there is

               someone else aboard who I

               believe is better suited to that

               job than I am.  Data has all the

               files on Koronosian culture

               downloaded into his system....


               Counsellor, Captain Picard is

               still human....  No matter what

               he may be thinking or how he



               No.  He's Koronosian....  No

               matter how he looks.  He speaks

               their language, performs their

               customs....  In every respect

               that matters, he is Koronosian.


               And Data is better prepared to

               handle a Koronosian?


               He knows their beliefs, their

               language, I don't.  Saphett can

               relate to Data more than he can

               with me, and that ability to

               relate is important in any


     Riker's communicator beeps and he taps it.


               Riker here.

                         GEORDI (V.O.)

               LaForge here.  I think Data and

               I have found something that may

               be of interest to you,

               Commander.  If you'll join us on

               the Bridge....


               I'm on my way.

38.  INT. BRIDGE.                                           


     RIKER and TROI exit from the aft turbo-lift.  Troi

     moves to her seat at the centre of the Bridge, while

     Riker moves up to GEORDI and DATA, who are working

     at one of the aft stations.


               So, what have you got, Geordi?


               Data and I have been studying

               this chip for some time now,

               Commander, and all we've managed

               to come up with is that it is a

               receiver and transmitter of


     Data finishes keying in certain commands on the

     panel before him, then looks at the read-out on the



               As I suspected, it is a

               transmitter that sends out

               focussed energy pulses at

               specific frequencies.


               Aimed at what?


               At those frequencies, any

               protein blocks at which the

               energy pulses are focussed would

               shatter, leaving those molecules

               encoded with memories



               ....and the information they

               contain inaccessible.


               Exactly.  The chip then encodes

               new, artificial instructions

               into molecules that it forms and

               injects them into the brain.


               Such technology would make for

               an ideal situation in most



               Ideal?  How?


               I learnt the Koronosian language

               after I was fed all the

               information regarding grammar,

               vocabulary, pronunciation....


               Fine, Data.  Go on.


               In effect, the same can be done

               to any Koronosian who has such a

               chip implanted in his or her



               Not only language.


               Agreed.  The theory and

               practical application of any

               occupation could be programmed

               into the minds of people.  The

               need for schooling would be

               abolished, as anything could be

               learnt instantaneously....


               And who controls that knowledge;

               controls what is to be

               tranmitted into people's minds? 

               What a perfect way to make sure

               that people maintain a

               particular way of life....  All

               from this one chip.


               Actually, this thing is more

               like a relay station, passing on

               the instructions it receives.


               There's one other thing,

               Commander.  We've also found a

               set of instructions encoded into

               the chip.


               Obviously intended for the

               Captain.  Have you managed to

               decode it?


               Not yet, but I'm getting there.


               Keep trying, Geordi.  And make a

               copy of those instructins to be

               stored in the Enterprise's

               computer.  We may have to give

               this chip back, but that doesn't

               mean we can't keep the

               information stored within it.


               Aye, sir.


                           (To Data)

               Mr Data, I've got a special

               assignment for you.....

39.  INT. NURSERY.                                          


     The Instructor, KYLE, is teaching a young class of

     students, which includes ALEXANDER.


               ...and it was at what outpost

               that a Federation starship

               defended the Klingons against

               the Romulans, paving the way for

               the peace that we now enjoy?

     No one answers, and Kyle waits for a moment, giving

     someone a chance to voice a suggestion.  A young

     girl puts her hand up.

                         KYLE (CONT.)

               Yes, Gloria?


               Norendra Three.


               That's right.  It was at

               Norendra Three that the

               Enterprise-C, the immediate

               predecessor to this ship,

               battled four Romulan warbirds,

               and lost.  But it was because of

               their heroic efforts that a war

               that had raged for decades was

               finally over.

     A small boy sitting across the aisle from Alexander

     turns to the Klingon when Kyle's back is turned.


                        (To Alexander)

               We conquered you.

