Compiled by:   Imelda H. Smallwood

               Information Technology Branch

U.S. Department of Education

Lamar Alexander, Secretary

Office of Educational Research and Improvement

Bruno V. Manno, Acting Assistant Secretary

National Center for Education Statistics

Emerson J. Elliott, Acting Commissioner

National Center for Education Statistics

"The purpose of the Center shall be collect, and analyze, and

disseminate statistics and other data related to education in the

United States and in other nations." --Section 406(b) of the

General Education Provisions Act, as amended (20 U.S.C. 1221e-1).



     Data File Availability and Ordering Assistance

     Survey Technique Information

     Data File Technical Information




     Elementary and Secondary Education

     Postsecondary Education

     Vocational and Adult Education


     Longitudinal Studies





This Directory is published by the Office of Educational Research

and Improvement (OERI).  OERI supports and conducts research on

education, collects and analyzes education statistics,

administers grant and contract programs to improve libraries and

library education, and disseminates information to parents,

students, teachers, school administrators, policymakers,

researchers, the media, and others.  

A major function of OERI is to distribute computerized data tape

files from  the library of survey data which OERI's National

Center for Education Statistics (NCES) has been collecting for

over 20 years.  The entire OERI library of computer tape survey

files is available for public sales distribution.  This Directory

is designed to give a brief, nontechnical synopsis of the

major files available.  


In addition to supplying copies of data files, special

tabulations, diskettes, and mailing labels, mailing label

software packages are also provided.  Capabilities range from

straightforward listings to complicated statistical analyses.

General inquiries regarding the availability, content, and

specifications of any of these files should be addressed to:


U.S. Department of Education

OERI/PID/Education Information Branch

555 New Jersey Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20208-5641

1 (800) 424-1616



Questions regarding indepth information about the surveys, their

processing, sampling techniques, data quality testing, and the

like, should be addressed to the appropriate subject-matter

specialists.  The following phone numbers are in the (202) area



Elementary and Secondary Education           219-1614

Higher Education                             219-1352

Adult Education                              219-1352


     College and University                  219-1354

     Public                                  219-1354

     Elementary and Secondary School         219-1354

Longitudinal Studies                         219-1642

Vocational Education                         219-1352


Technical questions regarding the computer processing of the data

can be answered by calling the Data Systems Branch at (202)

219-1522 or 219-1847.


Tape Prices


Each survey is sold as a unique data file. The basic price for a

data file is $175.  Additional files ordered at the same time are

$75 each.  At this price, the files will be stacked on as few

reels as possible.  Some large files have separate pricing. 

These prices are referred to in the file descriptions.  Each

annual collection for a multiyear survey is counted as a separate



All necessary documentation is included with each file.  This

includes:  file layout, block size, number of records,

explanatory narratives, survey forms, and related studies.

Tape Technical Specifications 


Standard copying procedures for these files produce 9-track tapes

in 1600 or 6250 BPI using extended binary coded decimal

interchange code (EBCDIC) or American standard code for

information interchange (ASCII), with IBM Standard Labels (SL) or

unlabeled.  We can also copy files to produce 3480 tape



OERI has Statistical Analysis System (SAS) files available for

most files produced since 1976.

To Order Files

To order files, complete the order form included in this

directory.  Please supply the appropriate customer information,

tape specifications, and file names ("Survey Area" plus available

academic year).  For example:


File Name                     Year                Cost


Earned Degrees Conferred      77-78               $175

Earned Degrees Conferred      81-82                 75

Public School Universe        81-82                 75

Private School Universe       76-80                 75

                              Total               $400


Check or money order for the full amount, payable to the U.S.

Department of Education, must accompany the order. You may also

use a credit card (MasterCard or Visa) for payment. (Please see

the order form.) Mail the order to:



     Department of Education

     OERI/EIRD/Data Systems Branch

     Room 214

     555 New Jersey Avenue NW

     Washington, DC  20208-5725

Most orders are mailed within 10 working days of receipt.  



Column Headings:

"Survey Area" is the name of the survey data file.  The names in

this column are used for ordering files.

"Years Available" refers to the academic year which extends from

the fall of the calendar year through the summer of the next


"Description" contains the number of respondents, major variables

and, in many cases, a brief description of the survey itself.


CCD       -    Common Core of Data (Elementary and Secondary


ED        -    Department of Education

FTE       -    Full-Time Equivalent

FY        -    Fiscal Year

HEGIS     -    Higher Education General Information System

IPEDS     -    Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System

               (replaces HEGIS)

LEA       -    Local Education Agency (School District)

NAEP      -    National Assessment of Educational Progress

NCES      -    National Center for Education Statistics

NELS      -    National Education Longitudinal Study

NPSAS     -    National Postsecondary Student Aid Study

RCG       -    Recent College Graduates

SAS       -    Statistical Analysis System

SASS      -    Schools and Staffing Survey

SMSA      -    Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area


 1.       Survey Area:        Public School Districts

          Years Available:    1968-69 through 1989-90

                              (except '74-75 and '84-85)

          Description:        This file includes name, mailing

                              address, telephone number, county,

                              grade span, number of schools, and

                              fall enrollment for approximately

                              17,000 public school districts. 

                              Counts for high school graduates

                              and other completers are also

                              provided.  Some variables on this

                              file are available on diskettes. 


 2.       Survey Area:        Public School Universe 

          Years Available:    1969-72 (4-yr summary)

                              1977-78 through 1989-90 

                              (except '79- 80, '81-82

                              and '85-86)

          Description:        This file includes name, address,

                              telephone number, district, high

                              grade, low grade, school type,

                              number of teachers, and pupils

                              enrolled in over 85,000 public

                              schools.  The number of students

                              eligible for the free-lunch

                              program and membership, by grade

                              and racial/ethnic categories, are

                              also provided.  Most survey years

                              lack some elements which were not

                              submitted by certain states.  Some

                              variables on this file are

                              available on diskettes.  

 3.       Survey  Area:       Private School Universe

          Years Available:    1970-71, 1976-77, 1976-80

                              (4-yr summary) 

          Description:        This file includes name, mailing

                              address, school district, type,

                              affiliation, enrollment, graduates,

                              and classroom teachers for

                              approximately 21,000 private

                              schools.  Some variables on this

                              file are available on diskettes.  

 4.       Survey  Area:       School District Non-Fiscal Data

          Years Available:    1981-82, 1982-83, 1983-84, 1984-85

          Description:        This file includes school district

                              name, the number of schools, as

                              well as the number of students

                              enrolled, teachers, instructional

                              aides, and administrative support

                              staff (in FTE), as assigned for

                              approximately 17,000 school


 5.       Survey  Area:       State Summary of School District


          Years Available:    1982-88, 1989 

          Description:        This file includes state summary

                              information for aggregate public

                              school revenues, current

                              expenditures, average daily

                              attendance, and fixed charges as

                              reported by LEAs.  The file

                              contains data from all 50 states,

                              the District of Columbia, and

                              outlying areas for FYs 1982, 1983,

                              1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, and 1988. 

