ZCOMM User Manual
Version 17.61 TurboDial 2.33 Universal Line Printer Edition
ZCOMM User Manual 31
7.17 Prometheus ProModem 1200
The following switch setting works with ZCOMM: 1-4,6,9 on; 5,7,8,10
off.[4] A custom "dial" script can be written to operate this modem in
its native mode.
7.18 Racal-Vadic Maxwell 2400V
The Maxwell 2400V has long delays designed to allow switching between
data and voice operation on the same phone line. Unfortunately, they
slow normal data operations. The 2400VP reportedly does not have this
Use the default mm224 dialing routine discussed above for this modem.
7.19 Standard 103/212
The supplied "dial" script will present the number to the user and
wait for a success/fail response if the mprefix string parameter is
set empty. Alternatively, one could change the script to loop waiting
for carrier detect while the keyboard is inactive. The Data Set Ready
(DSR) signal may be connected to the modem's speed detect output (high
for 1200 bps, low for 300) allowing the dr test condition to sample
the DSR line to determine the speed of the incoming call.
7.20 Data Race BMX
These modems have a switch selected interface speed, an AT style
command set, and switch options for software or hardware flow control.
Recommended settings are: AT commands, Dialup, 8 bit data (down),
disable XON (7 and 8 down), Echo on. ZCOMM's handshake on command
should be used.
7.21 Strange Modems
Most intelligent modems can be commanded to autodial with a suitable
mprefix and msuffix string. Those modems that won't work with a
particular mprefix can be programmed with a custom "dial" script. If
the modem can be configured to reset to a known condition when DTR is
4. Prometheus mode does not work with ZCOMM's built-in dialing
software because the "DIAL COMPLETED" message makes ZCOMM think
it's seen "CONNECT" (ZCOMM looks for a "T").
(C) 1990 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 7 Unleashing the MODEM
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ZCOMM User Manual 32
turned off, programming is usually straightforward.
Otherwise, the script must determine what speed the modem is set to,
and then, at its present speed, command the modem to change to the
desired speed. The essential requirement is to write a script that
controls the modem and responds to its state. The information on
scripts in Chapter 99 should prove useful.
7.22 Manual Dialing with Smart Modems
Some hotels and exotic locales sport telephone systems with unusual
dialing requirements. It may be necessary to dial the call with the
telephone, talk to an operator, and then activate the modem. With
Hayes compatible modems, an ATD command may be given to the modem to
connect it to the line and attempt a data handshake.
7.23 Direct Connection
ZCOMM works well communicating with locally connected microcomputers,
minicomputers, or mainframes with direct RS-232 connections. For such
applications, only transmit and receive data data lines need be
connected to the computer. The Carrier Detect line[5] should be
driven ON (+5 volts) to prevent noise on this line by strapping it to
Data Terminal Ready [6] if no other signal is available.
For best high speed operation, replace 8250 or 16450 UART chips with
the NS16550AN chip. ZCOMM enables the hardware buffering on this chip
to avoid data loss caused by TSR programs, special device drivers,
extended memory disks or caches, and DOS clock interrupts.
5. Pin 8 on 25 pin RS-232 connector, pin 1 on PC-AT 9 pin connector.
6. Pin 20 on RS-232 connector, pin 4 on PC-AT 9 pin connector.
(C) 1990 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 7 Your Telephone Directory
Version 17.61 TurboDial 2.33 Universal Line Printer Edition
ZCOMM User Manual 33
ZCOMM's telephone directory is a big flexibility advantage over
traditional communications programs which require one or more separate
files for each system called, or limit directory information to little
more than a telephone number.
The telephone directory is a plain ASCII text file which can be edited
with standard text editors (brief, teco, EMACS, edlin, etc.).
Normally, ZCOMM expects to find the telephone directory in the file
/PHODIR.t on the current disk. The pathname may be changed with the
PHONES environment variable. Forward slashes should be used to
indicate directories.
EXAMPLE: C>set PHONES=c:/yam/lib/PHODIR.t
EXAMPLE: $ PHONES=/u/flashg/bin/phones.t; export PHONES (for Unix)
The putsnp program may also be used to change ZCOMM's default
Telephone Directory pathname.
The call command connects to another computer. When you give a
call name command, ZCOMM prepares for a modem call and then searches
the telephone directory file for a line starting with name.
It is not necessary to type the entire name as it appears in the file.
ZCOMM will find the first entry that name is a prefix of.
EXAMPLE: call cis would access either the cis300 or cis1200 telephone
directory entry, whichever was first.
When using two entries with similar names (such as "cis300" and
"cis1200"), place the favorite entry first. This way you can just
type call cis to get the desired entry.
If the search is successful, the call command copies the complete
directory entry name to the remote string parameter, where it can be
used for log entries and automatic password generation. ZCOMM
executes the commands on the rest of the line (if any), and on
succeeding lines beginning with a space or tab, until the next
Telephone Directory entry or a return command is seen.
There is no arbitrary limit to the size of the telephone directory.
Popular entries may be placed near the front to minimize searching
time. When desired, Scripts can be placed in separate files
referenced with a source command from the Telephone Directory entry.
(C) 1990 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 8 Your Telephone Directory
Version 17.61 TurboDial 2.33 Universal Line Printer Edition
ZCOMM User Manual 34
8.1 Customizing Your Telephone Directory
8.1.1 TAKE A SHORTCUT WITH PHOMAST.T This starter script was written
by Michael Ash of San Antonio, Texas. It is easy to configure and use
by following the detailed instructions included in the file itself.
8.1.2 CUSTOMIZING PHONES.T Compared to phomast.t, phones.t is the
"industrial strength" prototype directory. While not as easy to
configure as phomast.t, it is powerful enough to tame a TrailBlazer
and other complex modems.
When ZCOMM begins execution, it searches the telephone directory for
the setup entry. (A directory entry has the entry name starting at
the left margin.)
The setup telephone directory in the distributed phodir.t file invokes
a demonstration menu. Once you have exercized the various
demonstration possibilities, search for the xsetup telephone directory
and change it to setup be removing the "x". This will blank out the
oroginal setup entry which appears later in the file.
setup port 1
The first line of the "setup" entry selects port 1.
