Doom 2 Hell On Earth Secrets

Doom 2 Hell On Earth Secrets


All the official secret areas in the game are numbered and listed below,
along with the sector number, IDMYPOS coordinates, and decimal coordinates.
"Official" secrets are those which are counted towards the "Secrets" total
on the end level screen.  Some non-secret areas which are hard to find
are also listed, but are not numbered.

Level 1: Entryway
 1  41 < 8b00000,13700000> ( 2224,  4976)
  In the northernmost room, you see two switches; a near one on your
  right, and a far one on your left.  The one on the right opens a
  small area to the northeast with some armor and health.  Hit the
  right switch before the left one, since the left one makes the right
  one go away.
 2   8 < 67c0000, bd80000> ( 1660,  3032)
 3  17 < 9b80000, a0c0000> ( 2488,  2572)
 4  57 < 9a10000, f800000> ( 2465,  3968)
  In the center room (just south of the exit), there is a lift to the
  west.  Go up the lift and hit space on the wall to the west,
  revealing a few imps and a switch (#2) which opens a door leading
  outside in the southeast corner of the center room.  Outside (#3)
  are some imps and a shotgun.  Once you hit the switch at the top of
  the lift, jump down onto the platform just east of the lift.  This
  will open a room with a rocket launcher to the north and east (#4).
 5  28 < b4e0000, ba60000> ( 2894,  2982)
  A room with two imps and a stimpack, behind a hidden door on the
  south side of the east wall of the center room.

Level 2: Underhalls
 1  20 < a4c0000, 87b0000> ( 2636,  2171)
  Just southwest of the red keycard (at the top of the steps) lies a room
  with blue armor.  There is also a teleporter back to the beginning.

Level 3: The Gantlet
 1   5 < da00000, ac90000> ( 3488,  2761)
  In the main room, south of the two sets of stairs and the rocket
  launcher, is a small outcropping with a ledge.  You can make it over
  the ledge if you run southeast at the right angle from the raised
  area west of the stairs.  Try standing at <b8cf79f,e2495ca> at angle
  dbf00000 (or thereabouts) and running straight forward.  Once you
  make it, walk through the south wall to a small room (#1),
  containing a supercharger and partial invisibility.  There is also a
  teleporter to the tower with the rocket launcher.

Level 4: The Focus
 1  15 <fdca0000, 4890000> ( -566,  1161)
  The hallway south of the starting point leads to a staircase, then
  curves east to a door.  On the left side of the corridor are some
  windows into rooms containing armor and lots of sargeants.  Near the
  east end of the corridor, there is a hidden door on the north wall,
  just to the right of the window, which lets you into the south
  windowed room (#1), and from there to the north windowed room.
 2  14 <fe020000, 34b0000> ( -510,   843)
  On the way to the blue key is a room with a lava pool in the
  northwest.  Jump in the pool; there is a secret door to the north,
  leading to a room (#2) containing a double-barreled shotgun.
 3  43 <ff9f0000, 6250000> (  -97,  1573)
  Once you get the red key, walk east off the platform.  There is a
  teleporter there, which takes you to the area just south of the
  staircase mentioned above.

Level 5: The Waste Tunnels
 1 139 < 6840000, 1c00000> ( 1668,   448)
  Just behind the supercharger in the north area of the map (not the
  one at the start) is a small room with a beserker.
 2   3 < 3510000, 1ad0000> (  849,   429)
  Starting in the room with the blue key, walk north through the
  window and press space on the north wall.  Then run north until
  you're in the room with the plasma gun.
 3  52 < 1800000,fa440000> (  384, -1468)
  On either side of the exit are doors to a room containing some ammo.
  Jump down from one of the ledges on the west or east sides of the

Level 6: The Crusher
 1  98 < 4200000, 2600000> ( 1056,   608)
  Of the two southernmost pillars in the room just west of the starting
  point, the eastern one contains a secret.  Hit space on its north or
  east wall to lower it, revealing a megasphere.
 2 124 < 24e0000, 1130000> (  590,   275)
  The poison river in the room with the blue keycard leads southeast to
  a room with a teleporter, which takes you to the staircase just east
  of the plasma rifle.
 3 146 <ff420000, 7520000> ( -190,  1874)
  In the northwest corner of the room with the spiral staircase is a
  little outcropping with a few chaingun sargeants.  You can jump into
  it from higher up on the staircase.  (Don't try jumping straight
  west; you need to jump a little bit north, too.  Try running
  straight ahead from <1698256,70dce25> at angle <6d480000>.)  In the
  middle of its west wall is a door leading to a secret room with lots
  of cool stuff, including a megasphere.

 Also: the blue door north of the starting room leads to a lift.  After
 lowering the lift, you will see a little room to the south of the
 lift with some armor.

Level 7: Dead Simple
 1   1 <fda00000,ff600000> ( -608,  -160)
  The platform around the end-level switch in the center.  Kinda hard to
  avoid, unless you're playing deathmatch, in which case there is another
  end-level switch in the northwest corner of the map.

Level 8: Tricks and Traps
 1   6 < f200000, 74c0000> ( 3872,  1868)
 2 125 < f200000, ae40000> ( 3872,  2788)
 3  12 <10550000, 9200000> ( 4181,  2336)
 4   9 <102c0000, a290000> ( 4140,  2601)
  Through the door east of the starting point is a room with three
  teleporters; two obvious ones to the left and right, and a third one
  in the center which you can get to by shooting the lion.  All three
  take you to a small octagonal room with a pillar in the center.  The
  left, right, and center teleporters take you to the north, south,
  and east ends of the room, respectively.  Shoot the north and south
  sides of the pillar to open up secret doors behind the teleport
  exits, revealing some ammo (#1), and a chaingun (#2); unfortunately,
  it also reveals some pain elementals, so you can decide for yourself
  if it's worth the trouble.  From the east end of the room (which is
  secret #3), if you jump west over the slime to the center of the
  room, a door will open up in the northeast corner of the room.
  Actually, hitting space on the door will have the same effect.  This
  door (#4) leads to two radiation suits, ammo, partial invisibility,
  and a teleporter back to the octagonal room.
 5  57 < 2f40000, 9500000> (  756,  2384)
  Through the door southwest of the starting point is a cacodemon and a
  chainsaw.  As you take the chainsaw, a door will open up revealing a
  little more of the passageway (#5), containing some ammo and green
  armor, as well as a baron, who will teleport to the east to block
  your exit.
 6 100 < bc00000,10320000> ( 3008,  4146)
 7  98 < ea40000,11400000> ( 3748,  4416)
  In the room with way too many demons are two switches on the south side.
  The west one opens a door on the north wall leading to another door.
  If you have hit the switch in the room with all the cacodemons, then
  this door will be open, leading to a room (#6) with even more demons
  (though you won't see them at first; some doors open after you pass
  by them).  There is a candle on the east side of it, marking a door
  which you can shoot open to reveal the BFG9000 (#7).

