

        When I set about to interface to the Hard Disk Port on my Atari

1040ST I assembled all the documentation I could find and discovered that,

though I found plenty, I still ended up without quite enough to design

the interface.  I attacked the problem with the Scientific Method and

now have a working one-megabyte-per-second interface.  This article was

written to give others the information that I needed in hopes that they

will not be frightened of using what has turned out to be a very simple

and easy-to-use port.

        Since much of the information in this article is based on 

experiment with only one DMA chip it is possible that some of it will

not apply to other revisions of the chip.  Perhaps someone at Atari will

correct any misconceptions or outright errors.  Also, the interface I

built only does DMA transfers into the ST (read operations); therefore,

while it is easy to infer the appropriate protocol, I haven't tested

DMA transfers in the opposite direction.


        The same DMA channel is used for both the floppy disks and the

Hard Disk Port.  The floppies are controlled by a floppy disk controller

chip which is connected to the DMA chip.  The DMA chip is capable of

servicing data requests at about 1.25 MHz.  If you attempt to transfer

data at a rate greater than that data will be lost.  I have been able

to transfer data at very close to this rate without any problems.  The

DMA chips buffers 16 bytes of data before requesting the memory buss

then holds the buss until all buffered data has been transfered.  Memory

cycles used for DMA are taken from the processor;  since the memory buss

makes 4 MByte/s available, 1 MByte/s of DMA should take 25% of the cycles

normally available to the processor, plus a fudge factor to account for

the time spent in arbitration.


        The Hard Disk Port is a 19-pin D connector - apparently completely

unavailable through normal commercial channels.  I made my own from a 

metal-shelled male DB25 connector as follows:

        - remove and discard the metal shell revealing that the pins are

          held in place and insulated with two loose plastic retainers;

        - remove the pins from the retainers (for once you can lose a couple

          since you will end up with six spares);

        - using a fretsaw or a fine hacksaw remove one end of both retainers

          leaving 19 holes;

        - replace the pins and glue the retainers together.

You now have the connector you need.  It has no mounting ears but the

retaining force of 19 pins is quite substantial.  If this is not adequate

you could perhaps ingeniously salvage the metal shell somehow.

        The pins on the Hard Disk Port are connected as follows (pin one

is at the upper right of the connector facing the rear of the computer):

        1-8     DMA data buss bits 0-7 (bidirectional)

        9       Hard Disk Controller Chip Select (_HDCS) (output)

        10      Interrupt Request (_IRQ) (input, internal 1k pull-up)

        11      Ground

        12      Reset (bidirectional)

        13      Ground

        14      Acknowledge (_ACK) (output)

        15      Ground

        16      A1 (output)

        17      Ground

        18      Read/_Write (R/_W) (output)

        19      Data Request (_DRQ) (input, internal 1k pull-up)

        The Hard Disk Port is connected directly to the DMA chip WITHOUT

ANY BUFFERING on most pins - be careful,

a small mistake (e.g., static) could blow your DMA chip.  The system reset

line is also directly connected to the port meaning that accidental shorts

reset your computer - very irritating.


        The DMA chip is accessed through memory-mapped registers:

ff8604  R/W  16 bits    When bit 4 of the Mode register is zero a read or

                        write access to this word causes a read or write

                        cycle on the DMA buss.  If bit 3 is set the Hard

                        Disk Chip Select controls the cycle; otherwise,

                        the Floppy Disk Controller is selected.  R/_W is

                        set according to the type of the CPU access and

                        A1 is set according to bit 1 of the Mode register.

                        NOTA BENE: what is called A0 in the DMA chip is

                        called A1 on the Hard Disk Port.  For some reason, 

                        if bit 7 is not set no DMA buss cycle will take


                        When bit 4 of the Mode register is one the internal

                        sector count register is selected.  This register

                        counts down the number of 512-byte blocks that have

                        been transferred.  When the sector count register

                        reaches zero the chip will cease to transfer data.

ff8606  R    16 bits    Status word:

                        bit 0: 1 if error.

                        bit 1: 1 if sector count is zero.

                        bit 2: 1 if _DRQ is active.

