Level Skip:
Skip the Terrestrial Plains and start at the Elemental
Plains.  If you have a "doorway magic", go to an area
just above the entrance of the air gate and jump across
to the right and you'll be on a small platform.  Press
pause and the only magic you can select is the "Doorway",
unpause and Chakan will be kneeling and holding up 2
potions, then press the "B" button and the entire screen
will flash (You've just skipped through half the game!).

General Tips:
Double-Roll:  To do the double-roll, you'll want to roll
off the side of any ledge and (as you're still rolling in
the air) press the "jump" button again and you'll do a
second roll in the air.

NOTE:  This is extremely hard to do and may require non-
stop practice (Timing is a key factor in mastering the

Potions:  If you enter a level and collect all the
potions, you can destroy yourself without finishing that
level.  Enter the same level to collect the same potions
again.  This is to load up on potions before bosses or
extremely difficult levels!

NOTE:  Clear Air Potions will only appear once during the

Doorway Magic:  When you reach a difficult boss and/or
your time is running out, use the "doorway magic" (on the
screen the boss is on) and you'll exit that stage.  When
you enter it again, you'll start out at the boss again!

Water Phase 1:  Terrestrial Planes
In this stage, you have a choice of going under water or
jumping from pillar to pillar above water.  Try jumping
from pillar to pillar to the right (you travel much
faster above water).  As you jump from pillar to pillar
you'll find a blue "water potion."  Keep going right and
you'll find another blue "water potion" on a low pillar. 
Keep going right jumping from pillar to pillar until you
reach an extremely high pillar.  Try to jump and roll to
reach the top of that pillar.  When you land on top of
that pillar, jump to a platform to the left of it and
you'll find a green "earth potion."  Keep going right and
you'll encounter a Green Fisherman.  Destroy him (2 hits)
and keep going right.  Underwater, you'll face the
Tentacle Creature.  Use your invisibility (2 Blue Water
Potions) then stand next to the Tentacle Creature.  Point
you sword down on it until it is destroyed.  From there,
continue right and you'll find the Grappling Hook!

Fire Phase 1:  Terrestrial Planes
Defeat the 2 ghosts (2 hits each) and head right.  You'll
eventually jump on a platform.  This part seems like a
dead end but it's not!  Press down on your directional
pad and press the jump button and you'll drop down to 2
platforms.  Wait on top of the second platform to the
right and eventually a moving platform will come down. 
Jump on this moving platform and it will take you up. 
When you reach the top, go left and drop down.  Continue
left, jump up on a platform above you and go right.  Jump
up to another area above you and just to the right,
you'll jump again to an area above where you're at now. 
Continue jumping up to the top, then go left.  Defeat
another ghost and when you go all the way left, jump up
to yet another are.  Continue right and you'll drop down
a corridor with a moving platform in it.  When you reach
the bottom, move to the right and wait for another moving
platform to take you to the top.  When you reach the top,
drop down to the right through another corridor.  When
you reach the bottom,  move to the right and wait for yet
another platform.  When you reach the top again, drop
down to the right through your last corridor and at the
very bottom you'll find the Scythe Weapon!

Air Phase 1:  Terrestrial Planes
You'll start on a platform, jump and roll to the platform
to the right.  From this platform, jump and roll to a
platform above you to your left.  From this platform,
jump and roll to the platform directly above you.  From
this platform, jump and roll to a platform above you to
the right.  From this platform, jump and roll to another
platform above and to the right.  From this platform,
you'll see a brick long platform with a purple hooved
mace wielding monster that throws rocks directly above
and to the left of the platform you just reached.  Use
your orange Fire Sword magic (1 Blue Water Potion and 1
Red Fire Potion).  Then just jump up and shoot the
monster with the fire swords (Fire Swords shoots
fireballs).  Once you've defeated the monster, he'll
leave 2 clear air potions.  Get the potions (on the brick
platform where the monster was), stand on the edge of the
highest point of the brick platform and jump and roll to
the right to a platform above you.  From this platform
jump and roll to the left to another platform above you. 
On this platform, you'll get 1 clear air potion and 1
green earth potion.  From this platform, jump and roll to
another platform to the left, then stand there and shoot
the second purple monster with your Fire Sword until it's
defeated.  Once it's defeated jump to the right and
collect 2 clear air potions and continue right until you
reach a wall with an orange gate that will automatically
open.  Enter it and you will find the Battering Mallet

