Robotics message board


From: (Kevin Dowling)

Newsgroups: comp.robotics,news.answers,comp.answers

Subject: comp.robotics Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) part 3/5

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Date: 13 Dec 1994 03:54:22 GMT

Organization: Carnegie-Mellon University, School of Computer Science

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Expires: 26 Jan 1995 03:53:07 GMT

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Summary: This posting contains a list of Frequently Asked Questions

         and their answers about robotics. It should be read by anyone

         who wishes to post to the comp.robotics newsgroup

Xref: comp.robotics:13143 news.answers:31035 comp.answers:8868

Archive-name: robotics-faq/part3

Last-modified: Mon Dec 12 12:00:55 1994

This is part 3 of 5 of the comp.robotics Frequently Asked Questions

(FAQ) list. This FAQ addresses commonly asked questions relating to



Copyright Notice

This FAQ was compiled and written by Kevin Dowling with numerous

contributions by readers of comp.robotics. Acknowledgements are listed

at the end of the FAQ.

This post, as a collection of information, is Copyright 1994 Kevin

Dowling. Distribution through any means other than regular Usenet

channels must be by permission. The removal of this notice is


This FAQ may be posted to any USENET newsgroup, on-line service, or

BBS as long as it is posted in its entirety and includes this

copyright statement. This FAQ may not be distributed for financial

gain. This FAQ may not be included in commercial collections or

compilations without express permission from the author.

Please send changes, additions, suggestions and questions to:

Kevin Dowling tel: 412.268.8830

Robotics Institute fax: 412.268.5895

Carnegie Mellon University net:

Pittsburgh, PA 15213


Part 3/5

        [6] What University Programs are there?

                [6.1] Graduate Programs in Robotics

[6.2] Student Who's Who

        [7] What is the State of the Robot Industry?

        [8] What companies sell or build robots?

[8.1] Mobile robot companies

[8.1.1] AGV Companies

  [8.1.2] Underwater robots

[8.2] Manipulator companies

                [8.3] Other Organizations doing robotics

                [8.4] Small Inexpensive Robots

[9] What is a Robot Architecture?


[6] What University Programs are there?

Any good four-year school undoubtedly offers robotics courses

within engineering programs. Departments of mechanical and electrical

engineering and computer science are all good candidates for

coursework in Robotics. However, a number of schools have established

track records with a focus on robotics and those are listed here.

Peterson's publishes a series of guides to higher education programs.

Their Graduate Programs in Engineering & Applied Sciences, 1994, lists

graduate programs in robotics in the U.S.  The following are those

listed which offer PhD programs in robotics:

Carnegie Mellon University

PhD in Robotics

The Robotics Institute

Catholic University of America

        PhD in Design and Robotics

        Department of Mechanical Engineering

Cornell University

        PhD in Robotics

        PhD in Artificial Intelligence

        Field of Computer Science

Ohio University

        PhD in Intelligent Systems

        Department of Integrated Engineering

University of California, San Diego

        PhD in intelligent systems, robotics, and control

        Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Note that this list is both too short and somewhat inaccurate because

many universities offers robotics research within the scope of other

engineering and science programs.


[6.1] Graduate Programs in Robotics

This list is grouped by countries including the United States,

Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, Sweden and Switzerland. Many

European and Asian universities are not represented and should be -

drop me a line if you have information on some that should be


Universities List

United States

Boston University

California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)

Colorado School of Mines


Georgia Institute of Technology


Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

New York University (NYU)

North Carolina State Univerisity


Rennsalear Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

Stanford University

University of California at Berkeley

University of Iowa

University of Kansas

University of Kentucky

University of Massachusetts

University of Michigan

University of Pennsylvania.

University of Rochester

University of Southern California (USC)

University of Maryland

The University of Texas at Arlington

University of Wisconsin-Madison

University of Utah

Yale University


University of Western Australia


McGill University

University of Alberta

United Kingdom

Edinburgh University (UK)

University of Essex (UK)

University of the West of England at Bristol, U.K. 

Bristol University

Hull University, UK

University of Manchester

University of Oxford

Reading University, UK

Salford University

University of Surrey


University of Paris


Lulea University of Technology


Swiss Federal Institute of Technology



Boston University

  Dept. of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering:

  John Baillieul:  Control of Mechanical Systems and Mathematical

    System Theory.

  Pierre Dupont:  Robot Kinematics and Dynamics, Friction Compensation

    in Robotics.

  Ann Stokes:  Theoretical Dynamics and Control.

  Matt Berkemeier:  Legged Robots, Robot Control.


California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

  Pasadena, CA

Joel Burdick - serpentine manipulation, control

        Richard Murray - control of nonholonomic systems, grasping

        Pietro Perona - biological and machine vision

  For more detailed information on robotics research at Caltech see


Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)

The Robotics Institute is a 150 person organization that is

part of the School of Computer Science. RI offers a PhD in Robotics

but students from other programs (engineering and computer science

mostly) do research in the Institute as well. Lots of mobile robot

work, computer integrated manufacturing, rapid prototyping, sensors,

vision, navigation, learning and architectures.  Program is a set of

qualifiers and a program of research leading to a thesis and the


 For a look current research in autonomous navigation in the NavLab

group see:

  Facilities include about a dozen mobile systems with more under

  design and construction. Many manipulator systems and lots of

  compute cycles/person. Faculty include:

Takeo Kanade - Vision and Autonomous Systems Center

Pradeep Khosla - Advanced Manipulator Laboartory

Matt Mason - Manipulation Laboratory

Tom Mitchell - Learning Robots Lab

Hans Moravec - Mobile Robots Lab

Mel Seigel - Sensors Laboratory (non vision)

Steve Shafer - Calibrated Imaging Laboratory

Red Whittaker - Field Robotics Center

and many others.....

Graduate program contact:

Graduate Admissions Coordinator

The Robotics Institute

Carnegie Mellon University

Pittsburgh, PA 15213


Case Western Reserve University

Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics

Glennan Building

10900 Euclid Avenue

Cleveland, Ohio 44106

Phone (216)368-4088

Fax (216)368-2668

See file://

Electrical engineering at CWRU is a broad, dynamic field

offering a great diversity of career opportunities in areas such as

microwave and rf communications, microprocessor-based digital control

systems, robotics, solid state microelectronics, signal processing,

and intelligent systems.  The Department of Electrical Engineering and

Applied Physics offers Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Master of

Science in Electrical Engineering, Master of Engineering, and Doctor

of Philosophy degree programs which provide preparation for work in

these areas.  The department offers a minor in electrical engineering

for bachelor's degree students in other engineering disciplines as

well as a minor in electronics for bachelor's degree students enrolled

in the College of Arts and Science.


Colorado School of Mines

Mobile Robotics/Machine Perception Laboratory

Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences

The Colorado School of Mines is a state university,

internationally renowned in the energy, materials, and resource

fields, attracting outstanding students in a broad range of science

and engineering disciplines.  The School of Mines is strongly

committed to quality teaching and research. CSM provides an attractive

campus environment, a collegial atmosphere, relatively small size

(3000 students, about 30% in graduate programs), and an ideal location

in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains 13 miles from downtown Denver

and an hour from most ski areas.

The Dept. of Mathematical and Computer Sciences offers BS, MS,

and PhD degrees under the department title.  With a faculty of 18

tenured and tenure track members, the department annually receives

roughly a million dollars in grants; 116 undergraduate students and 70

graduate students are currently enrolled in ou r degree programs.  The

computer science group within the department has a strong focus in AI

(symbolic and neural nets) and database and parallel processing syst

ems. The Mobile Robotics/Machine Perception Laboratory is a facility

devoted to basic and interdisciplinary research, technology transfer,

and hands-on education in artificial intelligence through robotics.

Research and technology transfer efforts concentrate on the reduction

of human risk in hazardous situations, stewardship of the environment,

and/or improvement of the quality of life throug h better

manufacturing processes. Research in the MR/MP laboratory is supported

by NSF, ARPA, NASA, and local industries.

For more information, please send email to Dr. Robin R.

Murphy,  Include a brief summary of your

educational (with GPA) and work experience, what your research

interests are, and GRE scores.



  Ithaca, NY

  Mechanical Engineering

Sam Landsberger

Jeff Koechling

Bruce Donald


Georgia Institute of Technology

Atlanta, GA

Georgia Institute of Technology Robotics Activities

     Application study areas:

     Servo control and low level coordination

     Machine intelligence and high level control

     Design, sensors and actuators

     Human/machine interface

See also:

Robot applications are in areas such as manufacturing {K. Lee} poultry

processing {W.  Daley, G. McMurray, J.C. Thompson} and nuclear waste

inspection and cleanup {R.  Arkin, W. Book, S. Dickerson, T. Collins,

A. Henshaw} are underway.

        Several robotics researchers are regularly involved in a

student aerial robot design competition in which concurrent

engineering concepts are being used to tailor the characteristics of

the system.{D. Schrage} This competition, held at Georgia Tech and

sponsored by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems, has been

won by Georgia Tech entries for two of the three years it has been


Current research topics and researchers:

Long arm control {W. Book}

Parallel actuation of manipulators {K. Lee}

3DOF  direct drive actuator {K. Lee}

Special purpose end-effectors {R. Bohlander, H.  Lipkin}

Parallel processing computer architectures for  robot sensing and control.

{R.  Bohlander, C. Alford, T. Collins, A. Henshaw}

Laser generated ultrasound to sense structure of materials {C. Ume}

Gallium arsenide based rad-hard electronics. {W. Hunt}

Autonmous vehicles positioning {S. Dickerson}

Collision avoidance techniques {R. Arkin, W. Book}

Flexible arm control {W. Book}

Two arm coordinated motion.{Alford, Vachtsevanos}

Advanced feedback control, learning control, bounded uncertainty

approach, applications to rigid and flexible manipulators, force

control . {N Sadegh, Y Chen, W. Book}

Architectures, Framework for reactive control and hierarchical planning, vision

feedback, fuzzy logic application {Arkin, D. Lawton, G Vachtsevanos}

Human Computer Interaction {M Kelly, H. Lipkin}



Roger Brockett


Iowa State University

Iowa Center for Emerging Manufacturing Technology

Ames, Iowa 50011


Iowa State University has one of the better visualization labs in the

country.  The lab consists of mainly mechanical engineers and computer



Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

  Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science both have strong

  robotics efforts. Asada, Slotine, Brooks, Raibert and others

  are known and respected for their work in direct-drive arm, control 

  techniques, architectures, running machines etc.


New York University (NYU)

NYU's Department of Computer Science home page is at: Another informative source on NYU's robotics work

is in Rich Wallace's home page at:


We offer Ph.D. and MS in computer science.  Ph.D. students may

work thesis research in robotics.  MS students may work on a thesis

(as a substitute for one course).  All graduate students are eligible

to enroll in Advaned Laboratory and work on a project in robotics.

Qualified undergraduates may take Independent Study and

The Department of Computer Science offers graduate and

undergraduate courses in robotics, computer vision, AI and neural

computation.  There is also a weekly robotics colloquim For admissions

information, contact

Research (1994):

Micro direct drive robotics (Wallace)

Active Vision (Wallace)

Multimedia (Schwartz, Wallace, Perlin) See Below 

3-D target recognition (Hummel)

Grasp Metrics (Mishra, Yap)

Reactive Robotics (Mishra)

Wavelets and Compression (Mallat)

Human Body Animation (Perlin)


Richard S. Wallace (Robotics, Computer Vision, Multimedia)

Ken Perlin (Computer Graphics, Multimedia)

Jacob T. Schwartz (Robotics, Multimedia, Computational Logic)

Bud Mishra (Robotics, Theory of Computation) 

Chee Yap (Robotics, Computational Geometry)

Stephane Mallat (Wavelets, Computer Vision)

Robert Hummel (Computer Vision)

What is Multimedia Robotics?

"Multimedia Robotics" is a new area of computer science concerning 

new markets for robotics technology, emphasizing the emerging

areas of virtual reality and telepresence, animation and

entertainment, and bioscience material processing.  

