4DOS version 4.0

                       44      DDDDDDD        OOOOO        SSSSSS
                      44       DDDDDDDD      OOOOOOO      SSSSSSSS
                     44  44    DD     DD    OO     OO    SS
                    44   44    DD     DD    OO     OO    SS
                   44    44    DD     DD    OO     OO     SSSSSS
                  444444444    DD     DD    OO     OO      SSSSSS
                   44444444    DD     DD    OO     OO           SS
                         44    DD     DD    OO     OO           SS
                         44    DDDDDDDD      OOOOOOO     SSSSSSSS
                         44    DDDDDDD        OOOOO       SSSSSS

                                       Version 4.00

                                       Developed By
                                  Rex Conn and Tom Rawson

                                     Documentation By
                         Hardin Brothers, Tom Rawson, and Rex Conn

                                       Published By

                                     JP Software Inc.
                                       P.O. Box 1470
                                 East Arlington, MA 02174
                                      (617) 646-3975
                                    fax (617) 646-0904

              Program and Documentation Copyright 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991,
              Rex C. Conn and JP Software Inc., All Rights Reserved.  4DOS
              is a registered trademark and 4OS2 is a trademark of JP
              Software Inc.  Other product and company names are trademarks
              of their respective owners.


              We couldn't produce a product like 4DOS without the dedication
              and quality work of many people.  Our thanks to:

                   JP Software Staff:  Mike Bessy, Helen Coyne, Hayyim
                   Feldman, Henry Harvey, Susan Mampre, Ellen Stone, Misty

                   Beta Test Support:  David Moskowitz, Guy Scharf, Larry
                   Finkelstein, and Martin Schiff, of CompuServe's CONSULT

                   Online Support:  Brian Miller and Tess Heder of Channel 1
                   BBS; Don Watkins and Connie Kageyama of CompuServe's

                   Help System:  Scott McGrath and Ross Neilson Wentworth.

                   Beta Testers:  We can't list all of our beta testers
                   here!  A special thanks to all of you who helped make
                   4DOS elegant, reliable, and friendly.

              The following tools are used in creating and maintaining 4DOS
              and the 4DOS Help System:
                 Compilers:        Microsoft C 6.0 and Macro Assembler 5.1
                                   and 6.0, Borland Turbo Pascal 5.5 and 6.0
                 Libraries:        Object Professional (Turbo Power
                                   Software), Spontaneous Assembly (Base Two
                 Editors:          Edix (Emerging Technology), Brief
                                   (Solution Systems)
                 Debuggers:        Periscope (The Periscope Company), Soft-
                                   ICE (Nu-Mega Technologies)
                 Version Control:  PVCS (Sage Software)
                 Documentation:    Microsoft Word for Windows with Adobe Type



               How to Use This Manual................................2
               Registration and Upgrade Information..................5
               Technical Support.....................................7

          Chapter 1 / 4DOS Features..................................9

          Chapter 2 / Installation..................................13
               Automated Installation...............................13
               Manual Installation..................................14
               Uninstalling 4DOS....................................15

          Chapter 3 / A Guided Tour of 4DOS.........................18
               Starting The Tour....................................18
               Basic Commands.......................................20
               Command Line Editing and History.....................24
               More About Files.....................................27
               Directory Navigation.................................31
               Other Commands.......................................36
               Batch Programming....................................38

          Chapter 4 / General Concepts..............................41
               DOS and the Command Interpreter......................41
                    Primary and Secondary Shells....................42
                    AUTOEXEC.BAT, 4START, and 4EXIT.................43
               Command Processing...................................43
               Files and Paths......................................45
               The Environment......................................48
               ASCII and Key Codes..................................51
               The Keyboard.........................................51
               ANSI Drivers.........................................53

          Chapter 5 / Using 4DOS....................................54
               At the Command Line..................................54
                    Command Line Editing............................55
                    Command History and Recall......................56
                    Command History Window..........................58
                    Filename Completion.............................59
                    Multiple Commands...............................61
                    Automatic Directory Changes.....................61

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.        4DOS Reference Manual  /  i


                    Temporarily Disabling Aliases...................62
                    Command Line Help...............................62
               Input and Output.....................................65
               File Processing......................................70
                    Extended Parent Directory Names.................71
                    Multiple Filenames..............................73
                    Include Lists...................................74
                    Executable Extensions...........................75
               The Environment......................................78
                    4DOS Configuration Variables....................80
                    4DOS Internal Variables.........................81
                    4DOS Variable Functions.........................85
               Advanced Features....................................91
                    Conditional Commands............................91
                    Command Grouping................................91
                    Escape Character................................93
                    Argument Quoting................................94
               Batch Files..........................................98
                    .BAT Files and .BTM Files.......................99
                    Batch File Variables...........................100
                    Batch File Commands............................101
                    Batch File Tips................................103

          Chapter 6 / Options and Tuning...........................109
               Configuration Files.................................109
               Setting up CONFIG.SYS...............................110
                    4DOS and DOS 2.................................113
                    Startup Options for Secondary Shells...........113
               Using AUTOEXEC.BAT..................................114
               Using 4START and 4EXIT..............................117
               Using the 4DOS.INI File.............................118
                    Types of Directives............................121
                    Initialization Directives......................124
                    Configuration Directives.......................127
                    Color Directives...............................130
                    Key Mapping Directives.........................131
                    Advanced Directives............................135

          Chapter 7 / Using 4DOS with Your Hardware and Software...139
                    The CPU........................................139

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.       4DOS Reference Manual  /  ii


                    Hard Drives and Floppy Disks...................144
                    Laptop and Notebook Computers..................145
                    Critical Errors................................147
                    4DOS and DOS...................................149
                    Using 4DOS with Task Switchers and Multitaskers149
                    Multitasking and Disk Swapping.................151
                    4DOS and Microsoft Windows 3.0.................152
                    4DOS and DESQView..............................153
                    Using 4DOS on a Network........................154
               Solving Software Compatibility Problems.............156

          Chapter 8 / Command Reference Guide......................162
               4DOS Commands.......................................162
               How to Use the Command Descriptions.................164
               CD / CHDIR..........................................185
               DEL / ERASE.........................................200

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  iii


               LH / LOADHIGH.......................................254
               MD / MKDIR..........................................261
               RD / RMDIR..........................................277
               REN / RENAME........................................281

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.       4DOS Reference Manual  /  iv



          Appendix A / 4DOS Error Messages.........................315

          Appendix B / ASCII and Key Codes.........................325
               Keys and Key Codes..................................329

          Appendix C / Technical Information.......................335
               Detecting 4DOS......................................335
                    Detecting 4DOS From a Batch File...............335
                    Detecting 4DOS From a Program..................335
                    Detecting the 4DOS Prompt......................336
               Placing Keystrokes Into the Keystack................336
               Writing Installable Commands........................337
               Using DESCRIPT.ION..................................338
               Interrupt 2E........................................339



          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.        4DOS Reference Manual  /  v

                                                       CONTACTING JP SOFTWARE


          You can contact JP Software at any of the following addresses.  Our
          normal business hours are 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM weekdays, eastern US
          time.  For more information about contacting us for technical
          support see page 7.

              By mail:

                   JP Software Inc.
                   P.O. Box 1470
                   East Arlington, MA 02174

              By telephone:
                   Voice:          (617) 646-3975
                   Fax:            (617) 646-0904
                   Order Line:     (800) 368-8777 (orders only,
                                   USA only)


                   CompuServe:     General 75300,210
                                   Technical Support 75300,1215
                   Bix:            "trawson"
                   MCI Mail:       470-7811
                   Internet:       General 75300.210@compuserve.com
                                   Technical Support
                   BBS Support:    Via Channel 1 BBS, Boston,
                                   617-354-8873 at 2400 baud, no
                                   parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.       4DOS Reference Manual  /  vi



          Welcome, and thanks for purchasing 4DOS!

          We started developing 4DOS when we realized that our computers
          could be a lot more powerful and a lot more helpful than they were.
          Whether you are a computer novice or an experienced power user, we
          think that 4DOS will help you get the most out of your IBM PC or
          compatible computer.

          Technically, 4DOS is a command interpreter or "DOS Shell."  That
          means that it reacts to the commands you type at the C> prompt.
          We've designed 4DOS so that you don't have to change your computing
          habits or unlearn anything to use it.  If you know how to display a
          directory, copy a file, or start an application program, you
          already know how to use 4DOS.  4DOS understands all of the commands
          you know and adds to them.  Its purpose is to make DOS friendlier,
          easier to use, and much more powerful and versatile, without
          requiring you to use or learn a new program, a new set of commands,
          or a new style of work.

          Once you have 4DOS installed, you can learn its new features at
          your own pace.  It has more than 40 new commands and scores of
          enhanced features, but you don't have to learn them all at once.
          Relax, enjoy 4DOS's power, and browse through the manual
          occasionally.  Press the F1 key whenever you need help.  4DOS will
          soon become an essential part of your computer, and you'll wonder
          how you ever got along without it.

          If you want to take 4DOS for a spin without performing a complete
          installation, see the Guided Tour beginning on page 18.

          We are constantly working to improve 4DOS.  If you have suggestions
          for features or commands that you think we should include in the
          next version, or any other way we could improve our product, please
          let us know.  Many of the improvements in this version of 4DOS were
          suggested by our users, and while we can't promise to include every
          suggested feature, we really do appreciate and pay attention to
          your comments.

          If you're an OS/2 user, JP Software offers another product, 4OS2,
          as a complete replacement for the OS/2 command processor (CMD.EXE).
          4OS2 provides the same command set and syntax as 4DOS, with several
          OS/2 commands added.  You can use it to maintain a common working
          environment and run the same batch files under OS/2 and DOS.  4OS2

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.        4DOS Reference Manual  /  1


          is available at a discounted price for 4DOS users.  Contact JP
          Software for more information.

          How to Use This Manual

              We have designed this manual to serve as a gentle introduction
              to 4DOS for novice users, as a tutorial for those who want to
              get the most out of 4DOS, and as a reference manual for
              advanced 4DOS users.

              You will likely find some parts of the manual too simple or
              too technical for your tastes.  Unless you are convinced that
              one of those sections holds just the information you need for
              a specific task, feel free to skip to the next part of the
              manual that is more to your liking.  You can use almost every
              feature of 4DOS without having to worry about other features
              or commands.

              As you read the manual, you will see the symbol ## next to
              certain paragraphs.  This indicates a more in-depth discussion
              or a more advanced topic which you can skip if you wish to
              stick with the basics.  Come back to this topic later for more
              details, or if you're having trouble with the particular issue
              it discusses.  In many cases, the remainder of the section
              you're reading after such a symbol will be devoted to similar
              advanced information.  If you see the ## next to a section
              heading, it means the entire section contains such

              You may find the information in such marked sections useful
              even if you're relatively new to computers or to 4DOS.
              However you can skip the marked section and still understand
              and use the basic topic of the section you're reading.

              An exclamation point [!] to the left of a paragraph means that
              paragraph contains a caution or warning you may need to
              observe when using the feature it discusses.

              This manual is divided into eight chapters and three
              appendices, plus a glossary and index.  Here's a brief
              overview of what you'll find in each:

              Chapter 1 / 4DOS Features

                   We begin with a short summary of some of 4DOS's features
                   to give you a taste of what 4DOS is about.  Start here if
                   you are new to 4DOS.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.        4DOS Reference Manual  /  2


              Chapter 2 / Installation

                   Everyone should read this short chapter.  The
                   installation instructions are simple (and quite different
                   from previous versions of 4DOS).

              Chapter 3 / A Guided Tour of 4DOS

                   This chapter will take you on a short, interactive tour
                   of some of 4DOS's most powerful features.  By the time
                   you finish the tour, you will have a good idea of what
                   4DOS will do for you.  If you are new to 4DOS, be sure to
                   take the tour.

              Chapter 4 / General Concepts

                   This reference chapter is an introduction to several
                   terms and concepts that we use throughout the manual.  If
                   you're a novice, you might want to browse through the
                   entire chapter.  If you're a power user and all of the
                   topics in this chapter seem simple, then go on to the
                   next chapter.  If you think you need to brush up a bit on
                   the basics of a couple of terms and ideas, you'll
                   probably find them here.

              Chapter 5 / Using 4DOS

                   This chapter is for everyone.  It contains a description
                   of 4DOS's features and lots of examples to help you learn
                   to use each one.  Even if you are a novice user and want
                   to ignore some of these features until later, skim
                   through this chapter to get an idea of what is available
                   and where to find the information that you will
                   eventually want.  4DOS offers both features which are not
                   related to specific commands, and a complete set of over
                   80 internal commands.  This chapter has complete
                   reference information on all of the non-command features,
                   and introduces a few commands as well.  Reference
                   information on 4DOS commands is in Chapter 8.

              Chapter 6 / Options and Tuning

                   This chapter is for advanced users who want to be sure
                   that 4DOS is running at top efficiency on their systems.
                   It includes detailed information on setting up 4DOS and
                   on changing your 4DOS configuration.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.        4DOS Reference Manual  /  3


              Chapter 7 / Using 4DOS With Your Hardware and Software

                   This chapter contains tips on using 4DOS with many
                   popular kinds of PC hardware and software, and
                   information that will be useful if you think 4DOS may
                   conflict with your hardware or other software.

              Chapter 8 / 4DOS Command Reference

                   4DOS knows over 80 internal commands.  This chapter
                   explains the purpose of each command and tells you how to
                   use it.  It has examples that will help you learn each
                   command and the technical details you will need to get
                   the command to behave exactly as you wish.


                   We've included some helpful tables here, and some
                   information for those who like to know technical details.
                   There are three appendices.

                   Appendix A lists all 4DOS error messages.  Look here if
                   you need an explanation of an error message, or if you
                   aren't sure if the message came from 4DOS.

                   Appendix B lists codes for the ASCII character set (your
                   computer's internal method for representing letters,
                   digits, and other characters) and for the keys on your
                   keyboard.  These codes can be useful with certain 4DOS

                   Appendix C covers technical information and programming
                   interfaces.  You shouldn't need to use it unless you are
                   an advanced user or a programmer writing add-on software
                   for 4DOS.


                   If you need help with any of the terminology in this
                   manual, look here.


                   If you can't find the information you need, this should
                   help you find it.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.        4DOS Reference Manual  /  4


              Quick Reference Card

                   If you can't remember a key combination, command format,
                   color name, or other general information, look here.
                   Whether you are a 4DOS novice or expert, you will
                   probably want to keep the Quick Reference card near your
                   computer for those times when you need just a small jog
                   to your memory.

              Additional Files

                   Files distributed with 4DOS cover important additional
                   information beyond what's included in this manual.
                   README.DOC contains general notes, highlights of the
                   latest release, and brief installation instructions for
                   those upgrading from a downloaded copy of 4DOS.
                   UPDATE.DOC covers any changes or corrections in the
                   manual, and detailed information for users with older
                   versions on what has changed in the latest release.
                   APPNOTES.DOC contains application notes for a variety of
                   other software packages to help you use those packages to
                   best advantage with 4DOS.

          Registration and Upgrade Information

              If you purchased 4DOS from a software dealer, your copy came
              with a registration card.  Please fill out this card and
              return it promptly to JP Software.  Returning the registration
              card ensures that we have a record of your registration, and
              enables you to receive ongoing technical support and notices
              of upgrades.  If you purchased 4DOS directly from JP Software,
              you are already registered and no registration card is

              Once you are a registered 4DOS user, you will receive:

                   *  A subscription to The Prompt Solution, JP Software's
                      publication for 4DOS users and other customers.  The
                      Prompt Solution includes tips for using 4DOS,
                      notification of upgrades, and information about 4DOS
                      enhancements and other products from JP Software.

                   *  Technical support via electronic mail, fax, mail, or

                   *  A free or low-cost upgrade to the next version of 4DOS;
                      see below for details.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.        4DOS Reference Manual  /  5


              4DOS is upgraded regularly through maintenance releases,
              designed to fix minor problems or improve compatibility, and
              major upgrades which contain enhancements and additional
              features.  Maintenance releases are identified by a change in
              the hundredths digit of the version number, for example from
              4.0 to 4.01 or 4.02.  New versions are identified by a change
              in the tenths digit or "ones" digit, for example from 4.0 to
              4.1 or 5.0.

              As a registered user you will automatically be notified when a
              major upgrade of 4DOS is released.  The first major upgrade
              released after your initial purchase of 4DOS can be obtained
              at no charge if you download it from one of our support areas
              (see below).  A new manual will be available for download from
              the same sources.  If you do not have a modem or prefer to
              obtain the new version on diskette, there is a minimal
              processing charge; there is also a charge for a new printed
              manual.  After you've received this first free or low-cost
              upgrade, there will be a standard upgrade charge to get
              additional major upgrades as they are released.

              We don't send out notices when maintenance releases become
              available, because you don't usually need them unless you're
              having a problem.  However, you can download maintenance
              releases from our support areas (see below), or order them on
              disk at a nominal cost.  If you call with a problem that's
              been addressed in a maintenance release, we'll mail you a copy
              on disk or assist you in downloading it.  Downloading a
              maintenance release or obtaining it on disk from JP Software
              is separate from and does not affect your eligibility for a
              free or low-cost upgrade to the next major upgrade of 4DOS.

              As a registered user, you can download maintenance releases
              and your free or low-cost 4DOS upgrade from the JP Software
              support area on CompuServe (GO PCVENB, library 10), Bix
              (ibm.vendors/listings), or Channel 1 (see below).  The file
              name(s) used for 4DOS updates vary from time to time depending
              on the extent of the changes made, but typically will look
              like 4DOS4*.ZIP.  The "*" refers to one or more characters
              further identifying the file.  Check the directory listings
              and file descriptions on the service you are using to identify
              the files you need.  Downloads are also available from many
              other local bulletin boards and online services.  Lists of
              download locations, including bulletin boards outside the USA,
              are published from time to time in The Prompt Solution and are
              included in the SUPPORT.BBS file that comes with 4DOS.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.        4DOS Reference Manual  /  6


              We offer BBS support through Channel 1 in Boston, one of the
              largest and best-run bulletin boards in the US.  Channel 1 is
              an independent bulletin board and is not owned or operated by
              JP Software.  To access Channel 1 set your modem to 2400 baud,
              no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit, and dial 617-354-8873
              (if you have a high-speed modem, additional numbers are
              available once you are online).  Join conference 5 for 4DOS
              downloads.  You can leave 4DOS support messages and download
              4DOS files at no charge, but if you want to use any of Channel
              1's other excellent services you may need to purchase a
              membership to have sufficient online time.

          Technical Support

              Technical support for 4DOS is available to all users.  When
              you contact us for support please give us your 4DOS serial
              number so that we can verify your status as a customer, keep
              track of your inquiry properly, and contact you if necessary.

              Often the best way to contact us for support is by modem in
              one of the following public 4DOS support conferences.  The
              numbers in parentheses indicate the usual delay, in days, to
              receive a reply to a message.

              CompuServe / ZiffNet:  Primary support is via the JP Software
              section of the CompuServe PCVENB forum (GO PCVENB, section 10)
              (1 day).  We monitor other CompuServe and ZiffNet forums, but
              response may vary depending on our workload.

              Bulletin Boards:  Primary support is via the Channel 1 BBS,
              Boston, MA (1 - 3 days; see above for access details).
              Messages may be left in any of the 4DOS conferences; check the
              online list for exact conference numbers, which may change.
              Additional support is available from many local BBSes via the
              4DOS conferences on the InterLink, RIME (PC Relay), SmartNet,
              and FidoNet BBS Networks (3-5 days).

              BIX:  Support is available via the ibm.vendors conference,
              topic 4DOS (3-5 days).

              In addition, you can contact JP Software for support by mail,
              telephone, fax, or electronic mail.  Addresses and phone
              numbers are listed on page vi of this manual.

              Our goal is to return all telephone messages within 24 hours
              (weekends and holidays excluded).  If your problem is urgent
              and requires a faster response, please let us know and we will

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.        4DOS Reference Manual  /  7


              try to accommodate you.  If you contact us by telephone and
              don't receive a reply within 24 hours, please try again.  We
              may have tried to return your call and been unable to reach

              Before contacting us for support, please check if the manual
              or other documentation answers your question.  If you can't
              find what you need, try Chapter 4 / General Concepts (page
              41), and the Index.  If you're having trouble getting 4DOS to
              run properly, either alone or with your particular hardware or
              software, see Chapter 7 / Using 4DOS with Your Hardware and
              Software, on page 139, and the APPNOTES.DOC file on your 4DOS
              disk.  Also look through the README.DOC and UPDATE.DOC files
              that came with 4DOS, as they may contain updates to this
              manual or other important information.

              If you do need to contact us for support, it helps if you can
              give us some basic information:

                   *  What exactly did you do?  A concise description of what
                      steps you must take to make the problem appear is much
                      more useful than a long analysis of what might be

                   *  What went wrong?  At what point did the failure occur?
                      If you saw an error message or other important or
                      unusual information on the screen, what exactly did it

                   *  Briefly, what techniques did you use to try to resolve
                      the problem?  What results did you get?

                   *  What are the contents of your CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT,
                      4START, 4EXIT, and 4DOS.INI files, any batch files they
                      call, and any alias or environment variable files they

                   *  Can you repeat the problem or does it occur randomly?
                      If it's random, are there any clues as to what programs
                      you're using when the problem occurs?

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.        4DOS Reference Manual  /  8

                                                    CHAPTER 1 / 4DOS FEATURES


          4DOS is a complete computing environment that works with all
          versions of MS-DOS and PC-DOS from 2.0 to 5; with DR-DOS 3.4, 5.0,
          and above; and in the OS/2 DOS compatibility box.  It is compatible
          with virtually all application programs, with Microsoft Windows,
          and with task switching programs like DESQView and Back & Forth.

          4DOS replaces the traditional DOS user interface with a more
          modern, friendlier, and more powerful one.  4DOS is completely
          compatible with traditional DOS commands, and adds dozens of new
          features that aren't available with any version of DOS.

              Minimal Memory Usage

              4DOS can take advantage of extended memory, expanded memory,
              and memory managers for 80286, 386, and 486 computers that let
              programs "load high."  If you load both 4DOS and the
              environment "high," 4DOS will use only 256 bytes of base
              memory, less than any version of the traditional DOS command
              processor, COMMAND.COM.  (See page 127.)

              Online Help

              4DOS has complete, full-screen, context-sensitive help for all
              of its commands and all DOS utilities.  The F1 key pops up the
              help system at any time from the 4DOS prompt.  The help system
              is cross-referenced and includes examples.  (See page 62.)

              Directory Navigation

              4DOS's enhanced CD command lets you specify where to look for
              subdirectories you're changing to.  CDD lets you switch drives
              and directories simultaneously, and the new automatic
              directory change feature changes directories for you when you
              type a directory name at the command line.

              Faster and Better Batch Files

              4DOS speeds up traditional DOS batch files, and introduces a
              new kind of batch file processing that is 5 to 10 times faster
              than traditional batch files as well.  (See page 99.)

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.        4DOS Reference Manual  /  9

                                                    CHAPTER 1 / 4DOS FEATURES

              In addition, 4DOS has more than two dozen new batch file
              commands, and many other enhancements that will make your
              batch files easier to write and far more powerful.

              Command Line Enhancements

              4DOS replaces the traditional command line with a much
              friendlier and more powerful command line environment.  Among
              the features which 4DOS offers are:

                   Command Line Editing:  You can use the cursor keys to
                   make corrections, in the same way that you would with a
                   text editor.   (See page 55.)

                   Command History and Recall:  4DOS keeps track of each
                   command you type.  You can recall any command and issue
                   it again, or edit it to create a slightly different
                   command.   Commands can be recalled one at a time, or you
                   can pop up a window of recently entered commands and
                   choose the one you want.  (See page 56.)

                   Automatic Filename Expansion:  If you type part of a
                   filename, with or without wildcards, 4DOS will fill in
                   the complete filename for you at the touch of a key.
                   (See page 59.)

                   Multiple Commands on a Single Line:  You can type a
                   series of commands on a single line instead of waiting
                   for each one to finish before you issue the next one.
                   (See page 61.)

                   Multiple Filenames:  Most 4DOS commands can operate on
                   multiple files at once.  For example, you can copy
                   several files at once from your hard drive to drive A
                   with a command like:

                        copy *.wks *.dat *.txt  a:\

                   Point-and-Shoot File Selection:  The SELECT command lets
                   you choose files with the cursor keys instead of
                   remembering their names.  It gives you a full "point-and-
                   shoot" environment for other 4DOS commands.   (See page

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.       4DOS Reference Manual  /  10

                                                    CHAPTER 1 / 4DOS FEATURES


              An alias is a command you create, assigned to a name you
              select or to a key combination of your choosing.  You can use
              aliases to rename commands, to set command defaults, and to
              create new commands that are a combination of other commands.
              When aliases are combined with the 4DOS multiple command
              feature, they act like very fast batch files.   (See pages 96
              and 169.)

              File Descriptions

              4DOS lets you assign a description (up to 40 characters long)
              to each of your files and directories.  The descriptions are
              displayed with the DIR and SELECT commands, and move with
              their files when you use a COPY, DEL, MOVE, or RENAME command.
              (See page 203.)

              Executable Extensions

              Executable extensions let you associate a file extension with
              the program that processes files of that type.  For example,
              you could associate .BAS files with the BASIC interpreter, or
              .DBF files with dBase or Foxbase.  4DOS runs the appropriate
              program automatically whenever you type the name of a file
              that has an extension you have defined as executable.  (See
              page 75.)


              You can use 4DOS:

                   *  with all monochrome, CGA, EGA, and VGA video systems,
                      with any number of screen rows and columns.

                   *  with DOS-compatible networks, including Novell Netware,
                      3Com 3+, Banyan Vines, and Artisoft LANTastic.

                   *  with all popular memory managers and task switchers.

                   *  with virtually all commercial applications, utility
                      programs, and memory-resident utilities (TSRs).

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.       4DOS Reference Manual  /  11

                                                    CHAPTER 1 / 4DOS FEATURES

              New Commands and Options

              4DOS includes over 80 commands.  A few are the same as
              traditional commands.  Many are compatible with traditional
              commands but are enhanced with several additional options.
              The majority are unique to 4DOS.  If you have always wished
              that DOS had a command to help in a special situation, you
              will probably find that command in 4DOS.  A complete list of
              4DOS commands and options, along with explanations of how to
              use them, begins on page 162.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.       4DOS Reference Manual  /  12

                                                     CHAPTER 2 / INSTALLATION


          Before you install 4DOS (or any other software, for that matter),
          you should make a bootable system diskette so you can recover in
          case of a power failure or other interruption during the
          installation process.  To do so, put a fresh diskette in drive A
          and then type:

                   format a: /s

          The FORMAT command will take a few minutes to prepare the floppy
          diskette and then will copy your system files to drive A.  Once the
          process is complete, you should test your bootable floppy by
          leaving it in drive A and simultaneously pressing the Ctrl, Alt,
          and Del keys to make sure your system will boot up properly.  Once
          that's done, put the floppy away in a safe place and reboot your
          computer normally.

          Automated Installation

              Now you are ready to install 4DOS.  Put the distribution
              diskette into your first disk drive, drive A.  (You can use
              drive B if you prefer.)  Then log onto drive A by typing:


              and press the Enter key.  One of the files on the distribution
              diskette, README.1ST, contains information that you should
              read before you install 4DOS on your computer.  Type:

                   type readme.1st

              to view the file.  If you want to print a copy of the file,

                   copy readme.1st prn

              Now you can start the installation process.  Type:


              and press the Enter key.  If you are using a color video
              adapter with a monochrome monitor (for example, a laptop
              computer with a monochrome EGA display), type:

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.       4DOS Reference Manual  /  13

                                                     CHAPTER 2 / INSTALLATION

                   install /m

              Once the installation program has started, just follow the
              instructions on the screen and 4DOS will install itself on
              your system.

              The installation program will ask whether you want to perform
              a complete installation, a partial installation in order to
              run the 4DOS Tour, or whether you want to retrieve specific
              files from the 4DOS library.  Choose the full installation to
              put all of 4DOS on your system, or the Tour option if you want
              to see what 4DOS can do before you install it permanently.
              The installation program will not make any changes to your
              CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT files unless you give it permission
              to do so.

              If you elect to perform a full installation, reboot your
              computer when the installation program is done.  You will then
              have all the power of 4DOS available to you.

              We know some users feel unsure about running automated
              installation programs on their computers.  4DOS's automated
              installation is carefully written to be very well-behaved.  It
              won't modify or erase any existing files without asking you,
              and it takes a very straightforward, step by step approach.

              You can halt the installation process at any time and return
              to the DOS prompt by pressing Ctrl-X (hold down the Ctrl key
              and then press "X").

          ## Manual Installation

              The 4DOS files are contained in a special library file on the
              distribution diskette.  You cannot simply copy files from the
              diskette onto your system.  You must use the installation
              program to extract and decompress the 4DOS files if you want
              to perform a manual installation, or if you need to replace a
              damaged 4DOS file on your hard disk.

              If you want to install 4DOS manually, first start the
              automatic installation program using the instructions above.
              Select the Extract all files option and extract the 4DOS files
              onto your hard disk or another floppy disk.  On a hard disk,
              place the files in their own directory.  If you are upgrading
              from a previous version of 4DOS, use a new directory -- don't
              overwrite your existing files.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.       4DOS Reference Manual  /  14

                                                     CHAPTER 2 / INSTALLATION

              Once you've extracted the files, you can go through the 4DOS
              Tour (see page 18) if you want to try 4DOS before completing
              the installation.  When you're ready to finish the
              installation process, all you need to do is add one line to
              your CONFIG.SYS file (before modifying CONFIG.SYS, be sure you
              have a bootable floppy disk as discussed above):

                   SHELL=D:\PATH\4DOS.COM D:\PATH /P

              "d:\path" means the drive and directory where your 4DOS files
              are stored.  The second "d:\path" on the SHELL= line sets the
              COMSPEC environment variable, and can be left out if 4DOS.COM
              is in the root directory of your boot drive.  Be sure to
              delete or REMark out any old SHELL= line for COMMAND.COM after
              you add the new SHELL= line for 4DOS.

              Next, add the following line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file:


              where "d:\path" is the drive and directory where your 4DOS
              files are stored.

              Once you've finished modifying CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT,
              reboot your system to start 4DOS.  For details on setting up
              the SHELL= line and AUTOEXEC.BAT, and on the 4DOS.INI file,
              which controls 4DOS configuration, see Chapter 6 / Options and
              Tuning (page 109).

          ## Uninstalling 4DOS

              In the extremely unlikely event that you have trouble booting
              your computer after you install 4DOS, you can also remove it
              quite easily.  We don't expect you to have any trouble, but we
              know some people feel more comfortable knowing how to
              uninstall a product as well as install it.  Or, you may need
              to remove 4DOS from one system if you are moving it to another

              To temporarily remove 4DOS from your system, first find the
              location of COMMAND.COM on your disk (for example, in the root
              directory, or the DOS directory).  Boot the system and use any
              standard editor to edit your CONFIG.SYS file (before modifying
              CONFIG.SYS be sure you have a bootable floppy disk as
              discussed above).  Look for a line which begins:

                   SHELL=D:\PATH\4DOS.COM ...

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                                                     CHAPTER 2 / INSTALLATION

              ("d:\path" means a drive letter and directory name).  Insert
              the characters "REM " at the beginning of this line.  This
              converts it into "remarks" or comments.  (If you are using DOS
              3 or below, REMarks are not recognized in CONFIG.SYS, so the
              changed lines will produce a harmless "Unrecognized command"
              error when the system boots.)  Next, add a new line like this:

                   SHELL=D:\PATH\COMMAND.COM /P

              where "d:\path" is the proper drive and directory for
              COMMAND.COM.  If you were previously running COMMAND.COM with
              a /E:nnnn switch to set the size of your environment, you can
              add it to this line as well.

              After CONFIG.SYS has been modified, edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT
              file to remove any changes made to accommodate 4DOS.  Look for
              two commands:

                   SET COMSPEC=D:\PATH\4DOS.COM

              The first command will not be present on most systems.  If
              it's there, change it to read:

                   SET COMSPEC=D:\PATH\COMMAND.COM

              where "d:\path" is replaced by the correct drive and directory
              for COMMAND.COM.  The second command can be deleted, or you
              can place "REM " in front of it to convert it to a comment.
              The second command may be present without the "d:\path"
              portion or the ".COM" portion; the key thing to look for is
              "KSTACK".  If you wish, you can look for the PATH command, and
              remove the 4DOS directory from the directories listed there.
              However, there's probably no reason to do so unless you're
              permanently removing 4DOS from your system.

              Now reboot your system, and you should be back up and running
              under COMMAND.COM.  Correct the problem that gave you trouble
              with 4DOS (contact our technical support department if you
              need help, see page 7).  Once the problem is fixed, edit your
              CONFIG.SYS file again to remove the REMs on your 4DOS lines
              and put one on your COMMAND.COM line instead, restore any
              COMSPEC command in AUTOEXEC.BAT, and you can boot with 4DOS

              To completely remove 4DOS from your system, change CONFIG.SYS
              and AUTOEXEC.BAT as described above, then delete your 4DOS

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                                                     CHAPTER 2 / INSTALLATION

              Again, we don't expect you to need to use the procedure above
              -- but we thought you should have it anyway, just in case it
              makes you feel a little more at ease about installing a new
              product on your computer.

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                                            CHAPTER 3 / A GUIDED TOUR OF 4DOS


          This chapter will acquaint you with some of the features of 4DOS.
          It isn't a substitute for the rest of the manual, but it will help
          you understand how familiar 4DOS seems if you are used to working
          at the traditional command prompt.  At the same time, it will
          introduce you to many of 4DOS's most popular features and
          enhancements.  By the time you finish working through this chapter,
          you will have a feeling for how easy and friendly 4DOS is compared
          to the traditional DOS command processor.

          This tour is designed to be used interactively.  Sit down at your
          computer with the manual.  Each time an example is shown, try it.
          The tour will create all of the files it uses;  it won't modify or
          change your existing files and subdirectories at all.  Each section
          of the tour is self-contained so you can skip any sections you wish
          and return to them later.

          If you come across terms or concepts in this chapter that you are
          unsure about, refer to Chapter 4 / General Concepts, the Glossary
          on page 342, or the Index.

          Starting The Tour

              Before you can start the tour, you need to install 4DOS.  If
              you haven't done so yet, see page 13 for instructions.  Select
              "Tour Installation" from the INSTALL menu to copy the
              necessary 4DOS files to your disk without making any
              modifications to your CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT files.  If
              you have already done a full installation and 4DOS is running
              on your system, just skip the step below that actually starts
              4DOS (the step where the command "4DOS" is entered).

              During the course of the tour, we'll ask you to enter several
              commands.  The text that you should enter is always shown in
              bold type.  Your entries are shown here in lower case, but you
              can type in either upper or lower case.

              The computer's prompts and responses are displayed in normal,
              non-bold type.  The display may look slightly different on
              your system, depending on how your prompt is set up, what disk
              drive you're using, and what files are in your 4DOS directory.
              Don't worry about any minor differences.

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                                            CHAPTER 3 / A GUIDED TOUR OF 4DOS

              In some cases, the computer's output will be too long to fit
              on a line of this manual and remain readable.  We've truncated
              those lines and placed three dots [...] at the end to show you
              that the actual line displayed on your screen will be a little
              longer.  Some commands create more lines of output than we
              need to display here to show how they work.  We've put a line
              of nine dots [... ... ...] in those locations to indicate that
              additional information will be shown on your screen.

              To start the tour, first change to the directory where 4DOS
              was installed, using the CD command.  For example, if you've
              installed 4DOS in the directory C:\4DOS, enter the following

                   C:\> cd 4dos

              Now start 4DOS by typing:

                   C:\4DOS> 4dos

              You'll see a sign-on message from 4DOS that looks similar to

                   4DOS EMS swapping initialized (96K)
                   4DOS 4.0   DOS 5.0
                   Copyright 1988-1991  Rex Conn & JP Software Inc.  ...
                   Registered for use on a single computer.

              and then a prompt like this:


              Depending on how your prompt was previously defined, you may
              see the 4DOS prompt in lower case, which many people find
              easier to read.  A lower case prompt is the 4DOS default, and
              we'll show the prompt that way throughout the tour.  Once you
              have 4DOS installed you can use the PROMPT command (see page
              271) to change the prompt to upper case if you prefer.

              If you want to exit from 4DOS at any time, just type the
              command EXIT at the 4DOS prompt and press Enter.  This will
              return you to the traditional DOS command line:

                   c:\4dos> exit

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                                            CHAPTER 3 / A GUIDED TOUR OF 4DOS

          Basic Commands

              We'll begin the tour by demonstrating some of the most common,
              and most familiar, 4DOS commands.  We'll also show you some of
              the enhancements that 4DOS has added to those commands to make
              your computing easier.

              First, enter the single-character command ?.  You'll see a
              display like this:

                   c:\4dos> ?
                   ?           ALIAS       ATTRIB      BEEP        ...
                   CANCEL      CD          CDD         CHCP        ...
                   COLOR       COPY        CTTY        DATE        ...
                   DESCRIBE    DIR         DIRS        DRAWBOX     ...
                    ... ... ...
                   UNALIAS     UNSET       VER         VERIFY      ...

              The ? command displays a list of all of 4DOS's commands.  You
              certainly don't have to memorize them all -- we'll show you
              how to get help with any command in a few moments.  Nor are we
              going to demonstrate all of these commands in this tour.  If
              you want complete information about a command, turn to the
              alphabetic Command Reference that begins on page 162.

              Now try a DIR command to see a list of files in the current
              directory.  DIR displays a list of file names, sizes, dates,
              and times:

                   c:\4dos> dir

                    Volume in drive C is JPS_TEST    Serial number is ...
                    Directory of  c:\4dos\*.*

                   .            <DIR>      8-22-91  14:21
                   ..           <DIR>      8-22-91  14:21
                   4dos.com        99280   8-26-91   4:00
                   4dos.doc       345005   8-26-91   4:00
                   4dos.ico          766   8-26-91   4:00
                   4dos.pif          545   8-26-91   4:00
                    ... ... ...
                   tour2.btm        2765   8-26-91   4:00
                   update40.doc    37946   8-26-91   4:00
                   vendor.doc       4434   8-26-91   4:00
                        833,056 bytes in 21 file(s)  851,968 bytes allocated
                     18,651,136 bytes free

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                                            CHAPTER 3 / A GUIDED TOUR OF 4DOS

              The 4DOS DIR display should look familiar.  But, unlike the
              traditional DIR display, 4DOS shows file names in lower case
              and in alphabetical order.  4DOS also gives you some totals at
              the end of the display that help you see how much space your
              files are using.

              By using some of DIR's options, you can make the display
              easier to read.  The directory display you just saw probably
              didn't fit on your screen.  You can tell DIR to pause at the
              end of each page by using the command DIR /P.  The /P is an
              example of a switch or option which modifies the behavior of a

                   c:\4dos> dir /p

                    Volume in drive C is JPS_TEST    Serial number is ...
                    Directory of  c:\4dos\*.*

                   .            <DIR>      8-22-91  14:21
                   ..           <DIR>      8-22-91  14:21
                   4dos.com        99280   8-26-91   4:00
                   4dos.doc       345005   8-26-91   4:00
                   4dos.ico          766   8-26-91   4:00
                   4dos.pif          545   8-26-91   4:00
                    ... ... ...
                   tour2.btm        2765   8-26-91   4:00
                   update40.doc    37946   8-26-91   4:00
                   Press any key when ready...
                   vendor.doc       4434   8-26-91   4:00
                        833,056 bytes in 21 file(s)  851,968 bytes allocated
                     18,649,088 bytes free

              You might prefer to display directories in 2 columns.  DIR
              will do that if you include the /2 option.  If you add the /V
              option, it will perform a vertical sort, with file names
              running alphabetically down the first column and then down the
              second column.  (We've left off the end of the second column
              of the display, since it doesn't fit on a manual page.  You'll
              be able to see it on the screen.)

                   c:\4dos> dir /2/v

                    Volume in drive C is JPS_TEST    Serial number is ...
                    Directory of  c:\4dos\*.*

                   .            <DIR>      8-22-91  14:21   helpcfg.exe  ...
                   ..           <DIR>      8-22-91  14:21   kstack.com   ...
                   4dos.com        99280   8-26-91   4:00   order.frm    ...

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                                            CHAPTER 3 / A GUIDED TOUR OF 4DOS

                   4dos.doc       345005   8-26-91   4:00   readme.doc   ...
                   4dos.ico          766   8-26-91   4:00   support.bbs  ...
                   4dos.pif          545   8-26-91   4:00   sysop.doc    ...
                   4dosm.ico         766   8-26-91   4:00   tour1.btm    ...
                   4help.exe       45632   8-26-91   4:00   tour2.btm    ...
                   aliases          8164   8-26-91   4:00   update40.doc ...
                   appnotes.doc    82722   8-26-91   4:00   vendor.doc   ...
                   4dos.hlp       120555   8-26-91   4:00
                        833,056 bytes in 21 file(s)  851,968 bytes allocated
                     18,653,184 bytes free

              DIR has many other formatting and file selection options.
              You'll use a few below; all of them are explained with the DIR
              command on page 204.

              Next, you'll use a simple batch file called TOUR1.BTM to
              create a dummy file.  (A .BTM batch file is similar to a
              traditional .BAT batch file but faster.  See page 99 for an
              explanation of the differences between the two.)  To run
              TOUR1.BTM, enter the command:

                   c:\4dos> tour1

              This batch file creates a small file called FILE1 in your
              current directory.  The contents of the file aren't important;
              we're simply using it to demonstrate some of 4DOS's file-
              handling capabilities.  You can verify that FILE1 has been
              created by using DIR again.

              Now use the COPY command to copy the contents of FILE1 to a
              new file, FILE2:

                   c:\4dos> copy file1 file2
                   c:\4dos\file1 => c:\4dos\file2
                        1 file(s) copied

              4DOS performed the copy just like the traditional COPY command
              does.  You may notice that the output is a little friendlier:
              COPY tells you exactly what file it copied and where it copied
              the file to, along with a count of files at the end.

              Now try renaming a file.  If you've used the traditional
              RENAME command or its synonym REN, this will look familiar:

                   c:\4dos> ren file1 file3
                   c:\4dos\file1 -> c:\4dos\file3
                        1 file(s) renamed

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                                            CHAPTER 3 / A GUIDED TOUR OF 4DOS

              Like COPY, the 4DOS REN command tells you just what it did.
              You now have two files, FILE2 and FILE3, in the current
              directory.  You can use one of 4DOS's enhancements to add the
              extension .TST to both of them:

                   c:\4dos> ren file2 file3 *.tst
                   c:\4dos\file2 -> c:\4dos\file2.tst
                   c:\4dos\file3 -> c:\4dos\file3.tst
                        2 file(s) renamed

              Unlike the traditional REN command, 4DOS lets you rename
              multiple files with a single command.  All of the 4DOS file
              processing commands like COPY, DEL, MOVE, and RENAME accept
              multiple file names, so you can do in one command what used to
              require a separate command for each file.

              Now delete the files you have just created.  You could use a
              simple command like DEL *.TST, but that would delete any other
              .TST files in the current directory also.  To protect against
              erasing files that you might want to keep, add a /P option to
              DEL so that it will prompt you before it deletes each file.
              Answer Y to the prompts shown below to let 4DOS delete your
              test files:

                   c:\4dos> del *.tst /p
                   Delete c:\4dos\file3.tst (Y/N)? y
                   Delete c:\4dos\file2.tst (Y/N)? y
                        2 file(s) deleted

              To verify all these actions, you can do a DIR or DIR /P to
              look at what files are left in the directory.  All the files
              you've just created (FILE1, FILE2, FILE3, etc.) should be

              The features we've demonstrated here -- traditional commands
              with enhancements that make your work easier -- are present
              throughout 4DOS.  If you want more details, pick a DOS command
              that you're familiar with and look up the corresponding 4DOS
              command in the reference section to get an idea of what's new
              and improved in 4DOS.  (Remember that 4DOS only replaces
              internal commands like COPY and DIR, not external commands
              like DISKCOPY and FORMAT.)

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.       4DOS Reference Manual  /  23

                                            CHAPTER 3 / A GUIDED TOUR OF 4DOS

          Command Line Editing and History

              This section demonstrates 4DOS features which make it easy to
              correct typing mistakes at the DOS prompt, to repeat previous
              commands, and to get help with any command.

              We can't show you exact examples here as easily as we can in
              the other sections of the tour, since the display depends on
              the exact keystrokes you type and we want you to experiment a
              little.  So we'll guide you through what 4DOS can do, and
              you'll see the results on your screen.

              First, create a typing error by mistake.  Enter an incorrect
              DIR command:

                   c:\4dos> dur /2

              Traditionally, you would have had to use the Backspace key to
              erase most of the line in order to correct this error, or
              press Esc and start over.  4DOS makes corrections much easier.
              Press the Home key followed by the right arrow.  The cursor
              will move to the start of the line and then right one space to
              the "u" in "dur".  Type an "i" and the command should be
              correct.  To execute it, press Enter;  if you'd rather not,
              press Esc.

              That's a simple example of 4DOS's command line editing.  You
              can use the left and right arrow keys, Home and End, and
              Backspace and Del to move around and modify your command line
              at any time, just like you do in your word processor or
              editor.  Other keys let you move the cursor a word at a time,
              delete words, change between overstrike and insert modes, and
              perform many other operations.  Esc always clears the line and
              lets you start over.  For a summary of all the command line
              editing keys see page 55, or your 4DOS Quick Reference card.

              4DOS also remembers the commands you type in a command
              history.  To see the commands you have used so far during this
              tour, we'll use the 4DOS HISTORY command to display the entire
              history list:

                   c:\4dos> history
                   dir /p
                   dir /2/v
                   ren file1 file3

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                                            CHAPTER 3 / A GUIDED TOUR OF 4DOS

                   ren file2 file3 *.tst
                   del *.tst /p
                   dir /2

              4DOS records about 1000 characters of history.  You can reduce
              or enlarge this amount to suit your own needs.

              Now press the up-arrow key once.  The last command in the
              HISTORY display (DIR /2 in the example above) will appear at
              the prompt.  You can use the editing keys to modify this
              command, which is much easier than retyping it.  To execute
              the command again, in either its modified or unmodified form,
              press Enter.  To clear the line, press Esc.

              If you'd like to see more commands, first press Esc to clear
              the command line. (To see all commands in the history, you
              should always start with an empty command line.)  Now press
              up-arrow several times.  Each time you press it, 4DOS will
              back up one more line in the command history.  Once you find
              the line you're looking for, you can modify it if you like and
              then press Enter to execute it.

              Now imagine that you have been working for a while.  An hour
              ago you did a complex DIR command and you need to do it again.
              You could scroll through an hour's worth of command history.
              But another 4DOS feature called command completion will save
              you time.

              First, type the beginning of the command -- DI, or DIR.  Now
              press the up-arrow.  4DOS will recall the newest command in
              the history that starts with the characters you typed (if
              there are no matches, 4DOS beeps).  Press up-arrow again to
              retrieve the command before that, still matching to the
              characters you originally typed.

              You can test this out easily using DI or DIR, because you've
              put several DIR commands into the command history during the

              Perhaps you would prefer to look at a list of commands that
              you have entered and choose from the list.  First press the
              Esc key to clear the command prompt.  Then press the PgUp key.
              4DOS will display a history window in the upper right corner
              of your screen showing the commands you've recently typed.
              You can move around in this window with the up-arrow and down-
              arrow keys.  PgUp and PgDn move the display a page at a time.
              When you find the command you want, press Enter to re-execute

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                                            CHAPTER 3 / A GUIDED TOUR OF 4DOS

              it as is, or press any other key to move the line down to the
              prompt where you can edit it as usual.

              You can find more information on command line editing and
              history beginning on pages 55 and 56.  And you can use
              directives in your 4DOS.INI file (see page 118) to set the
              length of the history list and the size of the history window,
              and to redefine the editing and history keys.

              You can also get help any time you need it from the 4DOS
              command prompt.  Just press the F1 key.  You'll see a display
              of all of 4DOS's HELP topics.  If you would like some help
              with COPY, move the cursor bar to COPY, or just type COPY and
              4DOS will move the bar for you.  Press Enter to see help on
              the topic;  once you're there, scroll through the help using
              the vertical arrows or PgUp and PgDn keys.  The highlighted
              items within a topic are cross-references to other topics;
              select one with the horizontal arrow keys and press Enter to
              view it.  Press Esc or F1 to return to the topic list.

              For more help using the Help display, select the topic -HELP-
              from the topic list.  If you have a mouse, see the -MOUSE-
              topic for information on using the mouse within the Help

              Now exit the help system (use Esc) and start entering a

                   c:\4dos> copy *.doc a: /

              After that "/" you want to use the option that tells COPY to
              prompt you before replacing an existing file, but you can't
              remember what it is.  Just leave the command as it is and
              press F1.  4DOS will display help on the command you're
              entering, and you'll see that the option you want is /R.
              Press Esc to exit help and you'll be right back on the command
              line.  You can type the R and press Enter to execute your
              command, or press Esc instead to clear the line if you don't
              really want to execute the command.

              4DOS has may more features that can help you at the command
              line.  Most of them are described in Chapter 5 / Using 4DOS,
              in the section At the Command Line starting on page 54.

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                                            CHAPTER 3 / A GUIDED TOUR OF 4DOS

          More About Files

              This section of the tour lets you explore some more of 4DOS's
              features that will help you manage files and directories.
              You're about to use another batch file to create some files
              with which you can experiment.  The batch file you'll use is
              called TOUR2.BTM.  First, take a look at the batch file with
              the 4DOS LIST command:

                   c:\4dos> list tour2.btm

              As you can see on your screen, LIST is a full screen file
              viewer.  You can scroll and page through the text.  You may
              notice that some lines near the end of the file extend beyond
              the edge of your screen.  To make the off-screen text visible
              use the left and right arrows to scroll the display
              horizontally, or press W to turn line wrapping on and off.
              LIST also lets you search for text and print the file you're
              viewing, two capabilities that we won't demonstrate on this
              tour.  The file TOUR2.BTM is simply a batch file that creates
              other files, using 4DOS's ECHO command.  You don't have to
              worry about how it works; we just used it to show you LIST.

              Now run TOUR2.BTM:

                   c:\4dos> tour2

                   Please wait ...

                   File creation completed

              TOUR2 creates three files called FILE1, FILE2, and FILE3.  The
              contents of the files aren't important since we're just using
              them for demonstration purposes.  You'll be deleting and
              recreating them several times through the rest of the tour.

              Now try 4DOS's SELECT feature.  SELECT lets you choose files
              for any 4DOS command from a full-screen list.  We'll use it
              here to delete one of the files that TOUR2 created.  Enter the

                   c:\4dos> select del (file*)

              This command tells 4DOS to let you select from files that
              begin with the characters "file", and then pass the name of
              each file you select to the DEL command for action.

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                                            CHAPTER 3 / A GUIDED TOUR OF 4DOS

              The display on your screen should include a two-line header
              and then the list of files, just as they'd look in a directory
              display.  Press the spacebar to "mark" the first file -- a
              triangular mark will appear to the left of the file name.  You
              can scroll around in the display and mark and unmark files
              with the spacebar as you like.  When you hit Enter, the
              command will be executed, deleting the files you've marked.
              For now, mark FILE1 and leave the other files unmarked, so
              that FILE2 and FILE3 are not deleted.  You'll use them in the
              next step.

              SELECT is also handy if you want to copy a group of files to a
              floppy disk, perhaps to take your work home for the night or
              to make a quick backup.  If you'd like to try it, put a blank,
              formatted floppy disk in drive A.  Then enter this command:

                   c:\4dos> select copy (file*) a:

              Mark one or both of the files in the SELECT display, and the
              marked file(s) will be copied to the floppy disk when you hit

              SELECT is a "prefix" command:  it goes before another command
              and modifies what that second command does.  Another useful
              prefix command is EXCEPT,  which lets you do something except
              to one or more files.  Before you try EXCEPT, create new
              copies of FILE1, FILE2, and FILE3 (TOUR2 will overwrite any
              old copies of these files remaining from the last time it was

                   c:\4dos> tour2

                   Please wait ...

                   File creation completed

              Now use EXCEPT to delete all but one of the files that TOUR2

                   c:\4dos> except (file1) del file*
                   Deleting c:\4dos\file2
                   Deleting c:\4dos\file3
                        2 file(s) deleted

              The EXCEPT command protected FILE1 from being deleted.  To
              verify that, use the DIR command.  When you're done, run TOUR2
              one more time so the files are there for the next step.

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                                            CHAPTER 3 / A GUIDED TOUR OF 4DOS

              Next, create two subdirectories within the current directory:

                   c:\4dos> md dira dirb

              Notice that you can create both subdirectories with a single
              command.  Traditionally, you would have needed two MD commands
              to do the same thing.  To verify that the directories are
              there, use DIR but ask it to display only subdirectories and
              not files (if you're curious, /A:D stands for "Attributes:
              Directory";  see page 204 for more details):

                   c:\4dos> dir /a:d

                    Volume in drive C is JPS_TEST  Serial number is ...
                    Directory of  c:\4dos\*.*

                   .            <DIR>      8-22-91  14:21
                   ..           <DIR>      8-22-91  14:21
                   DIRA         <DIR>      8-27-91  10:23
                   DIRB         <DIR>      8-27-91  10:23
                              0 bytes in 4 file(s)         0 bytes allocated
                     18,608,128 bytes free

              OK, things look right.  Now move the demonstration files to
              those directories.  4DOS has a built-in MOVE command to move a
              file from one directory or drive to another, something DOS
              users have wished for for a long time.

              Here are the commands to move FILE1 to DIRA, and FILE2 and
              FILE3 to DIRB:

                   c:\4dos> move file1 dira
                   c:\4dos\file1 -> c:\4dos\dira\file1
                        1 file(s) moved

                   c:\4dos> move file2 file3 dirb
                   c:\4dos\file2 -> c:\4dos\dirb\file2
                   c:\4dos\file3 -> c:\4dos\dirb\file3
                        2 file(s) moved

              As usual, 4DOS tells you exactly what it's doing.

              Now that you've created a subdirectory structure, it's time to
              get a comprehensive look at it.  Use DIR to look for all the
              files whose names begin with "file" in the current directory
              and all of its subdirectories -- that's the DIR /S option:

                   c:\4dos> dir /s file*

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                                            CHAPTER 3 / A GUIDED TOUR OF 4DOS

                    Volume in drive C is JPS_TEST    Serial number is ...
                    Directory of  c:\4dos\dira\file*.*

                   file1              22   8-27-91  10:37
                             22 bytes in 1 file(s)     2,048 bytes allocated
                     18,587,648 bytes free

                       Total for:  c:\4dos\dira\file*.*
                             22 bytes in 1 file(s)     2,048 bytes allocated

                    Directory of  c:\4dos\dirb\file*.*

                   file2              22   8-27-91  10:37
                   file3            1938   8-27-91  10:37
                          1,960 bytes in 2 file(s)     4,096 bytes allocated
                     18,587,648 bytes free

                       Total for:  c:\4dos\dirb\file*.*
                          1,960 bytes in 2 file(s)     4,096 bytes allocated

                       Total for:  c:\4dos\file*.*
                          1,982 bytes in 3 file(s)     6,144 bytes allocated

              DIR has displayed the directory header, filenames, and totals
              for each of the two subdirectories that contain files matching
              the name you entered, FILE*.  It also has displayed a grand

              You've seen that DIR can look at several subdirectories at
              once.  Now do the same thing with DEL, and delete the files
              you put in your demonstration subdirectories, along with the
              subdirectories themselves, with a single command.  To do so,
              you need to use two options: /S and /X.  The first tells DEL
              to delete files in the current directory and all of its
              subdirectories.  The /X option makes DEL remove each
              subdirectory if all the files within it are deleted:

                   c:\4dos> del /s/x dira dirb
                   c:\4dos\dira\*.* : Are you sure (Y/N)? Y
                   Deleting c:\4dos\dira\file1
                   c:\4dos\dirb\*.* : Are you sure (Y/N)? Y
                   Deleting c:\4dos\dirb\file2
                   Deleting c:\4dos\dirb\file3
                        3 file(s) deleted

              Note the safety feature that 4DOS gave you here.  When you
              tell DEL to delete DIRA and DIRB, 4DOS recognizes them as

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                                            CHAPTER 3 / A GUIDED TOUR OF 4DOS

              directory names and assumes you mean "delete all files in this
              directory".  Since you're deleting all the files, 4DOS
              displays a prompt that tells you what's about to be deleted
              and asks you whether you really want to do the deletion.  Once
              you answer Y, the files are deleted and the subdirectory is
              automatically removed because you used the /X switch.

              4DOS also lets you use file descriptions, so you can describe
              a file's contents more clearly than with an 8-character file
              name.  The descriptions can be up to 40 characters long.

              First, run TOUR2 again to regenerate the three demonstration
              files.  Then enter a DESCRIBE command, along with a
              description for each file (you can enter any description you
              like; you don't have to use the text shown):

                   c:\4dos> tour2
                   c:\4dos> describe file*
                   Describe "c:\4dos\file1" : Tour file 1
                   Describe "c:\4dos\file2" : Tour file 2
                   Describe "c:\4dos\file3" : Tour file 3

              Now look at the descriptions with a DIR command:

                   c:\4dos> dir file*

                    Volume in drive C is JPS_TEST    Serial number is ...
                    Directory of  c:\4dos\file*.*

                   file1              22   8-27-91  10:48 Tour file 1
                   file2              22   8-27-91  10:48 Tour file 2
                   file3            1938   8-27-91  10:49 Tour file 3
                          1,982 bytes in 3 file(s)     6,144 bytes allocated
                     18,604,032 bytes free

              The descriptions will appear any time you ask for a standard,
              single-column directory display.  They will also appear when
              you use the SELECT command.  They can be a lifesaver when you
              have files whose contents you can't remember, or when you have
              large groups of files with similar names.

          Directory Navigation

              4DOS doesn't just make it easier to access files;  it also
              makes your life much easier when you're navigating through the
              hard disk directory structure.  You're probably already
              familiar with the traditional CD command, which you use to

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                                            CHAPTER 3 / A GUIDED TOUR OF 4DOS

              change directories.  4DOS adds a "go back" option to CD, which
              is invoked by using the minus sign [-] instead of a directory
              name.  Try this:

                   c:\4dos> cd \
                   c:\> cd -

              The CD - changes back to the directory you were in before the
              most recent CD command.  It's a convenient way to switch back
              and forth between two directories.

              4DOS also lets you change the drive and directory at the same
              time with the CDD command so you don't have to switch drives
              first and then change directories.  Here's an example using
              CDD.  Before you try it, put a floppy disk in drive A:

                   c:\4dos> cdd a:\
                   a:\> cdd -

              As you can see, the minus works with CDD as well.

              For more complex sequences of directory navigation, you can
              use PUSHD and POPD.  These commands maintain a directory
              "stack" and let you make several changes, then move back
              through the directories you've been to.  They can change both
              drive and directory, like CDD.  For example:

                   c:\4dos> pushd a:\
                   a:\> pushd c:\
                   c:\> popd
                   a:\> popd

              4DOS also offers you a special environment variable, CDPATH,
              to help you find the right directory without a lot of typing.
              CD, CDD, and PUSHD use CDPATH to find the directory you want
              to change to if they can't find it in the current directory.
              This can help a lot when you have long but commonly used
              directory names.  For example, say you have a directory called
              C:\DBASE\REPORTS which contains a subdirectory for each month
              of the year.  If you set CDPATH like this:

                   c:\4dos> set cdpath=c:\dbase\reports

              Then you can change to the JANUARY subdirectory like this:

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                                            CHAPTER 3 / A GUIDED TOUR OF 4DOS

                   c:\4dos> cd january
                   c:\dbase\reports\january> cd -

              CD found the JANUARY subdirectory, saving you from typing the
              entire name, because its parent directory was listed in
              CDPATH.  For more details about CDPATH see page 116.


              Aliases are one of 4DOS's most powerful features.  Simple
              aliases are very easy to set up and use (that's what we'll
              discuss here).  Complex aliases allow you to configure your
              system just about any way you want, and can take the place of
              many small batch files.

              The purpose of aliases is to rename or reconfigure 4DOS
              commands.  They are defined and viewed with the ALIAS command.
              In this tour, we'll show you how to set up aliases for the DIR
              command.  Of course, you can use aliases to enhance any
              command; for more examples see the ALIAS command on page 169,
              and the sample file ALIASES that comes with 4DOS.

              Here's a popular favorite for anyone who uses DIR and wants to
              be able to use a simple D instead:

                   c:\4dos> alias d = dir

              To see what aliases you've defined, enter ALIAS with no

                   c:\4dos> alias

              To use the alias, just enter its name at the prompt, like any

                   c:\4dos> d

                    Volume in drive C is JPS_TEST    Serial number is ...
                    Directory of  c:\4dos\*.*

                   .            <DIR>      8-22-91  14:21
                   ..           <DIR>      8-22-91  14:21
                   4dos.com        99280   8-26-91   4:00
                   4dos.doc       345005   8-26-91   4:00
                   4dos.ico          766   8-26-91   4:00

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                                            CHAPTER 3 / A GUIDED TOUR OF 4DOS

                   4dos.pif          545   8-26-91   4:00
                    ... ... ...
                   tour2.btm        2765   8-26-91   4:00
                   update40.doc    37946   8-26-91   4:00
                   vendor.doc       4434   8-26-91   4:00
                        835,038 bytes in 24 file(s)  858,112 bytes allocated
                     18,599,936 bytes free

              Once you've defined an alias, you can use it anywhere a
              command can be used: at the command prompt, in a batch file,
              or inside another alias.

              As an example, build on the D alias you have already defined.
              Suppose you regularly use 4DOS's 2-column directory listings,
              discussed near the start of the tour.  Each time you want a
              directory listing, you use the command DIR /2.  Define an
              alias, D2, to let you execute this command with the touch of a
              couple of keys.  Since you have already defined D, you can
              define D2 in either of these ways (choose one to try):

                   c:\4dos> alias d2 = dir /2
                   c:\4dos> alias d2 = d /2

              If you want to see the results, just enter ALIAS again:

                   c:\4dos> alias
                   d2=d /2

              To use this alias, just enter the command D2 and press Enter.
              You can pass file names to these aliases just like you would
              to the original command.  For example, D2 *.DOC will give you
              a 2-column display of the .DOC files.

              You can create aliases that are even easier to use with 4DOS's
              keystroke aliases.  These aliases let you assign an Alt or
              Function key to an alias so you can invoke it by pressing a
              single key.  Say you'd like to assign the 2-column directory
              display to F5.  Just define an alias like D2 above, and make
              the alias name the key name, with an at-sign [@] before it:

                   c:\4dos> alias @f5 = dir /2

              Now press F5 and the DIR /2 command will appear on the command
              line.  Press Enter to execute it, or type some additional
              arguments and then press Enter if you'd like.  (You can also
              make key aliases execute as soon as you press the key.  For
              details on how, see the ALIAS command on page 169.)

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                                            CHAPTER 3 / A GUIDED TOUR OF 4DOS

              You can use an alias to redefine how a standard command works,
              without changing its name.  Suppose you always want DIR to
              display its output in 2 columns, with a vertical sort and a
              pause at the end of each page.  You might think of using
              something like this:

                   c:\4dos> alias dir = dir /2/p/v

              Go ahead and try that, then do a DIR.  You'll get an error:

                   c:\4dos> dir
                   Alias loop

              The "alias loop" error is caused because 4DOS tries to
              reinterpret the DIR command inside your alias as another
              attempt to run the same alias.  It's easy to change the alias
              so this doesn't happen:

                   c:\4dos> alias dir = *dir /2/p/v

              The [*] tells 4DOS that what follows is not an alias.  Try the
              definition above (you can scroll back to the incorrect
              definition with up-arrow and modify it).  Then do a DIR and
              you'll see the results.  Using this method, you can redefine
              the default options for any 4DOS command.

              Aliases can contain multiple commands and can do much fancier
              things than what you've seen here.  They're great for creating
              shorthand names for commonly used programs like your word
              processor or database, and they will often help get programs
              loaded faster as well -- if you put the full name of the
              program in an alias, 4DOS doesn't have to search your PATH for

              For complete details, see the overview of aliases beginning on
              page 96, and the ALIAS command reference on page 169.

              When you read about aliases in the rest of the manual, you'll
              notice that most alias definitions are shown with back-quotes
              [`] around the part after the name.  Some aliases require
              these back-quotes when they are defined at the command line or
              in a batch file, to make it clear to 4DOS what is and isn't
              part of the alias.

              We show aliases that way elsewhere because it's the safest way
              to enter them at the command line.  If you always use the
              back-quotes, you don't have to worry about whether a

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                                            CHAPTER 3 / A GUIDED TOUR OF 4DOS

              particular alias needs them or not.  We didn't use them here
              because none of these aliases require back quotes and we
              didn't want to add extra typing during the tour.

          Other Commands

              There are a few other commands that we'll just touch on, so
              that you can see some of 4DOS's other capabilities.

              First, turn on the 4DOS LOG facility, which records all the
              commands you enter in a file.  Enter the command:

                   c:\4dos> log /w mylog

              You won't see anything else happen, but you've turned logging
              on.  We'll return to the 4DOS log later.

              4DOS has a couple of commands that let you control screen
              color.  The examples here will work on any system with a color
              video board (the commands work on monochrome systems, too, but
              you're restricted to the colors white and black).  Try
              clearing the screen to a specific color:

                   c:\4dos> cls bright white on magenta

              Now let's set a different color:

                   c:\4dos> color bright yellow on blue

              The behavior of the COLOR command varies, depending on whether
              you have an ANSI driver loaded.  If you don't, COLOR will
              change the color of the entire screen immediately.  If you do
              have an ANSI driver loaded, COLOR only affects the color of
              text displayed after it's executed, and not the color of text
              already on the screen.  If you don't know, don't worry about
              it -- just experiment with COLOR and see.

              The FREE and MEMORY commands help you keep track of system
              resources.  FREE tells you about free space on your disk
              drives (and is much faster than CHKDSK).  MEMORY tells you
              about memory resources, including expanded and extended memory
              and 4DOS's internal alias and history storage areas.  Here are
              examples of the output from our test system; try the commands
              on your system and see what values you get.

                   c:\4dos> free
                    Volume in drive C is JPS_TEST    Serial number is ...

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                                            CHAPTER 3 / A GUIDED TOUR OF 4DOS

                     41,826,304 bytes total disk space
                     23,232,512 bytes used
                     18,593,792 bytes free

                   c:\4dos> memory
                        655,360 bytes total DOS RAM
                        612,256 bytes free

                      7,815,168 bytes total EMS memory
                        688,128 bytes free

                         12,288 bytes free XMS memory  (HMA in use)

                          1,792 bytes total environment
                            233 bytes free

                          6,144 bytes total alias
                          1,045 bytes free

                          1,024 bytes total history

              The TIMER command lets you time events.  The following line
              also shows 4DOS's ability to accept multiple commands on one
              line, separated by a caret [^].  It starts the timer, runs the
              TOUR2.BTM file to create the three demonstration files,
              deletes the three files, and then stops the timer and displays
              the time the whole operation took.  Enter this command to time
              the entire sequence on your computer:

                   c:\4dos> timer ^ tour2 ^ del file1 file2 file3 ^ timer
                   Timer 1 on: 11:10:01

                   Please wait ...

                   File creation completed
                   Deleting c:\4dos\file1
                   Deleting c:\4dos\file2
                   Deleting c:\4dos\file3
                        3 file(s) deleted
                   Timer 1 off: 11:10:06 elapsed: 0:00:05.11

              Now return to the log that you started a few minutes ago.
              Turn logging off, then take a look at what was recorded.
              Enter the following two commands;  the output will pause at
              the end of each page:

                   c:\4dos> log off
                   c:\4dos> type mylog /p

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                                            CHAPTER 3 / A GUIDED TOUR OF 4DOS

                   [ 8-22-91 11:05:02] cls bright white on magenta
                   [ 8-22-91 11:05:54] color bright yellow on blue
                   [ 8-22-91 11:07:08] free
                   [ 8-22-91 11:07:49] memory
                   [ 8-22-91 11:09:55] timer
                   [ 8-22-91 11:09:56] tour2
                     ... (commands from TOUR2.BTM will be displayed here)
                   [ 8-22-91 11:10:00] del file1 file2 file3
                   [ 8-22-91 11:10:01] timer
                   [ 8-22-91 11:12:35] log off

              As you can see, the log contains every command you entered
              plus a date and time stamp.  It's a complete record of system
              activity, including commands you type and those entered from
              batch files and aliases.  You can use it as a record of your
              work, for security purposes, or for anything else you desire.
              You may want to clean up the directory now by deleting this
              demonstration log with a DEL MYLOG command.

          Batch Programming

              This final section demonstrates a very little bit of what 4DOS
              can do for your batch files.  If you've never worked with
              batch files, you may want to skip this section.  If you aren't
              sure, give it a try and stop if things seem too complex.  You
              don't have to be a batch file programmer to use 4DOS.

              Rather than having you go to the trouble of writing actual
              batch files, we'll demonstrate some of the parts of 4DOS's
              batch file power that work just as well at the prompt.

              Some 4DOS batch file improvements aid in communicating with
              the user.  You can make sounds:

                   c:\4dos> beep 440 2 880 8 660 4

              You can draw boxes and lines.  Enter each of these commands on
              one line; use the second set of commands if you have a
              monochrome monitor:

                   c:\4dos> cls bright white on blue
                   c:\4dos> drawbox 10 10 20 70 4 bright cyan on black fill
                   c:\4dos> drawhline 15 10 61 1 bright cyan on black

                   c:\4dos> cls bright white on black
                   c:\4dos> drawbox 10 10 20 70 4 black on white fill white

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                                            CHAPTER 3 / A GUIDED TOUR OF 4DOS

                   c:\4dos> drawhline 15 10 61 1 black on white

              Notice that 4DOS correctly connects the line to the box where
              they intersect.  4DOS has additional commands like SCREEN and
              SCRPUT, which we won't demonstrate here, to display text
              anywhere on the screen and in any color.

              4DOS also helps you ask the user for input.  Try this (be sure
              to use two percent signs before the second "letter"):

                   c:\4dos> inkey Enter a letter: %%letter
                   Enter a letter: A

              The letter you typed was stored in your environment in the
              variable named LETTER.  Use the SET command to view it:

                   c:\4dos> set
                    ... ... ...

