(c) 1993 Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Excerpts from Game Genie(tm) Code Updates made available through
VideoGames & Computer Entertainment for the private use of Game
Genie owners. No comme without authorization. This file
may be freely distributed for private, non-commercial use as long as
it is not altered and all text remains intact.
This product is licensed by Sega of America, Inc. for use with the
Sega(tm) Genesis(tm) System. Segasis and the Sega Seal of Quality
are trademarks of Sega Enterprises, Ltd. Game titles are trademarks
of their respective owners. Game Genie is a trademark of Lewis
Galoob Toys, Inc. U.S. Patent No. 5,112,051.
VOL. 1, #1.
1 688 Attack Sub(tm) Game
2 After Burner II(tm) Game
3 Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle(tm) Game
4 Arcus Odyssey(tm) Game
5 Bimini Run(tm) Game
6 Crack Down(tm) Game
7 Desert Strike(tm) Game
8 The Faery Tale Adventure(tm) Game
9 Forgotten Worlds(tm) Game
10 The Immortal(tm) Game
11 James Buster Douglas Knockout Boxing(tm) Game
12 RBI Baseball 3(tm) Game
13 Road Rash(tm) Game
14 Shadow Blasters(tm) Game
15 Sonic The Hedgehog(tm) Game
16 Super Monaco GP(tm) Game
17 Taz-Mania(tm) Game
18 Tommy Lasorda Baseball(tm) Game
19 Turrican(tm) Game
20 Valis III(tm) Game
688 Attack Sub(tm) Game
Lots of fine detail in this Cold War submarine-warfare simulator
game. You get to pilot either a U.S. or a Soviet nuclear attack sub,
with many features and options to choose from. SUB Codes 11 thru
20 let you load up on torpedoes for various missions. Ditto Codes 21
thru 29, but with missiles. Some technical tips: Remember that
Alfa-class submarines carry no missiles. For Codes 1 thru 36, the
normal quantities and types of armaments vary depending on mission
and submarine chosen. Codes 37 thru 43 apply to all missions. With
Codes 30 thru 36, missile quantities apply to all missions except Hit
and Run, where the number of missiles is fixed at 4. Usually, the
Towed Array is lost for the duration of the mission once it has been
cut. Codes 42 and 43 change that.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AALT-CNE2 + AALT-CNGR 6 torpedoes--Torpex '89 mission
2 AALT-CNE8 + A2LT-CAGY 6 torpedoes--Shake 'Em mission
3 A2LT-CAG4 6 torpedoes--Sub Ops mission
4 AALT-CNFE 6 torpedoes--Mumar Cadaver mission
5 AALT-CNFL + A2LT-CAHA 6 torpedoes--Escape mission
6 AALT-CNFT 6 torpedoes--Goulash mission
7 AALT-CNF0 + A2LT-CAHG 6 torpedoes--Cat Walk mission
8 AALT-CNF6 + A2LT-CAHN 6 torpedoes--Surprise Party mission
9 AALT-CNGC + A2LT-CAHW 6 torpedoes--Homecoming mission
10 AALT-CNGJ 6 torpedoes--Hit and Run mission
11 AALT-CAN2 + AALT-CARR 32 torpedoes--Torpex '89 mission
12 AALT-CAN8 + EALT-CAGY 32 torpedoes--Shake 'Em mission
13 EALT-CAG4 32 torpedoes--Sub Ops mission
14 AALT-CAPE 32 torpedoes--Mumar Cadaver mission
15 AALT-CAPL + EALT-CAHA 32 torpedoes--Escape mission
16 AALT-CAPT 32 torpedoes--Goulash mission
17 AALT-CAP0 + EALT-CAHG 32 torpedoes--Cat Walk mission
18 AALT-CAP6 + EALT-CAHN 32 torpedoes--Surprise Party mission
19 AALT-CARC + EALT-CAHW 32 torpedoes--Homecoming mission
20 AALT-CARJ 32 torpedoes--Hit and Run mission
21 A2LT-DAE6 + A2LT-DAGW 16 missiles--Torpex '89 mission
22 A2LT-DAFC 16 missiles--Shake 'Em mission
23 A2LT-DAFJ 16 missiles--Mumar Cadaver mission
24 A2LT-DAFR 16 missiles--Escape mission
25 A2LT-DAFY 16 missiles--Goulash mission
26 A2LT-DAF4 16 missiles--Cat Walk mission
27 A2LT-DAGA 16 missiles--Surprise Party mission
28 A2LT-DAGG 16 missiles--Homecoming mission
29 CALT-CAGL 16 missiles--Hit and Run mission
30 AALT-CAE2 + AALT-CAE6 + REHT-A6ZY All subs carry 0 torpedoes
31 AYLT-CLE2 + AALT-CAE6 + REHT-A6ZY All subs carry 5 torpedoes
32 AYLT-CLE2 + AYLT-CLE6 + REHT-A6ZY All subs carry 5 torpedoes,
5 missiles and 5 noisemakers
33 BJLT-CYE2 + AALT-CAE6 + REHT-A6ZY All subs carry 10 torpedoes,
0 missiles and 0 noisemakers
34 BJLT-CYE2 + BJLT-CYE6 + REHT-A6ZY All subs carry 10 torpedoes,
10 missiles and 10 noisemakers
35 B6LT-C8E2 + B6LT-C8E6 + REHT-A6ZY All subs carry 15 torpedoes,
15 missiles and 15 noisemakers
36 DELT-DWE2 + DELT-DWE6 + REHT-A6ZY All subs carry 25 torpedoes,
25 missiles and 25 noisemakers
Emergency Surface manuever can be performed 2x instead of
only 1x
Emergency Surface manuever can be performed 4x
Emergency Surface manuever can be performed 8x
40 A39T-AA8L Emergency Surface manuever can be
performed infinite times
41 HEHT-AET4 Emergency Surface manuever cannot be
performed at all
42 ACAA-AAE8 Towed Array may be redeployed after it has
been cut
43 9THT-BGKA + AAHT-B73C + SAHT-A6VG Towed Array
already cut (unavailable) at start of mission
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE
codes at a time (but some effects require more than one code).
688 Attack Sub and related names are trademarks of Electronic Arts.
After Burner II(tm) Game
Use these codes to choose your starting combat stage and control
your plane complement, armament and other key factors in this
realistic air combat shooter. Use BURN Code 31 for infinite planes,
but if it is your only plane (you have no extra planes), it will still be
lost. Get infinite missiles with Code 42. With Codes 37 to 41, if you
have any missiles left when you continue, they will be added to the
quantities in the codes.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AKYT-AAHT Start on stage 2
2 APYT-AAHT Start on stage 3
3 AVYT-AAHT Start on stage 4
4 AZYT-AAHT Start on stage 5
5 A3YT-AAHT Start on stage 6
6 A7YT-AAHT Start on stage 7
7 BBYT-AAHT Start on stage 8
8 BFYT-AAHT Start on stage 9
9 BKYT-AAHT Start on stage 10
10 BPYT-AAHT Start on stage 11
11 BVYT-AAHT Start on stage 12
12 BZYT-AAHT Start on stage 13
13 B3YT-AAHT Start on stage 14
14 B7YT-AAHT Start on stage 15
15 CBYT-AAHT Start on stage 16
16 CFYT-AAHT Start on stage 17
17 CKYT-AAHT Start on stage 18
18 CPYT-AAHT Start on stage 19
19 CVYT-AAHT Start on stage 20
20 CZYT-AAHT Start on stage 21
21 C3YT-AAHT Start on stage 22
22 C7YT-AAHT Start on stage 23
23 AANA-AABL Start with 1 plane instead of 3
24 AENA-AABL Start with 2 planes
25 ANNA-AABL Start with 4 planes
26 ATNA-AABL Start with 5 planes
27 AE2A-AAD6 Continue with 1 plane instead of 3
28 AJ2A-AAD6 Continue with 2 planes
29 AT2A-AAD6 Continue with 4 planes
30 AY2A-AAD6 Continue with 5 planes
31 AT0T-AA4T Almost infinite planes
32 AANA-AABW + AANA-AAB4 Start with 0 missiles instead of
33 BJNA-AABW + BJNA-AAB4 Start with 10 missiles
34 DENA-AABW + DENA-AAB4 Start with 25 missiles
35 KNNA-AABW + KNNA-AAB4 Start with 75 missiles
36 NTNA-AABW + NTNA-AAB4 Start with 100 missiles
37 AA2A-AAET Continue with no extra missiles
38 BJ2A-AAET Continue with 10 extra missiles
39 DE2A-AAET Continue with 25 extra missiles
40 KN2A-AAET Continue with 75 extra missiles
41 NT2A-AAET Continue with 100 extra missiles
42 BJ6A-AA26 Infinite missiles
43 AAZA-AAEE 0 continues instead of 3
44 AEZA-AAEE 1 continue
45 AYZA-AAEE 5 continues
46 BEZA-AAEE 9 continues
47 AT2A-AA6C Infinite continues
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE
codes at a time (but some effects require more than one code).
