The FINAL Mortal Kombat II Hint File

 Mac users: this file is easiest to read in an 80-character-per-line non-

proportional font, such as Courier.  


The FINAL Mortal Kombat II Hint File

   Last Modified December 2, 1994

Copyright (c) 1994 by Grant Bugher


This is the NINTH EDITION of the FINAL Mortal Kombat II Hint File.  This 

file is freely distributed and may be uploaded or copied in ORIGINAL, 

UNMODIFIED FORM (electronic or paper) without compensating the author.  

This version is only slightly changed from the 9/23/94 Ninth Edition.


EVERY TIME YOU DO THEM RIGHT.  I didn't put any so-called "unconfirmed"

(i.e. probably imaginary) moves in here.  If one doesn't work, it's because

you didn't do it right. :)  Everyone has a friendship, a pit fatal, and a 

babality.  To "charge" a button means to hold it down.  This file is for 

the arcade v3.1 of Mortal Kombat II.  A few things here will not work in 

v2.1, and MANY of them will not work in revisions before 2.1.  Now, most 

moves lists are all correct, but when I started this list, it was about the 

only one that wasn't full of imaginary moves that the author made up or heard 

about but never bothered to try and see if it worked.  Incidentally, these 

moves will also work with perfectly with the SNES version of MK2, and most of

them will work on the Genesis with some modification -- you'll have to figure 

out what buttons to press, because they changed many of them.

Babalities and Friendships can be preformed anywhere on the screen.  Pit 

fatals (fatality uppercuts) can be preformed only at close range, on The Pit 

stage or the Kombat Room stage.  All other fatalities have a certain range 

you have to stand at to do them.  These ranges are at the end of each

fatality line below, in parentheses:

  Close       Running right into them.  Like if you were doing an uppercut.

  Sweep       The furthest away you can stand and still sweep someone.

  Half-screen This one's self-explanatory.

  Far         Clear across the screen from the dude.

  Anywhere    Pick a spot.  

Moves that have an * in the left column are MUCH easier to do if you hold

down block, but this is optional.  (For example, Liu Kang's Cartwheel or

Baraka's Friendship).  

For those of you who don't know, Babalities change your opponent into a baby

and Friendships do some cheesy nice thing to your opponent (totally non-

lethal) to finish up the round.  Collectively, fatalities, babalities, and 

friendships are usually referred to by people (and always referred to by me) 

as "Finishing Moves."

Please send E-Mail if you have any additions, corrections, or comments 

about this list.  I am Vylanis on America Online, and my Internet address is

  - Vylanis

P.S. Also check out the other FINAL lists, like the FINAL Mortal Kombat Hint 


File v3 or the FINAL Killer Instinct Hint File v1.

B = Back      HP = High Punch      

F = Forward   LP = Low Punch       

D = Down      BL = Block           

U = Up                             

A Comma (HK, HP) means to hit one button, then the other.  A plus (HK + HP) 

means to push both buttons at the same time. A plus and parentheses, like

HK + (LP, HP) means to hold down one button and press the others. "to", like

in "D to F, HP" means to start with the first direction and "roll" the 

joystick to the second, similar to the movement in throwing a fireball in 

Street Fighter II.

   ----- NORMAL MOVES (for everyone) -----

Sweep                B + LK        High Punches do more damage than Low

Roundhouse           B + HK        Punches, but Low Punches can hit ducking

Uppercut             D + HP        opponents.  Kicks do more damage than

Throw                F + LP        either, but you can rapid-fire punches.

Power Punch          F, HP         Power Punches do more damage than regular


  ----- SPECIAL TRICKS -----

When it says "Finish Him!" on the Dead Pool stage, if you hold LP + LK and 

do an uppercut, you will knock your opponent into the acid.  When the 

skeleton floats to the surface, hold the joystick Down and it (the skeleton)

will say something, possibly "Hello!" with a British accent.  

On the player select screen, pressing Up + Start while in your corner (Liu   


Kang for Player 1 or Reptile for Player 2) will cause the computer to 

randomly select a character for you.  This makes 2-player games more fair.

