Abaddon ("Abaddon"; a destroying angel) /
9:11 in the Hebrew tongue is A'. /
able (dunaamai; to be able or possible) /
5:3 was a' to open the book, 13:4 is a' to make war with him? /
6:17 who shall be a' to stand? 15:8 was a' to enter into the temple /
abominable, abomination, abominations (bdelugma, bdeluktos, bdelusso; /
abhor, abominable) /
17:4 full of a' and filthiness of 17:5 mother of harlots and a' of the /
21:8 unbelieving, and the a' 21:27 worketh a', or maketh a lie /
abundance (dunamis; ability, abundance, meaning, might) /
18:3 the a' of her delicacies /
according (kata, hos; about, according as to) /
2:23 a' to your works, 21:17 a' to the measure of man, /
18:6 double a' to her works 22:12 to give every man a' as his work/
20:12,13 a' to their works, /
accused, accuser (katecho, kategoreo; to charge, to accuse) /
12:10 which a' them before God 12:10 for the a' of our brethren /
add (epitithemi; add unto, lay upon, put on, set on) /
22:18 If any man shall a' unto 22:18 God shall a' unto him /
adorned (kosmeo; adorn, garnish, trim) /
21:2 as a bride a' for her husband. /
adultery (moicheuo; commit adultery) /
2:22 and them that commit a' /
afar (makrothen; afar off, from afar) /
18:10 Standing a' off for the fear 18:17 many as trade by sea, stood a' /
18:15 shall stand a' off for the fear /
affrighted (emphobos; affrighted, afraid, tremble) /
11:13 remnant were a', and gave glory /
against (kata, meta, pros; about, according to, against) /
2:4 I have somewhat a' thee 12:7 his angels fought a' the dragon /
2:14 I have a few things a' thee 13:6 his mouth is blasphemy a' God /
2:16 will fight a'them with the 19:19 war a' him that sat on the horse/
2:20 I have a few things a' thee 19:19 and a' his army /
11:7 shall make war a' them, /
agree (gnome; agree, mind, purpose, will) /
17:17 fulfil his will, and to a' /
air (aer; air, atmosphere) /
9:2 the sun and the a' were 16:17 poured out his vial into the a' /
alas (oua; ah, alas) /
18:10 A', a' that great city 18:16 A', a' that great city, that was/
18:19 A', a' that great city, /
alive (zao; life, alive) /
1:18 behold, I am a' for evermore 19:20 both were cast a' into a lake /
2:8 which was dead, and is a' /
Alleluia (allelouia; praise ye Jah!) /
19:1 people in heaven saying A'; 19:4 the throne, saying, Amen; A'. /
19:3 they said A'. 19:6 mighty thunderings, saying A' /
Almighty (pantokrator; Almighty, Omnipotent) /
1:8 and which is to come, the A' 16:7 Lord God A', true and righteous /
4:8 Holy, holy, holy. Lord God A' 16:14 the great day of God A' /
11:17 O Lord God A', which art, 19:15 and wrath of A' God /
15:3 thy works, Lord God A': 21:22 The Lord God A' and th lamb /
Alpha (a; first letter of the Greek alphebet) /
1:8 I am A' and Omega, the begin- 21:6 I am A' and Omega, the beginning/
1:11 I am A' and Omega, the first 22:13 I am A' and Omega, the beginning/
altar (thusiasterion; altar, a place of sacrifice) /
6:9 under the a' the souls 9:13 horns of the golden a' /
8:3 stood at the a', having a 11:1 the temple of God, and the a' /
8:3 all saints upon the golden a' 14:18 angel came out from the a' /
8:5 filled it with fire of the a' 16:7 I heard another out of the a' /
Amen (amen; surely, verily, so be it, it is true) /
1:6 dominion for ever and ever. A' 7:12 Saying, A': Blessing and glory, /
1:7 because of him. Even so A'. 7:12 our God for ever and ever. A'. /
1:18 I am alive for ever more, A'; 19:4 Sat on the throne, saying, A'; /
3:14 These things saith the A'. 22:20 A'. Even so come, Lord Jesus /
5:14 And the four beasts said, A'. 22:21 Jesus Christ be with you all. A'/
amethyst (amethustos; semiprecious stone, purple or violet in color) /
21:20 a jacinth; the twelfth, an a'. /
angel (aggelos; a messenger) /
1:1 and signified it by his a' 10:9 I went unto the a' and said /
2:1 a' of the church of Ephesus 11:1 the a' stood, saying, Rise /
2:8 a' of the church in Smyrna 11:15 the seventh a' sounded; /
2:12 a' of the church in Pergamos 14:6 I say another a' fly in the /
2:18 a' of the church in Thyatira 14:8 and there followed another a' /
3:1 a' of the church in Sardis 14:9 the third a' followed them /
3:7 a' of the church in Phila... 14:15 ,17 a' came out of the temple /
3:14 a' of the church of the Lao... 14:18 another a' came out from the /
5:2 I saw a strong a' proclaiming 14:19 a' thrust in his sickle /
7:2 another a' ascending from the 16:3 the second a' poured out his /
8:3 a' came and stood at the 16:4 the third a' poured out his /
8:5 the a' took the censer, 16:5 I heard the a' of the waters /
8:7 The first a' sounded 16:8 the fourth a' poured out his /
8:8 the second a' sounded, 16:10 the fifth a' poured out his /
8:10 the third a' sounded, 16:12 the sixth a' poured out his /
8:12 the fourth a' sounded, 16:17 the seventh a' poured out his /
8:13 an a' flying through the 17:7 and the a' said unto me /
9:1 the fifth a' sounded, 18:1 I saw another a' come down /
9:11 which is the a' of the 18:21 a mighty a' took up a stone /
9:13 and the sixth a' sounded, 19:17 I saw an a' standing in the sun /
9:14 saying to the sixth a' 20:1 and I saw an a' come down /
10:1 And I saw another mighty a' 21:17 of a man, that is, of the a' /
10:5 a' which I saw stand upon 22:6 his a' to show unto his servants/
10:7 of the voice of the seventh a' 22:8 before the feet of the a' /
10:8 open in the hand of the a' 22:16 have sent mine a' to testify /
angel's (aggelos; a messenger) /
8:4 before God out of the a' hand 10:10 little book out of the a' hand /
angels (aggelos; a messenger) /
1:20 the a' of the seven churches 12:7 Michael and his a' fought /
3:5 my Father, and before his a' 12:7 the dragon fought and his a' /
5:11 the voice of many a' around 12:9 his a' were cast out with him /
7:1 I saw four a' standing on the 14:10 in the presence of the holy a' /
7:2 a loud voice to the four a' 15:1 seven a' having the seven last /
7:11 all the a' stood around 15:6 seven a' came out of the temple /
8:2 saw the seven a' which stood 15:7 unto the seven a' seven golden /
8:6 a' which had the seven trumpets 15:8 of the seven a' were fulfilled /
8:13 the trumpet of the three a' 16:1 saying to the seven a' /
9:14 Loose the four a' which are 17:1 one of the seven a' which had /
9:15 and the four a' were loosed 21:9 one of the seven a' which had /
21:12 at the gates twelve a' /
angry (orgizo; be angry, be wroth) /
11:18 nations were a', and thy wrath /
anoint (egchrio; anoint, to rub in oil) /
3:18 a' thine eyes with eyesalve /
answered (apokrinomai; to answer, to reply) /
7:13 one of the elders a', saying /
apostles (apostolos; a delegate, a messenger) /
2:2 them which say they are a' 18:20 ye holy a' and prophets /
21:14 names of the twelve a' of /
appear, appeared (phaneroo, optomai; appear, show self) /
3:18 of thy nakedness do not a' 12:3 a' another wonder in heaven /
12:1 a' a great wonder in heaven /
ark (kibotos; a box) /
11:19 was seen in his temple the a' /
Armageddon (Armageddon or Har-Megiddon; the mountain of Megiddo) /
16:16 in the Hebrew tongue A' /
army, armies (strateuma; army, soldier/s, men of war) /
9:16 number of the a' of the 19:19 on the horse, and against his a'/
19:14 the a' which were in heaven 19:19 and their a' gathered together /
ascend, ascendeth, ascending, ascent (anabaino; arise, ascend, come up) /
7:2 another angel a' from the 8:4 a' up before God out of the /
11:7 that a' out of the bottomless 11:12 they a' up to heaven on a cloud /
14:11 their torment a' up for ever 17:8 shall a' out of the bottomless /
Asher (awshare; happiness) /
7:6 Of the tribe of A' were sealed /
Asia (Asia; the continent Asia Minor, usually only its western shore) /
1:4 seven churches which are in A' 1:11 seven churches which are in A' /
athirst (dipsao; to be thirsty) /
21:6 I will give to him that is a' 22:17 let him that is a' come /
authority (exousia; authority, jurisdiction, power, strength) /
13:2 and his seat, and great a' /
avenge, avenged (ekdikesis, krino; avenge, condemn, judgment) /
6:10 dost thou not judge and a' our 18:20 God hath a' you on her /
19:2 hath a' the blood of his servants /
Babylon (Babulon; the capital of Chaldaea (confusion)) /
14:8 B' is fallen, is fallen 18:2 B' the great is fallen /
16:19 great B' came in remembrance 18:10 the great city B', that mighty /
17:5 B' the great, the mother of 18:21 great city B' be thrown down /
backside (opisthen; after, backside, behind) /
5:1 written within and on the b' /
Balaam (Balaam; a false teacher, devouring or devourer) /
2:14 doctrine of B', who taught /
balances (zugos; balance, pair of balances, yoke, scales) /
6:5 had a pair of b' in his hand /
bare (martureo, poieo; to give witness, to make or do) /
1:2 Who b' record of the word of 22:2 which b' twelve manner of fruits/
barley (krithe; barley grain) /
6:6 three measures of b' for a /
battle (pelomia; battle, fight, war) /
9:7 horses prepared unto b' 16:14 to the b' of that great day of /
9:9 of many horses running to b' 20:8 to gather them together to b' /
bear (bastazo; bear, carry take up: arktos; a bear(obstructing by ferocity))/
2:2 canst not b' them which are 13:2 feet were as the feet of a b' /
beast (zoon; a living thing, a beast: therion; a dangerous animal) /
4:7 the first b' was like a lion 13:17 or the name of the b' /
4:7 and the second b' like a calf 13:18 count the number of the b' /
4:7 third b' had a face as a man 14:9 If any man worship the b' /
4:7 and the fourth b' was like a 14:11 who worship the b' and his /
6:3 I heard the second b' say 15:2 the victory over the b' /
6:5 I heard the third b' say 16:2 the mark of the b' /
6:7 the voice of the fourth b' say 16:10 vial upon the seat of the b' /
11:7 the b' that ascendeth out of 16:13 out of the mouth of the b' /
13:1 saw a b' rise out of the sea 17:3 upon a scarlet coloured b' /
13:2 the b' which I saw was like 17:7 of the b' that carried her /
13:3 world wondered after the b' 17:8 The b' that thou sawest was /
13:4 power unto the b',and they 17:8 the b' that was, and is not /
13:4 worshipped the b', saying 17:11 the b' that was, and is not /
13:4 Who is like unto the b'? 17:12 as kings one hour with the b' /
13:11 I beheld another b' coming 17:13 power and strength unto the b' /
13:12 the power of the first b' 17:16 which thou sawest upon the b' /
13:12 therein to worship the first b' 17:17 give their kingdom unto the b' /
13:14 to do in the sight of the b' 19:19 And I saw the b', and the kings /
13:15 unto the image of the b' 19:20 And the b' was taken /
13:15 of the b' should both speak 19:20 received the mark of the b' /
13:15 worship the image of the b' 20:4 had not worshipped the b' /
20:10 the b' and the false prophet /
beasts (zoon; a living thing, a beast: therion; a dangerous animal) /
4:6 were four b' full of eyes 6:1 one of the four b' saying /
4:8 the four b' had each of them 6:6 in the midst of the four b' /
4:9 those b' gave glory and honour 6:8 and with the b' of the earth /
5:6 the throne and of the four b' 7:11 the elders and the four b' /
5:8 four b' and the four and twenty 14:3 the four b', and the elders /
5:11 about the throne and the b' 15:7 of the four b' gave unto the /
5:14 And the four b' said, Amen 19:4 elders and the four b' fell down/
beasts (ktenos; a domestic animal, beast) /
18:13 and b', and sheep, and horses /
bed (kline; bed, table) /
2:22 I will cast her into a b' /
behold (idou; behold, lo, see) /
1:7 B', he cometh with clouds 6:8 I looked, and b' a pale horse /
1:18 b', I am alive for ever more 9:12 b', there come two more woes /
2:10 b', the devil shall cast some 11:14 b', the third woe cometh /
2:22 B', I will cast her into a bed 12:3 and b' a great red dragon /
3:8 b', I have set before thee a 14:14 I looked, and b' a white cloud /
3:9 B', I will make them of the 15:5 b', the temple of the tabernacle/
3:9 b', I will make them to come 16:15 B', I come as a thief. Blessed /
3:11 B', I come quickly 17:8 when they b' the beast /
3:20 B', I stand at the door and 19:11 opened, and b' a white horse /
4:1 and b', a door was opened in 21:3 B', the tabernacle of God is /
4:2 and, b', a throne was set in 21:5 said, B, I make all things new /
5:5 b', the lion of the tribe of 23:7 B', I come quickly, blessed /
6:2 I saw, and b', a white horse 22:12 b', I come quickly /
belly (koilia; belly, the heart, the womb) /
10:9 it shall make thy b' bitter 10:10 I had eaten it, my b' was bitter/
beloved (agapao; loved one) /
20:9 the saint above, and the b' city /
Benjamin (Beniamin; son of the right hand) /
7:8 Of the tribe of B' were sealed /
bewail (klaio; bewail, weep) /
18:9 shall b' her, and lament for her /
bird (oreon; bird, fowl) /
18:2 of every unclean and hateful b' /
birth (odino; travail in birth) /
12:2 cried, travailing in b' /
bitter (pikraino; to make bitter) /
8:11 because they were made b' 10:10 has eaten it, my belly was b' /
10:9 it shall make thy belly b' /
black (melas; black) /
5:5 I beheld, and lo a b' horse 6:12 sun became b' as sackcloth /
blaspheme, blasphemed, blasphemies, blasphemy (blasphemeo; defame, speak evil)/
2:9 I know the b' of them which 16:9 heat, and b' the name of God /
13:1 upon his heads the name of b' 16:11 b' the God of heaven because /
13:5 speaking great things and b' 16:21 men b' God because of the plague/
13:6 he opened his mouth in b' 17:3 full of names of b' /
blessed, blessing (makarios; blessed, happy: eulogia; blessing, fair speech) /
1:3 B' is he that readeth 16:15 B' is he that watcheth /
5:12 honour, and glory and b' 19:9 B' are they which are called /
5:13 B', and honour, and glory 20:6 B' and holy is he that hath /
7:12 B', and glory, and wisdom 22:7 b' is he that keepeth the /
14:13 B' are the dead which die 2:15 B' are they that do his /
blind (tuphlos; blind, unseeing) /
3:17 and poor, and b' and naked /
blood (haima; blood of men or animals) /
1:5 us from our sins in his b' 16:3 it became as the b' of a dead /
5:9 redeemed us to God by thy b' 16:4 of waters; and they became b' /
6:10 not judge and avenge our b' 16:6 shed the b' of saints and /
6:12 and the moon became as b' 16:6 hast given them b' to drink /
7:14 white in the b' of the Lamb 17:6 drunbken with the b' of the /
8:7 hail and fire mingled with b' 17:6 with the b' of the martyrs /
8:8 part of the sea became b' 18:24 in her name was found the b' /
11:6 waters to turn them to b' 19:2 avenged the b' of his servants /
12:11 by the blood of the Lamb 19:13 with a vesture dipped in b' /
blow (pneo; blow, breeze) /
7:1 wind should not b' on the earth /
bodies (ptoma; body, corpse) /
11:8 their dead bodies shall lie 11:9 shall suffer their dead b' /
11:9 shall see their dead b' /
bond (doulos; bond servant) /
13:16 rich and poor, free and b' 19:18 of all men, both free and b' /
book, books (biblion, biblos; book, scroll, writing) /
1:11 thou seest, write in a book 17:8 were not written in the b' /
3:5 his name out of the b' 20:12 the books were opened /
5:1 on the throne a b' written 20:12 another book was opened /
5:2 Who is worthy to open the b' 20:12 which is the b' of life /
5:3 was able to open the b' 20:12 which were written the b' /
5:4 to open and read the b' 20:15 not found written in the b' /
5:7 he came and took the b' 21:27 written in the Lamb's b' /
5:8 when he had taken the b' 21:9 keep the sayings of this b' /
5:9 art worthy to take the b' 21:10 of the prophecy of this b' /
10:2 in his hand a little b' open 21:18 of the prophecy of this b' /
10:8 when he had taken the b' 21:18 that are written in this b' /
10:9 Give me the little b' 21:19 away from the words of the b' /
10:10 I took the little b' out of 21:19 away his part out of the b' /
13:8 not written in the b' of life 21:19 which are written in this b' /
born (tikto; bear, to bring forth) /
12:4 her child as soon as it was b' /
borne (bastazo; bear, carry) /
2:3 hast b', and hast patience /
both (kai, tei; both, even for) /
13:15 of the beast should b' speak 19:18 all men, b' free and bond /
13:16 he causeth all, b' small and 19:18 b' small and great /
19:5 ye that hear him, b' small /
both (duo; two, both twain) /
19:20 b' were cast alive into a lake /
bound (deo; bind, tie, knit) /
9:14 the four angels which are b' 20:2 Satan, and b' him a thousand /
bow (toxon; bow) /
6:2 he that sat on him had a b' /
brass (chalkeos, chalkolibanon, chalkos; coppery, brass, money) /
1:15 his feet like unto fine b' 9:20 of gold, and silver, and b' /
2:18 his feet are like fine b' 18:12 and of b', and iron, and marble /
breadth (platos; breadth, width) /
20:9 they went up on the b' of the 21:16 and the b' and the height of it /
21:16 length is as large as the b' /
breasts (stethos; bosoms, breasts) /
15:6 b' girdled with golden girdles /
brethren (adelphos; brother, brethren) /
6:11 fellowservants also and their b'19:10 thy b' that have the testimony /
12:10 accuser of our b' is cast down 22:9 of thy b' the prophets /
bride (numphe; bride, daughter in law) /
18:23 the b' shall be heard no more 21:9 show the b', the Lamb's wife /
21:2 prepared as a b' adorned for 22:17 the Spirit and the b' say /
bridegroom (numphios; bridegroom) /
18:23 and the voice of the b' /
bright (lampros; bright, clear, gay, goodly) /
22:16 the b' and morning star /
brimstone (theion, theiodes; sulphur, sulphur-like) /
9;17 of fire, and of jacinth, of b' 19:20 lake of fire burning with b' /
9:17 issued fire and smoke and b' 20:10 the lake of fire and b' /
9:18 the smoke, and by the b' 21:8 which burneth with fire and b' /
bring (phero; bear, carry, bring) /
21:24 do b' their glory and honour 21:26 shall b' the glory and honour /
broken (suntribo; bruise, break) /
2:27 of the potter shall they be b' /
brother (adelphos; near kin, brother) /
1:9 I John who also am your b' /
brought (tikto; be delivered, bring forth) /
12:5 And she b' forth a man child 12:13 which b' forth the man child /
building (endomesis; a structure, building) /
21:18 the b' of the wall of it was /
burden (baros; burden, weight) /
2:24 will put upon you none other b' /
burn, burned, burneth, burnings, burnt (katakaio, kaio; burn, burn up) /
1:15 as if they b' in a furnace 17:16 and b' her with fire /
4:5 lamps of fire b' before the 18:8 she shall be utterly b' with /
8:7 third part of trees were b' up 18:9 shall see the smoke of her b' /
8:7 all the green grass was b' up 18:18 saw the smoke of her b' /
8:8 a great mountain b' with fire 19:20 lake of fire b' with brimstone /
8:10 b' as it were a lamp 21:8 in the lake which b' with fire /
buy, buyeth (agorazo; buy, redeem) /
3:18 I counsel thee to b' of me gold 18:11 for no man b' their merchandise /
13:17 that no man might b' or sell /
cage (phulake; a hold, a container) /
18:2 a c' of every unclean, and /
calf (moschos; a young bullock) /
4:7 the second beast like a c' /
called, calleth (kaleo, kletos; to invite, to bid, call forth) /
1:9 in the isle that is c' Patmos 16:16 c' in the hebrew tongue /
2:20 which c' herself a prophetess 17:14 that are with him are c' /
8:11 of the star is c' Wormwood 19:9 which are c' unto the marriage /
11:8 spiritually is c' Sodom and 19:11 him was c' Faithful and True /
12:9 serpent, c' the Devil 19:13 his name is c' The word of God /
camp (parembole; army, camp, castle) /
20:9 compassed the c' of the saints /
candlestick, candlesticks (luchnia; lampstand, lampstands) /
1:12 turned, I saw seven golden c' 2:1 midst of the seven golden c' /
1:13 midst of the seven golden c' 2:5 remove thy c' out of his place /
1:20 hand, and the seven golden c' 11:4 the two c' standing before the /
1:20 seven c' which thou sawest /
canst (dunamat; unable) /
2:2 how thou c' not bear them /
captains (chiliarchos; commander of a thousand soldiers) /
6:15 the rich men, and the chief c' 19:18 of kings, and the flesh of c' /
captivity (aichmalosia; detained, captivity) /
13:10 leadeth into c' shall go into c' /
carried (potamophoretos; carried away of a flood) /
12:15 her to be c' away of the flood /
carried, carrieth (appohero; bring carry) /
17:3 he c' me away in the spirit 21:10 c' me away in the spirit /
17:7 and of the beast that c' her /
cast, casteth (ballo; strike, throw thrust) /
2:10 the devil shall c' some of you 12:13 saw that he was c' into /
2:14 Balac to c' a stumblingblock 12:15 serpent c' out of his mouth /
2:22 I will c' her into a bed 12:16 dragon c' out of his mouth /
4:10 c' their crowns before the 14:19 c' it into the great winepress /
8:5 c' it into the earth 18:19 they c' dust on their heads /
6:13 as a fig tree c' her untimely 18:21 millstone, and c' it into the /
8:7 they were c' upon the earth 19:20 both were cast live into a /
8:8 burning with fire was c' into 20:3 c' him into the bottomless pit /
12:4 of heaven, and did c' them 20:10 was c' into the lake of fire /
12:9 the great dragon was c' out 20:14 death and hell were c' into /
12:9 he was c' out into the earth 20:15 was c' into the lake of fire /
12:10 of our brethren is c' down /
caught (haroazo; to pluck away, to pull up) /
12:5 her child was c' up unto God /
censer (libanotos; a fire holder, incense burner) /
8:3 the altar, having a golden c' 8:3 took the c', and filled it with /
chain (halusis; bonds, chains) /
20:1 a great c' in his hands /
chariots (harma, rheda; a wheeled wagon) /
9:9 the sound of c' of many horses 18:13 and horses, and c', and slaves /
charity (agape; benevolence) /
2:19 I know thy works, and c' /
chasten (paideuo; instruct, discipline) /
3:19 as I love, I rebuke and c' /
chief (chiliarchos; commander of a thousand soldiers) /
6:15 c' captains, and the mighty men /
child (gaster; with child) /
12:2 And she being with c' /
child (teknon; child, son) /
12:4 to devour her c' as soon as it 12:5 her c' was caught up unto God /
12:5 she brought forth a man c' 12:13 which brought forth the man c' /
children (huios; child, foal, son) /
2:14 before the c' of Israel 7:4 all the tribes of the c' of /
2:23 I will kill her c' with death 21:12 tribes of the c' of Israel /
chosen (eklektos; chosen, elect) /
17:14 him are called, and c' /
Christ (Christos; the Anointed, the Messiah) /
1:1 Revelation of Jesus C' 12:10 and the power of his C' /
1:2 testimony of Jesus C' 12:17 the testimony of jesus C' /
1:5 from jesus C', who is the 20:4 reigned with C' a thousand years/
1:9 and patience of Jesus C' 20:6 be priests of God and of C' /
1:9 for the testimony of Jesus C' 22:21 Lord Jesus C' be with you all /
11:15 of our Lord, and of his C' /
church, churches (ekklesia; assembly, the elect) /
1:4 John to the seven c' which are 2:17 the Spirit saith unto the c' /
1:11 and send it unto the seven c' 2:18 angel of the c'in Thyatira /
1:20 are the angels of the seven c' 2:23 the c' shall know that I am /
1:20 thou sawest are the seven c' 2:29 the Spirit saith unto the c' /
2:1 the angel of the c' of Ephesus 3:1 angel of the c' in Sardis /
2:7 the Spirit saith unto the c' 3:6,13,22 Spirit saith unto the c' /
2:8 angel of the c' of Smyrna 3:7 angel of the c, in Philadelphia /
2:11 the Spirit saith unto the c' 3:14 of the c' of the Laodiceans /
2:12 angel of the c' in Pergamos 22:16 unto you these things in the c' /
cinnamon (kinamomon; cinnamon, a herb) /
18:13 c', and odours, and ointments /
city, cities (polis; a town, city) /
3:12 name of the c' of my God 20:9 saints about, and the beloved c'/
11:2 holy c' shall they tread under 21:2 the holy c', new Jerusalem /
11:8 in the street of the great c' 21:10 showed me that great c' /
11:13 the tenth part of the c' fell 21:14 the c' had twelve foundations /
14:8 is fallen, that great c' 21:15 golden reed to measure the c' /
14:20 was trodden without the c' 21:16 And the c' lieth foursquare /
