USCF CHESS for Intellivision


Cartridge Instructions

(For 1 or 2 Players)


On Either Hand Controller:

[1 - 6] Selects pieces when setting up special chess moves:

[1] -- Bishop

[2] -- Rook

[3] -- King

[4] -- Knight

[5] -- Queen

[6] -- Pawn

[Either Top Side Button] PICK UP/SET DOWN -- Pick up and set down chess piece

[Left Lower Side Button] TAKE BACK -- Before move is completed, moves piece back

to last position

[Right Lower Side Button]  FORCE MOVE -- Forces computer to make its move


On LEFT Hand Controller:

[7] SIDES -- Reverses the view of the board (If White is at the top of the

screen, press and Black is on top)

[8] COLOR -- In Player vs. Computer, press to switch colors with the computer or

to have the computer make your next move

[9] NEW GAME -- Begins a new game

[Clear] DIFFICULTY LEVEL -- Choose skill level: beginner to advanced chess

[0] BLANK -- Removes piece when setting up special chess moves

[Enter] MODE -- Choose playing mode: player vs. player, computer vs. player,

computer vs. computer


On RIGHT Hand Controller:

[7] SETUP -- Set up special chess moves

[8] TIMING OPTIONS -- Blanks clocks or blanks screen on computer's moves

[9] RETRACT -- Takes back completed moves

[Clear] CLEAR BOARD -- Clears the chess board

[0] BLANK -- Removes piece when setting up special chess moves

[Enter] REPLAY -- Replays moves that were retracted



INTELLIVISION Chess offers many playing options. Play competitive chess against

an opponent or against the computer! Study the computer's techniques as it plays

against itself! Or arrange special chess situations for problem solving! NOTE:

This cartridge does not teach the fundamentals of chess.


To begin the game, press RESET then press the DISC. The game automatically begins

in the Player vs Computer mode at Level 1.


INTELLIVISION Chess offers three different playing modes. You can play against

the computer, learn from watching the computer play itself, or compete against

another player.

In Player vs Computer, the computer is your opponent. You may use many special

features: play White or Black chess pieces, take back moves, set up special chess

moves, reverse the view of the board, have the computer give you hints or make

moves for you. To chose this mode, press MODE [Enter] on the left hand controller

until you see PvsC in the upper left corner of the screen.

In Computer vs Computer, you can watch the computer play against itself. This is

a great way to improve your game by watching the computer's moves.

To choose this mode, press MODE [Enter] on the left hand controller until you see

CvsC in the upper left corner of the screen.  Then press Color [8] on the left

hand controller. The game continues automatically. NOTE: You can interrupt this

game at any time, select another playing mode and continue the game. To do this,

hold down MODE [Enter] until the computer makes its present move. Now choose the

playing mode you want.

In Player vs Player, you challenge another player! You can select the same

features listed above under Player vs Computer.

To choose this mode, press MODE [Enter] on the left hand controller until you see

PvsP in the upper left corner of the screen.


If you chose Player vs Player, the skill level has no effect on your game. It can

be set at any level.

If you chose Player vs Computer or Computer vs Computer you have a choice of six

levels of difficulty, and two other playing options.

Level 1 is for beginning chess players. The computer makes its moves fairly

quickly, and plays a simple game of Chess.

In Levels 2-4, the computer progressively plays a more difficult game. As the

level increases, the computer takes longer and longer to move.

Levels 5 & 6 are for very serious chess players and the computer may take hours

to decide on a move. If you choose level 5 or 6, see "Timing Options".

In Level 7 the computer continually looks for a better move until you force it to

move. If you choose level 7, see "Timing Options".

In Level 8 you set up a board position and the computer tries to checkmate in the

least number of moves. This is the problem solving level. The more complex the

checkmate, the longer it will take the

computer to move. If you choose level 8, see Set Up Special Chess Moves.

To chose the skill level, press DIFFICULTY LEVEL [Clear] on the left hand

controller. Press this key until the number in the upper right corner of the

screen matches the skill level you want.

As you press this key, the numbers cycle 1 through 8 then begin over again. You

can change the skill level during a game when it is the player's move.


Once you choose the playing mode and skill level, you can begin. Press the edge

of the DISC to move the cursor from square to square.

When the cursor is on top of the piece you want to pick up, press the PICK UP

[upper side] button on either hand controller. The piece flashes, indicating it

has been "picked up".

If you decide you don't want to play the piece you picked up, press TAKE BACK

[lower left side button] on either hand controller. The piece returns to its last

position. Now you can pick up another piece.


After you pick up a chess piece, press the DISC to position the piece. When the

piece is on the desired square, press the SET DOWN [upper side] button on either

hand controller.  The move is now completed.

If you try to make an illegal move, the computer buzzes, returns the piece to its

last position, and displays a ?. This lets you know you have attempted an illegal


NOTE: When it is your turn, you can use any of the keys on both hand controllers.

Once it is the computer's move, the only key you can activate is FORCE MOVE

[lower right side button].


The screen automatically goes blank after about 4 minutes if no keys or buttons

are pushed. To reactivate the screen, press the DISC for one second. (If the

screen goes blank on the computer's move, you can wait until you hear a gong and

the screen automatically returns when the computer has a move.)

You can make the screen go blank by pressing BISHOP [1] and NEW GAME [9]

simultaneously on the left keypad. This is helpful when you want to leave the

game for a moment.