              The user can also type full strings if you use the INPUT

                   c:\4dos> input Enter a string: %%string
                   Enter a string: Type anything you like here ...

              Again, SET will let you view the string, stored in the
              environment variable STRING.

              Once you've collected some input, you will probably want to
              test it with the 4DOS IF and IFF commands.  Here's one
              example.  Enter this on one line (there's plenty of room;
              4DOS command lines can be up to 255 characters long).  Note
              that two percent signs are used in the INKEY command and one
              is used in the IFF, and that a double equal sign is used in
              the IFF statement.

                   c:\4dos> inkey Enter a letter: %%letter ^
                            iff "%letter"=="A" then ^ echo hi ^ else ^
                            echo bye ^ endiff

              Try using the up-arrow to repeat the command several times,
              giving different responses to the "Enter a letter" prompt.

              4DOS offers dozens of additional batch file improvements.  For
              more information see the section on batch files beginning on
              page 98, and the reference for each individual command.

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                                            CHAPTER 3 / A GUIDED TOUR OF 4DOS


              This has been a very fast tour of some of the most popular
              features of 4DOS.  There are many more features, commands and
              options to explore, as well as ways to customize 4DOS so that
              it suits your computing habits and needs.  One of 4DOS's best
              features is its ability to adapt to your way of working
              instead of requiring you to adapt to it.

              If you selected "Tour Installation" when you ran the 4DOS
              INSTALL program, you will probably want to perform a full
              installation now.  You can put the 4DOS disk in your floppy
              drive, run INSTALL, and follow the instructions on the screen.
              If you need help, refer to the installation instructions on
              page 13.

              To learn more about specific 4DOS commands, look through the
              Command Reference section of this manual, beginning on page
              162.  To learn more about the dozens of 4DOS features that
              aren't related to specific commands, read through Chapter 5 /
              Using 4DOS, beginning on page 54.

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                                                 CHAPTER 4 / GENERAL CONCEPTS


          You can start using 4DOS as soon as you finish installing it,
          because 4DOS is compatible with the traditional commands you're
          used to.  But most users find that the more they know about their
          computer systems, the more power they get from 4DOS.  And, the more
          experienced they become with 4DOS, the more they want to know about
          their computer system as a whole.

          This section of the manual explains some fundamental concepts about
          your computer, DOS, and 4DOS.  It should help you understand the
          terms and concepts in the pages that follow.  If you find some of
          the concepts overwhelming, just remember that they are here when
          you need them.  If you find this material too simple, skim over the
          topics and then go on to the next section.  Each topic in this
          chapter is independent, so if you read it straight through you
          won't necessarily find a natural "flow" from one topic to another.

          If you come across terms or concepts in this chapter that you are
          unsure about, refer to the Glossary on page 342 or the Index.

          DOS and the Command Interpreter

              When you turn on your computer, it first runs some internal
              diagnostics and then looks for a boot disk, either a floppy
              disk in drive A or your hard disk.  There is nothing magical
              about a boot disk;  it simply has a copy of DOS and a command
              interpreter available, plus a small block of special
              information that tells the computer that it is indeed a boot

              The core portion of DOS consists of two hidden files (files
              that are normally invisible to the DIR command).  They aren't
              hidden to keep you from copying or examining them, but rather
              to keep you from accidentally erasing them.  The names of the
              files depend on the version of DOS you are using, but they are
              usually something like MSDOS.SYS and IO.SYS.  These two files
              contain the operating system, which controls your disk files
              and directories, loads and runs programs, maintains the system
              time and date, and performs other housekeeping tasks.

              After the computer loads DOS into memory, it performs some
              standard initialization tasks and then looks for a file called
              CONFIG.SYS, which contains user-specified initialization
              commands.  You can view and edit your CONFIG.SYS file with any

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                                                 CHAPTER 4 / GENERAL CONCEPTS

              text editor.  One of the optional lines in CONFIG.SYS begins
              with the word SHELL.  That line names the command interpreter
              that DOS should load as it completes its initialization.

              A command interpreter is a program that accepts your
              instructions and carries them out.  The command interpreter
              shipped with DOS is called COMMAND.COM.  Once you have 4DOS
              installed, 4DOS.COM replaces COMMAND.COM as your command
              interpreter.  Both COMMAND.COM and 4DOS are normal programs
              that know how to translate your commands into actions.  4DOS
              is simply a much more powerful command interpreter than

              Primary and Secondary Shells

              Technically, the command interpreter is a shell:  a program
              that understands your commands and makes the correct calls to
              DOS to perform various operations, including running programs.

              The command interpreter that runs when the computer boots up
              is called the primary shell.  Any command interpreter that is
              run by an application program with a "shell to DOS" feature,
              or that is run by a multitasking program like Windows or
              DESQView, is a secondary shell.  4DOS can be run as a primary
              shell and as a secondary shell.

              A secondary shell has all the same features as a primary
              shell, but you can leave a secondary shell with the EXIT
              command.  There is no way to exit from the primary shell,
              because your computer needs a shell present to operate.  (You
              can exit from the primary shell in one special case:  if
              you're running in the DOS compatibility box of OS/2 version

              There are only a few differences between primary and secondary
              shells.  Generally, less memory is available when a secondary
              shell is running, because at least part of the program that
              started it is still in memory waiting to spring back to life
              when you exit.  And normally only the primary shell
              automatically executes the instructions in your AUTOEXEC.BAT

              You may also see the term shell used to describe programs
              which assist you in managing your files (for example XTree or
              Lotus Magellan).  This is a different and less precise meaning
              of "shell" than the one used above and elsewhere in this
              manual.  Such programs are also sometimes called "visual

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                                                 CHAPTER 4 / GENERAL CONCEPTS

              shells" because they use a menu or graphical interface to
              receive commands.  Unlike 4DOS, these programs are not command
              interpreters, and cannot replace COMMAND.COM.

              AUTOEXEC.BAT, 4START, and 4EXIT

              When a primary shell, either COMMAND.COM or 4DOS, gets control
              from DOS during boot up, one of its first responsibilities is
              to look for and run a batch file called AUTOEXEC.BAT, if that
              file is available in the root directory of the boot drive.
              This file is simply a list of commands that you want to have
              executed every time your computer boots up.  If COMMAND.COM
              cannot find AUTOEXEC.BAT, it asks you for the time and date.
              4DOS skips that step and immediately displays a standard
              prompt (e.g., c:\>).

              Every time 4DOS starts as either a primary or secondary shell,
              it also looks for an optional batch file called 4START.BTM or
              4START.BAT, and runs the file if it finds it.  4START is a
              convenient place to put special 4DOS configuration commands.

              Whenever you exit from a 4DOS secondary shell, 4DOS looks for
              another optional file called 4EXIT.BTM or 4EXIT.BAT and runs
              the file if it finds it.  4EXIT is not necessary in most
              circumstances, but is a convenient place to put commands to
              save information from a secondary shell before it exits.

              AUTOEXEC.BAT, 4START, and 4EXIT are called automatic batch
              files because they run without your intervention at specific
              times.  4START and 4EXIT should not be used to load any memory
              resident programs (TSRs).  Otherwise, these three files can
              include any commands that could be part of any batch file or
              any commands which you could type from the command line.

              For more details about batch files and batch file commands,
              see pages 98 and 163.

          Command Processing

              Whenever you type something at the command line and press the
              Enter key, you have given a command to 4DOS, which must figure
              out how to execute your command.  If you understand the
              general process that 4DOS uses, you will be able to make the
              best use of the 4DOS commands.

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                                                 CHAPTER 4 / GENERAL CONCEPTS

              4DOS begins by dividing the line you typed into an action word
              and a command tail.  The action word is the first word in the
              command;  the tail is everything that follows the command
              word.  For example, in the command line

                   dir *.txt /p/o/n

              the action word is "dir," and the command tail is "*.txt

              To decide what activity to perform, 4DOS makes five attempts
              to understand the action word:

              First, 4DOS tries to match the action word against its
              internal list of aliases, which are synonyms that you have
              defined for commands.  If it finds a match between the action
              word you typed and one of the aliases you've defined, it
              replaces the action word you typed with the action word from
              the alias.  (This substitution is done internally, and is not
              normally visible to you).  Once it has finished with the
              aliases, 4DOS continues with the steps listed below to
              identify the meaning of the new action word.

                   4DOS first tries to match the action word against its
                   list of more than 80 internal commands, which are actions
                   that are built into 4DOS.  If it finds a match, 4DOS
                   performs the internal command and then waits for a new
                   instruction from you.

                   If there is no match with any of 4DOS's internal
                   commands, it looks for an executable file (one with a
                   .COM or .EXE extension) whose name matches the action
                   word.  It runs the executable file if it finds one.  This
                   is called an external command or external program.

                   Next, 4DOS looks for a batch file (with a .BTM or .BAT
                   extension) that matches the action word.  If it finds
                   such a file, it then reads each line in the file as a new

                   Finally, 4DOS checks to see if the action word matches
                   the name of a file with an extension that you have
                   defined as executable.  If a match is found, 4DOS runs
                   the program you specified when you defined the executable
                   extension.  (Executable extensions are used to associate
                   file extensions with the specific program that processes
                   a particular type of file; see page 75 for details).

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                                                 CHAPTER 4 / GENERAL CONCEPTS

              4DOS first tries the last three steps in the current
              directory.  If the action word doesn't match a .COM, .EXE,
              .BTM, or .BAT file or an executable extension in the current
              directory, 4DOS repeats its search in every directory in your
              PATH.  The PATH is a list of directories that 4DOS (and some
              applications) search to look for executable files.  If all
              these searches fail, 4DOS displays an "Unknown command" error
              message and waits for your next instruction.

              If 4DOS finds a matching internal command in the first step,
              that command begins its activity by examining the command
              tail.  Some commands require information in the command tail,
              some accept optional information, and others don't allow any
              command tail at all.  The command tail for internal commands
              usually contains filenames, directory names, option switches
              which modify the command's behavior, or other information.

              4DOS makes the command tail available to every alias, batch
              file, and external command that it executes.  Aliases and
              batch files can examine the command tail by using "replaceable
              parameters," (see page 100).  External commands examine the
              command tail in a manner determined by the programmer who
              wrote that particular external program.

              It is up to each command to examine the command tail to make
              sure that the information it has received makes sense.  If you
              use an option switch which the command doesn't understand, or
              if you omit a required piece of information, the command
              issues an error message and ends.  Therefore, the command
              lines that you create must fit the format that each alias,
              internal or external command, or batch file expects.

              The process that internal and external commands go through to
              separate the individual elements of the command line, make
              sure you used the correct syntax, and understand what you have
              requested, is called parsing.

          Files and Paths

              You may have dozens, hundreds, or thousands of files stored on
              your computer's disks.  DOS is responsible for managing all of
              these files.  In order to do so, it uses a unique name to
              locate each file in much the same way that the post office
              assigns a unique address to every residence.

              The unique name of any file is composed of a drive letter, a
              directory path, and a filename.  Each of these parts of the

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                                                 CHAPTER 4 / GENERAL CONCEPTS

              file's name is case insensitive;  you can mix upper and lower
              case letters in any way you wish.

              A drive letter designates which drive contains the file.  In a
              file's full name, the drive letter is followed by a colon.
              Drive letters A: and B: are normally reserved for the floppy
              disk drives.  (Systems with a single drive use both A: and B:
              for that drive.  DOS asks you to swap diskettes as necessary
              to turn that single physical drive into two separate logical
              disk drives.)

              Normally, drive C: is the first (or only) hard disk drive.
              Later versions of DOS and some utility programs can divide a
              large hard disk into multiple logical drives that are usually
              called C:, D:, E:, etc.  Also, the DOS utility SUBST lets you
              use drive letters as a substitute for directory names.  Many
              network systems (LANs) use a similar feature to give drive
              letters to sections of the network file server drives.

              Some computers also have "RAM disks", which are areas of
              memory set aside by software (a "RAM disk driver") for use as
              fast, but temporary storage.  RAM disks are also assigned
              drive letters, typically using letters beyond that used by the
              last hard disk in the system, but before any network drives.
              For example, on a system with a large hard disk you might have
              A: and B: as floppy drives, C:, D:, and E: as parts of the
              hard disk, F: as a RAM disk, and G: and H: as network drives.

              Directories are used to divide the files on a drive into
              logical groups that are easy to work with.  Their purpose is
              similar to the use of file drawers to contain groups of
              hanging folders, hanging folders to contain smaller manila
              folders, and so on.

              Every drive has a root or base directory, and many have one or
              more subdirectories.  Subdirectories can also have
              subdirectories, extending in a branching tree structure from
              the root directory.  The collection of all directories on a
              drive is often called the directory tree, and a portion of the
              tree is sometimes called a subtree.  The terms directory and
              subdirectory are typically used interchangeably to mean a
              single subdirectory within this tree structure.

              Subdirectory names follow the same naming rules as files (see
              below): a base name followed by an optional extension.
              However, some application programs do not properly handle
              subdirectory names that have an extension.  It is best to use

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                                                 CHAPTER 4 / GENERAL CONCEPTS

              only an 8 character (or less) name, without an extension, for

              The drive and subdirectory portion of a file's name are
              collectively called the file's path.  For example, the file
              name C:\DIR1\DIR2\MYFILE.DAT says to look for the file
              MYFILE.DAT in the subdirectory DIR2 which is part of the
              subdirectory DIR1 which is on drive C.  The path for
              MYFILE.DAT is C:\DIR1\DIR2.  The backslashes between
              subdirectory names are required.  The total length of a file's
              path may not exceed 64 characters (excluding the file name and
              extension, but including the drive letter and colon).

              DOS remembers both a current or default drive for your system
              as a whole, and a current or default directory for every drive
              in your system.  Whenever a program tries to create or access
              a file without specifying the file's path, DOS uses the
              current drive (if no other drive is specified) and the current
              directory (if no other directory path is specified).

              The root directory is named using the drive letter and a
              single backslash.  For example, D:\ refers to the root
              directory of drive D:.  Using a drive letter with no directory
              name at all refers to the current directory on the specified
              drive.  For example, E:4DOS.DOC refers to the file 4DOS.DOC in
              the current directory on drive E:.

              There are also two special subdirectory names that are useful
              in many situations: a single period [.] by itself means "the
              current default directory."  Two periods together [..] means
              "the directory which contains the current default directory"
              (often referred to as the parent directory).  These special
              names can be used wherever a full directory name can be used.
              4DOS allows you to use additional periods to specify
              directories further "up" the tree (see page 185).

              Finally, each file has a filename.  The filename consists of a
              base name of 1 to 8 characters plus an optional extension
              composed of a period plus 1 to 3 more characters.  You can use
              alphabetic and numeric characters plus the punctuation marks !
              # $ % & ' ( ) - @ ^ _ ` { } and ~ in both the base name and
              the extension.  Because the exclamation point [!], percent
              sign [%], caret [^], at-sign [@], parentheses [()], and back-
              quote [`] also have other meanings to 4DOS, it is best to
              avoid using them in filenames.

              Each file also has attributes which define characteristics of
              the file which may be useful to DOS, to you, or to an

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                                                 CHAPTER 4 / GENERAL CONCEPTS

              application program.  Attributes can be set with 4DOS's ATTRIB
              command (see page 178) and viewed with the ATTRIB and DIR
              commands.  Every time a program modifies a file, DOS sets the
              Archive attribute, which signals that the file has been
              modified since it was last backed up.  This can be used by
              4DOS to determine which files to COPY, and by backup programs
              to determine which files to back up.  When the Read-only
              attribute is set, the file can't be changed or erased; this
              can be used to protect important files from damage.  The
              Hidden and System attributes prevent the file from appearing
              in normal directory listings.  The 4DOS DIR command (see page
              204) has options which allow you to select filenames to view
              based on their attributes, to view the attributes themselves,
              and to view information about normally "invisible" hidden and
              system files.

              When a file is created, and every time it is modified, DOS
              records the system time and date in a time stamp in the file's
              directory entry.  Several 4DOS commands and variable
              functions, and many backup and utility programs, use this time
              stamp to determine the relative ages of files.

          The Environment

              The command interpreter keeps a list of information about your
              computer in memory.  This list is called the environment.
              Every program receives a copy of the environment when it
              begins, and many programs use some of its information to
              configure themselves or to find files.

              The environment is arranged as a series of variables and their
              related values.  Each variable is a name stored in upper case.
              The name is followed by an equal sign [=] and some text.  You
              can view the environment with the SET command, and add new
              entries or edit existing entries with SET and ESET.  A typical
              environment entry looks like this:


              In this example, the name of the variable is LIB and its value
              is "c:\lib."

              The format and meaning of each entry in the environment is up
              to the program that uses the particular variable.  Environment
              variables can contain just about anything, and can be used for
              any purpose the author of a program desires.  The "purpose" of
              the environment as a whole is simply to hold small amounts of

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                                                 CHAPTER 4 / GENERAL CONCEPTS

              text which programs can then access according to their own
              rules.  Most environment variables are used by single programs
              for their own information;  a few have well-defined meanings
              and are used by many different programs.

              One of the most important environment variables is called
              PATH.  The text of PATH is a list of subdirectories separated
              by semi-colons.  4DOS searches each of the subdirectories
              listed in the PATH entry to find executable files that aren't
              in the default directory.  Many programs also search the PATH
              list to find their own files.

              4DOS uses several environment variables to control its own
              behavior, and provides a wide range of facilities for
              manipulating and managing the environment.  See page 115 for
              additional details.


              The memory in your computer is organized in bytes.  Normally,
              the amount of memory in a computer is discussed in terms of
              kilobytes (KBytes or 1,024 bytes) and megabytes (MBytes or
              1,048,576 bytes or 1,024 KBytes).  The amount of memory
              available in your computer is determined by the number of
              memory chips you have installed.

              In an ideal world, there would be little more to say about
              memory.  But because of the history of PCs, the needs of large
              application programs, and the capabilities of advanced CPUs,
              there are many different kinds of memory.  The original 8088
              CPUs of the PC and PC/XT can address 1 MByte of memory.  Of
              that, a maximum of 640KBytes is allocated as base,
              conventional, DOS, or low DOS memory (all these terms mean the
              same thing).  The other 384 KBytes, known as upper memory, are
              set aside for the computer's built-in ROM BIOS, video adapter
              cards, hard disk controllers, and other expansion hardware.

              When base memory became too limiting, expanded memory (or EMS
              memory) was developed to give programs more data space.
              Expanded memory adds up to 16 MBytes which programs can
              access, 64KBytes at a time, through a window in upper memory.
              In 8088 / 8086 (PC and XT), and 80286 (AT) based computers,
              expanded memory typically requires an add-on board and support
              software.  In 386 and 486 computers, expanded memory is
              typically provided without additional hardware, using the
              capabilities of the 386/486 chips.

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                                                 CHAPTER 4 / GENERAL CONCEPTS

              The 80286 CPU used in the AT, and modern 386 and 486 CPUs, can
              use much more than the 8088's original 1 MByte of memory.  An
              80286 can use a total of 16 MBytes;  the 386 and 486 can use
              up to a whopping 4,096 MBytes.  This extended memory is not
              normally available to DOS-based programs, however, without
              special programming techniques and the help of DOS extenders
              or memory managers.

              The memory terms used in this manual include

                   BASE memory:  The 640 Kbytes or less that has
                   traditionally been available for DOS and DOS-based

                   EMS or LIM EMS Memory:  Memory which conforms to the
                   Expanded Memory Specification, developed by Lotus, Intel,
                   and Microsoft, that lets programs and utilities share
                   expanded memory.

                   Extended Memory:  Memory beyond 1 MB in 80286, 386, and
                   486 computers.  This memory may be accessed directly, in
                   which case it is referred to as Extended Memory, or
                   through XMS software, in which case it is referred to as
                   XMS Memory (see below).

                   XMS Memory:  Extended memory managed by software which
                   conforms to the Extended Memory Specification (XMS).  XMS
                   lets programs share extended memory without conflict.
                   This specification divides extended memory into extended
                   memory blocks (EMBs).  XMS software also usually manages
                   the HMA and the UMBs (see below).

                   HMA:  The first 64K bytes of extended memory, located
                   just above 1 MB.  Certain specialized programs such as
                   DESQView, some network drivers, and portions of MS-DOS
                   5.0 and DR-DOS 5.0 can be loaded into the HMA instead of
                   taking up valuable space in base memory.

                   UMBs:  386 and 486 computers can electronically move
                   pieces of extended memory into unused space in the upper
                   memory area between 640KB and 1 MB.  Each block of this
                   memory is called an Upper Memory Block (UMB).  With DOS
                   5.0 or special 386/486 memory managers, memory-resident
                   programs can be loaded into these UMBs instead of taking
                   up valuable space in base memory.  Some 8086, 8088, and
                   80286 systems can also use UMBs with appropriate
                   additional hardware and software (see page 140 for

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                                                 CHAPTER 4 / GENERAL CONCEPTS

          ASCII and Key Codes

              Internally, computers use numbers for everything.  To
              represent the text that you type, a computer must translate
              each letter to and from a number.  For all PC-compatible
              computers, the code used for this translation is called ASCII
              (American Standard Code for Information Interchange).  ASCII
              codes are used both for the characters you type and for the
              characters that are displayed on the screen.

              The original ASCII code has 128 values for upper and lower
              case letters, numerals, punctuation marks, and control codes.
              The control codes correspond to pressing the Ctrl key plus an
              alphabetic character.  Some control codes are also represented
              on the keyboard with such keys as Tab, Enter, Backspace, and
              Esc.  IBM, in its original PC, defined an additional 128
              extended ASCII codes for math symbols, international
              characters, the line characters used to draw boxes, and some
              miscellaneous symbols.  You can enter extended ASCII codes on
              the keyboard by holding down the Alt key while you type the
              code number on the numeric key pad.

              Do not confuse extended ASCII with extended key codes.  The
              latter include special codes that the computer generates when
              you press a function key, cursor key, or Alt plus a letter.
              Those keys do not have any representation in either the ASCII
              or extended ASCII code systems.  Another set of key codes,
              called scan codes, is discussed in the section on the keyboard

              Appendix B on page 325 has a complete list of ASCII, extended
              ASCII, and extended key codes.

          The Keyboard

              The original IBM PC, PC/XT, and virtually all XT-compatible
              computers use an 83-key keyboard with 10 function keys.  The
              earliest PC/AT computer and compatibles added an 84th key,
              called SysReq, but left the rest of the keyboard the same.
              Most 80286, 386, and 486 computers now use an "enhanced"
              keyboard with 101 or more keys, including 12 or more function

              When you press a single key or a key combination, the computer
              translates the keystroke into two numbers.  For all
              alphabetic, numeric, and punctuation keys, the Tab, Enter,
              Backspace, Esc keys and Ctrl plus an alphabetic key, these

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                                                 CHAPTER 4 / GENERAL CONCEPTS

              numbers are an ASCII code plus a scan code.  The ASCII code
              represents the key's meaning; the scan code identifies which
              specific key was pressed.  For example, many keyboards have
              two plus [+] keys, one above the equal sign and one on the
              numeric keypad.  Both generate the same ASCII code, but they
              generate different scan codes.

              Keys which are not represented by ASCII codes are translated
              to an ASCII 0 plus an extended key code.  These keys include
              the function keys, the cursor keys, and Alt plus a key.  The
              extended key code for a key is generally the same as the scan
              code for that key.

              Some keys, like the Alt, Ctrl, and Shift by themselves or in
              combination with each other, plus the Print Screen, SysReq,
              Scroll Lock, Pause, Break, Num Lock, and Caps Lock do not have
              any code representations at all.  The computer performs
              special actions automatically when you press these keys (for
              example, it switches your keyboard into Caps Lock mode when
              you press the Caps Lock key), and does not report the
              keystrokes to whatever program is running unless the program
              has been written specially to accept them.

              It is up to the computer to smooth over the differences
              between the different keyboards.  That is part of the reason
              why not all keyboards can be used with all computers.

              Appendix B has a complete list of ASCII and scan codes of each
              of the keys on your keyboard.


              4DOS is a "character-based" program, which means that it works
              in text mode on your computer.  In text mode, the screen
              displays text in a single font, but cannot mix fonts or
              display graphics.  4DOS can run graphics programs which change
              your screen to graphics mode, but the screen must be returned
              to text mode whenever 4DOS is active.  In the early days of
              the IBM PC, text mode was a single, simple video operating
              environment.  Today, advanced video boards and video software
              have created a wide range of text modes.

              The original IBM PC monochrome and CGA color video cards can
              display 80 columns and 25 rows of text.  Newer, advanced video
              systems normally run in this 80 x 25 display mode but can also
              display more columns and rows.  For example, EGA video cards
              can display 43 rows of text and VGA video cards can display 50

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                                                 CHAPTER 4 / GENERAL CONCEPTS

              rows.  With special driver programs, a VGA can display 60 rows
              or more and up to 132 columns of text.  Each of these
              different screen configurations is a different text mode.

              4DOS supports whatever number of rows and columns of text you
              decide to use.  It doesn't have commands to switch from one
              screen size to another -- you will need to use the software
              that came with your computer or video board to do that -- but
              it can read and work with the number of rows and columns on
              your screen.

          ANSI Drivers

              Every version of DOS includes a program called ANSI.SYS.  This
              program lets you use text colors other than drab white on
              black, redefine keys, and control screen output.  Commercial
              ANSI drivers are available as replacements for ANSI.SYS.  The
              commercial programs usually include many new features, boost
              screen display speed dramatically, and support text displays
              that have more than 80 columns and 25 lines.

              4DOS automatically determines whether you have an ANSI driver
              installed.  If you do, 4DOS will use the driver to clear the
              screen and set screen colors.

              Several 4DOS commands provide replacements for traditional
              ANSI.SYS commands.  For example, 4DOS has commands to set the
              screen colors and display text in specific colors.  These
              commands are easier to understand and use than traditional
              ANSI.SYS control sequences.  Some of these commands manipulate
              screen colors directly.  Others use an ANSI driver if one is
              installed, but save you the work of figuring out complex ANSI
              control sequences.  Any special interaction between 4DOS
              commands and the ANSI.SYS driver is described in the
              documentation for each command.

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

          CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

          4DOS is both a collection of commands and a set of features which
          make your computer easier to use.  The commands are explained in
          the Command Reference section which begins on page 162.  This
          section of the manual primarily explains each of the 4DOS features
          that are not directly related to individual commands.

          Most of the features described in this section are easy to use, but
          a few are more technical in nature.  Such features are marked with
          a ## next to the feature name or the paragraph which describes the
          feature's operation.

          As you read through this section, we urge you to experiment with
          the features that catch your interest and pass over any which seem
          too complicated.  Come back to this section as you gain expertise
          with 4DOS, and you will probably discover that the more complex
          features will seem easy and very useful.  4DOS doesn't require that
          you learn any more than you want, and even if you are a computer
          novice, you'll find some features that will interest you

          If you come across terms or concepts in this chapter that you are
          unsure about, refer to Chapter 4 / General Concepts, the Glossary
          on page 342, or the Index.

          At the Command Line

              4DOS displays a c:\> prompt when it is waiting for you to
              enter a command.  (The actual text depends on the current
              drive and directory, as well as your PROMPT settings.)  This
              is called the command line and the prompt is 4DOS's way of
              asking you to enter a command, an alias or batch file name, or
              the instructions necessary to begin an application program.

              This section of the manual explains the 4DOS features that
              will help you while you are typing in commands, and how 4DOS
              interprets keystrokes entered at the command line.  The
              keystrokes discussed here are the ones 4DOS normally uses.  If
              you prefer using different keystrokes to perform these
              functions, you can reassign virtually all 4DOS keystrokes with
              keystroke directives in the 4DOS.INI configuration file (see
              page 118).

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              Command Line Editing

              The 4DOS command line works like a single-line word processor,
              allowing you to edit any part the command line at any time
              before you press Enter to execute the command, or Esc to erase
              it.  4DOS extends the command line to a maximum of 255
              characters, and allows you to edit the command line even when
              it exceeds the width of your screen.

              4DOS recognizes the following editing keys when you are typing
              a command (the words Ctrl and Shift mean to press the Ctrl
              [Control] or Shift key together with the other key named):

              Cursor Movement:

                    Left arrow       Move the cursor left one character.
                    Right arrow      Move the cursor right one character.
                    Ctrl-Left arrow  Move the cursor left one word.
                    Ctrl-Right arrow Move the cursor right one word.
                    Home             Move the cursor to the beginning of the
                    End              Move the cursor to the end of the line.

              Insert and Delete:
                    Ins              Toggle between insert and overtype
                    Del              Delete the character at the cursor.
                    Backspace        Delete the character to the left of the
                    Ctrl-L           Delete the word or partial word to the
                                     left of the cursor.
                    Ctrl-R or
                    Ctrl-Backspace   Delete the word or partial word to the
                                     right of the cursor.
                    Ctrl-Home        Delete from the beginning of the line
                                     to the cursor.
                    Ctrl-End         Delete from the cursor to the end of
                                     the line.
                    Esc              Delete the entire line.
                    Ctrl-C or
                    Ctrl-Break       Cancel the command.
                    Enter or Return  Execute the command line.

           ## Sometimes you may need to have 4DOS interpret a keystroke
              literally and place it on the command line instead of
              performing the usual action listed above.  For example,
              suppose you have a program that requires a Ctrl-R character on
              its command line.  Normally you couldn't type this keystroke

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              at the 4DOS prompt, because 4DOS would interpret it as a
              "Delete word right" command.

              To get around this problem, use the special keystroke Alt-255.
              You enter Alt-255 by holding down the Alt key while you type
              255 on the numeric keypad, then releasing the Alt key (you
              must use the number keys on the numeric pad; the row of keys
              at the top of your keyboard won't work).  When 4DOS sees the
              Alt-255, it interprets the next keystroke literally and places
              it on the command line, ignoring any special meaning it would
              normally have as a 4DOS command line editing or history
              keystroke.  You can use Alt-255 to suppress the normal meaning
              of command line editing keystrokes even if they have been
              reassigned with key mapping directives in 4DOS.INI (see page
              118), and Alt-255 itself can be reassigned with the
              CommandEscape directive.

              Command History and Recall

              Each time you execute a command, 4DOS saves the command line
              in a command history list.  4DOS lets you display the saved
              commands, search the list, modify commands, and rerun

              The simplest use of the command history list is to repeat a
              command exactly.  For example, you might enter the command

                   c:\> dir b:*.wks;*.doc

              to see some of the files on drive B.  You might move some new
              files to drive B and then want to repeat the DIR command.
              Just press the Up Arrow key repeatedly to scan back through
              the history list.  When the DIR command appears, press Enter
              to execute it again.

              After you have found a command, you can edit it before
              pressing Enter.  You will appreciate this feature when you
              have to execute a series of commands that differ only slightly
              from each other.

              The history list is "circular".  If you move to the last
              command in the list and then press the down arrow one more
              time, you'll see the first command in the list.  Similarly, if
              you move to the first command in the list ]and then press the
              up arrow one more time, you'll see the last command in the

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              You can have 4DOS search the command history list to find a
              previous command quickly using command completion.  Just enter
              the first few characters of the command you want to find and
              press Up Arrow.  You only need to enter enough characters to
              identify the command that you want to find.  For example, to
              find the DIR command, enter DI and then press Up Arrow.  If
              you press the Up Arrow key a second time, 4DOS will display
              the next command that matches.  4DOS will beep if there are no
              matching commands.  The search process stops as soon as you
              type one of the 4DOS editing keys, whether or not the line is
              changed.  At that point, the line you're viewing becomes the
              new line to match if you press Up Arrow again.

              You can specify the size of the command history list with the
              History directive in 4DOS.INI (see page 125).  When the list
              is full, 4DOS discards the oldest commands to make room for
              new ones.  You can also use the HistMin directive in 4DOS.INI
              to enable or disable history saves and to specify the shortest
              command line that 4DOS will save (see page 129).

              You can prevent 4DOS from saving a command line by beginning
              it with an at-sign [@].

              Command History Keys:

                    Up Arrow         Recall the previous (or most recent)
                                     command, or the most recent command
                                     that matches a partial command line.
                    Down Arrow       Recall the next (or oldest) command, or
                                     the oldest command that matches a
                                     partial command line.
                    F3               Fill in the rest of the command line
                                     from the previous command, beginning at
                                     the current cursor position.
                    Ctrl-D           Delete the currently displayed history
                                     list entry, erase the command line, and
                                     display the previous matching history
                                     list entry.
                    Ctrl-E           Display the last entry in the history
                    Ctrl-K           Save the current command line in the
                                     history list without executing it, and
                                     then clear the command line
                    @                As the first character in a line:  Do
                                     not save the current line in the
                                     history list when it is executed, and
                                     do not store it in the CMDLINE
                                     environment variable..

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              Use F3 when your new command is different from your old one by
              just a character or two at the beginning.  For example,
              suppose you want to execute a DIR on several file names then
              use DEL to delete those same files.  After the DIR is complete
              type DEL and press F3; the rest of the command line will be
              completed for you.  Check that it's correct, and then press
              Enter to delete the files.  F3 also retrieves the entire
              previous command (like up-arrow) if nothing has been typed on
              the line.

              Use Ctrl-E to "get your bearings" by returning to the end of
              the list if you've scrolled around so much that you aren't
              sure where you are any more.

              Use Ctrl-K to save some work when you've typed a long command
              and then realize that you weren't quite ready.  For example,
              if you forget to change directories and notice it after a
              command is typed or mostly typed, but before you press Enter,
              just press Ctrl-K to save the command without executing it.
              Use the CD or CDD command to change to the right directory,
              press up-arrow twice to retrieve the command you saved, make
              any final changes to it, and press Enter to execute it.

              Command History Window

              You can also view the command history in a scrollable history
              window, and select the command to modify or re-execute from
              those displayed in the window.  To activate the history window
              press PgUp or PgDn at the command line.  4DOS will display a
              window in the upper right corner of the screen, with the
              command you most recently executed marked with a highlight.
              (If you just finished re-executing a command from the history,
              then the next command in sequence will be highlighted.)

              You can scroll the history window up and down one line at a
              time with Up Arrow and Down Arrow, and one page (screen) at a
              time with PgUp and PgDn.  The display is not circular as it is
              at the prompt, it has fixed beginning and end points.  Home or
              Ctrl-PgUp will go to the beginning of the history, and End or
              Ctrl-PgDn will go to the end.  The Ctrl-D (delete from
              history) key works within the history as it does at the
              command line.

              Once you have selected a command in the history window, press
              Enter to execute it immediately, or Ctrl-Enter to move the
              line to the prompt for editing (you can not edit the line
              directly in the history window).

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              You can bring up a "filtered" history window by typing some
              characters on the command line, then pressing PgUp or PgDn.
              Only those commands matching the typed characters will be
              displayed in the window.

              You can control the position and size of the history window
              with directives in 4DOS.INI (see page 129).  You can also
              change the keys used in the window with key mapping directives
              in 4DOS.INI (see page 134).

              Command History Window:

                    PgUp or PgDn     (from the command line) Open the
                                     command history window.
                    Up Arrow         Scroll the display up one line.
                    Down Arrow       Scroll the display down one line.
                    PgUp             (inside the window) Scroll the display
                                     up one page.
                    PgDn             (inside the window) Scroll the display
                                     down one page.
                    Ctrl-PgUp or HomeGo to the beginning of the history
                    Ctrl-PgDn or End Go to the end of the history list.
                    Ctrl-D           Delete the selected line from the
                                     history list.
                    Enter            Execute the selected line.
                    Any other key    Move the selected line to the command
                                     line for editing, then perform the
                                     key's normal action.

              Filename Completion

              4DOS's filename completion can help you by filling in a
              complete file name on the command line when you only remember
              part of the name.  For example, suppose you want to copy a
              file.  You know that its name begins AU but you can't remember
              the rest of the name.  Type

                   c:\> copy au

              and then press the Tab key or F9 key.  4DOS will search the
              current directory for filenames that begin AU and insert the
              first one onto the command line in place of the AU that you

              If 4DOS found the file that you want, simply complete the
              command.  If it didn't find the file that you were looking

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              for, press Tab again to substitute the next filename that
              begins with AU.  When there are no more filenames that match
              your pattern, 4DOS will beep each time you press Tab or F9.

              If you go past the filename that you want, press Shift-Tab or
              F8 to back up and 4DOS will return to the previous matching
              filename.  After you back up to the first filename, 4DOS will
              beep each time you press Shift-Tab.

              If you want to enter more than one matching filename on the
              same command line, press F10 when each desired name appears.
              4DOS will keep that name and place the next matching filename
              after it on the command line.  You can then use Tab (or F8)
              and Shift-Tab (or F9) to move through the remaining matching

              The pattern you use for matching may contain any valid
              filename characters, as well as wildcard characters and 4DOS's
              extended wildcards (see page 71).  For example, you can copy
              the first matching .TXT file by typing

                   c:\> copy *.txt

              and then pressing Tab.

              If you don't specify part of a filename before pressing Tab,
              4DOS will use *.* as the matching pattern.  If you type a
              filename without an extension, 4DOS will add *.* to the name.
              It will also place a "*" after a partial extension.  If you
              are typing a group of file names in an include list (see page
              74), 4DOS will use the part of the include list at the cursor
              as the pattern to match.

              When filename completion is used at the start of the command
              line, 4DOS will only try to match directories, executable
              files (.COM, .EXE, .BTM, and .BAT), and files with executable
              extensions, since these are the only file names that it makes
              sense to use at the start of a command.  If a directory is
              found a "\" will be appended to enable an automatic directory
              change (see below).

              If you would rather select files from a list of matching file
              names, see the SELECT command on page 286.

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              Filename Completion Keys:

                    F8 or Shift-Tab  Get the previous matching filename.
                    F9 or Tab        Get the next matching filename.
                    F10              Keep the current matching filename and
                                     display the next matching name
                                     immediately after the current one.

              Multiple Commands

              At times, you probably know the next two or three commands
              that you want 4DOS to execute.  Instead of waiting for each
              one to finish before you type the next, you can type them all
              on the same command line, separated by a caret [^].  For
              example, if you know you want to copy all of your .TXT files
              to drive A: and then run CHKDSK to be sure that drive A's file
              structure is in good shape, you can type the following command

                   c:\> copy *.txt a: ^ chkdsk a:

              If you don't like using the caret as the command separator,
              you can pick another character using the SETDOS command (see
              page 294) or the CommandSep directive in 4DOS.INI (see page

              You may put as many commands on the command line as you wish,
              as long as the total length of the command line does not
              exceed 255 characters.

              You can use multiple commands in batch files (see page 98) and
              alias definitions (see page 96) as well as from the command

              Automatic Directory Changes

              4DOS's automatic directory change feature gives you a quick
              method for changing directories.  You can use an automatic
              directory change in place of the CD or CDD command.  To do so,
              simply type the name of the directory you want to change to at
              the prompt, with a backslash [\] at the end, and 4DOS will
              switch to that directory.  For example:

                   c:\> 4dos\

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              This feature can make directory changes very simple when it's
              combined with the CDPATH environment variable (see page 116).
              CDPATH includes a list of directories for the CD and CDD
              commands to search if the directory you name does not exist
              below the current directory.  Automatic directory changes use
              CDPATH as well.  For example, suppose CDPATH is set to
              C:\;D:\;E:\, and the directory WIN exists on drive E:.  You
              can change to this directory with a single word on the command

                   c:\4dos> win\

              In executing the command shown above, 4DOS first looks for a
              WIN subdirectory of the current directory, i.e. C:\4DOS\WIN.
              If no such directory exists it looks for a WIN subdirectory in
              every directory in the CDPATH list, and changes to the first
              one it finds.

              Internally, automatic directory changes use the CDD command;
              the text before the backslash can be anything that could be
              included after CDD on the command line, except "-".  Arguments
              like "...." are allowed.  Automatic directory changes save the
              current directory, so it can be recalled with a "CDD -" or "CD
              -" command.  For more information on directory changes see CD
              on page 185 and CDD on page 187.

              Temporarily Disabling Aliases

              At times, you may want to temporarily disable an alias that
              you have defined.  You may have an alias that changes the
              defaults of a particular command, for example, and want to run
              the unmodified version of the command.  To do so, precede the
              command name with an asterisk [*].  For example, if you have
              an alias for DIR which displays directories in 2-column paged
              mode by default, you can use the following command to display
              a directory in the normal single-column, non-paged mode:

                   c:\> *dir

              Command Line Help

              4DOS includes a complete help program (called 4HELP.EXE).  The
              help system includes complete help for all 4DOS internal
              commands, all standard DOS external commands, and many 4DOS

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              features.  It is indexed and fully cross-referenced, so you
              can move easily among related commands.

              You can start the 4DOS help system to get help for any 4DOS or
              DOS command in several different ways.

              If you type HELP at the 4DOS prompt, a list of all help topics
              will be displayed.  Move the cursor bar to the topic you want
              using a mouse or the arrow keys, and press Enter to see help
              on that topic.

              If you type HELP followed by a topic on the command line, 4DOS
              will skip the opening help screen and go directly to that
              topic.  For example, if you need help with the COPY command,
              you can type:

                   help copy

              If you press F1 at the 4DOS prompt, 4DOS will display the list
              of all help topics just as if you had entered the HELP
              command.  If you have already typed part or all of a command
              on the line, 4DOS will provide "context-sensitive" help by
              using the first word on the line as a help topic.  If it's a
              valid topic, you will see help for that topic automatically;
              if not, you will see the list of all help topics and you can
              pick the topic you want.  For example, if you press F1 after
              entering each of the command lines shown below you will get
              the display indicated:

                   c:\>                      List of help topics
                   c:\> copy *.* a:          Help on COPY
                   c:\> c:\util\map          List of help topics

              If you type the name of any 4DOS internal command at the 4DOS
              prompt, followed by a slash and a question mark [/?] like

                   copy /?

              then 4DOS will display help for the command in a "quick-
              reference" style.  Output from a /? display may be redirected
              with > or >>.  The /? option may not work correctly if you
              havve redefined how the command operates with an alias.  In
              this case you may need to add an asterisk to the beginning of
              the command to prevent 4DOS from processing the alias:

                   alias copy copy /r
                   *copy /?

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              /? will only access the 4DOS help system when you use it with
              a 4DOS internal command.  If you use it with an external
              command name, the external command will be executed and will
              interpret the /? parameter according to its own rules.  Some
              external commands, including MS-DOS 5.0 external utility
              programs,  do display help when run with a /? parameter, but
              this a characteristic of these commands and does not depend on
              4DOS.  Many other external commands do not have this feature.

              Once you've started the 4DOS help system with HELP or F1, you
              can use a standard set of keystrokes to navigate.  The table
              below gives a brief summary of keys you can use in the help
              topic list, and in a help text screen; for details see the
              topic -HELP- in the help system itself.  For details on mouse
              usage, see the topic -MOUSE- in the help system.

              Help topic list keys:

                    Arrow Keys       Move the highlight to a different
                    Enter            Display help on the highlighted topic.
                    Esc              Return to 4DOS.
                    Any other key    Attempt to match the characters typed
                                     with one of the names in the topic

              Help text screen keys:
                    Up Arrow         Scroll up one line in the display.
                    Down Arrow       Scroll down one line in the display.
                    PgUp             Scroll up one page in the display.
                    PgDn             Scroll down one page in the display.
                    Left Arrow       Move the cross-reference highlight to
                                     the previous item.
                    Right Arrow      Move the cross-reference highlight to
                                     the next item.
                    Enter            Switch to the topic shown by the
                                     highlighted cross-reference item.
                    Esc              Return to the topic list, or back to
                                     4DOS if this topic was displayed
                                     directly without using the topic list.
                    F1               Go to the topic list in order to select
                                     a new topic.
                      or Ctrl-Right  View the next topic in the topic list.
                      or Ctrl-Left   View the previous topic in the topic
                    Alt-F1           View the previously displayed topic.

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                    Alt-X            Return directly to 4DOS without
                                     restoring the original screen contents.
                    Ctrl-P           Print the text for the current topic on

              The help system normally restores the screen when exiting.
              Use Alt-X to leave a page of help text on the screen so you
              can refer to it.  You can use Ctrl-P to print the topic you
              are viewing.  Your printer must be turned on and ready before
              pressing Ctrl-P.

          Input and Output

              4DOS commands and many programs get their input from the
              computer's standard input device and send their output to the
              standard output device.  Some programs also send special
              messages to the standard error device.  Normally, the keyboard
              is used for standard input and the video screen for both
              standard output and standard error.  But you can temporarily
              change these devices for special tasks.

              For example, suppose you want a printed list of the files in a
              directory.  If you change the standard output to the printer
              and issue a DIR command, the task is easy.  DIR prints to
              standard output, and you have redirected standard output to
              the printer, so the DIR command prints filenames instead of
              displaying them on the screen.  You can just as easily send
              the output of DIR (or any other command) to a file or a serial

              4DOS has three methods of manipulating input and output:
              Redirection, Piping, and the Keystack.  All three are
              explained in this section.

              Redirection and piping affect the standard input, standard
              output, and standard error devices.  They do not work with
              application programs which read the keyboard hardware
              directly, or which write directly to the screen.


              Redirection replaces standard input, standard output, and
              standard error with another device like the printer or serial
              port, or with a file.  The redirection lasts for one command
              and then everything returns to normal.  You have to use some

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              discretion when you use redirection with a device;  there is
              no way to get input from the printer, for example.

              In the descriptions below, filename means either the name of a
              file or of an appropriate device (PRN, LPT1, LPT2, or LPT3 for
              printers; COM1 to COM4 for serial ports; CON for the keyboard
              and screen; etc.).

              To use redirection, place the redirection symbol and filename
              at the end of the command line, after the command name and any
              parameters.  For example, to redirect the output of the DIR
              command to a file called DIRLIST, you could use a command line
              like this:

                   c:\> dir /b1 *.dat > dirlist

              You can use both input and output redirection for the same
              command, if both are appropriate:

                   c:\> sort < dirlist > dirlist.srt

              Here are the redirection options supported by 4DOS:

                   To get input from a file or device instead of from the

                        < filename

                   To redirect standard output to a file or device:

                        > filename

                   To redirect standard output and standard error to a file
                   or device:

                        >& filename

                   To redirect standard error only to a file or device:

                        >&> filename

              If you want to append output to the end of a file, replace the
              first ">" in the last three commands above with ">>" (use >>,
              >>&, and >>&>).

           ## When output is directed to a file with >, >&, or >&>, if the
              file already exists, it will be overwritten.  You can protect

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              existing files by using the SETDOS /N1 command (see page 294)
              or the NoClobber directive in 4DOS.INI (see page 130).

           ## When output is appended to a file with >>, >>&, or >>&>, the
              file will be created if it doesn't already exist.  Setting
              NoClobber will also prevent the creation of a new file.  You
              can temporarily override the current setting of NoClobber by
              using an exclamation mark [!] after the redirection symbol.
              For example, to redirect the output of DIR to the file DIROUT,
              and allow overwriting of any existing file despite the
              NoClobber setting:

                   c:\> dir >! dirout

           ## 4DOS redirection is fully nestable.  For example, you can
              invoke a batch file and redirect all of its output to a file
              or device.  Output redirection on a command within the batch
              file will take effect for that command only; when the command
              is completed, output will revert to the redirected output file
              or device in use for the batch file as a whole.

           ## For another method of changing the standard input and output
              devices see CTTY on page 198.


              You can also create a "pipe," which means sending the standard
              output of one command to the standard input of another
              command.  To send the standard output of command1 to the
              standard input of command2:

                   command1 | command2

              To send the standard output and standard error of command1 to
              the standard input of command2:

                   command1 |& command2

              For example, to take the output of the SET command (which
              displays a list of your environment variables and their
              values) and pipe it to the DOS SORT utility to generate a
              sorted list, you would use the command:

                   c:\> set | sort

              To do the same thing and then pipe the sorted list to 4DOS's
              LIST command for full-screen viewing (see page 255):

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

                   c:\> set | sort | list /s

           ## 4DOS creates one or two temporary files to hold the output of
              pipes.  The files are named P1.$00 and P2.$00.  By default,
              these files are stored in the root directory of the boot
              drive, but you can override this with either the TEMP4DOS or
              TEMP environment variable (see page 115).  The last character
              of the extension will change with the shell nesting level (0
              for the primary shell, 1 for the first secondary shell, and so

           ## The 4DOS commands TEE and Y (see pages 301 and 314) are "pipe
              fittings" which add more flexibility to pipes.


              The 4DOS Keystack overcomes two weaknesses of input
              redirection: many programs ignore standard input and read the
              keyboard directly, and input redirection doesn't end until the
              program or command terminates.  You can't, for example, use
              redirection to send the opening commands to a program and then
              type the rest of the commands yourself.  But the Keystack lets
              you do exactly that.

              The 4DOS Keystack, which is often used in batch files and
              aliases, sends keystrokes to an application program.  Once the
              Keystack is empty, the program will receive the rest of its
              input from the keyboard.  The Keystack is useful when you want
              a program to take certain actions automatically when it

              The Keystack is invoked with the KEYSTACK command (see page
              250).  It depends on a small resident program called
              KSTACK.COM, which must be installed in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file
              (see page 114).  If you don't have KSTACK.COM installed, the
              KEYSTACK command will display an error message.  If you are
              using a multitasking system such as DESQView or Windows, see
              page 151 for information on loading KSTACK within a window.

              To place the letters, digits, and punctuation marks you would
              normally type for your program into the keystack, enclose them
              in double quotes:

                   c:\> keystack "myfile"

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              Many other keys can be entered into the Keystack using their
              names.  This example puts the F1 key followed by the Enter key
              in the keystack:

                   c:\> keystack F1 Enter

              See the KEYSTACK command for details on how key names are
              entered and on using numeric key values along with or instead
              of key names.

              Some programs may require a delay between keystrokes.  You can
              insert a delay with the /W option, followed by a delay time in
              1/18-seconds.  To add a 1-second delay between the keystrokes
              in the previous example:

                   c:\> keystack F1 /W18 Enter

              Some programs clear all keystrokes from the keyboard buffer
              and then accept input.  Place a 0 (zero) in the keystack to
              tell such programs that the keyboard buffer is empty.  This
              example reports an empty keyboard buffer and then types

                   c:\> keystack 0 "myfile"

              Some programs require both the ASCII code and the key's scan
              code.  To put both together in the Keystack, multiply the scan
              code by  256, add the ASCII code, and use the resulting
              numeric value as an argument to KEYSTACK.  For example, the
              Enter key has a scan code of 28 and an ASCII code of 13.  The
              combined code is (28 * 256) + 13 = 7181.  To put the combined
              code for the Enter key on the keystack:

                   c:\> keystack 7181

              If a program has different uses for the similar keys on the
              regular keyboard and the numeric keypad, it will need combined

              The following command creates an alias (see page 169) that
              will run a dBASE report called TIMEREP (it should be entered
              on one line):

                   c:\> alias drpt `keystack "use times index times" Enter
                        "report form timerep to print" Enter "quit" Enter
                         ^ dbase`

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              This command creates an alias called DRPT which puts the
              following characters on the keystack:

                   the characters "use times index times"
                   the Enter key's code
                   the characters "report form timerep to print"
                   the Enter key's code
                   the characters "quit"
                   and one more Enter key

              The alias then runs the program dBASE which receives those
              characters just as if you had typed them.

              You may have to experiment with some programs to find the
              proper sequence of keystrokes.  Programs which bypass both DOS
              and the computer's BIOS, and read keystrokes directly from the
              keyboard hardware, will not accept input from the 4DOS
              Keystack.  Few programs fit into this category except memory-
              resident utilities.

              When you use the Keystack, remember that you must put the
              keystrokes into the Keystack before you run the program that
              will receive them.  The Keystack will hold the keystrokes
              until a program asks for them.

              See Appendix B on page 325 for a complete list of ASCII,
              extended key, and scan codes, and KEYSTACK on page 250 for
              more information.

          File Processing

              Most 4DOS commands (like COPY, DIR, etc.) and many external
              commands work on a file or a group of files.  Besides typing
              the exact name of the file you want to work with, you can use
              4DOS's shorthand forms of naming files:  Extended Parent
              Directory Names, Wildcards, Multiple Filenames, Include Lists,
              and Executable Extensions.  These four features are explained
              in this section.

              These features apply to 4DOS commands only, and generally can
              not be used to pass file names to external programs.  For
              example, 4DOS can understand the file name ...\FILE.DAT when
              it is used in an internal 4DOS command like COPY or MOVE.
              However your editor probably was not designed to support this
              extension to traditional DOS directory names, and is likely to
              give an error message if you try to pass it such a name.

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              Remember throughout this section that a filename is a base
              name of 1 to 8 characters, optionally followed by an extension
              which is a period [.] and 1 to 3 more characters.

              Extended Parent Directory Names

              4DOS allows you to extend the traditional DOS ".." syntax for
              naming the parent directory, by adding additional [.]
              characters.  Each additional [.] represents an additional
              directory level above the current directory.  For example, to
              copy the file LETTERS.DAT from the directory C:\DATA to drive
              A:, while you are in a directory further down in the directory

                   C:\DATA\FINANCE\JANUARY>copy ...\LETTERS.DAT A:


              Wildcards let you specify a file or group of files by typing a
              partial filename.  4DOS scans the appropriate directory to
              find all of the files that match the partial name you have

              Most 4DOS commands accept filenames with wildcards anywhere
              that a full filename can be used.  4DOS recognizes 2 wildcard
              characters, the asterisk [*] and the question mark [?], plus a
              special method of specifying a range of permissible

              An asterisk [*] in a filename means "any zero or more
              characters in this position."  For example, this command will
              display a list of all files in the current directory,
              regardless of the length of each file's name:

                   c:\> dir *.*

              If you want to see all of the files with a .TXT extension, you
              could type this:

                   c:\> dir *.txt

              If you know that the file you are looking for has a base name
              that begins with ST and an extension that begins with .D, you
              can find it this way.  Filenames such as STATE.DAT,
              STEVEN.DOC, and ST.D will all be displayed:

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

                   c:\> dir st*.d*

              With 4DOS, you can also use the asterisk to match filenames
              with specific letters somewhere inside the name.  The
              following example will display any file with a .TXT extension
              that has the letters AM together anywhere inside its base
              name.  It will, for example, display AMPLE.TXT, STAMP.TXT,
              CLAM.TXT, and AM.TXT:

                   c:\> dir *am*.txt

              A question mark [?] matches any single filename character.
              Also, DOS automatically extends all base names to 8 characters
              and all extensions to 3 characters by adding blanks at the end
              of the names, if necessary.  The question mark wildcard will
              match one of these blanks as well as a normal character.  For
              example, if you have files called LETTER.DOC, LETTER1.DOC, and
              LETTERA.DOC, this command will display all three names:

                   c:\> dir letter?.doc

              You can put the question mark anywhere in a filename and use
              as many question marks as you need.  The following example
              will display files with names like LETTER.DOC and LATTER.DAT,
              and LITTER.DU:

                   c:\> dir l?tter.d??

              The use of an asterisk wildcard before other characters, and
              of the character ranges discussed below, is unique to 4DOS.
              These wildcards work only with 4DOS internal commands, not
              with external programs that accept file names and wildcards,
              unless such programs have been written especially to parallel
              4DOS's features.

           ## In some cases, the question mark wildcard may be too general.
              You can also tell 4DOS what characters you want to accept (or
              exclude) in a particular position in the filename by using
              square brackets.  Inside the brackets, you can put the
              individual acceptable characters or ranges of characters.  For
              example, if you wanted to match LETTER0.DOC through
              LETTER9.DOC, you could use this command:

                   c:\> dir letter[0-9].doc

              You could find all files that have a vowel as the second
              letter in their name this way.  This example also demonstrates
              how to mix the wildcard characters:

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

                   c:\> dir ?[aeiouy]*.*

              You can exclude a group of characters or a range of characters
              by using an exclamation mark [!] as the first character inside
              the brackets.  This example displays all filenames that are at
              least 2 characters long except those which have a vowel as the
              second letter in their names:

                   c:\> dir ?[!aeiouy]*.*

              The next example, which selects files such as AIP, BIP, and
              TIP but not NIP, demonstrates how you can use multiple ranges
              inside the brackets.  It will accept a file that begins with
              an A, B, C, D, T, U, or V:

                   c:\> dir [a-dt-v]ip

           ## You may use a question mark character inside the brackets, but
              its meaning is slightly different than a normal (unbracketted)
              question mark wildcard.  A normal question mark wildcard
              matches any character or an implied blank at the end of a name
              or extension.  4DOS will match a question mark inside brackets
              with any character but not with an implied blank.  For

                   c:\> dir letter[?].doc

              will display LETTER1.DOC and LETTERA.DOC, but not LETTER.DOC.

           ## You can repeat any of the wildcard characters in any
              combination you desire within a single file name.  For
              example, the following command lists all files which have an
              A, B, or C as the third character, followed by zero or more
              additional characters, followed by a D, E, or F, followed
              optionally by some additional characters, and with an
              extension beginning with P or Q.  You probably won't need to
              do anything this complex, but we've included it to show you
              the flexibility of 4DOS wildcards:

                   c:\> dir ??[abc]*[def]*.[pq]*

              Multiple Filenames

              Most 4DOS file processing commands can work with multiple
              files at one time.  To use multiple file names, you simply
              list the files one after another on the command line,
              separated by spaces.  You can use wildcards in any or all of

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              the filenames.  For example, to copy all .TXT  and .DOC files
              from the current directory to drive A, you could use this

                   c:\> copy *.txt *.doc a:

              If the files you want to work with are not in the default
              directory, you must include the full path with each filename:

                   c:\> copy a:\details\file1.txt a:\details\file1.doc c:

            ! Multiple filenames are handy when you want to match a group of
              files which cannot be defined with a single filename and
              wildcards.  They let you be very specific about which files
              you want to work with in a command.  When you use multiple
              filenames with a command that expects both a source and a
              destination, like COPY or MOVE, be sure that you always
              include a specific destination on the command line.  If you
              don't, the command will assume that the last filename is the
              destination and may overwrite important files.

              Like extended wildcards and include lists (see below), the
              4DOS multiple filename feature will work with internal 4DOS
              commands but not with external programs unless those programs
              have been written to handle multiple file names on the command

              If you have a list of files to process that's too long to put
              on the command line or too time-consuming to type, see the
              SELECT command on page 286 for another way of passing multiple
              file names to a command.

              Include Lists

              Any 4DOS command that accepts multiple filenames can also
              accept one or more include lists.  An include list is simply a
              group of filenames, with or without wildcards, separated by
              semi-colons [;].  All files in the include list must be in the
              same directory.  You may not add a space on either side of the

              If you used an include list instead of multiple file names for
              the previous examples, they would look like this:

                   c:\> copy *.txt;*.doc a:
                   c:\> copy a:\details\*.txt;*.doc c:

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              Include lists are similar to multiple filenames, but have
              three important differences.  First, you don't have to repeat
              the path to your files if you use an include list, because all
              of the included files must be in the same directory.  Second,
              if you use include lists, you aren't as likely to accidentally
              overwrite files if you forget a destination path for commands
              like COPY, because the last name in the list will be part of
              the include list, and won't be seen as the destination file
              name.  Include lists can only be used as the source parameter
              (the location files are coming from) for COPY and other
              similar commands.  They cannot be used to specify a
              destination for files.

              Third, multiple filenames and include lists are processed
              differently by the 4DOS DIR and SELECT commands.  If you use
              multiple filenames, all of the files matching the first
              filename are processed, then all of the files matching the
              second name, and so on.  When you use an include list, all
              files that match any entry in the include list are processed
              together, and will appear together in the directory display or
              SELECT list.  You can see this difference most clearly if you
              experiment with both techniques and the DIR command.  For

                   c:\> dir *.txt *.doc

              will list all the .TXT files with a directory header, the file
              list, and a summary of the total number of files and bytes
              used.  Then it will do the same for the .DOC files.  However,

                   c:\> dir *.txt;*.doc

              will display all the files in one list.

              Like extended wildcards and multiple filenames (see above),
              the 4DOS include list feature will work with internal 4DOS
              commands but not with external programs unless they have been
              programmed especially to parallel 4DOS's features.

              Executable Extensions

              Normally, when you type a filename (as opposed to an alias or
              internal command name) as the first word on the command line,
              4DOS looks for a .COM, .EXE, .BTM, or .BAT file with that name
              to execute (.COM and .EXE files are executable programs; .BTM
              and .BAT files are batch files).  You can add to this list of
              extensions and have 4DOS take the actions you want with files

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              that have other extensions as well.  You could have 4DOS start
              your text editor whenever you type the name of a .DOC file, or
              start your database manager whenever you type the name of a
              .DAT file.

              4DOS uses environment variables to define what program or
              batch file to run for each defined file extension.  To create
              an executable extension, you use the SET command to create a
              new environment variable.

              For example, if you want to run a word processor called EDITOR
              whenever you type the name of a file that has an extension of
              .EDT, you could use this command:

                   c:\> set .edt=c:\edit\editor.exe

              The syntax for creating an executable extension is

                   set .ext=d:\path\program [options]

              where .EXT is the executable file extension, D:\PATH\PROGRAM
              is the full name of the program or batch file to run, and
              [options] are any command-line startup options you want to
              specify for the program.  The pathname is optional if the
              program is in a directory on your PATH.  The program to run
              must be a .COM, .EXE, .BTM, or .BAT file or an internal
              command.  It cannot be an alias.

           ## Extended wildcards (e.g. "DO[CT]" for .DOC and .DOT files) can
              be used in executable extensions.

              The following example defines BASICA.COM as the processor for
              .BAS files:

                   c:\> set .bas=c:\dos\basica.com

              With this definition, if you have a file named PUSHCART.BAS in
              the current directory and enter the command:

                   c:\> pushcart

              4DOS will execute the command:

                   c:\dos\basica.com pushcart

              The next example defines B.EXE (the Brief text editor) as the
              processor for .C files:

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

                   c:\> set .c=c:\brief\b.exe -Mxyz

              Now, if you have a file called HELLO.C and enter the command

                   c:\> hello -i30

              4DOS will expand the command line and execute this command:

                   c:\brief\b.exe -Mxyz hello.c -i30

              Notice that 4DOS inserts the value of the environment variable
              at the beginning of the line, including any options, then
              appends the original file name plus its extension, and then
              the remainder of the original command line.

              If the program you want to run doesn't accept a file name on
              its command line as shown in these examples, then executable
              extensions won't work with that program.

           ## 4DOS searches for executable commands in the following order:
              .COM, .EXE, .BTM, .BAT, and executable extensions in the order
              they appear in the environment.  It first searches the current
              directory, and then each subdirectory specified by the PATH
              environment variable (if a "." is used in the PATH the current
              directory is not searched first; see the PATH command on page
              267 for details).  4DOS recognizes environment variables as
              executable extensions if they begin with a period followed by
              1 to 3 valid filename characters.

              You may need to take this search order into account when using
              executable extensions.  Using the .BAS example above, if you
              had a file FORMAT.BAS in the current directory and entered the
              command FORMAT A:, 4DOS would run the BASIC interpreter
              specified by the executable extension, instead of finding the
              standard DOS FORMAT command as you intended.  You can get
              around this by remembering that the DOS FORMAT command is in
              the file FORMAT.COM.  If you entered the command FORMAT.COM A:
              then 4DOS would not find a match for the executable extension,
              and would continue the usual search sequence until it found
              the FORMAT command.

           ## Executable extensions may include wildcards, so you could, for
              example, have 4DOS run your text editor for any file with an
              extension beginning with T by defining an executable extension
              called .T*.

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

          The Environment

              The environment is a collection of information about your
              computer that every program receives.  You can view the
              environment by typing SET, and modify it with the ESET, SET,
              and UNSET commands (see pages 219, 291, and 309).

              Each entry in the environment consists of a variable name
              (usually in upper case) followed by an equal sign and a string
              of text.  Some variables are of general use to many programs;
              some are used only by one program or group of programs.  The
              content and form of the text string following the equal sign
              is defined by the program that uses each particular
              environment variable.  The text strings can be used from the
              4DOS command line, by application programs, and within aliases
              and batch files.

              The text string can include any characters except nulls (ASCII
              0).  The maximum length for the variable name, equal sign, and
              text string is 255 characters.

              4DOS can automatically substitute the text for the variable
              name in a command.  To create the substitution, include a
              percent sign [%] and a variable name on the command line or in
              an alias or batch file.  For example, if you create a variable
              named BACKUP like this:

                   c:\> set BACKUP=*.bak;*.bk!;*.bk

              and then type

                   c:\> del %BACKUP

              4DOS will execute the following command:

                   del *.bak;*.bk!;*.bk

           ## The variable names you use this way may contain any alphabetic
              or numeric characters, the underscore character [_], and the
              dollar sign [$].  You can force 4DOS to accept other
              characters by including the full variable name in square
              brackets, like this: %[AB##2].  You can also "nest"
              environment variables using square brackets.  For example
              %[%var1] means "the contents of the variable whose name is
              stored in VAR1".

           ## If you want to pass a percent sign, or a string beginning with
              a percent sign, to a command you must use two percent signs in

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              a row.  Otherwise 4DOS will see your single percent sign as
              the beginning of a variable name, and will not pass it on to
              the command.  For example, to display the string "We're with
              you 100%", you would use the command:

                   echo We're with you 100%%

           ## Environment variables may be used to contain alias names.
              Normally 4DOS expands aliases before environment variables.
              However if you use an environment variable name (with a
              leading percent sign) as the first word in a command line,
              4DOS will substitute the variable value for the name, then
              check for any alias name which may have been included within
              the variable's value.  For example, the following commands
              would generate a 2-column directory of the .TXT files:

                   c:\> alias d2 dir /2
                   c:\> set cmd=d2
                   c:\> %cmd *.txt

           ## The trailing percent sign that was traditionally required for
              environment variable names is not usually required in 4DOS,
              which accepts any character that cannot be part of a variable
              name as the terminator.  However the trailing percent can be
              used to maintain compatibility.

              The trailing percent sign is needed if you want to concatenate
              two variable values.  The following examples show the possible
              interactions between variables and literal strings.  First,
              create two environment variables called ONE and TWO this way:

                   c:\> set ONE=abcd
                   c:\> set TWO=efgh

              Now the following combinations produce the output text shown:

                   %ONE%TWO             abcdTWO   ("%ONE%" + "TWO")
                   %ONE%TWO%            abcdTWO   ("%ONE%" + "TWO%")
                   %ONE%%TWO            abcdefgh  ("%ONE%" + "%TWO")
                   %ONE%%TWO%           abcdefgh  ("%ONE%" + "%TWO%")
                   %ONE%[TWO]           abcd[TWO] ("%ONE%" + "[TWO]")
                   %ONE%[TWO]%          abcd[TWO] ("%ONE%" + "[TWO]%")
                   %[ONE]%TWO           abcdefgh  ("%[ONE]" + "%TWO")
                   %[ONE]%TWO%          abcdefgh  ("%[ONE]" + "%TWO%")

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              4DOS Configuration Variables

              The following environment variables have special meanings in
              4DOS.  Chapter 6 / Options and Fine Tuning (see page 115)
              explains the details of how to set and use each of them,
              except COLORDIR which is explained under the DIR and SELECT
              commands on pages 204 and 286.  You can see the current value
              of each variable, if it exists, with the SET command.

                   CDPATH tells 4DOS where to search for directories
                   specified by the CD and CDD commands and in automatic
                   directory changes.  _CDPATH can be used as an alternative
                   to CDPATH if you are using Microsoft Bookshelf, which
                   uses a CDPATH variable for its own purposes.

                   CMDLINE is the fully expanded text (up to 255 characters
                   long) of the currently executing 4DOS command line.  4DOS
                   sets CMDLINE just before it invokes any .COM, .EXE, .BTM,
                   or .BAT file.  If a command line is prefaced with an "@"
                   to prevent echoing (see page 57), 4DOS also will not
                   attempt to put it in CMDLINE.  This allows you to squeeze
                   out the last few bytes of environment space before
                   loading TSRs by putting a "SET CMDLINE=" before you load
                   each one, and an "@" prefacing each TSR command.

                   COLORDIR controls directory display colors used by DIR
                   and SELECT.

                   COMSPEC contains the full path and name of 4DOS itself.
                   COMSPEC is often used by applications which have a "shell
                   to DOS" feature.

                   PATH is a list of directories that 4DOS will search for
                   executable files that aren't in the current directory.
                   PATH may also be used by some application programs to
                   find their own files.

                   PROMPT defines the 4DOS command line prompt.

                   TEMP specifies the directory where 4DOS should store
                   temporary pipe files if the TEMP4DOS variable doesn't
                   exist.  Some other programs also use TEMP to define where
                   they should place their temporary files.

                   TEMP4DOS specifies where 4DOS should store temporary pipe

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              ## 4DOS Internal Variables

              The following variables are not actually stored in the
              environment, but can be used in commands, aliases, and batch
              files just like any other environment variable.  The values of
              these variables are stored internally in 4DOS and cannot be
              changed with the SET, UNSET, or ESET command.  However, you
              can override any of these variables by defining a new variable
              with the same name, which will be stored in the environment.

              These internal variables are often used in 4DOS batch files
              and aliases to examine system resources and adjust to the
              current computer settings.  You can examine the contents of
              any internal variable from the command line with a command
              like this:

                   c:\> echo %variablename

              In the list below, the possible values for most variables are
              shown in double quotes for ease of understanding.  The actual
              values returned by the variables do not include the double

              ? contains the exit code of the last external command.  Many
              programs return a 0 to indicate success and a non-zero value
              to signal an error.  However, not all programs return an exit
              code.  If no exit code is returned, the value of %? is

              _? contains the exit code of the last internal 4DOS command.
              It is set to 0 if the command was successful, non-zero if not.
              You must use or save this value immediately, because it is set
              by every internal command.

              _4VER is the current 4DOS version (for example, "4.0").

              _ALIAS contains the free space in the alias list, in bytes.

              _ANSI contains "1" if 4DOS's internal flags indicate that
              ANSI.SYS or a compatible driver is installed; "0" if not.  The
              internal flags which determine the value of _ANSI depend on
              the SETDOS /A option (see page 294) and the ANSI directive in
              4DOS.INI (see page 127), as shown in the table below.  If
              SETDOS /A is 0 or ANSI  is set to Auto, 4DOS tests for the
              presence of an ANSI driver.  Because there is no standard and
              100% reliable way to detect an ANSI driver, you may need to
              experiment to see if this variable works properly with your

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              particular driver when 4DOS is allowed to test for its

                   SETDOS /A       Directive      _ANSI Value
                   ------------    ------------   ------------
                    0 (default)    Auto (default) Result of test
                    1              Yes            1
                    2              No             0

              _BATCH is the current batch nesting level.  It is "0" if no
              batch file is currently being processed.

