Medium Tradition


    Mediums are communicators with other worlds and other dimensions,

primarily known for their ability to communicate and share their bodies

with the spirits of the dead.

    Although the spell list of the medium is fairly limited, their

unusual nature makes them of high demand.

Required Skills:


Suggested Skills:

     History (any)

Restrictions & Specials:

     -5%  to success for every mundane within 60'

     +10% when casting for willing targets/spirits

     +10% If has personal item of target/spirit

     +10% when casting in a graveyard

     Cannot be a Draconian


    COST    : 25

    MODS    : D,R,T      

This spell is intended to be used on the corpse of any dead non-humanoid

creature, from as small as a rabbit to as large as a roc. It does not

work on humanoid or demi human corpses. The animated creature will be

1/2 of its original HTK and will have all the normal attacks they did in

life. It is controlled much like a zombie. They are NOT classified as

lesser undead unless they have less than 25 HTK. Duration is necessary

to maintain such an undead.


    COST   : 1

    MODS   : N

When casting this spell, the forensic wizard must brings two surfaces

into contact with one another. Possibilities include the surface of a

jewel and that of a safe, or the surface of an arrow and that of a bow.

If the two surfaces were ever before adjacent, the spell so indicates,

and if the surfaces were ever directly connected as a single item, an

even stronger reading results. This is often used in the determination

of guilt in a crime.

Additional RANGE or DURATION are not useful with this spell.


    COST   : 10

    MODS   : D,R

This spell creates a magical club that exists on the astral plane and

which moves according to the will of the caster. The club can be used to

attack astral beings, or it may be used to attack a being on the

material plane (they will be unable to see it unless they have astral

sight, thus it's at twice the casters SPIRIT in chance to hit - against

an astral being or one who can see it its chance to hits is that less

the target's prowness). The Astral Club does 1d10+6 with +1 damage per

rank, but non-magical armour offers NO defense to it at all!


   COST   : 10

   MODS   : D

This allows the caster to create an area (30'/rank) which will act as

astral glueboard, preventing any astral being or a spirit that enters

the area from leaving the confines of the area. It is often used in

preparation of casting Summon_Spirit*. A Spirit held thusly cannot be

summoned away.


    COST : 1

    MODS : D

Allows the caster to see into the Astral plane and beings therein for

the duration, in standard LOS range.


    COST   : 25

    MODS   : R

Cast at a being from another plane, this spell forces them to return

instantly to their plane and the subject cannot return to this one

without being summoned back. The Target DOES get a magic saving throw.

Fails against creatures native to the plane.


   COST    : 10

   MODS    : D

This allows the medium to channel the spirit of a mundane thru their

body. While doing such the medium maintains full control of their body

and simply speaks in two voices, their own and that of the mundane. They

retain full consciousness and can question the mundane themselves. While

being channeled the mundane will speak in their native tongue (so

Comprehend languages may be needed) and MUST answer anything they know

from their life to the caster (no saves).

The base cost drops by 1/2 if the medium has a personal possession that

was close to the spirit, something they used regularly in life.

Examples: Benjamin Franklin's Glasses, Abe Lincoln's Stovepipe Hat,etc.

Note that the longer a mundane spirit has been dead the less likely they

are to remain accessible. Using channeling it is not necessary to cast a

Summon Spirit, unless the spirit is unwilling to be channeled.


   COST   : 20

   MODS   : D

More complex than the channeling of a Mundane spirit, this spell allows

the caster to channel the spirit of a mage or other magically touched


The caster MUST have a personal possession of the spirit from life OR

the spirit must have been summoned by name into the area of the caster.

Unlike the channeling of a Mundane, the caster does NOT retain full

control of their body. They become co-inhabitors and have co-control. If

the spirit and the caster become at dispute over an action then a battle

of wills occur (NOTE the caster cannot cancel the spell prematurely BUT

if cast using a personal possession then the removal of said item from

contact with them will end the spell prematurely). Under this battle of

wills each must make a save vs INT at the same time until one fails when

the other succeeds (if the spirit fails at the same time as the caster

then the caster wins, if the spirit succeeds and the caster fails then

the spirit wins). The spirit, if they know certain spells (like sleep)

might overcome the caster and take full control! This is obvious a

dangerous spell!

The advantage is that combined they can use both the caster's and the

spirit's knowledge while in effect, using skills and spells. The greater

INT and MA of each is taken into usage while so linked.