Wrench Displays -- Force and Torque input/output devices for

        user interfaces, also called "haptic displays".

Bioscience Applications -- Microrobots in DNA micromanipulation,

        Wrench displays for surgical VR training applications,

        Microsurgical instruments

Advanced actuators for VR and Multimedia -- Scaling theory and dynamics 

        of piezeoelectrics, shape memory metals, electromagnetics

        and other new actuator technolgies.

Telepresence -- Robotics and Mosaic, Video Telephony, Telesensuality

Research underway at NYU represents each of these four areas.


North Carolina State Univerisity

Raleigh, NC

  Professor Ren Luo




 Avi Kak: Vision and mobile robots

 Antti Koivo: Manipulation

 Mirek Skibiniewski: Construction Robotics


Rennsalear Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

George Saridis

Arthur Sanderson

Jon Wenn

 About 20 PhD and 30 MS students. Path planning and multi-arm control

are current focus.


Stanford University

  Palo Alto, CA

  Mechanical Engineering:

Bernard Roth (kinematics of manipulators)

Mark Cutkosky: destrous manipulation and concurrent manufacturing

Larry Liefer (rehabilitation, user interfaces)

  CS Department:

Nils Nilsson

Mike Genesereth

Jean-Claude Latombe (path planning and geometric reasoning)

Leo Guibas (geometric reasoning)

Tom Binford (vision)

Yoav Shoham (agents)

Oussama Khatib

  Aerospace Robotics Laboratory:

Bob Cannon (teleoperation, free flyers, space robotics,

flexible manipulators)

University of California at Berkeley

  Faculty in Robotics at UC Berkeley

Dept. of EE&CS:

Prof. J. Canny: motion planning

Prof. R. Fearing: tactile sensing, dextrous manipulation

Prof. J. Malik: computer vision

Prof. S. Sastry: multi-fingered hands, control

  Dept. of Optometry/EE&CS:

Prof. L. Stark: telerobotics

  Dept. of Mechanical Engineering:

Prof. R. Horowitz: control of robotic manipulators

Prof. H. Kazerooni: man-robotic systems

Prof. M. Tomizuka: control of robotic manipulators

Richard Muller - micro mechanisms


University of Kansas

Space Technology Center (Telerobotics)


University of Kentucky

Center for Robotics and Manufacturing Systems

(founded 1990)


University of Massachusetts

Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics

Computer Science Department

Web -


Rod Grupen

Robin Popplestone

  The lab is equipped with two General Electric P-50 robots, two GE

  A4s, a Zebra Zero, and a Denning mobile platform.  In addition, the

  P-50s are fitted with a 4-fingered Utah/MIT and a 3-fingered

  Stanford/JPL* dexterous hand, respectively.  The lab includes

  VxWorks distributed VME controllers and an experimental real-time

  kernel (Spring kernel).  Research conducted at the lab includes:

o controller composition for coordinating multiple robots

o grasp planning

o geometric reasoning for robust assembly & fine motion control

o learning for admittance control & path optimization

o biological models of motor planning

o proprioceptive, tactile, & visual model acquisition

o trajectory planning, coarse reaching

o state-space decomposition

  The laboratory also engages in collaborative research with the

  Computer Vision (A. Hanson, E. Riseman, directors) and Adaptive

  Networks (A. Barto, director) groups within the department.


University of Michigan

Ann Arbor, MI

  Elec. Eng. and CS, relevant to robotics

  includes machine vision, systems and control, multiple cooperating

  agents (arms and mobile), and application of SOAR to robots (arms and

  mobile). (in conjunction with SOAR groups at CMU and elsewhere)

  Contacts: Johann Borenstein <>

Yorem Koren <>


University of Pennsylvania.

  UPenn offers Masters and PhD programs in Robotics and Robotics related

  fields of study. These programs are offered through the Departments of

  Computer and Information Science, Systems Engineering, and Mechanical

  Engineering and Applied Mechanics. The bulk of the robotics research

  is conducted in the inter-disciplinary General Robotics and Active

  Sensory Perception (GRASP) laboratory. Active areas of research are

  Telerobotics, Multiple Arm Control, Robotic Vision, Learning Control,

  Multi-agent Robotics and Mechanical Design. Leading Faculty members 

  are Drs. R. Bajcsy and R.P. Paul.


University of Rochester

Computer Science Department

Well known Computer Vision group.

There was a workshop on visual servoing recently, in conjunction with

the latest Robotics and Automation conference. John Feddema had an

interesting essay on how come the industry is not (yet) very excited

about visual servoing type robot control.


University of Southern California (USC)

  USC has a new MS Program called: Master of Science in Computer

  Science with specialization in Robotics & Automation

    Beginning in Fall, 1993, this new MS program seeks to prepare

  students for a career in the application of Computer Science to

  design, manufacturing, and robotics. It also serves as an

  introduction to this area for students who wish to pursue advanced

  studies and research leading to a Ph.D.  A major goal is to produce

  a steady stream of graduates who are qualified to tackle challenging

  problems in the development of software for CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided

  Design and Manufacturing) and robotics.

    There is a strong focus on designing and building within the

  program Exposure to the practical aspects (and difficulties) of

  robotics and automation is strongly encouraged through laboratory

  work, and an optional thesis, conducted in collaboration with

  industry and research laboratories.

  See also

    For additional information, a complete set of degree requirements,

  and application materials, contact our Student Coordinator:

  Ms. Amy Yung

Computer Science Department

University of Southern California

Los Angeles, CA 90089-0781

tel: 213.740.4499

net: <>

  Faculty include:

  George Bekey : Assembly planning, design for assembly, 

                 neural nets for robot control, autonomous robots.

  Ken Goldberg : Motion planning, grasping, machine learning.

  Sukhan Lee : Assembly planning, sensor-based manipulation.

  Gerard Medioni: Computer vision.

  Ramakant Nevatia: Computer vision.

  Keith Price: Computer vision.

  Aristides Requicha: Geometric modeling, geometric uncertainty,

planning for manufacture and inspection

  About twenty other faculty member associated with the Institute for

  Robotics and Intelligent Systems and many others associated with 

  USC's Information Sciences Institute (ISI).

  Brochure can be obtained from: 

Ken Goldberg, Asst Professor

IRIS, Dept of Computer Science

Powell Hall Room 204

University of Southern California

Los Angeles, CA 90089-0273



University of Maryland

Dave Akin - Director, Space Systems Laboratory.

Facilties include a large neutral bouyancy tank, and a number

of free-flying teleoperators used underwater in the NBT. Much

teleoperations research. Dave has flown shuttle experiments and his

research is in the areas of teleoperation, control, man-machine

interaction and is one of the very few in the robotics community to

fly hardware in space.


University of Notre Dame

South Bend, Indiana

Research in Vision-Based Robotics Using Estimation

The multimedia monograph discusses recent experimental and

theoretical work conducted at the University of Notre Dame aimed at

using methods of estimation to achieve accurate, robust and reliable

vision-based guidance of various kinds of mechanisms, including

typical holonomic robots, fork-lifts and other vehicles.  The

monograph is divided into two parts: Part 1 discusses the method of

"camera-space manipulation" and is in the early stages of development.

Part 2 discusses vision-based navigation of a vehicle.  Both parts

include several QuickTime movie illustrations of existing experiments,

and part 2 includes 3-D animations for illustration of principles.


The University of Texas at Arlington

  F.L. Lewis

  Automation and Robotics Research Institute

  University of Texas at Arlington

  7300 Jack Newell Blvd S

  Ft. Worth, TX 76118

  tel: 817.794.5972

  fax: 817.794.5952

  UT Arlington is located in the heart of the Dallas / Ft. Worth

  metroplex.  The EE department current has 33 faculty and the CSE

  department has 20 faculty.  Participating students will also be able

  to conduct research at the Automation and Robotics Research Institute

  located in Ft. Worth.


University of Wisconsin-Madison

   Mechanical Engineering & Electrical Engineering:

   Roland Chin         - machine vision, pattern recognition

   Neil Duffie         - teleoperation, autonomous systems, sensors

   Robert Lorenz       - actuators and sensors, robot control algorithms

   Vladimir Lumelsky   - motion planning, real-time sensing and navigation

   Computer Science:

   Charles Dyer        - machine vision

   Wisconsin Center for Space Robotics and Automation (WCSAR) -

   Interdepartmental NASA center: work is done on various applications

   of robotic systems for space.


University of Utah

Salt Lake City, Utah 84112

Steve Jacobsen

Center for Engineering Design

3176 MEB

  Hands, manipulators, biomedical applications, teleoperation. Micro

  electro-mechanical systems design.


Yale University - Vision and Robotics Group

  There is a broad spectrum of research activities in vision and

  robotics at Yale.  The members of this group include faculty from

  Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Psychology, Neuroscience,

  and the Yale Medical School. Active areas of research include

  machine vision, humanand computer object recognition, geometric

  reasoning, mobile robotics, sensor-based manipulation, control of

  highly dynamic nonlinear systems, planning, and learning.  There is

  also a wide spectrum of interdisciplinary work integrating robotics

  and machine vision.


  James S. Duncan: Geometric/physical models for analysing biomedical


  Gregory D. Hager: Sensor-based/task-directed decision-making and


  David J. Kriegman: Model-based object recognition, mobile robot


  Drew McDermott: Planning and scheduling reactive behavior, knowledge

representation, cognitive mapping.

  Eric Mjolsness: Neural network approaches to vision and visual


  Pat Sharpe: Computational models of hippocampal spatial learning.

  Michael J. Tarr: Behavioral and computational approaches to visual


  Kenneth Yip: Automated reasoning about complex dynamical systems.




University of Western Australia

Some neat telerobotic work can be found at:




McGill University

Center for Intelligent Machines

McGill University

McConnell Engineering Building, Room 420

3480 University Street

Montreal, Que, Canada H3A 2A7

  and the 

School of Computer Science

McGill University

McConnell Engineering Building, Room 420

3480 University Street

Montreal, Que, Canada H3A 2A7

There is a web page and ftp archive at

The McGill Centre for Intelligent Machines, CIM, was founded

in 1985 to provide researchers in robotics, computer vision, speech

recognition, and systems and control with a context in which to pursue

their common goal: the understanding and creation of systems which

exhibit intelligent behaviour.  The three main research foci are

perception, robotics and control theory.  The Centre now includes

faculty members and graduate students from five departments:

Electrical, Mechanical, Biomedical, and Mining and Metallurgical

Engineering, and the School of Computer Science.

The center itself does not have a degree program, rather

students enroll in one of the associated departments and gain access

by being supervised a faculty member who is also a CIM member.  There

are research programs directly related to computer vision, robot

mechanical systems, walking machines, mobile robotics, etc.

CIM Members: J. Angeles, P.R. Belanger, M. Buehler,

P.E. Caines, L. Daneshmend, R.  De Mori, G. Dudek, F. Ferrie,

J. Hollerbach, V. Hayward, D. Levanony, M.D. Levine, A. Malowany,

H. Michalska, J. Owen, E. Papadopoulos, M.  Verma, S. Whitesides,

G. Zames, P.J. Zsombor-Murray, S.W. Zucker


University of Alberta

Edmontom, Alberta

Canada T6H 2H1

  Center for Machine Intelligence and Robotics

  Robotics Research Laboratory, Department of Computing Science

  Ron Kube




Edinburgh University (UK)

Department of Artificial Intelligence

has robot and vision groups within it. 

Main interests of the robotics group:

  behaviour-based control of robots (both mobiles and arms)

  hybrid control -- symbolic planning and behaviour-based actions

  learning, both reinforcement and other types

  implementations of biological systems 

       eg cricket ears; vertebrate learning models

  active vision

  real-time control

  long survival times

  direct-drive arm control 

As well as PhDs by research, the Department offers a one-year,

taught, modular, Masters course in Information Technology for

Knowledge-based Systems where one of the possible specialisations is

in robotics and vision. This course is designed for people without

specific AI background.  One module involves the Masters students

building and programming their own robot out of Lego and supplied

electronics.  Another module gives hands-on experience with a simple

robot arm.