After Burner II is a trademark of Sega of America, Inc.
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle(tm) Game
Adventure time! Prepare yourself to help Alex save his dad, King
Thor, from Ashra, the mean ruler of the planet Paperock. You can get
extra lives, get rich fast, and get lots of special weapons by always
winning at Janken (KIDD Code 40). When using codes for more lives,
more than 9 can be built up, even though 9 is the most that can be
displayed. For Codes 34 thru 39, the normal cost of a game of Janken
ranges from 50 to 1,000, depending on the number of Janken games
already played, and the round in which they are played. The normal
cost will be displayed before playing Janken, but you can ignore that.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AFBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 2
2 AKBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 3
3 APBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 4
4 AVBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 5
5 AZBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 6
6 A3BT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 7
7 A7BT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 8
8 BBBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 9
9 BFBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 10
10 BKBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 11
11 DKBA-BC1A Start with 1 life
12 DVBA-BC1A Start with 2 lives
13 D3BA-BC1A Start with 3 lives
14 H3BA-AG9A Start with 4 lives
15 N3BA-A8SA Start with 6 lives
16 NVBA-A8SA Start with 8 lives
17 NKBA-A8SA Start with 10 lives
18 A3ST-B64Y 100 Baums needed to continue instead of 1000
19 BBST-B64Y 500 Baums needed to continue game
20 GBST-B64Y 3000 Baums needed to continue game
21 ABST-B64Y Game can always be continued
22 CKST-B64Y Game can never be continued
23 AWNA-B68E Gold coin worth 50 Baums instead of 10
24 A4NA-B68E Gold coin worth 100 Baums
25 B4NA-B68E Gold coin worth 1000 Baums
26 ACNA-B68E Gold coin worth nothing
27 ALPT-B662 Bag of gold worth 10 Baums instead of 100
28 BCPT-B662 Bag of gold worth 500 Baums
29 B4PT-B662 Bag of gold worth 1000 Baums
30 ACPT-B662 Bag of gold worth nothing
31 HCRA-BJXA Doll prize worth 2 extra lives instead of 1
32 HCRA-BNXA Doll prize worth 3 extra lives
33 ALRA-AA5A Doll prize worth nothing
34 AKGA-B64A + AMBA-B68L + RFGA-A6V8 All Janken games cost 10 Baums
35 AVGA-B64A + AXBA-B68L + RFGA-A6V8 All Janken games cost 50 Baums
36 A3GA-B64A + A5BA-B68L + RFGA-A6V8 All Janken games cost 100 Baums
37 BBGA-B64A + BDBA-B68L + RFGA-A6V8 All Janken games cost 500 Baums
38 B3GA-B64A + B5BA-B68L + RFGA-A6V8 All Janken games cost 1000 Baums
39 ABGA-B64A + ADBA-B68L + RFGA-A6V8 All Janken games are free
40 RG4A-A610 + HC4T-BAAN + WC4T-AD2R + AR4T-AAAY Alex always wins at Janken
41 9NDA-B93Y Alex jumps higher
42 9EDA-B93Y Alex jumps much higher
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE
codes at a time (but some effects require more than one code).
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle and related names are trademarks
of Sega of America, Inc.
Arcus Odyssey(tm) Game
Pick one of the four heroes to fight the evil Castomira and her army,
and head off into adventure, fantasy and action. Then pick an ODY
Code like 23, and you'll be able to use each magic level endlessly.
Expert Odysseans can try to complete the game with Codes 1 or 6--
only one hit point.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 09NA-ALXG Player 1 starts with 1 hit point
2 31NA-ALXG Player 1 starts with 3 hit points
3 0SNA-ALXG Player 1 starts with 5 hit points
4 KSNA-ALXG Player 1 starts with 7 hit points
5 FDNA-ALXG Player 1 starts with 10 hit points
6 09NA-ALX0 Player 2 starts with 1 hit point
7 31NA-ALX0 Player 2 starts with 3 hit points
8 0SNA-ALX0 Player 2 starts with 5 hit points
9 KSNA-ALX0 Player 2 starts with 7 hit points
10 FDNA-ALX0 Player 2 starts with 10 hit points
11 2DNA-ACNR + 9XNA-BCEW + V5NA-AFE0 + ASNA-AAEY Start at act 2
12 2DNA-ACNR + 9XNA-BCEW + V5NA-AFE0 + A1NA-AAEY Start at act 3
13 2DNA-ACNR + 9XNA-BCEW + V5NA-AFE0 + DDNA-AAEY Start at act 4
14 2DNA-ACNR + 9XNA-BCEW + V5NA-AFE0 + DXNA-AAEY Start at act 5
15 2DNA-ACNR + 9XNA-BCEW + V5NA-AFE0 + EHNA-AAEY Start at act 6
16 2DNA-ACNR + 9XNA-BCEW + V5NA-AFE0 + FMNA-AAEY Start at act 7
17 2DNA-ACNR + 9XNA-BCEW + V5NA-AFE0 + GMNA-AAEY Start at act 8
18 1XCT-DWDT + AHCT-CADW Each magic level can be used 1x
19 1XCT-DWDT + A1CT-CADW Each magic level can be used 5x
20 1XCT-DWDT + CXCT-CADW Each magic level can be used 20x
21 1XCT-DWDT + GMCT-CADW Each magic level can be used 50x
22 1XCT-DWDT + NSCT-CADW Each magic level can be used 99x
23 RHYT-A618 Each magic level can be used infinite times
24 JHJT-DTY6 Medicine of Regeneration increases life gauge by 2 instead of 3
25 JHJT-DAY6 Medicine of Regeneration increases life gauge by 4
26 RHJT-C6ZG Medicine of Regeneration increases life gauge to full
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE
codes at a time.
Arcus Odyssey and related names are trademarks of Renovation
Products, Inc.