16:19 the great c' was divided 21:16 measured the c' with the reed /
16:19 and the c' of the nations 21:18 the c' was pure gold /
17:18 the great c', which reigneth 21:19 of the wall of the c' /
18:10 c' Babylon, that mighty c' 21:21 street of the c' was pure gold /
18:16 great c', that was clothed 21:23 the c' had no need of the sun /
18:18 c' is like unto this great c' 22:14 through the gates into the c' /
18:19 alas that great c' 22:19 out of the holy c' /
18:21 c' Babylon be thrown down /
clean (katharos; clean, clear, pure) /
19:8 in fine linen, c' and white 19:14 in fine linen, white and c' /
clear (krustallizo; clear as crystal) /
21:11 a jasper stone, c' as crystal 22:1 water of life, c' as crystal /
21:18 pure gold, like unto c' glass /
clothed (enduo, periballo; array, clothe /
1:13 c' with a garment down to 11:3 threescore days, c' in sackcloth/
3:5 be c' in white raiment 12:1 a woman c' with the sun /
3:18 that thou mayest be c' 15:6 c' in pure and white linen /
4:4 sitting, c' in white raiment 18:16 city, that was c' in fine linen /
7:9 c' with white robes 19:13 c' with a vesture dipped in /
10:1 from heaven, c' with a cloud 19:14 c' in fine linen, white and /
cloud, clouds (nephele; a cloud) /
1:7 Behold he cometh with c' 14:14 and behold a white c, /
10:1 from heaven, clothed with a c' 14:14 the c' one sat like unto the Son/
11:12 ascended up to heaven in a c' 14:15 to him that sat on the c' /
14:16 on the c' thrust in his sickle /
cold (psuchros; chilly, cold) /
3:15 thou are neither c' nor hot 3:16 and neither c' nor not /
3:15 I would thou wert c' or hot /
colour, coloured (prophasis; an outward showing, appearance, colour) /
17:3 sit upon a scarlet c' beast 17:4 arrayed in purple and scarlet c'/
commandments (entole: precept, commandment) /
12:17 which keep the c' of God 22:14 Blessed are they that do his c' /
14:12 are that keep the c' of God /
commit, committed (porneuo; to commit fornication, practice idolatry) /
2:14 idols, and to c' fornication 17:2 of the earth have c' fornication/
2:20 c' fornication, and to eat 18:3 have c' fornication with her /
2:22 them that c' adultery with her 18:9 have c' fornication and lived /
company (homilos; a multitude, crowd, company) /
18:17 all the c' in ships, and sailors /
compass (kukloo; to encircle, surround) /
20:9 and c' the camp of the saints /
confess (exomologeo; profess, promise, confess) /
3:5 c' his name before my Father /
corners (gonia; quarter, corner) /
7:1 on the four c' of the earth /
corrupt (phthio; defile, destroy, corrupt) /
19:2 which did c' the earth with her /
counsel (sumbouleuo; recommend, deliberate, consult, counsel) /
3:18 I c' thee to buy of me gold /
count (psephizo; count, to compute) /
13:18 understanding c' the number /
countenance (opsis; appearance, face, countenance) /
1:16 his c' was as the sun shineth /
court (aule; court, hall, palace) /
11:2 c' which is without the temple /
craft, craftsman (techne; art, craft, occupation: /
technites; builder, craftsman) /
18:22 c', of whatsoever c' he be /
created, creation (ktizo; create, creator, make: ktisis; building, creation) /
3:14 the beginning of the c' of God 4:11 pleasure they are and were c' /
4:11 for thou hast c' all things 10:6 who c' heaven, and the things /
creature, creatures (ktisma; created creature) /
5:13 And every c' which is in heaven 8:9 third part of the c' which were /
cried, cry, crying (krazo; to call aloud, cry out) /
6:10 they c' with a loud voice 14:15 c' with a loud voice to him /
7:2 and he c' with a loud voice 14:18 c' with a loud c' to him /
7:10 And c' with a loud voice 18:2 he c' mightily with a strong /
10:3 And c' with a loud voice 18:18 And c' when they saw the smoke /
10:3 when he had c', seven thunders 18:19 and c', weeping and wailing /
12:2 And she being with child c' 19:17 and he c' with a loud voice /
21:4 neither sorrow, nor c', neither /
crown, crowns (stepho; wreath, prize to victor, crown: diadema; crown) /
2:10 I will give thee a c' of life 12:1 her head a c' of twelve stars /
3:11 that no man take thy c' 12:3 and seven c' upon his heads /
4:4 on their heads a c' of gold 13:1 and upon his horns ten c' /
4:10 cast their c' before the throne 14:14 having on his head a golden c' /
6:2 and a c' was given unto him 19:12 and on his head were many c' /
9:7 heads were as it were c' like /
crucified (stauroo;impale, crucify) /
11:8 where our Lord was c' /
crystal (krustallizo, krustallos; clear as a crystal, crystal like) /
4:6 was a sea of glass like unto c' 22:1 of water of life, clear as c' /
21:11 like a jasper stone, clear as c' /
cubits (pechus; forearm length, length from elbow to middle finger tip) /
21:17 an hundred and forty four c' /
cup (poterion; a drinking container, cup) /
14:10 into the c' of his indignation 17:4 having a golden c' in her hand /
16:19 the c' of the wine of the 18:6 in the c' which she hath filled /
curse (katanathema; an imprecation, curse) /
22:3 there shall be no more c' /
darkened, darkness (skotizo, skotoo; obscured, covered, darkened) /
8:12 the third part of them was d' 16:10 and his kingdom was full of d' /
9:2 and the sun and the air was d' /
David (Dabid; loving) /
3:7 he that hath the key of D' 22:16 root and the offspring of D' /
5:5 Root of D', hath prevailed /
day, days (hemera; a period of time, age, dawn to dusk or 24 hours) /
1:10 in the Spirit on the Lord's d' 11:6 rain not in the d' of their /
2:10 shall have tribulation ten d' 11:9 dead bodies three d' and a half /
2:13 those d' wherein Antipas was 11:11 three d' and a half the Spirit /
4:8 they rest not d' and night 12:6 two hundred and threescore d' /
6:17 the great d' of his wrath 12:10 before our God d' and night /
7:15 him d' and night in his temple 14:11 they had no rest d' nor night /
8:12 d' shone not for a third part 16:14 that great d' of God Almighty /
9:6 those d' shall men seek death 18:8 her plagues come in one d' /
9:15 for an hour, and a d', and a 20:10 d' and night for ever and ever /
10:7 But in the d' of the voice 21:25 shall not be shut at all by d' /
11:3 two hundred and threescore d' /
dead (nekros; a corpse: ptoma; dead body, corpse) /
1:5 the first begotten of the d' 11:18 and the time of the d' /
1:17 I fell at his feet as d' 14:13 Blessed are the d' which die /
1:18 he that liveth, and was d' 16:3 as the blood of a d' man /
2:8 which was d', and is alive 20:5 rest of the d' lived not again /
3:1 that thou livest, and art d' 20:12 I saw the d', great and small /
11:8 d' bodies shall lie in the 20:12 and the d' were judged out of /
11:9 see their d' bodies three days 20:13 gave up the d' which were in it /
11:9 not suffer their d' bodies 20:13 and hell delivered up the d' /
death, deadly (thanatos; fatal, death bearing) /
1:8 the keys of hell and of d' 13:3 as it were wounded to d' /
2:10 be thou faithful unto d' 13:12 whose d' wound was healed. /
2:11 not be hurt of the second d' 18:8 d', and mourning, and famine /
2:23 will kill her children with d' 20:6 the second d' hath no power /
6:8 name that sat on him was D' 20:13 d' and hell delivered up the /
6:8 and with hunger, and with d' 20:14 d' and hell were cast into the /
9:6 men seek d', and shall not 20:14 This is the second d' /
9:6 and d' shall flee from them 21:4 be no more d', neither sorrow /
12:11 not their lives unto the d' 21:8 which is the second d' /
13:3 d' wound was healed /
deceive, deceived, deceiveth (planao; seduce wander, go astray, deceive) /
12:9 Satan, which d' the whole 20:3 he should d' the nations no /
13:14 d' them that dwell on the 20:8 out to d' the nations which /
18:23 sorceries were all nations d' 20:10 devil that d' them was cast /
19:10 with which he d' them that /
decked (chrusoo; to guild, to cover, to deck) /
17:4 d' with gold and precious 18:16 d' with gold and precious /
declared (euaggelizo; to announce, to preach, to declare) /
10:7 d' to his servants the prophets /
deeds (ergon; labour, work, doing, deed) /
2:6 hatest the d' of the Nicol- 16:11 and repented not of their d' /
2:22 except they repent of their d' /
defiled, defileth (moluno; to soil, to defile: koinoo; unclean, pollute) /
3:4 have not d' their garments 14:4 which were not d' with women /
21:27 enter into it any thing that d' /
delicacies (strenos; luxuries, delicacies) /
18:3 the abundance of her d' /
delivered (tikto; bring forth, bearin travail ) /
12:2 in birth, and pained to be d' 12:4 woman which was ready to be d' /
delivered (didomi; to give, bring forth) /
20:13 and hell d' up the dead /
denied (arneomai; refuse, deny) /
2:13 hast not d' my faith 3:8 and hast not d' my name /
departed (apochorizo, aperchomia; to rend apart, pass away) /
6:14 the heaven d' as a scroll 18:14 and goodly are d' from thee /
18:14 lusted after are d' from thee /
depths (bathos; extent, deep) /
2:24 have not known the d' of Satan /
descending (katabaino;come down, descend) /
21:10 Jerusalem, d' out of heaven /
desire (epithumeo; covet, lust, desire) /
9:6 and shall d' to die, and death /
desolate (eremoo; lay waste, desolate) /
17:16 shall make her d' and naked 18:19 for in one hour is she made d' /
destroy, destroyed (diaphtheiro; corrupt, perish, destroy) /
8:9 third part of the ships were d' 11:18 d' them which d' the earth /
devil (diabolos; false accuser, slanderer) /
2:10 the d' shall cast some of you 12:12 the d' is come down unto you /
12:9 that old serpent, called the D' 20:2 old serpent, which is the D' /
20:10 the d' that deceived them was /
devils (daimon, daimonion; evil spirit) /
9:20 that they should not worship d' 18:2 is become the habitation of d' /
16:14 For they are the spirits of d' /
devour, devoured, devoureth (katesthio; to eat down, to consume) /
11:5 mouth, and d' their enemies 20:9 out of heaven, and d' them /
12:4 for to d' her child as soon as /
die, died (apothnesko; slain, dead, death) /
3:2 remain, that are ready to d' 9:6 find it; and shall desire to d' /
8:9 in the sea, and had life, d' 14:13 the dead which d' in the Lord /
8:11 many men d' of the waters 16:3 every living soul d' in the sea /
dipped (bapto; covered, submersed, dipped) /
19:13 with a vesture d' in blood /
divided (ginomai; cause to be ) /
16:19 the great city was d' into three /
doctrine (didache; hath been taught, doctrine) /
2:14 that hold the d' of Balaam 2:24 as many as have not this d' /
2:15 hold the d' of the Nicolaitans /
dogs (huon; hound, dog) /
22:15 For without are d', and sorcerers /
dominion (ginomai; to be done, to come to pass) /
1:6 to him be glory and d' for ever /
door (thura; opening, gate, door) /
3:8 set before the an open d' 3:20 hear my voice, and open the d' /
3:20 I stand at the d', and knock 4:1 a d' was opened in heaven /
double (diplous; two-fold, doubled) /
18:6 double unto her double accord- 18:6 she hath filled, fill to her d' /
down (katabaino, kataballo; to go down, to cast down, descend) /
1:13 with a garment d' to the foot 13:13 maketh fire come d' from heaven /
3:12 Jerusalem, which cometh d' out 18:1 saw another angel come d' from /
3:21 d' with my Father in his 18:21 great city Babylon be thrown d' /
4:10 four and twenty elders fall d' 19:4 and the four beasts fell d' /
5:8 elders fell d' before the Lamb 20:1 an angel come d' from heaven /
5:14 four and twenty elders fell d' 20:9 and fire came d' from God out /
10:1 angel come d' from heaven 21:2 Jerusalem, coming d' from God /
12:10 of our brethren is cast d' 22:8 fell d' to worship before the /
12:12 the devil is come d' unto you /
dragon (drakon; serpent, dragon) /
12:3 behold a great red d' 12:16 the flood which the d' cast out /
12:4 the d' stood before the woman 12:17 d' was wroth with the woman /
12:7 angels fought against the d' 13:2 and the d' gave him the power /
12:7 the d' fought and his angels 13:4 worshiped the d' which gave /
12:9 the great d' was cast out 13:11 a lamb, and he spake as a d' /
12:13 the d' saw that he was cast out 16:13 out of the mouth of the d' /
20:2 he laid hold on the d' /
drew (suro; drag, draw) /
12:4 d' the third part of the stars /
dried (xeraino; to wripe, wither, dry up) /
16:12 and the water thereof was d' up /
drink (poo, potizo; to imbibe, feed, drink) /
14:8 because she made all nations d' 16:6 hast given them blood to d' /
14:10 The same shall d' of the wine /
drunk, drunken (methuo; drink to intoxication) /
17:2 have been d' with the wine 17:6 d' with the blood of the saints /
18:3 all nations have d' of the wine /
dwell, dwellest, dwelleth (katoikeo, skenoo; to enhabit, reside, dwell) /
2:13 and where thou d', even where 13:6 and them that d' in heaven /
2:13 slain among you, where Satan d' 13:8 all that d' upon the earth /
3:10 try them that d' upon the earth 13:12 which d' therein to worship the /
6:10 blood on them that d' upon the 13:14 And deceiveth them that d' on /
7:15 the throne shall d' among them 13:14 to them that d' upon the earth /
11:10 they that d' upon the earth 14:6 to preach unto them that d' /
11:10 tormented them that d' upon 17:8 and they that d' on the earth /
12:12 heavens, and ye that d' in 21;3 and he will d' with them /
eagle (aetos; an eagle) /
4:7 beast was like a flying e' 12:14 given two wings of a great e' /
ear (ous; ear) /
2:7,11,17,29 3:6,13,22 He that hath an ear, let him hear /
13:9 If any man have an e' /
earth (ge; soil, land, ground, world, earth) /
1:5 prince of the kings of the e' 13:8 upon the e' shall worship /
1:7 kindreds of the e' shall wail 13:11 beast coming up out of the e' /
3:10 them that dwell upon the e' 13:12 the e' and them which dwell /
5:3 nor in e', neither under the e' 13:13 come down from heaven on the e' /
5:6 God sent forth unto all the e' 13:14 them that dwell upon the e' /
5:10 and we shall reign on e' 13:14 to them that dwell upon the e' /
5:13 and on the e' and under the e' 14:3 were redeemed from the e' /
6:4 to take peace from the e' 14:6 unto them that dwell on the e' /
6:8 over the fourth part of the e' 14:7 him that made heaven, and e' /
6:10 and we shall reign on the e' 14:15 the harvest of the e' is ripe /
6:13 of heaven fell unto the e' 14:16 thrust in his sickle on the e' /
6:15 kings of the e' and the great 14:16 and the e' was reaped /
7:1 on the four corners of the e' 14:18 clusters of the vine of the e' /
7:1 the four winds of the e' 14:19 thrust his sickle into the e' /
7:1 wind should not blow on the e' 14:19 gathered the vine of the e' /
7:2 it was given to heart the e' 16:1 the wrath of God upon the e' /
7:3 Saying, Hurt not the e' 16:2 poured out his vial upon the e' /
8:5 altar, and cast it into the e' 16:14 the e' and of the whole world /
8:7 they were cast upon the e' 16:18 since men were upon the e' /
8:13 to the inhabiters of the e' 17:2 whom the kings of the e' have /
9:1 fell from heaven unto the e' 17:2 the e' have been made drunk /
9:3 the smoke locusts upon the e' 17:5 and abominations of the e' /
9:3 scorpians of the e'have power 17:8 dwell upon the e' shall wonder /
9:4 not hurt the grass of the e' 17:18 over the kings of the e' /
10:2 and his left foot on the e' 18:1 the e' was lightened with his /
10:5 upon the sea and upon the e' 18:3 e' have committed fornication /
10:6 smite the e' with plagues 18:3 merchants of the e' are waxed /
10:8 upon the sea and upon the e' 18:9 kings of the e', who have /
11:4 before the God of the e' 18:11 merchants of the e' shall weep /
11:6 smite the e' with all plagues 18:23 were the great men of the e' /
11:10 they that dwell upon the e' 18:24 that were slain upon the e' /
11:10 them that dwell upon the e' 19:2 the e' with her fornications /
11:18 them that destroy the e' 19:19 beast, and the kings of the e' /
12:4 and did cast them to the e' 20:8 in the four quarters of the e' /
12:9 he was cast out into the e' 20:9 up on the breadth of the e' /
12:12 to the inhabiters of the e' 20:11 the e' and the heaven fled away /
12:13 that he was cast unto the e' 21:1 saw a new heaven and a new e' /
12:16 And the e' helped the woman 21:1 the first e' were passed away /
12:16 and the e' opened her mouth 21:24 kings of the e' do bring their /
earthquake (seismos; a commotion such as from a gale or earthquake) /
6:12 lo, there was a great e' 11:19 and an e', and great hail /
8:5 and lightnings, and an e' 16:18 and there was a great e' /
11:13 same hour was there a great e' 16:18 so mighty an e', and so great /
11:13 and in the e' was slain of men /
east (anatole; daysprint, rising, east) /
7:2 angel ascending form the e' 21:13 On the e' three gates /
16:12 way of the kings of the e' /
eat, eaten (phago; meat, to eat) /
2:7 I give to e' of the tree of 10:9 Take it, and e' it up; /
2:14 e' things sacrificed to idols 10:10 as soon as I had e' it /
2:17 I give to e' og the hidden 17:16 and shall e' her flesh /
2:20 e' things sacrificed to idols 19:18 ye may e' the flesh of kings /
Egypt (Aiguptos; the land of the nile) /
11:8 spirtually is called Sodom and E' /
eighth (ogdoos; eighth) /
17:11 and is not, even he is the e' 21:20 the e', beryl /
either (enteuthen; on both sides) /
22:2 and on e' side of the river /
elders (presbuteros; older, senior, elder) /
4:4 saw four and twenty e' sitting 5:14 four and twenty e' fell down /
4:10 four and twenty e' fall down 7:11 the e' and the four beasts /
5:5 one of the e' saith unto me 7:13 And one of the e' answered /
5:6 and in the midst of the e' 11:16 four and twenty e', which sat /
5:8 four and twenty e' fall down 14:3 the four beasts, and the e' /
5:11 and the beasts and the e' 19:4 And the four and twenty e' /
eleventh (hendekatos; eleventh) /
21:20 the e' a jacinth /
else (ei de me; otherwise) /
2:5 oe e' I will come unto thee 2:16 Repent; or e' I will come unto /
emerald (smaragdos; a green gem) /
4:3 in sight like unto an e' 21:19 the fourth, an e' /
end (telos; finally, uttermost, the end) /
2:26 keepeth my works unto the e' 22:13 Omega, the beginning and the e' /
21:6 Omega, the beginning and the e' /
enemies (echthros; foe enemy) /
11:5 and devoureth their e' 1:12 and their e' beheld them /
enter, entered (eiserchomai; go in, come in, enter) /
11:11 spirit of life from God e' 21:27 shall in no wise e' into it /
15:8 was able to e' into the temple 22:14 e' in through the gates into /
Ephesus (Ephesos; "desired") /
1:11 unto E', and unto Smyrna 2:1 angel of the church of E' write /
equal (isos; like, similar, equal) /
21:16 breadth and the height of it are e' /
Euphrates (Euphrates; river to east of promised land) /
9:14 are bound in the great river E' 16:12 vial upon the great river E' /
ever and ever, evermore (aion; age, course, eternal, without end) /
1:6, 4:9, 4:10, 5:13, 5:14, 7:12, 10:6, 11:15, 14:11, 15:7, 19:3, /
20:10, 22:5, 1:18 I am alive for e' /
everlasting (aionios; eternal, without end) /
14:6 having the e' gospel to preach /
every (pas; all, any, whole, every : hekastos; each, any, every) /
1:7 e' eye shall see him 16:20 and e' island fled away /
2:23 I will give unto e' one of you 16:21 e' stone about the wight of a /
5:8 having e' one of them harps 18:2 the hold of e' foul spirit /
5:9 out of e' kindred and tongue 18:2 of e' unclean and hateful bird /
5:13 And e' creature which is in 18:17 e' shipmaster, and all the /
6:11 were given unto e" one of 20:13 were judged e' man according to /
6:14 e' mountain and island were 21:21 e' several gate was of one /
6:15 e' bondman, and e' free man 22:2 yielded her fruit e' month /
14:6 e' nation, and kindred 22:12 give to e' man according as his /
16:3 e' living soul died in the sea 22:18 testified unto e' man that /
evil (kakos; harm, wicked, evil) /
2:2 not bear them which are e' /
exceeding (sphodra; greatly, very, exceeding) /
16:21 plague thereof was e' great /
except (ean me; but, except) /
2:5 of his place, e' thou repent 2:22 e' they repent of their deeds /
expired (teloe; make an end, finish, expire) /
20:7 when the thousand years are e' /
eye, eyes (ophthalmos; sight, eye) /
1:7 every e' shall see him 4:8 and they were full of e' within /
1:14 his e' were like unto a flame 5:6 seven e', which are the seven /
2:18 his e' like unto a flame 7:17 away all tears from their e' /
3:18 anoint thy e' with eyesalve 19:12 His e' were as a flame of fire /
4:6 there four beasts full of e' 21:4 away all tears from their e' /
face, faces (prosopen; front, presence, face) /
4:7 third beast had a f' as a man 10:1 his f' was as it was the sun /
6:16 hid us from the f' of him 11:16 upon their f', and worshipped /
7:11 before the throne of their f' 12:14 from the f' of the serpent /
9:7 their f' were as the f' of men 20:11 f' the earth and the heaven /
22:4 And they shall see his f' /
fainted (kamno; sicken, weary, faint) /
2:3 hast laboured, and hast not f' /
faith (pistis; belief, conviction, faith) /
2:13 and hast not denied my f' 13:10 and the f' of the saints /
2:19 charity, and service and f' 14:12 of God, and the f' of Jesus /
faithful (pistos; trustful, sure, true, faithful) /
1:5 Jesus Christ who is the f' 17:14 are called, and chosen, and f' /
2:10 be thou f' until death 19:11 upon him was called F' and true /
2:13 Antipas was my f' martyr 21:5 these words are f' and true /
3:14 the Amen, the f' and true 22:6 These sayings are f' and true /
fall, fallen (pipto; light on, fall) /
2:5 from whence thou art f' 14:8 Babylon is f', is f', that /
4:10 four and twenty elders f' down 17:10 five are f', and one is, and /
6:16 mountains and rocks, F' on us 18:2 Babylon the great is f', is f' /
9:1 I saw a star f' from heaven /
false (pseudoprophetes; pretend prophet, false prophet) /
16:13 of the mouth of the f' prophet 20:10 the beast and the f' prophet /
19:20 f' prophet that wrought miracles /
famine (limos; hunger, famine) /
18:8 death, and mourning, and f' /
fast (katecho; possess, keep, retain, hold fast) /
2:13 and thou holdest f' my name 3:3 and hold f', and repent /
2:25 hold f' till I come 3:11 hold that f' which thou hast /
father, father's (pater; male parent, father) /
1:6 priests unto God and his F' 3:5 confess his name before my F' /
2:27 even as I received of my F' 3:21 down with my F' in his throne /
14:1 having his F' name written in /
fault (amomos; without blame, faultless) /
14:5 are without f' before the throne /
fear, fearful (phobeo, phobos; afraid, fearful) /
1:17 saying unto me, f' not 14:7 F' God, and give glory to him /
2:10 F' none of these things which 15:4 Who shall not f' thee, O Lord /
11:11 great f' fell upon them 18:10,15 for the f' of her torment /
11:18 and them that f' thy name 19:5 f' him, both small and great /
21:8 the f', and unbelieving /
feed (poimaino; tend and feed: trepho; nourish, feed) /
7:17 of the throne shall f' them 12:6 that they should f' her there /
feet (pous; foot) /
1:15 And his f' are like unto fine 11:11 and they stood upon their f' /
1:17 I fell at his f' as dead 12:1 sun, and the moon under her f' /
2:18 his f' are like fine brass 13:2 and his f' were as the f' of a /
3:9 come and worship before thy f' 19:10 I fell at his f' to worship him /
10:1 and his f' as pillars of fire 22:8 before the f' of the angel /
fell (pipto; light on, fall) /
1:17 I f' at his f' as dead 11:13 the tenth part of the city f' /
5:8 elders f' down before the Lamb 11:16 f' upon their faces, and /
5:14 f' down and worshipped him 16:2 f' a noisome and grievous sore /
6:13 stars of heaven f' unto the 16:19 the cities of the nations f' /
7:11 f' before the throne on their 16:21 there f' upon men a great hail /
8:10 f' a great star from heaven 19:4 and the four beasts f' down /
8:10 f' upon the third part of the 19:10 I f' at his feet to worship /
11:11 fear f' upon them which saw 22:8 I f' down to worship before /
fellowservant, fellowservants (sundoulos; co-slave, fellow slave) /
