NIGHT STALKER for Intellivision


Intellivision Cartridge Instructions

(For 1 Player)


Your man is trapped in the maze. Robots relentlessly track him down. Keep him

away from spiders and bats. Watch out for robot fire! React quickly. The key to

survival is to destroy them -- before they get the man! Rack up as many points

as you can! It's you against the end!


To begin the game, select RESET. You see the NIGHT STALKER Title Screen. Now

choose your speed:

Press 3 for the slowest speed.

Press 2 for medium speed.

Press 1 for medium fast speed.

Press RETURN for the fastest speed.


The game begins immediately, with the man inside the center bunker. His loaded

weapon is lying in the maze and is flashing. The man must leave the bunker and

land on the weapon to pick it up.

Use the ARROW KEYS to move the man through the maze.

Once the man has picked up the weapon, he has six bullets and can now shoot in

four different directions.

Press 8 on the KEYPAD to shoot straight up.

Press 2 on the KEYPAD to shoot down.

Press 4 on the KEYPAD to shoot left.

Press 6 on the KEYPAD to shoot right.


BUNKER: There is only one safe place for the man to hide...and that's inside the

bunker, in the center of the maze. When he's inside, spiders and bats cannot

bite him, and the robot's bullets will not harm him -- until the Black Robot

appears (see below).

IMPORTANT: If your man isn't all the way inside the bunker, he can be blasted by

robot fire!

MAN: You start off with 6 men. After one man is shot, the next one appears

inside the bunker, and the number of men you have left shows on the screen. Each

time you rack up about 10,000 points, you get another man. When your last man is

downed by robot fire, the game is over!

WEAPON: The man's main defense in the creature-infested maze is his loaded

weapon. Each weapon holds six shots, and will drop bats, spiders and robots in

their tracks.

IMPORTANT: Time your shots carefully!  Once you fire, you cannot shoot again

until that bullet disappears from the screen. While his bullet is traveling, the

man can run to dodge alien fire.

The man is out of bullets when you see the weapon flashing on the screen. The

man must then land on top of the weapon to pick it up.

Occasionally you might have bullets left after you have fired off six shots.

When the weapon ran out of ammunition, the next loaded weapon was placed right

where your man was standing and he automatically picked it up. Keep on shooting!

SPIDER: A single menacing spider creeps throughout the maze, ready to bite the

man whenever they come in contact. Once the man is bitten, he falls down,

paralyzed for a few seconds. When he's down, he cannot fire his weapon or run.

He's vulnerable to robot attack!

To avoid being bitten, fire off a shot. If it hits the spider, he vanishes. But

another quickly appears in the spider's web and begins to crawl around. The

robot's fire does not zap the spider!

The spider web is a semi-protected area. All the maze creatures and the man can

enter the web. Sometimes the bullets from the man and the robot will penetrate

the web. Sometimes they will not.

BATS: Two bats, hanging upside down, awaken and wing their way through the

pathways of the maze. Either bat can bite the man when they come in contact. The

man falls down and is paralyzed the same as when bitten by a spider. He cannot

shoot or move.

After you shoot a bat, or a bat is hit by robot fire, it is replaced by another.

But if it isn't a direct hit, the bat is still there to torment you!

IMPORTANT: The game changes once your score is over 5,000 points. Now when a bat

is hit by robot fire or your shot, a gray robot takes its place. If both bats

get hit, you will have 3 robots and no bats after the man!

ROBOTS: The man's most persistent enemy in the maze is the robot. In the course

of the game you will encounter five different types. As your score gets higher,

the robots become more and more sophisticated. Each new robot has all the

characteristics of the previous robot, plus new features.

All robots fire at the man! They have unlimited ammunition. Their shots are the

same as the man's...only one bullet shows on the screen at a time.

When the man's bullet hits a robot, he explodes. Another robot quickly replaces

him. Robots always enter the maze at the lower left corner.

Now let's take a look at these adversaries:

Gray Robot: This robot is slow on the attack. He patrols the maze at random,

shooting only when he sees the man. After 5,000 points, when a bat is shot, this

robot takes its place in the maze!

Blue Robot: After 5,000 points, a blue robot appears on the screen. He's more

determined to track the man wherever he goes! He's hard to lose!

White Robot: After 15,000 points, the white robot appears and aggressively seeks

out the man. The white robot's shield protects him from the man's bullets. It

takes 3 bullets to penetrate the shield and blow this robot away!

Black Robot: After 30,000 points, the black robot appears and advances with

power! He is capable of firing white "energy bolts" that absorb the man's

bullets on contact.

After 50,000 points, this robot shoots yellow "energy bolts." These can now

crash into the bunker and slowly wear it away. Once the bunker is gone, there's

no safe place for the man to hide.

Invisible Robot: He's in the maze after 80,000 points, and is the ultimate

aggressor! It's a sneak attack! His bullets are visible.  That's your only clue

about where he is!


Destroy a spider and earn 100 points.

Destroy a bat and earn 300 points.

Destroy the blue robot and earn 500 points.

Destroy the white robot and earn 1,000 points.

Destroy the black robot and earn 2000 points.

Destroy the invisible robot and earn 4000 points.


Once an aggressive robot is after the man, lay in wait at corners and

intersections. When the robot advances, get off a shot and quickly retreat!

For the white, black and invisible robots, it's helpful to count your bullets.

Try to use your last bullet to blast the robot. This gives you some time to run

and pick up the weapon while the next robot enters the maze.

Knock off sleeping bats for quick points!


(c) 1982, 1997 Intellivision Productions, Inc.


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