Bimini Run(tm) Game
Bimini Run(tm) is a challenging boat racing and shooting game with a
good, simulator-like look and feel. Go after Dr. Orca with an
insurance policy provided by BIM Code 12, which protects you
against loss of boats to accidents and enemy fire. Codes 13 and 18,
infinite fuel and continues, will also help a lot. Experts, make
finishing this game a "10" on the challenge scale with Codes 6 and
14--one boat and no continues. When you're using Code 4, the boat
speedometer may behave weirdly, but never mind.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 ACDA-CAEJ Start at chapter 2
2 AGDA-CAEJ Start at chapter 3
3 ALDA-CAEJ Start at chapter 4
4 ARDA-CAEJ Start at chapter 5
5 AWDA-CAEJ Start at chapter 6
6 ACDT-DA4N Start with 1 boat
7 AGDT-DA4N Start with 2 boats
8 BGDT-DA4N Start with 10 boats
9 BDHA-AYB2 + BDHA-AYB8 Top speed is 80 mph instead of 93
10 FDHA-A4B2 + FDHA-A4B8 Top speed is 105 mph
11 ZDHA-A8B2 + ZDHA-A8B8 Top speed is 125 mph
12 RGVT-C6TY Don't lose boats from accidents and enemy fire
13 RHKT-A61L Infinite fuel supply
14 ACDA-CAB6 + ACET-CAHE 0 continues instead of 4
15 AGDA-CAB6 + AGET-CAHE 1 continue
16 ALDA-CAB6 + ALET-CAHE 2 continues
17 BGDA-CAB6 + BGET-CAHE 9 continues
18 RGJA-C60G Infinite continues
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE
codes at a time (but some effects require more than one code).
Bimini Run is a trademark of Nuvision Entertainment, Inc.
Crack Down(tm) Game
You're a Special Service agent with a dangerous mission: to
eliminate Mr. K and his artificial life system by destroying his
robots on four levels of mazes and buildings. There are many DOWN
Codes to help you with lives, ammo and weapons for both new games
and continues, invincibility and 1-ups. For Codes 38 thru 49, which
let you continue with extra ammo and weapons, you're allowed to
keep your current quantities if they are more than the number
specified in the code. (In that case, the number in the code would be
a minimum.)
CODE Key In . . . EFFECT . . .
1 9W6T-BCKL + AW6T-AABN Start at stage 2
2 9W6T-BCKL + BC6T-AABN Start at stage 3
3 9W6T-BCKL + BW6T-AABN Start at stage 4
4 AC6T-AACG + WW6T-BCCJ Player 1 starts with 1 life
5 AC6T-AACG + YC6T-BCCJ Player 1 starts with 2 lives
6 AC6T-AACG + V46T-BECJ Player 1 starts with 6 lives
7 AC6T-AACG + R46T-BECJ Player 1 starts with 11 lives
8 AC6T-AACG + Z46T-AG4J Player 1 starts with 26 lives
9 AC6T-AAD4 + WW6T-BCD6 Player 2 starts with 1 life
10 AC6T-AAD4 + YC6T-BCD6 Player 2 starts with 2 lives
11 AC6T-AAD4 + V46T-BED6 Player 2 starts with 6 lives
12 AC6T-AAD4 + R46T-BED6 Player 2 starts with 11 lives
13 AC6T-AAD4 + Z46T-AG56 Player 2 starts with 26 lives
14 AC6T-AAC6 + FC6T-AG48 Player 1 starts with 50 machine gun rounds
15 AC6T-AAC6 + GW6T-BLL8 Player 1 starts with 100 machine gun rounds
16 AC6T-AADG + FC6T-AG5J Player 1 starts with 50 cannon rounds
17 AC6T-AADG + GW6T-BLMJ Player 1 starts with 100 cannon rounds
18 AC6T-AADT + 6C6T-BRDW Player 1 starts with 6 super bombs
19 AC6T-AADT + 8C6T-BRDW Player 1 starts with 9 super bombs
20 AVMT-AA5W + AVNA-AA4R Player 1 has infinite super bombs
21 AC6T-AAET + FC6T-AG6W Player 2 starts with 50 machine gun rounds
22 AC6T-AAET + GW6T-BLNW Player 2 starts with 100 machine gun rounds
23 AC6T-AAE4 + FC6T-AG66 Player 2 starts with 50 cannon rounds
24 AC6T-AAE4 + GW6T-BLN6 Player 2 starts with 100 cannon rounds
25 AC6T-AAFE + 6C6T-BRFG Player 2 starts with 6 super bombs
26 AC6T-AAFE + 8C6T-BRFG Player 2 starts with 9 super bombs
27 AVMT-AA76 + AVNA-AA2G Player 2 has infinite supply of super bombs
28 ADMT-AADL + WXMT-BCDN Player 1 continues with 1 life
29 ADMT-AADL + YDMT-BCDN Player 1 continues with 2 lives
30 ADMT-AADL + V5MT-BEDN Player 1 continues with 6 lives
31 ADMT-AADL + R5MT-BEDN Player 1 continues with 11 lives
32 ADMT-AADL + Z5MT-AG5N Player 1 continues with 26 lives
33 ADNA-AAFT + WXNA-BCFW Player 2 continues with 1 life
34 ADNA-AAFT + YDNA-BCFW Player 2 continues with 2 lives
35 ADNA-AAFT + V5NA-BEFW Player 2 continues with 6 lives
36 ADNA-AAFT + R5NA-BEFW Player 2 continues with 11 lives
37 ADNA-AAFT + Z5NA-AG7W Player 2 continues with 26 lives
38 ADST-AAGY Continue with 0 machine gun rounds instead of 30
39 BMST-AAGY Continue with 10 machine gun rounds
40 GMST-AAGY Continue with 50 machine gun rounds
41 NXST-AAGY Continue with 100 machine gun rounds
42 ADST-AAG0 Continue with 0 cannon rounds instead of 30
43 BMST-AAG0 Continue with 10 cannon rounds
44 GMST-AAG0 Continue with 50 cannon rounds
45 NXST-AAG0 Continue with 100 cannon rounds
46 ADST-AAG2 Continue with 0 super bombs instead of 4
47 AMST-AAG2 Continue with 2 super bombs
48 A1ST-AAG2 Continue with 5 super bombs
49 BHST-AAG2 Continue with 9 super bombs
50 BDMA-AA9E Infinite lives--player 1
51 BDNA-AA3N Infinite lives--player 2
52 1K3T-FBFC + 6B3T-EOPE + JV3T-EL7G Get first 1-up at 1,000 points
53 HV3T-FEP8 + AF3T-EAGA Get 2nd, 3rd, etc., 1-ups every 10,000 points
54 RF3T-E60R 1-up worth nothing
55 LK3T-FJ0R 1-up worth double
56 LK3T-FN0R 1-up worth triple
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE
codes at a time.
Crack Down and related names are trademarks of Sage's Creation.
Desert Strike(tm) Game
Fire up your chopper and head out to stop the evil Madman from
implementing his plan for regional domination. This challenging
combat game is a nice blend of strategy and action. Running out of
fuel and armor can be a problem. Solve the fuel crisis with STRIKE
Code 34, and beef up your armor with Code 37. Code 9, infinite lives,
is also quite a picker-upper. Expert high-tech warriors, try
achieving victory using Code 5 (1 life) and Code 35 (max armor =
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
2 AE1A-AAGG Start at campaign 2
3 AJ1A-AAGG Start at campaign 3
4 AN1A-AAGG Start at campaign 4
5 AE1A-AADC Start with 1 life instead of 3
6 AJ1A-AADC Start with 2 lives
7 AY1A-AADC Start with 5 lives
8 BE1A-AADC Start with 9 lives
9 D3ZA-AA7E Infinite lives
10 MBST-WEEN Chain gun capacity is 600 rounds instead of 1,178
11 4BST-WREN Chain gun capacity is 2,000 rounds
12 VBST-XGEN Chain gun capacity is 5,000 rounds
13 AKST-WAER Chain gun inflicts 2 points of damage instead of 3
14 A3ST-WAER Chain gun inflicts 6 points of damage
15 BVST-WAER Chain gun inflicts 12 points of damage
16 CVST-WAFL Hydra capacity is 20 rockets instead of 38
17 NVST-WAFL Hydra capacity is 100 rockets
18 FVST-WCFL Hydra capacity is 300 rockets
19 BKST-WAFN Hydra rocket inflicts 10 points of damage instead of 25
20 GKST-WAFN Hydra rocket inflicts 50 points of damage
21 NVST-WAFN Hydra rocket inflicts 100 points of damage
22 AVST-WAGJ Hellfire capacity is 4 missiles instead of 8
23 DFST-WAGJ Hellfire capacity is 25 missiles
24 NPST-WAGJ Hellfire capacity is 99 missiles
25 GKST-WAGL Hellfire missile inflicts 50 points of damage instead of 100
26 3BST-WAGL Hellfire missile inflicts 200 points of damage
27 WBST-WCGL Hellfire missile inflicts 400 points of damage
28 AMLT-AA44 Infinite capacity for all weapons
29 GKET-AAAC Fuel capacity is 50 units instead of 100
30 3BET-AAAC Fuel capacity is 200 units
31 8VET-ACAC Fuel capacity is 500 units
32 AVET-AAF8 Helicopter consumes fuel faster
33 AFET-AAF8 Helicopter consumes fuel slower
34 ABET-AAF8 Helicopter consumes no fuel
35 FVET-ACGT Maximum armor protection is 300 instead of 600
36 0BET-AJGT Maximum armor protection is 1,200
37 2VET-AWGT Maximum armor protection is 2,500
38 AHSA-AAFR Helicopter carries 1 passenger instead of 6
39 ASSA-AAFR Helicopter carries 3 passengers
40 BMSA-AAFR Helicopter carries 10 passengers
41 SHRA-BJYR Red cross box worth 2 extra lives instead of 1
42 SHRA-BTYR Red cross box worth 4 extra lives
43 AXRA-AA6R Red cross box worth nothing
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE
codes at a time.