Earth Phase 1:  Terrestrial Planes
Start out by jumping and rolling across to a platform. 
Drop to the right side of the platform and when you reach
the bottom, go right and you'll reach a dead end with a
"blue potion."  Go back left and jump back up to the
platform, then drop to the left side of that platform. 
Drop all the way down to the bottom then go all the way
right past alot of spiders.  At the far right you'll have
to jump and roll your way up to the top.  When you reach
the top, jump and use your grappling hook to swing from a
hole in the wall where the spiders drop from to a ledge
to the left.  From that ledge, jump across the gap and
continue left killing all the spiders you encounter. 
Drop down to the left of the ledge and go right jumping
over the SPIDER MONSTER BOSS, continue right, and you'll
find a Battle Axe Weapon!  (NOTE:  You don't need to
defeat the Spider Boss)

Water Phase 2:  Terrestrial Planes
Walk to the right, jump on the pillar next to the skull
infested ground (don't jump on the skulls because there
is a hidden creature that can destroy you).  Jump up and
swing the Battering Mallet to knock the breakaway blocks
on the ceiling.  When they break away, use your grappling
hook on a small gold platform that appears after you get
rid of the blocks.  Swing on it using the Grappling Hook
to the area above you.  Then jump to the left past
another skull infested part, but watch out for the worms
that pop out.  All the way left you'll find another gold
platform that you can use your grappling hook to swing
on.  Use this to go to another area above you, then go
right and swing from another small gold platform to a
platform.  From this platform, jump and swing on another
small gold platform to the platform above.  Then go left
past a skull infested area and at the far left, swing on
another small gold platform to an area above.  Go right
by jumping from platform to platform and go past another
skull infested area (watch out for the Mantis Worm!). 
Get a clear air potion at the far right then you'll also
see another small gold platform.  Use it to swing and
jump up to another area above .  continue left, and go
past a skull infested area (watch out for the worms!),
and at the far left you'll go up by taking 3 small gold
platforms up.  Once at the top, you'll see a small gem on
a small platform at the upper left but you can barely see
it because a waterfall is covering that platform.  Jump
and swing onto that platform to get the gem. Then you'll
go right past another skull infested area (watch out for
a Mantis Worm).  All the way to the right, jump up to a
higher platform and from this platform jump and swing up
from another small gold platform to an area above. 
Defeat the Tentacle Monster, go left then go up another
area by using another gold platform to swing on and
defeat the second Tentacle Monster and you'll
automatically finish this phase.

Fire Phase 2:  Terrestrial Planes
Go right, defeat the Winged Harpy, and at the far right
(you'll notice a small thin floor about 2 blocks long)
stand on it, hold "straight down" and press the jump
button to drop down to another area.  Go left and drop
down the first gap and you'll land on a platform. Drop of
the ledge to the left and as you drop, hold it to the
right and you'll fall between two small platforms and
you'll land on another platform.  Drop from the right
side of that platform and hold it to the right as you
fall so that you can land on a ledge of a platform (if
you don't hold it to the right, you'll fall into the fire
and die).  Go to the right side of the platform and
you'll notice what looks like bull skulls.  Use your
Grappling Hook to swing from all the bull skulls to the
top right and you'll go up a corridor (still using the
bull skulls to go up).  You find, that once you reach the
top , go right and at the far right you'll reach a dead
end ( part of the floor is made of breakaway blocks). 
Swing the Battering Mallet from the up position and down
in a half-circle formation (like in the form of the
letter "C" or backwards "C").  If you do this correctly,
you'll break the block floor and drop down to more bull
skulls.  In this area you'll find the exit at the bottom