              _BG is a string containing the first three characters of the
              screen background color at the current cursor location (for
              example, "Bla").

              _BOOT is the boot drive letter, without a colon.

              _CODEPAGE is the current code page number (see CHCP on page

              _COLUMN is the current cursor column (for example, "0" for the
              left side of the screen).

              _COLUMNS is the current number of screen columns (for example,

              _CPU is the cpu type, returned as a string:
                   86     8086 and 8088           286   80286
                   186    80186 and 80188         386   i386
                   200    NEC V20 and V30         486   i486

              _CWD is the current directory in the format d:\pathname.

              _CWDS has the same value as CWD, except it ends the pathname
              with a backslash [\].

              _CWP is the current directory in the format \pathname.

              _CWPS has the same value as CWP, except it ends the pathname
              with a backslash [\].

              _DATE contains the current system date, in the format mm-dd-yy
              (U.S.), dd-mm-yy (Europe), or yy-mm-dd (Japan).

              _DISK is the current disk drive, without a colon (for example,

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              _DOS is the operating system type ("DOS" or "OS2").  4DOS
              always returns "DOS", and 4OS2 always returns "OS2".  This is
              useful if you have batch files running in both modes.

              _DOSVER is the current DOS version (for example, "5.0").  In
              the OS/2 DOS compatibility box the version number will be 10.2
              for OS/2 1.2, 10.3 for OS/2 1.3, 20.0 for OS/2 2.0, and so on.

              _DOW is the first three characters of the current day of the
              week ("Mon", "Tue", "Wed", etc.).

              _DV is "1" if DESQView is loaded or "0" otherwise.

              _ENV is the free space in the environment, in bytes.

              _FG is a string containing the first three letters of the
              screen foreground color at the current cursor position (for
              example, "Whi").

              _LASTDISK is the last valid drive letter, without a colon.

              _MONITOR is the monitor type ("mono" or "color").

              _MOUSE is 1 if a Microsoft-compatible mouse driver is loaded,
              and 0 otherwise.

              _NDP is the coprocessor type, returned as a string:

                   0      no coprocessor is installed
                   87     8087
                   287    80287
                   387    80387 or 80486DX

              _ROW is the current cursor row (for example, "0" for the top
              of the screen).

              _ROWS is the current number of screen rows (for example,

              _SHELL is the current shell nesting level.  The primary shell
              is level "0", and each subsequent secondary shell increments
              the level by 1.

              _TIME contains the current system time in the format hh:mm:ss.
              The separator character may vary depending upon your country
              information  (see the CHCP command on page 189).

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              _TRANSIENT is 1 if the current shell is transient (started
              with a /C), or 0 otherwise.

              _VIDEO is the video card type ("mono", "cga", "ega", or

              _WIN is the current Microsoft Windows mode.  This variable
              will always be zero except when 4DOS is running under
              Microsoft Windows, or under a DOS session in OS/2 2.0:

                   0       Windows is not running
                   1       Windows 2
                   2       Windows 3 in 386 enhanced mode
                   3       Windows 3 in real or standard mode
                   20      OS/2 2.0 DOS machine with Windows support

              The _CWD, _CWDS, _CWP, _CWPS, and _DISK variables will return
              their result in upper or lower case depending on the value of
              the SETDOS /U switch (see page 294) or the UpperCase directive
              in 4DOS.INI (see page 130).  The _MONITOR and _VIDEO variables
              always return lower case.  The _BG, _DOW, and _FG variables
              return the first letter of the result in upper case and the
              rest in lower case.

              You can use these variables in a wide variety of ways
              depending on your needs.  Here are just a few examples.  Some
              of these examples rely on the IF command (page 238) or the IFF
              command (page 244) to test the value of a variable and perform
              different actions based on that value.

              In a batch file, set the color based on the video card type:

                   iff "%_video"=="mono" then
                     color bright white on black
                     color bright white on blue

              Call another batch file if 4DOS is running under DESQView:

                   if "%_dv" == "1" call dvstart

              Store the current date and time in a file, then save the
              output of a DIR command in the same file:

                   echo Directory as of %_date %_time > dirsave
                   dir >> dirsave

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              Set up a prompt for the primary shell which displays the time
              and current directory, and a different one for secondary
              shells which includes the shell level rather than the time.
              Also set different background colors for the two shells,
              without changing the foreground color.  You might use a
              sequence like this in your 4START file, which is executed each
              time 4DOS starts:

                   iff %_shell==0 then
                     prompt $t $p$g
                     color %_fg on blue
                     prompt [$z] $p$g
                     color %_fg on cyan

              ## 4DOS Variable Functions

              Variable functions are like internal variables, but they take
              one or more arguments (which can be environment variables or
              even other variable functions), and they return a value.  Like
              all environment variables, these variable functions must be
              preceded by a percent sign in normal use (%@EVAL, %@LEN,
              etc.).  All variable functions must have square brackets
              enclosing their argument(s).

              The variable functions are useful in aliases and batch files
              to check on available system resources, manipulate strings and
              numbers, and work with filenames.  Some of the variable
              functions, like @DISKFREE, are shown with "b|k|m" as one of
              their arguments.  Those functions return a number of bytes,
              kilobytes, or megabytes based upon a "b|k|m" argument:

                   b     return the number of bytes
                   K     return the number of kilobytes (bytes / 1,024)
                   k     return the number of thousands of bytes (bytes /
                   M     return the number of megabytes (bytes / 1,048,576)
                   m     return the number of millions of bytes (bytes /

              @ALIAS[name]:  Returns the contents of the specified alias as
              a string, or a null string if the alias doesn't exist.

              @ASCII[c]:  Returns the numeric value of the specified ASCII
              character as a string.  For example %@ASCII[A] returns 65.

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              @ATTRIB[filename,attrib]:  Returns a "1" if the specified file
              has the matching attribute(s);  otherwise returns a "0".  The
              attributes are:

                   N     Normal (no attribute bits set)
                   R     Read-only
                   H     Hidden
                   S     System
                   D     Directory
                   A     Archive

              The attributes (other than N) can be combined;  ATTRIB will
              only return a 1 if all the attributes match.

              @CHAR[n]:  Returns the character corresponding to an ASCII
              numeric value.  For example %@CHAR[65] returns A.

              @DATE[mm-dd-yy]:  Returns the number of days since January 1,
              1980 for the specified date.  DATE uses the date format
              mandated by your country code (dd-mm-yy in Europe;  yy-mm-dd
              in Japan).

              @DESCRIPT[filename]:  Returns the file description for the
              specified filename (see the DESCRIBE command on page 203).

              @DEVICE[name]:  Returns 1 if the specified name is a character
              device (such as a printer or serial port), or 0 if not.

              @DISKFREE[d:,b|k|m]: Returns the amount of free disk space on
              the specified drive.

              @DISKTOTAL[d:,b|k|m]: Returns the total disk space on the
              specified drive.

              @DISKUSED[d:,b|k|m]: Returns the amount of disk space in use
              by files and directories on the specified drive.

              @DOSMEM[b|k|m]:  Returns the amount of free base memory.

              @EMS[b|k|m]:  Returns the amount of free EMS memory.

              @EVAL[expression]:  Evaluates an arithmetic expression.  @EVAL
              supports addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*),
              division (/), and modulo (%%).  The expression can contain
              environment variables and other variable functions.  @EVAL
              also supports parentheses, commas, and decimal places.
              Parentheses can be nested.  The maximum number size is 16
              digits to the left of the decimal point and 8 digits to the

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              right of the decimal point.  @EVAL will strip leading and
              trailing zeros from the result.  When evaluating expressions,
              *, /, and %% take precedence over + and -.  For example, 3 + 4
              * 2 will be interpreted as 3 + 8  = 11, not as (3 + 4) * 2 =
              14.  To change this order of evaluation, use parentheses to
              specify the order you want.

              @EXEC[command]:  Execute the command.  The command can be a
              4DOS alias, internal command, external command, .BTM file, or
              .BAT file.  This function is a "back-door" entry into 4DOS
              command processing and should be used with extreme caution.
              Incorrect or recursive use of @EXEC may cause stack overflows
              or hang your system.  @EXEC is primarily intended for running
              a program from within the PROMPT, where it should also be used
              with caution.

              @EXT[filename]:  Returns the extension from a file name,
              without a leading period.

              @EXTENDED[b|k|m]:  Returns the amount of extended memory.

              @FILEDATE[filename]:  Returns the date a file was last
              modified, in the default country format (mm-dd-yy for the US).

              @FILESIZE[filename,b|k|m]:  Returns the size of a file.

              @FILETIME[filename]:  Returns the time a file was last
              modified, in hh:mm format.  The separator character will vary
              with the country definition in use on your system.

              @FULL[filename]:  Returns the fully qualified path name of a

              @INDEX[string1,string2]:  Returns the position of string2
              within string1, or "-1" if string2 is not found.  The first
              position in string1 is numbered 0.

              @INT[n]:  Returns the integer part of the number n.

              @LABEL[d:]:  Returns the volume label of the specified disk

              @LEN[string]:  Returns the length of a string.

              @LINE[filename,n]:  Returns line "n" from the specified file.
              The first line in the file is numbered 0.  "**EOF**" is
              returned for all line numbers beyond the end of the file.
              @LINE will retrieve input from STDIN if you specify "con" as

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              the filename.  If you are redirecting input to @LINE using
              this feature, you must use command grouping (see page 91)
              since redirection is normally performed AFTER variable
              functions are processed.  For example:

                   (echo %@line[con,0]) < myfile.dat

              @LINES[filename]:  Returns the line number of the last line in
              the file, or -1 if the file is empty.  The first line in the
              file is numbered 0, so (for example) @LINES will return 0 for
              a file containing one line.

              @LOWER[string]:  Returns the string converted to lower case.

              @LPT[n]:  Returns a "1" if the specified printer is ready;
              otherwise, returns "0".  n=1 checks the printer connected to
              LPT1, n=2 checks LPT2, and n=3 checks LPT3.

              @MAKEDATE[n]:  Returns a date (formatted according to the
              current country settings) from a number of days since 1/1/80.
              This is the opposite of @DATE.

              @MAKETIME[n]:  Returns a time (formatted according to the
              current country settings) from a number of seconds since
              midnight.  This is the opposite of @TIME.

              @NAME[filename]:  Returns the base name of a file, without the
              path or extension.

              @PATH[filename]:  Returns the path from a file name, including
              the drive letter and a trailing backslash but not including
              the base name or extension.

              @READSCR[row,col,length]:  Returns the text displayed on the
              screen at the specified location.  The first row and column on
              the screen are numbered 0.

              @READY[d:]:  Returns "1" if the specified drive is ready;
              otherwise returns "0".

              @REMOTE[d:]:  Returns "1" if the specified drive is a remote
              (network) drive; otherwise returns "0".

              @REMOVABLE[d:]:  Returns "1" if the specified drive is
              removable (i.e., a floppy disk or removable hard disk);
              otherwise returns "0".

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              @SEARCH[filename]:  Searches for the filename using the PATH
              environment variable, appending an extension (.COM, .EXE,
              .BAT, .BTM, or executable extension) if one isn't specified.
              Returns the fully-expanded name of the file including drive,
              path, base name, and extension, or an empty string if a
              matching file is not found.  If wildcards are used in the
              filename, @SEARCH will search for the first file that matches
              the wildcard specification, and return the drive and path for
              that file plus the wildcard filename (e.g., E:\UTIL\*.COM).

              @SELECT[filename,top,left,bottom,right,title]:  Pops up a
              selection window with the lines from the specified file.
              Returns the text of the line the scrollbar is on if you press
              RETURN, or an empty string if you press ESCAPE.  Can be used
              to design menus or other selection lists from inside a batch

              @SUBSTR[string,start,length]:  Returns a substring, starting
              at the position "start" and continuing for "length"
              characters.  If the length is omitted, it will default to the
              remainder of the string.  If the length is negative, the start
              is relative to the right side of the string.  The first
              character in the string is numbered 0; if the length is
              negative, the last character is numbered 0.  For example,
              %@SUBSTR[%_time,0,2] gets the current time and extracts the
              hour.  If the string includes commas, it must be quoted with
              double quotes ["] or back-quotes [`].  The quotes do count in
              calculating the position of the substring to be extracted.

              @TIME[hh:mm:ss]:  Returns the number of seconds since midnight
              for the specified time.  The time must be in 24-hour format;
              "am" and "pm" cannot be used.

              @TRUENAME[filename]:  Returns the true, fully-expanded name
              for a file.  TRUENAME will see "through" a JOIN or SUBST, and
              requires DOS 3.0 or above.  Wildcards may not be used in the

              @UNIQUE[d:\path]:  Creates a zero-length file with a unique
              name in the specified directory, and returns the full name and
              path.  If no path is specified, the file will be created in
              the current directory.  This function allows you to create a
              temporary file without overwriting an existing file.  @UNIQUE
              only works in DOS 3.0 and above.

              @UPPER[string]:  Returns the string converted to upper case.

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              @WORD[n,string]:  Returns the "nth" word in a string.  The
              first word is numbered 0.  If "n" is negative, words are
              returned from the end of the string.  For example:

                   %@WORD[2,NOW IS THE TIME]      returns "THE"
                   %@WORD[-0,NOW IS THE TIME]     returns "TIME"
                   %@WORD[-2,NOW IS THE TIME]     returns "IS"

              @XMS[b|k|m]:  Returns the amount of free XMS memory.

              You can use these variable functions in a wide variety of ways
              depending on your needs.  We've included a few examples below
              to give you an idea of what's possible.

              To set the prompt to show the amount of free base memory (see
              the PROMPT command, page 271,  for details on including
              variable functions in your prompt):

                   c:\> prompt (%%@dosmem[K]K) $p$g

              Set up a simple command line calculator.  The calculator is
              used with a command like CALC 3 * (4 + 5):

                   c:\> alias calc `echo The answer is:  %@eval[%&]`

              The following batch file uses variable functions to implement
              "once a day" execution of a group of commands.  It works by
              constructing a 6-digit number "yymmdd" from today's date, and
              comparing that to a number of the same type stored in the file
              C:\ONCEADAY.DAT.  If today's date is numerically larger than
              the saved date, and the time is after 6:00 AM, then the "once
              a day" commands are run, and today's date is saved in the file
              as the new date for comparison.  Otherwise, no action is
              taken.  You can make this file simpler using the %@DATE and
              %@TIME functions instead of using %@SUBSTR to extract
              substrings of the %_DATE and %_TIME variables; we used the
              approach shown to demonstrate the use of %@SUBSTR.

                  rem  Temporary variables used to shorten example lines:
                  rem    DD is _date, DY is yymmdd date, TM is _time
                  set dd=%_date
                  set dy=%@substr[%dd,6,2]%@substr[%dd,0,2]%@substr[%dd,3,2]
                  set lastdate=0
                  iff exist c:\onceaday.dat then
                    set lastdate=%@line[onceaday.dat,0]
                  iff %dy gt %lastdate then
                    set tm=%_time

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                    iff "%@substr[%tm,0,2]%@substr[%tm,3,2]" gt "0600" then
                      rem Commands to be executed once a day go here
                      echo %dy > c:\onceaday.dat

          ## Advanced Features

              The next four 4DOS features are designed for advanced users of
              DOS and 4DOS.  If you are a novice user, you might want to
              skim over this section and return to it as your computing
              skills and needs progress.

              Conditional Commands

              When an internal command or external program finishes, it
              returns a result called the exit code.  4DOS's conditional
              commands allow you to perform tasks based upon the previous
              command's exit code.  Most programs return a 0 if they are
              successful and a non-zero value if they encounter an error.

              If you separate two commands by && (AND), the second command
              will be executed only if the first returns an exit code of 0.
              For example, the following command will only erase files if
              the BACKUP operation succeeds:

                   c:\> backup c:\ a: && del c:\*.bak;*.lst

              If you separate two commands by || (OR), the second command
              will be executed only if the first returns a non-zero exit
              code.  For example, if the following BACKUP operation fails,
              then ECHO will display a message:

                   c:\> backup c:\ a: || echo Error in the backup!

              All 4DOS internal commands return an explicit exit code, but
              not all application programs do.  Conditional commands will
              behave unpredictably if you use them with programs which do
              not return an explicit exit code.

              Command Grouping

              Command grouping allows you to logically group a set of
              commands together by enclosing them in parentheses.  The
              parentheses are similar in function to the BEGIN and END block

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              statements in some programming languages.  Command grouping is
              a feature of the OS/2 command processor which 4DOS makes
              available to you under DOS as well.

              There are two primary uses for command grouping.  One is to
              execute multiple commands in a place where normally only a
              single command is allowed.  For example, suppose you want to
              copy then rename all the .WKQ files on drives A: and B: using
              the FOR command.  You could do it like this:

                   c:\> for %drv in (A B) do copy %drv:*.wkq d:\wksave\
                   c:\> for %drv in (A B) do ren %drv:*.wkq *.old

              But with command grouping you can do the same thing in one
              command (enter this on one line):

                   c:\> for %drv in (A B) do (copy %drv:*.wkq d:\wksave\ ^
                        ren %drv:*.wkq *.sav)

              The COPY and REN commands enclosed in the parentheses appear
              to FOR as if they were a single command, so both commands are
              executed for every element of the FOR list.

              This kind of command grouping is most useful with the EXCEPT,
              FOR, GLOBAL, and IF commands.  You can not use command
              grouping to make SELECT execute several commands, because
              SELECT will assume that the parentheses are marking the list
              of files from which to select, and will display an error
              message or give incorrect results if you try to use
              parentheses for command grouping instead.  (You can use a
              SELECT command inside the command grouping parentheses, you
              just can't use command grouping to specify a group of commands
              for SELECT to execute.)

              The second common use of command grouping is to redirect input
              or output for several commands without repeatedly using the
              redirection symbols.  For example, consider the following
              batch file fragment which places some header lines (including
              today's date) and directory displays in an output file using
              redirection.  The first ECHO command creates the file using >,
              and the other commands append to the file using >>:

                   echo Data files %_date > filelist
                   dir *.dat >> filelist
                   echo. >> filelist
                   echo Text files %_date > filelist
                   dir *.txt >> filelist

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              Using command grouping, these commands can be written much
              more simply (enter this on one line):

                   (echo Data files %_date ^ dir *.dat ^ echo. ^ echo Text
                   files %_date ^ dir *.txt) > filelist

              The redirection, which appears outside the parentheses,
              applies to all the commands within the parentheses.  The same
              approach can be used for input redirection and for piping.

              You can also use command grouping in a batch file or at the
              prompt to split commands over several lines.  This last
              example is like the redirection example above, but is entered
              at the prompt.  Note that 4DOS displays a "More? prompt after
              each incomplete line.  None of the commands are executed until
              the command group is completed with the closing parenthesis.
              This example does not have to be entered on one line:

                   c:\> (echo Data files %_date
                   More? dir *.dat
                   More? echo.
                   More? echo Text files %_date
                   More? dir *.txt) > filelist

              A group of commands in parentheses is like a long command
              line.  The total length of the group may not exceed 511
              characters, whether the commands are entered from the prompt,
              an alias, or a batch file.  The 511-character limit includes
              the space required to expand aliases and environment variables
              invoked within the group.

              Escape Character

              4DOS recognizes a user-definable escape character.  This
              character gives the following character a special meaning;  it
              is not the same as the ASCII ESC that is often used in ANSI
              sequences.  The default 4DOS escape character is Ctrl-X (ASCII
              24), which will be displayed on your screen as an up arrow.
              (The escape character is shown below as "^X", but when
              entering it you must use the single keystroke Ctrl-X or ASCII
              24, not "^" followed by "X"!).  You can use the SETDOS /E
              command or the EscapeChar directive in 4DOS.INI to select a
              different escape character if you wish.

              4DOS recognizes six special characters if they are preceded by
              the escape character.  The combination of the escape character

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              and one of these characters is translated to a single
              character by 4DOS, as shown below.  These are useful for
              redirecting codes to the printer; ^Xe is also useful to
              generate ANSI "escape sequences" in your PROMPT, ECHO, or
              other output commands; and ^Xr is used in keystroke aliases:

                   ^Xb   backspace
                   ^Xe   the ASCII ESC character (ASCII 27)
                   ^Xf   form feed
                   ^Xn   line feed
                   ^Xr   carriage return
                   ^Xt   tab character

              If you follow the escape character with any other character,
              the escape character is removed and the second character is
              copied directly to the command line.  This allows you to
              suppress the normal meaning of special characters (such as ? *
              / \ | " ` > < and &).

              For example, to send a form feed followed by the sequence ESC
              Y to the printer, you can use this command:

                   c:\> echos ^Xf^XeY > prn

              Argument Quoting

              When it begins to parse the command line, 4DOS looks for
              carets [^] to break the line into individual commands, for
              redirection symbols, and for white space (blanks, tabs, and
              commas) to separate commands from arguments.  It also looks
              for percent signs [%] which designate alias or batch file
              replaceable parameters (%1, %2, etc.), or environment
              variables, and substitutes the appropriate value for each
              variable (this process is called variable expansion).
              Normally, the separation characters and the percent sign
              cannot be passed to a command as part of an argument.
              However, you can include any of these special characters in an
              argument by enclosing the entire argument in back quotes [`]
              or double quotes ["].  Although both back quotes and double
              quotes will let you build arguments that include special
              characters, they do not work the same way.

              No alias or variable expansion will be performed on an
              argument enclosed in back quotes.  Redirection symbols inside
              the back quotes will be ignored.  The back quotes will be
              removed from the command line before the command is executed.

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              No alias expansion will be performed on expressions enclosed
              in double quotes.  Redirection symbols inside double quotes
              will be ignored.  However, variable expansion will be
              performed on expressions inside double quotes.  The double
              quotes themselves will be passed through to the command as
              part of the argument.

              For example, suppose the batch file QUOTES.BAT contains the
              following commands:

                   @echo off
                   echo Arg1 = %1
                   echo Arg2 = %2
                   echo Arg3 = %3

              and that the environment variable FORVAR has been defined with
              this command:

                   c:\> set FORVAR=for

              Now, if you enter the command

                   c:\> quotes `Now is the time %forvar` all good

              the output from QUOTES.BAT will look like this:

                   Arg1 = Now is the time %forvar
                   Arg2 = all
                   Arg3 = good

              But if you enter the command

                   c:\> quotes "Now is the time %forvar" all good

              the output from QUOTES.BAT will look like this:
                   Arg1 = "Now is the time for"
                   Arg2 = all
                   Arg3 = good

              Notice that in both cases, the quotes keep characters together
              and reduce the number of arguments in the line.

              The following example has 7 command line arguments, while the
              examples above only have 3:

                   c:\> quotes Now is the time %forvar all good

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              When an alias is defined in a batch file or from the command
              line, its argument should be enclosed in back quotes to
              prevent the expansion of replaceable parameters, variables,
              and multiple commands until the alias is invoked.  Back quotes
              should not be used when defining aliases to be read in an
              ALIAS /R file.


              Much of the power of 4DOS comes together in aliases, which
              give you the ability to create your own commands.  An alias is
              a name that you select for a command or group of commands.
              Simple aliases substitute a new name for an existing command.
              More complex aliases can redefine the default settings of 4DOS
              commands, operate as very fast in-memory batch files, and
              perform actions based on the results of other actions.

              This section of the manual will show you some examples of the
              power of aliases.  You can use these examples as the basis for
              your own aliases.  See the ALIAS command (page 169) for
              complete details about writing your own aliases.

              The simplest type of alias gives a new name to an existing
              command.  For example, you could create a command called ROOT
              to switch to the root directory this way:

                   c:\> alias root = `cd \`

              After the alias has been defined this way, every time you type
              the command ROOT, 4DOS will execute the command CD \.

              Aliases can also create customized versions of 4DOS commands.
              For example, the 4DOS DIR command can sort a directory in
              various ways.  You can create an alias called DE that means
              "sort the directory by filename extension, and pause after
              each page while displaying it" like this:

                   c:\> alias de = `dir /oe /p`

              Aliases can be used to execute sequences of commands as well.
              The following command creates an alias called W which saves
              the current drive and directory, changes to the WP directory
              on drive C, runs the program E:\WP51\WP.EXE, and, when the
              program terminates, returns to the original drive and

                   c:\> alias w = `pushd c:\wp ^ e:\wp51\wp.exe ^ popd`

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              Aliases can be nested, that is, one alias can invoke another.
              For example, the alias above could also be written as:

                   c:\> alias wp = `e:\wp51\wp.exe`
                   c:\> alias w = `pushd c:\wp ^ wp ^ popd`

              If you enter the W command, 4DOS will execute the PUSHD
              command, detect that the next command (WP) is another alias,
              execute the program E:\WP51\WP.EXE, and -- when the program
              exits -- return to the first alias, execute the POPD command,
              and finally return to the prompt.

              You can use aliases to change the default options for both
              internal 4DOS commands and external commands.  Suppose that
              you always want the DEL command to prompt before it erases a

                   c:\> alias del = `*del /p`

              You may have a program on your system that has the same name
              as an internal 4DOS command.  Normally, 4DOS will run the
              internal command and not let you run the program you desire,
              unless you explicitly add its full path on the command line
              (type C:\UTIL\LIST.COM, for example).  Aliases give you two
              ways to get around this problem.

              First, you could define an alias that runs the program in
              question, but with a different name.  For example, if you want
              to run a program called HELP.EXE when you type HLP, this alias
              will do the trick:

                   c:\> alias hlp = `c:\dos\help.exe`

              Another approach you could take would be to rename the
              internal 4DOS command and use the original name for the
              external program.  The following example renames the 4DOS LIST
              command as DISPLAY and then uses a second alias to run
              LIST.COM whenever you type LIST:

                   c:\> alias display = `*list`
                   c:\> alias list = `c:\util\list.com`

              You can also assign an alias to a key, so that every time you
              press the key, the command will be invoked.  After you enter
              this next example, 4DOS will display a 2-column directory with
              paging whenever you press Shift plus F5:

                   c:\> alias @Shift-F5 = `*dir /2/p`

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              That example will put the DIR command on the command line when
              you press F5 and wait for you to enter file names to display
              and then press Enter.  This next example clears the screen
              whenever you press Alt-F1.  The "^X" is the 4DOS escape
              character (see page 93), which you enter by pressing Ctrl-X
              (it is entered twice before the r at the end of this alias):

                   c:\> alias @Alt-F1 = `cls^X^Xr`

              Aliases have many other capabilities as well.  This example
              creates a simple command-line calculator.  Once you have
              entered the example, you can type CALC 4*19, for example, and
              4DOS will display the answer:

                   c:\> alias calc = `echo The answer is:  %@eval[%&]`

              Our last example in this section creates an alias called IN.
              It will temporarily change directories, run an internal or
              external command, and then return to the current directory
              when the command is finished:

                   c:\> alias in = `pushd %1 ^ %2& ^ popd`

              Now if you type

                   c:\> in c:\letters wp letter.txt

              4DOS will change to the C:\LETTERS subdirectory, execute the
              command WP LETTER.TXT and then return to the current

              The distribution diskette includes a sample alias file called
              ALIASES which contains several useful aliases and demonstrates
              many alias techniques.  Also, see the ALIAS and UNALIAS
              commands on pages 169 and 308 for more information and
              examples.  See page 103 for tips about using aliases inside
              your batch files.

          Batch Files

              A batch file is a file that contains a list of commands for
              4DOS to execute.  4DOS reads and interprets each line as if it
              had been typed at the keyboard.  Like aliases, batch files are
              handy for automating computing tasks.  Unlike aliases, batch
              files can be as long as you wish.  Batch files take up
              separate disk space for each file, and can't usually execute

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              quite as quickly as aliases, since they must be read from the

              .BAT Files and .BTM Files

              4DOS can execute a batch file in two different modes.  In the
              first, traditional mode, 4DOS reads and executes the lines of
              the batch file individually.  In the second mode, 4DOS reads
              the entire batch file into memory at once.  The second mode
              can be 5 to 10 times faster, especially if most of the
              commands in the batch file are internal 4DOS commands.
              However, only the first mode can be used for self-modifying
              batch files (which are rare), for batch files which install
              memory-resident utilities, and for batch files larger than 64K

              4DOS decides which batch file mode to use by the file's
              extension.  It runs files with a .BAT extension in the slower,
              traditional mode.  Files that have a .BTM extension are run in
              the faster, more efficient mode.  You can change the execution
              mode inside of a batch file (of either type) with the LOADBTM
              command (see page 257).


              By default, 4DOS displays or "echoes" every batch file line as
              it is executed.  You can change this behavior, if you want, in
              several different ways:

                   Any batch file line that begins with an [@] symbol will
                   not be displayed.

                   The display can be turned off and on within a batch file
                   with the ECHO OFF and ECHO ON commands.

                   The default setting can be changed with the SETDOS /V
                   command (see page 294) or the BatchEcho directive in
                   4DOS.INI (see page 127).

              For example, the following line turns off echoing inside a
              batch file.  The [@] symbol keeps the batch file from
              displaying the ECHO OFF command:

                   @echo off

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              4DOS also has a command line echo that is unrelated to the
              batch file echo setting.  See the ECHO command on page 215 for
              details about both settings.

              Batch File Variables

              Like aliases and application programs, batch files can examine
              the command line that is used to invoke them.  4DOS separates
              the command tail (everything on the command line after the
              batch file name) into individual parameters or variables by
              scanning for the spaces, tabs, and commas that separate the
              parameters.  A batch file can work with individual parameters
              or with the command tail as a whole.

              4DOS numbers these replaceable parameters from %1 to %127.  It
              is up to the batch file to determine the meaning of each
              parameter.  Parameters that are referred to in a batch file,
              but which are missing on the command line, appear as empty
              strings inside the batch file.

              A batch file can also work with three special parameters: %0
              contains the name of the batch file as it was entered on the
              command line, %# contains the number of command-line
              arguments, and %n& contains the complete command line tail
              starting with argument number "n".  The default value of "n"
              is 1, so %& contains the entire command tail.  The values of
              these special parameters can change if you use the SHIFT
              command (see page 299).

              For example, suppose the batch file interprets the first
              argument as a subdirectory name.  Then the following line
              would move to the specified directory:

                   cd %1

              A friendlier batch file would check to make sure the directory
              exists and take some special action if it doesn't:

                   iff isdir %1 then ^ cd %1
                   else ^ echo Subdirectory %1 does not exist ^ quit

              (see the IF and IFF commands on pages 238 and 244).

           ## Batch files can also use environment variables, internal
              variables, and variable functions.  See pages 81 - 91 for a
              complete list of the internal variables and variable functions

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              available.  You can use these variables and functions to
              determine system status (e.g., the type of CPU in the system),
              resource levels (e.g., the amount of free disk space), file
              information (e.g., the date and time  a file was last
              modified) and other information (e.g., the current date and
              time).  You can also perform arithmetic (including date
              arithmetic), manipulate strings and substrings, extract parts
              of a filename, and perform simple file access.

           ## To create temporary variables for use inside a batch file,
              just use the SET command to store the information you want in
              an environment variable.  Pick a variable name that isn't
              likely to be in use by some other program (for example, PATH
              would be a bad choice), and use the UNSET command (page 309)
              to remove these variables from the environment at the end of
              your batch file.  You can also use SETLOCAL and ENDLOCAL
              (pages 298 and 218) to create a "local" environment so that
              the original environment will be restored when your batch file
              is finished.

           ## Environment variables used in a batch file may contain either
              numbers or text.  It is up to you to keep track of what's in
              each variable and use it appropriately; if you don't (for
              example, if you use %@EVAL to add a number to a text string),
              you'll get an error message.

           ## Be careful not to confuse the various kinds of variables that
              4DOS provides.  Replaceable parameters, environment variables,
              internal variables, and variable functions look similar and
              have similar uses but they are not the same.

              Batch File Commands

              Several 4DOS commands are particularly suited to batch file
              processing.  Each command is explained in detail in the
              Command Reference section of this manual, beginning on page
              162.  Here is a list of some of the commands you might find
              most useful:

                   BEEP produces a sound of any pitch and duration through
                   the computer's speaker .

                   CALL executes one batch file from within another.

                   CANCEL terminates all batch file processing.

                   CLS and COLOR set the screen display colors.

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

                   DRAWBOX draws a box on the screen.

                   DRAWHLINE and DRAWVLINE draw horizontal and vertical
                   lines on the screen.

                   ECHO and ECHOS print text on the screen (the text can be
                   redirected to a file or device).

                   GOSUB executes a subroutine inside a batch file.  The
                   RETURN command terminates the subroutine.

                   GOTO branches to a different location in the batch file.

                   FOR executes commands for each file that matches a set of
                   wildcards, or each entry in a list.

                   IF and IFF execute commands based on a test of string or
                   numeric values, program exit codes, or other conditions.

                   INKEY and INPUT collect keyboard input from the user and
                   store it in environment variables.

                   KEYSTACK places keystrokes into the 4DOS Keystack.

                   LOADBTM changes the batch file operating mode.

                   PAUSE displays a message and waits for the user to press
                   a key.

                   QUIT ends the current batch file and optionally returns
                   an exit code.

                   REM places a remark in a batch file.

                   SCREEN positions the cursor on the screen and optionally
                   prints a message at the new location.

                   SCRPUT displays a message in color.

                   SETLOCAL saves the current disk drive, default directory,
                   environment, and alias list.  ENDLOCAL restores the
                   settings that were saved.

                   SHIFT changes the numbering of the replaceable

                   TEXT displays a block of text.  ENDTEXT ends the block.

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

                   TIMER starts or reads a stopwatch.

                   VSCRPUT displays a vertical message in color.

              These commands, along with the 4DOS internal variables and
              variable functions, make the 4DOS batch file language
              extremely powerful.  The distribution diskette contains a
              number of sample batch files that demonstrate some of the
              things you can do with 4DOS batch files.

              ## Batch File Tips

              This section gives you some tips on batch file programming,
              including a few things we've found useful and a few that you
              should stay from.

              One way to simplify batch file programming is to use aliases.
              Not aliases that can be used from the command line, but
              aliases that hide unnecessary detail inside a batch file.  For
              example, suppose you want to implement a multiple choice list
              in a batch file that will let you select among several
              different applications.  This example shows one way to do so:

                   alias in `pushd %1 ^ %2& ^ popd`
                   alias choice `elseiff "%userchoice"=="%1" then`
                   screen 8 0
                    Enter your choice:
                         1. Word Processing
                         2. Spreadsheet
                         3. Communications
                   inkey %%userchoice
                   iff "1"=="2" then ^ rem  Always fail and go to next line
                   choice 1 ^ in d:\letters  c:\wp51\wp.exe
                   choice 2 ^ in d:\finance  c:\quattro\q.exe
                   choice 3 ^ in d:\comm  c:\comsw\pcplus.exe
                     scrput 23 0 bri whi on red Invalid choice, try again
                     goto dispmenu

              The first alias, IN, expects 2 or more command-line arguments.
              It uses the first as a new working directory and changes to
              that directory with a PUSHD command.  The rest of the command
              line is interpreted as the name of an application program plus

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              possible command line parameters, which the alias executes.
              This alias could be used from the command line.

              The second alias, CHOICE, expects 1 command line argument.  It
              tests whether an environment variable called userchoice has
              the same value as the command line argument.  But the test
              comes between ELSEIFF and THEN statements.  If you try to use
              CHOICE from the command line, 4DOS will generate an error
              because it will see ELSEIFF and THEN without the necessary IFF
              and ENDIFF to define a block.

              The next 9 lines print a menu on the screen and then get a
              keystroke from the user and store the keystroke in an
              environment variable called userchoice.  Then the batch file
              tests the user's keystroke to decide what action to take.

              Since the CHOICE alias starts with an ELSEIFF command, there
              has to be an IFF.  But the first condition must fail in order
              to get to the CHOICE aliases, so the IFF statement starts with
              a condition that will always be false.  The three lines after
              the IFF are easy to follow and much shorter than they would be
              without the aliases.  If it had to be typed in full, the first
              choice line would look like this:

                   elseiff "%userchoice"=="1" then pushd d:\letters ^
                   c:\wp\wp51.exe ^ popd

              There's another side to aliases in batch files.  If you're
              going to distribute your 4DOS batch files to others, you need
              to remember that they may have aliases defined for the
              commands you're going to use.  For example if the user has
              aliased CD to CDD and you aren't expecting this, your file may
              not work as you intended.  There are two ways to address this
              problem.  First, you can use SETLOCAL, ENDLOCAL, and UNALIAS
              to clear out aliases before your batch file starts and restore
              them at the end.  For example:

                   unalias *
                   rem Aliases cleared, set up new aliases
                   alias ...
                   rem Other batch file commands go here

              Remember that SETLOCAL and ENDLOCAL will save and restore not
              only the aliases but also the environment and the current
              drive and directory.

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              If this method isn't appropriate or necessary for the batch
              file you're working on, you can also use an asterisk [*]
              before the name of any command.  The asterisk tells 4DOS not
              to interpret the command that follows it as an alias.  For
              example the following command redirects a list of file names
              to the file FILELIST:

                   dir /b > filelist

              However if the user has redefined DIR with an alias this
              command may not do what you want.  To get around this just

                   *dir /b > filelist

              The same can be done for any command in your batch file.  If
              you use the asterisk, 4DOS will skip alias processing, discard
              the asterisk, and process the rest of the command normally as
              an internal command, external command, or batch file.  Using
              an asterisk before a command will work whether or not there is
              actually an alias defined with the same name as the command.
              If there is no alias with that name, the asterisk will be
              ignored and the command will be processed as if the asterisk
              wasn't there.

              There are several tricks you can use in debugging batch files.
              Probably the simplest is to turn ECHO on at the beginning of
              the file while you're testing it, or use SETDOS /V2 to force
              echo on even if an ECHO OFF command is used in the batch file.
              This will give you a picture of what 4DOS is doing when it
              executes the file.  It will make your output look messy of
              course, so just turn it off once things are working.  You can
              also turn ECHO on at the beginning of a group of commands you
              want to "watch", and off at the end, just by adding ECHO
              commands at the appropriate spots in your file.

              Another trick is to insert PAUSE commands wherever you need
              them in order to be able to watch what's happening.  For
              complex debugging, you can make an alias that uses INKEY for a
              similar purpose, but helps you out a little more.  For example
              (enter this on one line):

                   alias step `set skey=^inkey Step:  %%skey^iff
                   "%skey"=="S" then ^ set /P ^ elseiff "%skey"=="X" then ^
                   quit ^ endiff`

              Now anywhere you insert a STEP command in your file you'll get
              the Step: prompt during execution.  At that point you can type

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              S to do a SET /P and display the current contents of your
              environment variables, X to exit the batch file, and any other
              key to go on.  Of course you'll need to create an alias
              tailored to your particular needs, but this gives you the
              basic idea.

              If you can't figure out how 4DOS is expanding your aliases and
              variables, try turning LOG on at the start of the batch file.
              LOG keeps track of all commands after alias and variable
              expansion  are completed, and gives you a record in a file
              that you can examine after the batch file is done.

              You may also want to consider using redirection to capture
              your batch file output.  Simply type the batch file name
              followed by the redirection symbols, for example:

                   c:\> mybatch >& testout

              This records all batch file output, including error messages,
              in the file TESTOUT, so you can go back and examine it.  If
              you have ECHO ON in the batch file you'll get the batch
              commands intermingled with the output, which can provide a
              very useful trace of what's happening.  Of course output from
              full-screen commands and programs that don't write to the
              standard DOS output devices can't be recorded, but you can
              still gain a lot of useful information if your batch file does
              much output.

              If you're using redirection to see the output, remember that
              any prompts for input will probably go to the output file and
              not to the screen, so you need to know in advance the sequence
              of keystrokes required to get through the entire batch file,
              and enter them by hand or with KEYSTACK.  (As an example, the
              raw text for the 4DOS tour in this manual was created by
              writing a batch file containing the demonstration commands,
              testing it to get the proper keystroke sequence, and executing
              a command which used KEYSTACK to send the keystrokes and
              redirected the batch file's output to a disk file.)

              Because of the power of the 4DOS batch language, some
              programmers begin to treat it as a full, general-purpose
              language.  But the batch language is interpreted one line at a
              time, which can lead the unwary into some subtle traps.

              In particular, the IFF and GOTO instructions may not work
              together as many programmers expect.  4DOS has no way of
              telling whether a GOTO is branching within the same IFF block,
              into another IFF block, or out of all IFF blocks, so it has to

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                                                       CHAPTER 5 / USING 4DOS

              make an assumption.  It assumes that the branch is leaving the
              IFF block and it therefore cancels all pending IFF processing.
              For example, the following commands will NOT work:

                   iff "%_monitor" == "color" then
                     iff %@diskfree[c:,K] gt 100 then
                       set var1=Y
                       goto point1
                       set var1=N
                     rem  do something else here

              If the GOTO in the 4th line is executed, the commands after
              :POINT1 will execute properly.  But 4DOS will generate an
              error message when it reaches the last ENDIFF, because it
              assumed that the GOTO branched outside of all IFF blocks.  You
              can override this restriction with GOTO /I, but do so only if
              you are absolutely certain that your GOTO command is branching
              entirely within the current active IFF statement, and not into
              another IFF statement or a different IFF nesting level.  Using
              /I under any other conditions will cause an error later in
              your batch file.

              Because the IFF state is saved whenever a GOSUB occurs or
              whenever another batch file is CALLed, GOTO only cancels IFF
              processing within the current subroutine or batch file.  This
              allows you to use GOTO inside a subroutine without affecting
              any IFF blocks that surround the GOSUB statement which called
              the subroutine.

              GOSUB and GOTO can also have unexpected consequences when
              mixed with chains to new batch files.  The GOSUB, and any
              block that contains it, remains active after the second batch
              file ends.  Here is another example that will NOT work:


                   rem  do something here
                   gosub sub1
                   rem  do something else here
                   if [some condition] BAT2

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                   rem  do some more work

              If the condition near the end of BAT1 is true, then BAT2 is
              launched.  But BAT2 ends by restarting BAT1.  The original
              BAT1's subroutine is still pending.  Since 4DOS has no way to
              detect this infinite loop, it will eventually suffer a stack
              overflow and hang the system.  If you do want to chain from
              one batch file to another, set an environment variable inside
              the GOSUB block and then use that variable outside the block
              to see whether you should CALL another batch file.

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                                               CHAPTER 6 / OPTIONS AND TUNING


          Normally, the 4DOS install program will properly set up your system
          to run 4DOS.  It must, however, make certain assumptions about your
          computer and the way that you will use 4DOS.  This chapter explains
          how you can tune 4DOS to make it as efficient and as useful as
          possible in your computing environment.

          Nearly everything in this chapter is for advanced users and those
          with unusual needs.  If 4DOS works the way you want it to after the
          automatic installation, you can skip this chapter.  You may,
          however, want to skim this material to see what options are

          Configuration Files

              4DOS uses five configuration files.  Two are for general DOS
              configuration;  the other three are unique to 4DOS.  The
              general DOS files are CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT.  The
              specialized 4DOS files are called 4START.BTM, 4EXIT.BTM, and
              4DOS.INI.  These five files are discussed in order in this

            ! Anytime you change a configuration file, a typographical
              mistake or other error could make your system lock up or run
              erratically.  Before you make any changes to any of these
              files, we strongly urge you to take the some precautions.

              First, create a boot-up floppy diskette (you can use the
              FORMAT /S command) and make sure that you can use it to boot
              your computer.  Second, make a backup copy of all five
              configuration files.  You might want to create copies that
              have the same base name plus an extension of .BAK.  Copy the
              .BAK files to your boot-up floppy for safe keeping.  You also
              might want to make a copy of your computer's SETUP information
              (on 80286, 386, and 486 computers) and save it on this floppy.
              If the battery that keeps that data in your computer fails,
              this file will be invaluable after you install a new battery.
              A short text file should be sufficient.

              With these two precautions, if something goes wrong, you will
              be able to boot with your floppy diskette and copy the files
              back to their original names.  You'll only have to spend a few
              minutes recovering your system.  You probably will want to
              follow the same precautions each time you install a new

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                                               CHAPTER 6 / OPTIONS AND TUNING

              application program that changes your DOS or 4DOS
              configuration files.

          Setting up CONFIG.SYS

              The CONFIG.SYS file contains instructions for DOS to execute
              before it loads a command processor.  Only one line in the
              CONFIG.SYS file affects 4DOS.  It tells DOS to use 4DOS as the
              command processor instead of COMMAND.COM.  The format of this
              line is:

                   SHELL=d:\path\4DOS.COM [d:\path] [@d:\path\inifile]
                    [/E:nnnn] [/F] [/P] [//iniline]...  [command]

              "SHELL=" identifies this line as defining the command
              processor that DOS will load after it finishes executing the
              commands in CONFIG.SYS.  It is required.

              If 4DOS is not in the root directory of the boot drive,
              replace the first "d:\path\" (immediately after "SHELL=") with
              the 4DOS drive and directory (if you are using DOS 2.x, 4DOS
              must be in the root directory of the boot drive).  The drive
              and path must be correct or your system won't boot (and you'll
              be very happy that you made the boot-up floppy we suggested).
              The remainder of the items on this line are optional.  If they
              are used, you should not include the square brackets.  In the
              descriptions below, "d:" means a drive letter and "\path"
              means a subdirectory name.

              d:\path      This is the "d:\path" option shown in square
                           brackets above (not the "d:\path" immediately
                           after "SHELL=").  It sets the drive and directory
                           where 4DOS is stored.  4DOS uses this path to set
                           the COMSPEC environment variable.  When running
                           under MS-DOS or PC-DOS 3.0 or above, 4DOS will
                           normally find itself automatically and this
                           option will not be needed.  When running under
                           DR-DOS this option is required unless 4DOS.COM is
                           in the root directory of the boot drive.  When
                           4DOS is running as the primary command processor,
                           you can tell if COMSPEC has been set correctly by
                           typing the following line at the 4DOS prompt:

                                   echo %comspec

                           If 4DOS has properly located itself, the location
                           of 4DOS.COM will be correctly displayed.  If the

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                                               CHAPTER 6 / OPTIONS AND TUNING

                           COMSPEC is incorrect, you can set it yourself in
                           AUTOEXEC.BAT, or add this "d:\path" option on the
                           SHELL= line.

                           This option sets the path and name of the
                           4DOS.INI file, which is discussed below.  If the
                           INI file is in the same directory as 4DOS.COM, or
                           is in the root directory of the boot drive, and
                           is named 4DOS.INI, or if you aren't using an INI
                           file at all, then this option is not needed.
                           Otherwise, it must be included.

              /E:nnnn      This option sets the size of the environment, in
                           bytes.  If you don't use this option, 4DOS will
                           allocate 512 bytes for the environment.  You can
                           use any value from 256 to 32000 as the
                           environment size.  For example, to set an
                           environment of 1,000 bytes, you would enter the
                           option this way:


                           You can also set the environment size with the
                           Environment directive in the 4DOS.INI file (see

              /F           This option tells 4DOS to automatically provide a
                           Fail response to all critical errors, without
                           prompting or waiting for a user response.  It is
                           rarely used except on systems that must run
                           unattended, like bulletin boards.  We do not
                           recommend use of this option on a normal system,
                           because you will not have a chance to react to a
                           critical error and correct the problem that
                           caused it.  For more information on critical
                           errors see page 147.  /F only affects critical
                           errors detected by 4DOS, and will not affect
                           critical error handling for many application
                           programs which perform this function themselves.

              /P           This option tells 4DOS to load permanently and to
                           run AUTOEXEC.BAT.  When 4DOS is loaded from the
                           SHELL= command in CONFIG.SYS, it will detect that
                           it is the primary shell and set the /P option
                           automatically.  Under very rare circumstances you
                           may want to load 4DOS permanently and have it run
                           AUTOEXEC even though you are not loading it from

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                                               CHAPTER 6 / OPTIONS AND TUNING

                           CONFIG.SYS; in such cases you must set /P
                           yourself.  4DOS will not run AUTOEXEC.BAT without
                           a /P.  Do not use this option in secondary
                           shells, or you will be unable to return to the
                           primary shell.

              //iniline    This option tells 4DOS to treat the text
                           appearing between the // and the next space or
                           tab as a 4DOS.INI directive (see page 118 for
                           information on 4DOS.INI directives).  The
                           directive should be in the same format as a line
                           in 4DOS.INI, but may not contain spaces, tabs, or
                           comments.  Directives on the SHELL= line override
                           any corresponding directive in 4DOS.INI.  This is
                           a convenient way to place one or two simple
                           directives on the SHELL= line without having to
                           modify or create a 4DOS.INI file, but is
                           primarily intended for use in secondary shells
                           (see below).

              command      This option tells 4DOS to run the command
                           included on the SHELL= line.  The command will be
                           run after 4START and AUTOEXEC.BAT but before
                           displaying the prompt.  It can be any valid
                           alias, internal or external command, or batch
                           file, and can include multiple commands (but see
                           the Caution below).  All other startup options
                           (such as /F and /P) must be placed before the
                           command, because 4DOS will treat characters after
                           the command as part of the command and not as
                           additional startup options.  Use this option if
                           you want 4DOS to run a file other than
                           AUTOEXEC.BAT when your system boots:  simply
                           rename AUTOEXEC.BAT and place the new name,
                           including its full path, at the end of the SHELL=


            ! There is a bug in all versions of MS-DOS and PC-DOS from 2.0
              through 4.01.  In all these versions, the SHELL= line in the
              CONFIG.SYS file may not contain more than 31 characters
              following the name of the shell program (i.e., beginning with
              the space after the "M" in "4DOS.COM").  If the line is too
              long, the options will not be passed properly to 4DOS and a
              variety of errors can occur.  You can set all necessary 4DOS
              options without exceeding this limit, especially if you put

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                                               CHAPTER 6 / OPTIONS AND TUNING

              4DOS.COM and 4DOS.INI in the root directory of your boot
              drive.  This limit is not present in MS-DOS 5.0 and above or
              in DR-DOS.

              4DOS and DOS 2

              We recommend using DOS 3.1 or above, but 4DOS can be used with
              DOS 2.  The only special consideration is that 4DOS must be
              loaded differently under DOS 2.x, because certain DOS 2
              functions require that COMMAND.COM be loaded as the primary
              command processor.  Therefore, you must load COMMAND.COM first
              and then 4DOS.  Assuming that all files are in the root
              directory of your boot drive, the SHELL= line in DOS 2.x
              should look like this:

                   shell=command.com /c 4DOS [options]

              Note that due to the "/c 4DOS" on the SHELL line, fewer
              options can be used before running into the 31-character
              limit.  You must, however, use the /P option, or AUTOEXEC.BAT
              will not run.  4DOS will not automatically detect that it is
              the primary shell and set /P for you when run under DOS 2.

              Startup Options for Secondary Shells

              In most cases, secondary shells do not use or require any of
              the startup options defined for the primary shell in
              CONFIG.SYS.  Usually, you can only set explicit options for a
              4DOS secondary shell when you define a 4DOS window in a
              multitasking system such as Back & Forth, DESQView, Windows,
              or the MS-DOS shell (DOSSHELL); or in rare cases when you run
              a secondary copy of 4DOS directly from the command line.  If
              you do need to set options for secondary shells, you can use
              any of the following:

                           Set INI file name, as in CONFIG.SYS (see above).
                           This option is not necessary if you want 4DOS to
                           use the same INI file that you used for the
                           primary shell, as values from that file --
                           including those in its [Secondary] section --
                           will be passed automatically to secondary shells.

              /C command   This option forces 4DOS to execute a command and
                           then return to the parent program.  It is used by
                           some applications to start the command processor,

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                                               CHAPTER 6 / OPTIONS AND TUNING

                           run one command, and the return to the
                           application.  This option can be used when 4DOS
                           is run as a secondary shell, but never in the
                           SHELL statement in the CONFIG.SYS file.  All
                           other startup options must be placed before the
                           command, because 4DOS will treat characters after
                           the command as part of the command and not as
                           additional startup options.  This option cannot
                           be used with the command option (below).

              /E:nnnn      Set the environment size, as in CONFIG.SYS (see

              /F           Force an automatic "Fail" on critical error, as
                           in CONFIG.SYS (see above).

              //iniline    This option tells 4DOS to treat the text
                           appearing between the // and the next space or
                           tab as a 4DOS.INI directive (see page 118 for
                           more information on 4DOS.INI directives).  The
                           directive should be in the same format as a line
                           in 4DOS.INI, but may not contain spaces, tabs, or
                           comments.  Directives on the SHELL= line override
                           any corresponding directive in 4DOS.INI.  This
                           allows you to use 4DOS.INI directives directly on
                           the command line when starting 4DOS in a window
                           of a multitasking system, rather than having to
                           create separate copies of 4DOS.INI to accommodate
                           small configuration changes in different windows.

              command      This option tells 4DOS to run the command
                           included on the line, with the same restrictions
                           and considerations as the command option in
                           CONFIG.SYS (see above).  The command will be run
                           after 4START but before displaying the prompt.
                           Use this option if you want 4DOS to run a batch
                           file or execute a command when it starts, for
                           example to run a specific batch file when 4DOS is
                           started in a window of a multitasking system.
                           This option cannot be used with the /C command
                           option (above).

          Using AUTOEXEC.BAT

              If 4DOS is the primary command processor, it is up and running
              before AUTOEXEC.BAT is executed.  You generally won't need to
              make any changes to AUTOEXEC.BAT to make it run properly under

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                                               CHAPTER 6 / OPTIONS AND TUNING

              4DOS, although once you get used to some of 4DOS's batch file
              enhancements, you may want to use them to streamline AUTOEXEC.

              If you want to use the 4DOS KEYSTACK command, you will
              normally load the program KSTACK.COM from your AUTOEXEC.BAT
              file.  To do so, include the following line in your file.  Its
              location in the file is unimportant as long as you place it
              before any KEYSTACK commands:


              Replace the "d:\path" with the path to the KSTACK.COM program,
              which will normally be stored in your 4DOS directory.

              You may want to use AUTOEXEC.BAT to configure 4DOS the way you
              want it by setting some of the environment variables that 4DOS
              uses.  You may also want to include a SETDOS command (see page
              294) to set configuration variables (most of these variables
              can also be set in the 4DOS.INI file discussed below).  All of
              these settings are optional.

              4DOS uses seven environment variables.  Five of the seven (all
              except PATH and PROMPT) are created with the SET command (see
              page 291) using this format:

                   set name=value

              The seven variables and their uses are explained below:

                   COMSPEC:  The COMSPEC variable is the path and filename
                   that programs use to launch a secondary shell.  Normally,
                   this will be set automatically by 4DOS as it installs
                   itself.  However, in rare circumstances you may wish to
                   load 4DOS.COM for secondary shells from a directory other
                   than the one it's in when you boot (for example, from a
                   RAM disk).  In these cases, you will need to reset the
                   COMSPEC variable.  For example, if you want to load
                   secondary copies of 4DOS.COM from the root directory of
                   drive D, you would use this command:

                        set comspec=D:\4DOS.COM

                   PATH:  The PATH variable lists the directories that 4DOS
                   should search for executable files that aren't in the
                   current directory (executable files include .COM, .EXE,
                   .BTM, and .BAT files and files with executable
                   extensions).  The PATH variable is normally set with the
                   PATH command.  See PATH on page 267 for more details.

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                                               CHAPTER 6 / OPTIONS AND TUNING

                   PROMPT:  The prompt variable defines the 4DOS command
                   prompt.  It is normally set with the PROMPT command.  See
                   PROMPT on page 271 for details about the options

                   TEMP4DOS:  This variable contains the drive and directory
                   that 4DOS will use to store temporary pipe files (see
                   page 65).  If you have a RAM disk, piping will be faster
                   if you direct 4DOS to use it for the pipe files.  This
                   variable should hold a single path.  The path can be
                   terminated with a backslash [\] if you choose, but this
                   is not required.  For example, to direct pipe temporary
                   files to the TEMP directory on drive D:

                        set temp4dos=d:\temp

                   TEMP:  If TEMP4DOS does not exist, 4DOS looks for this
                   variable to find the path for temporary pipe files (if
                   neither exists, 4DOS uses the root directory of the drive
                   from which it was started).  TEMP is also used by some
                   other programs to set a path for their temporary files.
                   The format of TEMP is the same as TEMP4DOS.

                   COLORDIR:  This variable sets the colors that 4DOS will
                   use for directories displayed by the DIR and SELECT
                   commands.  See those commands (page 204 and 286) for
                   details about COLORDIR.

                   CDPATH:  This variable defines default directories to be
                   used by the CD and CDD commands, and by automatic
                   directory changes.  If CD, CDD, or an automatic directory
                   entry cannot find the path you specify on the command
                   line, 4DOS will try appending the command line path to
                   each path in this variable.  For example, you may have a
                   C:\LETTERS directory that has subdirectories named JAN,
                   FEB, MARCH, etc.  You can put C:\LETTERS into CDPATH and
                   get to the FEB directory from anywhere on your system by
                   typing CDD FEB or FEB\.

                   The format of the CDPATH variable is the same as the PATH
                   variable:  a list of directories separated by semicolons.
                   For example:

                        set cdpath=c:\letters;c:\data;c:\memos

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                                               CHAPTER 6 / OPTIONS AND TUNING

          Using 4START and 4EXIT

              4DOS runs two special batch files automatically, 4START.BTM
              and 4EXIT.BTM (you can make them .BAT files, if you prefer).
              4START is executed whenever 4DOS is started as a primary or
              secondary shell.  In the primary shell, it is executed before
              AUTOEXEC.BAT.  If 4DOS is started as a secondary shell with
              the /C command option, 4START is executed before the command.

              A 4START file is normally very short.  You should NOT load any
              memory-resident programs (TSRs) from 4START because they will
              be reloaded every time a secondary shell is started.
              Normally, 4START is used to vary the PROMPT setting or screen
              colors from shell to shell.  The LOG command is sometimes used
              in 4START to record that a new shell has begun.  A PAUSE
              command inserted temporarily in 4START will let you see if a
              particular program is running a secondary shell with the /C
              command option to accomplish some of its own work.  Do not
              load aliases from 4START -- 4DOS passes them along to a
              secondary shell automatically, so you only need to load them
              once, in AUTOEXEC.

              The 4EXIT batch file is executed every time a secondary 4DOS
              command processor ends.  A secondary shell can end because of
              an EXIT command or after completing the command specified with
              a /C command startup option.  Normally, 4EXIT is used to LOG a
              record that the shell has ended.  You might also use 4EXIT to
              view the results of the command that an application has given
              to 4DOS, or to save the history accumulated during that shell
              with the HISTORY command with output redirected to a file.

              4DOS looks for the 4START and 4EXIT batch files in three

                   *  If the 4DOS.INI file has a 4StartPath entry, 4DOS will
                      use it, and will not look elsewhere.

                   *  If 4StartPath is not set, 4DOS will look in the
                      directory where 4DOS.COM is stored.  For the primary
                      shell, 4DOS determines this directory automatically, or
                      you can set it yourself by placing a COMSPEC directory
                      name on the SHELL= line in CONFIG.SYS (see page 110).
                      For secondary shells, the directory is determined from
                      the COMSPEC environment variable (see page 115).

                   *  If the COMSPEC directory search fails, 4DOS will look
                      in the root directory of the boot drive.

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              The easiest way to make sure that 4DOS finds the 4START and
              4EXIT batch files is to specify their location with the
              4StartPath directive in the 4DOS.INI file (see below).  If you
              don't, put 4START and 4EXIT in the root directory of the boot
              drive.  If the COMSPEC drive is not the same as the boot
              drive, then you should also put a copy of 4START and 4EXIT in
              the root directory of the COMSPEC drive.

          Using the 4DOS.INI File

              4DOS uses a file of initialization information called the
              4DOS.INI file.  You can create, add to, and edit this file
              with any ASCII text editor to set 4DOS options and alter the
              way that 4DOS works.  The 4DOS installation program will
              create a 4DOS.INI file for you if one does not already exist
              on your system.  Most of this section explains the options
              available through 4DOS.INI.  You only need to include entries
              in 4DOS.INI for any settings that you want to change from
              their default values.  If you are happy with all of 4DOS's
              default values, you don't need a 4DOS.INI file at all.

              Some settings in 4DOS.INI are initialized when you install
              4DOS, so you may have a 4DOS.INI file even if you didn't
              create one yourself.  You should not delete this file unless
              you've checked carefully to be sure that you don't need any of
              the settings the initialization program put there.

              When 4DOS is loaded as the primary shell, it searches for the
              4DOS.INI file in three places:

                   *  If there is an "@d:\path\inifile" option on the SHELL=
                      line in CONFIG.SYS (see page 111), 4DOS will use the
                      path and file name specified there, and will not look

                   *  If there is no INI file path or name on the SHELL=
                      line, 4DOS will look in the same directory where
                      4DOS.COM is stored (this is how 4DOS.INI is found on
                      most systems).  4DOS determines this directory
                      automatically, or you can set it yourself by placing a
                      COMSPEC directory name on the SHELL= line in CONFIG.SYS
                      (see page 110).

                   *  If the COMSPEC directory search fails, 4DOS will look
                      in the root directory of the boot drive.

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                                               CHAPTER 6 / OPTIONS AND TUNING

              When 4DOS is loaded as a secondary shell, it does not search
              for the 4DOS.INI file.  Instead, it reprocesses the file used
              for the primary shell (if necessary), then processes any
              "@d:\path\inifile" option on the secondary shell command line
              (see page 113).

              Most lines in the 4DOS.INI file consist of a one-word
              directive, an equal sign [=], and a value.  For example, in
              the following line, the word "Environment" is the directive
              and "2048" is the value:

                   Environment = 2048

              Any spaces before or after the equal sign are ignored.  The
              directive name may be abbreviated to the minimum length needed
              to make it unique; 4DOS will display an error if the name you
              use is unknown or ambiguous.  We recommend that you use full-
              length directive names, since future versions of 4DOS may add
              directives that would make your abbreviations ambiguous and
              cause an error.

              The format of the value part of a directive line depends on
              the individual directive.  It may be a numeric value, a single
              character, a choice (like "Yes" or "No"), a color setting, a
              key name, a path, a filename, or a text string.  The value
              begins with the first non-blank character after the equal sign
              and ends at the end of the line or the beginning of a comment.

              Blank lines are ignored in the 4DOS.INI file and can be used
              to separate groups of directives.  You can place comments in
              the file by beginning a line with a semicolon [;].  You can
              also place comments at the end of any line except one
              containing a text string value.  To do so, enter at least one
              space or tab after the value, a semicolon, and your comment,
              like this:

                   Environment = 2048        ;set standard environment size

              If you try to place a comment at the end of a string value,
              the comment will become part of the string and will probably
              cause an error.

              When 4DOS detects an error while processing the 4DOS.INI file,
              it displays an error message, ignores the line that caused the
              error, and prompts you to press a key to continue processing
              the file.  This allows you to note any errors before the
              startup process continues.  The directive in error will retain
              its previous or default value.  Only the most catastrophic

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                                               CHAPTER 6 / OPTIONS AND TUNING

              errors (like a disk read failure) will cause 4DOS to ignore
              all or a large part of the 4DOS.INI file.  If you don't want
              4DOS to pause after each error, use a "PauseOnError = No"
              directive at the beginning of the file.

              The 4DOS.INI file has two sections, which are identified by a
              name in square brackets on a line by itself.  The section
              names are

                   [Primary]:  Directives in this section will be used when
                   4DOS is running as the primary shell.  The same values
                   will be passed automatically to all secondary shells,
                   unless overridden by a directive with the same name in
                   the [Secondary] section.

                   [Secondary]:  Directives in this section are used in
                   secondary shells only, and override any corresponding
                   primary shell settings.  For example, if your 4DOS.INI
                   file contains the lines:

                        ScreenRows = 25
                        ScreenRows = 50

                   then 4DOS will assume that you have 25 rows on the screen
                   in the primary shell and 50 lines in all secondary

              Lines that precede a section name are used in both primary and
              secondary shells.

              The SETDOS command can override several of the 4DOS.INI file
              directives.  For example, the number of rows on the screen can
              be adjusted with SETDOS /R.  The correspondence between SETDOS
              options and INI file directives is noted under each directive
              below, and under each option of the SETDOS command.

              Secondary shells automatically inherit the configuration
              settings currently in effect in the previous shell.  If values
              have been changed by SETDOS since 4DOS started, the new values
              will be passed to the secondary shell.  If the previous
              shell's INI file had a [Secondary] section, it will then be
              read and processed.  If not, the previous shell's settings
              will remain in effect.  For example, if you set BatchEcho to
              Yes in 4DOS.INI, do not include a [Secondary] section, and use
              SETDOS /V0 to turn off batch file echoing in the primary
              shell, then secondary shells will inherit the SETDOS setting,
              i.e. batch files will default to no echo.

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                                               CHAPTER 6 / OPTIONS AND TUNING

              If you want to force secondary shells to start with the same
              value as the primary shell for a particular directive,
              regardless of any changes made with SETDOS, repeat the
              directive in the [Secondary] section of 4DOS.INI.  You can
              also place the directive outside any section of 4DOS.INI, then
              include an empty [Secondary] section.  The inclusion of a
              [Secondary] section will force 4DOS to re-read 4DOS.INI, and
              the directives outside any section will be reprocessed as they
              apply to both primary and secondary shells.  Because 4DOS.INI
              is processed after values from the previous shell are
              inherited, the value in 4DOS.INI will override the inherited
              value.  Using the BatchEcho example above, either of the
              following sets of 4DOS.INI directives would work to ensure
              that BatchEcho is set to Yes in secondary shells:

                    Same directive                Empty
                    in both sections              [Secondary]
                    ----------------              -----------
                    [Primary]                     BatchEcho = Yes
                    BatchEcho = Yes                 ... <other
                     ... <other directives>         ...  directives>
                    [Secondary]                   [Secondary]
                    BatchEcho = Yes               <End of File>
                     ... <other directives>

              If you start a secondary shell from a task switching program
              like Windows, DESQView, or Back & Forth, you can specify an
              alternate location and name for 4DOS.INI by passing the
              "@d:\path\inifile" option to 4DOS as a command-line parameter
              (see page 111).  In this case, the configuration settings in
              the alternate 4DOS.INI file will supersede any settings
              inherited from the previous shell.  Any values which are not
              explicitly set in the alternate file will retain the value
              they had in the previous shell.  Any [Primary] section in the
              alternate file will be ignored because it is being run from a
              secondary shell.

              The first section below lists the different types of
              directives.  Subsequent sections list all the individual
              directives, divided by function and then alphabetically by
              directive name.  At the end we have included a few examples of
              how to use 4DOS.INI directives (see page 137).

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                                               CHAPTER 6 / OPTIONS AND TUNING

              Types of Directives

              There are 8 types of directives in 4DOS.INI.  When you look at
              the descriptions below, you can tell the directive type by the
              way in which the allowable values are shown.

                   *  Name = nnnn (1234):  This directive takes a numeric
                      value which replaces the "nnnn."  The default value is
                      shown in parentheses.

                   *  Name = c (X):  This directive accepts a single
                      character as its value.  The default character is shown
                      in parentheses.  You must type in the actual character,
                      you can not use a key name.

                   *  Name = CHOICE1 | Choice2 | ... :  This directive takes
                      a choice value.  The possible choices are listed,
                      separated by vertical bars.  The default value is shown
                      in all upper case letters in the directive description,
                      but in your file any of the choices can be entered in
                      upper case or lower case.  The choices can be
                      abbreviated as long as the abbreviation is unique and
                      can not cause ambiguity.  For example, if the choices
                      were shown as "YES | No" then "YES" is the default.
                      You could enter "Y", "N", "y", or "n"  for the value.
                      But if the choices are shown as "YES | No | Never" then
                      you could not use "N" as an abbreviation because it
                      would be ambiguous.

                   *  Name = color:  This directive takes a color
                      specification in the form:

                        [BRIght] [BLInk] fg ON bg [BORder bc]


                         fg is the foreground color.
                         bg is the background color.
                         bc is the border color.

                      The allowable color names are:
                        Black         Blue          Green         Red
                        Magenta       Cyan          Yellow        White

                      The color names and the keywords BRIGHT, BLINK, and
                      BORDER can be shortened to three letters.

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                                               CHAPTER 6 / OPTIONS AND TUNING

                   *  Name = Key:  This directive takes a key specification
                      in the form:


                      The key prefix can be left out, or it can be any one of
                      the following:

                        Alt        followed by A - Z, 0 - 9, F1 - F12, or
                        Ctrl       followed by A - Z, F1 - F12, Bksp, Enter,
                                   Left, Right, Home, End, PgUp, PgDn, Ins,
                                   or Del
                        Shift      followed by F1 - F12 or Tab.

                      The possible key names are:
                        A - Z         Enter         PgDn
                        0 - 9         Up            Home
                        F1 - F12      Down          End
                        Esc           Left          Ins
                        Bksp          Right         Del
                        Tab           PgUp

                      All key names must be spelled as shown, and can be
                      abbreviated as long as the abbreviation is unique and
                      unambiguous.  Alphabetic keys can be specified in
                      upper-case or lower-case.  You cannot specify a
                      punctuation key.

                      The prefix and key name must be separated by a dash.
                      For example,

                        AddFile = Alt-F10    ; This is okay
                        AddFile = Alt F10    ; The space will cause an error

                      If you prefer, you can use a numeric value instead of a
                      key name.  Use the ASCII code for an ASCII, extended
                      ASCII, or control character.  Use the scan code
                      preceded by an at-sign [@] for extended key codes like
                      F1 or the cursor keys.  In general, you will find it
                      easier to use the names described above rather than key

                   *  Name = Path:  This directive takes a path
                      specification, but not a filename.  The path should
                      include both a drive and path (e.g., C:\4DOS) to avoid
                      any possible ambiguities.  A trailing backslash [\] at

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                                               CHAPTER 6 / OPTIONS AND TUNING

                      the end of the path name is acceptable but not
                      required.  Any default path is described in the text.

                   *  Name = File:  This directive takes a filename.  We
                      recommend that you use a full filename including the
                      drive letter and path to avoid any possible
                      ambiguities.  Any default filename is described in the

                   *  Name = Anything else:  This directive takes a string in
                      the format shown.  The text describes the default value
                      and any additional requirements for formatting the
                      string correctly.  No comments are allowed.

              4DOS contains a fixed-length area for storing strings entered
              in 4DOS.INI, including file names, paths, and other strings.
              This area is large and is unlikely to overflow; if it does,
              you will receive an error message.  If this occurs, reduce the
              complexity of your 4DOS.INI file or contact our technical
              support department for assistance.