Desert Strike and related names are trademarks of Electronic Arts.
The Faery Tale Adventure(tm) Game
Save the land of Holm (Sweet Holm?) from the evil Necromancer and
his horde in this top-view RPG, which is divided into sub-quests to
make it more interesting. Building up your character points,
normally a tough row to hoe, is made easier with lots of codes to
increase your bravery, luck, vitality, etc. TALE Codes 16, 21 and 25
protect you against most enemies by giving you a few hundred
bravery points. If you do not use Codes 19 or 20, the starting number
of vitality points varies depending on the amount of starting
bravery, luck, and kindness that the character has. Experts should try
tackling Julian's task with Codes 2, 9 and 12, starting the game
with no coins, luck or bravery.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
2 ABTT-AAD0 Julian starts with 0 coins instead of 20
3 NVTT-AAD0 Julian starts with 100 coins
4 8VTT-ACD0 Julian starts with 500 coins
5 67TT-AGD0 Julian starts with 999 coins
6 ABTT-AADT Julian starts with 0 kindness points instead of 15
7 GKTT-AADT Julian starts with 50 kindness points
8 NPTT-AADT Julian starts with 99 kindness points
9 ABTT-AADL Julian starts with 0 luck points instead of 20
10 GKTT-AADL Julian starts with 50 luck points
11 NPTT-AADL Julian starts with 99 luck points
12 ABTT-AADE Julian starts with 0 bravery points instead of 35
13 GKTT-AADE Julian starts with 50 bravery points
14 NVTT-AADE Julian starts with 100 bravery points
15 FVTT-ACDE Julian starts with 300 bravery points
16 8VTT-ACDE Julian starts with 500 bravery points
17 A2DA-CA38 All items are free even though the price still shows on screen
18 AJYT-AA9E Swim without losing vitality points
19 GKVT-BA8R Julian, Phillip, and Kevin start with 50 vitality points
20 NVVT-BA8R Julian, Phillip, and Kevin start with 100 vitality points
21 FVTT-ACEC Phillip starts with 300 bravery points instead of 20
22 NPTT-AAEJ Phillip starts with 99 luck points instead of 35
23 NPTT-AAER Phillip starts with 99 kindness points instead of 15
24 NVTT-AAEY Phillip starts with 100 coins instead of 15
25 FVTT-ACFE Kevin starts with 300 bravery points instead of 15
26 NPTT-AAFL Kevin starts with 99 luck points instead of 20
27 NPTT-AAFT Kevin starts with 99 kindness points instead of 35
28 NVTT-AAF0 Kevin starts with 100 coins instead of 10
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE
codes at a time.
The Faery Tale Adventure and related names are trademarks of
Microillusions, Inc.
Forgotten Worlds(tm) Game
Slug the Reptilian Thugs and zap the Zipper Worms with the aid of
these unforgettable codes. Try boosting your Zenny count with
FORGOT Codes 10, 12, 14 and 16 for more purchasing power in the
shops. Get infinite energy by using Codes 19 and 20 together. Codes 9
thru 32 affect both players identically, for a boost to your two-
player simultaneous game. Experts can start at half energy with
Codes 1 and 2 and have less Zenny with Codes 3 and 6.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 CTWA-CAFC Player 1 starts at half strength
2 CTWT-CAAR Player 2 starts at half strength
3 AAWA-CAFT Player 1 starts with 0 Zenny instead of 2,500
4 AAWA-DL7T Player 1 starts with 7,500 Zenny
5 ANWA-CAFR Player 1 starts with 32,500 Zenny
6 AAWT-CABC Player 2 starts with 0 Zenny instead of 2,500
7 AAWT-DL3C Player 2 starts with 7,500 Zenny
8 ANWT-CABA Player 2 starts with 32,500 Zenny
9 AD8T-AEE2 Tiny coin is worth 200 Zenny instead of 100
10 AD8T-BAE2 Tiny coin is worth 1,000 Zenny
11 AD8T-AEE6 Regular coin is worth 200 Zenny instead of 500
12 AD8T-BAY6 Regular coin is worth 5,000 Zenny
13 AD8T-ALFA Large coin is worth 500 Zenny instead of 1,000
14 AH8T-AAE8 Large coin is worth 11,000 Zenny
15 AM8T-AAFC Huge coin is worth 20,000 Zenny instead of 10,000
16 A18T-AAFC Huge coin is worth 50,000 Zenny
17 CD8T-BE6J + TH8T-AD6L All coins are worth 1,000 Zenny
18 R18T-BE6J + TH8T-AD6L All coins are worth 7,500 Zenny
19 ATGA-CA2W Enemy attacks do not reduce strength
20 AVCA-CA60 Getting trapped by obstacles does not reduce strength
21 BM8T-BJ9L POW prize gives less strength
22 FD8T-BJ9L POW prize gives more strength
23 AX8T-BJ9W Drum prize gives less strength
24 CX8T-BJ9W Drum prize gives more strength
25 2M8A-CAFA Paramecium is harder to kill
26 2D8A-CAFA Paramecium is easier to kill
27 2D8A-CAFA + AM8A-CAPC Paramecium is much easier to kill
28 AJPT-CACR Machinery Room leads to Wasteland instead of Doomed Harbor
29 ANPT-CACR Machinery Room leads to Stone Corridors
30 ATPT-CACR Machinery Room leads to Inner Sanctum
31 A2PT-CACR Machinery Room leads to Miasma
32 BAPT-CACR Machinery Room leads to Tower of Dread
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE
codes at a time.
Forgotten Worlds and related names are trademarks of Capcom.
The Immortal(tm) Game
Lots of blood and guts in this challenging fantasy adventure, and
some difficult puzzles to solve, too. Get help in your search for your
long-lost master by using MORT Codes 2 and 4--infinite vitality in
battles and infinite continues. Start with more gold with Codes 9
and 10. Slime oil is free with Code 11, although its price will still
show as 60 or 80. Get many (but not all) items free with Code 12,
even though their regular prices are shown. Finally, get super power
to kick butt on enemies with Code 13. Experts, try Code 8 and start
with no gold.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
2 BAVT-CA4N Infinite vitality--most battles
3 RHAT-A600 Infinite fireball shots while you have fireballs in your
4 AWAT-AA9J Infinite continues
5 BEOT-CAH6 Start with 10 continues instead of 3
6 AAOT-CAH6 Start with 1 continue
7 AYOT-CAH6 Start with 6 continues
8 ABYA-AAGN Start new game with 0 gold instead of 20
9 GVYA-ACGN Start new game with 520 gold
10 CBYA-ANGN Start new game with 160 gold
11 ABMA-AAGC Slime oil costs nothing instead of 80 or 60 gold
12 AMCA-AA4T Many items are free
13 STVT-DWA8 + AAVT-CABA Destroy most enemies in battle with one hit
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE
codes at a time (but some effects require more than one code).
