A newshound's guide to newsy periodicals available through the Internet

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From: higgins@dorsai.org (John Higgins)

Subject: Net-Letter Guide 10/15

Version: 1.4

Message-ID: <Cxq5KF.8u6@dorsai.org>

Followup-To: alt.internet.services

Last-Modified: 1994/08/15

Summary: Guide to interesting newsletters

Reply-To: higgins@dorsai.dorsai.org

Organization: The Dorsai Embassy - New York

X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]

Date: Sat, 15 Oct 1994 17:21:50 GMT

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Archive-Name: newsletter-guide

Lines: 532

Xref: bloom-beacon.mit.edu alt.zines:6056 alt.etext:966 misc.writing:23343 rec.mag:2037 alt.internet.services:32769 alt.journalism:7324 alt.answers:5021 misc.answers:998 rec.answers:7855 news.answers:27485


-=-=-=--=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=NET-LETTER GUIDE-=-=-=--=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-



 A newshound's guide to newsy periodicals available through the Internet.

Updated Oct. 15th, 1994. Copyright 1994 John M. Higgins

(higgins@dorsai.dorsai.org) All rights reserved. Additional copyright

information at bottom. 

IMPORTANT NEWS! The Net-Letter guide is changing listservers. I've been 

handling it manually so far. Wouldn't you say that 800 subscribers is a 

bit much to handle manually? It's not clear whether or not I can simply 

transport my subscriber list to Netcom, so you may receive a notice 

asking you to resubscribe. Hopefully, I can get it going in a week or so.

  +Additions (usually stuff that's been around a while, but only recently

discovered because I'm an idiot): +ATP Tour Weekly; +Arab Press Research;

+Nano-Connect!; +The New South Polar Times; +One Small Step For A Space 


    -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-THE BEST NET-LETTERS-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

      Late Show News (TV); Fitz's ShopTalk (TV); Edupage (Infotech)

         This Just In (Weird News); Computer Underground Digest

AIDS Daily Summary; RFE/RL Daily Report (E. Europe); Patent News Service


  My favorite things on the Internet are informative, high-quality 

newsletters. The quality of info contributed to what Mitch Kapor describes 

as the Net's "gift economy" is amazing. Good NEWSY letters get lost in the 

flood of zines and very technical pubs.


  So this list focuses on news-oriented net-letters with fairly broad

appeal. The list is tremendously biased toward e-mail delivery and ONLY

includes free newsletters. Very technical and fanzine pubs are not

included because they are well covered by other guides. New pubs generally

added only after demonstrating a regular publishing schedule. 

  GIMME FEEDBACK!! Send me your favorite net-letters, particularly if 

you're the editor. Include any subscription and archive information.


  FITZ'S SHOPTALK: Daily dispatches on the TV business, both networks and 

local stations by media headhunter Don FitzPatrick. Primarily summaries 

of wire-service and major newspapers, but also includes some full-text 

reprints. Fairly short.

       To: shoptalk-request@gremlin.clark.net

       Subject: Ignored


  LATE SHOW NEWS: A guy in Chicago who obviously stays up way too late 

puts out a weekly newsletter on the late-night talk show wars. It's biased 

toward Letterman but contains surprisingly good industry dirt on Leno, 

Conan, etc. (even for those of us writing about television for a living). 


E-MAIL - To: listserv@mcs.net

  Subject: Ignored

  Body: Subscribe Late-Show-News

USENET - alt.fan.letterman and rec.arts.tv

FTP - ftp.mcs.net:/mcsnet.users/barnhart/letterman

WWW - http://www.cen.uiuc.edu/jl8287/late.news.html

  BONG: The official newsletter of the Burned-Out Newspapercreatures

Guild which appears to consist of a single witty and bitterly cynical

Dayton Daily News reporter. Sample commentary on journalism: "So

how come Nicole Simpson's dog and the renter of her ex-husband O.J.

Simpson's guest house were both named Cato?" Short.

