Similar Snowflakes
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Taken from KeelyNet BBS (214) 324-3501
Sponsored by Vangard Sciences
PO BOX 1031
Mesquite, TX 75150
August 22, 1990
Another Snow Job
from Nature Jan. 89' with Vangard comments
No two snowflakes are alike. That's a "bit of folk wisdom that is
generally accepted even among those few regarded as experts in the
subject," says Nancy Knight, a researcher at the National Center for
Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado.
So much for folk wisdom. As part of a study of cirrus clouds for
NASA, Knight found two crystals with IDENTICAL STRUCTURES. During a
research flight into a Wisconsin snowstorm, she collected some
snowflakes on a glass slide coated with oil.
MORE THAN A YEAR LATER she re-examined the photos of the flakes and
noted the similarity. Not only that, the shape of the crystals -
which have thick asymmetrical hollow columns in the center - is
unlike anything she's observed before or found in the literature.
She reported her findings in the May Bulletin of the American
Meteorological Society. With the coming of colder weather, interest
in her findings has been, well, snowballing.
Crystals such as Knight found begin as solid hexagonal prisms and,
due to the effects of temperature, humidity and fall rate, develop
hollows in their centers. That happens because growth on a
crystal's face is faster on the edges than at the center.
Past observations have shown that the hollows are symmetrical on
both ends of the crystal. The hollows Knight found are not,
suggesting that the crystals DID NOT FALL HORIZONTALLY, as usual,
The old folk wisdom may still have a basis, Knight said. It's
possible that at the MOLECULAR level no two snowflakes are alike.
Vangard comments...
Vibrating waveplates or surfaces take on geometric forms
dependent on the interferences which occur between the
wavefronts. These were discovered and investigated by Ernst
Chladni and later researched by Dr. Hans Jenny.
A sonic field of any complexity (determined by the number of
frequencies involved) can be projected into the air, as indeed
happens with speakers in our stereo systems.
In 1926, Dr. Henri Coanda discovered a wall-attachment phenomenon
now known as the Coanda effect. Whenever a jet flows into a body
of stagnant fluid, it entrains some of the surrounding stagnant
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fluid and starts it into motion. As the fluid is ejected,
replenishing air moves into the evacuated region to create a
pressure differential. The pressure in this region is at a high
vacuum (very cold area) which is utilized as a basis for the
machines which create "snow".
Now, if at the formation nozzle of the snow machine, we were to
project an intense sonic field having a specific geometric form,
all snowflakes formed at that location would be identical, since
they are all formed in the same controlling field.
An interesting idea since each snowflake is a crystal. If all
the crystals were "tuned" in such a manner, then we would form a
giant crystal which might have unusual and "tuneable" properties.
Of course, these properties would be wholly dependent on the
geometry of the snowflakes. In the case of Ms. Knights'
identical snowflakes, we find it of interest that they were not
examined for a period in excess of one year.
Were they the same when originally captured on the oil slide? Is
it not possible that one snowflake was vibrating at one frequency
and at high amplitude while in the presence of another snowflake
which was vibrating at a lower amplitude and a DIFFERENT
In such a case, the weaker snowflake would be "entrained" or
forced to vibrate at the more powerful frequency which, over
time (one year), would cause a definite transmutation into a copy
of the stronger sonic field.
The natural formation of snowflakes then leads us to a possible
new technique for monitoring subtle energies, whether acoustic,
magnetic or electric. Using a machine like a Coanda driven snow
generator, we could project Radionic, homeopathic, acoustic or
other types of complex energy forms to see the results as encoded
in matter.
We would then see a 2 dimensional Mandala representative of the
3 dimensional form. When "replayed" it would again generate a 3
dimensional matrix identical to the original.
(for further reading on this subject try
VEDA1.ZIP and CHLADNI1.ZIP on the KeelyNet)
If you have comments or other information relating to such topics as
this paper covers, please upload to KeelyNet or send to the Vangard
Sciences address as listed on the first page. Thank you for your
consideration, interest and support.
Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet
If we can be of service, you may contact
Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 484-3189
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