UNIX cheat
Hostname: naic.nasa.gov
Directory path: files/general_info/
Filename: unix-cheat.txt
Updated: July 13, 1993 (mks)
The following started as a UNIX cheat sheet for VMSers. It quickly
grew into a list of very useful UNIX commands, their VMS counterparts
if they exist, and an example or two. It is in no way complete. Many
less useful unix commands have been excluded, as have most command
Unix cmd VMS Counterpart or explanation
-------- ------------------------------
alias $SHOW SYMBOLS/GLOBAL/ALL This can also be used to show an
individual symbol eg:
UNIX> alias when
In this example, the symbol "when" is equated to the command "time"
It can also be used to set a symbol eg
UNIX> alias dir ls
In this example, "dir" is set up to be equivalent to the command
at $RUN/DETACH/AFTER= (execute a command at a later time)
eg UNIX> at 23 blow
run commands in file "blow" at 23:00
awk pattern scanner. Can be used as a single line command or
as a complete programming language. Altho it's more complex
then VMS lexicals, it can ultimately perform the same functions
as f$extract,f$locate etc.
biff n $SET BROADCAST=NOMAIL (Turn off mail notification messages.)
Use "y" to turn back on. Without argument, it will tell you
how many mail messages you have. Xbif opens an xwindow that
will notify you upon receipt of newmail
cal types a calendar for this month
cat $TYPE
eg UNIX> cat sears.roebuck = $TYPE SEARS.ROEBUCK
cd $SET DEF. If you don't pass it a param, you'll end up in your root
ie sys$login eg
UNIX> cd /usr/bin = $SET DEF [USR.BIN]
eg UNIX> chmod g+w *.c = $SET PROT=(G:W) *.C
clear $TYPE/PAGE NL: clear screen
comm find lines common to two or more files
cmp $DIFF (compare files but stops at first occurance of a difference)
cp $COPY
UNIX> cp file.xx save-file.old = $COPY FILE.XX SAVE-FILE.OLD
csh just like the "@" command on VMS for running a comfile
eg UNIX> csh accounting = $ @ACCOUNTING.COM
diff $DIFFERENCES show differences of two files
df $SHOW DEVICE D/MOUNT ie shows which disks are mounted. Bear
in mind that this show bytes. (VMS always shows disk blocks
ie bytes * 512)
du $DIR/SIZE [...] ie show disk usage. NB, shown in blocks.
echo $WRITE SYS$OUTPUT. To type out a variable, precede with a dollar
eg UNIX> echo "hello" = $WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "HELLO"
eg set x=10
echo $x
In this example, a variable is assigned and then typed out
using echo. Note that it must be precede by a $ to indicate
that it should not be taken as a literal (Without the $, echo
will print "x")
ed $EDIT/SOS (line editor)
egrep $SEARCH file string Search file(s) for occurances of a string,
The order is reversed from VMS. This command is the same as grep
but you may use special characters eg ^ indicates beginning of
line eg.
UNIX> egrep ^if .login
This example searchs for "if" at the beginning of a line only
within the file .login.
expr expression. May be used for calculating values
You must precede unusual characters (otherwise meaningful
to UNIX) with a backslash
eg UNIX> expr 5+6 = $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT 5+6
UNIX> expr 5 \*6 = $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT 5*6
file Explain what type of file it is
eg UNIX> file Mail
Mail: directory
find $DIR [...]FILE find a file
eg UNIX> find / -name yowza -print
This will search the entire disk (from / all the way down)
for a file named YOWZA and print where it is
finger FINGER a high powered SHOW USERS/FULL and SHOW SYSTEM
grep $SEARCH. The arguments are reversed from the VMS order
eg UNIX> grep host .login = $SEARCH .LOGIN HOST
history $RECALL/ALL
head $TYPE/PAGE types the beginning of a file
hostname $WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("NODENAME") returns your machine name
jobs $SHOW QUE list all jobs
kill $STOP/ID Must be followed by the process id of the job to
be killed
eg UNIX> lpr myfile.txt = $ PRINT MYFILE.TXT
lprm $DEL/ENTRY=... SYS$PRINT (remove a print job from a que)
lpq $SHOW QUE SYS$PRINT (show print ques)
lpstat $SHOW QUE SYS$PRINt (show print ques)
lpstat -t $SHOW QUE/DEV/FULL/ALL (show verbosely all print ques)
ls -ltr $DIR/SIZE/DATE
ls -ltR $DIR/SIZE/DATE [...]