Level 9: The Pit
 1 109 <fc600000, 2600000> ( -928,   608)
 2 118 <fd070000, 3050000> ( -761,   773)
  West of the starting point is a corridor leading to the supercharger.
  Once you get it, one of the corridor walls will open up, revealing a
  doom containing a rocket launcher and two rockets.  You can try to
  jump for the launcher, or you can just walk off the northeast edge of
  the platform on the southwest corner of the room; the floor will
  raise up so you can easily get the launcher (#1).  Once you do,
  some doors to the north and east will open up, revealing some sargeants.
  If you try to walk onto the platform with the rockets (#2), some doors
  will open up behind you revealing a wall of chaingunners, who will
  probably negate whatever benefit the supercharger gave you.  :-)
 3  16 < 5c00000, 6db0000> ( 1472,  1755)
 4  17 < 5ac0000, 6c00000> ( 1452,  1728)
 5  22 < 5840000, 6ec0000> ( 1412,  1772)
  On the east side of the map is a room with a hexagonal structure with
  imps and sargeants firing down at you.  If you walk up to the structure,
  the ledge that the bad guys are standing on will lower you, allowing
  you to walk up onto it (#3).  On the north side of the structure is
  a door leading to interior of the structure (#4), which is crammed
  with imps and lost souls.  Opposite the door, and a bit to the right,
  is a hidden door leading to the BFG9000 (#5).
 6  43 < 2d50000, c950000> (  725,  3221)
  In the northeast corner of the map is a spiral staircase of sorts, a
  large, circular series of steps that lower as you walk up to them.
  If you make it all the way up the staircase (clockwise), you can jump
  down to an area with ammo, a supercharger, blue armor, beserk, and
  a teleporter back to your starting point.

Level 10: Refueling Base
 1 114 <fda20000, 2480000> ( -606,   584)
 2 111 <fda00000, 1380000> ( -608,   312)
 3 112 <ff200000, 2800000> ( -224,   640)
 4 116 <fc260000, 2800000> ( -986,   640)
  The round skylit room south of the starting point has four big brown
  pillars, each of which contains a secret area.  These pillars open
  when you enter the room from various directions.  When you enter
  from the south, the center (#1) and south (#2) pillars open doors
  facing each other; they contain health and various monsters.  The
  south one contains a radiation suit, which can come in handy, since
  all these secret areas have acid floors.  When you enter from the
  west, the east pillar opens, revealing health, ammo, and various
  monsters, which may include a pain elemental or two (#3).  When you
  enter from the east, the west pillar opens, revealing the same sort
  of thing (#4).
 5   5 < 5c00000, 8c40000> ( 1472,  2244)
 6  12 < 3c60000, 7000000> (  966,  1792)
 7  26 < 80a0000, 5c00000> ( 2058,  1472)
 8 180 <f8b00000,f9600000> (-1872, -1696)
 9  34 < 57a0000, 5400000> ( 1402,  1344)
10  49 < 37d0000, 4d50000> (  893,  1237)
11  80 < 6400000, 3480000> ( 1600,   840)
  In the northeast corner of the map is a room with a lot of sargeants
  and former humans.  There are a lot of small niches in this room;
  several of them have secret doors behind them which you can shoot
  open.  You can usually identify them by the fact that they have the
  large white UAC logo on them, rather than the small gray ones.
  There are five such secret doors; behind them, you can find a
  supercharger (#5); light amplification and 200% armor (#6); health,
  armor, demons, a backpack, and a teleporter (#7) (the teleporter,
  which is behind the door at the end of the hidden hallway, takes you
  to room in the southwest (#8), with a invulnerability and an ammo
  box, just west of the room with the cyberdemon); an energy pack
  (#9); and armor, a beserker, ammo, and various monsters (#10).  Also,
  the switch in the southeast corner of the room opens a door to a
  hidden hallway (#11) which leads to the room with all the
12  74 < 7a50000,fbbd0000> ( 1957, -1091)
13  71 < 6840000,fc000000> ( 1668, -1024)
  In the southeast corner of the arachnotron/revenant room is a secret
  door to a hallway (#12) leading south; it contains light amplification
  goggles.  The secret door you emerge from is marked with green pillars.
  Up the steps to your north is another secret door, also marked
  with green pillars; it contains armor, beserk, and ammo (#13).
14 101 <  600000,fffb0000> (   96,    -5)
15  59 <  1c0000,fcc00000> (   28,  -832)
  In the room with the rocket launcher on the pedestal, northwest of
  the room with secret door #13, you can run past the rocket launcher and
  get onto the north ledge with the imps on it (#14).  There is some
  health and green armor up there.  The ledge on the south side of the
  room is actually a lift, which you can lower by hitting space.
  There are two boxes of rockets up there (#15).
16 120 <f8e00000, 4f00000> (-1824,  1264)
17 121 <f8e00000, 4e00000> (-1824,  1248)
18 122 <f8e00000, 4e00000> (-1824,  1248)
  In the northwest, there is a room with two acid floor areas and
  some pillars with stuff hidden behind them.  On the southwest wall,
  there is a section of wall with mismatched texture; when you
  walk near that section of wall, a door opens in the northwest
  acid pool.  The door leads to a megasphere, which counts as
  three secrets (#16, #17, #18).

  Also note that just southeast of your starting point is a secret
  door to a room with some goodies, but it's not an official secret.