   COST  :  20

   MODS  :  D,R,T

This spell will automatically CHARM any normal form of Undead (Zombie,

Spectre, Wraith, Skeleton etc) and place it under the casters control

for the duration - It reverts to original controller when spell ends. It

can also work on intelligent undead, like Ghosts and even Vampires, But

they get their Intuition to defend with at casting and will not do

anything FATAL to themselves while under orders knowingly (you can't for

instance order a Vampire to run themselves thru on a stake, but could

order them not to bite you and your companions). Note a Vampire or Ghost

who has been Charmed and is released is likely to look for revenge....


   COST   : 1

   MODS   : D,R,T

When this spell is cast, the medium is able to understand the spoken

words of a creature. It achieves this by a mild form of telepathy

enhancing the words of the speaker. It fails against the mentally

shielded or blocked.


   COST   : 3

   MODS   : D,R

This is essentially telepathy with the dead brain of a corpse. It is the

simplest form of medium ship since it does not require actual spirits to

be present and does not need comprehension of languages etc..

Type of         Chance of    

Information     Finding              Examples

-----------     ---------        --------------------

Basic           96%               Name and profession

Well Known      70%               Relating to current mission

Known           30%               Relating to previous missions

Forgotten       2%                Overheard once


   COST   : 15

   MODS   : N

This spell is cast on a single target being. It notifies the caster when

that being actually dies and gives them a momentary view of their demise

(1 round of events per RANK) and its occurrence.


   COST   : 10

   MODS   : R

This shows to the target being a scene of their own possible death

within their mind in an explicit and mentally painful way. It is not

necessarily a true vision but it will have definite reactions to them,

stunning them for 1d10 rnds if they fail to save and afterwards needing

to save again against the spell a second time or gaining an insanity

from a traumatic experience.

Fear Competent and Mind SHielded persons will be unaffected by the

spells effects.


    COST   : 1

    MODS   : R

By use of this spell the caster can determine if a creature is alive,

including creatures in a coma, trance, little death etc. It fails

against Mind Shielded targets (they will detect as dead) and will also

expose Undead for what they are.


    COST   : 1

    MODS   : D,T

This allows the caster to perceive any SPOKEN lies said in their

presence if they understand the language being spoken. Range is not

necessary as an element in this spell. Target is only needed if casting

the spell on someone else. It does not detect omissions, only



   COST   : 1

   MODS   : R

This spell causes all magic on the target being/object to be shown in

that it will glow with colors. Duration is not needed to be purchased,

and it is cast at the suspect target.


   COST   : 1

   MODS   : D,T

Detects the presence of a soul spirit or mentality in any body or object

(enchanted swords, etc.), and whether or not the mind controlling the

body is its "native". Thus, it will not detect charming or hypnosis but

will detect possession. Only the fact of a mind is detected, not its

nature. If it is cast on a normally invisible spirit (such as an

Invisible Stalker or Unseen Servant), the caster can see the creature as

a visible force for the duration. The reverse, Obscure Spirit, has a

range of touch and conceals a single mind or spirit from detection by

this spell, and can be cast by anyone who knows Detect Spirit.


   COST   : 3

   MODS   : D,R

This will cancel a specific ongoing spell effect. If cast on an ITEM it

will prevent the items magic from functioning for the duration of the

spell being canceled, but then the item will turn back on until its 

duration is up. It will NOT send away a summoned creature, undo a 

healing spell or cause harm to a magical creature directly. Unwilling

targets get a Save vs magic against Dispel


    COST   : 25

    MODS   : D,R


When cast the spell strikes out with a cone from the caster out to its

maximum range at a 60 degree angle. Skeletons, Zombies, Ghouls, and

ghosts are blasted into nothing instantly if within the cone. All other

undead receive 1d10 damage for each round they are within the cone. The

Caster may move the field each round additional round to increase the

area being covered by it if needed.

:Ethereal Sight

   COST   : 1

   MODS   : D

Allows the caster to see into the nearby Ethereal Plane and perceive any

Objects or beings therein. Range is unnecessary with this spell, unless

casting it on another, as is Target. Sight range is Line Of Sight. This

spell does NOT perceive invisible!