mail $MAIL
elm a much more friendly mail utility
mesg n $SET BROADCAST=NONE (Turn off all messages.) Use "y" to turn
back on. Without argument, it will tell you whether or not
messages are enabled NB. this works for talk/write class
messages. To turn off mail notification, see biff
man $HELP
eg UNIX> man ls = $ HELP LS
more a high-powered TYPE/PAGE utility
eg UNIX> mv 1.dat newfile.test = $RENAME 1.DAT NEWFILE.TEST
printenv $SH PROC/FULL
set Sorta like SHOW PROCESS. Like many UNIX commands without a
parameter it shows you current settings, with a parameter you
can change such settings.
setenv Sets various things within your environment. It can be used to
set the equivalent of a VMS logical:
UNIX> setenv dfile /usr/bin/data
UNIX> ls $dfile/*.dat $DIR DFILE:*.DAT
The above example creates what I'll call a "nickname" in both
environments for that long directory or pathname. Note that in
UNIX, every time you refer to it, you must precede is with a $
to indicate it's not a literal but must be interpretted.
set filec when enabled will make a best-guess at filename you're trying
to type. Enter this command then, as an example, enter ls
followed by the beginning of a filename. Hit <ESC>. The
machine will COMPLETE the filename for you! In fact, if there's
a conflict (two files similarly named, it will add to what you've
already typed and stop where uniqueness would begin. Create
a .login and .logout file and see what happens when you ls .l <esc>
set history Adjust the size of the recall buffer. VMS has this hardcode to
set path Tells your process where (which directories) to look for commands.
analogous to making non-native mode VMS commands native eg
UNIX> set path /usr/bin = $NCP:==$MCR NCP
UNIX> ncp $NCP
In this example, your process is told where to find NCP st
by entering the command "ncp" one gets into then NCP
utility (rather than having to enter /usr/bin/ncp or
$RUN SYS$SYSTEM:NCP each time)
set prompt $ SET PROMPT="...."
sort SORT. Again, the order of parameters is the opposite of in
VMS. ie sort output input
ps $SH SYS (only your processes)
ps aux $SH SYS (just like ps but shows all processes)
pwd $SHOW DEFAULT (print working dir)
rmdir delete a directory
stty $SHOW TERM or $SET TERM if used with a parameter
stty all and stty everything will give you a more
verbose response
stty all list your current settings. There's an even more verbose command,
stty everything. These will list special control characters eg
^U will erase to the beginning of the current word you are typing
if you've made a mistake.
tail type the end of a file
talk $TALK talk to a user online (like reply/request or phone but
meant for talking between different machines)
tty a brief $SHOW TERM (only the terminal name)
uptime display system uptime (since last reboot)
users $ SHOW USERS
vi full screen editor (like $EDT)
view $EDIT/READONLY using the vi editor
wc word count
eg UNIX> wc file.dat
25 48 419 file.dat
The above example returns the following information
the file FILE.DAT has 25 line, 48 words and 419 characters
whatis a brief online help. Follow it with an unknown command name
and it will describe what the command does
eg UNIX> whatis cmp
cmp (1) - perform a byte-by-byte comparison of two files
whereis locate the binary, source and manual pages for a command
which locate a command. Display its path or alias
eg UNIX> which nn
who $SHOW USERS (not as verbose as "w")
whoami sh your username
write like talk.
eg write stern
Hey Dave, wanna do lunch?
In this example someone wrote to stern, enter one sentence then
exitted using <CTRL> D.
special characters and syntaxes
./ []
../ [-]
../test [-.test] ie up and over :up one level and back down to test
~/file.ext sys$login:file.ext
^ beginning of line
eg grep
$ End of line or Indicate a variable (depends on context)
* wild card. exactly like VMS.
