UFO message boards

Path: ns-mx!uunet!wupost!psuvax1!rutgers!cbmvax!amix!anuurn!ffoire
From: ffoire@anuurn.UUCP (Jeff Orrok)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
Subject: Re: Research in space alien impact methods.
Message-ID: <384@anuurn.UUCP>
Date: 16 Sep 91 19:29:15 GMT
References: <0cnxgbe00Uh7A4nCYw@andrew.cmu.edu>
Organization: the Hani homeworld. (Wilmette, IL)
Lines: 14

ms6i+@andrew.cmu.edu (Mark Francis Stramaglia) writes:
> CC:samuel ward
[...incoherent ramblings deleted...]

Normally I wouldn't do this, but the post came from Carnegie Mellon, which I
*thought* was a top-flight school.  Mr. Stramaglia, get off the bennies and
take a course in writing (and maybe english) before you post again.

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" -- marx
"From each according to his naivete, to each according to his greed" -- me
Path: ns-mx!uunet!mcsun!ukc!slxsys!ibmpcug!robobar!stl!stc!fsb
From: fsb@tcom.stc.co.uk (Frank Stuart Brown)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
Subject: Re: Semjase and the Pleiadeans
Message-ID: <1991Sep15.094530.11563@tcom.stc.co.uk>
Date: 15 Sep 91 09:45:30 GMT
References: <davidj.684103066@wrs.com> <1991Sep7.101027.20300@tcom.stc.co.uk> <91256.151534IO10081@MAINE.MAINE.EDU>
Sender: news@tcom.stc.co.uk (System Administration)
Reply-To: fsb@tcom.stc.co.uk (Frank Stuart Brown)
Organization: STC Telecomms, New Southgate, London, N11 1HB
Lines: 18

In article <91256.151534IO10081@MAINE.MAINE.EDU> IO10081@MAINE.MAINE.EDU (The Xanadian) writes:
>In article <1991Sep7.101027.20300@tcom.stc.co.uk>, fsb@tcom.stc.co.uk (Frank
>Stuart Brown) says:
>>Quel un croc du merde!
>..............mmmoooOOOOOOOoo!!    pvfthffhthvfft!

Quelle une crocke de la merde!

Frank Stuart-Brown, Dept 31700, Customer Services,
<fsb@antelope.tcom.stc.co.uk>  ||  !mcsun!ukc!stc!fsb
Tel +44 81 945 2608  ||  +44 924 870838
Path: ns-mx!uunet!mcsun!ukc!icdoc!ibmassc!rob
From: rob@aixssc.ibm.co.uk (Robert Trevelyan)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
Subject: Doug and Dave on hoaxes
Message-ID: <1991Sep16.201907.25325@aixssc.ibm.co.uk>
Date: 16 Sep 91 20:19:07 GMT
Sender: rob@aixssc.ibm.co.uk (Robert Trevelyan)
Organization: IBM AIX Systems Support Centre, UK.
Lines: 137

In England the crop circle season is now over as just about all fields
have been harvested. Recent events have brought about details of a
ministerial meeting in London about a year ago when Margaret Thatcher
was still PM.(though she was not present at the meeting).The purpose
of the meeting was to discuss Crop Circles and three ministeries were 
involved in this namely Defence, Agriculture and Environment.
It was agreed at this meeting that the cause of Crop Circles was completely
unknown and and the meteological theory was *out of hand* and that all       
crop circles were *not* hoaxes although there had obviously been a fair
few hoaxes.
Responsibility for keeping a watch on crop circle developments was handed
over to the Ministry of Defence whose brief was to take *appropriate action*.
The MOD were to update the other two ministries but during this meeting
the word "disinformation" was mentioned on several occasions.The above
details were passed on by someone who attended the meeting.