Contact the Admissions Secretary Judith Gordon <>

for information about courses.

Principal Researchers: 

John Hallam <> for autonomous mobiles and survival

Bob Fisher <> for most vision

Chris Malcolm <> for assembly robotics and

hybrid systems

Gillian Hayes <> for active vision and

biological control

   Postal Address:

Department of Artificial Intelligence, 

5, Forrest Hill,





University of Essex (UK)

Brooker Laboratory for Intelligent Embedded Systems (Mobile Robots)

Main interests of the laboratory (email:

  Behavior-Based Architectures (software and hardware)

  Active Vision

  Collaborative AI (ie multiple agents)

  Fuzzy and Neural Systems

  Virtual Systems (eg robot simulation and telepresence)

  Planning & Learning

  Reliable Robots (ie for inaccessible or hazardous environments)

Principal Researchers:

  Victor Callaghan <> &

  Paul Chernett <>

    behavior-based architectures, virtual systems & active vision

  Libor Spacek

    active vision (& face recognition)

  Jim Doran <>

    Collaborative AI

   Chang Wang <>

    fuzzy and neural systems

  Edward Tsang <> & Sam Steel <>

    planning & learning

  John Standeven <> &

  Martin Colley <>

    reliable robotic systems


In addition to PhDs by research, there is a one-year, taught, Masters  

course in Computer Science where it is possible to undertake   

robotics, AI or vision.

Contact for further details of courses or for information on research. In addition some  

useful information on the laboratory can be obtained by ftp'ing the  

file from the ROBOTS archive at (in  

directory pub/robots)


University of the West of England at Bristol, U.K. 

(used to be Bristol Polytechnic)


Robotics is taught as part of undergraduate programs in engineering

courses and as part of a real time computing course.  The engineering

department has in its teaching labs Puma, Adept, IBM,

Cincinatti-Milacron and Funac robots


  There are two main groups, the Intelligent Autonomous Systems group

and Intelligent Flexible Assembly group.

Intelligent Autonomous Systems: 

  Yichuang Jin, Will Wray: Neural net control of manipulators,

especially stability-based adaptive control.  Comparative modelling of

neurocontroller design for robotics.

  Lawrence Bull, Owen Holland, Chris Melhuish: Behaviour-based mobile

robots, collective behaviour, reinforcement learning and genetic


  Intelligent Flexible Assembly Technology (InFACT/ALASCA Group):

Eureka/FAMOS Projects (EC colaborative project - academic and

Industry) The group has a large gantry based robot designed and built

by the group

  -Farid Dialami, Alan Redford: Advanced Large scale flexible assembly

(Peugot cars etc), generic tooling.

  -David Eastlake (hardware), Mike Morgan(software): Transputer based

robot control of co-operating manipulators.

Email: <>


Bristol University

  Mr Khodlebandelhoo

  Bi arm research

  Path planning for redundant robots

  Wall climbing robots


Hull University, UK

  Prof Alan Pugh

  Garment Manufacturing

  Arm/controller design


University of Manchester

Department of Computer Science

This describes research in mobile robotics in the areas of

autonomous competence acquisition, learning by tuition and

navigation. Papers are also available at this site.


University of Oxford

Robotics Research Group

  The Robotics Group currently comprises about seventy academics,

  postdoctoral research staff, overseas visitors, and graduate

  students.  A broad range of topics in advanced robotics is studied

  in collaboration with industry and government establishments

  throughout Europe.

Robot Design and Control

  A number of projects are concerned with the design and control of

  compliant robot arms.

Parallel Architectures

  Real-time sensor-based control of systems such as robot vehicles is

  a topic of increasing interest.  For low bandwidth sensors such

  sonar, the emphasis is on Transputer architectures.  For high

  bandwidth sensors such as vision, hybrid SIMD/MIMD architectures are

  being developed.  A rapidly growing effort is concerned with the

  design, implementation, and application of neural networks.  Digital

  and hybrid digital/analog chips have been designed and are being

  fabricated.  Algorithms and TTL circuits have been constructed for

  text-to-speech synthesis.

Vision and Active Vision

  The theory and applications of vision accounts for approximately

  one-third of the laboratory's effort.  Current projects include edge

  detection and texture segmentation and the computation of visual

  motion by a parallel algorithm that estimates the optic flow field.

Sensors and Sensor Integration 

  Includes laser rangefinder development in addition to analog and

  digital sonar sensors, as well as infrared rangers, have been

  developed for the AGV project (below).

Autonomous Guided Vehicles 

  Work on a research prototype of a fielded industrial AGV cuts across

  many of the separate themes of the laboratory's work.  The goal of

  the initial project is to equip the AGV with sonar, infrared, laser

  ranging, trinocular stereo, and model-based vision sensors to enable

  it to avoid unexpected obstacles and to locate pallets.


Reading University, UK

  Prof Kevin Warwick

  Using neural nets in robotics and novel control algorithms.


Salford University

or robotics work more directly at:

Dr D.P.Barnes

Dept. Of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Mobile Robots Research Group.

  Autonomous mobile robot system with a behaviour-based architecture are

  designed and built with the intent to study the processes of

  cooperation with and without communication. Such an approach has led

  us up a number of paths with present work in behaviour synthesis and

  evolutionary robotics.  Expertise in: Robotics, Sensors,

  Communication, Connectionist Systems, Genetic Algorithms and Genetic

  Programming.  Possible studies in PhD and MSc work and courses at

  undergraduate level.

Ruth Aylett, Information Technology Institute

  Robot planning systems, multi-agent systems, robot architectures,

  hybrid behavioural/symbolic robots

Dr D.Caldwell

Dept Of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

  Multi-Functional Tactile Sensing and Feedback (Tele-taction)

  Tele-presence of an operator with a full mobile robot with two

  manipulator arms, stereo vision and sound. Tactile sensing

  datagloves are used to control the manipulators and video camera is

  used to move head (!).  Expertise: Manipulators, Sensors,

  Tele-presence. Possible studies at PhD and MSc and courses at

  undergraduate level.

Advanced Robotics Research Centre

  Ultrasonic wrist sensor for collision avoidance

  Controller design

  Stereo Vision

Dr Francis Nagy

  Speech Control of a Puma-560

  Control of an 'Inverted Pendulum'

  Miniature tactile sensors


University of Surrey

  Mechatronic Systems and Robotics Research Group


  Prof G A Parker (

  John Pretlove (

  Primary Areas of Research activity:

  3D co-ordinate tracking system for robot metrology

  Neural networks and expert systems for vision and inspection

  Active stereo vision for real-time robot arm guidance

  Design of controllable stereo vision systems.

  Open architecture Puma controller

  Mobile robots

  We also offer MSc courses and undergraduate courses in automation,

  control, mechanical engineering and CIM.




University of Paris

  INRIA (Nice) just started a Phd program in Robotics.




Lulea University of Technology

Department of Robotics and Automation

S-971 87 LULEE





Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

  The Institute of Robotics

  Postgrad diploma in Mechatronics

  The Institute of Robotics at the Swiss Federal Institute of

  Technology (ETH) constitutes about 40 members of staff (including

  Ph.D. students). The main research theme is Intelligent Interactive

  Mechines. That is to say developing intelligent robots that in

  cooperation with man solves difficult tasks.  The institute takes

  its students from the departments of Electrical Engineering,

  Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science. Robotics lectures and

  project work is offered to undergraduate students. In addition there

  is the "Nachdiplom" in mechatronics (somewhere near a M.Sc.) where

  robotics is a central theme. For further details on the "Nachdiplom"

  see below. Finally there are about 30 Ph.D. students curently

  registered working on a variety of themes and projects.  Institute

  facilities include: several different robot arms including the in

  house developed modular robot arm (MODRO), mobile vehicles including

  the in house developed modular mobile robot, walking machines,

  supercomputing facilities, dedicated vision and signal processing

  hardware, etc.

  The head of the group is Professor G. Schweitzer.


Institute of Robotics

ETH-Center, LEO,

8092 Zurich


tel: (01) 256 35 84 (secretary)

fax: (01) 252 02 76.

The "Nachdiplom" in mechatronics runs over two semesters plus

three months project/thesis work. The lectures covers:

robotics, mobile robotics, micro robots, computer based

kinematics and dynamics of multibody systems, control

theory, magnetic bearings, real time software techniques,

information processing with neural networks, computer

vision, and artificial intelligence. The fees are 2400,-

Swiss Franks, founding is available. Contact:

H.-K. Scherrer

Mechatronics postgraduate course

ETH-Centre, LEO B3

8092 Zurich


net: <>


[6.2] Student Who's Who

An useful additional source of information is the graduate student

guide compiled by Ron Kube <>. It is a list of

graduate students, their universities, and areas of research. The list

is updated monthly and can be found at

The list is a good starting point for those interested in graduate

programs and for those looking for individuals with similar research



[7] What is the State of the Robot Industry?

In general, there was a significant slump in the mid to late 1980's in

industrial robotics. However in the early 1990's sales and number have

rebounded to surpass early 1980 numbers and dollars.

From Motion Control Magazine April 1994: Robotics Industries

Association said recently Robot orders jumped 40% through June, 1993

as the industry posted its best opening half-year ever....  Net new

orders received by U.S. based robotics companies totalled 3,640 robots

valued at $306.2 million, the highest unit and dollar figures ever.

From the New York Times, Wednesday September 7th pC1

(paraphrased) In the late 1980's a steep decline in robot orders drove

most US companies out of the business. In the first half of 1994 4,335

robots with a total value of $383.5 million. Fanuc is the leader with

about $360M in sales this year. Asea Brown Boveri (ABB) is second with

sales estimated at $120M. The next several are Japanese: Motoman,

Panasonic, Sony and Nachi.

The only major US producer to have survived is Adept Technology with

about $50M in sales in a $700M market.

Interpreted from a graph in the article:

Net new orders in US:

Year # of robots $US

1984 5800 $480M

1985 6200 $380M

1986 5400 $320M

1987 3800 $300M

1988 4000 $325M

1989 4500 $510M

1990 5000 $510M

1991 4000 $410M

1992 5250 $500M

1993 6800 $630M

1994 4335 (6 mos) $383M (6 mos)

From Industry Flash Vol1, No. 4, Dec 5, 1994:


ANN ARBOR, Mich. - U.S.-based robotics companies are

enjoying the best of times.  The Robotics Industries

Association (RIA) says surging demand recently led American

robotic companies to their best nine-month totals ever.

Through September, new orders totaled 6,218 robots valued at

$548 million, a 12 percent increase in units and 13 percent

increase in revenue over the previous nine-month period last

year.  The greatest demand, says the trade group, is coming

from U.S. manufacturers which are finally learning what the

Japanese have known for years: robots can play a significant

role in improving productivity, quality, flexibility and

time-to-market.  But, even though demand is surging and the

U.S. is the world's second largest robotics user with some

53,000 systems, the Japanese have more than seven times as

many robots in use, RIA says.


[8] What companies sell or build robots?

               [8.1] Mobile robot companies

[8.1.1] AGV Companies

[8.1.2] Underwater robots

                [8.2] Manipulator companies

                [8.3] Other Organizations doing robotics

                [8.4] Small Inexpensive Robots


[8.1] Mobile robot companies

There are a small number of companies targeting the research community

for the mobile robot market. TRC, RWI, and Cybermotion have all sold

and are selling mobile devices for research and real

applications. There are a number of Automatic Guided Vehicle companies

as well and their primary applications are factory operations.

Companies manufacturing Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGV) are listed at

the end of this section. Robot lawn mowers too!

Action Machinery Co.

One Vulcan Drive

Helena, AL 35080, USA

tel: 205.663.0814

fax: 205.663.3445

Severe-duty hydraulic robots and manipulators. Payloads from

65kg - 7000kg. Primarily forge, foundry, and casting operations.

Applied AI Machines & Software

Suite 504, Gateway Business Park

340 March Rd, KANATA

Ontario, Canada  K2K 2E4

net: <>

MIT subumption architecture style robots. Ghengis-II walker runs

$8636.00 including a development system and downloading board, but

without LISP.

