Entertainer Tradition


   Entertainers are one of the most VISIBLE of the Traditions, for they

use their magics not so much for serious pursuits but to entertain and

perplex Mundanes and others, and to help hide the fact to them in the

process that magic really exists, by actually doing it...

   Required Skills   :



            Escape Artistry

            Pocket Picking  (Includes Slight of hand)


            Theatre Arts 


   Suggested Skills  :





            Find/Remove/Set Traps


            Hiding In Shadows


            Lip Reading

            Magical History

            Rope Use



            Tightrope Walking



            Voice Mimicry

   Restrictions & Capabilities :

             +1% Success to cast for each MUNDANE Watching

            -20% if Not using Hand Gestures

            -20% if not able to speak/use magic 'words'

            -20% if Casting with HOSTILE intent to a living Target

            Cannot Ritual Cast

            Tools use for spells gets 2 points of reduction per

                  tool in use per rank instead of 1 (to Min. of 1)

                  Tools do NOT increase casting time for them,

                  unlike other Traditions.

            A Failure to cast is ALWAYS a Spell Klutz

            Cannot be a Hermetic Mage



    COST   : 3

    MODS   : D,R

This spell enables the wizard to cause non-magical fires--from a torch

or lantern to as large as a 10' radius ---to reduce in size and

brightness to become mere coals or increase in light to become as full

daylight and increase the illumination to double the normal radius. This

does not affect either fuel consumption or damage caused by the fire.

The caster can affect any or all fires in the spell's area.  He can

alter their intensities with a gesture as long as the spell is in

effect.  The spell lasts until the caster cancels it, all fuel is

burned, or the duration ends.  The caster can also extinguish all flames

in the area, which expends the spell immediately. The spell does not

affect fire elementals or similar creatures.


    COST   : 15

    MODS   : D,R,T

By means of this spell an inanimate object becomes animate and under the

command of the caster. The object will move at about 5' per round unless

it is something designed for movement (ex: A wagon, wheelbarrow etc).

Objects animated in this way cannot fight, but may block an attack by

interceding. They are imbued only with enough intelligence to obey the

instruction by the caster (ex: an animated broom can sweep the floor,

but knows nothing about making tea). One of the common ways of using

this is to cast it on a scarecrow or other such humanoid appearing form

so that a wider range of commands are possible. The animated beings

cannot perform a task that the caster has no knowledge of or cannot

perform themselves - ex: an animated mannequin instructed to make dinner

by the caster could cook no better than the person that created it. They

cannot hold or manipulate magical energy in any way.


    COST  : 3

    MODS  : D,R

When the audible glamour spell is cast, the wizard causes a volume of

sound to arise, and seem to recede, approach, or remain a fixed place as

desired.  The volume of sound created, however, is directly related to

the rank of the spell.  The volume is that of four men, maximum.

Thus, talking, singing, shouting, walking, marching, or running sounds

can be created.  The auditory illusion created by the spell can be

virtually any type of sound, but relative volume must be commensurate.

A horde of rats running and squeaking is about is about the same as

eight men running and shouting. A roaring lion is equal to 16 men, while

a roaring dragon is equal to the noise volume of no fewer than 24 men.


    COST   : 25

    MODS   : R

Cast at a being from another plane, this spell forces them to return

instantly to their plane and the subject cannot return to this one

without being summoned back. The Target DOES get a saving throw. Fails

against creatures native to the plane.

Banishment is NOT considered a Hostile act, unless returning a being to

its native plain would result in death or pain.


    COST   : 3

    MODS   : D,R

This spell is cast upon a being of sentience only. It enhanced their

Appearance magically for the duration by 10 points. It is often used by

Female Mages to enhance their natural 'talents'.

Unlike 'Friends' it does NOT directly influence others and thus has no

detrimental effects, or concepts of deception.

Additional RANKS add 1 to the gained points.


   COST   : 5

   MODS   : D,R

This causes the casters (or target being's) outline to become blurred,

shifting and waivers. This distortion causes all missile and melee

combats to be -20% normal chance to hit as well as for all magic attacks

directed at the target exactly.


     COST   : 25

     MODS   : D

This spell is cast upon an ordinary broomstick and causes it to become

capable of performing several functions upon the need of the caster:

First it can animate the broom to sweep an area clean of debris for the

duration of the spell. This is its simplest function.

Second the broomstick can be ordered to act as a servant, and it will

sprout small arms with 3 fingered hands that can manipulate objects and

animate and move about fetching or carrying for the caster at any task

it is order to do. (Shades of Mickey Mouse here)

Third it can be made to levitate and to take flight, moving at a speed

twice that of a running man, while ridden (it can carry about 200 lbs

total weight) and at command of the rider. This is its most complex



    COST   : 15

    MODS   : D,R

This spell summons or generates some giant 'soap bubbles' that will

float around the area where they were ranged to. Those within the area

must save vs Coordination each round of the effect to avoid touching and

bursting one of the bubbles. If they fail and touch one it bursts, and

releases a strange gas effect on them - because of its nature it WILL

bypass a minor globe of invulnerability and it will work on a being with

magic resistance. The gas causes a feeling of Euphoria in the being,

which will make them smile and laugh at foolish things. This will

distract mages who are spellcasting, even those with IRONMIND spells

active, reducing their chance to cast by 25%, and it will reduce any

resistances to sleep, charm or non-damaging spells by this same amount.

The effect of the Euphoria lasts for the duration.

Area of effect is a 10' radius from the range point, and the caster CAN

be affected by their own spell in this case if they cast it in too

confined an area! Each additional rank adds 10' to the radius.


    COST   : 5

    MODS   : D

This spell enables the wizard to alter the appearance of his

form--including clothing and equipment--to appear one foot shorter or

taller; thin, fat, or in between; humanoid, or any other generally

bipedal creature.  The caster cannot duplicate a specific individual.

The DM may allow a saving throw for disbelief under certain

circumstances: for example, if the caster acts in a manner obviously

inconsistent with his chosen role.  The spell does not alter the

perceived tactile (i.e., touch) properties of the caster or his

equipment, and the ruse may be discovered in this way.


   COST   : 15

   MODS   : D,R

This spell can be cast on the caster or on a target being or object, and

is limited to a maximum of effectiveness equal to 25 lbs per RANK of the

spell (thus for a man-sized object 5 or more ranks are needed).

