Tips & Tech Msg Board Archive
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Archive of messages posted in the Macintosh Graphic Arts Forum's 3D SIG's 3D Tips & Techniques message board.
All Posts prior to 5/97
5/10/97 2:52:19 PM
3D Interest Group /Tips And Techniques
Subj: Making a Movie
Date: 2/2/97 9:55:34 PM
From: Dr ZIK
Posted on: America Online
Hi Folks!
I am a communications professional with "prosumer" experience in computer graphics, desktop publishing and multimedia, both as a freelance consultant and as a college-level instructor. I'm seeking advice on a major personal creative challenge.
In 1976 I produced a 3-minute animated film as part of my college thesis, using traditional tools (flip cards, cels, dissolves. etc.)I am now attempting to produce a computer-generated version of the film.
The new version consists of a movie (continuous action in a 328 x 238 window representing a "monitor") within a movie (a 640 x 480 "control panel" with animated knobs, glowing LEDs, and still images). The new scenes will be rendered as a series of QuickTime movies, composited and output to run as a single presentation on home video.
My hardware is a Power Mac 8500/132 with 32Mb of RAM, and an 850 Mb external drive. I plan to add an additional 32 MB and a Jazz drive before summer. I have the following software to use for producing my presentation: Claris Works, Illustrator, PageMaker, Animation Works, Infini-D, Ray Dream Studio, Poser, Cinemation, Photoshop, KPT Bryce, Kai's Power Tools, After Effects, Videoshop, and Stuffit Deluxe. I also plan to purchase Debabelizer.
Here are my questions:
1. What additional hardware, if any, will I need to ensure smooth 30 fps playback at 640 x 480 for output to video?
2. Will I be able to output to video accurately if my playback speed is 15 or 20 fps?
3. How do keep my movie files to reasonable sizes without excessively lossy compression? (an 8-second test clip weighed in at 13Mb)
4. What are the quality trade-offs in rendering the scenes at thousands vs. millions of colors? (only a few of my images will need to be rendered with alpha-channels)
5. What's a good color formula for a "black" background that is readable in most video formats?
6. At what stage should I do the field renderings on the movies, and at what suggested settings?
7. What's my best options--single frame, etc.-- for recording to video?
I would appreciate advice on any single question or all of them. You can post them here or send me e-mail messages. Thanx in advance to all who respond!
Peter(Dr Zik)
Date: 2/9/97 11:57:29 AM
From: Zak4est
Posted on: America Online
I have Infinii-D 3.5, and Strata Studio Pro 1.75+ Blitz, Premiere, photoshop, and final effects AP. How would I go about (if possible) making flaming text. It can be 2d or 3d, but I would like to make the opening credits to my movie be regular text, but they are on fire, or flaming, or something. Any suggestions, I really need flaming text to make this look how I want it to look.
Date: 2/9/97 4:20:19 PM
Posted on: America Online
you may find useing rotoscope texture map (of fire) on the the scrolling credits, or flaming words as you discribed.
Date: 2/9/97 8:50:56 PM
From: Gary 3000
Posted on: America Online
<<I have Infinii-D 3.5, and Strata Studio Pro 1.75+ Blitz, Premiere, photoshop, and final effects AP>>>
In Final Effects AP, there should be a particles setting that should work for you.
You may have to apply the filter to your 3d text layer,.and then place another (sans effects) layer of your 3d text on top of it.
Subj: 3D Globe
Date: 2/19/97 6:21:31 AM
From: AldersJ
Posted on: America Online
Could someone explain a way to take a spinning globe...and lay over it an Earth image or a way to make a spinning lets say infini-D?
Could someone please forward their gracious reply to Aldersj
Subj: Re:3D Globe
Date: 2/20/97 10:56:55 PM
From: Marc Siry
Posted on: America Online
<<Could someone explain a way to take a spinning globe...and lay over it an Earth image or a way to make a spinning lets say infini-D?>>
Sure. Step 1, put Infini-D away. Step 2, get Strata Studio Pro 1.75. Step 3, insert the instance of the spinning Earth Shape that comes included with the program. Render, repeat.
Subj: Re:3D Globe
Date: 2/21/97 11:03:32 AM
From: DDC2000
Posted on: America Online
>>Could someone explain a way to take a spinning globe...and lay over it an Earth image or a way to make a spinning lets say infini-D?
Could someone please forward their gracious reply to Aldersj
The Specular Pro Resources CD also has a globe model. Just apply the spin animation assistant. Not hard to do in ID.
Good Luck,
Subj: Plug-in Horse Animator
Date: 4/1/97 2:24:40 PM
From: VIDInick
Posted on: America Online
A plug-in galloping horse animator module is available at, in the Animators section.
Source code for the module is also available for downloading. It can be compiled with Code Warrior C and adapted for other purposes.
5/10/97 2:52:58 PM Closing "Tips&Tech"
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