calculate wpm for the game
;calculate wpm for the game
wpm proc
; assume cs:codesg,ds:datasg,es:nothing
;first get a clock tick
call clock
sub bx,gamtim[+2]
mov gamtim[+2],bx
sbb cx,gamtim
cmp cx,0 ;don't calculate if user has
je okwpm ;waited longer than 1 minute to
mov ax,0 ;get here ... should be impossible,
jmp wpm_exit ;... meaning a programming error
okwpm: cmp gamtim[+2],0
je wpm_exit2
mov ax,gamcharcnt ;wpm = 0 if no characters typed
cmp ax,0
je wpm_exit
mul word ptr n1200 ;1,200 = ((60 secs/min)
; X (100 ticks/sec)
; / (5 chars/word)
under120: div word ptr gamtim[+2] ; / 100ths of a second = chars/min
wpm_exit: mov gamewpm,ax
wpm_exit2: mov gamcharcnt,0
call clock
mov gamtim[+2],bx
mov gamtim,cx
wpm endp
;evaluate routine follows
;include evaluate.asm
;* FUNCTION: XYCalc() *
;* *
;* Dx - X position on screen. (0..319) *
;* Di - Y position on screen. (0..199) *
;* *
;* DESCRIPTION: Calculates byte address of X, Y. Result is in Di, Dx *
;* where Di is current line address of RowTable and Dx is *
;* the X byte offset. *
Mov Es,VideoSeg
Shr Dx,1
Shr Dx,1
shr dx,1 ;for 40 col modes
Shl Di,1
Lea Di,RowTable[Di]
;* FUNCTION: PrintAt ( X, Y, Str ) *
;* *
;* X - X position of string. 0..319 is really 0..79. *
;* Y - Y position of string. 0..199 *
;* Str - Points to the string we are to print. *
;* *
;* DESCRIPTION: Prints a string at the given coordinates. *
; Mov Bx,Sp ;Set Bx to base of parms.
shl dx,1 ;<-test
shl dx,1 ;""
shl dx,1 ;""
shl dx,1
mul byte ptr eight ;""
Push Si
jmp getch
db 'uku'
; Mov Dx,2[Bx] ;Get X
; Mov Ax,4[Bx] ;Get Y
; Mov Si,6[Bx] ;Get char pointer
GetCh: ;WHILE ( *Pt )
Xor Ch,Ch ; Make sure Ch is 0
Mov Cl,[Si] ; Acquire the next char to draw
Jcxz ExitPrintAt ; Exit if we've found the null char
;taken out so printat will display $ symbols in game text
; cmp cl,'$' ; or a $ - for compatability with DOS
; je exitprintat ; string print call.
Push Ax
Push Dx
Push Cx
Call APutChar ; APutChar( Dx, Ax, Cx );
Pop Cx
Pop Dx
Pop Ax
Inc Si ; Pt++;
Add Dx,16 ;8 ; X += 8;
; Cmp Cx,'~' ; IF ( ReturnArrow ) THEN
; Jne Norm ; BEGIN
; Add Dx,8 ; X += 8;
; Inc Si ; Pt++;
Norm: Jmp SHORT GetCh ; END
Pop Si
Ret ; Return to the caller.
PrintAt_ ENDP
;* FUNCTION: PutChar( X, Y, Ch ) *
;* *
;* X - X position of Character. 0..319 is really 0..79. *
;* Y - Y position of Character. 0..199 *
;* Ch - The character we are to put on the screen. *
;* *
;* DESCRIPTION: Puts the given character on screen. *
CharTable EQU 0FA6EH ;Base of graphics character table
;NOTE: hardware dependent
Mov Bx,Sp ;Set BX to base of parms.
Mov Dx,2[Bx] ;Get X
Mov Ax,4[Bx] ;Get Y
Mov Cx,6[Bx] ;Get Char
; Cmp Cx,'~' ;IF ( ReturnArrow ) THEN
; Jne NormCh ; DrawSpecial( 3 );
; Mov Cx,3
; Call ADrawSpecial
; Ret
NormCh: Push Si ;Save Registers
Push Di
Push Es
Push Bp
Mov Di,Ax
Call XYCalc_ ;Get offset at which to draw the Char
Mov Bp,Di
Mov Si,Cx ;Point Si at the char in table
Shl Si,1
Shl Si,1
Shl Si,1
Add Si,CharTable
Cld ;Direction = forward
Mov Cx,8 ;8 byte character set
NextCharRow: ;DO
Mov Di,ds:[Bp] ; Get row pointer <-was using ss:!!!
Add Di,Dx
Push Ds
Mov Ax,0F000H ; Set DS register to the base
Mov Ds,Ax ; of last memory ROM segment.
