THE ADDAMS FAMILY pinball machine


[file: the-addams-family; version: 1993-01-28]


Midway Manufacturing Company, 1991 (released Jan 1992?)

This is an index for The Addams Family.  The idea is to be a reference

sheet, not a playing guide.  It answers three types of question:

  What does that do?

  How is that done?

  How much does that score?

but it does not explain the flow and logic of the game.  While it's

possible to chase cross-references to figure out the logic, it's

easier (and more fun) to just play the game, and refer to the index

when you have a specific question.

[This file is in the public domain.]

Send comments, corrections, or additions to <>

Anything in {curly braces} is a cross-reference to another entry in

the index.

The notation "2M +1M" means something starts at 2M and increases by 1M

each time.  "2M +1M to 5M" means it stops and stays at 5M.

The rules described are for default settings.  There probably could be

detailed description of options setting, but I don't have a manual.

Attic.  The last room in the {Mansion}, collected after all the other

rooms.  You can discover what's in the Attic yourself.

Bear Kicks.  Each trip up the {center ramp} gives you 1 or 2 Bear

Kicks.  2 Bear Kicks is lit by one of the {left inlanes}.  Each Bear

Kick scores 350K and is worth 100K {Bonus}.  {Extra Ball} is lit at 6

(self-adjusting) and 50 Bear Kicks.  A {Mansion} room is awarded at 15

+10 Bear Kicks.  If the Mansion room cannot be awarded for some

reason, the award is deferred until the next Bear Kick.  After 99 Bear

Kicks, each Bear Kick is worth 5M.  (This is a "Super Bear" game.)

Bonus.  Awarded at the end of each ball.  The value is

  (100K * {Bear Kicks} + 500K * {Mansion} rooms) * {Bonus X}

  + {Mamushka}

  + {Cousin It}

  + {Raise the Dead}

Bonus X.  Lit for a few seconds by the {right inlane}, collected by

shooting the {left loop}.  Multiplies part of your {Bonus} score.

Reset on every ball.

Bookcase.  It's the bright blue target.  Hit the bookcase to light a

{GREED letter}.  The bookcase swings open to reveal the {Vault}.

During {Multiball}, each bookcase hit increases {Jackpot} by 1M.

Center ramp.  The bottom gate scores 5130.  The ramp collects {Bear

Kicks}, {Thing Flips}, and lights the {Electric Chair}.  It's part of

a {combo shot} and one of the {GRAVE letters}.  See also {Seance}.

Combo shots.  {Center ramp} to {left loop} to {left ramp} to {Swamp}

is a 4-way combo for 10M.  The first three or the last three are 3-way

combos for 5M.  The middle two lights a {star}.

Cousin It.  A 20s timed {Mansion} award.  The Cousin It {Bonus} is

equal to 1M + (the It value * every target hit).  The It value starts

at 200K and increases 50K every time you hit the It targets (which are

below the left ramp, opposite the upper flipper).

Electric Chair.  Yellow light: collects a {Mansion} award; lit by the

{center ramp} or the {left ramp}; lit for a few seconds by the {right

inlane}; disabled during {Multiball} and {Quick Multiball}.  Red

light: a {Multiball lock}.

Extra ball.  Collected at the {Thing lock}.  Lit by a {Mansion} award,

by {Bear Kicks}, or by {Train Wrecks}.

GRAVE letters.  Each scores 100k when unlit, 50k when lit.  Lighting

each letter increases the value of one {Graveyard} bumper.  Lighting

all the letters scores 2M(?) +1M to ? and turns the letters off.  The

"V" is the {center ramp}.  The "E" is the {Swamp kickout}.

Graveyard.  Five pop bumpers.  Each hit adds 10K/20K/30K to the

{Graveyard value} and changes the current {Mansion} award.  Bumper

values are increased by the {GRAVE lights} or {Graveyard at Max}.  See

also {Raise the Dead}.

Graveyard at Max.  A {Mansion} award.  Turns all the {Graveyard}

bumpers flashing for maximum value.

Graveyard value.  Starts at 1M.  Advanced by the {Graveyard} bumpers,

and collected at the {Swamp}.  After it's collected, it's reset to 1M

unless you've hit the {Train target} during this ball.  A {Train

Wreck} holds the Graveyard value over to the next ball.

GREED letters.  Collect each letter by hitting the {Bookcase}.  Before

the first {Multiball}, a letter is awarded for each ball you launch.

Collecting all the letters turns on the {Multiball locks}.

Jackpot.  Collect the Jackpot at the {Train target} during

{Multiball}.  The Jackpot value is 10M +1M to 20M, increased by the

{Bookcase}.  Jackpot can only be collected once per Multiball, unlike

{Super Jackpot}.

Left inlanes.  Each scores 1k.  Light {Thing Flips} and Light 2 {Bear

Kicks}.  Light Thing Flips is turned off during {Multiball} and {Quick


Left loop.  Increases {Bonus X} when lit.  Part of a {combo shot}.

Left mini-flipper.  A sensor above this flipper lights the {Swamp

hole} and {Swamp millions} for a few seconds.  If you collect {Thing

Flips}, this flipper will shoot for the Swamp hole automatically.

Left ramp.  The bottom gate scores 5130.  The ramp scores the

{Million-Plus}, lights a {THING letter}, lights the {Electric

Chair}, and scores the {Super-Jackpot} during {Multiball}.  It's also

part of a {combo shot}.  See also {Seance}.

Mamushka.  A 20s timed {Mansion} award.  The Mamushka {Bonus} starts

at 1M and increases by 250K for every target hit.

