Topic: Stepping from Idea to Story
Topic: Stepping from Idea to Story
11 p.m. ET (8 p.m. PT), Writers Den
Writing Basics - Topics for new and experienced writers to develop or review basic writing skills through discussion and practical exercises. Moderated by HOST WRTR LINDA, HOST WRTR RGUGAT, greeted by (alternate) HOST WRTR SPKLD1, mail contact: HOST WRTR STAR.
Writing Basics Chat Logs Available
The following list is valid as of the upload date, with more entries posted periodically as they become available. If you would care to access a file or topic older than listed here, please see the description for the uploads prior to the date on end of this list for installment information. If you still cannot locate the chat log desired email HOST WRTR SPKLD1 or the current moderators of Writing Basics to make your request.
All files are ASCII text for IBM PC, with carriage return and line feed characters on every line. Gaps in dates are indicated by the dashes, removing those logs of a non-specific topic or having technical difficulties.
03/21/01 - Character Profiles. (Contains Sample Bio Sheet.)
03/14/01 - Naming Characters.
03/07/01 - Selecting a Point of View.
02/28/01 - Journaling to beat writer's block and be more observant.
02/21/01 - Tips on using proper Grammar
02/14/01 - Writing Body Movements.
02/07/01 - Writing and Pacing Conflict
01/31/01 - Gerunds, Infinitives and Participles; verbs that behave like nouns.
01/24/01 - Stepping from Idea to Story
01/17/01 - Verbs and Tense
*01/10/01 - Where to start: Organization.
*Use this date and topic as a link to the older set of uploads.
HOST WRTR Linda: Tonight we will be discussing the various tasks involved in
taking an idea
HOST WRTR Linda: and turning it into a story.
HOST WRTR Linda: The last time we covered this topic, we concentrated
HOST WRTR Linda: on how to determine if an idea is any good by "pitching"
the story to ourselves.
HOST WRTR Linda: This time we will cover it from another angle.
HOST WRTR Linda: Here's the rough outline of tonight:
HOST WRTR Linda: - Finding and idea
HOST WRTR Linda: - Organizing your idea drawer (or box or whatever)
HOST WRTR Linda: - Putting together a "synopsis" before you write.
HOST WRTR Linda: - Writing down the key conflict points
HOST WRTR Linda: - Describe what growth your main characters will have.
HOST WRTR Linda: - Describe what they learn.
HOST WRTR Linda: whew, big list.
HOST WRTR Linda: Any questions or comments so far?
Host Wrtr RGugat: !
HOST WRTR Linda: RG, ga
Host Wrtr RGugat: It should be remembered that this is but one way to
Host Wrtr RGugat: start writing a story -- if another way works better
Host Wrtr RGugat: for you, grab it.
Host Wrtr RGugat: GA
HOST WRTR Linda: yup, agreed.
HOST WRTR Linda: The first thing I want all of you to do is to pick a genre
now. Type it to the screen when
HOST WRTR Linda: ready
HOST WRTR Linda: MRS, ga
MRSFRENCHY: I think a lot of things out in my head. When I have it pretty
well together, I outline,
MRSFRENCHY: then I write. GA
HOST WRTR Linda: That works well for many people, MRS. I don't outline in
great detail but
HOST WRTR Linda: I do some. There have been a few times when I skipped that
Kathi Smith 116: Is this the genre we write in, or just a random genre?
HOST WRTR SPKLD1: sci-fi...
JsmnStrm: sci-fi romance
MRSFRENCHY: historical romance
HOST WRTR Linda: and got 50 pages into a story and then realized it wasn't
going anywhere.
HOST WRTR Linda: Kathi, I'd like it to be what you normally write in.
HOST WRTR Linda: Or.....what you want to write in and complete by the end of
the year.
Kathi Smith 116: I don't really have a genre...contemporary mainstream
EJensen970: non-fiction how-to
HOST WRTR Linda: It can also be something you are currently writing.
HOST WRTR Linda: lol Kathi
Ruth Sil: Non-fiction
Annie313B: romance
Host Wrtr RGugat: Romance --- not my normal genre, but one I want to play
Kathi Smith 116: Playing with fire, RG? : )
HOST WRTR Linda: For the next few months, your genre will be contemporary
HOST WRTR Linda: (For Kathi)
Kathi Smith 116: okey dokey
Blackaxe15: does anyone know what the guideline is for writing an editorial?
