Children's Writers Chat 1-9-01
Subject: Children's Writers - Highlights
Author: Writerbabe
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Children's Writers Chat 1-9-01
Guest: Chris Clark, managing editor of Highlights
Host: Chuck Galey
9 p.m. ET (6 p.m. PT), Writers Workshop
Children's Writers chat - writers and illustrators of children's books meet for specific topics and special guest speakers, moderated by HOST WRTR WBABE & HOST WRTR CGaley, with HOST WRTR sUe & HOST WRTR Neely (Greeters).
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<HTML><FONT BACK="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=1 PTSIZE=8>Children's Writers Chat 1-9-01<BR>
Guest: Chris Clark, managing editor of Highlights<BR>
Host: Chuck Galey<BR>
CGaley: Welcome to the AOL Children's Writers Chat Group!<BR>
Neely f: Christine, I would love to come back.<BR>
CGaley: We're in full protocol tonight, soooo....<BR>
CGaley: Type a ? when you have a question...<BR>
CGaley: and ! when you have a comment partaining to the question being<BR>
CGaley: addressed at the moment...<BR>
PHeeren: HI<BR>
CGaley: Type ga when you're finished with your<BR>
CGaley: comment or question...<BR>
CGaley: Tonight, we welcome the Managing Editor of one of the<BR>
CGaley: most famous magazines in children's publishing<BR>
CGaley: I mean, of course, Highlights for Children!<BR>
CGaley: Chris Clark is joining us tonight!<BR>
CGaley: Welcome Chris!<BR>
Chrishfc: Thanks, Chuck. Glad to be here.<BR>
CGaley: Wave for us, please Chris! ga<BR>
CGaley: Thanks...<BR>
CGaley: I'll ask a couple of questions to get <BR>
CGaley: the ball rolling, then we'll turn it over to the audience.<BR>
CGaley: Chris, most of our group writes for book publishers...<BR>
CGaley: what's the main difference between writing an article<BR>
CGaley: for a children's magazine and a children's book? ga<BR>
Chrishfc: Well, one main difference is often the length. <BR>
Chrishfc: But I think a book piece has to have better "legs" than a magazine story.<BR>
Chrishfc: A picture book, for example, needs to be able to hold up for multiple readings.<BR>
Chrishfc: Not so true for a magazine piece.<BR>
Chrishfc: Sometimes it's hard to tell the<BR>
Chrishfc: A magazine piece also tends to have a narrower focus.<BR>
Chrishfc: You can't "dump the whole load" ina magazine piece like you might be able to with a book ms.<BR>
CGaley: Can you explain "focus" in HFC's context?<BR>
CGaley: ga<BR>
Chrishfc: I guess when we talk about focus, we talk about zooming in.<BR>
Chrishfc: Much like you do with a camera. You can't give the whole picture, so you take an aspect of <BR>
Chrishfc: the story and develop it so that it stands alone but, hopefully, inspires kids to dig deeper<BR>
Chrishfc: ga<BR>
CGaley: What types of articles do you generally look for? ga<BR>
Chrishfc: If we're talking about nonfiction....<BR>
CGaley: Yes, nonfiction ... or fiction! ga<BR>
Chrishfc: we buy a lot of science. We try to include at least one "big furry animal piece" in each <BR>
Chrishfc: issue. Kids really love animal pieces. These pieces need<BR>
Chrishfc: to exceptional however. Authors either need to have some<BR>
Chrishfc: firsthand experience with their subject that somehow makes them experts--or they need to<BR>
Chrishfc: have access to experts. If you're not a marine biologist, for <BR>
Chrishfc: example, you need to be sure to interview one, and have one review your piece for accuracy.<BR>
Chrishfc: We also buy world cultures pieces. BIG NEED.<BR>
Chrishfc: We are especially in need of contemporary world cultures pieces. What's life like for kids <BR>
Chrishfc: today in other cultures?<BR>
Chrishfc: Chuck, am I talking too much at one time? <BR>
CGaley: No, you're doing fine! LOL<BR>
Sryope2: ?<BR>
CGaley: Just for the record... how many countries is Highlights published in? ag<BR>
CGaley: ga<BR>
CGaley: (Sryope2, your on the que)<BR>
Chrishfc: Highlights is currently being produced in two editions: domestic<BR>
Chrishfc: and international. The international edition is being sent to other English speaking <BR>
