Attack of the Killer Censorship

 Welcom to Out Of Step Magazine, issue 2.  The first issue was done well over 

a year ago, and the little war charade halted intended monthly production.

We'll have to see how it goes this time.

Ok, this is the netware version.  Goes out on bitnet, internet, BBSs etc.

Hopefully we'll be able to get it up on on the internet.  Anyway,

we can also probably get you a paper copy if you want to redistribute

it in your area with all of the art and cartoons etc.  Check it out.




            Attack of the Killer Censorship

                         by FrankenChrist

    Hey, all you'se nifty folksies out there in the REAL world (haha), I

wuz just sitting here, wondering what I could rant and rave about, when I

remembered a little bit of nifty information.  Anyone a member of the

Columbia House Record club?  You know, the thing with 14 CD's for a penny

with only your promise to buy 6 more at regular club prices in the next 3

years?  Well, has anyone ordered Anthrax's "Attack

 of the Killer B's" from

there?  If not, DON'T.  Unless of course you like your music censored.  That's

right, the CH version has all them naughty words buzzed out.  By this I mean

that any time it sez fuck or shit or anything, a quite annoying representation

of a bee fills it's place.  And what's worse, "Startin' up a Posse" isn't

even on there.  How's that for fascism?

    Ahh, yes, censorship.  Brings back memories of the good ol' days with

Jello and Tipper-babe.  Don'cha just love it when someone

 else can determine

what you read, see, or listen to?

    Just bought a new FEAR CD.  No, you didn't read me wrong, a NEW FEAR CD.

It's a live disc from concerts and shit called "Live.. For the Record" and

guess what?  CENSORED.  All them dirty words are simply blanked out.  Don't

even get the courtesy of a "beep" or a "ding" or "ka-oooooooga".  And the

funny thing about it is it's put out by Restless Records, the same people who

now produce the Dead Milkmen and Agent Orange.  It's funny how these ba


censor the lovable (?) Lee Ving and, after that, he even writes an intro for

the CD.  The Intro reads:

                                                      12 June 1991

     FEAR started in 1978 and some of us are still alive.

     This record is FEAR playing live at some radio station in

L.A., in 1986.  approximately [SIC] 190,000 good, pure hating, slammers

showed up, choking the streets of L.A. for ten square miles and it

was then that I began to dream of skinhead armies.


So this guy pulls up a 24 track recording studio built into

the back of a truck and the rest is history. . . . we listened to it.

Sounded good.  We already knew that yous [SIC] will buy anything.  so [SIC] we

released it.

     Hope you hate it!

     You deserve it!



     Just kidding. . . .

     So this is a live recording of some previously recorded

stuff (you know, the ones from whence we got the really big bucks)

and as many that were never 


     As we (FEAR) have recently conference called the

respective FEAR mansions and discussed the matter of maybe a

definite possibility of an even further reaching future masterpiece of

sound and philosophy, you may be hearing more from us.

So f--k [dashes, Ving] you!  Just kidding!

     [signature, Ving]


**end of intro.

    Yeah, Lee, you're some tough guy, alright.  And as for Restless Records?

Oh, they're owned by a major label.  I'm not sure if it's CBS or RCA

, but does

it really matter?  Once again the big labels bring down another victim and

makes another sell-out.  Owell.  The day that Henry Rollings or Jello Biafra

sells out, I'm leaving planet earth.


                      Government Propaganda

                            by Quadrac

     The government has been building up large amounts of 

propaganda over the years.  During the time of peace between now 

and Vietnam was the worst.  Every night when the networks close


n we get the flag and a proud, high flying jet in on our 

screens.  We have been seeing movies glorifying war.  Such as Top 

Gun, or Red Dawn.  These movies gave the American people a feeling 

of invincibility.  Most people think we can never be beaten and 

that whatever we are doing with our military is just.  At this 

time, neither is true.

     Media coverage over the years has also been very biased.  One 

of the major examples is NBC being owned by General Electric.  

General Electric is one of 

the largest "defense" contractors in 

the world.  You will never see anything controversial concerning 

government military actions or much about environmental disasters 

when nuclear energy is involved.

     In the last few years, TV reporters and journalists salaries 

have been going up considerably.  It would not be in their best 

interests to report the truth.  So they sprinkle in sufficient 

amounts of "politically advantageous" jargon.  Once you are 

getting paid enough, you no longer care abo

ut ethics.

