USING VHS RECORDERS ABROAD


Exchanging any video program with someone living abroad is complicated by

the fact that most of the world does not use the American TV system.

Regardless of the tape format used (i.e., VHS, SVHS, Beta, 8 mm, etc.)

foreign video recordings cannot be played on an incompatible player, or

displayed on an incompatible TV receiver.

I will try to describe here some "tips and traps" of exchanging video

recordings with foreign viewers and on using your NTSC camcoder in foreign

countries.  Since the VHS home recording system predominates at-present, I

will describe here only the specific problems that relate to VHS.

Since the SVHS format differs only in the way in which the luminance

information is separated and recorded, all of the information below applies

equally to SVHS.  The details regarding the TV standards themselves are

applicable to all recording formats.


The color television system in use in the United States was adopted in

1953, and because the United States was the first to widely implement color

television, we have the oldest (though not necessarily the best) color

television standard in the world.  Considering the era in which it was

devised, the system represents nothing short of genius on the part of its

designers.  Our TV system acted as the progenitor of all of the other TV

broadcast systems to come.

Our TV system is referred to as "NTSC" (National Television System

Committee), and is used only in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Central America,

the UAE, Burma, the Pacific coastal countries in South America, and in

parts of the Far East.  When implemented, it represented a comprised effort

to transmit color video within a comparatively narrow bandwidth allocation,

while it maintained compatibility with the 100,000 or so black-and-white

televisions that had already been sold in the U.S.

The European countries began broadcasting color television in the late 50's

and early 60's, and having had the dual advantages of time to improve on

our system, and wider channel bandwidth assignments; adopted either the PAL

(Phase Alternating Line) or SECAM (the French acronym for Sequential Color

with Memory) color TV systems.  Both the PAL and SECAM systems were

intended to alleviated some inherent weaknesses in the early vacuum tube

based NTSC equipment, although today their greatest advantage over NTSC

stems from their wider bandwidth allocations.  With the narrower channel

bandwidths used in the U.S., it would be impossible for us to "switch" to

either the European PAL or SECAM systems.

Besides PAL and SECAM, there also exist two additional color TV standards:

PAL-M, which is used only in Brazil; and PAL-N, which is used in Argentina,

Paraguay, and Uruguay.  PAL-M is a "hybrid" of both the NTSC and European

PAL systems.  It is an attempt to "fit" the PAL system within the same

frequency spectrum that is used by NTSC.  PAL-M uses the same

specifications as NTSC for the black-and-white portion of the program

(referred to in TV parlance as the "luminance" information), but it uses a

modified form of the PAL system for its color (or "chrominance")

information.  Thus, NTSC and Brazilian PAL-M VHS recordings are

interchangeable -- but only for black-and-white playback.  While some PAL-M

VHS machines are capable of playing NTSC, PAL-M televisions cannot

reproduce the color portion of an NTSC program without using a special

device known as a "transcoder."  A transcoder takes the video program and

reduces it to its color components - much like a television receiver does -

and then reassembles these components in the new TV standard.  Transcoding

is a far simpler process than standards conversion, but it can only be used

when the black-and-white standards of the two TV systems are the same.

PAL-N on the other hand, uses the same black-and-white system as PAL and

SECAM, but with a slightly modified PAL system for conveying the color

information within a narrower RF bandwidth.  PAL-N can be transcoded to or

from either PAL or SECAM.


The process of TV standards conversion involves accurately converting video

information to a receiving rate that is different than the rate at which it

is being transmitted.  In NTSC, 30 (actually 29.97) "frames," or individual

pictures, are transmitted each second.  These frames are very similar from

a conceptual standpoint to the individual frames in a motion picture.  Also

in NTSC, each frame is made up of 525 individual scan lines.  PAL on the

other hand has only 25 frames per second (5 fewer per second than NTSC),

and has 625 lines per frame (100 more than NTSC).

     The world today has fortunately settled on only two line and frame

     rate standards:

     NTSC & PAL-M use 30 frames per second and 525 lines per frame.

     PAL, PAL-N, & SECAM use 25 frames per second and 625 lines per frame.

A standards conversion from NTSC to PAL involves discarding 5 frames per

second, while literally inventing 100 lines per frame.  If the extra frames

were simply thrown away, the resulting video would be so full of jerks and

jumps that it would be unviewable, so a good standards converter will

"interpolate" or average the information from one frame to the next.  The

standards converter does this by storing one or more frames in an

electronic memory and then performing a comparison between the stored

frames.  The more memory -- the more accurate is this averaging process.

