Free Energy
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March 12, 1993
This file shared with KeelyNet courtesy of Tom Bearden.
We at Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet consider this to be one of the most
important documents we have yet seen from Mr. Bearden.
We urge you to make disk copies as well as hard copies and
distribute to all those interested in or researching Free Energy.
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FREENRG2.ASC - Part two
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FREENRG3.ZIP which contains - FREENRG1.ASC
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FREENRGB.GIF - figure 2
FREENRGC.GIF - circuit concept
FREENRGD.GIF - equation clipart
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Page 1
Also, due to the ASCII nature, the following conventions apply :
1) Bibliographic references are enclosed in parentheses ()
2) Formula/math is in brackets []
2) In some of the mathematical terms, I have had to make an
ASCII "equivalent" to what is in the actual paper, however,
it should not detract from the overall grasp of the paper,
and the file FREENRGD.GIF will show the actual terms used
when it is complete.
T. E. Bearden
P.O. Box 1472
Huntsville, AL 35807
This paper contains the real secret of tapping the vacuum energy
very simply, using almost any source of potential (battery,
electrostatic generator a la the Swiss electrostatic device (the
Testatika), elevated wire w/250 V/m in the earth/ionosphere
potential, etc.).
The objective is for the moderately technical reader to understand
how to build and understand not only a single device, but also
hundreds of different kinds of them. While it is quite simple, the
"magic principle" contained in this paper only took me some 30 years
to discover.
The precise definitions necessary to understand the free energy
rationale are included. Also included are some very simple pseudo
equations for the process. Do not underestimate these simple pseudo
equations __ they tell the tale that's needed.
Also, there has been little or no time to "dress up" the paper. It's
simply written down very informally, to get the necessary points
Nearly everything fundamental that we've been taught about EM energy
is wrong or incomplete. Even the definition of energy in physics is
wrong! Let me summarize a few of the things that are wrong with the
classical electromagnetics (CEM) model as follows:
CEM is still utilizing a model based on a material ether. Although
the Michelson-Morley experiment destroyed the material ether
assumption in 1887, the classical EM model has never been corrected.
It also contains no definition of charge, and no definition of
potential. In many cases, algorithms to calculate a magnitude are
baldfacedly and erroneously advanced as "definitions."
CEM still prescribes the force fields as the causes of all EM
phenomena; it has been known since 1959 that forces are effects and
not causes, that EM force fields exist only in and on the charged
particles of mass in the physical system, and that the potentials
are the primary causes of EM phenomena.
Page 2
The lack of definitive definitions of mass and force in mechanics is
carried over into EM theory; there is no adequate definition of EM
force or of EM mass. The magnitude of the electrical charge on an
electron is not quantized. Instead, it is discretized, being a
function of the magnitude of the virtual photon flux (VPF) exchange
between the vacuum and the charged particle.
When the charged particle is placed in a potential that differs from
ambient, then the magnitude of the VPF __ and hence the magnitude of
the electric charge on the electron __ is altered. The CEM
assumption of an "empty vacuum" is totally falsified by modern
quantum mechanics.
The CEM notion that EM force fields and force field waves exist in
vacuum is totally false. Only potentials and potential gradients
exist in the vacuum. EM waves in vacuum are not forcefield waves as
CEM prescribes; instead, they are oscillations of potentials and
potential gradients.
Potentials have a bidirectional EM wave-pair structure, where the
bidirectional wave pairs are phaselocked in a harmonic series. In
each wave pair, photons and antiphotons are continually coupling
(into spin-2 gravitons) and decoupling. This is where gravitation
and electromagnetics are unified.
The CEM notion that singular EM forces exist in either matter or the
vacuum is false; Newton's third law requires that all forces exist
in oppositive pairs. Not a single one of the equations universally
taught as "Maxwell's equations" ever appeared in any book or paper
by James Clerk Maxwell; instead, they are Oliver Heaviside's
Maxwell's actual theory was written in quaternions, which is a
complete system of mathematics. The Heaviside/Gibbs vector version
(1) has a lower topology,
(2) is not a complete system of mathematics, and
(3) actually captured only a subset of Maxwell's actual theory.