E-MAIL: To: listserv@netcom.com

  Subject: Ignored

  Body: Subscribe BONG-L

  CABLE REGULATION DIGEST: Weekly summary of news on cable regulation

published by Multichannel News. Moderate length.

E-MAIL - Distributed to the TELECOMREG mailing list.

  To: listserver@relay.adp.wisc.edu

  Subject: None


FTP - ftp.vortex.com:pub/tv-film-video/cable-reg

GOPHER - gopher.vortex.com


  CYBER-SLEAZE: Overhyped and a bit tedious, Cyber-Sleaze is composed of 

low-grade gossip and put out by former MTV VJ Adam Curry. Short, 


E-MAIL - To: sleaze@metaverse.com

  Subject: Ignored

  Body: Subscribe Cyber-Sleaze Your Name



  EDUPAGE: Tasty tip sheet on information technology and media issued

three times weekly. Quickie summaries primarily of newspaper articles,

primarily from the majors. Moderate length.

E-MAIL - To: listproc@educom.edu

  Subject: Ignored

  Body: Sub Edupage Your Name

  CYBERWIRE DISPATCH: Very high quality coverage of the Internet and

cyberspace. Editor Brock Meeks a real reporter for magazine Interactive

Week in civilian life became famous by getting sued for libel by a

"make.money.fast"-type. (He settled for $64). Short.

E-MAIL - To: majordomo@cyberwerks.com

  Subject: Ignored

  Body: Subscribe CWD-L Your@Address

USENET - comp.society.privacy

GOPHER - cyberwerks.com

WWW - http://cyberwerks.com:70/1/cyberwire

  +NANO-CONNECT! - An abridged, free version of Connect!, a strong $$$ 

newsletter covering the computer industry.

E-MAIL: To: jwsmith@io.org

WWW - http://www.io.org/~jwsmith

  NSF NETWORK NEWS: Bi-monthly news on the real nuts and bolts of the net. 

Mucho techie, but one issue had a good overview to telecom legislation in 


E-MAIL - To: newsletter-request@is.internic.net; 

  Subject: Ignored

  Body: Subscribe NSF Network News

GOPHER - is.internic.net: About InterNIC Information Services/NSF Network..

WWW - http://www.internic.net/newsletter

  BITS AND BYTES: Good computer miscellanea. But why do so many 

publications grab bits from Edupage? On the long side.

E-MAIL - To: listserv@acad1.dana.edu

  Subject: Ignored

  Body: Subscribe Bits-n-Bytes

FTP - ftp.dana.edu: /periodic

GOPHER - gopher.dana.edu: Electronic Journals

 THE NETWORK OBSERVER: Monthly commentary and bits about the net. 


  E-MAIL - To: rre-request@weber.ucsd.edu

  Subject: Subscribe Your Name

  NETWORKS & COMMUNITY: The emphasis here is on "community" in 

Internet-land. Short and less techie than you might expect. Too much 

excerpting from other net sources.

E-MAIL - To: cvington@netcom.com

  Subject: Ignored

  Body: Subscribe Your Name

GOPHER - gopher.well.sf.ca.us: /Community/Civic Nets

  COM NET NEWS: A pub on community networking -- as in public access on the 

highway -- by a technology market research guy. Not very newsy, but 

thoughtful. Fairly short.

E-MAIL - To: rbryant@hydra.unm.edu.

   Subject Subscribe Com Net

   Body: Ask nicely

GOPHER - gopher.well.sf.ca.us /Community/Civic Nets

  PRIVACY FORUM: Tidbits about threats to privacy from government snoops

to credit agencies. Good commentary. Moderate length.

E-MAIL - To: privacy-request@vortex.com 

  Subject: Ignored

  Body: subscribe

FTP - ftp.vortex.com 

GOPHER - gopher.vortex.com

  COMPUTER PRIVACY DIGEST: More about privacy, but concentrating on 

computers. Weekly.

E-MAIL - To: comp-privacy-request@uwm.edu

USENET - comp.society.privacy

FTP - ftp.cs.uwm.edu

GOPHER - gopher.cs.uwm.edu.