The Immortal is a trademark of Electronic Arts.
James Buster Douglas Knockout Boxing(tm) Game
Give yourself a boost against the toughest opponents with BUST
Codes 13 and 14. They help you recover from damage faster. To have
a box-a-thon like in the old days, set the round length at a hair under
10 minutes with Code 7, and select 19 rounds per bout using Code
22. For Codes 8 thru 11, the referee still signals 10 on the last
count, but the count will be shortened according to the code. Experts,
try Code 12.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PPGA-AEDL Rounds last 30 seconds instead of 1:30
2 2PGA-AJDL Rounds last 1 minute
3 RPGA-AWDL Rounds last 2 minutes
4 EPGA-A6DL Rounds last 3 minutes
5 TPGA-BRDL Rounds last 5 minutes
6 6PGA-AAML Rounds last 7 minutes
7 57GA-A6ML Rounds last 9 minues, 59 seconds
8 APDA-AADJ + APHT-AAEN + APHT-AAC6 Knockout count is 3 instead of 10
9 AZDA-AADJ + AZHT-AAEN + AZHT-AAC6 Knockout count is 5
10 A7DA-AADJ + A7HT-AAEN + A7HT-AAC6 Knockout count is 7
11 BFDA-AADJ + BFHT-AAEN + BFHT-AAC6 Knockout count is 9
Player 1's damage meter recovers more slowly
Player 1's damage meter recovers faster
Player 1's damage meter recovers much faster
Player 2's damage meter recovers more slowly
Player 2's damage meter recovers faster
Player 2's damage meter recovers much faster
Player 1 scores fewer points
Player 1 scores more points
Player 2 scores fewer points
Player 2 scores more points
22 CTLT-AAC0 + CNLT-AAFE Choose 1 to 19 rounds instead of 1 to 12 on
options screen
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes!
James Buster Douglas Knockout Boxing is a trademark of Sega of
America, Inc.
RBI Baseball 3(tm) Game
Game Genie(tm) pitches a good assortment of codes in this popular
game, including Codes 28 and 29, unrestricted substitution, which
means that a player who is taken out of the lineup may re-enter the
game later.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AJKA-CAHR Game begins with inning 2
2 ANKA-CAHR Game begins with inning 3
3 ATKA-CAHR Game begins with inning 4
4 AYKA-CAHR Game begins with inning 5
5 A2KA-CAHR Game begins with inning 6
6 A6KA-CAHR Game begins with inning 7
7 BAKA-CAHR Game begins with inning 8
8 BEKA-CAHR Game begins with inning 9
begins with player 1 leading 1-0
begins with player 1 leading 2-0
begins with player 1 leading 3-0
begins with player 1 leading 4-0
begins with player 1 leading 5-0
begins with player 1 leading 7-0
begins with player 1 leading 9-0
begins with player 2 or computer leading 1-0
begins with player 2 or computer leading 2-0
begins with player 2 or computer leading 3-0
begins with player 2 or computer leading 4-0
begins with player 2 or computer leading 5-0
begins with player 2 or computer leading 7-0
begins with player 2 or computer leading 9-0
23 AK9T-AAA4 + ALAA-AAEN + AJET-CABG Batter walks on
2 balls
24 AP9T-AAA4 + ARAA-AAEN + ANET-CABG Batter walks on
3 balls
25 AZ9T-AAA4 + A0AA-AAEN + AYET-CABG Batter walks on
5 balls
26 A39T-AAA4 + A4AA-AAEN + A2ET-CABG Batter walks on
6 balls
27 AK9A-AA9G Balls do not count--batter never walks
28 AA3A-AAH4 Unrestricted substitutions for batting team
29 ABAA-AAA0 Unrestricted substitutions for fielding team (except pitchers)
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE
codes at a time (but some effects require more than one code).
RBI Baseball 3 is a trademark of Atari Games.
Game Genie is a trademark of Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc.
Road Rash(tm) Game
Nice guys finish last in this fast 'n nasty motorcycle racing game.
Cash counts--use RASH Codes 10 thru 13 and 15 thru 18 for more
money to pay fines, fix your bike, or buy a better one. Codes 20 thru
33 let you pick the bike you want to start out with. Normally, a
player must qualify 4th or better on each of the 5 roads in order to
advance to the next level. Codes 34 thru 48 relax or eliminate some
of the requirements. For experts, Codes 14 and 19 start you out with
no money.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
2 AJPA-AAFG Player A starts at level 2
3 ANPA-AAFG Player A starts at level 3
4 ATPA-AAFG Player A starts at level 4
5 AYPA-AAFG Player A starts at level 5
6 AJPT-AAGC Player B starts at level 2
7 ANPT-AAGC Player B starts at level 3
8 ATPT-AAGC Player B starts at level 4
9 AYPT-AAGC Player B starts at level 5
10 8TPA-ACGL Player A starts with $5,000 instead of $1,000
11 7APA-AGGL Player A starts with $10,000
12 2TPA-AWGL Player A starts with $25,000
13 VAPA-BGGL Player A starts with $50,000
14 AAPA-AAGL Player A starts with no money
15 8TPT-ACHG Player B starts with $5,000 instead of $1,000
16 7APT-AGHG Player B starts with $10,000
17 2TPT-AWHG Player B starts with $25,000
18 VAPT-BGHG Player B starts with $50,000
19 AAPT-AAHG Player B starts with no money
20 AEPA-AAGW Player A starts with Panda 600 bike instead of Shuriken 400
21 AJPA-AAGW Player A starts with Bonzai 750 bike
22 ANPA-AAGW Player A starts with Kamikaze 750 bike
23 ATPA-AAGW Player A starts with Shuriken 1000 bike
24 AYPA-AAGW Player A starts with Ferruci 850 bike
25 A2PA-AAGW Player A starts with Panda 750 bike
26 A6PA-AAGW Player A starts with Diablo 1000 bike
27 AEPT-AAHR Player B starts with Panda 600 bike instead of Shuriken 400
28 AJPT-AAHR Player B starts with Bonzai 750 bike
29 ANPT-AAHR Player B starts with Kamikaze 750 bike
30 ATPT-AAHR Player B starts with Shuriken 1000 bike
31 AYPT-AAHR Player B starts with Ferruci 850 bike
32 A2PT-AAHR Player B starts with Panda 750 bike
33 A6PT-AAHR Player B starts with Diablo 1000 bike
34 BDCT-AACA Players need to finish 8th or better (instead of 4th) on
Sierra Nevada road
35 B9CT-AACA Players need to finish 15th or better on Sierra Nevada road
36 BMCT-AA34 Players don't need to run Sierra Nevada road
37 BDCT-AACT Players need to finish 8th or better (instead of 4th) on
Pacific Coast road
38 B9CT-AACT Players need to finish 15th or better on Pacific Coast road
39 BMCT-AA4L Players don't need to run Pacific Coast road
40 BDCT-AADA Players need to finish 8th or better (instead of 4th) on
Redwood Forest road
41 B9CT-AADA Players need to finish 15th or better on Redwood Forest road
42 BMCT-AA44 Players don't need to run Redwood Forest road
43 BDCT-AADT Players need to finish 8th or better (instead of 4th) on
Palm Desert road
44 B9CT-AADT Players need to finish 15th or better on Palm Desert road
45 BMCT-AA5L Players don't need to run Palm Desert road
46 BDCT-AAEA Players need to finish 8th or better (instead of 4th) on
Grass Valley road
47 B9CT-AAEA Players need to finish 15th or better on Grass Valley road
48 BMCT-AA54 Players don't need to run Grass Valley road
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE
codes at a time.