                              The FY 1989 data is contained in a

                              single file and is also available

                              on diskette.   

 6.       Survey  Area:       State Summary of Non-Fiscal Data 

          Years Available:    1984-90

          Description:        This file contains state summary

                              nonfiscal data for 7 years for all

                              50 states, the District of

                              Columbia, and the outlying areas. 

                              Data include enrollment, by grade

                              level; number of teaching,

                              administrative, and support staff;

                              and the number of graduates in the

                              previous year.  These data are also

                              available on diskette. 

 7.       Survey  Area:       Private Schools and Teachers Survey


          Years Available:    1985-86

          Description:        These data were collected from a

                              nationally representative sample of

                              1,174 private schools and 5,295

                              private school teachers in winter

                              and spring of 1986.  School data,

                              collected from the school

                              administrators associated with the

                              sample school, include information

                              on tuition, enrollment, minority

                              enrollment, staffing, advanced

                              placement programs, graduates

                              applying to college, and use of

                              aides and volunteers.  Teacher data

                              include information on training,

                              experience, subjects being taught,

                              assistance of aides and volunteers,

                              teaching salary, working hours,

                              additional employment, teachers'

                              opinions, age, sex, and

                              race/ethnicity.  The tape permits

                              linkage of teachers to the schools

                              in which they teach.

 8.       Survey  Area:       Public Schools and Teachers Survey 

          Years Available:    1984-85

          Description:        This file contains data from a

                              national sample of 2,801 schools

                              and 10,650 teachers.  School data

                              include information on enrollment,

                              minority enrollment, staffing,

                              advanced placement programs,

                              graduates applying to college, use

                              of aides and volunteers, use of

                              computers, and incentive programs

                              for teachers.  Data collected from

                              teachers include information on

                              training, experience, subjects

                              being taught, incentives,

                              certification and endorsement,

                              assistance of aides and volunteers,

                              salaries, working hours, additional

                              employment, age, sex, and

                              racial/ethnic affiliation.  The

                              files permit linkage of teachers to

                              the schools in which they teach. 

 9.       Survey  Area:       Teacher Demand and Shortage

          Years Available:    1983-84

          Description:        This file contains data provided by

                              the administrators of 809 private

                              schools and 2,263 local and

                              intermediate public education

                              agency respondents.  Data items

                              include  headcount figures for

                              position openings; positions

                              unfilled; new and continuing

                              certified and uncertified teachers

                              employed; FTE figures for employed

                              teachers who were certified or

                              uncertified within assignment field

                              and candidate shortages, by subject

                              area and instructional level; and

                              information on the use of merit pay

                              plans and special incentives to

                              recruit or retain teachers in

                              critical areas.  The file contains

                              3,540 records, including

                              non-respondents.  Records are

                              weighted to permit national


10.       Survey  Area:       Census of Population and Housing

                              1980:  File 1F

          Years Available:    1980


          Description:        Data for all school districts in

                              the country (approximately 17,000),

                              including county components of

                              school districts, are contained in

                              this file.  It has complete count

                              data on population and housing

                              characteristics.  (The cost of this

                              file is $275 for 1600 BPI.)

11.       Survey  Area:       Census of Population and Housing

                              1980:  File 3F


          Years Available:    1980

          Description:        Data for all school districts in

                              the country (approximately 17,000),

                              including county components of

                              school districts, are contained in

                              this file.  The data are based on

                              sample estimates covering

                              population, income, employment,

                              education attainment, and housing

                              characteristics.  (The cost of this

                              file is $675 for 1600 BPI, and $275

                              for 6250 BPI.)

12.       Survey  Area:       Master Area Reference File, (MARF)


          Years Available:    1980

          Description:        This file identifies each block

                              group and enumeration district used

                              for tabulating 1980 Census data,

                              along with the school district in

                              which it is located. Also included

                              are selected population and housing

                              counts.  There are approximately

                              400,000 block-group and enumeration

                              district records.  (The cost of

                              this file is $375 for 1600 BPI.)

13.       Survey  Area:       Master Area Reference File, (MARF)


          Years Available:    1980

          Description:        This file identifies each city

                              block and enumeration district used

                              for tabulating 1980 Census data

                              with the school district in which

                              it is located.  It also contains

                              selected population and housing

                              counts.  Approximately 2.5 million

                              city blocks and enumeration

                              district records are included. 

                              (The cost of this file is $575 for

                              6250 BPI.  It is not available at

                              1600 BPI.) 

14.       Survey  Area:       Schools and Staffing Survey

                              (Public and Private School

                              Questionnaires) *

          Years Available:    1987-88

          Description:        This file collects data from a

                              sample of 3,513 private schools and

                              9,317 public schools.  The private

                              schools were drawn from a list

                              frame of 24,186 private schools and

                              an area frame sample of

                              approximately 75 counties or groups

                              of counties that included 996

                              private schools that were not on

                              the list frame.  The public schools

                              were drawn from a sampling frame of

                              80,384.  Variables on these files

                              include school enrollment, number

                              of teachers, staff size, community

                              type, school type, religious

                              affiliation, length of school year

                              and school day, percent of nonwhite

                              students and teachers, support

                              services, tuition, admission

                              requirements, number of students

                              graduated, years experience of

                              teaching staff, number of teachers

                              with advanced degrees, use of

                              volunteers, number of new teachers,

                              and number of teachers who have

                              left.  These data were collected by

                              the U. S. Bureau of the Census via

                              mailed questionnaire.

15.       Survey  Area:       Schools and Staffing Survey (Public

                              and Private School Administrator

                              Questionnaires) **

          Years Available:    1987-88

          Description:        This file collects data from a

                              sample of 3,513 private school

                              heads and 9,317 public school

                              principals.  These were the same

                              3,513 schools and 9,317 schools

                              that received the School

                              Questionnaires.  The private

                              schools were sampled from a list

                              frame of 24,186 private schools and

                              an area frame sample of

                              approximately 75 counties or groups

                              of counties that included 996

                              private schools that were not on

                              the list frame.  The public schools

                              were drawn from a sample of 80,384

                              public schools.  These files

                              contain information on the

                              principal's/head's demographic

                              characteristics, educational

                              background, previous work

                              experience, and perception of

                              school climate.  These data were

                              collected by the U. S. Bureau of

                              the Census via mailed


16.       Survey  Area:       Schools and Staffing Survey

                              (Public and Private School Teacher

                              Questionnaires) **

          Years Available:    1987-88 

          Description:        This file consists of information

                              collected from a sample of 11,529

                              teachers in 3,513 private schools

                              and 56,242 teachers in 9,317 public

                              schools.  These were the same 3,513

                              private schools and 9,317 public 

                              schools that received the School

                              Questionnaires.  These files

                              contain data on the teacher's

                              teaching assignment, years of

                              experience, educational background,

                              previous work experience,

                              certification, perceptions of

                              school climate and the teacher's

                              job, teaching load, salary, and

                              demographic characteristics.  These

                              data were collected by the U. S.

