1) CHAPTERS:  Each and every member of the M00se Illuminati is his or her own

    chapter.  He or she is also the Bull M00se (spiritual leader), Grand Poobah

    (political leader), and treasurer (money-handler) of his own chapter.

    Therefore, a chapter could be listed as such:


                        Bull M00se:   William R. Dickson

                                      261 Newt Road

                                      Aberdeen, CT 06011

                                      (223) 699-1545

                        Grand Poobah: Billy Dickson

                                      261 Newt Road

                                      Aberdeen, CT 06011

                                      (223) 699-1545

                        Treasurer:    Bill Dickson

                                      261 Newt Road

                                      Aberdeen, CT 06011

                                      (223) 699-1545

 2) THRONGS:  Any group of two or more chapters gathered together in one place

    is a throng.  The more chapters, the bigger the throng.

 3) SYMBOL:  The symbol is a four-sided, eleven-step pyramid with an eye in

    the top step and a three-pronged antler on either side.  It once was

    thought impossible to draw with text characters, but a case of extreme

    boredom one day was cured by the invention of a text-character symbol.


   ___                  /  \                  ___

  /   \     __         /    \         __     /   \

 |     \   /  \   _   / <()> \   _   /  \   /     |

 |      \_/    \_/ \_/________\_/ \_/    \_/      |

  \_________________/__I___I___\_________________/   This smaller version

                   /_I___I___I__\                    is used when time or

                  /I___I___I___I_\                   space is short.


                /__I___I___I___I___\                   _      /\      _

               /_I___I___I___I___I__\                 / \_/\_/  \_/\_/ \

              /I___I___I___I___I___I_\                \_____/ () \_____/

             /___I___I___I___I___I___I\                    /      \

            /__I___I___I___I___I___I___\                  /  \__/  \

           /_I___I___I___I___I___I___I__\                /__________\

 4) SECRET M00SE SIGN: Thumbs to side of head, fingers outstretched to simulate

    antlers.  Usually accompanied by the Secret M00se Call.

 5) SECRET M00SE CALL:  BL00P!  (Taken from Bloom County.)

 6) PURPOSE:  To confuse, obfuscate, bewilder, and befuddle the masses.

 7) POLITICAL AFFILIATIONS:  Varies according to the chapter.  The M00se

    Illuminati as a whole will support any chapter's beliefs.  Thus, the M00se

    Illuminati may, at any given time, be supporting any number of contra-

    dicting philosophies.

 8) NEW MEMBERS:  Any chapter can dub new members so long as it uses a silly,

    meaningless ceremony that is made up on the spot to do so.  It would be

    very nice if the Bill Dickson chapter (DICKSON@HARTFORD.BITNET) were

    notified so it could record the new member/chapter.  This will allow the

    Bill Dickson chapter to send all chapters any new information.

 9) SECRET NUMBERS:  The secret numbers of the M00se Illuminati are 11 (the

    number of steps in the pyramid) and 13 (11 + two antlers).  Be on the

    lookout for these numbers, as they may hold some significance.  Also watch

    out for 31 (13 transposed) and 11 (11 transposed).

10) PLURAL:  The plural of M00se is M00ses--NOT  M00se, moosies, moosi, moosei,

    moostachios, or Bim Skala Bim.

11) SLASHED 'O's:  The 'O's in M00se, Bloop, and all other EXTREMELY m00sey

    words are slashed: 0.  This apparently originated in the opening credits of

    Monty Python and the Holy Grail.  Unfortunately, it is impossible to do

    this with the lower-case on a computer.  In fact, it is now difficult to do

    it with the upper-case, as most computers no longer have slashed zeros.  We

    use the zero where we would want a slashed 'o' anyway, to remind us that we

    are making an attempt.  Please draw the slashes in if you print a hardcopy.

12) FLEXIBLE RULES:  Any of the rules may be changed except for numbers 1, 3,

    4, 5, 10, and 11.  If you attempt to change a rule in  such a way as to

    create a paradox, remember that m00ses don't care about paradox.

13) ALWAYS REMEMBER:  Bloop!  Bloop bloop?  BL00P!  Bloop?  BL0000000P!


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