Earth Phase 2:  Terrestrial Plains
Use your shield magic to get through the Blue Glowing Orb
(NOTE:  If you don't have invincibility and destroy the
orb, every hole you see in the background will hit you
with a gas cloud (The gas clouds won't appear if you walk
through the orb with shield magic).  Continue left to a
ledge, and jump up and to the left to reach a ledge. 
From this ledge jump to a ledge above you.  Jump to the
top where you'll land on a platform, walk to the left
ledge of that platform and drop down to a platform
slightly below, and to the left of the ledge you just
dropped from.  From this platform jump up and left to a
small platform high up above you, and when you land on it
jump left to a corridor.  Go left and do a "Double Roll"
across a gap to another platform then jump up and left to
a small ledge in the gap above you.  From this small
ledge, jump up and left to the top of a platform slightly
above the small ledge you were on.  Jump up and right to
the next platform above and again jump up and right to
yet another platform above.  Continue right until you
reach a huge gap.  Do a "Double Roll" across the gap to
reach a platform at the far right.  Continue right and
drop down a narrow chasm, and when you land, go left and
drop down another chasm and go right to the boss.

It's recommended to use you potions (shield, flame
sword), but if you don't have any potions, corner it at
the far right and continually use the spin attack.

Air Phase 2:  Terrestrial Planes
You'll start on a ledge and you'll want to jump across to
the right to another ledge.  Equip your Battle Axe, and
use it to break down the door to the right of the ledge. 
Go 4 windows to the right and wait for a moving platform
to come down.  Jump on the moving platform and ride it up
and when you reach the top, jump up and left to a
platform.  Then you'll want to wait until another moving
platform comes down, and when you see it, you'll want to
jump on it and ride it up.  When you reach about half way
to the top, try and jump across to the right to a tiny
ledge.  From that ledge, you'll jump up and left to
another tiny ledge, wait for the moving platform to come
down, jump on the moving platform and ride it up.  At the
top, jump across to an area above and go right to face
the boss.

Use you grappling hook for longer reach and use the spin
attack to hit him.  (... or stand on the moving platform
you took to get to the boss and use your Green Lightning
Earth Sword or any other long distance shooting weapon),
and shoot the boss when the moving platform is at or near
the top).

Air Phase 3:  Terrestrial Planes
You'll start out on a ledge and wait for a flying boss
enemy.  When the enemy arrives from the right, walk to
the left as soon as possible and use your grappling hook
to hit him (and vise versa when he appears on the left
side).  If you time it just right, he won't hit you. 
After a while the boss will do a charge.  It is hard to
avoid and even hard to hit him when it charges.  The best
way to hit him is to stick out your weapon so that it
charges into Chakan's weapon (recommend using shield or
invisibility magic).

Water Phase 3:  Terrestrial Planes
You'll start on a ledge with a door. Don't take the door
but drop to the left and you should land in an area
underwater.  Go left underwater and you'll reach a dead
end with breakable blocks.  Use your Battering Mallet to
break the blocks and break the set of blocks to the left
as well.  Continue left underwater and you'll reach a
small area above water with a door all the way on the
left side and a small gold platform above. To the right
of this door you'll want to Ignore the door and jump up
and use your Grappling Hook to swing from that small gold
platform onto another just above the first one.  From
that second small gold platform you're hanging on, jump
to the left to a regular platform.  Walk to the left side
of that platform and do a "Double Roll" to the other side
of the gap and you'll land on a small gold-greenish brick
pillar.  Drop down to a fish-head statue, drop down to
the left, and continue left underwater.  Eventually
you'll reach an area above water that has a thing that
looks like a reddish-orange tree ( it will hit you with
tentacles if you get too close).  What you've got to do,
is to try and jump above it where you will find another
fish statue, but that has 2 blue gems for its eyes.  Grab
the gems and drop back down to the tree monster and it
will sink into the ground and you can proceed left and
see 3 doors next to each other.  Take the middle door to
reach the boss.