                              Bureau of the Census via mailed


17.       Survey  Area:       Schools and Staffing Survey 

                              (Public and Private School Teacher

                              Demand and Shortage

                              Questionnaires) **


          Years Available:    1987-88

          Description:        This file has data from a sample of

                              3,513 private schools and 5,594

                              public school districts.  These

                              were the same private schools that

                              received the School and 

                              Administrator Questionnaires.  The

                              3,513 private schools were sampled

                              from a list frame of 24,186 private

                              schools and an area frame sample of

                              approximately 75 counties or groups

                              of counties that included 996

                              private schools that were not on

                              the list frame. Of the 5,594 public

                              school districts,  5,586 are the

                              districts associated with a

                              nationally representative sample of

                              9,317 public schools and 8 are

                              districts that hire teachers but do

                              not operate schools.  The samples

                              of schools and districts were

                              obtained from a sampling frame of

                              80,384 public schools and 16,962

                              public school districts. These

                              files contain information on number

                              of students, number of teachers,

                              number of vacancies, number of new

                              hires, salary schedules, and

                              information on hiring practices and

                              retirement policies.  These data

                              were collected by the U. S. Bureau

                              of the Census via mailed


** NOTE NCES sponsored the 1987-88 Schools and Staffing Survey

(SASS) conducted by the U.S. Bureau of the Census. to update data

on teachers, school administrators, schools, and local education

agencies.  Data from previous surveys have been used by Congress,

state education departments, federal agencies, private school

associations, and educational research organizations.

The SASS is an integrated set of surveys that were conducted by

NCES independently in the past.  These include the Private School

Surveys of 1983-84 and 1985-86, the Public School Survey of 1984-

85 and the Teacher Demand and Shortage Survey of 1983-84.  The

SASS include several types of respondents: school district (LEA)

personnel officers, public school principals, private school

heads, public school teachers, and private school teachers.


 1.       Survey  Area:       Opening Fall Enrollment

          Years Available:    1967 through 1989-90 

          Description:        This file covers full-time,

                              part-time, and full-time equivalent

                              enrollment data, by sex, for

                              undergraduate, graduate,

                              unclassified, first-professional

                              degree students and first-time

                              freshmen for over 5,000 schools. 

                              Since 1976, surveys taken in even

                              years contain racial/ethnic

                              enrollment data, by major field of

                              study.  (Racial/ethnic data for

                              1982 by summary only.)  Beginning

                              with 1987, the survey was expanded

                              in odd years to collect student

                              enrollment data by 11 age cohorts. 

                              (The costs of the 1988-89 and the

                              1989-90 files involve special

                              pricing.  Please call for details.)

 2.       Survey  Area:       Financial Statistics 

          Years Available:    1965-66 through 1988-89

          Description:        This file presents current fund

                              revenues, by source; expenditures,

                              by function; physical plant assets,

                              by type and value; scholarship and

                              fellowship expenditures;

                              indebtedness on physical plant;

                              endowment assets; and changes in

                              fund balances for about 5,653

                              institutions.  The data for FY 89

                              is unimputed.  

 3.       Survey  Area:       Residence and Migration

          Years Available:    1972, 1975, 1979, 1981,

                              1984, 1986, 1988 


          Description:        This file covers first-time and new

                              transfer student enrollment

                              classifications, by residence

                              status, home state, and sex for

                              approximately 4,582 institutions.

 4.       Survey  Area:       Faculty Salaries

          Years Available:    1971-72 through 1989-90

                              (No 1983-84, 1986-87 or


          Description:        This file contains data on salary,

                              tenure, and fringe benefits of

                              full-time instructional faculty, by

                              sex, rank, length of contract, and

                              type of institutional unit for

                              about 4,416 institutions.  The

                              1972-73 and 1976-77 surveys also

                              collected the number of part-time,

                              full-time, and non-faculty

                              employees, by manpower resource

                              category.  The Privacy Act of 1974

                              forbids public dissemination of

                              data on salary and fringe benefits

                              for individuals and/or

                              administrators.  A suppression

                              algorithm was used on data cells

                              with fewer than three persons to

                              create a public-use tape.

 5.       Survey  Area:       Earned Degrees (Completions) 

          Years Available:    1968-69 through 1988-89

          Description:        This file covers bachelor's,

                              master's, doctor's, and first-

                              professional degrees received in

                              major disciplines and subfields for

                              approximately 5,000 institutions. 

                              It also includes degrees and

                              certificates awarded for programs

                              beyond high school of less than 4

                              years' duration, by sex.  The

                              1976-77, 1978-79, 1980- 81,

                              1982-83, 1984-85, 1986-87, and

                              1988-89 surveys contain

                              racial/ethnic data within major

                              disciplines.  The number of subject

                              fields was greatly increased

                              starting with the 1982-83 survey. 

                              (The cost of the 1988- 89 file

                              involves special pricing.  Please

                              call for details.)  

 6.       Survey  Area:       Institutional Characteristics 

          Years Available:    1969-70 through 1989-90

          Description:        This file includes institution

                              name, address, telephone number,

                              congressional district, type of

                              control, level of offerings, type

                              of programs, accreditation, and

                              previous year's enrollment for

                              10,919 IPEDS schools.  Data are

                              comparable with those found in the

                              1989-90 Directory of Postsecondary

                              Institutions:  Volume 1, 4-year and

                              2-year (stock number

                              065-000-00428-3, $28) and 1989-90

                              Directory of Postsecondary

                              Institutions: Volume 2, Less-than-

                              2-years (stock number 065-000-

                              00429-1, $20), available from the

                              Superintendent of Documents,

                              Government Printing Office,

                              Washington, DC  20402-9325.  Some

                              variables on this file are

                              available on diskettes.  

 7.       Survey  Area:       College and University Libraries 

          Years Available:    1968-69, 1971-72, 1973-74,

                              1975-76, 1976-77, 1977-78,

                              1979-80, 1982-83, 1985-86,


          Description:        This file includes resources,

                              library operating expenditures,

                              salaries and wages, number of

                              employees, library collections,

                              library loan transactions, and

                              library service per typical week

                              for about 4,300 college libraries. 

                              Salary data cells for fewer than

                              three persons are suppressed.  The

                              1988-89 file is also available on a

                              high density diskette (5 1/4",

                              1.2mb, DOS format, ASCII, $75).  