Tensor theory does not recapture that which was lost. There are
even more errors in CEM, but these should suffice to make the point:
Classical electromagnetics theory is seriously flawed, with archaic
foundations, riddled with errors, and it should be completely
Until this revamping of CEM is accomplished, the present model
solidly blocks free energy, antigravity, a unified physical field
theory, and a unified theory of mind and matter interaction.
A second paper this year will detail the exact long-term causative
mechanism for cancer and leukemia, and the exact mechanism for
essentially 100% cure of terminal tumors in laboratory animals,
demonstrated by the Priore team in France in the late 1960s and
early 1970s. The same mechanism can be used to cure AIDS.
Throughout the world, humankind is suffering. In the poor
populations of the world, early death is the norm, as is frequent
famine. One third of the human race goes to bed hungry each night.
Protein starvation of children is common. One third of the human
Page 3
race is infected with worms. Many other diseases ravage the
farflung poor peoples of the world. They have little or no
industries. They have no abundant electrical power. They have
little education, and little modern knowledge. They have little
or no medical treatment. In short, they are born without hope; live
in misery, filth, disease, and poverty, and die without dignity.
Meanwhile, the factories, cities, and enclaves of the "developed and
developing" worlds belch forth fumes, toxic and hazardous wastes,
and pollutants. They also spew forth weaponry which for one reason
or another is used to arm the poorer nations, for use in destroying
themselves and their impoverished neighbors. Warfare, terror,
banditry, despotism, and all the four horsemen of the Apocolypse are
truly loosed in the earth.
We simply must do better than that. And we can do better than that!
But to do better, we've got to make the basics available to
impoverished nations, cheaply and easily. Primary among their needs
are energy and medical treatment. Given those, populations can be
stabilized, people educated, development begun, and the living
standard drastically elevated. So that is the immediate goal.
In this paper, I am freely giving away what required me an arduous
30 years of my life to discover. Shortly we will also detail the
new methodology for a new therapeutic science, hopefully to cure the
diseases that ravage humanity.
God willing, this paper will trigger a thousand, or even ten
thousand, scientists and engineers to develop overunity energy
devices. If so, shortly we can rid our biosphere of noxious
automobile and factory exhausts, radioactive nuclear wastes, and
massive oil spills.
We can remove many of the hydrocarbon combustion pollutants from the
air, stop acid rain and the destruction of our forests, and stop the
steady rise of carbon monoxide in our air. If that truly tends
toward a "Greenhouse" effect, then we can halt that effect as well.
The Creator has always given us bountiful free electrical energy,
everywhere, easily and readily for the simple taking. It has only
been our own blindness and folly that have prevented us from seeing
and using this free energy bounty.
So here is the final secret of abundant, free electrical energy.
Please use the knowledge well and see that its benefits also accrue
to those impoverished ones who need it so desperately. Remember the
adage, "Inasmuch as you have done it to these little ones..." This
is for those little ones. You are our brothers and sisters. We
want you to live. And we want you to have a better quality of life,
not just bare existence. We care.
Tom Bearden
February 9, 1993
Page 4
T. E. Bearden 1993
Some Definitions
The Quantum Mechanical Vacuum: First we need some definitions. We
start by assuming the quantum mechanical vacuum.(1) Empty
"spacetime" is filled with an incredibly intense flux of virtual
particles. It is a plenum, not an emptiness. We shall be
interested only in the fantastic flux of virtual photons, for we are
discussing electromagnetics.
Energy and Potential: Energy is any ordering, either static or
dynamic, in the virtual particle flux of vacuum. EM energy is any
ordering, either static or dynamic, in the virtual photon flux (VPF)
of vacuum. That is, for a particular kind of "field" energy, we
simply choose the so-called quantum particle of that field, and
consider only that kind of virtual particle flux.
Potential is any ordering, either static or dynamic, in the virtual
particle flux of vacuum. Hey! That's exactly the same definition as
energy. Quite correct. Energy and potential are identically the
same. Neither is presently defined correctly in physics.
Energy is normally defined as "Energy is the capacity to do work."
That's totally false. Energy has the capacity to do work, because
work is correctly defined as the dissipation (disordering;
scattering) of energy (order).
The scattering of energy is work. It is not energy! I.e., energy
is not definable as its own scattering!
Look at it this way: A man has the capacity to catch fish. That is
true, but it is not a definition, since a definition must in some
sense be an identity. You cannot say that a man is the capacity to
catch fish! That may be a submitted definition, all right, but it
is false. Similarly, energy has the capacity to do work; that is
one of its attributes. But energy IS the ordering in the VPF (we
are referring from now on primarily only to EM).