Level 11: 'O' of Destruction!
 1  28 < 6600000, 3240000> ( 1632,   804)
  On the east side of the map is a small room containing a chaingun
  with green torches on either side; you get to it via a lift which
  lowers when you come down a set of stairs.  On the south side of
  this room is a secret door, which opens onto a hallway (#1) which
  leads to a ledge where you can get partial invisibility.
 2  75 < 67e0000, 71f0000> ( 1662,  1823)
  On the east side of the outer part of the circle (north of the
  walkway leading east, south of the outcropping with the supercharger
  on it) is a hidden door in the slime.  It opens when you cross the
  trigger that reveals the arch-vile.  The door leads to some boxes of
  rockets (#2) and a teleporter which takes you to some energy packs
  in the center of the circle.
 3 114 <ff480000, 9fc0000> ( -184,  2556)
  In the northwest corner of the map is a series of bars which open
  automatically when you approach.  Just north of the bars is a secret
  door (#3) leading west to the hell knight and invulnerability.

Level 12: The Factory
 1  26 <fd950000, 3000000> ( -619,   768)
  In the northwest corner of the big main building is a room with
  jagged walls (#1); it contains a BFG9000 and lots of chaingunners.
  To open the door leading there, you must hit the switch in the
  southeast corner of the room with the blue door facing northwest.
  Note that there is a radiation suit in the southwest corner of
  that room.
 2  85 < 3040000, 2c00000> (  772,   704)
  The room with the blue door facing northeast (with the platforms
  that lower as you reach them) contains a teleporter to a ledge
  facing northeast outside the building.  From there, you can jump
  down to the southwest and get three boxes of ammo (#2).  Hopefully
  you already killed the mancubus.  This room also contains a switch
  which helps you get secret #4.
 3 155 <fef80000,fc730000> ( -264,  -909)
 4 122 <ffa00000, 1200000> (  -96,   288)
  In the southwest corner of the map is a small building with some
  crates.  High on the east wall are a chaingun and some ammo (#3);
  you can get to them by stepping from crate to crate until you
  get to the lift (the switch), and then use the lift to get up
  to ledge they're on.  In the southwest corner of the room is
  a teleporter which takes you to the square structure in the center
  of the big main building.  If you hit the switch mentioned in #2
  already, then the center of this structure will be raised up so
  that you can just grab the supercharger (#4).  If you haven't,
  then you'll be surrounded by four imps scratching away at you.
  Kill them and hit the switch, which will raise the floor up so
  you can get the supercharger.

Level 13: Downtown
 1   3 < 5000000,f68b0000> ( 1280, -2421)
  There is a building in the southeast with a switch next to a
  lift.  Hit the switch and take the lift up.  There are two
  doors; the right door won't open.  Take the left one and jump
  across the slime pit to the other side (#1); there's a computer
  map and a chaingun.
 2  74 <fcb00000,f2de0000> ( -848, -3362)
 3  11 < 2e00000,f3d00000> (  736, -3120)
  In the southwest corner of the building in the southwest corner of
  the map is a switch which opens a door leading outside.  There's
  a medikit and some ammo out there (#2).  Just to the east of
  the switch is a stack of crates which you can lower by hitting
  the space bar, revealing another switch.  After you hit the
  switch, you can walk around the stack of crates to your north
  to find a set of stairs leading up to a teleporter.  The teleporter
  takes you to a ledge just west of the starting point (#3).  From
  this ledge, you can run north into the building with the
 4 108 <fd200000,f7680000> ( -736, -2200)
  The building in the southwest corner of the map has a pit in the
  northwest corner, which leads to a lift.  The lift takes you up
  into another building.  Just across from the lift (to the east)
  is a switch; hitting the switch opens a door revealing some
  shotgun shells (#4).
 5 128 <ffb80000,f7780000> (  -72, -2184)
  The building with the revenants guarding it (the one with the
  blue door at the entrance) contains a crate with a switch on
  the north side.  You can hit the switch to lower the northeast
  platform, so you can get the chainsaw (#5).
 6 166 < 2400000,  d20000> (  576,   210)
  The structure with the red keycard on top of it has a hidden door
  in the middle of the north wall, which can be reached from the
  ground.  The door opens to reveal some blue armor (#6).
 7 213 <ff400000,   40000> ( -192,     4)
  In the northeast corner of the map is a teleporter which takes
  you to the ledge of a building with some imps.  Jump over to
  the ledge of the building just to the west.  There's a door
  there which leads to a teleporter, which takes you to the
  interior of a building farther north, right between two cacodemons
  (#7).  There's a lot of ammo in there too.  Hit space on the inner
  wall to get out.
 8 223 <ffc20000,fc6f0000> (  -62,  -913)
  The building just southeast of the crusher with the plasma gun has a
  door in the south wall with a stairway leading up to a blue door.
  Once you have the blue key, you can enter out and get some ammo and
  rockets (#8).

Level 14: The Inmost Dens
  No official secrets.  One way to get the supercharger is to go to
  the building east of the starting building via the bridge.  Enter
  the building through the south door.  Run out one of the windows
  facing west into the moat, south of the bridge.  Lower the lift
  in the southwest corner, then go through, and go east, kill the
  arachnotron, and get the supercharger.