Unlike a teleport, a Chronoport moves the target forward in TIME instead

of in space. Thus they disappear from sight and reappear in the future

at the actual Duration's end. Once cast there is NO way to cancel the

spell or dispell it. The target does not age in the interim period of

time so they arrive only 1 round after their departure as far as they

are concerned but could in actuality have spent hours, days or even

years being away while the spell progressed.

If the space they had occupied on departure has been filled with another

object they will arrive randomly in a nearby open space.


   COST   : 3

   MODS   : D,R,T

This spell is cast upon cloth, either uncut or finished clothing. It

enhances the natural properties of the cloth, making it wrinkle-proof,

stain-proof and unable to become dirty or soiled in any way (Such will

roll or fall off). It dries in minutes and is in every way superior.

Duration is Necessary for this spell to be valuable.


   COST   : 12

   MODS   : D,R,T

This spell allows the recipient to walk on any form of fog, cloud, or

smoke as if it were solid. The recipient may move at normal movement

rate, plus the movement rate of the smoke.

The smoke must be reasonably thick, reducing visibility significantly...

This spell will not allow walking on fine mist.


   COST   : 3

   MODS   : D,R

Cast upon a target being or object it changes its external color to one

specified by the caster for the duration. This is primarily an annoying

spell but can also be useful in some situations. Maximum area of affect

is 10 cubic Feet per RANK. It CAN be cast upon light to change its

spectrum as well.


   COST   : 5

   MODS   : R

Upon casting this spell, the wizard causes a vivid, fan-shaped spray of

clashing colors to spring forth from his hand. Creatures within the area

are affected in order of increasing distance from the wizard.  All are

entitled to a saving throw vs. magic.  Blind or unseeing creatures are

not affected by this spell.

   Creatures failing saving are stunned for 1d10 rounds.

Range will determine the maximum range from Caster that creatures can be

to be affected.


    COST   : 15

    MODS   : D,R

This spell is the most advanced of the Phantasmal Force style illusions.

This illusion will affect EVERY sense of those experiencing it and will

appear to even inflict damage if it is a damage causing thing that is

being projected - but a being that things its been killed/destroyed will

merely fall unconscious for 1d10 + Rank rounds and then will revive with

no damage from the illusion. A being who has been so knocked out will

NOT be affected by the illusion a second time.

Complex illusions will move as ordered by the caster within range, and

will otherwise stay put unmoving until dispelled or destroyed. Thus an

illusion of a brick wall will last until the duration is ended...

Casters are NOT affected by their own illusion.


    COST   : 5

    MODS   : N

This allows a mage to change into an official costume for their

performance instantly. They must have a specified performing costume

pre-made (they can have 1 per RANK of the spell) and in storage somewhere

known to them (in a trunk, wardrobe, Closet etc). On casting the spell

their current clothes change places with the costume (or vice versa at

the end of a performance). Range is NOT a factor. A Player Character who

has this spell should make a list of their prepared costumes and their

contents for the stage etc.


    COST   : 20

    MODS   : N

Like the standard Costume_Change* but this time the spell is cast on an

assistant, Volunteer etc and switches their clothes for the costume

chosen. This is often also used humorously, like turning the volunteers

nice 3 piece suit into an Easter Bunny outfit while on stage! The target

is covered in a whirling swirl of color while the change occurs.


     COST   : 5

     MODS   : D

This spell is cast upon natural rock or earth and causes a spring of

fresh water to bubble forth from it, putting out about five gallons of

water per hour. It is a great means of bringing water to a desert,

irrigating crops etc.


     COST   : 3

     MODS   : D,R,T

This causes 1d10 of small glowing lights to appear that resemble candles

and produce that amount of light that move as the caster desires. The

spell winks out if they are moved beyond the range. If targeted they can

be made to follow around a target being to provide light, so long as

within range. Additional Ranks add 1 additional light to the rolled



   COST   : 5

   MODS   : D,R

This creates an area of darkness at a chosen area that is impossible for

NORMAL sight to see thru. The darkness field is 10' cube per RANK the

spell is known at. The field can be dispelled by ANY light spell cast

within its area, unless the spell is known at RANK 3 or better.


    COST    : 10

    MODS    : D

This is yet another form of Metamagic, spells designed only to affect

other spells. The caster casts this spell and then it affects the NEXT

spell they cast successfully, setting a timer on the spells effect

before it takes place based on the duration of the DELAY. Thus one may

produce a time-bomb like effect with a variety of spells and concepts.


     COST    : 20

     MODS    : R

This spell creates a physical manifestation that appears to be a demon

with humanoid form but goat-like legs and small horns with barbed tail

wearing a long leather apron with pockets. The target being will find

themselves in a Barber chair and the demon will then give them a proper

haircut and styling over the next 3 rounds. The target cannot leave the

chair but may act otherwise in any way they wish but cannot physically

or magically harm the demon (except dispell it). They will have a

perfect haircut and suffer no harm from the demon (but they may be

attacked by others while the coiffeur is occurring).

A resistant target gets a save vs Coordination to avoid the chair when

the spell is first cast.


   COST   : 25

   MODS   : D,T

This summons a tiny winged red demon the size of a mouse that is an

expert in the art of sewing and magical clothing alterations. The demon

can alter an existing set of clothes to fit the caster in one round if

so ordered, even if there is insufficient material. It can also be

ordered to turn raw materials into a set of clothes the caster has in

mind for their own wearing in a full minute (10 rounds). If neither raw

materials nor existing clothes exist but the caster wishes it and has

placed enough duration into the spell, the Mage can ask the demon to

craft a set of clothes to the mages specifications entirely from magic

(Takes a full hour). The clothes will have the property, if formed this

way, to neither wrinkle nor stain and will adjust to fit the wearer no

matter how their body shape may change, so long as it remains humanoid.

Multiple Targets are bought ONLY if the mage is having clothes made for

someone else. The Demon cannot produce armour of any kind.


    COST   : 5

    MODS   : D

Allows the caster to see thru ALL Illusions encountered while the spell

duration is in effect, wether caused by magical spell or magic abilities

of specific creatures.



   COST   : 3

   MODS   : R

This spell causes all magic on the target being/object to be shown in

that it will glow with the color of its Tradition type(s). Duration is not

needed to be purchased, and it is cast at the suspect target.


   COST   : 5

   MODS   : D

Allows the caster to determine if anything in sight is a Trap. Range is

not used with this spell, nor is target, as it simply notifies the

caster of traps. If the caster wishes to determine what the trap is a

Mind save is needed, and if successful can state what the trap is and

may be able to disarm it.