  COMPUTER UNDERGROUND DIGEST: The latest news on cyberspace issues. CUD's

best when screaming about the latest hacker or BBS raid, good when picking

apart government policy issues. Then they'll reprint the entire agenda for

some upcoming computer conference (YAWN!!!). Moderate length. 

E-MAIL - To:listserv@vmd.cso.uiuc.edu

  Subject: Ignored


USENET --  comp.society.cu-digest

FTP - ftp.eff.org: pub/Publications/CuD

GOPHER - gopher.eff.org: /pub/Publications/CuD

  EFFECTOR: The Electronic Frontier Foundation's membership newsletter,

great for telecom policy updates. Short

E-MAIL - To: listserv@eff.org

  Subject: Subcribe Effector

  Body: Ask nice.

Usenet: {preferred!} comp.org.eff

GOPHER - gopher.eff.org

FTP - ftp.eff.org

  RISKS FORUM: Tidbits about the risks computers present in society. One

edition touched on industrial espionage, data escape from prison, and a

strange tale of e-mail stalking. Moderate length.

E-MAIL - To: risks-request@csl.sri.com

USENET {preferred!} comp.risks

FTP - crvax.sri.com

  CURRENT CITES: A monthly letter for library technology, composed of 

pointers to magazine articles. On the dry side, partly because 

of its format.

E-MAIL - To: listserv@library.berkeley.edu

  Subject: Ignored

  Body: Sub Cites Your Name

FTP: ftp.lib.berkeley.edu:/pub/Current.Cites.

   HOTT: Hot Off The Tree re-emerged with a lot of self-congratulations

that promised articles on latest advances in computer, communications, and

electronics technologies. Its first, HUGE issue obviously proved too

ambitious and the publication has stalled for months. Try a SMALL weekly

or something, guys. 

E-MAIL - To: listserv@ucsd.edu

  Subject: Ignored

  Body: Subscribe HOTT-LIST Your@Address


  +ONE SMALL STEP FOR A SPACE ACTIVIST - Get past the corny name to find is 

great, in-depth reporting on legislation affecting the space program. One 

of the authors is a congressional staffer who works on space issues. Bad 

news: Usenet-only for now. The listserver might come back later.

USENET - sci.space.policy

HUMAN CONTACT - sherzer@dsg59.nad.ford.com

  LEGAL BYTES: A strong review of computer law issues by Austin law 

firm George, Donaldson & Ford. The big snag is it only comes out 

quarterly, so don't expect the latest news. Long.

   E-MAIL - To: gdf@well.sf.ca.us

  RACHEL'S ENVIRONMENT & HEALTH WEEKLY: Good but lengthy weekly letter from 

the Environmental Research Foundation. Smurfs report that RACHEL stands for 

Random Access Chemical Hazards Electronic Library, a database.

E-MAIL - To: erf@igc.apc.org

  Subject: None

  Body: include name, phone # plus e-mail AND postal addresses. Fund-

raising pitch to follow, no doubt.

FTP - ftp.std.com: /periodicals/rachel

GOPHER - gopher.std.com

  DAILY REPORT CARD: A great summary of news in K-12 education. Very 

newsy. Recently cut back to thrice-weekly and comes out of the National 

Education Goals Panel.

E-MAIL - To: listserv@gwuvm.gwu.edu

  Subject: Ignored

  Body: Subscribe Rptcrd Your Name

  EDUCATION POLICY DIGEST: Put out by educational publisher Scholastic 

Inc., EDPOL addressing edu-politics, aimed primarily at teachers. Not bad.

E-MAIL - To: listproc@scholastic.com

 Subject: Ignored

 Body: Subscribe Edpol-D Your Name

  CHOICE-NET REPORT: This sort-of-weekly comes of the California Abortion 

and Reproductive Rights Action League-North, culled from clips and 

announcements. Short and pretty good stuff. Very newsy, not preachy.