During the last few weeks it appears as if this disinformation campaign
has actually started by the arrival of Dave and Doug. There is at present
no way of finding out who is behind the disinformation campaign but it is
certainly being seen to happen.The newspaper "Today" has now produced two gents in the 60's who claim to have been creating crop circles for the last
13 years.They can obviously only fool a few people with these claims as even
if all crop circles were hoaxes two people of any age would not be able to   
create formations all over the English countryside let alone the world.
The assertation by the Today newspaper, famous for quoting that the 1990
pictogram at Alton Barnes was a Sumarian warning to double your wells as
there was going to be a drought,(could have been mistaken for oil wells
in the Gulf that needed the warning), that this explains the crop circle
phenomenon is absurd.

The scam relied largely on catching one of the leading Circles experts in
a trap which was carefully laid for him. This was undertaken by a informing
Pat Delgado that a strange crop circle formation had appeared in a field in
Sevenoaks, Kent, England, the paper said they believed it to be a hoax and
that the farmer also was sure it was a hoax. They asked if Pat D would give
a professional opinion.

Pat Delgado agreed and travelled to Ightham near Sevenoaks and was taken to
see the formation which, to his amazement, was an "insectogram" formation
closely resembling the ones in the Hampshire in June and July of this year.
All the features were present of the usual "insectogram" although imperfect
but Pat D gave his unqualified blessing which was recorded on tape and he
was filmed in the formation by a camera crew in a helicopter. The trap had
closed in on him.

The Today newspaper then waited until Sunday before bringing two alleged
hoaxers, Dave and Doug to Pat Delgado's house.There they confronted him   
with a film taken of the two hoaxers making the formation in Kent that
Pat D had said was genuine.They claimed to have been faking circles for
13 years near Winchester and so on..Pat Delgado had to then make any
concessions that the Today newspaper demended of him. It is interesting
to find that at a later stage of the confrontation Colin Andrews appeared
and fought back by cross-questioning Doug and Dave. He soon found that
they were unable to answer many questions and their minders withdrew them
before their case was badly damaged.

Obviously at the stage the irreparable damage had been done to Pat Delgado's
reputation but nevertheless no concrete evidence had been presented that
Dave and Doug had faked any other known circle or pictogram apart from the
bogus one at Kent which has been conveniently removed in the meantime by
harvesting. The two appeared on TV on Monday to demonstrate to the press
and the TV how they create such a formation in a wheatfield in Chilgrove,
Sussex.The dumb-bell formation which they produced was a pathetic mess and
could be clearly seen on TV as such although the two hoaxers complained
that was due to over-ripe wheat.

The story in the Today Newspaper originated from a shadowy outfit called
"MBF Services" who suplied the story to Today and have doubtlessly paid
Dave and Doug, also indemnifying them against all lawsuits and claims 
of criminal damage from Hampshire farmers.
MBF Services have been tracked down to an accomodation address in
Shepton Mallet near Bristol, England and are registered clients of an
expensive up-market firm of accountants, Barclay Jackson. All attempts
to identify the people behind MBF Services have failed and the Today will
either side-step or remain silent. The firm of accountants describe their
clients as a "scientific research and development" company but obviously
what or whoever is behind this front has a great deal of financial backing.
Undoubtedly this is infact a well organised and long planned attempt to
rubbish the crop circle phenomenon and may even turn out to be
government-inspired but when the 1992 season brings its new crop then
this fiasco will end.

I have personally met both Dave and Doug about 2 years ago at the site of
of a formation near Winchester. Dave is retired and has a hobby of recording
bird songs on a portable tape machine. He told me,whilst at the side of the A272
main road that passes by Cheesefoot Head Winchester,that he had been
wandering through some crop fields recording bird songs back in the 1970's
when he came across a flattened swirled area of corn. A bit amazed he
wandered around the formation trying to ascertain what it was and unknowingly
left his tape recording. Basically when he played back the tape after he had
been in the crop circle he heard voices on a tape which was a brand new tape
previously, the voices were not heard whilst he was alone in the formation
but nevertheless he claimed he recognised the voices as a converstion he had
had 30 years previously. I am not sure how he knows this or even if I believe
what he told me but it kinda shows he did not hoax crop circles back then
and was very enthusiastic about the crop circle we were by at the time and
could offer no explaination of how it had been created.