     Here are a few good alternative news sources that produce 

unbiased reports because they are not owned by government 

affiliated agencies:

     The Militant (socialist newspaper)

     The Guardian (marxist newspaper)

     In These Times (leftist newspaper)

                       No S.S. In the U.S.

                            by T.I.M.

     The growing climate in America is increasingly reminding me 

of that of pre-war Nazi Germany.  The suppression of news and 

views that

 the government does not deem suitable for the American 

public is at an all time high.  The intelligence agencies of the 

United States seem to be developing into the government's private 

police force to spy on and threaten anyone who doesn't support 

America's goals.  The First Amendment rights that this country was 

founded upon are being taken back by the propaganda on the 

television and in the press.  After all, how can you have the

freedom to speak out  when you can't even think for yourself?


The United States pleads with Iraq to honor the Geneva Convention

when dealing with our prisoners of war, but plays blind, deaf,

and dumb when it comes to our own prisoners in this country.

Amnesty International has singled out the Chicago Police

Department in general and Chicago Police Commander Jon Burge in

particular for using "electroshock, suffocation, Russian roulette,

burnings, beatings, and threats of death and mutilation" on at

least 40 black, male prisoners between 1972 and 1984. Jon Bur


is still in power.  Nationalism is on the  rise, and media

propaganda contributes to its rise daily.  

'Objective journalism' (in major American media) has become a term 

that now is in a class with 'jumbo shrimp' and 'military 

intelligence'.  George Bush speaks of a 'New World Order'.  Hitler 

spoke of one too. As any person with a functional brain can see, 

the U.S. is only moral when morality suits our goals.  We condemn 

the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq, yet we continue to feed Isreal 


when they have been occupying Palestine since 1973.  To this 

date, there has been no invasion of South Africa by U.S. forces 

when the black majority is (and has been) oppressed by a political 

system operated by the white minority government.  As you can see 

(assuming that you have made it this far through my ranting and 

raving), the United States is not the moral guardian that the 

media would like us to believe it is.  We the people need to stand 

up and speak out against this injustice.  We mu

st change this 

nation before it is destroyed by its own ego.

                        Is Killing Moral?

One of the major issues in the Persian Gulf War that is 

continuously overlooked is the fact that PEOPLE are dying.  The 

military and the media are largely responsible for this.  The

war has been totally dehumanized by the media and death count

figures aren't being released by the military as it would be

"politically unadvantageous."  As a result, many Americans don't

think about the man

y human lives, both American and Iraqi, being

lost everyday.  While we are all concerned about our loved ones

fighting in this war, we must also be concerned about the Iraqi

people who are dying every day.  These aren't "military targets"

or "assets" as the media and military refer to them but people 

just like us.  They have friends and loved ones just as we do

and they are no less human than we are.  Our military has even

killed civilians, completely innocent people, and the govern-

ment has the g

all to lie about the reasons why.  There are many

reasons why we shouldn't support this war, both political and

moral, but the human lives being needlessly destroyed is the 

most important reason I can think of.  

     Our laws are based on Judao-Christian morality, in part-

icular, "Thou Shalt Not Kill."  Yet many Americans support this

act of aggression by the United States even though our country

is killing and sending people to die every day.  No justifi-

cation by the government is able to expl

ain the necessity of

these deaths.  Why should so many people have to die?  A peace-

ful solution was never even tried.  The simple fact is killing

does not create peace just as darkness doesn't create light.

killing only creates more killing.  Only when we can find non-

violent solutions to our problems can we truly know peace.

                        Support the Whites

                            by T.I.M.

     People all across this nation of ours are using the slogan 


S'.  This essay is not about supporting the 

troops, it is about the selective support that the troops are 

receiving.  There are quite a few racists in America today.  Many 

of these racists tell us to 'SUPPORT THE TROOPS'.  Almost one-

third of the soldiers in the Gulf are black or hispanic.  How can 

these cross-burning hypocrites tell us to 'SUPPORT THE TROOPS' 

when they will refer to one-third of these troops as niggers or 

spics upon their return home.  If one chooses to 'SUPPORT THE 


, SUPPORT THEM ALL !!!  There are enough hypocrites in this 

country already!  Racism is a social disease that is not only 

ignorant, but harmful.  Stop the ignorance!  From racial slurs to 

unjust investigation and imprisonment of minority leaders, stop 

the hatred!  Our nation was founded upon freedom.  How can we talk 

about liberating other countries when many people in America are 

not free from racism?