The spin attack works really good on this boss and
remember to use the Grappling Hook to swing away from it
when necessary.

Fire Phase 3:  Terrestrial Planes
Start out by going right and jump across to a small
platform and make your way up to the top jumping from the
platforms, swinging at the bull skulls with your
Grappling Hook.  At the very top, continue left and go up
where you'll reach the left side of the screen.  At the
very top, continue right and you'll reach the Boss.

Boss:  The Winged Witchress
Watch out for the sword she swings because she can throw
fireballs at you.  The best way to defeat her is by doing
direct non-spin attack blows and constantly keep moving
while you're hitting her.

Earth Phase 3:  Terrestrial Planes
Start out by going right and roll of the edge and you'll
land on a small ledge.  The next thing you want to do is
equip your Scythe, jump up, and break the spider web
above you (about 3 swings to break the spider web), then
proceed to jump up to the platform where the spider web
was on, and drop down the right side of that platform. 
When you reach the bottom, you'll be able to get a clear
air potion.  Backtrack back up the platform and drop down
the left side of the platform.  When you reach the very
bottom equip your Scythe to break a spider web on the
right.  When you break the spider web, you can go right,
and you'll want to drop down a narrow corridor.  At the
bottom of the corridor, you'll want to go left from here. 
You'll want to drop down to the left through another
corridor.  After you land, you'll jump up to a platform
with a spider web on it.  You'll then want to break the
spider web and drop down to the left, and when you land,
you'll face the boss.

Boss: Spider Queen
She is very difficult to beat.  Always keep your sword in
her face and duck and roll down to keep up with her.  Ice
blade works well on her head, and use shield magic when
down to one skull.

Air Phase 1:  Elemental Planes
When you first start out, stand in an open area and hold
out your grappling hook.  Eventually, a gladiator on the
giant flying insect will come down and attack, continue
to hold out the grappling hook (while standing still),
and just wait for the enemy to fly into the hook until it
destroys itself.  Then you can jump on the flying insect
and fly it up to the left where you will find a gunner
that controls a laser barrier above. To defeat the
gunner, fly up and hit him with your battering mallet,
then fly down.  You'll then fly back up and hit the
gunner again with the battering mallet to defeat him. 
Once the gunner is defeated, the laser barrier above will
disappear.  Proceed up to the next gunner, defeat him,
and continue up and right.  At this point, you'll want to
fly down between 2 laser beams (this part is tricky! 
Remember that you can be hit by the beam, but your insect
won't be effected by a hit). Defeat the the 2 gunners and
fly up the corridor above.  You'll find 2 more gunners,
defeat them and go up and take the first left to find the

Earth Phase 1:  Elemental Planes
Start out by dropping down a gap in front of you.  When
you land, drop down to an area below.  Continue right,
and drop down another gap and you'll land on a thin green
line (hold D-pad in the down position + the jump button
and you'll drop down through the green line).  You'll
then land on an area below you, go right and drop down
another gap with a green thin line.  From here you'll
want to drop down to a small platform with a gap on the
right and left side.  You'll want to drop down the gap to
the left, and continue left. You'll then want to drop
down another gap on the left, and go right to yet another
gap.  Drop down that gap, and go left to another gap. 
You'll then want to go right and jump up to an area
slightly above you. Drop down the gap, and you'll
continue right to the exit.

Water Phase 1:  Elemental Planes
Start out by going down an iced slope, drop to another
platform, and you'll notice an iced covering.  Use your
battering mallet to break the iced platform.  Drop down
the gap, and you'll want to hold it to the right and time
it so that you land on a platform that moves down when
you land on it.  Take the platform down to a second
platform on the right, and take that platform down. 
Continue right and jump across a gap to another area
above, and continue right to the exit.