     Alexander jumps out of his seat, hitting the other

     boy and pulling him from his seat.


               Alexander!  Let him go!

     Kyle rushes to the two boys who are scuffling,

     pulling them apart.


               You're not one of us!  You're

               not one of us!  You're a nobody!


               Alexander, stop it!

     Alexander pelts the boy again.

40.  INT. READY ROOM.                                       


     RIKER is seated behind the Ready Room desk.  He

     punches a Knob on the comm-panel before him.  A

     Koronosian appears on the screen.


               Sjet bakla ahr'en?


               I need to speak to Ambassador



                      (More forcefully)

               Sjet bakla ahr'en?


               Never mind.

     Riker punches another button, closing the one

     channel and opening another.

                         RIKER (CONT.)

               Transporter Room, prepare to

               beam two down to the planet's

               surface....  Same co-ordinates

               as those used for Captain


     Riker gets up and exits the Ready Room.

41.  INT. BRIDGE.                                           


     RIKER enters from the Ready Room and moves towards

     the aft turbo-lift.  GEORDI is working at one of the

     aft stations.


                         (To Geordi)

               Mr LaForge, do you have that

               electronic chip with you?


               Right here, Commander.


               Then let's go.

     Riker and Geordi enter the turbo-lift and the doors

     close behind them.

42.  EXT. PLANET'S SURFACE.                                 


     It is approaching dusk in the great city.  The

     lights from the many buildings can be seen through

     the darkness and the blowing sand.  The howl of the

     wind is clearly audible.

43.  INT. KORTAR'S ABODE.                                   


     KORTAR is pouring himself a drink, a thick, orange

     brew, at a counter.  The door to his abode opens,

     and RIKER and GEORDI are led in by two KORONOSIANS.


                       (To Koronosian)

               Tere shiern ahr'ait?


                (Indicating Riker and Geordi)

               Serla rasse g'aght.  Rhie'at


     Kortar nods, then dismisses the Koronosians with a




     The two Koronosians exit.  Kortar picks up a

     universal translator and moves it into position

     around his mouth and ear.

                        KORTAR (CONT.)

               You have a lot of explaining to

               do, Commander.

                    (Returns to counter)

               But let me first get you and

               your officer a drink.


               I won't have anything, thank


     Kortar continues to fill two beakers with the thick,

     orange brew.


               You are on our world now,

               Commander.  And you shall have a


     He offers a beaker to Riker and Geordi.  Each take

     it, but do not drink.  They move to the table where

     Kortar has seated himself, sipping his orange drink.

                        KORTAR (CONT.)

               Good, is it not?  We call it

               Rhe'gla....  It's quite lethal

               in large doses.

     Riker throws the electronic chip so that it skitters

     across the table, to smack against Kortar's beaker

     and come to a stand-still before the Ambassador's


                        KORTAR (CONT.)

               Why, thank you, Commander.


               You don't get it for nothing,

               Ambassador.  I still would like

               an explanation of what it was

               doing in my Captain's head.


               I would have thought your

               computers would have analysed it

               already, Commander.... told you

               everything you needed to know.


               Not everything.


               We know it's a transmitter and

               receiver of sorts....  And that

               it isolates certain brain cells

               while injecting new ones, with

               new encodings, into the brain.


               Simply put.


               Now, would you mind explaining?


               We followed our agreement to the

               letter, Commander.  Every

               Koronosian has such an implant

               and it seemed the best way to

               integrate your Captain into our





               He learnt everything about us,

               all our values, beliefs,

               customs, in an instant,

               Commander.  Now he understands

               us... our ways.


               Understands you?  He's one of



               We will restore him... once you

               return the other Koronosian to



               She thinks she's been married to

               him for twenty-five years.


               And she will forget him in an

               instant, once I've relayed the

               instructions to her chip.


               You implant memories into their

               heads and then remove them as

               you wish?


               Not as we wish, Commander.  We

               needed someone to guide your

               Captain through the process...

               be with him so that he can

               understand our ways.  She



               To have false memories implanted

               into her head?  They all know

               about this?


