McDonald's Treasureland Adventure for Sega Genesis

 Mc Donald's 

Treasureland AdventureTM

Action / 8 Meg

Ronald's Control Information

Button A = Scarf

Button B = Magic Attack

Button C = Jump

D-PAD = Moves Ronald left or right, and ducks him down.

Ronald's Helpful Hints

1)  Use the scarf on the gold handles to get to higher 

platforms - carefully time your jumps from handle to 


2)  Pull down and press jump to drop through platforms to 

areas below.

3)  Always keep your magic powered-up to 3.

4)  Collect as much gold as possible - don't worry, 

you're not being timed.

5)  "Store" refers to two different things.  One, a 

purchase area.  Two, a puzzle game (similar to columns).

Treasureland Travel Guide


Stage 1

Collect gold and items throughout this stage.  Use your 

scarf to get to higher ledges (grab onto the handles).  

You can ride down the wires by hooking the handle with 

your scarf.  To locate the store (looks like a mailbox), 

travel along the bottom level near the middle.  The exit 

can be found at the far right on the second platform.

Stage 2

Climb up (using the handles) collecting items and 

defeating the enemies you encounter.  The exit can be 

found at the top right.

Stage 3

Go right and jump right on the moving platforms.  In the 

middle of the platforms, jump and , using your scarf 

(requires practice), hook the handle and continue left 

jumping from platform to platform to reach the store.  

Return right and drop off onto the moving platforms, 

continue right to the exit.

Stage 4

Go right, onto the jumping frog.  Jump onto the ledge 

(right) and then onto another frog.  Watch for the handle 

above it, time your jump, hook the handle with your scarf 

to pull yourself up.  Collect the items and drop back 

down.  Continue right.  The store is on the upper left 

platform.  Jump on a geyser and ride it to the platform 

above.  Jump on the huge geyser and move back and forth 

to avoid the enemies and collect the items.

Stage 5

Collect the items and the mouth will open 


Stage 6

Walk down the slope and go left to collect the items.  

Return right and, when the timer is low, stay in the 

safety zones.  Jump right using the safety zones.  

Continue to the far right.  The store is at the far right 

on the ground level.  The exit is at the far right on the 

third platform.

Stage 7

Go right, jumping on the totem poles.  The store is at 

the top on a platform.  Continue right and get a hint 

from the Hamburglar (stand on the girder, pull down on 

the D-PAD + the jump button to drop on him).  Climb back 

up and exit to the right.

Stage 8

Go down the slope, stopping inside the indentations, to 

avoid the giant floating fish.  The third indentation is 

the store.  Continue down to exit at the far right.


Let the boss take a jewel from you (stand in his beam), 

then ride a platform up to his level and, while he's 

chewing, continuously shoot him.  Repeat until defeated.  

There's an extra man at the very top of the screen.


Stage 1

Go right, collecting all the items on the train.  The 

exit is at the far right.  

Stage 2 

Go right to the store.  Jump on the coal carts (stay to 

the right of the screen) and continue right on the train.  

Jump on another cart and keep jumping cart to cart (stay 

to the right) to the exit.

Stage 3

Using your scarf to lift you up in this "invisible" maze 

(remember, pulling down + pressing the jump button will 

allow you to drop down another level).  Continue right 

and avoid the lions paws coming out of the cages (the 

store is just after the cages).  Continue right to the 


Stage 4 

Go right, let two clowns come out of the mirrors behind 

you (as you walk right) then duck and fire your magic to 

destroy all the clowns.  Continue right to the three 

trapeze artists.  To avoid them, time your jumps over 

them as they swing and continue right (If you're caught 

by one, pull down on your D-PAD and press Button C when 

you reach the far right of the last trapeze artist).  

Continue right to the exit.

Stage 5

Go through the cage maze by jumping up or dropping down 

through the wooden (brown) panels.  Continue right and 

talk to Birdie (give Birdie the jewels) then follow the 

exit sign up to the exit.