 8.       Survey  Area:       Recent College Graduates (RCG)

          Years Available:    1974-75, 1976-77, 1979-80,

                              1983-84, 1985-86

          Description:        This file includes data from a

                              national sample of approximately

                              16,000 bachelor's and 2,000

                              master's degree recipients one year

                              after graduation.  The sample was

                              augmented by nursing majors and

                              bilingual education majors.  The

                              emphasis is on the education and

                              employment of all graduates and

                              especially those newly qualified to

                              teach.  A major new component of

                              the 1985-86 survey is an

                              examination of the courses taken

                              and grades received during the

                              graduate's entire postsecondary

                              education prior to award of the

                              bachelor's degree, as reflected in

                              his/her postsecondary academic


 9.       Survey  Area:       Recent College Graduates (RCG)

                              (Transcript File) 

          Years Available:    1985-86 

          Description:        This file contains data from

                              student transcripts of bachelor's

                              degree recipients in the RCG

                              national sample.  The file details

                              courses taken by the approximately

                              20,000 undergraduates, the credits

                              they earned,  their grade point

                              averages, and major field of study.

10.       Survey  Area:       Total Institutional Activity 

          Years Available:    1986-87, 1987-88

          Description:        This file contains data collected

                              on the number of credit/contact

                              hours and the unduplicated count of

                              students enrolled in postsecondary

                              institutions.  The final universe

                              sample was 6,606 institutions. 

                              This survey is conducted every


11.       Survey  Area:       National Survey of Postsecondary

                              Faculty (Institutional Survey Data


          Years Available:    1987-88 

          Description:        This file contains data from

                              institutional level respondents on

                              such issues as faculty composition,

                              turnover, recruitment, retention,

                              and tenure policies.  A stratified

                              random sample of institutions was

                              selected from the 1987 IPEDS file

                              and consists of 480 colleges and

                              universities.  This survey is

                              conducted every 4 years.  The next

                              cycle of the study will be in the

                              1992-93 academic year.

12.       Survey  Area:       National Survey of Postsecondary

                              Faculty (Departmental Chairs Data


          Years Available:    1987-88 

          Description:        This file collects data from

                              department chairpersons (or

                              equivalent) on such issues as

                              faculty composition, turnover,

                              recruitment, retention, and tenure

                              policies.  A stratified random

                              sample of 3,029 eligible department

                              chairs was selected from 424

                              participating institutions.  This

                              survey may be conducted again in

                              the 1992-93 academic year.

13.       Survey  Area:       Fall Enrollment in Occupationally

                              Specific Programs 


          Years Available:    1987, 1989 

          Description:        This file has data on the number of

                              students enrolled in vocational

                              education programs of less than 4

                              years for over 4,000 institutions. 

                              The file collects program

                              enrollments, by sex and

                              race/ethnicity of student.  This

                              survey is conducted biennially.


14.       Survey  Area:       National Postsecondary Student Aid

                              Study (Student Survey Data File) **

          Years Available:    1986-87

          Description:        This file (in-school component)

                              provides data, collected from

                              43,176 students, that includes

                              financial aid award amounts,

                              student characteristics,

                              educational activities, and other

                              data.  It also includes financial

                              aid data and data abstracted from

                              the registrar's records for the

                              1,074 postsecondary institutions

                              participating in the sample.  The

                              1989-90 data is expected to be

                              available in September of 1991.

15.       Survey  Area:       National Postsecondary Student Aid

                              Study (Parent Survey Supplement

                              Data File) **

          Years Available:    1986-87

          Description:        This file (in-school component)

                              samples 13,423 parents.  This

                              survey was designed primarily to be

                              a supplemental data source for

                              family financial information for

                              selected types of NPSAS students,

                              such as dependent, non-aided

                              students.  The 1989-90 data is

                              expected to be available in 1992.

16.       Survey  Area:       National Postsecondary Student Aid

                              Study (Student Loan Recipient

                              Survey) **


          Years Available:    1987 

          Description:        This file (out-of-school component)

                              provides data collected from former

                              postsecondary students who received

                              a Guaranteed Student Loan (GSL) to

                              attend a postsecondary institution.

                              Data on education, loan, and

                              employment history are included

                              along with background

                              characteristics for each of the

                              respondents.  The survey sample

                              consisted of 11,847 former GSL

                              recipients who left school between

                              1976 and 1985.  

17.       Survey  Area:       National Postsecondary Student Aid

                              Study (Student Loan Recipient

                              Transcript Survey) **


          Years Available:    1987

          Description:        This file contains postsecondary

                              school transcripts of GSL

                              recipients who are no longer

                              enrolled.  This out-of-school

                              component provides the means to

                              analyze such basic policy issues as

                              the relationships between

                              educational activities and the

                              ability to cope with indebtedness

                              or the patterns of student loan

                              repayment on default.

18.       Survey  Area:       Fall Staff

          Years Available:    1987-88 


          Description:        This file, the first under the new

                              IPEDS, collects data that describe

                              the distribution of full-time and

                              part-time faculty and staff in

                              postsecondary institutions, by

                              occupational category.  The data,

                              collected in cooperation with the

                              Equal Employment Opportunity

                              Commission (EEOC), came from a

                              final universe of 6,875

                              institutions.  This survey is

                              conducted biennially.

* NOTE: The Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS),

which had been in place for 20 years, was replaced by the

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) in 1986.

IPEDS provides comprehensive and consistent data representing 

all postsecondary institutions in the United States and its

outlying areas.  IPEDS covers all 11,586 postsecondary education

institution.  HEGIS included only those institutions which were

accredited by an agency recognized by the Secretary of Education.

The switch from HEGIS to IPEDS resulted in some differences in

both data elements and file structures.

** NOTE: NPSAS is designed to establish a student-based

postsecondary financial aid data system that will assist

policymakers in assessing federal student aid programs by

providing information on how aid is targeted, received, and used.

It includes students who received no financial aid as well as

those who have.  The "in-school" component of NPSAS involves

three major surveys (institution registrar and financial aid

records; students; and parents).  All types of postsecondary

institutions are surveyed by NPSAS, including public, private

nonprofit, and private for-profit, 2-year and 4-year institutions

and schools offering only occupational programs of less than 2

years.  The "out-of-school" component of the NPSAS data

collection effort targeted former student recipients of

Guaranteed Student Loans.


 1.       Survey  Area:       Postsecondary Career School Survey 

          Years Available:    1973-74, 1975-76, 1977-78, 1979-80


          Description:        This file includes name and address

                              of the parent institution for 9,300

                              active schools; type of control;

                              enrollment, by attendance status

                              and sex; vocational programs and

                              occupational fields; accreditation

                              status; and federal program

                              eligibility. The data compare with

                              what is found in the Directory of

                              Postsecondary Schools with

                              Occupational Programs.

 2.       Survey  Area:       Programs and Enrollments in

                              Noncollegiate Postsecondary Schools

          Years Available:    1980

          Description:        This file contains data collected

                              from three postsecondary education

                              survey forms.  It covers (a)

                              schools from the Postsecondary

                              Career School Survey; (b) a sample

                              of approximately 5,300 schools

                              surveyed for program enrollment,

                              tuition and fees, length and

                              outcomes, student racial/ethnic

                              origins, student age and sex, and

                              staff, by sex and assignments; and

                              (c) data for 62 correspondence


 3.       Survey  Area:       Characteristics of Students in

                              Noncollegiate Postsecondary Schools

          Years Available:    1977, 1979, 1981

          Description:        This is a sample file of

                              approximately 6,800 students drawn

                              from the Postsecondary Career

                              School universe of schools.  It

                              includes their age, sex,

                              race/ethnicity, military status,

                              previous vocational training plans,

                              previous and current work

                              experience, and future work plans. 