               Of course, Commander.  We don't

               normally use the tool to alter

               memories, but these are...

               unusual circumstances.  Normally

               it's used as an educational



               Would you like a




                       END OF ACT THREE

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Subject: Heritage - Act Four

Message-ID: <>

Sender: (Usenet News Admin)

Organization: Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa

Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1993 16:02:09 GMT

Lines: 769

I'm posting the last two acts of Heritage below.

All the best,


        STAR TREK: "Heritage" - REV. 4/7/93 - ACT FOUR

                           ACT FOUR


44.  ALPHA KORONOS: ENTERPRISE IN ORBIT.                    


45.  INT. PICARD'S QUARTERS.                                


     PICARD removes his Kataanian flute from its case and

     studies it.  For a long moment, he stares at it. 

     Behind him, SERANNA steps into view, watching him. 

     After a slight pause, she speaks.


               Sei rasse te koorn?

     Picard turns to look at her, and is about to answer

     when the door chimes.  He reaches for the universal

     translator, fitting it into place.


               You may enter.

     The door opens, and DATA steps inside.


                         (To Seranna)

               Grash-kalla, Seranna.

     Picard gets up and moves to join his wife.  Data

     notices the universal translator in place.

                         DATA (CONT.)

                         (To Picard)

               Saphett, I have come to offer

               you and your wife a tour of the

               ship.  If you are not busy or

               have other engagements....


               I'm not.


               I will join you in a moment.

     Picard exits, entering the adjoining room.  There is

     a moment of silence before Seranna turns to Data.


               Tje rasse nye karre te g'ler.

     Data looks slightly taken aback, for an android.


               Seranna, tje rasse te rus'gla. 

               De rekke su tra.


               Ku ma trech dog hir?  Tje se


     Data looks deeply offended and is about to reply,

     but is broken off by Picard, who has just entered

     the room.


               Tchu, Seranna!

     Picard returns the mouthpeice of the translator to

     its previous position.

                        PICARD (CONT.)

               Sir, I apologize for my wife's


     Not understanding what Picard has said, Seranna

     turns to Data.


                     (Indicating Picard)

               Dog rasse koorn?


                        (To Seranna)

               Tje rus'gla ma rasse ge'tan.


                         (To Picard)

               Tje rus'gla te rasse ge'tan?

                         (To Data)

               Rasse te rekke se'doohrt.


                         (To Picard)

               If you wish me to leave....


               Yes, and I will accompany you.

     Picard and Data move towards the door.


                         (To Picard)

               Tje nye karre se koorn.

     Data does not answer, but Picard does.  He removes

     the translator momentarily.


                         (To Seranna)

               Rasse ern duug sa.

     He returns the translator to his mouth.

                        PICARD (CONT.)

                         (To Data)

               I go because I wish it.

     Picard and Data exit the Quarters, leaving Seranna

     alone.  Once they are gone, she seats herself beside

     Picard's desk and in her anger and frustration,

     throws the flute's casing across the room, to hit

     the far wall.

46.  INT. CORRIDOR.                                         


     PICARD and DATA walk down a corridor.


               Your wife seemed rather upset

               that you accepted my invitation. 

               Also, the terms she used to

               describe me would not be

               considered polite in Koronosian



               And she has a right to feel the

               way she does.  You take us from

               our homes... try and make me

               think I'm one of you... alter my

               features.  I have every right to

               be angry too.


               If you feel that way, Saphett,

               then why did you agree to this



               I know why you're doing this to

               me... trying to make me think

               I'm one of you.

     He waits for a reaction from Data, but gets none.

                        PICARD (CONT.)

               You want something, don't you? 

               A part of our culture....


               If you are referring to the

               electronic chip that we found in

               your head, sir, you are



               Am I?  I'm sure you know of the

               advantages it gives us, the

               ability to learn, to grow.  It

               made me who I am.


               In what way?