The extra lines are either invented or discarded by a similar averaging

system.  The inner workings of modern TV standards converters are actually

much more complex than described above: a modern converter uses high speed

real-time computing techniques to detect and differentiate between moving

and stationary objects in every frame of every scene in order to further

reduce the appearance of jerkiness in the converted video.


The following is a list of TV broadcast standards in use.  This information

is based on the XVIth Plenary Assembly of the Consultative Committee

International Radio (CCIR), Dubrovnik, 1986.

                              NTSC COUNTRIES:



                         British Virgin Islands





                         Costa Rica


                         Dominican Republic







                         Korea (South)



                         Netherland Antilles





                         Saint Christ. and Nevis


                         United Arab Emirates

                         United States


                              PAL COUNTRIES:

                    *PAL-N Standard    **PAL-M Standard













                         China (People's Republic)


                         with Greenland and Faroes

                         Equatorial Guinea



                         Germany (Unified) (SECAM is currently being

                                 simulcast in what was formerly "East"     




                         Great Britain (England, Scotland, & Wales)

                         Hong kong




                         Ireland (Northern & Rep. of)





                         Korea (North)












                         New Guinea

                         New Zealand









                         Sierra Leone


                         South Africa


                         Sri Lanka











                         Yemen (North & South)




                             SECAM COUNTRIES:

    (Note: Except for France, either the MESECAM or PAL systems are the

      preferred standards for VHS interchange - refer to text below)




                         Burkina Faso


                         Central African Rep.














                         Ivory Coast











                         Saudi Arabia






Occasionally you may encounter suffix letters after the TV standard

specification, i.e., "PAL-B, PAL-I, SECAM D/K", etc.  These suffixes refer

to internationally agreed upon TRANSMISSION standards (promulgated by the

CCIR), and are important only for TV receivers/tuners and transmitters/RF

converters.  Except for the two unusual standards of PAL-M and PAL-N, which

are separate TV systems in their own right, these terms are irrelevant for

the exchange of PRERECORDED VHS cassettes.

Finally, there are two methods of recording SECAM on VHS.  The first method

complies with the accepted JVC "standard" for SECAM recording and is

generally referred to as either the "Standard" or "French" SECAM method.

(Because of the prevalence of Standard SECAM machines in France, the

Standard SECAM recording method is often referred to as "French SECAM.")

The second, and most common method, is referred to as "MESECAM," or Middle

East SECAM.  The "Middle East SECAM" method derives its name from the fact

that the Middle East has a checkerboard of PAL and SECAM broadcast

services.  MESECAM was developed to allow a PAL VHS machine to record both

PAL and SECAM broadcasts with only a very slight modification of the PAL

circuitry.  Unfortunately, not only is MESECAM video quality inferior to

"Standard" SECAM VHS, but the method of recording SECAM video on the tape

itself makes the recording incompatible with a "Standard" or "French" SECAM

VHS machine -- SECAM recordings that are interchanged between MESECAM and

Standard SECAM VHS machines will play back in black-and-white only.  (For

those who are interested in the technical reason for this incompatibility:

MESECAM uses a heterodyne method for deriving the color-under subcarrier --

the same method that is used for PAL and NTSC VHS, whereas Standard SECAM

digitally divides the two SECAM FM chrominance subcarriers by 4.  If the

wrong reverse-process is used on playback, it results in the SECAM

subcarriers being at the wrong frequencies, and the sidebands being too

wide or too narrow.)

With the exception of France, MESECAM is by far the most common VHS system

used in SECAM broadcast countries.  This is partly a matter of

supply/demand economics, and partly because many of the countries that are

broadcasting SECAM have had closed socialist economies in the past.  As a

result of these closed systems, most of the video software that has been

obtainable has had to be smuggled in from the West -- and was recorded in

PAL.  Everyone who has a MESECAM VHS machine also has the ability to play

PAL recordings, and with the addition of a simple transcoder, a SECAM TV

receiver can display PAL recordings in color.  If the intended recipient of

a VHS cassette has the ability to play PAL recordings I suggest that you

send recordings in PAL rather than MESECAM due to the differences in

recording quality.


As described above, there are 5 color television standards in use

throughout the world, and 6 ways of recording video on VHS.  Without

"standards conversion," the only foreign standard that can be played at all

on an American VHS machine is PAL-M (the Brazilian standard), and then only

in black-and-white.

Fortunately, the situation is far less complicated with regard to BLANK VHS

cassettes.  VHS cassettes are mechanically identical in all TV standards.

