SOUND BLASTER DIGEST 


                                    Number 6

                               May 1991 Edition. 


                   A newsletter for Sound Blaster Enthusiasts. 


                     Edited and Published by Brad Barclay. 


           Made possible by the contributions of Sound Blaster users. 



____________________________      /  \/\ 

                            \    /      \      ________________________________ 

                             \  /        \    / 

                              \/          \  / 


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


                    Title:                             Page:

                    =====                              ====

                    From the desk of the Editor..........1


                    Digital Sampling on the SB...........3

                    Software of the Month:

                              TrakBlaster ver 2.0........5

                              JMPlayer ver 1.1...........7

                    SBD in the BBS World.................6

                    Included File........................8

                    Wrapping it Up.......................8

                    SBD Advertisement Order form.........9

                    SBD BBS Registration form...........10

                    SBD Subscription form...............11

                    TMC Registration form...............12

          The SOUND BLASTER DIGEST (SBD) is a free monthly publication.

                              Editor:  Brad Barclay

                     Copyright (c) 1991 WAFFER! Productions.

                                                           Page 1



     Welcome to the SOUND BLASTER DIGEST, issue #6!  This is a big issue for me: 

it means that the magazine has lasted for an entire half a year!  And to start

off this memorable 0.5 year issue, I'd like to tell you a bit about how the SBD

came to be, and some of the strange things that have happened to me since I've

began writing it.

     I began writing the SBD because there seemed to be no standard place where

Sound Blaster owners could get good and reliable information.  Also, in many

areas in the world, there were perhaps only a handful of Sound Blaster users, and

so they had a hard time getting in touch with other users.  Also at the time

someone else had made a vain attempt at writing a newsletter about the Sound

Blaster, but all that it did was to put down nearly everything about the Sound

Blaster, without giving much solid evidence to support such conclusions.  I felt

that something had to be done...

     And so the SBD was born last December.  I had been a SOUND BLASTER user

since last February (when I bought mine for $359 CDN:  for contrast a friend of

mine saw one at a computer show for $150 the other day) and had made some good

contacts, amongst them Gary Maddox, author of BLASTER MASTER, and I had amassed a

pretty good amount of software.  I felt I was ready to begin my own magazine.

     This magazine hasn't been my only computer publishing venture:  in August

1989 I wrote a series of text files that contained a very detailed comparison

between the four most popular file compression utilities.  This file made it's

way around the area, and I had planned to continue this publication once every 2

months, but never got around to making a #2.  Also, a fantasy/comedy titled THE

QUEST OF SIM will be released by myself sometime in the near future (it's been

completed for ages, I just haven't released it yet.  But it's received excellent

reviews from those who have read it).

     Some odd things have happened since I began writing/editing/publishing the

SBD.  Two of the strangest happened in the past week.  The first was a call from

Texas from a reader who wished to send me a 1.44 Mb, 3.5" disk drive!  I haven't

received the drive yet:  I'll let you know about it next issue.

     The second was that a good friend of mine's uncle had found a copy of the

SBD, and had decided that it was the greatest thing since the invention of the

80386.  Then he was doubly excited to find that his nephew (who has helped me

produce a few of the articles this issue by testing some software that was beyond

the capabilities of my system) was one of my best friends...small world, isn't


     Hope you enjoy this month's issue!

                                                           Page 2



     Many thanks to those who wrote in this month:

          Colin Crisanti of Arlington Heights, IL, USA

          Ron Jones of Bellevue, WA, USA

          Erik Leirdal of Reinsvoll, Norway

          David J. Ludwig of Fullerton, CA, USA

          Sean Neese of Marietta, GA, USA

          Dan Sarber of Pheonix, AZ, USA

          Star-Link Network BBS of New York, NY, USA

          Stefan Thulin of Lagan, Sweden

          UF BBS & SBC of The Hague, Netherlands.

     There has been one small problem in this month's mail.  Both of this month's

new subscribers made the enclosed cheque payable to THE SOUND BLASTER DIGEST. 

Please make cheques payable to BRAD BARCLAY, else I won't be able to cash them in

(my account is under my own name).  It's my fault I didn't make that very clear

last issue it seems:  note that the subscription/advertisement forms have been

changed due to this.