Scalar and Vector Potentials: The scalar potential is any static
(with respect to the external observer) ordering in the VPF of
vacuum. The vector potential is any dynamic (with respect to the
external observer) ordering in the VPF of vacuum. We shall be
interested in the electrostatic scalar potential. So it is a static
ordering __ a stationary template __ in the VPF of vacuum, much as a
whirlpool is a stationary ordering (template, form) in the rushing
flow of a river.
The Scalar Potential Has An Internal Structure
The Structure of the Scalar Potential: According to rigorous proofs
by Whittaker(2) and Ziolkowski,(3) any scalar potential can be
mathematically decomposed into a harmonic series of bidirectional
wave pairs. [Figure 1] shows this Whittaker/Ziolkowski (WZ)
structure. In each pair, the forward-time wave is going in one
direction, and its phase conjugate (time-reversed) replica wave is
going in the other.
Page 5
According to the so-called distortion correction theorem(4) of
nonlinear phase conjugate optics, this PCR wave must precisely
superpose spatially with its partner wave in the pair. The two
waves are in-phase spatially, but 180 degrees out of phase in time.
The wave is made of photons, and the antiwave (PCR wave) is made of
antiphotons. It follows that, as wave and antiwave pass through
each other, the photons and antiphotons are coupling and uncoupling
with each other, because the antiphoton is a PCR photon, and PCR's
precisely superpose spatially with their partner.
A photon or antiphoton has wave characteristics, because it has a
frequency; if the wave aspects are perfectly ordered and perfectly
correlated, then so are the photon's particle aspects.
A Potential Is An Ordering Across the Universe: So we have __
astoundingly __ perfect VPF inner ordering infolded in the
electrostatic scalar potential! We also have perfect wave/antiwave
ordering infolded in there.
When you collect a simple set of charges on a small ball or in a
region, the scalar EM potential from that set of charges reaches
across the universe. In it you have an infinite harmonic series of
phase-locked time-forward EM waves going out from the charges to all
distant points of the entire universe. And you have an infinite
harmonic series of phase-locked time-reversed EM waves coming from
all points of the universe, back to the "collected charges" source.
A Potential Is A River of Energy: The point is, you have
established a mighty, hidden, 2-way river of energy between that
collection of charges and every other point in the universe. There
is infinite energy in each of those infolded waves and antiwaves.
But in a localized region, the energy density in each wave is
finite. Since in finite circuits the potential interacts with a
localized set of mass, we shall be concerned with the local energy
density (joules/coulomb) of the potential.
But forget the conventional myth of visualizing the potential as
pushing a unit charge in from infinity "against the force field" __
there isn't any force field in the vacuum, as is well-known in
quantum mechanics. Also, Newton's third law requires all forces to
occur in pairs __ each pair consisting of a force and its 3rd law
reaction force.
From that viewpoint alone, there is no such thing as an EM
forcefield or forcefield wave in the vacuum. There are just
gradients of the vacuum potential present in the vacuum. In the
vacuum, an EM wave is actually a wave of the phase locked gradients
of the electrostatic scalar potential and of the magnetostatic
scalar potential. And each such gradient wave is simultaneously
accompanied by its phase conjugate gradient wave, because of
Newton's third law.
Newton's third law requires forces to occur in pairs of equal but
antiparallel forces.
Both wave and antiwave co-exist simultaneously in the vacuum EM
wave.(5) Therefore it's a stress potential wave, not a force field
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wave. It's more like an electromagnetic sound wave,(6) and so it is
a longitudinal wave, not a transverse wave.
In the EM vacuum wave's interaction with matter (the so-called
"photon" interaction), the wave-half normally interacts with the
electron shells of the atom, giving translation forces, while the
anti-wave half interacts with the atomic nucleus, giving the
Newtonian 3rd law reaction (recoil) forces (waves). The EM wave in
vacuum is an electrogravitational wave.
Energy Is Internally Infinite and Unlimited: A static potential __
which is identically excess energy __ is internally dynamic and
infinite. Energy is internally infinite and unlimited! But it has
a finite energy density in a local region of space time.
Since energy interacts with matter locally, we shall be concerned
with the local energy density (joules per coulomb).