The only difference is that the tape SPEED is higher in NTSC (and PAL-M),

and therefore, the recording time in NTSC is shorter for a given amount of


NTSC consumes tape at a rate of 2.0 meters per minute in standard play (SP)

mode, and both PAL and SECAM consume tape at a rate of 1.42 meters per

minute.  Although it isn't necessary to take blank VHS cassettes along with

you on a trip to Europe, you will need to do a little math to determine the

recording time allowed on a blank European VHS cassette.  The tape

manufacturers generally make this easier for you by showing both the length

(in meters) of the blank tape, and by designating the labelled European or

American length with a code letter.  American (NTSC) blank cassettes are

marked with the letter "T" preceding the length, e.g., T-120; and European

PAL/SECAM cassettes are marked with the letter "E" before the length, e.g.,


An E-180 (180 minutes in PAL/SECAM) cassette will contain approximately 258

meters of blank tape, and on this blank tape you can record: 258 divided by

2 minutes of NTSC video; or 129 minutes of NTSC program.

The following is a conversion table of tape lengths and recording times:

Length code    Blank tape length *  NTSC/PAL-M time  PAL/PAL-N/SECAM time

-----------    -----------------    ---------------  --------------------

     T-20            44 meters          20 minutes      28 minutes

     T-30            64 meters          30 minutes      42 minutes

     T-40            84 meters          40 minutes      56 minutes

     T-45            94 meters          45 minutes      63 minutes

     T-60           125 meters          60 minutes      84 minutes

     T-80           165 meters          80 minutes     112 minutes

     T-90           185 meters          90 minutes     126 minutes

     T-120          246 meters         120 minutes     169 minutes

     T-130          266 meters         130 minutes     183 minutes

     T-160          326 meters         160 Minutes     225 minutes

     E-30            45 meters          22 minutes      30 minutes

     E-60            88 meters          44 minutes      60 minutes

     E-90           130 meters          65 minutes      90 minutes

     E-120          173 meters          86 minutes     120 minutes

     E-150          215 meters         107 minutes     150 minutes

     E-180          258 meters         129 minutes     180 minutes

     E-240          346 meters         173 minutes     240 minutes

* Most tape manufactures add 3 to 6 meters of blank tape to their cassettes

to allow  for tape  threading in  the mechanism  and  for  recording  speed



There are  only four  possible methods  of viewing  a VHS  recording  in  a

foreign TV standard:

1) purchase  a multistandard  converting VCR (such as the Panasonic AG-W1),

2) purchase  a  VCR  and  television  (and  usually  a  voltage  conversion

transformer) designed for the foreign standard,

3) "transcode" the video to the viewer's TV standard or,

4) have  the tape  standards converted  to the  viewer's "home"  television


If the  exchange is  between NTSC and PAL or SECAM countries, the first two

options will  involve an  expense of  around $2,000.    The  third  option,

transcoding, is  inexpensive and  quite popular  in Eastern  Europe  where

there are  very few pre-recorded movies available in SECAM.  (In fact, in a

recent survey  of Leningrad,  USSR - a SECAM country - I was unable to find

any SECAM  recordings at  the video  rental shops - all of their recordings

were in  PAL.   The Soviet  Union now  manufactures color  televisions that

eliminate  the  need  for  a  transcoder  by  automatically  detecting  and

transcoding PAL  programs, such  as the  "Raduga" or  "Rainbow" TV receiver

manufactured by  Elektornika in Leningrad.)  Unfortunately, the transcoding

method can only be used when converting video between two TV standards that

have the  same line  and frame  rate standards  (the  same  black-and-white

system).  Transcoding is not an option when converting between PAL or SECAM

and NTSC.   The  fourth option,  standards conversion,  is an  economically

appropriate method  for an  occasional exchange  of video  programs between

NTSC and  PAL/SECAM countries.  Standards conversion of a VHS cassette will

cost approximately  $20 per  hour of  program,  and  this  service  can  be

provided usually  with a 4 or 5 day turn-around to any location in the U.S.

by firms such as Video Bridge (telephone: 800-877-4015).

When having  a VHS  cassette standards  converted, it  is important to make

sure that  a digital process is being used for the conversion.  The results

of the  older analog standards converters are inferior in all respects, and

most laboratories  today use  digital "8 bit/2 field" - and more recently -

"8 bit/4  field" systems.  The biggest difference between the 2 field and 4

field systems  is in  the accuracy of their motion interpolation.  With the

older 2 field systems, moving objects in the video, particularly background

scenes during a camera pan, will occasionally appear to jump from point-to-

point rather  than moving  smoothly.   Although the  video output  from a 4

field converter  still represents something of a compromise, moving objects

appear much  more natural.   (Since  the typical  cost of  an 8 bit/4 field

converter  is   $90,000,  some  laboratories  have  yet  to  upgrade  their

equipment.)   The most  rudimentary method of standards conversion involves

literally pointing  a TV  camera of one standard at a TV display of another

standard.  This method produces results that are absolutely unacceptable to

most viewers today.