    ³   You Are Invited To Call:  STAR-LINK NETWORK BBS - (718) 972-6099  ³ 


    ³         Multi-Line Access (9 Access Lines - 15 Coming Soon)         ³ 

    ³      3/12/24/9600/14.4K Baud Support (V32/V42/MNP5/HST/HAYES)       ³ 

    ³          3.0 Gigabytes of On-line Storage (3000 Megabytes)          ³ 

    ³   More then 80,000 Files for Your PC, AT, PS/1 & PS/2 to Download   ³ 

    ³ On-Line CD-ROM w/Complete PC-SIG Program Library (1400 Disks Worth) ³ 

    ³  129 Active Conferences Areas - Member of ILink International Echo  ³ 

    ³ On-line Edition of USA TODAY Newspaper - CB Simulator - 24 Hour FAX ³ 

    ³ 60 On-line Doors - Running On FAST LAN - PC Pursuit - Subscriptions ³ 


    ³   STAR-LINK NETWORK BBS has been featured in such publications as   ³ 

    ³ Personal Computing, Computer Shopper, PC Computing and PC Magazine. ³ 



                                                           Page 3




  Written by Steven J. Lee 



     This article will focus on the digital sampling input of the Sound 

Blaster card.  This is from my experience with the SB card and 

hopefully will save you from long hours of grief of wondering "why 

doesn't this work or sound good"?  As most of you will note, the manual 

states that a microphone should be -75dB or better and 600 ohm 

impedance.  As an Electrical Engineer, I am able to understand these specs

and apply them accordingly. 


     Well, suffice to say, the specs in the manual does not agree with 

what the tech support group at Creative Labs say.  They say that 

you need a dynamic mic with -40 to -60 dB (this is greater 

sensitivity) and 600 ohms impedance.  They also recommend a Radio 

Shack cheapo mic that they say works.  DON'T YOU BELIEVE IT. 


     The Radio Shack cheapo mic (around 20 to 25 dollars) has a 

sensitivity of -79dB and 600 ohms.  There is a conflict of 

knowledge at Creative Labs as far as I'm concerned.  I'm not 

knocking them, it's just that they do not know their facts to the 

questions I have asked. 


     Well, what now you say.  A VERY expensive mic, around 60 dollars 

may give you a -65 to -69dB and yield some plausible results if you 

want to go that route.  The more substantial way is to digitize in 

a two step method.  Record your sound, music, demo, etc... onto a 

cassette tape machine, or use a CD player if you want digitize 

music.  Then, with a cable, connect the tape recorder or CD to the 

Sound Blaster DAC input, set the volume almost to zero and then 

start the playback on the tape/CD machine and record on the PC via 

Voxkit or compatible software.  When you are done recording, just 

stop recording then stop the tape/CD machine.  Check the digital 

sampling, if the sound is too low, then repeat the above steps and 

raise the volume on the tape/CD machine slightly and start again.  


     Raise the volume slightly so you don't overdrive the input to the 

SB card.  If you overdrive a little, don't worry too much, all 

you'll get is some clipping or distorted playback.  Please do not 

do this too much so always start low and work your way up. 


     Why do it this way?  You'll have no background noise when recording 

(especially for CD music), you can do it more than once with the 

same source and it is very cheap to do compared to buying a very 

expensive microphone.  I have taken some of my video tapes and 

found some nice clips, patched my stereo into my computer via a 

cable and then record away.  You will get some very nice and clean 


                                                           Page 4

     I am offering the cable that goes between a tape recorder/portable 

CD player to SB digital input for $5.00 plus $2.00 s/h.  To make 

the cable yourself will cost you more in parts from Radio Shack or 

other place unless you have them lying around your home.  Just send 

a check to: Steven Lee, 28 Dustin Homestead, Rochester, NH 03867 

and a note with your name, address, phone and what you want to 

connect to the SB input so I can match the connecters. 


     \  / 

   ___\/___    Live and on the             Now in surround stereo! 

      ||         air from Toronto! 

     /||\                                  Node 5 is now up! 

      ||       The Musical Chair 

     ====              at               Experience the difference of: 

    ======          438-1686  

     ====                            1000's of Adlib and SB music files 

      ||    _______    1200-14,400     50 gaming doors online 

      ||   |       |   baud & v.32      3 mail networks 

      ||   |       |    _____           1 crazy and caring sysop 

______||   |       |   |     | 

      ||\  |       |___|     |          Around the clock..... 