   COST   : 15

   MODS   : D

This spell is cast on a container, a pocket, purse, sack, Pouch,

Suitcase, Chest, trunk, crate, etc. What it does is expand the interior

dimensions of the container into another pocket dimension, approximately

5'x 5' x 5' per RANK of the spell. Objects placed inside are held in

stasis, unaging, while within the container. It is a spell often used by

mages needing more space then they have available (objects within have

no weight perceivable in the outside world) or by thieves. You cannot

place a living creature or being within the space as a prolonged stay of

more than a round would result in death.

At Third Rank this spell becomes impossible to DISPELL before its

duration ends.


   COST   : 5

   MODS   : R

This will cancel ANY illusionary effect instantly and finally.


   COST   : 10

   MODS   : D,R

This will cancel a specific ongoing spell effect. If cast on an ITEM it

will prevent the items magic from functioning for the duration of the

spell being canceled, but then the item will turn back on until its

duration is up. It will NOT send away a summoned creature, undo a

healing spell or cause harm to a magical creature directly. Unwilling

targets get a Save vs Magic against Dispel


    COST   : 20

    MODS   : D,R

This spell is used to set up a shimmering violet energy screen in a

curtain form that the caster desires (Can be a maximum of 10' x 10' per

RANK of the spell, but NO lower limit). Any creature passing thru it

will have active spells on them affected by a Dispell Magic that is

slightly more powerful than an ordinary one - this one CAN affect the

results of spell klutzs 50% of the time, and CAN shut down any Globe of

Invulnerability or Globe of Minor Invulnerability, but cannot shut off

curse affects or any spell that was at rank 5 or greater.

The Dispelling Curtain will NOT work against items, only beings.


    COST   : 3

    MODS   : D,R

When cast, this spell automatically dispels any magical silence within

its area of effect. Furthermore, no silence spell will have effect

within the area of effect for the duration of the spell.

Area is a 15' Globe at the target point. This can be increased by buying

more RANKS of the spell.

Stealth FAILS inside a Dispell Silence Field.


   COST   : 1

   MODS   : R

Dry will dry any one garment or piece of clothing that is damp, wet or

soaked, upto 3 square yards per RANK. It can also be used to dry out

other objects that can become wet or damp, such as paper. If cast on a

container or pool of liquid it will dry such out to some extent (upto

one PINT of such).


    COST   : 3

    MODS   : R

This causes to spray out from the casters hand a stream of Fine Dust and

ash at a target. If this is fired at a being then they get a save vs

Coordination to avoid being blinded by the effect for 1d10 Rounds. It

can also be used to enhance a Dust_Devil or Similar Air Elemental, to

cover a trail with dust and ash to avoid detection, or to dirty a

persons clothes or a surface like a floor. The dust remains after the

spell ends.


    COST   : 10

    MODS   : R

This causes a wooden object to suddenly explode in a spray of splinters,

doing 1d10 + 2 + RANK in damage to all within 5' of the object. It will

only work on objects less than 20 lbs in weight. Armour IS applied

against this non-magical damage.


    COST   : 7

    MODS   : D,R

This spell is a Phantasmal force with Sight and Sound and (optionally)

smell, but not substance. The enhanced Phantasmal Force can cover a 10'

x 10' x 10' area at the stated range per RANK and can move anywhere from

that range to the caster as the caster chooses. While working this spell

the caster cannot cast another spell (but may prepare one) or engage in

HTH combat except defensively. If the caster moves the Force will remain

always within range of the caster. Upon casting another spell the Force

will cease to move by the will of the caster, but will simply freeze

frame where it is until the duration ends. It will continue the last

ordered sound and smell output.


   COST   : 10

   MODS   : D,R

This spell causes instant growth of a creature or object, increasing

size and weight.  It can be cast only upon a single creature or upon a

single object that does not exceed ten cubic feet in volume per caster

level.  The object or creature must be seen to be affected.  It grows by

up to 10% per rank of the spell, increasing this amount in height,

width, and weight.

All equipment worn or carried by a creature is enlarged by the spell.

Unwilling victims are entitled to a saving throw vs. spell.  A

successful saving throw means the spell fails.  If insufficient room is

available for desired growth, the creature or object attains the maximum

possible size, bursting weak enclosures in the process, but it is

constrained without harm by stronger materials--the spell cannot be used

to crush a creature by growth.

Magical properties are not increased by this spell--a huge sword +1 is

still only +1, a staff-sized wand is still only capable of its normal

functions, a giant-sized potion merely requires a greater fluid intake

to make its magical effects operate, etc.  Weight, mass, and strength

are affected.  Thus, a table blocking a door would be heavier and more

effective, a hurled stone would have more mass (and cause more damage),

chains would be more massive, doors thicker, a thin line turned to a

sizeable, longer rope, and so on.

The reverse spell, reduce, negates the enlarge spell or makes creatures

or objects smaller.  The creature or object loses 10% of its original

size for every rank of the spell, to a minimum of 10% of the original

size. Thereafter, the size shrinks by one foot increments to less than a

foot, by one-inch increments to one inch, and by 1/10 increments to 1/10

of an inch--the recipient cannot dwindle away to nothingness.


   COST   : 3

   MODS   : R

The erase spell removes writings of either magical or mundane nature

from a scroll or from one or two pages of paper, parchment, or similar

surfaces.  It removes explosive runes, glyphs of warding, sepia snake

sigils, and wizard marks, but it does not remove illusionary script;

Nonmagical writings are automatically erased.


    COST   : 3

    MODS   : D,R

This spell is cast on a currently burning log, candle or other natural

(non-magical) flame source and will allow it to continue burning for the

duration of the spell without consuming any of its material components

in the process until the end of the spell.


    COST    : 1

    MODS    : R

This will extinguish any fire within range radius.


    COST    : 15

    MODS    : D,T

Target being this is cast on has their range illusionary modified so

that they will appear to drift back and forth to a viewer, causing their

range to distort. Anyone firing a ranged weapon at the target must make

a Mind ROLL (Perception, alertness cannot be applied as a skill vs this)

to properly perceive the targets range - if they fail they will

automatically miss with their attack. Anyone making a HTH attack vs the

target being is -10% normal chances to hit because of the effect. Anyone

using a ranged spell (non-touch) to hit must also make a perception roll

to properly gauge the range to the caster OR must pay for EXTREME (20

point ballista range) to ensure to hit the target, or they will be

subject to the effect as if a ranged attack with a weapon.