                           Fuck Racism

                            by Quadrac


at comes to your mind when you think of racism?  The 

struggle between black and white?  Let's get a little broader 

people.  How about European, African, Asian, and Middle Eastern.  

Every racial group has their own special forms of racism, all of 

which are completely worthless.  There is only one race, the human 

race.  Why do groups like the Aryans and the KKK even exist?  They 

don't even know!  It's all a large combination of fear and 

insecurity.  Fear that the black man or the Jew will start 

thinking just like them.  Insecure in the fact that the world does 

not revolve around their simple minds.  Standing on their 

pedestal that they call America.  The same America built on the 

backs of Africans and Asians while he called Jews and Moslems 

heretics.  All for ego and using religion as an excuse.  

Destroying families and entire villages to make slaves, then strip 

them of their own religion!  Killing Native Americans to take the 

land and rape it!  Are you proud to be an American patr

iot?  If 

you are, you make me sick!Now you wonder why the Native American 

and the African is pissed?  You say that slavery and oppression 

are over?  What about "reservations" and economic slavery?  Find a 

place that houses "minorities" and label it a ghetto.  Don't give 

their schools any money and they can't get an education.  Putting 

liquor and gun stores on every corner hoping they'll kill each 

other off over drugs the government imports.  If you are young and 

been poor all your life, and 

your only chance to get paid is join 

the white man's army or sell drugs, what are you going to do?  


This picture was reality!

                Condoms and Dungeons and Dragons

                            by Quadrac

     What is it with the church?  Do you attend regularly?  Are 

you one of the people that puts flyers in D&D books?  Tear up an 

condom machines lately?

     Today people, one of the greatest enemies of freedom is the 

church!  You want to be a real patriot?  

Don't fly a yellow 

ribbon! Fight the church!  The church is literally killing people

and causing teenage pregnancy.

     There are a lot of religious zealots out there who refuse to 

teach their children about safe sex.  They tear out condom 

machines wherever they find them.  Does this solve the problems of 

people having pre-marital sex?  no! It causes AIDS to spread 

easier, and teenage pregnancy.  Is that what their religion is 


     Where is a quote from the Bible (ugh) that says all p


should be forced to God (ugh)?  I'm sure if your kids don't read 

Dungeon's and Dragons, or Huckleberry Finn, then they'll become 

young, God fearing Christians.  What kind of God are you supposed 

to fear?  Why should you fear the ultimate good?  Why don't you 

people come out of your stupors and open your eyes to the REAL 

world. Solve some real problems like AIDS and homelessness instead 

of worrying about something you don't know really exists?

Here's a quote from Malcom X

   "I'm not 

an American, I'm a victim of Americanism."

What do you think you people are?

                       Sanctions From Hell

                            by Quadrac

     Remember the sanctions right before the war last year?  Well, 

we all know they are still in effect.  The government keeps these 

going so the people will overthrow the current government of Iraq. 

However, this doesn't seem to be working.  All of the population 

is about half starved.  They have no medical supplies, no 


icity, no clean water, and no working sewer systems.  They 

are in shit ankle deep in Iraq.  Do you think it's the army and 

the government thats suffering?  Hell no!  It's the innocent 

civilians that don't want anything to do with it.

     The civilians are not going to be able to overthrow the 

government in Iraq.  It is plain and simple.  The army gets all of 

the food that they do produce in the country.  Most of the Iraqi 

army is still in tact.  They wouldn't stop the people just to stop 


m out of patriotism.  They would stop them so they could still 


     Most of the children in Iraq are malnourished.  Disease is 

spreading at an unprecedented rate.  Even the nations that we were 

"allied" with are losing because of this.  Turkey is losing 7 

billion dollars a year because they can no longer trade food and 

goods with Iraq.  The sanctions need to be stopped.  If we stop 

them now, maybe the people can still get some help.  The country 

would not be fully operational for years. 

 Children are starving, 

not armys!  If you agree that this should be stopped.  Organize a 

protest, write your congressman.  It may help just a little.  

Remember, Bush is losing his hold and his support!

   ------------------Yes, It's Poetry Corner!------------------

I was riding the train the other day

There was this man setting in front of me

He had a shirt on that displayed a flag

I said, "Hey, what does that flag mean to you?"

He said, "It means liberty and freedom for ALL!"

I said, 

"What would you do if I burnt one?"

He said, "I'll kill you!"

