Exerpted from the ECHO Newsletter

PUBLISHED by: ECH2O2, lnc. 

P.O. Box 126 Delano, MN 55328 


Merck's Index indicates that hydrogen peroxide can be used as a water 

disinfectant. ALWAYS use 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide in a dilute 

solution. NEVER use it as a concentrate without diluting it first. To 

make a 3% solution, mix 1 ounce 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide with 

11 ounces of water. Distilled water is best when feasible, especially 

if the solution is to be stored for any length of time. The following 

information is for educational purposes and is not meant to treat or 

prescribe. We are sharing what others have told us has worked for them 

as they seek to have healthier animals and plants. Man, too, will 

benefit further down the food chain. lt was in 1985 that the first 

dairy farmer began injecting hydrogen peroxide in the water system of 

his entire farm. The water on his farm was polluted and mastitis was a 

problem with his herd. After continual use since that time, this same 

farmer has noticed with satisfaction the healthy state of his cows. ln 

April, 1988, the butterfat content of his Holstein cows was up to 

5.3%. Another farmer who weighs the milk from every cow at every 

milking, reported that his milk production increased from 6 to 8 

pounds per cow per milking. Others have reported their bacteria count 

has gone down to less than 2,000 per cubic centimeter. Many other 

farmers are continuing this experimental process. DRINKING WATER OF 

FARM ANIMALS: Use 8 ounces of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide per 

1000 gallons of water or 30 ppm. lf you do not have an injector, start 

out by using 1 teaspoon of 35% in the drinking cups at the stanchion. 

This same ratio is used for all farm animals: cows, pigs, poultry, 

sheep, goats, rabbits and birds, increasing  the oxygen level to the 

blood and cells. When hydrogen peroxide has been used for cattle, an 

increase in milk production and an increase in butterfat content have 

been reported. Farmers have also reported less mastitis in their 

herds. Hog farmers have reported that they have been able to market 

their hogs using less feed in a shorter growing time (as much as 30 

days less). Turkey and chicken growers reported increased weight per 

bird using less feed. A man in  Wisconsin has told us that he has had 

the best reproduction rate of his buffalo by using hydrogen peroxide 

in their drinking water. 

Peroxide application into the well water, or city water, can best be 

accomplished by a metering device, which keeps the application more 

constant and thorough, although manual application can be a second 

best. The rule of thumb is 8 to 10 oz. 35% peroxide to 1000 gallons 

water in a holding tank or stock tank, striving to attain a reading 30 

ppm after application. In order to get a true reading of the amount of 

oxygen remaining in the water after the application, use Peroxide Test 

Strips, designed especially for this very  purpose.  When peroxide is 

being applied throughout the entire watering system, with a reading of 

30 ppm the end of the line, all the water should stay clean of rust, 

bacteria, and algae, plus some other foreign materials found in some 

water. Thus the waterers stay clean and help to stop the spread of  

disease and hog nipples stay clean. Through this method of water 

purification, we have seen cows pass worms, hogs in a hoghouse without 

even parasite eggs in the fecal matter (with no previous worming 

medication for over an extended period of time) and some animals may 

cut back on feed, depending on the nutrient level in their feeding 

program. As long as the iron and mineral level in the body is where it 

should be, the peroxide will attract and hold oxygen in the blood and 

cell of the body, allowing the body's fuel system to burn more 

efficiently. This process of water purification is especially helpful 

in a confinement barn, of any animals. 

DAIRY BARN: Use as a pipeline rinse for milkstone, depending on the 

length of the pipeline. As a rule, 2 to 4 ounces of 35% hydrogen 

peroxide to 15 gallons of water will work with good results. This 

amount also works for rinsing milk cans and the Sulk tank to keep down 

bacteria as well as milkstone. (NOTE: lf hydrogen peroxide is being 

injected into the water system at 30 ppm, the above ratio may need to 

be cut in half.) 

FOR POWER WASH In the dairy barn as well as the hog house, in the 

sanitization process, mix enough peroxide into the water so that a 

light foaming action comes when spraying the floors and walls.  Leave 

this until the foaming subsides,  and rinse again.  If the foaming 

action recurs then the areas which still foam are not clean.  Either 

raise the peroxide level of the original rinse water, or merely 

respray the areas still contaminated with the present amount. 

FOR AN UDDER WASH use 1 oz. of 35% hydrogen peroxide to a gallon of 

warm water. The cows tend to have softer teats and are freer of 

bacteria on the teat ends, which helps to keep down bacteria in the 

bulk tank. 

TO HOLD COLOSTRUM MILK from spoilage until it is all fed to the 

newborn calf, depending on the time of year, pH* of the milk, 

temperature, etc., you can use from 1/4 oz. 35% hydrogen peroxide up 

to 1 oz 35% hydrogen peroxide per gallon of colostrum milk. 

FOR NEWBORN CALVES, to add extra oxygen, add 10 to 15 drops 35% 

hydrogen peroxide to a bottle of milk, morning and evening, per calf. 