    COST   : 25

    MODS   : N

This spell will help the caster 'find' a generic mundane object that

they specify in their general vacinity. The object will be in a pocket,

sack, container, behind a nearby place or whatever and appear that it

had been there all along. Usually it requires the use of a verbal or

mental phrase like "If we only had a rope!" or "What we couldn't do with

a crowbar right now". The object has no magical properties whatsoever

(its mundane!) and doesn't vanish or fade away. The spell does limit the

item to a mundane one from the equipment list that would fit within the

general area the caster is in (no making automobiles appear out of

pockets!), and should be of a maximum of 5 lbs per rank and cost no more

than $5 per rank. The object CAN, in the case of the Entertainer, be

LARGER than the locale it is being drawn from, upto twice the size of

the locale, since it is being drawn extradimensionally from elsewhere.


    COST   : 3

    MODS   : N

This creates a physical dart that is thrown with the Dart throwing

weapons skill. Upon leaving the casters hand it becomes afire and if it

strikes the target does 1d10 magical fire damage to the target. Each

RANK that the spell is known at adds one to the damage done. Non-Magical

armour (except Leather) does NOT help against the attack.


    COST   : 10

    MODS   : R

This summons and causes to drop on the target area a 10' square fishing

net that entangles anything inside it. The Net can be cut away in

another round of activity, if no cutting tools are available anything

caught in it gets a roll vs Coordination each round afterwards to try to

untangle themselves and escape. The net is non-magical.


    COST   : 5

    MODS   : R

This causes a bright flare to occur at the designated site, giving off

daylight intensity light for the next round. This throws off infravision

for the next 3 rounds, and causes 1d10 damage to Undead within a 60'

radius of the flare. It will not harm normal creatures, but if directed

on or at one, will blind them for the next round. If Fired Directly at

an Undead and striking it it will do 3d10 damage.


    COST   : 1

    MODS   : D,R,T

Victims failing their saving throw are blinded due to a flash of light

that appears in their eyes. (Save is vs Magic). Targets chosen on this

spell do NOT have to be next to each other.

Unless skilled at Blind Fighting they will be considered to be at

Coordination 1 for all actions for the duration.


   COST   : 3

   MODS   : R

This allows the caster to change the flavor of any food or drinking

substance, so that it may be more or less edible to those to consume it.

The flavoring can be as simple as the addition of a single spice to the

taste (ex: pepper) or as complex as a major change (Milk that tastes

chocolate, Beer that tastes like buttermilk, Wine that tastes like

blood). The effect does NOT change the nature of the Food or drink,

merely the flavor, so this spell cannot be used to smoke fresh fish or

to salt it (but can make such TASTE as such).

The taste effect becomes permanent unless countered by another casting

of the spell to change it again.


   COST   : 5

   MODS   : D,R

This spell enables the target to move and attack and otherwise act

normally for the duration of the spell, negating effects like Paralysis,

little death, hold person, web, hog tie and similar binding effects.


   COST    : 3

   MODS    : D

This spell will cause any GAZE oriented spell or natural power to be

reflected back at its source entirely to affect them instead of the

caster. Additionally this will (at will) materialize a 'mirror' in front

of the caster which they alone can see in which they can view their own

reflection (While acting as a mirror the spell does NOT work against a

gaze attack) or use a gaze spell of some sort on themselves.



   COST   : 1

   MODS   : D,R

This spell causes the object or person affected to emit an eerie glow.

The color ranges from blue to green.  It cannot be dispelled but it can

be negated by a darkness spell. The glow is not bright enough to read

with but is easy to spot in the dark.  The material component is a

silver firefly figurine. If cast on an invisibility


   COST   : 5

   MODS   : D,R

A grease spell covers a material surface with a slippery layer of a

greasy nature. Any creature entering the area or caught in it when the

spell is cast must save vs Coordination or slip, skid, and fall. Those

who save can reach the nearest non greased area by the end of the round.

Those who remain in the area are allowed a saving throw each round until

they escape the area.  The GM should adjust saving throws by

circumstance; for example, a creature charging down an incline that is

suddenly greased has little chance to avoid the effect, but its ability

to exit the affected area is almost assured!  The spell can also be used

to create a greasy coating on an item--a rope ladder rungs, weapon

handle etc.  Material objects not in use are always affected by this

spell, while creatures wielding or employing items receive a saving

throw vs. spell to avoid the effect.  If the initial saving throw is

failed, the creature immediately drops the item.  A saving throw must be

made each round the creature attempts to use the greased item.

Grease affects as little as a square foot and a maximum equal to The

Casters known RANK * 5 Square feet .


   COST   : 1

   MODS   : D,R,T

This spell allows the caster "grope" his/her target. This spell is

usually used by mischievous apprentices in bars and such... have fun!

RANGE is vital to make this spell useful!


    COST   : 30

    MODS   : D

This spell does NOT summon a demon. It instead creates from its own

energies a creature that physically appears to be a demon of about

half-human size (about 3' tall) with bright red skin , horns and a

pointed tail. Its armed with a small trident (1d10+4 magical damage).

The caster instructs the demon to guard one being, object or location

and it will do so to the death. The Demon has 20 Health and cannot be

harmed by non-magical weapons. Spells cast at the demon have a 50%

chance of volleying back at their target as do all missile weapons, with

the exception of DISPELL MAGIC. The caster must give the demon a

password that when spoken will end the spell and the demon will then

fade away. TARGET and RANGE are not used with this spell, but Duration

adds are mandatory to be effective. The demon, in combat, attacks at

100% skill with its trident. It can also throw a minute fireball that

does 2d10 normal fire damage to the target. The demon cannot be used for

anything except to guard and protect.

Additional Ranks add 5 Health to the demon, +1 to its trident damage and

an additional +1 to the fireballs effect.


   COST   : 3

   MODS   : R

This will change the color of the body hair of a being or creature, and

the effect will last until the hair grows out or is colored again by a

spell. This effect cannot be dispelled.


   COST   : 1

   MODS   : D,R

This spell will cause a target to begin to grow hair. If the target

already HAS hair it will simply excellerate the growth process. If the

target normally doesn't have hair then it will cause it to grow hair

(yes, with this you CAN grow hair on a billiard ball!). The rate of

growth is 1 inch per ROUND of duration. Long durations are NOT suggested

with this spell.


   COST   : 1

   MODS   : D

The spell causes a strange haunting sound (see list that follows) within

30' of the caster (no extended range available), like those associated

with haunted places.

