Chip Shot Super Pro Golf



Cartridge Instructions

(For 1 or 2 Players)


Turn the POWER switch OFF and insert the game cartridge. Turn the POWER switch ON

and press RESET. The title screen will appear. Press any KEY or the DISC to

display the Main Menu.


From the Main Menu you can choose to:

* Play one of 5 defined courses.

* Design your own course.

* Replay a course.

* Practice on either the Driving Range or the Putting Green.

* See a review of your hand controls (Pro Shop).

To make a selection, press the TOP or BOTTOM of the DISC to highlight your

selection, then press ENTER.


CHIP SHOT -- SUPER PRO GOLF features 5 different courses. In order of increasing

difficulty, they are: INTV Tourney, Classic Course, Invitational Open, Celebrity

Pro-Am, and Trail of Tears.

After selecting one of these, you will choose whether you want to play all 18

holes, just the front 9, just the back 9, or whether you want to preview the

course. (Previewing shows you all 18 holes before you play, and gives you the

option of swapping any of the holes for ones in the library -- see PREVIEWING,


Next, enter the number of golfers playing. Press 1 or 2 and then press ENTER. The

first hole and the golfer's window appear on screen.



This window features a picture of a golfer, surrounded by important information:

HOLE NUMBER (upper left corner)

The number from 1 to 18 of the hole for the course you are playing.

YARDAGE (middle top of window)

Distance from the tee to the center of the green, following the fairway (the

clear path). Since many holes feature a dogleg (bend in the fairway), this

distance can be much greater than the straight-line distance from the tee to the


PAR (upper right corner)

The number of strokes a good player is expected to take to sink the ball. A par 3

is a short hole, a par 5 is long. When you sink the ball, a message at the bottom

of the window tells how you did against par:

HOLE IN ONE: You sank the ball from the tee! Fantastic!

DOUBLE EAGLE: Three under par

EAGLE: Two under par

BIRDIE: One under par

PAR: Par

BOGEY: One over par

DOUBLE BOGEY: Two over par

IN HOLE: Three or more over par

FIRST PLAYER'S SCORE & SECOND PLAYER'S SCORE (second row of numbers in window)

The number of strokes the player has taken so far on the current hole. After

sinking the ball, the score is added to the total shown on the scorecard. The

score restarts at 0 every rime the player tees off. For a one player game, the

second player's score stays at 0.

DISTANCE TO GREEN/HOLE (bottom left corner)

Before you tee off: Yards to the center of the green, following the fairway (same


After you tee off: Yards from the ball to the hole, measured as a straight line.

CLUB (bottom right corner)

Club currently selected.


The golfer illustrates your swing. He's also overwhelmed whenever you sink a

particularly long shot.


Under the golfer's feet is the swing gauge, used in hitting the ball.



Each hole has a tee (where you hit the ball from), a green (where the actual hole

is located, marked by a flag), and a fairway (the clear path to the green).

Each hole also has a number of obstacles, including trees, the rough (the unkept

grassy area off the fairway), bunkers (sand traps), and water traps (streams,

ponds, lakes, even rivers and oceans).

Somewhere on screen is a number next to an arrowhead. The number identifies this

hole in the library (see DESIGNING YOUR OWN COURSE, below). The arrowhead shows

the direction the green breaks (how it slopes). The break of the green is

important in determining where on the green to aim. Note: The breaks of the

greens change whenever the game is RESET (see THE GREEN, below).


Take careful note of the various obstacles and distances involved as you select

your club and aim. And watch the flag to see which way the wind is blowing! Then

bring the club back and swing! (See HITTING THE BALL, below).

You continue to shoot until you hit the ball into the hole. Each shot adds 1

stroke (point) to your score. Your maximum score for any hole is 25 strokes, even

if you take more than 25.




You play with a bag of fourteen clubs. The clubs, with the maximum distances they

can hit the ball, are shown below:

DRIVER (DR): 240 - 300 yards

3 WOOD (3W): 220 -260

1 IRON (1I): 210 -220

2 IRON (2I): 200 -210

3 IRON (3I): 190 -200

4 IRON (4I): 180 -190

5 IRON (5I): 170 -180

6 IRON (6I): 160 -170

7 IRON (7I): 150 - 160

8 IRON (8I): 140 -150

9 IRON (9I): 130 -140

PITCHING WEDGE (PW): 120 - 130

SAND WEDGE (SW): 110 -120

PUTTER: for putts

Note: The distances shown are for a perfect swing and lie (condition of the

ground the ball is on) with no wind. These factors will determine the actual

distance the ball travels.