     COST   : 20

     MODS   : D

This spell is cast on the Material plane, and covers a 10'x10'x10' area

per rank. ANY ethereal creature passing on the ethereal plane into this

area will be dragged thru into the material plane and will be unable to

leave the confines of the Trap while it has duration left. This also

will apply to ethereally traveling mages etc! Only the being is

affected, they can choose to cast spells out of the trap or equipment on

them, and any non-ethereal creature may enter the trap area without

being effected.


     COST    : 30

     MODS    : R

This allows the caster and/or target being(s) to fade into the Ethereal

Plane. At Rank One the Mage can only move their own weight plus 50 lbs

into the ethereal Plane - each additional rank adds another poundage

equal to the casters weight in beings and equipment. As long as they

remain within the border ethereal all rules of such apply (see separate

file on the Ethereal Plane). DURATION is NOT used with this spell nor

TARGETS because of the ranking system. Beings being transported against

their will get a save vs magic and Must be within range of the spell.

(Range in this case is a radius around the caster).


      COST   : 15

      MODS   : R

This is cast on a body possessed by a spellcaster or creature of some

sort. It drives the offending possessor out of the body back to their

own (if possible), though they do get an INT save to oppose it.


    COST   : 1

    MODS   : D,R

This will take a badly splattered/scattered body and gather all the

parts together in one place. Duration is necessary to preserve the

corpse from rotting. Used both in the making of the Undead and attempts

to bring the recent dead back to life.

It does NOT heal in any way the remains, simply joins the parts together

in a neat package. It does make deadthought possible if enough of the

brain remains in the area (and its not burned etc).


   COST   : 1

   MODS   : D,R,T

This spell allows the caster "grope" his/her target. This spell is

usually used by mischievous mediums in bars and such... have fun! RANGE

is vital to make this spell useful!


   COST   : 1

   MODS   : D

The spell causes a strange haunting sound (see list that follows) within

30' of the caster (no extended range available), like those associated

with haunted places.

   List : Creak, Footfall, Groan, Moan, Rattle, Tap, Thump, Whistle.

If duration is cast with the spell then the sound will remain in the

area it is originally cast and NOT follow the caster as he/she moves


This spell was developed by mediums who wanted to be more theatrical in

their presentations.


   COST   : 1

   MODS   : D

This spell will allow the caster to HEAR astrally, ethereally and

psychically. It has the side effect of letting them hear any mental

communications occuring in a 60' range of the caster thru telepathy &

mind speech spells.


   COST   : 1

   MODS   : N

This spell allows the caster to "tune in" to the psychic impressions

left on an object or small area.  The power gives the medium the ability

to divine special purposes, famous owners, and powerful alignment bends.

The spell will not identify a magic item per se, but would identify the

signet ring of a long deceased noble house as such. Furthermore, history

doubles the chance of a rare or unknown items value being determined.

This spell is most commonly used on nonmagical plunder, books, and items

sold at auctions.  Only a single touch is needed to make the spell work.


    COST   : 5

    MODS   : D,R

This spell paralyzes any form of undead (though Vampires and other

intelligent forms get their Intuition in resistance) for the duration of

the spell, wether they are corporeal or not. Attacking successfully such

a held Undead will negate the Hold.


    COST   : 25

    MODS   : D

This is cast on a non-corporeal spirit and gives them a magical

temporary solid form. Their stats will be as they were in life, except

that they are a magical creation and their Health is 10% what they were

in life per rank of the caster (thus 10 ranks would make them equal to

their full life Health!). The spirit MUST be present for this spell to

work. It gives the caster NO control over the subject and they will be

considered non-corporeal undead for the duration. Their MC is also but

10% of its normal per rank of the caster, and the energy therein cannot

be transfered to the caster or anyone else that is LIVING.

If they suffer their full Health in damage then they return to spirit

form and nothing will remain of the manifested body.


    COST   : 3

    MODS   : N

This spell is cast upon the remains of a dead being or creature. It

shows to the caster an image of the deceased's former appearance in

life, so that the corpse may be identified. Any amount of remains can be

used, a bone, lock of hair etc. If cast on a part of someone still alive

the spell can be used to identify the living as well.


      COST   : 5

      MODS   : D,R,T

This spell will protect the caster or subject target from all damage and

draining effects inflicted by a non-corporeal being, including wraiths,

ghosts, spectres, astrally projecting mages and the like for the

duration. Even spell effects used by any such creatures will fail to

work against the protected.