   List : Creak, Footfall, Groan, Moan, Rattle, Tap, Thump, Whistle.

If duration is cast with the spell then the sound will remain in the

area it is originally cast and NOT follow the caster as he/she moves



   COST   : 10

   MODS   : N

This summons a magical demonic bartender with a cabinet of all sorts of

alcoholic drinks. He/she will request of the caster's preference and

will fill the order within a round and then both he and the cabinet will



   COST   : 1

   MODS   : D

This is a minor form of invisibility which will conceal an object, being

or creature from everyone who is in FRONT of the caster (Those who are

beside or behind the caster can see the hidden object without

hinderance). It does not cancel sounds and it will not help if the

target moves more than 3' from its original position while hidden. It

can only affect a maximum of 10 cubic feet of matter.

If cast for but one round the spell takes but a single round to cast, if

duration is wanted then the effect takes the standard 3 rounds to cast.


    COST   : 5

    MODS   : D,R

This spell magically bars a door, gate, or valve of wood, metal, or

stone. The magical closure holds the portal fast, just as if it were

securely closed and locked.  Any extra-planar creature (dijinni,

elemental, etc.) can shatter the spell and burst open the portal at

will.  A knock spell or a successful dispel magic spell can negate the

hold portal.  Held portals can be broken physically or battered down.


   COST   : 5

   MODS   : D,R,T

The target creature(s) become susceptable to suggestions from the caster

that are delivered vocally in a language that they understand. The

caster must give the SAME suggestion to all targets immediately after

the casting of the spell.


    COST   : 5

    MODS   : N

This spell enables the caster to write instructions or other

information. The Illusionary script appears to be some form of foreign

or magical writing. Only the person(s) who the caster desires to read

the writing will be able to do so, although it can be recognized by

another Mage. Others attempting to read it will become confused for 1d10

rounds (save vs Magic), unable to act or think straight and likely to

wander aimlessly or simply sit down where they stand. The script does

NOT vanish after being read.

Additional Ranks of the spell increase the confusion by another d10.


   COST   : 15

   MODS   : D

This creates a HUGE-sized magic hand which appears between the caster

and an opponent. This disembodied hand then remain between the two,

regardless of what the spellcaster does or how the opponent tries to get

around it. The hand is about the size of the caster. It may be harmed by

spells and normal weapons, but can absorb all damage until it hits its

limit, which is 100 points per RANK of the spell.


    COST   : 25

    MODS   : D,R,T

Caster, subject being or subject object becomes invisible to normal

sight. This adds 50% to their Coordination for defensive and offensive

purposes. This is NOT perfect invisibility, the eyes on a person will be

visible while open and may be noticed. Also if an invisible being is

wounded  their blood will become visible when it strikes the ground. If

a person their equipment will be included in the effect, BUT if they

fire a missile weapon or throw such it will become visible after leaving

their presence. Caster can turn off the spell at will. An invisible

person can be partially discovered thru infravision (instead of 50%

Coordination modifier it becomes only a 25% modifier). Once turned off

the spell MUST be recast in full.


    COST   : 5

    MODS   : R

This will open a sealed door or object, sealed by magic or by mundane

means, instantly. It does NOT remove traps or spells.


    COST   : 20

    MODS   : D

This spell allows the caster to rise up thru the air in a mentally

assisted movement, or equally move downward or hover. Levitation is at a

speed of 5' maximum per round per rank and the caster controls the speed

of ascent/descent entirely.

Levitation is NOT flight.


    COST   : 25

    MODS   : D

This spell is cast on a container of some sort - a Suitcase, Backpack,

Chest, Wardrobe, or chest of Drawers. The item is usually

individualized, sometimes excessively. It causes it to become magical it

is placed upon the ethereal plane and can be recalled by the caster by

means of a command word (or anyone else who knows the word) so that it

will appear within a few feet of its maker on the material plane when

called. Oftentimes mages will add various protections and traps on the

container to preserve it from possible tampering by ethereal travelers

and creatures when it is away. While on the ethereal plane the container

will travel along under its own magical power, on little tiny legs, so

that it is always near its owner. The mage can also make one of these

for someone else, using the TARGET option of casting, if willing, so

that the target's energy will be the supply for keeping the spell active

from that point on.

This allows a mage to travel light without large amounts of excess

equipment bogging down his/her.

While on the material plane the container will continue to follow the

mage around in a similar fashion until the mage gives the word of

command again.


    COST : 1

    MODS : N

This spell is cast upon normal paper currency in the caster's hand into

metal currency (coins) equalling the same total value. One paper bill

can be affected per RANK of the spell.


    COST   : 1

    MODS   : R

This is cast on an object or a surface (like a Wall). It will cause a

mouth to appear on the item and repeat a statement specified by the

caster in the voice the caster uses when casting it, upto 25 words in

length, in a language known to the caster. The speaking will occur when

a specific event occurs in a 30; radius of the mouth. Ex: Speak when

anyone passes within range of you. Speak when a winged creature passes

you. (It cannot detect Invisible, ethereal or astral creatures). Until

the command can be completed the spell remains dormant and in effect. If

it is wished for the spell to continue AFTER it has accomplished its

function then you must learn multiple ranks of the spell (Each RANK adds

another usage to the spell).


    COST   : 3

    MODS   : D,R

The spell causes the music to be played whenever the victim performs

certain actions; such as entering a room, charging into battle, or

making an announcement.

It makes it nearly impossible to perform any stealth-oriented function.


    COST   : 5

    MODS   : D,R

This spell repairs small breaks or tears in objects.  It will weld a

broken ring, chain links, medallion, or dagger. Ceramic or wooden

objects with multiple breaks can be invisibly rejoined to be as strong

as new. A hole in a leather sack or wineskin is completely healed over

by a mending spell.  This spell does not, by itself, repair magical

items of any type.

If cast on damaged armour it restores upto 1d10 of lost absorption


Multiple TARGETS are not possible with this spell. If extra DURATION is

bought it will restore damage to larger items at the 1d10 Body rate,

each round... in this way a broken wagon or even a house could be

returned to its original state, so long as there had been no magic in

its original state.


    COST   : 15

    MODS   : N

This spell will transport a scroll to the named being it is intended for

instantly, no matter which plane they are on (except for the Astral and

dream planes). The name of the target being is the vital factor.