               I wanted to be a farmer.  I

               always did.  In the course of a

               year, all the necessary skills

               and knowledge I needed was fed

               into my brain.  It wasn't a

               matter of learning, it was just

               a matter of knowing.


               And Seranna?  Who was she?


               Who she is now.  People don't

               change, only our ability to


47.  INT. KORTAR'S ABODE.                                   


     RIKER, GEORDI and KORTAR are watching through a

     large window into an adjoining room, where a young

     girl is sitting at a terminal on which a large

     cross-sectional map of Alpha Koronos' various rock

     strata is shown.  An adult Koronosian is at another

     nearby terminal, monitoring the girl.


                    (To Geordi and Riker)

               The child's name is T'churian;

               she wants to become a geo-

               physicist.  She lacks the

               various skills required for the

               occupation, but that will all



               You're going to encode it in all

               at once?


               Not all at once, no.  We start

               from the basics and build on

               from there.  It's a slow

               process, allowing the recipient

               to process and understand what

               he is receiving.  That is how we

               work, especially when dealing

               with children.  As they grow up

               and become more familiar with

               the process, we can move a lot



               You spent a great deal of time

               with Captain Picard...


               The time spent included

               inserting the chip, Commander. 

               Even then, we did move rather


     In the adjoining room, the child suddenly

     manipulates the controls and a new set of figures

     appears on the terminal monitor.  The view of the

     various strata alters, becoming more detailed.

                        KORTAR (CONT.)

               T'churian has accomplished the

               next phase in her learning.


               But it can be taken away just as



               We don't remove anything,

               Commander.  Every input is

               specifically tailored to the

               individual's needs.  Once

               programmed into their minds,

               there is no reason to remove it.


               And Captain Picard?


               To integrate your Captain into

               our culture it was necessary to

               isolate certain memories

               temporarily.  To remember his

               life on the Enterprise while he

               acted out a role as a Koronosian

               would have caused too many

               contradictory attitudes.

     They move away from the window.


               Ambassador, when that child's

               chip received instructions for

               further encoding, my VISOR

               picked up no indications of any

               signals being sent.


               It wouldn't, Mr LaForge.  The

               signals are sent by way of

               neutrinos.  And as you no doubt

               know, neutrinos aren't easy to



               Neutrinos?  But how....?


               It's a long, involved process. 

               Essentially, the neutrinos are

               fired out at a specific rate and

               interact with the chip and the

               multitude of various organic

               compounds that it contains....


               ...Which produce the required



               Instructions are encoded into

               organic molecules being

               manufactured in the chip and are

               then injected into the brain. 

               But that, of course, is putting

               it simply.


               I would be interested in hearing

               more about this process... once

               you've returned our Captain to

               us, of course.

     Kortar hesitates.


               Commander, I will gladly return

               your Captain to you, if you

               transport him to the surface.


               However, I am sorry to say that

               Alpha Koronos has decided to

               remain out of the Federation.


               This is rather sudden.


               I apologise if I raised your

               hopes by agreeing to our meeting

               in the first place, Commander. 

               But we do believe that it would

               be in Alpha Koronos' best

               interests if we progressed

               alone, in our own way.

48.  INT. ENGINEERING.                                      


     PICARD and DATA enter Engineering from an adjoining



               This is a big ship.


               As I said before, it is the only

               Galaxy-class starship in

               existance, and the Flagship of

               the Federation.


               And very impressive.

     A CREWMAN looks up from the Master Systems Display.


               Commander Data.  Sir, Mr LaForge

               is planet-side, and I was

               wondering if you would look

               something over.


                         (To Picard)

               Excuse me one moment.

     Picard nods and Data moves to join the crewman at

     his station.


               Sir, Mr LaForge, Duffy and

               Coster repaired this faulty

               panel a short while ago, but it

               seems to be down again.


               This is the terminal that

               accesses current information

               from the power transfer conduit.


                         DATA (CONT.)

