Smartmodem Optima 9600
Smartmodem Optima 9600
Mon 09-16-1991
Hayes Smartmodem OPTIMA 9600
The Hayes Smartmodem OPTIMA 9600 is the affordable choice for every
high-speed personal communications application including access to
information systems, bulletin boards and corporate host computers. OPTIMA
96 includes a complete set of the most advanced CCITT standards and
supports the most frequently-used modem industry technologies. OPTIMA 96
provides standard CCITT V.32 connectivity for 9600 bps line speeds and
CCITT V.42bis for up to 38,400 bps throughput on the public switched
telephone network.
CCITT V.32 - Adopted by the CCITT in October 1984, this standard is now
becoming the mainstream business standard for high speed modems,
overtaking CCITT V.22bis. CCITT V.32 provides high-speed 9600 and 4800
bps communications. Supports V.32 Automode procedure and EIA/TIA IS-63
for fallback to lower speeds.
International Data Transmission Standards - In addition to CCITT V.32
(9600 and 4800 bps) compliance, OPTIMA 96 also supports V.22bis (2400
bps), V.22 (1200bps).
Data Transmission Compatibility - OPTIMA 96 also supports communication
with 103 (300 bps) and 212A (1200 bps) modems.
CCITT V.42 - Supports standardized, point-to-point error-control
communications using the CCITT V.42 LAPM (Link Access Procedure for
Modems) protocol. CCITT V.42's alternative protocol provides backward
compatibility with modems using MNP 2-4.
CCITT V.42bis - CCITT V.42bis international data compression standard for
use by modems incorporating the V.42 LAPM error-control standard provides
compression capabilities to 4:1 enabling OPTIMA 96 to achieve throughput
to 38.4 Kbps.
MNP 5 - OPTIMA 96 provides a migration path to V.42bis data compression
by supporting backward compatibility with modems using MNP 5 for up to 2:1
Dial-up Line - Provides pulse or tone dialing out and auto answering for
Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) operation.
PABX and Business Line Support - OPTIMA 96 operates in a variety of PABX
environments and has selectable features for operation with business
telephone lines.
Hayes Standard AT Command Set - Full support for this industry standard
enables OPTIMA 96 to operate with the large installed worldwide base of
communications software.
Hayes Escape Sequence with Guard Time - Allows the modem to reliably
escape from the on-line mode of operation (receiving/transmitting data) to
the command mode (interpreting the Hayes Standard AT Command Set) without
being accidentally triggered by transmitted data. U.S. Patent 4,549,302
was granted to Hayes on October 22, 1985.
Automatic Feature Negotiation - OPTIMA 96 automatically negotiates with
other modems to analyze all features available (modulation, error-control,
data compression, etc.) to establish the most efficient communications
session. This powerful capability is implemented transparently, making
OPTIMA 96 exceptionally easy to use even though its feature set offers a
wide range of capabilities and communications options.
Automode - Procedures defined in an appendix to CCITT Recommendation V.32
that allow modems with both V.32 and V.22bis modulation to reliably
interwork with other modems which have either or both of these
modulations, at the highest speed in common between the modems.
Automatic Speed Buffering - This enables the modem to communicate at
varying speeds with other modems while communicating at a fixed interface
speed if required by its attached DTE (mainframe, mini-computer, or PC).
Flow Control - Works with systems equipped with flow control to manage
the interface between the modem and the system to control buffers and
preserve data integrity, preventing inadvertent data loss between the
modem and the system.
Asynchronous Hardware Mode - Supports standard asynchronous
communications for dial-up communications with value added networks,
on-line services, and personal computers.
Synchronous Hardware Mode - The modem supports SDLC, HDLC and Bisync
synchronous transmission for connections to mainframes and mini-computers.
A PC using a synchronous adapter card is also supported.
Hayes AutoSync - OPTIMA 96 can use the system's standard asynchronous
communications port for synchronous communications, eliminating the
additional expense of a synchronous adapter card for
SDLC or Bisync. This convenient feature brings both asynchronous and
synchronous data transfer capability to your system in one communications
Technical Support -- Technical support for OPTIMA 96 is available through
Hayes Customer Service in the U.S. at 404/441-1617 and in Canada at
Electronic Support -- Unlimited, free technical assistance is available
electronically through Hayes Bulletin Board System at 404/HI MODEM or
800/US HAYES, as well as Hayes Forums on CompuServe and GEnie information
Product Warranty -- OPTIMA 96 holds a two year limited performance
warranty. If the product does not perform as stated in the manual, Hayes
will repair or replace the product at no cost. Hayes also offers an
extended two year warranty for US$100 and CN$120.