Sky   || \ |       |   |     |             Around the world..... 

 Dome ||  \|       |   |     |                Around the bend..... 

     ||||  |       |   |     | 

    |||||| |       |   |     |         The M sical Chai ...438-1686

   |||||||||       |   |     | 

  ||||||||||       |   |     |         What's missing?     U R! 

                         Now running with 5 HST lines!!!

                                                           Page 5


  SHAREWARE REVIEW: TrakBlaster ver 2.0


  Written by Brad Barclay

     TrakBlaster is one of the many Sound Blaster related programs that are now

making their way around the world from Europe.  Up until now most of the really

popular Sound Blaster programs came from North America:  but this is no longer


     TrakBlaster 2.0 is an excellent song playing utility to allow Sound Blaster

owners to play Amiga .MOD music files.  These music files use a different sound

generation method then .ROL/.CMF (FM generation) and .CMS (AM generation) files. 

.MOD files use PCM generation, like many of the better keyboards out on the

market today.  Each instrument is digitized once, and the computer then must re-

calculate each successive note to play at a different frequency.  The result is

an excellent piece of music, which although much larger then a corresponding

.ROL/.CMF/.CMS, is still much smaller then a purely digitized file.

     Not only do you get excellent sound, but you are also given the option upon

installation to have the program display VGA waveform graphs of the entire song,

and each separate voice.  Due to the limitations of my system (namely

VGA/MDA/Hercules only) I was not able to see these graphs myself, but from my

sources, they are very nice indeed.

     The program does have it's limitations, though.  The lowest CPU that it's

compatible with is the NEC V20 (an improved version of the 8088), and I've found

that the minimum speed your computer should be running at is 8Mhz for normal

resolution playback, and even then the speed sometimes slows down when multiple

instruments play together for large amounts of time.  10Mhz is probably much

better for playback.

     The reasons for this is that the program is very CPU intensive.  It must re-

calculate 4 voices for new frequencies at once in real time, and must at the same

time combine these four voices into one for playback into the DAC of the Sound

Blaster.  Due to this, even on faster 16Mhz+ systems, TrakBlaster may not work

very well in a multitasking environment.

     But even with this little CPU drawback, TrakBlaster is still a must for any

Sound Blaster user who enjoys listening to many different types of music.

     SBD RATING:  Overall:  8

                                                           Page 6



  Here's this month's updated list of those BBS's in the world that support the

Sound Blaster card's software.  If you're looking for good SB software, try

giving the nearest one a call.  All BBS's have been registered through myself,

and thus should be considered trustworthy.