Level 15: Industrial Zone
 1 290 < 11c0000,  600000> (  284,    96)
  Get the red card key.  Then jump down to the ground, just to the
  east of the platform the red key is on.  There is a beserk box there.
  Hit the space bar on the crate just to your east to lower it, and
  get the stimpack (#1).
 2 276 <fd880000,ff500000> ( -632,  -176)
  Take the teleporter in the southeast corner of the red card key building.
  Walk out onto the ledge, then go to the north end and drop into the
  opening to the west, falling down to the main floor of the building.
  Then walk out the west exit.  Go back and take the teleporter in the
  red card key building again, and walk north and west again; this time,
  the floor has risen up to the level of the ledge on the north side
  of the building.  From here you can jump south onto the platform with
  the ammo and chaingun (#2).
 3 104 < 4c80000,fc800000> ( 1224,  -896)
  Go to the top of the building northeast of the diamond-shaped building.
  Just north of the teleporter is a secret door on the east wall (#3).
  Go through down onto the acid pool; to the north is a backpack and
  some rockets.
 4  53 < b000000,f5800000> ( 2816, -2688)
  Go to the top of the diamond-shaped building on the north shore of
  the acid lake; walk to the south ledge of the building.  Jump south
  down onto the small island with the radiation suit and energy cells.
  (Try walking instead of running.)  Hit the switch, then jump off and
  go northeast to the east side of the lake.  Go through the door you
  find there; through it, you'll find a platform with an
  invulnerability sphere (#4).
 5  70 < 8100000,f3c80000> ( 2064, -3128)
 6  71 < 8100000,f3880000> ( 2064, -3192)
 7  47 < 7c30000,f5360000> ( 1987, -2762)
 8  21 < 5440000,f1040000> ( 1348, -3836)
  In the southeast corner of the map is a building with a spiral
  staircase.  Go up and around the staircase.  As you turn to go
  south, a door will open to the east.  Run south across the lift,
  then east, then run north, jumping across the lower hallway; there
  you'll find an open door (#5) revealing a megasphere (#6).  Now go
  up the stairway again.  As you go south over the lift, a door will
  open up on the north wall, behind you.  Go through the door into an
  area with energy cells and lost souls (#7).  Go east into a small
  opening with a switch.  Hitting the switch will cause a teleporter
  to appear in the hallway to the west.  Enter the teleporter; it will
  take you to a platform in the southwest corner of the building with
  a chainsaw (#8).
 9 147 <  380000,f1e00000> (   56, -3616)
10 216 <fc970000,f5770000> ( -873, -2697)
11 195 <fce00000,f0340000> ( -800, -4044)
  Go the building in the southwest corner of the map.  At the south
  end, you will find some stairs going east (unless you haven't hit
  the switch to raise them).  At the top of the stairs is a secret
  door to the east, revealing a small area (#9) with a teleporter to
  the top of the square spiral staircase building northwest of the
  diamond-shaped building.  I was not able to get credit for secret
  #9, even if I walked into the teleporter; so the most I could get
  for this level is 90% secrets.  Instead of taking the teleporter,
  you could go to the top of the building to the ledge looking north.
  Hit the switch on the west wall, then jump down to the ground and go
  back through the front door of the building.  Go into the acid river
  and follow it north to the lift, which takes you up to another ledge
  where you'll find a plasma gun and ammo (#10).  Now go back to the
  south end of the building and go south through the acid river
  tunnel.  If you got secret #4, there will be a secret door leading
  south in the tunnel (#11) leading to a teleporter to the secret
  level (level 31).

Level 16: Suburbs
 1  41 < 1c00000,fd180000> (  448,  -744)
 2  33 < 1b80000,fe580000> (  440,  -424)
  There are two buildings in the center of the map.  You start in the
  north one; enter the south one.  In the south part of the building
  is a little platform with some shotgun shells on it.  Hit space to
  lower the platform, then get on it.  When you get to the top, shoot
  at the niche in the wall to your east.  A megasphere will be revealed
  in the southeast corner (#1).  (It's easy not to get credit for this
  secret, even if you do get the megasphere.  Walk slowly into and out
  of that corner, making sure you drop into the depression there.)
  Then turn northwest and shoot at the eyes in the wall.  You may need
  to do this while the platform is rising for it to work, or you could
  try using a shotgun.  If you hit it, a door will open just behind the
  wall to your north, containing some ammo (#2).
 3  13 < 6c90000,  800000> ( 1737,   128)
 4   7 < 5310000,fff80000> ( 1329,    -8)
  On the east side of the map is a building with doors on each wall,
  but you can only go through the door in the east wall.  Open the
  east door and enter the building (#3).  Hit space on the northwest
  platform to lower it, then get on.  When it rises back up, walk
  south into the acid pool inside the southwest platform, then hit the
  switch.  The platform will lower, revealing a small room to the
  northwest.  Inside the room is a BFG9000, some energy packs, and a
  medikit (#4).

Level 17: Tenements
 1  48 <fd400000,f5200000> ( -704, -2784)
  Go to the center of the map, then go east until you come to two
  staircases leading north and south.  Lower the lift to your south by
  jumping down in the slime just to the west of it and hitting the
  switch.  Just south of the lift is a hidden room with some armor.
  On the west wall of this room is a lift (#1) leading to a chaingun.
 2  89 <fa900000,fd380000> (-1392,  -712)
  In the north part of the map is an M-shaped structure.  Walk north
  down the middle of the M into the acid lake, then turn around and
  hit space on the wall.  The middle of the M will be lowered, and you
  will see a switch to your south.  Run south and hit the switch.
  (Actually, you don't have to lower the walkway to hit the switch;
  you just have to stand in the right place and press the space bar.)
  A door will be revealed to the east; you can jump into it and get
  some armor (#2) and a BFG9000.
 3 150 <fb040000,f94c0000> (-1276, -1716)
  On the way to the exit, just to the southwest, is a lift.  As you go
  up the lift, you'll notice an opening to the south.  While the lift
  is moving, run into the opening (#3) and into a hallway leading east
  to a megasphere.

 Also, the room with the really annoying stairway north and west
 of the starting point has four teleporters on the floor.  The
 northwest and southeast ones go to the north and south ledges
 where the monsters appear.

Level 18: The Courtyard
 1  17 <f7f40000, 3f60000> (-2060,  1014)
  When you walk around the pillar in the center of the main area, a
  number of doors will open up, including two against the wall west of
  the center pillar.  Of these two doors, the north one leads to a
  BFG9000 and some more monsters (#1).  (The south one has a hall of
  mirrors effect in the door tracks.)
 2  36 <fa050000,ff050000> (-1531,  -251)
  When you walk counterclockwise around the pillar in the center of
  the main area, a door will open up northeast of the pillar leading
  to a teleporter, which takes you to the platform southwest of the
  pillar.  The platform (#2) contains some rockets, health, and blue
  armor.  The teleporter will not be there until you hit the switch
  on the northeast corner of the plus-shaped structure just to the
  south of it (the one containing the cacodemons).
 3  76 < a300000, 4300000> ( 2608,  1072)
  In the northwest corner of the map, hidden between the structures on
  the north and west walls, is a corner with a small bit of grass.
  Walking into the grass teleports you to the northeast corner of the
  map, on a ledge containing a medical kit and a computer map.  (Note
  that the building just to the east of the bit of grass has an
  unclosed sector inside it; you can see out the east wall.)
 4  74 < 8b00000,  940000> ( 2224,   148)
  In the east area of the map is a hallway ending at a blue wall with
  a skull switch.  Hitting the switch opens a hidden door revealing a
  chaingun (#4).