: if !c speed 1200 putw "ATZ\r"
This line is commented out with a colon (:). If the colon is removed,
the speed is changed to 1200 and ZCOMM sends an initialization command
to the modem if no carrier detect signal is present. If a carrier
detect signal is present (modem still connected to the remote
computer), the speed is not changed, and no initialization command is
sent to the modem.
pd1; pz480
enables incoming time/date information provided by the ZMODEM and True
YMODEM protocols. Time/date stamping of transmitted files provides
many advantages over traditional protocols, including the ability to
selectively transmit files if the source file is newer than receiver's
copy. The number in the pz480 command should represent the local time
zone expressed as minutes behind GMT.[1]
This line should be commented out with a leading colon (or removed) if
1. Pacific Standard Time is 480 minutes behind Greenwich Mean Time
(C) 1990 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 8 Your Telephone Directory
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ZCOMM User Manual 35
you use a backup program that depends on the dates of files to
determine which to save.
set mprefix "ATDP"
sets the string parameter mprefix to ATDP, setting the Hayes modem to
use rotary (pulse) dialing. If your phone uses tone dialing, comment
that line out (place a leading colon to make ZCOMM pass over it) and
uncomment the line containig "ATDT".
set l "1"; set m "1"
The l and m string parameters support the dynamic selection of one or
more ALDS alternate long distance carriers. The default values for
these parameters is the digit 1.
When making entries in your telephone directory, use %l- for numbers
with different area codes, and %m- for numbers with the same area code
as yours.
If you use a long distance credit card or sometimes dial out from
hotel or PBX lines, be sure to modify the att, ddd, hotel9, and hotel8
telephone directory entries in phones.t to suit your needs.
The set command sets the string parameter l (lower case L) to 1
(number), providing for normal long distance access. If you have an
alternative long distance service, set this parameter to the required
access string for that service.[2] The "set m 1" command sets the
string parameter m to 1, providing for normal long distance access for
numbers in your same area code. If you have an alternative long
distance service, set this parameter to the required access string for
that service, plus your area code if required. (Some alternate long
distance services require the area code for all calls, even those in
your own area code.)
set answerback "YOUR NAME CITY\r\n\21"
Change the answerback setting to reflect your name.[3] Be sure to keep
the \21 at the end of the string.[4]
The next lines configure soft keys F3 to FS4. Their functions are
2. Use the "setsavenet" entry in PHODIR.t as a prototype.
3. Some timesharing systems may require a specific answerback string.
4. See Chapter 25 for a description character escapes.
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ZCOMM User Manual 36
described at the end of Chapter 18.
: display bell=visual
Causes bell characters to be displayed as a flashing musical note
instead of sounding. If you want a silent bell, uncomment this line.
set quitcmd "\003\336off\r"
This string is sent to the remote before disconnecting when an ALT-Q
is typed during a protocol file transfer.
: set calllog c:/calllog
: set rxlog c:/tmp/rxlog
: set txlog c:/tmp/txlog
The above lines set the pathnames for logs of calls, files received,
and files transmitted.
set f10 "@help"
if fyamhelp.t set helpfile "yamhelp.t"
if f/umanh.hlp set helpfile "@yhp /umanh.hlp"
if fumanh.hlp set helpfile "@yhp umanh.hlp"
The above lines locate the help file and program F10 to summon the
help processor if available. These lines may be changed if you keep
these files in other directories.
: if dc ps4 pn2 pr97
If a color display is used on DOS, uncommenting this line selects red
status line (ps4), green normal text (pn2), and a blue/yellow for
reverse video (pr97). These colors may be more suitable than the
default black and white. Another possibility is "pn3" which selects
blue-green for normal text. You may wish to experiment with these
values to find ones best suited for your particular combination of
display equipment and visual preferences. Changing the colors from
time to time may prolong display tube life. The colors Telephone
Directory entry* displays the colors generated by the possible numeric
parameter values:
EXAMPLE: gosub colors
Some programs, including the "DEC Store" demonstration, will not
display exactly as intended with some combinations of the above
display parameters.
You may wish to keep your phone numbers etc. in one file and relegate
information specific to each computer to a separate file. The setup
entry in phones.t checks for the existience of a phones.ts file and
executes it of found.
(C) 1990 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 8 Your Telephone Directory
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ZCOMM User Manual 37
set s0 ""
setc pho "%PHONES\&s"; if f%pho source %pho
if %s0 return
The supplied phones.ts file is used on Omen's 386 Xenix system, and
may be used as an example. On DOS, if you use VT100 emulation with
keyboard mapping most of the time, you can add the contents of the
keyboard mapping file std.mk, xen.mk, or 101.mk to your phones.ts
While editing your telephone directory, you might wish to add some
entries for your favorite systems in the same format used by the
"amrad", "amsat", or "denver" directory entries.
When the PHODIR.t file is ready, type "ZCOMM<ENTER>" to run ZCOMM.
ZCOMM will print several lines of greeting and then silently execute
the commands in the setup directory entry.
If ZCOMM can't open PHODIR.t, exit ZCOMM with "x<ENTER>" and copy
PHODIR.t to the correct directory, or set the DOS PHONES environment
variable to the actual pathname (see Chapter 15). Also check that the
DOS CONFIG.SYS files contains FILES=20 to allow ZCOMM a sufficient
number of open files for proper script operation. If using DOS 3.2 or
later, you may need to add a STACKS line to your CONFIG.SYS file, as
described in Chapter 33.
(C) 1990 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 8 Tutorial Introduction
Version 17.61 TurboDial 2.33 Universal Line Printer Edition
ZCOMM User Manual 38
As a first order of business, run the demonstration program by typing
ZCOMMDEMO at the DOS prompt. The demo asks certain questions about
your system, and then allows you to exercise a few of ZCOMM's features
from a menu. It's a good way to get a first "feel" for ZCOMM before
getting down to business with the industrial strength software you
will be using.
Remember to turn off the CAPS LOCK key when running ZCOMM.
ASSUMPTIONS: In addition to the minimum hardware requirements for
ZCOMM, this tutorial assumes the use of a Hayes Smartmodem 1200 (or
equivalent) connected to the COM1 port in accordance with the
instructions in Chapter 7. The tutorial assumes that ZCOMM.EXE,
YHP.EXE, UMANH.HLP, and PHODIR.t are copied to the root directory of
your working disk, and that ZCOMM.EXE has been serialized with the
putsnp program. If your system configuration is different, you will
have to read the manual carefully to learn how to adjust for your
After typing ZCOMM from the DOS prompt to load ZCOMM, type F10 to
activate the flash-up help processor. Browse through it to
familiarize yourself with the information available via the F10 (help)
To make a call without using a directory entry, type speed 1200 (or
whatever) and then the phone number:
speed 1200 123-4567
The modem then dials the number. When you are connected, ZCOMM will
return to its command prompt. Keyboard F2 to begin talking with the
remote. Give some commands to the remote until several screens' worth
of text have scrolled by.