Smartcom EZ Communications Software
On-Screen Menus - A simple menu interface logically groups program
operations. All menu items have "short-cut" keys that allow users to move
quickly to the option they desire. Function keys speed movement to other
On-line Help System - A first time user is automatically provided with
helpful information about how to start using the program right away.
Smartcom EZ provides a comprehensive context-sensitive on-line help system
that provides detailed information and cross-references to related topics.
From any point in the program, press the F1 key to access help.
Phone Book - Allows users to store frequently called phone numbers and
other communications instructions to allow quick access to connecting and
exchanging information. New phone book entry automatically requests the
phone number and other information without requiring the user to use the
settings option and stores the information under a user definable name for
future use. Also provided are pre-entered phone book entries for the most
popular information services such as MCI, AT&T, GEnie, CompuServe and US
Direct Connect - Smartcom EZ provides a direct connect option that allows
users to connect directly with a mainframe or minicomputer. Also, this
option can be used to issue AT Commands directly to the modem.
Keyboard Macros - Users can assign a sequence of keys and entries to a
specified key, reducing the number of key strokes and speeding up often
used operations such as log-on sequences or information storable to a disk
Hayes Standard AT Command Set - Takes full advantage of the Hayes
Standard AT Command Set for all Hayes Smartmodem products, including
automatic selection of highest possible speed. Default parameters are set
to work in a majority of cases. A user can also configure a modem through
simple, on-screen selections which Smartcom EZ then translates into the
appropriate commands that are issued to the modem. Users can make maximum
use of modem features without needing to learn AT Commands. (Note:
Direct connect is provided through Smartcom EZ for users who wish to issue
AT Commands directly to the modem via the keyboard.)
Set-up String - Allows the selection of features of non-Hayes modems when
those features are implemented using commands not found in the Hayes
Standard AT Command Set.
VT102/100 - The program imitates the characteristics of the popular DEC
VT102/100 terminal for communications with computers that recognize that
terminal. Provides support of VT102/100 keyboard functions, visual
attributes and other key features. The user guide provides suggestions
for changes to settings if necessary based on possible variances in the
remote system's requirements.
TTY (Teletypewriter) - A widely used type of emulation for PC computer
communications. This is available as a subset of the VT102
XMODEM - This is a widely used file transfer protocol that is supported
by most bulletin boards and on-line information services and is useful for
the error-controlled transmission of files.
Printing - A user can concurrently print information as it is received.
Disk Capture - A user can also concurrently save information to disk as
it is being received for later review. This can help reduce the duration
of costly on-line and telephone charges.
Autotyping - A quick way to send a text file to the remote system is to
autotype it. When autotyping a file, text is sent to the remote system as
if a user were rapidly typing it.
System Requirements - Requires an MS-DOS compatible computer with minimum
of 512K RAM,
MS-DOS( Version 2.0 and higher.
Printer Types - Serial and parallel types.
Product Warranty -- Smartcom EZ communications software holds a unique
limited 90-day performance warranty.
Technical Support -- Technical support for Smartcom EZ is available
through Hayes Customer Service in the United States at 404/441-1617, in
Canada at 416/283-2627.
Electronic Support -- Unlimited, free technical assistance is available
electronically through Hayes Bulletin Board System at 404/HI MODEM or
800/US HAYES, as well as Hayes Forums on CompuServe and GEnie information
Software Upgrade -- Smartcom EZ can be upgraded to Smartcom Exec for $35
until October 31, 1991. After this date, Smartcom EZ can be upgraded to
Smartcom Exec for $55. Smartcom Exec is a global communications software
program that supports most DOS environments, including Windows as a full
screen application and Desqview. Smartcom Exec also features mouse
support, keyboard macros, a peruse buffer, and a powerful text editor with
word processing capabilities. The powerful scripting language (SCOPE) is
also provided to automate repetitive tasks.
Hayes, the Hayes logos and Smartcom EZ are registered trademarks, and
Smartmodem and OPTIMA are trademarks of Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc.
MNP is a registered trademark of Microcom, Inc. The Consultative
Committee on International Telegraphy and Telephony (CCITT), part of the
International Telecommunications Union, is the United Nations agency
responsible for development of standards for international data
Other trademarks identified in this summary are trademarks of their
respective companies.
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