Host Wrtr RGugat: Kathi Smith, fire or worse -- LOL
MRSFRENCHY: RG, you do the romance, I'll do the history.
HOST WRTR Linda: Blackaxe, each paper will have guidelines
Host Wrtr RGugat: MRSFRENCHY, cool
Kathi Smith 116: Frenchy, can I do the field research?
HOST WRTR Linda: but we want to stay in loose protocol for this chat or
we'll never get it all covered.
Host Wrtr RGugat: Kathi Smith, :)
Kathi Smith 116: <behaving now>
MRSFRENCHY: For which, Kathi, the romance or the history?
ESP Sue Z: Romance
Blackaxe15: ok
HOST WRTR Linda: Next step, who has some idea of what their story will be
about? Type ! to the screen.
JsmnStrm: !
Host Wrtr RGugat: !
Kathi Smith 116: !
Ruth Sil: !
HOST WRTR Linda: Jsmn, tell us a little about the story you will be writing.
JsmnStrm: Okay, it's about a woman named Rennati Merreks who is a scribe,
who falls
JsmnStrm: in love with a Fraluma warrior (a special genetic breed of
JsmnStrm: and thier love is extremely forbidden in her society...
HOST WRTR Linda: (Good start)
JsmnStrm: I have many more details, but I'd dominate the chat if I told them
JsmnStrm: ga
HOST WRTR Linda: That was a good start Jsmn. You need a few more details
for a "mini" synopsis but that is a
HOST WRTR Linda: good start. While we move on, pencil in what you want your
HOST WRTR Linda: to learn, what are their goals andwhat the conflicts will
HOST WRTR Linda: RG, you were up next.
Host Wrtr RGugat: Two people meet in a lunch room of some sort by
Host Wrtr RGugat: having a bump and spill accident -- they realize
Host Wrtr RGugat: they knew each other in college (or HS) and really
Host Wrtr RGugat: did not like each other. They part, but both think
Host Wrtr RGugat: about the other and want to see her/him again. >>>
Host Wrtr RGugat:
Host Wrtr RGugat: end
HOST WRTR Linda: I love in the air tonight?
Host Wrtr RGugat: okay
HOST WRTR SPKLD1: only if you're a firefly. ;-)
Host Wrtr RGugat: I'll take it anywhere
HOST WRTR Linda: RG, the same advice I gave Jsm. You need a goal, you need
conflict and you need growth.
HOST WRTR Linda: short scetch of each and we'll come back to it.
Host Wrtr RGugat: ok
Host Wrtr RGugat: I'll find out what theyb do
HOST WRTR Linda: MRS, you have the floor.
HOST WRTR Linda: sketch
MRSFRENCHY: My story is based on 11863 when Sherman marched through Waterloo
AL on his way to Chattanoog
MRSFRENCHY: a. He and his men comandere a doctor's home there. One of his
aides falls in love with one
MsSpraycan: Hello
MRSFRENCHY: of the doctor's daughters to which the doctor is immensely
opposed. The young couple learn
HOST WRTR SPKLD1: (allow IM's for details of this chat...)
MRSFRENCHY: love can happen regardless of war or circumstances.
HOST WRTR Linda: Good one MRS. You left a lot of room for conflicts of all
types and you have the
HOST WRTR Linda: character growth already in.
HOST WRTR Linda: Nice way to cover the background too.
Host Wrtr RGugat: MsSpraycan, hello
MRSFRENCHY: I only put the character growth in because I knew you'd ask
about it.
HOST WRTR Linda: lol
HOST WRTR Linda: Kathi, then Ruth. If I missed anyone, I apologize. Type !
to the screen and
HOST WRTR Linda: I'll get you on the list.
HOST WRTR Linda: ga Kathi.
Kathi Smith 116: Story of a dysfunctional Depression-era family told through
the eyes of a child
Kathi Smith 116: who watches her older sister grow up and deal with
hypocrisy, forbidden love
Kathi Smith 116: a domineering mother and a society that disapproves of her
life style.