    COST   : 5

    MODS   : R

This spell transmutes one type of liquid into an equal amount of a

different, nonmagical fluid (water, wine, blood, oil, etc.). The caster

must torch the fluid itself (not simply its container) for the spell to

take effect.

Fluids can be transmuted only into nonmagical liquids; it is not

possible to change a magical liquid into another type of magical liquid.

Poisons may be rendered harmless through the use of this spell, but the

spell has no effect on poisons already consumed.

Living creatures are unaffected by the spell, excluding those from the

elemental plane of water.  Such creatures are allowed a saving throw vs.

spell.  Failure results in 3d10 damage per rank of the spell, while

success indicates no damage.  Only one creature can be affected by a

single casting of this spell, regardless of the creature's size.


   COST   : 5

   MODS   : R


When a wizard casts this spell, a flaming bead launches from a pointed

finger, speeds straight out to the stated range and explodes into a

10-foot diameter sphere of normal fire.  Anyone caught within the

spell's effect must take 1d10 points of damage, unless they make a

successful Coordination roll.

Multiple RANKS do not do extra damage with this spell, unlike a

conventional fireball spell, and TARGETS is not a usable option.

Since the fire is non-magical anything that normally protects against

such DO apply.


   COST   : 12

   MODS   : D,R,T

When invoked, this causes 4 duplicates to appear of the target. These

are illusions. They move about with the caster (or target) making it

nearly impossible to tell which is the real one. This means that if a

spell or attack is aimed at the target there is a saving throw made to

see if they hit the being or an image. If they hit an image that image

will disappear and the target takes no damage.... saving roll for the

target/images from such attacks:

       4 images present    80%

       3 images present    75%

       2 images present    66%

       1 image  present    50%

Once all images are gone the spell ends, otherwise they last until the

duration ends or the caster commands it to end.


     COST : 30

     MODS : D,R

This spell places Assasin's_Invisibility* on the caster and at the same

time creates an illusionary double where he/she was. The mage may then

go about doing as they wish while controlling the illusion and having it

move, speak, smell and even feel real for the duration. True Seeing will

reveal what has occured. The Double cannot actually pick up or otherwise

move matter on its own. If the caster moves outside the range from the

double then the double disappears with a popping sound like that of a



    COST   : 5

    MODS   : R

This spell causes to create one 1" diameter Body glass marble per square

inch over an area ten feet by ten feet (a total of 14,400 glass marbles

neatly filling the area), making an area of highly likely slipping and

falling for anyone passing thru it. Duration and targets are not used in

this spell, but range is. If instead of aiming the spell at a

floor/stairs etc it is cast in the area above a being the marbles will

rain down like a small hail storm doing 1d10 normal damage (armour

absorbs etc) but ending with a very difficult area to travel thru.


   COST   : 15

   MODS   : R,T

Cast at a single being this forces them into a compulsive behavior to

immediately strip off all clothes and armour to stand naked (it does NOT

cause the removal of jewelry). Once they have completed this they will

return to their senses and have to deal with the situation.

TARGETS is only used if the targets involved are within 10' of each



    COST   : 3

    MODS   : R

This will cause two objects to exchange places with each other. At least

one of the objects must be in LOS and inside the range. The second

object can either be within the range and LOS/in contact with the caster

or be a memorized Object of the caster's. The two objects must be within

5 lbs of each others weight (this difference can be increased, doubling

with each rank). The maximum sized item that can be castled is based on

extra points spent in the casting, 1 point at rank 1 allows upto a 5 lb

object, 1 point at rank 2 allows a 10 lb object, and so forth.

You cannot castle an item that is bolted down or otherwise attached to

a surface.


    COST   : 1

    MODS   : D,R

By the means of this spell the caster can create an illusion of whatever

s/he wants visually. It is usually easy to recognize what the illusion

is supposed to be of, but any creature that can do so can also recognize

that it is an illusion, as the picture is two dimensional.


    COST   : 20

    MODS   : D

A passwall spell enables the caster to open a passage through wooden,

plaster or stone walls or surfaces, and thus allowing himself and

companions etc to simply walk thru. The spell creates a 5' high by 10'

high by 10' deep opening. Additional ranks increase the depth of the

passage. The passage vanishes when the duration ends.


    COST   : 3

    MODS   : D,R

This spell creates the illusion of any object, creature, or force, as

long as it is within the boundaries of the spell's area of effect, being

upto a 40 cubic feet in size per RANK of the Spell.

The illusion is visual and affects all believing creatures (undead are

immune) that view it. It does not create sound, smell, or temperature.

Effects that depend of these senses usually fail.  The illusion lasts

until struck by an opponent--unless the spellcaster causes the illusion

to react appropriately--or until the wizard ceases concentration upon

the spell (due to desire, moving, or a successful attack that causes

damage) or due to its duration ending.  Creatures that disbelieve the

illusion see it for what it is.  Creatures believing the illusion are

subject to its effects.

The illusionary effect can be moved by the caster within the limits of

the area of effect. The GM has to rule on the effectiveness of this



    COST   : 5

    MODS   : D,R

When cast on any plant, sprout or seeds it will cause such to grow to

full size instantly. If the plant is full grown already then it will

DOUBLE the size of plant, but only for the duration. It cannot be cast

upon dead plants, only living ones.


    COST   : 25

    MODS   : D

This spell is cast on the caster primarily and gives his/her exposed

skin an added special property that affects others that come in contact

for the duration. Anyone touching the caster will feel EXTREME pleasure,

as if in orgasm, simply from the contact. The effect is mental

primarily, but if they fail a save vs Body they also receive a Physical

orgasm at the same time.

After such a contact they react in the usual ways from such and are

basically stunned and unable to act aggressively or to think too

coherently (about -75% to perform anything but basic movements, with

the exception of usage of tantrics skills), for about 1d10 + 1d10/RANK


If a physical reaction occured and the person touching was male then no

further effect will occur on them by direct contact for at least 15

minutes. If the person in contact was female the touch will continue to

produce reactions, but after the first touch effect they must save vs

Magic after each Physical reaction to remain conscious. Unconsciousness

will last about an hour after being achieved.

This spell is the closely guarded secret of many courtesans...


    COST   : 20

    MODS   : D,R

This spell will change one inanimate object into another temporarily.

The difficulty of casting this spell increases dependent on how

different the original substances the object is compared to the ones

being made into. Ex: Animal into vegetable matter is a -25% to cast,

Vegetable Matter or Animal Matter into or from mineral matter is a -50%.