               It is possible that there is a

               fault in an inter-linking


     Picard watches them discuss the problem for a

     moment, then looks up at the large, throbbing

     matter/anti-matter reactor.  He looks at it

     momentarily, slightly puzzled.


               Generator coils....

     Data looks up from where he is working, and at

     Picard who is still staring at the reactor.


               I beg your pardon?


               Your ship, it employs generator

               coils.  In the nacelles.


               That is correct.  How do you

               know this?

     Picard is silent for a moment, trying to grasp at

     something intangible.


               I know this system....


               What else do you know?


               Nothing.  It must have been fed

               into me.  But why would they be

               sending me technical knowledge? 

               I'm a farmer.


               Saphett, this knowledge has not

               been sent to you via the

               electronic chip.

     Picard remains silent, waiting for an explanation.

                         DATA (CONT.)

               We removed that implant shortly

               after bringing you to the

               Enterprise.  They could not have

               provided you with this



               You what?


               We removed...


               You're lying.  How else could I

               know this?  I've never been on

               this ship before.  How could I

               know what I know now?


               I do not know.  Unless there

               were some memories the

               Koronosians did not want to

               render irretrievable.

49.  INT. NURSERY.                                          


     KYLE is seated behind her desk, staring at WORF, who

     is seated before her.


               Mr Worf, when your son came here

               he was having tremendous

               difficulties fitting in.  He

               overcame those difficulties, and

               things seemed to be getting

               better.  Until now.

     Worf shuffles uneasily in his chair.

                         KYLE (CONT.)

               This morning I had to break up a

               fight between your son and

               another of my students.  Neither

               would say what caused it, but I

               do know that it was your son who

               threw the first punch.


               I see.


               "I see" is not good enough, Mr

               Worf.  I respect Alexander's

               right to take pride in being a

               Klingon, but not when he beats

               up one of my students.


               Attacking the weak is not the

               Klingon way.


               I'm certain it's not.  Mr Worf,

               I would like you to have a word

               with your son.  Tell him that I

               respect him as an individual and

               I respect his beliefs, but I

               don't respect his recent

               behaviour in my class.  And if

               it happens again, I will be

               forced to take more drastic



               With all due respect, Ms. Kyle,

               how can you respect that which

               you know little or nothing


     Kyle is silent for a moment.


               Lieutenant, I'm a very flexible

               person.  I accept a wide range

               of view-points.  But I do not

               accept hooliganism, no matter

               from where it comes.

     Kyle gets up and moves to the door.

                         KYLE (CONT.)

               I will leave you now.  I'm sure

               you and your son have much to


     Kyle opens the door to the adjoining Nursery, where

     Alexander has been waiting, then exits.  Worf gets

     up as his son enters the room.


               Well?  Have you nothing to say?

     Alexander is silent.

                         WORF (CONT.)

               Do you admit to hitting one of

               your fellow-students.


               I am a Klingon....


               You are not a Klingon.  Nor do

               you become one through bullying

               others.  You become one by

               accepting certain challenges, by

               following the traditions....


               I do not wish to pass through

               the rite of Ascension.


               This is your heritage.  This is

               who you are.  You cannot hide

               from that.  You must accept it

               and take pride in it.


               Perhaps I was expecting too

               much.  Perhaps I should have

               sent you to a Klingon school

               where they would have taught you

               what it means to be a Klingon.


               I don't want to be different!


               If you cannot accept your own

               differences, how can you expect

               others to accept them?

50.  INT. BRIDGE.                                           


     DATA is working at one of the aft stations.


               Computer, access file containing

               encodings from Koronosian chip.

     An assortment of meaningless figures poured over the

     monitor before him.

                         DATA (CONT.)

               Computer, are the encodings of

               any known artificial design?




               Computer, are the encodings of

               any known natural design?






               The form of the encodings

               correspond to the formation of

               distinctive patterns of

               rubonucleic acids.


               Please specify stated patterns.


               The patterns are indicative of

               the development of RNA molecules

               located in the cerebral cortex. 

               These are formed according to

               the pattern of DNA molecules in

               the related chromosomes.

