How to WIN at Terminator 2: Judgement Day!



              How to WIN at Terminator 2: Judgement Day! 




                         Randolph S. Vance 


               E-Mail: (NeXT Mail) 


                            Version 1.2 

                       Revised: May 11, 1993 





So, you want to save the world from the evils of Cyberdyne, Skynet, 

and the horror of Judgement Day, eh? Well, here's a complete help guide 

and cheat sheet/spoiler packed article that's just what every gamer 

should have! 





Version 1.0: Posted A LONG TIME AGO, written by me. I had just beaten 

the game and was so anxious to tell all about it, I thought I would 

just burst. Or was that the Tacos I had earlier? 


Version 1.1: Posted a couple of days after the first. An all around 

revision, to correct spelling errors, fixed some other errors. 


Version 1.2: Posted May 11th, 1993. Re-written in the new format that 

I have adopted for the NBA JAM guide. 



Rumor mill. 


Why did I put this in here? No one's got any rumors. But if I hear 

of any, I'll question Mark Turmell of them, though he's not the 

main designer of Terminator 2. I guess he could ask George Petro, or 

better yet, I'll ask George if he reads the news as Turmell does. 

Remember, only YOU can prevent Koresh fires! 



Before you play. 


Get an assistant! 


You'll need someone to help you on your quest, it's just as simple as 

that. Get a friend to help you and the two of you get a roll 

of tokens or quarters apiece. Believe me, one person with 

just two coins is NOT going to win. You need serious money 

and you'll need help. Start by putting in at least two dollars in coins 

to start your game. Look to spend at least five dollars for a complete 



Also, in between each scene, it is a very wise idea to stock up 

the machine with 4 to 6 coins, that way, when you do die, you 

can press start and continue immediatly. This will be almost a 

necessity inside Skynet and Cyberdyne. You will need to be able 

to press start instantly and keep up with the action. 



Playing the game. 


1. The Battlefield. 


The Battlefield is the easiest stage to go through. What 

will appear in this scene are: 


     Silver and Gold endoskeletons 

     H-K flyers 

     Ground missile launchers 

     and one Ground H-K Tank, with a squadron of Gold endoskeletons inside. 


Silver endoskeletons are the easiest, just clip them with a shot 

from your machine gun. If a silver endoskeleton should come up 

to you, just shoot him in the head and get the chip inside. That's 

a very valueable thing to get, as you can get 1 of 6 random bonuses. 

You can get added firepower, more missiles, bonus points, a better 

weapon, or even hit the battlefield with a smart bomb! 


Gold endoskeletons are dropped into the battlefield by flying H-Ks 

regardless of whether they have been downed or not. They can be 

defeated in the same manner as a silver endoskeleton, except that 

a gold endoskeleton will not usually come up to face you off in battle. 

It is very rare if they do. 


H-Ks, short for Hunter-Killers are flying craft that are heavily 

armored and well armed. A single locked shot with a missile or 

repeated heavy machine gun fire will down an H-K from it's long-distance 

range. Note that if an H-K flys toward you, machine guns can better 

destroy an H-K, but beware of the incoming missile fire it will launch. 


Ground launchers are small missile launchers that are very fierce, 

very heavily armored, and can recycle missile fire at an alarming rate. 

The only way to defeat a ground launcher is to hit it with a locked 

missile shot. 


The Ground-based H-K tank is the biggest and last enemy you shall 

have to defeat to pass to the next stage. To defeat the Ground H-K, 

you will need to lay down very heavy fire with your missiles. Start 

on the arms to destroy the guns and the plasma bolt fire. Then work 

from the top and blast off the head. Then use missiles and the machine 

gun to destroy the tank. The squadron of gold endoskeletons will then 

be deployed, but this should pose no problem. 




     Get as many of the equipment boxes as you can and stock up your missiles. 

     They will be needed to destroy the Ground H-K Tank. Also save up machine 

     gun fire, as it can be drained very quickly. 

     Don't waste fire unnecessarily. 


2. Inside the Human Hideout. 


The few remaining survivors of Judgement Day live like hunted rodents 

inside underground bunkers. This is the shortest scene to go through 

but is by no means easy. In this scene shall appear: 


     Silver endoskeletons 

     Arnolds (The series 800, Model 101) 




Stan Winston said that in the Terminator factories of Skynet, the 

Model 101 was churned out on a production line and that all of them 

looked just like Arnold. The rubber-skinned line of Terminators 

was discontinued by Skynet due to it's inability to blend in. 