              Initialization Directives

              The directives in this section control how 4DOS starts and
              where it looks for its files.

                   4StartPath = Path:  Sets the drive and directory where
                   4DOS should look for the 4START and 4EXIT batch files.

                   Alias = nnnn  (1024):  Sets the amount of memory in bytes
                   allocated for the alias list.  The allowable range of
                   values is 256 to 32767 bytes.

                   AutoExecPath = Path:  Sets the path used to find
                   AUTOEXEC.BAT if 4DOS is started as a primary shell with
                   the /P option in CONFIG.SYS (see page 111).  The default
                   is the root directory of the boot drive.

                   Environment = nnnn  (512):  Sets the amount of memory
                   allocated to the environment in bytes.  The allowable
                   range of values is 256 to 32000 bytes.

                   EnvFree = nnnn  (128):  Sets the minimum amount of memory
                   in bytes that will be available in the environment for
                   secondary shells.  4DOS will enlarge the environment for
                   each secondary shell, if necessary, so that there is at
                   least this much free environment space when the shell

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                   starts.  The allowable range of values is 128 to 32000

                   HelpOptions = [/M /Sn /X]:  Sets default options for the
                   4DOS help system.  See HELP on page 234 for a list of the
                   available options.

                   HelpPath = Path:  Sets the path used to find 4HELP.EXE
                   when F1 is pressed or the HELP command is used.  If this
                   directive is not used, 4DOS will search the current
                   directory and each of the directories in the PATH.

                   History = nnnn  (1024):  Sets the amount of memory
                   allocated to the history list in bytes.  The allowable
                   range of values is 512 to 8192 bytes.

                   LogName = File  (none):  Sets the log file name and/or
                   path. If only a path is given, 4DOS will use the default
                   log file name (4DOSLOG).  Using LogName does not turn
                   logging on, you must still use LOG ON to do so.

                   PauseOnError = YES | No:  "Yes" tells 4DOS to pause with
                   the message "Error in 4DOS.INI, press any key to continue
                   processing" after displaying any error message related to
                   a specific line in the 4DOS.INI file.  "No" continues
                   processing with no pause after an error message is

                   Swapping = swap type [, swap type] ...:  Sets the type of
                   swapping 4DOS should use.  4DOS runs in two parts, a
                   resident portion that is always in memory and a transient
                   portion that can be stored in EMS memory, in XMS memory,
                   on a RAM disk, or on your hard disk while application
                   programs are running.  The resident portion uses about 3K
                   of memory in the primary shell and about 1.5K in
                   secondary shells.  The transient portion uses about 88K
                   of memory.  4DOS will perform most quickly if the
                   transient portion is swapped to the fastest memory or
                   device available.  See page 49 for explanations of XMS
                   and EMS memory.

                   Swapping for the primary shell normally requires about
                   96K of EMS memory, or 88K of XMS memory or disk space.
                   Secondary shells normally require 32K of EMS memory, or
                   28K of XMS memory or disk space.  If you have a large
                   environment, alias list, or history list, more memory
                   will be required in both primary and secondary shells.
                   The EMS requirements are larger because EMS memory is

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                                               CHAPTER 6 / OPTIONS AND TUNING

                   allocated in 16K increments; 4DOS does not actually use
                   more memory when swapping to EMS.

                   The swap type may be:

                         EMS:  4DOS will swap to EMS expanded memory if it is
                         available.  You must have expanded memory and an EMS
                         memory manager (version 3.2 or later) for this

                         XMS:  4DOS will swap to XMS extended memory if it is
                         available (you must have an 80286, 386, or 486
                         computer for this option, and an XMS memory

                         d:\path:  4DOS will create a swap file in the drive
                         and directory specified.  The file will be called
                         4DOSSWAP.NNN where "NNN" is the shell number.  This
                         swap file is created as a hidden system file to
                         avoid accidental deletion and will not be visible
                         with a normal DIR command.  Swapping to a RAM disk
                         will generally be somewhat faster than swapping to a
                         hard disk.  Do not use a floppy disk for swapping
                         because its performance is likely to be unacceptably

                         None:  No swapping.  The transient portion of 4DOS
                         will remain in memory at all times.  This option
                         will reduce memory available for application
                         programs by about 90K compared to the other swap
                         types, and should be used only when no other
                         swapping options are available.

                   You can specify multiple swap types and 4DOS will try
                   them in the order listed.  Swap type "None" is always
                   appended to your list of possible swap types as a "last
                   resort", even if you don't include it explicitly.  This
                   allows 4DOS to start even if the other swap types you
                   specify don't work.

                   For example, if your system has EMS memory and a RAM disk
                   set up as drive D, the directive:

                         Swapping = EMS, D:\, C:\SWAP

                   will tell 4DOS to try EMS memory first, then the RAM
                   disk, and finally the \SWAP directory on drive C.  If all
                   of these options fail (because there isn't enough free

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                                               CHAPTER 6 / OPTIONS AND TUNING

                   space available), the transient portion of 4DOS will
                   remain in memory (swap type "None").

                   The default Swapping specification is:

                         Swapping = EMS, XMS, x:\, None

                   "x" is the boot drive (for the primary shell) or the
                   COMSPEC drive (for secondary shells).  (Disk swapping
                   will not be included as a default if the boot drive is A:
                   or B:, because floppy disk swapping is too slow to be
                   useful on most systems.)  The default is usually adequate
                   for most systems.

                   UMBEnvironment = Yes | NO:  "Yes" attempts to load the
                   master environment into a UMB (Upper Memory Block).  This
                   reduces 4DOS's base memory requirements but may cause
                   problems with some programs that try to access the master
                   environment directly.  This option requires an 80286,
                   386, or 486 computer and appropriate support software.
                   (See pages 50 and 140 for more information on UMBs.)

                   UMBLoad = Yes | NO:  "Yes" attempts to load the resident
                   portion of 4DOS into a UMB (Upper Memory Block).  This
                   reduces the size of the resident portion in base memory
                   from about 3K bytes to 256 bytes, plus the environment
                   size (unless you have also enabled UMBEnvironment).  This
                   option requires an 80286, 386, or 486 computer and
                   appropriate support software.  (See pages 50 and 140 for
                   more information on UMBs.)

              Configuration Directives

              These directives control the way that 4DOS operates.  Some can
              be changed with the SETDOS command while 4DOS is running.  Any
              corresponding SETDOS command is listed in the description of
              each directive;  information on SETDOS is on page 294.

                   ANSI = AUTO | Yes | No:  Tells 4DOS whether an ANSI
                   driver is installed and should be used for the CLS and
                   COLOR commands.  4DOS normally determines this itself,
                   but if you are using a non-standard ANSI driver or your
                   loading sequence is unusual, you may need to explicitly
                   inform 4DOS.  Also see SETDOS /A.

                   BatchEcho = YES | No:  Sets the default batch ECHO mode.
                   "Yes" enables echoing of all batch file commands unless

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                                               CHAPTER 6 / OPTIONS AND TUNING

                   ECHO is explicitly set off in the batch file.  "No"
                   disables batch file echoing unless ECHO is explicitly set
                   on.  Also see SETDOS /V.

                   BeepFreq = nnnn  (440):  Sets the default BEEP command
                   frequency in Hz.  This is also the frequency for 4DOS
                   "error" beeps (if you press an illegal key, for example).
                   To disable all 4DOS error beeps set this or BeepLength to
                   0;  if you do the BEEP command will still be operable,
                   but will not produce sound unless you explicitly specify
                   the frequency and duration.

                   BeepLength = nnnn  (2):  Sets the default BEEP length in
                   system clock ticks (approximately 1/18 of a second per
                   tick).  BeepLength is also the default length for 4DOS
                   "error" beeps (if you press an illegal key, for example).

                   CursorIns = nnnn  (100):  This is the shape of the cursor
                   for insert mode during command line editing and all
                   commands which accept line input (DESCRIBE, ESET, etc.).
                   The size is a percentage of the total character cell
                   size, between 0% and 100%.  Because of the way video
                   BIOSes map the cursor shape, you may not get a smooth
                   progression in cursor shapes as CursorIns and CursorOver
                   change.  Also see SETDOS /S.

                   CursorOver = nnnn  (10):  This is the shape of the cursor
                   for overtype mode during command line editing and all
                   commands which accept line input.  The size is a
                   percentage of the total character cell size, between 0%
                   and 100%.  Also see SETDOS /S.

                   CommandSep = c  (^):  This is the character used to
                   separate multiple commands on the same line.  You cannot
                   use any of the redirection characters (| > < ) or any of
                   the whitespace characters (space, tab, comma, or equal
                   sign).  Also see SETDOS /C.

                   EditMode = Insert | OVERSTRIKE:  This directive lets you
                   start the command line editor in either insert or
                   overstrike mode.  Also see SETDOS /M.

                   EscapeChar = c  (Ctrl-X):  Sets the character used to
                   suppress the normal meaning of the following character.
                   See page 93 for a description of the escape character and
                   special escape sequences.  You cannot use any of the
                   redirection characters (| > < ) or the whitespace

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                                               CHAPTER 6 / OPTIONS AND TUNING

                   characters (space, tab, comma, or equal sign) as the
                   escape character.  Also see SETDOS /E.

                   HistMin = nnnn  (0):  Sets the minimum command line size
                   to save in the command history list.  Any command line
                   whose length is less than this value will not be saved.
                   Legal values range from 0 (save everything) to 256
                   (disable all command history saves).

                   HistWinColor = Color:  Sets the default colors for the
                   command line history window.  If this directive is not
                   used the colors will be reversed from the current colors
                   on the screen.

                   HistWinHeight = nn (10):  Sets the height of the command
                   line history window in lines, including the border.
                   Legal values range from 5 to the height of your screen;
                   any value which would cause the bottom of the window to
                   be off the screen will be adjusted so that the entire
                   window remains on the screen.

                   HistWinLeft = nn (50):  Sets the horizontal position of
                   the left side of the command line history window.  Legal
                   values range from 0 (the left edge of the screen) to the
                   number of columns on your screen minus 10.  Any value
                   which would cause the right side of a minimum-width
                   window to be off the screen will be adjusted so that the
                   entire window remains on the screen.

                   HistWinTop = nn (0):  Sets the vertical position of the
                   top of the command line history window.  Legal values
                   range from 0 (the top of the screen) to the number of
                   rows on your screen minus 5.  Any value which would cause
                   the bottom of a minimum-height window to be off the
                   screen will be adjusted so that the entire window remains
                   on the screen.

                   HistWinWidth = nn (30):  Sets the width of the command
                   line history window in characters, including the border.
                   Legal values range from 10 to the width of your screen;
                   any value which would cause the right side of the window
                   to be off the screen will be adjusted so that the entire
                   window remains on the screen.

                   LineInput = Yes | NO:  This directive controls how 4DOS
                   gets its input from the command line.  "Yes" forces 4DOS
                   to use line input via the DOS service INT 21H 0AH "Get
                   Line" which is the way that COMMAND.COM gets input.  This

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                   will disable command-line editing, history recall, and
                   filename completion, and is normally used only for rare
                   memory-resident programs (TSRs) which do not work
                   properly unless the command processor uses line input.
                   If you have a particular program that requires line
                   input, you can use SETDOS /L to temporarily change modes.
                   See APPNOTES.DOC for any specific programs which require
                   this option.

                   NoClobber = Yes | NO:  If set to Yes, will prevent
                   standard output redirection (see page 65) from
                   overwriting an existing file, and will require that the
                   output file already exist for append redirection.  Also
                   see SETDOS /N.

                   ScreenRows = nnnn:  Sets the number of screen rows used
                   by the video display.  Normally, 4DOS detects the screen
                   size automatically, but if you have a non-standard
                   display you may need to set it explicitly.  This value
                   does not affect screen scrolling, which is controlled by
                   your video BIOS or ANSI driver.  ScreenRows is used only
                   by the LIST and SELECT commands, the paged output options
                   of other commands (e.g., TYPE /P), and error checking in
                   the screen output commands.  Also see SETDOS /R.

                   UpperCase = Yes | NO:  "Yes" specifies that filenames
                   should be displayed in the traditional upper-case by
                   internal commands like COPY and DIR.  "No" allows the
                   normal 4DOS lower-case style.  Also see SETDOS /U.

              Color Directives

              These directives control the colors that 4DOS uses for its

                   ColorDir = ext1 ext2 ...:colora;ext3 ext4 ... :colorb ...
                   (none):  Sets the directory colors.  The format is the
                   same as that used for the COLORDIR environment variable
                   (see DIR on page 204 or SELECT on page 286).  If you set
                   the COLORDIR environment variable it will override this
                   directive.  You may find it useful to use the COLORDIR
                   variable for experimenting, then to set permanent
                   directory colors with a ColorDir directive in 4DOS.INI.

                   ListColors = Color:  Sets the colors used by the LIST and
                   SELECT commands.  If this directive is not used, LIST and

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                                               CHAPTER 6 / OPTIONS AND TUNING

                   SELECT will use the current default colors set by the CLS
                   or COLOR command or by the StdColors directive, below.

                   StdColors = Color:  Sets the standard colors to be used
                   when CLS is used without a color specification, and for
                   LIST and SELECT if ListColors is not used.  Using this
                   directive is equivalent to placing a COLOR command in
                   AUTOEXEC.BAT.  StdColors takes effect once the transient
                   portion of 4DOS starts (i.e., when 4START is run), but
                   will not affect the color of error or other messages
                   displayed during the 4DOS loading and initialization
                   process.    If ANSI.SYS or a compatible driver is not
                   loaded, the colors will not be "sticky" -- you may lose
                   them when you run an application.

              Key Mapping Directives

              The directives in this group allow you to change the keys used
              for 4DOS command line editing and other internal functions.
              They take effect only inside 4DOS itself and do not affect
              other programs (including 4DOS's external help program,

              The description of each directive below explains the function
              of the corresponding key.  Using the directive allows you to
              assign a different or additional key to perform the function
              described.  For example, to assign function key F3 to invoke
              the 4DOS HELP facility:

                   Help = F3

              Any directive can be used multiple times to assign multiple
              keys to the same function.  For example:

                   ListFind = F         ;F does a find in LIST
                   ListFind = F5        ;F5 also does a find in LIST

              Use some care when you reassign keystrokes.  If you assign a
              default key to a different function, it will no longer be
              available for its original use.  For example, if you assign F1
              to the AddFile directive (a part of filename completion), the
              F1 key will no longer invoke 4DOS's HELP facility, so you will
              probably want to assign a different key to HELP.

              Some keys are interpreted by your system's BIOS and are not
              passed on to 4DOS.  For example, Ctrl-S tells the BIOS to
              pause screen output temporarily, and on some systems Ctrl-P

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              toggles Print Screen mode.  Keys which are interpreted by the
              BIOS cannot be assigned with key mapping directives, because
              4DOS never receives these keystrokes and therefore cannot act
              on them.

              4DOS processes all command line editing key assignments before
              looking for keystroke aliases.  For example, if you assign
              Shift-F1 to HELP and also assign Shift-F1 to a key alias, the
              key alias will be ignored.

              Assigning a new keystroke for a function does not deassign the
              default keystroke for the same function.  If you want to
              deassign one of the standard 4DOS keys without assigning it to
              another function, use the NormalKey directive described below
              or the corresponding directive for keys in the other key
              groups (NormalEditKey, NormalHWinKey, or NormalListKey).

              General Input Keys

                   This first set of Key Mapping Directives applies to all
                   input.  These directives are effective whenever 4DOS
                   requests input from the keyboard, including command line
                   editing and the DESCRIBE, ESET, INPUT, LIST, and SELECT
                   commands.  (Scrolling through the command history list is
                   controlled by NextHist and PrevHist (see page 134), not
                   by the Up and Down directives below.)  See page 55 for
                   more information about command line editing.

                   Backspace = Key  (Bksp):  Deletes the character to the
                   left of the cursor.

                   BeginLine = Key  (Home):  Moves the cursor to the
                   beginning of the line.

                   Del = Key  (Del):  Deletes the character at the cursor.

                   DelToBeginning = Key (Ctrl-Home):  Deletes from the
                   cursor to the start of the line.

                   DelToEnd = Key (Ctrl-End):  Deletes from the cursor to
                   the end of the line.

                   DelWordLeft = Key  (Ctrl-L):  Deletes the word to the
                   left of the cursor.

                   DelWordRight = Key  (Ctrl-R, Ctrl-Bksp):  Deletes the
                   word to the right of the cursor.

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                   Down = Key  (Down):  Scrolls the display down one line in
                   LIST; moves the cursor down one line in SELECT and in the
                   command history window.

                   EndLine = Key  (End):  Moves the cursor to the end of the

                   EraseLine = Key  (Esc):  Deletes the entire line.

                   ExecLine = Key (Enter):  Executes or accepts a line.

                   Ins = Key (Ins):  Toggles insert / overstrike mode during
                   line editing.

                   Left = Key  (Left):  Moves the cursor left one character;
                   moves the display left 8 columns in LIST.

                   NormalKey = Key (none):  Deassigns a general input key in
                   order to disable the usual meaning of the key within 4DOS
                   and / or make it available for keystroke aliases.  This
                   will cause 4DOS to treat the keystroke as a "normal" key
                   with no special function.  For example:

                        NormalKey = Ctrl-End

                   will disable Ctrl-End, which is the standard "delete to
                   beginning of line" key.  Ctrl-End could then be assigned
                   to a keystroke alias.  Another key could be assigned the
                   "delete to end of line" function with the DelToEnd
                   directive (above).

                   Right = Key  (Right):  Moves the cursor right one
                   character;  scrolls the display right 8 columns in LIST.

                   Up = Key  (Up):  Scrolls the display up one line in LIST;
                   moves the cursor up one line in SELECT and in the command
                   history window.

                   WordLeft = Key  (Ctrl-Left):  Moves the cursor left one
                   word;  scrolls the display left 40 columns in LIST.

                   WordRight = Key  (Ctrl-Right):  Moves the cursor right
                   one word;  scrolls the display right 40 columns in LIST.

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                                               CHAPTER 6 / OPTIONS AND TUNING

              Command Line Editing Keys

                   The following directives apply only to command line
                   editing.  They are only effective at the 4DOS prompt.

                   AddFile = Key  (F10):  Keeps the current filename
                   completion entry and inserts the next matching name.

                   CommandEscape = Key  (Alt-255):  Allows direct entry of a
                   keystroke that would normally be interpreted as an editor

                   DelHistory = Key  (Ctrl-D):  Deletes the displayed
                   history list entry and displays the previous entry.

                   EndHistory = Key  (Ctrl-E):  Displays the last entry in
                   the history list.

                   Help = Key  (F1):  Invokes the 4DOS HELP facility.

                   NextFile = Key  (F9, Tab):  Gets the next matching

                   NextHistory = Key  (Down):  Recalls the next command from
                   the command history.

                   NormalEditKey = Key (none):  Deassigns a command line
                   editing key in order to disable the usual meaning of the
                   key while editing a command line and / or make it
                   available for keystroke aliases.  This will cause 4DOS to
                   treat the keystroke as a "normal" key with no special
                   function.  For an example see the NormalKey directive on
                   page 133.

                   PrevFile = Key  (F8, Shift-Tab):  Gets the previous
                   matching filename.

                   PrevHistory = Key  (Up):  Recalls the previous command
                   from the command history.

                   SaveHistory = Key  (Ctrl-K):  Saves the command line in
                   the history list without executing it.

              History Window Keys

                   HistWinBegin = Key (Ctrl-PgUp):  Moves to the first line
                   of the history when in the history window.

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                                               CHAPTER 6 / OPTIONS AND TUNING

                   HistWinEdit = Key (Ctrl-Enter):  Moves a line from the
                   history window to the prompt for editing.

                   HistWinEnd = Key (Ctrl-PgDn):  Moves to the last line of
                   the history when in the history window.

                   HistWinExec = Key (Enter):  Executes the selected line in
                   the history window.

                   HistWinOpen = Key (PgUp):  Brings up the history window
                   while at the command line.

                   NormalHWinKey = Key (none):  Deassigns a history window
                   key in order to disable the usual meaning of the key
                   within the history window.  This will cause 4DOS to treat
                   the keystroke as a "normal" key with no special function.
                   For an example see the NormalKey directive on page 133.

              LIST Keys

                   The keys in the last group of Key Mapping Directives are
                   effective only inside the LIST command.

                   ListFind = Key  (F):  Prompts and searches for a string.

                   ListHighBit = Key (H):  Toggles LIST's "strip high bit"
                   option, which can aid in displaying files from certain
                   word processors.

                   ListNext = Key  (N):  Finds the next matching string.

                   ListPrint = Key  (P):  Prints the file on LPT1.

                   ListWrap = Key (W):  Toggles LIST's wrap option on and
                   off.  The wrap option wraps text at the right margin.

                   NormalListKey = Key (none):  Deassigns a LIST key in
                   order to disable the usual meaning of the key within
                   LIST.  This will cause 4DOS to treat the keystroke as a
                   "normal" key with no special function.  For an example
                   see the NormalKey directive on page 133.

              Advanced Directives

              These directives are used for unusual circumstances or for
              diagnosing problems.  They are not needed in normal use.

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                                               CHAPTER 6 / OPTIONS AND TUNING

                   CritFail = Yes | NO:  This is the same as /F on the SHELL
                   = line in CONFIG.SYS.  It intercepts all DOS critical
                   errors and returns a Fail to each.  We do not recommend
                   this on a normal system, because you will not have a
                   chance to react to a critical error and correct the
                   problem that caused it.  It is intended for use on
                   bulletin boards or other systems where unattended
                   operation is required without user prompts.

                   FineSwap = Yes | NO:  "Yes" enables "fine-grained"
                   checksums during disk swapping.  This should be used only
                   to diagnose unusual swapping problems.

                   FullINT2E = Yes | NO:  Enables full support for the
                   COMMAND.COM "back door" (interrupt 2E) which a few
                   programs use to execute commands.  Effective only in a
                   primary shell loaded via the SHELL= command in
                   CONFIG.SYS.  See Appendix C on page 335 below for details
                   on using INT 2E.  Also, see APPNOTES.DOC for information
                   on any programs known to require this option.  If this
                   directive is not used or is set to NO, INT 2E will return
                   immediately to the calling program without taking any
                   action.  Setting FullINT2E to YES adds about 100 bytes to
                   the resident size of the primary shell.

                   Inherit = YES | No:  Aliases and the history list are
                   normally passed to secondary shells automatically.  "No"
                   disables this feature.

                   MessageServer = YES | No:  For compatibility with
                   COMMAND.COM in MS-DOS 4.x and 5.x, 4DOS includes a
                   "message server" that retrieves error message text for
                   DOS external commands like DISKCOPY and FORMAT.  The
                   message server increases the size of the resident portion
                   of 4DOS by about 200 bytes.  "No" disables the message
                   server and saves this space, but will cause more cryptic
                   error messages such as "Parse error 3" or "Extended error
                   7" from some DOS external commands.  The message server
                   is automatically disabled by 4DOS except in the primary
                   4DOS shell loaded from CONFIG.SYS when running under DOS
                   4.x or 5.x.

                   Reduce = YES | No:  Set to "No" to disable the smaller
                   swap size used by 4DOS secondary shells.  For diagnosing
                   unusual swapping problems only.

                   ReserveTPA = YES | No:  Set to "No" to prevent 4DOS from
                   reserving memory for its transient portion while at the

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                                               CHAPTER 6 / OPTIONS AND TUNING

                   command prompt.  For diagnosing unusual TSR or swapping
                   problems only.  ReserveTPA is forced to YES regardless of
                   any INI file setting if you are running under Windows 3
                   in real or standard mode.  This is necessary to avoid
                   undesirable interactions between 4DOS and Windows.

                   StackSize= nnnn (3584):  Set the 4DOS internal stack
                   size.  The allowable range of values is 3584 to 8192.
                   You may need to increase the stack size if you are using
                   extremely complex combinations of batch files and nested
                   "prefix" commands like EXCEPT, FOR, GLOBAL, IF, and
                   SELECT on the same command line.  Under such
                   circumstances 4DOS may not work properly; you should only
                   use this directive if you are actually experiencing
                   trouble under such conditions.  For virtually all users
                   the default stack size will be sufficient.  Increasing
                   this value also increases the size of 4DOS's transient
                   portion and the size of the 4DOS swap area.

                   SwapReopen = Yes | NO:  Set to "Yes" to enable reopening
                   of the 4DOS swap file if it is closed by another program.
                   This is required when swapping 4DOS to Novell Netware
                   drives.  In all other circumstances, it is only useful
                   for diagnostic purposes.  Setting SwapReopen to "Yes"
                   also disables the reduced swapping size normally used in
                   4DOS secondary shells.


              The following examples will give you an idea of the types of
              things that can be done with the 4DOS.INI file.  The comments
              on each directive explain what it does.

              First, a very simple example that just sets up swapping and
              environment size, leaving everything else at its default

                   Swapping = ems, c:\
                                                  ;try EMS, then C: root
                   Environment = 1024             ;set environment size

              Here's something a little fancier that changes a number of the
              default settings:

                   Swapping = xms, h:\, c:\
                                                  ;try XMS, then RAM disk,
                                                  ;  then C: root

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                                               CHAPTER 6 / OPTIONS AND TUNING

                   Environment = 1792             ;set env size
                   Alias = 6144                   ;set alias size
                   History = 1024                 ;set history size
                   UmbEnv=Y                       ;master environment in UMB
                   BatchEcho = No                 ;default is ECHO OFF
                   EditMode = Insert              ;editor in insert mode
                   CursorO = 100                  ;overstrike cursor 100%
                   CursorI = 10                   ;insert cursor 10%

              The final example is similar to the second, but includes key
              reassignments and a [Secondary] section to vary a couple of
              settings in secondary shells:

                   ; ALL SHELLS
                   PauseOnError = No              ;don't stop on an error
                   Swapping = xms, c:\
                                                  ;try XMS, then C: root
                   Environment = 1792             ;set env size
                   Alias = 6144                   ;set alias size
                   History = 1024                 ;set history size
                   UmbEnv=Y                       ;master environment in UMB
                   BatchEcho = No                 ;default is ECHO OFF
                   EditMode = Insert              ;editor in insert mode
                   CursorO = 100                  ;overstrike cursor 100%
                   ListFind = F5                  ;set LIST find to F5
                   ListNext = F6                  ;find next is F6
                   ListPrint = F7                 ;print file is F7
                   ;     PRIMARY SHELL ONLY
                   [Primary]                      ;set primaries
                   CursorI = 10                   ;insert cursor 10%
                   StdColors = bri whi on blu     ;set primary's colors
                   ;     SECONDARY SHELL ONLY
                   [Secondary]                    ;set secondaries
                   CursorI = 30                   ;insert cursor 30%
                   StdColors = bri whi on cya     ;set secondary's colors

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          This section of the manual explains how to get the most from 4DOS
          with your particular system.  A few general techniques and concepts
          are explained here, but if you have questions about how to make
          4DOS run most efficiently with a particular hardware setup or a
          specific application, you should also see the file called
          APPNOTES.DOC which comes with 4DOS.

          If you have questions about some of the terms and concepts here,
          see Chapter 4 / General Concepts on page 41, the Glossary on page
          342, and the Index.

          This section begins with a discussion of hardware considerations
          and includes some tips for installing 4DOS most effectively to run
          with several types of software, as well as certain popular
          programs.  It concludes with some techniques for resolving
          unintended interactions between programs, even if those
          interactions do not include 4DOS itself.


              The CPU

              The CPU or "Central Processing Unit" is the chip which
              performs or directs all of the work done by your computer.
              All PC CPU chips are part of or compatible with Intel's
              "80x86" family.  These include the 8088, 8086, 80188, 80186,
              80286, 386, 486, NEC V20, and NEC V30, plus "SX" versions and
              other variations of some of those chips.  4DOS is compatible
              with and will run equally well on all of these chips.

              Some systems have a numeric coprocessor as a companion to the
              CPU.  The numeric coprocessor performs many arithmetic
              calculations faster than the CPU.  4DOS does not use or access
              the numeric coprocessor in any way.

              You can determine which CPU chip your system has by using
              4DOS's _CPU internal variable:

                   c:\> echo %_cpu

              Similarly, you can find out if you have a numeric coprocessor
              with _NDP:

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  139


                   c:\> echo %_ndp

              See page 82 for details about _CPU and _NDP.


              4DOS does its best to detect and properly access all types of
              memory that your computer can have:  Base memory, Expanded
              (EMS) Memory, Extended (XMS) Memory, and Upper Memory Blocks
              (UMBs).  4DOS always uses standard, documented methods to use
              the memory that you have installed.

              4DOS uses base memory (the area from 0 to 640K on most
              machines, which is sometimes called "low memory" or "DOS
              memory") for its resident portion and the master environment,
              and to hold its transient portion while your system is at the
              command prompt or executing a 4DOS command or batch file.
              4DOS may use EMS memory or an XMS Extended Memory Block (EMB)
              to swap its transient portion, according to the Swapping
              directive in your 4DOS.INI file (see page 125).

              4DOS uses UMBs for several purposes:

                   *  to move the 4DOS resident portion out of base memory,
                      if you specify "UMBLoad = Yes" in your 4DOS.INI file.

                   *  to move the master environment out of base memory, if
                      you specify "UMBEnvironment = Yes" in your 4DOS.INI

                   *  to load memory-resident programs (TSRs) "high" using
                      the LOADHIGH or LH command under MS-DOS 5.0.

              To load 4DOS or the master environment into a UMB, you must be
              using a memory manager or XMS driver which provides both the
              ability to remap memory into the area between 640K and 1MB (to
              create the UMBs) and XMS or DOS 5.0 UMB support (to manage the
              UMBs).  These are generally the same requirements which must
              be met to load TSRs "high."

              To give 4DOS access to UMBs, you need hardware and software
              combinations like the following:

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  140


              386 and 486 systems (including 386SX computers):

                   Hardware:  Sufficient installed RAM.

                   Software:  Qualitas' 386MAX or Blue Max, Quarterdeck's
                   QEMM 5.0 or later, DOS 5.0's EMM386.SYS, or a similar 386
                   memory manager.  HIMEM.SYS alone is not sufficient.

              80286 systems:

                   Hardware:  Chips and Technologies NEAT chip set, or an
                   EMS 4.0 or EEMS memory board, plus sufficient installed

                   Software:  Qualitas' MOVE-EM 1.02 or later with
                   Microsoft's HIMEM.SYS, or Quarterdeck's QRAM and QEXT.

              Other memory-management software may also work.  The lists
              above are examples only.  On the 386 systems here at JP
              Software, we use 386MAX almost exclusively, but we also have
              had good results with QEMM.  Look for specific information
              about your memory management program in APPNOTES.DOC.

              If you want to use the 4DOS LOADHIGH command as well as put
              4DOS and the master environment in high memory, you must also
              be running MS-DOS 5.0 or above.

              4DOS never accesses extended memory directly.  It always uses
              an XMS driver like HIMEM.SYS, EMM386.SYS, 386MAX, QEXT, or
              QEMM.  4DOS can also access any RAM disk you create in
              extended memory by using a program like VDISK.SYS or
              RAMDRIVE.SYS.  4DOS does not use the XMS "High Memory Area"
              (HMA), a 64K byte area just above 1 MB on 80286, 386, and 486

              If you want to know whether 4DOS sees your system's memory
              accurately, check the output of the MEMORY command.  It should
              correspond to your computer's memory configuration.

              The MEMORY command's output depends to some extent on your
              memory manager.  If you are using Quarterdeck's QEMM, the
              report may not be the same as you expect.  Because QEMM turns
              your extended memory into either XMS or EMS memory as
              required, the same memory is shown both ways in the MEMORY
              report.  If 1 MB of extended memory managed by QEMM is
              available, MEMORY will report 1 MB of free XMS memory and 1 MB
              of free EMS memory as well, even though it is all the same
              memory.  This is not a bug but a result of QEMM's flexibility.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  141


              Memory-related problems with 4DOS are usually due to programs
              which overwrite the extended memory block (EMB) that 4DOS uses
              for swapping its transient portion.  When you exit from such a
              program, your system will hang, because 4DOS tried to swap
              itself back into base memory but its code and data in XMS have
              been destroyed by the program.  The same problem can occur
              with EMS swapping but is less common because EMS memory is
              generally better defended against wayward programs.  You can
              diagnose this kind of problem easily by changing to disk
              swapping with the 4DOS.INI Swapping directive, and rebooting.
              If the problem goes away with disk swapping, then the program
              in question is probably destroying 4DOS's swap area in XMS or
              EMS memory.

              4DOS EMS swapping sometimes has difficulty with EMS drivers
              which do not fully meet the EMS 3.2 specification (4DOS
              supports, but does not require, EMS 4.0 drivers).  If you have
              trouble accessing EMS for swapping, check APPNOTES.DOC to see
              if there are any known problems with your EMS board or the
              associated driver software.


              4DOS is compatible with most display adapters and monitors.
              Although 4DOS can normally detect your video parameters
              automatically, you may have to configure it to use the system
              most efficiently.

              4DOS uses two methods of displaying text on the screen:

                   *  4DOS calls DOS to write the text of prompts and normal
                      messages.  If you use an ANSI driver, DOS will transmit
                      the calls to it.  Otherwise, DOS will use your BIOS to
                      display text on the screen.  DOS text display calls
                      will work on all DOS systems, regardless of video type.

                      SCRPUT, and VSCRPUT commands bypass DOS, the BIOS, and
                      any ANSI driver.  They write directly to video memory.
                      These commands will only work on systems with 100% IBM-
                      compatible video systems.  On other computers, results
                      will be unpredictable at best.  If you have such a
                      system you probably know it already, because most
                      application programs have similar problems.

              EGA and VGA systems can display text in standard 25-line mode,
              plus modes with 43, 50, or more lines.  4DOS normally detects

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              the number of lines automatically.  If it doesn't, you can use
              the 4DOS.INI ScreenRows directive or the SETDOS /R command to
              set the 4DOS screen length.    4DOS uses ScreenRows or SETDOS
              /R to set the display length that it uses for the LIST and
              SELECT command, as well as commands that have a "pause" option
              (TYPE /P, DIR /P, etc.).

              4DOS never attempts to manipulate your video hardware in order
              to set the number of rows actually displayed on the screen
              (the "video mode");  to do so, you must use the software that
              came with your video board or other software tailored to your

              4DOS does not handle display scrolling at the command prompt.
              If you put the screen in 43-line or 50-line mode and find that
              it still scrolls at the 25th line, your ANSI driver is
              probably not properly supporting your extended screen length.
              This is not a bug in 4DOS.

              The video cursor shape that 4DOS uses is defined as a
              percentage of a character cell height.  You can set the height
              independently for insert and overstrike mode with the
              CursorIns and CursorOver directives in 4DOS.INI or with the
              SETDOS /S command.  If you don't use either, 4DOS sets the
              height to 10% of the character cell height for overstrike mode
              and 100% (a block cursor) for insert mode.

              If you have trouble with the cursor, use SETDOS /S to find the
              values that work for your system.  Some video boards may not
              give a "smooth" response to varying SETDOS /S values.  For
              example, a value of 20% may generate a very small cursor while
              a value of 30% may generate a half-height cursor.  4DOS can't
              do anything about this behavior, so you will have to
              experiment to find the cursor values that you want to use.

              If the cursor disappears and you can't fix it with SETDOS /S,
              you probably have a screen color problem.  The cursor is shown
              in the color of the underlying character cell.  If that cell
              has (for example) the color attribute of black on black, the
              cursor will be invisible.  If you are using an ANSI driver,
              you can fix this problem easily by clearing the screen to a
              known color with the CLS command.  If the cursor still doesn't
              reappear, you will have to determine what is setting your
              screen attributes to an invisible color.  For example, you
              might be using an ANSI driver that assumes a 25-line video
              mode on an EGA/VGA system running in 43-line or 50-line mode.
              This can cause the driver to set portions of the screen to an
              invisible color when the screen is cleared.

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              If you are using an EGA or VGA adapter, we encourage you to
              try UltraVision from Personics Corp.  It gives you excellent
              control over your video system, includes a wide variety of
              text-mode screen fonts, has its own ANSI driver, and works
              superbly with 4DOS.  We use it and wouldn't be without it.  A
              special version for laptop and notebook computers dramatically
              improves the readability of their smaller displays.

              Most versions of DOS include a copy of ANSI.SYS, a device
              driver that is normally installed with a DEVICE= line in your
              CONFIG.SYS file.  There are a number of more powerful and
              faster versions available as public-domain, shareware, and
              retail products.  We use PC Magazine's free utility ANSI.COM
              because it can be enabled, disabled, loaded, and unloaded
              without rebooting, and because it is small and fast and works
              well inside windows of multitasking systems.  It is available
              on most bulletin boards and online systems.  Another excellent
              choice is ANSI-UV.SYS which is included with UltraVision.

              4DOS normally detects automatically whether an ANSI driver is
              installed.  If you have an ANSI driver installed and 4DOS
              doesn't recognize it, try the command SETDOS /A1 which forces
              4DOS to use ANSI commands.  Use SETDOS /A2 to tell 4DOS you do
              not have an ANSI driver installed.  These options can also be
              set with the ANSI directive in 4DOS.INI.

              Hard Drives and Floppy Disks

              4DOS uses your disks for a wide variety of purposes, and many
              4DOS commands are designed to help you create, move, delete,
              view, and otherwise manage disk files.  4DOS never tries to
              manipulate the structure of your hard disk directly.  It never
              modifies the FAT, root directory, or other system areas of the
              disk directly, and it doesn't read or write data on your disk
              itself.  It always calls on DOS to perform these actions, just
              like most application programs do.  As a result, 4DOS is
              compatible with all disk sizes, formats, and structures that
              your DOS version supports.

              The most common question that we're asked about 4DOS and disks
              is whether 4DOS will handle a hard disk larger than 32
              Megabytes.  The answer depends on how your system is
              configured.  Early versions of DOS do not support hard disks
              over 32 Megabytes unless a disk partitioning driver like
              SpeedStor, Vfeature Deluxe, or Disk Manager is used.  Later
              versions of DOS support large hard disks directly, without a
              partitioning driver.  If your system supports large hard

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              disks, either directly through  DOS or with a partitioning
              driver, 4DOS will support them also.  If your system doesn't
              support large hard disks, neither will 4DOS.

              4DOS will generally access your disk very quickly, but the
              speed depends on what you are trying to do.  If you find that
              4DOS is slower at performing a particular function than you
              are used to, you may have asked it to do more than you ask of
              traditional DOS commands.  In particular, if you use file
              descriptions, remember that 4DOS has to access the description
              file as well as the actual files that you are manipulating.

              Some users notice that the common commands DEL and DIR appear
              slower with 4DOS under certain circumstances.  With DEL, this
              slowdown may be because 4DOS uses a newer method of file
              deletion instead of an older method that is no longer
              recommended (but commonly used).  The new method is necessary
              to enable 4DOS to display the names of the files you are
              deleting, and to support 4DOS's "extended wildcards" (see page
              71).  You can force 4DOS to use the older method with DEL's /Q
              option as long as you don't use extended wildcards.

              For DIR, any perceived speed decrease is because of 4DOS's
              directory sorting.  4DOS must read all filenames before it can
              display any of them.  The sort itself is quite fast, but DOS
              is relatively slow at retrieving the entire list of file names
              and passing them on to 4DOS.  Once the 4DOS DIR display
              starts, it should go as fast as or faster than the traditional
              DIR display.

              Laptop and Notebook Computers

              4DOS makes a great addition to any laptop or notebook
              computer, but some of these systems have unusual
              characteristics which you must consider when you install 4DOS
              or make any change to your CONFIG.SYS file.

              Many of these computers boot from a floppy drive or a hard
              disk just like a desktop computer.  On these machines, you can
              generally install 4DOS just as you would on any other
              computer.  However, some laptop and notebook computers,
              including many Tandy laptops, boot from ROM ("Read Only
              Memory" chips inside the computer).  You need to take some
              precautions with these machines.

              First, systems which boot from ROM often can be configured to
              use either the ROM boot feature or a standard floppy or hard

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              drive boot up.  The following comments only apply when you use
              the ROM boot feature.

            ! If your system allows you to boot from ROM but load CONFIG.SYS
              and AUTOEXEC.BAT from a hard disk or floppy, you need to be
              cautious.  If you make a mistake in a hard-disk based
              CONFIG.SYS that keeps your system from booting, there may be
              no way to tell the ROM boot program to ignore the bad
              CONFIG.SYS file.  You may have to take drastic measures like
              opening the case and disconnecting the hard drive to get the
              system to ignore your mistaken CONFIG.SYS and boot properly.

              If you have a system that boots from ROM and reads CONFIG.SYS
              from the hard disk, we strongly recommend that you change the
              configuration to boot from the hard disk or a floppy before
              you make any change to your CONFIG.SYS file, whether it is
              related to 4DOS or not.  This will allow you to boot from a
              boot-up floppy disk if you make an error in the CONFIG.SYS on
              your hard drive.  Once you are satisfied that everything is
              working properly, you can switch back to ROM bootup.

              The second, and related, issue with systems that boot from ROM
              is that they may consider the ROM to be a disk drive of sorts.
              A system with drive C as the hard disk may view the ROM as
              drive D.  When you boot from ROM, the ROM drive is the current
              drive, and that is where 4DOS will look for the 4START and
              AUTOEXEC.BAT files.  But they will be on your hard drive or
              floppy diskette, and 4DOS won't be able to find them.  (This
              doesn't happen with COMMAND.COM on these systems because the
              manufacturer has modified it to get around the problem.)

              If you run into this problem, you can fix it easily with some
              changes to your CONFIG.SYS and 4DOS.INI files.  First, modify
              the SHELL= line in CONFIG.SYS so that it tells 4DOS where to
              find 4DOS.INI.  You can do this by placing the full path to
              4DOS.INI on the line, like this (see page 111 for more

                   shell=c:\4dos\4dos.com @c:\4dos.ini /p

              (change the drive and path shown if 4DOS.COM is not in the
              directory C:\4DOS on your system).  This tells 4DOS to look
              for 4DOS.INI on drive C, even though the boot drive might be
              (for example) drive D.  Then add two lines to the 4DOS.INI
              file (see page 124 for details on these directives):


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              These tell 4DOS to look for 4START and AUTOEXEC.BAT in the
              root directory of drive C, even though the boot drive may be

              If you have a system like this, 4DOS may set the COMSPEC to
              the ROM drive.  You can avoid this by setting the COMSPEC
              yourself on the SHELL= line in CONFIG.SYS (see page 110).  For
              example, the SHELL= line above could be modified to read:

                   shell=c:\4dos\4dos.com c:\4dos @c:\4dos.ini /p

              The second "C:\4DOS" tells 4DOS to use this directory as the
              COMSPEC path.

              Finally, if you have a laptop or notebook computer with a
              color (CGA, EGA, or VGA) video board and a monochrome screen,
              you may need to use the HELP /M option,  the HelpOptions
              directive in 4DOS.INI, or run HELPCFG to adjust the HELP

              Critical Errors

              A "critical" error is an error that gives you the "Abort,
              Retry, Fail" message.  With 4DOS running, this message appears
              as follows:

                   [Error message]
                   R(etry), I(gnore), F(ail), or A(bort)?

              The error message on the first line explains the error that
              has occurred, and the device on which it occurred.  The second
              line prompts for your choice of action (the Fail choice will
              not be displayed under DOS 2).

              A critical error usually indicates a hardware malfunction.
              The error may be that the device doesn't exist, there is no
              disk in the drive, the network has gone down, or a data error
              occurred.  In most cases you will choose R to retry the
              operation, or A to abort the operation.

            ! Choosing I(gnore) can be risky:  it will cause 4DOS to proceed
              as if the error had not occurred.  This can produce additional
              errors, and may lead the command which generated the original
              error to perform its functions improperly.

              F(ail) will tell 4DOS that the operation it was attempting has
              failed, which will generally produce another error message.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  147


              For example, if you attempt to do a directory on drive A with
              no disk in the drive, and answer F to the resulting critical
              error, you will get an additional error message, "Invalid
              drive A".

              Many programs install their own critical error handlers.  If
              you get a critical error message within an application and the
              second line does not read as shown above, the message did not
              come from 4DOS.  Any problem in handling your response
              properly is due to the application, not to 4DOS.

              Choosing A(bort) within an application may abort the entire
              application and not just the operation being performed.  The
              specific action depends on which critical error handler is in
              use (4DOS's or the application's), and how the application's
              critical error handler (if any) is designed.

              If you are using 4DOS on a system that must run unattended
              (for example, a bulletin board), you can use the /F startup
              option in CONFIG.SYS or the CritFail directive in 4DOS.INI
              (see pages 110 and 135) to provide an automatic F(ail)
              response to all critical errors.  However, we do not recommend
              this on a normal system, because you will not have a chance to
              react to a critical error and correct the problem that caused


              You should find that 4DOS is compatible with all your PC
              software.  We have designed it carefully so that it uses only
              standard, documented methods to do its job.  It works properly
              with application software, utilities, networks, multitaskers
              and task switchers, memory-resident (TSR) programs, and system
              software like disk caches, memory managers, and device
              drivers.  We test 4DOS regularly with hundreds of popular
              software products in order to catch and correct compatibility
              problems before you encounter them.

              The following sections discuss using 4DOS with two major kinds
              of software:  multitasking and task switching programs, and
              networks.  For specific information about any individual
              software package, including the latest information about
              products mentioned here, see the APPNOTES.DOC file distributed
              with 4DOS.  It contains the latest information we have
              available when your copy of 4DOS was shipped.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  148


              If you need to diagnose a problem that isn't covered below or
              in APPNOTES.DOC, see page 7.

              4DOS and DOS

              4DOS is compatible with all versions of MS-DOS and PC-DOS from
              2.0 through 5.0 and above, and with DR-DOS 3.4, 5.0, and
              above.  For MS-DOS and PC-DOS users, we recommend the use of
              DOS 3.1 or above.  Some specific considerations for DR-DOS
              users are discussed in APPNOTES.DOC.  MS-DOS users using the
              APPEND command may need to set up some aliases to invoke
              APPEND; see APPNOTES.DOC for details.

              If you use the FORMAT /S command from MS-DOS or PC-DOS,
              version 4.0 or above, FORMAT will copy the file pointed to by
              the COMSPEC environment variable (see page 115) and name it
              COMMAND.COM.  In most cases this means that 4DOS.COM will be
              copied to the floppy disk, but with the name COMMAND.COM.
              Such a disk should boot properly and start 4DOS, but its
              contents is sure to be confusing to others.  If you use FORMAT
              /S with MS-DOS or PC-DOS 4.0 or above, we recommend that you
              copy COMMAND.COM manually to the floppy disk (you can use an
              alias or batch file if you format bootable disks frequently),
              or rename the file that FORMAT copies to 4DOS.COM and place a
              proper CONFIG.SYS file for 4DOS on the floppy disk.

              Using 4DOS with Task Switchers and Multitaskers

              Task switchers are programs that allow you to switch quickly
              among multiple applications, with one application running at a
              time.  Multitaskers are more complex programs which run
              multiple applications at the same time, with one or more
              programs executing "in the background" while you work with
              another program on the screen.

              For convenience, in the text below we will refer to both
              multitaskers and task switchers as "multitaskers," and to each
              window or partition they use as a "window," even though some
              do not have windowed displays.

              4DOS works well as both the primary shell (loaded when your
              system boots) and the secondary shell (loaded in a window)
              with most multitaskers.

              Most multitaskers have a pre-configured "DOS" window.  In some
              programs, this window always runs COMMAND.COM.  Others run

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              whatever program COMSPEC points to, which means they will run
              4DOS if you boot up with 4DOS.  We recommend that you always
              set up a 4DOS window explicitly, with the configuration you
              want, rather that relying on the multitasker's generic "DOS"

              Many multitaskers also run the command processor when you
              start certain kinds of windows, such as windows that run a
              .BAT file.  In general, this use of the command processor is
              transparent.  The multitasker will run 4DOS for you
              automatically when it needs to, and you won't need to do
              anything about it.

              If you find that your multitasker is running COMMAND.COM when
              you meant to run 4DOS, check the COMSPEC setting that is in
              effect when you start the multitasker.  You may also need to
              check the way a particular window is configured.

              When you set up a 4DOS window, be sure to specify the full
              path to 4DOS.COM, and any command-line options you want (see
              page 113 for information on command line options).  To set
              parameters (swapping, alias space, etc.) to be used by all
              4DOS secondary shells run by your multitasker, use the
              [Secondary] section in 4DOS.INI (see page 120).  To set these
              parameters separately for a specific window, create a copy of
              4DOS.INI just for that window and use the @d:\path\inifile
              option on your command line for the window to tell 4DOS where
              to find 4DOS.INI.  To change the configuration of a specific
              window without creating a separate copy of 4DOS.INI, use the
              //iniline option on your command line for the window (see
              example below).

              4DOS allows you to place a command to be executed as the last
              parameter on your 4DOS command line.  This command is executed
              before 4DOS displays its first prompt.  You can use this
              feature to run a batch file (or any other command) each time a
              4DOS window is started by your multitasker.  For example, if
              you are setting up 4DOS to run as a DOS application under
              Windows 3.0, your command line might look this:

                   c:\4dos\4dos.com //swapping=f:\ c:\winstart.btm

              This tells Windows to load 4DOS, includes a 4DOS.INI directive
              to tell 4DOS to swap to drive F, and passes 4DOS the command
              C:\WINSTART.BTM.  You can place commands in C:\WINSTART.BTM to
              be executed whenever such a window is started (for example, to
              change your PROMPT to show that you're in a window, or to load
              a TSR for just that window).  The command to be executed

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              (C:\WINSTART.BTM in this example), must be the last thing on
              the 4DOS command line;  no 4DOS switches or options can be
              placed after it because anything after the command will be
              interpreted as parameters for the command.

              This command feature is similar to what's provided by the
              4START batch file, but 4START is executed every time 4DOS
              loads, whereas a file like WINSTART will be executed only when
              a 4DOS window is started from your multitasker.  A batch file
              started this way will be run after 4START.

              If you use KEYSTACK inside a window of a multitasker, and the
              KSTACK.COM program has been loaded before the multitasker, you
              may find that stacked keystrokes "bleed through" from one
              window to another.  You can solve this problem by loading
              KSTACK.COM in a startup batch file (see above) for each window
              where it is needed.  If KSTACK is loaded before the
              multitasker as well, include a /I on the command line when
              loading KSTACK inside the window.  If you don't, KSTACK will
              detect that it is already installed and will not install

              Multitasking and Disk Swapping

              When 4DOS is loaded as the primary shell, it acts as a
              "traffic cop" for copies of the transient portion of 4DOS
              swapped to disk.  Each secondary shell is assigned a unique
              shell number, which is used as the extension of its disk swap
              file (4DOSSWAP.001, 4DOSSWAP.002, etc.).  These shell numbers
              avoid file name conflicts between multiple copies of 4DOS
              running in different windows but creating swap files in the
              same disk directory.

              However, if 4DOS is not loaded before the multitasker, this
              capability will not be available.  In this case, the copy of
              4DOS in each window will use a swap file called 4DOSSWAP.000.
              To avoid a conflict in this situation, you must force every
              copy of 4DOS to place its swap file in its own unique
              directory by using the "Swapping=d:\path" directive in
              4DOS.INI.  If you don't follow this rule, your system will
              hang when you switch windows or when you exit from an

              This problem will occur only in those rare situations where
              4DOS is loaded within a window but is not loaded as your
              primary shell, and if 4DOS disk swapping is used in more than
              one window at a time.  The problem will not occur if 4DOS is

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  151


              loaded as the primary shell (the usual case), or if 4DOS can
              use EMS or XMS swapping for all simultaneous shells.  Note
              that since the default swapping option uses disk swapping if
              insufficient EMS or XMS memory is available, you can be
              invoking disk swapping in your multitasker's windows without
              specifically requesting it.

              4DOS and Microsoft Windows 3.0

              4DOS works well as both the primary shell, loaded before
              Windows 3, and as a secondary shell loaded inside any window.
              It works in any Windows mode (Real, Standard, or Enhanced).
              The previous general information about multitaskers applies to
              Windows as well.  You should read it before continuing with
              this section.

              To run 4DOS as a secondary shell from within Windows, you will
              need to create a Program Manager icon to run 4DOS.  The
              generic "DOS" icon supplied by Microsoft will only run
              COMMAND.COM.  You can set up a 4DOS icon from the Program
              Manager's File / New menu selection.

              First, create a new program item and set the command line to
              "C:\4DOS\4DOS.COM" (use the appropriate drive and path for
              your system).  As discussed above, you can put the name of a
              batch file at the end of the command line.

              To install a special 4DOS icon, use the Program Manager's File
              / Properties menu selection.  Click on the Change Icon button
              and type in the full path name of your new 4DOS icon file.  We
              supply two Windows icons with 4DOS:  4DOS.ICO for color
              displays, and 4DOSM.ICO for monochrome displays.  Of course,
              you can create your own with any icon editor.

              For more flexibility, you can use the Windows PIF editor to
              create a 4DOS.PIF file.  We have included a sample .PIF file
              on the distribution diskette.  You must edit this file and
              make it correspond to your system before you use it to run

              If you run Windows in 386 Enhanced mode, 4DOS will work
              properly in either a full-screen or a windowed session.  The
              .PIF file determines the mode that 4DOS will start in.  If you
              don't use a .PIF file, 4DOS will always start in full-screen

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              Your batch files can determine whether they are running in a
              secondary shell under Windows, and the current Windows mode,
              with the 4DOS _WIN environment variable (see page 84).

              You can easily set up the Windows File Manager so that it will
              consider .BTM files to be "executable".  Open your WIN.INI
              file with any editor and find the section labeled
              "[extensions]".  Add the following line to the end of the

                   btm=c:\4dos\4dos.com /c ^.btm

              (adjust this to show the proper path for 4DOS.COM on your
              system).  It is not possible to execute .BTM files from the
              Program Manager by modifying the Programs= setting in WIN.INI;
              if you try to do so, the system will hang when you attempt to
              actually invoke a BTM file.

              4DOS and DESQView

              4DOS works well as both the primary shell loaded before
              DESQView, and as the secondary shell loaded inside any
              DESQView window.  The previous general information about
              multitaskers applies to DESQView as well.  You should read it
              before continuing with this section.

              To use 4DOS as a secondary shell with DESQview, you must add
              it to your DESQview "Open Window" menu.  To do this, select
              the Add a Program option, then press the "O" key (for Other
              Program).  Press Enter and you will get an Add a Program
              window.  You'll need to modify settings on the standard first
              screen, and on the second "advanced options" screen.  Set the
              Program Name to C:\4DOS\4DOS.COM (adjust the drive and path
              for your own computer).  Set the Parameters to whatever 4DOS
              startup options you want, but do not use /C or /P.  For other
              DESQView parameters, the defaults are workable with the
              following changes:

                   To run 4DOS in a full-screen window:

                         Writes Text Directly to Screen:    Y    (screen 1)
                         Virtualize Text / Graphics:        N    (screen 1)
                         Close on Exit to DOS:              Y    (screen 2)
                         Uses its Own Colors:               Y    (screen 2)

                   To run 4DOS in a window smaller than the full screen:
                         Writes Text Directly to Screen:    N    (screen 1)

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                         Virtualize Text / Graphics:        Y/T  (screen 1)
                         Close on Exit to DOS:              Y    (screen 2)
                         Uses its Own Colors:               Y    (screen 2)

              4DOS is written to be "DESQView-aware", and will not "bleed
              through" to other windows when running full-screen commands
              such as HELP, LIST, or SELECT.

              If you use 4DOS commands that work with an ANSI driver (CLS,
              COLOR, and the COLORDIR environment variable), you will need
              to load the ANSI driver in your 4DOS window.  Drivers like PC
              Magazine's ANSI.COM may work in full-screen windows, but we've
              found that the only ANSI driver which works properly in a
              window smaller than the full screen is Quarterdeck's

              You can set up a startup batch file to load your ANSI driver
              or take other actions when a DESQView 4DOS window is opened,
              as discussed in the general section on multitaskers above.
              Just place the batch file name (with drive and path if
              necessary) as the last thing on the Parameters line.

              DESQView will work properly with the UMBLoad and
              UMBEnvironment directives set to Yes for the primary shell in
              4DOS.INI, but may not work properly if these directives are
              also active in secondary shells.  4DOS will turn these
              directives off by default when loading a secondary shell under
              DESQView, but you can override this default action with any
              directives you explicitly place in 4DOS.INI.  If you have
              trouble with secondary shells and are using either of these
              directives, try placing the following lines in the [Secondary]
              section of 4DOS.INI:

                   UMBLoad = No
                   UMBEnvironment = No

              If you want to use DESQView's DOS Services program, check
              APPNOTES.DOC for the details on how to set it up for use with

              Using 4DOS on a Network

              4DOS works well with DOS-compatible networks.  This section
              will give you some tips on using 4DOS properly on a network,
              and on the locations to use for 4DOS files on a network.

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              In general, you'll find that you can load and run your network
              software normally under 4DOS.  Network drives will be
              accessible as normal drives once the network is loaded, and
              files on the network will be accessible just as if they were
              on a local hard disk.

              Some networks support file and directory names beginning with
              a double backslash, or with a server name followed by a colon,
              to identify files by their location on the network.  4DOS
              detects such names and passes them through to the network
              unaltered, allowing the network software to process them

              In rare situations, you may have trouble loading network
              software under 4DOS.  To the best of our knowledge, all DOS-
              compatible networks do work with 4DOS.  If yours doesn't, our
              experience suggests that the most common cause is a network
              bug, an old version of your network software, or a conflict in
              the way 4DOS and your network are configured.  Most bugs have
              now been corrected by network vendors, and should not appear
              on your system.  If you have any questions about compatibility
              with your particular network, first check for a listing in
              APPNOTES.DOC; then of course feel free to contact our
              technical support department for assistance.

              If you need to boot a diskless workstation from a network
              drive, you must have the network drive accessible at boot
              time.  If this condition is satisfied (so 4DOS can find its
              files on the network drives), the normal approach can be used
              to start 4DOS from the network.

              Some networks with large server disk drives (256 MB or more)
              may report values that are too small if the FREEcommand and
              the %@DISKFREE, %@DISKTOTAL, and %@DISKUSED variable functions
              are used for the server drive.  If this occurs, it is because
              the network software does not provide a way to return larger
              values to 4DOS.

            ! When you use 4DOS on a network, pay attention to where files
              are stored in order to ensure that two 4DOS users do not
              attempt to access the same 4DOS file at the same time.  You
              will need to pay particular attention to disk swapping and

              If 4DOS uses disk swapping (either because of an explicit
              directive in 4DOS.INI or because default swapping is used and
              no EMS or XMS memory is available), you should be sure that
              two users don't use the same directory simultaneously for

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              their disk swap files.  If they do, the filenames
              (4DOSSWAP.000, 4DOSSWAP.001, etc.) will conflict and each user
              will write over the other's files, possibly causing one or
              both systems to hang.  To take care of this, use the Swapping
              directive in 4DOS.INI to assign each user's swap files to a
              different directory on the network drive.

              Pipes are a method of passing information from one program to
              another, and are invoked with the pipe symbol [|] on the
              command line (see page 65).  Pipes work by taking the output
              from one program, storing it in a temporary file, then telling
              a second program to obtain its input from that file.  The
              temporary files, with names like P1.$00 and P2.$00, are placed
              by default in the root directory of the boot drive, but can be
              placed on a different drive and directory by setting the TEMP
              or TEMP4DOS environment variable (see page 115).

              The same cautions given for disk swapping must be followed for
              pipe temporary files; that is, you must ensure that each
              user's temporary pipe files go to a separate directory.  To do
              this, just be sure that each network user running 4DOS has
              TEMP or TEMP4DOS set to a unique directory.  If you boot 4DOS
              from a local hard disk, the pipe temporary files will go to
              that disk and the environment variable setting will not be

          Solving Software Compatibility Problems

              Any DOS program running on your computer can potentially
              interact with any other program running at the same time.  Of
              course, most program interactions are ones you want: your
              print spooler intercepts printer output and saves it to print
              later, or your disk cache intercepts disk requests and speeds
              them up by retrieving data from memory.

              If you've used the PC for any length of time, however, you'll
              know that you can also get interactions you don't want.  If
              you load just the wrong combination of TSRs and device
              drivers, your system may slow to a crawl.  Perhaps you can't
              load your favorite Personal Information Manager with Windows
              running.  And so on.

              As publishers of a product that replaces part of the operating
              system, we're very familiar with these issues -- not because
              4DOS is more likely to cause problems, but because it
              sometimes gets blamed first when a problem appears.  Our
              technical support department has developed a set of reliable

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              techniques for finding out what's causing an apparent
              compatibility problem with 4DOS and other software.

              We are presenting these techniques here as a series of things
              to try when there seems to be a compatibility problem.  Some
              may not make sense for the particular problem you're
              investigating.  Others may not yield useful results.  But as a
              group, they'll help you resolve many of the common software
              interactions that do appear, whether with 4DOS or anything

              Some of our suggestions help you figure out what's going on,
              but aren't intended to help you fix it.  For example, when we
              suggest that you remove all your TSRs to look for the problem,
              we aren't suggesting that as a permanent solution, but only as
              a diagnostic test.  Before you get started, be sure to check
              APPNOTES.DOC to see if we've already solved the problem you're

              The first thing to consider is whether the particular
              combination of software that's not working used to work
              together.  If so, think carefully about what you have changed
              and see if reversing the change solves the problem.  If it
              does, then you can narrow your search, using the following
              techniques to find out what it is about that specific change
              that is causing the problem.

              Second, make sure that your problem can be reproduced
              relatively easily, and make sure you know exactly what
              sequence of commands or other steps reproduces it.  Most
              interactions are very easy to reproduce, but if you think
              there's an interaction and it occurs once every 10 days, it's
              going to be difficult to know when you have fixed it.  Also,
              the process of carefully documenting how to reproduce a
              problem often helps you realize what the problem is without
              further effort.

              Third, if you have a problem with a specific application
              hanging or working improperly, try cleaning up the
              "atmosphere" in which that program runs.  This is the single
              most useful tool we know for finding compatibility problems.
              By "cleaning up the atmosphere" we mean all of the following,
              and any other similar things you may be able to think of about
              your particular system after reading our suggestions below:

                   Check the length of your PATH variable.  4DOS lets you
                   make it longer than the standard limit of 123 characters.
                   Some programs can't handle long PATHs and may behave

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                   strangely.  If your PATH is over the normal limit, reduce
                   its size using the PATH or ESET command and see if the
                   application starts working.  If so, use a batch file or
                   alias to set up an alternate path for running that one
                   program, for example:

                        path d:\myprog

                   The SETLOCAL / ENDLOCAL pair saves and restores the
                   environment;  when you're done, the old PATH will be
                   restored automatically (see page 298).

                   Next, check how much environment space is in use in your
                   system.  The 4DOS MEMORY command reports the total
                   environment space and the amount free; a simple
                   subtraction tells you how much is in use.  Some programs
                   use outdated techniques and simply don't work right if
                   there's a lot of information in the environment (these
                   programs don't usually care how big the total environment
                   space is, only how much of it is actually in use).  In
                   most cases, these problems show up when the amount of
                   space in use gets up to around 1K (1024) bytes or so, but
                   they can occur at any point. To test for this, use the
                   following simple batch file:

                        unset var1 var2 var3 ...
                        [command to run the program in question]

                   where VAR1, VAR2, etc. are variables you can remove from
                   the environment to decrease the space in use before
                   running the program.  If reducing the environment space
                   in use makes things work, contact the program's
                   manufacturer and report the problem.  You have found a
                   legitimate bug.  DOS allows an environment of up to 32K
                   and all programs should be able to work with an
                   environment that large.  Until the manufacturer fixes the
                   bug, use the batch file above as a workaround.

                   Next, look for a multi-program interaction.  Remove all
                   the device drivers and TSRs you possibly can and still
                   have enough software present to demonstrate the problem.
                   For example, you can't look for a network problem if you
                   don't load the network, but you probably can check it

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                   without your disk cache running.  When you do this, and
                   any time you modify your boot configuration, be sure you
                   have a bootable floppy disk handy.

                   If you run a partitioning disk driver like SpeedStor,
                   Vfeature, or Disk Manager, you probably can't remove it
                   for diagnostic purposes without temporarily losing access
                   to some or all of your hard disk.  The same may be true
                   of disk compression programs like Stacker, depending on
                   the mode in which they are installed.  Most other device
                   drivers and TSRs can be removed without causing trouble.
                   Check your system and software manuals if you are unsure
                   of which programs can safely be removed.

                   Once you know what you can take out, don't skimp or guess
                   where the interaction might be.  Take out everything you
                   possibly can from CONFIG.SYS, 4START, and AUTOEXEC.BAT
                   that loads or accesses another program .  In CONFIG.SYS,
                   remove all possible DEVICE and INSTALL statements.  In
                   AUTOEXEC.BAT, remove all the lines you can that load
                   memory-resident programs (and remember that some DOS
                   utilities, like MODE, can be memory-resident).  Of
                   course, save copies of your configuration files before
                   you delete anything.  Better yet, use the REM command to
                   remove lines temporarily without deleting them.  REM can
                   be used on any line in AUTOEXEC.BAT, in 4START, and in
                   CONFIG.SYS if you are running DOS 4.0 or above.  In
                   earlier versions, REM will work in CONFIG.SYS but will
                   also generate a harmless "unrecognized command" error
                   message during bootup.  If you want to remove everything
                   in AUTOEXEC.BAT you can simply rename it to any other
                   name, and rename it back when you are done testing.

                   Clean out your configuration files all at once, not one
                   line at a time.  If that solves the problem, you're on
                   the right track, and you can put the lines back one at a
                   time until you find the culprit.  If it doesn't solve the
                   problem, you won't waste time removing lines one by one.

                   If you do find a suspect program, first try booting your
                   system with COMMAND.COM, without changing anything else
                   about your configuration.  If the problem remains, then
                   it's not related to an interaction with 4DOS.

                   If the problem isn't there under COMMAND.COM, try
                   fiddling with the program's configuration. If you were
                   loading it high, try loading it low.  If you can change
                   the way it uses memory, try doing so.  If it's a driver

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                   that's used by other programs (like your mouse driver)
                   and is quite old, consider obtaining an update from the
                   manufacturer. All of these techniques will help you
                   narrow down what it is about the program that's causing a
                   problem.  Once you have done that, you may have a simple
                   workaround.  If not, contact our technical support crew
                   and we'll try to verify the problem, then resolve it with
                   the manufacturer of the other software.

                   Rarely, some problems can be resolved by modifying the
                   order in which you load drivers and TSRs.  If you've
                   found a problem with a particular driver or TSR, try
                   loading it earlier or later than you were and see if the
                   problem goes away.

              Next, try modifying the atmosphere in another way:  change the
              way 4DOS is configured.  In particular, try changing the 4DOS
              swapping type using the Swapping directive in 4DOS.INI (see
              page 125).  This technique is especially appropriate if the
              system hangs every time you exit a particular application.  If
              that solves the problem, there's probably a memory conflict.
              Another program is trying to use the same memory space 4DOS
              uses for swapping.  See if you can control the other program's
              memory usage.

              If you can configure 4DOS and the other program to work
              together, you're all set.  If they work together only in a
              useless combination (for example, with 4DOS swapping turned
              off), contact us.  We'll try to figure out what the other
              program is doing to damage 4DOS's swap space and get the
              manufacturer to take care of the problem.

              You can also change the UMB-related configuration settings
              (UMBLoad and UMBEnvironment) to help diagnose compatibility
              problems.  Problems with these directives are rare, but if
              you're at an impasse, try setting both of these values to "No"
              in 4DOS.INI.

              Some of the advanced directives in 4DOS.INI (see page 135) may
              help solve very rare configuration problems, but unless you
              are an experienced DOS user and understand the side effects of
              each directive, they should be used only as diagnostic tools,
              and not as a workaround or fix. Any of the following can be

                   Inherit = No
                   LineInput = Yes      (or SETDOS /L1)
                   Reduce = No

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                   StackSize = nnnn     (increase value to 4096 or more)

              If you've tried all these techniques and haven't found the
              problem, contact our technical support department (see page
              7).  We have more tricks up our sleeve, and a very high
              success rate at resolving software interactions.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  161

                                          CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE


          The following pages are a complete guide and reference to the 4DOS
          commands that are available from the command line, in aliases, and
          in batch files.  Nearly all of these commands are internal 4DOS
          commands, which means that 4DOS performs the activity you have
          requested without running another program.  External commands
          require loading and running a separate program, either an
          executable (.EXE or .COM) program or a batch (.BTM or .BAT)
          program.  DOS is shipped with a number of external utility programs
          (such as FORMAT and DISKCOPY), and any program or application you
          install on your system becomes a new external command.

          The advantage of internal commands is that they run almost
          instantly.  When you give 4DOS an internal command, it interprets
          the command line and carries out the necessary activities without
          having to look for, load, and run another program.

          The advantage of external commands is that they can be large,
          varied, and complex without taking space inside the system command
          processor.  External commands can also be renamed or replaced
          easily.  If you want to rename the external DOS command XCOPY to
          MYCOPY, for example, all you need to do is find the file called
          XCOPY.EXE on your DOS disk or directory and change its name to
          MYCOPY.EXE.  If you want to replace XCOPY with a more efficient
          program, you can do so.  4DOS adds this flexibility to internal
          commands.  You can rename or replace any internal command by using
          an ALIAS, and you can enable or disable internal commands whenever
          you wish.

          4DOS Commands

              4DOS has over 80 internal commands, many more than any version
              of DOS.  4DOS neither replaces nor interferes with external
              DOS commands like ASSIGN, BACKUP, CHKDSK, DISKCOPY, SUBST, or
              XCOPY.  Once 4DOS is installed, you can continue to use those
              utilities like you always have.  Also, 4DOS has been designed
              so that it is compatible with virtually all traditional
              internal commands, even though it enhances many of those
              commands with additional options and capabilities.  Once you
              have installed 4DOS, you can continue using the commands that
              you already know and get the same results.

              A few of the 4DOS commands are the same as traditional
              commands, some are enhanced with new features, and many are

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                                          CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE

              unique to 4DOS.  The best way to learn the 4DOS commands is to
              use them and experiment with them.  The following lists
              categorize the available commands by topic and will help you
              find the ones that you need.  Most of this chapter is an
              alphabetic list of the commands and how to use each one.  We
              urge you to browse through this chapter occasionally and look
              for commands that might help simplify your computing life.