Now press the PgUp function key. The screen will now display text
that had scrolled off before. Use the PgUp, Home, PgDn, and End
function keys to move around in the review buffer.
Look for a moderately interesting nugget of wisdom, and use the up
arrow and down arrow function keys on the numeric keypad to place the
interesting part at the top of the screen.
Hit "t" to set the top marker. This causes all the text to display in
high intensity. Now move down using the down arrow key to place the
first line of unwanted text at the top of the screen.
Hit the "b" key to set the bottom pointer. This will change the
displayed text back to normal intensity.
(C) 1990 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 9 Tutorial Introduction
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ZCOMM User Manual 39
Now hit "w" and ZCOMM will prompt for a filename to write to. Type
the filename followed by <ENTER>, and ZCOMM will write the selected
data. When the write operation is finished, the screen will redisplay
the text.
When you have the feel of it, type F1 to return to the term function
and conversational connection to the remote computer.
The demonstration disk circular buffer search/cut/paste menu choice
demonstrates many of the review subcommands.
Next, log off the remote computer. When it drops the line, ZCOMM
displays No Carrier Detect in reverse video to announce that the
connection has been lost. At this time you are still in the term
Hit F1 to return to ZCOMM's command prompt. Then type "off<ENTER>" to
disconnect the modem and exit back to the operating system.
Now is a good time to read the rest of the manual to discover the
power of ZCOMM. Chapter 9 presents some unusual sessions
demonstrating more of ZCOMM's capabilities.
9.1 Sample Sessions
Direct connection to COM2 at 19kb
unix port 2 speed 19200 source 101.mk; t
| | | |
| | | Map keyboard, Invoke term function
| | ___ Set 19200 bits per second
| ______________ Select port COM2
_________________________ System name
Typical bulletin board
rcpm port 1 speed 1200 123-4567 t -8g
| | | | |
| | | | _ Term function, graphics
| | | _______ Number to call
| | __________________ 1200 baud
| _________________________ Select COM1
____________________________________ System name
A Not so Typical Session
The example below assumes a Hayes modem connected to a radio receiver
tuned to the W1AW ASCII bulletins. Refer to a recent issue of QST
Magazine for a W1AW schedule. to select the best signal. Usually,
the error rate is lowest when receiving a strong signal near the
Maximum Useable Frequency (MUF). Set the radio for Upper Sideband
(C) 1990 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 9 Sample Sessions
Version 17.61 TurboDial 2.33 Universal Line Printer Edition
ZCOMM User Manual 40
(USB) reception. Tune it so the resulting audio frequencies make the
RD (Received Data) light turn on about 50 percent of the time. Reset
the modem by powering it down before attempting regular calls.
w1aw speed 110 putw "ATS10=255 C0 H2 D\r" t -v
| | |
| | -v prints control chars
| | as ^C so they won't
| | erase the screen, etc.
| Ignore Carrier Detect, Carrier Off, Special Off
| Hook (Don't close relay), Originate, Online
|________ W1AW ASCII transmissions are at 110 bps
A>ZCOMM call unix Connect to a local system named unix
jabber jabber ... Login to system, change directory
<ALT-2>Command: Get a ZCOMM command prompt
sz prg?.? prghlp.mm Upload some files
jabber jabber ...
sz *.c *.h Download some source files
Receiving ... ZMODEM AutoDownload accepts them
kermit -ix Start the Unix Kermit server
<F1>>>>c: Get ZCOMM's command prompt
remote dir Get a directory listing
Directory... Directory listing on screen
get f2 Get (fetch) a file
f2 Open ... File arrives
send myfile Send myfile to server
finish Finish server access
t Enter term function
kermit send f1 Start a Kermit file transfer
f1 Open... File is received AUTOMAGICALLY!
jabber jabber ... Log off local system
<F1>>>>c: Get ZCOMM's command prompt
port 1 Select modem on COM1
call rcpm Dial a system called "rcpm"
jabber jabber ... Keyboarding with remote
<Home> Review function at top of text
/to superhacker Search for beginning of message to you
t Set top pointer
/to j. fred muggs Search for beginning of next message
b Set bottom pointer
w Write selected text to a disk file
<F1> Return to term function
E<ENTER> Tell the rcpm to enter a message
<ALT-2>Command: Get a ZCOMM command prompt
open -pt letter Open "letter" and send to bbs, using
prompt and throttle modes to slow
transmission so the remote system won't
drop characters.
dir Find out what files are on the RCPM
xmodem s foo.bqr Command RCPM to download a file
(C) 1990 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 9 Sample Sessions
Version 17.61 TurboDial 2.33 Universal Line Printer Edition
ZCOMM User Manual 41
<ALT-2>Command: Get a ZCOMM command prompt
rc foo.bqr Download a file with XMODEM/CRC
PgUp PgUp ... Flip back to the first part of
directory previously listed
<ENTER> Back to term function
xmodem s dr.who Download a critical file
<ALT-2>Command: Get a ZCOMM command prompt
rc \misc\dr.who Download the file
jabber jabber ... More keyboarding, logoff
<F1>>>>c: Get ZCOMM's command prompt
Connect the modem to the radio's audio and tune in W1AW
create rtty.tmp Create a disk file for the bulletins
call w1aw
bleep twort sneep Static on the radio - pure line hits until
W1AW is received while sending ASCII
<F2>k Review/k command clears the buffer
END ... AR
<ALT-C> Close the capture file
<F1>>>>c:off Return to DOS
(C) 1990 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 9 Accessing Computer Systems
Version 17.61 TurboDial 2.33 Universal Line Printer Edition
ZCOMM User Manual 42
10.1 Dialing
Once you modem is interfaced per Chapter 7, you can connect to a
remote system with the call command referencing an entry in your
telephone directory.
EXAMPLE: call kgbvax
If a telephone directory entry has not been set up, TurboLearn(TM) may
be invoked to dial a phone number and then learn your login procedure
by keyboarding the F4 key. You may choose to add the resulting script
to your telephone directory, or retain it as a separate file acessible
with the source command. Please refer to the learn command in Chapter
If you just want to call a number without ZCOMM learning anything,
just type the telephone number from the command prompt already.[1]
EXAMPLE: 123-4567
When the modem connects, ZCOMM returns to the command prompt. You can
then keyboard the F2 key to connect your keyboard to the remote
system. If you wish to use "bulletin board graphics", use t -8g
10.2 Telenet/PC-Pursuit
For best results, identify with D1 when Telenet asks for your terminal
type. This selection prevents the network from adding padding
characters, which are just a waste of time with ZCOMM.
