

                          ARMIES OF CHAOS -      Before anyone proposes more gun control, he or she should know  about a simple, deadly weapon 4 times as powerful as Dirty Harry's  legendary .44 Magnum -- and at least twice as concealable -- that  _can't_ controlled.        This simple, deadly weapon can be made by anyone -- even a  child -- with unpowered hand tools in an hour's time using $5 worth  of materials, most of which are available around the house anyway.   In traditional form it's reusable an unlimited number of times, and  modern plastics have rendered its disposable version electronically  undetectable.  You can clear a room with such a weapon (more of a  hand-held directional grenade than a gun -- sort of a recycleable  Claymore mine) and it's just one of hundreds of similar time-proven  designs.        Complete instructions for building this simple, deadly weapon  could be given in half the space I'm using here and not require a  single illustrat

The Book of Wisdom and Folly

 November 13, 1988 e.v. key entry by Bill Heidrick T.G. O.T.O. (c) O.T.O.   NOT PROOFED! for special characters and alphabets.  ----  This is an ASCII file Items in Curly Braces are Descriptions of Single Characters --Tony *************************************************************************                       Liber CXI  vel {HB:Aleph } Aleph                 The Book of Wisdom and Folly.                     {Epsilon }{Pi }{Iota }{Sigma }{Tau }{Omicron }{Lambda }{Eta }    {Tau }{Omega }{Upsilon } {Mu }{Epsilon }{Gamma }{Alpha }{Lambda }{Omicron }{Upsilon }                           {Theta }{Eta }{Rho }{Iota }{Omicron }{Upsilon }                  {Pi }{Rho }{Omicron }{Sigma } {Tau }{Omicron }{Nu }    {Upsilon }{Iota }{Omicron }{Nu }    {Alpha }{Upsilon }{Tau }{Omicron }{Upsilon }{Gamma }{Epsilon }{Sigma }{Rho }{Alpha }{Mu }{Mu }{Alpha }{Tau }    {Omicron }{Nu }        Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.                              --------------            Love is th