If you are sending a converted VHS cassette to Europe, it is also important

to determine  if the  conversion service is recording audio using the Hi-Fi

(sometimes called "HD") FM recording system.  Hi-Fi audio capability is far

more common  in Europe  than in the U.S., and some conversion services here

in the U.S. try to skimp on this point.

TV standards  conversion today costs only a fraction of what it cost just a

few years  ago, and with the power of real-time computing performing motion

detection, time-base  correction, interpolation,  noise reduction and image

enhancement; the  quality of converted video has improved to the point that

the conversion  process has  not only  become essentially  transparent, but

often the  converted copies are superior to the original.  In fact, most of

the international  programming that  we see  today was  converted using the

same technology  that will  be applied  to your  videos.   If you intend to

exchange video  programs with someone living abroad, you can do so today by

using any of the quality standards conversion services.

The following glossary of terms is intended to assist you

with the specialized terminology used in international

television standards.



            Legend:  The following designations have been used to avoid

                     confusion, and to separate the definitions of terms        

                     that have multiple meanings:

                      (Video):  Applies to a video standard.

                        (VHS):  Applies to the method of recording or

                                reproducing video with a VHS machine.

                         (RF):  Applies to radio frequency spectrum

                                allocations, usually embodied in

                                international treaties.  Used to

                                describe the design of television

                                transmitters, receivers, and tuners.

                  (Receivers):  Applies to terms used to describe the

                                design of television receivers.

            CCIR (Video)   The French acronym for International Radio

                           Consultative Committee.  The CCIR has

                           established recommendations for the video and

                           transmission characteristics of all of the

                           world's television systems.  The term "CCIR

                           video" is often encountered and is

                           meaningless unless the television video

                           standard to which this term applies is

                           further specified.  As a colloquialism, the

                           term "CCIR video" is most frequently

                           used in reference to the monochrome

                           standards of 625 lines per frame and 50

                           fields per second; as well as the voltages,

                           aspect ratios, gammas, etc., that both PAL

                           and SECAM have in common.   Since both PAL

                           and SECAM are the same monochrome video

                           standard, what is usually meant by this

                           colloquial usage is simply; "black-and-white

                           PAL/SECAM."   "CCIR video" is often touted by

                           VHS manufacturers as if it were a separate

                           video or VHS standard.  The term "CCIR video"

                           has been used erroneously by at least one VHS

                           manufacturer in reference to MESECAM (VHS).

            EIA (Video)    Electronic Industries Association.  Often

                           used to refer to the original monochrome

                           standard from which NTSC was later

                           developed, i.e., 525 lines per frame and 60

                           fields per second.  The term "EIA video" is

                           sometimes used to refer to "NTSC without

                           color information."  "EIA video" is often

                           touted by VHS manufacturers a separate video

                           standard, when in fact it is merely black-

                           and-white NTSC.


            EIA 4.43 MHz   A colloquial misnomer.  See N443 (Video/VHS).


            N443, or       An unofficial television video standard.

            NTSC 4.43      With NTSC 4.43 (or N443), a recording is made

            (Video/VHS)    in normal NTSC.  The recorded tape may then

                           be viewed on a compatible PAL monitor that is

                           capable of "locking" its deflection circuitry

                           onto the NTSC line and field rates.  During

                           playback, the down-converted chrominance

                           sidebands that are centered around 629 kHz

                           on the tape, are up-converted to be centered

                           around 4.43 MHz. Since the video was recorded

                           with the NTSC color system, a compatible PAL

                           monitor will detect a 59.94 Hz field rate

                           (NTSC) and will disable its PAL "switching"

                           circuitry and thus reproduce color NTSC

                           pictures (but without the advantages of the

                           PAL color "system," i.e., the phase of the R-

                           Y component will not be reversed on alternate

                           lines). This allows the playing of NTSC tapes

                           in PAL countries on compatible tape machines,

                           without the use of an expensive standards

                           converter.  Unfortunately, comparatively few

                           multistandard VHS machines and monitors

                           exist.  Therefore, this "standard" is of

                           little significance for exchanging VHS programs.