While no one is playing, press down on both joysticks to see the high score


On the Battle: ## Screen (where it shows the name of the battle zone and 

pictures of the two selected characters), press Down + HP on BOTH CONTROLLERS

to disable throwing for the match.  This is for two-player only, of course.

If you do the Pit Fatal in the Kombat Room, knocking the opponent onto the   


spikes, press down on both joysticks before the opponent hits the ceiling. 

He will slide off the spikes and hit the ground.

In the SNES version only, you can enter a 2-player tournament mode.  On the 

screen where you select between "Start" and "Options," hold L and R and hit

the Start button.  It will allow each player to select 4 characters, which 

will then fight in succession (like MK1's Endurance Rounds.)


   ----- SPECIAL MOVES -----



Spark                D to B, HP

Blade Slice          B + HP               

Blade Fury           B, B, B, LP 

Double Kick          HK, HK

 Pit                  F, F, D, HK                              

 Babality             F, F, F, HK                              

*Friendship           U, F, F, HK

 Impale               B, F, D, F, LP              (Close) 

*Decapitate           B, B, B, B, HP              (Close)

You can sometimes follow up a jump kick (especially a turnaround kick) with a 

Blade Fury, doing immense damage.  Also, when Kintaro jumps off the top of 

the screen to stomp on you, do the Blade Fury and he'll land right in it.

When playing against Baraka, note that Raiden's torpedo and Kitana's fan lift

will hit him while he's doing the Blade Fury.  


Johnny Cage:

Low Shadow Bolt      D to F, LP

High Shadow Bolt     D to B, HP

Shadow Uppercut      B, D, B, HP

Shadow Kick          B, F, LK

Nutcracker           LP + BL

Gym Kick             F + LK               

 Pit                  D, D, D, HK                              

 Babality             B, B, B, HK                              

 Friendship           D, D, D, HK                 

 Rip in Half          D, D, F, F, LP              (Close)

 Decapitate           F, F, D, U                  (Close)

 Triple Decapitate    D + LK + BL + LP            (Close)

(must do regular decap first, then this!)

You can shadow-kick right after a jump-kick or turnaround-kick.  This is 

probably the easiest combo in the game.  The computer will almost always get

hit by a properly timed nutcracker, and against the computer, you can follow

one with a shadow kick.



Overhead Hammer      F + HP

Grab 'n' Pound       F, F, LP, rapid LP       

Multiple Throw       F + LP, rapid HP     

Sonic Boom           F to D to B, HK

Ground Pound         Charge LK 3 seconds

Backbreaker          BL in air

*Pit                  U, U, D, LK                              

*Babality             D, U, D, U, LK                           

*Friendship           D, D, U, U, LK                           

 Head Crush           LP + (F, F, F)              (Sweep)

 Rip Off Arms         BL, BL, BL, BL, LP          (Sweep)

Jax is the best close-range fighter in the game.  An overhead hammer followed

by an uppercut, Grab 'n' Pound, or Multiple Throw is devestating, and if the

hammer hits, the next move is automatic success.  After hitting the kick

button for a jump kick (especially a turnaround kick), immediately hold 

block.  It doesn't put you at any disadvantage, and if timed right it will do 

a backbreaker when the kick hits.



Fan Lift             B, B, B, HP

Fan Throw            F, F, HP + LP

Fan Slice            B + HP

Zip Punch            F to D to B, HP


 Pit                  F, D, F, HK

*Babality             D, D, D, LK                 

*Friendship           D, D, D, U, LK              

 Decapitate           BL, BL, BL, HK              (Close)

 Kiss of Death        LK + (F, F, D, F)           (Close)

Kitana and Liu Kang are the game's best distance fighters.  Follow up a jump

kick with a fan throw.  Good against humans, excellent against the computer.