     Data pauses momentarily, then plays on a hunch.


               Computer, cross-reference to

               medical records of Captain Jean-

               Luc Picard.  Are there any RNA

               molecules located in said

               person's cerebral cortex that

               correspond to the patterns

               identified in the encodings from

               the Koronosian chip?



51.  INT. READY ROOM.                                       


     RIKER is sitting behind his desk, reading through

     some incoming messages on his desk monitor, when the

     door chimes.



     He looks up as DATA enters.


               Commander, I seem to have

               successfully decoded the

               instructions located in the

               Koronosian Chip.


               How did you do that?


               I believe I worked on a hunch.


               Carry on.


               Certain parts of the encodings

               were clearly instructions to the

               implant to isolate certain

               memories; it is the other parts

               that may be of more interest.


               What were those instructions?


               The other encodings in the chip

               match certain RNA molecules in

               the Captain's brain.  I did a

               complete diagnostical scan of

               the Captain's brain, and though

               it took a great deal of time, I

               have managed to isolate those

               specific molecules....


               Data, I don't need an

               explanation, I need results. 

               What did you come up with?


               Sir, I believe the instructions

               I have decoded in the chip are

               meant to direct the chip to make

               copies of the encodings in the

               specified molecules in the

               Captain's brain and to send the

               copies back to the transmitter.


               They made copies of some of

               Captain Picard's memories?


               I believe so, Commander?


               What memories?  And for what



               The memories that include all of

               his knowledge of our ship's

               propulsion.  No doubt they wish

               to learn how to build their own




                        END OF ACT FOUR

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         STAR TREK "Heritage" - REV. 6/7/93 - ACT FIVE

                           ACT FIVE




                         RIKER (V.O.)

               First Officer's Log, Stardate

               94889.2.  Doctor Crusher has

               informed me that there is the

               possibility of retrieving

               Captain Picard's lost memories. 

               It is vital that we do, if we

               are to discover the true reason

               for the Koronosians' actions,

               their purpose behind what they

               have done.

53.  INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE.                               


     RIKER is alone.  He turns towards the door as it

     opens, allowing PICARD and WORF to enter.  Picard is

     still wearing a universal translator.


                         (To Picard)

               Saphett.  Please come in and

               take a seat.

     Picard seats himself opposite Riker.

                         RIKER (CONT.)

               Commander Data has told me of

               your sudden knowledge of our

               propulsion systems.

     Picard does not reply.

                         RIKER (CONT.)

               Our doctor has suggested that

               you continued to know it all

               along...  You've just been

               suppressing it.  To remember

               that and nothing else on the

               ship may have been a

               contradiction your brain did not

               wish to deal with.  It was

               pushed into your unconscious

               until brought out during your



               Do you honestly expect me to

               believe that?


               What do you think?


               Take a good look at me,

               Commander.  I look human.  But

               that is thanks to you.  I am a

               Koronosian.  I was born, lived,

               and married on that planet.  I

               had a child, watched it grow and

               die there.  And I remember

               nothing of this ship, the living

               area in which you confined me,

               or even you.  None of it, except

               for certain technical details,

               which you could have easily fed

               into my brain.


               Right now, you know nothing of

               us, Saphett....  Of our ways, of

               who we are.  I'm giving you the

               chance to change all that.  I'm

               giving you a chance to

               experience what you've lost. 

               And if you're anything like my

               Captain, I think you'll take me

               up on my offer.


               Allow us to restore your

               memories... the ones that were

               taken away from you.


               There are no such memories.


               Then there is no reason why you

               should not accept my offer.


               What is to be gained?  I have

               this life.  I don't want

               another.  This is who I am.


               What do you have to lose?  Let

               me show you your other side, and

               you don't have to lose a thing.

54.  INT. SICKBAY.                                          


     PICARD is lying on the central bio-bed.  Though the

     mouth-peice of the universal translator is removed,

     the ear-peice is still in place.