Mansion.  When the {Electric Chair} is lit yellow, shoot the Electric

Chair or the {Swamp kickout} to award a Mansion room.  {Bear Kicks}

will also award Mansion rooms.  The current room is changed by the

{Graveyard} bumpers.  Each Mansion room you visit is worth 500K

{Bonus}.  There are thirteen rooms:

  3M, {Graveyard at Max}, {Cousin It}, {Mamushka},

  6M, {Quick Multiball}, {Tunnel Hunt}, {Seance},

  9M, {Thing}, {Raise the Dead}, Light {Extra Ball},


Collecting 3M lights 6M and vice versa.  The extra room does not count

as Bonus, but does count as progress towards the Attic.

Million-Plus.  Collected at the {left ramp}.  Scores 1M +1M to 10M,

reset on each ball.  7L,1S,14R,1S,20L,1S.

Multiball.  Starts when all three balls are in {Multiball locks}.

During Multiball, collect {Jackpot} and {Super Jackpot} as long as

more than one ball is in play.  If you lose Multiball without getting

any Jackpots, then {Thing Multiball} will be lit.

Multiball locks.  Turned on after you collect all the {GREED letters}.

Lock two balls in the {Vault}.  For the first {Multiball}, the first

ball can also be locked in the {Thing lock}, and the second can also

be locked in the Thing lock or the {Swamp}.  Lock the third ball in

the {Vault} or the {Electric Chair} to start Multiball.

Quick Multiball.  Lit by a {Mansion} award.  Collected at the {Thing

lock}.  During Quick Multiball, shoot the {Vault} for 5M +1M to 10M.

The {Bear Kick} ramp also advances the Vault value.  See also {Thing}

for a slightly different version of quick multiball.

Raise the Dead.  A 25s timed {Mansion} award.  The Raise the Dead

{Bonus} is 2M, plus 100K for the first three hits of each {Graveyard}

bumper, plus 2.7M for the fourth hit of each bumper.

Right inlane.  Scores 1k.  Lights {Bonus X} and the {Electric Chair}

for a few seconds.

Seance.  A 20s timed {Mansion} award.  Shoot the {left ramp} or

{center ramp} for 5M +5M to 15M.

Skill shot.  Drop the ball in the {Thing lock} for 2M +1M to 5M.

Slingshots.  Score 10,010.

Star.  Light each star with a {combo shot}.  Each star is worth 5M

when you collect the {Thing value}.  13L,1S,1R,1S,2L,1S.

Super Jackpot.  Collected on the {left ramp} during {Multiball}.  The

value is 2x {Jackpot} during the first multiball, 3x Jackpot

thereafter.  After you collect a Super Jackpot, shoot the {Vault} to

turn it on again.

Swamp.  A ball trap under the playfield.  Enter the swamp from the

{Swamp hole} or a soft plunger shot.  Ejects out the {Swamp kickout}.

The {Thing lock} and the {Vault} also end up here.

Swamp hole.  A hole in the right side of the playfield that leads to

the {Swamp}.  Scores the {Graveyard value}, or 5x the Graveyard value

when lit from the {left mini-flipper}.  Part of a combo shot.  Also a

{Multiball lock}.

Swamp kickout.  A tunnel leading out of the {Swamp}.  Collects a

{Mansion} award when the {Electric Chair} is lit.  One of the {GRAVE


Swamp millions.  Targets on both sides of the {Swamp hole}.  Each

target scores 100K, or 1M when lit from the {left mini-flipper}.

Thing.  A timed {Mansion} award.  The game starts counting from 15M

down to 3M.  Shoot the {Thing lock} for that many points.  This also

starts a version of {Quick Multiball} that awards that many points

(with no increase) when you shoot the {Vault}.

Thing Flips.  Lit for a few seconds by one of the {left inlanes}.

Shoot the {center ramp} and the ball feeds to the {left mini-flipper}

which automatically(!) shoots for the {Swamp hole}.

THING letter.  Lit by the {left ramp}.  When all the letters are lit,

collect the {Thing value} at the {Thing lock}.

Thing lock.  Shoot this from the short ramp next to the {center ramp}

or from the plunger.  Ejects to the upper flipper, or out the {Swamp

kickout}.  Awards {Skill Shot} or 100K.  Can award {Thing value},

{Extra Ball}, {Quick Multiball}, or {Thing Multiball}.  Also a

{Multiball lock}.  Quick Multiball overrides Multiball lock, Multiball

lock overrides Thing value.  Extra Ball can always be collected.

Thing Multiball.  Lit for 20s when you lose {Multiball} without

collecting a {Jackpot} or {Super Jackpot}.  Shoot the {Thing lock} to

start a two-ball {Multiball}.

Thing value.  When all {THING letters} are lit, shoot the {Thing lock}

for 5M +5M to 15M, plus 5M for each {star} lit.

Train target.  Scores 1M or a {Train Wreck}.  Scores the {Jackpot}

during {Multiball}.

Train wreck.  Every 2 +1 hits of the {Train target}.  Scores 5M and

holds the {Graveyard value}.  {Extra Ball} is lit at 4 train wrecks.

Tunnel Hunt.  A timed {Mansion} award.  Shoot the {Electric Chair},

{Swamp kickout}, and {Vault} tunnels once each for 5M +5M until 15M.

Vault.  A tunnel behind the {Bookcase}, ejected at the {Swamp

kickout}.  One of the {Multiball locks}.  Relights {Super Jackpot}

during multiball.  See also {Thing}, {Tunnel Hunt}, {Quick Multiball}.

Additions and corrections contributed by:

 Mark Cook <>

 Martin Joseph Gleeson <>

 Kevin Martin <>

 Phaedrus <>

and a few other people I don't remember (sorry!)


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