Capturing: When you capture an opponent's chess piece, that piece disappears from

the board. It reappears at the side, showing which pieces have been captured.

Castling: When this move is legal, move the King two squares towards the Rook.

The move then automatically takes place.

Pawn Promotion: When a pawn reaches the other side of the board, press any legal

chess piece on either hand controller. You can promote to a Queen or under


En Passant: When this move is legal, move the Pawn to the proper square and the

opposing Pawn will automatically be removed,.

Check & Checkmate: When one player checks the other, the display shows: CHECK.

When the checked King cannot move out of check, the display shows CHECKMATE.

Stalemate: When a player or the computer has no legal move and is not in check,

the game is stalemated. You see STALEMATE on the display. NOTE: The computer does

not check for repetitions or check the 50 move rule. You must check for these

stalemates yourself.


Take back the last move: If you want to take back a move, press the RETRACT [9]

Key on the right hand controller. There is a short delay, then the last piece

moved returns to its previous position. You can press Retract as many times as

you want.

NOTE: If you began by playing a game then switched to the Set Up Mode, you can

only retract to the point when you started the Set Up.

Replay moves: After you take back a move, you can replay it. To do this, press

the REPLAY [Enter] key on the right hand controller.

Change colors with the computer: In Player vs Computer, the player begins at

White and the computer is Black. Press the COLOR [8] Key anytime in the game and

you exchange colors with the computer. When you press Color, the P & C on the

screen switch colors. This lets you know who is White and who is Black. You can

press Color as much as you like. This is helpful when you want to be Black. Press

Color and you have now changed position with the computer.

You might also want to press color when you want the computer to make your move.

(You can then Retract the computer's move, if you wish, and make the move

yourself.) After the computer has moved, press COLOR [8] again to return to your

original color.

Reverse view of the board: Your view of the board is with Black on top of the

screen and White on the bottom. If you want to reverse this view, press SIDES [7]

on the left hand controller. Now Black can play from the bottom. You can press

Sides as much as you want.

Set up special chess moves: You can enter Set Up during a game to delete or add

pieces, then continue your game. Or you can enter Set Up, clear the board and

create an entirely new board situation. You can enter Set Up mode at any time.

Once you set up the board to your liking, return to play in order to use any of

the other game features:

To make a change in your game, press SET UP [7] on the right hand controller.

Now press the DISC to move the cursor from square to square. Stop the cursor

where you wish to place or change a piece. Then press the chess piece you want on

either hand controller.

NOTE: In Set Up, White plays from the bottom.

For example, if you want to place a Queen in the Queen Pawn position, move the

cursor to this spot then press QUEEN [5] on the keypad. Press once for a White

piece and press again for a Black piece.

You can also erase a piece on the board. To do this position the cursor on top of

the piece you want to erase then press BLANK [0] on either keypad.

Once you have made all the changes you want, you have a legal board situation,

press SET UP [7] again. If you have an illegal set up, you see a yellow ?.

Correct the illegal situation and press SET UP [7] again. (You cannot set up a

situation where a check or mate can be made on the first move out of Set Up.) The

game continues with clocks and number of moves at zero!

To set up a new board situation, press SET UP [7] and CLEAR BOARD [Clear] on the

right hand controller.

Add or delete pieces as described above. As you position a piece on the board, it

disappears from the side. When you have set up your legal board situation, press

SET UP [7] again.

Force Move: Press the FORCE MOVE [right lower side] button on either hand

controller and it forces the computer to immediately return with its best move so


If an H appears next to the skill level the computer does not have a move yet.

You must press FORCE MOVE again in order for play to continue. The computer now

starts all over again trying to find a move. When you press Force Move you are

not playing at the skill level you chose. You are forcing a move before it is

ready. If you are forcing the computer to move often, you should play at a lower

skill level.

NOTE: As long as the "H" is on the screen, you can select a new playing mode or

new skill level. Then clear the hold. (You will confuse the computer if you

select any other mode.)

New Game: Press NEW GAME [9] on the left hand controller and a new game sets up

either the same skill level and playing mode as the previous game.

Timing Options: It often takes a long while for the computer to make a move. By

pressing TIMING OPTIONS [8] once on the right hand controller, you can get up and

go about other business while you wait. You will hear a gong when the computer

has decided on a move. The computer's move is saved until you press the DISC.

Then the computer gongs again and makes it move.

You can also make the clocks disappear from the screen if you press TIMING

OPTIONS [8] twice. Press TIMING OPTIONS [8] a third time and you're back where

you started.



186 Route 9W, New Windsor, New York 12550

Phone: (914) 562-8350

Congratulations on your choice of Mattel's USCF Chess. You now own an exciting

combination of one of the world's oldest games and some of today's newest

technology to help you enjoy it. I'm sure your chess cartridge will provide you

many hours of fun that will actually improve your chess skill!

The U.S. Chess Federation is the official membership organization and governing

body of America's chess people. We represent the United States in the World Chess

Federation, linking our members with chess lovers throughout the world. We exist

to serve your chess needs through our monthly magazine, chess rating, catalog

sales, tournament services, reference services, postal chess -- just about

anything for your chess enjoyment.

If we can help you, please drop us a line at the address above. Please send a

stamped, self-addressed envelope to USCF, and we will send you "Let's Play

Chess", a handbook of basic rules and tips on winning. Meanwhile, good luck in

your games against USCF Chess!


Gerard J. Dullea

Executive Director


(c)1982, 1998 Intellivision Productions, Inc.


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