Level 19: The Citadel
 1  43 <fdc20000,ffe20000> ( -574,   -30)
 2  97 <fd860000, 1a00000> ( -634,   416)
 3  95 <fc360000, 1e60000> ( -970,   486)
 4 100 <fa350000, 5a90000> (-1483,  1449)
 5  85 <f9270000, 73c0000> (-1753,  1852)
 6  33 < 6430000, 5300000> ( 1603,  1328)
 7 126 <fdb70000,fc640000> ( -585,  -924)
  In the southwest corner of the main building is a room with a switch
  in the middle which opens doors leading north and south.  Hit the
  switch and go north.  At the intersection, go west, and north
  through the door into a room with health, partial invisibility, and
  lots of imps (#1).  Then go back to the intersection and go north.
  At one point, you'll meet a hallway leading off to the northwest.
  Just south of this hallway on the west wall is a secret door.  (It's
  just north of the place where it LOOKS like there's a secret door.)
  This door leads through a short hallway (#2) to a lift, which leads
  to a hall leading northwest (#3) and stops at a window.  Jump out
  the window to the northwest.  You should be able to reach the steps
  of the building to the northwest (#4).  The building has two
  openings leading inside.  Try the south one first; when you finish
  in there, an area will open up to the northeast with lots of
  troopers and a computer map (#5).  The north opening leads
  (eventually) to five teleporters.  The middle one leads to the
  pillar in the middle of the castle, which contains a rocket
  launcher.  The other four lead to the four corners of the castle.
  Take the northeast one; in the northeast corner of the castle (#6),
  you will find the BFG9000, some demons, and the blue key.  Or, take
  the southwest one; there you will find a chainsaw and the yellow key
  (#7).  An easier way to get to the southwest tower is to go to the
  southwest room of the castle with the doors on the north and south;
  take the south door, and walk down the corridor until you hear a
  door open, then run back and walk through the open door to your left.
 8  38 <ff200000,ffad0000> ( -224,   -83)
 9  52 < 5400000, 1910000> ( 1344,   401)
  In the southeast corner of the map is an area at the top of some
  steps with two things that look like switches to the north.  They're
  not switches, but there's a hidden door between them.  Go through
  the door and up the steps, and hit the switch you see there (on the
  east side of the wall) 3 times.  Then jump down to the north onto
  the platform you've raised up, and from there jump onto the platform
  in the northeast corner of the room.  Go through the teleporter, and
  you'll get a supercharger (#8).  Go south a bit and then north, and
  you'll be teleported to a platform in the southeast area of the
  castle.  Jump to the platform to the northwest (this platform
  appears when you shoot at the imps in the southwest corner) and go
  through the door, then down the steps to get the red skull key and
  some rockets (#9).

Level 20: Gotcha!
 1  56 < 8360000,ee3e0000> ( 2102, -4546)
  The structure just south of your starting point consists of a building
  with a walkway around it to the south entrance.  (The walkway may not
  be there if you have not tried to get to the structure; just walk south
  from the starting point to raise the walkway.)  In the southwest part
  of the "moat" (the poison area between the walkway and the building) is a
  small opening, containing an energy cell pack and a radiation suit (#1).
  Once you have the radiation suit, you can safely walk around the moat
  to the other side, where there is a teleporter leading back to your
  starting point.
 2   4 < ece0000,f5ff0000> ( 3790, -2561)
  At the top of the structure on the east side of the map is a
  teleporter.  (To get there, jump down into the slime just east of
  your starting point and walk north through the little door, up the
  steps (shoot the wall that's in your way), and jump down from the
  window.  Then hit the switch to lower the lift to the entrance of
  the structure, and fight your way up to the top.)  The teleporter
  takes you back to the starting point.  Just to the left of the
  teleporter is a hidden door which takes you through a small room
  (#2) with another teleporter, which goes to a tower on the north
  side of the structure.  In all likelihood, you'll teleport right on
  top of a pain elemental, killing it before it has a chance to fire
  any of those damn skulls.
 3 101 < 5200000,fbf00000> ( 1312, -1040)
  There are two towers west and east of the circular area to the north
  of the main building.  There's nothing on the east one, but the west
  one (#3) has a megasphere on it.  To get there, take the big demon
  teleporter in the circular area.  Walk down the stairs and kill the
  bad guys.  (Note that just south of the stairs, down in the slime,
  is a teleporter leading to the area where the cacodemon was hiding.
  There's blue armor and some health up there.)  Then jump across to
  the dark area east of the stairs.  Instead of walking south to the
  green armor, find the hidden path leading northeast in the dark to
  the teleporter, which takes you to the megasphere.
 4 127 < 2600000,ff180000> (  608,  -232)
 5 132 < 2210000,ff1c0000> (  545,  -228)
 6 128 < 29e0000,ff1c0000> (  670,  -228)
  The structure west of the circular area to the north of the main
  building (not #3--the thing to the northwest of it) has a
  supercharger (#4) and a BFG9000 in it.  To get there, grab a
  radiation suit if you have one, and walk northeast through the slime
  to the building with the teleporter to #3.  Walk around the
  southeast corner of the building, looking for a staircase; there
  should be some flaming skulls there to mark the place.  Walk up the
  stairs to the teleporter, which takes you to the structure to the
  west.  Hit the switch to raise the platform, and kill all the bad
  guys.  If you don't see the BFG9000, shoot your pistol out the east
  window at the big demon teleporter, and a door behind you should
  open revealing the BFG and some ammo.  Then hit the switch on the
  south side of the room to reveal the supercharger (#4).
  Unfortunately, there's a teleporter in the way, which takes you back
  to the demon teleporter; fortunately, there are two secret doors to
  the left and right of the teleporter, which you can take to get to
  the supercharger (through another secret door to its west or east).
  The left one has an arch-vile in it (#5), so I suggest you take the
  right one, which contains an energy cell (#6), unless you want 100%
  kills and secrets; but if you didn't, why would you be reading this?
 7  59 < 6730000,f1270000> ( 1651, -3801)
  In the room with a staircase leading to a plasma gun, there is a
  secret door on the south wall, leading to a small room (#7) with a
  supercharger on the west end.

Level 21: Nirvana
  No official secrets.  To get the megasphere, hit the switch next to
  the teleporter which takes you to the room it's in, then jump in the
  teleporter and run and get it.