Doug was the more genial of the two he said at the time, back in 1990,
that he "could just imagine them [UFO's] darting between two clouds", that
were at the time directly over Winchester, "and creating a crop circle"
The day was very overcast and the clouds were the dark grey variety we get
quite a bit in the UK but there was a bright gap between two of these.
He definatley gave me the impression he was interested in UFO's and the
like and said to have taken photographs of crop circles (plain circles)
back as far as tha mid 70's but I never saw any of these.

One thing that really struck me is that they were not very pleased with
either Pat Delgado or Colin Andrews as they believe they (PD and CA) had
not given Don Tuesley, one of the original crop circle researchers, any
thanks for his help in the then current book "Circular Evidence". Dave
and Doug believed that the fame had gone to both Pat Delgado's and Colin
Andrews heads and that they did not give anyone else any credit for help
they received. I know both Pat Delgado and Colin Andrews and totally
disagree that this is the case as they go out of their way to credit any
photos or information received from anyone. I have had the privilege of
having a mention in their book "Crop Circles- The latest Evidence" for
finding the first pictogram, although Pat D seems to call me Bob and adds
an extra L. I am not alone in being credited with information or photos
as one can see in their books.

Sorry to waffle a bit but my opinion is that Dave and Doug are off their
trolley and I do not believe all crop circles are hoaxes by "D+D hoaxes"
or not. There is a genuine phenomenon and it is not a vortex, note that
D+D never claimed to have created any formations in Wiltshire.
PS. If you see a grey Nissan Sunny by the side of a field with two gents
in their 60's in it thats Dave and Doug hoaxers extraordinaire.

|                          DISCLAIMER:                              |
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|                                                                   |
| Robert Trevelyan UKnet: rob@aixssc.ibm.co.uk |
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Path: ns-mx!uunet!fernwood!cronos!zinfandel!eherrera
From: eherrera@zinfandel.metaphor.com (Eric Herrera)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
Message-ID: <1301@cronos.metaphor.com>
Date: 16 Sep 91 21:40:32 GMT
References: <1634@mixcom.COM>
Sender: news@cronos.metaphor.com
Distribution: usa
Organization: Metaphor Computer Systems, Mountain View, CA
Lines: 22

>Does anyone know if the song "Love Comes Walking In" is a about aliens? I don't
>know if that is the real name of the song, but that is the most often repeated
>phrase. Anyway, I was listening to the words and a lot of the song seems to
>deal with aliens.

I think the chorus to "Love Comes Walking In" goes something like:
    ...And then you sense a change
       And nothing seems the same
       Your life is re-arranged (?)
       Love comes walking in
       Some kind of alien
       Comes in and pulls a string
       (something I can't remember offhand)
       Love comes walking in...
The second verse (I think) also mentions something like "bright lights
above" (whatever), but I think it's purely a love song using the "alien"
theme as a metaphor for the unexpectedness and transformation of love and
yes Sammy Hagar is a grey (but he's wearing a wig).

Eric P. Herrera...  eherrera@metaphor.com
Path: ns-mx!uunet!news.larc.nasa.gov!vab02.larc.nasa.gov!smd
From: smd@vab02.larc.nasa.gov (Steve M. Dahmen)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
Subject: Re: Owl memory
Message-ID: <SMD.91Sep16202813@vab02.larc.nasa.gov>
Date: 17 Sep 91 01:28:13 GMT
References: <1296@cronos.metaphor.com> <w60081w164w@sys6626.bison.mb.ca>
Sender: news@news.larc.nasa.gov (USENET Network News)
Organization: NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA
Lines: 58
In-Reply-To: gstimp@sys6626.bison.mb.ca's message of 14 Sep 91 19: 42:43 GMT