Arrick Robotics 

2107 W. Euless Blvd. 

Euless, Texas 76040 USA 

tel: 817.571.4528 

fax: 817.571.2317 



R20 mobile robot platform for use by AI software developers.  3-wheel

design, 14" wide, 14" long, 10" tall, 15lbs.  20lb payload.  On-board

controller connects to the user's laptop computer by cable or low-cost

RF modem.  Sensors include compass, tilt, wheel travel, temperature,

light level, bumpers, battery status, etc.  Price as of 1/1/95

$2,900.00.  Units in use at UTA Automation Robotics Research

Institute.  Send for detailed specifcations.

Bell and Howell

Mailmobile Company

81 Hartwell Avenue

Lexington, MA 02173-3127

tel: 617.674.1110

  Mailmobiles were developed by Lear-Siegler in the mid-70's for the

  industrial cleaning market. They left this market and

  Bell & Howell, the audio-visual company,  was refocusing on office

  automation products and picked

  up this product from Lear-Siegler. There are three models of

  Mailmobile, the Packmobile, the Sprint and the Trailmobile. About 3000

  systems sold and about 2000 probably in operation. They use a chemical

  trail that floureseces under UV light. Payloads up to a couple of

  hundred kg.  Some systems have been operating for over 15 years.


Branch & Associates Pty Ltd

1153 Tasman Highway

Cambridge, Tasmania 7170

Australia (operating in Europe, Asia and America)

tel: +61-02-485-807

fax: +61-02-485-809

contact: Alex Vail, Division Manager

Since 1979, specialist in autonomous navigation and guidance;

products and technology for applications, research, and teaching.

Conquerer series of fully autonomous AGV's, mapping system,

non-accumulated error, accuracy 1cm, 1 degree, no environmental

modifications, $12K - $25K.

Fander: research and educational mobile robot. $5.5K includes

everything: built-in software demonstrates in real situations numerous

exmaples of roboti mobility technologies for teaching, research and

teaching manual, stand-alone and remote PC modes, real time graphics.


5457 Jae Valley Road

Roanoke, VA 24014

tel: 703.562.7626

  John Holland's company. Mobile K2 bases making use of ingenious

  torque-tube synchronous drive system. Security markets and research

  platforms, manipulators for base as well. Map building software too.


31 Ontario Street

Orillia, Ontario

L3V 6H1 Canada

tel: 705.325.6110

fax: 705.325.8566

  Primary product are 'building blocks' for mobile robot

  development including controllers, sensors, softare and chassis'.

Denning Branch International Robotics

1401 Ridge Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA  15233

tel: (412) 322-4412

fax: (412) 322-2040

email: Soon. Messages to will be forwarded.

Denning-Branch is a merger of Denning Mobile Robotics, once 

located in the Boston area, and makers of human-size mobile

robots since 1983, and Branch and Associates, of Hobart, 

Australia, designers and builders of smaller mobile robots

since 1979.

Among the first products available is an MRV retrofit kit,

which substitutes a modern Intel 80486 system with more power and a

simpler interface for the 1985 vintage MC 68000 based controller.


Small (~60x30x30 cm) 80486 based robot for educational

purposes, with infrared and rotating sonar sensors, preprogrammed for

several autonomous navigation tasks, and externally controllable via

serial link. $5.5K

MRV 1&4

Large (~90x90x120 cm) heavy payload capacity synchro drive

robot, with optional sonar ring and laser nav sensors and software.



Robot-mounted scanning infrared laser unit that uses wall

mounted bar-coded retroreflectors or active transponders to navigate

to centimeter precision in 10-meter-scale areas. $8K


Small-scale revolving sonar head with 4 sonar units and

software. $3K

Sonar Ring

MRV-scale belt of 24 sonar units and driving hardware and


IS Robotics

4353 Park Terrace Drive Suite 6, 22McGrath Hwy

Westlake Village, CA 91361 USA Somerville, MA 02143

tel: 818.597.1900 tel: 617.629.0055

net: <> fax: 617.629.0126

R-2 Wheeled machine $7K

Gripper with 7.5cm opening, 18cm lift, 1kg lift force.

R-3, wheeled robot, $14K

Genghis II, 15" walking robot, $8.6K

Pebbles III, tracked robot, $12.5K

Nexes, high end walking robot, $16K

T-1 tracked robot approx 50cm x 36cm. $5k


CCD video camera for Nexes(TM), $2,500

Gripper system for Nexes(TM), $1,500

Radio Position/Communication for R-3(TM) or Pebbles III(TM), $2,500

  Use the ubiquitous MC68HC11E2 microcontrollers. Robots include IR

  and bump sensing for obstacle detection. Pyro sensors and color

  camera with pan-tilt are optional.



Co. Cork, Ireland

tel: +353 23 49791, 49808

fax: +353 23 49801

Teleoperated bomb disposal vehicles in a range of sizes.

mecos Robotics AG



CH-8005 Zurich


tel: + 41 1 445 11 35

fax: + 41 1 445 11 34


Contact: S. J. Vestli

  Company formed as a spin off of the Institute of Robotics, ETH

  (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology). "mecos Robotics"

  specialises in modular and adaptive robot manipulators and

  robot vehicles (mobile robots). All "mecos Robotics" systems

  uses the same type of controller, a VME based computer. This

  system comes with high level development tools, and for

  research institutions the systems have the advantage of being

  open. The overall goals of all "mecos Robotics" systems are

  flexility and modularity.

  The mobile robot program from "mecos Robotics" follows this

  principle. The physical size and the mechanical configuration

  can be altered. The standard configuration has three wheels

  with air tyres and independant suspension. One wheel is used

  for steering and propulsion (imagine a kids tricycle).  The

  overall size is 0.7 m (W) * 1.0 m (L) * 0.5 m (H). The price

  depends on configuration and starts around the 70.000,- Swiss

  Franks mark.


Nomadic Technologies

1060-B Terra Bella Avenue

Mountain View, CA 94043

tel: 415.988.7200 ext. 203

fax: 415.988.7201


  Nomad 200 is an integrated mobile robot system with four

  sensing modules including tactile, infrared, ultrasonic, and

  2D laser.  Integrated software development package for the

  host computer includes a graphic interface, robot simulator

  and a library of motion planning, motion control and sensory

  data interpretation functions. Geared toward teaching and

  research in Robotics and AI. The Nomad utilizes a synchronous

  steering system (ala Cybermotion and RWI). Speeds up to .5

  meters/second and onboard battery power.

Nomad 200 Mobile  Base $10,000

Nomad 200 Control System $ 6,000

Sensus 100 Tactile Sensing System $ 1,500

Sensus 200 Fixed Sonar System $ 2,500

Sensus 500 Structured Light Vision System $ 7,000

RF Modem Kit $ 2,000

Digital Compass $   450


Via Valdilocchi 15

19136 La Spezia ITALY

Tel. +39 187 58 2843

Fax +39 187 58 2669

contact: Gian Carlo Caligiani, Robotic Systems Office

OTO MELARA R.2.5.Robotized System

The Robotized R.2.5 (R.2.5.R) Project aims at prototyping a

mobile robot for intervention in hostile environments.

The system is composed by three main units: the transportable

control station, the radio communication set and the mobile robot

based on an armoured, diesel propelled, wheeled platform called

R.2.5. Gorgona, produced by OTO MELARA.

Robot can be remotely controlled via full-duplex radio link. Can be

teleoperated and provides supervised modes as well. Speeds from

30cm/sec to 30km/h. As of May 1994 the locomotion system and

teleoperated system are complete. Additional functionality in the form

of supervised and autonomous operation are planned.

Poulan/Weed Eater

c/o Robotic Solar Mower Dept.

PO Box 91329

Shreveport, LA 71149-1329

tel: 318.687.0100 X3939

[Boiled out of their press release - Gareth Branwyn]

The Robotic Solar Mower is a 12.5 lb. automated solar-powered "lawn 

groomer." It uses a wire boundary system to keep it inside the 

mowing area. It runs continuously when the sun shines. Its operation 

is "virtually noise free." It continues on its constant mowing course, 

taking between several hours and several days to complete a 

grooming cycle (depending on size of yard, obstacles, etc.). Instead of 

cutting 1/3 of the grass blades (as in a conventional mower), it only 

trims the tips. It can handle a yard up to 13,500 sq. feet and has a 

slope tolerance of 15-20 degress. A pilot program is currently 

offering the mower in the US for $2,000.

Real World Interface (RWI) P.O. Box 375

15 Fitzgerald Dr.

Jaffrey, NH 03452

tel: 603.532.6900

fax: 603.532.6901


RWI Manufactures the B12 and the B21 Mobile Robot Systems.

The B12 Robot System is for research at the university level and is

based on the widely used B12 Synchro Drive Base.  Sensors available

include: ultrasonic ranging, infra-red proximity, tactile heading, and


The B21 Robot System is for mobile autonomous research and

emerging commercial/military applications.  It is based on the B21

Synchro Drive Base which has a payload of 200 pounds (90 kg) and

carries 1500 watt hours of battery power.  Sensors include: ultrasonic

ranging, infra-red proximity, full body tactile, heading, and vision.

The B21 CPU section mounts 3 networked Linux 486DX2/4's.  Console

computer runs X-Windows.  Power management allows no-shutdown battery


(B12) B12 Base                                        $6,850

      B12 Base Tactile                                $1,500

      B12 Enclosures                           $2,500-$2,950

      B12 68000 Computer                              $1,850

      B12 Ultrasonics                                 $1,900

      B12 Infra-Reds                                  $1,750

(B21) B21 Base (low IR, tactile sensors)             $19,500

      B21 Enclosure (high IR, ultrasonic, tactile)   $11,500

      B21 486DX4 (linux, 16mb ram, 420mb HDD, etc)    $2,750+/-

      B21 Console Computer                            $2,495+/-

(Acc) Pan-Tilt Head                                   $1,800

      Radio Links (RS-232 & ethernet)          $1,295-$5,995

      CCD Cameras (color & B&W)                  $800-$1,500

      Frame Grabbers                                 Inquire

      Digital Navigation Compass                        $695



114 Union Valley Road

Oak Ridge, TN 37830

tel: 615.483.0228

fax: 615.483.1426

  The ANDROS line of teleoperated mobile robots. These were

  designed to be useful in the nuclear industry and in other

  hazardous applications, and are very rugged. You can hose them

  down. Available in a range of sizes, with a variety of

  optional attachments, such as video cameras, arms, etc.

TAG Technology

5 Bowlands Mill,

Alnwick, Northumberland, NE661LN, UK

tel: +44 655 604895

fax: +44 665 510624

Frank - a tracked vehicle. Cost $UK 2000 - 5785 depending on


Transistions Research Corporation (TRC)

15 Great Pasture Road

Danbury, CT 06810

tel: 203.798.8988

fax: 203.791.1082

  Labmate research platform - $7500, plus additional optional

  sensors etc. Other products for hospital markets and floor

  cleaning machines.  (Helpmate and RoboKent respectively)

Visual Inspection Technologies

27-2 Ironia Road

Flanders, NJ 07836-9124

tel: 201.927.0033

fax: 201.927.3207

 VIT specializes in remote visual and ultrasonic testing but sells or

rents a small tracked rover for inspection work. Products include

ROVVER, SPOT, and PIPECAT vertical pipe crawler. VIT also makes

miniature remote pan and tilt devices.

Yamazaki Construction Company, Tokyo Japan.

Intelligent Robot Lab

Kaika Building 

2-7-1 Sotokanda

Chiyoda-ku 101 Tokyo


tel: 81-3-5256-0715

  LR1 robot - small research robot, basically a VME cage on

  wheels with some ultrasonic sensors and a nice constant force

  suspension. Has shown up at IEEE R&A conferences $30K.

RoboSoft SA

      ,        ,

6, allee Paul Cezanne

93360 Neuilly Plaisance


tel: +33 1 4944 3035

fax: +33 1 4944 3297


[8.1.1] AGV Companies

AGV Products

9307-E Monroe Road

Charlotte, NC 28270-1485

tel: 704.845.1110

fax: 704.845.1111

  Controls and components for AGV's. Supplier of Schabmuller

  motor-in-wheel drives.