  ===========             ============  ===================      ============

  Arkon BBS              (416)593-7460  Toronto, Ontario.        Jacky Lee

  Beltway Bandits        (703)764-9297   -- Unknown --           -- Unknown --

  Computer Connection     (08)384-7316  Christies Bch, Austr.    Vicki Crawford

  Data Dimension         (404)921-1186  Atlanta Georgia          Ricky Lacy

  Dead End BBS           (703)821-7544   -- Unknown --           -- Unknown --

  Electronic Age         (703)620-0851   -- Unknown --           -- Unknown --

  Friends & Family       (214)960-3189  Dallas, Texas            Jim Neargarder

  Gollum's Corner        (404)992-1309  Marietta, GA             Sean Neese

  House of Ichthys       (305)360-2991  Deerfield Beach, FL      Leonzo E. Miller

  Jim's Dream            (202)581-1422   -- Unknown --           Jim Walls

  Lynzie's Motherboard   (808)989-3875  California               -- Unknown --

  Musical Chair          (416)438-3009  Toronto, Ontario         Jeff Woods

  Nat. PC and MIDI...    (708)593-8703  Chicago, IL              Duane Antor

  Open Access BBS         +47 61 97304  Reinsvoll, Norway        Erik Leirdal

  Point of Know Return   (602)867-0488  Phoenix Arizona          Dan Sarber

  << Prism BBS           (914)344-0350  Middletown, NY           Janis Kracht

  Punkin Duster BBS      (714)522-3980  Buena Park, CA           Dave Ludwig

  Running Board          (301)229-5342   -- Unknown --           -- Unknown --

  Satellite TV BBS       (713)623-4899  Bellaire, TX             Jim Dolan

  Snarf's Music Studio   (708)290-9993  Arlington Hgts., IL      Colin Crisanti

  Stages Remote Access   (416)468-2046  Niagra, Ontario          Mathew Gordon

  Star-Link Network BBS  (718)972-6099  Brooklyn, NY             Michael Keylin 

  The Doghouse BBS       (713)422-3146  Baytown, TX              Ray Cramer

  The Double AAce        (214)606-0703  Grand Praire, Texas      Mike Hutchkins

  The HUB                (703)685-0019   -- Unknown --           -- Unknown --

  The Picture Express    (512)666-4842   San Antonio, TX         David Steward

  Trolls & Tribulations  (703)263-0827   -- Unknown --           -- Unknown --

  VGER Control           (714)371-4789  Corona, CA               Bob Altenburger

                                                           Page 7

  SHAREWARE REVIEW:  JMplayer ver 1.1


  Written by Brad Barclay, data gathered by Rod Toll.

     JMplayer is yet another one of the many pieces of software that have been

trickling through from Europe for the Sound Blaster card.  This specific piece of

software was mailed to the SBD this past month:  many thanks to the authors for

doing so.

     JMplayer is yet another program to play those synth/digi files (like .MOD's)

that are available for the Amiga system.  It will play .MOD files, but has some

nice features that are not available on TrakBlaster.

     The first thing that you will notice about the program is that it is set up

to look like a CD player:  complete with amplitude bar graph, song selection,

fast forward and rewind.  The graphics are nice, but you do need at least EGA to

be able to run it:  those of us with CGA and Hercules are left out in the cold,

and aren't able to make use of it at all.

     Another nice feature of this program is the ability to specify many songs in

a file, and then be able to select which ones to play, just like with a CD

player.  This is similar to the necessary JUKEBOX.DAT file needed to run Ad Lib's

Jukebox program.  It's very handy for playing multiple .MOD files without having

to reload the program with each new song like TrakBlaster has to.

     Just as you would now come to expect with this sort of player, though, it is

very CPU intensive.  As the SBD testing was done on a 386 SX this time around, I

am unable to determine wether or not it is coded such to play well on an 8Mhz

machine or not:  if anybody finds out, drop me a line and let me know.

     All in all, JMplayer is a very nice program to have in your Sound Blaster

library, along with TrakBlaster.  It's limitations on graphics is the greatest

thing that sets this program apart from TrakBlaster.


                                                           Page 8



     This month's Included File is a request from one of our readers (and a

personal friend), Mark Rostek:  White Room by Cream.  Included is a lyrics sheet

for those of you who would like to sing along.

     The Sing-Along program that I had promised last issue still doesn't work: 

hopefully this will be corrected by next issue.




     Well that's it for this month.  Remember, if you'd like to write something

for the SBD, either upload it to THE MUSICAL CHAIR (please address the file to

Brad Barclay, and leave a message in the main board letting me know it's there),

mail it in printed form, or mail it on a disk:  anybody who mails it on a disk

will get their disk returned with the edition of the SBD that their article

appears in!

     Also, about mail to myself:  please address all cheques to BRAD BARCLAY, and

*not* the Sound Blaster Digest.  Also, if mailing disks, it would be preferred if

you mail them in 360k, 5.25" diskette format, if possible.  I can have other

formats converted for my use, but this takes a few days, and could delay a reply.

     Not too much more to say:  just some thanks.  So, thanks to Steven Lee for

writing the article on Recording with the SB, Larry Cooper who sent a printed

article (which I was unfortunately unable to use), Rod Toll and Don Choi for

testing software for me, and for converting disks, and finally, as always, many

thanks to my loved one, Karen:  you are my greatest success in life.

     Thanks for reading, and I hope to see you again this time next month!