Road Rash and related names are trademarks of Electronic Arts.
Shadow Blasters(tm) Game
Choose your favorite character and load him (or her) with life,
power, weapons, speed, or jumping ability . . . it's your choice. SHAD
Code 2 will protect against most enemy hits. For experts, try
starting off with only 1 life unit by using Codes 4, 12, 20 or 28.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
2 A25T-AA2R Protection against most enemy hits
3 ATCT-EAE8 Marco starts with 4 units of life instead of 9
4 AECT-EAE8 Marco starts with 1 unit of life
5 ATCT-EAE4 Marco starts with 4 units of power instead of none
6 BECT-EAE4 Marco starts with 9 units of power
7 BECT-EAFA Marco starts with 9 special weapons instead of 1
8 GJCT-EAFA Marco starts with 50 special weapons
9 ANCT-EAE0 Marco starts with speed of 4 instead of 1
10 ANCT-EAEW Marco starts with jumping ability of 4 instead of 1
11 ATCT-EADJ Horatio starts with 4 units of life
12 AECT-EADJ Horatio starts with 1 unit of life
13 ATCT-EADE Horatio starts with 4 units of power
14 BECT-EADE Horatio starts with 9 units of power
15 BECT-EADL Horatio starts with 9 special weapons
16 GJCT-EADL Horatio starts with 50 special weapons
17 ANCT-EADA Horatio starts with speed of 4
18 ANCT-EAC6 Horatio starts with jumping ability of 4
19 ATCT-EAD4 Tiffany starts with 4 units of life
20 AECT-EAD4 Tiffany starts with 1 unit of life
21 ATCT-EAD0 Tiffany starts with 4 units of power
22 BECT-EAD0 Tiffany starts with 9 units of power
23 BECT-EAD6 Tiffany starts with 9 special weapons
24 GJCT-EAD6 Tiffany starts with 50 special weapons
25 ANCT-EADW Tiffany starts with speed of 4
26 ANCT-EADR Tiffany starts with jumping ability of 4
27 ATCT-EAEN Leo starts with 4 units of life
28 AECT-EAEN Leo starts with 1 unit of life
29 ATCT-EAEJ Leo starts with 4 units of power
30 BECT-EAEJ Leo starts with 9 units of power
31 BECT-EAER Leo starts with 9 special weapons
32 GJCT-EAER Leo starts with 50 special weapons
33 ANCT-EAEE Leo starts with speed of 4
34 ANCT-EAEA Leo starts with jumping ability of 4
35 AKAT-AA7T Infinite special weapons for all warriors
36 PA6A-BT16 Power gauge fills faster when Button A is held down
37 PA6A-BA16 Power gauge fills much faster when Button A is held down
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE
codes at a time.
Shadow Blasters and related names are trademarks of Sage's
Creation, Inc.
Sonic The Hedgehog(tm) Game
With his ready-to-roll attitude, Sonic is the reigning king of video
game characters. We have some excellent Game Genie(tm) codes to
help you beat the evil Dr. Robotnik in this fast and furious challenge.
SON Code 4 lets you keep your star mist through the entire level.
Rack up points and extra lives with Codes 5 thru 11. Code 13 lets you
easily access the level select menu by holding down "A" while
pressing Start. But this MUST be done at the title screen, while
Sonic is waving his finger! For the ultimate game, try Codes 12, 13
and 14, so you can take Sonic wherever you want to go! Change
Sonic's jumping abilities with Codes 15 thru 17. But when you
skywalk with Code 16, watch out--if you go too high you may find
yourself in a strange place!
CODE Key In . . . EFFECT . . .
2 AE3T-AACL Start with 1 life
3 AY3T-AACL Start with 5 lives
4 AE0T-CABE Once invincible, stay invincible for the rest of stage or
until you die
5 SCRA-BJX0 Each ring counts as 2
6 SCRA-BNX0 Each ring counts as 3
7 SCRA-BTX0 Each ring counts as 4
8 SCRA-BYX0 Each ring counts as 5
9 SCRA-B2X0 Each ring counts as 6
10 SCRA-B6X0 Each ring counts as 7
11 SCRA-BAX0 Each ring counts as 8
12 GJ6A-CA7A Infinite lives
13 AJ3A-AA4G Level select menu
14 AY3T-BA4R Start with 5 chaos emeralds
15 DDLT-AAGL Super jump
16 BDLT-AAGL Skywalking
17 KDLT-AAGL Low jump
18 AEOT-CABY Once you have shoes, keep shoes for the rest of stage or
until you die
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE
codes at a time (but some effects require more than one code).
Sonic The Hedgehog and related names are trademarks of Sega
Enterprises, Ltd.
Game Genie is a trademark of Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc.
Super Monaco GP(tm) Game
This realistic Formula One racing game puts you behind the wheel.
You can change the speed of the clock with GP Codes 1 thru 4, but
when you slow down the clock it does not display fractions of
seconds (update takes place at full-second intervals). Breeze your
way to the world championship in only one race with Code 7!
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 FB4A-AABE + CV4A-BA46 Clock runs slower
2 LB4A-AABE + CV4A-BA46 Clock runs much slower
3 BK4A-AABE + CV4A-BA46 Clock runs faster
4 AZ4A-AABE + CV4A-BA46 Clock runs much faster Super Monaco GP(tm) Mode
5 1A2A-A6T0 + 7T2A-AET2 No preliminary races
6 ACBT-AA66 No position limit World Championship Mode
7 AG5T-AAE2 + AHFT-AACE + AHFT-AAEG World championship consists of 1 race
instead of 16
8 AL5T-AAE2 + AMFT-AACE + AMFT-AAEG World championship consists of 2 races
9 AR5T-AAE2 + ASFT-AACE + ASFT-AAEG World championship consists of 3 races
10 AW5T-AAE2 + AXFT-AACE + AXFT-AAEG World championship consists of 4 races
11 A05T-AAE2 + A1FT-AACE + A1FT-AAEG World championship consists of 5 races
12 A45T-AAE2 + A5FT-AACE + A5FT-AAEG World championship consists of 6 races
13 A85T-AAE2 + A9FT-AACE + A9FT-AAEG World championship consists of 7 races
14 BC5T-AAE2 + BDFT-AACE + BDFT-AAEG World championship consists of 8 races
15 BG5T-AAE2 + BHFT-AACE + BHFT-AAEG World championship consists of 9 races
16 BL5T-AAE2 + BMFT-AACE + BMFT-AAEG World championship consists of 10 races
17 BR5T-AAE2 + BSFT-AACE + BSFT-AAEG World championship consists of 11 races
18 BW5T-AAE2 + BXFT-AACE + BXFT-AAEG World championship consists of 12 races
19 B05T-AAE2 + B1FT-AACE + B1FT-AAEG World championship consists of 13 races
20 B45T-AAE2 + B5FT-AACE + B5FT-AAEG World championship consists of 14 races
21 B85T-AAE2 + B9FT-AACE + B9FT-AAEG World championship consists of 15 races
22 1A2A-A61T + 7T2A-AE1W No preliminary races
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE
codes at a time (but some effects require more than one code).
Super Monaco GP is a trademark of Sega of America, Inc.