To use XMODEM, YMODEM, Telink, and other traditional protocols on PC
Pursuit, type
SET 1:0,4:2,5:0,7:8,12:0
after connecting to the PC-Pursuit target city. This command prevents
Telenet from "eating" control characters or breaking the connection
when files containing certain patterns are transmitted. This command
disables Telenet's "<ENTER>@<ENTER>" escape.
For ZMODEM or Sliding Windows Kermit a better alternatitive is:
1. You may wish to add the /mnp modifier described in Chapter 7.
(C) 1990 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 10 Accessing Computer Systems
Version 17.61 TurboDial 2.33 Universal Line Printer Edition
ZCOMM User Manual 43
SET 4:2,5:1,12:1
Please refer to Chapter 13 for network flow control considerations.
10.3 Tymnet
If using Tymnet, type Ctrl-R Ctrl-X just before the host computer name
to enable software flow control with XOFF and XON characters. "Half
Duplex" may be activated with Ctrl-H. Check with your network's
documentation for further details or updates to this information.
(C) 1990 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 10 File Names
Version 17.61 TurboDial 2.33 Universal Line Printer Edition
ZCOMM User Manual 44
11. FILE NAMES Good and Bad
The pathnames of downloaded files must be legal PC-DOS file names as
described in The File Specification in chapter 2 of the PC-DOS manual.
When choosing file names, remember that PC-DOS does not distinguish
between uppercase and lowercase characters in pathnames.
The Compuserve-B, ZMODEM, YMODEM, and Kermit protocols use pathnames
generated by the sending program. File names transmitted from other
systems may not be legal for DOS, or they may reference directories
that cannot be created.[1]
When ZCOMM receives a pathname from the sending program, ZCOMM first
checks for the existence of a file with the same name. If no such
file is found, ZCOMM attempts to open the named file for writing. If
the file cannot be created because directories specified in the
pathname do not exist, ZCOMM attempts to create the directories. A
pathname that cannot be opened for reading or writing is considered
EXAMPLE: foo..bar is illegal for DOS because it contains two dots.
An Illegal pathname is translated to name.NNN where name is the
filename portion of the given file name restricted to 8 characters,
and NNN is an assigned three digit number starting with 001 and
incremented after each file download. If a file with this new name
already exists, the number is incremented up to 999, until a unique
file name is found. The open fails if a unique number cannot be
EXAMPLE: A downloaded file with the name newprog.patch.1 might
actually be downloaded as newprog.001.
This check for illegal file names is made whenever ZCOMM attempts to
create an output file.
EXAMPLE: t foo.bar.baz given from the command prompt would invoke file
name translation.
1. A cirectory cannot be created if a regular file with the same
pathname is present.
(C) 1990 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 11 File Names
Version 17.61 TurboDial 2.33 Universal Line Printer Edition
ZCOMM User Manual 45
11.1 Pathname Translations
Files affected by the dirrx, dircx and dirpx string variables have
their directory paths and/or device specifier stripped if the string
variable ends in a "/". Otherwise a file specification with an
absolute path overrides the string variable. The pathname of the
incoming file is checked before any of these transformations, allowing
a host system to place all files received with a protocol in a private
EXAMPLE: C>set DIRRX=C:/download
places files received with a protocol in the download directory on
drive C unless the file specification included an absolute path or
device letter.
dirrx File Stored Location
(empty) any (same)
C:/a f C:/a/f
C:/a /f /f
C:/a A:f A:f
C:/a/ f C:/a/f
C:/a/ /f C:/a/f
C:/a/ A:f C:/a/f
Parameter Affected commands
dirrx r{bcotwx7}, fget, get, bdump, usq, ZMODEM/Kermit
dirsx s{bctx7}, send, B protocol sends[2]
dircx create, t, message, private, >, bro/a
ap[d] (2nd argument)
dirpx review/w
dirfx f, open
To show the possible pathname translations, consider the pathmame:
A:/spy/kgb/sabotage/666 sent between two copies of ZCOMM with the
ZMODEM protocol.
The sending program command: sz A:/spy/kgb/sabotage/666 sends the file
name 666.
The command sz -f A:/spy/kgb/sabotage/666 sends the complete pathname
2. If the dirsx parameter is set, ambiguous or wild card file names
cannot be used.
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Version 17.61 TurboDial 2.33 Universal Line Printer Edition
ZCOMM User Manual 46
The command sz ONAME=hogwash A:/spy/kgb/sabotage/666 sends the
pathname hogwash.
sz PREFIX=C:/fbi/security/intelligence A:/spy/kgb/sabotage/666
sends the pathname C:/fbi/security/intelligence/666. Note that a disk
identifier (C:) is being sent.
On reception with ZMODEM AutoDownload or the rz command, the last
example (C:/fbi/security/intelligence/666) would normally be stored
under that exact pathname, creating the directories C:/fbi,
C:/fbi/security, and C:/fbi/security/intelligence if needed.
If the dirrx string variable had contained C:/downloads the incoming
drive specifier would still have overidden the dirrx specification.
If the dirrx string variable had contained C:/ollie/to_do/ the file
would have ended up as C:/ollie/to_do/666 to the consternation of all.
The command rz foobar could have been used to rename this file to
foobar in the current directory.
The oncloserx and onclosetx string parameters may be used to specify
commands to execute after each file received or sent with file
transfer protocols. Their use is described in Chapter 12.
(C) 1990 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 11 Protocol File Transfers
Version 17.61 TurboDial 2.33 Universal Line Printer Edition
ZCOMM User Manual 47
With many different ways to transfer files with ZCOMM, your choice of
file transfer methods could make the difference between efficient,
error free data and slow or error prone transfers. This chapter gives
an overview of the different ways to transfer files with emphasis on
their relative merits.
A file transfer protocol should have high integrity (assurance of
accurate data) and high robustness (low probability of aborting a
The following subchapters discuss these file transfer methods in more
12.1 ZMODEM-90
ZMODEM was developed for the public domain under contract by Telenet,
a major packet switched network. ZMODEM has been submitted to the
ANSI X12C committee.