Stage 6

Collect items found along the train ride.  Duck down to 

avoid the ceiling.  Make your way to the front of the 

train to avoid being squashed (if you're not sure what's 

around you, duck).  When your vision returns, you'll be 

on top of the heads of the ballerina bunnies.  Carefully 

time your jumps (to the right) to exit.

Stage 7

Go right to the store.  Continue right to face the Animal 


Animal Boss (looks like a wolf with a hat on).  To 

defeat, stand on the bottom left car platform and shoot 

him, then, wait for him to jump over you.  Turn around 

and shoot him again.  Repeat until defeated (To stop him 

from throwing his hat, shoot him until his hat falls off, 

then walk to the hat and you'll be wearing it).  After 

defeating him, Birdie will repay you for your lending of 

the jewels.  Continue right to the exit.

Stage 8

Go right, avoiding or shooting the cars.  The Sumo 

Wrestlers cannot be destroyed.  Exit at the far right.

Stage 9

Go right, to the store.  Continue right, then, go up the 

moving platforms (time jumps to other platforms 

carefully).  Watch out for the brick throwing men (can be 

destroyed).  Continue up to the upper right to exit.

Stage 10 (The Boss)

Stand on the bottom and let it take a jewel (by standing 

in its beam).  Use your scarf on one of the handles on 

either side of the boss to pull yourself up onto a 

balloon.  Continuously shoot it while it's chewing on the 

jewel, then, drop down and repeat until defeated (you can 

only harm it while it's chewing on a jewel).


Stage 1

Jump right from cloud to cloud (hurry, they disappear).  

Collect icons and jump onto the boat.  Stand on the left 

edge of the boat (player left) and wait for the saw to 

cut the boat.  Jump onto the right edge, as the boat 

sinks, jump onto the next boat and repeat.  Continue 

jumping right on the floating handles (use your scarf and 

time your jumps from handle to handle)  to another boat.  

A giant wave will take you to the exit at the far left.

Stage 2

Jump left (using the handles) and avoid the crashing 

waves.  Collect the items then return right to the front 

of the ship.  Jump right from cloud to cloud (they 

disappear after a couple of seconds of standing on them) 

to the exit.

Stage 3

Defeat the enemies and collect all items.  The trees can 

be helpful by jumping and grabbing the handles to pull 

yourself up.  The light colored handles are safe but the 

darker handles will fall if you grab them.  Practice 

jumping from tree to tree.  The store is to the right on 

the ground level.  The exit is at the far right.

Stage 4

Collect items.  Don't touch the Big-Lipped Pirate Boss.  

When the screen moves automatically, exit to the right.

Stage 5

Use the handles to advance to higher levels of the ships 

mast.  Practice timing your jumps from handle to handle 

(hard).  There's store on the right hand platform.  

Continue up by using the moving handles on the tight rope 

wires (jumping handle to handle).  Avoid the cannon 

balls.  Exit at the top (the "bird's nest").

Stage 6

This stage consists of many doors and different minor 

enemies to defeat.  Go through the doors on the far right 

to quickly defeat the level.  To open doors, stand in 

front of the door and press up on your D-PAD.  Many parts 

require your newfound technique; jumping from handle to 


On the water level, jump from hand to hand (floating)  

and avoid the hands sticking straight up out of the 

water.  Talk to Grimace and enter the door.  Visit the 

store and continue right to the exit.

The second part requires the same handle to handle 

technique.  Watch out for the pits with hands in them.  

Enter the middle (upper) door to get to the knight that 

jumps backwards.  Jump over the pit and exit at the 

right.  Drop down the right side, visit the store (on the 

left) and exit at the right.