Chrishfc: countries--most notable India!<BR>
Chrishfc: It's being sold door to door there, quite successfully.<BR>
Chrishfc: The international edition is very similar to the domestic edition except that it is<BR>
Chrishfc: de-Americanized. Stories about American culture are largely replaced with stories that have<BR>
Chrishfc: a more international focus. and, of course, everything is<BR>
Chrishfc: Oxford English. We add a lot of "u"s to words, and replace Mom with Mum, etc.<BR>
Chrishfc: ga<BR>
CGaley: Wow! Door to door sales in India! That's marketing!<BR>
Chrishfc: Yes, it's really amazing. The distributors also World Book.<BR>
CGaley: I'll ask one more question then we'll open it up to the floor... type your <BR>
Chrishfc: They are the world's largest distributors of World Book encyclopedias.<BR>
CGaley: ?'s & !'s and I'll call on you in the que. <BR>
Ddilcher77: ?<BR>
CGaley: You mentioned the International Culture angle for stories...<BR>
CGaley: what else do you have a need for?.<BR>
CGaley: ga<BR>
Chrishfc: We currently have a crying need for December holiday stories that stress the spiritual value<BR>
Chrishfc: of the holidays. For example, we could use more Christmas stories that focus on family time<BR>
Chrishfc: helping others--all the neat things about the holiday except the <BR>
Chrishfc: commercialism/Santa Claus.<BR>
Chrishfc: We could use more Hannukkah stories (not sure I spelled that<BR>
Chrishfc: correctly). We're even looking for some good pieces on Hindu holidays--fiction or non.<BR>
Chrishfc: In terms of holiday fiction, we could use a little more of <BR>
Chrishfc: everything except Halloween. We seem to have plenty of that.<BR>
Chrishfc: Shall I go on?<BR>
CGaley: Sure! A few more topics would be great!!!<BR>
CGaley: ga<BR>
Chrishfc: If there are poets out there, we could use some action rhymes/finger plays for our youngest <BR>
CGaley: (Everyone make a note of what she's needing!!!)<BR>
Chrishfc: readers. I'd like to see more crafts made from common<BR>
Chrishfc: household items--but something different! Newer, more contemporary ideas.<BR>
Neely f: <---making a list and checking it twice.<BR>
Chrishfc: We also need nonfiction pieces on the arts.<BR>
Chrishfc: We have a few pieces about contemporary art--profiles of modern-day <BR>
Chrishfc: sculptors, etc. But we'd like to find folks who can write an interesting, <BR>
Chrishfc: narrowly focused piece of some aspect of Mozart's life or a piece of Beethoven's music.<BR>
Chrishfc: Something to get kids excited about the classics--but not in a schoolbookish way.<BR>
Chrishfc: We're also short of adventure stories--nonfiction pieces<BR>
Chrishfc: about modern-day explorers. Folks who explore caves, have adventures on canoe trips, etc. <BR>
Chrishfc: Of course, they have to discover something in the process.<BR>
Chrishfc: Whew! <BR>
CGaley: WOW!!!<BR>
Chrishfc: Let me catch my breath here. :)<BR>
CGaley: I hope everyone took note of all their needs there<BR>
CGaley: at HIghlights!<BR>
CGaley: Chris, why don't we field a few questions... OK?<BR>
CGaley: You're doing great!<BR>
CGaley: ga<BR>
Chrishfc: Sure.<BR>
CGaley: OK, Sryope2... did you have a questions for Chris?<BR>
Sryope2: Do the cultural pieces have to be up beat? How about a girls life in afghanistan for eg?<BR>
CGaley: (question)<BR>
Chrishfc: That's a great question, Sryope2.<BR>
Sryope2: Also, sorry if I missed this, what kind of pay range for different pieces<BR>
Sryope2: ga<BR>
RoxyanneY: ?<BR>
Chrishfc: Yes, we prefer that the cultural pieces are upbeat.<BR>
Chrishfc: Our goal is to show kids not-so-much the differences in other<BR>
Chrishfc: cultures, but rather the similarities. We try to avoid depicting a culture<BR>
PHeeren: ?<BR>
Chrishfc: unfamiliar to most of our readers in a way that might make kids think it's strange or weird.<BR>
Chrishfc: We'd like to kids to think about how we're all more alike than different.<BR>
Chrishfc: Pay? It varies. It probably starts at about $185, depending on the research.<BR>