6:11 their f' also and their 19:10, 22:9 do it not: I am thy f' /
few (oligos; brief, little, few) /
2:14 I have a f' things against thee 3:4 Thou hast a f' names even in /
2:20 I have a f' things against thee /
fierceness (thumos; wrath, indignation, fierceness) /
16:19 the wine of the f' of his wrath 19:15 the f' and wrath of Almighty /
fifth (pemptos; fifth) /
6:9 when he had opened the f' seal 16:10 f' angel poured out his vial /
9:1 And the f' angel sounded, and 21:20 The f', sadronyx /
fig (sukon; fig) /
6:13 even as a f tree casteth her /
figs (olunthos; unripe, out of season) /
6:13 f' tree casteth her untimely f' /
fill, filled (kerannumi; pour out, fill) /
18:6 she hath f', f' to her double /
filled (gemizo; to fill full) /
8:5 f' it with the fire of the 15:8 the temple was f' with smoke /
filled (teleo; finish, make and end, fill up) /
15:1 is f' up the wrath of God /
filled (chortazo; satisfy, feed, fill) /
19:21 fowls were f' with their flesh /
filth (akathartes; impure, filth) /
17:4 full of the abominations and f' /
filthy (rhupoo; make dirty, filthy) /
22:11 he which is f', let him be f' /
find (heurisko; obtain, get, find) /
9:6 seek death, and shall not f'it 18:14 thou shall f' them no more /
fine /
1:15 his feet like unto f' brass 18:16 that was clothed in f' linen /
2:18 his feet are like f' brass 19:8 should be arrayed in f' linen /
18:12 and of pearls, and f' linen 19:8 f' linen is the righteousness /
18:13 and f' flour, and wheat 19:14 clothed in f' linen, white and /
finished (teleo; make an end, expire, finish) /
10:7 mystery of God should be f' 20:5 until the thousand years are f' /
11:7 shall have f' their testimony /
fire (pura; a fire) /
1:14 his eyes were as a flame of f' 14:10 tormented with f' and brimstone /
2:18 eyes like unto a flame of f' 14:18 which had power over f' /
3:18 buy of me gold tried in the f' 15:2 a sea of glass mingled with f' /
4:5 seven lamps of f' burning 16:8 unto him to scorch men with f' /
8:5 filled it with f' from the 17:16 her flesh, and burn her with f' /
8:7 hail and f' mingled with blood 18:8 shall be utterly burned with f' /
8:8 great mountain burning with f' 19:12 His eyes were as a flame of f' /
9:17 having breastplates of f' 19:20 of f' burning with brimstone /
9:17 out of mouths issued f' 20:9 and f' came down from God out /
9:18 killed, by the f', and by the 20:10 the lake of f' and brimstone /
10:1 and his feet as pillars of f' 20:14 were cast into the lake of f' /
11:5 f' proceedeth out of their 20:15 was cast into the lake of f' /
13:13 maketh f' come down from 21:8 burneth with f' and brimstone /
first (protos; before, beginning, best, first) /
1:5 the f' begotten of the dead 8:7 The f' angel sounded /
1:11 Alpha and Omega, the f' and 13:12 all the power of the f' beast /
1:17 I am the f' and the last 13:12 therein to worship the f' beast /
2:4 thou hast left thy f' love 16:2 f' went, and poured out his /
2:5 and do the f' works: or else 20:5 This is the f' resurrection /
2:8 saith the f' and the last 20:6 part in the f' resurrection /
2:19 the last to be more than the f' 21:1 the f' heaven and the f' earth /
4:1 and the f' voice that I heard 21:19 the f' foundation was jasper /
4:7 the f' beast was like a lion 22:13 the end, the f' and the last /
firstfruits (aparche; a beginning of sacrifice, firstfruits) /
14:4 the f' unto the God and to the /
five (pente; five) /
9:5 should be tormented f' months 17:10 f' are fallen, and one is, and /
9:10 power was to hurt men f' months /
flame (phlox; flame, fire) /
1:14 and his eyes were as a f' 19:12 His eyes were as a f' of fire /
2:18 his eyes like unto a f' of fire /
fled, flee (pheugo; run away, vanish, escape, flee) /
9:6 and death shall f' from them 16:20 And every island f' away /
12:6 woman f' into the wilderness 20:11 earth and the heaven f' away /
flesh (sarx; skin, external, flesh) /
17:16 and shall eat her f' 19:18 men, and the f' of horses /
19:18 f' of the kings, and the f' of 19:18 and the f' of all men /
19:18 and the f' of mighty men 19:21 fowls were filled with their f' /
flood (potamos, potamophoretos; river, stream, carried away by a stream) /
12:15 out of his mouth water as a f' 12:16 and swallowed up a f' /
12:15 to be carried away of the f' /
flour (semidalis; fine flour) /
18:13 fine f, and wheat /
fly, flying (petomai; fly) /
4:7 beast was like a f' eagle 14:6 another angel f' in the midst /
8:13 f' through the midst of heaven 19:17 to all the fowls that f' /
12:14 might f' into the wilderness /
follow, followed (akoloutheo; in the same way, to accompany, follow) /
6:8 Death, and Hell f' with him 14:9 And the third angel f' them /
8:7 there f' hail and fire mingled 14:13 and their works do f' them /
14:4 are they which f' the Lamb 19:14 which were in heaven f' him /
14:8 and there f' another angel /
foot (pous; foot) /
1:13 with a garment down to the f' 10:2 and his left f' on the earth /
10:2 he set his right f' upon the 11:2 city shall they tread under f' /
forehead, foreheads (metopon; face, forehead) /
7:3 servants of our God in their f' 14:9 and receive his mark in his f' /
9:4 not the seal of God in their f' 17:5 upon her f' was a name written /
13:16 right hand, or in their f' 20:4 received his mark upon their f' /
14:1 name written in their f' 22:4 his name shall be in their f' /
former (protos; beginning, first, former) /
21:4 the f' things are passed away /
fornication (porneia, porneuo; unlawful lust, fornication) /
2:14 unto idols, and to commit f' 17:2 drunk with the wine of her f' /
2:20 to commit f', and to eat things 17:4 and filthiness of her f' /
2:21 her space to repent of her f' 18:3 wine of the wrath of their f' /
9:21 nor of their f', nor of their 18:3 have committed f' with her /
14:8 wine of the wrath of their f' 18:9 who have committed f' and /
17:2 of the earth have committed f' 19:2 corrupt the earth with her f' /
forth (apostello; send ount on a mission) /
5:6 seven spirits of God sent f' /
forth (exerchomai; proceed, away, forth) /
6:2 went f' conquering, and to /
forth (tikto; deliver, bring forth) /
12:5 she brought f' a man child 12:13 woman which brought f' the man /
forth (ekporeuomia; issue, proceed out of, come forth) /
16:14 go f' unto the kings of the earth /
forty (tessarakonta; forty) /
7:4 sealed an hundred and f' and 14:1 with him an hundred f' and four /
11:2 tread under foot f' and two 14:3 but the hundred f' and four /
13:5 him to continue f' and two 21:17 hundred and f' and four cubits /
fought (polemeo; battle, make war, fight) /
12:7 angels f' against the dragon 12:7 the dragon f' and his angels /
foul (akathartos; unclean, foul) /
18:2 hold of every f' spirit, and a /
found (heurisko; obtain, get find) /
2:2 and hast f' the liars 16:20 and the mountains were not f' /
3:2 I have not f' thy works perfect 18:21 and shall not be f' no more /
5:4 no man was f' worthy to open 18:22 shall be f' any more in thee /
12:8 neither was their place f' any 18:24 her was f' the blood of prophets/
14:5 in their mouth was f' no guile 20:11 there was f' no place for them /
20:15 whosoever was not f' written /
foundation (katabole; conceive, foundation) /
13:8 Lamb slain from the f' of the 17:8 life from the f' of the world /
foundation, foundations (themelios; something put down, a substructure) /
21:14 wall of the city had twelve f 21:19 f' of the wall of the city /
21:19 The first f' was jasper /
fountain, fountains (pege; gushing supply, well, fountain) /
7:17 lead them unto living f' 16:4 upon the rivers and f' of waters/
8:10 and upon the f' of waters 21:6 that is a thirst of the f' /
14:7 the sea, and the f' of waters /
four (tessares; four) /
4:4 throne were f' and twenty seats 7:2 a loud voice of the f' angels /
4:4 I saw f' and twenty elders 7:4 and forty and f' thousand /
4:6 f' beasts full of eyes before 7:11 the elders and the f' beasts /
4:8 And the f' beasts had each of 9:13 heard a voice from the f' horns /
4:10 f' and twenty elders fell down 9:14 Loose the f' angels which are /
5:6 the throne and of the f' beasts 9:15 And the f' angels were loosed /
5:8 f' beasts and the f' and twenty 11:16 the f' and twenty elders /
5:14 And the f' beasts said, Amen 14:1 an hundred forty and f' thousand/
6:1 one of the f' beasts saying 14:3 and before the f' beasts /
6:6 in the midst of the f' beasts 14:3 and forty and f' thousand /
7:1 these things I saw f' angels 15:7 And one of the f' beasts gave /
7:1 on the f' corners of the earth 19:4 f' and twenty elders and the f' /
7:1 holding the f' winds of the 20:8 are in the f' quarters of the /
21:17 hundred and forty and f' cubits /
foursquare (tetragonos; four cornered) /
21:16 And the city lieth f' /
fourth (tetartos; fourth) /
4:7 f' beast was like a flying 8:12 And the f' angel sounded /
6:7 when he had opened the f' seal 16:8 the f' angel poured out his vial/
6:7 heard the voice of the f' beast 21:19 the f', an emerald /
6:8 over the f' part of the earth /
fowls (orneon; bird, fowl) /
19:17 saying to all the f' that fly 19:21 the f' were filled with their /
frankincense (libanos; incense, frankincense) /
18:13 f', and wine, and oil, and /
free (eleutheros; at liberty, free) /
6:15 every bondman, and every f' man 19:18 all men, both f' and bond /
13:16 rich and poor, f' and bond /
freely (dorean; without a cause, in vain, freely) /
21:6 fountain of the water of life f'22:17 him take the water of life f' /
frogs (batrachos; frog) /
16:13 I saw three unclean spirits like f' /
fruit, fruits (karpos; fig or fruit) /
18:14 the f' that their soul lusted 22:2 which bare twelve manner of f' /
22:2 and yielded her f' every month /
fulfil (poieo; gain, have, hold, fulfil) /
6:11 as they were, should be f' 17:17 to f' his will, and to agree, /
fulfilled (teleo; accomplish, fill up, finish, fulfil) /
15:8 of the seven angels were f' 20:3 thousand years shall be f' /
17:17 the words of God shall be f' /
full, fully (gemo; to swell out, be full) /
4:6 f' of eyes before and behind 16:10 his kingdom was f' of darkness /
4:8 they were f' of eyes within 17:3 f' of names of blasphemy /
5:8 the golden vials f' of odours 17:4 in her hand f' of abominations /
14:18 for her grapes are f' ripe 21:9 vials f' of the seven last /
15:7 f' of the wrath of God /
furnace (kaminos; furnace) /
1:15 as if they burned in a f' 9:2 as the smoke of great f' /
Gad (Gad;"fortune") /
7:5 Of the tribe of G' were sealed /
garment (poderes; garment down to the foot) /
1:13 with a g' down to her foot /
garments (himation; apparel, clothes, robe, vesture, garment) /
16:15 watcheth, and keepeth his g' 3:4 which have not defiled their g' /
gates (pulon; portal, porch, gate) /
21:12 and had twelve g' 21:13 and on the west three g' /
21:12 and at the g' twelve angels 21:15 and the g' thereof, and the wall/
21:13 On the east three g' 21:21 the twelve g' were twelve pearls/
21:13 on the north three g' 21:25 the g' of it shall not be shut /
21:13 on the south three g' 22:14 throught the g' into the city /
gather, gathered (trugao; collect, gather fruit) /
14:18 be g' together unto one place 14:19 and g' the vine of the earth /
gather, gathered (sunago; come togather, gather) /
16:14 to g' them to battle of that 19:19 and their armies, g' together /
16:16 And he g' them together into 20:8 to g' them together to battle /
19:17 Come and g' yourselves together /
Gentiles (ethnos; heathen, nation, people) /
11:2 for it is given unto the G' /
gifts (doron; offering, gift) /
11:10 shall send g' one to another /
girded (perizonnumi; to gird all around) /
15:6 breasts g' with golden girdles /
girdle, girdles (zone; purse, girdle) /
1:13 about the paps with a golden g' 15:6 breasts girded with golden g' /
gave, give, given, giveth (didomi; give, grant, offer) /
1:1 which God g' unto him 11:3 g' power unto my two witnesses /
2:7 will I g' to eat of the tree 11:13 g' glory to the God of heaven /
2:10 I will g' thee a crown of life 11:17 We g' thee thanks, O Lord God /
2:17 him that overcometh will I g' 11:18 g' reward unto thy servants /
2:17 and will g' him a white stone 13:2 the dragon g' him his power /
2:21 I g' her space to repent of 13:4 which g' power unto the beast /
2:23 I will g' unto every one of 13:5 there was g' unto him a mouth /
2:26 to him will I g' power over 13:5 power was g' unto him to /
2:28 I will g' him the morning star 13:7 g' unto him to make war /
4:9 those beasts g' glory and 13:7 power was g' him over all /
6:2 a crown was g' unto him 13:15 g' life unto the image of the /
6:4 power was g' to him that sat 14:7 Fear God, and g' glory to him /
6:4 there was g' unto him a great 15:7 g' unto the seven angels seven /
6:8 power was g' to them over the 16:6 hast g' them blood to drink /
6:11 white robes were g' unto every 16:8 power was g' unto him to scorch /
7:2 it was g' to hurt the earth 16:9 repented not to g' him glory /
8:2 them were g' seven trumpets 16:19 g' unto her the cup of the wine /
8:3 was g' unto him much incense 17:13 g' their power and strength unto/
9:1 g' the key of the bottomless 17:17 g' their kingdom unto the beast /
9:3 unto them was g' power 18:17 much torment and sorrow g' her /
9:5 to them it was g' that they 19:7 rejoice, and g' honour to him /
10:9 unto him, G' me the little book 20:13 sea g' up the dead which were /
11:1 was g' me a reel like unto 21:6 will g' unto him that is athrist/
11:2 for it is g' unto the gentiles 22:5 the Lord God g' them light /
22:12 g' every man according to his /
glad (chairo;be well, joy, be glad) /
19:7 Let us be g' and rejoice /
glass (hualinos, hualos; transparent as glass) /
4:6 was a sea of g' like unto 21:18 pure gold, like unto clear g' /
15:2 a sea of g' mingled with fire 21:21 gold, as it were transparent g' /
15:2 sea of g', having the harps of /
glory, glorified, glorious (doxa, doxazo; dignity, honour, worship, glory) /
1:6 to him be g' and dominion 15:8 smoke from the g' of God /
4:9 those beasts give g' and 16:9 repented not to give him g' /
4:11 receive g' and honour and 18:1 earth was lightened with his g' /
5:12 and honour, and g', and 18:7 How much she hath g' herself /
5:13 Blessing, and honour, and g' 19:1 Salvation, and g', and honour /
7:12 Amen: Blessing, and g' 21:11 Having the g' of God /
11:13 gave g' to the God in heaven 21:23 the g' of God did lighten it /
14:7 Fear God, and give g' to 21:24 bring them g' and honour into it/
15:4 thee, O Lord and g' thy name 21:26 shall bring the g' and honour /
go, goeth (hupago; depart, go: exerchomai; depart, escape, get out, go) /
3:12 and he shall g' out no more 16:14 g' forth unto the kings of the /
10:8 G' and take the little book 17:8 pit, and g' into perdition /
13:10 shall g' into captivity 17:11 and g' into perdition /
14:4 the Lamb whithersoever he g' 19:15 his mouth g' a sharp sword /
16:1 G' your ways, and pour 20:8 shall g' out to deceive /
God (theos; supreme Divinity, the Diety) /
1:1 which G' gave unto him 14:12 keep the commandments of G' /
1:2 bare record the word of G' 14:19 winepress of the wrath of G' /
1:6 us kings and priests unto G' 15:1 is filled up the wrath of G' /
1:9 for the word of G' 15:2 glass, having the harps of G' /
2:7 midst of the paradise of G' 15:3 song of Moses the servant of G' /
2:18 things saith the Son of G' 15:3 thy works, Lord G' Almighty /
3:1 hath the seven Spirits of G' 15:7 vials full of the wrath of G' /
3:2 thy works perfect before G' 15:8 smoke from the glory of G' /
3:12 pillar in the temple of my G' 16:1 the vials of the wrath of G' /
3:12 upon him the name of my G' 16:7 Even so, Lord G' Almighty /
3:12 the name of the city of my G' 16:9 blasphemed the name of G' /
3:12 out of the heaven from my G' 16:11 blasphemed the G' of heaven /
3:14 beginning of the creation of G' 16:14 the great day of G' Almighty /
4:5 are the seven Spirits of G' 16:19 in remembrance before G' /
4:8 Holy, holy, holy, Lord G' 16:21 men blasphemed G' because of /
5:6 seven Spirits of G' sent forth 17:17 G' hath put in their hearts /
5:9 hast redeemed us to G' by thy 17:17 words of G' shall be fulfilled /
5:10 made us unto our G' kings 18:5 G' hath remembered her /
6:9 were slain for the word of G' 18:8 the Lord G' who judged her /
7:2 the seal of the living G' 18:20 G' hath avenged you on her /
7:3 sealed the servants of our G' 19:1 power, unto the Lord our G' /
7:10 Salvation to our G' which 19:4 worshipped G' which sat on the /
7:11 their faces, and worshipped G' 19:5 Praise our G', all ye his /
7:12 be unto our G' for ever and 19:6 Lord G' omnipotent reigneth /
7:15 they before the throne of G' 19:9 are the true sayings of G' /
7:17 G' shall wipe away all tears 19:10 testimony of Jesus; worship G' /
8:2 angels which stood before G' 19:13 name is called The Word of G' /
8:4 before G' out of the angel's 19:15 and wrath of Almighty G' /
9:4 seal of G' in their foreheads 19:17 the supper of the great G' /
9:13 golden altar which is before G' 20:4 and for the word of G' /
10:7 mystery of G' shall be finished 20:6 be priests of G' and of Christ /
11:1 measure the temple of G' 20:9 down from G' out of heaven /
11:4 standing before the G' of the 20:12 and great, stand before G' /
11:11 the Spirit of life from G' 21:2 coming down from G' out of /
11:13 gave glory to the G' of heaven 21:3 tabernacle of G' is with men /
11:16 sat before G' on their seats 21:3 G' himself will be with them /
11:16 their faces, and worshipped G' 21:3 with them, and be their G' /
11:17 O Lord G' Almighty, 21:4 G' shall wipe away all tears /
11:19 temple of G' was opened 21:7 and I will be his G' /
12:5 was caught up into G' 21:10 out of heaven from G' /
12:6 hath a place prepared of G' 21:22 Lord G' Almighty and the Lamb /
12:10 kingdom of our G' 21:23 the glory of G' did lighten it /
12:10 accused them before our G' 22:1 throne of G', and of the Lamb /
12:17 keep the commandments of G' 22:3 throne of G', and of the Lamb /
13:6 mouth in blasphemy against G' 22:5 the Lord G' giveth them light /
14:4 firstfruits unto G' and to 22:6 Lord G' of the holy peophets /
14:5 fault before the throne of G' 22:9 of this book: worship G' /
14:7 Fear G', and give glory to him 22:18 G' shall add unto him the /
14:10 the wine of the wrath of G' 22:19 G' shall take away his part out /
goeth (hupago; depart, go: ekporeuomai; depatr, proceed, go) /
14:4 Lamb whithersoever he g' 19:15 out of his mouth g' a sharp /
17:11 and g' into perdition /
Gog (Gog; hebrew "Gowg") /
20:8 G' and Magog, to gather them /
gold, golden (chruseos, chrusos; made of the metal gold) /
1:12 I saw seven g' candlesticks 9:20 devils, and idols of g' /
1:13 about the paps with a g' girdle 14:14 having on his head a g' crown /
1:20 and the seven g' candlesticks 15:6 breasts girded with g' girdles /
2:1 of the seven g' candlesticks 15:7 seven g' vials full of the wrath/
3:18 buy of me g' tried in the fire 17:4 decked with g' and precious /
4:4 on their heads crowns of g' 17:4 having a g' cup in her hand full/
5:8 and g' vials full of odours 18:12 The merchandise of g' and silver/
8:3 having a g' censer: 18:16 decked with g', and precious /
8:3 upon the g' altar which 21:15 had a g' reed to measure the /
9:7 were as it were crowns like g' 21:18 and the city was pure g' /
9:13 the four horns of the g' altar 21:21 street of the city was pure g' /
goodly (lampros; bright, clear, gay, goodly) /
18:14 were dainty and g' are departed /
goods (plouteo; increased with goods, rich) /
3:17 I am rich, and increased with g' /
gospel (euaggelion; good tidings, a good message) /
14:6 the everlasting g' to preach /
grace (charis; joy pleasure, thank worthy, grace) /
1:4 G' be unto you, and peace 22:21 The g' of our Lord Jesus Christ /
grant (didomi; make, give, grant) /
3:21 that overcometh will I g' to sit /
grapes (staphule; a cluster of grapes) /
14:18 earth; for her g' are fully ripe /
grass (chortos; herbage, vegetation, hay) /
8:7 and all green g' was burnt up 9:4 not hurt the g' of the earth /
graves (mnema; sepulchre, tomb, grave) /
11:9 dead bodies to be put in g' /
great (megas; large, loud, mighty, great: polus; plenteous, great) /
1:10 heard behind me a g' voice 16:12 vial upon the g' river Euphrates/
2:22 into g' tribulation, except 16:14 that g' day of the God Almighty /
6:4 given unto him a g' sword 16:17 a g' voice out of the temple /
6:12 lo, there was a g' earthquake 16:18 there was a g' earthquake /
6:15 of the earth, and the g' men 16:18 and earthquake, and so g' /
6:17 g' day of his wrath is come 16:19 the g' city was divided into /
7:9 and, lo, a g' multitude 16:19 g' Babylon came in remembrance /
7:14 came out of g' tribulation 16:21 upon men a g' hail out of heaven/
8:8 it were a g' mountain burning 16:21 plague thereof was exceeding g' /
8:10 fell a g' star from heaven 17:1 judgment of the g' whore /
9:2 as the smoke of a g' furnace 17:5 Mystery, Babylon The G' /
9:14 bound in the g' river Euphrates 17:6 I wondered with g' admiration /
11:8 in the street of the g' city 17:18 is that g' city, which reigneth /
11:11 g' fear fell upon them 18:1 from heaven, having g' power /
11:12 heard a g' voice from heaven 18:2 Babylon the g' city is fallen /
11:13 hour was there a g' earthquake 18:10 Alas, alas that g' city Babylon /
11:15 there were g' voices in heaven 18:16 Alas, alas that g' city, that /
11:17 taken to thee thy g' power 18:17 so g' riches is come to nought /
11:18 fear thy name, small and g' 18:18 What city is like unto this g' /
11:19 and an earthquake, and g' hail 18:19 Alas, alas that g' city, wherein/
12:1 a g' wonder in heaven; a woman 18:21 up a stone like a g' millstone /
12:3 g' red dragon, having seven 18:21 that g' city babylon be throne /
12:9 And the g' dragon was cast out 18:23 thy merchants were the g' men /
12:12 having g' wrath, because he 19:1 I heard a g' voice of much /
12:14 two wings of a g' eagle 19:2 hath judged the g' whore /
13:2 and his seat, and g' authority 19:5 fear him, both small and g' /
13:5 a mouth speaking g' things 19:6 the voice of a g' multitude /
13:13 And he doeth g' wonders 19:17 the supper of the g' God /
13:16 causeth all, both small and g' 19:18 and bond, both small and g' /
14:2 as the voice of a g' thunder 20:1 and a g' chain in his hand /
14:8 that g' city, because she made 20:11 I saw a g' white throne /
14:19 into the g' winepress of the 20:12 I saw the dead, small and g' /
15:1 g' and marvelous, seven angels 21:3 I heard a g' voice out of heaven/
15:3 G' and marvelous are thy 21:10 to a g' and high mountain /
16:1 I heard a g' voice out of the 21:10 and showed me the g' city /
16:9 were scorched with a g' heat 21:12 had a wall g' and high /
Greek (Hellenikos; Grecian language) /
9:11 in the G' tongue hath his name /
green (chloros; greenish colour, pale) /
8:7 and all g' grass was burnt up 9:4 neither any g' thing, neither /
grievous (poneros; bad, evil, harm, grievous) /
16:2 and g' sore upon the men /
guile (dolos; deceit, guile) /
14:5 in their mouth was found no g' /
habitation (katoiketerion; a dwelling place, habitation) /
18:2 and is become the h' of devils /
hail (chalaza; hail) /
8:7 followed h' and fire mingled 16:21 fell upon men a great h' /
11:19 an earthquake, and great h' 16:21 because of the plague of the h' /
hair (trichinos; made of hair: thrix; hair) /
6:12 black as sackcloth of h' 9:8 they had h' as the h' of women /
half (hemisu; partition, half: hemiorion; half an hour) /
8:1 about the space of h' an hour 11:11 three days and a half the Spirit/
11:9 three days and a half, and 12:14 time, and times, and half a time/
hand, hands (cheir; a means of grasping, hand: eggus; near, nigh, at hand) /
1:3 therein: for the time is at h' 10:5 he had in his h' a little book /