            NTSC 3.58      Ordinary NTSC color video.  This term is used

            (Video/VHS)    on some multistandard VHS machines and

                           receivers/monitors to distinguish normal NTSC

                           from the NTSC 4.43 "standard."

            NTSC           National Television System Committee.  The

            (Video/VHS)    color television video standard used

                           throughout North America, in much of

                           Central and South America, and in much of

                           East Asia.  Implemented in 1953, it was the

                           first form of monochrome-compatible color

                           television, and uses a slightly modified

                           version of the original 525 lines per

                           frame/60 fields per second monochrome system.

                           NTSC employs suppressed-carrier

                           quadrature amplitude modulation for

                           transmitting two color difference signals

                           (I and Q) on a 3.58 MHz suppressed

                           subcarrier.  There is no interchangeability

                           of recorded material between non-

                           multistandard PAL-N/PAL/SECAM (625 line/50

                           field) and NTSC/PAL-M (525 line/60 field) VHS

                           machines.  NTSC may be transcoded to PAL-M.

            SuperNTSC *    A proprietary NTSC-compatible "line doubling"

            (Receivers/    technique developed by Faroudja Laboratories

            Video)         that provides enhanced definition video.

                           Although full implementation of the system

                           requires a decoder and line-doubler at the

                           receiver end, receivers without decoders are

                           claimed to benefit from the removal of NTSC


            M/NTSC (RF)    Also called NTSC-M.  The "M" designation is

                           of no interest in VHS duplication.  M/NTSC is

                           the transmission/video standard that is used

                           in the United States and in all other NTSC

                           countries except Jamaica.

           THE PAL SYSTEMS:

            PAL            Phase Alternating Line. An improvement of

            (Video/VHS)    NTSC video.  Since PAL was implemented

                           mostly in countries using 50 hertz mains

                           supply power and the early scanners (Nipkow

                           disc, Weiller wheel, and film scanners) made

                           use of AC supplied synchronous motors, a

                           field frequency of 50 fields per second was

                           chosen.  PAL uses 625 lines per frame.  In

                           the PAL video standard, the phase of the R-Y

                           (or "V") component is reversed on alternate

                           lines, and thus any phase distortion that

                           occurs in transmission can be "averaged out"

                           at the receiver by use of a delay line.

                           Unlike NTSC, in the PAL system differential

                           phase errors do not appear as objectionable

                           hue errors in the displayed video (the colors

                           become desaturated instead).  The PAL system

                           does not eliminate the distortions in color

                           saturation that are caused by either

                           differential gain errors or as a by-product

                           of differential phase errors.  Like NTSC, PAL

                           employs a similar method of suppressed-

                           carrier quadrature amplitude modulation for

                           transmitting two color difference signals

                           (designated "U" and "V"); but on a subcarrier

                           frequency of 4.43 MHz.  There is no

                           interchangeability of recorded material

                           between non-multistandard PAL and NTSC VHS

                           machines.  PAL VHS recordings are

                           interchangeable with SECAM (VHS) and MESECAM

                           (VHS), but only for monochrome playback.  PAL

                           can be transcoded to SECAM and PAL-N.

            PAL B          Refers to the modern form of the PAL video

                           standard.  This term is rarely encountered.

                           This term should not be confused with PAL

                           video that is transmitted within the

                           bandwidth limits and on the channel spacings

                           that carry a CCIR "B" designation {see also

                           B/PAL (RF)}.

            PAL D          PAL Deluxe.  Referred to occasionally as

            (Receivers)    "D.L. PAL."  This is a receiver/monitor

                           specification, and the term has no

                           application to VHS or to the PAL video

                           standard.  In PAL D, a delay line is used in

                           the receiver or monitor to average the

                           chrominance on alternating lines.   Many

                           studio monitors allow this delay line to be

                           switched off, yielding "simple PAL."  Due to

                           the averaging of the chrominance information,

                           use of a delay line results in an inherent

                           reduction in vertical chrominance resolution,

                           but alleviates an effect in PAL known as

                           "Hanover bars," which occur in the presence

                           of moderate differential phase distortion.

                           This term should not be confused with PAL

                           video that is transmitted within the

                           bandwidth limits and on the channel spacings

                           that carry a CCIR "D" designation {see also

                           D/PAL (RF)}.

            Simple PAL     See PAL D (Receivers).