Chrishfc: Writers who have sold to us before earn more (a little) with each sale.<BR>
Sryope2: (for how many words?)<BR>
CGaley: Chris... what is the word length for these types of articles? ga<BR>
WriteLeanOnMe: ?<BR>
Neely f: ?<BR>
Chrishfc: Our guidelines say that 900 words is the maximum.<BR>
Chrishfc: The truth is--that's almost too long. I think 700 or 800 is ideal.<BR>
Chrishfc: Of course, they can always be shorter.<BR>
Chrishfc: ga<BR>
CGaley: Donna... you have a quick question in between greeting duties?<BR>
CGaley: (DDilcher... you're next)<BR>
Neely f: Christine, Wow, what a lot of information! When you contract a story,<BR>
Neely f: is it for a particular month, or do you store stories to use at a later date?<BR>
Neely f: Is payment upon publication or is it upon completion of manuscript?<BR>
Neely f: GA<BR>
Chrishfc: We buy good stories when we see them, whether we have<BR>
Neely f: (Thanks Chuck.<BR>
Chrishfc: an issue in mind or not.<BR>
Chrishfc: So we build an inventory of stories, and sometimes it takes<BR>
SMiles1012: ?<BR>
Chrishfc: us a while to find a slot of them.<BR>
Chrishfc: I think we're better than we used to be about buying material we probably won't use. <BR>
Chrishfc: We pay on acceptance. ga<BR>
Neely f: Thank you. :)<BR>
CGaley: OK, dDilcher... ask a way!<BR>
Ddilcher77: Has Highlights ever done articles on hot air balloons and would they be interested in one? <BR>
Chrishfc: Hmm...I can think of some fiction we've done with the balloon<BR>
Chrishfc: theme. I'm not remembering any nonfiction.<BR>
Ddilcher77: I live in Reno and we have our balloon races every year.<BR>
Chrishfc: But there may be some in the drawer. <BR>
Chrishfc: If you wanted to write about a specific balloon race,<BR>
Chrishfc: that would be a tougher sale. It'd be hard to pull it off without it<BR>
Ddilcher77: I wanted to do a photo article on how the balloons are readied for such an event. ga.<BR>
Chrishfc: sounding like a travel article, which we don't do.<BR>
Chrishfc: A photo essay would be great!<BR>
Chrishfc: That might work for us.<BR>
Chrishfc: ga<BR>
Ddilcher77: Great. I'll get something together during this years race. ga.<BR>
CGaley: Roxanne, you're next! ga<BR>
RoxyanneY: How should we submit photo essay ideas, specifically what format do you want the pictures? <BR>
RoxyanneY: Slides, prints, etc.<BR>
RoxyanneY: ga<BR>
Chrishfc: Our art department likes slides/transparencies best. We don't mind<BR>
Chrishfc: looking at prints first. And sometimes the prints are magazine<BR>
Chrishfc: quality, so then they're OK. Digital hasn't been working too well.<BR>
Chrishfc: ga<BR>
Sryope2: pay?<BR>
RoxyanneY: ?<BR>
CGaley: Phreeren... your question... ga<BR>
Husky 7: ?<BR>
PHeeren: What about writing about children with disabilities? Didn't Highlights have stories based on<BR>
Chrishfc: Pay varies. It depends upon the quality of the photos. We tend to pay for the package--<BR>
PHeeren: them?<BR>
Chrishfc: photos and captions.<BR>
PHeeren: ga<BR>
Chrishfc: Pheeren--it's tricky to write stories that focus on kids with<BR>
Chrishfc: disabilities. But we're open to looking at them. We love it when stories include disabled <BR>
Chrishfc: kids in a way that's very natural to the story.<BR>
PHeeren: I am a disabled writer, btw<BR>
Chrishfc: We want all kids to see themselves in Highlights, and it's<BR>
PHeeren: ga<BR>
CGaley: Everyone... please hold your article ideas for personal<BR>
Chrishfc: harder for disabled kids. ga<BR>
Rdpelleg: !<BR>
CGaley: corrospondence with Highlights... <BR>
Ddilcher77: ?<BR>
CGaley: We're here for techniques and needs... Thank you...<BR>
CGaley: WriteleanonMe... you're next<BR>
WriteLeanOnMe: Do you accept articles on spec, what is your typical<BR>
WriteLeanOnMe: response time to query? ga<BR>
Chrishfc: We rarely make assignments, so almost every article is on spec.<BR>
Chrishfc: We only want queries on nonfiction, and we try to answer<BR>
Chrishfc: in a timely manner. A month is the goal.<BR>
Chrishfc: Think we do most sooner. ga<BR>
