
Showing posts from September, 2019

The Universal Hologram

FILENAME: CHAP-1A ************************  CHAPTER ONE *************************                      The Universal Hologram                      ======================      SCIENTIFIC authorities aver that the fourth dimension is a concept of purely abstract mathematics, and no human intellect can possibly visualize a tangible hyperspacial structure.      The natural reflex of lay people to proclamations from Olympus is to believe the gods without question --- especially if you don't know what they are talking about. If you can resist your Unconscious reflex to suspend your disbelief, however, your critical faculties will be aroused to demand an explanation. And you want to be told in terms you can understand; an explanation you can't understand is no explanation at all --- like being paid money you can't spend...


  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   The Following Sighting Reports Are A Partial Excerpt From   The 1988 March-April edition (Vol. 9, #2) of the CUFORN   Bulletin, reprinted with permission. For more info on CUFORN   Please access the appropriate Menu option.  -Tom Mickus   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   <<UFONET I>> * 12/96 HST  - 60 Megs - 24 Hrs - 416-237-1204   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   REPEATER IN TORONTO CE-1 REFUSES HYPNOSIS   ========================================= (-by Lawrence Fenwick)         A close encounter with two UFOs occurred in Toronto, Ont.,   Canada in the early morning hours of March 11, 1988. This was   less than 1/2 mile from Lake Ontario, one of the Great Lakes of   North America and in a major metropolitan urban area. One of the   obs...

More on Hoagland's Mars

Message number 2788 in "ParaNet UFO" Date: 05-29-91  12:45 From: ParaNet(sm) Information Service To:   All Subj: More on Hoagland's Mars EID:1068 1ac3a24c MSGID: 1:104/428 5e8cc069 **************************************************************** ParaNet File Number: Reprinted from Air & Space Smithsonian, June/July 1991.                             FACE OFF In 1976 the Viking I orbiter, flying some 1,100 miles above Mars, photographed  a  region called Cydonia. Close inspection  of  one frame  revealed  what looked like a human face  gazing  soulfully into eternity. A Viking project scientist showed the image to the press, dismissed it as a trick of light and shadow, and the  Face On Mars was forgotten-for a while.   Three  years  later,  Vincent DiPietro  and  Gregory  Molenaar, computer  imag...

The "Message of Cydonia": First Communication from an Extraterrestrial Civilization?

                   The "Message of Cydonia":     First Communication from an Extraterrestrial Civilization?                                        By Richard C. Hoagland*                                            and Erol O. Torun @                                            [Copyright (C) 1989                                            All Rights Reserved]                            Abstract      In 1976 an u...