A Principle of Great Importance: The only way you can have a
"chunk" or finite amount of energy to dissipate in a circuit as work
is to first have a potential's local energy density interact with a
local finite mass collector. The normal interacting mass collector
is the free electrons (the free electron gas) in the circuit.
You can have, e.g., (joules/coulomb x coulomb); (joules/gram x
grams); (joules/m3 x m3); etc.
Voltage, Force, Potential Gradients, Loads, and Work: Now let's
look at circuitry aspects. Conventionally they are a mess. Voltage
is "essentially" defined as the "drop in potential." In other
words, it's the dissipation (disordering) of a "finite amount" of
potential gradient. But the only way you can get a "finite amount"
of infinite energy/potential gradient is by first interacting the
potential gradient's internal, finite, excess energy density with a
finite "collector" mass. E.g., (joules/coulomb available for
collection) x (coulombs collecting) = excess joules collected on the
interacting coulombs, available for dissipation.
So voltage is really the dissipation of a finite collection of
excess EM energy/potential gradient. The dissipation of potential
or of its gradient is not potential! You cannot logically define
either potential or energy as it's own dissipation!
We presently use the notion of "voltage" in two completely
contradictory ways in electrical physics. Here's how we got the
confusion: We take a potential gradient (which has a local energy
density), and we "collect" it across some charged masses in a
locality __ usually the free electrons in the free electron gas in
our circuitry. That is, we express the finite energy density of the
potential gradient (before collection onto charges) in the local
region in terms of energy per coulomb.
The potential gradient actually is a change to the ambient
potential, and so it contains an excess energy density (the
magnitude may be either positive or negative). We then collect this
potential (actually this potential density) on a certain number of
coulombs, which places tiny little gradients of potential across
(coupled to) each free electron. The local excess energy density of
the potential gradient multiplied by the amount of collecting mass
Page 7
gives the amount of excess energy collected (on the interacting
On each collecting particle, that little gradient, together with the
coupling particle, constitutes a tiny force. F is not just equal to
ma (non relativistic case); instead, F = (ma), where (mass x
acceleration) is considered as a unitary, inseparable thing. So
that little potentialized electron (that little EM force) moves
itself around the circuit. In the load (scatterer), the little
potentialized electron (the little force) is subjected to jerks and
accelerations, thus radiating energy (shucking its gradient). Since
this is done in all directions in the scatterer (load), that gets
rid of the gradient, reducing the "little force" (potentialized
electron) to zero because the little potential gradient is lost due
to radiation.
Collecting And Dissipating Energy
Energy Dissipation and Collection: Without further ado, we consider
the scalar potential's local energy density in terms of joules per
coulomb. That is, in a specific glob of charges (i.e., in finite
circuits), the amount of energy collected from a potential gradient
onto the finite number of charges receiving/collecting it, is equal
to the number of joules of energy per coulomb that is in the
potential gradient, times the number of coulombs collecting
(receiving) the potential gradient. The current is the activated
(potentialized) coulombs per second that dissipate their potential
gradients during that second. The current multiplied by the time
the current flows gives the activated coulombs that dissipated their
activation (potentialization) during that flow time. Dissipating,
activated coulombs multiplied by the excess energy collected per
activated coulomb gives the energy dissipated (the work or
scattering done) in the load.
We define collection as the connection of a potential gradient (a
source) to the charged masses in a circuit element (the element is
called the collector), which for a finite delay time does not allow
its potentialized free electrons to move as current.
In the collector, during this delay time these trapped electrons are
"activated" by potential gradients being coupled to them.
Technically, that delay time in the collector is known as relaxation
time,(7) in the case of the free electron gas(8) (in a wire or in a
circuit element). A collector then is a circuit element that has a
usable, finite relaxation time.
During that relaxation time, the trapped electrons are potentialized
without movement as current; each collecting/receiving free electron
gets a little gradient across it, but no current yet flows. In other
words, during this finite relaxation time (collection time), we
extract potential from the source, but no current.
Thus we extract energy (potential), but no power (which is voltage x
amperage). During the relaxation time, we extract from the source
only a flow of VPF, which is continually replaced in the source by
the vacuum's violent VPF exchange with the source's bipolarity
Page 8
We do not extract power from the battery/source during relaxation
time, but we extract free energy density. That free energy density,
coupling with a finite quantity of electrons, gives us a collected
finite amount of energy. With that background, let's start again,
and go through this in a useful "free energy" manner.
