General Tips

Practice:  Put the game in two player duel mode (two
controllers needed).  Create the cyborg of your choice to
practice with.  Next, create your opponent (2nd
controller) to pound and perfect your moves on.

Legs:  "Big Foot" legs are a must against enemies. 
First, because they'll make it impossible for enemy
cyborgs to throw you.  Second,  Big Foot legs will make
you immune to traps.

Key Moves:  Always stun an enemy (3 consecutive punches)
to do a waist-latch attack, or rip-off arm or torso (pg.
18-19 instructions).

Traps:  Force enemy cyborgs into gravity death traps
(pulsating circles).  Avoid missiles by either jumping
over, and/or by moving up or down

I.M. Correction:  On page 13 of the Cyborg Justice
instruction manual, it states that you can go back into
the fitting room after conquering a level.  This is a
misprint (there isn't a way to change your cyborg after
defeating each level).

Level Walk Through

Level 1:  Planetscape
The cyborgs you fight are not too difficult.  Stun them a
few times (3 consecutive punches)  and have fun. 
Eventually, you'll reach a crevice as you travel right. 
Jump kick (pg. 18 instructions) across it.  Keep going to
the right fighting cyborgs and eventually you'll reach
the end.

Level 1-2
This stage is much like the first.  Keep going right
while fighting more cyborgs to reach the end of this

Level 1-3
This stage has another crevice.  Jump it the same way you
did the first one.  Keep going right fighting cyborgs to
reach the boss.

First, jump over the energy wave shot (from right to
left).  Next, when the cyborg appears, try and stun it (3
consecutive punches) and rip off its arm and torso (pg.
18-19 instructions).  If you haven't mastered all the
moves, then beat him with regular punches and jump kicks
(or any move you're good at).

Level 2:  Cydrek Command Center
Go right fighting more cyborgs.  The cyborgs on this
level are a little bit tougher (always keep moving). Keep
going right (fighting more cyborgs) to reach the end of
this stage.

Level 2-2
There are a few traps on this stage.  Use them to your
advantage.  Trap a cyborg on the gravity traps (pulsating
circles) and defeat them.  Proceed right to the end of
this stage.

Level 2-3
Watch out for cyborgs with bigfoot legs.  Keep going
right (fighting more cyborgs) and eventually you'll reach
the boss.

This boss is more difficult than the previous boss. 
Don't get too close because it likes to rip off your arms
and torso.  Try jump kicks to make him go away.  Jump
over the energy wave that comes out of the right side
(NOTE: the energy wave sometimes comes back from behind

Level 3:  The Outer Sanctum
The cyborgs are much more difficult than before.  Use hit
and run tactics.  If you only fight one cyborg, try and
stun it (3 consecutive punches), and pull off its arms
and torso.  Continue right to the exit.

Level 3-2
The cyborgs are faster and stronger on this stage.  Be
sure to use the gravity traps to your advantage.  Try and
lead them to pull off their arm and torso.  Continue
right to the exit.

Level 3-3
Try and move up and down from their line of fire.  When
they jump towards you and land, quickly stun them and
pull off their arms and torsos.  All the way right you'll
face the boss.

This boss is very difficult.  Jump over the energy
barrier shot at you (sometimes it comes back from
behind).  When the boss comes out do jump kicks to make
it go away.  Repeat this when the boss comes back out.

Level 4:  Above The Inner Sanctum
Hit and run tactics are recommended for this level. 
Punch the cyborgs and keep moving up and down.  Randomize
you tactics because the cyborgs adapt to the same
patterns often repeated. Keep going right to reach the

Level 4-2
This stage is simmilar to the previous stage.  Trap the
cyborgs in gravity traps to rip off their arms and
torsos.  Proceed right to the exit.

Level 4-3
Much like the previous stage, use the gravity traps to
your advantage.  Try some flying jump attacks (pg. 18
instructions).  Next, move up or down and do another one
when their in range.  Eventually all the way right you'll
reach the boss.

It is like the previous boss you faced except it has a
higher armor class.  Jump over the energy waves and wait
for the boss to appear from the right.  When it appears,
wait for him near the right, quickly stun it (3
consecutive punches) and rip off its arm.  Jump over the
next set of energy waves and wait at the right for it to
appear again.  When he appears, stun and rip off his
torso.  If this pattern is too difficult, then do
repeated jump kicks to defeat it.

Level 5:  Future Jungle
Use gravity traps to your advantage.  Use flying jumps
and kicks.  Try and stun your opponents to rip off their
arms and torsos.  Constantly move up and down to keep
from getting double teamed.  Keep going right to the

Level 5-2
Again, employ hit and run tactics for this stage.  Move
constantly to not get double teamed and keep going right
to the exit.

Level 5-3
Never use the same move twice unless your skilled enough
to do all the moves.  Move constantly and when possible
try and stun your enemies.  Rip off their arms and torsos
for added energy (torso only).  Continue right to find
the boss.

To the right you'll see a gigantic brain.  A laser
barrier (from top to bottom) protects it, and an entire
row of laser cannons come out from the right.  Avoid the
lasers shot by the cannons (the ones that spin will
shoot).  Next, wait for the barrier to shut off. 
Finally, when it is safe, hit and destroy all three red
glowing squares on the brain (about 5 hits each).  Jump
kick the top square, next the middle, and finally duck
and punch the bottom square.



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