                        If this word is polled during a DMA operation the

                        transfer will be disrupted.  End of transfer must

                        be signalled with the _IRQ signal.  The status is

                        cleared by toggling bit 8 in the Mode register.

ff8606  W    16 bits    Mode register:

                        bit 0:  not used.

                        bit 1:  A0; state of Hard Disk Port line A1 (sic)

                                during a DMA buss cycle.

                        bit 2:  A1; used for Floppy Controller only.

                        bit 3:  HDC/_FDC chip select; if this bit is 1

                                the _HDCS chip select will be generated;

                                otherwise the Floppy Controller select.

                        bit 4:  If one, select the the internal sector

                                count register for access at ff8604.

                        bit 5:  Reserved; set to zero.

                        bit 6:  Disable DMA when set; this is not used by


                        bit 7:  FDC/_HDC transfer select; if set DRQ from

                                the Floppy Controller is acknowledged;

                                otherwise, DRQ from the Hard Disk Port.

                                This bit must also be set to get a DMA buss

                                cycle for some reason.

                        bit 8:  Write/_Read; if set, data will be transferred

                                out of memory; otherwise, into.  Toggling

                                this bit also clears the DMA chip status.

ff8609  R/W  8 bits     DMA Address Counter High byte.

ff860b  R/W  8 bits     DMA Address Counter Mid byte.

ff860d  R/W  8 bits     DMA Address Counter Low byte.

                        The DMA Address Counter must be loaded in Low, Mid,

                        High order.

        There are two eight-word FIFOs in the chip; one for buffering

read operations and one for writes.  The FIFOs are not flushed automatically

so you can only transfer data in multiples of 16 bytes.  Actually, use

512-byte units like the sector count register does.

        The DMA chip has no interrupt capability; This is ickky, but

        cheap.  End-of-transfer  interrupts must  be  generated  by

the  external controller and are  masked and vectored by the 68901  MFP

chip on the General Purpose  I/O Port, bit 5, interrupt level  7. The

MFP chip interrupts  are controlled  with the XBIOS  calls 'mfpinit',

'jdisint',  and 'jenabint'.  'jenabint(7)' and  'jdisint(7)' will

enable and disable the DMA interrupt. 'mfpint(7,dmahandler)' will

initialize  the vector  to 'dmahandler',  wiping out  any earlier one.

If  you want  instead  to  simply  test  the state  of  the interrupt

request line,  without taking  any interrupts  you can test the MFP

GPIP data register. Read a byte from fffa01 and mask with $20; if the

result is zero there is no interrupt.

        Because the floppy controller shares the DMA chip you have to

be very careful about two things: 1) do not leave DMA interrupts enabled

accidentally or floppy operations will call your DMA interrupt handler;

2) turn off the floppy check routine while using DMA by jamming a 1 into

FLOCK=$43e to prevent this periodic operation from screwing up your

transfers by altering the DMA chip registers.


        These timing contraints are my interpretation of sketchy,

preliminary-looking Atari documents dated "27 September 1985".  If

someone at Atari can give better figures, please inform me.

        There are two separate types of transfer on the DMA buss: 

processor cycles, which are initiated by the processor, and DMA cycles,

which are initiated by the external controller.  The processor 

initiates a DMA transfer by waking up the controller with a few command

bytes then gives it control of the DMA buss.  The controller then uses

the DMA buss as long as it needs it and returns control by interrupting

the processor. 

        Processor cycles are controlled by the _HDCS, R/_W, and A1

lines in the usual fashion.  On a write cycle, the DMA chip gives you

60 ns of setup on A1, data, and R/_W before asserting _HDCS for about

250 ns, then holds for no more than 20 ns.  On a read cycle, you get

the same setup for A1 and R/_W, and you must give the DMA chip 100 ns

setup oe data before _HDCS is retracted.  Hold time should be less than

80 ns.

        Data cycles are initiated by the external controller by asserting

_DRQ.  _ACK will be asserted by the DMA chip no more than 240 ns later.