Every time I try to write about the system

My thoughts go muddy

And I just become lazy and want to stop.

Do you think there are drugs in the water?


Now, all the religious people want to silence us

All the "patriots" are taking their aim

Alternateens, they worship us

And all the hardcore's think were lame

Either listen to us or don't

Go out there and stand up for you

r rights

If you have the guts to rock the boat

Rot in Hell, where you sit

Or pick up your baseball bat

And have a motherfucking fit.


New leaves in the spring

Strong as they'll ever be

Lacking maturity and blown off

By a wind that stinks of death

Dropping in the oily sea

And carried on the blackened waves

Only to land on a lonely beach

And tumble across the bloody sands

These poems by The Autarch




I've heard stories of young soldiers

Shooting off one of their own legs

To get out of the military

Just like an animal

Who chews off his or her leg

To get out of a steel-jaw leg-hold trap

Just to be free

Everybody wants to be free

Everybody wants to be free

Everybody wants to be free

          dec. 27, 1990

          Rockville, MD

(As an afterthought, I think it's about time

 we stop chewing off out own legs and start

 chewing the legs o

ff the system.)


Free speech

Does not include 

Asking for a dime

The first amendment

Does not apply to

Homeless people

Freedom of speech

Is not a right

You have to buy it

The 1st amendment

Belongs to the rich

Not to people living in the street

          nov. 6, 1990

            Silver Spring, MD

"Hey buddy, can ya spare a little social change?"


Sun rise, the sky is as red as blood

Shed for greed

History is made out of the lie

Of the one who


Ships sail across the sea bringing disease

and the white man who came to steal the land

The old world is destroyed

As the might trees are all chopped down

The so called good word is spread

Like a cancer on the mother earth

And the native who doesn't believe

Is burned alive

500 years later

Where there was once sacred land

Now stands a shopping mall

Burial mounds make great places for condos

Trees once stood tall reaching to the sky

Now it's just telephone poles, buildings, wires


etlights, trash, cars and billboards

The once beautiful landscape is now

On giant landfill

And what about the people

Whose land was invaded?

They were burned, tortured, raped and mutilated

Because they were savage

White meaning of savage:

Respecting life

Living with nature, not against it

But nature is the enemy

That's what the white god said

And in the end

The white god always wins

So slavery and genocide

Was the native amercians' fate

For having the wrong color skin

Or worshipping the wro

ng things

Or for not just letting the white man

Take their land

500 years later

They're the bad guys

In all the John Wayne movies

Stereotyped on TV

Red tarbabies selling everything

From butter to cigars

And football games


Just one more slap in the face

After 500 years of pain

          feb. 14, 1990

          Takoma Park, MD


On an empty lot that used to be a house

a family of seven completely wiped out

But it's o.k. they were North and not South

little Christmas present

From our great Christian nation

Of course

That was the bad war

This is the good war

That was the bad war

This is the good war

(we lost that war

we won this war)

          june 12, 1991

          Terre Haute, IN

(I was watching a documentary on Viet Nam, and 

was totally sickened by what I saw.  I was also

outraged because of the military censorship of the

media, people will never see the truth behind the 

Gulf war.  The gulf war became a good war, and 

Viet Nam w

as just history.  War is fun again!!!)

          these poems by Pinkboy

Cheese Whiz On Crack

I see the face

Then it is gone

From my mind

There, no more.

I look, I search, I seek, I ponder

But there it is not

In my memory

My memory

My twisted mind

Where the only order 

Is governed by General Chaos

And at his right hand:

Major Disorder.

My sanity is unraveling

Like the rope under strain

And I am walking on that rope

Waiting for the Fall

To plummet into the dark depths of my mind

And drown

In the sea of Insanity.


I lose my appetite

When I think of you.

Your horrid face

Your ugly eyes

And the way you fix your nails just so.

I get really violent

When I look at you.

I want to slice, dice, mangle

and CHOP.

Grind you into tiny little bits and pieces

and call it a good job.

I die

When I think of you.

The way you took my heart

The way you took my soul

The love I gave to you that you returned to me in a box

Sealed with a kiss

And your echoing laughter


nging in my mind.

these poems by: FRANKENCHRIST


   Yo, G, It's Old Pink!

---> Ice Cube & David Duke: Brothers seperated at birth?