A little note, in the novelization of Terminator 2, John Connor 

and his team captured a Model 101, disconnected him from the Skynet 

network, re-programmed him to be John's protector and then smuggled 

him back into the core of Skynet. It's also a good debate that 

at the same time the first Terminator was sent to kill Sarah Connor, 

the T-1000 was sent to kill John Connor, 10 years after. A battle 

that lasted over 10 years was begun in 10 minutes. 


The Arnold model appears dressed in leather jacket and pants, armed 

with machine gun and Gargoyles. The best way to defeat an Arnold 

is to lay down machine gun fire and clip himfrom long range. Arnolds will 

come up face to face and lay down a heavy barrage of machine gun 

fire back at you, this can easily kill you. The best way to take out 

an Arnold face to face is to hit him with a single missile shot in 

the torso. You can't go for the head shot, as the Arnold is very 

quick and firece. 


An Arnold that had been clipped from long distance will then quickly 

rise from the dead and attack again. Another clipping shot with your 

machine gun will then defeat the Arnold, who will be removed from the 

Skynet collective. Arnolds will also appear from the rafters, going 

after human targets. These Arnolds can also be defeated with a clipping 

shot, but will be quickly absorbed into the collective. 


Eggs will be dropped into the hideout, if left unattended, they will quickly 

hatch into Orbs. The best strategy to defeat an egg is to shoot them 

as quickly as they are dropped. Either a burst of fire from a machine 

gun or missiles will be sufficient to destroy eggs. 


If an egg hatches into an Orb, it will be a very tough enemy to defeat. 

Orbs are fierce creations, highly armored and very mobile, armed with 

a rapid fire machine gun. Heavy barrages of machine gun fire or a missile 

shot are what is needed to defeat an Orb. 




     Again, stock up on missiles. Get as much equipment as you can. 


     Also, the lamps above the rafters hold bonus items, so shoot as many of 

     them as you can. 


     Equipment is also stored in the shopping baskets that go rolling by. 

     There is at least one smart bomb on this stage. 


3. The trip to Skynet. 


John Connor has discovered that a Terminator has been sent back in time to 

alter the course of future history. You must lead an armed escort and help 

get John Connor to Skynet. 


What shall appear in this scene are: 


     Silver and Gold endoskeletons 

     H-K flyers 


The best strategy I can recommend for this scene is to use your 

machine gun and missiles and bring down as many H-Ks as you can. 

DO NOT try and hit the endoskeletons that will come running by the 

truck, as stray fire will easily destroy the truck and end your game. 




     Get as many missiles as possible, the H-Ks at close range can be brought 

     down only with repeated missiles and will be taking as many shots as 

     they can at the truck. 


     If you need missiles, another effective strategy is to end your game 

     on purpose, continue and you can start the scene over with 25 more 

     missiles, plus those that you can get before the truck takes off. 


     If you can escort the truck to Skynet without having to continue, 

     you will be awarded a truck bonus of 25000 points. 


4. The gates of Skynet, Security Level 1. 


You are outside the gates of Skynet, from here on, there will 

be no further human support, it's just you and your friend against 

Skynet. What will appear are: 


     Silver and Gold endoskeletons 

     H-K flyers 



To pass on to Security Level 2, you must go through an army of Terminators 

and H-Ks and then blast open the front gates of Skynet. 




     Don't waste your missiles, you'll need them. 


     Use 3 missiles and destroy the huge fuel depots. That can add to 

     your damage bonus. 


5. Inside Skynet, Security Level 2. 


You're inside Skynet, now you begin to realize the awesome destructive 

arsenal that Skynet commands. In this scene are: 


     Silver and Gold endoskeletons 


     H-K flyers 





To pass on through to Security Level 3, you must destroy the launching 

bays where Orbs and Silverfish will be coming from. 


Silverfish make their first appearance in this area. They are very 

ornery little boogers that sidewind their way, then hurl themselves 

toward you and self-destruct. The best way to destroy a Silverfish 

is to hit it with a locked missile shot. 




     When at the launching bays, focus less on the Orbs and go for the 

     Silverfish and the Launching bays. Only when a bay door is closed will 

     it then be vulnerable. 


     You can stock up on missiles when you reach the doors that release 

     the orbs and silverfish by blasting all the doors but the far right 

     silverfish door. This one will continually open and close letting out 

     silverfish that take a really long route to you. They can usually be 

     taken out with the machine gun. Not only will this net quite a lot of 

     points, but the boxes will continually appear for about 1-4 minutes. 


     Get as much equipment as you can, you can quickly run short of 

     machine gun fire in here. 


     Blow up the walls with several missile shots, they make great places 

     for eggs to be dropped and hatched and for Orbs to come running out 

     from behind. 