Level 22: The Catacombs
 1  85 <fd200000,  f50000> ( -736,   245)
  In the northwest corner of the starting room is a hidden door leading
  to a room with rockets, a supercharger, armor, and a spectre.
 2 125 <fd300000,ff000000> ( -720,  -256)
  In the southwest corner of the starting room is a hidden door which
  leads through a short hallway (#2) to the room you can see to your
  south, containing the plasma gun and an army of chaingunners.
  To open the door, hit space on the green torch.
 3  14 < 3340000, 3a00000> (  820,   928)
  A bit northeast of the red skull key is a secret door leading to a
  small opening (#3) with a teleporter, which takes you to the room south
  of your starting point which contains a plasma gun, in case you hadn't
  already gotten it.

Level 23: Barrels O' Fun
 1  61 <  600000, a700000> (   96,  2672)
  Between the two north-south hallways which lead outside is a third
  hallway containing a megasphere and two boxes of rockets.  It has
  a little outcropping just north of it which you can jump down onto,
  and then walk south to get the goodies.
 2  11 < 81c0000, b780000> ( 2076,  2936)
  In the northeast part of the map are two hallways with boxes and
  boxes of rockets, for use against the various spiders.  In the south
  hallway is a door to the north, leading to a supercharger (#2).

Level 24: The Chasm
 1  98 <ff000000,f8540000> ( -256, -1964)
 2 116 < 1000000,f6870000> (  256, -2425)
  Your starting point is located in a small opening in the north side
  of a building.  The main entrance to the building is around the
  walkway a short distance to the east, but you can't get in, because
  the entrance is too steep.  To raise the stairs up, first fall into
  any of the teleporters in the slime on the floor of the southeast
  corner of the map, north and south of the building you're trying to
  get into.  You should appear south of a series of tower.  Jump down
  from tower to tower, working your way east to a small area with a
  teleporter.  That will take you to another teleporter.  Go straight
  (east) and hit all the switches in that area.  That should raise the
  stairs at the main entrance of the building, so get back there by
  going back to the teleporter, and go through it to the teleporter at
  the base of the series of towers.  Then run west to the teleporter
  on the acid floor.  That will take you back up to the south tower,
  so run northwest to get back to the building near the starting
  point.  Once you get inside (#1), you'll see three things sticking
  out of the north wall.  Hit space on the first one you come to; it
  will lower a lift to your south, which leads to a small area with
  some ammo (#2).
 3  62 <f5400000,fec00000> (-2752,  -320)
  This is the invulnerability in the west part of the map, which is
  not that hard to find; just follow the annoyingly thin walkway west.
  You can jump down onto it, but then you'll be stuck there; you'll
  have to get off that platform and wait for the floor to rise up,
  then walk to one of the surrounding walls, and hit space until you
  get back up to the level of the walkway.  At that point, the
  invulnerability will have worn off.  A better idea is to get a
  radiation suit and jump down into the moat around it, and then hit
  space on the surrounding walls until it reaches the level of the
  platform the sphere is sitting on, then grab it; then the floor will
  raise up to the level of the surrounding walls, and you can get out.
  Or you can try jumping down just to the left or right of the
  invulnerability sphere, enough to get the floor to raise up and take
  away the poison; then grab the sphere, and hit space a few more
  times to get back to the walkway.
 4 123 <fda00000,f1d00000> ( -608, -3632)
  The south area of the map has a shotgun with a small walkway to its
  south.  If you get the shotgun, an opening will appear to the south
  revealing some monsters.  After killing the monsters, you can jump
  down into the opening to get some ammo and health (#4).  When you
  jump back, the floor around the shotgun will rise up and become

Level 25: Bloodfalls
 There are no official secrets, but there are some hidden areas.  In
 the north-south hallway with two windows on each side of the hallway,
 in the north part of the map, there is a secret door between the two
 windows on the east side, leading to a rocket launcher and some ammo.
 In the south part of the map, in the room with some steps leading
 south between two windows, there is a hidden room in the northeast
 with a BFG9000; it's on the automap.

Level 26: The Abandoned Mines
 1  29 <  e00000,ffb80000> (  224,   -72)
  When you start the level, there's a secret door right behind you
  (#1) which leads to a big room with lots of bad guys and items.
  The teleporter on the acid floor in the west area of the room
  takes you to a platform where you can jump and get the plasma gun.
 2  34 < 16c0000,  200000> (  364,    32)
  When you start the level, there's a secret door right to the east
  of you (#2).  Hit the switch to lower the room first, then hit space
  on the south part of the east wall.  This door leads to a network
  of tunnels that take you to many of the acid-floored rooms and
  monster ledges that you see from your starting point.
 3  98 <f8380000, 3a00000> (-1992,   928)
 4 121 <fb6c0000, 4e00000> (-1172,  1248)
  The blue keycard has a secret door behind it (#3) revealing a switch
  that lowers two lifts, revealing two areas to the north and south of
  the acid pool to your east, which contain some cacodemons.  The south
  area contains a trigger line that raises the floor near the east door,
  and a switch which opens that door.  The north area contains blue
  armor, and a secret door on the east wall (#4) leading to some
  health potions and a supercharger.

Level 27: Monster Condo
 1  10 <fb5c0000,fea50000> (-1188,  -347)
  When you start the level, the first thing you should do is go through
  the door in the northwest corner of the room (across the acid pool)
  and go west to the lit area with the ammo (#1).  You have 30 seconds
  after the level begins before this area is closed off.
 2 177 < 5f60000,fdad0000> ( 1526,  -595)
 3 171 < 6400000,fbe00000> ( 1600, -1056)
  East of the acid pool with the rocket launcher in the center
  is a west-east dividing wall.  On the east wall, north of the
  dividing wall, is a lit area in the corner.  When you walk into
  this lit area, a door opens to the east revealing an area (#2)
  containing partial invisibility, light amplification, energy
  cells, and lots of monsters.  South of the dividing wall is
  another lit area along the east wall.  When you walk into it,
  a door opens to the east revealing an area (#3) containing some
  ammo, health, shotgun shells, and arachnotrons.
 4  92 < 12d0000, 2f60000> (  301,   758)
 5  93 < 1200000, 4e00000> (  288,  1248)
  In the northeast room with the impaled bodies everywhere, there are
  two switches to the north.  The east one lowers a lift to the
  southwest, which leads to a long corridor of health potions (#4) and
  a teleporter (#5) which takes you up to the ledge in the northeast
  corner of the room, where there's health, armor, ammo, and a BFG.  I
  don't think it's possible to get #5, since the teleporter's sector
  is secret, and you can never enter that sector, because there's the
  teleport line is in the way.  Also note that you can't get out of
  the ledge in the northeast corner unless the door to it has opened
  up already.
 6  45 <f95d0000, 5000000> (-1699,  1280)
 7 129 <f7bd0000,fc400000> (-2115,  -960)
  There are two long north-south skylit rooms with large teleporters
  in the center and pictures of a demon on the north wall.  Each one
  has a switch on the east wall, which you can use to open up the west
  wall in both rooms, revealing some mancubi, a beserk sphere, a
  supercharger, and a computer map in each room (#6 in the north one,
  #7 in the south one).
 8 157 < 4e00000,f7600000> ( 1248, -2208)
  This is the room with the hell knight, just southwest of the
  yellow key, which has the switch that lets you out of the room
  after you get the yellow key.