              In the following summary lists, commands that are unique to
              4DOS are marked with a  number sign [#].  Those which are
              enhanced traditional commands are marked with an asterisk [*].
              And those which are identical to traditional commands have no
              marks at all.

              System Configuration Commands:

                 BREAK          CHCP           CTTY           DATE
                 FREE #         LH / LOADHIGH  MEMORY #       PROMPT *
                 REBOOT #       SETDOS #       SWAPPING #     TIME
                 VER            VERIFY         VOL *

              File and directory management:
                 ATTRIB *       COPY *         DEL / ERASE *  DESCRIBE #
                 MOVE #         REN / RENAME * TRUENAME #

              Subdirectory management:

                 CD / CHDIR *   CDD #          DIR *          DIRS #
                 MD / MKDIR *   POPD #         PUSHD #        RD / RMDIR *

              Commands normally used in batch files and aliases (many are
              also useful at the command line):
                 ALIAS #        BEEP #         CALL           CANCEL #
                 COLOR #        DELAY #        DRAWBOX #      DRAWHLINE #
                 DRAWVLINE #    ECHO *         ECHOS #        ENDLOCAL #
                 GOSUB #        GOTO *         FOR *          IF *
                 IFF #          INKEY #        INPUT #        KEYSTACK #
                 LOADBTM #      PAUSE *        QUIT #         REM *
                 RETURN #       SCREEN #       SCRPUT #       SETLOCAL #
                 SHIFT *        TEXT #         TIMER #        UNALIAS #
                 VSCRPUT #

              Other commands:

                 ? #            CLS *          ESET #         EXCEPT #
                 EXIT *         GLOBAL #       HELP #         HISTORY #
                 LIST #         LOG #          PATH *         SELECT #
                 SET *          TEE #          TYPE *         UNSET #

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                                          CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE

                 Y #

              As you can see, most 4DOS commands are either enhanced
              traditional commands or are entirely new.  If you are
              comfortable using traditional commands, you can switch to 4DOS
              without making any changes in your habits.  But you will be
              missing a lot of the power of 4DOS's enhancements and new
              commands unless you take a few minutes to see what's available
              here.  Make sure you don't skip a section of this reference
              just because you already know how to use a traditional command
              with the same name.

              We have made no attempt to document external DOS commands in
              this reference, partly because they are explained in your DOS
              manual, and partly because the number and name of DOS external
              commands, and the options available with each command, vary
              widely from one version of DOS to another and from one
              computer manufacturer to another.  The 4DOS HELP system does
              include information on standard DOS external commands.

              If you come across terms or concepts in this chapter that you
              are unsure about, please refer to Chapter 4 / General
              Concepts, the Glossary on page 342, or the Index.

          How to Use the Command Descriptions

              Each of the 4DOS commands is described in detail on the
              following pages.  The descriptions are arranged
              alphabetically, and each includes examples that will help you
              learn to use the commands.

              Each description begins with the name of the command on the
              left side of the page and a word in parentheses on the right
              side.  The commands marked "New" are unique to 4DOS.  Those
              marked "Enhanced" are similar to traditional commands but add
              new features and options.  The commands marked "Compatible"
              follow the syntax and features of the traditional command with
              the same name.

              The name is followed by a sentence or two that briefly
              describes the command's purpose or major function.  That
              sentence should help you determine quickly whether you have
              found the command you are seeking.

              The next part of each description shows the command's format
              or syntax.  The format line uses certain conventions to

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                                          CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE

              describe how the command should be entered and to create
              reference points for the text describing the command:

                   Words in UPPER CASE must be spelled exactly as they are
                   shown (although you can type them in using either upper
                   or lower case, or a combination).  If a word is shown
                   partly in upper case (for example BLInk), only the upper
                   case portion is required, the rest is optional.

                   Words shown in italics (for example source or filename)
                   are meant to be replaced by other words or values.  Each
                   of these words is explained directly beneath the format
                   line, and discussed in more detail in the text
                   description of the command.  When the word stands for a
                   file name, the name may be a simple file name like
                   MYFILE.TXT or it may include a drive letter and/or a full
                   path, like C:\MYDIR1\MYDIR2\MYFILE.TXT.  If the command
                   can work on multiple files, you can use the 4DOS
                   wildcards, multiple file names, or an include list (see
                   pages 71, 73, and 74).

                   Anything followed by an ellipsis (three periods [...])
                   may be repeated as often as you wish.

                   Text shown in [square brackets] is optional.  Text
                   outside of square brackets must be entered literally (if
                   it is capitalized) or replaced by other words or values
                   (if it is in italics).

                   Vertical bars | represent a choice;  you can pick one
                   option or another but not both.  For example, the
                   following format shows that the command may be followed
                   by the word ON or the word OFF, but not both:

                        COMMAND [ ON | OFF ]

                   A slash followed by a letter, like [/X], is an "option"
                   or "switch" which controls the effect of a command.  Many
                   commands have several switches, and you are usually free
                   to use none, one, or several to make a command behave as
                   you wish.  If you use a single switch, you must precede
                   it with a slash.  If you use several switches, in most
                   cases you can put them together with one slash or use
                   separate slashes.  For example, if you wanted to use
                   switches X, Y, and Z for a command, you could type them
                   three different ways:

                        command /x /y /z

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                                          CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE

                        command /x/y/z
                        command /xyz

                   A few switches, particularly in the DIR and SELECT
                   commands,  use two or more characters.  If you need to
                   follow a multi-letter switch with another switch, the
                   second switch must have its own slash to avoid ambiguity.

              Included in the format section is an explanation of each
              replaceable argument and a one or two word explanation of each
              switch.  Many descriptions also list related commands to help
              you find the exact command you want.

              After the command format, you'll find a description of the
              command's usage.  This description normally starts with the
              basic functions of a command and gradually adds more details.
              We've also included many examples to help you see the command
              in action.  In the examples, characters in bold type represent
              input from the user.  Characters in normal type represent 4DOS
              prompts or responses, or lines in a batch file.

              The last part of each description is a detailed explanation of
              the options or switches available for each command, in
              alphabetical order.  Occasionally, we've included more
              examples in this section to demonstrate how a switch is used
              or how multiple switches interact.

              Pay careful attention to the information about switch
              placement.  Some switches have different effects based on
              where they appear in the command line.  The effects of
              switches occasionally vary from one command to another in
              order to retain compatibility with traditional commands.

              In the Usage and Options sections you may see the symbol## .
              This indicates a more in-depth discussion or an advanced topic
              which you can skip if you are new to the command; come back to
              this topic later for more details, or if you're having trouble
              with the command.  In most cases the remainder of the section
              after such a symbol is devoted to similar information.

              The ## doesn't mean that only advanced users will need the
              information -- you may find it useful even if you're
              relatively new to computers or to 4DOS.  But it does mean that
              you can skip the marked section and still understand and use
              the basic features of the command.  If a ## appears before the
              "Usage" heading, it indicates that the entire command is
              generally used only in unusual situations or by more advanced

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                                          CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE

              When you see a ## in the list of options, remember that the
              options are listed alphabetically, so there may be more basic
              options discussed later in the list, after a more complex or
              advanced option marked with## .  Don't stop reading the option
              list the first time you see the mark.

              A ! to the left of a paragraph means that paragraph contains a
              caution or warning you may need to observe when using the
              feature it discusses.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  167

                                    CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  ?

          ?                                                             (New)

          Purpose:    Display a list of 4DOS commands.

          Format:     ?

          Usage:      ? displays a list of 4DOS internal commands.  For help
                      with these commands, and with external DOS commands,
                      see the HELP command.

                      When you use the ? command, you will see a display like

                           c:\> ?
                           ?            ALIAS       ATTRIB       BEEP
                           BREAK        CALL        CANCEL       CD
                           CDD          CHCP        CHDIR        CLS
                           COLOR        COPY        CTTY         DATE
                           DEL          DELAY       DESCRIBE     DIR
                           DIRS         DRAWBOX     DRAWHLINE    DRAWVLINE
                           ECHO         ECHOS       ENDLOCAL     ERASE
                           ESET         EXCEPT      EXIT         FOR
                           FREE         GLOBAL      GOSUB        GOTO
                           HELP         HISTORY     IF           IFF
                           INKEY        INPUT       KEYSTACK     LH
                           LIST         LOADBTM     LOADHIGH     LOG
                           MD           MEMORY      MKDIR        MOVE
                           PATH         PAUSE       POPD         PROMPT
                           PUSHD        QUIT        RD           REBOOT
                           REM          REN         RENAME       RETURN
                           RMDIR        SCREEN      SCRPUT       SELECT
                           SET          SETDOS      SETLOCAL     SHIFT
                           SWAPPING     TEE         TEXT         TIME
                           TIMER        TRUENAME    TYPE         UNALIAS
                           UNSET        VER         VERIFY       VOL
                           VSCRPUT      Y

                      If you have disabled a command with the SETDOS /I
                      command, it will not appear in the list.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  168

                                CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  ALIAS

          ALIAS                                                         (New)

          Purpose:    Create new command names that execute one or more
                      commands or redefine default options for existing
                      commands;  assign commands to keystrokes;  load or
                      display the list of defined alias names.

          Format:     ALIAS [/P /R file...] [name[=][value]]

                      file:  One or more files to read for alias definitions.
                      name:  Name for an alias, or the key to execute the
                      value:  Text (commands, etc.) to be substituted for the
                      alias name.

                      /P(ause)                    /R(ead file)

                      See also: UNALIAS and page 96.

          Usage:      The ALIAS command lets you create new command names or
                      redefine the 4DOS internal commands.  It also lets you
                      assign one or more commands to a single keystroke.  An
                      alias is often used to execute a complex series of
                      commands with a few keystrokes or to create "in memory
                      batch files" that run much faster than disk-based batch

                      For example, if you would rather type D instead of DIR
                      /W you would use the command:

                           c:\> alias d = `dir /w`

                      Now when you type a single d as a command, 4DOS will
                      translate it into a DIR /W command.  The marks around
                      DIR /W in the ALIAS command are back-quotes, below the
                      tilde [~] on most PC keyboards.  They are NOT single
                      quotes ['].

                      An alias can represent more than one command.  For

                           c:\> alias letters = `cd \letters ^ text`

                      creates a new command called LETTERS.  The command
                      first uses CD to change to a subdirectory called
                      \LETTERS and then runs a program called TEXT.  The
                      caret [^] is the 4DOS command separator and tells 4DOS

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                                CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  ALIAS

                      that the two commands are distinct and should be
                      executed sequentially.

                      When you type alias commands at the command line or in
                      a batch file, you MUST use back quotes around the
                      definition if it contains multiple commands or any
                      replaceable parameters (which are discussed below), to
                      prevent premature expansion of the arguments.  You MAY
                      use back quotes [`] around other definitions, but they
                      are not required.  To avoid confusion, we recommend
                      that you always use back quotes around alias
                      definitions you type at the command line or enter in a
                      batch file.

                      Aliases may invoke internal 4DOS commands, external
                      commands, or other aliases.  (However, an alias may not
                      invoke itself, except in special cases where an IF or
                      IFF command is used to prevent an infinite loop.)  The
                      two aliases below demonstrate alias nesting (one alias
                      invoking another).  The first line defines an alias
                      which runs a program called WP.EXE that is in the
                      E:\WP51\ subdirectory.  The second alias changes
                      directories with the PUSHD command, runs the WP alias,
                      and then returns to the original directory with the
                      POPD command:

                           c:\> alias wp = `e:\wp51\wp.exe`
                           c:\> alias w = `pushd c:\wp ^ wp ^ popd`

                      The second alias above could have included the full
                      path and name of the WP.EXE program instead of calling
                      the WP alias.  However, writing two aliases makes the
                      second one easier to read and understand, and makes the
                      first alias available for independent use.  If you
                      rename the WP.EXE program or move it to a new
                      directory, only the first alias needs to rewritten.

                      If you put an asterisk [*] immediately before a command
                      in the value of an alias definition (the part after the
                      equal sign), it tells 4DOS not to attempt to interpret
                      that command as another (nested) alias.  An asterisk
                      used this way must be preceded by a space or caret [^]
                      and followed immediately by an internal or external
                      command name.  The asterisk is used to make sure that
                      4DOS interprets the following word as the name of an
                      internal or external command instead of as an alias
                      which may have the same name.  It also allows two
                      popular uses of aliases.

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                                CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  ALIAS

                      By using an asterisk, you can redefine the default
                      options for any 4DOS command.  For example, suppose
                      that you always want to use the DIR command with the /2
                      (two column) and /P (pause at the end of each page)
                      options.  The following line will do just that:

                           c:\> alias dir = `*dir /2/p`

                      If you didn't include the asterisk, 4DOS would
                      interpret the second DIR on the line as the name of the
                      alias itself and attempt to repeatedly re-invoke the
                      DIR alias, rather than running the DIR command.  This
                      would cause an "Alias loop" or "Command line too long"
                      error.  The asterisk tells 4DOS to interpret the second
                      DIR as a command but not as an alias.

                      An asterisk also helps you keep the names of internal
                      4DOS commands from conflicting with the names of
                      external programs.  For example, suppose you have a
                      program called LIST.COM.  Normally, the 4DOS internal
                      command will run anytime you type LIST.  But two simple
                      aliases will give you access to both the LIST.COM
                      program and the LIST command:

                           c:\> alias list = `c:\util\list.com`
                           c:\> alias display = `*list`

                      The first line above defines LIST as an alias for the
                      LIST.COM program.  If you stopped there, the external
                      program would run every time you typed LIST and you
                      would not have easy access to the internal 4DOS LIST
                      command.  The second line renames the internal LIST
                      command as DISPLAY.  The asterisk is needed in the
                      second command to tell 4DOS that the following word
                      means the internal command LIST, not the LIST alias
                      which runs your external program.

                      Another way to understand the asterisk is to remember
                      that when 4DOS processes a command it always checks for
                      an alias first, then looks for an internal or external
                      command, or a batch file (see page 43).  The asterisk
                      at the beginning of a command name simply tells 4DOS to
                      skip over the usual check for aliases when processing
                      that command, and go straight to checking for an
                      internal command, external command, or batch file.

                      You can also use an asterisk before a command that you
                      enter at the command line or in a batch file.  If you

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                                CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  ALIAS

                      do, 4DOS won't try to interpret that command as an
                      alias.  This can be useful when you want to be sure you
                      are running the true, original command and not an alias
                      with the same name, or temporarily defeat the purpose
                      of an alias which changes the meaning or behavior of a
                      command.  For example, above we defined an alias for
                      DIR which made directories display in 2-column paged
                      mode by default.  If you wanted to see a directory
                      display in the normal single-column, non-paged mode,
                      you could enter the command *DIR and the alias would be
                      ignored during that one command.

                      You can also use an asterisk in the name of an alias.
                      When you do, the characters following the asterisk are
                      optional when you invoke the alias command.  (Use of an
                      asterisk in the alias name is unrelated to the use of
                      an asterisk in the alias value discussed above.)  For
                      example, with this alias:

                           c:\> alias wher*eis = `dir /sp`

                      the new command, WHEREIS, can be invoked as WHER,
                      WHERE, WHEREI, or WHEREIS.  Now if you type:

                           c:\> where myfile.txt

                      4DOS will expand the WHEREIS alias and process the

                           dir /sp myfile.txt

                      If you want to assign an alias to a keystroke, use the
                      keyname on the left side of the equal sign, preceded by
                      an at-sign [@].  For example, to assign the command DIR
                      /W to the F5 key, type

                           c:\> alias @F5 = `dir /w`

                      Keynames must be in the form


                      The key prefix can be any one of the following:

                        No prefix  followed by F1 - F12
                        Alt        followed by A - Z, 0 - 9, F1 - F12, or

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                                CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  ALIAS

                        Ctrl       followed by A - Z, F1 - F12, Bksp, Enter,
                                   Left, Right, Home, End, PgUp, PgDn, Ins,
                                   or Del

                      The possible key names are:

                        A - Z         Enter         PgDn
                        0 - 9         Up            Home
                        F1 - F12      Down          End
                        Esc           Left          Ins
                        Bksp          Right         Del
                        Tab           PgUp

                      All key names must be spelled as shown, and can be
                      abbreviated as long as the abbreviation is unique and
                      unambiguous.  Alphabetic keys can be specified in
                      upper-case or lower-case.  You cannot specify a
                      punctuation key.

                      The prefix and key name must be separated by a dash.
                      You can also define a keystroke alias by using "@" plus
                      a scan code for one of the permissible keys (see
                      Appendix B on page 325 for a list of scan codes).

                      When you define keystroke aliases, the assignments will
                      only be in effect at the 4DOS command line, not inside
                      application programs.  Be careful not to assign aliases
                      to keys that are already used at the command-line (like
                      F1 for Help).  The command-line meanings take
                      precedence and the keystroke alias will never be
                      invoked.  If you want to use one of the command-line
                      keys for an alias instead of its normal meaning, you
                      must first disable its regular use with the NormalKey
                      or NormalEditKey directive in your 4DOS.INI file.  See
                      page 132 for instructions.

                      If you define a keystroke alias like this:

                           c:\> @f5 = `dir /w`

                      then, when you press the F5 key, 4DOS will enter the
                      value, "dir /w" on the command line for you.  You can
                      type additional parameters if you wish and then press
                      Enter to execute the command.  With this particular
                      alias, you can define the files that you want to
                      display after pressing F5 and before pressing Enter to
                      execute the command.

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                                CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  ALIAS

                      If you want the keystroke alias to take action
                      automatically without waiting for you to edit the
                      command line or press Enter, you must end the value
                      with a carriage return.  To enter the carriage return
                      into your alias use the 4DOS escape character (normally
                      Ctrl-X, shown here as "^X") twice, followed by an "r."
                      For example, this command will assign an alias to the
                      F6 key that uses the CDD command to take you back to
                      the previous default directory:

                           c:\> alias @f6 = `cdd -^X^Xr`

                      If you define a keystroke alias in an ALIAS /R file and
                      you want an the alias to start automatically, use a
                      single ^X character before the "r" at the end of the
                      line.  The double ^X is only required when the alias is
                      defined on the command line or in a batch file.

                      If you want to see a list of all current ALIAS
                      commands, type

                           c:\> alias

                      You can also view the definition of a single alias.  If
                      you want to see the definition of the alias LIST, you
                      can type

                           c:\> alias list

                      You can save the list to a file called ALIAS.LST this

                           c:\> alias > alias.lst

                      You can then reload all the alias definitions in the
                      file the next time you boot up with the command

                           c:\> alias /r alias.lst

                      This is much faster than defining each alias
                      individually in a batch file.  If you keep your alias
                      definitions in a separate file which you load from
                      AUTOEXEC.BAT, you can edit them with a text editor,
                      reload the edited file with the ALIAS /R command, and
                      know that the same alias list will be loaded the next
                      time you boot your computer.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  174

                                CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  ALIAS

                      When you define aliases in a file that will be read
                      with the ALIAS /R command, you should NOT use back
                      quotes around the value, even if back-quotes would
                      normally be required when defining the same alias at
                      the command line or in a batch file.

                      To remove an alias, use the UNALIAS command.

                  ##  Alias commands can use command-line arguments or
                      replaceable parameters like those in batch files.  4DOS
                      numbers the command line arguments from %1 to %127.  It
                      is up to the alias to determine the meaning of each
                      argument.  Arguments that are referred to in an alias,
                      but which are missing on the command line, appear as
                      empty strings inside the alias.

                      The parameter %n& has a special meaning.  4DOS
                      interprets it to mean "the entire command line, from
                      argument n to the end."  If n is not specified, it has
                      a default value of 1, so %& means "the entire command
                      line after the alias name."  The special parameter %#
                      contains the number of command line arguments.  Aliases
                      do not have access to %0, which is used only in batch

                      For example, the following alias will change
                      directories, perform a command, and return to the
                      original directory:

                           c:\> alias in `pushd %1 ^ %2& ^ popd`

                      When this alias is invoked as:

                           c:\> in c:\comm mycomm /xmodem /2400

                      the first replaceable parameter, %1, has the value
                      "c:\comm."  %2 is "mycomm," %3 is "/xmodem," and %4 is
                      "/2400".  4DOS expands the command line into these
                      three separate commands:

                           pushd c:\comm
                           mycomm /xmodem /2400

                  ##  This next example uses the IFF command to redefine the
                      defaults for SET only if no other options are entered
                      on the command line.  This ALIAS command should be
                      entered on one line:

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                                CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  ALIAS

                           c:\> alias set = `iff %#==0 then ^ *set /p ^
                                else ^ *set %& ^ endiff`

                      This example modifies the SET command so that if SET is
                      entered with no arguments, it is replaced by SET /P
                      (pause after displaying each page), but if SET is
                      followed by an argument, it behaves normally.  Note the
                      use of asterisks (*set) to prevent alias loops.

                  ##  If an alias uses replaceable parameters, 4DOS will
                      delete command line arguments up to and including the
                      highest referenced argument.  For example, if you have
                      an alias which refers only to %1 and %4, then the first
                      and fourth arguments passed to the alias will be used,
                      the second and third arguments will be discarded, and
                      any additional arguments beyond the fourth will be
                      appended to the end of the expanded command after the
                      value portion of the alias.  If an alias uses no
                      replaceable parameters, all of the command line
                      arguments will be appended to the expanded command.

                  ##  Aliases also have full access to all variables in the
                      environment, 4DOS's internal variables, and 4DOS's
                      variable functions.  For example, you can create a
                      simple command-line calculator this way (enter this on
                      one line):

                           c:\> alias calc = `echo The answer is:

                      Now, if you enter

                           c:\> calc 5 * 6

                      4DOS will display

                           The answer is: 30

                  ##  Aliases created in the primary shell will be inherited
                      automatically in a secondary shell.  However, an alias
                      created in a secondary shell will not be passed back to
                      a primary or parent shell.

          Options:    /P(ause):  This option is only effective when ALIAS is
                      used to display existing definitions.  It pauses the
                      display after each page and waits for a keystroke
                      before continuing.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  176

                                CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  ALIAS

                      /R(ead file):  This option loads an alias list from a
                      file.  The format of the file is the same as that of
                      the ALIAS display:


                      where name is the name of the alias and value is its
                      value.  You can use an equal sign [=] or space to
                      separate the name and value.  Back-quotes should NOT be
                      used around the value.  You can add comments to the
                      file by starting each comment line with a colon [:].
                      You can load multiple files with one ALIAS /R command
                      by placing the names one after another on the command
                      line, separated by spaces:

                           c:\> alias /r alias1.lst alias2.lst

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  177

                               CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  ATTRIB

          ATTRIB                                                        (New)

          Purpose:    Change or view file and subdirectory attributes.

          Format:     ATTRIB [/D /Q /S] [+|-[AHRS]] files

                      files: A file, directory, or list of files or
                      directories, on which to operate.

                      /D(irectories)                   /S(ubdirectories)

                      Attribute flags:

                           +A   Set the archive attribute
                           -A   Clear the archive attribute
                           +H   Set the hidden attribute
                           -H   Clear the hidden attribute
                           +R   Set the read-only attribute
                           -R   Clear the read-only attribute
                           +S   Set the system attribute
                           -S   Clear the system attribute

          Usage:      Every file and subdirectory has 4 attributes that can
                      be turned on (set) or turned off (cleared): Archive,
                      Hidden, Read-only, and System.  DOS sets the Archive
                      attribute every time a file is updated or changed.
                      Backup utilities often use this attribute to find files
                      that have changed since the last general backup.  DOS
                      prevents programs from altering or erasing files that
                      have the Read-only attribute set (but applications can
                      change the attribute first and then update or erase the
                      file).  Files with Hidden and/or System attributes are
                      normally not visible in directory listings.

                      The ATTRIB command lets you set or clear any
                      attribute(s) for any file, group of files, or
                      subdirectory.  You can view file attributes by entering
                      ATTRIB without specifying new attributes (i.e. without
                      the [+|-[AHRS]] part of the format), or with the DIR /T

                      For example, you can set the read-only and hidden
                      attributes for the file MEMO:

                           c:\> attrib +rh memo

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  178

                               CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  ATTRIB

                      Attribute options apply to the file(s) that follow the
                      options on the ATTRIB command line.  The example below
                      shows how to set different attributes on different
                      files with a single command.  It sets the archive
                      attribute for all .TXT files, and changes TEST.COM to
                      system and not modified:

                           c:\> attrib +a *.txt +s -a test.com

                  ##  You may know that DOS also supports "D" (subdirectory)
                      and "V" (volume label) attributes.  These attributes
                      cannot be altered with ATTRIB;  they are designed to be
                      controlled only by DOS itself.

          Options:    /D(irectories):  If you don't use this option, ATTRIB
                      will only modify file attributes.  If you use the /D
                      option, ATTRIB will also modify the attributes of
                      subdirectories (yes, you can have a hidden

                           c:\> attrib /d +h c:\mydir

                      /Q(uiet):  This option turns off ATTRIB's normal screen
                      output.  It is most useful in batch files.

                      /S(ubdirectories):  If you use the /S option, the
                      ATTRIB command will be applied to all matching files in
                      the current or named directory and all of its

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  179

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  BEEP

          BEEP                                                          (New)

          Purpose:    Beep the speaker or play simple music.

          Format:     BEEP [frequency duration ...]

                      frequency  is in Hertz (cycles per second).
                      duration  is in 1/18th second intervals

          Usage:      BEEP generates a sound through your computer's speaker.
                      It is normally used in batch files to signal that an
                      operation has been completed, or that the computer
                      needs attention.

                      Because BEEP allows you to specify the frequency and
                      duration of the sound, you can also use it to play
                      simple music or to create different kinds of signals
                      for the user.

                      You can include as many frequency and duration pairs as
                      you wish.  No sound will be generated for frequencies
                      less than 20 Hz, allowing you to insert short delays.
                      The default value for frequency is 440 Hz; the default
                      value for duration is 2.

                      This batch file fragment runs a program called DEMO,
                      then plays a few notes and waits for you to press a

                           demo ^ beep 440 4  600 2  1040 6
                           pause Finished with the demo - hit a key...

                      The following table gives the frequency values for a
                      five octave range (middle C is 523 Hz):

                           C      131   262   523   1046  2093
                           C#/Db  139   277   554   1108  2217
                           D      147   294   587   1174  2349
                           D#/Eb  156   311   622   1244  2489
                           E      165   330   659   1318  2637
                           F      175   349   698   1397  2794
                           F#/Gb  185   370   740   1480  2960
                           G      196   392   784   1568  3136
                           G#/Ab  208   415   831   1662  3322
                           A      220   440   880   1760  3520
                           A#/Bb  233   466   932   1864  3729
                           B      248   494   988   1976  3951

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  180

                                CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  BREAK

          BREAK                                                  (Compatible)

          Purpose:    Display, enable, or disable Ctrl-C and Ctrl-BREAK

          Format:     BREAK [ON | OFF]

          Usage:      The Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Break keys are used by many
                      programs (including 4DOS) as a signal to interrupt the
                      current operation.  BREAK controls how often DOS checks
                      to see if you've entered one of these keystrokes.

                      Normally, BREAK is turned off, and DOS only checks for
                      Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Break keystrokes during normal DOS
                      input or output operations involving the screen,
                      keyboard, serial port, and printer.  However many
                      programs don't use DOS for these operations, and it can
                      be difficult to interrupt them.

                      When BREAK is turned ON, DOS checks for Ctrl-C and
                      Ctrl-Break every time a program calls DOS.  Since most
                      programs use DOS to access files and perform other
                      functions, turning BREAK on makes it much more likely
                      that a Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break will be noticed.  If you
                      turn BREAK on, programs will run slightly slower than
                      normal (the difference is not usually noticeable), but
                      you will be able to break out of some programs more

                      Turning BREAK on or off only affects when DOS detects
                      Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Break and notifies the program you're
                      running.  Any program can choose to ignore these
                      signals, in which case the BREAK setting won't affect
                      that program's behavior.  Also, any external program
                      can change the BREAK setting on its own.

                      Type BREAK by itself to display the current BREAK

                           c:\> break
                           BREAK is OFF

                      Type BREAK plus ON or OFF to set the BREAK status:

                           c:\> break on

                      BREAK is off by default.  You can change the default by
                      adding the following line to your CONFIG.SYS file:

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                                CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  BREAK


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                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  CALL

          CALL                                                   (Compatible)

          Purpose:    Execute one batch file from within another.

          Format:     CALL file

                      file: The batch file to execute.

                      See also CANCEL and QUIT.

          Usage:      CALL allows batch files to call other batch files
                      (batch file nesting) without starting a secondary copy
                      of the command processor.  The calling batch file is
                      suspended while the called (second) batch file runs.
                      When the second batch file finishes, the original batch
                      file resumes execution at the next command.  If you
                      execute a batch file from inside another batch file
                      without using CALL, the first batch file is terminated
                      before the second one starts.

                      The following batch file fragment compares an input
                      line to "wp" and calls another batch file if it

                           input  Enter your choice:  %%option
                           if "%option" == "wp" call wp.bat

                      4DOS supports batch file nesting up to ten levels deep.

                      The current ECHO state will be inherited by a called
                      batch file.

                  ##  A called batch file will return to the calling file
                      after processing the last line in the called file, or
                      when a QUIT command is executed.  A called batch file
                      should always return in this way, or terminate all
                      batch files with CANCEL.  Restarting (or CALLing) the
                      original batch file from within a called file will
                      prevent 4DOS from detecting that you've left the second
                      file, and it may cause an infinite loop or a stack

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  183

                               CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  CANCEL

          CANCEL                                                        (New)

          Purpose:    Terminate batch file processing.

          Format:     CANCEL

                      See also: CALL and QUIT.

          Usage:      The CANCEL command ends all batch file processing,
                      regardless of the batch file nesting level.  Use QUIT
                      to end a nested batch file and return to the previous
                      batch file.

                      You can CANCEL at any point in a batch file.

                      The following batch file fragment compares an input
                      line to "end" and terminates all batch file processing
                      if it matches:

                           input Enter your choice:  %%option
                           if "%option" == "end" cancel

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  184

                           CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  CD / CHDIR

          CD / CHDIR                                               (Enhanced)

          Purpose:    Display or change the current directory.

          Format:     CD [ path | - ]
                      CHDIR [ path | - ]

                      path: The directory to change to, including an optional
                      drive name.

                      See also: CDD, MD, PUSHD, RD, and CDPATH on page 116.

          Usage:      CD and CHDIR are synonyms.  You can use either one.

                      CD lets you navigate through the DOS subdirectory
                      structure by changing the current working directory.
                      If you enter CD and a directory name, the named
                      directory becomes the new current directory.  For
                      example, to change to the subdirectory

                           c:\> cd \finance\myfiles

                      Every disk drive on the system has its own current
                      directory.  Specifying both a drive and a directory in
                      the CD command will change the current directory on the
                      specified drive, but will not change the default drive.
                      For example, to change the default directory on drive

                           c:\> cd a:\utility

                      Notice that this command does not change to drive A:.
                      Use the CDD command to change both the drive and
                      directory together.

                      You can change to the parent directory with CD ..; you
                      can also go up one additional directory level with each
                      additional [.].  For example, CD .... will go up three
                      levels in the directory tree.  You can move to a
                      sibling directory -- one that branches from the same
                      parent directory as the current subdirectory -- with
                      the command CD ..\newdir.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  185

                           CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  CD / CHDIR

                      If you enter CD with no argument or with only a disk
                      drive name, it will display the current directory on
                      the default or named drive.

                      CD saves the current directory before changing to a new
                      directory.  You can switch back to the previous
                      directory by entering CD -.  (There must be a space
                      between the CD command and the hyphen.)  You can switch
                      back and forth between two directories by repeatedly
                      entering CD -.  The saved directory is the same for
                      both the CD and CDD commands.

                  ##  CD never changes the default drive.  If you change
                      directories on one drive, switch to another drive, and
                      then enter CD -, the directory will be restored on the
                      first drive but the default drive and directory (on the
                      second drive) will not be changed.

                  ##  If CD can't change to the specified directory, it will
                      look for the CDPATH environment variable.  CD will
                      append the specified directory name to each directory
                      in CDPATH and attempt to change to that directory,
                      until the first match or the end of the CDPATH
                      argument.  This lets you use CDPATH as a quick way to
                      find commonly used subdirectories which have unique
                      names.  For example, if you are currently in the
                      directory C:\WP\LETTERS\JANUARY and you'd like to
                      change to C:\FINANCE\REPORTS, you could enter the

                           c:\wp\letters\january> cd \finance\reports

                      However if the C:\FINANCE directory is listed in your
                      CDPATH variable, and is the first directory in the list
                      with a REPORTS subdirectory, you can simply enter the

                           c:\wp\letters\january> cd reports

                      and 4DOS will change to C:\FINANCE\REPORTS.

                  ##  DOS will not accept directory names longer than 64
                      characters.  You must be sure that the complete
                      directory name from the root to your deepest
                      subdirectory fits within the 64 character restriction.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  186

                                  CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  CDD

          CDD                                                           (New)

          Purpose:    Change the current disk drive and directory.

          Format:     CDD path

                      path:  The name of the directory (or drive and
                      directory) to change to.

                      See also: CD, MD, PUSHD, RD, and CDPATH on page 116.

          Usage:      CDD is similar to the CD command, except that it also
                      changes the default disk drive if one is specified.
                      CDD will change to the directory and drive you name.
                      To change from the root directory on drive A to the
                      subdirectory C:\WP:

                           a:\> cdd c:\wp

                      You can change to the parent directory with CDD ..; you
                      can also go up one additional directory level with each
                      additional [.].  For example, CDD .... will go up three
                      levels in the directory tree.

                      CDD saves the current drive and directory before
                      changing to a new directory.  You can switch back to
                      the previous drive and directory by entering CDD -.
                      (There must be a space between the CDD command and the
                      hyphen.)  You can switch back and forth between two
                      drives and directories by repeatedly entering CDD -.
                      The saved directory is the same for both the CD and CDD

                  ##  If CDD can't change to the specified directory, it will
                      look for the CDPATH environment variable.  CDD will
                      append the specified directory name to each directory
                      in CDPATH and attempt to change to that drive and
                      directory, until the first match or the end of the
                      CDPATH argument.  This allows you to use CDPATH as a
                      quick way to find commonly used subdirectories which
                      have unique names.  For example, if you are currently
                      in the directory C:\WP\LETTERS\JANUARY and you'd like
                      to change to D:\SOFTWARE\UTIL, you could enter the

                           c:\wp\letters\january> cdd d:\software\util

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  187

                                  CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  CDD

                      However if the D:\SOFTWARE directory is listed in your
                      CDPATH variable, and is the first directory in the list
                      with a UTIL subdirectory, you can simply enter the

                           c:\wp\letters\january> cdd util

                      and 4DOS will change to D:\SOFTWARE\UTIL.

                  ##  DOS will not accept directory names longer than 64
                      characters.  You must be sure that the complete
                      directory name from the root to your deepest
                      subdirectory fits within the 64 character restriction.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  188

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  CHCP

          CHCP                                                   (Compatible)

          Purpose:    Display or change the current system code page.

          Format:     CHCP [n]

                      n: A system code page number.

          ## Usage:        Code page switching allows you to select
                      different character sets for language support.  To use
                      code page switching, you must have an EGA or VGA
                      display and MS-DOS or PC-DOS 3.3 or above.

                      If you enter CHCP without a number, the current code
                      page is displayed.

                           c:\> chcp
                           Active code page: 437

                      If you enter CHCP plus a code page number, the system
                      code page is changed.  For example, to set the code
                      page to multilingual:

                           c:\> chcp 850

                      Before using CHCP, you must first load the device
                      drivers (in CONFIG.SYS); make sure the information file
                      (COUNTRY.SYS) is available; load national language
                      support (using the NLSFUNC command); and prepare the
                      specified code page for the devices (using the MODE
                      command with the CODEPAGE PREPARE option).

                      CHCP accepts one of the two prepared system code pages.
                      An error message is displayed if a code page is
                      selected that has not been prepared for the system.

                      See your DOS manual for more information on CHCP.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  189

                                  CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  CLS

          CLS                                                      (Enhanced)

          Purpose:    Clear the video display and move the cursor to the
                      upper left corner;  optionally change the default
                      display and border colors.

          Format:     CLS [[BRIght] [BLInk] fg ON bg] [BORder bc]

                      fg:  The new foreground color
                      bg:  The new background color
                      bc:  The new border color

                      The available colors are:

                        Black         Blue          Green         Red
                        Magenta       Cyan          Yellow        White

                      See also: COLOR.

          Usage:      CLS can be used to clear the screen without changing
                      colors, or to clear the screen and change the screen
                      colors simultaneously.  These three examples show how
                      to clear the screen to the default colors, to bright
                      white letters on a blue background, and to bright
                      yellow letters on a magenta background with a blue

                           c:\> cls
                           c:\> cls bright white on blue
                           c:\> cls bri yel on mag bor blu

                      As shown in the last example, color names plus the
                      words BRIGHT, BLINK, and BORDER may be shortened to the
                      first 3 letters.

                      If you use BRIGHT and/or BLINK, 4DOS will apply the
                      appropriate attribute to the foreground characters (PC
                      displays do not allow a bright or blinking background).

                      CLS is often used in batch files to clear the screen
                      before displaying text.

                  ##  If ANSI.SYS or a compatible driver is not loaded, the
                      colors will not be "sticky" -- you may lose them after
                      you run an application.  If 4DOS thinks you have an
                      ANSI driver loaded, it first tries an ANSI clear
                      screen.  If that doesn't work, 4DOS will call the BIOS
                      to clear the screen.  You can force 4DOS to recognize

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  190

                                  CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  CLS

                      the ANSI state with the SETDOS /A option (see page 294)
                      or the ANSI directive in 4DOS.INI (see page 127).

                      If your display accommodates more than 25 rows by 80
                      columns and CLS doesn't clear the whole screen, your
                      ANSI driver probably does not support the large display
                      size properly.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  191

                                CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  COLOR

          COLOR                                                         (New)

          Purpose:    Change the default display colors.

          Format:     COLOR [BRIght] [BLInk] fg ON bg [BORder bc]

                      fg:  The new foreground color
                      bg:  The new background color
                      bc:  The new border color

                      The available colors are:

                        Black         Blue          Green         Red
                        Magenta       Cyan          Yellow        White

                      See also: CLS.

          Usage:      COLOR is normally used in batch files before displaying
                      text.  To set screen colors to bright white on blue,
                      you can use either of these commands:

                           c:\> color bright white on blue
                           c:\> color bri whi on blu

                      As the examples show, you may shorten color names plus
                      the words BRIGHT, BLINK, and BORDER to the first 3

                      If you have an ANSI driver (such as ANSI.SYS)
                      installed, COLOR will not change anything on the
                      screen.  It will only set the default colors for
                      subsequent screen displays.

                      If you are not using an ANSI driver, COLOR will change
                      the display colors of every character on the screen.
                      However, the colors will not be "sticky" -- you may
                      lose them after you run an application.

                  ##  If you see odd characters like "[44;37m" when you try
                      to set the screen colors, 4DOS probably thinks you have
                      an ANSI driver loaded when you don't.  Use SETDOS /A2,
                      or ANSI = No in 4DOS.INI, to tell 4DOS you have no ANSI

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  192

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  COPY

          COPY                                                     (Enhanced)

          Purpose:    Copy data between disks, directories, files, or
                      physical hardware devices (such as your printer or
                      serial port).

          Format:     COPY [/C /H /M /N/ /P /Q /S /R /U /V] source[+] ...
                           [/A /B] destination [/A /B]

                      source: A file or list of files or a device to copy
                      destination: A file, directory, or device to copy to.

                      /A(SCII)                    /P(rompt)
                      /B(inary)                   /Q(uiet)
                      /C(hanged)                  /R(eplace)
                      /H(idden)                   /S(ubdirectories)
                      /M(odified)                      /U(pdate)
                      /N(othing)                  /V(erify)

                      See also: ATTRIB, MOVE, and REN.

          Usage:      The 4DOS COPY command accepts all traditional syntax
                      and options and adds several new features.

                      The simplest use of COPY is to make a copy of a file,
                      like this example which makes a copy of a file called

                           c:\> copy file1.abc file2.def

                      You can also copy a file to another drive and/or
                      directory.  The following command copies file1 to the
                      \MYDIR directory on drive E:

                           c:\> copy file1 e:\mydir

                      You can copy several files at once by using wildcards:

                           c:\> copy *.txt e:\mydir

                      (See page 71 for an explanation of how 4DOS interprets
                      the wildcard characters [*] and [?].)

                      4DOS also lets you copy several files at one time.  The
                      following command copies 3 files from the current
                      directory to the \MYDIR directory on drive E:

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  193

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  COPY

                           c:\> copy file1 file2 file3 e:\mydir

                      The way COPY interprets your command line depends on
                      how many arguments (file, directory, or device names)
                      are on the line, and whether the arguments are
                      separated with [+] signs or spaces.

                      If there is only one argument on the line, COPY assumes
                      it is the source, and uses the current drive and
                      directory as the destination.  For example, the
                      following command copies all the .DAT files on drive A
                      to the current directory on drive C:

                           c:\> copy a:*.dat

                      If there are two or more arguments on the line and [+]
                      signs are not used, then COPY assumes that the last
                      argument is the destination and copies all source files
                      to this new location.  If the destination is a drive,
                      directory, or device name then the source files are
                      copied individually to the new location.  If the
                      destination is a file name, the first source file is
                      copied to the destination, and any additional source
                      files are then appended to the new destination file.

                      For example, the first of these commands copies the
                      .DAT files from the current directory on drive A
                      individually to C:\MYDIR (which must already exist as a
                      directory);  the second appends all the .DAT files
                      together into one large file called C:\DATA (assuming
                      C:\DATA is not a directory):

                           c:>\ copy a:*.dat c:\mydir\
                           c:>\ copy a:*.dat c:\data

                      When you copy to a directory, if you add a backslash
                      [\] to the end of the name as shown in the first
                      example above, COPY will display an error message if
                      the name does not refer to an existing directory.  You
                      can use this feature to keep COPY from treating a
                      mistyped destination directory name as a file name and
                      attempting to append all your source files to a
                      destination file, when you really meant to copy them
                      individually to a destination directory.

                  ##  A plus [+] tells COPY to append two or more files to a
                      single destination file.  If you list several source
                      files separated with [+] and don't specify a

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  194

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  COPY

                      destination, COPY will use the name of the first source
                      file as the destination, and append each subsequent
                      file to the first file.  For example, the following
                      command will append the contents of MEMO2 and MEMO3 to
                      MEMO1 and leave the combined contents in the file named

                           c:\> copy memo1+memo2+memo3

                      To append the same three files but store the result in

                           c:\> copy memo1+memo2+memo3 bigmemo

                  ##  You cannot append files to a device (such as a
                      printer);  if you try to do so, COPY will ignore the
                      [+] signs and copy the files individually.  If you
                      attempt to append several source files to a destination
                      directory or disk, COPY will append the files and place
                      the copy in the new location with the same name as the
                      first source file.

                  ##  If your destination has wildcards in it, COPY will
                      attempt to match them with the source names.  For
                      example, this command copies the .DAT files from drive
                      A to C:\MYDIR and gives the new copies the extension

                           c:\> copy a:*.dat c:\mydir\*.dx

                      This feature can give you unexpected results if you use
                      it with multiple source file names.  For example,
                      suppose that drive A contains XYZ.DAT and XYZ.TXT.  The

                           c:\> copy a:\*.dat a:\*.txt c:\mydir\*.dx

                      will copy A:XYZ.DAT to C:\MYDIR\XYZ.DX.  Then it will
                      copy A:XYZ.TXT to C:\MYDIR\XYZ.DX, overwriting the
                      first file it copied.

                  ##  COPY also understands include lists (see page 74), so
                      you can specify several different kinds of files in the
                      same command.  This command copies the .TXT, .DOC, and
                      .BAT files from the E:\MYDIR directory to the root
                      directory of drive A:

                           c:\> copy e:\mydir\*.txt;*.doc;*.bat a:\

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  195

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  COPY

                  ##  COPY does not change a file's attributes.  The
                      destination file will have the same attributes as the
                      source file.

          Options:    The /A(SCII) and /B(inary) options apply to the
                      preceding filename and to all subsequent filenames on
                      the command line until another /A or /B is entered.
                      The other options (/C, /H, /M, /N, /P, /Q, /R, /S, /U,
                      /V) apply to all filenames on the command line, no
                      matter where you put them.  For example, either of the
                      following commands could be used to copy a font file to
                      the printer in binary mode:

                           c:\> copy /b myfont.dat prn
                           c:\> copy myfont.dat /b prn

                      Some options do not make sense in certain contexts, in
                      which case COPY will ignore them.  For example, you
                      cannot prompt before replacing an existing file when
                      the destination is a device such as the printer --
                      there's no such thing as an "existing file" on the
                      printer.  If you use conflicting output options, like
                      /Q and /P, 4DOS will take a "conservative" approach and
                      give priority to the option which generates more
                      prompts or more information.

                      Options used in less common situations have been marked
                      with ## below.  Remember that the options are in
                      alphabetical order, so more basic options are
                      interspersed with those marked with## .

                  ##  /A(SCII):  If you use /A with a source filename, 4DOS
                      will copy the file up to, but not including, the first
                      Ctrl-Z (Control-Z or ASCII 26) character in the file.
                      If you use /A with a destination filename, 4DOS will
                      add a Ctrl-Z to the end of the file (some application
                      programs use the Ctrl-Z to mark the end of a file).
                      4DOS defaults to /A when appending files.

                  ##  /B(inary):  If you use /B with a source filename, 4DOS
                      will copy the entire file.  Using /B with a destination
                      filename prevents 4DOS from adding a Ctrl-Z to the end
                      of the destination file.  4DOS defaults to /B for
                      normal file copies.

                      /C(hanged files):  Copy files only if the destination
                      file exists and is older than the source (see also /U).
                      This option is useful for updating the files in one

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  196

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  COPY

                      directory from those in another without copying any
                      newly created files.

                  ##  /H(idden):  Copy all matching files including those
                      with the hidden and/or system attribute set (see

                      /M(odified):  Copy only those files with the archive
                      bit set (see ATTRIB), i.e. those which have been
                      modified since the last backup.  The archive bit will
                      NOT be cleared after copying.

                  ##  /N(othing):  Do everything except actually perform the
                      copy.  This option is most useful for testing what the
                      result of a complex COPY command will be.

                      /P(rompt):  Ask the user to confirm each source file by
                      pressing Y or N.  An N response will skip that
                      particular file and continue with the rest of the

                      /Q(uiet):  Turn off the display of the files copied.
                      This option is most often used in batch files.

                      /R(eplace):  Prompt the user before overwriting an
                      existing file.

                      /S(ubdirectories):  Copy the subdirectory tree starting
                      with the files in the source directory plus each
                      subdirectory below that.  The destination must be a
                      directory;  if it doesn't exist, COPY will attempt to
                      create it.  COPY will also attempt to create needed
                      subdirectories on the tree below the destination,
                      including empty source directories.

                      /U(pdate):  Copy each source file only if it is newer
                      than a matching destination file or if a matching
                      destination file does not exist (see also /C).  This
                      option is useful for keeping one directory matched with
                      another with a minimum of copying.

                  ##  /V(erify):  Verify each disk write.  This is the same
                      as executing the VERIFY ON command, but is only active
                      during the COPY.  /V does not read back the file and
                      compare its contents with what was written;  it only
                      verifies that the data written to disk is physically

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  197

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  CTTY

          CTTY                                                   (Compatible)

          Purpose:    Change the default console device.

          Format:     CTTY device

                      device:  The new console device.

          ## Usage:   Normally, 4DOS uses the keyboard as the standard input
                      device and the display as the standard output device.
                      Together, the keyboard and display are known as the
                      console or CON.  The CTTY command allows you to
                      substitute another device that can perform standard
                      character I/O for the console.

                      For example to change the console to the first serial

                           c:\> ctty com1

                      Change the console back to the standard keyboard and

                           c:\> ctty con

                      CTTY works only for programs and commands that use
                      standard DOS input and output functions.  This includes
                      all 4DOS internal commands except DRAWBOX, DRAWHLINE,

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  198

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  DATE

          DATE                                                   (Compatible)

          Purpose:    Display and optionally change the system date.

          Format:     DATE [mm-dd-yy]

                      mm:  The month (01 - 12)
                      dd:  The day  (01 - 31)
                      yy:  The year (80 - 199 = 1980 to 2099)

                      See also: TIME.

          Usage:      If you simply type DATE without any parameters, 4DOS
                      will display the current system date and time, and
                      prompt you for a new date.  Press ENTER if you don't
                      wish to change the date.  If you type a new date, it
                      will become the current system date, which is included
                      in the directory entry of each file as it is created or

                           c:\> date
                           Mon  Sep 16, 1991  9:30:06
                           Enter new date (mm-dd-yy):

                      You can also enter a new system date by typing the DATE
                      command plus the new date on the command line:

                           c:\> date 9/16/91

                      You can use hyphens, slashes, or periods to separate
                      the month, day, and year entries.  A full 4-digit year
                      can be entered if you wish.

                      The format for the date entry depends on the country
                      code defined in the CONFIG.SYS file or by the CHCP
                      command.  The default format is U.S. (mm-dd-yy).  The
                      European format is dd-mm-yy; the Japanese is yy-mm-dd.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  199

                          CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  DEL / ERASE

          DEL / ERASE                                              (Enhanced)

          Purpose:    Erase one file, a group of files, or entire

          Format:     DEL [/N /P /Q /S /X /Y /Z] file...
                      ERASE [/N /P /Q /S /X /Y /Z] file...

                      file:  The file, subdirectory, or list of files or
                      subdirectories to erase.

                      /N(othing)          /X (remove empty subdirectories)
                      /P(rompt)           /Y(es to all prompts)
                      /Q(uiet)            /Z(ap hidden and read-only files)

          Usage:      DEL and ERASE are synonyms, you can use either one.

                      Use the DEL and ERASE commands with caution; the files
                      and subdirectories that you erase may be impossible to
                      recover without specialized utilities and a lot of

                      To erase a single file, simply enter the file name:

                           c:\> del letters.txt

                      Like all 4DOS file processing commands, DEL accepts
                      multiple file names, wildcards (see page 71), and
                      include lists (see page 74).  For example, to erase all
                      the files in the current directory with a .BAK or .PRN

                           c:\> del *.bak *.prn

                      If you enter a subdirectory name, or a filename
                      composed only of wildcards (* and/or ?), DEL asks for
                      confirmation (Y or N) unless you specified the /Y
                      option.  If you respond with a Y, DEL will delete all
                      the files in that subdirectory (except hidden, system,
                      and read-only files, unless you have used the /Z

          Options:##  /N(othing):  Do everything except actually delete the
                      file(s).  This is useful for testing what the result of
                      a DEL would be.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  200

                          CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  DEL / ERASE

                      /P(rompt):  Ask the user to confirm each erasure by
                      pressing Y or N.  An N response will skip that
                      particular erasure.

                      /Q(uiet):  Don't display filenames as they are deleted.
                      DEL will run fastest if you specify the /Q option and
                      the filename doesn't use the extended 4DOS wildcards.

                      /S(ubdirectories):  Delete the specified files in this
                      directory and all of its subdirectories.  This is like
                      a GLOBAL DEL, and can be used to delete all the files
                      in a subdirectory tree or even a whole disk.  It should
                      be used with caution!

                  ##  /X (remove empty subdirectories):  Remove empty
                      subdirectories after deleting (only useful when used
                      with /S).

                 ! ## /Y(es):  The reverse of /P -- it assumes a Y response
                      to everything, including deleting an entire
                      subdirectory tree.  4DOS normally prompts before
                      deleting files when the name consists only of wildcards
                      or a subdirectory name (see above); /Y overrides this
                      protection, and should be used with extreme caution!

                 ! ## /Z(ap):  Delete read-only, hidden, and system files as
                      well as normal files.  Files with the read-only,
                      hidden, or system attribute set are normally protected
                      from deletion; /Z overrides this protection, and should
                      be used with extreme caution.  Because EXCEPT works by
                      hiding files, /Z will override an EXCEPT command.

                      For example, to delete the entire subdirectory tree
                      starting with C:\UTIL, including hidden and read-only
                      files, without prompting (use this command with

                           c:\> del /s/x/y/z c:\util\

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  201

                                CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  DELAY

          DELAY                                                         (New)

          Purpose:    Pause for a specified length of time.

          Format:     DELAY [seconds]

                      seconds: the number of seconds to delay.

          Usage:      DELAY is useful in batch file loops while waiting for
                      something to occur.  To wait for 10 seconds:

                           delay 10

                      A simple loop could make a tone with the BEEP command
                      to get the operator's attention and then DELAY for 60
                      seconds while it waits for the user to respond.

                  ##  For delays shorter than one second, use the BEEP
                      command with an inaudible frequency (below 20 Hz).

                      You can cancel a delay by pressing Ctrl-C or Ctrl-

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  202

                             CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  DESCRIBE

          DESCRIBE                                                      (New)

          Purpose:    Create, modify, or delete file and subdirectory

          Format:     DESCRIBE file ["description"] ...

                      file:  The file or files to operate on.
                      "description":  The description to attach to the file.

          Usage:      DESCRIBE adds descriptions to DOS files and
                      subdirectories.  The descriptions are displayed by DIR
                      in single-column mode and by SELECT.  Each description
                      can be up to 40 characters long.  Descriptions let you
                      identify your files in much more meaningful ways than
                      DOS allows in an eight-character filename.

                      You enter a description on the command line by typing
                      the DESCRIBE command, the filename, and the description
                      in quotation marks, like this:

                           c:\> describe memo.txt "Memo to Bob about party"

                      If you don't put a description on the command line,
                      DESCRIBE will prompt you for it:

                           c:\> describe memo.txt
                           Describe "memo.txt" : Memo to Bob about party

                      If you use wildcards or multiple filenames with the
                      DESCRIBE command and don't include the description
                      itself, you will be prompted to enter a description for
                      each file.  If you do include the description on the
                      command line, all matching files will be given the same

                      4DOS stores the descriptions in each directory in a
                      hidden file called DESCRIPT.ION.  Use the ATTRIB
                      command to "unhide" this file if you need to copy or
                      delete it.

                      The description file is modified appropriately whenever
                      you perform an internal command which affects it (such
                      as COPY, MOVE, DEL, or RENAME), but not if you use an
                      external program (such as XCOPY) or a visual shell.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  203

                                  CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  DIR

          DIR                                                      (Enhanced)

          Purpose:    Display information about files and subdirectories.

          Format:     DIR [/1 /2 /4 /A[[:][-]rhsda] /B /C /D /F /J /K /L /M
                           /N /O[[:][-]deginsu] /P /S /T /U /V /W] [file...]

                      file:  The file, directory, or list of files or
                      directories to display.

                      /1  (one column)            /L(ower case)
                      /2  (two columns)           /M  (suppress footer)
                      /4  (four columns)          /N  (reset DIR options)
                      /A(ttribute select)         /O  (sort order )
                      /B(are)                     /P(ause)
                      /C(ase -- use upper case)   /S(ubdirectories)
                      /D(isable colorization)     /T  (aTtribute display)
                      /F(ull path)                /U  (sUmmary information)
                      /J(ustify names)            /V(ertical sort)
                      /K  (suppress header)       /W(ide)

                      See also: ATTRIB, DESCRIBE, SELECT, and SETDOS.

          Usage:      DIR can be used to display information about files from
                      one or more of your disk directories, in a wide range
                      of formats.  Depending on the options chosen, you can
                      display the file name, attributes, and size; the time
                      and date of the last change to the file; and the file
                      description.  You can also display information in 1, 2,
                      4, or 5 columns, sort the files several different ways,
                      use color to distinguish file types, and pause after
                      each full screen.

                      The various DIR displays are controlled through options
                      or switches.  The best way to learn how to use the many
                      options available with the DIR command is to
                      experiment.  You will soon know which options you want
                      to use regularly.  You can select those options
                      permanently by using the ALIAS command.  You may want
                      to mix several options.  For example, to display all
                      the files in the current directory, in 2 columns,
                      sorted vertically (down one column then down the next),
                      and with a pause at the end of each page:

                           c:\> dir /2/p/v

                      To set up this format as the default, using an alias:

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  204

                                  CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  DIR

                           c:\> alias dir=`*dir /2/p/v`

                      This example displays all the files on all directories
                      of drive C, including hidden and system files, pausing
                      after each page:

                           c:\> dir /s/h/p c:\

                      DIR allows wildcard characters (* and ?) in the
                      filename.  If you don't specify a filename, DIR
                      defaults to *.* (display all non-hidden files and
                      subdirectories in the current directory).  To display
                      all of the .WKS files in the current directory:

                           c:\> dir *.wks

                      If you link two or more filenames together with spaces,
                      DIR will display all of the files that match the first
                      name and then all of the files that match the second
                      name.  You may use a different drive and path for each
                      filename.  This example lists all of the .WKS and then
                      all of the .WK1 files in the current directory:

                           c:\> dir *.wks *.wk1

                      If you link multiple filenames with a semi-colon [;]
                      (an "include list", see page 74), DIR will display the
                      matching filenames in a single listing.  Only the first
                      filename in an include list can have a path; the other
                      files must be in the same path.  This example displays
                      the same files as the previous example, but the .WKS
                      and .WK1 files are intermixed:

                           c:\> dir *.wks;*.wk1

                      If you have an ANSI driver loaded, you can display the
                      file and subdirectory names in color by setting the
                      COLORDIR environment variable.  The format for COLORDIR

                           ext ... :[BRIght][BLInk] fg [ON bg]; ...

                      where "ext" is a file extension (1 to 3 characters) or
                      one of the following file types:

                           DIRS - directories
                           RDONLY - read-only files
                           HIDDEN - hidden files

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  205

                                  CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  DIR

                           SYSTEM - system files
                           ARCHIVE - files modified since the last backup

                      For example, to display the .COM and .EXE files in red,
                      the .C and .ASM files in bright cyan, and the read-only
                      files in blinking green (this should be entered on one

                           c:\> set colordir=com exe:red; c asm:bright cyan;
                                rdonly:blink green

                      If you don't specify a background color, DIR will use
                      the current screen background color.  COLORDIR will not
                      work properly unless you have an ANSI driver loaded.

                      If you have COLORDIR set and attempt to redirect the
                      output of DIR to a character device, such as a serial
                      port or the printer, non-colorized file names will be
                      displayed on the device but colorized names will still
                      be displayed on the screen.  This will not occur if the
                      output of DIR is redirected to a disk file.  To avoid
                      this problem, use the /D switch to disable directory
                      colorization when redirecting the output of DIR to a
                      character device.

                  ##  Extended wildcards (for example "BA[KXC]" for .BAK,
                      .BAX, and .BAC files) can be used in directory color
                      specifications.  See page 71 for more information on
                      extended wildcards.

                  ##  When sorting file names and extensions, 4DOS normally
                      assumes that sequences of digits should be sorted
                      numerically (for example, the file DRAW2 would come
                      before DRAW03 because 2 is numerically larger than 03),
                      rather than strictly alphabetically (where DRAW2 would
                      come second because "2" is more than "0").  You can
                      defeat this behavior and force a strict alphabetic sort
                      with the /O:a option.

                  ##  If a country code was defined in the CONFIG.SYS file or
                      by the CHCP command, DIR will display the date in the
                      format for that country.  The default date format is
                      U.S. (mm-dd-yy).  The separator character in the file
                      time will also be affected by the country code.

                  ##  DIR can handle directories of any size, limited only by
                      available memory.  Each filename requires 32 bytes of
                      free base memory plus the size of the description (if

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  206

                                  CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  DIR

                      any); a system with 128K of free base memory can
                      display up to 4,000 files per directory.

                  ##  Options on the command line apply only to the filenames
                      which follow the option, and options at the end of the
                      line apply to the preceding filename only.  This allows
                      you to specify different options for different groups
                      of files, yet retains compatibility with the
                      traditional DIR command when a single filename is

          Options:    /1:  Single column display -- display the filename,
                      size, date, time, and description.  This is the

                      /2:  Two column display -- display the filename, size,
                      date, and time.

                      /4:  Four column display -- display the filename and
                      size, in K (kilobytes) or M (megabytes).

                  ##  /A(ttributes): Display only those files that have the
                      specified attribute(s) set.  Preceding the attribute
                      character with a hyphen [-] will display those files
                      that DON'T have that attribute set.  The attributes

                           R    Read-only         D    Subdirectory
                           H    Hidden            A    Archive
                           S    System

                      If attributes are combined, all the specified
                      attributes must match for a file to be included in the
                      listing.  For example, /A:RHS will display only those
                      files with all three attributes set.  See page 178 for
                      more information on file attributes.

                  ##  /B(are):  Suppress the header and summary lines, and
                      display file or subdirectory names only, in a single
                      column.  This option is most useful when you want to
                      redirect a list of names to a file or another program.

                      /C(ase):  Display filenames in the traditional upper
                      case; also see SETDOS /U (page 294) and the UpperCase
                      directive in 4DOS.INI (page 130).

                  ##  /D(isable colorization):  Temporarily disable directory
                      colorization.  Required when COLORDIR is set and DIR

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  207

                                  CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  DIR

                      output is redirected to a character device like the
                      printer (e.g. PRN or LPT1) or serial port (e.g. COM1 or

                  ##  /F(ull path):  Display each filename with its drive
                      letter and path in a single column, without other

                      /J(ustify):  Justify (align) filename extensions and
                      display them in the traditional format.

                  ##  /K:  Suppress the header (disk and directory name)

                      /L(ower case):  Display filenames in lower case; also
                      see SETDOS /U (page 294) and the UpperCase directive in
                      4DOS.INI (page 130).

                  ##  /M:  Suppress the footer (file and byte count total)

                      /N:  Reset the DIR options to the default values.  This
                      is useful when you want to display some files in one
                      format, and then change back to the defaults for
                      another set of files.

                      /O(rder):  Set the sorting order.  You may use any
                      combination of the following sorting options; if
                      multiple options are used the listing will be sorted
                      with the first sort option as the primary key, the next
                      as the secondary key, and so on:

                           -    Reverse the sort order for the next option
                           a    Sort names and extensions in standard ASCII
                                order, rather than sorting numerically when
                                digits are included in the name or extension
                           d    Sort by date and time (oldest first)
                           e    Sort by extension
                           g    Group subdirectories together
                           i    Sort by the file description
                           n    Sort by filename (this is the default)
                           r    Reverse the sort order for all options
                           s    Sort by size
                           u    Unsorted

                      /P(ause):  Wait for a key to be pressed after each
                      screen page before continuing the display.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  208

                                  CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  DIR

                      /S(ubdirectories):  Display file information from the
                      current directory and all of its subdirectories.  DIR
                      will only display headers and summaries for those
                      directories with files that match the filename(s) and
                      attributes (if /A is used) that you specify on the
                      command line.

                  ##  /T  (aTtributes):  Display the filenames and attributes
                      only.  The attributes are displayed in the format RHSA,

                           R    Read-only
                           H    Hidden
                           S    System
                           A    Archive

                      /U (sUmmary information):  Only display the number of
                      files, the total file size, and the total amount of
                      disk space used.

                      /V(ertical sort):  Display the filenames sorted
                      vertically rather than horizontally (used with the /2,
                      /4 or /W options).

                      /W(ide):  Display filenames only, horizontally across
                      the screen (5 columns on an 80-character wide display).

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  209

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  DIRS

          DIRS                                                          (New)

          Purpose:    Display the current directory stack.

          Format:     DIRS

                      See also: PUSHD and POPD.

          Usage:      The PUSHD command adds the current default drive and
                      directory to the directory stack, a list that 4DOS
                      maintains in memory.  The POPD command removes the top
                      entry of the directory stack and makes that drive and
                      directory the new default.  The DIRS command displays
                      the contents of the directory stack, with the most
                      recent entries on top (i.e., the next POPD will
                      retrieve the first entry that DIRS displays).

                      For example, to change directories and then display the
                      directory stack:

                           c:\> pushd c:\database
                           c:\database> pushd d:\wordp\memos
                           d:\wordp\memos> dirs

                      The directory stack holds 255 characters, enough for
                      about 10 to 20 typical drive and directory entires.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  210

                              CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  DRAWBOX

          DRAWBOX                                                       (New)

          Purpose:    Draw a box on the screen.

          Format:     DRAWBOX ulrow ulcol lrrow lrcol style [BRIght] [BLInk]
                           fg ON bg [FILl bgfill] [SHAdow]

                      ulrow:  Row for upper left corner
                      ulcol:  Column for upper left corner
                      lrrow:  Row for lower right corner
                      lrcol:  Column for lower right corner
                      style:  Box drawing style:
                           0    No lines (box is drawn with blanks)
                           1    Single line
                           2    Double line
                           3    Single on top and bottom, double on sides
                           4    Double on top and bottom, single on sides
                      fg:  Foreground character color
                      bg:  Background character color
                      bgfill:  Background fill color (for the inside of the

                      The available colors are:

                        Black         Blue          Green         Red
                        Magenta       Cyan          Yellow        White

                      See also: DRAWHLINE and DRAWVLINE.

          Usage:      DRAWBOX is useful for creating attractive screen
                      displays in batch files.  DRAWBOX detects other lines
                      and boxes on the display, and creates the appropriate
                      connector characters when possible (not all types of
                      lines can be connected with the available characters).

                      For example, to draw a box around the entire screen
                      with bright white lines on a blue background (enter
                      this on one line):

                           drawbox 0 0 24 79 1 bri whi on blu fill blu

                      Only the first three characters of the color name and
                      the keywords BRIGHT, BLINK, FILL, and SHADOW are

                      If you use SHADOW, a drop shadow is created by changing
                      the characters in the row under the box and the 2
                      columns to the right of the box to normal intensity

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  211

                              CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  DRAWBOX

                      text with a black background (this will make characters
                      displayed in black disappear entirely).

                      The row and column values are zero-based, so on a
                      standard 25 line by 80 column display, valid rows are 0
                      - 24 and valid columns are 0 - 79.

                      DRAWBOX checks for valid row and column values, and
                      displays a "Usage" error message if any values are out
                      of range.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  212

                            CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  DRAWHLINE

          DRAWHLINE                                                     (New)

          Purpose:    Draw a horizontal line on the screen.

          Format:     DRAWHLINE row column len style [BRIght] [BLInk]
                           fg ON bg

                      row:  Starting row
                      column:  Starting column
                      len:  Length of line
                      style:  Line drawing style:
                           1    Single line
                           2    Double line
                      fg:  Foreground character color
                      bg:  Background character color

                      The available colors are:

                        Black         Blue          Green         Red
                        Magenta       Cyan          Yellow        White

                      See also: DRAWBOX and DRAWVLINE.

          Usage:      DRAWHLINE is useful for creating attractive screen
                      displays in batch files.  It detects other lines and
                      boxes on the display, and creates the appropriate
                      connector characters when possible (not all types of
                      lines can be connected with the available characters).

                      For example, the following command draws a double line
                      along the top row of the display with green characters
                      on a blue background:

                           drawhline 0 0 80 2 green on blue

                      Only the first three characters of the color name and
                      the attributes BRIGHT and BLINK are required.

                      The row and column values are zero-based, so on a
                      standard 25 line by 80 column display, valid rows are 0
                      - 24 and valid columns are 0 - 79.

                      DRAWHLINE checks for a valid row and column, and
                      displays a "Usage" error message if either value is out
                      of range.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  213

                            CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  DRAWVLINE

          DRAWVLINE                                                     (New)

          Purpose:    Draw a vertical line on the screen.

          Format:     DRAWVLINE row column len style [BRIght][BLInk]
                           fg ON bg

                      row:  Starting row
                      column:  Starting column
                      len:  Length of line
                      style:  Line drawing style:
                           1    Single line
                           2    Double line
                      fg:  Foreground character color
                      bg:  Background character color

                      The available colors are:

                        Black         Blue          Green         Red
                        Magenta       Cyan          Yellow        White

                      See also: DRAWBOX and DRAWHLINE.

          Usage:      DRAWVLINE is useful for creating attractive screen
                      displays in batch files.  It detects other lines and
                      boxes on the display, and creates the appropriate
                      connector characters when possible (not all types of
                      lines can be connected with the available characters).

                      For example, to draw a double width line along the left
                      margin of the display with bright red characters on a
                      black background:

                           drawvline 0 0 25 2 bright red on black

                      Only the first three characters of the color name and
                      the attributes BRIGHT and BLINK are required.

                      The row and column values are zero-based, so on a
                      standard 25 line by 80 column display, valid rows are 0
                      - 24 and valid columns are 0 - 79.

                      DRAWVLINE checks for a valid row and column, and
                      displays a "Usage" error message if either value is out
                      of range.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  214

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  ECHO

          ECHO                                                     (Enhanced)

          Purpose:    Display a message, enable or disable batch file or
                      command line echoing, or display the echo status.

          Format:     ECHO [ON | OFF | message]

                      message:  Text to display.

                      See also: ECHOS, SCREEN, SCRPUT, SETDOS and TEXT.

          Usage:      4DOS has a separate echo capability for batch files and
                      for the command line.

                      In a batch file, if you turn ECHO on, each line of the
                      file is displayed before it is executed.  If you turn
                      ECHO off, each line is executed without being
                      displayed.  ECHO can also be used in a batch file to
                      display a message on the screen.  Regardless of the
                      ECHO state, a batch file line that begins with the [@]
                      character will not be displayed.  To turn off batch
                      file echoing, without displaying the ECHO command, use
                      this line:

                           @echo off

                      ECHO commands in a batch file will send messages to the
                      screen while the batch file executes, even if ECHO is
                      set OFF.  For example, this line will display a message
                      in a batch file:

                           echo Processing your print files...

                      If you want to echo a blank line from within a batch
                      file, enter:


                      You cannot use the command separator character [^] or
                      the 4DOS redirection symbols (| > <) in an ECHO
                      message, unless you enclose them in quotes or precede
                      them with the escape character (see page 93).

                      4DOS defaults to ECHO ON in batch files.  The current
                      ECHO state is inherited by called batch files.  You can
                      change the default setting to ECHO OFF with the SETDOS
                      /V0 command or the BatchEcho directive in 4DOS.INI (see
                      page 127).