In the corner, you can fan lift, then hop-kick, then throw a fan, and then

uppercut, all without giving the enemy any opportunity to block!  As you get

faster, you can do a fan-lift, jump-punch, fan-throw, zip-punch combo (not

in the corner) and even a five-hit combo in the corner.  When playing 

against Kitana, if you are ducking and she does a fan lift (over your head),

hold block, stand up, duck again, release block, then uppercut.  You will

not get hit by the fan lift!


Kung Lao:

Hat Throw            B, F, LP (U or D guides hat)

Garbage Can          BL + (U, U), rapid LK

Teleport             D, U

Torpedo Kick         D + HK in air


 Pit                  F, F, F, HP

 Babality             B, B, F, F, HK                           

 Friendship           B, B, B, D, HK                     

*Hat Split            F, F, F, LK                 (Sweep)

 Decapitate           LP + (B, F)                 (Far)

(then aim the hat at their neck!)

Kung Lao is a great character if used properly - the torpedo kick is 

very good as it throws your opponent's timing off and it is hard to uppercut.

A blocked normal torpedo kick allows an uppercut, but a hop-torpedo does not, 

and is so strange that most people will not know how to react to it.  Also,

Kung Lao's standing HK can always knock someone out of the air, like the

ninjas' roundhouse.  


Liu Kang:

High Fireball        F, F, HP

Low Fireball         F, F, LP

Bicycle Kick         Charge LK 4 seconds

Flying Kick          F, F, HK


 Pit                  B, F, F, LK

 Babality             D, D, F, B, LK                           

 Friendship           F, B, B, B, LK

*Cartwheel            Spin away from enemy        (Anywhere)

 Dragon Munch         D, F, B, B, HK              (Close)

The high fireball can be done in the air.  The bicycle kick is great if you

keep charging LK most of the round, and release it right after getting hit.

You'll usually catch the opponent off guard if he's near you.  Kang's low 

fireball makes him an excellent distance fighter - it goes under all other 

projectiles, making him the only person who can trade missiles with Sub-Zero.



Sai Throw            Charge HP 2 seconds

Teleport Kick        F, F, LK

Roll                 B, B, D, HK


 Pit                  F, D, F, LK                 

 Babality             D, D, D, HK                 

*Friendship           D, D, D, U, HK              

 Sai Perforate        F, B, F, LP                 (Close)

*Suck 'n' Blow        Charge HK 3 seconds         (Close)

If you charge HP for a while first, you can jump kick someone and then

release HP immediately, hitting them with the sais as they fall from the

kick.  The teleport kick is among the best moves in the entire game, since it

flawlessly knocks opponents out of the air.  Do one whenever they jump or

throw a missile weapon.  The ninjas can roundhouse you out of a teleport.

When playing against Mileena, standing-block teleport kicks.  Then, either 

hop-kick or do a special move, like Raiden's torpedo or a projectile throw.



Shocking Grasp       Charge HP 3 seconds           

Torpedo              B, B, F

Lightning Bolt       D to F, LP

Teleport             D, U

*Pit                  U, U, U, HP                              

*Babality             D, D, U, HK                              

 Friendship           D, B, F, HK                            

 Electrocution        Charge LK, rapid LK + BL    (Close)      

 Super Uppercut       Charge HP 7 seconds         (Close)

If you can shock grab someone, HP twice and then do a torpedo.  The two HP's 

knock the opponent into the air, making the torpedo unblockable.  To do the 

super uppercut, you must begin charging HP before it says "Finish Him!"

Always follow up a jump-kick with a Torpedo.  It almost always works, and is 

the one thing that makes Raiden a great character.



Acid Spit            F, F, HP

Energy Orb           B, B, HP + LP

Invisibility         BL + (U, U, D), HP

Slide                B + BL + LP + LK


 Pit                  D, D, F, F, BL

 Babality             D, D, B, B, LK                           

 Friendship           B, B, D, LK                              

 Yummy                B, B, D, LP                 (Half-screen)

 Unseen Death         F, F, D, HK                 (Close)

(must be Invisible!!)