The Electron Gas. We refer to the conventional model of the free
electron gas in a wire.(9) Although the electrons in this gas
actually move by quantum mechanical laws and not by classical laws,
we shall simply be dealing with the "on the average" case.
So we will speak of the electrons and their movement in a classical
sense, rather than a quantum mechanical sense, as this will suffice
very well for our purposes.
When one connects a circuit to a source of potential gradient (say,
to a battery), the first thing that happens nearly instantly is that
the potential gradient races onto the coupling wire and heads down
it at almost the speed of light. As it goes onto the wire, this
gradient "couples" to the free electrons in the free electron gas.
However, inside the wire these electrons can hardly move down the
wire at all; they can only "slip" once in a while, yielding a
"drift" velocity of a fraction of a cm/sec.(10) On the surface,
things are just a little bit different. Most of the "current" in a
wire, as is well-known, moves along the surface, giving us the
"skin" effect. [For that reason, many cables are stranded of finer
wires, to provide more skin surface per cm3 of copper, and hence
more current-carrying capability per cm3 of copper.]
So initially little gradients of potential appear on and across each
free electron, with a single little electrostatic scalar potential
[V0] appearing on each electron, and coupled to it. The couplet of
V0 x Me, where Me is the mass of the electron, constitutes a small
deltaEe. [This is rigorous; the conventional EM notion that an E
field exists in the vacuum is absurd, and it is well-known in QM
that no observable force field exists in the vacuum. As Feynman
pointed out, only the potential for the force field exists in the
vacuum,(11) not the force field as such. Or as Lindsay and Margenau
pointed out in their Foundations of Physics, one does not have an
observable force except when observable mass is present.12].
We have stated it even stronger:
Not only is F = ma, but F =- ma (nonrelativistic case).(13)
(the term =- in the paper is actually 3 stacked parallel lines)
Since no observable mass exists in vacuum, then no observable F
exists there either.
Force, Coupled Gradients, and Electron Translation
Electrons Coupled to a Potential Gradient Move Themselves. The
point is, when activated by a "coupled potential gradient," the
activated electron moves itself until it loses its activation (its
coupled potential gradient).
Let me say that again, in a little more detail. Forget the standard
notion that a force field such as the E-field causes electrons to
Page 9
move. Also forget the notion that the E-field is given by E = -V0
(where 0 is the electrostatic scalar potential).
In foundations of physics, those equations are known to be incorrect
for the vacuum. EM force fields are known (in QM foundations
theory) to be effects, existing only in and on the charged
particles, and not existing separately at all,(14) or in the vacuum
at all.(15) Instead of E = -V0, in the vacuum the correct equation
would be something like this: PE = -V0.
In this case, we have correctly stated that the potential gradient
PE provides the potential for producing an antiparallel E-field in
and on a coupling/collecting charged mass, and the magnitude and
direction of that potential gradient will be given by -V0, if and
only if a charged mass particle is first introduced so that it
couples to PE.
At any rate, the activated/potentialized electron moves itself. The
reason is that it constitutes a force. Force =- (mass x
acceleration) (non relativistic case) (again, the symbol =- is 3
stacked parallel bars). So the potentialized/activated electron is
continuously accelerating. However, it is prevented from easily
moving down the wire directly. To begin to do that, it essentially
has to first move to the outer skin of the copper conductor.
The Collector: We now consider a circuit element that we called a
collector. (It could be a special coil made of special material, a
capacitor with doped plates rather than simple conducting plates, or
any one of a number of things).
The objective is for the collector to be made of special material so
that it has a free electron gas whose electrons are momentarily not
free to move as current (they continue to move violently around
microscopically, but essentially with zero net macroscopic
translation) for a finite delay (relaxation) time, while they are
settling themselves upon the surface and preparing to move as
Let's call the electrons NNTE (no net translation electrons) during
that finite delay (relaxation time). During that "no-current" delay
time, the NNTE electrons become potentialized/activated by the
potential gradient impressed across the collector. So at the end of
the NNT time, the NNTE electrons are potentialized, and each is of
the form [V0 x Me].