ZMODEM-90(TM) is a refinement of ZMODEM with increased performance,
reliability and compatibility with a wider variety of environments.
ZMODEM provides a greatly simplified user interface. The file name is
entered once, and transfer options may be given to the sending
program, even those that apply to the receiver. ZMODEM
AutoDownload(TM) allows menu and mouse driven programs to download
files and commands with no extra keyboarding required.
ZMODEM transfers one or more files with a single command. The size
and transfer time for each file is displayed, and the total number of
files, size, and transmission time is displayed when more than one
file remains to be sent on a command.
Keyboarding ALT-F allows the receiver to bypass an individual file
without having to restart the batch.
ZMODEM transfers both files and commands. Command download allows one
of the computers to take positive control of the session. A security
challenge (activated by ZMODEM AutoDownload(TM)) guards against Trojan
Horse messages.*
ZMODEM file transfers preserve the file date and the exact file
contents, unlike traditional protocols that append garbage to files.
Streaming transmission provides full throughput over satellite links
and packet switched networks. One of three ZMODEM streaming control
methods may be used with systems that allow the sender to monitor the
received data for error correction packets without interrupting
transmission. ZMODEM's "block length" is the entire file!
(C) 1990 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 12 Protocol File Transfers
Version 17.61 TurboDial 2.33 Universal Line Printer Edition
ZCOMM User Manual 48
Individually acknowledged packets support other systems.
ZMODEM allows programs to adjust the protocol parameters for optimum
efficiency as the file is being sent. ZMODEM-90 allows programs to
adjust character encoding for best results with a variety of systems.
Some programs support ZMODEM compression for even faster file
transfers under appropriate conditions with the Z file transfer option
ZMODEM is immune to conditions that prevent reliable, accurate file
transfers with traditional protocols:
+ ZMODEM data transfers are protected by the Federal Standard 32 bit
CRC to assure reliable transfers. This 32 bit CRC gives an
undetected error rate five orders of magnitude better than XMODEM's
16 bit CRC, and more than a billion times better than checksum
XMODEM. ZMODEM uses 16 bit CRC for file transfers with programs
that do not support 32 bit CRC.
+ Most important, all ZMODEM protocol transactions are protected by
CRC. Other protocols advertising 16 or 32 bit CRC sometimes fail
under stress because critical control messages are not protected by
Omen Technology Inc's Intelligent Crash Recovery(TM) and advanced file
management. If you've ever been disconnected when a huge file
transfer was almost finished, you'll appreciate resuming/recovering
the file transfer with the ZMODEM r option.
You can use the ZMODEM n option to transfer only those files that have
changed since the last time they were transferred. With the p option,
you can unconditionally protect files that already exist on the
destination system. To update only the files you already have while
skipping the rest, use the Yn options.
To send a file with ZMODEM, the command sz file1 can be given from
either the main command prompt, or from the term function via a
secondary command prompt obtained with ALT-2. Multiple files and wild
cards may be used.
EXAMPLE: sz file1 file2 *.lst
12.1.1 ZMODEM AutoDownload If Z mode has been enabled (the default),
ZCOMM's term function will detect a ZMODEM transmission and receive
the file(s) automatically, after a security check. File transfer
options for ZMODEM automatic downloads may be specified with the
adlopts string parameter.
The rz command may be also given from a command prompt.
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ZCOMM User Manual 49
Please refer to the sz and zcommand commands described in Chapter 18
for examples and information.
Rz and sz programs for Unix and VAX/VMS are available in rzsz.zoo.
12.1.2 Tuning ZMODEM Parameters Chapter 23.2 describes a number of
ZMODEM numeric parameters which may be adjusted for extraordinary
situations, or to fine tune the last 0.1 per cent of possible
The ZMODEM subpacket length (zmodem L parameter) and the ZMODEM frame
length (zmodem l parameter) deserve special mention. People tend to
confuse these with the familiar 128 and 1024 byte block length used in
XMODEM transfers.
When a ZMODEM frame length of 0 is specified (the default), a single
frame will span the entire file if there are no errors. This is the
main source of ZMODEM's reputation for fast transfers.
Setting the ZMODEM frame length to a number between 64 and 16384
restricts the frame length to that value. At the end of each frame,
the sender stops sending and waits for an acknowledgement from the
receiver. When set, the ZMODEM frame length corresponds in function
to the 128 or 1024 byte block length of XMODEM based protocols.
Each ZMODEM frame consists of one or more subpackets of 32 to 1024
bytes. Since the subpackets within a frame are sent without pause, a
short subpacket length does not exact the terrible throughput penalty
associated with short XMODEM and Kermit blocks. In the absence of
transmission errors, a 256 byte subpacket length has about two per
cent more overhead than a 1024 byte subpacket length. However, the
longer subpacket length does increase error recovery time.
ZCOMM dynamically adjusts the ZMODEM subpacket length on the basis of
transmission speed and observed error rate. If you know what the
error rate on a particular call will be before starting a ZMODEM file
transfer, setting the zmodem L numeric parameter will provide a small
but noticeable improvement in performance, with 1024 best for clean
lines and smaller numbers better for noisy lines.
When sending files over noisy phone lines not involving networks, the
speed of error recovery may be increased by decreasing the values of
the ZMODEM t and p numeric parameters.
Fascinating information about ZMODEM and other protocols is provided
in ymodem.doc and zmodem.doc, part of yzmodem.zoo (yzmodem.arc).
12.1.3 MobyTurbo Standard ZMODEM escapes network control characters.
This causes a slight drop in throughput when sending compressed files.
When transferring compressed files over circuits that pass all 256 8
bit codes, Moby Turbo(TM) may be used to optimize speed. MobyTurbo
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Version 17.61 TurboDial 2.33 Universal Line Printer Edition
ZCOMM User Manual 50
increases transfer speed without sacrificing ZMODEM flexibility or
MobyTurbo is activated with the m option. The m option may be used
with the sz or rz command.
EXAMPLE: sz -m *.zip
MobyTurbo may be used with ZMODEM AutoDownloads by adding the m option
to the adlopts string.
EXAMPLE: set adlopts m
12.1.4 Receiver Window Size Override ZMODEM-90(TM) allows the
receiver to specify the window size, with the Wn option, overriding
the sender's window size.
SEE ALSO: Wn option
12.1.5 Almost 8 bit Environments The e and m options may be used in
conjunction with the xmtxesc and zmrxesc string parameters may to
specify one or more control characters which cannot be passed over the
serial line.