After the energy orb, most people uppercut, but you can do more damage by

doing two high punches (knocking them in the air) followed by a hop kick and

then a slide.  If you turn invisible, try just ducking in place.  Usually,

the opponent will jump at you, letting you roundhouse them out of the air.  

If they walk up to you, sweep and move back, then begin ducking again.  Also,

you can jump-kick or slide (or both) if the opponent throws a projectile.



Harpoon Throw        B, B, LP

Teleport Punch       D to B, HP

Leg Takedown         D to B, LK

Air Throw            BL in air


 Pit                  D, F, F, BL

 Babality             D, B, B, HK                              

 Friendship           B, B, D, HK                              

*Incinerate           U, U, HP                    (Half-screen)

*Toasty Incinerate    D, D, U, U, HP              (Anywhere)

 Neck Slash           HP + (D, F, F, F)           (Close)

If you do a turnaround kick, you can often do a teleport punch and/or spear 

and catch your opponent off guard.  The leg takedown is almost worthless, 

since it does less damage than a throw, and if blocked it leaves you open to 

an uppercut.



Deep Freeze          D to F, LP

Ground Freeze        D to B, LK

Slide                B + BL + LP + LK


 Pit                  D, F, F, BL

 Babality             D, B, B, HK                              

 Friendship           B, B, D, HK      

 Freeze Uppercut      F, F, D, HK                 (Sweep)

F, D, F, F, HP              (Close)

 Ice Grenade          LP + (B, B, D, F)           (Far)

As almost everyone knows, follow up a jump kick with a slide.  Great against

the computer, only works against humans if you do a very late LK for your

kick, or if they're stupid.  Follow a jump kick with a ground freeze 

occasionally - if they don't expect it, they'll slip (leaving themselves open 

for an uppercut and slide.)  If you freeze someone, don't upperct.  Do a 

turnaround kick then an immediate ground freeze, then uppercut.  Most people 

will fall for it, but someone who knows will jump away.  If they do that, 

just uppercut next time, or try a turnaround kick then deep freeze.  They 

will jump back into the freeze.  Alternate randomly between these and you'll 

confuse the hell out of most people.


Shang Tsung:

One Flaming Skull    B, B, HP

Two Flaming Skulls   B, B, F, HP

Three Flaming Skulls B, B, F, F, HP

Liu Kang Morph       B, F, F, BL

Kung Lao Morph       B, D, B, HK

Johnny Cage Morph    B, B, D, LP

Reptile Morph        BL + (U, D), HP

Sub-Zero Morph       F, D, F, HP

Kitana Morph         BL, BL, BL

Jax Morph            D, F, B, HK

Mileena Morph        Charge HP 2 seconds

Baraka Morph         D, D, LK

Scorpion Morph       BL + (U, U)

Raiden Morph         D, B, F, LK


 Pit                  BL + (D, D, U), D           

 Babality             B, F, D, HK                              

*Friendship           B, B, D, F, HK              

*Soul Stealer         U, D, U, LK                 (Close)

 Body Explosion       Charge HK 3 seconds         (Sweep)      

 Kintaro Morph        Charge LP 25 seconds        (Sweep)

When the opponent is jumping away, let loose with three skulls.  If one hits

in the air, they all will.  Tsung has very few good moves, since he normally

changes into someone else and uses their moves.  However, someone who has

very good timing can play as Shang Tsung without morphing and still do well.

Note that to do the Kintaro Morph you must begin holding LP long before it 

says "Finish Him!"  Most people begin charging before it says "Fight!" and 

continue the entire round.



To reach Smoke, fight on The Portal (1 or 2 player).  After an uppercut, the

"toasty guy" will occasionally appear.  If he does, hold down and Start to

warp to Smoke.

To reach Jade, fight a one-player game on the match just before the "?" on 

the map of the mountain.  Beat at least one round of the match using only the

LK button (no punches, HK, or BL).  You'll warp immediately to Jade.  You 

need not win the match - just a round.