Taz-Mania(tm) Game
Taz-Mania(tm) is a great-looking game. Play it with infinite lives
(TAZ Code 1). Or, never lose health with Code 15, or explore the game
by by playing every fifth level with Code 19. Code 45 can be mixed
with Codes 37 thru 44 to change the number of extra lives a photo 3
is worth. Codes 16 thru 19 may confuse the game once level 17 is
exceeded, since there are only 17 levels in a normal game. The game
will continue to play, however.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AJKT-JA24 Infinite lives
2 AEJT-JABY + AEKT-JAB2 Start with 1 life
3 AJJT-JABY + AJKT-JAB2 Start with 2 lives
4 ATJT-JABY + ATKT-JAB2 Start with 4 lives
5 AYJT-JABY + AYKT-JAB2 Start with 5 lives
6 CAJT-JABY + CAKT-JAB2 Start with 10 lives
7 CYJT-JABY + CYKT-JAB2 Start with 15 lives
8 EAJT-JABY + EAKT-JAB2 Start with 20 lives
9 LAJT-JABY + LAKT-JAB2 Start with 50 lives
10 AAJT-JCBY + AAKT-JCB2 Start with 100 lives
11 AKCT-GA7W Infinite continues
12 A1GT-GADE 5 seconds to continue game
13 NDGT-GADE 60 seconds to continue game
14 AMGA-GA3R Infinite time to continue game
15 AJXA-GA22 Never lose health
16 PYKT-KJW2 Play every 2nd level
17 PYKT-KNW2 Play every 3rd level
18 PYKT-KTW2 Play every 4th level
19 PYKT-KYW2 Play every 5th level
20 AB4T-EAAN 0 seconds of invincibility when star is eaten
21 W34T-EAAN 5 seconds of invincibility when star is eaten
22 FV4T-ECAN 10 seconds of invincibility when star is eaten
23 TV4T-EGAN 30 seconds of invincibility when star is eaten
24 BB4T-ERAN 60 seconds of invincibility when star is eaten
25 CB4T-E6AN 120 seconds of invincibility when star is eaten
26 G2LT-JAF0 2 seconds of invincibility after injury
27 4JLT-JAF0 7 seconds of invincibility after injury
28 FTLT-JCF0 10 seconds of invincibility after injury
29 2JLT-JCF0 15 seconds of invincibility after injury
30 MALT-JEF0 20 seconds of invincibility after injury
31 AKAA-GA7G Infinite invincibility after star or injury
32 AB4A-FA8A Each photo 1 worth 0 extra lives
33 AK4A-FA8A Each photo 1 worth 2 extra lives
34 AP4A-FA8A Each photo 1 worth 3 extra lives
35 AZ4A-FA8A Each photo 1 worth 5 extra lives
36 CB4A-FA8A Each photo 1 worth 10 extra lives
37 AK4A-EA9R Each photo 3 worth 0 continues
38 PZ4A-FJ1R Each photo 3 worth 2 continues
39 PZ4A-FN1R Each photo 3 worth 3 continues
40 PZ4A-FT1R Each photo 3 worth 4 continues
41 PZ4A-FY1R Each photo 3 worth 5 continues
42 PZ4A-F21R Each photo 3 worth 6 continues
43 PZ4A-F61R Each photo 3 worth 7 continues
44 PZ4A-FA1R Each photo 3 worth 8 continues
45 MA4A-FF1T Each photo 3 worth 1 extra life
46 AK4A-EA6J Each food worth 0% health
47 FZ4A-FEYJ Each food worth 8% health
48 FZ4A-FJYJ Each food worth 16% health
49 FZ4A-FTYJ Each food worth 33% health
50 FZ4A-FYYJ Each food worth 42% health
51 FZ4A-F2YJ Each food worth 50% health
52 FZ4A-F6YJ Each food worth 58% health
53 FZ4A-FAYJ Each food worth 67% health
54 RF4A-E6YW Each food worth 100% health
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE
codes at a time.
Taz-Mania and related names are trademarks of Warner Bros. Inc.
Tommy Lasorda Baseball(tm) Game
America's favorite manager has lent his name to this enjoyable
game, which features an interesting bird's-eye-view of batted balls,
as well as an unusually tough computer opponent. Unless otherwise
noted, all codes below apply to both players. For TOM Codes 12 and
13, only 4 balls are displayed on screen, but you will still have the
larger number. For Code 15, a pitch in the strike zone is called a ball.
For Code 16, a pitch outside the strike zone is called a strike.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1A AAEA-AAAA + AAEA-AACC + ACPA-AAHY Regulation game lasts 1 inning
1B AADT-AAGA + AAEA-AAAC + ACNA-AACR Regulation game lasts 1 inning
2A AEEA-AAAA + AEEA-AACC + AGPA-AAHY Regulation game lasts 2 innings
2B AEDT-AAGA + AEEA-AAAC + AGNA-AACR Regulation game lasts 2 innings
3A AJEA-AAAA + AJEA-AACC + ALPA-AAHY Regulation game lasts 3 innings
3B AJDT-AAGA + AJEA-AAAC + ALNA-AACR Regulation game lasts 3 innings
4A ATEA-AAAA + ATEA-AACC + AWPA-AAHY Regulation game lasts 5 innings
4B ATDT-AAGA + ATEA-AAAC + AWNA-AACR Regulation game lasts 5 innings
5A A2EA-AAAA + A2EA-AACC + A4PA-AAHY Regulation game lasts 7 innings
5B A2DT-AAGA + A2EA-AAAC + A4NA-AACR Regulation game lasts 7 innings
6A RHVA-A6WJ + AHVA-BE4L Pitches use less energy
6B RHST-A6Y8 + AHST-BE7A Pitches use less energy
7A RHVA-A6WJ + A5VA-BE4L Pitches use more energy
7B RHST-A6Y8 + A5ST-BE7A Pitches use more energy
8A RHVA-A6WJ + CDVA-BE4L Pitches use much more energy
8B RHST-A6Y8 + CDST-BE7A Pitches use much more energy
9A BMVA-AA4W Pitches use no energy
9B BMST-AA7J Pitches use no energy
10A AJ3T-AAD2 Batter walks on 2 balls
10B AJ3T-AAB2 Batter walks on 2 balls
11A AN3T-AAD2 Batter walks on 3 balls
11B AN3T-AAB2 Batter walks on 3 balls
12A AY3T-AAD2 Batter walks on 5 balls
12B AY3T-AAB2 Batter walks on 5 balls
13A A23T-AAD2 Batter walks on 6 balls
13B A23T-AAB2 Batter walks on 6 balls
14A AA3T-AA56 Batter never walks
14B AA3T-AA36 Batter never walks
15A HT3T-AA3N Any pitch taken is a ball
15B HT3A-AA9N Any pitch taken is a ball
16A 4A3T-AA5L Any pitch taken is a strike
16B 4A3T-AA3L Any pitch taken is a strike
17A CJ3T-AN3L + FA3T-AA36 + FE3T-BA38 Taken strikes do not count
17B CJ3A-AN9L + FA3A-AA96 + FE3A-BA98 Taken strikes do not count
18A 9DTT-ACC4 Foul ball after 2 strikes is an out
18B 9DSA-ACFT Foul ball after 2 strikes is an out
19A AXPA-AA4Y Foul bunt after 2 strikes is not an out
19B AXMT-AA7L Foul bunt after 2 strikes is not an out
Open Game Codes
Game starts with computer leading 1-0
Game starts with computer leading 1-0
Game starts with computer leading 2-0
Game starts with computer leading 2-0
Game starts with computer leading 3-0
Game starts with computer leading 3-0
Game starts with player 1 leading 4-0
Game starts with player 1 leading 4-0
Game starts with player 1 leading 5-0
Game starts with player 1 leading 5-0
Game starts with player 1 leading 6-0
Game starts with player 1 leading 6-0
Exhibition Game Codes
Game starts with player 2 leading 1-0
Game starts with player 2 leading 1-0
Game starts with player 2 leading 2-0
Game starts with player 2 leading 2-0
Game starts with player 2 leading 3-0
Game starts with player 2 leading 3-0
Game starts with player 1 leading 4-0
Game starts with player 1 leading 4-0
Game starts with player 1 leading 5-0
Game starts with player 1 leading 5-0
Game starts with player 1 leading 6-0
Game starts with player 1 leading 6-0
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE
codes at a time (but some effects require more than one code).