I bought it, I admit.  I went out and bought Death Certificate because

it was the new Ice Cube, and I was a big fan.  I couldn't understand

why he was so mad at me! Here he was, talking about killing the cracker,

beating down jack, and all that.  Damn, I was let down.  The few good songs


oung Man's Summer Vacation is one) are surronded by racist crap.  I don't

get it.  If I said the same things, I'd get beat down.  What is it?  He's

(at last count) anti white, black, Korean, Japanese, rich, poor, NWA, and

all that.  Uh huh.  n e ways, didja know Priority Records (which Ice Cube

owns) puts out Eazy E, NWA & Ice Cube albums.  So, besides all the bullshit

about NWA and stuff, he makes a buck or two off every NWA record sold. Huh.

David Duke.  Wow, I can remember when this guy was ridic

uled.  Oh well,

times are changing too damn fast for me.  Why do these people do this? I

see a picture in Newsweak of a 12 year old girl, big smile, "DUKE FOR PRES"

banner.  Makes me sick.  David Duke has been discredited by every major

politician, denied due process of ridicule of the masses, and is in general

a loser.  But he has a strong message, and that message sells.  His populist

message blends well with his racist rhetoric; the dovetail is so fine you

can't see it.  How do you draw the line? 

 This is one of those wedge candidates

you here about so often.  Very few vote for him, but those who do shape

the planks in the platform that seperates the opponents on either side.

Pat Buchanan (another Nazi) and Bill Clinton will both benefit from his


David Duke, head of NAAWP.  I used to read the shit he wrote, one I found

in my junior high school was about the scientific proof that blacks were

inferior to whites, that we were more highly evolved, and all that shit.

Ice Cube, head

 of the Lench Mob.  He preaches death and violence, drug use,

all that shit he was against in Boyz In The Hood (a great movie).

You decide.  Polar opposites, but are they that far apart or are they next

door?  Is the scale of racism a line or a circle?  Could Duke exist without

Cube?  It's up to you to decide. I think Cube & Duke should be locked in

a room and made to exist with each other for a year or two. I dunno.



 G, It's Old Pink!

---> USA, Timor, and how your taxes kill innocent people

I was reading in the New Yorker about this little country, Timor, that we

have fucked over.  This is our ally, remember. Here's what goes down:

A teenager is shot on the steps of a church by regime forces for speaking

out against it.  (this is a regime we installed, and supply with M 16's

and ammo and all that)  A group of locals built a little shrine, and came

to pray at the church.  A New Yorker photo guy & reporter w

ere there, and

they said there were a few regime troops standing around, watching the

funeral.  About 3 or 4 hundred folks showed, they picked up the casket and

carried it to the graveyard. Nothing going on, no violence, no nothing.

Just weeping over the death of a teenager.

They got to the graveyard, which had 5 foot tall stone walls around it.

As many people got in as possible, with the rest climbing trees to watch.Some people climbed trees to watch the burial, which was a buncha praying

and cryi

ng and stuff.  Someone yells, "Troops!" and sure as shit, a buncha

cia sponsored gestapo fucks with American supplied guns, American uniforms,

trucks, tanks, and shit cornered all these unarmed people and systematically

shot them to death.  The New Yorker folks said the only reason the lived

was that they were American, and Americans are above the law there.  

The US State Department issued no comment on this incident.  The Timorese

regime issued a statement about an armed uprising being put down at


graveyard, talking about hundreds of armed civvies in resistance colors

firing on regime troops. 

Keep in mind, our tax dollars go directly to this regime, to support the

head of state, to arm him and feed him and give him planes and boats and

shit.  This isn't a covert CIA thing; this is a yearly, budgeted thing in

our foriegn policy.   Think about it.


   Yo, G, It's Old Pink!

---> Portey

Wild, Brave & Free

swing jack beats of the rolling treads

crushing living sand for spastic causes

green soldiers never fired a real gun

kicking ass all over saddam

stoopid fly dope bass beats of patriot missiles

landing, unguided, in civilian areas

but fuck it man, kick his ass man!

cause we're wild, brave & free

We're so FREE that if you speak out

And exercise your freedom


We're so BRAVE if someone questions our thinking

we kick his ass

even if he is our friend

We're so WILD we send our

 flyboys all over the world

World Class Kick Ass Police Force

Even if they are scared college boys on LSD

Wild, Brave & Free.

Wild like a banshee, killing without reason

Brave as a lunatic, slaughtering the innocent

Free as a prisoner, dying in an invisible cell

Can you see the walls? I can.

Can you hear the screams? I can.

