Statement of Purpose

Article 106 of alt.alien.visitors:
Path: ns-mx!uunet!samsung!!wuarchive!!apple!agate!sandstorm.Berkeley.EDU!sfd
From: sfd@sandstorm.Berkeley.EDU (Scott Drellishak)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
Subject: Statement of Purpose
Keywords: control
Message-ID: <>
Date: 9 Dec 90 10:19:22 GMT
Organization: UFP
Lines: 19

We have been among you for years.
We control your societies, your governments, and you minds.

I have decided to defect.  No embassy could possibly protect me from
my people, so I have decided to 'go public.'  I hope to protect myself
by informing the world.

We controlled Ramses II, Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, Constantine, the
Popes, and other world leaders.  We grew John Kennedy, Richard Nixon,
Ronald Reagan, and Dan Quayle in vats.  Our agents include the Beatles,
6 members of the Supreme Court, Dan Rather, Mr. T, and Cher.  We have
made ourselves indistingushable from humans.

Our goal is the pacification and domination of humanity.  When complete
docility has been bred into you, you will be used as cheap labor in our
fields and factories (which we will have taken from you).  You cannot
stop us, because you cannot know us.

I am you only hope.  Watch for me.


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