The Secret of Free Energy
Two Circuits/Two Cycles: We are going to use two circuits and two
cycles, as shown in [Figure 2]:
(1) We shall connect a collector to a primary source of
potential (to a battery) during the short time that
current does not yet flow, but potential does. (In other
words, during the relaxation time of the collector, we
allow the VPF to flow onto the NNTE electrons of the
collector and potentialize (activate) them, but do not
yet allow the electrons themselves to flow as current,
but only to move transversely in the wiring and
Page 10
This is cycle one of a 2-cycle process: This is
collection of a specific amount of current-free potential
gradient __ power-free energy __ off the potential-source
(the battery) onto a collector. During the collection
cycle/time, current does not and must not flow (we are
discussing the ideal case). We are freely " charging up"
the collector as a secondary battery/source.
(2) At the end of the collection (potentialization /
activation) time/cycle in circuit one, the potentialized
collector (the charged secondary source) is sharply
switched away from its connection to the primary
potential source (the battery), and at the same time it
is instantly switched into a separate closed circuit with
the load. This is important: In cycle two, the
potentialized collector (with its finite amount of excess
trapped EM energy) and the load are connected in a
completely separate circuit, and one that is closed, with
no connection at all to the original source of potential
(in this case, to the battery). Specifically, this "load
and potentialized collector" circuit is completely
separate from the primary source; during cycle two the
primary source (the battery) is not connected to
In other words, all we've taken from the primary source (the
battery) is current-free, force-field-free potential gradient. So
to speak, we've taken a "chunk of potential gradient" from the
source, nothing else. You simply multiply the potential gradient's
local energy density (the so-called "voltage", which is really
excess joules per coulomb) by the number of coulombs of charge that
is "activated" (that "collects" this voltage or excess
joules/coulomb) in the collector.
Specifically, we have not taken any power from the battery itself,
and so we have not done any internal work inside the battery upon
its internal resistance, by a "closed circuit electron flow" back
into the battery. We have not permitted such a flow.
Instead, we are using the activated collector as a temporary,
secondary battery. We will utilize this secondary battery in a
conventional manner to power the load, which will also kill the
secondary battery (dissipate its trapped EM energy). But that will
not affect the primary source. The primary source is never used to
directly power the load. It is only used as an infinite source of
potential gradient (i.e., as an infinite source of energy density).
The Standard Power Extraction Circuit
The Conventional Circuit: We digress momentarily: In the standard
electrical method, the potential source (which is a bipolarity) is
connected across the load. This connects both the external load and
the internal resistance of the battery itself in series, as the
"total circuit load." Electrons then pour through the external load
circuit and through the internal battery resistance, from the
"electron rich" polarity of the source to its "electron poor"
opposite polarity.
The scattering of energy in the internal battery resistance is
Page 11
actually doing work to upset the chemistry that is maintaining the
battery's charge separation (the bipolarity). In this manner the
source's separation of charges (which is the "gate" furnishing the
potential/energy gradient) is being destroyed as the current flows,
and this in turn destroys the source of the potential gradient.
In other words, normally we engineers are trained to kill the
bipolarity, which kills the potential source itself! Incredible as
it may be, we engineers and scientists have been trained to utilize
the free "trapped EM energy" furnished by nature through the source,
to destroy the source of the energy/potential, with the same vigor
as we power the external load! In fact, our teachers themselves
simply have never learned any other way to do it except this
deliberately "self-destructive" manner!
A Waterwheel Analogy
Imagine, if you will, a waterwheel that powers a mill, with a sluice
gate upstream in a river, that diverts some river water into the
sluice carrying water to the wheel when the sluice gate is opened
into the river. The diverted water flows down to the waterwheel,
turning it, and the spent water is fed back into the river below the
Now what fool would connect a pulley onto the waterwheel, with a
rope running from the pulley to the sluice gate, so that when the
wheel rotated, part of the rotational power also was utilized to
close the sluice gate and shut off the water, stopping the
waterwheel? If one did so, when the sluice gate was opened, the
waterwheel would rotate only until the sluice gate was closed,
shutting off the water. Then one would laboriously have to pay to
reopen the sluice gate again, then again, then again.
No self-respecting "waterwheel engineer" would do such an
unthinkable, insane thing. But that's exactly what we engineers,
electrical physicists, and scientists have been trained to do! We
have no energy engineers or energy scientists at all; instead, we
have all been power engineers and power scientists. We have all
been energy source killers!