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  215

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  ECHO

                      If you turn the command line ECHO on, 4DOS will display
                      each command before it is executed.  This will let you
                      see the command line after 4DOS has expanded all
                      aliases and variables.  The command line ECHO is most
                      useful when you are learning how to use the advanced
                      features of 4DOS.  This example will turn command line
                      echoing on:

                           c:\> echo on

                      4DOS defaults to ECHO OFF during keyboard input.  The
                      keyboard ECHO state is independent of the batch file
                      ECHO state;  changing ECHO in a batch file has no
                      effect on the display at the command prompt, and vice

                      To see the current echo state, use the ECHO command
                      with no arguments.  This displays either the batch file
                      or command line echo state, depending on where the ECHO
                      command is performed.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  216

                                CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  ECHOS

          ECHOS                                                         (New)

          Purpose:    Display a message without a trailing carriage return
                      and line feed.

          Format:     ECHOS message

                      See also: ECHO, SCREEN, SCRPUT, TEXT, and VSCRPUT.

          Usage:      ECHOS is useful for outputting text when you don't want
                      4DOS to add a carriage return / linefeed pair.  For
                      example, you can use ECHOS when you need to redirect
                      control sequences to your printer (the "^X" represents
                      the 4DOS escape character, which is normally Ctrl-X):

                           c:\> echos ^XeP > lpt1:

                      You cannot use the command separator character [^] or
                      the 4DOS redirection symbols (|><) in an ECHOS message,
                      unless you enclose them in quotes or preceded them with
                      the escape character (see page 93).

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  217

                             CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  ENDLOCAL

          ENDLOCAL                                                      (New)

          Purpose:    Restore the saved disk drive, directory, environment,
                      and alias list.

          Format:     ENDLOCAL

                      See also: SETLOCAL.

          ## Usage:   The SETLOCAL command in a batch file saves the current
                      disk drive, default directory, all environment
                      variables, and the alias list.  ENDLOCAL restores
                      everything that was saved by the previous SETLOCAL

                      For example, this batch file fragment saves the drive,
                      current working directory, and environment variables,
                      changes the drive and directory, sets some environment
                      variables, runs the program TEST1, and then restores
                      the original values:

                           cdd d:\test
                           set path=c:\;c:\dos;c:\util
                           set lib=d:\lib

                      SETLOCAL and ENDLOCAL can only be used in batch files,
                      not in aliases or from the command line.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  218

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  ESET

          ESET                                                          (New)

          Purpose:    Edit environment variables and aliases.

          Format:     ESET [/M] variable name...

                      variable name:  The name of an environment variable or
                      alias to edit.

                      /M(aster environment)

                      See also: ALIAS, UNALIAS, SET, and UNSET.

          Usage:      ESET allows you to edit environment variables and
                      aliases using the 4DOS line editing commands (see page

                      For example, to edit the executable file search path:

                           c:\> eset path

                      To create and then edit an alias:

                           c:\> alias d dir /d/j/p
                           c:\> eset d
                           d=dir /d/j/p

                      ESET will search for environment variables first and
                      then aliases.  If you have an environment variable and
                      an alias with the same name, ESET will only be able to
                      edit the environment variable.

                      4DOS limits environment variable and alias names to 80
                      characters, and their arguments to 255 characters.

          Option: ##  /M(aster environment): Edit an environment variable in
                      the master environment rather than the local
                      environment.  This option is only useful from a
                      secondary command shell (for example, when an
                      application has "shelled to DOS").

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  219

                               CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  EXCEPT

          EXCEPT                                                        (New)

          Purpose:    Perform a command on all available files except those

          Format:     EXCEPT (file) command

                      file:  The file or files to exclude from the command.
                      command:  The command to execute, including all
                      appropriate arguments and switches.

                      See also: ATTRIB.

          Usage:      EXCEPT provides a means of executing a command on a
                      group of files and/or subdirectories, and excluding a
                      subgroup from the operation.  The command can be a 4DOS
                      internal command or alias, an external command, or a
                      batch file.

                      You may use wildcards to specify the files to exclude
                      from the command.  The first example erases all the
                      files in the current directory except those beginning
                      with MEMO and those ending in .WKS.  The second example
                      copies all the files and subdirectories on drive C to
                      drive D except those in C:\MSC and C:\DOS, using the
                      COPY command:

                           c:\> except (memo*.* *.wks) erase *.*
                           c:\> except (c:\msc c:\dos) copy c:\*.* d:\ /s

                  ##  If you use EXCEPT with filename completion (see page
                      59) to get the filenames inside the parentheses, type a
                      space after the open parenthesis before entering a
                      partial filename or pressing Tab.  Otherwise, the
                      command line editor will treat the open parenthesis as
                      the first character of the filename to be completed.

                  ##  EXCEPT prevents operations on the specified file(s) by
                      setting the hidden attribute, performing the command,
                      and then clearing the hidden attribute.  If the command
                      is aborted in an unusual way, you may need to use the
                      ATTRIB command to "unhide" (-H) the file(s).

                  ##  EXCEPT will not work with programs or commands that
                      ignore the hidden attribute or which work explicitly
                      with hidden files, including DEL /Z and the /H (process
                      hidden files) switch available in some 4DOS file
                      processing commands.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  220

                               CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  EXCEPT

                  ##  You can use command grouping (see page 91) to execute
                      multiple commands with a single EXCEPT.  For example,
                      the following command copies all files in the current
                      directory whose extensions begin with .DA, except the
                      .DAT files, to the D:\SAVE directory, then changes the
                      first two characters of the extension of the copied
                      files to .SA.  This example should be entered on one

                           c:\data> except (*.dat) (copy *.da* d:\save ^
                                    ren *.da* *.sa*)

                  ##  You may need to increase 4DOS's internal stack size
                      using the StackSize directive in 4DOS.INI if you use
                      extremely complex combinations of commands like EXCEPT,
                      FOR, GLOBAL, IF, and SELECT on the same command line,
                      or use complex combinations of these commands in nested
                      batch files or nested GOSUBs.  See the StackSize
                      directive on page 137 for more information.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  221

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  EXIT

          EXIT                                                     (Enhanced)

          Purpose:    Return from a secondary command processor.

          Format:     EXIT [value]

                      value:  The exit code to return (0 - 255).

          Usage:      Some application programs will start a secondary copy
                      of the command processor to allow you to execute DOS
                      commands.  To return to the application again, type:

                           c:\> exit

                  ##  If you specify a value, EXIT will return that value to
                      the program that started 4DOS.  For example:

                           c:\> exit 255

                  ##  The value is a number you can use to inform the program
                      of some result, such as the success or failure of a
                      batch file.  This feature is most useful for systems
                      which use batch files to automate their operation, such
                      as bulletin boards, or custom application programs like
                      databases that shell to 4DOS to perform certain tasks.

                  ##  You cannot EXIT from the primary command processor
                      unless you are running inside an OS/2 2.0 DOS
                      compatibility box.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  222

                                  CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  FOR

          FOR                                                      (Enhanced)

          Purpose:    Repeat a command for several values of a variable.

          Format:     FOR [/A[:][-]rhsda] %var IN ([@]set) [DO] command ...

                      %var:  The variable to be used in the command ("FOR
                      set:  A set of values for the variable.
                      command:  A command or group of commands to be executed
                      for each value of the variable.

                      /A(ttribute select)

          Usage:      4DOS begins the FOR command by creating a set.  It then
                      executes a command for every member of the set.  The
                      command can be a 4DOS internal command or alias, an
                      external command, or a batch file.

                      Normally, the set is a list of files specified with
                      wildcards.  For example, if you use this line in a
                      batch file:

                           for %x in (*.txt) do list %x

                      4DOS will create a list of all files in the current
                      directory with the extension .TXT.  It sets the FOR
                      variable %x equal to each of the file names in turn,
                      and executes the LIST command for each of the files.

                      The set can include multiple files or an include list,
                      like this:

                           for %x in (d:\*.txt;*.doc;*.asc) do type %x

                      The set can also be made up of text instead of file
                      names.  For example, to display the free space on
                      drives C:, D:, and E:, you could use:

                           for %drive in (c d e) do free %drive:

                  ##  You can also set the FOR variable equal to each line in
                      a file by placing an [@] in front of the file name.  If
                      you have a file called DRIVES.TXT that contains a list
                      of drives on your computer, one drive name per line
                      (with a ":" after each drive letter), you can print the
                      free space on each drive this way:

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  223

                                  CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  FOR

                           for %d in (@drives.txt) do free %d > prn

                  ##  Because the [@] is also a valid filename character, FOR
                      first checks to see if the file exists with the [@] in
                      its name (e.g., @DRIVES.TXT).  If so, the filename is
                      treated as a normal argument.  If it doesn't exist, FOR
                      uses the filename (without the [@]) as the file from
                      which to retrieve text.

                  ##  4DOS will accept either % or %% in front of the
                      variable name.  You can use either form whether the FOR
                      command is typed from the command line or is part of an
                      alias or batch file.  The variable name can be up to 80
                      characters long.  The word DO is optional.

                  ##  If you use a single-character FOR variable name 4DOS
                      will give that name priority over any environment
                      variable which starts with the same letter, in order to
                      maintain compatibility with the traditional FOR
                      command.  For example, the following command tries to
                      add a: and b: to the end of the PATH, but will not work
                      as intended:

                           c:\> for %p in (a: b:) do path %path;%p

                      The "%p" in "%path" will be interpreted as the FOR
                      variable %p followed by the text "ath", which is not
                      what was intended.  To get around this, use a different
                      letter or a longer name for the FOR variable, or use
                      square brackets around the variable name (see page 78).

                  ##  The following example uses FOR with variable functions
                      to delete the .BAK files for which a corresponding .TXT
                      file exists in the current directory (this should be
                      entered on one line):

                           c:\docs> for %file in (*.txt) do if exist
                                    %@name[%file].txt del %@name[%file].bak

                  ##  You can use command grouping (see page 91) to execute
                      multiple commands for each element in the list.  For
                      example, the following command copies each .WKQ file in
                      the current directory to the D:\WKSAVE directory, and
                      then changes the extension of each file in the current
                      directory to .SAV.  This example should be entered on
                      one line:

                           c:\text> for %file in (*.wkq) do (copy %file

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  224

                                  CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  FOR

                                    d:\wksave\ ^ ren %file *.sav)

                  ##  One unusual use of FOR is to execute a collection of
                      batch files or other commands with the same parameter.
                      For example, you might want to have three batch files
                      all operate on the same data file.  The FOR command
                      could look like this (this should all be entered on one

                           c:\> for %x in (filetest fileform fileprnt)
                                do %x datafile

                      4DOS will expand this to three separate commands:

                           filetest datafile
                           fileform datafile
                           fileprnt datafile

                  ##  The variable that FOR uses (the %X in the example
                      above) is created in the environment and then erased
                      when the FOR command is done.  Because of this, you
                      must be careful not to use the name of one of your
                      environment variables as a FOR variable.  For example,
                      a command that begins

                           c:\> for %path in (...

                      will write over your current path setting and then
                      erase the path variable completely.

                  ##  FOR statements can be nested.  The permissible nesting
                      level depends on the amount of free space in 4DOS's
                      internal stack.

                  ##  You may need to increase 4DOS's internal stack size
                      using the StackSize directive in 4DOS.INI if you use
                      extremely complex combinations of commands like EXCEPT,
                      FOR, GLOBAL, IF, and SELECT on the same command line,
                      or use complex combinations of these commands in nested
                      batch files or nested GOSUBs.  See the StackSize
                      directive on page 137 for more information.

          Options: ## /A(ttributes): Process only those files that have the
                      specified attribute(s).  /A will be used only when
                      processing wildcard file names in the set.  It will be
                      ignored for filenames without wildcards or other items
                      in the set.  Preceding the attribute character with a

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  225

                                  CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  FOR

                      hyphen [-] will process those files that DON'T have
                      that attribute set.  The attributes are:

                           R    Read-only         D    Subdirectory
                           H    Hidden            A    Archive
                           S    System

                      For example, to process only those files with the
                      archive attribute:

                           for /a:a %%f in (*.*) echo %%f needs a backup!

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  226

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  FREE

          FREE                                                          (New)

          Purpose:    Display the total disk space, total bytes used, and
                      total bytes free on the specified (or default)

          Format:     FREE [drive: ...]

                      drive:  One or more drives to include in the report.

                      See also: MEMORY.

          Usage:      FREE provides the same disk information as the external
                      DOS command CHKDSK, but without the wait, since it does
                      not check the integrity of the file and directory
                      structure of the disk.

                      A colon [:] is required after each drive letter.  This
                      example displays the status of drives A and C:

                           c:\> free a: c:
                            Volume in drive A: is unlabeled
                             1,213,952 bytes total disk space
                             1,115,136 bytes used
                                98,816 bytes free
                            Volume in drive C: is DEVELOPMENT
                            42,496,000 bytes total disk space
                            36,851,712 bytes used
                             5,644,288 bytes free

                      If you are using DOS 4.0 or later, the disk serial
                      number will appear after the drive label or name.

                      Some networks with large server disk drives (256 MB or
                      more) may report disk space values that are too small
                      when FREE is used.  If this occurs, it is because the
                      network software does not provide a way to return
                      larger values to 4DOS.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  227

                               CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  GLOBAL

          GLOBAL                                                        (New)

          Purpose:    Execute a command in the current directory and its

          Format:     GLOBAL [/H /I /Q] command

                      command:  The command to execute, including arguments
                      and switches.

                      /H(idden directories)            /Q(uiet)
                      /I(gnore exit codes)

          Usage:      GLOBAL performs the command first in the current
                      directory and then in every subdirectory under the
                      current directory.  The command can be a 4DOS internal
                      command or alias, an external command, or a batch file.

                      The first example erases all the files with a .BAK
                      extension in every directory on C.  The second example
                      copies the files in every directory on drive A to the
                      directory C:\TEMP:

                           c:\> global erase *.bak
                           a:\> global copy *.* c:\temp

                  ##  You can use command grouping (see page 91) to execute
                      multiple commands in each subdirectory.  For example,
                      the following command copies each .TXT file in the
                      current directory and all of its subdirectories to
                      drive A.  It then changes the extension of each of the
                      copied files to .SAV:

                           c:\> global (copy *.txt a: ^ ren *.txt *.sav)

                  ##  You may need to increase 4DOS's internal stack size
                      using the StackSize directive in 4DOS.INI if you use
                      extremely complex combinations of commands like EXCEPT,
                      FOR, GLOBAL, IF, and SELECT on the same command line,
                      or use complex combinations of these commands in nested
                      batch files or nested GOSUBs.  See the StackSize
                      directive on page 137 for more information.

          Options:##  /H(idden directories):  Forces GLOBAL to look for
                      hidden directories.  If you don't use this switch,
                      hidden directories are ignored.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  228

                               CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  GLOBAL

                  ##  /I(gnore exit codes):  If this option is not specified,
                      GLOBAL will terminate if the command returns a non-zero
                      exit code.  Use /I if you want command to continue in
                      additional subdirectories even if it returns an error
                      in a previous subdirectory.

                      /Q(uiet):  Do not display the directory names as each
                      directory is processed.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  229

                                CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  GOSUB

          GOSUB                                                         (New)

          Purpose:    Execute a subroutine in the current batch file.

          Format:     GOSUB label

                      label:  The batch file line label at the beginning of
                      the subroutine.

                      See also: CALL, GOTO and RETURN.

          ## Usage:   4DOS allows subroutines in batch files.  A subroutine
                      begins with a label (a colon followed by a word) and
                      ends with a RETURN command.  The subroutine is invoked
                      with a GOSUB command from another part of the batch
                      file.  The RETURN command ends a subroutine; execution
                      of the batch file will continue with the command
                      following the original GOSUB.  GOSUB allows you to
                      create subroutines within a batch file (to call other
                      batch files, see CALL.)

                      The subroutine must start with a label that begins with
                      a colon [:] and which appears on a line by itself.
                      4DOS ignores case differences when matching labels.

                      The subroutine must end with a RETURN statement.  After
                      the RETURN, 4DOS will continue processing the batch
                      file with the command following the GOSUB command.

                      The following batch file fragment calls a subroutine
                      which displays the directory and returns:

                           echo Calling a subroutine
                           gosub subr1
                           echo Returned from the subroutine
                           dir /a/w

                      If the label doesn't exist, the batch file is
                      terminated with the error message "Label not found."

                      GOSUB saves the IFF state, so IFF statements inside a
                      subroutine won't interfere with IFF statements in the
                      part of the batch file from which the subroutine was

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  230

                                CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  GOSUB

                      Subroutines can be nested.  The permissible nesting
                      level depends on the amount of free space in 4DOS's
                      internal stack.

                  ##  You may need to increase 4DOS's internal stack size
                      using the StackSize directive in 4DOS.INI if you use
                      extremely complex combinations of commands like EXCEPT,
                      FOR, GLOBAL, IF, and SELECT on the same command line,
                      or use complex combinations of these commands in nested
                      batch files or nested GOSUBs.  See the StackSize
                      directive on page 137 for more information.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  231

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  GOTO

          GOTO                                                   (Compatible)

          Purpose:    Branch to a specified line inside the current batch

          Format:     GOTO [/I] label

                      label:  The batch file line label to branch to.

                      /I(FF continues)

                      See also: GOSUB.

          Usage:      After a GOTO command in a batch file, the next line to
                      be executed will be the one immediately after the
                      label.  The label must begin with a colon [:] and
                      appear on a line by itself.  4DOS ignores case
                      differences when matching labels.

                      This batch file fragment checks for the existence of
                      the file CONFIG.SYS.  If the file exists, 4DOS jumps to
                      C_EXISTS and copies all the files from the current
                      directory to the root directory on A:.  Otherwise, 4DOS
                      prints an error message and exits.

                           if exist config.sys goto C_EXISTS
                           echo CONFIG.SYS doesn't exist - exiting.
                           copy *.* a:\

                      If the label doesn't exist, the batch file is
                      terminated with the error message "Label not found."

                      To avoid errors in the processing of nested IFF
                      statements, if /I is not used GOTO cancels all active
                      IFF statements.  This means that a normal GOTO (without
                      /I) inside an IFF statement must branch outside all IFF
                      statements, and  may not branch to any label that is
                      between an IFF and the corresponding ENDIFF.  This
                      includes branches inside the current IFF statement.

          Options:##  /I(FF continues):  Prevents GOTO from cancelling IFF
                      statements.  Use this option only if you are absolutely
                      certain that your GOTO command is branching entirely
                      within the current active IFF statement, and not into
                      another IFF statement or a different IFF nesting level.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  232

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  GOTO

                      Using /I under any other conditions will cause an error
                      later in your batch file.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  233

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  HELP

          HELP                                        (New, External command)

          Purpose:    Display help for 4DOS and DOS commands.

          Format:     HELP [/M /Sn /X] [topic]

                      topic:  A help topic, 4DOS internal command, or DOS
                      external command.

                      /M(onochrome)               /X (disable mouse)
                      /Sn (set mouse speed)

          Usage:      HELP displays a brief description and the proper syntax
                      of both 4DOS and DOS commands.  If you simply type

                           c:\> help

                      you will see a list of all help topics.  You can select
                      a topic by using the cursor keys and then pressing

                      If you want to avoid the opening list, use a topic or
                      command name.  For example, if you want help with the
                      4DOS COPY command, type

                           c:\> help copy

                      You can also start HELP by pressing F1 at the 4DOS
                      prompt (see page 62).

                      4HELP.EXE and 4DOS.HLP must be in the current directory
                      or one of the directories specified in the current PATH
                      setting.  If you keep the help files in a directory
                      which is not on your PATH, you must set the full path
                      for the help program with the HelpPath directive in
                      4DOS.INI (see page 125).  If you use the HelpPath
                      directive, the HELP command will generally respond more
                      quickly, because 4DOS won't have to search the
                      directories in your PATH setting to find the help

                      The HELPCFG program included with 4DOS allows you to
                      customize the HELP colors.  To use it, just change to
                      your 4DOS directory, run HELPCFG, and follow the
                      instructions it displays.  To force HELPCFG to adjust
                      the monochrome HELP colors, even when running on a
                      color system, use the command HELPCFG /M.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  234

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  HELP

                      If you use another program named HELP, you can use two
                      alias commands to rename the 4DOS help command as

                           c:\> alias 4help=`*help`
                           c:\> alias help=`c:\util\help.exe`

                      You can set options for HELP when your system boots
                      with the HelpOptions directive in 4DOS.INI (see page

                      If you want to customize the help text (for example, to
                      add help for your own commands or aliases), you will
                      need the 4DOS Utility Disk which contains the source
                      text and hypertext compiler.

          Options:    /M(onochrome):  forces HELP to use a monochrome display
                      mode on color systems.  This is useful on any system
                      where HELP may be "fooled" into thinking you have a
                      color display when you don't, including portable
                      computers with LCD screens.

                      /Sn (Speed):  sets the HELP mouse movement speed.  /S0
                      sets the speed to one half the default speed, /S2 sets
                      it to twice the default, and /S4 sets it to four times
                      the default.  The larger values may be useful if you
                      normally use a screen size larger than the standard 80
                      x 25.

                      /X (disable mouse):  Completely disables the mouse in
                      HELP.  If you have a Microsoft serial or PS/2 mouse and
                      are experiencing long delays when HELP starts, you can
                      use this option to disable the mouse if you wish.  (The
                      delay is caused by the extended time required by the
                      Microsoft Mouse driver to initialize these mice.)

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  235

                              CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  HISTORY

          HISTORY                                                       (New)

          Purpose:    Display, add to, clear, or read the history list.

          Format:     HISTORY [/A command /F /P /R filename]

                      /A(dd)                           /P(ause)
                      /F(ree)                     /R(ead)

                      See also: LOG

          Usage:      4DOS keeps a list of the commands you have entered on
                      the command line.  See page 56 for information on
                      command recall, which allows you to use the history
                      list to repeat or edit commands you have typed.

                      The HISTORY command lets you view and manipulate the
                      command history list directly.  If no parameters are
                      entered, HISTORY will display the current command
                      history list:

                           c:\> history

                      With the options explained below, you can add new
                      commands to the list without executing them, save the
                      list in a file, or read a new list from a file.

                      The number of commands saved in the history list
                      depends on the length of each command line.  The
                      history list size can be specified at startup from 256
                      to 8192 characters (see page 125).  The default size is
                      1024 characters.

                  ##  You can use the HISTORY command as an aid in writing
                      batch files.  Any time you have executed a series of
                      commands that you'd like to save as the basis for a
                      batch file, simply redirect the output of HISTORY to a

                           c:\> history > newbatch

                      Then edit the output file to contain only the commands
                      you want in the batch file, and save it under the
                      appropriate name.  If you know you're going to use
                      HISTORY this way, you may want to use the /F switch to
                      clear the history first, so that your output file isn't
                      cluttered with too many extraneous commands.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  236

                              CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  HISTORY

                  ##  You can disable the history list or specify a minimum
                      command line length to save with the HistMin directive
                      in the 4DOS.INI file.

          Options:##  /A(dd):  Add a command to the history list.  This
                      performs the same function as the Ctrl-K key at the
                      command line (see page 56).

                      /F(ree):  Erase all entries in the command history

                      /P(rompt):  Wait for a key after displaying each page
                      of the list.

                  ##  /R(ead):  Read the command history from the specified
                      file and append it to the history list currently held
                      in memory.  You can save the history list by
                      redirecting the output of HISTORY to a file.  This
                      example saves the command history to a file called
                      HISTFLE and reads it back again immediately.  If you
                      leave out the second line, 4DOS will append the
                      contents of the file to the current history list
                      instead of replacing the current history list with the
                      file copy:

                           c:\> history > histfile
                           c:\> history /f
                           c:\> history /r histfile

                      If you need to save your history at the end of each
                      day's work, you might use commands like this in your
                      AUTOEXEC.BAT file:

                           if exist c:\histfile history /r c:\histfile
                           alias shut*down `history > c:\histfile`

                      This restores the previous history list if it exists,
                      then defines an alias which will save the history
                      before shutting off the system.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  237

                                   CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  IF

          IF                                                       (Enhanced)

          Purpose:    Execute a command if a condition or set of conditions
                      is true.

          Format:     IF [NOT] condition [.AND. | .OR. | .XOR. [NOT]
                           condition ...] command

                      condition:  A test to determine if the command should
                      be executed.
                      command:  The command to execute if the condition is

                      See also: IFF.

          Usage:      IF is normally used only in aliases and batch files.
                      It is always followed by one or more conditions and
                      then a command.  4DOS first evaluates the conditions.
                      If they are true, 4DOS executes the command.
                      Otherwise, the command is ignored.  If you add a NOT
                      before a condition, the command is executed only when
                      the condition is false.

                      You can link conditions with .AND., .OR., or .XOR., and
                      you can nest IF statements.  The conditions can test
                      strings, numbers, the existence of a file or
                      subdirectory, the errorlevel returned from the
                      preceding external command, and the existence of alias
                      names and internal commands.

                      The command can be an alias, a 4DOS internal command,
                      an external command, or a batch file.  The entire IF
                      statement, including all conditions and the command,
                      must fit on one line.

                  ##  You can use command grouping (see page 91) to execute
                      multiple commands if the condition is true.  For
                      example, the following command tests if any .TXT files
                      exist.  If they do, they are copied to drive A: and
                      their extensions are changed to .TXO:

                           if exist *.txt (copy *.txt a: ^ ren *.txt *.txo)

                      (The IFF command provides a more structured method of
                      executing multiple commands if a condition or set of
                      conditions is true.)

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  238

                                   CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  IF

                  ##  You may need to increase 4DOS's internal stack size
                      using the StackSize directive in 4DOS.INI if you use
                      extremely complex combinations of commands like EXCEPT,
                      FOR, GLOBAL, IF, and SELECT on the same command line,
                      or use complex combinations of these commands in nested
                      batch files or nested GOSUBs.  See the StackSize
                      directive on page 137 for more information.

          Conditions: The following conditional tests are available in both
                      the IF and IFF commands.  They fit into three
                      categories: string tests, numeric tests, and system
                      tests.  The tests can use environment variables, 4DOS
                      internal-variables and variable functions (see pages 81
                      and 85), file names, and literal text and values as
                      their arguments.

                      If you use one of the string or numeric tests like ==
                      or GE, 4DOS decides whether to compare the values as
                      numbers or as strings by examining the first character
                      of each value.  If both values begin with a digit, 4DOS
                      performs a numeric comparison.  If either value does
                      not begin with a digit, a string comparison is done.
                      To force a string comparison, use double quotes around
                      the values you are testing.

                      The difference between numeric and string comparisons
                      is best explained by looking at the way values with and
                      without blanks are tested.  For example, consider
                      comparing the values 2 and 19.  Numerically, 2 is
                      smaller, but as a string it is "larger" because its
                      first digit is larger than the first digit of 19.  So
                      the first of these conditions will be true, and the
                      second will be false:

                           if 2 lt 19 ...
                           if "2" lt "19" ...

                      String Tests:

                        For the string tests, 4DOS ignores case differences.
                        When you compare strings, you should always enclose
                        the arguments in double quotes in order to avoid
                        syntax errors which may occur if one of the argument
                        values is empty.

                        string1 == string2

                        string1 EQ string2

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  239

                                   CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  IF

                           If string1 is equal to string2, then the
                           condition is true.

                        string1 != string2
                        string1 NE string2

                           If string1 is not equal to string 2, then the
                           condition is true.

                        string1 LT string2
                           If string1 is less than string2, then the
                           condition is true.

                        string1 LE string2

                           If string1 is less than or equal to string2, then
                           the condition is true.

                        string1 GT string2
                           If string1 is greater than string2, then the
                           condition is true.

                        string1 GE string2

                           If string1 is greater than or equal to string2,
                           then the condition is true.

                        This first batch file fragment runs a program called
                        MONOPROG if a monochrome monitor is attached to the

                                if "%_monitor" == "mono" monoprog

                        The second batch file fragment tests for a string

                                input "Enter your selection : " %%cmd
                                if "%cmd" == "WP" goto wordproc
                                if "%cmd" NE "GRAPHICS" goto badentry

                        This example calls GO.BTM if the first two
                        characters of the file MYFILE contain the string
                        "GO" (enter this example on one line):

                                if "%@substr[%@line[myfile,0],0,2]"=="GO"
                                call go.btm

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  240

                                   CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  IF

                      Numeric Tests:

                        The numeric tests available are exactly the same as
                        the string tests (==, EQ, !=, NE, LT, LE, GT, and
                        GE), but compare values as numbers instead of
                        strings.  Both values must begin with a digit or
                        4DOS will perform a string test instead.

                        The first example below tests whether there is more
                        than 500 KBytes of free base memory; the second
                        tests for  more than 2 MBytes of free EMS memory:

                              c:\> if %@dosmem[k] gt 500 echo Over 500K free
                              c:\> if %@ems[m] gt 2 echo Over 2 MB EMS free

                        This example shows how to implement a simple loop
                        inside a batch file.  The lines between the labels
                        :loop and :loopdone will be executed 100 times:

                                set limit=100
                                set counter=1
                                if %counter gt %limit goto loopdone
                                  rem DO SOME WORK HERE
                                  set counter=%@eval[%counter + 1]
                                  goto loop

                      System Tests:

                        The final conditions test the system status.  You
                        can also use 4DOS pseudo-variables and variable
                        functions to test other parts of the system status.

                        ERRORLEVEL [condition] n

                           This test retrieves the exit code of the
                           preceding external program.  By convention,
                           programs return an exit code of 0 when they are
                           successful and a number between 1 and 255 to
                           indicate an error.  The condition can be any of
                           the numeric operators listed above (EQ, !=, GT,
                           etc.).  If no relational operator is specified,
                           the default is GE.  The comparison between the
                           exit code and n is done numerically.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  241

                                   CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  IF

                           Not all programs return an explicit exit code.
                           For programs which do not, the behavior of
                           ERRORLEVEL is undefined and may be erratic.

                        EXIST filename

                           If the file exists, the condition is true.  You
                           can use wildcards in the filename, in which case
                           the condition is true if any file matching the
                           wildcards exists.

                        ISALIAS aliasname
                           If the specified name is an alias, the condition
                           is true.

                        ISDIR path

                           If the subdirectory exists, the condition is

                        ISINTERNAL command
                           If the specified command is an active, internal
                           4DOS command, the condition is true.  Commands
                           can be activated and deactivated with the SETDOS
                           /I command.

                        The first batch file fragment below tests for the
                        existence of A:\JAN.DOC before copying it to drive

                                if exist a:\jan.doc copy a:\jan.doc c:\

                        This example tests the exit code of the previous
                        program and stops batch file processing if an error

                                if errorlevel==0 goto success
                                echo "External Error -- Batch File Ends!"

                      Combining Tests:

                        You can negate the result of any test with NOT, and
                        combine tests of any sort with .AND., .OR., and
                        .XOR.  Test conditions are always scanned from left
                        to right -- there is no implied order of precedence,
                        as there is in some programming languages.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  242

                                   CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  IF

                        When two tests are combined with .AND., the result
                        is true if both of the individual tests are true.
                        When two tests are combined with .OR., the result is
                        true if either (or both) of the individual tests are
                        true.  When two tests are combined with .XOR., the
                        result is true only if one of the tests is true and
                        the other is false.

                        This example runs a program called HIGHRES if either
                        an EGA or VGA video adapter is in use:

                              if "%_video"=="EGA" .or. "%_video"==vga highres

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  243

                                  CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  IFF

          IFF                                                           (New)

          Purpose:    Allow IF / THEN / ELSE conditional execution of

          Format:     IFF [NOT] condition [.AND. | .OR. | .XOR. [NOT]
                         condition ...] THEN ^ commands
                      [ELSEIFF condition  THEN ^ commands ] ...
                      [ELSE ^ commands ]
                      ^ ENDIFF

                      condition:  A test to determine if the command(s)
                      should be executed.
                      commands:  One or more commands to execute if the
                      condition(s) is true.  If you use multiple commands,
                      they must be separated by carets or be placed on
                      separate lines of a batch file.

                      See also: IF

          Usage:      IFF is similar to the IF command, except that it can
                      perform one set of commands when a condition or set of
                      conditions is true and different commands when the
                      conditions are false.

                      IFF can execute multiple commands when the conditions
                      are true or false; IF normally executes only one
                      command.  IFF imposes no limit on the number of
                      commands and is generally a "cleaner" and more
                      structured command than IF.

                      IFF is always followed by one or more conditions, which
                      4DOS evaluates.  If they are true, 4DOS executes the
                      commands that follow the word THEN.  Additional
                      conditions can be tested with ELSEIFF.  If none of
                      these conditions are true, 4DOS executes the commands
                      that follow the word ELSE.  In both cases, after the
                      selected commands are executed, processing continues
                      after the word ENDIFF.

                      If you add a NOT before the condition, the THEN
                      commands are executed only when the condition is false
                      and the ELSE commands are executed only when the
                      condition is true.

                      You can link conditions with .AND., .OR., or .XOR., and
                      you can nest IFF statements up to 15 deep.  The
                      conditions can test strings or numbers, the existence

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  244

                                  CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  IFF

                      of a file or subdirectory, the errorlevel returned from
                      the preceding external command, and the existence of
                      alias names and internal commands.

                      See the IF command for a list of the possible

                      The commands can include any 4DOS internal command or
                      alias, external command, or batch file.

                      The following batch file fragment tests the monitor
                      type (monochrome or color), and sets the appropriate
                      colors and prompt (enter the "prompt" lines on one line
                      of the batch file):

                           iff "%_monitor" == "color" then
                             color bright white on blue ^ cls
                             prompt=$e[s$e[1;1f$e[41;1;37m$e[K  Path:
                             prompt=$e[s$e[1;1f$e[0;7m$e[K  Path:

                      The alias in this second example checks to see if the
                      argument is a subdirectory.  If so, the alias deletes
                      the subdirectory's files and removes it (enter this on
                      one line):

                           c:\> alias prune `iff isdir %1 then ^
                                del /sxz %1 ^ rd %1 ^ else ^
                                echo Not a directory!^endiff`

                  ##  If you do a GOTO inside an IFF, 4DOS normally assumes
                      you are jumping outside of all active IFF statements.
                      If you attempt to GOTO another part of the same IFF,
                      the middle of another IFF, or a different IFF nesting
                      level, you will eventually receive an "unknown command"
                      error on a subsequent ELSE, ELSEIFF, or ENDIFF
                      statement.  You can override this restriction with GOTO
                      /I, but do so only if you are absolutely certain that
                      your GOTO command is branching entirely within the
                      current active IFF statement.  Using /I under any other
                      conditions will cause an error later in your batch

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  245

                                CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  INKEY

          INKEY                                                         (New)

          Purpose:    Get a single keystroke from the user and store it in an
                      environment variable.

          Format:     INKEY [/K"keys" /Wn] [prompt] %%varname

                      prompt:  Optional text that is displayed as a prompt.
                      varname:  The variable that will hold the user's

                      /K (valid keystrokes)       /W(ait)

                      See also: INPUT and KEYSTACK.

          Usage:      INKEY optionally displays a prompt for user input.
                      Then it waits for a specified time or indefinitely for
                      a keystroke, and places the keystroke into an
                      environment variable.  It is normally used in batch
                      files and aliases to get a menu choice or other single-
                      key input from the user.  Along with the INPUT command,
                      INKEY allows great flexibility in reading user input
                      from within a batch file or alias.

                      If prompt text is included in an INKEY command, it is
                      displayed while INKEY waits for input.

                      The following batch file fragment prompts for a
                      character and stores it in the variable NUM:

                           inkey Enter a number from 1 to 9:  %%num

                      INKEY reads standard input for the keystroke, so it
                      will accept keystrokes from a redirected file or from
                      the KEYSTACK.  You can supply a list of valid
                      keystrokes with the /K option.

                      Standard keystrokes with ASCII values between 1 and 255
                      are stored directly in the environment variable.
                      Extended keystrokes (for example, function keys and
                      cursor keys) are stored as a string in decimal format,
                      with a leading @ (for example, the F1 key is @59).  See
                      Appendix B (page 325) for a list of the ASCII and
                      extended key codes.

                      If you press Ctrl-C or Ctrl-BREAK while INKEY is
                      waiting for a key, execution of an alias will be
                      terminated, and execution of a batch file will be

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  246

                                CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  INKEY

                      suspended while you are asked whether to cancel the
                      batch job.

          Options:    /K:  Specify the permissible keystrokes.  The list of
                      valid keystrokes should be enclosed in double quotes
                      ["keys"].  For alphabetic keys the validity test is not
                      case-sensitive.  You can specify extended keys by
                      enclosing their names in square brackets (within the
                      quotes), for example:

                           inkey /k"ab[Alt-F10]" Enter A, B, or Alt-F10

                      If an invalid keystroke is entered 4DOS will echo the
                      keystroke if possible, beep, move the cursor back one
                      character, and wait for another keystroke.

                      Key names within square brackets are entered in the


                      The key prefix is optional, and can be any one of the

                        Alt        followed by A - Z, 0 - 9, F1 - F12, or
                        Ctrl       followed by A - Z, F1 - F12, Bksp, Enter,
                                   Left, Right, Home, End, PgUp, PgDn, Ins,
                                   or Del
                        Shift      followed by F1 - F12 or Tab.

                      The possible key names are:
                        A - Z         Enter         PgDn
                        0 - 9         Up            Home
                        F1 - F12      Down          End
                        Esc           Left          Ins
                        Bksp          Right         Del
                        Tab           PgUp

                      All key names must be spelled as shown, and can be
                      abbreviated as long as the abbreviation is unique and
                      unambiguous.  The prefix must be separated from the key
                      name with a dash.

                      /W(ait):  Timeout period,  in seconds, to wait for a
                      response.  If no keystroke is entered by the end of the
                      timeout period, INKEY returns with the variable

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  247

                                CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  INKEY

                      unchanged.  You can specify /W0 to return immediately
                      if there are no keys waiting in the keyboard buffer.

                      For example, the following batch file fragment waits up
                      to 10 seconds for a character, then tests to see if a
                      "Y" was entered:

                           set net=N
                           inkey /K"YN" /w10 Load the network (Y/N)?  %%net
                           iff "%net" == "Y" then
                             rem Commands to load the network go here

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  248

                                CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  INPUT

          INPUT                                                         (New)

          Purpose:    Get a string from the keyboard and save it in an
                      environment variable.

          Format:     INPUT [/Wn] [prompt] %%varname

                      prompt:  Optional text that is displayed as a prompt.
                      varname:  The variable that will hold the user's input.


                      See also: INKEY and KEYSTACK.

          Usage:      INPUT optionally displays a prompt for user input.
                      Then it waits for a specified time or indefinitely for
                      the user's entry.  It places any characters typed by
                      the user into an environment variable.  INPUT is
                      normally used in batch files and aliases to get multi-
                      key input from the user.  Along with the INKEY command,
                      INPUT allows great flexibility in reading user input
                      from within a batch file or alias.

                      If prompt text is included in an INPUT command, it is
                      displayed while INPUT waits for input.  Standard 4DOS
                      command line editing keys may be used to edit the input
                      string as it is entered.

                      All characters entered up to, but not including, the
                      carriage return are stored in the variable.

                      The following batch file fragment prompts for a string
                      and stores it in the variable FNAME:

                           input Enter the file name:  %%fname

                      INPUT reads standard input, so it will accept text from
                      a re-directed file or from the KEYSTACK.

          Option:     /W(ait):  Timeout period,  in seconds, to wait for a
                      response.  If no keystroke is entered by the end of the
                      timeout period, INPUT returns with the variable
                      unchanged.  If you enter a key before the timeout
                      period, INPUT will wait indefinitely for the remainder
                      of the line.  You can specify /W0 to return immediately
                      if there are no keys waiting in the keyboard buffer.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  249

                             CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  KEYSTACK

          KEYSTACK                                                      (New)

          Purpose:    Feed keystrokes to a program or command automatically.

          Format:     KEYSTACK [/Wn] ["abc"] [keyname] [!] ...

                      "abc":  Literal characters to be placed in the
                      keyname:  Name or code for a key to be placed in the
                      !:  Signal to clear the Keystack and the keyboard


          Usage:      KEYSTACK takes a series of keystrokes and feeds them to
                      a program or command as if they were typed at the
                      keyboard.  When the program has used all of the
                      keystrokes in the keystack buffer, it will begin to
                      read the keyboard for input, as it normally would.

                      KEYSTACK will only work if the memory-resident program
                      KSTACK.COM has been loaded.  KSTACK is usually loaded
                      from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file (see page 114).  It can also
                      be loaded with an INSTALL= directive in CONFIG.SYS if
                      you wish and your version of DOS supports INSTALL= (see
                      your DOS manual for details).  If KSTACK is not loaded
                      the KEYSTACK command will display an error message.  If
                      you are using a multitasking system such as DESQView or
                      Windows, see page 151 for information on loading KSTACK
                      within a window.

                      Characters entered within double quotes ("abc") will be
                      stored "as is" in the keyboard buffer.  The only items
                      allowed outside double quotes are key names, key codes,
                      and the /W option.

                      Key names are entered in the form:


                      The key prefix can be left out, in which case any of
                      the key names can be used except A - Z or 0 - 9.  If
                      the key prefix is used it can be any one of the

                        Alt        followed by A - Z, 0 - 9, F1 - F12, or

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  250

                             CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  KEYSTACK

                        Ctrl       followed by A - Z, F1 - F12, Bksp, Enter,
                                   Left, Right, Home, End, PgUp, PgDn, Ins,
                                   or Del
                        Shift      followed by F1 - F12 or Tab.

                      The possible key names are:

                        A - Z         Enter         PgDn
                        0 - 9         Up            Home
                        F1 - F12      Down          End
                        Esc           Left          Ins
                        Bksp          Right         Del
                        Tab           PgUp

                      All key names must be spelled as shown, and can be
                      abbreviated as long as the abbreviation is unique and

                      The prefix and key name must be separated by a dash.
                      For example,

                           Alt-F10        This is okay
                           Alt F10        The space will cause an error

                      If you prefer, you can use a numeric value instead of a
                      key name.  Use the ASCII code for an ASCII, extended
                      ASCII, or control character.  Use the scan code
                      preceded by an at-sign [@] for extended key codes like
                      F1 or the cursor keys.  In general, you will find it
                      easier to use the names described above rather than key
                      numbers.  See Appendix B (page 325) for an explanation
                      and list of keyboard codes.

                      An exclamation mark [!] will clear all pending
                      keystrokes, both in the KEYSTACK buffer and in the
                      keyboard buffer.

                      For example, to start ProComm Plus and skip the opening
                      screen you could use the command:

                           c:\comm> keystack 32 ^ pcplus

                      This places a space (ASCII code 32) in the buffer, then
                      runs ProComm Plus.  When ProComm looks for a keystroke
                      to end the display of the opening screen the keystroke
                      is already in the buffer, so the opening screen is
                      removed immediately.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  251

                             CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  KEYSTACK

                      The KEYSTACK command must be executed before running
                      the program which is going to receive the stacked
                      keystrokes.  This places the keystrokes into the buffer
                      first, so the program can find them when it runs.

                      You can store a maximum of 255 characters in the
                      KEYSTACK buffer.  Each time the KEYSTACK command is
                      executed, it will clear any remaining keystrokes stored
                      by a previous KEYSTACK command.

                      You may need to experiment with your programs and
                      insert delays (see the /W option) to find a keystroke
                      sequence that works for any particular program.

                      Programs that bypass DOS and the BIOS for keyboard
                      input cannot read keystrokes entered with KEYSTACK.  If
                      you use KEYSTACK then run such a program, the
                      keystrokes will not appear in the program, but may
                      appear at the prompt when you exit the program and
                      return to 4DOS.

                  ##  KEYSTACK treats the number 0 as a special case; it is
                      used with programs that flush the keyboard buffer.
                      When KEYSTACK processes a key value of 0, it tells the
                      program the buffer is clear, so subsequent keystrokes
                      will be accepted normally.  Some programs will require
                      several "0"s before they will accept input; you may
                      need to experiment to determine the correct number.

                      For example, the following batch file starts Lotus 1-2-
                      3 and loads the file specified on the command line when
                      the batch file is invoked (the KEYSTACK command should
                      be entered on one line):

                           pushd c:\123
                           keystack 0 Enter 0 Enter 0 Enter 0 Enter 0 Enter
                             "/FR" 0 "%1" Enter

                      The sequence of "0 Enter" pairs tells 1-2-3 that the
                      keyboard buffer is empty, then passes 1-2-3 a carriage
                      return, repeating this sequence five times.  This gets
                      1-2-3 to a point where an empty spreadsheet is
                      displayed.  The rest of the KEYSTACK line issues a File
                      Retrieve command (/FR), simulates an empty keyboard
                      buffer once more, enters the file name passed on the

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  252

                             CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  KEYSTACK

                      batch command line (%1), and finally enters a carriage
                      return to end the file name.

                  ##  Here's the same command defined as an alias (enter this
                      on one line):

                           alias 321 `pushd c:\123 ^ keystack 0 Enter 0
                           Enter 0 Enter 0 Enter 0 Enter "/FR" 0 "%1" 13 ^
                           123 ^ popd`

                  ##  Some programs require both the keyboard "scan code" and
                      the ASCII value to be stacked.  To stack both codes,
                      calculate the value ((256 * scan code) + ASCII code)
                      and enter that numeric value as an argument for
                      KEYSTACK.  For example, for the Enter key, the scan
                      code is 28 and the ASCII code is 13, so to stack both
                      values use ((256 * 28) + 13) or KEYSTACK 7181.  Try
                      this approach if a "normal" KEYSTACK command does not
                      work (for example, if you use KEYSTACK 13 for the Enter
                      key and the program doesn't see the correct character).
                      To stack combined key codes you must use the numeric
                      value, not the key name (see Appendix B on page 325 for
                      keyboard codes).

          Options:##  /W(ait):  Delay the next keystroke in the KEYSTACK
                      buffer by a specified number of clock "ticks".  A clock
                      tick is approximately 1/18 second.  The number of clock
                      ticks to delay should be placed immediately after the
                      W, and must be between 1 and 65535 (65535 ticks is
                      about 1 hour).  You can use the /W option as many times
                      as desired and at any point in the string of keystrokes
                      except within double quotes.  Some programs may need
                      the delays provided by /W in order to receive
                      keystrokes properly from KEYSTACK.  The only way to
                      determine what delay is needed is to experiment.
                      Sometimes a combination of a delay and an "empty
                      buffer" signal (a 0) are required.  For example, to
                      start the program CADX and send it an F7, a delay of
                      one second, an indication that the keyboard buffer is
                      empty, and a carriage return:

                           c:\> keystack F7 /W18 0 Enter ^ cadx

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  253

                        CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  LH / LOADHIGH

          LH / LOADHIGH                                          (Compatible)

          Purpose:    Load a memory resident program into an Upper Memory
                      Block (UMB).

          Format:     LH filename
                      LOADHIGH filename

                      filename:  The name of the program to load into high

          Usage:      LH and LOADHIGH are synonyms.  You can use either one.

                      LOADHIGH requires MS-DOS 5.0 or above.

                      If you load memory-resident programs into UMBs, you
                      will have more room in base memory for application
                      programs.  If your system has no UMBs, or if the
                      program is larger than the largest UMB, then LOADHIGH
                      will load the program into conventional base memory.

                      For example, to load the program C:\UTIL\CACHE.EXE into
                      high memory:

                           c:\> loadhigh c:\util\cache.exe

                      In addition to MS-DOS 5.0 or above, LOADHIGH requires
                      the DOS=UMB command in your CONFIG.SYS file.  It can
                      only be used to load programs into UMBs managed by MS-
                      DOS 5.0 and above.

                      If you use a memory manager like 386MAX or QEMM to
                      manage your UMBs, rather than the MS-DOS DOS=UMB
                      directive, then LOADHIGH will not work, and you must
                      use the equivalent command supplied with your memory
                      manager in order to load programs high.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  254

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  LIST

          LIST                                                          (New)

          Purpose:    Display a file, with forward and backward paging and

          Format:     LIST [/H /S /W] file...

                      file:  A file or list of files to display.

                      /H(igh bit off)             /W(rap)
                      /S(tandard input)

                      See also: TYPE.

          Usage:      LIST provides a much faster and more flexible way to
                      view a file than TYPE, without the overhead of loading
                      and using a text editor.

                      LIST is normally used for displaying ASCII text files.
                      Most other files contain non-alphabetic characters and
                      may be unreadable.

                      For example, to display a file called MEMO.DOC:

                           c:\> list memo.doc

                      LIST uses the cursor pad to scroll through the file.
                      The following keys have special meanings:

                           Home              Display the first page of the
                           End               Display the last page of the
                           Esc               Exit the current file.
                           Ctrl-C            Quit LIST.
                           Up Arrow          Scroll up one line.
                           Down Arrow        Scroll down one line.
                           Left Arrow        Scroll left 8 columns.
                           Right Arrow       Scroll right 8 columns.
                           Ctrl- Left Arrow  Scroll left 40 columns.
                           Ctrl-Right Arrow  Scroll right 40 columns.
                           F1                Call the 4DOS online help
                           F                 Prompt and search for a string
                                             (case is ignored).
                           H                 Toggle the "strip high bit" (/H)
                           N                 Find next matching string (case
                                             is ignored).

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  255

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  LIST

                           P                 Print the entire file on LPT1.
                           W                 Toggle the "line wrap" (/W)

                      LIST saves the search string used by F and N, so you
                      can LIST multiple files and search for the same string
                      simply by pressing N in each file, or repeat your
                      search the next time you use LIST.

                  ##  Most of the LIST keystrokes can be reassigned with
                      4DOS.INI file directives (see pages 131 and 135).

                  ##  You can set the default colors used by LIST (and
                      SELECT) using the ListColors directive in 4DOS.INI.  If
                      ListColors is not used the LIST display will use the
                      current screen colors.

          Options:##  /H(igh bit off):  Strip the high bit from each
                      character before displaying. This is useful when
                      displaying files created by some word processors that
                      turn on the high bit for formatting purposes.  If you
                      are displaying a word processor text file and see
                      unusual characters mixed in with the text, try this

                      /S(tandard input):  Read from the standard input rather
                      than a file.  This allows you to redirect command
                      output and view it with LIST.  For example, to use LIST
                      to display the output of DIR:

                           c:\> dir | list /s

                      To redefine the DIR command to always display its
                      output via LIST, use this alias:

                           c:\> alias dir `*dir %& | list /s`

                      /W(rap):  Wrap the text at the right margin.  This
                      option is useful when displaying files that don't have
                      a carriage return at the end of each line.  The
                      horizontal scrolling keys are intended for use when the
                      display is not wrapped.  If you wrap the display with
                      /W (or with the W key from within LIST), then use the
                      scrolling keys, the wrapping will change as each line
                      is scrolled.  This may produce an unusual display,
                      depending on the structure of the file you are viewing.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  256

                              CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  LOADBTM

          LOADBTM                                                       (New)

          Purpose:    Switch a batch file to or from BTM mode.

          Format:     LOADBTM [ON | OFF]

          Usage:      4DOS recognizes two kinds of batch files: .BAT and
                      .BTM.  Batch files executing in BTM mode run two to
                      five times faster than in BAT mode.  However, BTM mode
                      should not be used to load memory-resident programs,
                      nor should BTM mode be used for self-modifying batch
                      files.  Batch files automatically start in the mode
                      indicated by their file extension, .BAT or .BTM.

                      The LOADBTM command turns BTM mode on and off.  It can
                      be used to switch modes in either a .BAT or .BTM file.
                      It can also be used to display the current batch mode
                      from inside a batch file when it is used with no

                      LOADBTM can only be used within a .BAT or .BTM file.
                      It is most often used to switch a .BAT file into BTM
                      mode after memory-resident programs are loaded, to
                      convert a .BAT file to BTM mode without changing its
                      extension, or to switch a .BTM file into BAT mode in
                      order to load memory-resident programs.

                      Using LOADBTM to repeatedly switch modes within a .BAT
                      or .BTM file is not efficient.  In most cases, the
                      speed gained by running some parts of the file in BTM
                      mode will be more than offset by the speed lost through
                      repeated loading of the file each time BTM mode is

                      The following .BAT file fragment loads some memory
                      resident programs (TSRs), and then switches to BTM

                           rem   Because this file has a .BAT extension,
                           rem   the initial default state is LOADBTM OFF
                           rem   Loading TSRs...
                           rem   Switch to high-speed (BTM) mode now that
                           rem   TSRs are loaded
                           loadbtm on
                           path c:\;c:\util;c:\dos
                           alias /r c:\aliases

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  257

                              CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  LOADBTM

                      For more information on .BTM and .BAT files, see page

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  258

                                  CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  LOG

          LOG                                                           (New)

          Purpose:    Save a log of commands to a disk file.

          Format:     LOG [/W file] [ON | OFF | text]

                      file:  The name of the file to hold the log.
                      text:  An optional message that will be added to the

                      /W(rite to).

                      See also: HISTORY.

          Usage:      LOG keeps a record of all internal and external
                      commands you use.  Each entry includes the current
                      system date and time, along with the actual command
                      after any alias or variable expansion.  You can use the
                      log file as a record of your daily activities.

                      By default, LOG writes commands to the file 4DOSLOG in
                      the root directory of the drive specified in your
                      COMSPEC environment variable (see page 115).

                      Entering LOG with no parameters displays the log status
                      (ON or OFF):

                           c:\> log
                           LOG is OFF

                      To enable or disable logging, add the word "ON" or
                      "OFF" after the LOG command:

                           c:\> log on

                      Entering LOG with text writes a message to the log
                      file, even if LOG is set OFF.  This allows you to enter
                      headers in the log file:

                           c:\> log "Started work on the database system"

                      The LOG file format looks like this:

                           [mm-dd-yy  hh:mm:ss]  command

                      The LOG output can be used as the basis for writing
                      batch files, but you will probably find HISTORY more
                      effective for this purpose.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  259

                                  CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  LOG

          Options:    /W(rite):  This switch specifies a different filename
                      for the LOG output.  It also automatically performs a
                      LOG ON command.  For example, to turn logging on and
                      write the log to C:\LOG\LOGFILE:

                           c:\> log /w c:\log\logfile

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  260

                           CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  MD / MKDIR

          MD / MKDIR                                             (Compatible)

          Purpose:    Create a subdirectory.

          Format:     MD pathname...
                      MKDIR pathname...

                      pathname:  The name of one or more directories to

                      See also: RD.

          Usage:      MD and MKDIR are synonyms.  You can use either one.

                      MD creates a subdirectory anywhere in the directory
                      tree.  To create a subdirectory from the root, start
                      the pathname with a backslash [\].  For example, this
                      command creates a subdirectory called MYDIR in the root

                           c:\> md \mydir

                      If no path is given, the new subdirectory is created in
                      the current directory.  This example creates a
                      subdirectory called DIRTWO in the current directory:

                           c:\mydir> md dirtwo

                      To create a directory from the parent of the current
                      directory (that is, to create a sibling of the current
                      directory), start the pathname with two periods and a
                      backslash [..\].

                      MD creates one directory at a time.  If you need to
                      create the directory C:\ONE\TWO\THREE and none of the
                      named directories exist, you must create each directory
                      separately.  However, because MD accepts multiple
                      arguments, you can still create all three directories
                      in sequence with one command:

                           c:\> md \one \one\two \one\two\three

                  ##  DOS will not accept directory names longer than 64
                      characters.  You must be sure that the complete
                      directory name from the root to your deepest
                      subdirectory fits within the 64 character restriction.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  261

                               CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  MEMORY

          MEMORY                                                        (New)

          Purpose:    Display the amount and status of system RAM.

          Format:     MEMORY

          Usage:      MEMORY displays information about the RAM in your
                      system.  It lists the amount of total RAM in your
                      system and the amount available for applications after
                      DOS, 4DOS, and memory-resident programs have been
                      loaded;  the amount of EMS expanded memory, XMS
                      extended memory, and non-XMS extended memory;  the HMA
                      status; and the amount of memory 4DOS is using for
                      environment variable space, alias space, and history

                           c:\> memory
                               655,360 bytes total RAM
                               534,464 bytes free

                             1,687,552 bytes total EMS memory
                             1,097,728 bytes free

                               914,432 bytes total XMS memory (HMA in use)

                                   512 bytes total environment
                                   195 bytes free

                                 1,024 bytes total alias
                                   452 bytes free

                                 1,024 bytes total history

                      You can use the information from the MEMORY display to
                      fine tune your system, to aid in setting the proper
                      alias and environment sizes in 4DOS.INI, and to be sure
                      that you have sufficient memory for your largest

                      If you compare the free RAM displayed by MEMORY with
                      the free RAM displayed by CHKDSK and some memory map
                      programs, MEMORY will usually show a slightly higher
                      value.  The difference is the size of the environment
                      passed to these external programs;  most memory mapping
                      programs do not count the passed environment as free
                      space, but MEMORY does.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  262

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  MOVE

          MOVE                                                          (New)

          Purpose:    Move files to a new directory and drive.

          Format:     MOVE  [/C /D /H /N /P /Q /R /S /U] source...

                      source:  A file or list of files to move.
                      destination:  The new location for the files.

                      /C(hanged)                  /Q(uiet)
                      /D(irectory)                /R(eplace)
                      /H(idden and system)        /S(ubdirectory tree)
                      /N(othing)                  /U(pdate)

                      See also: COPY and RENAME.

          Usage:      The MOVE command moves one or more files from one
                      directory to another, whether the directories are on
                      the same drive or not.  It has the same effect as
                      copying the files to a new location and then deleting
                      the originals.  Like COPY and RENAME, MOVE works with
                      single files, multiple files, and sets of files
                      specified with an include list.  Like those commands,
                      MOVE never changes the attributes of the files that it
                      operates on.

                      The simplest MOVE command moves a single source file to
                      a new location and, optionally, gives it a new name.
                      These two examples both move one file from drive C: to
                      the root directory on drive A:

                           c:\> move myfile.dat a:\
                           c:\> move myfile.dat a:\savefile.dat

                      In both cases, MYFILE.DAT is removed from drive C:
                      after it has been copied to drive A:.  If a file called
                      MYFILE.DAT in the first example, or SAVEFILE.DAT in the
                      second example, already existed on drive A:, it would
                      be overwritten.  (This demonstrates the difference
                      between MOVE and RENAME.  MOVE will move files between
                      drives and will overwrite the destination file if it
                      exists; RENAME will not.)

                      If you MOVE multiple files, the destination must be a
                      directory name.  MOVE will move each file into the
                      destination directory with its original name (if the

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  263

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  MOVE

                      target is not a directory, MOVE will display an error
                      message and exit):

                           c:\> move *.wks *.txt c:\finance\myfiles

                      You cannot move a file to a character device like the
                      printer, or to itself.

                  !   Be careful when you use MOVE with the SELECT command.
                      If you SELECT multiple files and if the target is not a
                      directory (because of a misspelling, for example) each
                      file will be moved in turn to the target file,
                      overwriting the previous file, and then the original
                      will be erased before the next file is moved.  At the
                      end of the command, all of the original files will have
                      been erased and only the last file will exist as the
                      target file.  You can avoid this problem by using
                      square brackets with SELECT instead of parentheses (be
                      sure that you don't allow the command line to get too
                      long -- watch the character count in the upper left
                      corner while you're selecting files).  MOVE will then
                      receive one list of files to move instead of a series
                      of individual filenames, and it will detect the error
                      and halt.  You can also add a backslash [\] to the end
                      of the destination name to ensure that it is the name
                      of a subdirectory (see below).

                      When you move files to another directory, if you add a
                      backslash [\] to the end of the destination name MOVE
                      will display an error message if the name does not
                      refer to an existing directory.  You can use this
                      feature to keep MOVE from treating a mistyped
                      destination directory name as a file name, and
                      attempting to move all source files to that name.  The
                      /D option performs the same function but will also
                      prompt to see if you want to create the destination
                      directory if it doesn't exist.  The /S option always
                      tries to create the destination directory if necessary,
                      so this feature will not be effective when /S is used.

                  ##  MOVE first attempts to rename the file(s), which is the
                      fastest way to move files between subdirectories on the
                      same drive.  If that fails (the destination is on a
                      different drive or already exists), MOVE will copy the
                      file(s) and then delete the originals.

          Options:    /C(hanged files):  Move files only if the destination
                      file exists and is older than the source (see also /U).

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  264

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  MOVE

                      This option is useful for updating the files in one
                      directory from those in another without moving any
                      newly created files.

                      /D(irectory):  Requires that the destination be a
                      directory.  If the destination does not exist, MOVE
                      will prompt to see if you want to create it.  If the
                      destination exists as a file, MOVE will fail with an
                      "Access denied" error.  Use this option to avoid having
                      MOVE accidentally interpret your destination name as a
                      file name when it's really a mistyped directory name.

                  ##  /H(idden):  Move all files, including hidden and system

                  ##  /N(othing):  Do everything except actually move the
                      file(s)   This option is most useful for testing what a
                      complex MOVE command will do.

                      /P(rompt):  Ask the user to confirm each move by
                      pressing Y or N.  An N response will skip that
                      particular file.

                      /Q(uiet):  Don't display filenames as they are moved.

                      /R(eplace):  Prompt for a Y or N response before
                      overwriting an existing destination file.

                  ##  /S(ubdirectories):  Move an entire subdirectory tree to
                      another location.  MOVE will attempt to create the
                      destination directories if they don't exist, and will
                      remove empty subdirectories after the move.  When /D is
                      used with /S, you will be prompted if the first
                      destination directory does not exist, but
                      subdirectories below that will be created automatically
                      by MOVE.  For example, the following alias will "graft"
                      a directory and all of its subdirectories into a new
                      place in the directory tree, and -- because /D is used
                      -- will prompt to see if you want to create the first
                      destination directory it if it doesn't exist.  The /H
                      in this alias ensures that any hidden files and
                      subdirectories are also moved:

                           alias graft `move /s/d/h %1\*.* %2`

                      /U(pdate):  Move each source file only if it is newer
                      than a matching destination file or if a matching
                      destination file does not exist (also see /C).  This

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  265

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  MOVE

                      option is useful for moving new files from one
                      directory to another.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  266

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  PATH

          PATH                                                     (Enhanced)

          Purpose:    Display or alter the list of directories that 4DOS will
                      search for executable and batch files that are not in
                      the current directory.

          Format:     PATH [directory[;directory...]]

                      directory:  The full name of a directory to include in
                      the path setting.

                      See also: SET and ESET.

          Usage:      When 4DOS is asked to execute an external command (a
                      .COM, .EXE, .BTM, or .BAT file or executable
                      extension), it first looks for the file in the current
                      directory.  If it fails to find an executable file
                      there, it then searches each of the directories
                      specified in the path setting, in the order that they
                      are included.

                      For example, the following PATH command directs 4DOS to
                      search subdirectories for an executable file in the
                      following order: the current directory, the root
                      directory on C, the DOS subdirectory on C, and the UTIL
                      subdirectory on C:

                           c:\> path c:\;c:\dos;c:\util

                      The list of directories to search can be set or viewed
                      with the PATH command.  The list is stored as an
                      environment string, and can also be set or viewed with
                      the SET command and edited with the ESET command.

                      Directory names in the path must be separated by
                      semicolons [;].  4DOS shifts each directory name to
                      upper case.  This maintains compatibility with programs
                      which can only recognize upper case directory names in
                      the path variable.

                      If you modify your path with the SET or ESET command,
                      you may include directory names in lower case.  These
                      may cause trouble with some programs, which assume that
                      all path entries have been shifted to upper case.

                      If you enter PATH with no parameters, 4DOS displays the
                      current search path:

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  267

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  PATH

                           c:\> path

                      If you enter PATH and a semicolon, 4DOS clears the
                      search path and will search only the current directory
                      (this is the default at system startup).

                      Some applications also use the PATH variable to search
                      for their data files.

                  ##  If you include an explicit file extension on the
                      external command name (for example, WP.EXE), 4DOS will
                      only look for files with that name and extension in the
                      current directory and every directory in the path
                      setting.  It will not look for other executable files
                      with the same base name.

                  ##  If you have a directory of a single period [.] in the
                      path, 4DOS will not search the current directory first,
                      but wait until it reaches that point in the path.  In
                      rare cases, this feature may not be compatible with
                      applications which use the path to search for their
                      files; if you experience a problem, you will have to
                      remove the "." as a path entry while using any such

                  ##  4DOS can create a PATH as long as 250 characters (the
                      command line is limited to 255 characters, and "PATH "
                      takes five).  Some applications are written to expect a
                      PATH no longer than the traditional limit of 123
                      characters.  If you have extended your path beyond the
                      traditional limit and experience unusual problems with
                      application programs, see page 157 for tips on
                      resolving the difficulty.

                  ##  If you specify an invalid directory in the path, 4DOS
                      will skip that directory and continue searching with
                      the next directory in the path.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  268

                                CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  PAUSE

          PAUSE                                                    (Enhanced)

          Purpose:    Suspend batch file or alias execution.

          Format:     PAUSE [text]

                      text:  The message to be displayed as a user prompt.

          Usage:      A PAUSE command will suspend execution of a batch file
                      or alias, giving you the opportunity to change disks,
                      turn on the printer, etc.

                      PAUSE waits for any key to be pressed and then
                      continues execution.  You can specify the text that
                      PAUSE displays while it waits for a keystroke, or let
                      4DOS use the default message:

                           Press any key when ready...

                      For example, the following batch file fragment prompts
                      the user before erasing files (the PAUSE command should
                      be entered on one line):

                           pause Press Ctrl-C to abort, any other key to
                             erase all .LST files
                           erase *.lst

                      If you press Ctrl-C or Ctrl-BREAK while PAUSE is
                      waiting for a key, execution of an alias will be
                      terminated, and execution of a batch file will be
                      suspended while you are asked whether you want to
                      cancel the batch job.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  269

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  POPD

          POPD                                                          (New)

          Purpose:    Return to the disk drive and directory at the top of
                      the directory stack

          Format:     POPD [*]

                      See also: DIRS and PUSHD.

          Usage:      Each time you use the PUSHD command, 4DOS saves the
                      current disk drive and directory on its internal
                      directory stack.  POPD restores the last drive and
                      directory that was saved with PUSHD and removes that
                      entry from the stack.  You can use these commands
                      together to change directories, perform some work, and
                      return to the starting drive and directory.

                      This example saves and changes the current disk drive
                      and directory with PUSHD, and then restores it.  The
                      command line prompt is set to show the current

                           c:\> pushd d:\database\test
                           d:\database\test> pushd c:\wordp\memos
                           c:\wordp\memos> pushd a:\123
                           a:\123> popd
                           c:\wordp\memos> popd
                           d:\database\test> popd

                      You can use the DIRS command to see the complete list
                      of saved drives and directories (the directory stack).

                      The POPD command followed by an asterisk [*] clears the
                      directory stack without changing the current drive and

                  ##  If the directory on the top of the stack is not on the
                      current drive, POPD will switch to the drive and
                      directory on the top of the stack without changing the
                      default directory on the current drive.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  270

                               CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  PROMPT

          PROMPT                                                        (New)

          Purpose:    Change the 4DOS command line prompt.

          Format:     PROMPT [text]

                      text:  Text to be used as the 4DOS command line prompt.

          Usage:      You can change and customize the command line prompt at
                      any time.  The prompt can include normal text and
                      system information such as the current drive and
                      directory, the time and date, and the amount of memory
                      available.  You can create an informal "Hello, Bob!"
                      prompt or an official-looking prompt full of impressive

                      The PROMPT command sets the command line prompt.  The
                      special characters that can be included in a PROMPT
                      command are listed below.  For example, to set the
                      prompt to the current date and time, with a ">" at the

                           c:\> prompt $d $t $g
                           Mon  Dec 2, 1991 10:29:19 >

                      To set the prompt to the current date and time,
                      followed by the current drive and directory in upper
                      case on the next line, with a ">" at the end:

                           c:\> prompt $d $t$_$P$g
                           Mon  Dec 2, 1991 10:29:19

                      You can include the PROMPT command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT
                      file to set the prompt whenever your system is

                      The default prompt is $n$g (drive name plus ">")  on
                      drives A and B, and $p$g (current drive and directory
                      plus ">") on all other drives .

                      If you enter PROMPT with no arguments, 4DOS resets the
                      prompt to the default.  The PROMPT command sets the
                      environment variable PROMPT, so to view the current
                      prompt setting use the command:

                           c:\> set prompt

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  271

                               CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  PROMPT

                      If the prompt is not set at all 4DOS will not use the
                      PROMPT environment variable, in which case the SET
                      command above will give a "Not in environment" error.

                  ##  Along with literal text, special characters, and ANSI
                      sequences, you can include the text of any environment
                      variable, 4DOS internal variable, or variable function
                      (see pages 81 and 85) in a prompt.  For example, if you
                      want to include the amount of free base memory in the
                      command prompt, plus the current drive and directory,
                      you could use this command:

                           c:\> prompt (%%@dosmem[K]K) $p$g
                           (601K) c:\data>

                      Notice that the @DOSMEM function is shown with two
                      leading percent signs [%].  If you used only one per
                      cent sign, the @DOSMEM function would be expanded once
                      when the PROMPT command was executed, instead of every
                      time 4DOS displayed the prompt.  The result would be
                      that the amount of memory would never change from the
                      value it had when you entered the PROMPT command.  You
                      could also use back quotes to delay expanding the
                      variable function until the prompt is displayed:

                           c:\> prompt `(%@dosmem[K]K) $p$g`

                  ##  If you have an ANSI-compatible driver installed, you
                      can include ANSI escape sequences in the PROMPT text.
                      This example uses ANSI sequences to set a prompt that
                      displays the shell level, date, time and path in color
                      on the top line of the screen (enter the command as one

                           c:\> prompt $e[s$e[1;1f$e[41;1;37m$e[K[$z] $d
                                Time: $t$h$h$h  Path: $p$e[u$e[0;32m$n$g

                  ##  Traditionally, it was possible to use the PROMPT
                      command in a batch file to transmit ANSI.SYS control
                      sequences to the screen (for example, to redefine
                      function keys).  This technique will not work with
                      4DOS, which doesn't display a prompt within batch
                      files; hence the characters in the PROMPT string are
                      never sent to ANSI.SYS.  To send ANSI sequences in
                      4DOS, use the ECHO command, substituting a Ctrl-X
                      followed by an e for $e in the PROMPT string.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  272

                               CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  PROMPT

                  ##  You may find it helpful to define a different prompt in
                      secondary shells, by using $z to display the shell
                      level, or by placing a PROMPT command in your 4START
                      file and using IF or IFF statements to set the
                      appropriate prompt for different shells.