Kathi Smith 116: ga
HOST WRTR Linda: (SPKLD1...did I miss you?)
HOST WRTR Linda: Whew, Kathi!!!!
ESP Sue Z: !
HOST WRTR Linda: You covered just about all the bases.
HOST WRTR SPKLD1: (since we're going romance, no...)
Kathi Smith 116: Oh...that was supposed to be contemporary humor, wasn't it?
Host Wrtr RGugat: And a lot of ground in between
HOST WRTR Linda: (SPKLD1, we are not settled on romance. Each writer can
have a different genre)
HOST WRTR Linda: Ruth, ga
HOST WRTR Linda: lol Kathi
Ruth Sil: My memoirs have turned into an Autobiography.I was nothing but
trouble from the moment I was
HOST WRTR SPKLD1: okay... then I have one.
Ruth Sil: born. I caused my mother to miss the i950 Worlds fair. She want
6 boys and had to be cont
Ruth Sil: ent with me. I tell of the history of the time. and go back to my
grandparents and how they
Ruth Sil: lived. I'm 50 pages into it and have lots to go.
HOST WRTR Linda: It sounds good Ruth. I would perhaps make a list of how
Ruth Sil: I'm learning to doctor old photos to pput in with it.
Ruth Sil: end
HOST WRTR Linda: changed over the years and how your family has changed.
HOST WRTR Linda: ESP and then SPKLD1
HOST WRTR Linda: ESP, ga
ESP Sue Z: Katherine travels to Scotland to get away from the horror of her
best friend's murder,
ESP Sue Z: leaving her "nice but dull" fiance (she yearns for romance) - in
Scotland is imprisoned in d
ESP Sue Z: dungeon of castle on island, learns to face a lot of her old
fears and finds romance - also
ESP Sue Z: learns it doesn't come without effort or pain. (more but that's a
start - her fiance isn't \
ESP Sue Z: so nice! (the murderer) ga
HOST WRTR Linda: I like this kind of story ESP. Have you ever seen the
perils of Pauline or another movie
HOST WRTR Linda: called the American Dreamer?
ESP Sue Z: no -- very few movies in our isolated situation :)
HOST WRTR Linda: Good job on the description. It gives you a lot of room to
HOST WRTR Linda: action scenes and character growth.
HOST WRTR SPKLD1: Biochemist mother watches as child places food-stuff in
milk, only to
HOST WRTR SPKLD1: discover a foriegn element left behind. At first thought
to be a drug from
HOST WRTR SPKLD1: the diet industry to thwart weight loss it turns out to
be implanted in the
HOST WRTR SPKLD1: food chain by an alien invasion force. /ga
HOST WRTR Linda: Wow, SPKLD1. You have it down pat.
HOST WRTR Linda: That took you...what, 30 seconds?
HOST WRTR SPKLD1: heheh.. well, been at this a while.
Kathi Smith 116: (So that's why I can't lose that last 10 lbs...)
HOST WRTR Linda: You left room for growth but didn't mention what it would
MRSFRENCHY: (Spkld, now I know why you're like you are.)
HOST WRTR SPKLD1: yeah I know....
HOST WRTR Linda: ok, I'll pull out an oldy of mine
HOST WRTR Linda: so you all don't feel I'm picking on you without being in
the hot seat myself.
HOST WRTR Linda: Genre: Humor/Satire
HOST WRTR Linda: Synopsis: God and Gabriel take a field trip to Earth.
Gabriel always feels "put upon" and
HOST WRTR Linda: hates to go out with God because it always looks like God
has no control
HOST WRTR Linda: over the situation and is, in fact, a magnet for trouble.
HOST WRTR Linda: Gabriel learns God is always in control of the outcomes,
but the middle
HOST WRTR SPKLD1: hmm.. sounds like the next Bruce Willis movie...
HOST WRTR Linda: can be almost slapstick with Gabriel taking the brunt of
HOST WRTR Linda: Conflicts: Action scenes with Gabriel trying desperately
HOST WRTR Linda: protect God and God acting totally unconcerned.
HOST WRTR Linda: That's the outline.
HOST WRTR Linda: ok, Back to the begining again.