 4.       Survey  Area:       Participation in Adult Education

          Years Available:    1969, 1972, 1975, 1978, 1984

          Description:        This file is a national sample of

                              58,000 households conducted for

                              NCES by the Bureau of the Census as

                              part of the Current Population

                              Survey.  It includes data on adult

                              education participants, the courses

                              they took, the providers, and means

                              of financing.

 5.       Survey  Area:       Classification System for

                              Postsecondary Education Courses

          Years Available:    1986

          Description:        This classification system is

                              developed in conjunction with the

                              NCES Longitudinal Studies Program. 

                              It is based on course listings in

                              college catalogues from a sample of

                              60 postsecondary undergraduate and

                              noncollegiate institutions.  It

                              expands upon the Classification of

                              Instructional Programs, which

                              divided courses into 50 major

                              categories.  This system uses an

                              8-digit code to differentiate

                              between similar, yet unique,

                              courses, whereas the CIP uses a 6-

                              digit code.  There are about 21,500

                              courses in the file.


 1.       Survey  Area:       Public Libraries Universe

          Years Available:    1973, 1977, 1981, 1988, 1989

          Description:        This file covers data collected

                              from 8,968 libraries and includes

                              each one's name, location,

                              population of area served, ED state

                              code and SMSA code, number of

                              service outlets, full-time

                              equivalent staff, income,

                              operational expenditures, capital

                              outlay, library collection, public

                              service hours per year, library

                              services per year, and

                              inter-library loans.  The 1989 file

                              is also available on a high density

                              diskette (5 1/4", 1.2mb, DOS

                              format, ASCII).  

 2.       Survey  Area:       Public Libraries (LIBGIS)

          Years Available:    FY 1974, FY 1978 

          Description:        This file is a stratified random

                              sample of 1,349 public libraries in

                              the United States and outlying

                              areas.  It includes the name and

                              location of service outlets, the

                              population of the area served, the

                              number of volumes of books and

                              serials stocked, circulation

                              figures, the number of interlibrary

                              and bulk loans, the number of

                              positions filled by library staff,

                              operating receipts, and

                              expenditures during the fiscal


 3.       Survey  Area:       Library Networks 

          Years Available:    1985-86 

          Description:        This file contains data collected

                              from a stratified sample of 760

                              library networks.  The data include

                              sponsorship, types of library

                              participants, services provided,

                              communication systems used, areas

                              served, staffing patterns, and

                              funds received, by source.

 4.       Survey  Area:       Public and Private School Libraries

                              and Media Centers 


          Years Available:    1985-86 

          Description:        This file contains data collected

                              from a national sample of libraries

                              affiliated with about 4,000 public

                              and 1,200 private schools.  The

                              public school library data was

                              augmented to provide estimates, by

                              state.  Media center data,

                              collected from school librarians,

                              include information on library

                              staff, expenditures, collections,

                              services, usage, technology, and

                              facilities.  Some 93 percent of

                              public schools and 75 percent of

                              private schools had media centers. 



 1.       Survey  Area:       National Longitudinal Study (NLS)

                              of the High School Class of 1972 

          Years Available:    1972 high school graduating class

                              and four subsequent followups

                              through October 1979

          Description:        Provides 3,524 variables on each of

                              the sample's 22,652 respondents. 

                              All data are contained in one data

                              set.  A three-volume data user's

                              guide serves as documentation and

                              is furnished along with the tapes. 

                              The base-year segment contains

                              student personal family background;

                              education and work experience;

                              postsecondary plans, aspirations,

                              attitudes; test results of verbal

                              and nonverbal ability; and items

                              from student high school records. 

                              Followup data (1973, 1974, 1976,

                              and 1979) include respondents'

                              activity status, education and

                              career plans, aspirations, and

                              attitudes.  (The cost of this file

                              is $575 for 1600 BPI, and $275 for

                              6250 BPI.)

 2.       Survey  Area:       NLS-72 Fifth Followup

          Years Available:    1986

          Description:        This survey contains data that was

                              collected during the spring and the

                              summer of 1986.  It involves a

                              subsample of 14,489 members of the

                              original sample of 22,652.  The

                              questionnaire asked the respondents

                              to update background information

                              and to provide new information

                              about their work experiences,

                              employment histories, education and

                              other training, family status,

                              income, and opinions on a range of

                              topics.  The fourth followup file

                              is required if analyzing the fifth

                              followup file in a longitudinal


 3.       Survey  Area:       NLS-72 High School and Counselor


          Years Available:    1972 

          Description:        This data file contains 504

                              variables from the high school file

                              and counselor questionnaire

                              responses.  The data from the high

                              school file can be linked to the

                              data for the students attending

                              each school.  The file contains

                              approximately 1,300 records.  The

                              1972 school questionnaire gathered

                              information on school organization

                              and enrollment, course offerings,

                              special services and programs,

                              library and other resources, time

                              scheduling, and grading systems. 

                              Counselor variables include

                              workloads, counseling practices and

                              facilities, experience with student

                              financial aid programs, age, sex,

                              race/ethnicity, training, and

                              counseling experience.

 4.       Survey  Area:       NLS-72 Postsecondary Institution

                              FICE Code File


          Years Available:    1972-1986

          Description:        This file contains a distribution

                              of 3,696 NLS-72 FICE (Federal

                              Interagency Committee on Education)

                              codes in a merge with HEGIS FICE

                              codes for the period covering

                              1972-1986.  These can be used to

                              link institutional data between the

                              two series. (See appendixes C.10

                              and C.11 in the base year through

                              fourth followup manual and appendix

                              B.4 in the fifth followup manual.)

 5.       Survey  Area:       NLS-72 College Entrance Examination

                              Board Institutional Data Base 

          Years Available:    1973-74

          Description:        This file contains 84 variables on

                              4,139 postsecondary institutions

                              (ordered by FICE code) from four

                              sources:  the 1973-74 Higher

                              Education Directory; the 1973-74

                              tripartite Application Data File;

                              the 1972-73 HEGIS Finance Survey;

                              and the 1972 American Council on

                              Education institutional

                              characteristics file.  These data

                              can be linked to NLS-72 sample

                              members by their common FICE codes.


 6.       Survey  Area:       NLS-72 Postsecondary Transcript


          Years Available:    1984 

          Description:        This file contains data on

                              transcripts from NLS-72 senior

                              cohort members who reported

                              attending a postsecondary

                              institution after leaving high

                              school.  A total of 19,033

                              transcripts reflecting the

                              postsecondary education activities

                              of 14,759 sample members were

                              obtained and included in this file.