1:16 had in his right h' seven stars 10:8 is open in the h' of the angel /
1:17 he laid his right h' upon me 10:10 book out of the angel's h' /
1:20 thou sawest in his right h' 13:16 receive a mark in his right h' /
2:1 the seven stars in his right h' 14:9 in his forehead, or in his h' /
5:1 saw in the right h' of him that 14:14 and in his h' a sharp sickle /
5:7 the book out of his right h' 17:4 having a golden cup in her h' /
6:5 a pair of balances in his h' 19:2 blood of his servants at her h' /
7:9 robes and palms in their h' 20:1 pit and a great chain in his h' /
8:4 God out of the angel's h' 20:4 their forehead, or in their h' /
9:20 not of the works of their h' 22:10 this book: for the time is at h'/
10:2 he had in his h' a little book /
harlots (porne; whore, harlot) /
17:5 mother of h' and abominations /
harps, harpers, harping (kithara; lyre, harp) /
5:8 having every one of them h' 15:2 sea of glass, having the h' of /
14:2 voice of h' h' with their h' 18:22 the voice of h', and musicians /
harvest (therismos; reaping, harvest) /
14:15 the h' of the earth is ripe /
hate, hatest (miseo; detest, hate) /
2:6 thou h' the deeds of the 2:15 Nicolaitans, which thing I h' /
2:6 Nicolaitans, which I also h' 17:16 these shall h' the whore /
head, heads (kephale; the head) /
1:14 His h' and his hair were white 13:1 having seven h' and ten horns /
4:4 had on their h' crowns of gold 13:1 his h' the names of blasphemy /
9:7 their h' were as it were crowns 13:3 I saw one of his h' as it were /
9:17 the h' of the horses were as 14:14 having on his h' a golden crown /
9:17 horses were as the h' of lions 17:3 having seven h' and ten horns /
9:19 like unto serpents, and had h' 17:7 hath the seven h' and ten horns /
10:1 and a rainbow upon his h' 17:9 The seven h' are seven mountains/
12:1 her h' a crown of twelve stars 18:19 they cast dust on their h' /
12:3 having seven h' and ten horns 19:2 and on his h' were many crowns /
12:3 and seven crowns upon his h' /
healed, healing (therapeuo; cure, worship, heal: /
therapeia; attendance, healing) /
13:3 and his deadly wound was h' 22:2 were for the h' of the nations /
13:12 beast, whose deadly wound was h' /
hear (akouo; to hear, to understand) /
1:3 h' the words of this prophecy 3:22 that hath an ear, let him h" /
2:7, 11, 17, 29 an ear, let him h" 9:20 neither can see, not h', nor /
3:6, 13 hath an ear, let him h" 13:9 any man have an ear, let him h' /
3:20 if any man h' my voice /
heard (akouo; to hear, to understand) /
1:10 h' behind me a great voice 12:10 I h' a loud voice saying in /
3:3 hast thou received and h' 14:2 I h' a voice from heaven /
4:1 first voice which I h' was as 14:2 I h' the voice of harpers /
5:11 I h' the voice of many angels 14:13 I h' a voice from heaven /
5:13 all that are in them, h' I 16:1 I h' a great voice out of the /
6:1 I h', as it were, the noise 16:5 I h' the angel of the waters /
6:3 I h' the second beast say 16:7 I h' another out of the altar /
6:5 I h' the third beast say 18:4 I h' another voice from heaven /
6:6 I h' a voice in the midst of 18:22 trumpets, shall be h' no more /
6:7 I h' the voice of the fourth 18:22 millstone shall be h' no more /
7:4 I h' the number of them which 18:23 the bride shall be h' no more /
8:13 I beheld and h' an angel 19:1 I h' a great voice of much /
9:13 I h' a voice from the four 19:6 I h', as it were, the voice of /
9:16 and I h' the number of them 21:3 I h' a great voice out of /
10:4 I h' a voice from heaven 22:8 John saw these things, and h' /
10:8 voice which I h' from heaven 22:8 And when I had h' and seen /
11:12 they h' a great voice from /
heareth (akouo: to hear, to understand) /
22:17 And let him that h' say, come 22:18 h' the words of the prophecy /
heart, hearts (kardai; thoughts, feelings, heart) /
2:23 searcheth the reins and h' 18:7 she saith in her h', I sit a /
17:17 God hath put in their h' to /
heat (kauma; burn, heat) /
7:16 sun light on them, nor any h' 16:9 men were scorched with great h' /
heaven (ouranos; air, sky, heaven: mesouranema; midst of heaven) /
3:12 down out of h' from God 13:6 and them that dwell in h' /
4:1 behold, a door was opened in h' 13:13 fire came down from h' on the /
4:2 a throne was set in h' 14:2 I heard a voice from h' /
5:3 And no man in h', nor in earth 14:6 angel fly in the midst of h' /
5:13 every creature which is in h' 14:7 that made h', and earth /
6:13 stars of h' fell unto the earth 14:13 I heard a voice from h' /
6:14 And the h' departed as a scroll 14:17 out of the temple which is in h'/
8:1 was silence in h' about the 14:13 I heard a voice from h' /
8:10 there fell a great star from h' 14:17 out of the temple which is in h'/
8:13 flying through the midst of h' 15:1 I saw another sign in h' /
9:1 I saw a star fall from h' 15:5 of the testimony in h' /
10:1 angel come down from h' 16:11 blasphemed the God in h' /
10:4 I heard a voice from h' 16:17 voice out of the temple of h' /
10:5 earth lifted his hand to h' 16:21 upon men a great hail out of h' /
10:6 who created h', and the things 18:1 another angel come down from h' /
10:8 voice which I heard from h' 18:4 I heard another voice from h' /
11:6 These have power to shut h' 18:5 her sins have reached unto h' /
11:12 heard a great voice from h' 18:20 Rejoice over her, thou h' /
11:12 ascended out of h' in a cloud 19:1 voice of much people in h' /
11:13 and gave glory to the God of h' 19:11 And i saw h' opened, and behold /
11:15 were great voices in h' 19:14 armies which were in h' followed/
11:19 temple of God was opened in h' 19:17 that fly in the midst of h' /
12:1 appeared a great wonder in h' 20:1 angel came down from h' /
12:3 appeared another wonder in h' 20:9 came down from God out of h' /
12:4 third part of the stars in h' 20:11 the earth and the h' fled away /
12:7 And there was war in h' 21:1 I saw a new h' and a new earth /
12:8 place found any more in h' 21:1 for the first h', and the first /
12:10 heard a loud voice saying in h' 21:2 coming down from God out of h' /
12:12 Therefore rejoice, ye h', and 21:3 heard a great voice out of h' /
21:10 Jerusalem, descending out of h' /
Hebrew (Hebraisti; the Hebrew language) /
9:11 name in the H' tongue is 16:16 in the H' tongue Armageddon /
height (hupsos; exhaulted, high, height) /
21:16 breadth and the h' of it are /
held (eeho; possess, hold) /
6:9 for the testimony which they h' /
hell (hades; grave, hell) /
1:18 the keys of h' and of death 20:13 death and h' delivered up the /
6:8 Death, and H' followed with 20:14 death and h' were cast into the /
help (boetheo; succour, help) /
12:16 the earth h' the woman /
henceforth (aparti; from now, henceforth) /
14:13 which die in the Lord from h' /
hereafter (meta tauta; afterward, to follow, hereafter) /
1:19 the things which shall be h' 9:12 there come two woes more h' /
4:1 thee things which must be h' /
herself (heautou; own, their thyself, hisself, herself) /
2:20 woman Jezebel, which calleth h' 19:7 and his wife have made h' ready /
18:7 How much she hath glorified h' /
hid, hidden, hide (krupto; secret, keep secret, hide) /
2:17 I give to eat of the h' manna 6:16 h' us from the face of him that /
6:15 h' themselves in the dens /
high (hupselos; esteemed, high) /
21:10 to a great and h' mountain 21:12 And had a wall great and h' /
himself (autos; one they self) /
19:12 that no man knew, but he h' 21:3 God h' shall be with them /
hither (hode; here, this place, hither: deuro; come, hither) /
4:1 Come up h', and I will show 17:1 Come h'; I will show unto thee /
11:12 saying unto them, Come up h' 21:9 Come h', I will show thee the /
hold, holden, holdeth, holding (krateo; keep, obtain, retain, hold) /
2:1 he that h' the seven stars 3:3 heard, and h' fast, and repent /
2:13 and thou h' fast my name 3:11 h' that fast which thou hast /
2:14 that h' the doctrine of Balaam 7:1 h' the four winds of the earth /
2:15 h' the doctrine of the 18:2 and the h' of every foul spirit /
2:25 ye have already h' fast 20:2 And he laid h' on the dragon /
holy (hagios; blameless, saint, holy: hosios; hallowed, holy) /
3:7 saith he that is holy 20:6 20:6 Blessed and h' is he that hath /
4:8 night, saying, H', h', h' 21:2 John saw the h' city. new /
6:10 How long, O Lord h' and true 21:10 great city, the h' Jerusalem /
11:2 the h' city shall they tread 22:6 God of the h' prophets sent his /
14:10 the presence of the h' angels 22:11 and that is h', let him be /
15:4 for thou art h', for all the 22:11 let him be h' still /
18:20 and ye h' apostles and prophets 22:19 and out of the h' city /
honey (meli; honey) /
10:9 be in thy mouth sweet as h' 10:10 it was in my mouth sweet as h' /
honour (time; precious, price, honour) /
4:9 beasts give glory and h' 19:1 Salvation, and glory, and h' /
4:11 to receive glory and h' and 19:7 and rejoice, and give h' /
5:12 and h', and glory, and 21:24 do bring their glory and h' /
5:13 Blessing, and h', and glory 21:26 bring the glory and h' of the /
7:12 h', and power, and might /
horns (keras; horn) /
5:6 having seven h' and seven eyes 13:11 he had two h' like a lamb /
9:13 the four h' of the altar 17:3 having seven heads and ten h' /
12:3 having seven heads and ten h' 17:7 hath the seven heads and ten h' /
13:1 having seven heads and ten h' 17:12 the ten h' which thou sawest /
13:1 and upon him his h' ten crowns 17:16 the ten h' which thou sawest /
horse, horses (hippos; horse) /
6:2 and behold a white h' 9:17 heads of the h' were as the /
6:4 out another h' that was red 18:13 and h', and chariots, and slaves/
6:5 I beheld, and lo a black h' 19:11 opened, and behold a white h' /
6:8 I looked, and behold a pale h' 19:14 followed him upon white h' /
9:7 the locusts were like unto h' 19:18 mighty men, and the flesh of h' /
9:9 chariots of many h' running 19:19 against him that sat on the h' /
9:17 thus I saw the h' in the vision 19:21 of him that sat upon the h' /
horsemen (hippikon; cavalry, horsemen) /
9:16 number of the army of the h' /
hot (zestos; boiled, hot) /
3:15 thou art neither cold nor h' 3:16 and neither cold not h' /
3:15 I would thou wert cold or h' /
hour (hora; instant, season, day, time, hour) /
3:3 not know what h' I come 14:7 the h' of his judgment is come /
3:10 thee from the h' of temptation 17:12 power as kings one h' with the /
8:1 about the space of half an h' 18:10 in one h' is thy judgemnt come /
9:15 prepared for an h', and a day 18:17 in one h' so great riches is /
11:13 same h' was there a great 18:19 in one h' is she made desolate /
how (hoti, pos, hosos; how why) /
2:2 h' thou canst not bear them 6:10 H' long, O Lord, holy and /
3:3 h' thou hast received and heard 18:7 H' much she hath glorified /
hundred (hekaton, -kosioi; hundred) /
7:4 an h' and fourty and four 14:1 an h' forty and four thousand /
11:3 thousand two h' and threescore 14:3 h' and forth and four thousand /
12:6 thousand two h' and threescore 14:20 a thousand and six h' furlongs /
13:18 is Six h' threescore and six 21:17 an h' and forty and four cubits /
hundred (murias; a myraid or indefinite number) /
9:16 were two h' thousand thousand /
hunger (limos, peinao: death, famine, hunger, to crave) /
6:8 to kill with sword, and with h' 7:16 They shall h' no more, neither /
hurt (adikeo; be unjust, injure, hurt) /
2:11 not be h' of the second death 9:10 power was to h' men five months /
6:6 h' not the oil and the wine 9:19 and with them that do h' /
7:2 it was given to h' the earth 11:5 and if any man will h' them /
7:3 H' not the earth, neither the 11:5 and if any man will h' them /
9:4 should not h' the grass of /
husband (aner; fellow, sir, man, husband) /
21:2 as a bride adorned for her h' /
idolaters (eidololatres; image worshiper, idolater) /
21:8 and sorcerers, and i', and all 22;15 and murderers, and i' and /
idols (eidolothuton, eidolon; offering, worship of an image or god) /
2:14 eat things sacrificed unto i' 9:20 to eat things sacfificed unto i'/
2:20 eat things sacrificed unto i' /
if (ean, ei; as, so, if) /
1:15 as i' they burned in a furnace 13:9 I' any man have an ear /
3:3 I' therefore thou shalt not 14:9 I' any man worship the beast /
3:20 i' any man hear my voice 22:18 I' any man shall add unto these /
11:5 and i' any man will hurt them 22:19 And i' any man shall take away /
11:5 and i' any man will hurt them /
image (eikon; representation, image) /
13:14 should make an i' to the beast 14:11 worship the beast and his i' /
13:15 life unto the i' of the beast 15:2 over the beast, and his i' /
13:15 i' of the beast should both 16:2 them that worship his i' /
13:15 not worship the i' of the beast 19:20 them that worshipped his i' /
14:9 worship the beast and his i' 20:4 the beast, neither his i' /
immediately (eutheos; shortly, as soon as, immediately) /
4:2 And i' I was in the spirit /
incense (thumiama; odour, incense) /
8:3 was given unto him much i' 8:4 the smoke of the i', which came /
increased (plouteo; wealthy, rich, increased) /
3:17 I am rich, and i' with goods /
indignation (orge; wrath, anger, vengeance, indignation) /
14:10 mixture into the cup of his i' /
inhabitants (katoikeo; dweller, inhabitant) /
17:2 the i' of the earth have been /
inherit (kleronomeo; be a heir, inherit) /
21:7 that overcometh shall i' all /
iniquities (adikema; evil doing, wrong, iniquity) /
18:5 and God hath remembered her i' /
iron (sidereos, sideros; iron, made of iron) /
2:27 rule them with a rod of i' 18:12 and of brass, and i', and marble/
9:9 as it were breastplates of i' 19:15 shall rule with a rod of i' /
12:5 all nations with a rod of i' /
island, isle (nesos; isle, island) /
1:9 the i' that is called Patmos 16:20 And every i' fled away /
6:14 mountain and i' were moved /
Israel (Israel;) /
2:14 before the children of I' 21:12 tribes of the children of I' /
7:4 tribes of the children of I' /
Issachar (Isachar; "he will bring a reward") /
7:7 Of the tribe of I' were sealed /
issued (ekporeuomai; depart, proceed out of, issue) /
9:17 out of their mouths i' fire 9:18 which i' out of their mouths /
ivory (elephantinos; made of ivory) /
18:12 and all manner vessels of i' /
jasper (iaspis; the gemstone jasper) /
4:3 to look upon like a j' 21:18 of the wall of it was of j' /
21:11 even like a j' stone 21:19 The first foundation was j' /
Jerusalem (Hierousalem; "founded peaceful") /
3:12 city of my God, which is new J' 21:10 great city, the holy J', /
21:2 saw the holy city, new J' /
Jesus (Iesous; "Jehovah-saved") /
1:1 The Revelation of J' Christ 17:6 of the martyrs of J' Christ /
1:2 of the testimony of J' Christ 19:10 that have the testimony of J' /
1:5 from J' Christ, who is the 19:10 testimony of J' is the spirit /
1:9 kingdom and patience of J' 20:4 beheaded for the witness of J' /
1:9 and for the testimony of J' 22:16 I J' have sent my angel to /
12:17 have the testimony of J' 22:20 Even so, come, Lord J' Christ /
14:12 of God, and the faith of J' 22:21 grace of our Lord J' Christ /
Jews (Ioudaios; of Judea "celebrated") /
2:9 which say they are the J' 3:9 which say they are the J' /
Jezebel (Iezabel; "chaste") /
2:20 thou sufferest that woman J' /
John (Ioannes; "Jehovah-favored") /
1:1 his angel unto his servant J' 21:2 And I J' saw the holy city /
1:4 J' to the seven churches 22:8 And I J' saw these things /
1:9 I J', who also am your brother /
Joseph (Ioseph; "let him add") /
7:8 Of the tribe of J' were sealed /
Judah (Ioudas;"celebrated") /
5:5 the Lion of the tribe of J' 7:5 of the tribe of J' were sealed /
judge, judged, judgeth (krima, krisis; accusation, condemnation, judge) /
6:10 thou not j' and avenge our 19:2 for he hath j' the great whore /
11:18 dead, that they should be j' 19:11 he doth j' and make war /
16:5 because thou hast j' thus 20:12 dead were j' out of those things/
18:8 strong is the Lord God who j' 20:13 were j' every man according to /
judgment, judgments (krima, krisis; accusation, condemnation, judge) /
14:7 for the hour of his j' is come 18:10 in one hour is thy j' come /
15:4 for thy j' are made manifest 19:2 true and righteous are his j' /
16:7 true and righteous are thy j' 20:4 and j' was given unto them /
17:1 thee the j' of the great whore /
just (dikaios; right, just) /
15:3 j' and true are thy ways /
keep, keepeth, kept (tereo; hold fast, keep) /
1:3 k' those things which are 12:17 which k' the commandments of /
2:26 and k' my works unto the end 14:12 that k' the commandments of God /
3:8 and has k' my word 16:15 watcheth, and k' his garments /
3:10 hast k' the word of my patience 22:7 blessed is he that k' the /
3:10 also will k' thee from the hour 22:9 k' the sayings of this book /
key, keys (kleis; key) /
1:18 the k' of hell and of death 9:1 the k' of the bottomless pit /
3:7 he that have the k' of David 20:1 the k' of the bottomless piut /
kill, killed, killeth (apokteino; to put to death, slay, kill) /
2:23 I will kill her children with 9:20 were k' by these plagues /
6:4 that they should k' one another 11:5 he must in this manner be k' /
6:8 to k' with the sword, and with 11:7 shall overcome them, and k' them/
6:11 should be k' as they were 13:10 he that killeth with the /
9:5 that they should not k' them 13:10 sword must be k' with the sword /
9:18 was the third part of men k' 13:15 image of the beast should be k' /
kindred, kindreds (phule; tribe, kindred) /
1:7 all k' of the earth shall wail 11:9 and k' and tongues and nations /
5:9 blood out of every k' and 13:7 power was given him over all k' /
7:9 of all nations, and k', and 14:6 every nation, and k', and tongue/
king, kings (basileus; sovereign, king) /
1:5 prince of the k' of the earth 17:12 which thou sawest are ten k' /
1:6 made us k' and priests unto 17:12 receive power as k' one hour /
5:10 unto our God k' and priests 17:14 Lord of lords, and k' of k' /
6:15 And the k' of the earth 17:18 over the k' of the earth /
9:11 they have a k' over them 18:3 k' of the earth have committed /
10:11 nations, and tongues, and k' 18:9 the k' of the earth, who have /
15:3 thy ways, thou K' of saints 19:16 K' of k', and Lord of lords /
16:12 way of the k' of the east 19:18 That ye may eat the flesh of k' /
17:2 With whom the k' of the earth 19:19 beast, and the k' of the earth /
17:10 are seven k'; five have fallen 21:24 the k' of the earth do bring /
kingdom, kingdoms (basileia; royalty, rule, realm, kingdom) /
1:9 in the k' and patience of Jesus 16:10 his k' was full of darkness /
11:15 The k' of this world are become 17:12 have received no k' as yet /
11:15 the k' of our Lord, and of his 17:17 give their k' unto the beast /
knew (eido; be aware, understand, know) /
19:12 a name written, that no man k' /
know, knowest, knoweth, known (ginosko, eido; be aware, understand, know) /
2:2, 9, 13, 19, I k' thy works 3:3 shalt k' what hour I will come /
3:1, 8, 15, I k' thy works 3:9 to k' that I have loved you /
2:9 I k' the blasphemy of them 3:17 k' not that thou art wretched /
2:17 no man k' save he that 7:14 I said unto him, Sir, thou k' /
2:23 K' tat I am he which searcheth 12:12 he k' that he hath but a short /
2:24 have not k' the depths of Satan /
labour, laboured, labours (kopiao; kopos; toil, be weary, labour) /
2:2 I know thy works, and thy l' 14:13 that they may rest from their l'/
2:3 and for my name's sake hast l' /
laid (epitithemi; put on, set on, lay on) /
1:17 he l' his right hand upon me 20:2 he l' hold on the dragon /
lake (limne; pond, lake) /
19:20 cast alive into the l' of fire 20:15 was cast into the l' of fire /
20:10 was cast into the l' of fire 21:8 their part in the l' which /
20:14 were cast into the l' of fire /
lamb, lamb's (arnion; lamb) /
5:6 a L,' as it had been slain 14:4 unto God and to the L' /
5:8 elders stood before the L' 14:10 and in the presence of the L' /
5:12 Worthy is the L' that was 15:3 of God, and the song of the L' /
5:13 and unto the L' for ever 17:14 shall make war with the L' /
6:1 the L' opened one of the seals 17:14 the L' shall overcome them /
6:16 and from the wrath of the L' 19:7 the marriage of the L' is come /
7:9 the throne, and before the L' 19:9 the marriage supper of the L' /
7:10 the throne, and unto the L' 21:9 show thee the bride, the L' wife/
7:14 white in the blood of the L' 21:14 the twelve apostles of the L' /
7:17 L' which is in the midst of the 21:22 Lord God Almight and the L' /
12:11 him by the blood of the L' 21:23 and the L' in the light thereof /
13:8 the book of the life of the L' 21:27 written in the L' book of life /
13:11 he had two horns like a l' 22:1 throne of God, and of the L' /
14:1 a L' stood on the mount Zoin 22:3 throne of God, and of the L' /
14:4 are they which follow the L' /
lament (kopto; grief, mourn, lament) /
18:9 shall bewail her, and l' for her /
lamp, lamps (lampas; light, torch, lamp) /
4:5 seven l' of fire burning before 8:10 heaven, burning as it were a l' /
Laodicea, Laodiceans (Laodikeia, laodikeus; "ruling") /
1:1 unto Philadelphia, and unto L' 3:14 of the church of the L' write /
large (tosoutos; vast, many, large) /
21:16 length is as l' as the breadth /
last (eschatos; end, latter, lowest, last) /
1:11 Omega, the first and the l' 15:1 having the seven l' plagues /
1:17 I am the first and the l' 21:9 full of the seven l' plagues /
2:8 saith the first and the l' 22:13 the end, the first and the l' /
2:19 the l' to be more than the first /
lead, leadeth (hodegeo; guide, lead: sunago; take in, lead into) /
7:17 l' them unto living fountains 13:10 He that l' into captivity /
learn (manthano; understand, learn) /
14:3 no man could l' that song /
leave (ekballo; thrust out, put out, leave) /
11:2 is without the temple l' out /
leaves (phullon; a sprout, a leaf) /
22:2 l' of the trees were for the healing /
left (aphiemi; forsake, leave) /
2:4 thou hast l' thy first love /
left (euonumos; left side) /
10:2 sea, and his l' foot on the earth /
length (mekos; length) /
21:16 l' is as large as the breadth 21:16 l' and the breadth and the /
leopard (pardalis; panther, leopard) /
13:2 which I saw was like unto a l' /
lest (hina me; so as without, lest) /
l' he walk naked, and they see /
liars (pseudes; false, liar) /
2:2 are not, and hast found them l' 21:8 and idolaters, and all l' /
lie (pseudomia, pseudos; falsehood, lying) /
3:9 and are not, but do l' 22:15 whosoever loveth and maketh a l'/
21:27 abomination, or maketh a l' /
lieth (keimai; lay, lie) /
21:16 And the city l' foresquare /
life (zoe; life) /
2:7 I give to eat of the tree of l' 20:15 opened, which is the book of l' /
2:10 I will give thee a crown of l' 21:6 of the water of l' freely /
3:5 his name out of the book of l' 21:27 written in the Lamb's book of l'/
8:9 in the sea, and had l', died 22:1 me a pure river of water of l' /
11:11 Spirit of l' from God entered 22:2 there the tree of l', which bare/
13:8 not written in the book of l' 22:14 may have right to the tree of l'/
13:15 to give l' unto the image 22:17 take the water of l' freely /
17:18 not written in the book of l' 22:19 his part out of the book of l' /
lifted (airo; carry, remove, pull away, lift) /
10:5 earth l' up his hand to heaven /
light, lighten, lightened (phos,phoster; fire, light) /
18:1 the earth was l' with his glory 21:24 saved shall walk in the l' of it/
18:23 l' of a candle shall shine no 22:5 no candle, neither l' of the sun/
21:11 her l' was like unto a stone 22:5 for the Lord giveth them l' /
21:23 and the Lamb is the l' thereof /
light (pipto; fall on, light on) /
7:16 neither shall the sun l' on /
light (luchnos; candle, light) /
21:23 the glory of God did l' it /
lightnings (astrape; bright shining, lightning) /
4:5 out of the throne proceeded l' 11:19 and there were l', and voices /