Apogee Robotics

2643 Midpoint Drive

Fort Collins, CO 80525

tel: 303.221.1122

fax: 303.221.1774

  Standard and custom-designed AGV's

BT Systems

7000 Nineteen Mile Road

Sterling Heights, MI 48314

tel: 313.254.5200

fax: 313.254.5570

  Automated Handling Systems (Formerly Volvo Automated Systems)

Caterpillar Industrial

5960 Heisley Road

Mentor, OH 44060

tel: 216.357.2935

fax: 216.357.4410

  Manufacturer and distributor of fork lift trucks and guided

  vehicles. Cat's SGV's use rotating laser scanner and barcodes

  as opposed to traditional wire-guided systems.

Control Engineering Company

Jervis Webb Company

34375 W. Twelve Mile Road

Farmington Hills, MI 48331-5624

tel: 313.553.1220

fax: 313.553.1253


515 East 100 South

PO Box 45425

Salt Lake City, UT 84145-0425

tel: 801.530.4000

fax: 801.530.4243

  AGV's and integrated systems


4205 St. Clair Avenue

Cleveland, OH

tel: 216.881.6200

fax: 216.391.7708

  Designs/manufactures rider style, electric, fork and platform

  mobile material handling equipment. Line includes AGV's, high

  tonnage capacity. Mobile cranes, explosion proof forklifts.

Eskay Corporation

563 West 500 South

Bountiful, UT 84010

tel: 801.295.5315

fax: 801.299.9990

  Automated material handling systems including AGVS.

Fata Automation

37050 Industrial Road

Livonia, MI 48150

tel: 313.462.0678

fax: 313.462.0997

  Sales and service of AGVs.

FMC Corporation

400 Highpont Drive

Chalfont, PA 18914

tel: 215.822.4300

fax: 215.822.4342

  AGVs, Automated Handling Systems, Consulting, Trolley and

  Power and Free Converyors, Tow lines, Integrated Systems and

  Controls, Roll Handling Equipment.

IDAB Incorporated

1 Enterprise Parkway, Suite 300

PO Box 8157

Hampton, VA 23666

tel: 804.825.2260

fax: 804.825.9307

  Automatic handling systems and AGV's

Litton Industrial Automation

2300 Litton Lane

Hebron, KY 41048

tel: 606.334.2033

fax: 606.334.2847

  Full service material handling company.

Mannesmann Demag Corporation

29201 Aurora Road

Cleveland, OH 44139-1895

tel: 216.248.2400

fax: 216.248.3086

  Overhead cranes, wire rope and chain hoists, AGV systems,

  automatic storage and retrieval systems, monorail, aircraft

  maintenance equipment.

Mentor AGVS Products

8500 Station Street

PO Box 898

Mentor, OH 44060

tel: 216.255.4051

fax: 216.255.3430

  AGV systems and automated transfer cars.

Munck Automation Technology

315 E Street

Hampton, VA 23661

tel: 804.838.6010

fax: 804.826.5651

  Manufacturer and integrator of automated material handling

  systems. AGVS of many configurations (unitload, forklift,


The Raymond Corporation

South Canal Street

PO Box 130

Greene, NY 13778

tel: 607.656.2311

fax: 607.656.9005

  Material handling equipment.

Roberts Sinto Corporation

3001 West Main Street

PO Box 40760

Lansing, MI 48901-7960

tel: 517.371.2460

fax: 517.372.4930

  MGV's (Mechanically guided vehicles)

Professional Materials Handling Co, Inc.

4203 Landmark Drive

Orlando, FL 32817

tel: 305.677.0040

  Steinbock fork trucks. Wire guided, use regenerative braking.


[8.1.2] Underwater robots

[new section, need more information]

There are a number of companies building underwater remotely operated

vehicles (ROV's). 

Hydrovision Tel UK ?  224-740145

Benthos Tel US 1-800-446-1222

JW Fishers Tel US 1-800-822-4744

Sutec Tel Sweeden ?  46-13-15-80-60

Rovtech Tel Uk ?  229-813641

Deep Ocean Engineering Tel US 501-562-9300

UWI Tel UK ?  224-896913


[8.2] Manipulator companies


Adept Technology

150 Rose Orchard Way

San Jose, CA 95134

tel: 408.432.0888

fax: 408.432.8707

  High speed direct-drive and harmonic-drive SCARA style arms. 0.001"

  (.025mm) repeatabiliy. Payloads from 4-25kg Can be used in clean room

  and food applications as well. Adept sells vision systems and

  controllers also.


AEA Technology 

AEA is the commercial division of the UK Atomic Energy

Authority.  markets the NEATER series telerobots for decommssioning in

the nuclear industry. The system includes a bilateral input device and

active (autonomous) force control.

The system can deploy drills, reciprocating saws, nibblers,

grippers for insertions etc. Larger range of robots including the AEA

Technology 200 Kg arm, use filtering compliance to avoid damage to the

robot when deploying heavy duty dismantling tools.


Antenen Research

PO Box 95

Hamilton, OH 45012

tel: 800.323.9555

tel: 513.887.4700

fax: 513.887.4703

  New and used robots for manufacturing, research and

  training. Used at savings of 40% - 70%. Also lots of parts and



Asea Brown Boveri (ABB), Vesteraas, Sweden

ABB Robotics

2487 South Commerce Drive

New Berlin, WI 53151

tel: 414.785.3400

fax: 414.789.9235

  Now own Cinncinatti Milacron robotics group, Graco and

  Trallfa. Many types of larger industrial robots.


Comau - Italy

Via Rivalta 30

10095 Grugliasco

Torino, Italy

tel: 011 33341

fax: 011 7809156

A variety of industrial manipulators ranging in payloads from 6kg to 125kg. All electric AC drives. One of the novel designs is a 6DOF, 12kg payload robot The SMART-3 6.12 R. It uses a carbon fibre forearm, absolute resolver feedback and 0.15mm repeatability.


CRS Plus,

PO Box 163, Station A 

830 Harrington Court

Burlington, Ontario

Canada L7R 3Y2

tel: 416.639.0086

fax: 416.639.4248

  Sells several manipulators. 5-DOF around $25K, 6DOF around $33K.

  Sell end-effectors as well (electric, vacuum and penumatic)

  Wrist can be bought separately. Controllers use RAPL, a VAL-like

  language. Fairly open architecture. 3Kg payloads +/- 0.05mm



International Submarine Engineering Ltd

International Submarine Engineering Research Ltd

1734 Broadway Street

Port Coquitlam, B.C.

Canada  V3C 2M8

Tel: (604) 942-5223

Fax: (604) 942-7577


Underwater manipulators and teleoperated underwater vehicles.


Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.

24402 Sinacola Court

Farmington Mills, MI 48331

tel: 313.474.6100

fax: 313.474.6101

  Kawasaki was the first Japanese mfg to lead in the production

  of industrial robots.  They licensed the former Unimation line

  of robots and now make about a dozen types of electric arms

  for welding, painting and assembly.


Kraft Telerobotics

11667 W. 90th Street

Overland Park, KS 66214

tel: 913.894.9022

fax: 913.894.1363

  Nice telerobotic arms for underwater work.


Labman Automation Ltd

Stokesley, North Yorkshire. TS9 5JY. UK

net:<> tel:INT 44 642 710580

Contact: Andrew Whitwell

Tailoring mainly gantry based systems for laboratory applications. Designs 

include storage systems, multiple manipulators, special probes, modification 

of instruments and laboratory equipment. PC driven stepper drives, linear

drives, dc motors, pneumatics, all sensors, RS232 links, LIMS communication.

Systems include powder feeding, wet chemistry analysis, microtitre plate

handling and many more.


mecos Robotics AG

Technopark Zurich

Pfingstweidstrasse 30

CH-8005 Zurich


tel: + 41 1 445 11 35

fax: + 41 1 445 11 34


Contact: E. Nielsen

  Spin-off of the Institute of Robotics, ETH (Swiss Federal

  Institute of Technology). Modular and adaptive robot

  manipulators and robot vehicles (mobile robots). All mecos

  Robotics systems use a VME based computer as controller.  The

  system comes with high level development tools, and are open

  systems. The manipulator's mechanical configuration can be

  changed at will (number and type of joints, length of links,

  etc.)  Manipulators use linear aluminum extrusions with

  integral motions for joints. The controller accounts for

  configuration changes. With this principle of modularity and

  flexibilty hybrid force / position controllers have been

  realised on "mecos Robotics" arms. Price depending on

  configuration (50.000,- Swiss Franks and upwards). NTSC or PAL

  videos available for Sfr. 40 per tape. 



Mitsubishi PA-10 portable robot.

o 7 DOF, with continuous path control

o supposedly *open* control architecture, using PC

o 30 Kg arm, 25 Kg controller, 10 Kg payload

[I have no other information on this, anyone?]


Motoman [Hobart/Yaskawa]

3160 MacArthur Boulevard

Northbrook, IL 60062-1917

tel: 708.291.2340

fax: 708.498.2430

Also have this address:

805 Liberty Lane,

West Carrollton, OH, 45449.

tel: 513.847.3300

  Large industrial manipulators for welding, painting, palletizing,

  dispensing, etc. Can be floor, ceiling or wall mount units. Payloads

  for the 8 robots in the K-series range from 3kg to 100kg and

  repeatability of 0.1 to 0.5 mm over that same range. They are vertical

  jointed-arm type manipulators. (i.e. 4 bar linkage to reduce arm

  intertias). 3 S-series robots are SCARA-type manipulators with

  payloads of 50-60kg and varying workspace sizes

  Yaskawa also has bought the rights to RobotWorld, Vic Schienman's unique

  gantry design robot system. This system allow a number of mobile

  modules in the same workspace to zip around at speeds up 80"/sec (3G

  accel). RAIL and C can be used in a multilevel programming

  environment. 0.002" Accuracy, 0.0005" repeatability. Neat stuff.


Oxford Intelligent Machines (OxIM)

12 Kings Meadow,

Osney Mead Industrial Estate

Oxford, OX2 0DP, UK

tel: +44 (0) 865 204881

fax: +44 (0) 865 204882

contact: Dr. Peter Davey

Incorporated in 1990, OxIM provides a complete design service

in the related fields of industrial sensors and automation. OxIM is

manufacturing and developing robots and advanced industrial equipment.

The MAP-IT vehicle is an open architecture research vehicle for indoor

environments. The top surface, complete with an array of mounting

holes, is available to the user for moutning experimental sensors and

payload. Two direct drive motor-gearbox units provide locomotion. An

extended 3U rack contains a controller card and power converter drive

card. A third spare slot is provided. 400mm diam with payload surface

200mm above ground. Remote base station including power supply, dual

RS232 ports, Full ANSI source code, 2 spare axes of servo control,

bumper system, 10kg payload, 65W power supply. Several options are

also available including PC interface.


Salisbury Robotics, Inc.

20 Pemberton St.

Cambridge, MA 02140

tel: 617.661.8847

net: <>

  Sells the three-fingered Salisbury hand and force sensing fingertips.

  Contact: Ken Salisbury, 


Sarcos Research Corporation

390 Wakara Way,

Suite 44, Salt Lake City, Utah 84108

tel: 801.581.0155

  Spinoff of University of Utah's Center for Engineering Design (CED).

  Teleoperated systems,  manipulators. Audio-animatronic work as well.

  Beautiful force reflecting work and systems. High performance and

  small hydraulic valves and actuators.



1632 Da Vinci Court

Davis, CA  95616

tel: 916.753.6718

fax: 916.753.8092

  Electro-mechanical engineering and manufacturing company

  specializing in telerobotics.  Various remote manipulator and

  telerobotic manipulator systems.


Seiko Instruments

Torrance, CA

tel: 310.517.7700

Seiko has made a wide variety of pick and place machines and

newer 6DOF manipulators.