In article <w60081w164w@sys6626.bison.mb.ca> gstimp@sys6626.bison.mb.ca (Gary Stimpson) writes:

> eherrera@zinfandel.metaphor.com (Eric Herrera) scribbles:

> [deleted]

> > Since those days I have had several experiences like the following:
> > I wake up suddenly in the middle of the night.  I am conscious, but
> > I can't move.  I feel an unusual tingling sensation all over my body
> > and it makes me want to sleep immediately.  The fear of being unable
> > to move makes me fight the urge to sleep, and I become fully awake.
> > Everything is quiet and in order.  I can move my limbs.  Eventually
> > I calm myself and am able to sleep (without the tingling sensation).
> >
> > Please let me know what you think.  Thank you.
> >
> > Eric...  eherrera@metaphor.com

> I've had the same experience (exactely like that) two times in the last
> year.  The first time it happened I really freaked out, I was conscious
> but I couldn't move my body at all.  I thought I was paralyzed, and I
> tryed to yell but I couldn't.  It was scary, this may sound weird but I
> thought something was going to do something to me.  I eventually pulled
> myself out of this state and I was FULLY awake.  It scared me, but I
> asked my Mother about this and she said it's perfectly normal (not sure
> why!).  Anyways, it happened to me again about 2 months or so later, and
> this time I didn't get scared.  I just lay in my bed (eyes open) and said
> "Hey, it's happening again, but I'm not worried.".  And that's about it!

> Gary

I think what you experienced was being only partway in your body...
It's quite common.  perhaps some small noise or body feeling pulled
you back, but not "enough back" to gain motor control.  It's natural
to want to go back to sleep, because that's the easiest way to get
back in the body "right".  Or, you can, through your will, force it to
happen like Eric did.  You feel vulnerable mostly because you don't
know what's going on.

Another related phenomena is coming in "half way" into your body,
where you feel just so sleepy and out of it (literally) all day
long... coordination is difficult, thinking is difficult.... and all
it takes is a half hour nap and BOING you're ready to roll.  The half
out experience happens to me when someone/thing wakes me very
suddenly, or I nap at an unusual time.

Hope this helps....


Steve Dahmen, Systems Analyst                         (804) 864-4519 (W)
Vigyan Research, Inc .- NASA Langley Research Center                   
Internet: smd@vab01.larc.nasa.gov
Path: ns-mx!hobbes.physics.uiowa.edu!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!wupost!udel!gatech!emory!ra!tlb1
From: tlb1@ra.MsState.Edu (Spellweaver)
Newsgroups: sci.skeptic,alt.paranormal,alt.alien.visitors,talk.religion.newage
Subject: Re: The Pleiadian Transcripts
Message-ID: <1669@ra.MsState.Edu>
Date: 17 Sep 91 03:05:59 GMT
References: <46869@cup.portal.com> <47188@cup.portal.com>
Followup-To: sci.skeptic
Organization: Mississippi State University
Lines: 5
Xref: ns-mx sci.skeptic:15127 alt.paranormal:3082 alt.alien.visitors:2046 talk.religion.newage:6831

physically/unphysically to be?  That info about beings not having to have
a physical body, et cetera, was very nice and informative, but it didn't
answer the question.  I would assume from your answer that they are beings
of energy, but I hate to make assumptions on tricky subjects.  So, please
Path: ns-mx!hobbes.physics.uiowa.edu!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!mips!spool.mu.edu!munnari.oz.au!uniwa!hartley
From: hartley@maths.uwa.oz.au (Mike H)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
Subject: Re: Wheat Circles and Confessors
Keywords: HOAX?
Message-ID: <1991Sep17.035232.24328@uniwa.uwa.oz.au>
Date: 17 Sep 91 03:52:32 GMT
References: <cee1.684507670@Ra.MsState.Edu> <h#C_7-C@engin.umich.edu>
Sender: news@uniwa.uwa.oz.au (USENET News System)
Organization: University of Western Australia
Lines: 6
Nntp-Posting-Host: madvax.maths.uwa.oz.au

According to the corn-circles article published in the West Australian
Newspaper, the two chaps got the idea from the place they grew up in,
in Queensland, Australia, where in the late '50s to early '60s the
circles were done regularly as a joke. Frankly, I find this quite plausible.