                              (Some students had transcripts from

                              more than one institution.)  The

                              information recorded in the file

                              includes the major and minor fields

                              of study; periods of enrollment;

                              specific courses taken; credits

                              earned; grades received; and

                              credentials earned in 2-year and

                              4-year public and private

                              vocational and non-vocational,

                              foreign, and otherwise unclassified

                              postsecondary institutions.  The

                              transcript files consist of four

                              hierarchically organized data files

                              (student, transcript within

                              student, term of attendance within

                              transcript, and course level 

                              within term).

 7.       Survey  Area:       NLS-72 Military Personnel Records 

          Years Available:    1984-86

          Description:        This file contains data extracted

                              from personnel records for 1,750 of

                              the 11,222 men in the NLS survey

                              who enlisted or applied for

                              enlistment in the Armed Forces

                              after high school.  The file

                              includes date of entry, branch,

                              enlistment term, entry pay grade,

                              Armed Forces Qualifying Test score,

                              demographic measures, and

                              educational attainment.  It also

                              contains career data such as

                              current pay grade, military

                              occupation, and reenlistment or

                              separation status.  This file can

                              be linked to the student file. 

 8.       Survey  Area:       NLS-72 Fifth Followup (Teaching


          Years Available:    1986

          Description:        This file contains 1,517 of the

                              14,489 respondents to the NLS-72

                              fifth followup sample who indicated

                              on the questionnaire that they were

                              either currently teaching, had

                              formerly taught, or had been

                              trained as a teacher but never

                              taught.  The file includes items

                              such as their reasons for entering

                              the teaching career, degrees and

                              certification, actual teaching

                              experience, allocation of time

                              while working, pay scale, the

                              extent of their satisfaction with

                              the teaching characteristics of the

                              school in which they taught, and

                              professional activities. 

 9.       Survey  Area:       School District Census Data

          Years Available:    1970

          Description:        This file contains standard census

                              data tabulated by 3,500 school

                              district boundaries for districts

                              in which NLS-72 sample members

                              attended high school.  These data

                              can be linked to the students'

                              records by their common high school

                              code numbers.


10.       Survey  Area:       High School and Beyond (HS&B) Base


          Years Available:    1980 (Only)

          Description:        This nationally representative data

                              base contains data on sophomore and

                              senior high school students from

                              the class of 1980.  All other HS&B

                              data files (such as parent, school,

                              teacher, transcript, twin, friends,

                              offerings and enrollment, and local

                              market indicators) can be easily

                              merged with the student file.  The

                              base-year file contains information

                              for 58,270 students, including

                              personal backgrounds, education and

                              work experience, postsecondary

                              plans and aspirations, and verbal

                              and non-verbal cognitive test


11.       Survey  Area:       HS&B Sophomore Class of 1980

          Years Available:    1980 plus 1982, 1984, and 1986


          Description:        This file expands on the base-year

                              file by adding 1982, 1984, and 1986

                              followup questionnaire data and

                              composite variables for

                              approximately 15,000 sophomores. 

                              (Transcript data is included in

                              this file.)  Postsecondary and work

                              history variables are included on 

                              this merged file.  (The cost of

                              this file is $275 for 1600 BPI.)

12.       Survey  Area:       HS&B Senior Class of 1980

          Years Available:    1980 plus 1982, 1984, and 1986


          Description:        This file expands on the base-year

                              file by adding 1982, 1984, and 1986

                              followup data on approximately

                              12,000 seniors.  It is similar to

                              the Merged Sophomore file and

                              includes postsecondary education

                              and work history.  (The cost of

                              this file is $275 for 1600 BPI.)

13.       Survey  Area:       HS&B School File

          Years Available:    1980 plus 1982 followup 

          Description:        This file contains school

                              questionnaire responses that were

                              provided by administrators in 1,015

                              public, Catholic, and other private

                              schools.  The questionnaire focused

                              on a number of school

                              characteristics including type and

                              organization, enrollment, faculty

                              composition, instructional

                              programs, course offerings,

                              specialized programs, participation

                              in federal programs, faculty

                              characteristics, funding sources,

                              discipline problems, teacher

                              organizations (e.g., unions), and

                              grading systems.  This file

                              contains the 1980 data and the 1982


14.       Survey  Area:       HS&B Language File

          Years Available:    1980

          Description:        This file contains information on

                              each student who said he or she had

                              experience in a language other than

                              English.  This file contains 11,303

                              records (sophomores and seniors

                              combined), with 42 variables for

                              each student. 

15.       Survey  Area:       HS&B Teacher Comments File

          Years Available:    1980

          Description:        This file contains responses from

                              14,103 teachers who commented on

                              18,291 students from 616 schools. 

                              The Senior Teacher File contains

                              responses from 13,683 teachers who

                              commented on 17,056 students from

                              611 schools.  At each grade level,

                              teachers had the opportunity to

                              answer questions about HS&B-

                              sampled students who had been in

                              their classes.  The typical student

                              in the sample was rated by an

                              average of four different teachers.

                              Preliminary analyses by NCES

                              indicate that the files contain

                              approximately 76,000 teacher

                              observations of sophomores and

                              about 67,000 teacher observations

                              of seniors. 

16.       Survey  Area:       HS&B Friend File

          Years Available:    1980

          Description:        This file contains identification

                              numbers of students in the HS&B

                              sample who were named as being

                              friends of other HS&B sample

                              students.  Each record contains the

                              ID numbers for sampled students and

                              IDs of up to three friends each.

                              Linkages among friends can be used

                              to investigate the sociometry of

                              friendship structures (including

                              reciprocity of choices among

                              students in the sample) and for

                              tracing friendship networks.

17.       Survey  Area:       HS&B Local Labor Market Indicator 

          Years Available:    1980

          Description:        This file contains information on

                              county, SMSA, and state indicators

                              of labor market activity for the

                              1,015 high schools in the HS&B


18.       Survey  Area:       HS&B Offerings and Enrollment File

          Years Available:    1982

          Description:        This file contains information on

                              course offerings and enrollment for

                              most of the schools in the HS&B


19.       Survey  Area:       HS&B Sophomore Secondary School

                              Transcript File

          Years Available:    1982

          Description:        This file contains complete high

                              school transcript information

                              (including specific course

                              information, such as course name,

                              grade received, year taken, and

                              credits earned) for 15,941 students

                              in the sophomore file.

20.       Survey  Area:       HS&B Pell Grant File 1980

          Years Available:    1982 

          Description:        The file contains data for 2,916

                              HS&B seniors who were Pell Grant

                              recipients between high school

                              graduation in 1980 and the first

                              followup survey in 1982.  These

                              data were derived from the

                              Recipient History and Roster Master

                              Files for school years 1980-81 and

                              1981-82 in the Pell Grant

                              Information System.  This is only

                              available in Statistical Analysis

                              System (SAS) format.