In this paper we shall try to do better, and rectify "one of the
most remarkable and inexplicable aberrations of the scientific mind
which has ever been recorded in history," as Tesla called the
conventional electromagnetics.16 By being energy engineers, we
shall only have to pay for our energy source once, and then we shall
draw as much energy from it as we wish.
External Load Power Is Free; Only The Power In The Source Costs
Here's the magic secret of free electrical power: The power in the
external load is absolutely free, and it always has been free.(17)
In any load circuit the only power you have to pay for, and have
ever had to pay for, is the power you incorrectly use to kill your
own primary source. The only power that "costs" more effort/dollars
is the power erroneously utilized inside the source to "close the
gate" and kill the primary source.
Your electric power company doesn't pay for any of the collected
energy on your load circuits that is dissipated to power your house.
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Instead, the power company charges you for its own ignorance. It
charges you for its insane use of its own freely extracted
electrical energy to continually kill the bipolarity in each of its
generators, thus continually killing the free electrical source of
that generator's energy.(18)
In any electric circuit, we can continue to indefinitely power the
external load indirectly from a source, so long as we are not so
naive as to use any of the free energy we extract from the primary
source to dissipate back inside the primary source itself and shut
it off!
And we can easily and freely multiply electrical potential. As an
example, given a single good source of potential, a hundred radial
wires can be connected to the source. The same potential will now
appear at each of the ends of the hundred wires.
A switcher/collector unit can then operate from each radial line's
end, and power external loads, without "loading" the original
primary source. This "cascading" can be continued indefinitely. A
single power plant, e.g., can power the entire electrical grid of
the United States. And a single automobile battery can power a
large, agile, electric automobile at highway speeds, with sports car
acceleration, with unlimited range, without "refueling," and with no
noxious chemical exhaust.
Obvious Impacts
Environmentalists should immediately see that the chemical pollution
of the biosphere by mechanista and processes to obtain energy can be
dramatically reduced, to almost negligible levels. There need be no
huge oil tanker spills, for there need be no huge oil tankers.
There need be no worrisome radioactive wastes from nuclear power
plants, or abandoned hazardous nuclear plants when their life is
finished, because there need be no nuclear power plants. There need
be no noxious exhausts from jet air planes (which are really what is
diminishing the ozone layer and punching holes in it), automobiles,
trucks, buses, innumerable coal-fired and oil-fired power plants,
The Electronic Smog Problem
In fairness we point out that, as the usage of free electrical
energy mushrooms, we will be dramatically increasing the low-level
EM signal density of the environment, and that too is biologically
detrimental. Although beyond the scope of this paper, that
cumulative biological damage mechanism has also been uncovered by
this author. A formal paper is in presently in preparation for
presentation in March 1993 at the annual meeting and conference of
the Alabama Academy of Science.(19)
The paper will also present an entirely new definition of cancer,
give its exact long-term cumulative mechanism, and give an exact,
scientifically proven mechanism for eliminating cancer, leukemia,
and other debilitating diseases such as AIDS. For our purposes
here, we simply state that we understand the EM "electronic smog"
biological damage mechanism, and how to go about developing a total
counter for it. Eventually we would see a small "counter unit"
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added to each power unit, alleviating the "electronic smog" problem
and preventing biological damage.
Only Dissipate Energy From a Collector, Not the Source
Completion of the Collection Cycle: But to return to the completion
of our collection cycle (cycle one). During collection, we have not
extracted power from the source. That is vital. We have not moved
the gate through which our source is furnishing free energy. We
have not diminished our primary source. From our previous
definitions of potential, we have indeed extracted trapped energy
from the primary source, because we placed its "local energy
density" across a certain finite collector/mass , instead of
extracting power (dissipating energy inside the source or battery to
spoil its chemistry and deplete its charge separation.).
All Energy Is Free
Here's the incredible truth. The entire universe is filled with
mind boggling free energy everywhere, in the simplest of things.
Simply scrape your feet on the carpet, and you will collect perhaps
2,000 "volts" on your body. At that time, hidden EM energy is
flowing from every point in the universe to your body, and from your
body back to every point in the universe. We know that all
macroscopic matter is filled with stupendous amounts of electrical
charge. So an incredible river of energy __ a great flux __ is
driving every single thing, from the smallest to the largest.