Yours, Mike H.
Path: ns-mx!uunet!lll-winken!iggy.GW.Vitalink.COM!widener!gvlf3.gvl.unisys.com!tredysvr!cellar!revpk
From: revpk@cellar.UUCP (Brian 'Rev P-K' Siano)
Newsgroups: sci.skeptic,alt.paranormal,alt.alien.visitors,talk.religion.newage
Subject: Re: The Pleiadian Transcripts
Message-ID: <7Hae92w164w@cellar.UUCP>
Date: 17 Sep 91 01:40:29 GMT
References: <47188@cup.portal.com>
Sender: bbs@cellar.UUCP (The Cellar BBS)
Organization: The Cellar BBS and public access system
Lines: 52
Xref: ns-mx sci.skeptic:15130 alt.paranormal:3083 alt.alien.visitors:2048 talk.religion.newage:6832

        Dan, I've read the transcripts you've posted, and I'm perfectly
willing to believe that they come from a higher form of intelligence.
However, I'm going to require proof. And I have a test that would be
satisfactory proof.

        I'd like to ask the Pleidians if they can solve a small math problem
for me.

        In a system of logic, one is required to evaluate a statement of
number theory as True or False. (For example, 1+1=2 is True within the
standard math we're all taught, but one can easily prove the statement 2+2=5
to be demonstrably False within this system.)

        Now, there are some statements of number theory that, as of yet, we
have not been able to prove to be either True or False. Such if fermat's Last

        Essentially, the statement is this: For integers x,y, and z, there
exists no solution for the following equation if n > 2.

        The equation is (x^n) + (y^n) = (z^n).

        For example, if n=2, we can find whole numbers for x,y and z that mke
a true statement of number theory, as follows:

        (3^2) + (4^2) = (5^2)
          9   +   16  =   25

        But, if n is gREATER than two, there are apparently no whole numbers
we can plug into x,y or z that make the equation true.

        The problem is this; there's no existing proof for this. There may be
integers we haven't tried yet that make the equation work. But we can't
disprove that statement above either.

        My question is this: Can the Pleiadians either prove or disprove
that, for integers x,y and z, there exists no soluton for the equation
(x^n)+(y^n)=(z^n) where n>2?

        If they can provide a proof, they would be providing us with
knowledge currently unknown by man... but knowledge that _can_ be verified
empirically. And I'd be surprised if a higher intelligence could lower itself
to perform symbolic logic.

        Solve it, and you've got a convert. (Maybe even a Nobel.)

Brian Siano,                                Delaware Valley Skeptics
Rev. Philosopher-King of The First Church of the Divine Otis Redding
revpk@Cellar.UUCP                     "Ecrasez l'enfame!" - Voltaire
Path: ns-mx!uunet!cs.utexas.edu!ut-emx!ibmchs!auschs!d75!awdprime!woofer.austin.ibm.com!craigb
From: craigb@woofer.austin.ibm.com (Craig Becker)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
Subject: Re: Owl memory -> Sleep Paralysis
Message-ID: <11124@awdprime.UUCP>
Date: 16 Sep 91 17:41:00 GMT
References: <w60081w164w@sys6626.bison.mb.ca> <1296@cronos.metaphor.com>
Sender: news@awdprime.UUCP
Reply-To: craigb@ot.austin.ibm.com
Organization: IBM Object Technology Products
Lines: 87