21.       Survey  Area:       HS&B Postsecondary Education

                              Transcript File (Senior Cohort)

          Years Available:    1984

          Description:        This file contains data on

                              transcripts from HS&B senior cohort

                              members who reported attending a

                              postsecondary institution after

                              leaving high school.  A total of

                              9,385 transcripts reflecting the

                              postsecondary education activities

                              of 7,776 sample members were

                              obtained and included in the

                              transcript data file. (Some

                              students had transcripts from more

                              than one institution.)  The

                              information recorded in the file

                              includes the major and minor fields

                              of study, periods of enrollment,

                              specific courses taken, credits

                              earned, grades received, and

                              credentials earned in 2-year and

                              4-year public and private

                              vocational and nonvocational

                              postsecondary institutions.  The

                              file also has information on

                              otherwise unclassified

                              postsecondary institutions.  The

                              transcript files consist of four

                              hierarchically organized data files

                              (student, transcript within

                              student, term of attendance within

                              transcript, and course within


22.       Survey  Area:       HS&B Postsecondary Education

                              Transcript File (Sophomore Cohort)

          Years Available:    1987

          Description:        This file includes detailed

                              information about program

                              enrollments, periods of study,

                              fields of study pursued, specific

                              courses taken, and credits earned.

                              It can be used as a data resource

                              for the analysis of educational

                              activities and their impacts.  The

                              sample involved 7,429 transcripts

                              of 6,098 sample members.  The

                              transcripts were requested from

                              2,139 institutions.

23.       Survey  Area:       Revised HS&B Parent File 

          Years Available:    1980 (Revised in 1984)

          Description:        This file contains questionnaire

                              responses from the parents of about

                              3,600 sophomores and 3,600 seniors

                              who are in the Student File.  Each

                              record on the Parent File contains

                              a total of 307 variables.  Data in

                              this file include parents'

                              aspirations and plans for their

                              children's postsecondary education.

                              The revised Parent File augments

                              the original file with the addition

                              of 22 analytically constructed

                              variables, half of which are new

                              measures of income and wealth.  The

                              remaining new variables enable

                              analysts to delete observations

                              which are out of range for one or

                              more reasons.  This replaces the

                              file released in 1980.

24.       Survey  Area:       HS&B Twin and Sibling File

          Years Available:    1980

          Description:        This file contains responses from

                              sampled twins and triplets;

                              augmented data on twins and

                              triplets of sample members; and

                              responses from siblings in the

                              sample.  The file (2,718 records)

                              includes the same variables that

                              are in the HS&B Student Base Year

                              File, plus two additional variables

                              (family ID and SETTYPE-type of twin

                              or siblings).

25.       Survey  Area:       HS&B Administrator and Teacher File

          Years Available:    1984 

          Description:        This file consists of a sample of

                              approximately 532 schools.  Items

                              included in this survey were

                              designed to describe staff goals,

                              pedagogic practices, interpersonal

                              relations of staff, work load of

                              teachers, staff attitudes,

                              availability and use of guidance

                              services, planning processes,

                              hiring practices,  special programs

                              designed to produce educational

                              excellence, and linkages to local

                              employers, parents, and the

                              community.  Items were selected to

                              complement information already in

                              the HS&B database.

26.       Survey  Area:       HS&B Financial Aid (1980 Seniors) 

          Years Available:    1980-84

          Description:        These files contain data on

                              postsecondary financial aid

                              experiences for academic years

                              1980-81, 1981-82, 1982-83, and

                              1983-84.  Data were collected from

                              postsecondary institutions, the

                              Guaranteed Student Loan (GSL)

                              program, and the Pell Grant

                              program.  The number of seniors

                              listed depends on the availability

                              of the postsecondary school name or

                              social security number of the

                              student.  The separate files are:  


                                   STUDENT SAMPLE File contains  

                                   demographic and other

                                   classifying data on about

                                   12,000 seniors.  


                                   FINANCIAL AID RECORDS FILE

                                   contains data from all

                                   identifiable postsecondary

                                   schools that students reported


                                   GSL RECORD DUMP EXTRACT FILE

                                   contains GSL "tapedump"

                                   records for 3 Federal fiscal

                                   years (1982-84), corresponding

                                   to 3 academic years (1981-82,

                                   1982- 83, 1983-84).

                                   PELL GRANT DISBURSEMENT FILE

                                   contains data from Pell Grant

                                   disbursement files for fiscal

                                   years 1981-84, corresponding

                                   to academic years 1980- 81

                                   through 1983-84.

                                   GSL GUARANTEE AGENCY

                                   DISBURSEMENT File contains GSL

                                   disbursements, by

                                   participating agencies in the

                                   4 academic years 1980-81

                                   through 1983-84.


                                   HS&B POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION

                                   EVENTS File contains

                                   information about periods of  

                                   postsecondary attendance from

                                   HS&B files for NCES analysis.

                                   SFA (Student Financial Aid)

                                   File contains data on student

                                   financial assistance during

                                   postsecondary attendance from

                                   HS&B survey and financial aid

                                   files for NCES analysis.

27.       Survey  Area:       HS&B Financial Aid (1980



          Years Available:    1982-86

          Description:        These files contain data concerning

                              postsecondary financial aid for

                              approximately 9,000 1980 high

                              school sophomores within the first

                              4 years after high school--1982-83,

                              1983-84, 1984-85, and 1985-86. 

                              Financial aid data were collected

                              from the following three sources:

                                   GSL RECORD DUMP EXTRACT FILE

                                   contains federal GSL

                                   "tapedump" records for the 4  

                                   federal fiscal years 1983-86, 

                                   corresponding to the 4

                                   academic years 1982-83,

                                   1983-84, 1984-85, and 1985-86.

                                   PELL GRANT DISBURSEMENT FILE

                                   contains data obtained from

                                   the federal Pell Grant

                                   disbursement files for the

                                   years mentioned above.

                                   GSL GUARANTEE AGENCY

                                   DISBURSEMENT FILE contains GSL

                                   disbursement amounts reported

                                   by guarantee agencies    

                                   participating in the GSL

                                   program for the years

                                   mentioned above.

28.       Survey  Area:       High School Transcript File

                              (NAEP) **

          Years Available:    1987 


          Description:        This file collected high school

                              transcripts from 34,140 students

                              attending 433 schools that had

                              previously been sampled for the

                              National Assessment of Educational

                              Progress (NAEP)* in 1986.  Of the

                              34,140 students sampled, 6,583 were

                              handicapped.  The file also

                              collected school-level information

                              such as course lists, graduation

                              requirements, and the definition of

                              units of credit and grades.


29.       Survey  Area:       NELS:88 Student Data

          Years Available:    1988

          Description:        The file includes data from a

                              series of tests taken by students

                              from the eighth-grade class of

                              1988.  These tests include 

                              reading, mathematics, science, and

                              history/government.  The sample

                              included 24,599 students.  The file

                              also includes information on

                              students' and parents' background,

                              language use, perception of self,

                              plans for future, jobs and

                              household chores, school life,

                              school work, and school activities.