                       Please send all correspondence to:

                              SOUND BLASTER DIGEST

                                c/o Brad Barclay

                                 36 Sutter ave.

                            Brampton, Ontario CANADA

                                     L6Z 1G7

                                                           Page 9 




  Please fill out this form, and mail it, along with a cheque for $5 (in US funds

for American orders, and in Canadian funds for 

Canadian orders), along with an ASCII only, typed copy of your 

ad, and mail it to the address below.  PLEASE MAKE CHEQUE/MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO








  MAILING ADDRESS:  Street address:_____________________________  


                    City, Province/State:_______________________  


                    Country, Postal/ZIP Code:___________________  


  PHONE NUMBER (don't forget the area code!):___________________ 


  BEST TIMES AVAILABLE:_________________________________________ 



  Please mail this form, along with your cheque and a copy of the ad as described

above, along with any other comments to: 


                      SOUND BLASTER DIGEST  

                        c/o Brad Barclay  

                         36 Sutter ave.  

                        Brampton, Ontario  

                        CANADA.  L6Z 1G7  

                                                           Page 10




  This is a free service of THE SOUND BLASTER DIGEST, intended to allow greater

access to Sound Blaster files.  Please fill out all blanks (except where marked

optional), and send to the address 





     Name of BBS:____________________________________________ 


     Sysop's Name:___________________________________________ 


     City, Province/State:___________________________________ 


     Phone Number (remember the area code!):_________________ 


     Min/Max Transmission speed:_____________________________ 





  Although not included in the BBS listing, this information is 

important for our records. 


  How long has the BBS been running:_________________________ 


  Do you have a Music/Sound Card conference, message area, or   

file area set aside?:______________________________________ 


  Does your BBS support and Sound Blaster files?:____________ 


  Anything else you can think of to say that would show off your BBS, please

write it down here: 







  Mail this form, along with any extra comments to: 


                      SOUND BLASTER DIGEST 

                        c/o Brad Barclay 

                         36 Sutter Ave. 

                        Brampton, Ontario 

                        CANADA.  L6Z 1G7 

                                                           Page 11




  Please enclose a cheque or money order (sorry, I don't accept 

any major or minor credit cards) for $25 CDN for Canadian orders, or $25 US for

American orders.  Overseas enclose $30 Canadian 

funds, payable on a Canadian bank.  Please fill out all the 

spaces provided (except where marked optional), and mail it to 







  MAILING ADDRESS:  Street address:_____________________________  

                    City, Province/State:_______________________  

                    Country, Postal/ZIP Code:___________________ 


  PHONE NUMBER (don't forget the area code!):___________________ 


  DISKETTE TYPE:  (check one): 

                    _                         _ 

                   <_>  5.25"                <_>  3.5" 



  OPTIONAL:  Please fill this out if possible. 


     Age:____________    Sound Blaster version:_______________ 




     Most frequently called BBS (name only):__________________ 



  COMMENTS:  Please fill this out also! 


  How would you rate THE SOUND BLASTER DIGEST (circle one): 


           POOR       FAIR       GOOD       EXCELLENT 


           1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10 


  Please mail this form, along with any additional comments to: 


                      SOUND BLASTER DIGEST 

                        c/o Brad Barclay 

                         36 Sutter ave. 

                        Brampton, Ontario 

                        CANADA.  L6Z 1G7 

                                                           Page 12


Mail-in Registration form for The Musical Chair/Telix/Qmail Registration 


Phone number: 416-438-1686 - 5 lines in sequence with USR Dual Standards 



Name:  _______________________________     Voice Phone:  _______________ 


Mailing Address:  ______________________________________________________ 


Line 2:           ______________________________________________________ 


City:             ______________ Province/State: _______ Postal: _______ 


Age:    ______      (Include photo of driver's licence for adult access) 




[ ]  I'd like to look at The Musical Chair first -- please create an 

     account with the above information and a password of ______________ 


[ ]  Enclosed is my check or money order payable to Jeff Woods for: 


                                                  # of        Amt. 

                                         CDN     copies       incl. 


     The Musical Chair Membership:       $25      ____        _____ 

     Telix Registration (non-member):    $44      ____        _____ 

     QMail Deluxe (Non-member):          $25      ____        _____ 

     Telix Registration (member):        $35      ____        _____ 

     Qmail Deluxe (member):              $20      ____        _____ 

     QMMSys (member):                    $20      ____        _____ 

     QMMSys (non-member):                $30      ____        _____ 


                                            Total amt.        _____ 


Please mail to:      Jeff Woods 

                     Box 130 

                     West Hill, ON  M1E 4R4 


             The Musical Chair thanks you for your support! 




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