This has helped to brighten up calves, and in some cases of scours, 

depending on the pH* of the milk being fed. 

A DRENCH can be given for high fever and off-feed cows with mastitis, 

depending on the situation and case. Mix 1 to 2 ounces 35% hydrogen 

peroxide to 1 quart of water, drenching the animal morning and evening 

for as long as needed, usually 2-3 days. 

AILING COWS: Use 1 pint of 3% hydrogen peroxide to 5 gallons of water. 

ANIMAL WOUNDS: Clean the wounds of animals with 3% hydrogen peroxide. 

INDUCE VOMITING of animals with 3% hydrogen peroxide. 

AFTER BIRTH OF CALVES: Farmers have reported that their cows settle 

and clean out faster after giving birth to a calf when hydrogen 

peroxide is added to their drinking water. 


been used in coverting crop residue into cattle feed. This could be an 

asset to the farmer,  especially in times of drought. lt is possible 

to take straw, cornstocks, corn cobs, soy bean residue, sawdust or 

even ground up brush. By treating these materials with a weak solution 

of hydrogen peroxide, they can be turned into animal feed. The 

experimental work has been done by Michael Gould, U.S. Dept. of 

Agriculture at Peoria, IL. The feedlot reports are in and the meat is 

reportedly as good as corn fed. As I understand the process, they take 

a 1% solution of hydrogen peroxide and soak the residue for 16 hours. 

This breaks down the fiber so that it can be assimilated. According to 

one article in the April 1986 issue of Farm lndustry News, Volume 19, 

Number 4-, they have taken wheat straw, ground it into flour and made 

bread, cakes and pancakes with the flour. To make a 1% solution, mix 1 

part 35% food grade hydrog peroxide to 34 parts of water. 

                          OTHER FARM ANIMALS 

HOGS: ln the production of hogs, it has been found that the meat is 

more lean when hydrogen peroxide is added to their drinking water. One 

hog raiser who sells by grade and yield only, reported that he got the 

highest grade ever. Another hog raiser raised one hog to 250 pounds 

for her use. lt yielded only 23 pounds of lard. Another hog farmer 

took 2 hogs in to be slaughtered for his own personal use. While 

there, the Federal Meat lnspector came and inspected his hogs. He was 

amazed to see how large the lungs were, in comparison to another hog 

which was grown in close confinement. The latter hog had pneumonia, 

like most hogs raised this way. The pneumonia is held in check with 

antibiotics. The meat inspector told the farmer that his hogs weren't 

getting the proper amount of oxygen. "lt takes oxygen to make good 

lean meat," he said.  He then asked the farmer, "What are you doing?" 

The reply was, "I just treat the water." 

HOGS WITH SCOURS: ln the case of hogs with scours, use 1 00 ppm for 2-

3 days, then back down to the normal amount, 20-30 ppm. 

SLURRY TANKS: A slurry tank is an outdoor tank where farmers store the 

animals' wastes from the" dairy barns and/or hog operation. ln Penn-

sylvania it has been found that by adding 15 gallons of 35% hydrogen 

peroxide to 350,000 gallons of slurry and agitating it, there is no 

odor given off from the slurry. Then a truckload a truckload tank of 

blackstrap molasses and bacteria is added several days prior to 

applying the slurry to their fields. Once again they put in 15 gallons 

of 35% hydrogen peroxide and agitate it.  This applied on their fields 

for fertilizer.  They have found that there is no odor, and it is the 

finest liquid fertilizer they have used. 

CHICKENS: ln the fall of 1983, over 1,000,000 chickens were given 

hydrogen peroxide in their drinking water because of the avian flu 

epidemic. None of these birds got the flu, but before the epidemic was 

over, 11,000,000 chickens had to be destroyed and were put in a 

landfill. A chicken farmer in eastern Ohio, with a flock of 20,000 egg 

layers, found that by putting hydrogen peroxide in their drinking 

water, the egg production went up 1 ,000 eggs per day. We now have a 

farmer raising 350,000 egg laying chickens on hydrogen peroxide. A 

chicken raiser who raises heavy chickens, said the problem she usually 

has had with the chicken's legs and tendons breaking was greatly 

decreased after using hydrogen peroxide in their drinking water. She 

also noticed when she dressed the chicken, there were no breast 

blisters. I am currently eating broilers raised on hydrogen peroxide 

and think they are the best chickens I have eaten since I was a small 

child. lf we buy chicken from the supermarket, I rinse or soak them in 

a 3% dilute solution first to rid them of possible salmonella. 


experimentally at the rate of .5% to 1%, soaking it in this solution 

for 10 minutes as a decontaminate for salmnonella. The work was done 

in the Netherlands and published in 1987 Poultry Science, issue 66, 

pp. 1555-1557. 