Can you feel the stings? I can.

But only if I want to.

Only if I must.

You must desire freedom to receive it.



o walls

No walls surround me

I rule all

I am supreme.

Those who oppose me die.

Those who ally themselves to me die.

Those who are indifferent to me die.

I am a force of one. I am the leader.

I drive your quests. I drive your industry.

I am chained and pull your strings too.

You could control me

But you see walls I place to stop you

could kill me


but you won't

You're your own worst enemy.

Your fear me. I am fear. I rule all.

Death bows before me.

Step to the side as I pass, 

because you fear me.

I think I'll kill another one to boost my image.


Flowers in the sky

In the land of the strong

stalked a killer

A man of incomparable strength.

A total killer, a killing machine.

He preyed on the weak, til only the strong survived.

But the strong became weak, as the crowd thinned.

In the end, even the strong were weak and died.

He was a good man, in the beginning.

He had friends, he had money

he had fame

but was bor


So he corraled the world and killed it

dark blanket of death soaking the life of the planet

into outer space

and leaving

a bone white

dry cracked lifeless

America rules


Police signal list, typed in 01/05/1992, Old Pink.

Cheesin' version, by the same.  Thanks Big Dave for the original.

(these are prefaced with a signal call. "Signal 11, officer 54")

1 Call your district "you're fucked"    2 call general HQ "you're 

super fucked"

3 call State Police Radio               4 report to HQ "you're really fucked"

5 report to your district "you're beyond fucked"

6 call-telephone (as opposed to call-???)

7 emergency-serious situation (extreme emergency only)

8 meet          9 disregard             10 rush-quick action required

11 information, confidential            12 reply via other than radio

13 army convoy                          14 plain clothes detail

15 unable to broadcast details... security      16 aircraft accident

17 grant emergency right of way privileges to vehicles 

(followed by route of

   travel, lic, etc)

18 pistol practice (at poor people)     19 truck check

20 car wash     21 car service          22 car repair           23 speeding car

24 vehicle & occupants detained         25 reg. dist. meeting

26 bring subject(s) to court, notify    27 stopping car, advise radio etc

28 bank detail                  29 district meeting, all leaves cancelled

30 special patrol assignment            31 traffic congestion

32 check all records (NCF record & wanted) on full name, SSN, DOB, Address, etc)

33 known burglar        34 poss

ible mental     35 regular district inspection

36 what is the working sched of (car no.)

37 advise if there is anything for me

"In regards to that 34 with looting, is there any 37?"

(context is needed, because common 10-XX calls are used with out the 10 pref.)

38 there is nothing for you

"Unit 54, the 34 is over, signal 38"

39 district inspection, all leaves cancelled

40 records indicate subject is wanted

41 is lie detector available

"no shit, radio? is signal 41 open? that 34's a day old!"

42 is dr

unkometer avail.

"are you 10-55? that 34's been 10-0 for 3 hours!"

(10-0 means broke. I heard this once:

"unit 54, uh radio, I need officer pickup & 10-51 at 13th & cherry. My uh car's


44 advise traffic cond.         45 give your FCC assigned call 

46 in pursuit   47 escort       48 visitors or officials present

49 platoon location standby alert       50 activate riot control platoons

55 activity report                      60 narcotics/dangerous drugs involved

66 The service is not available.

(I hear this a lot: "Unit 54, 

I can't run a 27, the S.O.D.S. terminal is 10-0")

(usually late Sunday, early monday)

80 not in file                  100 emergency: hold all emergency traffic

Slightly cheezed by Old Pink.

A hearty "Fuck Yeah!" to:

PHz, Tcon, Wandii, Black Death, Quadrac (not on my ST!) Kerovnia, Ice-T, Public

Emeny, Pink Floyd, and Jello Biafra.

A loud "Fuck You!" to:

Ice Cube, David Duke & the PMRC.


Code List: Police Calls, Signals.  Typed in by Old Pi

nk, 01/05/1992.

Cheesin version, typed in by same.

10-0 broke, dead, gone, whatever. "My tire is 10-0 (flat)"

10-1 Unable to copy                     10-2 Signal's good

10-3 stop transmitting                  10-4 acknowledgement

10-5 relay                              10-6 busy, stand by unless urgent

10-7 out of service (give location)     10-8 in service

10-9 repeat                             10-8 MIR (Misc. Incident Report, ie

10-10 Fight in progress                      nothing here)

10-11 dog case                          10-13 weather & road report

10-14 report of prowler                 10-15 civil distur


10-16 domestic trouble                  10-20 location ("What's your 20?")