SEE ALSO: zmtxesc, zmrxesc string parameters for details
12.1.6 7 Bit Environments ZMODEM-90 automatically detects 7 bit
environments and adjusts accordingly. When transferring files with a
large number of bytes with the 8th bit set, the P ("pack") option may
be used to optimize 7 bit encoding.
12.1.7 Manual ABORT If a ZMODEM transfer fails abruptly under
exceptional conditions the program on the remote machine may be
manually terminated by repeatedly typing Ctrl-X characters at it until
the program exits.
12.2 XMODEM Family Protocols
12.2.1 TRUE YMODEM(TM) Developed in 1981, YMODEM is finding its way
into many communications programs. With Omen's Enhanced Data
Recovery(TM), YMODEM gives excellent efficiency, integrity, and good
robustness in many applications.
True YMODEM transfers one or more files in a batch, without alteration
or added garbage characters. True YMODEM also preserves the file date
across multiple time zones. ZCOMM and the Unix(TM) rb and sb programs
preserve the file modification date.[1]
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ZCOMM User Manual 51
12.2.2 YMODEM-1k The sb k option (1024 byte blocks) may be used to
enhance throughput, especially when using timesharing systems,
satellite links, or packet networks that can support the longer
EXAMPLE: sb -k *.c *.h sends all .c and .h files in the current
directory with 1024 byte blocks.[2]
YMODEM and YMODEM-1k transfers can be received with the rb or F3
YMODEM file transfers with Unix and VMS systems are discussed later in
this chapter.
A few obsolete programs claiming to support YMODEM actually use XMODEM
with 1024 byte blocks; use ZCOMM's sx -k and rc commands when
necessary to exchange data with these non standardized products.
12.2.3 YMODEM with OverThruster YMODEM and YMODEM-1k file
downloading from networks and timesharing systems is slowed by
response times. This slowing may be significant even when 1k blocks
are used. With some systems, one can speed up YMODEM downloads by
using the o option with the rb command to receive the file. Because
OverThruster(TM) defeats error recovery, a line hit will usually abort
a download. OverThruster(TM) may be used with X.PC or MNP error
correcting link level protocols.
EXAMPLE: rb -o
SEE ALSO: O numeric parameter
12.2.4 XMODEM-1k The XMODEM-1k protocol transfers one file per
command with 1024 byte blocks and a nominal 16 bit CRC. The file name
must be entered for both the sender and the receiver. Programs
lacking ZCOMM's Cybernetic Data Recovery(TM) logic are less likely to
transfer data accurately under marginal conditions. XMODEM's use of
every possible 8 bit code limit its effectiveness in many
The end of the file may be padded by up to 127 or 1023[3] garbage
1. Controlled by the d and z numeric parameters
2. ZCOMM switches to 128 byte blocks at the end of a file when the
length warrants.
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ZCOMM User Manual 52
To send a file with XMODEM-1k: sx -k file1
To receive a file with XMODEM-1k: rc file1
12.2.5 XMODEM-CRC (with fallback) The XMODEM-CRC protocol transfers
one file per command. The XMODEM-CRC protocol requires the receiving
program to initiate an XMODEM-CRC transfer.
The file name must be entered for both the sender and the receiver.
Even with CRC-16, programs lacking ZCOMM's Cybernetic Data
Recovery(TM) are less likely to transfer data under marginal
conditions. XMODEM-CRC's short data blocks and use of every possible
8 bit code limit its effectiveness in many applications.
The end of the file may be padded by up to 127 garbage characters.
To send a file with XMODEM (or XMODEM-CRC): sx file1
To receive a file with XMODEM-CRC: rc file1
12.2.6 Classic XMODEM The original MODEM protocol, developed by Ward
Christensen, is supported by a large and growing number of programs
operating on a variety of micros and minis. The base level XMODEM
protocol gives good results when used over low error rate direct
telephone connections. XMODEM's short data blocks and use of every
possible 8 bit code preclude its application in many environments.
File transfers with this protocol add up to 127 garbage characters to
transferred files. The XMODEM protocol can transfer one file per
command. The file name must be entered at both the sender and the
To send a file with XMODEM: sx file1
To receive a file with Classic XMODEM: rx file1
12.2.7 Relaxed XMODEM ZCOMM's XMODEM and YMODEM support has been
optimized for maximum reliability with a wide variety of systems under
a wide variety of conditions.
The default XMODEM and YMODEM timeout parameterss are "relaxed"
timings. They rarely need to be lengthened except under the most
sluggish of conditions. The zmodem t, T, and p numeric parameters
3. Some programs (including ZCOMM) limit this padding to 127 bytes.
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ZCOMM User Manual 53
(q.v.) control timeouts for XMODEM, YMODEM, and ZMODEM. The default
values allow 10 seconds for a packet to appear and a 10 second pause
within a packet before starting error recovery.
EXAMPLE: zmodem pt200 pp150 :: Set more relaxed X/Y/ZMODEM timing
For best reliability, Omen Technology does not recommend tightening
these timings for XMODEM and YMODEM transfers on noisy lines.
12.2.8 XMODEM with OverThruster XMODEM file downloading from
networks and timesharing systems is slowed by short blocks and long
response times. With some systems, one can speed up downloads by
using the ro command to receive the file. Because OverThruster(TM)
defeats error recovery, a line hit will usually abort a download.
With nearly error free connections, one can save enough time from the
increased throughput to make up for the failed transfers.
OverThruster(TM) may be used with X.PC or MNP error correcting link
level protocols.
EXAMPLE: ro file1
EXAMPLE: rb -o
SEE ALSO: O numeric parameter
12.2.9 YMODEM-g: Traditional Overdrive The proliferation of error
correcting modems has sparked a proliferation of YMODEM-g programs,
more and more of which actually meet minimal YMODEM protocol
YMODEM-g transmits 0 or more files per batch with an ACK-less variant
of YMODEM-1k. The sender does not wait for individual data blocks to
be acknowledged, allowing high speed transfers with error correcting
YMODEM-g assumes an error free communications channel. A single
transmission error or character lost because of DOS or TSR interrupt
latency ruins the entire transfer, and YMODEM-g does not support Crash
ZCOMM supports True YMODEM-g with the sb and rb -g commands.
EXAMPLE: sb *.old Sends files in the current directory with YMODEM or
YMODEM-g protocol. The receiver controls whether YMODEM or YMODEM-g
is used for the transfer.