? % used to indicate a single character
eg ls ?a.txt = dir %a.txt
(list all files with a single character before "a.txt")
[a-d,xy] Used to indicate a choice of characters. In this example
matches will include anything with the letters a,b,c,d,x,y
An example of usage could be ls a[a-d,xy]*.txt
> /output=
eg ls > tmp = dir/output=temp
>> Append the output to an existing file. See above
^D control-D is like EOF (end of file), EOD (end of deck) in
VMS. <CTRL> D upon receiving the login prompt is analogous
to <CTRL>Z on VMS ie ignore input and return me to original
!! recall (recall last command)
& spawn ie put a job in the background. You can re-attach
to it using the fg (foreground) command
eg. ls -ltR > temp & = spawn/nowait dir [...]/out=temp
Directory path: files/general_info/
Filename: unix-cheat.txt
Updated: July 13, 1993 (mks)
The following started as a UNIX cheat sheet for VMSers. It quickly
grew into a list of very useful UNIX commands, their VMS counterparts
if they exist, and an example or two. It is in no way complete. Many
less useful unix commands have been excluded, as have most command
Unix cmd VMS Counterpart or explanation
-------- ------------------------------
alias $SHOW SYMBOLS/GLOBAL/ALL This can also be used to show an
individual symbol eg:
UNIX> alias when
In this example, the symbol "when" is equated to the command "time"
It can also be used to set a symbol eg
UNIX> alias dir ls
In this example, "dir" is set up to be equivalent to the command
at $RUN/DETACH/AFTER= (execute a command at a later time)
eg UNIX> at 23 blow
run commands in file "blow" at 23:00
awk pattern scanner. Can be used as a single line command or
as a complete programming language. Altho it's more complex
then VMS lexicals, it can ultimately perform the same functions
as f$extract,f$locate etc.
biff n $SET BROADCAST=NOMAIL (Turn off mail notification messages.)
Use "y" to turn back on. Without argument, it will tell you
how many mail messages you have. Xbif opens an xwindow that
will notify you upon receipt of newmail
cal types a calendar for this month
cat $TYPE
eg UNIX> cat sears.roebuck = $TYPE SEARS.ROEBUCK
cd $SET DEF. If you don't pass it a param, you'll end up in your root
ie sys$login eg
UNIX> cd /usr/bin = $SET DEF [USR.BIN]
eg UNIX> chmod g+w *.c = $SET PROT=(G:W) *.C
clear $TYPE/PAGE NL: clear screen
comm find lines common to two or more files
cmp $DIFF (compare files but stops at first occurance of a difference)
cp $COPY
UNIX> cp file.xx save-file.old = $COPY FILE.XX SAVE-FILE.OLD
csh just like the "@" command on VMS for running a comfile
eg UNIX> csh accounting = $ @ACCOUNTING.COM
diff $DIFFERENCES show differences of two files
df $SHOW DEVICE D/MOUNT ie shows which disks are mounted. Bear
in mind that this show bytes. (VMS always shows disk blocks
ie bytes * 512)
du $DIR/SIZE [...] ie show disk usage. NB, shown in blocks.
echo $WRITE SYS$OUTPUT. To type out a variable, precede with a dollar
eg UNIX> echo "hello" = $WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "HELLO"
eg set x=10
echo $x
In this example, a variable is assigned and then typed out
using echo. Note that it must be precede by a $ to indicate
that it should not be taken as a literal (Without the $, echo
will print "x")
ed $EDIT/SOS (line editor)
egrep $SEARCH file string Search file(s) for occurances of a string,
The order is reversed from VMS. This command is the same as grep
but you may use special characters eg ^ indicates beginning of
line eg.
UNIX> egrep ^if .login
This example searchs for "if" at the beginning of a line only
within the file .login.
expr expression. May be used for calculating values
You must precede unusual characters (otherwise meaningful
to UNIX) with a backslash
eg UNIX> expr 5+6 = $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT 5+6
UNIX> expr 5 \*6 = $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT 5*6
file Explain what type of file it is
eg UNIX> file Mail
Mail: directory
find $DIR [...]FILE find a file
eg UNIX> find / -name yowza -print
This will search the entire disk (from / all the way down)
for a file named YOWZA and print where it is
finger FINGER a high powered SHOW USERS/FULL and SHOW SYSTEM
grep $SEARCH. The arguments are reversed from the VMS order
eg UNIX> grep host .login = $SEARCH .LOGIN HOST
history $RECALL/ALL
head $TYPE/PAGE types the beginning of a file
hostname $WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("NODENAME") returns your machine name
jobs $SHOW QUE list all jobs
kill $STOP/ID Must be followed by the process id of the job to
be killed
eg UNIX> lpr myfile.txt = $ PRINT MYFILE.TXT
lprm $DEL/ENTRY=... SYS$PRINT (remove a print job from a que)
lpq $SHOW QUE SYS$PRINT (show print ques)
lpstat $SHOW QUE SYS$PRINt (show print ques)
lpstat -t $SHOW QUE/DEV/FULL/ALL (show verbosely all print ques)
ls -ltr $DIR/SIZE/DATE
ls -ltR $DIR/SIZE/DATE [...]