Tommy Lasorda Baseball is a trademark of Sega of America, Inc.
Turrican(tm) Game
Normally, good things in this game come in threes--lives, grenades,
mines, power lines, buzzsaws, continues. Well, now you can change
all that with this great collection of codes. With Code 21, only 3
buzzsaws will show on the screen, but you'll get 9. Play with the
timer using Codes 23 and 24, and you can start it at 900 instead of
500, or make it count down by eights instead of ones. Code 31 is a
great one--just ignore the way the energy bar looks. With Code 32,
when you want to shoot bullets, select grenades. With Code 33, when
you want to shoot bullets, select power lines. Grenade tokens are
usually worth 1. You can do a lot better with codes 48 and 49. With
Code 58, you must first get a force-field token.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AFAA-AAFY Start with 1 life
2 BFAA-AAFY Start with 9 lives
3 EZAA-AAFY Start with 25 lives
4 LBAA-AAFY Start with 50 lives
5 XFAA-AAFY Start with 99 lives
6 REXT-A6YR Infinite lives
7 AAXA-AAC8 Start with no grenades
8 BEXA-AAC8 Start with 9 grenades
9 XEXA-AAC8 Start with 99 grenades
10 XEXA-AWC8 Start with 999 grenades
11 AAXA-AADE Start with zero mines
12 BEXA-AADE Start with 9 mines
13 XEXA-AADE Start with 99 mines
14 XEXA-AWDE Start with 999 mines
15 AAXA-AADL Start with no power lines
16 BEXA-AADL Start with 9 power lines
17 XEXA-AADL Start with 99 power lines
18 XEXA-AWDL Start with 999 power lines
19 ABBA-AAAJ Start with no buzzsaws
20 AFBA-AAAJ Start with 1 buzzsaws
21 BFBA-AAAJ Start with 9 buzzsaws
22 AJZT-AA6L Infinite buzzsaws
23 ABGT-EWFT Start 1st level timer at 900
24 BAXA-BA4T Time goes by faster
25 AECA-AAHY Start with 1 continue
26 A2CA-AAHY Start with 6 continues
27 BECA-AAHY Start with 9 continues
28 AJ6T-AA7L Infinite continues
29 BAHT-BA2G Each crystal worth 8 instead of 1
30 C2HT-BA2G Each crystal worth 16 instead of 1
31 C2YA-AA64 Infinite energy
32 AALA-AAEL Always shoot grenades instead of bullets
33 AALA-AAEY Always shoot power lines instead of bullets
34 KJXA-BLZ0 + KEXA-BLZ2 Infinite time, grenades, mines, and power lines
35 SECA-BEXR Start in world 1, level 1.2
36 SECA-BJXR Start in world 1, level 1.3
37 SECA-BNXR Start in world 2, level 2.1
38 SECA-BTXR Start in world 2, level 2.2
39 SECA-BYXR Start in world 3, level 3.1
40 SECA-B2XR Start in world 3, level 3.2
41 SECA-B6XR Start in world 3, level 3.3
42 SECA-BAXR Start in world 4, level 4.1
43 AJCA-AA5J + 9TCA-BGMN + BECA-AADR Start in world 4, level 4.2
44 AJCA-AA5J + 9TCA-BGMN + BJCA-AADR Start in world 4, level 4.3
45 AJCA-AA5J + 9TCA-BGMN + BNCA-AADR Start in world 5, level 5.1
46 AJCA-AA5J + 9TCA-BGMN + BTCA-AADR Start in world 5, level 5.2
47 ANMT-BT6Y + REMT-A6Y0 Shoot multiple shots instead of single
48 BAHA-BA88 Each grenade token worth 8
49 EAHA-BA88 Each grenade token worth 20
50 BAHA-BA9G Each mine token worth 8
51 EAHA-BA9G Each mine token worth 20
52 BAHA-BA9R Each power line token worth 8
53 EAHA-BA9R Each power line token worth 20
54 RFZT-A604 Makes the Gauntlet easier to defeat
55 RF5A-A6W8 Makes Dead Head easier to defeat
56 RGHA-A60Y Makes Trash Monster easier to defeat
57 RGDA-A6VT Makes Mother Fish easier to defeat
58 BAZA-AA2G Force field lasts until the next level (after you get a force
field token)
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE
codes at a time.
Turrican and related names are trademarks of SoftGold GmbH.
Valis III(tm) Game
Light a fire under Glames, the Dark King, with some of these Game
Genie(tm) codes. Infinite lives with VAL Code 16 will help a lot. You
can also tweak the clock, lives, hit points, magic points, and 1-ups.
Pros can see how far along they can get with one life (Code 11).
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AYNT-AAFA Start game at Act 2
2 BYNT-AAFA Start game at Act 3
3 YANA-BK38 + NTGT-AAC6 Game clock starts at 100--all scenes
4 YANA-BK38 + 3AGT-AAC6 Game clock starts at 200--all scenes
5 YANA-BK38 + FTGT-ACC6 Game clock starts at 300--all scenes
6 YANA-BK38 + 8TGT-ACC6 Game clock starts at 500--all scenes
7 YANA-BK38 + 66GT-AGC6 Game clock starts at 999--all scenes
8 SAFA-AADT Game clock runs slower
9 EAFA-AADT Game clock runs faster
10 CJFA-AA58 Freeze clock (no time limit)
11 AAGA-AAHY Start with 1 life instead of 3
12 AEGA-AAHY Start with 2 lives
13 AJGA-AAHY Start with 3 lives
14 ATGA-AAHY Start with 5 lives
15 A2GA-AAHY Start with 7 lives
16 A2ET-AA8G Infinite lives
17 BCMA-AA2R HP (life) gauge never loses energy
18 AK2A-AA52 MP (magic) gauge never loses energy
19 JCCA-BAYW Small heart increases HP gauge by 8 instead of 4
20 BWCA-BA6R + SCCA-BBYT + J4CA-BK6W Small heart increases HP gauge by 12
21 A4CA-AA6W Small heart restores HP gauge to full
22 CLCA-AA6R Small heart worth same as large heart
23 RCCA-AA6R Small heart worth same as 1-up
24 AWCA-AAFJ Large heart increases HP gauge by 4 instead of 16
25 BLCA-AAFJ Large heart increases HP gauge by 10
26 DCCA-AAFJ Large heart restores HP gauge to full
27 MWCA-AA7C Large heart worth same as 1-up
28 JCCA-BTOT B-magic increases MP gauge by 4 instead of 8
29 CCCA-BA8N + SCCA-BB0R + KLCA-BK8T B-magic increases MP gauge by 16
30 A4CA-AA8T B-magic restores MP gauge to full
31 JCCA-B2Z6 S-magic increases MP gauge by 6 instead of 2
32 BWCA-BA72 + SCCA-BBZ4 + KLCA-BK76 S-magic increases MP gauge by 12
33 A4CA-AA76 S-magic restores MP gauge to full
34 CLCA-AA72 S-magic worth same as B-magic
35 JCCT-BJTE 1-up worth 2 lives instead of 1
36 JCCT-BTTE 1-up worth 4 lives
37 JCCT-B2TE 1-up worth 6 lives
38 RGCT-A6TE 1-up worth nothing
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE
codes at a time.
Valis III and related names are trademarks of Renovation Products,
Game Genie is a trademark of Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc.
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