_DRQ may then be retracted.  _ACK is asserted for about 250 ns.  In a

read operation (data from controller to memory) data should be setup

60(?) ns before _ACK is retracted and held for 50(?) ns.  In a write

operation (data from memory to controller) data is valid 60 ns before

_ACK is asserted until 60 ns after _ACK is retracted. _DRQ for the next

cycle may not be asserted earlier than 240 ns after _ACK has been



        This interface transfers a byte into the the DMA chip whenever

a rising edge is seen on the data strobe input.  This interface cannot

coexist with a hard disk because it will respond to commands intended

for the hard disk.  Bear with me, we'll tackle that later.

        Rather than attempt to render several schematics in ASCII I will

describe the circuits and let you draw the schematics.  If the 

instructions don't make any sense you probably should not attempt to

make the interface.  It's all very simple if you know exactly what

you are doing; if you don't - you're dead.


        If all you want to do is read and write bytes it is very simple:

You simply use the Chip Select, R/_W, and A1 lines to select two write

registers and two read registers.  If you need more than that all you

have to do is use A1=0 to select an address register which selects the

register you get on a cycle with A1=1.  One thing that you have to

consider is that the ST writes to the Hard Disk Port several times

during its booting procedure, presumably to determine if there are any

hard disks connected.  Apparently, if no interrupt is received in response

to these writes the ROM assumes that no controller is connected.  

        In my interface there is a mode register which is accessed when

A1=0.  It has two control bits and two bits connected to a decoder which

determines which of three other registers are selected when A1=1.


        If an interrupt is needed (probably why you want to use this

port) you need a flipflop to store the interrupt state and some way

to reset it.  I used a 74LS74 for the flipflop with a diode on the output

to get the open-collector action.  This diode is not needed if there is

no other device on the Hard Disk Port. (But don't scrimp on a diode...)

I reset the interrupt with any access to the mode register but other

methods would work as well.  Make sure that the circuit will always

leave reset with the interrupt cleared.  I arranged this by having a

circuit enable bit in the Mode register, which is cleared by system

reset.  If you screw up on this your floppy will not work because the

same interrupt is used for both floppy and hard disk controllers.  I

learned a little about the file system the hard way while debugging

this interface - I recommend getting the interrupt reset system right

the first time.


        Once you can write to your mode register adding DMA transfers

(at least for read operations) is very simple.  All you need is 

another flipflop to do the Data Request synchronization and a 3-state

octal latch (74LS374) to hold the data.  Connect

the output to the DRQ line with a diode as with the interrupt flipflop.

When data is available clock it into the data register and clock a zero

into the flipflop.  This generates a data request for the DMA chip.

When it gets around to it the DMA chip will assert _ACK, which means it

is ready to accept the data.  Since you have the _ACK signal connected

to the three-state enable pin on the data register the data is driven

onto the buss.  You also use the _ACK signal to set the flipflop.

When the DMA chip no longer needs the data it will retract _ACK and

you can begin another transfer.  Spurious data requests are not as

nasty as spurious interrupts because the DMA chip does not listen to

hard disk data requests if it is listening to the floppy disk controller.

Naturally, if there is a real hard disk out there, there had better not

be any spurious data requests.


        I do not own a hard disk; therefore, the suggestions in this

section are totally untested.


        The Atari-defined protocol allows seven different controllers on

the DMA buss.  In order to make an interface which will not interfere with

other controllers you must understand the protocol.  Each command is

initiated with a processor write cycle which sends out a Command Byte (A1=0)

on the DMA buss.  The most-significant three bits contain the controller

number and the remaining bits contain an operation code.  The controller

whose number matches the controller number in the Command Byte responds

to the operation code.  Some operations require parameters, which are 

sent as Data Bytes (A1=1) following the Command Byte.  The controller

generates an interrupt after coping with each byte.  After the last Data

Byte is sent the controller takes over the buss for the DMA transfer.

When the transfer is finished the controller generates an interrupt.

        In order to keep out of the way of other controllers on the buss it

should only be necessary to select your interface with a Command Byte with

the proper format.  After that use data bytes as you wish, since all other

controllers will not be selected.


        Using this information anyone with any experience in interfacing

can produce a working DMA interface.  Best of luck and drop me a line if

you find this useful.



                Doug Collinge

                School of Music, University of Victoria,

                PO Box 1700, Victoria, B.C., Canada,  V8W 2Y2  




                __... ...__  _.. .  ..._ . __... __. _. .._  ..._._


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