MudderGG: ?<BR>
WriteLeanOnMe: Thank you ga<BR>
CGaley: Rdpelleg.. a comment? ga<BR>
Rdpelleg: As a child I read many of the highlight magazine<BR>
Pete n Gun: ?<BR>
Rdpelleg: and I just wanted to say that whether children have handicaps or live with hardships<BR>
SMiles1012: ! ?<BR>
Rdpelleg: I have always found them to enterain and touch me, ga<BR>
CGaley: Great comment....!<BR>
Chrishfc: Thanks, Rdpelleg. :)<BR>
Kathum: ?<BR>
CGaley: Roxyanne... another question?<BR>
RoxyanneY: Do you have any need for articles or stories about technology for younger kids? And what<BR>
CGaley: (Husky, you're up next, then Ddilcher ...)<BR>
RoxyanneY: sort of problems did you have with digital pictures? Also, it's been a while since I've seen<BR>
RoxyanneY: the Highlights site here on AOL - do you have a website now and is it interactive - any need<BR>
RoxyanneY: for articles there? And if so, do they correspond with the themes in the print version?<BR>
RoxyanneY: ga<BR>
Chrishfc: Oh, yes. We'd love more technology articles. Writers who can make<BR>
Chrishfc: technology simple and interesting to kids definitely need to<BR>
Chrishfc: contact us! <BR>
RoxyanneY: (Wahoo! You will be hearing from me!)<BR>
Chrishfc: Your second question about digital photos:<BR>
Chrishfc: I'm not sure I can answer it well enough technically for you (sounds like<BR>
Chrishfc: you want detail!). I just know that the overall quality<BR>
Chrishfc: isn't there in most cases. They don't seem to reproduce well<BR>
Chrishfc: on our paper.<BR>
Chrishfc: Have to scroll up again for your third question.<BR>
Chrishfc: Ah! We migrated off AOL several years ago (great<BR>
Chrishfc: experience, that was!). We've spent the last year developing<BR>
Chrishfc: this fabulous web site for kids which, with any luck, will<BR>
Chrishfc: launch this spring.<BR>
Chrishfc: We're not sure what allt he opportunities for writers will be.<BR>
WriterBabe: [Folks, we all want to make sales, but please refrain from pitching articles to our guest]<BR>
DLubar: ?<BR>
Chrishfc: We're preparing new guidelines, and we'll address that then.<BR>
Chrishfc: Much of the content, though, will be repurposed from the mag.<BR>
Chrishfc: ga<BR>
RoxyanneY: (Superb, thank you.)<BR>
CGaley: Smiles... did you have a comment?<BR>
SMiles1012: I read it also & Loved it. Are you interested in Mysteries or fantasies<BR>
Chrishfc: Ah, the Highlights mystery story. So hard to do, so hard to find!<BR>
Chrishfc: We always need mysteries, but they need to be our style.<BR>
Neely f: ><><><> 15 MINUTE WARNING ><><><><BR>
Chrishfc: No violence. No crime.<BR>
Chrishfc: But yet, still mysterious and intriguing.<BR>
Chrishfc: We laugh, because it seems like it's always "the dog" and not the butler<BR>
Chrishfc: in our stories!<BR>
Chrishfc: Fantasy stories--we buy them. Not too much science fiction, but other types. ga<BR>
CGaley: Let's move on to a few more questions...<BR>
CGaley: Husky7, you're up...<BR>
SMiles1012: Thank you<BR>
Husky 7: Chris, are you still looking for sports, fitness, health articles? ga<BR>
Chrishfc: Husky, in my last job at CBHI, that was my goal! :)<BR>
Chrishfc: At HFC, we're mostly interested in sports articles. Maybe a health piece that isn't too <BR>
Chrishfc: didactic and inherently interesting. ga<BR>
Husky 7: thanks!<BR>
CGaley: dDilcher.. you're next... and please don't pitch an idea!!!<BR>
CGaley: LOL!<BR>
CGaley: dDilcher?<BR>
Prbatey: ?<BR>
CGaley: OK, then... MudderGG... you're next!<BR>
MudderGG: So we just submit an entire story itself? Without a query? If so, where do we send it?<BR>
MudderGG: ga<BR>
Chrishfc: Fiction -- no query. Just a great story and a great cover letter! Nonfiction<BR>
Chrishfc: can be queried or not. 803 Church ST. Honesdale, PA 18431.<BR>
Chrishfc: Fiction for younger kids: Marileta Robinson.<BR>
Chrishfc: Fiction for older kids: Judy Burke.<BR>
Chrishfc: Nonfiction that's not science or history: Andra Serlin<BR>
Chrishfc: Science: Andy Boyles.<BR>
MNWhiles: ?<BR>
SMiles1012: /<BR>