8:5 voices, and thunderings, and l' 16:18 voices, and thunders, and l' /
likewise (homoios; so, likewise) /
8:12 part of it, and the night l' /
linen (bussinos; made from fine linen) /
15:6 clothed in pure and white l' 19:8 she should be arrayed in fine l'/
18:12 pearls, and fine l', and purple 19:8 the fine l' is the righteousness/
18:16 that was clothed in fine l' 19:14 clothed in fine l', white and /
lion, lions (leon; lion) /
4:7 the first beast was like a l' 9:17 horses were as the heads of l' /
5:5 behold, the L' of the tribe of 10:3 voice, as when a l' roareth /
9:8 teeth were as the teeth of l' 13:2 his mouth as the mouth of a l' /
little (mikros; small, least, less, little) /
3:8 for thou hast a l' strength 20:3 he must be loosed a l' season /
6:11 should rest yet for a l' season /
little (bibiaridion; little book) /
10:2 had in his hand a l' book open 10:9 unto him, Give me the l' book /
10:8 take the l' book which is open 10:10 the l' book out of the angel's /
live, lived, livest, living, liveth (zao; live, life, quick) /
1:18 I am he that l', and was dead 10:6 by him that l' for ever and ever/
3:1 name that thou l', and art dead 13:14 wound by a sword, and did l' /
4:9 who l' for ever and ever 15:7 wrath of God, who l' for ever /
4:10 him that l' for ever and ever 16:3 every l' soul died in the sea /
5:14 him that l' for ever and ever 18:7 glorified herself, and l' /
7:2 having the seal of the l' God 18:9 and l' deliciously with her /
7:17 them unto l' fountains of water 20:4 they l' and reigned with Christ /
lives (psuche; heart, mind, soul, life) /
12:11 loved not their l' unto the /
lived (anazao; live again) /
20:5 rest of the dead l' not again /
lo (idou; behold, see, lo) /
5:6 l', in the midst of the throne 7:9 l', a great multitude, which no /
6:5 I beheld, and l' a black horse 14:1 l', a Lamb stood on the mount /
6:12 l', there was a great earthquake /
locusts (akris; locust) /
9:3 came out of the smoke l' 9:7 of the l' were like unto horses /
long, (heos; until, unto, how long) /
6:10 How l', O Lord, holy and true /
longer (eti; hereafter, more, longer) /
10:6 there should be time no l' /
look (horasis; sight, vision) /
4:3 was to l' upon like a jasper /
look (blepo; behold, see, look upon) /
5:3 the book, neither to l' thereon 5:4 the book, neither to l' thereon /
looked (eido; consider, know, look on) /
4:1 After this I l', and, behold 14:14 I l', and behold a white cloud /
6:8 And I l', and behold a pale 15:5 after that I l', and, behold /
14:1 I l' and, lo, a Lamb stood /
loose, loosed (luo; break up, destroy, dissolve, put off, loose) /
5:2 and to l' the seals thereof 9:15 And the four angels were l' /
5:5 to l' the seven seals thereof 20:3 he must be l' a little season /
9:14 L' the four angels that were 20:7 Satan shall be l' out of his /
Lord, Lord's (kuriakos, kurios; Sir, Lord, Master, God) /
1:8 and the ending, saith the L' 16:7 Even so, L' God Almighty /
1:10 I was in the spirit on the L' 17:14 for he is L' of l' /
4:8 Thou art worthy, O L' 18:18 strong is the L' God which /
4:11 Thou art worthy, O L' 19:1 and power, unto the L' our God /
11:8 where also our L' was crucified 19:6 the L' God omnipotent reigneth /
11:15 become the kingdoms of our L' 19:16 King of kings, and L' of l' /
11:17 thee thanks, O L' God Almighty 21:22 for the L' God Almighty and /
14:13 the dead which die in the L' 22:5 the L' giveth them light /
15:3 thy works, L' God Almighty 22:6 the L' God of the holy prophets /
15:4 Who shall not fear thee, O L' 22:20 Even so, come L' Jesus /
16:5 Thou art righteous, O L' 22:21 grace of our L' Jesus Christ be /
Lord (despotes; absolute ruler, Master, Lord) /
6:10 How long O L', holy and true /
loud (megas; large, mighty, strong, loud) /
5:2 proclaiming with a l' voice 12:10 I heard a l' voice saying in /
5:12 Saying with a l' voice, Worthy 14:7 with a l' voice, Fear God /
6:10 they cried with a l' voice 14:9 saying with a l' voice /
7:2 a l' voice to the four angels 14:15 crying with a l' voice to him /
7:10 and cried with a l' voice 14:18 cried with a l' voice to him /
8:13 with a l' voice, Woe, Woe 19:17 he cried with a l' voice /
10:3 with a l' voice, as when a lion /
love, loved (agapo; to love) /
1:5 Unto him that l' us, and washed 3:9 and to know that I have l' thee /
2:4 thou hast left thy first l' 12:11 l' not their lives unto the /
love, loveth (phileo; affection, kiss, love) /
3:19 As many as I l', I rebuke 22:15 whosoever l' amd maketh a lie /
lusted (epithumeo; covet, desire, lust) /
18:14 fruits that thy soul l' after /
Magog (Magog: ) /
20:8 quarters of the earth, Gog and M' /
make, makest (poieo, polemeo; do or make) /
3:9 I will m' them of the synagogue 13:13 he m' fire come down from heaven/
3:9 m' them to come and worship 13:14 who is able to m' war with him /
3:12 I m' a pillar in the temple 17:14 shall m' war with the Lamb /
10:9 it shall m' thy belly bitter 17:16 shall m' her desolate and naked /
11:7 pit shall m' war against them 19:11 he doth judge and m' war /
11:10 rejoice over them and m' merry 19:19 to m' war against him that sat /
12:17 to m' war with the remnant 21:5 Behold, I m' all things new /
13:4 who is able to m' war with him 21:27 worketh abomination, or m' a lie/
13:7 to m' war with the saints 22:15 whosoever loveth and m' a lie /
man (oudeis; neither, no man: pas; everyone tis; some man) /
2:17 which no m' knoweth saving he 13:9 If any m' have an ear, let him /
3:7 openeth, and no m' shutteth 13:17 that no m' might buy or sell /
3:7 shutteth, and no m' openeth 14:3 no m' could learn that song but /
3:8 open door, and no m' can shut 14:9 If any m' worship the beast /
3:11 hast, that no m' take thy crown 15:8 no m' was able to enter into /
3:20 if any m' hear my voice, and 16:3 became as the blood of a dead m'/
5:3 And no m' in heaven, nor in 18:11 no m' buyeth their merchandise /
5:4 no m' was found worthy to open 19:12 name written, that no m' knew /
6:15 bondman, and every free m' 20:13 every m' according to their /
7:9 which no m' could number 22:12 every m' according as his work /
11:5 And if any m' will hurt them 22:18 every m' that heareth the words /
11:5 and if any m' will hurt them 22:18 If any m' shall add unto these /
22:19 if any m' shall take away from /
man (arrhen; man child) /
12:5 she brought forth a m' child 12:13 which brought forth the m' child/
man (anthropos: a human being, man) /
1:13 one like unto the Son of m' 13:18 for it is the number of a m' /
4:7 third beast had a face as a m' 14:14 one sat like unto the Son of m' /
9:5 scorpian, when he striketh a m' 21:17 according to the measure of m' /
manifest (phaneroo; declare, show, make manifest) /
15:4 for thy judgments are made m' /
manna (manna; an edible gum, manna) /
2:17 I give to eat of the hidden m' /
manner (houtos;on this fashion, in this manner) /
11:5 he must in this m' be killed 21:19 with all m' of precious stones /
18:12 wood, and all m' vessels of 22:2 which bare twelve m' of fruits /
18:12 all m' vessels of most precious /
many (polus; great, much, many: hosos; how great, so many) /
1:15 voice as the sound of m' waters 13:15 as m' as would not worship the /
2:24 as m' as have not this doctrine 14:2 as the voice of m' waters /
3:19 As m' as I love, I rebuke 17:1 whore that sitteth upon m' /
5:11 I heard the voice of m' angels 18:17 and as m' as trade by sea /
8:11 and m' men died of the waters 19:6 and as the voice of m' waters /
9:9 of m' horses running to battle 19:12 and on his head were m' crowns /
10:11 prophesy again before m' peoples /
mark (charagma; etching, stamp, mark) /
13:16 a m' in their right hand 15:2 over his image, and over his m' /
13:17 save he that have the m' 16:2 the men which have the m' of the/
14:9 receive his m' in his forehead 19:20 received the m' of the beast /
14:11 receiveth the m' of his name 20:4 had received his m' upon their /
marriage (gamos; wedding, marriage) /
19:7 for the m' of the Lamb is come 19:9 unto the m' supper of the Lamb /
martyr, martyrs (martus; witness, record, martyr) /
2:13 Antipas was my faithful m' 17:6 the blood of the m' of Jesus /
marvel (thaumazo; admire, wonder, marvel) /
17:7 Wherefore didst thou m' /
marvellous (thaumastos; wonderful marvell0us) /
15:1 sign in heaven, great and m' 15:3 Great and m' are thy works, Lord/
measure, measured, measures (metreo, metron; mete, measure /
:choinix; dry measure) /
6:6 a m' of wheat for a penny 21:15 had a golden reed to m' the city/
6:6 three m' of barley for a penny 21:16 he m' the city with the reed /
11:1 Rise, and m' the temple 21:17 he m' the wall thereof /
11:2 temple leave out, and m' it not 21:17 according to the m' of a man /
men (anthropos; human being, men) /
6:15 the great m', and the rich m' 14:4 were redeemed from among m' /
6:15 captains, and the mighty m' 16:2 grievous sore upon the m' /
8:11 and many m' died of the waters 16:8 unto him to scorch m' with fire /
9:4 m' which have not the seal of 16:9 m' were scorched with great heat/
9:6 those days shall m' seek death 16:18 not since m' were upon the earth/
9:7 faces were as the faces of m' 16:21 fell upon m' a great hail /
9:10 was to hurt m' five months 16:21 m' blasphemed God because of /
9:15 to slay the third part of m' 18:13 and slaves, and the souls of m' /
9:18 was the third part of m' killed 18:23 were the great m' of the earth /
9:20 of the m' which were not killed 19:18 the flesh of the mighty m' /
11:13 were slain of m' seven thousand 19:18 flesh of all m', both free /
13:13 on the earth in the sight of m' 21:3 the tabernacle of God is with m'/
merchandise (gomos; wares, burden, merchandise) /
18:11 no man buyeth their m' 18:12 m' of gold, and silver, and /
merchants (emporos; tradesmen, merchants) /
18:3 m' of the earth were waxed rich 18:15 The m' of these things, which /
18:11 the m' of the earth shall weep 18:23 m' were the great men of the /
merry (euphraino; glad, rejoice, merry) /
11:10 rejoice over them, and make m' /
Michael (Michael;"who is like God?") /
12:7 M' and his angels fought against /
midst (mesos; among, midst) /
1:13 m' of the seven candlesticks 6:6 voice in the m' of the four /
2:1 m' of the seven golden candle- 7:17 which is in the m' of the throne/
2:7 in the m' of the paradise of 5:6 in the m' of the throne /
4:6 in the m' of the throne 5:6 in the m' of the elders /
22:2 In the m' of the street of it /
midst (mesouranema; mid-sky, midst of heaven) /
8:13 flying through the m' of heaven 19:17 that fly in the m' of heaven /
14:6 angel fly in the m' of heaven /
might (dunamai; could, may, possible, might) /
12:14 she m' fly into the wilderness 13:17 that no man m' buy or sell /
12:15 he m' cause her to be carried 16:12 kings of the east m' be prepared/
might, mighty, mightily (ischus; power, strength, might) /
6:13 she is shaken of a m' wind 18:2 cried m' with a strong voice /
6:15 chief captains, and the m' men 18:10 city Babylon, that m' city /
7:12 and m', be before our God 18:21 a m' angel took up a stone /
10:1 saw another m' angel come down 19:6 as the voice of m' thunderings /
16:18 so m' an earthquake 19:18 captains, and the flesh of m' /
millstone (mulos; grinder, millstone) /
18:21 took up a stone like a great m' 18:22 sound of a m' shall be heard no /
mind (nous, gnome; opinion, thought, feeling, mind /
17:9 here is the m' that hath wisdom 17:13 These have one m', and shall /
mine (mou; me, my mine) /
22:16 have sent m' angel to testify /
mingled (mignumi; mix, mingle) /
8:7 hail and fire m' with blood 15:2 a sea of glass m' with fire /
miracles (semeion; sign, token, wonder, miracle) /
13:14 those m' which he has power 19:20 false prophet that wrought m' /
16:14 spirits of devils, working m' /
month, months (men; month) /
9:5 should be tormented five m' 11:2 under foot forty and two m' /
9:10 power was to hurt men five m' 13:5 him to continue forty and two m'/
9:15 and a day, and a m', and a year 22:2 and yielder her fruit every m' /
morning (proinos, orthinos; dawn, morning) /
2:28 I will give him the m' star 22:16 and the bright and m' star /
Moses (Moses:"lawgiver") /
15:3 sing the song of M' the servant /
mother (meter; mother) /
17:5 Great, the M' of Harlots /
mount, mountain, mountains (oros; hill, mountain) /
6:14 every m' and island was moved 14:1 a Lamb stood on the m' Zoin /
6:15 dens and in the rocks of the m' 16:20 away, and the m' were not found /
6:16 said to the m' and rocks 17:9 The seven heads are seven m' /
8:6 as it were a great m' burning 21:10 spirit to a great and high m' /
mourn, mourning (pentheo, penthos; sorrow, wail, morning) /
18:8 day, death, and m' and famine 18:11 earth shall weep and m' over her/
mouth, mouths (stoma; edge, face, mouth) /
1:16 out of his m' went a sharp 12:16 the dragon cast out of his m' /
2:16 them with the sword of my m' 13:2 and his m' as the m' of a lion /
3:16 I will spue thee out of my m' 13:5 a m' speaking great things /
9:17 and out of their m' issued fire 13:6 he opened his m' in blasphemy /
9:18 which issued out of their m' 14:5 in their m' was found no guile /
9:19 For their power is in their m' 16:13 come out of the m' of the dragon/
10:9 be in thy m' sweet as honey 16:13 and out of the m' of the beast /
10:10 it was in my m' sweet as honey 16:13 out of the m' of the false /
11:5 fire proceedeth out of their m' 19:15 of his m' goeth a sharp sword /
12:15 out of his m' water as a flood 19:21 sword proceeded out of his m' /
moved (kineo; stir, move) /
6:14 every mountain and island were m' /
multitude (ochlos; company, great number, multitude) /
7:9 a great m', which no man could 19:6 it were the voice of a great m' /
hot (zestos; boiled, hot) /
3:15 thou art neither cold nor h' 3:16 and neither cold not h' /
3:15 I would thou wert cold or h' /
hour (hora; instant, season, day, time, hour) /
3:3 not know what h' I come 14:7 the h' of his judgment is come /
3:10 thee from the h' of temptation 17:12 power as kings one h' with the /
8:1 about the space of half an h' 18:10 in one h' is thy judgemnt come /
9:15 prepared for an h', and a day 18:17 in one h' so great riches is /
11:13 same h' was there a great 18:19 in one h' is she made desolate /
how (hoti, pos, hosos; how why) /
2:2 h' thou canst not bear them 6:10 H' long, O Lord, holy and /
3:3 h' thou hast received and heard 18:7 H' much she hath glorified /
hundred (hekaton, -kosioi; hundred) /
7:4 an h' and fourty and four 14:1 an h' forty and four thousand /
11:3 thousand two h' and threescore 14:3 h' and forth and four thousand /
12:6 thousand two h' and threescore 14:20 a thousand and six h' furlongs /
13:18 is Six h' threescore and six 21:17 an h' and forty and four cubits /
hundred (murias; a myraid or indefinite number) /
9:16 were two h' thousand thousand /
hunger (limos, peinao: death, famine, hunger, to crave) /
6:8 to kill with sword, and with h' 7:16 They shall h' no more, neither /
hurt (adikeo; be unjust, injure, hurt) /
2:11 not be h' of the second death 9:10 power was to h' men five months /
6:6 h' not the oil and the wine 9:19 and with them that do h' /
7:2 it was given to h' the earth 11:5 and if any man will h' them /
7:3 H' not the earth, neither the 11:5 and if any man will h' them /
9:4 should not h' the grass of /
husband (aner; fellow, sir, man, husband) /
21:2 as a bride adorned for her h' /
idolaters (eidololatres; image worshiper, idolater) /
21:8 and sorcerers, and i', and all 22;15 and murderers, and i' and /
idols (eidolothuton, eidolon; offering, worship of an image or god) /
2:14 eat things sacrificed unto i' 9:20 to eat things sacfificed unto i'/
2:20 eat things sacrificed unto i' /
if (ean, ei; as, so, if) /
1:15 as i' they burned in a furnace 13:9 I' any man have an ear /
3:3 I' therefore thou shalt not 14:9 I' any man worship the beast /
3:20 i' any man hear my voice 22:18 I' any man shall add unto these /
11:5 and i' any man will hurt them 22:19 And i' any man shall take away /
11:5 and i' any man will hurt them /
image (eikon; representation, image) /
13:14 should make an i' to the beast 14:11 worship the beast and his i' /
13:15 life unto the i' of the beast 15:2 over the beast, and his i' /
13:15 i' of the beast should both 16:2 them that worship his i' /
13:15 not worship the i' of the beast 19:20 them that worshipped his i' /
14:9 worship the beast and his i' 20:4 the beast, neither his i' /
immediately (eutheos; shortly, as soon as, immediately) /
4:2 And i' I was in the spirit /
incense (thumiama; odour, incense) /
8:3 was given unto him much i' 8:4 the smoke of the i', which came /
increased (plouteo; wealthy, rich, increased) /
3:17 I am rich, and i' with goods /
indignation (orge; wrath, anger, vengeance, indignation) /
14:10 mixture into the cup of his i' /
inhabitants (katoikeo; dweller, inhabitant) /
17:2 the i' of the earth have been /
inherit (kleronomeo; be a heir, inherit) /
21:7 that overcometh shall i' all /
iniquities (adikema; evil doing, wrong, iniquity) /
18:5 and God hath remembered her i' /
iron (sidereos, sideros; iron, made of iron) /
2:27 rule them with a rod of i' 18:12 and of brass, and i', and marble/
9:9 as it were breastplates of i' 19:15 shall rule with a rod of i' /
12:5 all nations with a rod of i' /
island, isle (nesos; isle, island) /
1:9 the i' that is called Patmos 16:20 And every i' fled away /
6:14 mountain and i' were moved /
Israel (Israel;) /
2:14 before the children of I' 21:12 tribes of the children of I' /
7:4 tribes of the children of I' /
Issachar (Isachar; "he will bring a reward") /
7:7 Of the tribe of I' were sealed /
issued (ekporeuomai; depart, proceed out of, issue) /
9:17 out of their mouths i' fire 9:18 which i' out of their mouths /
ivory (elephantinos; made of ivory) /
18:12 and all manner vessels of i' /
jasper (iaspis; the gemstone jasper) /
4:3 to look upon like a j' 21:18 of the wall of it was of j' /
21:11 even like a j' stone 21:19 The first foundation was j' /
Jerusalem (Hierousalem; "founded peaceful") /
3:12 city of my God, which is new J' 21:10 great city, the holy J', /
21:2 saw the holy city, new J' /
Jesus (Iesous; "Jehovah-saved") /
1:1 The Revelation of J' Christ 17:6 of the martyrs of J' Christ /
1:2 of the testimony of J' Christ 19:10 that have the testimony of J' /
1:5 from J' Christ, who is the 19:10 testimony of J' is the spirit /
1:9 kingdom and patience of J' 20:4 beheaded for the witness of J' /
1:9 and for the testimony of J' 22:16 I J' have sent my angel to /
12:17 have the testimony of J' 22:20 Even so, come, Lord J' Christ /
14:12 of God, and the faith of J' 22:21 grace of our Lord J' Christ /
Jews (Ioudaios; of Judea "celebrated") /
2:9 which say they are the J' 3:9 which say they are the J' /
Jezebel (Iezabel; "chaste") /
2:20 thou sufferest that woman J' /
John (Ioannes; "Jehovah-favored") /
1:1 his angel unto his servant J' 21:2 And I J' saw the holy city /
1:4 J' to the seven churches 22:8 And I J' saw these things /
1:9 I J', who also am your brother /
Joseph (Ioseph; "let him add") /
7:8 Of the tribe of J' were sealed /
Judah (Ioudas;"celebrated") /
5:5 the Lion of the tribe of J' 7:5 of the tribe of J' were sealed /
judge, judged, judgeth (krima, krisis; accusation, condemnation, judge) /
6:10 thou not j' and avenge our 19:2 for he hath j' the great whore /
11:18 dead, that they should be j' 19:11 he doth j' and make war /
16:5 because thou hast j' thus 20:12 dead were j' out of those things/
18:8 strong is the Lord God who j' 20:13 were j' every man according to /
judgment, judgments (krima, krisis; accusation, condemnation, judge) /
14:7 for the hour of his j' is come 18:10 in one hour is thy j' come /
15:4 for thy j' are made manifest 19:2 true and righteous are his j' /
16:7 true and righteous are thy j' 20:4 and j' was given unto them /
17:1 thee the j' of the great whore /
just (dikaios; right, just) /
15:3 j' and true are thy ways /
keep, keepeth, kept (tereo; hold fast, keep) /
1:3 k' those things which are 12:17 which k' the commandments of /
2:26 and k' my works unto the end 14:12 that k' the commandments of God /
3:8 and has k' my word 16:15 watcheth, and k' his garments /
3:10 hast k' the word of my patience 22:7 blessed is he that k' the /
3:10 also will k' thee from the hour 22:9 k' the sayings of this book /
key, keys (kleis; key) /
1:18 the k' of hell and of death 9:1 the k' of the bottomless pit /
3:7 he that have the k' of David 20:1 the k' of the bottomless piut /
kill, killed, killeth (apokteino; to put to death, slay, kill) /
2:23 I will kill her children with 9:20 were k' by these plagues /
6:4 that they should k' one another 11:5 he must in this manner be k' /
6:8 to k' with the sword, and with 11:7 shall overcome them, and k' them/
6:11 should be k' as they were 13:10 he that killeth with the /
9:5 that they should not k' them 13:10 sword must be k' with the sword /
9:18 was the third part of men k' 13:15 image of the beast should be k' /
kindred, kindreds (phule; tribe, kindred) /
1:7 all k' of the earth shall wail 11:9 and k' and tongues and nations /
5:9 blood out of every k' and 13:7 power was given him over all k' /
7:9 of all nations, and k', and 14:6 every nation, and k', and tongue/
king, kings (basileus; sovereign, king) /
1:5 prince of the k' of the earth 17:12 which thou sawest are ten k' /
1:6 made us k' and priests unto 17:12 receive power as k' one hour /
5:10 unto our God k' and priests 17:14 Lord of lords, and k' of k' /
6:15 And the k' of the earth 17:18 over the k' of the earth /
9:11 they have a k' over them 18:3 k' of the earth have committed /
10:11 nations, and tongues, and k' 18:9 the k' of the earth, who have /
15:3 thy ways, thou K' of saints 19:16 K' of k', and Lord of lords /
16:12 way of the k' of the east 19:18 That ye may eat the flesh of k' /
17:2 With whom the k' of the earth 19:19 beast, and the k' of the earth /
17:10 are seven k'; five have fallen 21:24 the k' of the earth do bring /
kingdom, kingdoms (basileia; royalty, rule, realm, kingdom) /
1:9 in the k' and patience of Jesus 16:10 his k' was full of darkness /
11:15 The k' of this world are become 17:12 have received no k' as yet /
11:15 the k' of our Lord, and of his 17:17 give their k' unto the beast /
knew (eido; be aware, understand, know) /
19:12 a name written, that no man k' /
know, knowest, knoweth, known (ginosko, eido; be aware, understand, know) /
2:2, 9, 13, 19, I k' thy works 3:3 shalt k' what hour I will come /
3:1, 8, 15, I k' thy works 3:9 to k' that I have loved you /
2:9 I k' the blasphemy of them 3:17 k' not that thou art wretched /
2:17 no man k' save he that 7:14 I said unto him, Sir, thou k' /
2:23 K' tat I am he which searcheth 12:12 he k' that he hath but a short /
2:24 have not k' the depths of Satan /
labour, laboured, labours (kopiao; kopos; toil, be weary, labour) /
2:2 I know thy works, and thy l' 14:13 that they may rest from their l'/
2:3 and for my name's sake hast l' /
laid (epitithemi; put on, set on, lay on) /
1:17 he l' his right hand upon me 20:2 he l' hold on the dragon /
lake (limne; pond, lake) /
19:20 cast alive into the l' of fire 20:15 was cast into the l' of fire /
20:10 was cast into the l' of fire 21:8 their part in the l' which /
20:14 were cast into the l' of fire /
lamb, lamb's (arnion; lamb) /
5:6 a L,' as it had been slain 14:4 unto God and to the L' /
5:8 elders stood before the L' 14:10 and in the presence of the L' /
5:12 Worthy is the L' that was 15:3 of God, and the song of the L' /
5:13 and unto the L' for ever 17:14 shall make war with the L' /
6:1 the L' opened one of the seals 17:14 the L' shall overcome them /
6:16 and from the wrath of the L' 19:7 the marriage of the L' is come /
7:9 the throne, and before the L' 19:9 the marriage supper of the L' /