Level 28: The Spirit World
 1  54 < 3e00000,f1a00000> (  992, -3680)
 2  55 < 5b00000,f1a00000> ( 1456, -3680)
  In the south part of the map is a room with five columns and a
  throne.  Walk up to the throne to lower the middle column, and then
  go stand on it (#1).  (You need to do this in order to complete the
  level, so I don't see why it's a secret.)  When the column raises up
  again, you will see two switches to the north and south.  The south
  one reveals the yellow key.  The north one reveals a passage beyond
  the yellow key, as well as four hell knights, an arch-vile, and
  (fortunately) an invulnerability sphere, some rockets, and a
  teleporter which takes you to the ledge on the east side of the room
  (#2), where you can get another invulnerability sphere and a
 3  17 <fdc80000,f3c00000> ( -568, -3136)
 4   3 <fea80000,f5a00000> ( -344, -2656)
  In the southwest part of the map is a hallway which leads west and
  then north.  At the bend in the hallway is a small niche to the
  south containing an arachnotron, who will come out and attack you.
  To enter the niche (#3), just walk through the south wall.  There is
  also another niche farther north containing some chaingunners and
  troopers, as well as ammo and health (#4).  Just walk through the
  east wall.
 5  88 < 4240000,ff440000> ( 1060,  -188)
 6  92 < 6440000,  840000> ( 1604,   132)
 7  93 < 6440000, 3dc0000> ( 1604,   988)
  In the northeast part of the map is a room with five columns.  As
  soon as you enter, some hidden doors will open up and lots of
  monsters will come out.  As soon as you kill all the monsters, look
  on the automap, and you will see three secret doors in the niches
  where the monsters were.  The southwest niche has a secret door
  leading east to a supercharger (#5).  The southeast niche has a
  secret door leading north to four backpacks, a medikit, and a
  revenant (#6).  The northeast niche has a secret door leading east
  to a mancubus and a beserker (#7).

Level 29: The Living End
  No official secrets.

  Northwest of your starting point is a path which leads west to a
  teleporter.  As you approach the teleporter, some windows open to
  the north exposing some chaingunners, who promptly attack you.  If
  you walk north off the ledge and then walk west around the structure
  the chaingunners are in, you'll see a small opening leading to a
  teleporter.  This takes you to the ledge the chaingunners are on;
  there's a plasma gun there.

Level 30: Icon of Sin
  The only secret here is how to complete the level.  At the south end
  of the final room is a switch which raises the platform in the lava
  to the north (with the box of rockets).  Hit the switch and wait for
  the platform to go up.  Then go to the platform, hit space to lower
  it, and get on.  Just before it gets to the top, shoot a rocket into
  the exposed brain of the demon.  Then jump down and lower the
  platform again.  This takes about three tries.

Level 31: Wolfenstein
  No official secrets.  However, the room just before the exit door
  has a secret door in the southwest corner, which leads to a small
  niche with a medikit.  The west wall of this niche has another
  secret door which leads to a second exit door; this goes to the
  super-secret level (level 32).  Just south and a bit east of the
  second exit door is a secret door which reveals a supercharger.

Level 32: Grosse
  No official secrets.  However, in the middle of the east wall (the
  middle Swastika) is a hidden door which reveals an invulnerability
  sphere.  The west wall has a hidden door in the same place, leading
  to a bunch of medikits, and a plasma gun with lots of energy cells.
  Also, the two northernmost and two southernmost pillars contain
  various weapons, and a megasphere; walk up to them and hit the space


This list is for Ultra-Violence, single-player mode only.

          Level               1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11
  Human              10  22  15   6  16   2   .   .   8  71   8
  Sargeant            .  50  20  15  25  30   .   5  38  31  12
  Chaingunner         .   .   9  10  11  11   .   .  17   4   4
  Imp                17  16  22  20  54  44   .  55 103  95  13
  Demon               .   2   8   1   1   7   .  43   9  31   1
  Spectre             .   .   4   3   7  11   .   3   5  10  12
  Lost soul           .   .   .   .   6   2   .   2  33  18   9
  Cacodemon           .   .   .   .   3   .   .  11   6   .  10
  Hell Knight         .   .   .   .   1   2   .   .   4   .   2
  Baron of Hell       .   .   .   .   .   .   .  20   .   .   .
  Arachnotron         .   .   .   .   .   .  12   .   .   7   3
  Pain Elemental      .   .   .   .   .   .   .   4  10   7   4
  Revenant            .   .   .   .   .   4   .   .   .   4   1
  Mancubus            .   .   .   .   .   .   7   .   5   .   .
  Arch-Vile           .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1
  Spider-demon        .   .   .   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .
  Cyber-demon         .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1   .   1   .
  Total              27  90  78  55 124 114  19 144 238 279  80

          Level              12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22
  Human               .   .  12  44   .   9   1  16   .   .   .
  Sargeant           15   .  20  43   .  24  28  10  13  19   .
  Chaingunner         9   .  17  17   .  22   .   .  12  11  25
  Imp                44  72  23  42  97  36  58 101  22  76  18
  Demon               .  15   .   .   4   .  43  36   .   .   3
  Spectre             .   2   3   .   4  11  21  27   .   3   7
  Lost soul           9  16   6   9   .   .   .  10   9   .   .
  Cacodemon          16  10   .  11  25  13  19   6  11   .   .
  Hell Knight         .   .   .   3   .   1   5   .   1   6   .
  Baron of Hell       1   .   .   2   .   .   .   .   1   .   1
  Arachnotron         6   6   1   1   .   2   .   2   .   .   .
  Pain Elemental      .   .   .   6   .   4   .   .   5   2   .
  Revenant            .   4   1   .  14   2   2   .   2   4   2
  Mancubus            9   1   .   .  15   .   1   .   .   3   .
  Arch-Vile           .   .   1   .   2   1   .   .   2   .   .
  Spider-demon        .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1   .   .
  Cyber-demon         .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1   .   .
  Total             109 126  84 178 161 125 178 208  80 124  56