EXAMPLE: rb -g Receives with YMODEM-g protocol.
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ZCOMM User Manual 54
12.2.10 XMODEM Mutants Misrepresented as YMODEM Despite continuing
education efforts, a few lazy software providers insist on identifying
their mutant XMODEM protocols as "ymodem". They choose to ignore the
definition of YMODEM that Ward Christensen wrote when he coined the
term YMODEM in his April 1985 message:
(a) a record 0 containing filename date time and size
(b) a 1K block size option
(c) CRC-16.
In case of questions, please refer to ymodem.doc, part of yzmodem.zoo
(yzmodem.arc) for for the official YMODEM protocol.
12.2.11 Qmodem-G/Streaming XMODEM The Qmodem program and certain
bulletin boards provide an ACKless XMODEM mutant protocol selected
with the Qmodem G protocol menu choice.
The sx and rx -g commands support this mutant XMODEM.
EXAMPLE: rx -g qmodem.fil
12.2.12 WXMODEM (People-Link) ZCOMM supports WXMODEM protocol
downloads with the rw command. On the People-Link timesharing
service, WXMODEM downloads are faster than XMODEM downloads.
Throughput, reliability, accuracy, and amenities are not as good as
ZMODEM or SuperKermit, but neither of these protocols are currently
available on that system. WXMODEM adds up to 127 garbage bytes to
transferred files. Omen Technology does not recommend WXMODEM for use
over noisy phone lines.
EXAMPLE: rw file1
12.2.13 MODEM7 Batch The MODEM7 batch protocol passes CP/M file
names from the sending program to the receiver one character at a
time. The compatibility, throughput, and reliability problems of this
kluge prompted the development of YMODEM. Nonetheless, when it
becomes necessary to transfer files with a program lacking more
advanced protocols, MODEM7 batch is better than nothing.
File names transmitted with the MODEM7 batch protocol must obey the
restrictions of both 8 bit CP/M and DOS. The f option cannot be used
with MODEM7 batch. Data transfer within MODEM7 batch uses XMODEM
protocol, and all of XMODEM's weaknesses discussed above apply to
MODEM7 batch. MODEM7 batch does not preserve the modification date or
exact file contents.
EXAMPLE: s7 file1.ext *.baz sends files with MODEM7 batch.
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ZCOMM User Manual 55
EXAMPLE: r7 receives one or more files with MODEM7 batch.
12.2.14 Telink/FIDO The Telink protocol expands upon the MODEM7
batch kluge with a specially formatted block containing the length of
the file and the local DOS time and date. All of the MODEM7 batch
compatibility and reliability problems apply to Telink.[4] The zmodem
Z numeric parameter or the z file transfer option may be used to
correct the time/date stamping of files transferred between different
time zones.
EXAMPLE: zmodem pZ120; st file1.ext *.baz Sends the specified files
with a 2 hour time zone adjustment.
EXAMPLE: rt -z60 Receives one or more files with a 60 minute time zone
12.2.15 SEAlink When transferring files with the CLINK 1.13
compatible programs, ZCOMM's rb and sb commands recognize SEAlink's
modified Telink protocol. The rb command allows a transmitting
SEAlink program to use sliding windows. Telink time zone and file
name considerations apply to SEAlink. In addition, because SEAlink
uses all 256 of the possible 8 bit codes for both data transfer and
protocol management, some modems and networks that operate with XMODEM
will not accommodate SEAlink. As with the MODEM7 and Clink protocols
mentioned above, the SEAlink protocol is included for convenience in
situations where the YMODEM and ZMODEM protocols are not
EXAMPLE: zmodem pZ120; sb file1.ext *.baz Sends the specified files
to a SEAlink program with a 2 hour time zone adjustment.
EXAMPLE: rb -z60 Receives one or more files from a SEAlink program
with a 60 minute time zone adjustment.
4. ZCOMM's rt and st commands were verified with Minitel 3.0 by Tom
Jenning's Fido Software; other Programs may not produce the same
5. ZCOMM's SEAlink was verified with CLINK 1.13 by Systems
Enhancement Associates. Other Programs may not produce the same
results because of ambiguities in the SEAlink documentation and
undocumented protocol variants.
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ZCOMM User Manual 56
12.3 Kermit
12.3.1 ZCOMM Kermit Capabilities At a Glance
Local operation..................Yes
Remote operation.................Yes
Transfers text files.............Yes
Transfers binary files...........Yes
Wildcard send....................Yes
Filename collision avoidance.....Yes
Can time out.....................Yes
8th-bit prefixing................Yes
8 bit serial data................Yes
Sliding Windows..................Yes
Long Packets.....................Yes
Repeat count prefixing...........Yes
Alternate block checks...........Yes
Terminal emulation...............Multiple
Communication settings...........Yes
Transmit BREAK...................Yes
IBM mainframe communication......Yes
Transaction logging..............Yes
Act as server....................no
Talk to server...................Yes
Advanced commands for servers....Yes
Handle file attributes...........no
Programmable reset string........Yes
Kermit operates with a wide range of computer systems, including those
whose restrictive terminal interfaces prevent XMODEM transfers.
Kermit uses an encoding technique called quoting to represent control
characters and (if necessary) parity bits with standard printable
characters. It is one of the few asynchronous error correcting
protocols that work properly with half duplex IBM front ends. Because
of the overhead from character quoting, Kermit is less efficient
(slower) than ZMODEM.
Kermit can transfer one or more files per command, preserving the
exact file length.
EXAMPLE: kermit sb file1 file2
EXAMPLE: kermit rb
12.3.2 Incompatible Kermit Dialects When sending files with the
Kermit Protocol, ZCOMM uses all 8 bits for the transfer unless a 7 bit
parity mode (e.g., ena -7e) is used, the kermit 7 numeric parameter is
non zero, or the other program requests 8th bit qouting. If ZCOMM is
using a 7 bit parity mode (such as ena -7m), ZCOMM requests 8th bit
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ZCOMM User Manual 57
quoting unless the kermit 8 numeric parameter is non zero.
Both programs must use the same parity
for Kermit file transfers to succeed.
Kermit does not provide an automatic means of forcing both the sender
and receiver to use the same dialect. Files cannot be transferred if
the two programs disagree on parity handling, Such failures are quite
commonplace. A common symptom is a transfer that starts up normally
but always fails at the same block. Setting appropriate parity
corrects these Kermit failures.