7:10 the throne, and unto the L' 21:9 show thee the bride, the L' wife/
7:14 white in the blood of the L' 21:14 the twelve apostles of the L' /
7:17 L' which is in the midst of the 21:22 Lord God Almight and the L' /
12:11 him by the blood of the L' 21:23 and the L' in the light thereof /
13:8 the book of the life of the L' 21:27 written in the L' book of life /
13:11 he had two horns like a l' 22:1 throne of God, and of the L' /
14:1 a L' stood on the mount Zoin 22:3 throne of God, and of the L' /
14:4 are they which follow the L' /
lament (kopto; grief, mourn, lament) /
18:9 shall bewail her, and l' for her /
lamp, lamps (lampas; light, torch, lamp) /
4:5 seven l' of fire burning before 8:10 heaven, burning as it were a l' /
Laodicea, Laodiceans (Laodikeia, laodikeus; "ruling") /
1:1 unto Philadelphia, and unto L' 3:14 of the church of the L' write /
large (tosoutos; vast, many, large) /
21:16 length is as l' as the breadth /
last (eschatos; end, latter, lowest, last) /
1:11 Omega, the first and the l' 15:1 having the seven l' plagues /
1:17 I am the first and the l' 21:9 full of the seven l' plagues /
2:8 saith the first and the l' 22:13 the end, the first and the l' /
2:19 the l' to be more than the first /
lead, leadeth (hodegeo; guide, lead: sunago; take in, lead into) /
7:17 l' them unto living fountains 13:10 He that l' into captivity /
learn (manthano; understand, learn) /
14:3 no man could l' that song /
leave (ekballo; thrust out, put out, leave) /
11:2 is without the temple l' out /
leaves (phullon; a sprout, a leaf) /
22:2 l' of the trees were for the healing /
left (aphiemi; forsake, leave) /
2:4 thou hast l' thy first love /
left (euonumos; left side) /
10:2 sea, and his l' foot on the earth /
length (mekos; length) /
21:16 l' is as large as the breadth 21:16 l' and the breadth and the /
leopard (pardalis; panther, leopard) /
13:2 which I saw was like unto a l' /
lest (hina me; so as without, lest) /
l' he walk naked, and they see /
liars (pseudes; false, liar) /
2:2 are not, and hast found them l' 21:8 and idolaters, and all l' /
lie (pseudomia, pseudos; falsehood, lying) /
3:9 and are not, but do l' 22:15 whosoever loveth and maketh a l'/
21:27 abomination, or maketh a l' /
lieth (keimai; lay, lie) /
21:16 And the city l' foresquare /
life (zoe; life) /
2:7 I give to eat of the tree of l' 20:15 opened, which is the book of l' /
2:10 I will give thee a crown of l' 21:6 of the water of l' freely /
3:5 his name out of the book of l' 21:27 written in the Lamb's book of l'/
8:9 in the sea, and had l', died 22:1 me a pure river of water of l' /
11:11 Spirit of l' from God entered 22:2 there the tree of l', which bare/
13:8 not written in the book of l' 22:14 may have right to the tree of l'/
13:15 to give l' unto the image 22:17 take the water of l' freely /
17:18 not written in the book of l' 22:19 his part out of the book of l' /
lifted (airo; carry, remove, pull away, lift) /
10:5 earth l' up his hand to heaven /
light, lighten, lightened (phos,phoster; fire, light) /
18:1 the earth was l' with his glory 21:24 saved shall walk in the l' of it/
18:23 l' of a candle shall shine no 22:5 no candle, neither l' of the sun/
21:11 her l' was like unto a stone 22:5 for the Lord giveth them l' /
21:23 and the Lamb is the l' thereof /
light (pipto; fall on, light on) /
7:16 neither shall the sun l' on /
light (luchnos; candle, light) /
21:23 the glory of God did l' it /
lightnings (astrape; bright shining, lightning) /
4:5 out of the throne proceeded l' 11:19 and there were l', and voices /
8:5 voices, and thunderings, and l' 16:18 voices, and thunders, and l' /
likewise (homoios; so, likewise) /
8:12 part of it, and the night l' /
linen (bussinos; made from fine linen) /
15:6 clothed in pure and white l' 19:8 she should be arrayed in fine l'/
18:12 pearls, and fine l', and purple 19:8 the fine l' is the righteousness/
18:16 that was clothed in fine l' 19:14 clothed in fine l', white and /
lion, lions (leon; lion) /
4:7 the first beast was like a l' 9:17 horses were as the heads of l' /
5:5 behold, the L' of the tribe of 10:3 voice, as when a l' roareth /
9:8 teeth were as the teeth of l' 13:2 his mouth as the mouth of a l' /
little (mikros; small, least, less, little) /
3:8 for thou hast a l' strength 20:3 he must be loosed a l' season /
6:11 should rest yet for a l' season /
little (bibiaridion; little book) /
10:2 had in his hand a l' book open 10:9 unto him, Give me the l' book /
10:8 take the l' book which is open 10:10 the l' book out of the angel's /
live, lived, livest, living, liveth (zao; live, life, quick) /
1:18 I am he that l', and was dead 10:6 by him that l' for ever and ever/
3:1 name that thou l', and art dead 13:14 wound by a sword, and did l' /
4:9 who l' for ever and ever 15:7 wrath of God, who l' for ever /
4:10 him that l' for ever and ever 16:3 every l' soul died in the sea /
5:14 him that l' for ever and ever 18:7 glorified herself, and l' /
7:2 having the seal of the l' God 18:9 and l' deliciously with her /
7:17 them unto l' fountains of water 20:4 they l' and reigned with Christ /
lives (psuche; heart, mind, soul, life) /
12:11 loved not their l' unto the /
lived (anazao; live again) /
20:5 rest of the dead l' not again /
lo (idou; behold, see, lo) /
5:6 l', in the midst of the throne 7:9 l', a great multitude, which no /
6:5 I beheld, and l' a black horse 14:1 l', a Lamb stood on the mount /
6:12 l', there was a great earthquake /
locusts (akris; locust) /
9:3 came out of the smoke l' 9:7 of the l' were like unto horses /
long, (heos; until, unto, how long) /
6:10 How l', O Lord, holy and true /
longer (eti; hereafter, more, longer) /
10:6 there should be time no l' /
look (horasis; sight, vision) /
4:3 was to l' upon like a jasper /
look (blepo; behold, see, look upon) /
5:3 the book, neither to l' thereon 5:4 the book, neither to l' thereon /
looked (eido; consider, know, look on) /
4:1 After this I l', and, behold 14:14 I l', and behold a white cloud /
6:8 And I l', and behold a pale 15:5 after that I l', and, behold /
14:1 I l' and, lo, a Lamb stood /
loose, loosed (luo; break up, destroy, dissolve, put off, loose) /
5:2 and to l' the seals thereof 9:15 And the four angels were l' /
5:5 to l' the seven seals thereof 20:3 he must be l' a little season /
9:14 L' the four angels that were 20:7 Satan shall be l' out of his /
Lord, Lord's (kuriakos, kurios; Sir, Lord, Master, God) /
1:8 and the ending, saith the L' 16:7 Even so, L' God Almighty /
1:10 I was in the spirit on the L' 17:14 for he is L' of l' /
4:8 Thou art worthy, O L' 18:18 strong is the L' God which /
4:11 Thou art worthy, O L' 19:1 and power, unto the L' our God /
11:8 where also our L' was crucified 19:6 the L' God omnipotent reigneth /
11:15 become the kingdoms of our L' 19:16 King of kings, and L' of l' /
11:17 thee thanks, O L' God Almighty 21:22 for the L' God Almighty and /
14:13 the dead which die in the L' 22:5 the L' giveth them light /
15:3 thy works, L' God Almighty 22:6 the L' God of the holy prophets /
15:4 Who shall not fear thee, O L' 22:20 Even so, come L' Jesus /
16:5 Thou art righteous, O L' 22:21 grace of our L' Jesus Christ be /
Lord (despotes; absolute ruler, Master, Lord) /
6:10 How long O L', holy and true /
loud (megas; large, mighty, strong, loud) /
5:2 proclaiming with a l' voice 12:10 I heard a l' voice saying in /
5:12 Saying with a l' voice, Worthy 14:7 with a l' voice, Fear God /
6:10 they cried with a l' voice 14:9 saying with a l' voice /
7:2 a l' voice to the four angels 14:15 crying with a l' voice to him /
7:10 and cried with a l' voice 14:18 cried with a l' voice to him /
8:13 with a l' voice, Woe, Woe 19:17 he cried with a l' voice /
10:3 with a l' voice, as when a lion /
love, loved (agapo; to love) /
1:5 Unto him that l' us, and washed 3:9 and to know that I have l' thee /
2:4 thou hast left thy first l' 12:11 l' not their lives unto the /
love, loveth (phileo; affection, kiss, love) /
3:19 As many as I l', I rebuke 22:15 whosoever l' amd maketh a lie /
lusted (epithumeo; covet, desire, lust) /
18:14 fruits that thy soul l' after /
Magog (Magog: ) /
20:8 quarters of the earth, Gog and M' /
make, makest (poieo, polemeo; do or make) /
3:9 I will m' them of the synagogue 13:13 he m' fire come down from heaven/
3:9 m' them to come and worship 13:14 who is able to m' war with him /
3:12 I m' a pillar in the temple 17:14 shall m' war with the Lamb /
10:9 it shall m' thy belly bitter 17:16 shall m' her desolate and naked /
11:7 pit shall m' war against them 19:11 he doth judge and m' war /
11:10 rejoice over them and m' merry 19:19 to m' war against him that sat /
12:17 to m' war with the remnant 21:5 Behold, I m' all things new /
13:4 who is able to m' war with him 21:27 worketh abomination, or m' a lie/
13:7 to m' war with the saints 22:15 whosoever loveth and m' a lie /
man (oudeis; neither, no man: pas; everyone tis; some man) /
2:17 which no m' knoweth saving he 13:9 If any m' have an ear, let him /
3:7 openeth, and no m' shutteth 13:17 that no m' might buy or sell /
3:7 shutteth, and no m' openeth 14:3 no m' could learn that song but /
3:8 open door, and no m' can shut 14:9 If any m' worship the beast /
3:11 hast, that no m' take thy crown 15:8 no m' was able to enter into /
3:20 if any m' hear my voice, and 16:3 became as the blood of a dead m'/
5:3 And no m' in heaven, nor in 18:11 no m' buyeth their merchandise /
5:4 no m' was found worthy to open 19:12 name written, that no m' knew /
6:15 bondman, and every free m' 20:13 every m' according to their /
7:9 which no m' could number 22:12 every m' according as his work /
11:5 And if any m' will hurt them 22:18 every m' that heareth the words /
11:5 and if any m' will hurt them 22:18 If any m' shall add unto these /
22:19 if any m' shall take away from /
man (arrhen; man child) /
12:5 she brought forth a m' child 12:13 which brought forth the m' child/
man (anthropos: a human being, man) /
1:13 one like unto the Son of m' 13:18 for it is the number of a m' /
4:7 third beast had a face as a m' 14:14 one sat like unto the Son of m' /
9:5 scorpian, when he striketh a m' 21:17 according to the measure of m' /
manifest (phaneroo; declare, show, make manifest) /
15:4 for thy judgments are made m' /
manna (manna; an edible gum, manna) /
2:17 I give to eat of the hidden m' /
manner (houtos;on this fashion, in this manner) /
11:5 he must in this m' be killed 21:19 with all m' of precious stones /
18:12 wood, and all m' vessels of 22:2 which bare twelve m' of fruits /
18:12 all m' vessels of most precious /
many (polus; great, much, many: hosos; how great, so many) /
1:15 voice as the sound of m' waters 13:15 as m' as would not worship the /
2:24 as m' as have not this doctrine 14:2 as the voice of m' waters /
3:19 As m' as I love, I rebuke 17:1 whore that sitteth upon m' /
5:11 I heard the voice of m' angels 18:17 and as m' as trade by sea /
8:11 and m' men died of the waters 19:6 and as the voice of m' waters /
9:9 of m' horses running to battle 19:12 and on his head were m' crowns /
10:11 prophesy again before m' peoples /
mark (charagma; etching, stamp, mark) /
13:16 a m' in their right hand 15:2 over his image, and over his m' /
13:17 save he that have the m' 16:2 the men which have the m' of the/
14:9 receive his m' in his forehead 19:20 received the m' of the beast /
14:11 receiveth the m' of his name 20:4 had received his m' upon their /
marriage (gamos; wedding, marriage) /
19:7 for the m' of the Lamb is come 19:9 unto the m' supper of the Lamb /
martyr, martyrs (martus; witness, record, martyr) /
2:13 Antipas was my faithful m' 17:6 the blood of the m' of Jesus /
marvel (thaumazo; admire, wonder, marvel) /
17:7 Wherefore didst thou m' /
marvellous (thaumastos; wonderful marvell0us) /
15:1 sign in heaven, great and m' 15:3 Great and m' are thy works, Lord/
measure, measured, measures (metreo, metron; mete, measure /
:choinix; dry measure) /
6:6 a m' of wheat for a penny 21:15 had a golden reed to m' the city/
6:6 three m' of barley for a penny 21:16 he m' the city with the reed /
11:1 Rise, and m' the temple 21:17 he m' the wall thereof /
11:2 temple leave out, and m' it not 21:17 according to the m' of a man /
men (anthropos; human being, men) /
6:15 the great m', and the rich m' 14:4 were redeemed from among m' /
6:15 captains, and the mighty m' 16:2 grievous sore upon the m' /
8:11 and many m' died of the waters 16:8 unto him to scorch m' with fire /
9:4 m' which have not the seal of 16:9 m' were scorched with great heat/
9:6 those days shall m' seek death 16:18 not since m' were upon the earth/
9:7 faces were as the faces of m' 16:21 fell upon m' a great hail /
9:10 was to hurt m' five months 16:21 m' blasphemed God because of /
9:15 to slay the third part of m' 18:13 and slaves, and the souls of m' /
9:18 was the third part of m' killed 18:23 were the great m' of the earth /
9:20 of the m' which were not killed 19:18 the flesh of the mighty m' /
11:13 were slain of m' seven thousand 19:18 flesh of all m', both free /
13:13 on the earth in the sight of m' 21:3 the tabernacle of God is with m'/
merchandise (gomos; wares, burden, merchandise) /
18:11 no man buyeth their m' 18:12 m' of gold, and silver, and /
merchants (emporos; tradesmen, merchants) /
18:3 m' of the earth were waxed rich 18:15 The m' of these things, which /
18:11 the m' of the earth shall weep 18:23 m' were the great men of the /
merry (euphraino; glad, rejoice, merry) /
11:10 rejoice over them, and make m' /
Michael (Michael;"who is like God?") /
12:7 M' and his angels fought against /
midst (mesos; among, midst) /
1:13 m' of the seven candlesticks 6:6 voice in the m' of the four /
2:1 m' of the seven golden candle- 7:17 which is in the m' of the throne/
2:7 in the m' of the paradise of 5:6 in the m' of the throne /
4:6 in the m' of the throne 5:6 in the m' of the elders /
22:2 In the m' of the street of it /
midst (mesouranema; mid-sky, midst of heaven) /
8:13 flying through the m' of heaven 19:17 that fly in the m' of heaven /
14:6 angel fly in the m' of heaven /
might (dunamai; could, may, possible, might) /
12:14 she m' fly into the wilderness 13:17 that no man m' buy or sell /
12:15 he m' cause her to be carried 16:12 kings of the east m' be prepared/
might, mighty, mightily (ischus; power, strength, might) /
6:13 she is shaken of a m' wind 18:2 cried m' with a strong voice /
6:15 chief captains, and the m' men 18:10 city Babylon, that m' city /
7:12 and m', be before our God 18:21 a m' angel took up a stone /
10:1 saw another m' angel come down 19:6 as the voice of m' thunderings /
16:18 so m' an earthquake 19:18 captains, and the flesh of m' /
millstone (mulos; grinder, millstone) /
18:21 took up a stone like a great m' 18:22 sound of a m' shall be heard no /
mind (nous, gnome; opinion, thought, feeling, mind /
17:9 here is the m' that hath wisdom 17:13 These have one m', and shall /
mine (mou; me, my mine) /
22:16 have sent m' angel to testify /
mingled (mignumi; mix, mingle) /
8:7 hail and fire m' with blood 15:2 a sea of glass m' with fire /
miracles (semeion; sign, token, wonder, miracle) /
13:14 those m' which he has power 19:20 false prophet that wrought m' /
16:14 spirits of devils, working m' /
month, months (men; month) /
9:5 should be tormented five m' 11:2 under foot forty and two m' /
9:10 power was to hurt men five m' 13:5 him to continue forty and two m'/
9:15 and a day, and a m', and a year 22:2 and yielder her fruit every m' /
morning (proinos, orthinos; dawn, morning) /
2:28 I will give him the m' star 22:16 and the bright and m' star /
Moses (Moses:"lawgiver") /
15:3 sing the song of M' the servant /
mother (meter; mother) /
17:5 Great, the M' of Harlots /
mount, mountain, mountains (oros; hill, mountain) /
6:14 every m' and island was moved 14:1 a Lamb stood on the m' Zoin /
6:15 dens and in the rocks of the m' 16:20 away, and the m' were not found /
6:16 said to the m' and rocks 17:9 The seven heads are seven m' /
8:6 as it were a great m' burning 21:10 spirit to a great and high m' /
mourn, mourning (pentheo, penthos; sorrow, wail, morning) /
18:8 day, death, and m' and famine 18:11 earth shall weep and m' over her/
mouth, mouths (stoma; edge, face, mouth) /
1:16 out of his m' went a sharp 12:16 the dragon cast out of his m' /
2:16 them with the sword of my m' 13:2 and his m' as the m' of a lion /
3:16 I will spue thee out of my m' 13:5 a m' speaking great things /
9:17 and out of their m' issued fire 13:6 he opened his m' in blasphemy /
9:18 which issued out of their m' 14:5 in their m' was found no guile /
9:19 For their power is in their m' 16:13 come out of the m' of the dragon/
10:9 be in thy m' sweet as honey 16:13 and out of the m' of the beast /
10:10 it was in my m' sweet as honey 16:13 out of the m' of the false /
11:5 fire proceedeth out of their m' 19:15 of his m' goeth a sharp sword /
12:15 out of his m' water as a flood 19:21 sword proceeded out of his m' /
moved (kineo; stir, move) /
6:14 every mountain and island were m' /
multitude (ochlos; company, great number, multitude) /
7:9 a great m', which no man could 19:6 it were the voice of a great m' /
roareth (mukaomai; to bellow, roar) /
10:3 a loud voice, as when a lion r' /
robes (stole; long fitting gown, robe) /
6:11 white r' were given unto every 7:13 which are arrayed in white r' /
7:9 clothed with white r', and 7:14 have washed their r', and made /
rocks (petra; a mass of rocks) /
6:15 and in the r' of the mountains 6:16 said to the mountains and the r'/
rod (rhabdos; stick, wand, sceptre, staff, rod) /
2:27 rule them with a r' of iron 12:5 rule all nations with a r' of /
11:1 given me a reed like unto a r' 19:15 rule them with a r' of iron /
root (rhiza; root) /
5:5 tribe of Judah, the R' of David 22:16 r' and the offspring of David /
round (kuklothen; circle, about, all around) /
4:3 a rainbow r' about the throne 5:11 many angels r' about the throne /
4:4 r' about the throne were four 7:11 angels stood r' about the throne/
4:6 r' about the throne, were four /
rule (poimaino; to tend as a shepherd, tend, rule) /
2:27 r' them with a rod of iron 19:15 shall r' them with a rod of iron/
12:5 r' all nations with a rod of iron /
running (trecho; to walk hastily or run /
9:9 of many horses r' to battle /
sackcloth (sakkos; garments made of a course cloth, sackcloth) /
6:12 became as black as s' of hair 11:3 threescore days, clothed in s' /
sacrificed (eidolothuton; an idolatrous offering, idolatrous sacrifice) /
2:14 to eat things s' unto idols 2:20 to eat things s' unto idols /
saints (hagios; sacred, blameless, holy, saints) /
5:8 which are the prayers of s' 15:3 thy ways, thou King of s' /
8:3 it with the prayers of all s' 16:6 shed the blood of saints and /
8:4 with the prayers of the s' 17:6 drunken with the blood of the s'/
11:18 the prophets, and to the s' 18:24 blood of prophets, and of s' /
13:7 him to make war with the s' 19:8 linen is the rihgteousness of s'/
13:10 patience and the faith of the s'20:9 compassed the camp of the s' /
14:12 Here is the patience of the s' /
salvation (soteria; deliver, health, save, salvation) /
7:10 S' to our God which sitteth 19:1 saying, Alleluia: S', and glory /
12:10 Now is come s', and strength /
sand (ammos; sand as heaped on the beach, sand) /
13:1 I stood upon the s' of the sea 20:8 whom is as the s' of the sea /
sapphire (sappherios; a gem, sapphire) /
21:19 was jasper; the second, s' /
Satan, Satan's (Satanas; the accuser, the devil, Satan) /
2:9 but are the synagogue of S' 3:9 them of the synagogue of S' /
2:13 dwellest, even where S' seat is 12:9 called the Devil, and S' /
2:13 among you, where S' dwelleth 20:2 which is the Devil, and S' /
2:24 have not known the depths of S' 20:7 S' shall be loosed out of his /
save, saving (ei me; only, save, saving ) /
2:17 knoweth s' he that receiveth 13:17 or sell, s' he that had the mark/
saved (sozo; heal, deliver, protect, preserve, save) /
21:24 are s' shall walk in the light /
scarlet (kokkinos; crimson colored, scarlet) /
17:3 woman sit upon a s' coloured 18:12 and purple, and silk, and s' /
17:4 arrayed in purple and s' 18:16 linen, and purple, and s' /
scorch, scorched (kaumatizo; to burn, scorch) /
16:8 unto him to s' men with fire 16:9 And men were s' with great heat /
scorpion, scorpions (skorpios; that which pierces or stings, scorpion) /
9:3 as the s' of the earth have 9:10 And they had tails like unto s' /
9:5 was as the torment of a s' /
scroll (biblion; a roll, writing, book, scroll) /
6:14 the heaven departed as a s' /
sea (thalassa; the sea) /
4:6 was a s' of glass like unto 13:1 I stood upon the sand of the s' /
5:13 such as are in the s', and all 13:1 a beast rise up out of the s' /
7:1 on the earth, nor on the s' 14:7 heaven, and earth, and the sea /
7:2 to heart the earth and the s' 15:2 a s' of glass mingled with fire /
7:3 not the earth, neither the s' 15:2 stand on the s' of glass, having/
8:8 with fire was cast into the s' 16:3 poured out his vial upon the s' /
8:8 part of the s' became blood 16:3 every living soul died in the s'/
8:9 creaqtures which were in the s' 18:17 and as many as trade by s' /
10:2 set his right foot upon the s' 18:19 all that had ships in the s' /
10:5 which saw stand upon the s' 18:21 and cast it into the s' /
10:6 the s', and the things which 20:8 whom is as the sand of the s' /
10:8 angel which stand upon the s' 20:13 s' gave up the dead which were /
12:12 of the earth and of the s' 21:1 and there was no more s' /
sealed (katasphragizo; to seal closely, seal /
5:1 backside, s' with seven seals /
seal, seals, sealed (sphragizo, sphragis; to keep secret or private, seal up)/
5:1 backside, sealed with seven s' 7:5 tribe of Gad were s' twelve /
5:2 and to loose the s' thereof 7:6 tribe of Asher were s' twelve /
5:5 to loose the seven s' thereof 7:6 tribe of Naphtali were s' twelve/
5:9 and to open the s' thereof 7:6 tribe of Manasseh were s' twelve/
6:1 the Lamb opened one of the s' 7:7 tribe of Simeon were s' twelve /
6:3 he had opened the second s' 7:7 tribe of Levi were s' twelve /
6:5 he had opened the third s' 7:7 tribe of Issachar were s' twelve/
6:7 he had opened the fourth s' 7:8 tribe of Zebulun were s' twelve /
6:9 he had opened the fifth s' 7:8 tribe of Joseph were s' twelve /
6:12 he had opened the sixth s' 7:8 tribe of Benjamin were s' twelve/
7:2 having the s' of the living God 8:1 he had opened the seventh s' /
7:3 have s' the servants of our 9:4 the s' of God in their foreheads/
7:4 number of them which were s' 10:4 S' up those things which the /
7:4 were s' a hundred and forty 20:3 him up, and set a s'upon him /
7:5 tribe of Judah were s' twelve 22:10 S' not the sayings of the /
7:5 tribe of Reuben were s' twelve /
searcheth (ereunao; to seek , to investigate, to search) /
2:23 which s' the reins and hearts /
season (chronos; a space of time, season) /
6:11 should rest yet a little s' 20:3 he must be loosed a little s' /
seat (thronos; a seat of power, throne) /
2:13 even where Satan's s' is 11:16 which sat before God on their s'/
13:2 and his s', and great authority /
second (deuteros; afterward, second) /
2:11 not be hurt of the s' death 16:3 And the s' angel poured out his /
4:7 and the s' beast like a calf 20:6 on such the s' death have no /
6:3 when he had opened the s' seal 20:14 This is the s' death. /
6:3 I heard the s' beast say 21:8 brimstone; which is the s' death/
8:8 And the s' angel sounded, 21:19 the s', sapphire /
11:14 The s' woe is past; and, behold /
seduce (plano; to lead astray, wander, deceive, seduce) /