Fire Phase 1:  Elemental Planes
Start out by jumping right to a platform, and from the
far right side jump directly across to another platform. 
Then, jump up and to the right to the next platform. 
Jump up and left to yet another platform, and from this
platform, jump up two more platforms.  At the top
platform, jump to the platform that is slightly lower and
to the right.  From that platform, jump to the right, and
as you fall, hold towards the right and you should land
on a platform that sticks out of the side of a wall of
lava.  From this platform, jump up and right to a small
platform floating on top of lava.  When you land on this
platform, hold your sword down to defeat 4 firebirds that
fly out of the lava.  Once you've defeated them, then
wait for a moving platform on the right.  When the moving
platform comes down, jump on it, then off it to another
platform on the right.  From this platform, drop down to
the right to another platform that sticks out from a wall
of lava.  Wait until another moving platform on the right
comes down, jump on it, then off it to another platform
that sticks out of a wall of lava on the right.  On that
platform, stop and jump up to the right to a small
platform, and  jump across to another platform to the
right.  Wait for another moving platform to come down,
jump off it to another platform to the right.  Then drop
to the right and you'll land on a platform that sticks
out of a wall of lava.  From this platform, drop to the
right and you'll land on a floating platform.  Continue
right, jumping from platform to platform, and the exit is
all the way to the right.

Fire Phase 2:  Elemental Planes
Use your grappling hook, swing from the pillars towards
the upper right.  At the far right, jump and fall towards
the right.  You should land on a solid area at the
bottom.  Make your way up to the upper right side and
jump and hold it to the right side and you'll land on a
slope.  Make your way up to the top, and swing directly
to a floor to the right and you'll find the exit.

Water Phase 2:  Elemental Planes
Start out by heading right to the 2nd ice floor, equip
your battering mallet and break the ice floor beneath you
(hold D-pad in up position + "B" button + a half circle
motion of the D-pad towards the down position), and
you'll fall and land on another ice floor.  Break that
one as well, and you'll land on a 3rd ice floor.  Break
that one, and drop straight down, and you'll land on an
area below that has a gap to the left.  Fall down this
gap and you'll land on a second area with a gap towards
the left.  Drop straight down this gap and you'll land on
a platform floating on iced water. Continue right jumping
from platform to moving platform until you reach a solid
area. The exit is on the right side of the solid area.

Earth Phase 2:  Elemental Planes
Start out by dropping down a gap to the right and you'll
land on a platform.  Jump or "double roll" across to
another platform, go right to the edge of that platform
and jump and swing from a bullskull (using your grappling
hook of course) up to a platform above you (Watch out for
the Giant Claw Worm because if it grabs you, it will put
where you started).  Go right, and you'll take the first
way up, continue right, and at the far right drop down a
gap to the exit.

Air Phase 2:  Elemental Planes
First, start out by going to the left and you'll get a
clear air potion.  Then, go to the far right, and you'll
defeat the flying insect riders.  Jump on the flying
insect and fly it up, go left, and go down between the
lasers and take out all 3 gunners you see.  At the far
left, you'll want to fly up and take out another gunner,
and continue up to another gunner.  Defeat this gunner,
continue up, and take out yet another gunner.  Fly up
then right, and up to very top (you'll reach a ceiling),
and you'll then go to the far right then you'll have to
fly all the way down to the bottom.  Then fly right, then
up, and finally you'll fly left to the exit.

Fire Phase 3:  Elemental Planes
Start out by going right and jump off the edge to a
platform below.  From about the center of the platform
roll off the edge to the left and hold down the jump
button to do long roll and you'll land on a platform
floating on lava.  Make your way left jumping from
platform to platform.  All the way left, you'll drop down
on the left side to land on platforms sticking out of
walls of lava.  Once you reach the bottom jump across to
a platform floating on lava.  Make your way right jumping
from platform to platform.  At the far right, you'll drop
down to solid ground.  When you reach the bottom, proceed
left and roll off the edge and you'll land on a platform
sticking out of a wall of lava.  Jump across to a
floating platform and roll off it to the right and you'll
land on another floating platform.  Then, you'll want to
roll off to the right to an area below to fight the boss.