Press the TOP or BOTTOM of the DISC to select your club. On the green, you may

only use your putter.


Press the LEFT or RIGHT side of the DISC to move the target (a white X) around

your ball. The position of the target determines the initial direction of shot;

any hook or slice will thereafter affect the shot's path.


Press and hold any SIDE ACTION KEY to start and continue your backswing. Release

the key and the frontswing begins. The gauge onscreen shows when to release the

key to hit the ball with maximum strength: releasing the key just before the

indicator reaches the far left of the gauge gives you best distance. Releasing

the key beforehand will give a softer shot and less distance. With practice, you

can control the distance of your shots precisely.

Note: Releasing the key after the indicator reaches the far left of the auge

results in an unpredictable distance, between 50% and 75% of maximum.


Press any SIDE ACTION KEY just as the club hits the ball to fire a clean,

straight shot.

Pressing the key early hooks the shot (causes it to turn to the left in flight).

The earlier you press the key, the greater the hook.

Pressing the key late slices the shot (causes it to turn to the right in flight).

The later you press the key, the greater the slice.

Fail to press the key and the ball will hook or slice at random!



Player 1 uses the LEFT hand controller; Player 2 uses the RIGHT. (For a one

player game, you can use EITHER hand controller.)

On the first hole, Player 1 tees off first. For each hole thereafter, the winner

of the previous hole has the "honor" trees off first). After teeing off, the

player farthest from the hole shoots next.

To indicate which player shoots next, that player's score and ball will blink.


The flag on the green blows in the direction of the prevailing wind. How fast the

flag flutters indicates the wind's strength.


Every tree is different: some are taller than others, some have branches closer

to the ground, some are fuller than others. As you play the holes, keep track of

the tree shapes. You will learn how to clear certain trees and when to shoot

under the branches of others. You will discover which trees, when hit, will cause

your ball to ricochet erratically, and which will cause it to simply fall to the


Note: On a real golf course, trees grow, altering how they affect the game. To

reflect this, the trees in CHIP SHOT -- SUPER PRO GOLF are slightly changed

whenever the game is RESET.


Shooting from the rough is unpredictable. Your shot will probably not travel the

full distance it normally does, and may not even travel in the direction you were



Bunkers more than 50 yards from the hole are "fairway bunkers." A shot hit from a

fairway bunker will behave similarly to a shot hit out of the rough.

Bunkers less than 50 yards from the hole are "green-side bunkers." You will have

to "blast" out of the sand by swinging a little harder than you normally would

for a shot from either the fairway or the rough.


When your ball lands in the water, you have a choice as to where you will play

your next shot. You may return to where you last hit from (OLD) or you may play

from where the ball entered the water (H20). (These two positions flash onscreen

as you make your decision.) Press 0 (Zero) to play the OLD position, ENTER to

play the H20 position.

Note: Sometimes the farther position is better because of the lie (on the fairway

instead of in the rough, for example).


When your ball lands on the green (or, if two are playing, when both players are

on the green), the screen shows a close-up of the green. This is where you putt

to finish the hole. The arrows on the green indicate the direction it breaks

(slopes); take the break into account when aiming your putt.

Note: On a real golf course, the breaks of the greens change over time. To

reflect this, the greens in CHIP SHOT -- SUPER PRO GOLF are given a random slope

whenever the game is RESET.

If you putt off of the green, you will return to the view of the entire hole.

Shoot back onto the green.


Each time you finish a hole, your score for the hole is added to your total on

the scorecard. After sinking the last putt on the final hole, the scorecard

appears. For two players, the lower score wins. Press any SIDE ACTION KEY to

return to the Main Menu.


At any time during a game you can display the scorecard by pressing 0 (Zero). The

scorecard shows your score on each hole so far, with totals for the front 9 (OUT)

and the back 9 (IN). For a two player game, both scores for each hole are


Press 0 (Zero) again to resume the game.