            PAL-M          A television video standard used only

            (Video/VHS/RF) in Brazil.  PAL-M uses the same 525 line 60

                           field system as NTSC for monochrome video

                           (RF bandwidth, field/line rates, gamma,

                           etc.), but it uses the PAL system (with a

                           modified subcarrier frequency) for its color

                           information.  Since PAL-M has the same line

                           and field rates as NTSC, PAL-M can be

                           transcoded to and from NTSC.

            PAL-N          A television video standard used principally

            (Video/RF)     in Argentina.  PAL-N uses the same color

                           system and line/field rates as PAL, but with

                           a lower subcarrier frequency to accommodate

                           restricted RF bandwidth allocations for

                           broadcasting.  Most PAL-N VHS machines are capable

                           of playing (standard) PAL recordings.  PAL-N

                           can be transcoded to PAL and SECAM.

            B/PAL (RF)     A transmission standard that specifies

                           channel spacings and bandwidths for

                           transmitters and tuners.  Does not relate

                           directly to VHS recordings.  The "B"

                           designation is of no interest in VHS

                           duplication.  B/PAL channel assignments are

                           used by the majority of PAL countries, with

                           the notable exception of the United Kingdom.

            D,G,H,/PAL     A transmission standard that specifies

            (RF)           channel spacings and bandwidths for

                           transmitters and tuners.  Does not relate

                           directly to VHS recordings.  The "D,G,or H"

                           designation is of no interest in VHS

                           duplication.  The CCIR designation "D/PAL"

                           should not be confused with the PAL D receiver

                           specification {see also PAL D (Receivers)}.

            I/PAL (RF)     A transmission standard that specifies

                           channel spacings and bandwidths for

                           transmitters and tuners.  Does not relate

                           directly to VHS recordings.  The "I"

                           designation is of no interest in VHS



            SECAM (Video)  Sequence Couleur a Memoire, or Sequential

                           Color with Memory.  A monochrome-compatible

                           color television video standard proposed in

                           1959/1960, and intended to reduce the

                           problems of crosstalk between the two color

                           difference signals and the problems of

                           differential gain that are inherent in both

                           the PAL and NTSC video standards.  SECAM

                           circumvents these problems by using two FM

                           carriers to convey the color information.

                           SECAM uses the same set of specifications as

                           PAL for its luminance information, and is

                           therefore the same monochrome video standard

                           as PAL.  SECAM differs from PAL only in the

                           way that its chrominance information is

                           conveyed.  The CCIR recommends a single

                           standard for SECAM video, and only slight and

                           generally irrelevant dissimilarities exist in

                           SECAM video in the countries in which it is

                           used; the most notable difference being the

                           deletion of vertical-interval "bottles" in

                           some countries {see SECAM Bottles (Video)}.

                           There are two incompatible methods of recording

                           SECAM on VHS {see also SECAM (VHS) and MESECAM

                           (VHS)}.  SECAM can be transcoded to PAL and PAL-N.

            SECAM Bottles  The subject of SECAM "bottles" has been the

            (Video)        source of considerable confusion with regard

                           to VHS duplication.  The failure of color

                           playback of SECAM VHS recordings has often

                           been blamed on the absence or presence of

                           recorded "bottles" in the SECAM video; when

                           in fact the compatibility problems are usually

                           the result of an interchange of tapes between

                           Standard or "French" SECAM and MESECAM

                           machines.  The inclusion or deletion of

                           "bottles" in recorded SECAM video is not a

                           compatibility issue with regard to the

                           operation of VHS machines; since SECAM and

                           MESECAM VHS machines never demodulate the

                           SECAM chrominance information, and therefore

                           never make any use of the "bottles."  Both

                           SECAM and MESECAM VHS machines will record

                           and play back SECAM "bottles."  With regard

                           to VHS duplication, the need for recorded

                           "bottles" is dictated only by the design of

                           the viewers' television receivers.  Most SECAM

                           countries, including France, have dropped the

                           requirement for vertical interval "bottles"

                           in their broadcast video {CCIR report 624-3}.

                           Unless a conflict exists that requires the

                           use of the horizontal lines that are normally

                           occupied by the "bottles" for recording

                           information such as teletext or other

                           vertical interval signals on VHS; including

                           the "bottles" signal in VHS duplicates will

                           do absolutely no harm and will assure

                           compatibility with the few receivers that make

                           use of this signal.

            SECAM (VHS)    Also called "French SECAM" or "Standard

                           SECAM."  Only relates to VHS recordings.