2:20 to teach and to s' my servants /
see, seen (opthanomai, horao; appear, look, behold, see, seen) /
1:7 every eye shall s' him 11:19 was s' in his temple the ark /
19:10 said unto me, S' thou do it not 22:4 And they shall s' his face /
22:9 said unto me, S' thou do it not /
see, seen (eido; understand, perceive, see) /
1:19 the things which thou hast seen 18:7 widow, and shall s' no sorrow /
see, seen, seest (blepo; behold, look on, regard, sight, see) /
1:11 What thou s', write in a book 6:6 s' thou hurt not the oil and /
1:12 s' the voice that spake with 6:7 fourth beast say, Come and s' /
3:18 eyesalve, that thou mayest s' 9:20 which neither can s', nor hear /
6:1 four beasts saying, Come and s' 11:9 shall s' their dead bodies /
6:3 second beast say, Come and s' 16:15 and they shall s' his shame /
6:5 third beast say, Come and s' 22:8 And when I had heard and s' /
seed (sperma; issue, seed) /
12:17 war with the remnant of her s' /
seek (zeteo; desire, endeavour, seek) /
9:6 those days shall men s' death /
sell (poleo; sell) /
13:17 that no man might buy or s' /
send (pempo; to dispatch, send) /
1:11 s' it unto the seven churches 11:10 shall s' gifts one to another /
sent (apostello; to send forth, send out) /
1:1 he s' and signified it by his 22:6 the holy prophets s' his angel /
5:6 of God s' forth into all the 22:16 Jesus have s' mine angel to /
serpent, serpents (orphis; as a type of shy and cunning, snake, serpent) /
9:19 their tails were like unto s' 12:15 the s' cast out of his mouth /
12:9 old s', called the Devil 20:2 old s', which is the Devil /
12:14 from the face of the s' /
servant, servants (doulos; subservient, bond slave, servant) /
1:1 to show unto his s' 11:18 reward unto thy s' the prophets /
1:1 by his angel unto his s' John 15:3 the song of Moses the s' of God /
2:20 teach and to seduce my s' to 19:2 avenged the blood of his s' /
7:3 have sealed the s' of our God 22:3 and his s' shall serve him /
10:7 declared to his s' the prophets 22:6 his angel to show unto his s' /
serve (latreia; worship, serve) /
7:15 s' him day and night in his 22:3 and his servants shall s' him /
service (diakonia; aid, relief, service) /
2:19 thy works, and charity, and s' /
seven (hepta; seven) /
1:4 John to the s' churches 8:6 s' angels which had s' trumpets /
1:4 from the s' Spirits which are 10:3 s' thunders uttered their voices/
1:11 s' churches which are in Asia 10:4 s' thunders had uttered their /
1:12 I saw s' golden candlesticks 10:4 which the s' thunders uttered /
1:13 midst of the s' candlesticks 11:13 were slain of men s' thousand /
1:16 had in his right hand s' stars 12:3 having s' heads and ten horns /
1:20 The mystery of the s' stars 12:3 and s' crowns upon his head /
1:20 and the s' golden candlesticks 13:1 having s' heads and ten horns /
1:20 The s' stars are the angels of 15:1 s' angels having the s' last /
1:20 the s' churches: and the s' 15:6 s' angels came out of the temple/
1:20 candlesticks which thou sawest 15:6 having the s' plagues /
1:20 are the s' churches. 15:7 the s' angels s' golden vials /
2:1 he that holdeth the s' stars 15:8 the s' plagues of the s' angels /
2:1 of the s' golden candlesticks 16:1 saying to the s' angels /
3:1 s' Spirits of God, and the s' 17:1 s' angels which had the s' vials/
4:5 there were s' lamps of fire 17:3 having s' heads and ten horns /
4:5 which are the s' Spirits of God 17:7 hath the s' heads and the ten /
5:1 backside, sealed with s' seals 17:9 The s' heads are s' mountains /
5:5 and to loose the s' seals 17:10 there are s' kings, five are /
5:6 having s' horns and s' eyes 17:11 and is of the s', and goeth /
5:6 which are the s' Spirits of God 21:9 unto me one of the s' angels /
8:2 And I saw the s' angels swhich 21:9 s' vials full of the s' last /
8:2 to them were given s' trumpets /
seventh (hebdomos; seventh /
8:1 when he had opened the s' seal 16:17 And the s' angel poured out his /
10:7 of the voice of the s' angel 21:20 the s', chrysolite /
11:15 And the s' angel sounded /
shaken (seio; vibrate, tremor, move, quake, shake) /
6:13 she is s' of a mighty wind /
shame (aischune, aschemosune; an indecency, disgrace, dishonour, shame) /
3:18 s' of thy nakedness do not 16:15 naked, and they shall see his s'/
sharp (oxus; swift, keen, sharp) /
1:16 went a s' two-edged sword 14:18 to him that had the s' sickle /
2:12 the s' sword with two edges 14:18 Thrust in thy s' sickle, and /
14:14 and in his hand a s' sickle 19:15 of his mouth goeth a s' sword /
14:17 he also having a s' sickle /
shed (ekcheo; gush out, spill, shed) /
16:6 they have s' the blood of saints /
sheep (probaton; a sheep) /
18:13 and beasts, and s', and horses /
show, showed (deikuno; to show, shew) /
1:1 to s' unto his servants things 21:10 and s' me that great city /
4:1 I will s' thee things which 22:1 he s' me a pure river of water /
17:1 I will s' unto thee the 22:6 to s' unto his servants the /
21:9 I will s' thee the bride 22:8 the angel which s' me these /
shine, shineth (phaino; appear, to lighten, shine) /
1:16 was as the sun s' in his 21:23 neither of the moon, to s' in it/
18:23 light of a candle shall s' no /
ships (pioion; a sailer, vessel, ship) /
8:9 part of the s' were destroyed 18:19 rich all that has s' in the sea /
18:17 all the company in s', and /
shivers (suntribo; shatter, break, broken to shivers) /
2:27 shall they be broken to s' /
short (oligos; small duration, short, season) /
12:12 that he hath but a s' time 17:10 he must continue a s' space /
shortly (en tachos; in a short space, time, shortly) /
1:1 which must s' come to pass 22:6 things which must s' be done /
shut, shutteth (kleio; ro close, to shut up) /
3:7 he that openeth, and no man s' 11:6 These have power to s' heaven /
3:7 and s', and no man openeth 20:3 bottomless pit, and s' him up /
3:8 open door, and no man can s' it 21:25 the gates of it shall not be s' /
sickle (drepanon; a harvesting hook, sickle) /
14:14 and in his hand a sharp s' 14:18 to him that have the sharp s' /
14:15 Thrust in thy s', and reap 14:18 Thrust in thy sharp sickle /
14:16 thrust in his s' on the earth 14:19 thrust in his s' into the earth /
14:17 he also having a sharp s' /
side (enteuthen; on both sides, on either side) /
22:2 on either side of the river /
sight (horasis; sight, vision; enopion; in the sight of) /
4:3 in s' like unto an emerald 13:14 to do in the s' of the beast /
13:13 on the earth in the s'of men /
sign (semeion; miracle, token, wonder, sign) /
15:1 I saw another s' in heaven /
silence (sige; hush, silence) /
8:1 there was s' in heaven about the /
silver (argureos, arguros; the metal silver, made of silver) /
9:20 and idols of gold, and s' 18:12 The merchandise of gold, and s' /
Simeon (Sumeon; Simeon "hearing" ) /
7:7 tribe of S' were sealed twelve /
sing (ado; to sing) /
15:3 And they s' the song of Moses /
sins (hamartai; offence, sins) /
1:5 washed us from our s' in his 18:5 her s' have reached unto heaven /
18:4 ye be not partakers of her s' /
sit, sitteth, sitting (kathemai, kathizo; to sit down, to settle, sit) /
3:21 grant to s' with me in my 17:1 whore that s' upon many waters /
4:4 I saw four and twenty elders s' 17:3 woman s' upon a scarlet /
5:13 him that s' upon the throne 17:9 mountains, on which the woman s'/
6:16 of him that s' on the throne 17:15 where the whore s', are peoples /
7:10 God which s' upon the throne 18:7 I s' a queen, and am no widow /
7:15 he that s' on the throne shall 19:18 of them that s' on them /
six (hex; six: hexakosioi; six hyndred) /
4:8 each of them s' wings about him 14:20 thousand and s' hundred furlongs/
13:18 in S' hundred threescore and s' /
sixth (kektos; sixth) /
6:12 when he had opened the s' seal 16:12 And the s' angel poured out /
9:13 the s' angel sounded, and I 21:20 the s', sardius /
9:14 Saying to the s' angel which /
slain, slay (sphazo; to butcher, slay :apokteino; put to death, slay) /
2:13 Martyr, who was s' among you 9:15 for to s' the third part of men /
5:6 a Lamb as it had been s' 11:13 were s' of men seven thousand /
5:9 thou wast s', and hast redeemed 13:8 the Lamb s' from the foundation /
5:12 Worthy is the Lamb that was s' 18:24 all that were s' upon the earth /
6:9 were s' for the word of God 19:21 remnant were s' with the sword /
small (mikros; least, less, little, small) /
11:18 fear thy name, s' and great 19:18 free and bond, both s' and great/
13:16 both s' and great, rich and 20:12 And I saw the dead, s' and great/
19:5 fear him, both s' and great /
smitten (plesso; pound, to inflict, smite) /
8:12 the third part of the sun was s' /
smoke (kapnos; smoke) /
8:4 And the s' of the incense 9:18 killed, by the fire and the s' /
9:2 there arose s' out of the pit 14:11 s' of their torment ascendeth /
9:2 as the s' of a great furnace 15:8 filled with s' from the glory of/
9:2 darkened by reason of the s' 18:9 shall see the s' of her burning /
9:3 came out of the s' locusts 18:18 they saw the s' of her burning /
9:17 fire and s' and brimstone 19:3 her s' rose up for ever and ever/
snow (chion; snow) /
1:14 white like wool, as white as s' /
Sodom (Sodoma; Sodom "to scorch, burnt") /
11:8 city, which spiritually is called S' /
son (huios; child, foal, son) /
1:13 one like unto the S' of man 14:14 one sat like unto the S' pf man /
2:18 things saith the S' of God 21:7 his God, and he shall be my s' /
song (ode; words sung, a song) /
5:9 And they sung a new s' 15:3 And they sing the s' of Moses /
14:3 they sung as it were a new s' 15:3 and the s' of the Lamb, saying /
14:3 no man could learn that s' but /
sorceries, sorcerers (pharmakeia, pharmakeus, pharmakos; /
drugs, witchcraft, sorceries) /
9:21 their murders, nor of their s' 21:8 and whoremongers, and s' /
18:23 by thy s' were all nations 22:15 For without are dogs, and s' /
sore (helkos; ulcer, sore) /
16:2 a noisome and grievous s' /
sorrow (penthos; mourning, sorrow) /
18:7 so much torment and s' give her 21:4 neither s', nor cryinmg /
18:7 no widow, and shall see no s' /
soul, souls (psuche; heart, life, mind, soul) /
6:9 under the altar the s' of them 18:14 fruits that thy s' lusted after /
16:3 every living s' died in the sea 20:4 s' of them that were beheaded /
18:13 and slaves, and s' of men /
sound, sounded (saplizo; sound, a blast: phone; noise, voice, sound) /
1:15 voice as the s' of many waters 9:1 the fifth angel s' /
8:6 prepared themselves to s' 9:9 and the s' of their wings /
8:7 The first angel s' 9:9 and the s' of chariots /
8:8 the second angel s' 9:13 the sixth angel s' /
8:10 the third angel s' 10:7 when he shall begin to s' /
8:12 the fourth angel s' 11:15 And the seventh angel s' /
8:13 angels, which are yet to s' 18:22 s' of a milstone shall be heard /
south (notos; the southern quarter, the south) /
21:13 on the s' three gates /
space (chronos; season, time, space : apo; after, ago, space of) /
2:2 I gave her s' to repent of her 14:20 s' of a thousand and six hundred/
8:1 in heaven about the s' of half 17:10 he must continue a short s' /
spake, speak, speaking (laleo, lego; say, speak, tell) /
1:12 turned to see the voice that s' 13:5 him a mouth s' great things /
2:24 the depths of Satan, as they s' 13:11 a lamb, and he s' as a dragon /
10:8 from heaven s' unto me again 13:15 of the beast should both s' /
spirit, spirits (pneuma; breath, breeze, life, ghost, spirit) /
1:4 the seven S' which are before 14:13 Yea, saith the S', that they /
1:10 I was in the S' on the Lord's 16:13 unclean s' like frogs come out /
2:7, 11, 17, 29 3:6, 13, 22 16:14 they are the s' of devils /
S' saith unto the churches 17:3 he carried me away in the s' /
3:1 that hath the seven S' of God 18:2 and the hold of every foul s' /
4:2 immediately I was in the s' 19:10 Jesus is the s' of prophecy /
4:5 which are the seven S' of god 21:10 he carried me away in the s' /
5:6 are the seven S' of god 22:17 the S' and the bride say, Come /
11:11 the S' of life from God /
spue (emeo; vomit, spue) /
3:16 I will s' thee out of my mouth /
stand, standeth (histemi; to hold up, to stand) /
3:20 Behold, I s' at the door 15:2 s' on the sea of glass /
6:17 and who shall be able to s' 18:10 S' afar off for the fear of /
7:1 four angels s' on the four 18:15 shall s' afar off for the fear /
10:5 which I saw s' upon the sea 19:17 I saw an angel s' in the sun /
10:8 angel which s' upon the sea 20:12 small and great, s' before God /
11:4 two candlesticks s' brefore /
stars (aster; star) /
1:16 in his right hand seven s' 6:13 the s' of heaven fell unto the /
1:20 The mystery of the seven s' 8:12 and the third part of the s' /
1:20 seven s' are the angels of the 12:1 her head a crown of twelve s' /
2:1 he that holdeth the seven s' 12:4 the third part of the s' of /
3:1 Spirits of God, and the seven s' /
still (eti; also, ever, further, now, yet, still) /
22:11 let him be unjust s' 22:11 let him be filthy s' /
22:11 let him be righteous s' 22:11 let him be holy s' /
stone (psephos; a pebble, a vote, a stone) /
2:17 and will give him a white s' 2:17 in the s' a new name written /
stone, stones (lithos; a stone) /
4:3 a jasper and a sardine stone 18:16 with gold, and precious s' /
9:20 and silver, and brass, and s' 18:21 like unto a s' most precious /
16:21 every s' about the weight of 21:11 like unto a s' most precious /
17:4 with gold and precious s' 21:11 a jasper s', clear as crystal /
18:12 and silver, and precious s' 21:19 with all manner of precious s' /
stood (histemi; hold up, set up, stand /
5:6 s' a Lamb as it had been slain 11:11 and they s' upon their feet /
7:9 s' before the throne 12:4 the dragon s' before the woman /
7:11 angels s' around the throne 13:1 And I s' upon the sand of the /
8:2 seven angels which s' before 14:1 lo, a Lamb s' on the mount Zion /
8:3 angel came and s' at the altar 18:17 as trade by sea, s' afar off /
11:1 and the angel s', saying /
street (plateia; open square, street) /
11:8 bodies shall lie in the s' 22:2 In the midst of the s' of it /
21:21 s' of the city was pure gold /
strength (dunamis; power, might, strength /
:ischus; ability, might, strength) /
1:16 as the sun shineth in his s' 12:10 Now is come salvation, and s' /
3:8 thou hast a little s' 17:13 their power and s' unto the /
5:12 and riches, and wisdom, and s' /
strengthened (sterizo; to set fast, to establish, strengthen) /
3:2 and s' the things that remain /
strong (ischuros, megas; mighty, valiant, powerful, strong) /
5:2 I saw a s' angel proclaiming 18:8 s' is the Lord God who judgeth /
18:2 cried mightily with a s' voice /
stumblingblock (skadalon; a snare, an offence, stumblingblock) /
2:14 cast a s' before the children /
suffer (pascho; experience, feel, suffer: aphiemi; cry, remit, suffer) /
2:10 things which thou shalt s' 11:9 not s' their dead bodies to be /
sun (helios; the sun) /
1:16 the s' shineth in his strength 12:1 a woman clothed with the s' /
6:12 s' became black as sackcloth 16:8 poured out his vial upon the s' /
7:16 neither shall the s' light on 19:17 an angel standing in the s' /
8:12 part of the s' was smitten 21:23 city had no need of the s' /
9:2 s' and the air were darkened 22:5 candle, neither light of the s' /
10:1 his face was as it were the s' /
sup, supper (deipneo, deipnon; to dine, feast, sup, supper) /
3:20 in to him, and will s' with him 19:17 unto the s' of the great God /
19:9 unto the marriage s' of the Lamb /
surely (nai; even so, truly, verily, surely) /
22:20 saith, S' I come quickly /
swallowed (katapino; to drink down, devour, swallow) /
12:16 s' up the flood which the dragon /
sware (omnuo; to declare an oath, sware) /
10:6 s' by him that liveth for ever /
sweet (giukus; fresh, sweet) /
10:9 be in thy mouth s' as honey 10:10 it was in my mouth s' as honey /
sword (rhomphaia; a sabre, sword: machaira; a knife, a sword) /
1:16 went a sharp two-edged s' 13:10 must be killed with the s' /
2:12 the sharp s' with two edges 13:14 which had the wound by a s' /
2:16 them with the s' of my mouth 19:15 of his mouth goeth a sharp s' /
6:4 was given unto him a great s' 19:21 remnant was slain with a s' /
6:8 to kill with s', and with 19:21 which s' proceeded out of his /
synagogue (sunagoge; an assembly, congregation, synagogue) /
2:9 but are of the s' of Satan 3:9 make them of the s' of Satan /
tabernacle (skene; a tent, habitation, tabernacle) /
13:6 blaspheme his name, and his t' 21:3 the t' of God is with men /
15:15 temple of the t' of the testimony /
tail, tails (oura; tail) /
9:10 they had t' like unto scorpions 9:19 their t' were like unto serpents/
9:10 there were stings in their t' 12:4 t' drew the third part of the /
9:19 in their mouth, and in their t' /
take, taken (lambano; seize, catch, take: krateo; seize, obtain, take: /
aphaireo; cut off, take away: piazo; apprehend, take ) /
3:11 that no man t' thy crown 11:17 hast t' to thee thy great power /
5:8 when he had t' the book 19:20 the beast was t', and with him /
5:9 Thou art worthy to t' the book 22:17 him t' the water of life freely /
6:4 to t' peace from the earth 22:19 if any man shall t' away /
10:8 Go and t' the little book 22:19 God shall t' away his part /
10:9 unto me, T' it, and eat it /
talent (talantiaios; weight of a talent) /
16:21 stone about the weight of a t' /
talked, talking (laleo; say, speak, tell, talk) /
4:1 it were a trumpet t' with me 21:15 that t' with me had a golden /
17:1 t' with me, saying unto me 21:9 t' with me, saying, Come hither /
taught, teach (didasko; to learn, to teach) /
1:1 to t' and to seduce my servants 2:14 t' Balak to cast a stumblingb'k /
tears (dakru; tear) /
7:17 and God shall wipe away all t' 21:4 and God shall wipe away all t' /
teeth (odous; tooth, teeth) /
9:8 their t' were as the t' of lions /
tell (ereo; say speak, tell) /
17:7 t' thee the mystery of the woman /
temple (naos; shrine, temple) /
3:12 a pillar in the t' of God 15:5 t' of the tabernacle of the /
7:15 him day and night in his t' 15:6 seven angels came out of the t' /
11:1 Rise, and measure the t' 15:8 the t' was filled with smoke /
11:2 court which is without the t' 15:8 man was able to enter the t' /
11:19 the t' of God was opened in 16:1 a great voice out of the t' /
11:19 was seen in his t' the ark 16:17 voice out of the t' of heaven /
14:15 another angel out of the t' 21:22 I saw no t' therein /
14:17 another angel out of the t' 21:22 and the Lamb are the t' of it /
temptation (peirasmos; putting to proof, temptation) /
3:10 keep thee from the hour of t' /
ten, tenth (deka; ten : dekatos; tenth : murias; indefinite number) /
2:10 shall have tribulation t' days 17:3 having seven heads and t' horns /
5:11 was t' thousand times t' thous- 17:7 the seven heads and t' horns /
11:13 the t' part of the city fell 17:12 t' horns...sawest are t' kings /
12:3 having seven heads and t' horns 17:16 the t' horns which thou sawest /
13:1 having seven heads and t' horns 21:20 the t', a chrysoprasus /
13:1 and upon his horns t' crowns /
testament (diatheke; a contract, covenant, testament) /
11:19 in his temple the ark of his t' /
testimony (marturia, marturion; record, witness, testimony) /
1:2 and of the t' of Jesus Christ 12:17 and by the word of their t' /
1:9 and for the t' of Jesus Christ 15:15 the tabernacle of the t' in /
6:9 and for the t' which they held 19:10 that have the t' of Jesus Christ/
11:7 shall have finished their t' 19:10 t' of Jesus is the spirit of /
thanks, thanksgiving (eucharisteo, eucharistia; to be grateful, to give /
thanks) /
4:9 t' to him that sat on the 11:17 We give thee t', O Lord God /
7:12 and wisdom. and t', and honour /
themselves (heautou; himself, onesself, them selves /
6:15 hid t' in the dens and in the 8:6 trumpets prepared t' to sound /
therefore (oun; certaintly, accordingly, therefore) /
2:5 Remember t' from whence thou 7:15 T' are they before the throne /
3:3 Remember t' how thou hast 12:12 T' rejoice, ye heavens, /
3:3 If t' thou shalt not watch 18:8 T' shall her plagues come in one/
3:19 be zezlous t,' and repent /
therein (en autos; within, therein) /
1:3 things which are written t' 13:12 earth and them that dwell t' /
10:6 and the things that are t' 21:22 And I saw no temple t' /
11:1 altar, and them that worship t' /
thief (kleptes; stealer, thief) /
3:3 I will come on thee as a t' 16:15 Behold, I come as a t' /
thigh (meros; theigh) /
19:16 and on his t' a name written /
third (tritos; a third part, thirdly, third) /
4:7 and the t' beast had a face as 8:12 and the t' part of the moon /
6:5 when he had opened the t' seal 8:12 and the t' part of the stars /
6:5 I heard the t' beast say 8:12 t' part of them was darkened /
8:7 the t' part of the trees was 8:12 day shone not for a t' part /
8:8 the t' part of the seabecame 9:15 for to slay the t' part of men /
8:9 the t' part of the creatures 9:18 three was the t' part of men /
8:9 t' part of the ships were 11:14 the t' woe came quickly /
8:10 And the t' angel sounded 12:4 drew the t' part of the stars /
8:10 fell upon the t' part of the 14:9 And the t' angel followed them /
8:11 t' part of the waters became 16:4 t' angel poured out his vial /
8:12 the t' part of the sun was 21:19 the t', a chalcedony /
thirst (dipsao; to thirst) /
7:16 no more, neither t' any more /
thousand, thousands (chilias, chilioi; thousand, thousands) /
5:11 ten thousand, and t' of t' 14:20 of a t' and six hundred furlongs/
7:4 forty and four t' of all the 20:2 Satan, and bound him a t' years /
7:4, 5, 6, 7, 8, sealed twelve t' 20:3 till the t' years should be /
11:3 a t' two hundred and threescore 20:4 reigned with Christ a t' years /
11:13 were slain of men seven t' 20:5 until the t' years were finished/
12:6 a t' two hundred and threescore 20:6 shall reign with him a t' years /
14:1 an hundred forty and four t' 20:7 when the t' years are expired /
14:3 hundred and forty and four t' 21:16 the reed, twelve t' furlongs /
thousand (murias; a indefinite number) /
5:11 them were ten t' times ten t' 9:16 horsemen were two hundred t' t' /
three (treis; three) /
6:6 t' measures of barley for a 16:19 city was divided into t' parts /
8:13 the trumpet of the t' angels 21:13 On the east t' gates /
9:18 By these t' was the third part 21:13 on the north t' gates /
11:9 dead bodies t' days and an 21:13 on the south t' gates /
11:11 after t' days and a half the 21:13 and on the west t' gates /
16:13 I saw t' unclean spirits like /
threscore (hexekonta; sixty, threescore) /
11:3 thousand two hundred and t' 13:18 number is Six hundred t' and six/
12:6 thousand two hundred and t' /
throne, thrones (thronos; a stately, seat, seat, throne) /
1:4 Spirits which are before the t' 6:16 of him that sitteth on the t' /
3:21 grant to sit with me on my t' 7:9 stood before the t', and before /
3:21 down with my Father in his t' 7:10 God which sitteth upon the t' /
4:2 behold a t' was set in heaven 7:11 angels stood around about the t'/
4:2 and one sat on the t' 7:11 before the t' on their faces /
4:3 a rainbow round about the t' 7:15 are they before the t' of God /
4:4 about the t' were four and 7:15 he that sitteth on the t' shall /
4:5 of the t' prodeeded lightnings 7:17 which is in the midst of the t' /
4:5 of fire burning before the t' 8:3 altar which was before the t' /
4:6 before the t' there was a sea 12:5 up unto God, and to his t' /
4:6 and in the midst of the t' 14:3 it were a new song before the t'/
4:6 and round about the t' 14:5 without fault before the t' of /
4:9 to him that sat on the t' 16:17 from the t', saying, It is done /
4:10 before him that sat on the t' 19:4 God that sat on the t' /
4:10 cast their crowns before the t' 19:5 a voice came out of the t' /
5:1 of him that sat on the t' 20:4 I saw t', and they sat upon them/