E-MAIL - To: dtv@well.com

  Subject: Subscribe

  Body: Subscribe Choice-Net

GOPHER - gopher.well.sf.ca.us

USENET - alt.activism, talk.abortion, soc.women.

  INFORMATION POLICY ONLINE: Counterprogramming privacy advocates, 

Information Industry Association covers legislation regarding government 

restriction on information. Too little real news, too many items about 

the direct mail industry's lobbying. Moderate length.

E-MAIL - To: iiaipo-request@his.com

  Subject: Ignored

  Body: Subscribe Your Name

  NAVNEWS: The Navy News Service is an internal newsletter published by 

the U.S. Navy. News-lite, properly sanitized for the troops. Moderate 


E-MAIL - To: navnews@opnav-emh.navy.mil

  Subject: Ignored


GOPHER - marvel.loc.gov; Gov. Info/Fed Info.../Info by Agency/Military...


  WEEKLY FUTURES MARKET: Good weekly letter on currency and commodities 

futures. News, rather than touts, from a financial consultant in Taipei.

E-MAIL - To: pcyhuang@tpts1.seed.net.tw

GOPHER - wuecon.wustl.edu:/holt/weekfut

  TRADE NEWS: Digest of newspaper and magazine stories on international 

trade by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. Strong, brief 

overview. Also publishes severla companion letters.

E-MAIL - To: Majordomo@igc.apc.org

  Subject: Ignored 

  Body: Subscribe Trade-News Your@Address

HUMAN CONTACT - kmander@igc.apc.org


  BLIND NEWS DIGEST: A pretty good discussion of blindness with an 

emphasis on talking computers and other technical aids.

E-MAIL - To: listserv@vm1.nodak.edu

  Subject: Ignored

  Body: Subscribe Blindnws

HUMAN CONTACT wtm@bunker.afd.olivetti.com

  PHYSICS NEWS UPDATE: Digest of physics news items.

E-MAIL - To: listserv@aip.org

Subject: Ignored

Body: Subscribe Physnews

  WHAT'S NEW: News, mostly tracking government research funding, 

compiled by The American Physical Society. Sample headline: "DEFENSE 



E-MAIL - To: listserv@aps.org

  Subject: Ignored


  PATENT NEWS SERVICE: More newswire than newsletter, this is an 

excellent service on patents, both regular news bulletins and lists of 

new patents.

E-MAIL - To: patents@world.std.com

  Subject: Ignored

  Body: Help

  AIDS DAILY SUMMARY: A great clipping service from the Center For 

Disease Control, the kind of stuff Internet cheerleaders can brag about 

because it's about the real world, not just insular cyberspace. High 


E-MAIL - To: ben@maggadu.queernet.org

  Subject: Subscribe Daily

  Body: Subscribe Daily Summary Your@Address

USENET sci.med.aids

  AIDS INFORMATION NEWSLETTER: A lengthy, technical bi-weekly put out by 

the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs AIDS Information Center in San 

Fransisco. Known on usenet as the VAMC Newsletter. Good quality, but 

needs a listserver.

GOPHER - gopher.niaid.nih.gov: /VA AIDS Information Newsletter

USENET - sci.med.aids

  HICNet MEDICAL NEWS DIGEST: Something painless from a dentist. Broad 

bi-weekly newsletter on medicine by Health Info-Com Network, put together 

by D.D.S. David Dodell. One week featured sleep apnea and snoring plus

hemlock ! The downside is conference announcements. OK, on things like 

techniques for identifying corpses, but they're still conference 


E-MAIL - To: mednews@stat.com

FTP - vm1.nodak.edu

  RSI NETWORK NEWSLETTER: For and by victims of repetitive stress injury 

e.g. carpal tunnel syndrome.

E-MAIL - To: majordomo@world.std.com

  Subject: Ignored

  Body: Subscribe RSI 

FTP - world.std.com:/pub/rsi

GOPHER - world.std.com:/pub/rsi

  CFS-NEWS: Chronic fatigue syndrome sufferers. Moderate length.