TURKEYS: A number of turkey raisers throughout the U.S. and Canada are 

using hydrogen peroxide in their drinking water. A turkey raiser in 

Canada put 20,000 turkeys on hydrogen peroxide. ln the same growing 

time, they averaged 1.5 pounds more per bird, used 8.5% less feed and 

the mortality rate went down. ln Missouri a turkey raiser told me he 

took his turkeys from chicks to market without any medication or 

antibiotics. One of the head veterinarians of the State of Missouri 

was asked about the use of hydrogen peroxide in the drinking water of 

turkeys. His comment was, "lt's only water and oxygen and cannot hurt 

them it will not show up in the chemical residue test." This same 

farmer was awarded the Grower Of The Month Award. A turkey grower in 

Wisconsin told me after using hydrogen peroxide on his turkeys, that 

his chemical residue test came back with zero chemical residue 

BIRDS: Hydrogen peroxide and sodium perborate were used by Robert 

Stroud to heal birds. He wrote about it in the book, Diseases of 

Birds, which should be available at your local library. Stroud is "The 

Bird Man of Alcatraz". 

PETS: For small animals (dogs and cats) use 1 oz. 3% hydrogen peroxide 

to one quart of water. 

                         CROPS, ORCHARDS AND PLANTS 

FOLIAR FEED: To foliar feed crops, put 1 6 oz. of 35% food grade 

hydrogen peroxide into 20 gallons of water. This is sufficient for one 

acre. Spray on plants early in the morning. (lt has been found that 

the singing of the birds opens the pores of the plants.) 

SEED GERMINATION: To germninate seeds put 1 oz. 3% hydrogen peroxide 

into a pint of distilled water or up to as much as 5 oz. of 3% to a 

pint of distilled water. Soak the seeds for 8 hours.  An experiment 

was done soaking old wheat seeds with the solution, while also testing 

controlled seeds with plain water. The hydrogen peroxide treated seeds 

germinated at a rate of 90% while the controlled seeds germinated at a 

rate of 60% 

INSECTICIDE: Use hydrogen peroxide as an insecticide by mixing 8 oz. 

or more of 3% hydrogen peroxide to a gallon of water with 8 oz. of 

molasses or white sugar. lt has been found that blackstrap molasses 

works better than sugar. lt seems to adhere to the plant better. 

HOUSE AND GARDEN PLANTS: Put 1 oz. 3% hydrogen peroxide into a quart 

of water (or add 16 drops 35% to 1 quart water) Water or mist plants 

with this solution. 

ORCHARDS: Orchard owners are watering the ground around the trees 

using 6-8 oz. of 3% to a gallon of water, and also using it as a 

spray. lt has been reported that a pear tree that never bore fruit is 

now bearing fruit after treatment. 

RICE PADDIES:  In Japan, nonproductive rice paddies were treated with 

Hydrogen peroxide and now rice is once again being grown on the 


FISH FARMS: Hydrogen peroxide is being used to disinfect water at fish 

farms so as to reduce the fungal growth on fish. Hydrogen peroxide is 

being put in the make-up water at the rate of 5 ppm. Tropical fish 

raisers have found that adding 1 oz. of 35% food grade hydrogen 

peroxide to 20 gallons of water is sufficient. As a precaution, do not 

exceed this amount. Where a little is good, more is not necessarily 

better. The only technical article I have found dealing with hydrogen 

peroxide and fish is an article entitled, "The use of Hydrogen 

Peroxide in the Transport of Fish," (Timur, M.; Baran, I.; Karahan, B. 

Veterinerfakultesi Dergisi Ankara Universities (1982) 29 (3/4) 4210426 

(TR, Em). There was also a study done using ozone in transporting fish 

from Alaska. This consisted of passing ozone through crushed ice. They 

found they could get an additional 12 days of shelf life for the fish. 

Reference; "Summary of Test Using Ozonated Ice to Extend Shelf Life of 

Fresh Alaska Salmon," prepared by Howe-Baker Engineers, lnc., Tyler, 

Texas, based on final report by Richard A. Neve, Ph.D., University of 

Alaska Fairbanks, Nov. 1982. For a copy of the report write to Office 

of Commercial Fisheries Development, State of Alaska, Dept. of 

Commerce and Economic Development, 333 W. 4th, Suite 35, Anchorage, 

Alaska 99501. (20 pages) 

               Peroxide test strips can be ordered from:

                           Lab Safety Supply

                             P.0. Box 1368

                         Janesville, Wl 53437



                         2560 Muhlenhardt Rd. 

                          Shakopee, MN 55379 

                            (612) 496-1417 

                             Jerry Freeman 

                           4853 Joyce Drive 

                           Dayton, OH 45439 

                            (513) 299-4283. 

A special "thank you" to John Smoll for his contribution of 

information. Thank You, John! 

*............... A good electrical meter is the PM-1 6 PowerMatic 

which retails for $474-.80 by the Mec-0-Matic Company. Our price is 

$320.00 plus shipping For more information, contact: God's Helping 

Hands 23501 W. Fawn River Rd. Sturgis, Mich. 49091 (616) 651-1566 


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