mail $MAIL
elm a much more friendly mail utility
mesg n $SET BROADCAST=NONE (Turn off all messages.) Use "y" to turn
back on. Without argument, it will tell you whether or not
messages are enabled NB. this works for talk/write class
messages. To turn off mail notification, see biff
man $HELP
eg UNIX> man ls = $ HELP LS
more a high-powered TYPE/PAGE utility
eg UNIX> mv 1.dat newfile.test = $RENAME 1.DAT NEWFILE.TEST
printenv $SH PROC/FULL
set Sorta like SHOW PROCESS. Like many UNIX commands without a
parameter it shows you current settings, with a parameter you
can change such settings.
setenv Sets various things within your environment. It can be used to
set the equivalent of a VMS logical:
UNIX> setenv dfile /usr/bin/data
UNIX> ls $dfile/*.dat $DIR DFILE:*.DAT
The above example creates what I'll call a "nickname" in both
environments for that long directory or pathname. Note that in
UNIX, every time you refer to it, you must precede is with a $
to indicate it's not a literal but must be interpretted.
set filec when enabled will make a best-guess at filename you're trying
to type. Enter this command then, as an example, enter ls
followed by the beginning of a filename. Hit <ESC>. The
machine will COMPLETE the filename for you! In fact, if there's
a conflict (two files similarly named, it will add to what you've
already typed and stop where uniqueness would begin. Create
a .login and .logout file and see what happens when you ls .l <esc>
set history Adjust the size of the recall buffer. VMS has this hardcode to
set path Tells your process where (which directories) to look for commands.
analogous to making non-native mode VMS commands native eg
UNIX> set path /usr/bin = $NCP:==$MCR NCP
UNIX> ncp $NCP
In this example, your process is told where to find NCP st
by entering the command "ncp" one gets into then NCP
utility (rather than having to enter /usr/bin/ncp or
$RUN SYS$SYSTEM:NCP each time)
set prompt $ SET PROMPT="...."
sort SORT. Again, the order of parameters is the opposite of in
VMS. ie sort output input
ps $SH SYS (only your processes)
ps aux $SH SYS (just like ps but shows all processes)
pwd $SHOW DEFAULT (print working dir)
rmdir delete a directory
stty $SHOW TERM or $SET TERM if used with a parameter
stty all and stty everything will give you a more
verbose response
stty all list your current settings. There's an even more verbose command,
stty everything. These will list special control characters eg
^U will erase to the beginning of the current word you are typing
if you've made a mistake.
tail type the end of a file
talk $TALK talk to a user online (like reply/request or phone but
meant for talking between different machines)
tty a brief $SHOW TERM (only the terminal name)
uptime display system uptime (since last reboot)
users $ SHOW USERS
vi full screen editor (like $EDT)
view $EDIT/READONLY using the vi editor
wc word count
eg UNIX> wc file.dat
25 48 419 file.dat
The above example returns the following information
the file FILE.DAT has 25 line, 48 words and 419 characters
whatis a brief online help. Follow it with an unknown command name
and it will describe what the command does
eg UNIX> whatis cmp
cmp (1) - perform a byte-by-byte comparison of two files
whereis locate the binary, source and manual pages for a command
which locate a command. Display its path or alias
eg UNIX> which nn
who $SHOW USERS (not as verbose as "w")
whoami sh your username
write like talk.
eg write stern
Hey Dave, wanna do lunch?
In this example someone wrote to stern, enter one sentence then
exitted using <CTRL> D.
special characters and syntaxes
./ []
../ [-]
../test [-.test] ie up and over :up one level and back down to test
~/file.ext sys$login:file.ext
^ beginning of line
eg grep
$ End of line or Indicate a variable (depends on context)
* wild card. exactly like VMS.
? % used to indicate a single character
eg ls ?a.txt = dir %a.txt
(list all files with a single character before "a.txt")
[a-d,xy] Used to indicate a choice of characters. In this example
matches will include anything with the letters a,b,c,d,x,y
An example of usage could be ls a[a-d,xy]*.txt
> /output=
eg ls > tmp = dir/output=temp
>> Append the output to an existing file. See above
^D control-D is like EOF (end of file), EOD (end of deck) in
VMS. <CTRL> D upon receiving the login prompt is analogous
to <CTRL>Z on VMS ie ignore input and return me to original
!! recall (recall last command)
& spawn ie put a job in the background. You can re-attach
to it using the fg (foreground) command
eg. ls -ltR > temp & = spawn/nowait dir [...]/out=temp
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