5:6 in the midst of the t' 20:11 I saw a great white t' /
5:7 of him that sat upon the t' 21:5 he that sat upon the throne said/
5:11 many angels round about the t' 22:1 proceeding out of the t' of God /
5:13 him that sitteth upon the t' 22:3 the t' of God and of the Lamb /
thrown (ballo; send, strike, thrust, throw) /
18:21 great city of babylon be t' down /
thrust (pempo; send, thrust: ballo; throw, thrust) /
14:15 T' in thy sickle, and reap 14:18 T' in thy sharp sickle on the /
14:16 cloud t' in his sickle on the 14:19 the angel t' in his sickle into /
thunder, thunderings, thunders (bronte; roar, thunder) /
4:5 lightnings and t' and voices 10:4 which the seven t' uttered /
6:1 as it were the noise of t' 11:19 lightnings, and voices, and t' /
8:5 there were voices, and t' 14:2 and as avoice of a great t' /
10:3 seven t' uttered their voices 16:18 voices, and t', and lightnings /
10:4 seven t' had uttered their 19:6 and as the voice of mighty t' /
till (achi; as far as, while, until, till) /
2:25 already hold fast t' I come 15:8 t' the seven plagues of the /
7:3 t' we have sealed the servants 20:3 t' the thousand years shall be /
time, times (kairos; season, while, time: chronos; season, space, time: /
hora; day, hour, instant, season, time) /
1:3 therein: for the t' is at hand 12:12 that he hath but a short t' /
5:11 ten thousand t' ten thousand 12:14 for a t', and t', and half a t' /
10:6 there should be t' no longer 14:15 the t' is come for thee to reap /
11:18 is come, and the t' of the dead 22:10 this book: for the t' is at hand/
together (sunago; accompany, assemble, gather, come together) /
6:14 a scroll when it is rolled t' 19:19 armies, gathered t' to make war /
16:16 he gathered them t' into a 20:8 Magog, to gather them t' for /
19:17 Come and gather yourselves t' /
tongue (glossa; language, tongue) /
5:9 out of every kindred, and t' 14:16 nation, and kindred, and t' /
9:11 Greek t' hath his name Apollyon /
tongue, hebrew (Hebraisti; Hebrew language, Hebrew tongue) /
9:11 in the Hebrew t' is Abaddon 16:16 in the hebrew t' Armageddon /
took (lambano; hold, obtain, to take) /
5:7 t' the book out of the right 10:10 I t' the little book out of /
8:5 the angel t' the censer 18:21 a mighty angel t' up a stone /
torment, tormented (basanizo, basanismo; pain, toil, torment) /
9:5 they should be t' five months 18:7 so much t' and sorrow gave her /
9:5 their t' was as the t' of a 18:10 for the fear of her t' /
11:10 these two prophets t' them 18:15 for the fear of her t' /
14:10 shall be t' with fire and 20:10 be t' day and night for ever /
14:11 smoke of their t' ascendeth up /
trade (ergazomai; toil, labor, occupation, trade) /
18:17 and as many as t' by sea /
travailing (odino; pains, travail in birth) /
12:2 with child cried , t' in birth /
tread (pateo; to trample under foot, tread) /
11:2 holy city shall they t' under foot /
tree, trees (dendron; a tree : xulon; timber, stick, branch, tree /
suke; a fig tree) /
2:7 to eat of the tree of life 11:4 These are the two olive t' /
7:1 nor on the sea, nor on any t' 22:2 river, was there the t' of life /
7:3 neither the sea, nor the t' 22:2 of the t' were for the healing /
8:7 third part of t' was burnt up 22:14 have right to the t' of life /
9:4 any green thing, neither any t' /
tribe, trees (phule; clan, kindred, tribe) /
5:5 Lion of the t' of Judah 21:12 the names of the twelve t' /
7:4 all the t' of the children of /
7:5, 6, 7, 8, Of the t' of were sealed /
tribulation (thlipsis; trouble, anguish, persecution, tribulation) /
1:9 brother, and companion in t' 2:22 adultery with her into great t' /
2:9 thy works, and t', and proverty 7:14 they which came out of great t' /
2:10 and ye shall have t' ten days /
tried, try (peirazo; examine, prove, try: puroo; be on fire, firey trial)/
2:2 thou hast t' them which say 3:10 t' them that dwell upon the /
2:10 into prison, that ye may be t' 3:18 to buy of me gold t' in the fire/
trodden (pateo; trample, tread under foot) /
14:20 winepress was t' without the city /
true (alethinos; truthful, true) /
3:7 he that is holy, he that is t' 19:2 t' and righteous are his /
3:14 the faithful and t' witness 19:9 These are the t' sayings of God /
6:10 How long, O Lord, holy and T' 19:11 him was called Faithful and T' /
15:3 just and t' are thy ways 21:5 these words are t' and faithful /
16:7 t' and righteous are thy 22:6 sayings are faithful and t' /
trumpet, trumpeters, trumpets (salpigx, salpistes; trump, trumped, trumpeter)/
1:10 a great voice, as of a t' 8:13 voices of the t' of the three /
4:1 as it were of a t' talking 9:14 the sixth angel which had the t'/
8:2 to the was given seven t' 18:22 musicians, and pipers, and t' /
8:6 seven t' prepared themselves /
turn (epistrepho; come again, return, turn about) /
1:12 I t' to see the voice that 1:12 And being t', I saw seven golden/
twelve, twelfth (dodeka, dodekatos; twelve, twelfth) /
7:5, 6, 6, 8 were sealed t' thousand 21:14 the names of the t' apostles /
12:1 her head a crown of t' stars 21:16 with the reed, t' thousand /
21:12 and high, and had t' gates 21:20 a jacinth; the t', an amethyst /
21:12 at the gates t' angels 21:21 the t' gates were t' pearls /
21:12 the t' tribes of the children 22:2 which bare t' manner of fruits /
21:14 wall of the city had t' /
twenty (eikosi; a score, twenty) /
4:4 throne were four and t' elders 5:14 the four and t' elders fell down/
4:4 saw four and t' elders sitting 11:16 four and t' elders, which sat /
4:10 The four and t' elders fall 19:4 the four and t' elders and the /
5:8 the four and t' elders fell /
two (duo; two) /
2:12 the sharp sword with t' edges 11:4 the t' candlesticks standing /
9:12 come t' woes more hereafter 11:10 these t' prophets tormented them/
9:16 t' hundred thousand thousand 12:6 thousand t' hundred and /
11:2 under foot forty and t' months 12:14 given t' wings of a great eagle /
11:3 give power unto my t' witnesses 13:5 to continue forty and t' months /
11:4 These are the t' olive trees 13:11 and he had t' horns like a lamb /
unbelieving (apistos; faithless, infidel, unbelieving) /
21:8 But the fearful, and u' /
unclean (akathartos; impure, foul, unclean) /
16:13 I saw three u' spirits like 18:2 cage of every u' and hateful /
under (hupokato; beneath, down under, under) /
5:3 nor in earth, and u' the earth 11:2 shall they tread u' foot forty /
5:13 on the earth, and u' the earth 12:1 sun, and the moon u' her feet /
6:9 I saw u' the altar the souls /
understanding (nous; intellect, mind, understanding) /
13:18 that hath u' count the numbers /
unjust (adikeo; hurt, injure, offend, be unjust) /
22:11 He that is u', let him be u' /
until (heos, achri; even, while, until) /
6:11 u' their fellowservants also 20:5 u' the thousands years were /
17:17 u' the words og God shall be /
untimely (olunthos; out of season, untimely) /
6:13 a fig tree casteth her u' figs /
uttered (laleo; say, speak, talk, utter) /
10:3 seven thunders u' their voices 10:4 which the seven thunders u' /
10:4 seven thunders had u' their /
utterly (katakaio; consume, burn up, utterly burned) /
18:8 She shall be u' burned with fire /
vessels (skueos; apparatus, vessel) /
2:27 as the v' of a potter shall 18:12 manner v' of most precious wood /
18:12 and all manner v' of ivory /
vesture (himation; apparel, cloke, clothes, garment, robe, vesture) /
19:13 with a v' dipped in blood 19:16 his v' and on his thigh a name /
vial, vials (phiale; a broad shallow cup, vial) /
5:8 and golden v' full of odours 16:8 out his v' upon the sun /
15:7 seven golden v' full of the 16:10 out his v' upon the seat of the /
16:1 pour out the v' of the wrath 16:12 out his v' upon the great river /
16:2 out his vial upon the earth 16:17 poured out his v' into the air /
16:3 out his v' upon the sea 17:1 angels which had the seven v' /
16:4 out his v' upon the rivers 21:9 the seven v' full of the seven /
victory (nikao; conquer, overcome, prevail, victory) /
15:2 gotten the v' over the beast /
vine (ampelos; vine) /
14:18 gather the clusters of the v' 14:19 and gathered the v' of the earth/
violence (hormema; an attack, violence) /
18:21 v' shall that great city Babylon /
virgins (parthenos; a maiden, an unmarried daughter, a virgin) /
14:4 with women, for they are v' /
vision (horasis; an appearance, sight, vision) /
9:17 I saw the horses in the v' /
voice, voices (phone; a tone, sound, noise, voice) /
1:10 heard behind me a great v' 11:15 there were great v' in heaven /
1:12 I turned to see the v' 11:19 lightnings, and v', and thunders/
1:15 his v' as the sound of many 12:10 heard a loud v' saying in heaven/
3:20 if any man hear my v' 14:2 And I heard a v' from heaven /
4:1 the first v' which I heard 14:2 and the v' of many waters /
4:5 and thunderings and v' 14:2 heard the v' of harpers harping /
5:2 proclaiming with a loud v' 14:7 Saying with a loud v', Fear God /
5:11 I heard the v' of many angels 14:9 them, saying with a loud v' /
5:12 Saying with a loud v', Worthy 14:13 I heard a v' from heaven saying /
6:6 I heard a v' in the midst of 14:15 loud v' to him that sat on the /
6:7 I heard the v' of the fourth 16:1 a great v' out of the temple /
6:10 And they cried with a loud v' 16:17 a great v' out of the temple /
7:2 he cried with a loud voice 16:18 there were v', and thunders /
7:10 And cried with a loud v' 18:2 cried mightily with a strong v' /
8:5 there were v', and thunderings 18:4 I heard another v' from heaven /
8:13 with a loud v', Woe, woe 18:22 the v' of harpers, and musicians/
8:13 the other v' of the trumpet 18:23 the v' of the bridegroom and of /
9:13 I heard a v' from the four 19:1 heard a great v' of much people /
10:3 cried with a loud v' 19:5 And a v' came out of the throne /
10:3 seven thunders uttered their v' 19:6 were the v' of a great multitude/
10:4 I heard a v' from heaven 19:6 and as the v' of many waters /
10:4 thunders had uttered their v' 19:6 as the v' of mighty thunderings /
10:7 of the v' of the seventh angel 19:17 and he cried with a l' v' /
10:8 v' which I heard from heaven 21:3 a great v' out of heaven /
11:12 heard a great v' from heaven /
wail, wailing (kopto, pentheo; grieve, lament, mourn, wail) /
1:7 kindreds of the earth shall w' 18:19 cried, weeping, and w', saying /
18:15 of her torment, weeping, and w' /
walk, walketh (peripateo; to tread all around, be occupied with, walk /
around) /
2:1 w' in the midst of the seven 16:15 lest he w' naked, and they see /
3:4 they shall w' with me in white 21:24 are saved shall w' in the light /
9:20 can see, nor hear, nor w' /
wall (teichos; a wall) /
21:12 And had a w' great and high 21:17 And he measured the w' thereof /
21:14 the w' of the city had twelve 21:18 the building of the wall of it /
21:15 gates thereof, and the w' 21:19 foundations of the w' of the /
war (polemeo; to battle, fight, war) /
11:7 pit shall make w' against them 13:7 him to make w' with the saints /
12:7 there was w' in heaven 17:14 shall make w' with the Lamb /
12:17 to make w' with the remnant 19:11 he doth judge and make w' /
13:4 is able to make w' with him 19:19 to make w' against him that sat /
washed (louo, pluno; to wet, launder, cleanse, wash /
1:5 w' us from our sins in his own 7:14 have w' their robes, and made /
wast (en; was, were, wast) /
5:9 for thou w' slain, and hast 16:5 Lord, which art, and w', and /
11:17 God Almighty, which art, and w' /
watch, watcheth, watchful (gregoreuo; keep awake, be vigilant, watch) /
3:2 1Be w', and strengthen the 6:15 Blessed is he that w' /
3:3 If therefore thou shalt not w' /
water, waters (hudor; water) /
1:15 voice as the sound of many w' 16:4 the rivers and fountains of w' /
7:17 unto living fountains of w' 16:5 I heard the angel of the w' say /
8:10 and upon the fountains of w' 16:12 and the w' thereof was dried up /
8:11 the third part of the w' 17:1 whore that sitteth upon many w' /
8:11 and many men died of the w' 17:15 The w' which thou sawest, where /
11:6 power over the w' to turn them 19:6 and as the voice of many w' /
12:5 out of his mouth w' as a flood 21:6 fountain of w' of life freely /
14:2 heaven, as the voice of many w' 22:1 shewed me a pure river of w' of /
14:7 sea, and the fountains of w' 22:17 him take the w' of life freely /
waxed (plouteo; to be wealthy, made rich, waxed rich) /
18:3 of the earth are w' rich /
way, ways (hodos; road, journey, way) /
15:3 just and true are thy w' 16:12 the w' of the kings of the east /
16:1 Go your w', and pour out the /
weep, weeping, wept (klaio; wail, weep) /
5:5 W' not: behold, the Lion of 18:15 fear of her torment, w' and /
5:4 And I w' much, because no man 18:19 w' and wailing. saying, Alas, /
18:11 merchants of the earth shall w' /
weight (talantiaios; weight of a talent) /
16:21 stone about the w' of a talent /
west (dusme; western region, west) /
21:13 and on the w' three gates /
wheat (sitos; grain, corn, wheat) /
6:6 A measure of w' for a penny 18:13 oil, and fine flour, and w' /
whence (pothen; place, state, source, whence) /
2:5 from w' thou art fallen 7:13 white robes? and w' came they? /
white (leukaino, leukos; whiten, make white, white; lampros; bright, gay /
clear, white) /
1:14 His head and his hairs were w' 7:13 which are arrayed in w' robes /
1:14 as w' as snow; and his eyes 7:14 made them w' in the blood of /
2:17 will give him a w' stone 14:14 I looked, and behold a w' cloud /
3:4 they shall walk with me in w' 15:6 clothed in pure and w' linen /
3:5 shall be clothed in w' raiment 19:8 in fine linen, clean and w' /
3:18 w' raiment, that thou mayest 19:11 opened and behold a w' horse /
4:4 sitting, clothed in w' robes 19:14 followed him upon w' horses /
6:2 I saw, and behold a w' horse 19:14 in fine linen, w' and clean /
6:11 w' robes were given unto every 20:11 I saw a great w' throne /
7:9 clothed with w' robes /
whole (holos; all, altogether, whole) /
12:9 which deceiveth the w' world 16:14 the earth and of the w' world /
whore (porne; strumpet, harlot, whore) /
17:1 judgment of the great w' 17:16 these shall hate the w' /
17:15 where the w' sitteth 19:2 he hath judged the great w' /
whoremongers (pornos; prostitute, fornicator, whoremonger) /
21:8 and w', and sorcerers, and 22:15 are dogs, and sorcerers, and w' /
widow (chera; lacking a husband, a widow) /
18:7 I sit a queen, and am no w' /
wife (gune; woman, wife) /
19:7 his w' hath made herself ready 21:9 the bride, the Lamb's w' /
wilderness (eremos; waste, desert, desolate, wilderness) /
12:6 And the woman fled into the w' 17:3 away in the spirit into the w' /
12:14 that she might fly into the w' /
wind, winds (anemos; wind) /
6:13 she is shaken of a mighty w' 7:1 the w' should not blow on the /
7:1 holding the four w' of the /
wine (oinos; wine) /
6:6 hurt not the oil and the w' 17:2 with the w' of her fornications /
14:8 of the w' of the wrath of her 18:3 drunk of the w' of the wrath /
14:10 of the w' of the wrath of God 18:13 and w', and oil, and fine flour /
16:19 cup of the w' of the fierceness /
winepress (lenos; a trough, vat, press for wine) /
14:19 great w' of the wrath of God 14:20 and blood came out of the w' /
14:20 w' was trodden without the city 19:15 the w' of the fierceness /
wings (pterux; a wing) /
4:8 beasts had each of them six w' 12:14 given two w' of a great eagle /
9:9 sound of their w' was as the /
wipe (exaleipho; to obliterate, blot out, wipe out) /
7:17 God shall w' away all tears 21:4 God shall w' away all tears /
wisdom (sophia, sophos; wisdom, wise) /
5:12 w', and strength, and honour 17:9 here is the mind which hath w' /
7:12 Blessing, and glory, and w' 21:27 And there shall in no w' enter /
13:18 Here is w'. Let him that hath /
within (esothen; inward, within) /
4:8 they were full of eyes w' 5:1 on the throne a book written w' /
without (exo, exothen; outward, without) /
11:2 court which is w' the temple 22:15 For w' are dogs, and sorcerers /
14:20 winepress was trodden w' the /
without (amomos; without blame, without fault) /
14:5 w' fault before the throne of /
without (akratos; without mixture) /
14:10 poured out w' mixture into the /
witness, witnesses (marturia, martus; record, report, testimony, witness) /
1:5 Christ, who is the faithful w' 11:3 I will give power unto my two w'/
3:14 the faithful and true w' 20:4 beheaded for the w' of Jesus /
woe (ouai; grief, woe) /
8:13 W', w', w' to the inhabiters 11:14 The second w' is past; /
9:12 One w' is past; and, behold, 11:14 behold, the third w' cometh /
9:12 come two more w' hereafter 12:12 W' to the inhabiters of the /
woman, women (gune; wife, woman) /
2:20 thou sufferest that w' Jezebel 12:17 the dragon was wroth with the w'/
9:8 had hair as the hair of w' 14:4 which were not defiled with w' /
12:1 a w' clothed with the sun 17:3 a w' sit upon a scarlet coloured/
12:4 w' which was ready to be 17:4 w' was arrayed in purple and /
12:6 w' fled into the wilderness 17:6 I saw the w' drunken with the /
12:13 w' which brought forth the man 17:7 tell thee the mystery of the w' /
12:14 to the w' was given two wings 17:9 mountains, on which the w' /
12:15 water as a flood after the w' 17:18 w' which thou sawest is the /
12:16 the earth helped the w' /
wonder, wonders (semeion; miracle, sign, token, wonder) /
12:1 appeared a great w' in heaven 13:13 And he doeth great w', so that /
12:3 appeared another w' in heaven /
wonder (thaumazo; admire, marvel, wonder) /
17:8 that dwell on the earth will w' /
wondered (existemi; amaze, astonish, bewitch, wonder) /
13:3 the world w' after the beast 17:9 her, I w' with great admiration /
wood (xulinos, xulon; made of wood) /
9:20 brass, and stone, and of w' 18:12 vessels of most precious w' /
18:12 and scarlet, and all thyine w' /
wool (erion; wool) /
1:14 his hairs were white like w' /
word, words (logos, rhema; communicate, reason, utterance, words) /
1:2 bare record of the w' of God 17:17 the w' of God shall be fulfilled/
1:3 hear the w' of this prophecy 19:13 his name is called the W' of God/
1:9 for the w' of God, and for the 20:4 and for the w' of God, and which/
3:8 and hast kept my w', and hast 21:5 these w' are true and faithful /
3:10 kept the w' of my patience 22:18 w' of the prophecy of this book /
6:9 were slain for the w' of God 22:19 w' of the book of this prophecy /
12:11 by the w' of their testimony /
work, works (ergon; deed, labour, work) /
2:2 I know thy w', and thy labour 3:8 I know thy w'; behold, I have /
2:5 repent, and do the first w' 3:15 I know thy w'. that thou art /
2:9 I know thy w', and tribulation 9:20 yet repent not of their w' /
2:13 I know thy w', and where thou 14:13 and their w' do follow them /
2:19 I know thy w', and charity 15:3 Great and marvellous are thy w' /
2:19 and thy patience, and thy w' 18:6 her double according to her w' /
2:23 of you accordinmg to your w' 20:12 the books,according to their w' /
2:26 and keepeth my w' unto the end 20:13 every man according to their w' /
3:1 I know thy w', that thou hast 22:12 man according as his w' shall be/
3:2 I have not found thy w' perfect /
worketh, working (poieo; to make, to do, work) /
16:14 spirits of devils, w' miracles 21:27 whatsoever w' abominations /
world (oikoumene; land, earth, world) /
3:10 shall come upon all the w' 12:9 which deceived the whole w' /
16:14 the earth and of the whole w' /
world (kosmikos, kosmos; adorning, wordly) /
11:15 kingdoms of the w' are become 17:8 from the foundation of the w' /
13:8 from the foundation of the w' /
wormwood (apsinthos; a type of bitterness, calamity, wormwood) /
8:11 name of the star is called W' 8:11 part of the water became w' /
worship, worshipped (proskuneo; prostrate in homage, reverence, adoring /
worship) /
3:9 to come and w' before thy feet 14:7 and w' him that made heaven /
4:10 and w' him that liveth for ever 14:9 If any man w' the beast and /
5:14 and w' him that liveth for ever 14:11 who w' the beast and his image /
7:11 on their faces, and w' God 15:4 shall come and w' before thee /
9:20 that they should not w' devils 16:2 upon them which w' his image /
11:1 altar, and them that w' therein 19:4 beasts fell down and w' God /
11:16 upon their faces, and w' God 19:10 I fell at his feet to w' him /
13:4 w' the dragon which gave power 19:10 w' God: for the testimony of /
13:4 and they w' the beast, saying 19:20 and them that w' his image /
13:8 upon the earth shall w' him 20:4 which had not w' the beast /
13:12 dwell therin to w' the first 22:8 I fell down to w' before the /
13:15 not w' the image of the beast 22:9 sayings of this book: w' God /
worthy (axios; due reward, suitable, worthy) /
3:4 me in white, for they are w' 5:9 Thou art w' to take the book /
4:11 Thou art w', O Lord, to 5:12 W' is the Lamb that was slain /
5:2 Who is w' to open the book 16:6 blood to drink, for they are w' /
5:4 no man was found w' to open /
wound (plege; plague, stripe, wound) /
13:3 and his deadly w' was healed 13:14 which had the w' by the sword /
13:14 whose deadly w' was healed /
wounded (sphazo; kill, slay, wound) /
13:3 heads as it were w' to death /
wrath (thumos, orge; fierceness, indignation, anger, wrath) /
6:16 from the w' of the Lamb 15:1 is filled up with the w' of God /
6:17 the greatday of his w' is come 15:7 vials full of the w' of God /
11:18 angry, and thy w' is come 16:1 the vials of the w' of God /
12:12 having great w', because he 16:19 wine of the fierceness of his w'/
14:8 of the w' of her fornication 18:3 of the w' of her fornication /
14:10 of the wine of the w' of God 19:15 fierceness and w' of Almighty /
14:19 winepress of the w' of God /
write, written (grapho, epigrapho; describe, inscribe, write) /
1:3 things which are w' therein 10:4 thunders uttered, and w' them /
1:11 What thou seest, w' in a book 14:1 Father's name w' in their /
1:19 W' the things which thou hast 14:13 W', Blessed are the dead which /
2:1 of the church of Ephesus w' 17:5 her forehead was a name w' /
2:8 of the church in Smyrna w' 17:8 not w' in the book of life /
2:12 of the church in Pergamos w' 19:9 W', Blessed are they which are /
2:17 in the stone a new name w' 19:12 had a name w', that no man /
2:18 of the church in Thyatira w' 19:16 and on his thigh a name w' /
3:1 of the church in Sardis w' 20:12 things which were w' in the book/
3:7 the church in Philadelphia w' 20:15 was not found w' in the book /
3:12 I will w' upon him the name 21:5 W', for these words are true /
3:12 I will w' upon him my new 21:12 and names w' in the Lamb's book /
3:14 church of the Laodiceans w' 21:27 are w' in the lamb's book of /
5:1 book w' within and on the 21:18 plagues that are w' in this book/
10:4 voices, I was about to w' 22:19 things which are w' in this book/
wroth (orgizo; anger, wroth) /
12:17 dragon was w' with the woman /
wrought (poieo; to make or do, cause, perform, wrought) /
19:20 false prophet which w' miracles /
yea (nai; even so, truly, verily, yea) /
14:13 Y', saith the spirit, that they /
year (eniautos; a year) /
9:15 a day, and a month, and a y' /
years (etos; a year) /
20:2 and bound him a thousand y' 20:5 until the thousands y' was /
20:3 the thousand y' should be 20:6 reign with him a thousand y' /
20:4 with Christ a thousand y' 20:7 the thousand y' was expired /
yielded (apodidomi; to give away, yield up) /
22;2 and y' her fruit every month /
your (humon; you, your) /
1:9 I John, who also am y' brother 16:1 Go y' ways, and pour out the /
2:23 of you according to y' works /
Zebulun (Zabulon; "habitation") /
7:8 Of the tribes of Z' were sealed /
zealous (zeloo; covet, desire, jealous, zealous) /
3:19 be z' therefore and repent /
Zion (Sion; "a monumental or guiding pillar") /
14:1 a Lamb stood on the mount Z' /
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