                           A method of producing the color-under

                           chrominance information for recording and

                           playing back SECAM video on VHS by dividing

                           the two SECAM FM chrominance subcarriers by 4

                           during recording, and multiplying these

                           subcarriers by 4 during playback.  Because

                           this method uses a completely different

                           scheme than that used in PAL VHS machines for

                           recording the chrominance information, this

                           method of recording SECAM video is most

                           commonly found on single-standard SECAM-only

                           VHS machines.  Because of the availability of

                           pre-recorded VHS program material in France,

                           the consumer-base in France has not been

                           forced to resort to using PAL VHS machines to

                           view pre-recorded programs.  Therefore,

                           SECAM-only (standard) VHS machines are

                           predominant in France.  This is the basis for

                           the term "French SECAM" when used in

                           reference to VHS recording methods.  Although

                           both SECAM (VHS) and MESECAM (VHS) machines

                           will record and play back SECAM color video,

                           there is no interchangeability of recorded

                           material for color playback between MESECAM

                           (VHS) and SECAM (VHS) machines.  Color video

                           recordings that are interchanged between

                           MESECAM (VHS) and SECAM (VHS) machines will

                           play back in monochrome.  PAL VHS recordings

                           are interchangeable with SECAM (VHS)

                           machines, but also for monochrome-only

                           playback.  {See also MESECAM (VHS), SECAM

                           Bottles (Video)}.

            SECAM-East     See MESECAM (VHS).  Relates only to VHS

            (VHS)          recordings.

            French SECAM   A colloquialism.  This term is generally used

            (Video/VHS)    in the vernacular only in reference to VHS;

                           and in this instance, see SECAM (VHS).  When

                           used in reference to receivers and tuners,

                           see L/SECAM (RF).  When used in reference to

                           video, see SECAM (Video).  "French SECAM" is

                           often referred to incorrectly as if it were

                           a completely unique video or VHS standard.

                           SECAM in France is unique only in the way in

                           which it is broadcast {see L/SECAM (RF)}.

                           The confusion regarding the term "French

                           SECAM" is exacerbated by the fact that France

                           uses a unique method for broadcasting both

                           video and audio; and thus, the tuners and RF

                           modulators in French VHS machines must follow

                           a slightly different design.  However, the

                           SECAM video signals that are applied to

                           transmitters in France, and the demodulated

                           video that is  produced by VHS machines in

                           France; conform to the single CCIR standard

                           that is used in all SECAM countries.

            MESECAM (VHS)  Middle-East SECAM.  Also called "SECAM-East"

                           or "Pseudo SECAM."  "MESECAM" relates only VHS

                           recordings, and does not relate to the SECAM

                           video standard itself.  MESECAM derives its

                           name from the fact that the Middle-East has

                           many overlapping areas of both PAL and SECAM

                           broadcast coverage.  MESECAM provides an

                           economical method of using the PAL circuitry

                           in a PAL/MESECAM VHS machine for recording

                           and playing back SECAM video.  These machines

                           accomplish this by using the same

                           mixer/heterodyne circuitry that is used for

                           recording and playing back PAL video.  This

                           method requires only slight modification of a

                           PAL recorder/reproducer, and thus it is the

                           most common and economical method of

                           recording and playing back both SECAM and PAL

                           video on these dual standard VHS machines.

                           Although both (standard or "French") SECAM

                           (VHS) and MESECAM (VHS) machines will record

                           and play back SECAM video in color, there is

                           no color interchangeability of recorded tapes

                           between standard SECAM VHS and MESECAM VHS

                           machines.  The video quality of MESECAM (VHS)

                           is generally inferior to that of SECAM (VHS).

                           In countries where MESECAM (VHS) predominates

                           (such as in the USSR), you should

                           consider duplicating in PAL (VHS) since all

                           MESECAM (VHS) machines possess PAL playback

                           capability.  {See also SECAM (VHS), SECAM


            Pseudo SECAM   See MESECAM (VHS).  Relates only to VHS

            (VHS)          recordings.

            B,G/SECAM      A transmission standard that specifies

            (RF)           channel spacings and bandwidths for

                           transmitters and tuners.  Does not relate

                           directly to VHS recordings.  The "B,G"

                           designation is of no interest in VHS

                           duplication.  B,G SECAM transmission

                           assignments have been assigned to countries

                           in the Middle-East, Northern Africa, and at

                           the time of this writing to "East" Germany.

                           ME-SECAM (VHS) is predominate in these markets.