     Dr. CRUSHER is hooking him up to a machine while

     RIKER stands by, watching.


                           (To Riker)

               By stimulating certain areas of

               his brain, specifically his

               interpretative cortex, we'll

               excite those molecules that have

               been isolated, allowing them to

               form new protein connections.

                           (To Picard)

               You may as a result relive the

               memories with which those

               molecules are encoded, but you

               will still remain conscious of

               the present.

     Crusher waits for a response, but doesn't get one.

                        CRUSHER (CONT.)

               Do you understand?

     Picard nods, but continues to fix his eyes on the

     ceiling above him.

                        CRUSHER (CONT.)


     The machine is activated, sending an electric

     current directly into Picard's brain, to his

     interpretative cortex.

     A slight electronic hum is heard from the machine,

     and Picard moans.  Images of forgotten memories

     flash before his eyes, all while he still remains

     conscious of the present, as if one image were

     super-imposed onto another.  All that he was is

     returned, his heritage reaffirmed.

     Crusher deactivates the machine and Riker moves to

     Picard's side.







56.  INT. READY ROOM.                                       


     RIKER watches as GEORDI and DATA enter.


               Geordi, Data.  Good.  You both

               have been working on the

               Koronosian implant and on the

               method of transmission.  What I

               want to know is: Can we

               infiltrate the system, send our

               own instructions?

     Data and Geordi glance at one another, then back at



               Not without knowing the exact

               frequencies being used.  And

               Ambassador Kortar did tell us on

               the planet that special codes

               are required for access if you

               want to plant something in a

               particular individual.


               Don't worry about the codes. 

               What I want to know is can you

               do it?


               It is possible.  I have a basic

               knowledge of the principles used

               for encoding and decoding.


               The demonstration on the planet

               gave me a basic idea of how the

               procedure works.  It shouldn't

               be too difficult to send out a

               neutrino pulse.


               Get to work on it.

     Data and Geordi exit, leaving Riker to muse.

57.  EXT. PLANET'S SURFACE.                                 


     Dawn is breaking as the sun rises over the city. 

     The wind has quitened and the sand-storm of the

     previous day has ceased.

58.  INT. KORTAR'S ABODE.                                   


     Two beams of light appear before a startled KORTAR. 

     They are replaced by RIKER and WORF.


               De'sag se vich!



     Kortar fumbles for a translator and finally fits it

     into place.


               Explain what, Commander?  Why

               you have broken in here without

               authorization.  That is what you

               need to explain.


                       (Indicating door)

               Mr Worf....

     Worf moves to cover the door, phaser in hand.

                         RIKER (CONT.)

               You did this for a purpose.  You

               were the one who pushed for our

               Captain to undergo this

               "experience", you were the one

               who brainwashed him.

     Kortar does not answer.

                         RIKER (CONT.)

               You were after his knowledge of

               the ship's propulsion, weren't

               you?  You want to create your

               own starships.


               Do you expect me to believe all

               this, Commander?


               All that about wanting him to

               gain first-hand knowledge of

               your culture was a cover, to get

               hold of his memories and

               knowledge.  And here we were

               thinking you were only

               interested in preserving your



               I am.  That's why we have no

               interest in joining the



               But you still want your own



               Of course.  But on our own, in

               our own way.


               Where is that knowledge being


     Kortar is silent, but only for a moment.


               The creation of our first ship

               is already under way, Commander;

               in the minds of those who have

               received the knowledge.  They're

               already being invented.

     Riker takes out his phaser.


               The frequencies; I want the

               frequencies at which those chips

               receive transmissions.  And

               whatever codes that are

               necessary for access.


               I cannot tell you that.

     Riker turns, aims his phaser at a sculpture and

     fires.  A beam of energy lances out of the phaser,

     engulfing the sculpture.  In seconds, there is only



               That is the first chunk of your

               culture gone.  And it's not the

               last, unless I have those



               Are you aware of what you have

               just destroyed!?!


               Yes.  And I've only just begun.