In article <w60081w164w@sys6626.bison.mb.ca>, gstimp@sys6626.bison.mb.ca
(Gary Stimpson) writes:
> eherrera@zinfandel.metaphor.com (Eric Herrera) scribbles:

> > Since those days I have had several experiences like the following:
> > I wake up suddenly in the middle of the night.  I am conscious, but
> > I can't move.  I feel an unusual tingling sensation all over my body

> I've had the same experience (exactely like that) two times in the last
> year.  The first time it happened I really freaked out, I was conscious
> but I couldn't move my body at all.  I thought I was paralyzed, and I
> tryed to yell but I couldn't.  It was scary, this may sound weird but I
> thought something was going to do something to me.  I eventually pulled
> myself out of this state and I was FULLY awake.

I believe that what you were both experiencing is a sleep disorder known
prosaically as "Sleep Paralysis"...you can look it up in any decent book on
sleep disorders.

I had attacks of this nature for several years and eventually did some
research on it (was happy to find that I didn't have some kinda weird brain
tumor :-). Currently I'll have 2 or 3 episodes every 2 months or so.

No real hard statistics exist, but it's believed that a fairly large
percentage of people have experienced SP; not all of them remember it.
Sleeping in an uncomfortable place or position seems somewhat conducive to
bringing on the experience.

Since I figured out what it was, I've encountered several people who have
also had bouts with SP (they're usually surprised to hear about it, and
happy to know that they're "normal"). What usually happens is that you are
asleep and suddenly become conscious but unable to move. There is often a
very harsh, loud, buzzing sound that seems to come from "inside the ear".
Occasionally there will be tactile hallucinations, such as that of being
touched. Often there will be visual hallucinations...a friend of mine
claims that he saw his dead grandfather standing at the foot of his bed
during a SP experience. Myself, I often have the feeling that I'm having
an "out-of-body" experience...no, I don't think it's for real, just a
consequence of being scared and wanting to move and I'll hallucinate for
a brief period of time that I am indeed moving, walking around, etc. Then
I'll suddenly snap back to being paralyzed and in bed again.

All of this is usually accompanied by a very intense sensation of fear; the
characterization above that "I thought something was going to do something to
me" is a pretty good description.

As a piece of trivia, SF/math writer Rudy Rucker has some experience with
SP...his novel _White Light_ never mentions it explicitly but he told me that
some of it was based on SP experiences he's had.

Anyway, the (admittedly non-rigorous) scientific explanation of this
phenomenon is that there is some kind of virtual "switch" that connects one's
brain to one's body, and that when we sleep, this switch is "opened", thus
keeping us from flopping around in bed while dreaming that we're running away
from a pack of dill-pickle wielding fire lizards. Occasionally (for reasons
as yet to be determined), we "awaken" without closing the switch.

It's been awhile since I've looked any of this stuff up...if anyone has any
better/more current information, I'd like to hear from them.

:opinion on

I often wonder if SP is responsible for what people call "out-of-body
experiences"...it's hard to describe if you've never felt it, but if you
ever have, you know what I mean.

Also have my suspicions as to whether or not SP is responsible for any
reported "ghost" sightings, such as my friend claims to have had.

And there are some small similarities between SP and Elizabeth Kubler-Ross's
(sp?) "near-death" experiences.

:opinion off

Anyway, hope this has proved to be interesting to some of you.


--                                Craig Becker, Object Technology Products --
-- "As far back as I can remember,        Internet: craigb@ot.vnet.ibm.com --
--  I always wanted to be a gangster."    Austin: craigb@ot.austin.ibm.com --
--                  - Henry Hill                    VNET: CRAIGB at AUSVM1 --
-- off 808/1K-020 zip 3008 ph (512) 823-1756 tl 793-1756 hm (512) 346-5397 --
-- IBM Personal Systems Programming,  11400 Burnet Road, Austin, TX, 78759 --


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