    COST   : 1

    MODS   : N

The caster of this spell receives a mental impression of the most recent

owner or owners of the recipient object. An "owner" is defined as an

intelligent entity who was in direct physical contact with the object

one hour, or who had the object upon his person for 24 hours.

The information gained is sufficient that the wizard will recognize the

owner on sight, and he can uniquely specify the owner for the purpose of

such spells as legend lore.


     COST   : 15

     MODS   : D

This is cast with an intended AREA in mind. It summons the memories of

previous visitors to said area into spirit form so that the caster may

ask basic information from such as they travel thru it. Its not a true

channeling since its not made from one person but a collective of those

who had passed thru it. Thus one could get help and advice on an area.

Area of effectiveness is:

                    Rank 1    = single Building

                    Rank 2    = collection of buildings

                                (ex: college campus)

                    Rank 3    = Neighborhood of a city

                                or a 1 mile radius

                    rank 5    = A City or a 5 mile radius

                    rank 7    = A metropolitan area (ex: metro

                                boston, from boston out to rte. 128)

                    rank 10   = an entire state



     COST   : 10

     MODS   : N

This will draw the spirit of a dead person to within 30' of the caster

if they are still without a body and have not been absorbed into their

divinity etc. It will also work on the spirits of living Astralists,

even if they are occupying their body at the time. Range does NOT apply.

Sentients DO receive a saving throw vs magic.


     COST  : 25

     MODS  : N

Cast by a caster after having achieved a CHANNELING, this allows them to

learn one skill or one spell from the spirit's memory (if willing) in an

extremely fast period of time. The caster DOES have to spend the

experience for the new skill, but gets the training instantly, instead

of thru a time expending effort.  Which skill or spell is to be learned

must be specified.


     COST  : 1

     MODS  : D

This allows the caster to make a wall impassable to any form of astral

or ethereal creatures/beings, an area upto 20 cubic feet/rank can be

affected, and it can be bent around to cover several surfaces as needed

by the caster. The wall will be solid to these beings and unpassable

thru normal means.


    COST   : 1

    MODS   : R,T

A spook spell enables the medium to play upon natural fears to cause the

target to perceive the spellcaster as someone or something inimical.

Without actually knowing what this is, the medium merely advances

threateningly upon the creature.  If a successful saving throw vs. INT

isn't made, the creature turns and flees at maximum speed as far from

the caster as possible, though items carried are not dropped.

Although the caster does not actually pursue the fleeing creature, a

phantasm from its own mind does.  Each round after the initial casting,

the creature receives another saving throw, without penalty, until it

successfully saves and the spell is broken, or until the duration of the

spell concludes it. Undead are not affected at all, nor are elementals,

Golems and extra-planar creatures.


    COST   : 1

    MODS   : D,R,T

This allows mages to transfer energy to each other by choice. Those

involved MUST be willing. The being losing the energy decides how much

they transfer and to who. Energy cannot be transferred to a non-mage

being unless they are magical in nature. Only RAW energy *not HUNG

spells* can be transferred this way.


    COST   : 1

    MODS   : D

The unseen servant is a non-visible, mindless, and shapeless force, used

to step and fetch, open unstuck doors, as well as to clean and mend.  It

is not strong, but unfailingly obeys the command of the wizard.  It can

carry out only one activity at a time and can move only light-wight

items--carry a maximum of 5 pounds or push/pull 20 pounds across a

smooth surface.  It can open only normal doors, drawers, lids, etc.  The

unseen servant cannot fight, nor can it be killed, as it is a force

rather than a creature.  It can be magically dispelled, or eliminated

after receiving 6 points of damage from area-effect spells, breath

weapons, or similar attacks. Additional Ranks add 5 lbs to its carrying

ability, and 1 Health to its survival ability. The Unseen Servant of a

medium IS a spirit of sorts, but one without personality or sentience.


    COST   : 5

    MODS   : D

This spell conjures a minor knowledge spirit to search for books and

references for the wizard.  It can search for titles, specific

references, or general subject matter, finding books in the time it

would take a reasonably skilled librarian (depends on case).  The wizard

is freed to concentrate on more interesting matters, so this spell

roughly doubles a wizard's research efficiency. It only works with

available resources in the area it was conjured up in, and results vary

based on the Duration placed into the spell.


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