Boss:  Big Flying Demon
At first, you must stand still and wait for the creature
to spit out 3 fireballs, then walk left or right to try
and avoid them.  Hold out your sword constantly pointing
it diagonally at the boss.  The boss will fly towards you
and impale itself on your sword and then fall to the
ground.  The boss will be grounded for about 2 seconds,
hit it before it flies away and repeat this pattern until
defeated (Try not to jump or roll, because the boss will
stay in the air, and it will continue to spit fireballs. 
Recommended:  You should have enough potions for at least
1 shield, 2 invisibillities).  It took 27 hits of the
sword to kill it!

Earth Phase 3:  Elemental Planes
Drop down to the right through a gap, and you'll drop
down to another gap to a small platform.  Next, you'll
want to jump across to another platform and go right and
jump up a gap before the Claw Worm gets you.  From this
point, jump up to the right to a platform, and you'll
want to do a "double roll" to a platform across to the
right.  Go up the first gap you see (use grappling hook),
and you'll reach another platform up above.  Then go
right and do a "double roll" across to a long platform. 
Drop down the right side of that platform and at the very
bottom you'll reach the boss.

Boss:  Giant Claw Worm
Quickly start out by going to the right side of the room
until you're touching the wall, then hold out your sword
in the upper right (diagonally) corner, and when the Worm
comes out, it will impale itself on your sword (you won't
be hit and the worm goes back in the wall).  Stand there
with your sword in the above mentioned position and
eventually you'll defeat it.

Air Phase 3:  Elemental Planes
Jump across to the right to a platform above you.  Drop
down the gap on the right side of that platform, and
you'll land on a small platform directly below.  Next,
you'll want to do a "double roll" across to solid ground
to the right.  Defeat a gunner and acquire a flying
insect, and you'll fly up to the top (you'll hit a
ceiling).  Continue left and you'll defeat another
gunner. Proceed to the right through a small corridor (at
this point leaving your insect behind) and at the right
defeat 2 other gunners, then fly up to defeat yet another
gunner.  Once defeated, fly up to the very top and go
left to face the boss.

Boss: Jousting Insect Rider
If you have 2 red potions, use your earth lightning sword
(or if you don't, if you reach the boss twice collect the
red potion at the left side).  When the boss flies in
front of you,  shoot him with your earth lightning then
move up so that his lance misses you as he charges you.
Repeat the pattern until the lance falls off.  Shoot him
and avoid his charge by moving down and repeat until

Water Phase 3:  Elemental Planes
Roll down the slope and you'll land on another slope. 
You'll want to roll up that slope and jump across to the
right.  Use your grappling hook to swing across to the
right and across to the red elevators (2 next to each
other).  Take the one to the right, and ride it down to
another set of elevators.  Ride the one on the right down
to the bottom.  At the bottom you'll reach water moving
ice platforms.  Take the ice platforms to the right to a
large platform, and from there use your grappling hook to
go up to the top where 2 monsters above.  Use your
grappling hook to go up another ice slope.  Roll off the
edge to another area defeat the monster there.  Continue
right and drop into the first gap you see, and then go
left and drop down to an area below.  Finally, drop down
to the left, but quickly hold it right to land on an ice
platform.  Jump to the right from the 2 elevator
platforms to a snow area where you will face the boss.

Boss:  Ice Borrower
Stay at the far left on the steps and wait for the
monster to appear twice.  Go right and stand to the right
of the waterfall and wait for the borrower to show its
face.  First, duck down to avoid the laser beam that
shoots out of the monster's eye.  Second, when the
monster pops out for the 2nd time, jump up and roll in
the air to avoid its claw.  Finally, when the monster
pops up again hit him and he'll go back down in the snow
(if you miss or hit him too late, then the monster will
shoot out spikes in the air). Remember, you can only hit
him the 3rd time he sticks his head out of the snow. 
Repeat this pattern until defeated.



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