6. Inside Skynet, Security Level 3. 


The Launching bays are destroyed, now you must go through the heaviest 

gauntlet that Skynet has laid down. What will appear in this scene are: 


     Silver and Gold endoskeletons 


     H-K flyers 




     and one H-K Ground Tank 


To pass on to Security Level 4, you must go through the gauntlet and 

then defeat the H-K Ground Tank, again as before on the battlefield. 




     Destroy all walls and eggs that you can see. 


     Stock up on your missiles and get as much equipment as possible. 


     After you have blown up the top of the tank, you can blow it up by 

     just using your machine gun and get at each missile launched. This 

     can help save as many missiles as you can. 


7. Inside Skynet, Security Level 4. 


You are almost toward the end, now all that is left is to open 

the main doors and get at the Skynet Super Mainframe Computer. 

What will appear in this scene are: 




     Fixed Missile Launchers 


To complete Security Level 4 and open the doors, you shall have 

to destroy the fixed missile launchers at the corners of the doors. 




     Save up on all your missiles. 


     Blast away all walls. 


     To effectively destroy the fixed launchers, have you and your friend 

     take one side apiece and blast away at the launchers using your 

     machine gun and repeated missiles. 


8. Inside Skynet, The Super Mainframe. 


The Super Mainframe is now almost defeated. What will appear in this 

final stage are: 


     Fixed Missile Launchers 



To defeat the Super Mainframe, you must blast away all of the missile 

launchers and all of the pieces surrounding the Super Mainframe. 




     Hose the Super Mainfraime using all the missiles you have been saving. 

     After you clear this stage, you won't be nededing missiles. Work from 

     the outer corners to the inside and then shoot at the SIMMS when they 

     are exposed. After that, Skynet has been defeated and you will be 

     successful in the first part of the game. 


9. Welcome to Cyberdyne 


You have been sent back in time to protect young John Connor from the 

evil T-1000. Armed with your machine gun and with 25 shotgun shells, 

you must now destroy Cyberdyne and rescue the world from the horrible 

fate of Judgement Day! What will appear in this scene are: 


     SWAT Policemen 



     Lab Technicians 


The best way to destroy everything in Cyberdyne is to just focus 

on the equipment, don't worry about the humans taking shots at you. 

You'll go through the adminstrative offices of Cyberdyne first, get 

at all the computers, desks, filing cabinets, and everything else 

you find. Don't leave anything behind here! Then, after the administrative 

wing, you must face a barrage of SWAT Policemen and Helicopters. 

Then you will go through the Clean Room area of Cyberdyne, where the 

chips are grown and made. Get every piece of equipment that you see 

here too, from the tables and the rolling carts to the green lamps on 

the counter, (after all, that's where they make the chips) and the 

chemical stockpiles and lockers and the clean room mainframes. 

Once you clear out everything, then you must face off another 

wave of Technicians hurling Chemical bombs at you. Afterwards, John 

Connor will then get the Arm and Chip from the first Terminator sent 

and you will get your first glimpse of the evil T-1000. 




     Get as much equipment that Sarah and John Connor will drop for you. 

     Always try to get the Mini Gun, as it is a very powerful weapon. 


     You'll see a computer terminal with the image of a CPU rotating 

     around on the screen, get that and the CPU chip inside. It is just 

     as valuable as before. 


     In the offices will be huge banks of Mainframe Computers, you can 

     take these out very effectively with several shotgun shells spread 

     around them. 


     Don't leave a scrap of equipment behind! If so much as one piece 

     of equipment is left behind, Cyberdyne research will continue, and 

     the world will still be condemned to the horror of Judgement Day. 


     If you and your friend can completely clear out Cyberdyne, you 

     will both be awarded a one million point bonus. Pretty good for 

     saving the world. 


10. The escape from Cyberdyne. 


You have escaped from Cyberdyne in a SWAT Van with Sarah and John 

Connor, the evil T-1000 is in hot pursuit! What will appear here are: 


     The helicopter, piloted by the T-1000, followed by 

     The tanker truck, driven by the T-1000. 


The helicopter will be your biggest hurdle here. You must shoot down 

the helicopter before it crashes into the SWAT Van. The best way to 

down him is to have you and your friend split up and cover the 

back side and the top of the SWAT Van. When the helicopter appears, 

fire your gun regardless of which angle he approaches from. This way, 

you can easily cover the top, corner and the sides of the SWAT Van. 


After you have destroyed the helicopter, the T-1000 will then pursue 

the SWAT Van in a Cryoco tanker truck. Now, what you and your friend 

must do is cover the back side of the van and prevent him from ramming 

into the back of the SWAT Van and killing everyone. To do this, keep 

your gun level at the back, begin firing as soon as you hear the 

truck approaching, then cover the engine with as much firepower as 

you can. Then, you will be set for the showdown. 