If the new object has a lesser mass then there is another -10% modifier

(you cannot take an object and convert it into a BIGGER object thru this

spell!). If the casting is to convert an item into a VERY similar item

of nearly the same material then there are NO reductions in chance to

cast (Ex: Turning a longsword into a dagger has no special minuses to



    COST   : 20

    MODS   : R

This spell is primarily named for the sound made when it is cast. The

caster is teleported a short distance (based on RANGE) within their Line

of Sight instantly with their equipment (upto 50 lbs). They cannot

appear within a solid object. Each additional RANK adds 50 lbs to the

carriable weight.


    COST   : 20

    MODS   : D,R

This is a Complex_Illusion* that is pre programmed by the caster for

what movements, sounds and actions it will take, upto a 15 minute

sequence per rank of the Spellcasting can be programmed.


    COST   : 1

    MODS   : R

Unlike Nearly every spell available this one takes but a single round,

going off in the same round cast. It causes a puff of smoke at the

target area, as small as a baseball or sufficient to cover the target

for a round. It is a fast, flashy obscurement (the smoke can be any

color the caster specifies). It is often used to startle a foe to get

time to draw a weapon or device to move quickly a step or two aside or

to draw attention to the spot where the smoke occurs (the puff is

accompanied by a popping sound). It is often used by Showmen to be

flashy and impressive.



    COST   : 20

    MODS   : D,R

The caster creates with this a very visible rainbow to form a seven-hued

bridge up to 3' wide per RANK and at least 20' long (adding an optional

20' long per RANK the spell is known at) that can hold any weight upto

2000 LBS /RANK upon it to cross it as a normal bridge.


    COST  : 3

    MODS  : D,R

This spell temporarily resurrects an item that was shattered, burnt, or

disintegrated, so that the forensic wizard may study it. He must gather

as much of the debris as possible, for otherwise the object can be but

partially reassembled, in which case it may be illegible or

unidentifiable. The object will be very fragile, but it may be the

subject of various divination spells such as identify or reveal owner.


    COST   : 15

    MODS   : D

When this spell is cast on a piece of rope from 5' to 30' in length. One

end of the rope rises into the air until the whole is hanging

perpendicular, as if affixed at the upper end. The upper end is, in

fact, fastened in an extra-dimensional space, and the spell caster and

upto 5 others can climb up the rope and disappear into this place of

safety where no creature can find them. The rope can be pulled up behind

them, otherwise it hangs down from the space. At spells durations end

the contents of the space fall back into normal space, so getting out

before it expires may be best to avoid falling damage.


      COST  : 5

      MODS  : D,R,T

This spell is cast on steel items of a maximum of 1 lb/rank each. It

temporarily changes such into Foam Rubber, thus a dagger or sword

becomes a child's plaything for the duration.  The item MUST have no

other metals in its composition (but can have other materials like wood,

plastic etc which WILL remain unchanged).


    COST   : 1

    MODS   : R

Allows the caster to move an object within range to any locale within

Range including within possession of the caster immediately. If the

object is a container its contents will move with it. Additionally there

is a cost of 5 spell points per 1 lbs of the objects weight at rank 1.

This is increased for each rank (Rank 2 for example for the same 5

points can affect 2 lbs, Rank 3 can affect 3 lbs for 5 points etc).


    COST   : 1

    MODS   : D,R

When this spell is cast, the target(s) affected immediately assumes a

Rate of falling of a mere two feet per second (120 feet per round), and

no damage is incurred upon landing while in effect.  When the spell

duration ceases, normal rate of fall occurs.  The Slow Fall affects one

or more objects or creatures in a 10-foot cube per rank.


    COST   : 3

    MODS   : D,R

This creates in the casters hand a normal snowball which can be thrown

at a target. It melts at the end of its duration, unless it has hit

target (when it melts a round later). The snowball does no damage, and

can be avoided with a Coordination roll or shield usage, but if it

strikes a mage it counts as a distraction which they must make a Magic

roll against losing spell concentration on.


    COST   : 5

    MODS   : D,R,T

By this spell, the creature can walk on any surface and not slip.  The

creature can walk on walls, ceilings, ice, etc. and not slip or slide

(feet are like suction cups to the surface).


     COST    : 3

     MODS    : D,R

This causes a spray of pretty sparks to shoot forth from the targeted

locale or from the caster's fingertips in an arc that extends 1' per

rank. They are very impressive but do no real damage.


   COST   : 5

   MODS   : N

This spell will summon to the caster any MEMORIZED object and its

contents to within a foot of the caster. Beyond the base 5 points the

caster pays 1 point per 5 lbs of weight. This increases with ranks so

that at rank 2 it's 1 point per 10 lbs of weight, at rank 3 its 20 lbs,

at rank 4 its 40 lbs and so forth. Summoned objects CANNOT be alive in

any way.


    COST   : 3

    MODS   : D,R

This spell will summon a large number of soapbubbles at any point within

range.  The soapbubbles may be mildly distracting, but they cause no

actual damage.  Someone who has heard of Bubbles_of_Euphoria*, but not

seen them, may mistake this spell for that one.  Conversely, someone

with experience with this spell may assume Bubbles_of_Euphoria* is a

varient of this one, the first time they see it.


     COST  : 5

     MODS  : N

Only castable in an Urban area, this will summon a taxicab to the street

the caster is on, if there is one within a 1/8 mile radius (this

increases per RANK) and the driver will bring it to a stop as close as

possible to the caster safely and believe that they had received a call

on their radio to pick up a fare at this address.


    COST   : 10

    MODS   : R

This summons from the Elemental Plane of Water 5 gallons per RANK of

pure drinking water into a touched container or at a ranged distance

from the caster. It cannot be summoned into a living thing and if more

is summoned then the container will hold (in the case of a container)

the excess will NOT appear. If summoned in an area where there is no

container then the full maximum amount will arrive. Water weighs about

8.5 pounds per gallon.


    COST   : 20

    MODS   : N

This is an interesting Spell link that originates from Summon Object,

Chronoport and some new twists.  It requires the caster to gather in one

place (an Excellent choice is a small cardboard Box or paper bag or

cloth sack) the complete fixings of a meal [aprox 5 lbs of food can be

affected per RANK]. The spell is cast and a Control Word is chosen by

the caster, and the container/meal and its contents vanish. Whenever the

caster says the word the spell ends and the stated items appear in the

caster's hands, exactly in the same state the spell was cast in.