10-23 arrived at scene                  10-24 assignment completed

10-26 detaining subject, expedite

10-27 driver's license info ("Pull a 27 for me on OLN IN ....")

10-28 Vehicle registration info ("Pull a 28 for me on VIN ...")

10-29 Check records for wanted ("Pull any papers on subject... run a 29 on him")

10-30 Illegal use of radio              10-31 crime in progress

10-32 Man with gun                      10-34 Riot

10-35 Major Crime Alert 

10-36 Correct time "Wha

t's the 36?"    10-37 Investigate (harrass)

10-38 stopping suspicious vehicle (give station complete desc. before stopping)

10-39 urgent, lights & sirens           10-40 silent, no lights or sirens

10-41 beginning tour of duty            10-42 ending tour of duty

10-43 information "What's the 43 on this stopped train?"

10-44 request permission to leave patrol for (see foot patrol)

10-45 animal carcass in lane ___ at ___.

10-46 assist motorist (lockouts; also, see Rodney King)

10-47 Punk with video camera, call in fe

ds to erase him; also, stopping to

      smoke crack or steal mail or shoot "dangerous" newborn kids

10-50 accident -F, PI, PD: Fire, Personal Injury, Property Damage

10-51 wrecker needed                    10-52 ambulance needed 

"I gotta 10-50 PI PD at 3rd & Brown, I need a coupla 52's and 3 51's"

10-53 road blocked                      10-55 intoxicated driver

10-56 intoxicated pedestrian            10-58 direct traffic

10-59 convoy or escort

10-62 reply to message

When an employee sets of an alarm in a store, and the cops call the o

wner and

the dispatcher asks the cop "what's his manager's name" and the guy says "joe

brown", the cops tells the dispatcher "his 62 is joe brown"

10-63 prepare to make written copy (rarely heard as all police radio traffic is taped. what they do now is write down the reel number and the counter range on 

a post-it)

10-66 message cancellation              10-70 Fire alarm

10-71 advise nature of fire (size, type and contents of building)

"I gotta 71 at 3rd & brown, Bob's Fireworks, Munitions, explosives & fl


thrower testing, pretty big, the building has fireworks, munitions &

explosives, some flamethrowers, and is on fire."

10-76 enroute                           10-77 ETA (estimated time of arrival)

10-78 Need assistance                   10-79 notify coroner

10-82 reserve lodging                   10-87 pick up checks for distribution

10-88 advise present telephone number of _______

"I'm foot patrol at the Kitty Kat House, my 88'll be BIG-JUGS for the next hour"

10-89 bomb threat

"Is that 71 in relation to the earlier 89 at Bob's fireworks?"

10-90 Bank Alarm                        10-91 genocide

10-92 food fight                        10-93 blockade

10-94 drag racing "Unit 54 & unit 56 are 10-94'ing some punks in a camaro"

10-96 mental subject                    10-98 Prison or jail break

10-99 records indicate wanted

12-B Lunch break ("Unit 54 clear for a 12-B") also "clear for a B"

Foot patrol: stopped at a 24hr mini mart for donuts & coffee

MIH (actually in my h, but sounds like MIH) In My Home, usually an item

    "Unit 54 stopping to pick up item MIH"

Thanks to Big Dave for the co

de list from which this list is typed.

These are accurate... for the most part. Some codes are fake. Oh well.


                            End Notes

     Hey people, this magazine is screaming at you! "Distribute 

me, distribute me."  Whether you have received the netware / 

electronic copy, or you got it snail mail with all of the art, 

cartoons, and stolen shit etc., please, give this out as far as 

you can.  We are looking

 at better ways of distributing in the 

future if we get a decent response for this one.  There will be a 

post office box for letters via snail mail, and you can mail us on 

bitnet and internet.  

Bitnet address: mawilli@indsvax1

Internet address:

This rag was sponsored by HAG (Hackers Against Government), and 

Wickersoft software company.  Wickersoft(C) is a trademark of "Bob 

and Jerry's House of Wicker BBS."  No, the number isn't in here, 

you probably wouldn't get o

n anyway.  If you wish to join HAG, 

mail one of these internet or bitnet addresses, and we will send 

you back an application.  Don't bother showing it to your friends, 

because we will make a different one for just about everybody.

* EOF *


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