     Use the shotgun shells only on the tanker truck. I have tried 

     before to down the helicopter with the shotgun and ended up 

     wasting all my shells. 


     Also, if you can keep a Mini Gun from the Cyberdyne scene, that can 

     be very handy in bringing down the helicopter. 


11. The final showdown with the T-1000. 


You are in the Steel Mill, you must protect John Connor at all 

costs. What will appear in this final scene are: 


     The T-1000 

     Steel Mill workers 


You must first face off the T-1000 aside the tanker truck filled 

with liquid Nitrogen. He will be using his gun and firing rapidly, 

pacing back and forth between you and your friend, occasionally 

extending his arm and smashing it towards you. Use the shotgun and 

hit the T-1000 with two bursts. He will then fall to the ground. Use 

the shotgun and with more shots, hit the tanker and immerse the 

T-1000 in liquid Nitrogen. When the T-1000 gets back up, repeat the 

procedure until you have shattered him. All during this, shotgun shells 

will descend from the ceiling, collect as mant as you can. 


Now you must protect John Connor. While you are following him, several 

workers of the Steel Mill will descend and take shots at you. You can 

shoot them, but I have found that this is a very good way to build up 

your arsenal of shotgun shells. If you are low on hit points, let the 

workers kill you, then continue and you will have 25 more shells. 

More shells will descend from the ceiling, collect as many of those 

as well, for the final showdown awaits. 


John Connor will now be boxed in on the top of the rafters aside the 

huge steel furnace. The T-1000 will be approaching slowly from the 

left side, walking menacingly towards John. Use the machine gun and 

the shotgun and hose him. Then, the T-1000 will come up and face you 

off in battle. This is another good opportunity to get free shotgun 

shells, because the T-1000 will not focus on John or anything else 

while engaged in battle with you. Again, if you are low on hit points, 

let the T-1000 kill you, continue and get 25 more shells. The only 

way to defeat the T-1000 here is with a well placed shotgun shell 

to his head, splitting it in two. This is what Industrial Light and 

Magic nicknamed the "Saucehead" special effect. Then, the T-1000 

will descend once more. Use your machine gun and shotgun while he is in 

the very center and push him closer and closer towards the edge. Then, 

a grenade launcher will descend from either the left or right side of 

the furnace, get it and quickly blast it with the special weapons 

button at the T-1000 as he is on the edge. The grenade detonates 

inside the T-1000, he descends into the molten metal and you have won. 


Should the T-1000 be successful and kill John Connor, you must 

start over from the tanker and freeze him again. 



Secret codes. 





Winning the game. 


If you have saved the world from Judgement Day and destroyed the T-1000, 

then John Connor's face will appear, and these words will appear below: 


                 "You have destroyed the T-1000!" 

           "You have saved the world from Judgement Day!" 

               "Your future is what you make of it." 


If you have destroyed the T-1000, but not everything in Cyberdyne, then 

these words appear below John Connor's face: 


                 "You have destroyed the T-1000!" 

              "But Cyberdyne research will continue." 

                "Judgement Day could still happen." 



Special thanks go to: 


Mark J. Turmell and George N. Petro, at Bally/Midway/Williams for being 

friendly and reliable sources, as well as reading these JAM packed 

information guides. (Bad pun. BAD PUN! No biscuit! BAAAADD PUN!) 


Greg Henderson, ( though he'd rather be playing 

either Street Fighter II: Championship Edition or Mortal Kombat. 

Well, he did help me clear out Cyberdyne the first time. :) 


Jason Fischer, he was helpful and a very good companion to play 

with, and together, we discovered how to get through the Trip to Skynet 



Gene Ppendygraft, he started a great game, we cleared out Cyberdyne 

and then destroyed the T-1000. That was the first time we had the 

best possible ending. :) 


Carl Chavez, ( for helping us and this posting 

by providing the secret hints inside Skynet. 


Steve Stelter ( for correcting the information 

of Gold Endoskeletons. 


All the wonderful people at the Kentucky Arcade, probably one of 

the busiest Arcades here on campus and in Lexington. Tim, Paul and 

all the others there were very friendly and helpful, even considering 

that I think the place should be re-named "Noah's Arcade", because they 

have practially two of every game. 


Good luck in your future games of Terminator 2: Judgement Day! 




Randolph S. Vance (NeXT Mail) 


QUOTE: "I'll watch some TV, it'll help me to RELAX!" -Ren Hoek 



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