Inorganics are NOT affected by this spell, so avoid plastics! Living

things are also not affected and neither are purely mineral items, so

food, paper, cloth, cardboard, wood (like chopsticks) are best for

containers and utensils etc.


    COST   : 15

    MODS   : D,R

By means of this spell the caster is able to move objects or beings by

concentrating on moving them mentally. The spell can provide either a

gentle, sustained force or a single, short violent thrust (for attack


As a sustained force this enables the caster to move a weight of upto 25

Lbs/RANK of the spell a distance of 30' per round . The weight can be

moved vertically or horizontally or both. Any objects moved beyond the

spell's range falls or stops progressive movement. If the caster ceases

concentration for any reason, the object falls or stops.  The object can

also be manipulated mentally as if with one's hands. For example a rope

or lever may be pulled, an object rotated and so on. The caster could

even do such things as untie ropes or other complex actions with

manipulation (though the GM may judge a MIND save is needed for some

more complex actions to achieve them).

Alternatively the spell energy can be used in single round 'attacks',

exerting effect to hurl an object upto 30 feet away from its original

position, within the weight limits as above.

Damaged caused by hurled objects is decided by the GM, but usually you

can assume that Body objects do 1d10+(1pt/5 lbs weight).


    COST   : 5

    MODS   : R

Allows the caster to move an object within range to any locale that the

caster chooses that has been visited and memorized by the caster, or

into the possession of the caster immediately. Range is used for the

actual range to the target object. Duration and Targets are unused

options. If the object is a container its contents will move with it.

Additionally there is a cost of 1 spell point per 5 lbs of the objects

weight at rank 1. This is increased for each rank (Rank 2 for example

for the same 1 point can affect 10 lbs, Rank 3 can affect 15 lbs for 1

point etc).


    COST   : 30

    MODS   : N

Moves the caster and upto 100 lbs of gear etc to any locale that the

caster chooses that has been visited and memorized by the caster.

Additional Ranks add 100 lbs to the capacity.


    COST   : 1

    MODS   : R

This spell will magically cause the object targeted (which must be of a

thread/string/rope/cable like nature) to tightly knot itself to either

its other end or the end of a similar object within 1' of it. This spell

can be cast in a single round due to its nature.


    COST   : 15

    MODS   : R

This transmutes stone of any kind into sand instantly, affecting an area

of 5' square per RANK of the spell.


    COST   : 12

    MODS   : D,R

By means of this spell the mage may make a section of metal, stone, or

wood as transparent as glass to be viewed thru. The spell does NOT work

on Lead, platinum or gold. The glass is of a form of a one-way mirror,

upto 3' square in size. It does not change the intrinsic strength of the

material. It lasts until the duration ends....


    COST   : 15

    MODS   : D

This spell creates a magical umbrella that will hang 3' above the head

of the caster at all times. The Umbrella will have no physical form to

touch, but is visible to normal sight. It can pass thru objects easily

and offers no protection from arrows or other thrown missiles. BUT the

umbrella will prevent any RAIN based spell from affecting the caster,

and also any falling object more than 5 lbs in weight will bounce off

it. Thus things like a falling Wall of Ice would fail to harm the

possessor of the Umbrella, or even an opponent jumping from a height

above to attack.



    COST   : 3

    MODS   : D,R,T

This spell produces identical affects as the umbrella of Carnack in

appearance and form, but is actually an illusionary umbrella, with no

substance or protective value, save in fooling mages who mistake it for

the Umbrella of Carnack!


    COST   : 1

    MODS   : R

Unravel is cast upon a piece of clothing that has been woven, sewn or

knitted. It causes the clothing to begin to unravel until it falls apart

into its component parts. The process takes three rounds, but it takes

but a single round to CAST the spell to compensate.

Magical clothing gets a save (50% chance of not being affected).


    COST   : 10

    MODS   : D

The unseen servant is a non-visible, mindless, and shapeless force, used

to step and fetch, open unstuck doors, as well as to clean and mend.  It

is not strong, but unfailingly obeys the command of the wizard.  It can

carry out only one activity at a time and can move only light-wight

items--carry a maximum of 20 pounds or push or pull 40 pounds across a

smooth surface.  It can open only normal doors, drawers, lids, etc.  The

unseen servant cannot fight, nor can it be killed, as it is a force

rather than a creature.  It can be magically dispelled, or eliminated

after receiving 6 points of damage from area-effect spells, breath

weapons, or similar attacks. Additional Ranks add 10 lbs to its carrying

ability, and 1 Health to its survival ability.


    COST   : 10

    MODS   : D,R

This spell enables the wizard to make his voice--or someone else's

voice--or a similar sound seem to issue from someplace else, such as

from another creature, a statue, from behind a door, down a passage,

etc.  The spellcaster can speak in any language that he knows, or make

any sound he can normally make.  With respect to such voices and sounds,

anyone rolling a successful saving throw vs. Magic detects the ruse.

If cast in conjunction with other illusions, the GM may rule greater

penalties or disallow an independent saving throw against this spell in

consideration of its contribution to the total effect of the combined



    COST   : 10

    MODS   : D,R,T

This spell allows the caster or target beings to be able to walk upon

the surface of liquids (except acid) as if walking on a solid surface.

The does NOT work on fog, mist or clouds.


    COST   : 5

    MODS   : D,R

Wizard Glue will hold one relatively flat surface to another, a mirror

to a wall for example. The strength of the bond is 20 pounds per RANK of

the spell, upto 120 pounds. Dispel Magic will end the spell, and a Body

of 10 or greater can break a 20-pound bond. A Body of 12 can break a

40-pound bond, a Body of 14 can break a 60-pound bond, and so forth. If

the item held by the glue is brittle, it may be shattered in the

separation. Surface area is a maximum of 5' square per RANK of the


The two surfaces MUST be touching when the spell goes off. 


    COST   : 10

    MODS   : D,R

A cloud of glittering motes flutter to the target, who falls into a

frenzy of scratching and tearing at their own flesh to stop the

maddening itch. Target will do 1d10 damage to themselves in the process

and drop all held items. Target will be incapacitated until the spell

ends. If the Target is submerged in water the itching will stop and the

spell will prematurely end.


    COST   : 5

    MODS   : D

This spell causes all wooden objects that touch or strike the caster to

be transformed into rubber, reducing their damage capacity to 1/4 normal

if a weapon, and the effect on the weapon lasts for the duration. It can

also be cast by touch on another individual to equally protect them. The

item returns to normal once the spell's duration has ended. Maximum

object size is 5 lbs/RANK.


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