                      Prompt Characters:

                      The prompt text can contain special commands in the
                      form $?, where ? is one of the characters listed below.
                           b    The vertical bar character [|]
                           c    The open parenthesis [(]
                           D    Current date, in the format:  Tue  Jan 1,
                           d    Current date, in the format:  Tue  1-01-91
                           e    The ASCII ESC character (decimal 27)
                           f    The close parenthesis [)]
                           g    The > character
                           h    BACKSPACE over the previous character
                           l    The < character
                           n    Current disk letter
                           P    Current disk and directory (upper case)
                           p    Current disk and directory (lower case)
                           q    The = character
                           s    The space character
                           t    Current time, in the format hh:mm:ss
                           v    DOS version number, in the format 3.10
                           Xd:  Current directory on drive d:, in upper case
                           xd:  Current directory on drive d:, in lower case
                           z    Current 4DOS shell nesting level; the
                                   primary command processor is shell 0.
                           $    The $ character
                           _    CR/LF (go to beginning of a new line)

                  ##  The format for the date ($d) depends on the country
                      code defined in the CONFIG.SYS file or by the CHCP
                      command.  The default format is U.S. (mm-dd-yy).  The
                      European format is dd-mm-yy; the Japanese is yy-mm-dd.
                      The separator used for the time ($t) will also be
                      changed based on the country definition.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  273

                                CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  PUSHD

          PUSHD                                                         (New)

          Purpose:    Save the current disk drive and directory, optionally
                      moving to a new drive and directory.

          Format:     PUSHD [pathname]

                      pathname:  The name of the new default drive and

                      See also: DIRS, POPD and CDPATH on page 116.

          Usage:      PUSHD saves the current drive and directory on a "last
                      in, first out" directory stack.  The POPD command
                      returns to the last drive and directory that was saved
                      by PUSHD.  You can use these commands together to
                      change directories, perform some work, and return to
                      the starting drive and directory.

                      The DIRS command displays the contents of the directory

                      To save the current drive and directory, without
                      changing directories:

                           c:\> pushd

                      If a pathname is specified as part of the PUSHD
                      command, the current drive and directory are saved and
                      the specified pathname becomes the new current drive
                      and directory.  If the pathname includes a drive
                      letter, PUSHD changes to the specified directory on the
                      new drive without changing the default current
                      directory on the original drive.

                      This example saves the current directory and changes to
                      C:\WORDP\MEMOS, then returns to the original directory
                      with POPD:

                           c:\> pushd \wordp\memos
                           c:\wordp\memos> popd

                  ##  The directory stack can hold up to 255 characters or
                      about 10 to 20 entries depending on the length of the
                      directory names.  If you exceed the directory stack

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                                CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  PUSHD

                      size, the oldest directory is removed before adding the
                      current directory.

                  ##  If PUSHD can't change to the specified directory, it
                      will look for the CDPATH environment variable.  PUSHD
                      will append the specified directory name to each
                      directory in CDPATH and attempt to change to that drive
                      and directory, until the first match or the end of the
                      CDPATH argument.  This allows you to use CDPATH as a
                      quick way to find commonly used subdirectories which
                      have unique names.  For example, if you are currently
                      in the directory C:\WP\LETTERS\JANUARY and you'd like
                      to change to D:\SOFTWARE\UTIL, you could enter the

                           c:\wp\letters\january> pushd d:\software\util

                      However if the D:\SOFTWARE directory is listed in your
                      CDPATH variable, and is the first directory in the list
                      with a UTIL subdirectory, you can simply enter the

                           c:\wp\letters\january> pushd util

                      and 4DOS will change to D:\SOFTWARE\UTIL.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  275

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  QUIT

          QUIT                                                          (New)

          Purpose:    Terminate the current batch file.

          Format:     QUIT [value]

                      value:  The exit code from 0 to 255 to return to 4DOS
                      or to the previous batch file.

                      See also: CANCEL.

          Usage:      QUIT provides a simple way to exit a batch file before
                      reaching the end of the file.  If you QUIT a batch file
                      called from another batch file, you will be returned to
                      the previous file at the line following the original

                      This example batch file fragment checks to see if the
                      user entered "quit" and exits if true.

                           input  Enter your choice :  %%option
                           if  "%option" == "quit"  quit

                      To end all batch file processing, use the CANCEL

                  ##  If you specify a value, QUIT will set the ERRORLEVEL or
                      exit code (see the IF command, and the %? variable on
                      page 81) to that value.

                  ##  You can also use QUIT in an alias.  If you QUIT an
                      alias while inside a batch file, QUIT will end both the
                      alias and the batch file and return you to the 4DOS
                      command prompt or to the calling batch file.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  276

                           CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  RD / RMDIR

          RD / RMDIR                                               (Enhanced)

          Purpose:    Remove one or more subdirectories.

          Format:     RD pathname...
                      RMDIR pathname...

                      pathname:  The name of a subdirectory to remove.

                      See also: MD.

          Usage:      RD and RMDIR are synonyms.  You can use either one.

                      RD removes directories from the directory tree.  For
                      example, to remove the subdirectory MEMOS from the
                      subdirectory WP, you can use this command:

                           c:\> rd \wp\memos

                      Before using RD, you must delete all files and
                      subdirectories (and their files) in the pathname you
                      want to remove.  Remember to remove hidden and read-
                      only files as well as normal files.

                  ##  To use a single command to remove entire subdirectory
                      trees including all files, see the /S and /X options of
                      the DEL command.

                  ##  You cannot remove the root directory, the current
                      directory (.), or any directory above the current
                      directory in the directory tree.

                  ##  You can use wildcards in the pathname.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  277

                               CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  REBOOT

          REBOOT                                                        (New)

          Purpose:    Do a warm or cold system reboot.

          Format:     REBOOT [/C /V]

                      /C(old reboot)              /V(erify)

          ## Usage:   REBOOT will completely restart your computer.  It is
                      comparable to pressing Ctrl-Alt-Delete (a warm reboot)
                      or to turning the power off and back on or pressing the
                      reset button (a cold reboot).  A reboot is necessary to
                      activate any changes to your CONFIG.SYS file, and may
                      also be used if you wish to restart the system with an
                      altered 4START or AUTOEXEC.BAT file.

                      The following example prompts you to verify the reboot,
                      then does a cold boot:

                           c:\> reboot /c/v

                      REBOOT defaults to performing a warm boot, with no

                      REBOOT flushes the disk buffers, resets the drives, and
                      waits one second before rebooting, to allow disk
                      caching programs to finish writing any cached data .

                  !   Some system BIOSes, memory managers, multitaskers, or
                      memory-resident programs (TSRs) may intercept attempts
                      to reboot your system, and defeat them entirely,
                      convert a cold boot request to a warm boot or vice
                      versa, or in very rare cases, hang the system --
                      requiring a reboot!  As a result you may need to
                      experiment with which reboot options work best for your
                      system hardware and software configuration, and under
                      rare circumstances REBOOT may not be useable on your

          Options:    /C(old):  Do a "cold" reboot.  This is similar to
                      turning the power off and back on, and may be necessary
                      to properly initialize the system.  REBOOT /C may not
                      physically reset all hardware devices as thoroughly as
                      actually turning off the power; its effect depends on
                      the internal design of each hardware device and on your
                      system configuration.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  278

                               CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  REBOOT

                      /V(erify):  Prompt for confirmation (Y or N) before

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  279

                                  CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  REM

          REM                                                    (Compatible)

          Purpose:    Put a comment in a batch file.

          Format:     REM [comment]

                      comment:  The text to include in the batch file.

          Usage:      The REM command lets you place a remark or comment in a
                      batch file.  Batch file comments are useful for
                      documenting the purpose of a batch file and the
                      procedures you have used.  For example

                           rem This batch file provides a
                           rem menu-based system for accessing
                           rem word processing utilities.
                           rem Clear the screen and get selection

                      REM must be followed by a space or tab character and
                      then your comment.  Comments can be up to 255
                      characters long.  4DOS will ignore everything on the
                      line after the REM command (including quote characters,
                      redirection symbols, and other commands).

                      If ECHO is ON, 4DOS will display the comment.
                      Otherwise, 4DOS will ignore it.

                      If ECHO is ON and you don't want to display the line,
                      preface the REM command with the @ character.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  280

                         CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  REN / RENAME

          REN / RENAME                                             (Enhanced)

          Purpose:    Rename files or subdirectories.

          Format:     REN [/N /P /Q /S] old_name... new_name
                      RENAME [/N /P /Q /S] old_name... new_name

                      old_name:  Original name of the file(s) or
                      new_name:  New name to use or new path on the same

                      /N(othing)                  /Q(uiet)
                      /P(rompt)                   /S(ubdirectory)

                      See Also: COPY and MOVE.

          Usage:      REN and RENAME are synonyms.  You may use either one.

                      REN lets you change the name of a file or a
                      subdirectory.  You can also use REN to move one or more
                      files to a new subdirectory on the same drive.  (If you
                      want to move files to a different drive, use MOVE.)

                      In its simplest form, you simply give REN the old_name
                      of an existing file or subdirectory and then a
                      new_name.  The new_name must not already exist -- you
                      can't give two files the same name (unless they are in
                      different directories).  The first example renames the
                      file MEMO.TXT to OFFICE.TXT.  The second example
                      changes the name of the \WORDPROC directory to \WP:

                           c:\> rename memo.txt office.txt
                           c:\> rename \wordproc \wp

                      You can also use REN to rename a group of files that
                      you specify with wildcards, as multiple files, or in an
                      include list.  When you do, the new_name must use one
                      or more wildcards to show what part of each filename to
                      change.  Both of the next two examples change the
                      extensions of multiple files to .SAV:

                           c:\> ren config.sys autoexec.bat 4start.btm *.sav
                           c:\> ren *.txt *.sav

                      REN can move one or more files to a different
                      subdirectory on the same drive.  When it is used for

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  281

                         CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  REN / RENAME

                      this purpose, REN requires one or more filenames for
                      the old_name and a directory name for the new_name:

                           c:\> ren memo.txt c:\wp\memos\
                           c:\> ren oct.dat nov.dat c:\data\save\

                      The final backslash in the last two examples is
                      optional.  If you use it, you force REN to recognize
                      the last argument as the name of a directory, not a
                      file.  If you accidentally mistype the directory name,
                      REN will report an error instead of renaming your files
                      in a way that you didn't intend.

                      Finally, REN can move files to a new directory and
                      change their name at the same time if you specify both
                      a path and file name for new_name.  In this example,
                      the files are renamed with an extension of .SAV as they
                      are moved to a new directory:

                           c:\> ren *.dat c:\data\save\*.sav

                      When new_name refers to a file or files (rather than a
                      directory), the file(s) must not already exist.  Also,
                      you cannot rename a subdirectory to a new location on
                      the directory tree.

                  ##  REN does not change a file's attributes.  The new_name
                      file(s) will have the same attributes as old_name.

          Options:    /N(othing):  Do everything except actually rename the
                      file(s).  This option is useful for testing what a REN
                      command will actually do.

                      /P(rompt):  Ask the user to confirm each move by
                      pressing Y or N.  An N response will skip that
                      particular file.

                      /Q(uiet):  Don't display filenames as they are renamed.
                      This option is most often used in batch files.

                      /S(ubdirectory):  Normally, you can rename a
                      subdirectory only if you do not use any wildcards in
                      the old_name.  This prevents subdirectories from being
                      renamed inadvertently when a group of files is being
                      renamed with wildcards.  /S will let you rename a
                      subdirectory even when you use wildcards.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  282

                               CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  RETURN

          RETURN                                                        (New)

          Purpose:    Return from a GOSUB (subroutine) in a batch file.

          Format:     RETURN

                      See also: GOSUB.

          ## Usage:   4DOS allows subroutines in batch files.  A subroutine
                      begins with a label (a colon followed by a word) and
                      ends with a RETURN command.  The subroutine is invoked
                      with a GOSUB command from another part of the batch
                      file.  The RETURN command ends a subroutine; execution
                      of the batch file will continue on the line following
                      the original GOSUB.

                      The following batch file fragment calls a subroutine
                      which displays the current directory:

                           echo Calling a subroutine
                           gosub subr1
                           echo Returned from the subroutine

                           dir /a/w

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  283

                               CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  SCREEN

          SCREEN                                                        (New)

          Purpose:    Position the cursor on the screen and optionally
                      display a message.

          Format:     SCREEN row column [message]

                      row:  The new row location for the cursor.
                      column:  The new column location for the cursor.
                      message:  Optional text to display at the new cursor

                      See also: ECHO, SCRPUT, TEXT, and VSCRPUT.

          Usage:      SCREEN allows you to create attractive screen displays
                      in batch files.  You use it to specify where a message
                      will appear on the screen.  You can use SCREEN to
                      create menu displays, logos, etc.  The following batch
                      file fragment displays a menu:

                           @echo off ^ cls
                           screen 3 10  Select a number from 1 to 4:
                           screen 6 20  1 - Word Processing
                           screen 7 20  2 - Spreadsheet
                           screen 8 20  3 - Telecommunications
                           screen 9 20  4 - Quit

                      SCREEN does not change the screen colors.  If you have
                      ANSI.SYS installed and have set colors with CLS or
                      COLOR, those colors will be used for the display.  To
                      display text in specific colors, use SCRPUT or VSCRPUT.

                      The row and column values are zero-based, so on a
                      standard 25 line by 80 column display, valid rows are 0
                      - 24 and valid columns are 0 - 79.

                      SCREEN checks for a valid row and column, and displays
                      a "Usage" error message if either value is out of

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  284

                               CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  SCRPUT

          SCRPUT                                                        (New)

          Purpose:    Position the cursor on the screen and display a message
                      in color.

          Format:     SCRPUT row col [BRIght] [BLInk] fg ON bg text

                      row:  Starting row
                      col:  Starting column
                      fg:  Foreground character color
                      bg:  Background character color
                      text:  The text to display

                      The available colors are:

                        Black         Blue          Green         Red
                        Magenta       Cyan          Yellow        White

                      See also: CLS, ECHO, SCREEN, TEXT, and VSCRPUT.

          Usage:      SCRPUT allows you to create attractive screen displays
                      in batch files.  You use it to specify where a message
                      will appear on the screen and what colors will be used
                      to display the message text.  You can use SCRPUT to
                      create menu displays, logos, etc.

                      SCRPUT works like SCREEN, but allows you to specify the
                      display colors.  It writes directly to the screen and
                      does not require an ANSI driver.

                      Only the first three characters of the color name and
                      the attributes BRIGHT and BLINK are required.  The row
                      and column are zero-based, so on a standard 25 line by
                      80 column display, valid rows are 0 - 24 and valid
                      columns are 0 - 79.

                      The following batch file fragment displays a menu in
                      color (each  SCRPUT command should be entered on one

                           @echo off ^ cls white on blue
                           scrput 3 10 bri whi on blue Select a number from
                             1 to 4:
                           scrput 6 20 bri red on blue 1 - Word Processing
                           scrput 7 20 bri yel on blue 2 - Spreadsheet
                           scrput 8 20 bri gre on blue 3 -
                           scrput 9 20 bri mag on blue 4 - Quit

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  285

                               CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  SELECT

          SELECT                                                        (New)

          Purpose:    Interactively select files for a command.

          Format:     SELECT [/A[:][-]rhsda /C /D /O[:][-]adeginsu]
                           [command] ... (files...)...

                      command:  The command to execute with the selected
                      files:  The files from which to select.  File names may
                      be enclosed in either parentheses or square brackets.
                      The difference is explained below.

                      /A(ttribute)                     /D(isable
                      /C(ase -- use upper case)        /O(rder)

          Usage:      SELECT allows you to select files for internal and
                      external commands by using a full-screen "point and
                      shoot" display.  You can have SELECT execute a command
                      once for each file you select, or have it create a list
                      of files for a command to work with.  The command can
                      be a 4DOS internal command or alias, an external
                      command, or a batch file.

                      If you use parentheses around the files, SELECT
                      executes the command once for each file you have
                      selected.  During each execution, one of the selected
                      files is passed to the command as an argument.  If you
                      use square brackets around files, the SELECTed files
                      are combined into a single list, separated by spaces.
                      The command is then executed once with the entire list
                      presented as its command-line arguments.

                      SELECT uses the cursor up, cursor down, PgUp, and PgDn
                      keys to scroll through the file list.  Use the + key or
                      the spacebar to select a file (or unselect a marked
                      file), and the - key to unselect a file.  The * key
                      will reverse all of the current marks (excluding
                      subdirectories), and the / key will unmark everything.
                      After marking the files, press Enter to execute the

                      You can select a single file by moving the scroll bar
                      to the filename and pressing Enter without marking any
                      other files.

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                               CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  SELECT

                      To skip the files listed in the current display and go
                      on to the next file specification inside the
                      parentheses or brackets (if any), press the Escape key.
                      To cancel the current SELECT command entirely, press
                      Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break.

                      In the simplest form of SELECT, you merely specify the
                      command and then the list of files from which you will
                      make your selection(s).  For example:

                           c:\> select copy (*.com *.exe) a:\

                      will let you select from among the .COM and .EXE files
                      on the current drive.  It will then invoke the COPY
                      command to copy each file you select to drive A:.  You
                      will be able to select first from a list of all .COM
                      files in the current directory, and then from a list of
                      all .EXE files.

                      If you want to select from a list of all the .COM and
                      .EXE files mixed together, create an include list
                      inside the parentheses by inserting a semi-colon (see
                      page 74 for information on include lists):

                           c:\> select copy (*.com;*.exe) a:\

                      Finally, if you want the SELECT command to send a
                      single list of files to COPY, instead of invoking COPY
                      once for each file you select, put the file names in
                      square brackets instead of parentheses:

                           c:\> select copy [*.com;*.exe] a:\

                      If you use brackets, you have to be sure that the
                      resulting command (the word COPY, the list of files,
                      and the destination drive in this example) is no more
                      than 127 characters long for external commands and no
                      more than 255 characters long for internal 4DOS
                      commands.  The current line length is displayed by
                      SELECT while you are marking files to help you to
                      conform to these limits.

                      The parentheses or brackets enclosing the file name(s)
                      can appear anywhere within the command; SELECT assumes
                      that the first set of parentheses or brackets it finds
                      is the one containing the list of files from which you
                      wish to make your selection.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  287

                               CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  SELECT

                  ##  If you don't specify a command, the selected
                      filename(s) will become the command.  For example, this
                      command defines an alias called UTILS that selects from
                      the executable files in the directory C:\UTIL, and then
                      executes them in the order marked (enter the alias on
                      one line):

                           c:\> alias utils select

                  ##  If you want to use filename completion (see page 59) to
                      enter the filenames inside the parentheses, type a
                      space after the opening parenthesis.  Otherwise the
                      command line editor will treat the open parenthesis as
                      the first character of the filename.

                  ##  You can set the default colors used by SELECT (and
                      LIST) using the ListColors directive in 4DOS.INI (see
                      page 130).  If ListColors is not used, the default
                      colors will be set by the StdColors directive (page
                      131) or by the last CLS or COLOR command.

                  ##  If you have an ANSI driver loaded, you can display the
                      filenames in color by setting the COLORDIR environment
                      variable (the same colors will be used by the DIR
                      command).  The format for COLORDIR is:

                           ext ... :[BRIght][BLInk] fg [ON bg]; ...

                      where ext is the file extension, or one of the
                      following file attributes:

                           DIRS      directory
                           RDONLY    read-only file
                           HIDDEN    hidden file
                           SYSTEM    system file
                           ARCHIVE   file modified since last backup.

                      For example, to display the .COM and .EXE files in red,
                      the .C and .ASM files in bright cyan, and the read-only
                      files in blinking green (enter this on one line):

                           c:\> set colordir=com exe:red; c asm:bright cyan;
                                rdonly:blink green

                      If you don't specify a background color, SELECT will
                      use the current screen background color from the
                      ListColors or StdColors directive or the last CLS or

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  288

                               CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  SELECT

                      COLOR command (as described above).  COLORDIR will not
                      work properly unless you have an ANSI driver loaded.

                      You can disable directory colorization within SELECT
                      with the /D option.

                  ##  Extended wildcards (for example "BA[KXC]" for .BAK,
                      .BAX, and .BAC files) can be used in directory color
                      specifications.  See page 71 for more information on
                      extended wildcards.

                  ##  When sorting file names and extensions for the SELECT
                      display, 4DOS normally assumes that sequences of digits
                      should be sorted numerically (for example, the file
                      DRAW2 would come before DRAW03 because 2 is numerically
                      larger than 03), rather than strictly alphabetically
                      (where DRAW2 would come second because "2" is more than
                      "0").  You can defeat this behavior and force a strict
                      alphabetic sort with the /O:a option.

                  ##  You may need to increase 4DOS's internal stack size
                      using the StackSize directive in 4DOS.INI if you use
                      extremely complex combinations of commands like EXCEPT,
                      FOR, GLOBAL, IF, and SELECT on the same command line,
                      or use complex combinations of these commands in nested
                      batch files or nested GOSUBs.  See the StackSize
                      directive on page 137 for more information.

          Options:##  /A(ttribute):  Display only those files that have the
                      specified attribute set.  Preceding the attribute
                      character with a minus [-] will display those files
                      that DON'T have that attribute set.  Attributes can
                      also be combined.  The attributes are:

                           R    Read-only         D    Subdirectory
                           H    Hidden            A    Archive
                           S    System

                      /C(ase):  Display filenames in the traditional upper
                      case format; also see SETDOS /U and the UpperCase
                      directive in 4DOS.INI.

                  ##  /D(isable colorization):  Temporarily turn off
                      directory colorization within SELECT.

                      /O(rder):  Set the sort order for the files.  The order
                      can be any combination of the following options:
                           -    Reverse the sort order for the next option

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  289

                               CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  SELECT

                           a    Sort names and extensions in standard ASCII
                                order, rather than sorting numerically when
                                digits are included in the name or extension
                           d    Sort by date and time (oldest first)
                           e    Sort by extension
                           g    Group subdirectories together
                           i    Sort by the file description
                           n    Sort by filename (this is the default)
                           r    Reverse the sort order for all options
                           s    Sort by size
                           u    Unsorted

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  290

                                  CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  SET

          SET                                                      (Enhanced)

          Purpose:    Display, create, modify, or delete environment

          Format:     SET [/M /P /R filename...] [name[=][value]]

                      filename:  The name of a file containing variable
                      name:  The name of the environment variable to define
                      or modify.
                      value:  The new value for the variable.

                      /M(aster)                   /R(ead from file)

                      See also: UNSET and ESET.

          Usage:      Every program and command inherits an environment,
                      which is a list of variable names, each of which is
                      followed by an equal sign and some text.  Many programs
                      use entries in the environment to modify their own
                      actions.  4DOS itself uses several environment
                      variables (see page 115).  See page 78 for more
                      information on the environment.

                      If you simply type the SET command with no options or
                      arguments, it will display all the names and values
                      currently stored in the environment.  Typically, you
                      will see an entry called COMSPEC, an entry called PATH,
                      an entry called CMDLINE, and whatever other environment
                      variables you and your programs have established:

                           c:\> set

                      To add a variable to the environment, type SET plus the
                      variable name, an equal sign, and the text:

                           c:\> set mine=c:\finance\myfiles

                      4DOS will convert the variable name to upper case but
                      leave the text after the equal sign just as you entered
                      it.  If the variable already exists, its value will be
                      replaced with the new text that you entered.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  291

                                  CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  SET

                      Normally you should not put a space on either side of
                      the equal sign.  A space before the equal sign will
                      become part of the name; a space after the equal sign
                      will become part of the value.

                      To display the contents of a single variable, type SET
                      plus the variable name:

                           c:\> set mine

                      You can edit environment variables with the ESET
                      command.  To remove variables from the environment, use
                      UNSET, or type SET plus a variable name and an equal

                           c:\> set mine=

                      4DOS limits the variable name to a maximum of 80
                      characters, and the name plus the value to a maximum of
                      255 characters.

                  ##  Unless you use /M, SET only affects the environment of
                      the current command processor and the programs it
                      executes.  If you EXIT to a parent command processor,
                      the original environment will be unchanged.

                      The size of the environment is specified by the
                      Environment and EnvFree directives in 4DOS.INI (see
                      page 124) or by the /E: startup switch (see page 111).

          Options:##  /M(aster):  Display or modify the master environment
                      rather than the local environment.  This option only
                      makes sense in a secondary command processor.

                      /P(ause):  Pause after displaying each page of
                      environment entries.  Press Ctrl-C to quit, or any
                      other key to display the next page.

                  ##  /R(ead):  Read environment variables from a file.  This
                      is much faster than loading variables from a batch file
                      with multiple SET commands.  The file is in the same
                      format as the SET display, so SET /R can accept as
                      input a file generated by redirecting SET output.  For
                      example, the following commands will save the
                      environment variables to a file, and then reload them
                      from that file:

                                set > varlist

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  292

                                  CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  SET

                                set /r varlist

                      You can load variables from multiple files by listing
                      the filenames individually after the /R.  You can add
                      comments to a variable file by starting the comment
                      line with a colon [:].

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  293

                               CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  SETDOS

          SETDOS                                                        (New)

          Purpose:    Display or set the 4DOS configuration.

          Format:     SETDOS [/A? /C? /E? /I+|- command /L? /M? /N? /R? /S?:?
                           /U? /V?]

                      /A(NSI)                     /N(o clobber)
                      /C(ompound)                 /R(ows)
                      /E(scape character)         /S(hape of cursor)
                      /I(nternal commands)        /U(pper case)
                      /L(ine)                     /V(erbose)
                      /M(ode for editing)

          Usage:      SETDOS allows you to customize certain aspects of 4DOS
                      to suit your personal tastes or the configuration of
                      your system.  Each of these options is described below.

                      You can display the value of all SETDOS options by
                      entering the SETDOS command with no parameters.

                      Most of the SETDOS options can be initialized when 4DOS
                      starts through directives in the 4DOS.INI file (see
                      page 127).  The name of the corresponding directive is
                      listed in square brackets [ ] with each option;  if
                      none is listed, that option cannot be set from the
                      4DOS.INI file.  You can also define the SETDOS options
                      in your AUTOEXEC.BAT or 4START file, in aliases, or at
                      the command line.

                      Secondary shells automatically inherit most
                      configuration settings currently in effect in the
                      previous shell.  If values have been changed by SETDOS
                      since 4DOS started, the new values will be passed to
                      the secondary shell.  For details on inheritance of
                      SETDOS values by secondary shells and their
                      relationship to 4DOS.INI, see page 120.

                      SETDOS /I settings are not inherited by secondary
                      shells.  If you want to use SETDOS /I- to disable
                      commands in all shells, place the SETDOS command(s) in
                      your 4START file (see page 117), which is executed when
                      any shell starts.

                      Many of the options below are marked with## .  If you
                      are a new user, skip these and read the /M, /S, and /U
                      options, which are more common.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  294

                               CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  SETDOS

          Options:##  /A(NSI)  [ANSI]:  The ANSI option determines whether
                      4DOS will attempt to use ANSI escape sequences for the
                      CLS and COLOR commands.  4DOS normally determines this
                      itself, but if you are using a non-standard ANSI driver
                      or your loading sequence is unusual, you may need to
                      explicitly inform 4DOS.  /A0 allows 4DOS to determine
                      whether an ANSI driver is installed (the default).
                      /A1 forces 4DOS to assume an ANSI driver is installed.
                      /A2 forces 4DOS to assume an ANSI driver is not

                  ##  /C(ompound character)  [CommandSep]:  The COMPOUND
                      option sets the character used for separating multiple
                      commands on the same line.  The default is the caret
                      [^].  You cannot use any of the redirection characters
                      (| > <), or any of the whitespace characters (blank,
                      tab, comma, or equal sign) as the command separator.
                      This example changes the COMPOUND character to a tilde

                           c:\> setdos /c~

                  ##  /E(scape character)  [EscapeChar]:  The ESCAPE option
                      sets the character used to suppress the normal meaning
                      of the following character.  Any character following
                      the escape character will be passed unmodified to the
                      command line.  For example, you could include a
                      redirection character such as > as part of a command-
                      line argument if the character was preceded by the
                      escape character.  The default escape character is
                      Ctrl-X (ASCII 24; appears on screen as an up-arrow).
                      You cannot use any of the redirection characters (| >
                      <) or the whitespace characters (blank, tab, comma, or
                      equal sign) as the escape character.  Certain
                      characters (b, e, f, n, r, and t)  have special
                      meanings when immediately preceded by the escape
                      character.  See page 93 for additional details.

                  ##  /I(nternal):  The INTERNAL option allows you to disable
                      or enable internal 4DOS commands.  To disable a
                      command, precede the command name with a minus [-].  To
                      re-enable a command, precede it with a plus [+].  For
                      example, to disable the internal LIST command to force
                      4DOS to use an external command:

                           c:\> setdos /i-list

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  295

                               CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  SETDOS

                  ##  /L(ine)  [LineInput]:  The LINE option controls how
                      4DOS gets its input from the command line.  /L0 tells
                      4DOS to use character input (the default).  /L1 tells
                      4DOS to use line input (via DOS  service INT 21h
                      function 0Ah, like COMMAND.COM).  /L1 will disable
                      command line editing, history recall, and filename
                      completion; it should only be used if it is needed for
                      compatibility with a specific program.  If you have a
                      program that requires line input, you can use the
                      following line in an alias or batch file to change the
                      line input option just for that single program:

                           setdos /L1 ^ program %& ^ setdos /L0

                      See the file APPNOTES.DOC for information on programs
                      which require this option.

                      /M(ode)  [EditMode]:  The MODE option controls the
                      initial line editing mode.  /M0 forces 4DOS to start
                      editing in overstrike mode (the default).  /M1 forces
                      4DOS to start editing in insert mode.

                  ##  /N(o clobber)  [NoClobber]:  The NOCLOBBER option
                      controls output redirection (see page 65).  /N0 means
                      existing files will be overwritten by simple
                      redirection (with >) and that appending (with >>) does
                      not require the file to exist already.  This is the
                      default.  /N1 means existing files may not be
                      overwritten by simple output redirection, and that when
                      appending the output file must exist.  A /N1 setting
                      can be overridden with the [!] character.  If you use
                      /N1, you may have problems with a few unusual programs
                      that shell to DOS to run a command with redirection,
                      and expect to be able to overwrite an existing file.

                  ##  /R(ows)  [ScreenRows]:  The ROWS option sets the number
                      of screen rows used by the video display.  Normally
                      4DOS detects the screen size, but if you have a non-
                      standard display you may need to set it explicitly.
                      This option does not affect screen scrolling (that is
                      controlled by your video BIOS or ANSI.SYS); it is used
                      only for LIST, SELECT, the paged output options (i.e.,
                      TYPE /P), and error checking in the screen output

                      /S(hape)  [CursorOver, CursorIns]:  The SHAPE option
                      sets the 4DOS cursor shape.  The format is /So:i where
                      o is the cursor size for overstrike mode, i the cursor

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  296

                               CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  SETDOS

                      size for insert mode.  The size is entered as a
                      percentage of the total character height.  The default
                      values are 10:100 (an underscore cursor for overstrike
                      mode, and a block cursor for insert mode).  Because of
                      the way video BIOSes remap the cursor shape, you may
                      not get a smooth progression in the cursor size from 0%
                      - 100%.  To disable the cursor, enter /S0:0.

                      /U(pper)  [UpperCase]:  The UPPER option controls the
                      default case (upper or lower) for filenames displayed
                      by 4DOS internal commands like COPY and DIR.  /U0
                      displays file names in lower case (the default).  /U1
                      displays file names in the traditional upper case.

                  ##  /V(erbose)  [BatchEcho]:  The VERBOSE option controls
                      the default for command echoing in batch files.  /V0
                      disables echoing of batch file commands unless ECHO is
                      explicitly set ON.  /V1 enables echoing of batch file
                      commands unless ECHO is explicitly set OFF.  /V2 forces
                      echoing of all batch file commands, even if ECHO is set
                      OFF or the line begins with an "@".  /V2 is intended
                      for debugging, and can be set with SETDOS but cannot be
                      set with the BatchEcho directive in 4DOS.INI.  /V1 is
                      the default.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  297

                             CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  SETLOCAL

          SETLOCAL                                                      (New)

          Purpose:    Save a copy of the current disk drive, directory,
                      environment, and alias list.

          Format:     SETLOCAL

                      See also: ENDLOCAL.

          Usage:      SETLOCAL is used in batch files to save the default
                      disk drive and directory, the environment, and the
                      alias list to a reserved block of memory.  You can then
                      change their values and later restore the original
                      values with the ENDLOCAL command.

                      For example, this batch file fragment saves everything,
                      changes the disk and directory, modifies some
                      variables, runs a program, and then restores the
                      original values:

                           cdd d:\test
                           set path=c:\;c:\dos;c:\util
                           set lib=d:\lib
                           rem run some program here

                      SETLOCAL and ENDLOCAL are not nestable within a batch
                      file.  However, you can have multiple SETLOCAL /
                      ENDLOCAL pairs within a batch file, and nested batch
                      files can each have their own SETLOCAL / ENDLOCAL.  You
                      cannot use SETLOCAL in an alias or at the command line.

                  ##  4DOS automatically performs an ENDLOCAL at the end of a
                      batch file if you forget to do so.  If you invoke one
                      batch file from another without using CALL, the first
                      batch file is terminated, and an automatic ENDLOCAL is
                      performed.  The second batch file inherits the drive,
                      directory, aliases, and environment variables as they
                      were prior to any unterminated SETLOCAL.

                  ##  Do not load memory-resident programs (TSRs) from a
                      batch file while SETLOCAL is in effect.  If you do,
                      when ENDLOCAL is executed and the memory used by
                      SETLOCAL is released, a "hole" will be left in memory
                      below the TSR.  This is not usually harmful, but wastes

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  298

                                CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  SHIFT

          SHIFT                                                    (Enhanced)

          Purpose:    Allows the use of more than 127 replaceable parameters
                      in a batch file.

          Format:     SHIFT [n]

          Usage:      SHIFT is provided for compatibility with older batch
                      files, where it was used to access more than 10
                      replaceable parameters.  4DOS supports 128 replaceable
                      parameters (%0 to %127), so you may not need to use
                      SHIFT for batch files running exclusively under 4DOS.

                      SHIFT moves each of the batch file replaceable
                      parameters n positions to the left.  The default value
                      for n is 1.  SHIFT 1 moves the parameter in %1 to
                      position %0, the parameter in %2 becomes %1, etc.  You
                      can reverse a SHIFT by giving a negative value for n
                      (i.e., after SHIFT -1, the former %0 is restored, %0
                      becomes %1, %1 becomes %2, etc.).

                      SHIFT also affects the 4DOS parameters %n& (command
                      line tail) and %# (number of command arguments).

                      For example, create a batch file called TEST.BAT:

                           echo %1 %2 %3 %4
                           echo %1 %2 %3 %4
                           shift 2
                           echo %1 %2 %3 %4
                           shift -1
                           echo %1 %2 %3 %4

                      Executing TEST.BAT produces the following results:

                           c:\> test zero one two three four five six

                           zero one two three
                           one two three four
                           three four five six
                           two three four five

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  299

                             CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  SWAPPING

          SWAPPING                                                      (New)

          Purpose:    Enable or disable 4DOS swapping, or display the
                      swapping state.

          Format:     SWAPPING [ON | OFF]

          ## Usage:   SWAPPING temporarily disables or enables the swapping
                      of the transient portion of 4DOS to EMS expanded
                      memory, to XMS extended memory, or to disk (see page

                      Setting SWAPPING OFF is particularly useful for
                      speeding up batch files (including AUTOEXEC.BAT) when
                      4DOS is using disk swapping.  When you are running
                      several small programs from a batch file, disk swapping
                      can sometimes cause a noticeable delay.  However, if
                      you disable swapping, there will be about 88K less
                      memory available for large application programs.

                      The following batch file fragment disables swapping,
                      runs several programs, and then re-enables swapping:

                           swapping off
                           cls bright white on blue
                           swapping on

                      If you enter SWAPPING with no arguments, 4DOS displays
                      the current swapping type (XMS, EMS, Disk, or None) and

                           c:\> swapping
                           SWAPPING (XMS) is ON

                      Setting SWAPPING OFF does not close the disk swap file
                      or release any reserved EMS or XMS memory.

                      You may have trouble if you load memory-resident
                      programs (TSRs) with SWAPPING OFF and unload them with
                      SWAPPING ON, or vice versa.  Many TSRs expect the
                      system to be in the same state when they unload that it
                      was in when they loaded, and variation from this norm
                      may cause the TSR to unload improperly or hang your
                      system, requiring a reboot.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  300

                                  CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  TEE

          TEE                                                           (New)

          Purpose:    Copy standard input to both standard output and a file.

          Format:     TEE [/A] file...

                      file:  One or more files that will receive the "tee-d"


                      See also: Y; redirection options (page 65).

          ## Usage:   Many programs get their input from "standard input" and
                      send their output to "standard output," which are
                      normally the keyboard and video display (known
                      collectively as the console or CON).  You can redirect
                      both the input and output of such programs, for
                      example, using a file either to provide the input or
                      collect the output.

                      TEE gets its input from standard input and sends out
                      two copies: one goes to standard output, the other to
                      the file or files that you specify.  It is most often
                      used with a redirection pipe [|] to capture
                      intermediate output before the data is altered by
                      another program or command.

                      For example, to search the file DOC for any lines
                      containing the string "4DOS", make a copy of the
                      matching lines in 4.DAT, sort the lines, and write them
                      to the output file 4D.DAT:

                           c:\> find "4DOS" doc | tee 4.dat | sort > 4d.dat

                      If you are typing at the keyboard to produce the input
                      for TEE, you must enter a Ctrl-Z to terminate the

          Option:     /A(ppend):  Add the output to the file(s) rather than
                      overwriting them.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  301

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  TEXT

          TEXT                                                          (New)

          Purpose:    Display a block of text in a batch file.

          Format:     TEXT

                      See also: ECHO, SCREEN, SCRPUT, and VSCRPUT.

          Usage:      The TEXT command is useful for displaying menus or
                      multi-line messages from a batch file.  TEXT will
                      display all subsequent lines in the batch file until
                      terminated by ENDTEXT.  Both TEXT and ENDTEXT must be
                      entered as the only command on the line.

                      If you have an ANSI driver loaded, you can change
                      screen colors by inserting ANSI escape sequences
                      anywhere in the text block.  You can also use a CLS or
                      COLOR command to set the screen color before executing
                      the TEXT command.

                      The following batch file fragment displays a simple

                           @echo off ^ cls ^ screen 2 0
                           Enter one of the following:
                           1 - Spreadsheet
                           2 - Word Processing
                           3 - DOS Utilities
                           Enter your selection :

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  302

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  TIME

          TIME                                                   (Compatible)

          Purpose:    Display or set the current system time.

          Format:     TIME [hh[:mm[:ss]]] [AM | PM]

                      hh   hour,  0 - 23
                      mm   minute,  0 - 59
                      ss   second,  0 - 59

                      See also: CHCP and DATE.

          Usage:      If you don't enter any parameters, TIME will display
                      the current system time and prompt you for a new time.
                      Press ENTER if you don't wish to change the time;
                      otherwise, enter the new time:

                           c:\> time
                           Mon  Dec 2, 1991  9:30:10
                           New time (hh:mm:ss):

                      TIME defaults to 24-hour format, but you can optionally
                      enter the time in 12-hour format by appending an "am"
                      or "pm" to the time you enter.

                      For example, to enter the time as 9:30 am:

                           c:\> time 9:30 am

                      DOS adds the system time and date to the directory
                      entry of every file you create and modify.  If you keep
                      both the time and date accurate, you will have a record
                      of when you last updated each file.

                      The separator used by TIME depends on the country code
                      defined in the CONFIG.SYS file or by the CHCP command.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  303

                                CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  TIMER

          TIMER                                                         (New)

          Purpose:    TIMER is a system stopwatch.

          Format:     TIMER [ON] [/1 /2 /3 /S]

                      ON:  Force the stopwatch to restart

                      /1 (stopwatch #1)           /3 (stopwatch #3)
                      /2 (stopwatch #2)           /S(plit)

          Usage:      The TIMER command turns a system stopwatch on and off.
                      When you first run TIMER, the stopwatch starts:

                           c:\> timer
                           Timer 1 on:  12:21:46

                      When you run TIMER again, the stopwatch stops and the
                      elapsed time is displayed:

                           c:\> timer
                           Timer 1 off:  12:21:58    Elapsed time:

                      There are three stopwatches available (1, 2, and 3) so
                      you can time multiple overlapping events.  By default,
                      TIMER uses stopwatch #1.

                      TIMER is particularly useful for timing events in batch
                      files.  For example, to time both an entire batch file,
                      and an intermediate section of the same file, you could
                      use commands like this:

                           rem Turn on timer 1
                           rem Do some work here
                           rem Turn timer 2 on to time the next section
                           timer /2
                           rem Do some more work
                           echo Intermediate section completed
                           rem Display time taken in intermediate section
                           timer /2
                           rem Do some more work
                           rem Now display the total time

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  304

                                CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  TIMER

                      The smallest interval TIMER can measure is .06 second;
                      the largest interval is 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59.99

          Options:    /1:  Use timer #1 (the default).

                      /2:  Use timer #2.

                      /3:  Use timer #3.

                      /S(plit):  Display a split time without stopping the
                      timer.  To display the current elapsed time but leave
                      the timer running:

                           c:\> timer /s
                           Timer 1 elapsed: 0:06:40.63

                      ON:   Start the timer regardless of its previous state
                      (on or off).  Otherwise the TIMER command toggles the
                      timer state (unless /S is used).

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  305

                             CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  TRUENAME

          TRUENAME                                                      (New)

          Purpose:    Find the full, true path and file name for a file.

          Format:     TRUENAME file

                      file:  The file whose name TRUENAME will report.

                      See also: @truename variable function on page 89.

          Usage:      Default directories, as well as the JOIN and SUBST
                      external commands, can obscure the true name of a file.
                      TRUENAME "sees through" these obstacles and reports the
                      fully qualified name of a file.

                      The following example uses TRUENAME to get the true
                      pathname for a file:

                           c:\> subst d: c:\util\test
                           c:\> truename d:\test.exe

                      TRUENAME requires MS-DOS or PC-DOS 3.0 or above.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  306

                                 CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  TYPE

          TYPE                                                     (Enhanced)

          Purpose:    Display the contents of the specified file(s).

          Format:     TYPE [/L /P] file...

                      file:  The file or list of files that you want to

                      /L(ine numbers)             /P(ause)

                      See also: LIST.

          Usage:      The TYPE command displays a file.  It is normally only
                      useful for displaying ASCII text files.  Executable
                      files (.COM and .EXE) and many data files may be
                      unreadable when displayed with TYPE because they
                      include non-alphanumeric characters.

                      To display the files MEMO1 and MEMO2:

                           c:\> type /p memo1 memo2

                      You can press Ctrl-S to pause TYPE's display and then
                      any key to continue.

                      You will probably find LIST to be more useful for
                      displaying files.  However, the TYPE /L command used
                      with redirection (see page 65) is useful if you want to
                      add line numbers to a file.

          Options:    /L(ine numbers):  Print a line number preceding each
                      line of text.

                      /P(ause):  Wait for a keystroke after displaying each
                      page.  Press Ctrl-C to quit, or any other key to

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  307

                              CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  UNALIAS

          UNALIAS                                                       (New)

          Purpose:    Remove aliases from the alias list.

          Format:     UNALIAS alias...
                      UNALIAS *

                      alias:  One or more aliases to remove from memory.

                      See also: ALIAS and ESET.

          Usage:      4DOS maintains a list of the aliases that you have
                      defined.  The UNALIAS command will remove aliases from
                      that list.  You can remove one or more aliases by name,
                      or you can delete the entire alias list by using the
                      command UNALIAS *

                      For example, to remove the alias DDIR:

                           c:\> unalias ddir

                      To remove all the aliases:

                           c:\> unalias *

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  308

                                CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  UNSET

          UNSET                                                         (New)

          Purpose:    Remove variables from the environment.

          Format:     UNSET  [/M] name...
                      UNSET *

                      name:  One or more variables to remove from the

                      /M(aster environment)

                      See also: SET and ESET.

          Usage:      See the SET command and page 78 for a discussion of
                      environment variables.

                      UNSET removes one or more variables from the
                      environment.  For example, to remove the variable

                           c:\> unset cmdline

                      If you use the command UNSET *, all of the environment
                      variables will be deleted:

                           c:\> unset *

                      UNSET is often used in conjunction with the SETLOCAL
                      and ENDLOCAL commands in order to clear the environment
                      of variables that may cause problems for some

                  !   Use caution when removing environment variables, and
                      especially when using UNSET *.  Many programs will not
                      work properly without certain environment variables;
                      4DOS itself depends on PATH and COMSPEC.

          Option: ##  /M(aster):  Remove the variable from the master
                      environment rather than the local environment.  This
                      option only makes sense if used in a secondary command

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  309

                                  CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  VER

          VER                                                      (Enhanced)

          Purpose:    Display the current 4DOS and DOS versions.

          Format:     VER [/R]

                      /R(evision level)

          Usage:      Both the 4DOS and DOS version numbers consist of a one-
                      digit major version number, a period, and a one- or
                      two-digit minor version number.  The VER command
                      displays both version numbers:

                           c:\> ver
                           4DOS 4.0  DOS 5.0

          Option:     /R(evision level):  Display the DOS revision level, and
                      whether DOS is loaded into the high memory area (HMA),
                      is resident in ROM, or is in normal base memory.  The
                      output from /R is only meaningful in MS-DOS or PC-DOS
                      version 5.0 or above.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  310

                               CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  VERIFY

          VERIFY                                                 (Compatible)

          Purpose:    Enable or disable disk write verification or display
                      the verification state.

          Format:     VERIFY [ON | OFF]

          Usage:      DOS maintains an internal verify flag.  When the flag
                      is on, DOS attempts to verify each disk write by making
                      sure that the data written to the disk can be read back
                      successfully into the computer.  It does NOT compare
                      the data written with the data actually placed on disk.

                      If used without any parameters, VERIFY will display the
                      state of the DOS verify flag:

                           c:\> verify
                           VERIFY is OFF

                      VERIFY is off when the system boots up.  Once it is
                      turned on with the VERIFY ON command, it stays on until
                      you use the VERIFY OFF command or until you reboot.

                      Verification will slow your disk write operations

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  311

                                  CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  VOL

          VOL                                                      (Enhanced)

          Purpose:    Display a disk volume label(s).

          Format:     VOL [d:] ...

                      d:  The drive or drives to search for labels.

          Usage:      Each disk may have a volume label, created when the
                      disk is formatted or with the DOS external LABEL
                      command.  Also, every floppy disk formatted with DOS
                      version 4.0 or above has a volume serial number.

                      The VOL command will display the volume label and, if
                      you are using DOS 4.0 or later, the volume serial
                      number of a disk volume.  If the disk doesn't have a
                      volume label, VOL will report that it is "unlabeled."
                      If you don't specify a drive, VOL displays information
                      about the current drive:

                           c:\> vol
                           Volume in drive C: is MYHARDDISK

                      If you are using DOS 4.0 or later, the disk serial
                      number will appear after the drive label or name.

                      To display the disk labels for drives A and B:

                           c:\> vol a: b:
                           Volume in drive A: is unlabeled
                           Volume in drive B: is BACKUP_2

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  312

                              CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  VSCRPUT

          VSCRPUT                                                       (New)

          Purpose:    Display text vertically in the specified color.

          Format:     VSCRPUT  row col [BRIght] [BLInk] fg ON bg text

                      row:  Starting row number.
                      col:  Starting column number
                      fg:  Foreground text color
                      bg:  Background text color
                      text:  The text to display

                      The available colors are:

                        Black         Blue          Green         Red
                        Magenta       Cyan          Yellow        White

                      See also: SCRPUT.

          Usage:      VSCRPUT writes text vertically on the screen rather
                      than horizontally.  Like the SCRPUT command, it uses
                      the colors you specify to write the text.  VSCRPUT can
                      be used for simple graphs and charts generated by batch

                      The row and column are zero-based, so on a standard 25
                      row by 80 column display, valid rows are 0 - 24 and
                      valid columns are 0 - 79.

                      Only the first three characters of the color name and
                      the attributes BRIGHT and BLINK are required.

                      The following batch file fragment displays an X and Y
                      axis and labels them:

                           cls bright white on blue
                           drawhline 20 10 40 1 bright white on blue
                           drawvline 2 10 19 1 bright white on blue
                           scrput 21 20 bright red on blue X axis
                           vscrput 8 9 bright red on blue Y axis

                      VSCRPUT checks for a valid row and column, and displays
                      a "Usage" error message if either value is out of

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  313

                                    CHAPTER 8 / COMMAND REFERENCE GUIDE  /  Y

          Y                                                             (New)

          Purpose:    Copy standard input to standard output, and then copy
                      the specified file(s) to standard output.

          Format:     Y file ...

                      file:  The file or list of files to send to standard

                      See also: TEE.

          ## Usage:   The Y command copies input from standard input (usually
                      the keyboard) to standard output (usually the screen).
                      Once the input ends, the named files are appended to
                      standard output.

                      For example, to get text from standard input, append
                      the files MEMO1 and MEMO2 to it, and send the output to

                           c:\> y memo1 memo2 > memos

                      The Y command is most useful if you want to add
                      redirected data to the beginning of a file instead of
                      appending it to the end.

                      If you are typing at the keyboard to produce input text
                      for Y, you must enter a Ctrl-Z to terminate the input.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  314

                                             APPENDIX A / 4DOS ERROR MESSAGES


          This appendix lists error messages generated by 4DOS, and includes
          a recommended course of action for most errors.  If you are unable
          to resolve the problem look through Chapter 7 / Using 4DOS With
          Your Hardware and Software, beginning on page 139, or contact JP
          Software for technical support (see page 7).

          Error messages relating to files are generally reports of errors
          returned by DOS.  You may find some of these messages (for example,
          "Access denied") vague enough that they are not always helpful.
          4DOS includes the file name in file error messages, but is often
          unable to determine a more accurate explanation of these DOS
          errors.  The message shown is the best information available based
          on the error codes returned by DOS.

          The following list includes all error messages, in alphabetical

              4DOS initialization error --:  An error occurred during the
              4DOS startup process.  Look up the rest of the message in this
              list for a more specific explanation.

              4DOS server error --:  An error occurred in communication
              between 4DOS's resident and transient portions.  Look up the
              rest of the message in this list for a more specific

              4DOS swapping failed, loading in memory-resident mode:  None
              of the swapping options worked.  Check your Swapping
              specification in 4DOS.INI, and/or free some XMS or EMS memory
              or disk space.

              4DOS unrecoverable error XX:  An error occurred in the
              resident portion of 4DOS.  These errors will terminate
              secondary shells and require a reboot if they occur during a
              primary shell or if 4DOS cannot continue.
                   BI    Bad server function code.  Contact JP Software.
                   DI    Same as Disk swap file corrupted.
                   DR    Same as Swap file read error.
                   DS    Same as Swap file seek error.
                   EI    Same as EMS mapping error.
                   NS    No number for new shell.  You have started too many
                         4DOS secondary shells without properly exiting some
                         of them, perhaps by closing DESQView windows rather

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  315

                                             APPENDIX A / 4DOS ERROR MESSAGES

                         than EXITing.  Clean up any work in process and
                         reboot the system.
                   PT    Illegal process termination.  Contact JP Software.
                   TS    Terminated inactive shell.  Contact JP Software.
                   XI    Same as XMS move failed.

              Access denied:  You tried to write to or erase a read-only
              protected file, to rename a file or directory to an existing
              name, to create a directory that already exists, or to remove
              a read-only directory or a directory with files or
              subdirectories still in it.

              Alias loop:  An alias refers back to itself either directly or
              indirectly (i.e., a = b = a), or aliases are nested more than
              16 deep.  Correct your alias list.

              Ambiguous directive name:  The name of a 4DOS.INI directive
              was not fully spelled out and was therefore ambiguous.  Spell
              out the directive more fully to make its name unambiguous.

              Attempt to exit from root shell:  Another program has
              destroyed a portion of 4DOS's memory.  Reboot the system; if
              the error persists, contact JP Software.

              Bad disk unit:  Generally caused by a disk drive hardware

              Bad environment:  The DOS environment has a bad structure,
              probably because a program destroyed 4DOS's master environment
              space.  Reboot the system.

              Batch file missing:  4DOS can't find the batch (.BAT) file it
              was running.  It was either deleted, renamed, moved, or the
              disk was changed.  Correct the problem and rerun the file.

              Can't copy file to itself:  4DOS will not permit you to COPY
              or MOVE a file to itself.  4DOS performs full path and
              filename expansion before copying to ensure that files aren't
              inadvertently destroyed.

              Can't create:  4DOS can't create the specified file.  The disk
              may be full or write protected, or the file already exists and
              is read-only, or the root directory is full.

              Can't delete:  4DOS can't delete the specified file or
              directory.  The disk is probably write protected.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  316

                                             APPENDIX A / 4DOS ERROR MESSAGES

              Can't get directory:  4DOS can't read the directory.  The disk
              drive is probably not ready.

              Can't make directory entry:  4DOS can't create the filename in
              the directory.  This is usually caused by a full root
              directory.  Create a subdirectory and move some of the files
              to it.

              Can't open:  4DOS can't open the specified file.  Either the
              file doesn't exist or the disk directory or File Allocation
              Table is damaged.

              Can't remove current directory:  You attempted to remove the
              current directory, which DOS does not allow.  Change to the
              parent directory and try again.

              Can't set up disk swap file:  The disk swap file you specified
              cannot be opened.  The path or drive is invalid, the disk is
              full, DOS is out of file handles, or there is a hardware
              problem.  Check 4DOS.INI to be sure your Swapping directive is

              Command line too long:  A single command exceeded 255
              characters, or the entire command line exceeded 511
              characters, during alias and variable expansion.  To address
              this reduce the complexity of the command, or use a batch
              file.  This error also occurs if you pass an extremely long
              command line to 4DOS on your SHELL= line in CONFIG.SYS and
              4DOS does not have room for your command line and the
              necessary directory information for the COMSPEC environment
              variable.  In this case, place the commands in a batch file
              and invoke the batch file from your SHELL= line.

              Contents lost before copy:  COPY was appending files, and
              found one of the source files is the same as the target.  That
              source file is skipped, and appending continues with the next

              Data error:  DOS can't read or write properly to the device.
              On a floppy drive, this error is usually caused by a defective
              floppy disk, dirty disk drive heads, or a misalignment between
              the heads on your drive and the drive on which the disk was
              created.  On a hard drive, this error may indicate a drive
              that is too hot or too cold, or a hardware problem.  Retry the
              operation; if it fails again, correct the hardware or diskette

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  317

                                             APPENDIX A / 4DOS ERROR MESSAGES

              Directory stack empty:  POPD or DIRS can't find any entries in
              the directory stack.

              Disk is write protected:  The disk cannot be written to.
              Check the disk and remove the write-protect tab or close the
              write-protect window if necessary.

              Disk swap file corrupted:  The 4DOS disk swapping file
              (4DOSSWAP.nnn) has been moved, deleted, or damaged by another
              program.  Reboot the system.

              Drive not ready--close door:  The floppy disk drive door is
              open.  Close the door and try again.

              EMS deallocation failed:  4DOS can't deallocate EMS memory
              when exiting from a secondary shell.  The EMS map has been
              corrupted or the memory area used by 4DOS or the EMS driver
              has been destroyed by a program.  Clean up any work in process
              and reboot the system.

              EMS map save or restore failed:  4DOS cannot save or restore
              the EMS page map.  The EMS map has been corrupted, memory has
              been destroyed by a program, or you have an incompatible EMS
              driver.  If this error recurs, try another swapping method,
              update your EMS driver, or contact JP Software.

              EMS mapping failed:  4DOS can't map EMS pages when swapping to
              or from EMS.  The EMS map has been corrupted or the memory
              area used by the loader or the EMS driver has been destroyed
              by a program.  Reboot the system.

              Environment already saved:  You have already saved the
              environment with a previous SETLOCAL command.  You cannot nest
              SETLOCAL / ENDLOCAL pairs.

              Error in command line directive:  You used the //iniline
              option to place a 4DOS.INI directive on the SHELL= line in
              CONFIG.SYS or on the startup command line for a secondary
              shell, but the directive is in error.  A more specific error
              message follows.

              Error on line N of 4DOS.INI:  There is an error in 4DOS.INI.
              This message is followed by a more specific message, which can
              be looked up in this list, and the text of the incorrect
              directive.  Correct the directive and reboot for the change to
              take effect.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  318

                                             APPENDIX A / 4DOS ERROR MESSAGES

              Error reading:  DOS experienced an I/O error when reading from
              a device.  This is usually caused by a bad disk, a device not
              ready, or a hardware error.

              Error writing:  DOS experienced an I/O error when writing to a
              device.  This is usually caused by a full disk, a bad disk, a
              device not ready, or a hardware error.

              Exceeded batch nesting limit:  You have attempted to nest
              batch files more than 10 levels deep.

              Fatal error -- please reboot:  4DOS cannot continue due to the
              previous error.  Reboot the system.

              File Allocation Table bad:  DOS can't access the FAT on the
              specified disk.  This can be caused by a bad disk, a hardware
              error, or an unusual software interaction.

              File exists:  The requested output file already exists, and
              4DOS won't overwrite it.

              File not found:  4DOS couldn't find the specified file.  Check
              the spelling or path name.

              General failure:  This is usually a hardware problem,
              particularly a disk drive failure or a device not properly
              connected to a serial or parallel port.  Try to correct the
              problem or reboot and try again.

              INI file processing error at line n, remainder of file
              skipped:  An input error (such as a data error) has prevented
              4DOS from fully processing your 4DOS.INI file.  Check that the
              file is readable by another program, or TYPE it to ensure that
              4DOS reads the file properly.

              Insufficient disk space:  COPY or MOVE ran out of room on the
              destination drive.  Remove some files and retry the operation.

              Internal DOS error:  DOS encountered an internal bug and
              failed. Reboot the system.

              Invalid choice value:  You gave an invalid value for a
              "choice" directive (one that accepts a choice from a list,
              like "Yes" or "No") in 4DOS.INI.

              Invalid color:  You gave an invalid value for a color
              directive in 4DOS.INI.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  319

                                             APPENDIX A / 4DOS ERROR MESSAGES

              Invalid date:  An invalid date was entered.  Check the syntax
              and reenter.

              Invalid drive:  A bad or non-existent disk drive was

              Invalid DOS version:  You need a newer version of DOS to
              execute the specified command.

              Invalid INI file path or name, file not processed:  The path
              or name for the initialization file on the SHELL= line in
              CONFIG.SYS or on the startup command line for a secondary
              shell.  Correct the @d:\path\inifile option to name the
              correct file.

              Invalid directive name:  4DOS can't recognize the name of a
              directive in your 4DOS.INI file.

              Invalid key name:  You tried to make an invalid key
              substitution in 4DOS.INI, or you used an invalid key name in a
              keystroke alias or KEYSTACK.  Correct the error and retry the

              Invalid numeric value:  You gave an invalid value for a
              numeric directive in 4DOS.INI.

              Invalid parameter:  4DOS didn't recognize a parameter.  Check
              the syntax and spelling.

              Invalid path:  The specified path does not exist.  Check the
              disk specification and/or spelling.

              Invalid path specification:  You used an invalid path in a
              path or filename directive in 4DOS.INI.

              Invalid section name:  You used an invalid section name in
              4DOS.INI.  The only valid section names are [Primary] and

              Invalid startup switch, ignored:  You passed 4DOS an invalid
              option on the SHELL= line in CONFIG.SYS or on the startup
              command line for a secondary shell.  Correct the switch.

              Invalid Swapping option or path:  The swap type or disk swap
              path in the 4DOS.INI Swapping directive is invalid.  4DOS
              ignores the bad swap type or path and attempts to scan the
              rest of the Swapping specification for a valid option.
              Multiple errors in the Swapping directive will cause this

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  320

                                             APPENDIX A / 4DOS ERROR MESSAGES

              message to repeat.  Correct 4DOS.INI and reboot the system for
              the corrected swap type to take effect.

              Invalid time:  An invalid time was entered.  Check the syntax
              and reenter.

              Keystroke substitution table full:  4DOS ran out of room to
              store keystroke substitutions entered in 4DOS.INI.  Reduce the
              number of key substitutions or contact JP Software for

              KSTACK.COM not loaded:  You attempted to execute a KEYSTACK
              command without loading KSTACK.COM.  See the KEYSTACK command
              for more information.

              Label not found:  A GOTO or GOSUB referred to a non-existent
              label. Check your batch file.

              Memory deallocation error:  4DOS can't deallocate memory while
              loading.  DOS memory allocation has been corrupted.  Reboot
              the system.

              Memory destroyed:  The DOS memory control blocks have been
              corrupted.  Reboot the system.

              Missing ENDTEXT:  A TEXT command is missing a matching
              ENDTEXT.  Check the batch file.

              Missing GOSUB:  4DOS cannot perform the RETURN command in a
              batch file.  You tried to do a RETURN without a GOSUB, or your
              batch file has been corrupted.

              Missing SETLOCAL:  4DOS encountered an ENDLOCAL without a
              matching SETLOCAL.

              No aliases defined:  You tried to display aliases but no
              aliases have been defined.

              No closing quote:  4DOS couldn't find a second matching quote
              (` or ") on the command line.

              No file handle available:  This is an internal 4DOS disk
              swapping error.  Change to another swapping method if
              possible, and contact JP Software.

              No room for INI file name.   4DOS does not have enough space
              in the INI file string area to pass the name of your 4DOS.INI
              fileto secondary shells.  4DOS will load and run properly, but

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  321

                                             APPENDIX A / 4DOS ERROR MESSAGES

              any [Secondary] section in 4DOS.INI will be ignored in
              secondary shells.  Reduce the complexity of 4DOS.INI or
              contact JP Software for assistance.

              No UMBs; loading low:  The LOADHIGH (or LH) command can't find
              any UMBs for your program.  The program is loaded into base
              memory.  LH and LOADHIGH only work with MS-DOS 5.0 and above,
              when the DOS=UMB directive is included in CONFIG.SYS and
              sufficient upper memory space is available for the program.

              No upper memory available, master environment will be placed
              in low memory:  You asked 4DOS to load the master environment
              into an UMB via the UMBEnvironment directive in 4DOS.INI, but
              no UMB was available.  Check that your XMS driver is properly
              installed and / or free up some UMB space in use by another

              No upper memory available, resident portion will remain in low
              memory:  You requested relocation of the 4DOS resident portion
              to an UMB via the UMBLoad directive in 4DOS.INI, but no UMB
              was available.  Check that your XMS driver is properly
              installed and / or free up some UMB space in use by another

              Non-DOS disk:  DOS can't read the disk.  Either the disk is
              bad, or it has been formatted by a different operating system.
              Reformat it as a DOS disk.

              Not an alias:  The specified alias is not in the 4DOS alias

              Not in environment:  The specified variable is not in the

              Not in swapping mode:  You attempted to turn swapping on or
              off with the SWAPPING command, but 4DOS is loaded in memory-
              resident mode and swapping is not active.

              Not ready:  The specified device can't be accessed.

              Not same device:  This error usually appears in RENAME.  You
              cannot rename a file to a different disk drive.

              Out of environment space:  4DOS has run out of environment
              space.  Edit the SHELL line in CONFIG.SYS or the Environment
              directive in 4DOS.INI to increase the environment size.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  322

                                             APPENDIX A / 4DOS ERROR MESSAGES

              Out of memory:  DOS or 4DOS had insufficient free memory to
              execute the last command, or the DOS memory control blocks
              have been destroyed.  If this error occurs in a secondary
              shell, return to the primary shell before running the command.
              Otherwise, try to free some memory by removing memory-resident
              programs.  If the error persists, use the MEMORY command to
              determine the actual memory available.  If the base memory
              (DOS RAM) figures reported by MEMORY are unreasonable, the
              memory control blocks have probably been destroyed and you
              must reboot the system.  If you receive this error from DIR
              when the MEMORY command shows sufficient memory for the
              directory you are displaying, memory has probably been
              "fragmented", and contains a free area larger than 8K but not
              large enough for the entire directory.  Use a memory mapping
              program like PMAP, MAPMEM, or MANIFEST to determine where the
              fragmentation is, and experiment with your TSRs and
              applications to determine and remove its cause.

              Out of paper:  DOS detected an out-of-paper condition on one
              of the parallel printers (LPT1, LPT2, or LPT3).  Check your
              printer and add paper if necessary.

              Overflow:  An arithmetic overflow occurred in the %@EVAL
              variable function.  Check the values being passed to %@EVAL.
              %@EVAL can handle 16 digits to the left of the decimal point
              and 8 to the right.

              Read error:  DOS disk read error; usually caused by a bad disk
              or a non-DOS disk.

              Sector not found:  BIOS disk error; usually caused by a bad
              disk or a non-DOS disk.

              Seek error:  DOS can't seek to the proper location on the
              disk.  This is generally caused by a bad disk or drive.

              String area overflow:  4DOS ran out of room to store the text
              from string directives in 4DOS.INI.  Reduce the complexity of
              4DOS.INI or contact JP Software for assistance.

              Swap file [seek | read | write] failed:  4DOS  encountered an
              I/O error while accessing the disk swap file (4DOSSWAP.nnn).
              The disk was changed, the file has been destroyed by a
              program, or 4DOS's memory area has been overwritten by a
              program.  Reboot the system.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  323

                                             APPENDIX A / 4DOS ERROR MESSAGES

              Syntax error:  A command or variable function was entered in
              an improper format.  Check the syntax in this manual and
              correct the error.

              Too many open files:  DOS has run out of file handles.  Try
              setting FILES=20 or more in your CONFIG.SYS file.

              Transient memory allocation error:  4DOS couldn't reserve
              memory for its transient portion (probably in a SWAPPING OFF
              command).  The memory control blocks have been destroyed, or a
              program has fragmented memory.  Reboot the system.

              Transient memory deallocation error:  4DOS couldn't release
              memory for its transient portion (probably in a SWAPPING ON
              command).  The memory control blocks have been destroyed, or a
              program has fragmented memory.  Reboot the system.

              Unknown command:  A command was entered that 4DOS didn't
              recognize and couldn't find in the current search path.  Check
              the spelling or PATH specification.

              Variable loop:  A nested environment variable refers to
              itself, or variables are nested more than 16 deep.  Correct
              the error and retry the command.

              Write error:  A DOS disk error, usually caused by a bad disk
              or a non-DOS disk.

              XMS deallocation failed:  4DOS could not deallocate XMS memory
              when exiting a secondary shell.  XMS memory has been
              destroyed; reboot your system.

              XMS move failed:  4DOS could not move data between base memory
              and XMS memory while swapping itself.  XMS memory has been
              destroyed; reboot your system.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  324

                                             APPENDIX B / ASCII AND KEY CODES



              To represent the text you type, computers must translate each
              letter to and from a number.  The code used by all PC-
              compatible computers for this translation is called ASCII
              (American Standard Code for Information Interchange).  ASCII
              codes are also used for the characters displayed on the
              screen.  Function keys, cursor keys, and Alt keys do not
              generate ASCII codes.  For details on these keys and a
              reference table, see Keys and Key Codes later in this

              The ASCII table on the following pages is in three parts.  The
              first two parts cover the 128 standard ASCII characters; the
              third part covers the additional 128 extended ASCII characters
              defined by IBM for use on the IBM PC and compatible computers.
              All the tables include a Char column showing the visual
              representation of the character, a Dec column showing the
              decimal numeric value of the character in the ASCII set, and a
              Hex column showing the hexadecimal (base-16) value.  The
              tables are divided as follows:

              ASCII Control Characters have numeric values between 0 and 31,
              and include non-printing characters like carriage return and
              line feed.  The ASCII standard does not define a visual
              representation for control characters, but the IBM PC
              character set does define one for most control characters as
              shown in the Char column of the table.  You can enter these
              characters using the Ctrl key combination shown in the Ctrl
              column of this table, with a caret [^] representing the Ctrl
              key.  For example, character 4 is shown as ^D;  to enter it,
              press Ctrl and D on your keyboard.  You can also enter control
              characters with the Alt key and the numeric keypad, like
              extended ASCII codes (see below).  The Name column of this
              table shows a two or three character "name" given to each
              control character as part of the ASCII standard.

              ASCII Printing Characters have numeric values between 32 and
              127, and include the entire English-language character set as
              well as punctuation and other special marks.  You enter these
              characters by pressing the corresponding keyboard key.
              Character 127 has no corresponding keyboard key, but can be
              entered on many systems by typing Ctrl-Backspace.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  325

                                             APPENDIX B / ASCII AND KEY CODES

              Extended ASCII Characters have values between 128 and 255 and
              include international language characters, line-drawing
              characters, and other graphics symbols.  You can enter
              extended ASCII codes on the keyboard by holding down the Alt
              key, entering the decimal numeric value of the key on the
              numeric keypad, and then releasing the Alt key.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  326

                                             APPENDIX B / ASCII AND KEY CODES

                      This page normally contains part 1 of a complete
                      ASCII table.  The table has been left out of this
                      ASCII version of the manual because it will not print
                      properly on most printers.  If you need an ASCII
                      table, see the -ASCII- topic in the 4DOS HELP system,
                      or create your own table and paste it here.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  327

                                             APPENDIX B / ASCII AND KEY CODES

                      This page normally contains part 2 of a complete
                      ASCII table.  The table has been left out of this
                      ASCII version of the manual because it will not print
                      properly on most printers.  If you need an ASCII
                      table, see the -ASCII- topic in the 4DOS HELP system,
                      or create your own table and paste it here.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  328

                                             APPENDIX B / ASCII AND KEY CODES

          Keys and Key Codes

              When you press a single key or a key combination, software
              built into your computer (the BIOS or Basic Input / Output
              System) translates your keystroke into two numbers:  a scan
              code, representing the actual key that was pressed, and an
              ASCII code, representing the ASCII value for that key.  The
              BIOS returns these numbers the next time a program requests
              keyboard input.  This section explains how key codes work;
              for information on using them with 4DOS features see 4DOS.INI
              (page 131), keystroke aliases (page 172), INKEY (page 246),
              and KEYSTACK (page 250).

              As PCs have evolved, the structure of keyboard codes has
              evolved somewhat haphazardly with them, resulting in a
              bewildering array of possible key codes.  We'll give you a
              basic explanation of how key codes work.  For a more in-depth
              discussion, refer to a BIOS or PC hardware reference manual.