Opening a gate to extract trapped EM energy is simple. Just collect
a bit of charge, or scrape your feet hard, or comb your hair
briskly. All we have to do is not be stupid and close the gate once
we've got it opened!
God has been most kind. We have nothing but free energy everywhere.
All energy is furnished to us freely! It's our own blindness that
has made us into energy source killers. All we have to do is open
our eyes to the truth of nature's incredible energy bounty. We must
just freely collect that bountiful fruit from Nature's tree, instead
of chopping down the tree and killing it.
Dissipating The Collected Energy
The Work Cycle: We focus again on cycle two. Shortly after the
now-potentialized collector is connected to the load at the
beginning of cycle 2 (the power cycle, or energy dissipation cycle,
or work cycle), the potential gradient across the potentialize
d collector is connected (transferred) across the free electrons in
the load circuit. We assume that the material of the collector and
the switching time have been designed so that, shortly after
switching to the loading/work cycle, the activated/potentialized
free electrons in the electron gas in the collector reach the skin
of the collector, and are free to move as current.
So just after the beginning of cycle two, each of the free electrons
in the load circuit now is potentialized and free to move down the
wiring. Each potentialized (activated) electron has its own little
individual potential gradient across it and coupled to it, due to
the overall potential gradient from the collector. Remember, prior
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to coupling to charges, this potential gradient moves through the
circuit at light speed.
An EM potential gradient coupled to a charged mass constitutes an EM
force field (excess trapped EM energy per coulomb, times the number
of collecting coulombs). Now each little free electron with its
potential gradient forms a little E-field (force/charge), and that
little E-field (force/charge) is free to move. That's all it takes
to move (accelerate) the little activated electron's mass through
the load (the scatterer).
We strongly stress that the potentialized/activated electron moves
itself. It doesn't care whether or not the external battery is
attached or not. It is its own little motorboat, with its own
little engine driving it.
As the little potentialized electrons reach the load (the
scatterer), they bang and clang around in there erratically. That
is, the "scatterer" (load) causes spurious accelerations
("scatterings") of these self-driven electrons. As is well-known,
when a charge is accelerated, it radiates photons. What actually
happens is that these little "jerked around" electrons shuck off
their little potential gradients in the load (in the scatterer, or
the "jerker-arounder") by emitting/radiating photons in all
directions. Hence the heat that is produced in the load; the heat
is just these scattered photons. The theory of calorimetry already
states that all the excess energy (on the potentialized electrons)
will be dissipated as this heat (scattered EM energy).
When all the potentialized electrons have radiated away their
potential gradients in the load (scatterer), they are no longer
potentialized. The free electron gas is again "quiescent" and no
longer potentialized/activated (again, we are talking about "on the
average" from a classical viewpoint.).
Repetition and Review
Notice What We've Done: We took some trapped EM energy density (a
chunk of potential gradient, a "voltage" before current flows) from
the source, by switching that potential gradient (energy density,
which is joules per coulomb) onto a collector (containing a certain
number of coulombs of trapped charges) where the potential gradient
activates/potentializes/couples-to these temporarily non translating
So the finite collector collected a finite amount of excess energy
[joules/coulomb x collecting (trapped) coulombs] on its now-excited
(activated) free electrons. Then before any current has yet flowed
from the source, we switched that potentialized collector (with its
temporarily restrained but potentialized electrons; with their
finite amount of excess trapped EM energy) away from the source and
directly across the load.
Shortly thereafter, the relaxation time in the collector expires.
The potentialized electrons in the collector are freed to move in
the external load circuit, consisting of the collector and the load,
and so they do so. The scattering "shock collisions" due to the
erratic electron accelerations in the load shake off the little
potential gradients on the conduction electrons, emitting photons in
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all directions, which we call "heat." In shaking off the photons,
the electrons lose their little potential gradients, hence lose
their activation (excess EM energy).
Rigorously we have extracted some energy in trapped form, and
allowed it to dissipate in the load, "powering the load" for a
finite discharge/dissipation time and doing work.(20) Contrary to
the conventional electrical power engineering, we have also done
this without doing any work inside the source to diminish its
ability to furnish potential gradient.
If you have comments or other information relating to such topics
as this paper covers, please upload to KeelyNet or send to the
Vangard Sciences address as listed on the first page.
Thank you for your consideration, interest and support.
Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet
If we can be of service, you may contact
Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346
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