Sony Corporation of America

Factory Automation Division

542 Route 303

Orangeburg, NY 10962

tel: 914.365.6000

fax: 914.365.6087

  Several SCARA type manipulators including a double armed

  manipulator.  This model is used for the assembly of 8mm



Robotics Research Corp.

P.O. Box 206

Amelia, OH  45102

tel: 513.831.9570

fax: 513.381.5802

  RRC offers a variety of dexterous manipulators which can be

  operated individually or in dual-arm mode.  Their second

  generation, denoted the "i-Series", is lighter and provides

  great dexterity.  They are currently building

  "spaceflight-qualified" manipulators for NASA (GSFC) using

  this new generation of their product.  They have also been

  doing some work developing sensor-based automatic obstacle

  detection and avoidance technology which uses a patented

  algorithm with arm-mounted sensors. They have also built two

  massively-redundant 17-DOF Anthropomorphic systems for Grumman

  and JPL to serve as testbeds for researching "man-equivalent"

  robots for space applications.


Robotic Systems International (RSI), Ltd.

9865 W. Saanick Rd.

Sydney, BC V8L 3S1


tel: 604.656.0101


UMI Microbot 

[no longer in business in the US]

In the UK: 

Oxford Intelligent Machines, UK

tel: 0865 204881

Originally known as the Microbot teachmover. A small cable

driven manipulator for desktop robotics. Excellent teaching tool.

Original design by John Hill (now at SRI) Microbot was bought out by

the British company UMI two years ago. In May, 1991 they moved from

Silicon Valley to Detroit, MI. As of Early 1994, only the UK company

was still in business.


USA Robot

PO Box 4018

Portland, ME 04101

tel: 207.761.9039

Maxym production robots for business. Simple accurate 3D

linear motions coupled with power tooling such as routers, air drills

and sanders. Workspaces up to 60cmx147cmx15cm. IBMPC software for

designing parts and production path but takes DXF files as input.

Not a machine like the giant production turning and routing machines

used by large furniture makers but is a nice small machine for small

production shops. Prices range from $14.5K to $19.9K.


Western Space and Marine

111 Santa Barbara St.

Santa Barbara, CA 93101

tel: 805.963.3831

fax: 805.963.3832

  Telerobotic manipulators for space and undersea applications.


Zebra Robotics

Jeff Kerr

Menlo Park

tel: 415.328.8884

  Small manipulators with integral force control.


Zymark Corp

Hopkinton, MA

Robots for laboratory automation. Zymate


Other companies: (no addresses, yet) 




Beckman Biomark




[8.3] What other Organizations are working with robotics?

This list is a small fraction of companies and other organizations

that are actively working in robotics. One way to obtain more

companies is to search through proceedings of conferences or find

member companies of many of the organizations listed in previous FAQ

sections. Industrial robotics is used widely throughout a number of

companies. Most large aerospace companies have groups working in or

looking into robotics. Martin Marietta (Denver), Rockwell

International (Downey, CA), Boeing (Seattle) to name a few. Mitre

Corporation of McLean VA and Houston TX, are also doing quite a bit in



Advanced Robotics Research Centre

Salford, UK.

  The Advanced Robotics Research Ltd (incorporating the National

  Advanced Robotics Research Centre, UK) is a joint UK Government and

  UK Industries funded research organisation involved in the research

  of enabling technologies for the advanced robotics systems.


Automation and Robotics Research Institue (ARRI)

7300 Jack Newell Blvd. South

Ft. Worth, Texas 76118

tel: 817.794.5900


Mechanical Engineering Lab (MEL)

Tsukuba City, Japan

  Kazuo Tanie: Robotics and cybernetics


Electrotechnical Laboratory (ETL), AIST, MITI.

1-1-4 Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305 Japan.

  General description:

ETL is a govermental institute with about 630 staffs and

  annual budget of over 10 billion yen including personnel expenses,

  covering a broad area related to electronics, physics, material

  sciences, device technology, energy technology, standards and

  measurements technology, bio-electronics, information science,

  computer science, computer systems, artificial intelligence, and


  Gopher host:

  Robotics group:

  Intelligent Systems Division covers robotics and related areas.

  It consists of following sections; Intelligent Machine Behavior,

  Autonomous Systems, Computer Vision, Interactive Interface Systems, and

  Communicating Intelligence.

  The robotics group in the division foucuses on intelligent robots

  and system integration. Its current research topics include, but not

  limited to, Dextrous manipulation, Motion planning, Active vision,

  Multi-sensor fusion, Multi-fingered hands, Hand-eye systems, Mobile

  robot navigation, Multiple-robot cooperation, Intelligent teleoperation,

  Learning, and Architecture.

  The robotics group at ETL has continuously been at the frontier of

  intelligent robotics research.


  PostDoc positions:

  ETL accepts postdoctoral research fellows from all over the

  world. Mainly two support programs are available: STA fellowship and

  AIST fellowship. They require a doctoral degree, age no greater

  than 35, fluency in Japanese or English, etc. Typical research

  period is one year (2 yrs max.). The fellowship includes a basic

  allowance (270,000yen/month) plus family allowance (50,000yen/month),

  housing cost, and a round trip air ticket (1 person).

  The fellowships are highly competetive and have different application

  procedures depending on an applicant's nationality.

  Those who are interested should contact their local governmental

  agency for international research cooperation (such as NSF in USA).

  A more convenient way might be to catch a member of ETL staff at some

  conference and inquire about the fellowships.

  Graduate Summer Institute Program:

ETL is a member of the graduate summer institute program. The

  robotics group hosts a couple of guest student researchers every summer.

  The Graduate Summer Institute program is based on Japan-USA contract on

  research cooperation in science and technology.

  It is open for graduate students in the USA who are majoring in

  science and technology fields.

  The aim of the program is to provide opportunities for the students to

  get acquainted with Japanese culture, science and techonology, and to

  promote future collaboration in research in science and techonology.

  Here is some data from last year's example.

  Period: 2 months (Late June -- Late August).

  Program (subj. to change): Japanese classes. Research at host

  institutes. Lectures, Meetings, Going to Kabuki, Kyoto tour,

  Official Receptions. 

  Support: Return air ticket, domestic transportation, accomodation,

  japanese classes, tours.

  Contact: Japan Programs, Division of International Programs, NSF.

I, TROV and Ranger projects.


NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)

Greenbelt, MD 20771

Contact: Stephen Leake <>

  Since the cancellation of the Flight Telerobotic Servicer

  (FTS), the Robotics Lab has been concentrating on work in the

  area of automated space craft servicing.  The goal is to

  replace or supplement Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA) with

  teleoperated or semiautonomous robotic systems for external

  vehicle maintenance. Current project includes a robot to

  assist in second Hubble servicing mission.


NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC)

Houston, TX

Contact: Charles Price

  More of an operations house but lots of shuttle RMS work. A number

  of robot projects including testing of space station manipulator

  systems happens at JSC.


NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC)

Robotics Group

Contact: Bill Jones

  Like JSC, KSC is an operations house with responsibility to keep

  shuttles flying and integrate payloads. There is a small but

  growing robotics group that is emplacing ground support robotics

  applications. Recent work includes filter inspector for launch pad

  payload areas, shuttle radiator inspector and a mobile system for

  thermal protection system tasks.


NASA Langley Research Center, (LaRC)

Hampton, VA

Contact: Jack Pennington - vision, inspection, 3-D sensors


National Laboratories

The US National Laboratories are large complexes with a number of

robotics efforts. One current focus is the enormous and costly cleanup

of the weapons complexes throughout the country. Remediation, removal

and cleanup of hazardous materials will require hundreds of billions

of $$$ and many years. Robotics will be a key in much of this.

Sandia National Laboratories,

Albuquerque, NM

  Sandia is a DOE National Laboratory with a substantial program in

  robotics at its Intelligent Systems and Robotics Center. The Center

  has interests in manufacturing, hazardous material handling, site

  remediation, and research to support these

  applications. Consequently areas of focus include assembly planning,

  robotic interfaces, control theory, motion planning, sensor

  fusion, sensor development, mobile vehicles, telemanagement, mobile

  vehicles, and so on. At the time of writing (2/15/93) the center has

  nearly 100 full-time staff with degrees in computer science,

  mechanical engineering, mathematics, electrical engineering, as well

  as a few in other fields. The mix is about 30% PhD, 40%MS, and 30%

  BS. Recent hires have come from Cornell, Stanford, Berkeley, CMU,

  Illinois, Penn, ... The center operates over 20 fully equipted labs

  including robots from Puma, Adept, GCA, Cincinnati Millacron, and

  Schilling.  The virtual reality lab includes stereoscopic viewers

  from Fake Space, audio, speech recognition and synthesis, and big

  boxes from SGI to drive the graphics. In addition to the normal

  complement of departmental computing we have use of other compute

  resources at Sandia including a 1000 node N-cube, a 1000+node Intel

  Paragon, several crays, a CM-200 (16K procs).

Contacts: Randy Brost, Pat Xavier, Sharon Stansfield, Pang

Chen, David Strip, Jim Novak, Ray Harrigan, Pat Eicker, Bob


Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Center for Engineering Systems Advanced Research

P. O. Box 2008, MS-6364

Oak Ridge, TN  37831-6364

tel: 615.241.4959

fax: 615.574.7860

Contact: Dr. Lynne E. Parker, email:

   Research in mobile and manipulator robotics, including

redundant and multiple manipulators, cooperating mobile robots, 

parallel vision systems, sensor fusion, laser range finder

research, real-time quantitative reasoning and behavior based 

control, and machine learning.  Current applications include 

robots for nuclear power stations, environmental restoration 

and waste management, material handling, and automated 


Researchers:  James Baker, Marty Beckerman, Chuck Glover, William

Grimmell, Judd Jones, Reinhold Mann, Ed Oblow, Lynne Parker, 

Nageswara Rao, David Reister, Phil Spelt, Michael Unseren.


Redzone Robotics

2425 Liberty Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4639

tel: 412.765.3064

fax: 412.364.3069

contact: Dave White <>

  A spin-off of CMU, Redzone has focused on hazwaste and nuke

  manipulator applications but is also developing mobile

  applications. Primarily protoypes and not multiple unit

  manufacturing at this time.


Southwest Research Institute

San Antonio, TX

Robotics and Automation Department

  Some large systems for servicing aircraft (painting, spraying,

  deriveting etc)



Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Groforschungseinrichtungen (AGF)

(Association of National Research Centers)


Ahrstrae 45

Postfach 20 14 48

53144 Bonn

tel: (02 28) 3 76 74-1

fax: (02 28) 3 76 74-4

These are sixteen research centers in Germany. One of the

research centers is GMD and they do robotics. GMD is at


[8.4] Small Inexpensive Robots

One of the most common discussions on the net are related to

finding, building and working on small and low cost robots. There are

a few small robots on the market and a number of construction kits

that robots can be built from such as Lego, FischerTechnik and

Capsula. None of these require large investments. These systems are at

most several hundred $US and can run on a desktop. There are also a

number of kit robots that include printed-circuit boards and



Advanced Design, Inc.

6080 N. Oracle Road, Suite B

Tucson, Arizona 85704


tel: 602.544.2390

fax: 602.575.0703



ADI makes the Robix(tm) RCS-6 Robotic Construction Set, priced at

US$550, or US$565 for 220V/50Hz and PAL video.  The RCS-6 is designed

specifically for use by educators and industrial modelers, and is used

to build and operate a wide variety of PC connected desktop robots.

Included are many construction parts, 6 hobby-type servos, an

electronics interface with an 8-channel 8 bit A/D, power supply,

software, manual, video, carrying case, and more, even including a

pair of safety goggles.  The 40-minute video that comes with the set

is also available separately for just the airmail postage cost: US$3

to US locations, $4 to Canada, $5 to Mexico and $8 to all other

countries.  Shown in the video are 5 different arms built for (and

performing) 5 different tasks, a pair of 3-servo-each opposable

fingers twiddling a ball, 3 animatronic figures, and a 3-legged (but

6-footed) walker with both a walking and galloping stride.  In

addition, an arm is built step-by-step in the video, and then

programmed interactively.  The software includes a scripting interface

as well as complete C and QuickBasic 4.5 libraries with documentation

and sample code.