          Level              23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  Tot
  Human               .   .  17   .  18   3  13   .   .   .  291
  WolfSS              .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 128  28  156
  Sargeant            .   .  35   2  22   5  21   .   .   .  483
  Chaingunner        17  25  10  14  11   6  11   .   .   .  273
  Imp                31  46  24  27  21  24  22   .   .   . 1223
  Demon              28  56   .   .  16   6   .   .  21   .  331
  Spectre             .   8   6   1   9  17   1   .   .   .  175
  Lost soul           .  16   4  29   7  12   .   .   .   .  197
  Cacodemon           .   8   .  23   .   1  15   .   .   .  188
  Hell Knight         9   6   2   .  21   7   5   .   .   .   75
  Baron of Hell       .   .   .   2   1   .   3   .   .   .   31
  Arachnotron         7   .   1   .   4  12   .   .   .   .   64
  Pain Elemental      6   .   3   .   4   5   4   .   .   .   64
  Revenant            4   .   1   .  21  17   6   1   .   .   90
  Mancubus            1   2   .   3  13   2   4   .   .   .   66
  Arch-Vile           2   .   1   .   2   4   1   .   .   .   17
  Spider-demon        1   .   .   .   .   2   .   .   .   .    5
  Cyber-demon         .   .   .   .   .   .   1   .   .   1    5
  Boss Brain          .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1   .   .    1
  Total             106 167 104 101 170 123 107   2 149  29 3735


This chart shows where the following items appear in the game, and how
many times they occur in each level.  This chart is for Ultra-Violence
single-player mode only.

SG = Shotgun, 2B = Double-barreled Shotgun, CG = Chaingun,
RK = Rocket Launcher, PL = Plasma, BF = BFG9000
CS = Chainsaw, BZ = Berzerk Pack
A1 = Security Armor  A2 = Combat armor
BP = Backpack, RS = Radiation Shield, MP = Map, LA = Light Amplification
SS = Supercharge, BA = Invisibility, IA = Invulnerability, MS = Megasphere
CC = Crushing Ceiling, T1 = One way Teleporter, T2 = Two way Teleporter pair

 1:  1  .  .  1  .  .   1  .   1  .   .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .   .   .  .    4
 2:  .  1  .  .  .  .   .  .   .  1   .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .   .   1  .    3
 3:  1  .  1  1  .  .   .  .   .  2   .  .  .  .   1  1  .  .   .   5  .   12
 4:  .  1  .  .  .  .   .  .   .  .   .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .   2   5  .    8
 5:  .  1  .  1  1  .   .  1   1  1   .  .  .  .   2  .  .  .   .   2  .   10
 6:  .  1  .  1  1  .   .  .   1  1   1  .  .  .   1  .  .  2   .   3  3   15
 7:  .  1  1  1  1  1   .  1   .  .  10  .  .  .   .  4  .  1   .   .  .   21
 8:  1  .  1  1  1  1   1  .   2  .   5  2  .  .   2  1  2  .   .   9  1   30
 9:  1  .  .  1  .  1   .  3   1  2   1  1  1  .   2  .  .  .   .   5  .   19
10:  1  .  1  1  1  1   1  2   2  1   1  1  .  3   2  1  2  1   .   5  .   27
11:  1  .  1  1  1  1   .  .   1  1   1  2  .  .   2  1  1  .   .   3  .   17
12:  1  1  1  .  .  1   .  3   2  .   1  1  .  .   1  1  .  .   .   2  .   15
13:  1  .  1  1  1  1   1  3   .  1   1  .  1  .   1  3  2  .   2  15  .   35
14:  1  .  1  1  1  .   .  .   .  1   .  .  .  .   1  1  .  .   1   .  .    8
15:  1  .  1  1  1  1   1  2   1  2   2  3  1  .   1  2  1  1   .   6  1   29
16:  1  1  1  1  4  1   .  1   .  .   1  1  .  .   1  1  1  1   .   5  .   21
17:  1  .  1  1  1  1   .  1   2  1   1  .  .  .   2  1  .  1   .   6  .   20
18:  1  1  1  1  1  1   .  1   1  .   1  .  1  .   1  2  2  .   .   6  1   22
19:  .  1  1  1  .  .   .  1   2  1   1  .  1  .   1  1  1  .   1   9  .   22
20:  .  1  .  1  1  1   .  1   2  2   .  2  .  .   4  .  .  1   1  15  1   33
21:  .  1  .  1  .  .   .  .   .  .   1  4  .  .   .  .  1  1   .   3  4   16
22:  1  .  .  1  1  .   .  1   1  .   .  2  .  .   1  .  .  .   .   3  .   11
23:  1  .  .  1  .  1   .  1   1  .   2  .  1  .   1  .  .  1   .   8  .   18
24:  1  1  .  1  1  1   .  2   1  .   1  7  .  .   .  .  1  2   .  16  1   36
25:  .  1  1  1  1  .   .  .   1  .   .  .  .  .   .  1  .  1   .   5  .   12
26:  .  1  1  1  1  .   .  .   1  1   1  1  .  .   1  1  .  .   .   8  .   18
27:  .  1  1  1  1  1   1  2   2  .   4  .  2  2   5  3  3  .   .   4  .   33
28:  .  1  1  1  1  1   1  1   1  .   4  .  .  .   1  .  5  2   .   1  .   21
29:  .  1  1  .  1  .   .  2   1  1   2  2  .  .   1  .  .  .   .  11  .   23
30:  1  1  1  1  1  1   1  1   .  .   1  2  .  .   3  .  .  2   .   1  .   17
31:  1  1  1  1  1  1   .  1   .  .   4  .  .  .   1  1  .  1   .   .  .   14
32:  .  1  3  1  1  1   .  1   .  .   .  .  .  .   .  .  1  1   .   .  .   10
TOT 18 20 23 28 26 19   8 32  28 19  47 31  8  5  39 26 23 19   7 162 12  600


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