E-MAIL - To: listserv@list.nih.gov

 Subject: Ignored

 Body: Sub CFS-News Your Name

  LYMENET: Launched to rise above Usenet flame wars, LymeNet Newsletter 

explores research and treatment of Lyme disease, a mysterious and fairly 

disabling disease prevelant in the Northeast. Moderate length.

E-MAIL - To: listserv@Lehigh.edu

  Subject: Ignored

  Body: Subscribe Lymenet-L Your Name

USENET sci.med

FTP - ftp.Lehigh.edu: /pub/listserv/lymenet-l/Newsletters.

  NASA DAILY: NASA and other space news.

E-MAIL - To: pds-listserver@space.mit.edu

  Subject: Ignored

  Body: Subscribe Your Name

GOPHER - world.std.com:News

WWW - http://delcano.mit.edu/

-------------------------------Foreign News-------------------------------

  YESHA NEWS SERVICE - Twice-weekly digest of news from the Israeli press 

focusing on West Bank settlement communities. Put out by The Yesha Council, 

an Israeli lobbying group, it's obviously not the place to find a balanced 

treatments of Arafat. But given the biases, it's pretty good

E-MAIL - To: listserv@israel.nysernet.org

Subject: Ignored

Body: Subscribe Yesha Your Name

Human contact: elbaum@jerusalem1.datasrv.co.il

  +ARAB PRESS RESEARCH - A strong digest of articles appearing in Arab, 

Turkish, Iranian, etc. publications. Compiled something called The 

Jerusalem Institute for Western Defence. Again, biased but interesting.

E-MAIL - To: listserv@jerusalem1.datasrv.co.il

  Subject: Ignored

  Body: subscribe arab-press Your Name

  A@G NEWS FROM RUSSIA -- Business-oriented weekly offering 30-40 

headlines from Russian newspapers. It's a tease for a cluster of different

full newsletters including Financial News, Privatization, Politics, etc. 

Weak as a stand-alone pub, though the paid version looks great.

E-MAIL - To: ag@world.std.com

  Subject: Ignored

  Body: Sub Headline Your Name

HUMAN CONTACT - spbeac@sovam.com

  INDIA NEWS NETWORK: Well-edited news of issues related to India and the 

Indian expat community.

 E-MAIL - To: listserv@utarlvm1.uta.edu

 Subject: Igrnored 

 Body: Subscribe India-L

  NEPAL DIGEST: 'Nuff said.

  E-MAIL - To: nepal-request@cs.niu.edu

  Subject: Ignored

  Body: sub nepal lastname firstname Your@address

  ASIAINFO HEADLINE DAILY NEWS: Daily offering 30-40 headlines from 

Asian markets plus 3-5 brief articles. More bait for a full $$$ report. A 

good sampler, but only so-so as a stand-alone pub.

E-MAIL - To: listserv@asiainfo.com

Body: Sub Headline Your Name

  RFE/RL DAILY REPORT: News on Eastern Europe popped out by Radio Free 

Europe/Radio Liberty. Very cool, but heavy volume.

E-MAIL - To: listserv@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu

  Subject: Ignored 

  Body: Subscribe RFERL-L YOUR NAME.

  CHINA NEWS DIGEST: Very active news service on China and various

ex-pat communities in several flavors: Global daily, US, Canada, Europe

& Pacific, and a magazine in some Chinese dialect. High volume.

E-MAIL - To: cnd-info@cnd.org

  Subject: Info

  Body: Info

  SOMALIA NEWS UPDATE: Irregularly published but good; comes out of Sweden.

E-MAIL - To: bernhard.helander@antro.uu.se 

  Subject: Somalia request

  Body: Ask nicely

-------------------------------Satellite TV-------------------------------

  SKYGUIDE: This monthly's from a Brit who doubtless watches too much TV. 

The Euro cable and satellite television scene. Concentrates on BSkyB but 

also romps off onto the continent. Frequently misses deadline

E-MAIL - To: bignoise@cix.compulink.co.uk

  Subject: Subscribe skyguide


  Usenet {preferred!} alt.satellite.tv.europe.