HOST WRTR Linda: Who was up first, I don't think my scroll will go that far
JsmnStrm: Me.
HOST WRTR Linda: Jsmn, can you now add what the major areas of conflict are
for your story?
JsmnStrm: Sure: Okay, The Fraluma Warriors are looking for their Cremellik,
the one to
JsmnStrm: change their society (a prophecy), and the Gove is beginning their
JsmnStrm: latest cloning expedition, and they need a certain genetic code to
do it,
JsmnStrm: And Rennati's genes are teh ones their looking for
JsmnStrm: And she's also the ones the Fraluma are waiting for, but they
don't know it yet.
HOST WRTR Linda: Excellent. I would like to mention one thing here. When
HOST WRTR Linda: you are writing about an alien environment, one of the big
HOST WRTR Linda: is language and names. Yes, it has to sound alien but you
also have
HOST WRTR Linda: to balance that so you do not have too many difficult or
"created" names or works in
HOST WRTR Linda: close proximity, otherwise, a paragraph will be a difficult
HOST WRTR Linda: read for the reader.
JsmnStrm: I'll keep that in mind..
Berrins: !
HOST WRTR Linda: Jsmn's looks fine but it was an opening for that point ;-)
HOST WRTR SPKLD1: Many times grammar checkers can also spot this, since the
coined words are not
HOST WRTR SPKLD1: in their database.
HOST WRTR SPKLD1: hence they will complain about the paragraph or sentence.
HOST WRTR Linda: Good point SPKLD1, that is a good way to check.
HOST WRTR Linda: Berrins, ga
Berrins: Genre: short story. 10 year old girl, so siblings, father in a
coma, difficulty keeping
Berrins: room clean. One day wishes that room will clean itself, and
sudenly, it does.
Berrins: Only problem; she can't put anything down or take it out- it gets
put away imm.
HOST WRTR Linda: I like the premise, Berrins. Good idea for a short. I
think the conflict is easy to see
Kathi Smith 116: <Oh! Neat idea! (no pun intended)>
HOST WRTR Linda: how about the growth?
HOST WRTR Linda: (also easy but I want it on screen)
Berrins: The girl needs to realize that many problems are actually a bunch
of little ones.
Berrins: Keep working at it and it will happen
HOST WRTR Linda: Good. It could also be "careful what you wish for".
HOST WRTR Linda: Before we go to our next up I'm sure you've noticed, I have
HOST WRTR Linda: drifted from my initial outline.
HOST WRTR Linda: Finding a story idea is easy, just look at everyday things
and let your mind roam. The
HOST WRTR Linda: chair is suddenly a window to past history, the cat is
alien, the car is alive
HOST WRTR Linda: Organizing them is a little more work but I just throw mine
in a folder and
HOST WRTR Linda: sort them about once a month. When I get several pieces of
HOST WRTR Linda: that are loosely connected, I call them a story outline and
move them
HOST WRTR Linda: to a different folder.
HOST WRTR Linda: I wanted to concentrate on having you do idea to synopsis
to story
MRSFRENCHY: (Oh, dear, I hope my car isn't alive. It would complain about
not having Berrins' clean-up
MRSFRENCHY: service.)
HOST WRTR Linda: lolol MRS
JsmnStrm: (LOL)
HOST WRTR Linda: okay, enough levity. Who is up next?
Ruth Sil: My new computer is out ill.
HOST WRTR Linda: (Adding details, adding conflict)
MRSFRENCHY: I think I am, Linda
HOST WRTR Linda: MRS, ga
MRSFRENCHY: 1) Dr. Morgan's (the father) hated of Sherman and the
comandeering of his home.
MRSFRENCHY: 2) Both the doctor's and Sherman disapproval of the couple love.
MRSFRENCHY: 3) Lucinda's (the daughter) emotional state between trying to
obey her father and her \
MRSFRENCHY: attraction to Lt. Jonathan Webb.
HOST WRTR Linda: Excellent MRS. The fathers hatred allows for conflict
leading to confrontation and action.
HOST WRTR Linda: The love against the odds allows for character growth (all
the characters, not just the love
HOST WRTR Linda: lovers)
HOST WRTR Linda: and the emotional conflict of Lucinda allows for wonderful
responses (stress responses)
HOST WRTR Linda: BTW, if anyone would like to add anything or if you have a
? or comment type ! to the screen
HOST WRTR Linda: Who is next in the lineup?