              The nuances of how your keyboard behaves depends on the
              keyboard manufacturer and the computer manufacturer who
              provides the built-in BIOS.  As a result, we can't guarantee
              the accuracy of the information below for every system, but
              the discussion and reference table should be accurate for most
              systems.  Our discussion is based on the 101-key "enhanced"
              keyboard commonly used on AT-compatible and PS/2 computers,
              but virtually all of it is applicable to the 84-key keyboards
              on older PC and XT systems.  The primary difference is that
              the older keyboards lack a separate cursor pad and only have
              10 function keys.

              All keys have a scan code.  Not all keys have an ASCII code.
              For example, function keys and cursor keys are not part of the
              ASCII character set (see above), and have no ASCII value, but
              they do have a scan code.  Some keys have more than one ASCII
              code.  The A key, for example, has ASCII code 97 (lower case
              "a") if you press it by itself.  If you press it along with
              the Shift key, the ASCII code changes to 65 (upper case "A").
              If you press Ctrl and A the ASCII code changes to 1.  In all
              these cases, the scan code (30) is unchanged because you are
              pressing the same physical key.

              Things are different if you press Alt-A.  Alt keystrokes have
              no ASCII code, so the BIOS returns an ASCII code of 0, along
              with the A key's scan code of 30.  This allows a program to
              detect all the possible variations of A, based on the
              combination of ASCII code and scan code.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  329

                                             APPENDIX B / ASCII AND KEY CODES

              Some keys generate more than one scan code depending on
              whether Shift, Ctrl, or Alt is pressed.  This allows a program
              to differentiate between two different keystrokes on the same
              key, neither of which has a corresponding ASCII value.  For
              example, F1 has no ASCII value so it returns an ASCII code of
              0, and the F1 scan code of 59.  Shift-F1 also returns an ASCII
              code 0;  if it also returned a scan code of 59, a program
              couldn't distinguish it from F1.  The BIOS translates scan
              codes for keys like Shift-F1 (and Ctrl-F1 and Alt-F1) so that
              each variation returns a different scan code along with an
              ASCII code of 0.

              On the 101-key keyboard that we're discussing, there's one
              more variation: non-ASCII keys on the cursor keypad (such as
              up-arrow) return the same scan code as the corresponding key
              on the numeric keypad, for compatibility reasons.  If they
              also returned an ASCII code of 0, a program couldn't tell
              which key was pressed.  Therefore, these keys return an ASCII
              code of 224 rather than 0.  This means that older programs,
              which only look for an ASCII 0 to indicate a non-ASCII
              keystroke like up-arrow, may not detect these cursor pad keys

              The number of different codes returned by any given key varies
              from one (the spacebar) to four, depending on the particular
              key, the design of your keyboard, and the BIOS in your system.
              Some keys, like the Alt, Ctrl, and Shift by themselves or in
              combination with each other, plus the Print Screen, SysReq,
              Scroll Lock, Pause, Break, Num Lock, and Caps Lock keys, do
              not have any code representations at all.  The same is true of
              keystrokes with more than one modifying key, like Ctrl-Shift-
              A.  The BIOS may perform special actions automatically when
              you press these keys (for example, it switches into Caps Lock
              mode when you press Caps Lock), but it does not report the
              keystrokes to whatever program is running.  Programs which
              detect such keystrokes access the keyboard hardware directly,
              a subject which is beyond the scope of this manual.

              The following table lists all of the keys on the 101-key
              "enhanced" keyboard.  The keys are arranged roughly in scan
              code order, which is generally left to right, moving from the
              top of the keyboard to the bottom.

              Column 1 shows the key's keycap symbol or name.  Columns 2 and
              3 show the scan and ASCII code if the key is unshifted.
              Columns 4 & 5 contain the codes for the shifted key.  Columns
              6 & 7 show the code for Ctrl plus the key.  The last column
              contains the scan code for Alt plus the key (Alt keystrokes

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  330

                                             APPENDIX B / ASCII AND KEY CODES

              have no ASCII code and always generate an ASCII code of 0,
              which is not shown).

              Keys with ASCII values return the same scan code regardless of
              whether Shift, Ctrl, or Alt is pressed, so the scan code
              columns below may seem repetitive for these keys.  We've
              included them in the interest of completeness, since you may
              need to verify the exact code for a particular key

              Key names prefaced by np are on the numeric keypad.  Those
              prefaced by cp are on the cursor keypad between the main
              typing keys and the number keypad.  The numeric keypad values
              are valid if Num Lock is turned off.  If you need to specify a
              number key from the numeric keypad, use the scan code shown
              for the keypad and the ASCII code shown for the corresponding
              typewriter key.  For example, the keypad "7" has a scan code
              of 71 (the np Home scan code) and an ASCII code of 54 (the
              ASCII code for "7").

              The chart is blank for key combinations that are not reported
              at all by the BIOS, like Ctrl-1 and Alt-PgUp.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  331

                                             APPENDIX B / ASCII AND KEY CODES

                    Scan Codes and Key Codes for Top Two Keyboard Rows

                                         Shift  Shift  Ctrl   Ctrl   Alt
                Key Cap    Scan   ASCII  Scan   ASCII  Scan   ASCII  Scan
                Symbol     Code   Code   Code   Code   Code   Code   Code
                -------    -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
                Esc        1      27     1      27     1      27     1
                1  !       2      49     2      33                   120
                2  @       3      50     3      64     3      0      121
                3  #       4      51     4      35                   122
                4  $       5      52     5      36                   123
                5  %       6      53     6      37                   124
                6  ^       7      54     7      94     7      30     125
                7  &       8      55     8      38                   126
                8  *       9      56     9      42                   127
                9  (       10     57     10     40                   128
                0  )       11     48     11     41                   129
                -  _       12     45     12     95     12     31     130
                =  +       13     61     13     43                   131
                Backspace  14     8      14     8      14     127    14
                Tab        15     9      15     0      148    0      165
                Q          16     113    16     81     16     17     16
                W          17     119    17     87     17     23     17
                E          18     101    18     69     18     5      18
                R          19     114    19     82     19     18     19
                T          20     116    20     84     20     20     20
                Y          21     121    21     89     21     25     21
                U          22     117    22     85     22     21     22
                I          23     105    23     73     23     9      23
                O          24     111    24     79     24     15     24
                P          25     112    25     80     25     16     25
                [  {       26     91     26     123    26     27     26
                ]  }       27     93     27     125    27     29     27
                Enter      28     13     28     13     28     10     28

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  332

                                             APPENDIX B / ASCII AND KEY CODES

                   Scan Codes and Key Codes for Bottom Two Keyboard Rows

                                         Shift  Shift  Ctrl   Ctrl   Alt
                Key Cap    Scan   ASCII  Scan   ASCII  Scan   ASCII  Scan
                Symbol     Code   Code   Code   Code   Code   Code   Code
                -------    -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
                A          30     97     30     65     30     1      30
                S          31     115    31     83     31     19     31
                D          32     100    32     68     32     4      32
                F          33     102    33     70     33     6      33
                G          34     103    34     71     34     7      34
                H          35     104    35     72     35     8      35
                J          36     106    36     74     36     10     36
                K          37     107    37     75     37     11     37
                L          38     108    38     76     38     12     38
                ;  :       39     59     39     58                   39
                '  "       40     39     40     34                   40
                `  ~       41     96     41     126                  41
                \  |       43     92     43     124    43     28     43
                Z          44     122    44     90     44     26     44
                X          45     120    45     88     45     24     45
                C          46     99     46     67     46     3      46
                V          47     118    47     86     47     22     47
                B          48     98     48     66     48     2      48
                N          49     110    49     78     49     14     49
                M          50     109    50     77     50     13     50
                ,  <       51     44     51     60                   51
                .  >       52     46     52     62                   52
                /  ?       53     47     53     63                   53
                Space      57     32     57     32     57     32     57

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  333

                                             APPENDIX B / ASCII AND KEY CODES

                  Scan Codes and Key Codes for Key Pads and Function Keys

                                         Shift  Shift  Ctrl   Ctrl   Alt
                Key Cap    Scan   ASCII  Scan   ASCII  Scan   ASCII  Scan
                Symbol     Code   Code   Code   Code   Code   Code   Code
                -------    -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
                F1         59     0      84     0      94     0      104
                F2         60     0      85     0      95     0      105
                F3         61     0      86     0      96     0      106
                F4         62     0      87     0      97     0      107
                F5         63     0      88     0      98     0      108
                F6         64     0      89     0      99     0      109
                F7         65     0      90     0      100    0      110
                F8         66     0      91     0      101    0      111
                F9         67     0      92     0      102    0      112
                F10        68     0      93     0      103    0      113
                F11        133    0      135    0      137    0      139
                F12        134    0      136    0      138    0      140
                np *       55     42     55     42     150    0      55
                np Home    71     0      71     55     119    0
                cp Home    71     224    71     224    119    224    151
                np Up      72     0      72     56     141    0
                cp Up      72     224    72     224    141    224    152
                np PgUp    73     0      73     57     132    0
                cp PgUp    73     224    73     224    132    224    153
                np Minus   74     45     74     45     142    0      74
                np Left    75     0      75     52     115    0
                cp Left    75     224    75     224    115    224    155
                np 5       76     0      76     53     143    0
                np Right   77     0      77     54     116    0
                cp Right   77     224    77     224    116    224    157
                np Plus    78     43     78     43     144    0      78
                np End     79     0      79     49     117    0
                cp End     79     224    79     224    117    224    159
                np Down    80     0      80     50     145    0
                cp Down    80     224    80     224    145    224    160
                np PgDn    81     0      81     51     118    0
                cp PgDn    81     224    81     224    118    224    161
                np Ins     82     0      82     48     146    0
                cp Ins     82     224    82     224    146    224    162
                np Del     83     0      83     46     147    0
                cp Del     83     224    83     224    147    224    163
                np /       224    47     224    47     149    0      164
                np Enter   224    13     224    13     224    10     166

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  334

                                           APPENDIX C / TECHNICAL INFORMATION


          This appendix provides technical information for programmers who
          wish to build interfaces to 4DOS.  It covers detecting 4DOS,
          placing keystrokes in the Keystack, writing installable commands,
          using the DESCRIPT.ION file, and using the interrupt 2E "back door"
          entry into 4DOS to execute commands.

          Detecting 4DOS

              Detecting 4DOS From a Batch File

              From a batch file, you can determine if 4DOS is loaded by
              testing for the variable function @EVAL, with a test like

                   if not "%@eval[2+2]" == "4" echo 4DOS is loaded!

              This test can never succeed in COMMAND.COM and is therefore a
              reliable way to detect 4DOS.  Other variable functions could
              be used for the same purpose.

              Detecting 4DOS From a Program

              Any program can test for the presence of 4DOS by making a
              simple INT 2Fh call.  Be sure to check the INT 2Fh vector
              first as it may be 0 under some versions of DOS 2 if no
              program has hooked the interrupt.  To detect 4DOS, call INT
              2Fh with:
                    AX = D44Dh
                    BX = 0

              If 4DOS is not loaded, AX should be returned unchanged.  If
              4DOS is loaded, it will return the following (no other
              registers are modified):

                    AX = 44DDh
                    BX = Version number (BL = major version, BH = minor
                    CX = 4DOS PSP segment address
                    DL = 4DOS shell number

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                                           APPENDIX C / TECHNICAL INFORMATION

              The shell number is incremented each time a new copy of 4DOS
              is loaded, either in a different multitasker window (for
              example, under DESQView), or via nested shells.  The primary
              shell is shell number 0.

              This function tells you if 4DOS is loaded in memory, but not
              whether it is the parent process of your program.  You can
              determine if 4DOS is the parent process by comparing the PSP
              value returned in CX to the PSP chain pointer at offset 16h in
              your program's PSP.

              Detecting the 4DOS Prompt

              4DOS generates INT 2Fh calls before and after the prompt is
              displayed to allow TSRs to detect that 4DOS is at the prompt.
              The calls are:

                    AX = D44Eh
                    BX = 0:  4DOS is about to display the prompt
                         1:  4DOS is about to accept keyboard input at the

              The BX = 0 call occurs immediately before displaying the
              prompt; the BX = 1 call occurs after displaying the prompt and
              immediately before accepting keyboard input.  Any routine
              intercepting these calls should preserve the SI, DI, BP, SP,
              DS, ES, and SS registers.

          Placing Keystrokes Into the Keystack

              You can put keystrokes into the 4DOS Keystack with an INT 2Fh
              call.  First, you must make a call to check whether KSTACK.COM
              is loaded:
                   AX =  D44Fh
                   BX =  0

              If KSTACK.COM is not loaded, this call will return AX
              unchanged.  If it is loaded, AX will be returned as 44DDh;
              other registers will be unchanged.  Once you have determined
              that KSTACK.COM is loaded, you can send keystrokes with this

                    AX = D44Fh
                    BX = 1
                    CX = number of keystrokes being passed
                    DS:DX = address of the keystroke array

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                                           APPENDIX C / TECHNICAL INFORMATION

              On return, if the call succeeded then AX will be 0; if it
              failed, AX will be non-zero.  BX, CX, and DX are destroyed;
              other registers are preserved.  If the call succeeds,
              subsequent calls to INT 16h functions 0, 1, 10h, or 11h will
              receive the stacked keystrokes.

              The keystroke array passed to KSTACK must be an array of words
              containing the values to return from INT 16h.  The high byte
              of each word is a scan code and the low byte is an ASCII code.
              Many programs accept keystrokes properly with only the ASCII
              code, but some require the scan code as well.  See page 329
              for a list of ASCII and scan codes for most keyboards.  To
              insert a delay in the keystroke sequence, include a word set
              to FFFFh followed by a word containing the desired delay in
              clock ticks.

          Writing Installable Commands

              An "installable command" is created with a memory-resident
              program (TSR) which can receive signals from 4DOS and process
              commands.  4DOS makes every command available to such TSRs
              before it is executed; if any TSR chooses to execute the
              command, 4DOS will do no further processing.  Otherwise, 4DOS
              processes the command normally.

              The 4DOS "Installable command" interface is compatible with an
              undocumented interface present in COMMAND.COM for MS-DOS and
              PC-DOS 3.3 and above.  This interface is documented more
              thoroughly on pages 373 - 379 of the excellent reference text
              Undocumented DOS by Schulman et. al., published by Addison
              Wesley (ISBN 0-201-57064-5).

              4DOS looks for an installable command after alias expansion
              and after checking to see if the command is a drive change,
              but before checking for an internal or external command.

              4DOS first makes an INT 2Fh call to determine whether any TSR
              loaded will respond to the command, with:

                    AX = AE00h
                    BX = offset of command line buffer:
                           first byte = maximum length of command line (128)
                           second byte = actual length of command line, not
                              including trailing CR
                           remainder = command line, with a trailing CR
                    CH = FFh
                    CL = length of command line, not including the command

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                                           APPENDIX C / TECHNICAL INFORMATION

                    DX = FFFFh
                    SI = offset of command name buffer:
                           first byte = length of command name
                           remainder = command name, shifted to upper case
                              and padded with blanks to 11 characters
                    DI = 0

              If the TSR does not recognize the command as its own, it must
              pass the INT 2Fh along with registers unchanged.  If it does
              recognize the command, it must return 0FFh in AL.  The command
              should not be executed at this point.  4DOS will then make
              another call (buffer formats are the same as above):

                    AX = AE01h
                    BX = offset of command line buffer
                    CH = 0
                    CL = length of command name
                    DX = FFFFh
                    SI = offset of command name buffer

              If the TSR executed the command line, it must set the command
              name length (DS:[SI]) to 0.  If the command name length is not
              0, 4DOS will attempt to execute the command as an internal or
              external command.  This allows the TSR to return a modified
              command line to 4DOS by modifying the command line buffer at
              DS:BX, and leaving the command name length byte at DS:[SI] set
              to a non-zero value.  If the command is executed, the TSR
              should return the result of the command (zero for normal
              return or non-zero for an error) in AL.

          Using DESCRIPT.ION

              4DOS uses the file DESCRIPT.ION to store file descriptions.
              This file is created as a hidden file in each subdirectory
              which has descriptions, and deleted when all descriptions are
              removed or when all files with descriptions are deleted.

              Your programs can access DESCRIPT.ION to create, retrieve, or
              modify file descriptions, and to store other information.
              DESCRIPT.ION has one line per file, and is unsorted.  Each
              line is in the following format:

                   filename.ext Description[*<ID>Other program info]...<CR>

              There is normally one space between the description and
              filename but additional spaces may be used in future versions

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                                           APPENDIX C / TECHNICAL INFORMATION

              of 4DOS.  The characters after the description allow extension
              of the description format for use by other programs.  They are
              as follows:

                   * represents an ASCII Ctrl-D (04), and marks the end of
                   the description text and the beginning of information for
                   a program other than 4DOS.  This symbol can appear
                   multiple times on each line; each occurrence marks the
                   beginning of information for another program.

                   <ID> is an identification byte for the program which is
                   using this area of the particular line.  If you are
                   writing a program which will store information in
                   DESCRIPT.ION, test it using an ID byte of your own
                   choosing.  When you are ready to release the program,
                   contact JP Software and we will provide you with an ID
                   byte value that is not in use by others to the best of
                   our knowledge.

                   Other program info is any text the program wishes to
                   store in its area of the line.  The text should relate
                   specifically to the file named on the line.  It may not
                   contain the u character, carriage returns, line feeds, or
                   nulls (ASCII 0s).

              4DOS will copy, delete, or move all the information on a line
              in DESCRIPT.ION, including  information owned by other
              programs, when performing the same action on the corresponding
              file.  4DOS will also change the name if a file is renamed.
              To support DESCRIPT.ION properly, your program must do the
              same if it copies, deletes, moves, or renames files.  Take
              care not to remove information which does not belong to your
              program, or delete lines which contain information for other
              programs.  Your program should be able to handle a line
              terminated by a CR or LF alone, a CR/LF pair, an EOF (ASCII
              26), or the physical end of the file.  The lines it creates
              should be terminated with CR / LF.  The line length limit is
              4096 bytes; exceeding this limit will cause unpredictable

          Interrupt 2E

              4DOS provides full, documented support for the undocumented
              COMMAND.COM "back door" entry, INT 2E (hex).  INT 2E allows
              applications to call the primary copy of the command processor
              to execute commands, without loading a secondary shell.

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                                           APPENDIX C / TECHNICAL INFORMATION

              INT 2E support is enabled with the FullINT2E = Yes directive
              in 4DOS.INI.  If this directive is left out or is set to No,
              4DOS does "hook" INT 2E, but any calls to it are ignored.
              Setting FullINT2E = Yes adds about 100 bytes to the resident
              size of 4DOS, and applies only to the primary shell (it is
              ignored in secondary shells).

              To use INT 2E, set DS:SI to the address of a buffer containing
              the command, then issue an INT 2E.  The buffer format is:

                   First byte      Length of command, not including this
                                   byte or the last byte
                   Text bytes      The command text
                   Last byte       CR (ASCII 13)

              You must have enough memory available for 4DOS to reload its
              transient portion, and about 80 bytes of available stack space
              for the INT 2E handler to use.  INT 2E can not be called from
              a TSR while 4DOS is running (for example, a TSR popped up at
              the 4DOS prompt or from within LIST or SELECT), but can be
              called from within any application or from within a TSR while
              an application (including the 4DOS HELP system) is running.

              INT 2E can invoke any 4DOS command including an alias, an
              internal command, an external command, or a batch file.  All
              changes to 4DOS data (such as aliases, environment variables,
              and SETDOS settings) which are made by a command executed via
              INT 2E calls will affect the primary shell, and the
              environment passed to a program called via INT 2E will be a
              copy of the primary shell's environment.

              INT 2E uses the same internal stack (temporary storage area)
              as the primary shell.  If a complex command is used in the
              primary shell to start a program which eventually issues an
              INT 2E, the additional stack space required by commands
              executed through INT 2E may (in rare circumstances) cause a
              stack overflow.  If this occurs, use the StackSize directive
              in 4DOS.INI (see page 137) to increase 4DOS's internal stack

              INT 2E also uses the same batch file "stack" as the primary
              shell.  This means that if INT 2E is used to execute a batch
              file, this batch file is considered "nested" within any batch
              file(s) used in the primary shell to start the program which
              issued the INT 2E.  This may cause batch nesting errors from
              within the INT 2E call which would not occur if the same
              command were executed at the prompt.  For example, suppose an
              application is loaded from batch files nested six levels deep,

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                                           APPENDIX C / TECHNICAL INFORMATION

              and that application uses INT 2E to execute a command which
              invokes batch files which nest to five levels deep.  Under
              these conditions a nesting error will occur, because the total
              nesting level is eleven, exceeding 4DOS's limit of ten levels
              of nested batch files.

              On return from INT 2E all registers will be destroyed except
              SS and SP.  AX will be set as follows:

                 FFFFh   An error occurred before processing the command: not
                         enough memory was available, INT 2E was called from
                         a TSR, or another error made it impossible to handle
                         the interrupt.

                 0       The command was processed without error.

                 > 0     There was an error in processing the command.  AX is
                         the error number, equivalent to the IERRORLEVEL
                         (%_?) value from an internal command or the
                         ERRORLEVEL (%?) value from an external command.  If
                         a batch file is run the value will be the error
                         level returned by the batch file (via QUIT n or
                         CANCEL n) or the last command within it.  If an
                         alias is run the value will be the error level
                         returned by the last command in the alias.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  341



          Some items in this glossary refer to 4DOS features.  For more
          information on how a particular feature works, look the feature up
          in the index under the name used here.

              4DOS.INI:  The 4DOS initialization file containing directives
              which set 4DOS's startup configuration parameters.

              4EXIT:  A batch file which is executed whenever a secondary
              4DOS shell ends.

              4START:  A batch file which is executed whenever 4DOS is
              started, either as a primary shell or a secondary shell.

              Alias:  A shorthand name for a command or series of commands.

              Alias Argument:  A numeric variable included in an alias
              definition, allowing a different value to be used in the alias
              each time it is executed.

              AND:  A logical combination of two true or false conditions
              such that if both conditions are true the result is true; if
              either condition is false the result is false.

              ANSI.SYS:  A device driver supplied with DOS which provides
              enhanced screen display and keyboard macros, or one of the
              many similar programs.

              Append:  Concatenation of one file or string onto the end of
              another.  (There is also a DOS external command, APPEND, which
              has an entirely different meaning and which should be used
              with caution!)

              Application:  A program run from the command prompt or a batch
              file.  The term is used broadly to mean any program other than
              the command processor; and more narrowly to mean a program
              with a specific purpose such as a spreadsheet or word
              processing program, as opposed to a utility.

              Archive:  A file attribute indicating that the file has been
              modified since the last backup (presuming that the last backup
              cleared the archive attribute, as most backup programs do).
              Also sometimes used to refer to a single file which contains a
              number of other files in compressed form.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  342


              Argument:  A piece of additional information placed after a
              command or function name.  For example in the command DIR XYZ,
              XYZ is an argument.  Also used to refer to an alias argument
              or batch file argument.

              ASCII:  The American Standard Code for Information
              Interchange, which defines numeric values for 128 different
              characters comprising the English alphabet, numbers,
              punctuation, and some control characters.

              ASCII File:  A file containing ASCII text, as opposed to a
              binary file which may contain codes, numbers, or other
              information that cannot be sensibly interpreted as text.

              Attribute:  A characteristic of a file which can be set or
              cleared.  The standard attributes are Read-Only, Hidden,
              System, and Archive.  The special attributes Volume Label and
              Directory are also used for files of those types.

              AUTOEXEC.BAT:  A batch file which is AUTOmatically EXECuted
              when the computer is started.

              Automatic Directory Change:  A 4DOS feature which allows
              changing directories by typing the directory name and a
              backslash [\] at the prompt.

              Base Memory:  The portion of your computer's memory available
              for use by DOS, the command processor, and application
              programs.  On most PCs this area consists of the first 640K
              bytes of the computer's memory (one K is 1024 bytes).

              BAT File:  Same as a Batch File.

              Batch File:  A text file containing a sequence of DOS or 4DOS
              commands.  Batch files are used to save command sequences so
              that they can be re-executed at any time, transferred to
              another system, etc.

              Batch File Argument:  A numeric variable used within a batch
              file, allowing a different value to be used at that spot in
              the file each time it is executed.

              Binary File:  A file containing information which does not
              represent or cannot sensibly be interpreted as text.  See also
              ASCII File.

              Block Device:  A physical device for input or output which can
              transmit or receive large blocks of data while the computer is

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  343


              engaged in other activities.  Examples include disk, tape, and
              CD-ROM drives, and many networks.

              Boot:  The process of starting the computer and loading DOS
              and the command processor into memory.

              Boot Directory:  The current directory at the time the system
              is booted, almost always the root directory of the boot drive.

              Boot Drive:  The disk drive that the system is booted from,
              usually A: (the floppy disk) or C: (the hard disk).

              Break: A signal sent to a program (including 4DOS) to tell it
              to halt what it is doing.  The Ctrl-C key  or Ctrl-Break key
              is used to send this signal.  Some external commands abort
              when they receive a break signal; others return to a previous
              screen or menu, or abort the current operation.

              BTM File:  A special type of batch file which is loaded into
              memory, dramatically speeding up execution.

              Buffer:  An area of memory set aside for storage.  Usually
              refers to disk buffers, used to save information as it is
              transferred between your program and the disk; or to the
              keyboard buffer, which holds keystrokes until a program can
              use them.

              Character Device:  A physical device for input or output which
              must communicate with your computer one character at a time.
              Examples include the console, communications ports, and

              Code Page:  A set of definitions which tells DOS how to get
              and display date, time, and other information in the format
              appropriate to a particular country.

              Command Completion:  A 4DOS feature which allows you to recall
              a previous command by typing the first few letters of the
              command, then an up-arrow or down-arrow.

              Command Echoing:  A feature which displays commands as they
              are executed.  Echoing can be turned on and off.

              Command History:  A 4DOS feature which retains commands you
              have previously executed, so that they can be modified and re-
              executed later.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  344


              Command Interpreter:  A program, such as 4DOS or COMMAND.COM,
              which interprets commands and executes other programs.

              Command Recall:  See Command History.

              Command Tail:  The portion of a command consisting of all the
              arguments, i.e. everything but the command name itself.

              Compound Command:  See Multiple Commands.

              COMSPEC:  An environment variable which defines where to get
              the command processor for a secondary shell.

              Conditional Commands:  A 4DOS feature allowing commands to be
              executed or skipped depending on the results of a previous
              command.   See also Exit Code.

              CONFIG.SYS:  A file which tells DOS what device drivers to
              install, what command processor to use, and other information
              about what to do when your system boots.  See your DOS manual
              for more information.

              Console:  The PC keyboard and display.

              Control Character:  A character which is part of the ASCII
              code, but does not have a normal text representation, and
              which can be generated by pressing the Ctrl key along with
              another key.  For example the control character called "BEL"
              is generated by pressing Ctrl-G, and will cause the computer
              to beep if pressed at the DOS prompt.

              Country Code:  See Code Page.

              CR:  The ASCII character "carriage return", generated by
              pressing the "Enter" key on the keyboard, and stored in most
              ASCII files at the end of each line.

              Critical Error:  An error, usually related to input, output,
              or network access, which prevents a program from continuing.
              When a critical error occurs, a prompt such as "R(etry),
              I(gnore), F(ail), or A(bort)" appears on the screen and you
              must decide what action to take.

              Current Directory:  The directory in which all file operations
              will take place unless otherwise specified.  For example if
              the current directory is C:\MYFILES then the command "DEL XYZ"
              will delete the file XYZ in the directory C:\MYFILES, and will

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  345


              not affect other files with the same name which may be in
              other directories.

              Description:  A string of characters assigned to describe a
              file with the 4DOS DESCRIBE command.

              Destination:  In the 4DOS file commands (COPY, MOVE, and
              RENAME), the name or directory files should have after any
              copying or modification has taken place; generally referred to
              by the last specification on the command line.  See also

              Device:  A physical device for input or output such as the
              console, a communications port, or a printer.  Sometimes the
              term "device" alone is used to refer to character devices such
              as those listed above, and excludes block devices.

              Device Driver:  A program which allows DOS to communicate with
              a device, and which is loaded into memory when the system is
              booted, via a statement in CONFIG.SYS.  Some device drivers
              are used to manage memory or for other similar internal
              functions, rather than to communicate with an external device.

              Directory:  A portion of any disk, identified by a name and a
              relationship to other directories in a "tree" structure, with
              the tree starting at the root directory.  A directory
              separates files on the disk into logical groups, but does not
              represent a physical division of the data on the disk.

              Disk Swapping:  A type of swapping in which the transient
              portion of 4DOS is stored on disk while an application is

              DOS Memory:  See Base Memory.

              Echo:  See Command Echoing.

              EMS Memory:  Memory which conforms to the Lotus - Intel -
              Microsoft Expanded Memory Specification (LIM EMS).  This
              hardware/software standard allows programs to access large
              amounts of memory outside of base memory or extended memory.
              Most systems which have EMS memory have either a specific EMS
              board (on any PC or compatible system), EMS emulation software
              (on PC-AT compatible systems), or a 386 control program such
              as QEMM or 386MAX (on 386 systems).  If you do not have one of
              these items, you probably do not have EMS memory.

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  346


              EMS Swapping:  A type of swapping in which the transient
              portion of 4DOS is stored in EMS memory while an application
              is running.

              Environment:  An area of memory which contains multiple
              entries in the form "NAME=value".  Each entry is called an
              environment variable.  See also Master Environment and Passed

              Environment Variable:  The name of a single entry in the
              environment.  Environment variables are entered with the SET
              command, and used to associate the specified value with the
              specified name for any purpose desired by the user.
              Typically, their function is to set default switches for a
              program, specify a directory path where files can be found,
              and so on.  When 4DOS encounters an environment variable name
              in a command in the form "%NAME" (or "%NAME%"), it substitutes
              the corresponding value in its place.

              Errorlevel:  A numeric value between 0 and 255 returned from
              an external command to indicate its result (e.g., success,
              failure, response to a question), and accessible via the IF
              ERRORLEVEL command and the %? environment variable.  See also
              Exit Code.

              Escape Character:  This term has two meanings.  In some
              contexts it means the 4DOS escape character, normally Ctrl-X,
              which is used to suppress the normal meaning of or give
              special meaning to the following character.  In other cases it
              refers to the specific ASCII character ESC.  The meaning must
              be determined from the context.

              Executable Extensions:  A 4DOS feature which allows you to
              specify the application to be executed when a file with a
              particular extension is named at the command prompt.

              Executable File:  A file with the extension .COM or .EXE,
              which can be loaded into memory and run as a program.

              Exit Code:  The error level returned by an external command,
              or a similar exit code returned by a 4DOS internal command.
              4DOS internal commands return an exit code of 0 if successful,
              or non-zero if unsuccessful.  See also Errorlevel.

              Expansion:  The process 4DOS goes through when it scans a
              command line and substitutes the appropriate actual values for
              aliases, alias arguments, batch file arguments, and
              environment variables.  See also Parsing.

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              Extended ASCII Character:  A character which is not part of
              the standard set of 128 ASCII characters, but is used on the
              PC as part of an extended set of 256 characters.  These
              characters include international language symbols, and box and
              line drawing characters.

              Extended Memory:  Any memory on a 286-based (PC-AT compatible)
              or 386-based computer system which is above the 1 MB (one
              megabyte, or 1024*1024 bytes) of memory that DOS can address
              directly.  Any PC-AT compatible or 386 system with more than
              640K of memory has extended memory.  This memory can be used
              for a variety of purposes depending on the software installed
              to utilize it.  See also XMS.

              External Command:  A program which resides in an executable
              file, as opposed to an internal command which is part of the
              command processor.  For example, FORMAT and DISKCOPY are
              external commands; you can find them on your DOS disk under
              the names FORMAT.COM and DISKCOPY.COM.

              File Attribute:  See Attribute.

              File Description:  See Description.

              Filename Completion:  A 4DOS feature which allows you to type
              part of a filename on the command line, and have 4DOS fill in
              the rest for you.

              Free Memory:  Usually, the amount of base memory which is
              currently unoccupied and available for use by applications.

              Hidden:  A file attribute indicating that the file should not
              be displayed with a normal DIR command, and should not be
              available for access by programs unless they specifically
              request use of hidden files.

              History:  See Command History.

              History Window:  A pop-up window used by 4DOS to display the
              command history, allowing you to choose a previous command to
              modify and / or execute.

              Include List:  A concise method of specifying several files or
              groups of files in the same directory, for use with all 4DOS
              commands which take file names as arguments.

              Insert Mode:  When editing text, a mode in which newly typed
              characters are inserted into the line at the cursor position,

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              rather than overwriting existing characters on the line.  See
              also Overstrike Mode.

              Internal Command:  A command which is part of the command
              processor, as opposed to an external command.  For example,
              DIR and COPY are internal commands.

              Keyboard Buffer:  A buffer which holds keystrokes you have
              typed that have not yet been used by the currently executing

              Keystroke Alias:  An alias assigned to a key, so that it can
              be invoked or recalled with a single keystroke.

              Label:  A marker in a batch file.  Labels allow GOTO and GOSUB
              commands to "jump" to the command on the line following the
              label.  See also Volume Label.

              LF:  The ASCII character "line feed", not usually generated
              from the keyboard, but stored in most ASCII files at the end
              of each line after the CR character.

              Master Environment:  The master copy of the environment
              maintained by the command processor.  The master environment
              is manipulated with the SET, ESET, and UNSET commands.

              Memory Resident Mode:  A method of installing 4DOS in which
              swapping is disabled, and all of 4DOS remains permanently
              resident in memory.  Memory-resident mode requires much more
              memory than the normal swapping mode.

              Modulo:  The remainder after an integer division.  For example
              11 modulo 3 is 2, because when 11 is divided by 3 the
              remainder is 2.

              Multiple Commands:  A 4DOS feature which allows multiple
              commands to be placed on a line, separated by a caret (^) or
              other user-defined character.

              Multitasking:  A capability of some software (and the related
              hardware) which allows two or more programs to run apparently
              simultaneously on the same computer.  Multitasking software
              for PC compatible systems includes programs like DESQview.

              Non-Swapping Mode:  See Memory Resident Mode.

              Option:  See Switch.

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              OR:  A logical combination of two true or false conditions
              such that if both conditions are false the result is false; if
              either condition is true the result is true.

              Overstrike Mode:  When editing text, a mode in which newly
              typed characters overwrite existing characters on the line,
              rather than being inserted into the line at the cursor
              position.  See also Insert Mode.

              Parameter:  See Argument.

              Parsing:  The process 4DOS performs when it analyzes the
              command line, performs alias and environment variable
              expansion, and finds the appropriate internal command or
              external command to execute.

              Passed Environment:  A copy of the master environment created
              before running an application, so that any changes made by the
              application will not affect the master environment.  The size
              of the passed environment is determined by the amount of space
              actually used in the master environment when the application
              is started.

              Path:  A specification of the directories a file resides in,
              including all parent directories.  For example, the path for
              C:\WPFILES\MYDIR\MEMO.TXT is C:\WPFILES\MYDIR\.  Path is also
              used to refer to the environment variable PATH, which contains
              a series of path specifications used when searching for
              external commands and batch files.

              Pipe:  A method for collecting the standard output of one
              program and passing it on as the standard input of the next
              program to be executed, signified by a vertical bar "|" on the
              command line. See also Redirection.

              Primary Shell:  The copy of the command processor which is
              loaded when the system boots.

              RAM Disk:  A pseudo "disk drive", created by software, which
              appears like a normal physical disk drive to programs.  RAM
              disks can be stored in extended memory, XMS memory, EMS
              memory, or base memory, and provide a convenient way for
              programs to use this memory for temporary files.

              Read-Only:  A file attribute indicating that the file can be
              read, but not written by DOS and 4DOS.

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              Reboot:  The process of restarting the computer, usually by
              pressing the Ctrl, Alt, and Del keys simultaneously.

              Redirection:  A method for collecting the standard output of a
              program in a file, and/or of providing the standard input for
              a program from a file, signified respectively by a greater
              than symbol ">" or less than symbol "<" on the command line.
              See also Pipe.

              Replaceable Parameter:  See Alias Argument and Batch File

              Resident Portion:  The small portion of 4DOS stored
              permanently in memory when swapping mode is in use, as opposed
              to the larger transient portion.  The resident portion is
              stored as close as possible to the beginning of base memory.

              Root Directory:  The first directory, from which all other
              directories are "descended."  The root directory is referenced
              with a single backslash (\).  When a disk is first formatted,
              it is the only directory.

              Secondary Shell:  Any copy of any command processor which is
              loaded after the system boots.  Secondary shells may be
              started from the command line; by executing a "shell to DOS"
              operation from within an application; implicitly by executing
              some DOS-related functions within certain applications; or by
              starting a new partition in a multi-tasking or task switching

              Shell:  A command processor.  Also used to refer to a program
              which gives access to DOS functions and commands through a
              menu- or mouse-driven system.

              Source:  In the 4DOS file commands (COPY, MOVE, and RENAME),
              the original files before any copying or modification has
              taken place, i.e. those specified earlier on the command line.
              See also Target.

              Stack:  An area of memory used by any program to store
              temporary data while the program is running; more generally,
              any such storage area where the last item stored is normally
              the first one removed.

              Standard Error:  A file or character device where error
              messages from a program are displayed.  Standard error output
              always goes to the console, unless redirection is used.

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              Standard Input:  A file or character device where a program
              obtains its normal input.  Standard input always comes from
              the console, unless redirection is used.

              Standard Output:  A file or character device where normal
              output from a program is displayed.  Standard output always
              goes to the console, unless redirection is used.

              Subdirectory:  Any directory other than the root directory.
              See also Root Directory.

              Swap File:  A disk file created by 4DOS to store its transient
              portion when disk swapping is in use.

              Swapping:  A 4DOS feature which removes the larger transient
              portion of 4DOS from base memory while an application is
              running, leaving the maximum possible amount of memory for the
              application, and allows 4DOS to restore information such as
              the command history after the application is finished.  See
              also XMS Swapping, EMS Swapping, and Disk Swapping.

              Switch:  An argument to an internal command or application
              which specifies a particular behavior or setting.  For
              example, the command "DIR /P" might be referred to as "having
              the /P switch set".  Also, a configuration value for 4DOS
              specified on the SHELL= line in CONFIG.SYS.

              System:  A file attribute indicating that the file belongs to
              DOS and should not be accessed by normal programs.

              Target:  See Destination.

              Transient Portion:  The larger portion of 4DOS stored in
              memory temporarily when swapping mode is in use, as opposed to
              the smaller resident portion.  The transient portion is stored
              as close as possible to the end of base memory, and releases
              the space it is using whenever an application is executed.

              TSR:  A Terminate and Stay Resident program, i.e. a program
              which "terminates" but remains resident in base memory, to
              provide capabilities such as network support, a pop-up notepad
              or telephone dialer, a disk cache, or mouse support.

              UMB:  An XMS Upper Memory Block, whose address is above the
              end of normal base memory, but is within the 1 megabyte of
              memory that DOS can address directly.

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              Variable:  See Alias Argument, Batch File Argument, and
              Environment Variable.

              Volume Label:  A special, hidden file placed on any disk whose
              name constitutes a "label" for the entire disk.

              White Space Character:  Generally, a character used to
              separate arguments on the command line.  The white space
              characters recognized by 4DOS are the space, tab, comma,
              semicolon, and equal sign.

              Wildcard:  A character ("*" or "?") used in a filename to
              specify the possibility that any single character ("?") or
              sequence of characters ("*") can occur at that point in the
              actual name.

              XMS Memory:  A software method for accessing extended memory
              on 286 and 386 systems (and some systems which support version
              4.0 of the EMS memory specification).  XMS memory is not
              additional memory, but is a software specification only.  Its
              use generally requires Microsoft's HIMEM.SYS be installed as a
              device driver, or that another program such as 386MAX or MOVE-
              EM be used.

              XMS Swapping:  A type of swapping where the transient portion
              of 4DOS is stored in XMS memory while an application is

              XOR (exclusive OR):  A logical combination of two true or
              false conditions such that if both conditions are false or
              both conditions are true the result is false; if either
              condition is true and the other is false the result is true.

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          INDEX                               ? internal variable, 81
                                              _? internal variable, 81

          Most fully capitalized terms        @ sign, see also Variable
          (e.g. ECHO, SELECT) are 4DOS         functions
          command names unless otherwise         for key codes
          noted.                                    in 4DOS.INI, 123
                                                    in a keystroke alias, 173
                                                    in KEYSTACK text, 251
            -- Special Characters --             in file names, 47
          ! warning mark, 2, 167                 in INKEY results, 246
                                                 to define a keystroke alias,
          ## advanced topic mark, 2, 54,          172
           166                                   to override batch file echo,
                                                  99, 215, 280
          % sign                                 to override command history
             in file names, 47                    save, 57
             use with environment                to read a file in FOR, 223
              variables, 78, 79
             use with replaceable             || (or) in conditional
              parameters, 94, 100, 175         commands, 91
             use with variable functions,
          %# and %n&                               -- 4 --
             in aliases, 175
             in batch files, 100, 299         4DOS
          %0 to %127                             and DESQView, see DESQView
             in aliases, 175                     and DOS versions, 113, 149
             in batch files, 100, 299            and DR-DOS, 50, 110, 113,
          && (and) in conditional                and MS-DOS 5.0, 64, 113
           commands, 91                          and MS-DOS 5.0 memory
                                                  management, 50, 140, 141,
          * (asterisk)                            254
             as file name "wildcard", 71         and other software, 148
             in alias name, 172                  and Windows, see Microsoft
             in alias value, 170                  Windows
             to temporarily disable an           configuration, 80, 109, 118
              alias, 62, 105, 171                detecting, 335
                                                 Features, 9
          ., see Current directory               memory usage, 125, 127, 136
          .., see Parent directory               programming interface, 335
                                                 resident portion, 125
          /, in command switches, 165               loading in high memory,
          ? as file name "wildcard", 71          startup options, see Startup
          ? command, 168                          options
                                                 transient portion, 125, 136

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          4DOS Utility Disk, 235              Aliases, 96, 169
          4DOS.COM, 113, 115                     and QUIT, 276
          4DOS.INI, 109, 118                     asterisk in name, 172
             advanced directives, 135            asterisk in value, 170
             and installation, 118               back quotes in, 96, 169,
             and SETDOS, 120, 127, 294            170, 175
             color directives, 130               commands for, 163
             comments in, 119                    defining default command
             configuration directives,            options with, 171, 175
              127                                editing, 219
             directive types, 121                examples, 96, 103, 105
             directives, 119, see also           IFF in, 175
              names of individual                in batch files, 103
              directives                         inheritance in secondary
             errors in, 119, 125                  shells, 136, 176
             initialization directives,          internal variables in, 176
              124                                keystroke, 97, 172
             key mapping directives, 131            and key assignments, 131
             location of, 111, 113                  automatic execution of,
                and multitaskers, 121                94, 98, 174
             primary section, 120                memory space for, 81, 124,
                in alternate files, 121           262
             secondary section, 120              multiple commands in, 169
                and DESQView, 154                nesting, 170
                and multitaskers, 150            order of execution, 44
                example, 137                     reading from a file, 177
          4DOS.PIF, 152                          removing, 308
          4EXIT, 43, 109, 117                    replaceable parameters in,
             location of, 117, 124                175, 176
          4OS2 product, 1                        saving in a file, 174
          4START, 43, 85, 109, 117               saving temporarily, 218, 298
             and multitaskers, 151               suspending execution of, 269
             and startup command, 112            temporarily disabling, 62,
             and TSRs, 117                        105, 171
             location of, 117, 124               variable functions in, 90,
          4StartPath directive, 124               176
          _4VER internal variable, 81         Alt-255, 55
                                              And (&&) in conditional
                                               commands, 91
               -- A --                        .AND., in IF and IFF, 238, 242,
          Abort, Retry, Fail message, see     ANSI directive, 127, 144, 191,
           Critical errors                     192, 295
          AddFile directive, 133              ANSI driver, 53
          Advanced topic mark, see ##            and CLS, 190, 295
          ALIAS command, 162, 169                and COLOR, 192, 295
          Alias directive, 124                   and COLORDIR, 205
          _ALIAS internal variable, 81           and colors, 131

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             and cursor problems, 143         Base memory, see Memory
             and DESQView, 154                Base name, see File names
             and PROMPT, 272                  .BAT files, 99, 257
             and scrolling, 143, 296          Batch files, 98
             and TEXT, 302                       aliases in, 103, 104
             detecting, 81, 144                  based on command history,
             escape sequences, 94, 272,           236
              302                                branching in, 232
             in CONFIG.SYS, 144                  calling, 183
             use by 4DOS, 127, 142               capturing output of, 106
          _ANSI internal variable, 81            chaining, 107, 183
          ANSI.COM, 144                          commands for, 101, 163
          ANSI.SYS, 144                          comments in, 280
          APPEND command, 149                    debugging, 105
          Appending files, 193                   displaying messages in, 215,
          Archive attribute, see File             217, 284, 285, 302, 313
           attributes                            echoing of commands, 99,
          Argument quoting, 94                    127, 215, 297
          Arguments, see replaceable             environment variables in,
           parameters                             100
          Arithmetic, 86                         internal variables in, 84,
          ASCII, 51, 325                          100
          @ASCII variable function, 85           keyboard input in, 246, 249
          Asterisk, see *                        labels in, 230, 232
          At sign, see @ sign                    modes, 99, 257
          ATTRIB, 178                            nesting, 82, 183
          @ATTRIB variable function, 86          order of execution, 44
          Attributes, see File attributes        replaceable parameters, 100,
          AUTOEXEC.BAT, 43, 109, 114              299
             and 4START, 117                     saving environment in, 218,
             and startup command, 112             298
             location of, 124                    screen display, 211, 213,
             running, 111                         214
             setting COMSPEC in, 111             subroutines, 230, 283
             speeding up, 300                    suspending execution of, 269
             starting KSTACK.COM, 15, 68,        temporary variables in, 101
              115, 250                           terminating, 184, 276
          AutoExecPath directive, 124            timing events in, 304
          Automatic batch files, 43              tips, 103
          Automatic directory changes,           variable functions in, 90,
           61, 116                                100
                                              _BATCH internal variable, 82
                                              BatchEcho directive, 99, 127,
               -- B --                         297
                                              BEEP, 101, 127, 180
          Back & Forth, 113, 121              BeepFreq directive, 127
          Backspace character, 94             BeepLength directive, 128
          Backspace directive, 132            BeginLine directive, 132

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          _BG internal variable, 82           Command interpreter, 41
          Boxes, drawing, 211                 Command line, 54
          BREAK, 181                             arguments, see replaceable
          .BTM files, 99, 257                     parameters
                                                 automatic directory changes,
               -- C --                           echoing of, 215, 216
                                                 editing, 55, 132, 133
          CALL, 101, 108, 183                    editing mode, 55, 128, 296
          CANCEL, 101, 183, 184, 276             expanded, 216
          Carriage return character, 94          filename completion, 59
          Case (upper / lower), 130, 297         help, 62
          CD, 185                                history, 56, see also
          CDD, 187                                History list
          CDPATH environment variable,           history window, 58
           80, 116                               input method, 129, 296
             and automatic directory             multiple commands, 61
              changes, 62                        processing of, 44
             and CD, 186                         prompt, 271
             and CDD, 187                     Command processing, 43
             and PUSHD, 275                   Command Reference Guide, 162
          Changing directories, 61, 185,      Command tail, 44, 45
           187, 270, 274                      Command, 4DOS startup, 112,
          @CHAR variable function, 86          113, 114
          CHCP, 189, 199, 206, 303               and multitaskers, 150
          CHDIR, 185                          COMMAND.COM
          CLS, 101, 190                          in DOS version 2.x, 113
             and DESQView, 154                   in Microsoft Windows, 152
          CMDLINE environment variable,          in multitasker DOS windows,
           80                                     149
          Code page, 82, 189                     message server, 136
          _CODEPAGE internal variable, 82     CommandEscape directive, 133
          Cold reboot, 278                    Commands
          COLOR, 101, 192                        conditional execution of,
             and DESQView, 154                    244
          ColorDir directive, 130                external, 44, 162, 164, 267
          COLORDIR environment variable,         format of, 164
           80, 116, 205, 288                     help for, 62, 234
             and DESQView, 154                   internal, 44, 162
             and redirection, 206                   disabling, 168, 295
          Colors, see Screen; Monochrome         list of, 163, 168
           monitor                               new, 164
          _COLUMN internal variable, 82          order of execution, 44, 77
          _COLUMNS internal variable, 82         programming interface, 337
          Command grouping, 91, see also         types of, 163, 164
           EXCEPT, FOR, GLOBAL, and IF        CommandSep directive, 128, 295
          Command history, see History        Comments
           list                                  in 4DOS.INI, 119

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             in alias files, 177                 during SELECT, 287
             in AUTOEXEC.BAT, 159             Ctrl-C, see Ctrl-Break
             in batch files, 280              Ctrl-X, see Escape character
             in CONFIG.SYS, 15, 16, 159       Ctrl-Z, 196
             in environment variable          CTTY, 67, 198
              files, 293                      Current drive and directory, 47
          Compatibility, 9, 11                   changing, see Changing
             with hardware, 139                   directories
             with other software, 148,           retrieving, 82
              156                                saving temporarily, 218,
          Compound character, 295                 270, 274, 298
          COMSPEC environment variable,       Cursor
           80, 115                               positioning, 284, 285, 313
             and disk swapping, 126              shape, 128, 143, 296
             and DOS FORMAT /S, 149           CursorIns directive, 128, 143,
             and LOG file location, 259        296
             and multitaskers, 150            CursorOver directive, 128, 143,
             checking, 110                     296
             on laptop and notebook           _CWD internal variable, 82
              computers, 147                  _CWDS internal variable, 82
             removing, 309                    _CWP internal variable, 82
             setting automatically, 110       _CWPS internal variable, 82
          Conditional commands, 91
          CONFIG.SYS, 41, 109
             4DOS commands in, 110                 -- D --
             and ANSI driver, 144
             and DOS bug, 112                 Daily execution of batch file,
          Configuration, 4DOS, 80, 109,        90
           118                                DATE, 199
          CONsole device, 198, 301, see       _DATE internal variable, 82
           also Standard input, Standard      @DATE variable function, 86
           output, and Standard error         Day of week, 83
          Coprocessor, see Numeric            Default directory, see Current
           coprocessor                         drive and directory
          COPY, 193                           Default drive, see Current
          Country code, 199, 206, 273,         drive and directory
           303                                DEL, 145, 200
          CPU, 49, 139                        Del directive, 132
          _CPU internal variable, 82          DELAY, 202
          CritFail directive, 135, 148        Deleting files, 200
          Critical errors, 147                DelHistory directive, 133
             automatic Fail response,         DelToBeginning directive, 132
              111, 114, 135                   DelToEnd directive, 132
          Ctrl-Break                          DelWordLeft directive, 132
             checking, 181                    DelWordRight directive, 132
             during DELAY, 202                DESCRIBE, 132, 203
             during INKEY, 246                @DESCRIPT variable function, 86
             during PAUSE, 269

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          DESCRIPT.ION, 203, see File            shell (defined), 1
           descriptions                          structure, 41
          Descriptions, see File                 version 2.x, 110, 113
           descriptions                       _DOS internal variable, 83
          DESQView, 153                       @DOSMEM variable function, 86
             and secondary shells, 113,       _DOSVER internal variable, 83
              121                             _DOW internal variable, 83
             detecting, 83, 84                Down directive, 132
          Detecting 4DOS, 335                 DRAWBOX, 102, 142, 211
          DIR, 145, 204                       DRAWHLINE, 102, 142, 213
             and include lists, 75            DRAWVLINE, 102, 142, 214
             directory size limits, 206       Drive, see Disk drives
          Directories, see Subdirectories     Drive letter, 46
          Directory stack, 274                _DV internal variable, 83
             clearing, 270
             displaying, 210
             size, 274                             -- E --
          DIRS, 210, 270, 274
          Disk drives, 144                    ECHO, 215
             drive letter, 46                    ANSI sequences in, 94
             space on, 86, 227                   at command line, 216
             swapping to, 126, 300               in batch files, 99, 102,
             testing status of, 88                105, 280
             volume label, 87, 312                  default state, 127, 297
             write verification on, 311             inheritance, 183
          _DISK internal variable, 82         ECHOS, 102, 217
          @DISKFREE variable function, 86     Editing aliases and environment
             on networks, 155                  variables, 219
          Diskless workstations, 155          EditMode directive, 128, 296
          @DISKTOTAL variable function,       EGA, 142, 144, 189, 243
           86                                 ELSE, in IFF, 244
             on networks, 155                 ELSEIFF, in IFF, 244
          @DISKUSED variable function, 86     EMS, see Memory
             on networks, 155                 @EMS variable function, 86
          Display colors, see Screen;         EndHistory directive, 134
           Video                              ENDIFF, in IFF, 244
          DOS, 149                            EndLine directive, 132
             APPEND command, 149              ENDLOCAL, 101, 104, 218, 298,
             bug in CONFIG.SYS                 309
              processing, 112                 ENDTEXT, 102, 302
             command interpreter, 42          _ENV internal variable, 83
             commands, help for, 62, 164,     EnvFree directive, 124, 292
              234                             Environment, 48, 78, 291
             compatibility box, see OS/2         loading in high memory, 127
             external commands, 162              master, 219, 292, 309
             FORMAT /S command, 149              memory space for
             hidden files, 41                       displaying, 262
             memory, see Memory                     setting, 111, 114, 124

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                testing, 83                   @EXTENDED variable function, 87
             saving temporarily, 218, 298     Extension, see File names
             size, and compatibility          External commands, see Commands
              problems, 158
          Environment directive, 124, 292
          Environment variables, 48, 78,           -- F --
             and INKEY, 246                   _FG internal variable, 83
             and INPUT, 249                   File attributes, 47, 178
             characters in name, 78              and COPY, 196, 197
             creating, 291                       and DEL, 201
             displaying, 291                     and DIR, 204, 207, 209, 225
             editing, 219                        and EXCEPT, 220
             expansion, 94                       and GLOBAL, 228
             nesting, 78                         and MOVE, 263, 265
             reading from a file, 292            and REN, 282
             referencing, 78                     and SELECT, 289
             removing, 309                       setting, 178
             spaces in, 292                      subdirectory, 179
          ERASE, 145, 200                        testing, 86
          EraseLine directive, 132               viewing, 178
          Error level, see Exit code             volume label, 179
          Error messages, 315                 File descriptions, 203
          ERRORLEVEL test, in IF and IFF,        and disk performance, 145
           241                                   programming for, 338
          Escape character, 93, 128, 295         retrieving, 86
          EscapeChar directive, 128, 295         sorting by, 208, 289
          ESET, 132, 219                      File names, 45
             and environment variables,          parts of, 45
              78, 292                               separating, 87, 88
             and PATH, 158, 267                  shorthand for, 70
          @EVAL variable function, 86            unique, 89
          EXCEPT, 92, 136, 220                @FILEDATE variable function, 87
             and DEL /Z, 201                  Filename completion, 59
          @EXEC variable function, 87         Files, 45
          ExecLine directive, 132                adding line numbers to, 307
          Executable extensions, 44, 75          copying, 193
             wildcards in, 77                    date, 48, 87, 199, 204
          EXIST test, in IF and IFF, 242         deleting, 200
          EXIT, 117, 222                         displaying, 255, 307
          Exit code, 81, 222, 276                moving, 263, 281
             and GLOBAL, 229                     reading, in FOR, 223
             and IF tests, 241                   renaming, 281
          Expanded memory, see Memory            retrieving lines from, 87
          @EXT variable function, 87             searching for, 89
          Extended key codes, see Key            selecting, 286
           codes                                 size of, 87, 204
          Extended memory, see Memory            time stamp, 48, 87, 303

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  360


             true path of, 89, 306            History list, 56, 236
          @FILESIZE variable function, 87        controlling, 128, 237
          @FILETIME variable function, 87        inheritance in secondary
          FineSwap directive, 135                 shells, 136
          Floppy disks, 144                      memory space for, 125, 262
          FOR, 92, 102, 136, 223                 reading from a file, 237
          Form feed character, 94             History window, 58, 129
          FORMAT /S command, 149              HistWinBegin directive, 134
          FREE, 227                           HistWinColor directive, 129
             on networks, 155                 HistWinEdit directive, 134
          Free disk space, see disk space     HistWinEnd directive, 134
          Free memory, see Memory             HistWinExec directive, 134
          @FULL variable function, 87         HistWinHeight directive, 129
          FullINT2E directive, 136            HistWinLeft directive, 129
                                              HistWinOpen directive, 134
                                              HistWinTop directive, 129
               -- G --                        HistWinWidth directive, 129
                                              HMA, see Memory
          General Concepts, 41
          GLOBAL, 92, 136, 228
          Glossary, 342                            -- I --
          GOSUB, 102, 107, 230, 283
          GOTO, 102, 232                      IF, 92, 102, 136, 238
             and IFF, 106, 245                   conditions, 239
          Guided Tour, 18                     IFF, 102, 244
                                                 and GOSUB, 230
                                                 and GOTO, 106, 245
               -- H --                           conditions, 239
                                              Include lists, 74
          Hard drives, 144                    @INDEX variable function, 87
          Hardware compatibility, see         Inherit directive, 136
           Compatibility                      INKEY, 102, 105, 246
          HELP, 62, 234                       INPUT, 102, 132, 249
             and external commands, 164       Ins directive, 133
             and mouse, 64                    Installable commands, 337
             location of files, 124           Installation, 13
             on monochrome screen, 147,          manual, 14
              235                                reversing, 15
             options, 124, 147, 235              with monochrome monitor, 13
          Help directive, 134                 INT 2E, 339
          HELPCFG program, 147, 234           INT 2F, 335
          HelpOptions directive, 124, 147     @INT variable function, 87
          HelpPath directive, 124, 234        Internal commands, see Commands
          Hidden attribute, see File          Internal variables, 81, see
           attributes                          also names of individual
          HistMin directive, 128               variables
          HISTORY, 117, 236                      in aliases, 176
          History directive, 125                 in batch files, 84, 100

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  361


          ISALIAS test, in IF and IFF,           screen size, 130, 143, 296
           242                                ListColors directive, 130
          ISDIR test, in IF and IFF, 242      ListFind directive, 135
          ISINTERNAL test, in IF and IFF,     ListHighBit directive, 135
           242                                ListNext directive, 135
                                              ListPrint directive, 135
                                              ListWrap directive, 135
               -- J --                        Literal keystrokes, 55
                                              LOADBTM, 99, 102, 257
          JOIN command, 306                   LOADHIGH, 140, 141, 254
                                              LOG, 106, 117, 259
                                              Log file location, 259
               -- K --                        LogName directive, 125
                                              Lower case, 130, 297
          Key                                 @LOWER variable function, 88
             codes, 51, 325, 329              @LPT variable function, 88
             mapping, 131
                for all input, 132
                for command line editing,          -- M --
                for history window, 134       Master environment, see
                for LIST, 135                  Environment
             names, 123, 172, 247, 251        MD, 261
          Keyboard, 51                        MEMORY, 141, 158, 262
          KEYSTACK, 68, 102, 106, 250            and QEMM, 141
             programming interface, 336       Memory, 49, 140
          Keystroke aliases, see Aliases         base, 49
          KSTACK.COM, 15, 68, 115, 250              4DOS's use of, 140
                                                    amount of, 86
                                                    DOS in, 310
               -- L --                           expanded (EMS), 49, 50
          @LABEL variable function, 87              4DOS's use of, 140
          Labels, in batch files, 230,              amount of, 86, 262
           232                                      hardware, 141
          Laptop computers, 145                     swapping to, 125, 142,
          Left directive, 133                        300
          @LEN variable function, 87             extended, 50
          LH, 140, 141, 254                         4DOS's use of, 141
          LIM EMS, see Memory                       amount of, 87, 262
          Line feed character, 94                extended (XMS), 50
          @LINE variable function, 87               4DOS's use of, 140, 141
          LineInput directive, 129, 296             amount of, 90, 262
          Lines, drawing, on screen, 213,           swapping to, 125, 300
           214                                   free, 262
          LIST, 255                              high memory area (HMA), 50,
             default colors, 130                  141
             keys used with, 132, 135               DOS in, 310
             output method, 142                     status of, 262

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  362


             problems with, 142               NoClobber directive, 130, 296
             upper, 49                        NormalEditKey directive, 134
             upper memory blocks (UMBs),      NormalHWinKey directive, 134
              50                              NormalKey directive, 132, 133
                4DOS's use of, 127, 140          and keystroke aliases, 173
                and LOADHIGH, 254             NormalListKey directive, 135
          Memory resident programs, see       NOT, in IF and IFF, 238, 242,
           TSRs                                244
          Messages, displaying, 215, 217      Notebook computers, 145
          MessageServer directive, 136        Novell Netware, 137, 154
          Microsoft Windows, 150, 152         Numeric coprocessor, 83, 139
             and secondary shells, 113,       Numeric tests, in IF and IFF,
              121                              241
             detecting, 84, 153
          MKDIR, 261
          _MONITOR internal variable, 83           -- O --
          Monochrome monitor
             and HELP, 147, 235               Operating system, detecting
             and installation, 13              type of, 83
             and Microsoft Windows, 152       Options
          Mouse, in HELP, 64                     in commands, 165
          MOVE, 263                              startup, see Startup Options
             and SELECT, 264                  Or (||) in conditional
          Multiple commands, 61                commands, 91
             in aliases, 169                  .OR., in IF and IFF, 238, 242,
             separator character, 61, 94,      244
              128, 295                        OS/2
          Multiple filenames, 73                 4OS2 product, 1
          Multitasking software, 149             command grouping, 92
             and disk swapping, 151              detecting, 83
             DESQView, 153                       DOS compatibility box, 9, 83
             Microsoft Windows, 152                 in OS/2 version 2.0, 42,
                                                     84, 222

               -- N --
                                                   -- P --
          @NAME variable function, 88
          _NDP internal variable, 83          Parent directory, 47, 71, 185,
          Networks, 154                        187, 261
             and pipes, 156                   Parsing, 45
             disk space calculations on,      PATH command, 158, 267
              155                             PATH environment variable, 49,
             disk swapping on, 137, 155        80, 115
             drive names on, 46                  "." in, 268
             file and directory names on,        and @SEARCH variable
              155                                 function, 89
          NextFile directive, 134                avoiding search of, 35
          NextHistory directive, 134             changing, 219, 267

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             format of, 267
             invalid directory in, 268
             length of, 157, 268                   -- R --
             searching path, 45
             viewing, 267                     RAM, see Memory
          @PATH variable function, 88         RAM disk, 46, 141
          Path, of a file, 45, 47                swapping to, 125
             and aliases, 97                  RD, 277
             extracting from full file        Read-only attribute, see File
              name, 88                         attributes
             finding full path name, 87       @READY variable function, 88
             finding true path, 89, 306       REBOOT, 278
             if omitted, 47                   Redirection, 65
             in executable extensions, 76        alternative methods, 301,
             in include lists, 75                 314
          PAUSE, 102, 105, 269                   and COLORDIR environment
          PauseOnError directive, 120,            variable, 206
           125                                   and command grouping, 92
          Percent sign, see % sign               and NoClobber, 66, 296
          Pipes, 67, 301                         capturing batch file output,
             and networks, 156                    106
          POPD, 210, 270, 274                    nested, 67
          PrevFile directive, 134                preventing file overwrites,
          PrevHistory directive, 134              130
          [Primary], see 4DOS.INI             Reduce directive, 136
          Primary shell, see Shell            Registration, 5
          Printer                             REM, 102, 159, 280
             checking status of, 88              in AUTOEXEC.BAT, 16, 159
             sending control codes to, 94        in CONFIG.SYS, 15, 16, 159
             sending files to, 193            @REMOTE variable function, 88
          Programming for 4DOS, see           @REMOVABLE variable function,
           Technical Information               88
          PROMPT command, 117, 150, 271       REN, 263, 281
             ANSI sequences in, 94, 272       RENAME, 263, 281
             changing for secondary           Replaceable parameters
              shell, 85                          in aliases, 175, 176
          PROMPT environment variable,           in batch files, 100, 299
           80, 116                            ReserveTPA directive, 136
          Prompt Solution, The, 5             RETURN, 102, 230, 283
          PUSHD, 210, 270, 274                Right directive, 133
                                              RMDIR, 277
                                              ROM, booting from, 145
               -- Q --                        Root directory, 46
                                              _ROW internal variable, 83
          QUIT, 102, 183, 184, 276            _ROWS internal variable, 83
          Quoting, of arguments, 94

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  364


               -- S --
                                                 /C(ompound character), 128,
          SaveHistory directive, 134              295
          Scan codes, see Key codes              /E(scape character), 93,
          SCREEN, 102, 284                        128, 295
          Screen, see also Video                 /I(nternal), 168, 242, 295
             clearing, 190                       /L(ine), 129, 296
             colors, see also Monochrome         /M(ode), 128, 296
              monitor                            /N(o clobber), 130, 296
                and ANSI driver, 53, 131,        /R(ows), 130, 143, 296
                 295                             /S(hape), 128, 143, 296
                and cursor, 143                  /U(pper), 84, 130, 207, 297
                in DIR, 205                      /V(erbose), 99, 127, 297
                in HELP, 147, 234                and 4DOS.INI, 120, 294
                in history window, 129        SETLOCAL, 101, 102, 104, 298,
                in LIST, 130, 256              309
                in PROMPT, 272                Shell
                in SELECT, 130, 288              DOS shell (defined), 1
                of boxes, 211                    level, 83, 273
                of lines, 213, 214               primary, 42
                of text, 285, 302, 313              and multitaskers, 149,
                setting defaults, 130,               151
                 190, 192, 295                      startup options, 110
                setting, in 4START, 85,          secondary, 42
                 117                                and COMSPEC, 115
                testing, 82, 83                     and multitaskers, 149,
             size, 52, 82, 83, 130, 142,             150
              296                                   exiting from, 222
          ScreenRows directive, 130, 143,           inheritance, 120, 136,
           296                                       176, 294
          SCRPUT, 102, 142, 285                     startup options, 113
          Search path, see PATH                  visual shell, 42
           environment variable               _SHELL internal variable, 83
          @SEARCH variable function, 89       SHELL= line, in CONFIG.SYS, 15,
          [Secondary], see 4DOS.INI            42, 110, 146
          Secondary shell, see Shell             and DOS version 2.x, 113
          SELECT, 286                         SHIFT, 100, 102, 299
             and command grouping, 92         Software compatibility, see
             and include lists, 75             Compatibility
             and MOVE, 264                    Sound, see BEEP
             and stack size, 136              StackSize directive, 136
             default colors, 130              Standard error device, 65
             keys used with, 132              Standard input device, 65, 256,
             output method, 142                301, 314
             screen size, 130, 143, 296       Standard output device, 65,
          Serial port, 198                     301, 314
          SET, 78, 291                        Startup options, 110
          SETDOS, 294                            //iniline, 112, 114, 150
             /A(NSI), 127, 144, 191, 192,

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  365


             @d:\path\inifile, 111, 113,
             commands in, 112, 114                 -- T --
             for secondary shells, 113
          StdColors directive, 130            Tab character, 94
          Stopwatch, see TIMER                Task switching software, see
          String tests, in IF and IFF,         Multitasking software
           239                                Technical Information, 335
          Subdirectories, 46                     DESCRIPT.ION, 338
             attributes of, 178                  detecting 4DOS, 335
             changing, see Changing              installable commands, 337
              directories                        INT 2E, 339
             copying, 197                        KEYSTACK, 336
             creating, 261                    Technical support, 5, 7
             deleting files from, 201         TEE, 301
             descriptions for, 203            TEMP environment variable, 80,
             executing commands in, 228        116, 156
             hidden, 228                      TEMP4DOS environment variable,
             moving, 263, 265                  80, 116, 156
             name, maximum length of, 47      TEXT, 102, 302
             removing, 201, 265, 277          THEN, in IFF, 244
             renaming, 281                    TIME, 303
             testing for, 242                 _TIME internal variable, 83
          Subdirectory attribute, see         @TIME variable function, 89
           File attributes                    TIMER, 103, 304
          SUBST command, 306                  Tour, of 4DOS features, 18
          @SUBSTR variable function, 89       TRUENAME, 306
          Swapping, 125                       @TRUENAME variable function,
             and compatibility, 142            89, 306
             and multitasking software,       TSRs, 148
              151                                and .BTM files, 257
             enabling and disabling, 300         and 4START, 117
             file names used by, 126, 151        and multitasker startup
             on networks, 155                     files, 150
             reduced, 136                        and SETLOCAL, 298
             types of, 125                       and swapping state, 300
          SWAPPING command, 300                  loading order, 160
          Swapping directive, 125, 140,       TYPE, 307
           156, 160
          SwapReopen directive, 137
          Switches, in commands, 165               -- U --
             attribute, see File              UltraVision, 144
              attributes                      UMBEnvironment directive, 127,
             date, 199                         140, 160
             rebooting, 278                      and DESQView, 154
             tests, in IF and IFF, 241        UMBLoad directive, 127, 140,
             time, 303                         160

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  366


             and DESQView, 154                      and DEL, 145, 201
          UMBs, see Memory                       in executable extensions, 77
          UNALIAS, 104, 308                      in include lists, 74
          Uninstalling 4DOS, 15                  in multiple filenames, 73
          @UNIQUE variable function, 89       _WIN internal variable, 84, 153
          UNSET, 78, 101, 309                 Windows, see Microsoft Windows
          Up directive, 133                   @WORD variable function, 90
          Upgrades, 5                         WordLeft directive, 133
          Upper case, 130, 297                WordRight directive, 133
          @UPPER variable function, 89
          UpperCase directive, 130, 207,
           297                                     -- X --

                                              XMS, see Memory
               -- V --                        @XMS variable function, 90
                                              .XOR., in IF and IFF, 238, 242,
          Variable expansion, 94               244
          Variable functions, 85, see
           also names of individual
           functions                               -- Y --
             in aliases, 90, 176
             in batch files, 90, 100          Y, 314
          VER, 310
          VERIFY, 197, 311
          Version numbers, 81, 83, 310
          Vertical text display, 313
          VGA, 142, 144, 189, 243
          Video hardware, 52, 142, see
           also Screen
          _VIDEO internal variable, 84
          VOL, 312
          Volume label, see Disk drives
          Volume label attribute, see
           File attributes
          VSCRPUT, 103, 142, 313

               -- W --

          Warm reboot, 278
          Warning mark, see !
          Wildcards, 71
             and @SEARCH variable
              function, 89
             and filename completion, 60
             and renaming subdirectories,
             extended, 72

          Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc.      4DOS Reference Manual  /  367


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