For complete technical information, a faq section, text of a cover

story about the RCS-6 in Popular Electronics Magazine, plus over 50

image files (.gif's), a DOS PC .gif viewer, a useful section on what

the set does *not* do, and more, download from the anonymous ftp site: from directory /pub/robix.  See the readme.txt file

there first.

To get the video, order by phone or fax, or by email from  

Visa and Mastercard are accepted.


Aleph Technology

Parc Heliopolis

16 rue du Tour de l'eau

BP 295-38407

Saint Martin d'Heres cedex, France

tel: +33 76422999

fax: +33 76444620

Small, turtle robot for education. 17000FF


Angelus Research

6344 Sugar Pine Circle

Angelus Oaks, CA

tel: 909.794.8325.

contat: Don Golding

A small differentially-steered mechanism (no casters!)

utilizing a 68HC11 controller w/ 32K RAM and RS-232 interface. Four

visible collision sensors (range 3-12 inches depending on ambient

light) and two whiskers. On-board battery (Pb- acid and built in

charger) monitors current as well for stall current. Software included

with easy-to-use high-level command set. Operable right out of the

box. A lot of features for a very affordable device. Fully assembled

and tested: $695, wireless version $1195. Intro to Whiskers Curriculum

$95.  Controller board available separately for $249. Future

developments include IR obstacle detector, sonar, pyro (people

detector) sensors, and magnetic compass. Video available for $5.



Play-Jour International

Room 914, New World Office Building

(East Wing), 24 Salisbury Rd

Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  Capsula is a robot construction set. Looks like a series of bubbles

  connected together. Some intriguing modules including IR control,

  voice commands, motorized clutches etc. Edmund Scientific sells this

  as do many toy stores.


Circuit Specialists Inc

PO Box 3047

Scottsdale, AZ 85271-3047

tel: 800.528.1417

tel: 602.464.2485

Quickshut robot arm sold by Circuit Specialists for

$259. Appears to be a nice low cost 5 axis arm for education. IBM (or

compatible) interface, kit including all components and board, power

supply kit, software package, logic probe and experiments and

instructions. If anyone has information as to who actually makes this

please send me email.  CSI has a FAX back service at 1(800)622-5426.

At the voice prompt, enter 3060 for more information on the arm.  The

software package supplied includes test routines and Robot control

proceedures. The software is written in BASIC and Assembly languages.


The Electronic Gold Mine

PO Box 5408

Scottsdale, AZ  85261

tel: 602.451.7454

Roamer Robot Kit. A simple, hardwired robot kit with all parts

necessary to complete the kit.  It sells for $39.95.





Arthur Fischer GmbH & Co. KG

Weinhalde 14-18

D-72178 Waldachtal

tel: germany + 07443 120

fax: germany + 07443 12222


Model Technology

2420 Van Layden Way

Modesto, CA 95356

tel: 209.575.3445

fax: 209.527.6016


Economatics Ltd

Epic house, Darnell Road

Attercliffe, Sheffield

United Kingdom

tel: +44 742 56 11 22

fax: +44 742 43 93 04

telex: 5 47 095 ECOMAT G

  Like Lego, Fischertechnik is a european-developed construction kit

  but much more comprehensive in scope. Electro-mechanical parts

  galore including a wide variety of switches, relays, slip rings,

  contacts, etc. Many types of building block units as well and

  computer interfaces available.  More expensive than Lego. Model

  Technology, listed above, is one distributor. See also the Robot

  Explorer in the publications section.

Here is a listing of some of the kits that they build:

Interface for Macintosh: "Service II" from Boenig and Kallenbach, sold

by Pandasoft Uhlandstrasse 195 D-1000 Berlin 12 Fax: germany (030)

315913-55 for DM 498.- for Mac Plus or better.  8 digital in and

outputs, 2 analoguous inputs. With Hypercard Stack Computing

Experimental and driver software for all Pascal versions, 4th

Dimension and Ragtime (comparable to MSWorks). Works also with the

FischerTechnik Robot and Plotter assembly kit, 80 pages manual in

german?, 3 Diskettes.

There are also computing kits containing interfaces for C64, PC and

Apple II.

-Profi Computing by Fischer Technik:

"High-end" kit, 3 motors, 6 switches, 4 lights, 2 fotocells,

20 plugs patch bay, construction base-support plate, 12 models

explained as there are a robot with a controlled hand, a plotter, a

slot-machine, a credit-card reader and a CD-player (certainly without

audio out), 888 parts in total: DM 376, needs the Service II


-Training robot by Fischertechnik:

3 rotation axes which may be controlled simultaneously.

Working radius between 12 and 37 cm, fetching height: 6 to 25 cm,

driven by 3 Fischer Technik S-motors, positioning with infrared

photocell, with cabling and manual, needs the Service II interface,

for DM 547.

-Plotter/Scanner by Fischertechnik:

Scanning head not included, "heavy duty" construction,

precision < 0.5 mm on a A4 surface, driven by 2 bipolar stepper

motors, needs the Service II interface. For DM 487.-

-Computing by Fischertechnik:

10 models possible, all explained: antenna rotor, Plotter,

Graphic Tablet, 2-axis robot etc., needs Service II and power supply

for DM 298.-


Johuco, Ltd.

Box 390

Vernon, CT 06066

Muramator and Photovore. These are simple robot control boards that

are hardwired but can be adjusted using potentiometers.  They sell

bare PCBs and you can get the parts from Radio Shack or DigiKey.  The

PCBs sell for about $25.00.


Khepera Support Team


INF Ecublens

1015 Lusanne 


tel: ++41 21 693.52.65

fax: ++42 21 693.52.63

net: <>

contact: Franscesco Mondada

Web site is at

A VERY small mobile robot. Motorola 68331 Processor with 256K RAM and

256 or 512K ROM. Serial port. Six 10bit analog inputs. DC motor

powered with incremental encoders.  Eight IR proximity and light

sensors. NiCd batteries. Additional capabilities can be added by using

stackable K-extension bus.  Software environments: Calm assembler (PC

or MAC), Gnu C compiler (on all machines supported by GNU) and LabView

(PC, Mac or Sun).

  Size: 55mm diameter, 30mm high

  Weight: 70grams

  Cost: 3000 Swiss Francs [About $2K US]

  Vision and Gripper modules under development.


Mondada et al. Mobile Robot Miniaturisation: A Tool for

Investigation in Control Algorithms. Third International

Symposium on Experimental Robotics, Kyoto, Japan, Oct 28-30,




Lego Dacta

555 Taylor Road

PO Box 1600

Enfield, CT 06083-1600

tel: 800.527.8339

fax: 203.763.2466

Canadian office for Lego/Dacta

tel: 800-387-4387.


  LEGO Dacta is the educational branch of the LEGO company. Dacta

  sells the LEGO Technic product line. These are the geared and

  motorized versions for the LEGO system.

  Use anonymous ftp to obtain a list of a variety of lego information

  and application programs from:


directory: /pub/lego

filenames: <see below>

Directory Structure: ~ftp/pub/lego/

CAD/    contains several languages for specifying models

faq/    contains latest faq sheet for

games/  Rules for games using lego people and pieces

images/ Pictures and drawings of sets and instructions

sets/   Database listings of lego sets and catalog numbers

upload/ Place your files here!

  Lego kits recommended for robotics work include:

  1038 Technical Universal Buggy - dual drive vehicle. $60

  1032 Technic II w/ motorized transmission - $76

  9605 Technic Resource Set - general parts kits - $200

  Lego-to-Mac software:

Paradigm Software 617.576.7675

Bots 415.949.2126

  MIT has papers on LEGO projects available via FTP from:


dir: pub/el-memos

file: memo8.* "LEGO/LOGO: Learning Through and About Design"


M & T Systems

POB 7816

Huntington Beach  CA  92615

Contact M&T Systems at:

tel: 714.969.3166

fax: 714.969.3167


[Tom Thorton]

The HexWalker(tm) walking robot kit is based on the Insectoid built by

Gary Malolepsy of The Robotics Society of Southern California (RSSC),

and chronicled in the February, March and April 1994 issues of Robot

Builder (the newsletter of RSSC). The Insectoid robot was given

passing mention by Scott Edwards in the June 1994 issue of Nuts and

Volts (How Far Can a Stamp Take You?).

RSSC Club Officers had discussed kitting the walking robot up for

members for several months, but had taken no action. Finally, I built

one for myself. It generated so much attention at meetings that I

decided to kit it out. The HexWalker(tm) robot kit is the result.

As supplied in the kit the Hexwalker(tm) robot detects the world by

means of two feelers. Normal movement for HexWalker(tm) is to walk

forward using the opposing triangle gait. When the robot detects an

obstacle (when a feeler switch closes) it pauses, backs up several

steps, turns left or right, and resumes forward walking. HexWalker(tm)

turns left when the right feeler switch closes, or right when the left

feeler switch closes.

HexWalker(tm) is large enough to work on easily. It measures 8 1/2 inches 

(22cm) long (plus feelers), 6 1/2 inches (16cm) wide, and 2 1/2 inches 

(6cm) tall. It is strong, able to support its own weight (12 ounces) plus 

about an 8 ounce payload.

Modifying the basic robot is encouraged. Ideas for

modification/improvement include: Substitute LED photodetectors for

the feeler/snapswitch sensors. Add a second Stamp to HexWalker(tm)

that performs sensor monitoring functions. Add additional sensors

to HexWalker(tm).

  backup sensor to prevent walking into objects when walking backwards.

  down sensor to detect "cliffs" and prevent walking off edges.

  sonar for long range sensing."

HexWalker(tm) sells for US $125.00.

California residents add 7.75% sales tax.

Shipping throughout North America is US $3.00.

Shipping to all others is US $15.00.

The kit without Basic Stamp (if you have your own controller) is 

   US $100.00 plus s&h.

The construction manual alone is US $10.00 plus US $1.00 s&h.



[many addresses around the world]

363, avenue de Saint-Exupery




There are several mechanical construction systems available.

The best source of info I've seen is a list put together by Colin



directory: /ftp/pub/

filenames: meccano

The German model train company, Maerklin makes a Meccano

compatible construction set. They also have a 1007 Robotic Arm kit and

programmable controller as well. ~$300 You may be able to order it

through a local train and hooby shop. 



524 San Anselmo Ave.,


San Anselmo, CA 94960

tel: 415.455.9330

     800.374.5764 (orders)

fax: 415.455.9333

     800.455.9333 (orders)

net: <>

A wide variety of Nickel-Titanium Alloy products. Mondo can supply an

email brochure as well as a Muscle Wire FAQ. Products include:

Muscle Wire Project Book- New 3rd Edition. Presenting everything you

need to successfully design, build, and operate devices with Muscle

Wire - nickel-titanium filaments that actually contract when

electrically powered and lift thousands of times their own weight.

Topics include: Basic lever action, ratchets and latches, model

railroad crossing, AC power circuit, solar power circuit, paper

airplane launcher, life-like butterfly, rubber tube "flexi",

proportional control, radio control interface, programmable multiple

wire controller & serial port interface, PC parallel port interface

and much more. Boris the six-legged motorless miniature walking


     BORIS - A miniature motorless six-legged walking machine


     Length: 13.5 cm

     Height: 4.5 cm

     Weight: 30 grams

     Power & Drive:

      - Eight 100 um dia. Muscle Wires (50 centimeters total).

      - 6 volts, 500 milliamp max.

      - Full software control via PC parallel printer port.

MUSCLE WIRES PROJECT BOOK   3-133     $17.95


Includes meter each of Flexinol

050, 100 and 150, plus crimps and instructions.  Enough to build all

the projects in the Project Book including Boris the motorless walking

machine. An ideal starter package for engineers, students and

experimenters of all ages.