Kathi Smith 116: I think that's me
HOST WRTR Linda: Kathi, ga. I think it's safe to say this is not going to
be a humor piece.
Kathi Smith 116: Conflicts are between Ruby and everyone--her stepmother,
her straight-laced boyfriend,
Kathi Smith 116: The limitations society placed on females
Kathi Smith 116: ga
Kathi Smith 116: lol...what? the Depression isn't funny?
HOST WRTR Linda: Well, there is a lot of room for Ruby to learn. The
supporting characters will also
HOST WRTR Linda: grow. Growth doesn't mean someone suddenly becomes
Kathi Smith 116: Rachel, the narrator, learns a lot about life from watching
Ruby's mistakes
HOST WRTR Linda: or pulls out of a despression. It means change of some
HOST WRTR Linda: It might not be for the better although most stories do
work out that way.
HOST WRTR Linda: On the other hand, there are some great examples in
HOST WRTR Linda: where the protagonist doesn't overcome the odds
HOST WRTR Linda: rare, but they are there.
HOST WRTR Linda: ok, next up.
Berrins: ?
Kathi Smith 116: Ruby prevails in the end, but not in the traditional happy
ending way
HOST WRTR Linda: Good one Kathi. It has the poignant potential. Who's
Sryope2: Hi all, sorry I'm so late
Berrins: Does the growth occur for Ruby or Rachael?
HOST WRTR Linda: Berrins, ga
Kathi Smith 116: Hi Sryope!
HOST WRTR Linda: ga Kathi with the ans.
Berrins: Or both?
Kathi Smith 116: Both, Berrins, in different ways
Kathi Smith 116: Rachel's life is forever altered by seeing what Ruby goes
Kathi Smith 116: ga
HOST WRTR Linda: oops, we hit the bell. For this one exercise, since we
will be
HOST WRTR Linda: working on these stories
HOST WRTR Linda: for a least the next few months
HOST WRTR Linda: if you email the parts we talked about tonight...
HOST WRTR Linda: the idea, the synopsis, the goal, the conflicts and the
expected character
HOST WRTR Linda: growth,
HOST WRTR Linda: Then I will make suggestions or comments on each and send
HOST WRTR Linda: back to you. HOWEVER
HOST WRTR Linda: DO NOT TELL YOUR friends who were not here. This offer
applies only to
HOST WRTR Linda: the attendees for tonight. Syrope2, you are included.
Sryope2: I hope I qualify, I almost broke my neck
Sryope2: thanks, lol
EJensen970: Great class, Linda. Thanks.
HOST WRTR SPKLD1: To join our weekly mailing list send an email to HOST WRTR
STAR including the
HOST WRTR SPKLD1: words JOIN WRITING BASICS MEMO in the subject line.
Kathi Smith 116: Thanks, Linda, see you all next week
HOST WRTR SPKLD1: ::: Applause! ::: ::: Applause! :::
Berrins: Thanks all, see you soon........
HOST WRTR SPKLD1: Good chat Linda!
Annie313B: thanks......
Host Wrtr RGugat: I am thinking that next week might be the right time
Host Wrtr RGugat: to continue with some more work on verbs. That
Host Wrtr RGugat: okay with everyone?
EJensen970: Terrific, Roy.
ESP Sue Z: thanks Linda - and double thanks for the offer of comments - I
look for this to help me get
Ruth Sil: Thanks Linda. Great chat.<><><>><>>
Annie313B: your a slave driver Roy
ESP Sue Z: past some snags I've hit!
Sryope2: RG, that's good, but can we also work on commas some time soon
Sryope2: I am still baffled by them
Host Wrtr RGugat: Sryope, sure
Sryope2: lol
Sryope2: Bye everyone, I'll see you next week.
HOST WRTR Linda: Ok all. I had a little screen freeze.
EJensen970: Nite all.
HOST WRTR Linda: Good thought on verbs Roy.
HOST WRTR Linda: Goodnight all.
ESP Sue Z: G'nite!
Sryope2: Bye
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