You can quit the game early by pressing CLEAR. Respond to "Exit?" with YES (press

ENTER). You could also press RESET, but doing so will erase the course if you

have designed your own.


Before you play the selected course, you can choose to preview the holes. The

first hole will be displayed, along with a window showing the hole number (1),

the scan number (the hole's number in the library -- from 1 to 99), the yardage

for the hole (upper left), and par (upper right).

To see the other holes on the course, press the LEFT or RIGHT side of the DISC.

The hole number will cycle between 1 and 18. When the hole number you want to see

is displayed, press ENTER. In this manner, you can see all 18 holes.

You can exchange any or all the holes in the course for ones in the library. See

EDITING, below.

When you are ready to play, press CLEAR, then respond to "Exit?" with YES (press



CHIP SHOT -- SUPER PRO GOLF contains a library of 99 holes from which the 5

defined courses are made up. You can also use this library to design your own



All 99 holes have a number somewhere onscreen. As you play the defined courses,

notice the numbers of the holes you want to use later for your own course. You

can also view any or all the holes while editing (see below).

Holes number 1 through 24 are par 3, 25 through 75 are par 4, and 76 through 99

are par 5.


After selecting to design your own, or when previewing a defined course (see

PREVIEWING, above), a window appears showing hole number and scan number. HOLE is

highlighted. Press the LEFT or RIGHT side of the DISC to select the hole number

(from 1 to 18) you wish to define.

Press the BOTTOM of the DISC to highlight SCAN. Press the LEFT or RIGHT side of

the DISC to select a hole from the library (from 1 to 99). To see the hole you

have selected, press ENTER. If you don't like that hole, continue to press the

DISC and ENTER to select other holes.

Once you are happy with your selection, press the BOTTOM of the DISC to highlight

SAVE, then press ENTER. This will assign the hole you have selected from the

library (SCAN) to the hole on the course you are designing (HOLE).

Note: The green's break shown on the screen will change at random when the hole

is actually assigned.

You must define holes 1 through 9 (front 9), holes 10 through 18 (back 9), or all

18 holes in order to play your course. (When editing a defined course, you need

only to define those you wish to change.)

When you are finished designing or editing your course, press CLEAR, then respond

to "EXIT" with YES (press ENTER).

You can now play your new course as if it were one of the 5 defined courses (see



Selecting PLAY SAME COURSE from the Main Menu lets you replay the last course,

whether it was a defined course or one of your own design.

Before playing, you can preview the course, giving you a chance to change any of

the holes (see PREVIEWING, above).

You cannot select PLAY SAME COURSE immediately after RESET. Doing so will merely

inform you that Hole 1 is not defined.


The Driving Range is a good place to learn how to hit the ball. You can select

your club and hit the ball in exactly the same manner as during actual gameplay.

The flag shows you the direction and strength of the wind, letting you get a feel

for how the wind affects your shots. Try hitting each shot straight and notice

how the wind catches it. The wind changes direction and strength every four

shots, allowing you to shoot under the full variety of conditions which exist on

the courses. As each shot lands, its distance is displayed in the Golfer's


Two players may practice by taking turns. Be careful: unlike a real game, either

hand controller can be used to hit any shot (making it easier to practice by


When you are finished practicing, press CLEAR, then respond to "EXIT" which YES

(press ENTER).


The Practice Putting Green is a good place to learn how to putt. Two balls are on

the green at a time. After every two putts you sink, the positions of the hole

and the balls, as well as the slope of the green, change.

Compete against yourself or against an opponent. The number of strokes is

displayed for each ball. The ball farthest from the hole blinks; the player

putting that ball (the player's score is also blinking) putts next. The player

with the lowest score for a hole putts first on the next green.

Be careful: unlike a real game, either hand controller can be used to hit any

putt (making it easier to practice by yourself).

The practice putting green plays like an 18 hole course of all greens. Press 0

(Zero) at anytime to see the scorecard, showing the score for each hole. Press 0

to return to the green.

When you are finished practicing, press CLEAR, then respond to "EXIT" with YES

(press ENTER).


(c)1987, 1998 Intellivision Productions, Inc.


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