  SATNEWS: Bi-weekly on satellite television broadcasting worldwide.

E-MAIL - To: satnews-request@mrrl.lut.ac.uk

  Subjec: Ignored


  USENET rec.video.satellite.

  SATELLITE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL: One issue featured usual sat news plus 

an Iranian cleric's "fatwah" banning home dishes and how Pakistanis evade 

government censoring of Miss Universe pagent broadcasts. Fairly short.

USENET - rec.video.satellite

FTP - itre.uncecs.edu:/pub/satellite/sj

WWW http://itre.uncecs.edu/misc/sj/sj.html

  TELE SATELLIT: English-translation excerpts from the German satellite 

magazine. Usenet-only, "fur die freunde", although available on several $$$ 

services. Moderate length.

USENET alt.satellite.tv.europe

FTP - ftp.funet.fi/pub/dx/text/satellite/telesatellit

WWW - http://xan.esrin.esa.it:2602/satellite.html

  SATELLITE NEWS DESK: Yet another satellite TV letter. The surprising 

thing is that they're all pretty high quality. Headline news from British 

satellite newsletter Transponder. Moderate length.

E-MAIL - To: editor@trponder.win-uk.net


  THIS JUST IN: A really strong weekly collection of strange news from a 

California tech publisher. One issue told of a N.J. man fined for

"needlessly" killing an animal -- a rat! Also a Venezuela teen needing a

spot to relieve himself somehow went into a lion's pen. "Perez struggled

both to live and to get his pants up; a friend helped by hitting the lion

with a brick. And that brick came from ...where?" Short.

E-MAIL - listserv@netcom.com

  Subject: Ignored

  Body: Subscribe This-Just-In

HUMAN CONTACT - arcie@netcom.com

  +THE NEW SOUTH POLAR TIMES - The coolest net-letter, in a manner of 

speaking. An ongoing, first-hand account of life at the South Pole from 

Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. Web-only and tough to find.

WWW - http://www.deakin.edu.au/edu/MSEE/GENII/NSPT/NSPThomePage.html

   +ATP TOUR WEEKLY - For tennis-fanatics only. It's the official newletter 

of the governing body for men's professional tennis.

E-MAIL - To: rvach@jax.jaxnet.com

  Subject: Subscribe ATP

  Body: Ask nicely.


  HOW TO GET THE NET-LETTER GUIDE: E-MAIL - To: higgins@dorsai.dorsai.org; 

SUBSCRIBE NET-LETTER; Usenet alt.zines, alt.etext, misc.writing, 

rec.mag, alt.internet.services, and the *.answers groups. 

  Far more exhaustive lists of electronic publications include:

  * The E-Zine-List by John Labovitz: 

FTP -  FTP etext.archive.umich.edu:pub/Zines/e-zine-list.gz

GOPHER - etext.archive.umich.edu: Zines/e-zine-list.gz

WWW - http://www.ora.com:8080/johnl/e-zine-list/

  * The giant e-pub archive.

FTP - ftp.etext.org

GOPHER - gopher.etext.org

WWW - http://www.etext.org

  * Factsheet Five-E

GOPHER - gopher.well.sf.ca.us.

  * The Association of Research Libraries' Directory of Electronic Journals 

and Newsletters

GOPHER - arl.cni.org: /11/scomm/edir

  Ways to keep up on the latest pubs include:

  * Net-Happenings:

E-MAIL - majordomo@is.internic.net

  Body: Subscribe Your@Address 

USENET - Comp.internet.net-happenings

  New Journals:

E-MAIL - To: listserv@e-math.ams.org

  Subject: Ignored


  Copyright 1994 John M. Higgins. This list may be redistributed provided 

that the article and this notice remain intact. This article may not 

under any circumstances be resold or redistributed for compensation of 

any kind without prior written permission from John M. Higgins. That 

includes publication by magazine or CD-ROM. But if you're interested, 

talk to me.



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