Lodsb ; Acquire a byte(pixel map) of the Char
Pop Ds
Call StoreByte ; Put the byte in screen memory
Add Bp,2 ; END
Loop NextCharRow ;WHILE( --Cx );
Pop Bp
Pop Es
Pop Di ;Save Registers
Pop Si
PutChar_ ENDP
;* FUNCTION: StoreByte *
;* *
;* Reg Al - The byte we are to store. *
;* Es:Di - Points to the screen memory where we are to store byte. *
;* *
;* DESCRIPTION: Takes the byte in Al, converts it to a 16 bit value and *
;* then masks the color bits to the current 'ColorMask'. *
;* Di is incremented by 2 on exit. *
Call ExpandByte_ ;Convert to word
Xchg Ah,Al
And Ax,ColorMask
Stosw ;Put the Char into graphics memory
StoreByte ENDP
;* FUNCTION: ExpandByte() *
;* *
;* TheByte - Byte to be expanded in Al register. *
;* *
;* DESCRIPTION: Expands a byte into a word. *
ExpandByte_ PROC NEAR
Push Bx
Lea Bx,ExpandTable
Mov Ah,Al ;Save a copy in Ah
Shr Al,1 ;a 16 bit character bit map.
Shr Al,1
Shr Al,1
Shr Al,1
Xlatb ;Take the 8 bit pattern
Xchg Ah,Al ;and translate it into
And Al,00FH
Pop Bx
ExpandByte_ ENDP
plot proc near
;position cursor at locx, locy
mov dh,locy
mov dl,locx
cmp gamevmode,1
jne plot_exit
mov ah,2
mov bh,0
int 10h ;position on screen
plot_exit: ret
plot endp
char_write proc near
;Write char in AL at cursor position for mono
;or at position held in dx for graphics.
;Used after call to plot.
cmp gamevmode,1
jne herc_cga
mov ah,9
mov bh,0
mov bl,att_byte
mov cx,1
int 10h
herc_cga: mov colormask,0ffffh
mov cl,al
mov al,dh
xor dh,dh
xor ch,ch
shl ax,1
shl ax,1
shl ax,1
shl dx,1
shl dx,1
shl dx,1
shl dx,1
call aputchar
char_write endp
;* FUNCTION: DoHerc() *
;* *
;* *
;* DESCRIPTION: Checks to see if the Hercules mono graphics adapter is *
;* there and if it is, it inits it and sets RowTable data *
;* table up accordingly. Uses vertical rettrace check to *
;* to insure that a card is there. *
;* *
;* RETURNS: Carry set if card is not there. *
Mov Dx,03BFH ;Turn on Herc card
Mov Al,00000011B
Out Dx,Al
Mov Bl,OldFlag ;Get OldFlag
Push Ds ;Restore old equipment flag
Mov Ax,EquipSeg
Mov Ds,Ax
Mov ds:[EquipFlag],Bl
Pop Ds
Mov Dx,3BAH ;Display status port for Herc
Mov Bl,10000000B ;Vertical retrace mask bit for Herc card
;Call CheckRetrace
;Jnc InitHerc
Mov GrAdapterType_,HERCCARD
Push Si
Push Di
Mov Cx,50 ;Do 50 groups of 4
Lea Bx,RowTable ;Point to table
Mov Si,0658H ;Line 0 + 8 byte offset Screen center
Mov Di,2658H ;Line 1 + 8 byte offset Screen center
Mov Ax,4658H ;Line 2 + 8 byte offset Screen center
Mov Dx,6658H ;Line 3 + 8 byte offset Screen center
TLoop1: Mov [Bx],Si ;Store 4 words
Mov [Bx+2],Di
Mov [Bx+4],Ax
Mov [Bx+6],Dx
Add Si,90 ;Add 90 for next line of 4
Add Di,90
Add Ax,90
Add Dx,90
Add Bx,8 ;Move to next 4 pointers
Loop TLoop1 ;Loop for all rows
Call ClearScreen_
Lea Si,GTable ;Ptr to Herc card init table
Call SetParams ;Set the Herc card params.
Mov Dx,3B8H ;Set Ctrl Reg for scrn on,
Mov Al,10001010B ;Bit 1 - gr mode, Bit 3 - activate scrn
Out Dx,Al ;Bit 7 - display page B800H
Pop Di
Pop Si
Clc ;Clear carry to show that herc is there
Mov Dx,3B4H ;Index register position
Mov Cx,12 ;Move 12 parameters to data registers
Xor Ah,Ah ;Start with register 0
Mov Al,Ah ;Send reg number to index reg 3B4H
Out Dx,Al
Inc Dx ;Now send data to data reg 3B5H
Out Dx,Al
Inc Ah
Dec Dx
Loop Parms
;* FUNCTION: ClearScreen() *
;* *
;* None - *
;* *
;* DESCRIPTION: Clears the graphics screen *
ClearScreen_ PROC NEAR
Push Di
Push Es
Mov Es,VideoSeg
Mov Cx,4000H ;Word count of entire screen
Mov Ax,0 ;Write null pattern to screen
Mov Di,Ax ;Start at screen address 0
Cld ;Set direction to forward
Rep Stosw ;Clear screen a word at a time
Pop Es
Pop Di
ClearScreen_ ENDP
begin endp
codesg ends
end begin
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