What is [7mCyberspace[m? David G.W. Birch & S. Peter Buck, Hyperion 1 WHAT IS [7mCYBERSPACE[m? Introduction In a recent issue of the Computer Law & Security Report [1], Bernard Zajac suggested that readers might want to peruse some of the "cyberpunk" novels-in particular the works of William Gibson-in order to gain an insight into the organisation and behaviour of hackers. While wholly commending the incitement to read Gibson's work, we feel that this view understates the breadth of vision of the cyberpunk genre and could mislead, because the "console men" and "keyboard cowboys" of Gibson's works are not really the same people as the hackers of today. We thought it might therefore be both entertaining and stimulating to provide readers with an overview of the world of [7mcyberspace[m and to draw attention to some elements of the works where we feel that there are indeed some points worth further analysis and discussion. Is it ...