                              The student constitutes the basic

                              unit of analysis in the NELS:88

                              study and sample design.  All other

                              data sets, including the parent,

                              teacher, and school, are intended

                              primarily to supplement the student

                              data set (which includes results of

                              both the student questionnaire and

                              cognitive test).  This survey is

                              conducted biennially.

30.       Survey  Area:       NELS:88 Parent Data

          Years Available:    1988

          Description:        The data in the file are based on

                              the responses to the parent

                              questionnaire collected from 22,651

                              parents of the NELS:88 Base Year

                              sampled students.  The file

                              includes information on family

                              background and socioeconomic

                              characteristics; parental behaviors

                              concerning student course

                              selection; long-range education

                              planning; participation in school

                              activities; and the establishment

                              of discipline at home.  This survey

                              will be conducted again in 1992.

31.       Survey  Area:       NELS:88 Teacher Data

          Years Available:    1988 

          Description:        The data in the file are based on

                              the responses to the teacher

                              questionnaire collected from 5,193

                              teachers of the NELS:88 Base Year

                              sampled students.  The file

                              includes information in three

                              areas:  1) teachers' perceptions of

                              the sampled students' classroom

                              performances and personal

                              characteristics; 2) curriculum

                              content of areas taught to the

                              sampled students; and 3) teachers'

                              background and activities.  This

                              survey is conducted biennially

                              until 1992.

* NOTE: The National Assessment of Educational Progress is a

federally-funded, ongoing, periodic assessment of educational

achievement in the various subject areas and disciplines taught

in the Nation's schools.  Since 1969, NEAP has gathered

information about levels of educational achievement of 9-, 13-,

and 17-years-olds across the country.

** NOTE: The National Education Longitudinal Study (NELS) program

is a continuing long-term project and was instituted by NCES in

response to the need for policy-relevant, time-series data on

nationally representative samples of elementary and secondary

students.  The general aim of the NELS program is to study the

educational, vocational, and personal development of students at

various grade levels and the personal, familial, social,

institutional, and cultural factors that may affect that

development.  Four study components constitute the base year

design: surveys and tests of students; and surveys of parents,

school administrators, and teachers. 


Item                                             Cost

Data files on tape

First data set on single reel                    $175

Additional set on first reel                        75/data set

(A few extra large files will have special pricing.)

Diskettes    -  5 1/4", 360kb, DOS format, ASCII  

Public High Schools and Junior High Schools $150    Per set (13  


School Districts                             120     "   "  ( 8


Private High Schools (1980-81 data)           60     "   "  ( 2


Colleges and Universities (Institutional

 Characteristics)                             90     "   "  ( 5


Elementary and Secondary Education Revenues and

Expenditures                                  50      "   " ( 1  


Elementary and Secondary Education Data       50     "   "  ( 1


College and Universities (Libraries)          75     "   "  ( 1


Public Libraries                              75     "   "  (1


Mailing Labels           Number            One Set      Extra Set

                            of         (at gummed rate)


Colleges and Universities 3,600            $  150      $  100

Public Libraries          8,000               160         135

Occupational Schoo       11,000               220         150

School Districts         17,000               360         300

All Public Schools       86,000             1,720       1,475

Public High Schools      17,000               360         300

All Private Schools      21,000               420         365

 (1980-81 data)

Private High Schools      5,000               150         100

 (1980-81 data)

Cheshire Plain Back:      $ 15  per thousand

Gum Peel-Off:               20  per thousand   

Minimum Order:             150  per set 

Subsets of the above are available.  Please call (202) 219-1522

or -1847, or (800)

424-1616 for prices.


Mailing Label Software Packages (Please see the descriptions

listed below.)  

*   Colleges and Universities (1986-87 data)  $200

**   Public High Schools (1986-87 data)        200


For a review of file specifications or for a price quotation,

please call (202) 219- 1522 or -1847.

*  This is a personal computer software package that generates

mailing labels for over 3,000 colleges and universities.  The

package requires an IBM or compatible personal computer with DOS

2.0 or higher.  A fixed disk with at least 1 megabyte of free

space is needed to operate the package.  No other software is

needed.  Besides generating labels for all the institutions, this

software allows personal computer users to select subsets of the

college and university data base, by type of institution, control

(public or private), and enrollment size.  Commonly used one-

across, two-across, and three-across label formats as well as

Cheshire label formats are included.  This software package is

called ED-MAIL.         

**  This is a personal computer software package and data base

that generates mailing labels for over 17,000 public high

schools.  The package requires an IBM or compatible personal

computer with DOS 2.0 or higher.  A fixed disk with at least 3

megabytes of free space is needed to operate the package.  No

other software is needed.  Because of the large size of the data

base, it is recommended that a personal computer of at least the

"AT" class be used.  Besides generating labels for all

institutions, this software allows personal computer users to

select subsets of the public high schools data base, by state and

enrollment size of institution.  Commonly used one-across,

two-across, and three-across label formats, as well as Cheshire

label formats, are included.  This software package is called

ED-MAIL High Schools.


                           DATA FILE ORDER FORM

PRODUCT(S) ORDERED.  See price and ordering information before

completing this section.  All prices are subject to change.

File Name                           Year              Cost

                                                (for most orders)



                                                    $ 175    






                                             TOTAL  $


(The specifications below will be used to complete your order. 

You may wish to check these with your computer site personnel

before completing this section.  Please check appropriate boxes. 

Standard files will be processed in approximately 10 working days

following receipt of payment.)

      STORAGE MEDIA               LABEL           CODE CONVENTION

[ ] 1600 BPI 9-Track Tape    [ ] Standard IBM       [ ] EBCDIC  

[ ] 6250 BPI 9-Track Tape    [ ] No Label           [ ] ASCII   

[ ] 3480 Tape Cartridge                             [ ] SAS*

* There is a surcharge for this export format.


NAME:                                || NAME OF ORGANIZATION:    



SHIPPING ADDRESS:                    || TELEPHONE NO.: 

                                     || (include area code)






Make your check or money order payable to the "U.S. Department of


If you prefer to use a credit card, please complete the required

information below:

CREDIT CARD PAYMENT  (check one):    VISA [ ]    Mastercard [ ]

Credit Card Number                  Expiration date

--------------------------------   -------------------

Card member's name (as it appears on the credit card ):


Card member's signature


Mail your payment with this Data File Order form to:  

          U.S. Department of Education

          Data Systems Branch

          555 New Jersey Avenue, N.W.

          Washington, D.C.   20208-5725

Credit card orders can be placed by phone in place of mailing. 

The phone numbers are:

(202) 219-1522/1847

If you want your order delivered by Federal Express, enter your

account number here:


The customer will be responsible for Federal Express Costs.      



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