     He aims his phaser at a large mural and fires.  As

     with the sculpture, the mural is also destroyed.


               Stop this!


               I want those frequencies!

                    (Indicating a vase)

               Mr Worf...

     Worf aims his phaser.


               You'll have them!

     Worf lowers his phaser.



     The doors to Kortar's abode open and two Koronosian

     guards enter.  Worf fire a low-setting shot, barely

     missing them.  They stop just inside the abode.


                         (To Riker)

               A universal language.

     Kortar moves to his desk.


               I'll have them sent to your



                    (Into communicator)

               Data, Geordi; stand by to

               receive frequencies and

               necessary codes.

     Kortar works at the comm-panel at his desk, then

     looks to Riker.

                         GEORDI (V.O.)

               Frequencies and codes received,


59.  INT. BRIDGE.                                           


     GEORDI and DATA are at an aft-station.

                         RIKER (V.O.)

               Proceed, then.  Riker out.

     Data begins to key in commands to the computer.


               By copying certain parts of the

               encodings in the Captain's

               implant, we have the necessary

               instructions to erase certain

               memories.  All we have to do is

               redirect those instructions to

               other molecules in the brains of

               those to whom this transmission

               is being sent.


               Our neutrino source is ready,

               Data.  I'll key in the modifying



               The frequencies have been set,

               the necessary codes are being

               included in the transmission.


               Then let's get it under way.

     Data taps a final key on the panel before him.


               Transmission has been sent.



                         PICARD (V.O.)

               Captain's Log, Stardate 94889.7. 

               As requested by the Koronosian

               government, the Enterprise will

               be leaving Alpha Koronos without

               completing the talks.  However,

               one last duty remains to be

               done, and one I have not been

               looking forward to.

61.  INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM.                                 


     PICARD and TROI are in the Transporter Room.  The

     door opens and SERANNA, accompanied by WORF, stand

     in the corridor outside.  She is wearing a universal



                    (Indicating the room)

               This way.

     Seranna enters, followed by Worf.


                         (To Picard)

               Who are you?  Do I still know



               I am your husband of twenty five

               years.  And I will always be

               that to you.


               You've changed.


               This is who I am.  This is where

               I belong.  I've made my choice.


               Do you still remember me?


               Everything, Seranna.  I remember


     Seranna removes the universal translator mouth-

     peice, moving her hand to Picard's, forming the

     intimate sign of comfort and reassurance.


               Tra, se toresh Saphett.


               Sa rekke trech ta'dra.  Rus'gla,

               Seranna.  Rus'gla.

     Seranna moves away from him and onto the transporter

     pad.  She takes one last look at her husband before

     a scattering of particles builds up around her,

     taking him from her sight.

62.  INT. WORF'S QUARTERS.                                  


     WORF enters his Quarters, the remains of the

     ceremony he had begun earlier still clearly evident. 

     He walks through the main room to the adjoining


     There he finds Alexander studying the Bat'telh. 

     Alexander does not notice him at first, but when he

     does, he remains where he is, holding the weapon.

     Worf looks at his son momentarily, then moves toward



               Alexander, I know of your fears. 

               I know of your difficulties. 

               But they cannot be overcome by

               running away from them.  Nor can

               they be overcome by abandoning

               what you are.

     Alexander does not turn to look at him.

                         WORF (CONT.)

               Your mother taught you to

               respect your human side.  And

               you have lived among humans for

               a long time.  I do not ask you

               to forget her teachings or what

               you have learnt from those

               around you.


               I don't want to lose....


               You will lose nothing.  By

               following the one, you are not

               forsaking the other.  You are

               only giving new meaning to that

               which you already know.  A new

               outlook.  There is nothing to

               lose in that.

     Alexander turns to him, still admiring the bat'telh. 

     He looks up to his father, ready to meet the

     challenge that has been put to him.

63.  ENTERPRISE.                                            


     The Enterprise breaks orbit, moving away, towards

     the stars at sub-light speed.



                            THE END


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