ZCOMM's Kermit AutoDownload(TM) (enabled with the K mode) allows the
term function to sense the beginning of a Kermit file download, make
the proper determination on whether to use 8 bit serial data, and
execute the file download without user intervention.
12.3.3 Kermit Performance Enhancements Super-Kermit (Kermit with
Sliding Windows) transmits multiple packets before waiting for a
response, increasing throughput with timesharing systems and networks.
ZCOMM uses sliding windows and CRC error detection if the other
machine's Kermit supports them.
ZCOMM also supports long packets for increased throughput with
suitable systems, including many that do not support sliding windows.
ZCOMM allows Kermit long packets up to 1000 characters on DOS, up to
2048 on 32 bit Unix systems.
The maximum send packet length is set by the kermit l numeric
parameter. ZCOMM will ask for sliding windows if this is set to 94 or
EXAMPLE: k pl94
The maximum receive packet length is set by the kermit L numeric
parameter. ZCOMM will ask for sliding windows if this is set to 94 or
With the default values for the kermit l and kermit L parameters,
ZCOMM will choose long packets over sliding windows when a choice is
ZCOMM supports 12 bit Kermit checksums and 16 bit Kermit CRC for
professional error detection performance. ZCOMM uses the most
reliable Kermit error correction available. Shorter checksums may be
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ZCOMM User Manual 58
forced by changing the kermit b numeric parameter.
12.3.4 Accessing Kermit Servers The commands to start up a Kermit
server vary from system to system. Unix C-Kermit can be started in
server mode with kermit -ix given to Unix or VMS. When the Kermit
server is active, the ZCOMM get, send, and remote ... commands may be
used. The ZCOMM finish command causes the remote Kermit server to
exit to its operating system.
12.3.5 Kermit Caveats Some versions of Kermit translate files as
they are sent, by default! Typical modifications include CR/LF to NL
transformations and CPMEOF stripping. Before transferring binary
files, such editing must be disabled with SET FILE TYPE BINARY or
similar commands given to the other program. The demonstration in
Chapter 9 includes several Kermit server access and file transfer
If the Kermit protocol doesn't work with IBM mainframe communications,
incorrect ASCII/EBCDIC translate tables may be the problem.
Some mainframe "front ends" require special characters or a break
signal to recover from transmission errors ("line hits"). The
kermreset string parameter (q.v.) may be programmed with the required
SEE ALSO: kermreset string parameter
When downloading files from some versions of Kermit, best results may
sometimes be obtained by starting ZCOMM's kermit receive before typing
the carriage return that starts the sender on the remote. If the
other program includes an adjustable initial delay, you can save time
by setting it to zero.
SEE ALSO: kermit d numeric parameter
SEE ALSO: K mode (Kermit AutoDownload(TM))
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Version 17.61 TurboDial 2.33 Universal Line Printer Edition
ZCOMM User Manual 59
12.4 Uploading Files to Unix Systems
Files may be uploaded to Unix systems conveniently and quickly with
ZMODEM. Unix flavors of Professional-YAM support the full ZMODEM-
90(TM) feature set including Crash Recovery and selective transfers
with the rz command, a hard link to the /usr/bin/yam program.
The undos program may be used to remove carriage returns files
uploaded to Unix machines.
When accessed over a network, some systems require additional control
characters to be escaped. The sz command e option may be used to
escape all control characters.
SEE ALSO: e option
Individual control characters can be escaped with the zmtxesc string
SEE ALSO: zmtxesc string parameter
If the Unix system is operating with 7 bits, the sender's zmodem d
parameter may have to be increased to allow the rz program time to
change Unix to 8 bits for the transfer.
SEE ALSO: zmodem d numeric parameter
Pro-YAM may not be available on a particular system. The rz program
supports a subset of ZCOMM's ZMODEM features.[6]
6. If rz is not installed on the Unix system, unpack the rzsz.zoo
file on your MSDOS system with: looz -e rzsz.zoo given from the
DOS prompt. On Unix systems with Professional-YAM installed, the
rzsz source files and man pages are located in
/usr/src/command/rzsz. Next, the command source zupl.t calls the
zupl.t script to upload the bootstrap file minirb.c, compile it,
and use it to upload the remainder of the source files.
After the rest of the files have been uploaded, compile rz.c and
sz.c using the directions given in the README file and in the C
source files.
The manual "pages" rz.1 and sz.1 may be formatted with nroff
commands such as
nroff -Tlp -man rz.1 sz.1
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Version 17.61 TurboDial 2.33 Universal Line Printer Edition
ZCOMM User Manual 60
12.5 Downloading Files from Unix Systems
To download files from Unix(TM) systems, use the Unix sz command to
send the desired files to ZCOMM. To Unix keyboard: sz file ...
ZCOMM's ZMODEM AutoDownload(TM) takes care of the rest for you, saving
unnecessary keystrokes.
If one or more of the files already exists on the destination disk,
use sz -y file ... instead, to replace the old copies on your
Another useful option sends only the files that exist on both
computers (Y), and furthermore sends only those that are newer (n):
sz -Yn file ...
When files are long and transmission slow, you can save time by
squeezing them first with sq. Source for a Unix compatible version of
sq is available in xsq.cq.[7] The zoo program, available for DOS and
Unix, may also be used to compress file(s) before transmission.
Omen Technology products support ZMODEM compression with the Z option.
All Omen Technology products support compression by Run Length
Encoding (RLE). Unix flavors of Professional-YAM also support LZW
Unix source files normally do not contain carriage returns used by
CP/M and DOS. Some CP/M or DOS programs, such as C compilers, do not
require carriage returns in the source files. Others, such as the
Microsoft Macro Assembler, become quite confused by such files,
although such files fully meet the requirements of the ASCII standard.
Carriage Returns may be added before downloading with the todos or
tocpm programs. Carriage returns may be added during the transfer
with the sz a option. Carriage Returns may be added after the
transfer by some program editors, including uEMACS. (Other editors,
such as DOS edlin may crash trying to edit such files.) Short files
(less than 64kb) may be converted using ZCOMM's read and create
commands to pass the data through ZCOMM's capture buffer.
Text files may also be downloaded using the capture buffer if sz has
not been installed on the Unix machine.
If a file or set of files are to be transported between two Unix
systems, it may be helpful to place them in a tar or cpio archive (and
possibly squeeze the archive) before transmission. This procedure
7. /usr/src/cmd/xsq.c on Unix systems.
(C) 1990 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 12 Protocol File Transfers
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