Project Book & Deluxe Kit   3-168   $59.95


A complete package designed for corporate and laboratory Research

and Development work with shape memory alloys. Includes to following:

* Muscle Wires Project Book

* Five meters each of Flexinol 050, 100 and 150

* One meter of Flexinol 250

* Crimps & instructions

Muscle Wires R & D Package     3-102     $249.00

A wide variety of NiTiNol lengths and diameters are also available.

Send email to


OWI (Movit robots)

tel: 310.638.4732

fax: 310.638.8347

Available from:

Kelvin Electronics 800.645.9212

Pitsco  800.835.0686

Edmund Scientific 609.573.6260 (See Robot Parts Section)

These are small toy-like robots that reflexively respond to obstacles,

sounds or light depending on the model. They're cute and show what can

be done with a relatively small amount of hardware. The top of the

line model is the Wao II which has two 'feelers' for bump sensors and

can be programmed with an on board key-pad or via a host computer.  It

sells for $89.95.  Most of the other robot kits sell for between $35

and $55.  The kits usually only require mechanical hardware assembly

(no soldering required.) Edmund also has a Robotic Technology

Curriculum with lessons and tests featuring the Movit

robots. Curriculum is $65 from Edmund Scientific.


Reality Robots

Marvin Green,

821 SW 14th, Troutdale, OR 97060

tel: 503.666.5907


Starter Kits


The B-BOT Frame: This is a complete robot frame with a 360 degree

bumper skirt and clear head dome.  The frame is six inches in diameter

and uses two modified RC servos (not included).  The B-BOT can be

controlled by a small microcontroller, such as the BOTBoard, Mini

Board, PIC or BASIC STAMP.  The B-BOT Frame is expandable, flexible,

and makes it easy to get your robot projects off the ground quickly.


The B-BOT Frame and assembly manual is $29.95.  The B-BOT

jr. (smaller, with single level base) is $19.95.  Please add $4.00

shipping for first kit, $1.00 for each additional kit. Please make

check or money order to Marvin Green at the above address.


The BOTBoard: The BOTBoard is a bare printed circuit board designed

for robotic applications.  The BOTBoard uses the popular 68HC11

microcontroller in a minimum configuration, and is easily programmed

>from your PC.  Engineered to be flexible, the BOTBoard is also

powerful and easy to use.  Each board measures 2" X 3" and contains 38

I/O pins, and a small prototyping area.


The BOTBoard is $5.95 each, or three for $15.00.  Add $1.25 plus $.25

for each board for shipping.


The ARMBOT: The ARMBOT is a flexible three axis robotic arm.  It is

designed to use small unmodified RC servos and a microcontroller.  The

ARM-BOT provides clockwise and counter clockwise rotation of greater

than 180 degree, shoulder lift of greater than 45 degree a gripper

range of about two inches. The ARMBOT is surprisingly strong. It's fun

to use, and can easily be build within a couple of hours.


The ARMBOT kit and instruction manual is $12.95.  Please add $2.00

shipping and handling.


NOTE: These kits are designed to spark your intuitive engineering

skills.  Each kit comes with a detailed manual, assembly instructions,

diagrams, parts list, and all the custom parts needed to build the

kit.  Common parts, such as RC servos or ICs are not included because

they can be purchased elsewhere.  Keep in mind that you may need to

drill some holes or use a soldering iron. contains three gif images of the ARMBOT and B-BOT.

SRS BBS (206) 362-5267          Seattle Robotics Society BBS.

I designed these kits to help inspire people to build robots. The kits

are high quality and inexpensive.  Please contact me for more

information. <>


Rug Warrior

A K Peters 

289 Linden Street

Wellesley, MA 02181

tel: 617.235.2210

fax: 617.235.2404


A companion kit for the book, Mobile Robots: Inspiration to

  Implementation. See Books section of FAQ.  The Rug Warrior circuit

  board is designed to support the construction of small, yet

  sophisticated mobile robots.  The board provides all the processing,

  memory, and sensor circuitry needed for a custom designed

  robot. $289.00. Does not include chassis, skirt and motors.

  Rug Warrior offers the following features: Motorola MC68HC11

  microcontroller, LCD display (32 alphanumeric characters), 32K of

  battery backed RAM, RS-232 serial port, Collision detection from any

  of 6 directions, Photoresistor light sensors, Infrared obstacle

  detection, Microphone for sound detection, Piezoelectric buzzer

  generates tones of arbitrary frequency, Motor driver chip allows

  control of two DC motors, Dual shaft encoders allow

  velocity/position control, Four user controllable LEDs, Optional

  pyroelectric (heat) sensor, Expansion capabilities for more sensors

  and actuators.

  The kit consists of a circuit board with the logic and interface

  components already soldered on and tested, plus all the sensors and

  other circuitry needed to build the robot board as described in our

  book "Mobile Robots: Inspiration to Implimentation."

  The kit includes Interactive C (IC) on a disk for either Mac or PC.

  Self test routines are also provided for each of the standard

  sensors and actuators. In the near future A. K. Peters plans to

  offer a complete robot kit including chassis, skirt, and motors.



  A small nitinol-based mobile robot is available from Indiana

  University in a technical report and as a kit. Send your request for

  the report with payment to:

Computer Science Department

215 Lindley Hall

Indiana University

Bloomington, IN  47405

  To receive the technical report only:

Send  $5.00 PRE-PAID and add ATTN: TR363A

  To receive the technical report and a complete kit:

Send $15.00 PRE-PAID and add ATTN: TR 363A Squito Kit

TR 414 - Stiquito II and Tensipede: Two Easy-to-build

Nitinol-propelled Robots available in FINAL DRAFT via anonymous ftp from

the report is archived as four .hqx (binhex encoded) .sea (stuffit

lite self-extracting archive) Microsoft Word 4 documents.  There are no

plans to archive a postscript version, as word 5 & 6, available on PCs

& Macs, are supposed to be able to read and print word 4 documents.

stiq.II.p1.sea.hqx   contains the introduction, the build-a-leg tutorial, and

                     the instructions to build tensipede

stiq.II.p2.sea.hqx   contains the instructions to build both a rigid and an

                     articulated version of stiquito II

stiq.II.p3.sea.hqx   contains the instructions to build the ibm pc and

                     compatible computer parallel printer port interface

stiq.II.p4.sea.hqx   contains the programmer's guide to the interface and

                     examples of a pulse frequency modulated nitinol driver,

                     a metachronal wave program for tensipede, and a tripod

                     gait program for stiquito II, as well as stiquito's

                     family crest.


Tomy Armatron

  Sold by Radio Shack in the US, the Armatron was a popular small

  plastic manipulator and later a mobile version was sold.  A number

  of articles appeared in the hobbyist press regarding linking the

  Armatrons to computers.  The mobile version is still being sold in

  Japan and is called the "GO ROBO ARM" You might be able to pick one

  up at a flea market or garage sale. Buy it - they are neat clever

  devices and fun.


Ublige Software and Robotics Corporation

P.O. Box 18034

Huntsville, AL, 35804


tel: 205.518.9422

contact: Luis Lopez

 Kits and pre assembled robots (insects). USR produces Electro-Optic

components and software tools for compound eye robotics.  The catalog

lists a low-cost walking system kit called Prometheus (TM) for $US 610

- 1799.  Several modules are also available (eg. RS232, motor driver



[9] What is a Robot Architecture?

A robot 'architecture' primarily refers to the software and hardware

framework for controlling the robot. A VME board running C code to

turn motors doesn't really constitute an architecture by itself. The

development of code modules and the communication between them begins

to define the architecture.

Robotic systems are complex and tend to be difficult to develop. They

integrate multiple sensors with effectors, have many degrees of

freedom and must reconcile hard real-time systems with systems which

cannot meet real-time deadlines [Jones93]. System developers have

typically relied upon robotic architectures to guide the construction

of robotic devices and for providing computational services (e.g.,

communications, processing, etc.) to subsystems and components. These

architectures, however, have tended thus far to be task and domain

specific and have lacked suitability to a broad range of applications.

For example, an architecture well suited for direct teleoperation

tends not to be amenable for supervisory control or for autonomous


One recent trend in robotic architectures has been a focus on

behavior-based or reactive systems. Behavior based refers to the fact

that these systems exhibit various behaviors, some of which are

emergent [Man92]. These systems are characterized by tight coupling

between sensors and actuators, minimal computation, and a

task-achieving "behavior" problem decomposition.

The other leading architectural trend is typified by a mixture of

asynchronous and synchronous control and data flow. Asychronous

processes are characterized as loosely coupled and event-driven

without strict execution deadlines. Synchronous processes, in

contrast, are tightly coupled, utilize a common clock and demand hard

real-time execution.

Subsumption/reactive references


Arkin, R.C., "Integrating Behavioral, Perceptual, and World Knowledge

in Reactive Navigation", Robotics & Autonomous Systems, 1990

Brooks, R.A., "A Robust Layered Control System for a Mobile Robot",

IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation, March 1986.

Brooks, R.A., "A Robot that Walks; Emergent Behaviors from a Carefully

Evolved Network", Neural Comutation 1(2) (Summer 1989)

Brooks, Rod, AI Memo 864: A Robust Layered Control System For a Mobile Robot

look in

Brooks, Rod, AI Memo 1227: The Behavior Language: User's Guide

look in

Connell, J.H., "A Colony Architecture for an Artificial Creature", MIT

Ph. D. Thesis in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1989.

Erann Gat, et al, "Behavior Control for Robotic Exploration of

Planetary Surfaces" To be published in IEEE R&A. FTPable.


location: pub/gat

filename: bc4pe.rtf

Insect-based control schemes


Randall D. Beer, Roy E. Ritzmann, and Thomas McKenna, editors, Biological

Neural Networks in Invertebrate Neuroethology and Robotics, Academic Press,


Hillel J. Chiel, et al, "Robustness of a Distributed Neural Network

Controller for Locomotion in a Hexapod Robot," IEEE Transactions on

Robotics and Automation, 8(3):293-303, June, 1992.

Joseph Ayers and Jill Crisman, "Biologically-Based Control of

Omnidirectional Leg Coordination," Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE/RSJ

International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 574-581.

Asynchronous/synchronous (i.e., "traditional", "top-down", etc.)


Amidi, O., "Integrated Mobile Robot Control", CMU-RI-TR-90-17,

Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 1990.

Albus, J.S., McCain, H.G., and Lumia, R., "NASA/NBS Stanford Reference

Model for Telerobot Control System Architecture (NASREM)" NIST

Technical Note 1235, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, July 1987.

Butler, P.L., and Jones, J.P., "A Modular Control Architecture for

Real-Time Synchronous and Asynchronous Systems", Proceedings of SPIE

Applications of Artificial Intelligence 1993, Orlando, FL, 1993.

Fong, T.W., "A Computational Architecture for Semi-autonomous Robotic

Vehicles", AIAA Computing in Aerospace conference, AIAA 93-4508, 1993.

Lin, L., Simmons, R., and Fedor, C., "Experience with a Task Control

Architecture for Mobile Robots", CMU-RI-TR 89-29, Robotics Institute,

Carnegie Mellon University, December 1989.

Schneider, S.A., Ullman, M.A., and Chen, V.W., "ControlShell: A

Real-time Software Framework", Real-Time Innovations, Inc., Sunnyvale,

CA 1992.

Stewart, D.B., "Real-Time Software Design and Analysis of Reconfigurable

    Multi-Sensor Based Systems", Ph.D. Dissertation, Dept. of Electrical and

    Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh.

Stewart, D.B., M. W. Gertz, and P. K. Khosla, "Software Assembly for

    Real-Time Applications Based on a Distributed Shared Memory Model",

    in Proc. of the 1994 Complex Systems Engineering Synthesis and

    Assessment Technology Workshop (CSESAW '94), Silver Spring, MD,

    pp. 217-224, July 1994.


End of Part 3


aka: Kevin Dowling Carnegie Mellon University

tel: (412) 268-8830 The Robotics Institute

adr: Pittsburgh, PA 15213


aka: Kevin Dowling Carnegie Mellon University

tel: (412) 268-8830 The Robotics Institute

adr: Pittsburgh, PA 15213


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