To reach Noob Saibot, win 50 consecutive battles, 1 or 2 player.  If he beats 

you, you stay at 49 wins, so you can just keep winning one battle until you 

manage to beat him.  You MUST beat him to get over 50 wins in the high score


  ----- MISCELLANEOUS -----

The most useful piece of information you could ever have is how the jump-kick 

works.  It goes as follows:

1.  The person who hit the kick button first wins the contest.  (Thus, a hop-

    kick will usually triumph over a jump-kick)

2.  If they hit the button at the same time, the person who jumped LAST wins

    the contest.

If you are very good at the game, this probably seems like common sense.  But

I remember that I improved greatly upon learning this.  This also applies to 

jump-punches and aerial special moves, but is overridden by a few things -- 

Kung Lao's torpedo kick usually comes out on top, as do a few other moves.  

But not always - if you jump back and kick late, you can kick Kung Lao out of 

a torpedo kick.  Baraka's aerial moves are fantastic, making up for his 

shortage of special moves.  He is nearly impossible to uppercut out of the 

air or even jump-kick out of the air (except on the SNES version...)

Turnaround kicks are devestating.  Jump over someone, as if doing a jump 

kick, but don't hit the kick button until after you've passed their heads.  

It leads to some interesting combos -- follow them up with Scorpion's 

teleport punch or Raiden's torpedo for good results.  Most people, seeing 

you jump over them, will try to uppercut.  You CANNOT uppercut a turnaround 

kick (well, you can, but almost no one can do it consistently).  The proper 

response to one is to block, then attack AFTER they kick.

There is a special type of punch commonly referred to as a "heavy punch."  It

is rediculously hard to get off, but worth the trouble.  When the opponent

jump-kicks at you, press HP once.  You must do it before he is lined up with

the punch.  Properly timed (which is VERY hard to do), he will fall into the

punch, and take more damage than an uppercut!  Appearently, the heavy punch

hits several times, rather than just once.  Also, this knocks the opponent

way up in the air, and can be followed by almost any move except Kitana's fan 

lift.  Many painful combos can be done after a heavy punch. :)  Note that I 

have only seen one person who can do this every time.  I get it about 10% of 

the time.


SPECIAL THANKS TO:           - for lots of corrections           - for lots of confirmations       - for a couple of fatalities I didn't know         - for The Mortal Monday Report, which was the best

      moves list available before I wrote this one           - for Los Dos's Ultimate Mortal Kombat II Strategy

      Guide, which though giving few moves and NO fatals

      gives good general strategy tips       - for lots of confirmations and some corrections         - for playing against me an awful lot            - for losing against me an awful lot     - for giving me a few babalities and friendships 




Please stop sending me information on imaginary finishes that all end with

"ality."  They are all fake - There are babalities and fatalities.  That is

all.  There are no Animalities, Nudalities, Housealities, Sexualities,

Plantalities, Boredomalities, etc.  They all may be funny, but they're not

real.  (Yes, people have tried to send me all six of those, claiming they

were "confirmed.")  Of course, if you actually DO one of these things, feel

free to send it to me.  But if you haven't done it yourself, forget it.

Also, no move is longer than 5 actions (joystick motions and button pushes).  

In other words, don't be like one person and send me Sub-Zero's 23-action




I don't like it.  Now that the home versions of MKII are out, people keep on

sending me things about how to cheat at the game.  I'm not interested, since

I detest cheating.  I will not put things like Game Genie codes or how to 

give yourself 30 continues in my file.  If you do stuff like that, you'll

never be any good at the game.  I wrote my file for people who WANT to gain

some skill at MKII.  


At the time of this release, the latest arcade version of MKII from Midway 

was v3.1.  Any version higher than that is made by some stinking computer 

pirate, and is ILLEGAL.  I don't want to know any moves for an illegal 

version.  If you find an illegal MKII machine, call Midway and report it.  A 

real Midway machine NEVER says what version it is, except during the BIOS 

bootup sequence (Checking ROMs...).  If it says the version number on the 

"Insert Koin to Kontinue..." screen, it is probably illegal.





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