Stage 7:  Big-Lipped Pirate Boss

Watch where the arrows are pointing from (this is where 

the small enemies will enter from)  and shoot at the 

small enemies.  Then, jump to the upper left platform, 

and then the middle platform to let the boss take a jewel 

from you (with his beam).  Repeatedly shoot the boss, 

while he's chomping on your jewel, and avoid his attacks 

(watch out for his hat).  Repeat this pattern until he's 

defeated (easy to defeat if your magic is powered up to 



Stage 1

Gravity is nearly non-existent, so, use your high jumps 

to your advantage.  Keep your magic powered up to 3 to 

easily defeat enemies.  The exit is at the far right.

Stage 2

Jump right (same basics as stage 1) and up to find the 

store.  Avoid the flowers with faces.  The exit is 

located at the far right, one platform up.

Stage 3

Keep to the far right of the screen to avoid falling.  

The alien ship will cut pieces of the ground off behind 

you.  Watch out for pits and the dreaded face flowers.  

Exit to the far right.

Stage 4

Collect various items by searching (if you see girders 

with handles, stand on them, pull down, and press jump to 

drop down through them).  Go left and drop down one level 

to reach the store. Continue left (watch out for the 

moving walls) to find the exit.

Stage 5

Stand on the far right side and use your scarf on the 

floating animal's handle to get to the top right (the 

store is located on the first middle platform). Use your 

scarf to pull you up to the next level. Use your scarf on 

another handle, near the middle, then another on the 

right to pull yourself up. Jump onto the sloping 

platforms and defeat the Lady-Snake Creatures (shoot the 

head area) that blow deadly hearts at you. The  exit is 

at the upper left of the level.

Stage 6

Careful timing is required to jump (scarf) from handle to 

handle in this tricky level.  Work your way left to the 

floating blocks.  Continue towards the upper left and 

drop left onto three floating blocks.  Jump left, onto a 

ledge, and jump up to grab (with scarf) the handle.  The 

store is located on a floating platform towards the upper 

left.  Drop to the left and jump on the blocks that slide 

in and out of the walls (follow the arrows) left and drop 

down.  Continue up the next set of sliding blocks, to the 

upper left, to exit.

Stage 7

Use the moving handles on the hire wires to collect 

items.  This level requires practice in scarf jumping 

from handle to handle (if you fall, you can maneuver your 

balloon towards the upper right...kind of a cheating 


Take the rotating blue platforms to the upper right and 

continue, handle to handle (with the scarf), towards the 

far right. 

The store is located on the upper right platform.  The 

exit is on the bottom right platform. 

Stage 8

Jump right, onto the blue moving platform.  When the 

beach balls fall, jump to avoid the spinning platform 

(you'll land safely).  If you drop down to the bottom 

level and go down to the far right (avoid the moving 

sunflowers), you'll reach the store.  Then, return left 

and up, and continue right across (on the blue platform) 

and jump right.

The guard will ask you for your jewels (to allow you to 

free the Fry Kids and face the next boss).  You must have 

enough jewels ("enough" is up to the guards mood) or you 

will be sent back to find more.  If he refuses the amount 

of jewels, then, go back down to the bottom right (to the 

store) and fill up your jewel meter.  Exit to the right.

Stage 9: The Balloon Tree Boss                          

Shoot the balloon tree continuously and avoid the 

balloons on the ground.  Collect the items in the air 

(you'll need them) and exit to the right to face the 

final boss.

Stage 10: The Final Boss

There are three floors, all with different looking doors.  

If you enter a door, you will come out of the same kind 

of door (look to see where you are going to end up) on a 

different level.

Allow the boss to take a jewel from you by standing in 

his beam.  Then, while he's chewing on the jewel, go 

through a door that matches the kind of door he has, on 

the level he's on.  Shoot him once, then, immediately go 

back through the door before the doors start moving (if 

you get stuck on the same level as the boss, watch for 

the pattern of his laser and duck under it).

If you run out of jewels, look for the Blob-Monster and 

shoot him to get extra jewels.

Repeat the above pattern to finish the game.



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