            D,K/SECAM      A transmission standard that specifies

            (RF)           channel spacings and bandwidths for

                           transmitters and tuners.  Does not relate

                           directly to VHS recordings.  The "D,K"

                           designation is of no interest in VHS

                           duplication.  D,K/SECAM relates only to

                           spectrum and channel assignments for

                           broadcasting.   D,K/SECAM is used in

                           Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland,

                           and the USSR.  A SECAM television

                           receiver purchased in Poland, for example,

                           will not receive television broadcasts in

                           France -- although the SECAM video in

                           both countries is exactly the same.

                           ME-SECAM (VHS) is predominate in these markets.

            H,K1/SECAM     A transmission standard that specifies

            (RF)           channel spacings and bandwidths for

                           transmitters and tuners.  Does not relate

                           directly to VHS recordings.  The "H or K1"

                           designation is of no interest in VHS duplication.

                           ME-SECAM (VHS) is predominate in these markets.


            L/SECAM (RF)   A transmission standard that specifies

                           channel spacings, visual modulation polarity,

                           and bandwidths for transmitters and tuners.

                           The "L" designation is of no interest in VHS

                           duplication.  L/SECAM is used in France.

                           L/SECAM is unique in the way that it is

                           transmitted.  Although the video is the same

                           as in all other SECAM countries, L/SECAM is

                           transmitted with the opposite video RF

                           modulation polarity (positive) from all other

                           systems, and the audio is transmitted using

                           AM rather than FM modulation.  You

                           should use standard (frequency division) SECAM

                           VHS for this market.

            Russian SECAM  A colloquialism.  Used in the vernacular only

            (VHS)          in reference to VHS.  See MESECAM (VHS). (The

                           SECAM video that is broadcast in the USSR is

                           not unique and conforms to the single CCIR


            SECAM I,II,    Early phases of development of the television

            or III         video standard that is now known simply as

            (Video)        "SECAM."  Since the final form of modern

                           "SECAM" resulted from the optimization of the

                           model called "SECAM III," modern SECAM will

                           still occasionally be referred to as "SECAM


            SECAM IV       A variant of early SECAM that was never

            (Video)        considered or implemented.

            Soviet SECAM   A colloquialism.  Used in the vernacular only

            (VHS)          in reference to VHS.  See MESECAM (VHS). (The

                           SECAM video that is broadcast in the USSR is

                           not unique and conforms to the single CCIR


            Standard       See SECAM (VHS).

            SECAM (VHS)

            VHS            Video Home System.  Developed by Japan Victor

                           Company (JVC).  A 1/2 inch helical scan video

                           cassette format where the luminance

                           information is recorded by FM means, and the

                           chrominance sideband information is converted

                           by either heterodyne or frequency division

                           methods to a lower frequency for direct


            VHS SP         VHS Standard Play.  Refers to the linear

                           velocity of the video tape as it passes

                           through the transport.  The "standard play"

                           speed for NTSC/PAL-M (525 line standards) is

                           33.35 millimeters per second, and for PAL/

                           PAL-N/SECAM/ME-SECAM (625 line standards) is

                           23.39 millimeters per second.  Since the

                           amount of tape that is commonly loaded onto a

                           NTSC VHS cassette allows for 2 hours of recording

                           time in VHS SP mode, this speed is often

                           referred to as the "2 hour" mode.

            VHS LP         VHS Long Play.  Refers to the linear velocity

                           of the video tape as it passes through the

                           transport.  The "long play" speed for NTSC

                           is 16.67 millimeters per second, and for PAL/PAL-N

                           SECAM/ME-SECAM is 11.69 millimeters per second.

                           VHS LP speed is one-half (50%) that of VHS SP

                           speed.  VHS LP is not commonly found in NTSC

                           countries outside of North America.  Since the

                           amount of tape that is commonly loaded onto a NTSC

                           VHS cassette allows for 2 hours of recording time

                           in VHS SP mode, this speed is often referred

                           to as the "4 hour" mode.  Because the LP speed

                           in PAL/SECAM is only slightly faster than EP

                           speed in NTSC, and because of the inherent

                           difficulties of recording in VHS PAL/SECAM;

                           the quality of PAL/SECAM VHS LP recordings is

                           generally unacceptable.  You should

                           avoid the use of LP in PAL/SECAM.

            VHS EP/SLP     VHS Extended Play.  Also called "SLP" for

                           Super Long Play.  "EP" or "SLP" speed

                           does not exist in PAL/SECAM VHS.

                           The recording speed of VHS EP is one-third that

                           of the SP speed.  Since the amount of tape that

                           is commonly loaded onto a NTSC VHS cassette allows

                           for 2 hours of recording time in VHS SP mode,

                           this speed is often referred to as the "6 hour"


            * SuperNTSC is a trademark of Faroudja Laboratories


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