Chrishfc: History/World Cultures: CArolyn YOder.<BR>
Chrishfc: ga<BR>
CGaley: We have time for a few more questions... hopefully they<BR>
CGaley: will have to do with the fine art of writing.... !<BR>
Neely f: #@#@#@ 10 MINUTE WARNING @#@@#@#<BR>
CGaley: Pete n gun... you're next...<BR>
Pete n Gun: What are the elements of a good rebus and do you need any?<BR>
Chrishfc: Always happen to see rebus stories. The best ones, Pete,<BR>
Chrishfc: have a "twist" at the end--a kind of O'Henry ending. STudy the ones in the mag to see<BR>
Chrishfc: what I mean. ALso, the picture words need to be nouns. Don't<BR>
Chrishfc: force it by trying to show verbs in pictures. Yikes.<BR>
Chrishfc: ga<BR>
CGaley: Kath... a question?<BR>
CGaley: ga<BR>
Pete n Gun: thanks<BR>
Kathum: I got thrown off line. Hope I didn't miss it, but can you give any advice on how to win <BR>
Kathum: the upcoming fiction contest? ga<BR>
Chrishfc: Well, first of all: follow the rules. DOn't send a story that<BR>
MaryCronk: ?<BR>
Chrishfc: doesn't fit the theme. Also, make sure it's your best effort.<BR>
Chrishfc: WRite it, put in a drawer for a few days, pull it out and revise.<BR>
Chrishfc: Competition is often steep. The good ones are very good, but they rise to the<BR>
Chrishfc: top like cream! Good luck. ga<BR>
Kathum: tks. ga<BR>
CGaley: David L... you're up!<BR>
CGaley: fa<BR>
DLubar: Any chance Highlights will ever change it's policy of buying all rights to fiction?<BR>
CGaley: ga<BR>
Chrishfc: Don't see a policy change in the near future. Kent's a real stickler on that one!<BR>
Chrishfc: ga<BR>
LynWriteBk: ?<BR>
CGaley: Prbatey... you're next..<BR>
Prbatey: Hi Chris! Trish Batey here. Do you have much need for general fiction right now? ga<BR>
Chrishfc: Hi, Trish! We buy fiction all the time. If we see a good story, we'll snatch it.<BR>
Chrishfc: Sometimes we don't even know what we want until we see it. Everything's read, so send away!<BR>
Chrishfc: ga<BR>
Neely f: ()()()( 3 MINUTE WARNING ()()()<BR>
CGaley: One more question...<BR>
Prbatey: thanks!<BR>
CGaley: Mnwhiles... you're up!<BR>
MNWhiles: I have this idea--just kidding. ;-) Seriously, what makes a great cover letter? GA<BR>
CGaley: ga<BR>
CGaley: (UGGG!!!)<BR>
Chrishfc: Say something relevant. Tell us about previous credits.<BR>
MNWhiles: ;-)<BR>
Chrishfc: Tell us about any special expertise you may have that qualifies<BR>
Chrishfc: you to write about your subject. Tell us about any special <BR>
Chrishfc: research you did. Include a bibliography. Don't say "this is great. My kids loved it." <BR>
Chrishfc: ga<BR>
RoxyanneY: ?<BR>
MNWhiles: thanks.<BR>
CGaley: That's about all the time we have for questions tonight...<BR>
CGaley: the novelists are arriving.<BR>
Chrishfc: What fun! The first time I've talked to writers wearing my jammies!<BR>
CGaley: Chris... any closing comments? Maybe something about<BR>
RoxyanneY: How do you want to see poetry submissions?<BR>
Pete n Gun: Thanks Chris! Very informative! <BR>
BOEDEN: Excellent discüssion. Thank yoü Chris Clark for your generoüs information. Chück...<BR>
CGaley: your favorite style of writing?<BR>
Prbatey: Thanks, Chris! Happy New Year!<BR>
BOEDEN: Nice hosting job. Happy writing everyone. Dream of exciting plots.<BR>
WriterBabe: Thanks, Chris!<BR>
Ekbruno: very informative ... thanks!<BR>
Julisari: Thank you Chris and Chuck!!!*<BR>
WriterBabe: Great guesting and hosting!<BR>
BOEDEN: Nighty Night Writers<BR>
Chrishfc: Let's hear from you!<BR>
Sryope2: Thanks<BR>
Neely f: ()()( Clapping ()()() Great job! Christine! Thanks.()()( Clapping ()()()<BR>
WriterBabe: Next week, folks, we have another stellar guest: the granddaddy of short story anthologies,<BR>
WriterBabe: Donald Gallo.<BR>
WriterBabe: See you then!<BR>
WriteLeanOnMe: Great discussion! Thanks!<BR>
SMiles1012: ()()()()()()<BR>
MudderGG: Thank you very much, Chris<BR>
RoxyanneY: Please forgive that last question - I swear I was aiming for the delete button!<BR>
CGaley: Chris... thanks for joining us tonight!1!<BR>
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